518 lines
22 KiB
518 lines
22 KiB
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))
class BlockNewsletterOverride extends BlockNewsletter
public function install()
if (!parent::install() || !$this->registerHook('displayNewsletterFooter')|| !$this->registerHook('displayleftPostCms'))
return false;
/*return Db::getInstance()->execute('
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `'._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter_cmsps` (
`id_customer` int(11) NULL ,
`id_newsletter` int(11) NULL,
`id_category` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE='._MYSQL_ENGINE_.' default CHARSET=utf8');*/
public function ajaxCall($email, $action = 0, $page, $id_post = false)
if (empty($email)
|| !preg_match('/^(?=[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9@._%+-]{5,253}+$)[A-Z0-9._%+-]{1,64}+@(?:(?=[A-Z0-9-]{1,63}+\.)[A-Z0-9]++(?:-[A-Z0-9]++)*+\.){1,8}+[A-Z]{2,63}+$/i', $email)
|| !Validate::isEmail($email)) {
return array(
'has_error' => true,
'css' => 'alert alert-danger',
'message' => 'Votre adresse email est invalide.'
if ($action == 0) {
$cmsCategory = false;
if($id_post != false) {
$cmsCategory = $this->searchCmsCategory($id_post, false);
$register_status = $this->isNewsletterRegistered($email);
$email = pSQL($email);
if ($register_status > 0) {
if (Configuration::get('NW_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL') && $cmsCategory != false){
if ($this->isNewsletterCmsPsRegistered($email, $cmsCategory['id_category'], $register_status)) {
$this->sendConfirmationEmail($email, $cmsCategory);
$message = $this->l('You will recieve your PDF.');
return array(
'has_error' => false,
'css' => 'alert alert-success',
'message' => 'Vous allez reçevoir votre PDF'
} elseif (!$this->isRegistered($register_status)) {
if ($this->register($email, $register_status)) {
if (Configuration::get('NW_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL') && $cmsCategory) {
$register_status = $this->isNewsletterRegistered($email);
if ($this->isNewsletterCmsPsRegistered($email, $cmsCategory['id_category'], $register_status)) {
$this->sendConfirmationEmail($email, $cmsCategory);
$message = $this->l('You have successfully subscribed to this newsletter.');
return array(
'has_error' => false,
'css' => 'alert alert-success',
'message' => 'Votre inscription a bien été prise en compte'
} else {
return array(
'has_error' => true,
'css' => 'alert alert-danger',
'message' => 'Une erreure est survenue durant le processus.'
if (Configuration::get('NW_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL') && $cmsCategory) {
$this->sendConfirmationEmail($email, $cmsCategory);
return array(
'has_error' => true,
'css' => 'alert alert-danger',
'message' => 'Une erreur est survenue durant le processus d\'inscription.'
* Register in block newsletter
protected function newsletterRegistration()
if (empty($_POST['email'])
|| !preg_match('/^(?=[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9@._%+-]{5,253}+$)[A-Z0-9._%+-]{1,64}+@(?:(?=[A-Z0-9-]{1,63}+\.)[A-Z0-9]++(?:-[A-Z0-9]++)*+\.){1,8}+[A-Z]{2,63}+$/i', $_POST['email'])
|| !Validate::isEmail($_POST['email'])) {
return $this->error = $this->l('Invalid email address.');
} else if ($_POST['action'] == '1') {
/* Unsubscription */
$register_status = $this->isNewsletterRegistered($_POST['email']);
if ($register_status < 1) {
return $this->error = $this->l('This email address is not registered.');
if (!$this->unregister($_POST['email'], $register_status)) {
return $this->error = $this->l('An error occurred while attempting to unsubscribe.');
return $this->valid = $this->l('Unsubscription successful.');
} else if ($_POST['action'] == '0') {
/* Subscription */
$cmsCategory = false;
$genericPdf = false;
if(isset($_POST['id_post'])) {
$cmsCategory = $this->searchCmsCategory($_POST['id_post'], false);
} elseif(isset($_POST['id_cat'])) {
$cmsCategory = $this->searchCmsCategory($_POST['id_cat'], true);
} elseif(isset($_POST['page'])) {
if ($_POST['page'] == 'index' || $_POST['page'] == 'homeedito' || $_POST['page'] == 'postedito'){
$content = '';
if (glob(_CMS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.'pdf/Tout-pratique.pdf')) {
$content = file_get_contents(_CMS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.'pdf/Tout-pratique.pdf');
$genericPdf = array(
'content' => $content,
'name' => 'Tout-pratique.pdf',
'mine' => 'application/pdf'
/* A retirer pour réactiver les envois différents en fonction des pages */
$cmsCategory = false;
$genericPdf = false;
$register_status = $this->isNewsletterRegistered($_POST['email']);
$email = pSQL($_POST['email']);
// test pour savoir si on doit envoye le guide PDF
$already_send = false;
// je suis deja enregistre
if ($register_status > 0) {
// envoi le code promo
if ($code = Configuration::get('NW_VOUCHER_CODE') && !$cmsCategory && !$genericPdf) {
if (!$this->isNewsletterCmsPsRegistered($email, 9999, $register_status, false)) {
if ($this->registerNewsletterCmsPs($email, 9999, $register_status)) {
// $this->valid = $this->l('You will recieve your code.');
$this->valid = 'Votre code promotionel vous a été envoyé.';
$this->sendVoucher($email, Configuration::get('NW_VOUCHER_CODE'));
} else {
return $this->error = $this->l('This email address is already registered.');
// envoi le pdf de la categorie
elseif (Configuration::get('NW_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL') && $cmsCategory != false) {
// enregistrement pour la categorie si pas enregistré
if ($this->isNewsletterCmsPsRegistered($email, $cmsCategory['id_category'], $register_status)) {
// $this->valid = $this->l('You will recieve your PDF.');
$this->valid = 'Vous allez reçevoir votre PDF.';
$this->sendConfirmationEmail($email, $cmsCategory);
$already_send = true;
} else {
return $this->error = $this->l('An error occurred during the subscription process.');
// envoi le pdf générique
elseif (Configuration::get('NW_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL') && $genericPdf != false) {
// $this->valid = $this->l('You will recieve your PDF.');
$this->valid = 'Vous allez reçevoir votre PDF.';
$this->sendConfirmationEmail($email, false, $genericPdf);
$already_send = true;
} else {
return $this->error = $this->l('This email address is already registered.');
// je suis pas register premiere fois
if (!$this->isRegistered($register_status)) {
if ($this->register($email, $register_status)) {
$this->valid = $this->l('You have successfully subscribed to this newsletter.');
} else {
return $this->error = $this->l('An error occurred during the subscription process.');
// envoi mail code promo ou pdf
$register_status = $this->isNewsletterRegistered($email);
if ($code = Configuration::get('NW_VOUCHER_CODE') && !$cmsCategory && !$genericPdf) {
if ($this->isNewsletterCmsPsRegistered($email, 9999, $register_status)) {
$this->sendVoucher($email, Configuration::get('NW_VOUCHER_CODE'));
// envoi le pdf de la categorie
elseif (Configuration::get('NW_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL') && $cmsCategory != false) {
if($this->isNewsletterCmsPsRegistered($email, $cmsCategory['id_category'], $register_status)){
$this->sendConfirmationEmail($email, $cmsCategory);
$already_send = true;
} else {
return $this->error = $this->l('An error occurred during the subscription process.');
// envoi le pdf générique
elseif (Configuration::get('NW_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL') && $genericPdf != false) {
$this->sendConfirmationEmail($email, false, $genericPdf);
$already_send = true;
// si pas encore envoyé j'envoi le PDF (du coup il part tout le temps)
if(!$already_send) {
$content = '';
if (glob(_CMS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.'pdf/Tout-pratique.pdf')) {
$content = file_get_contents(_CMS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.'pdf/Tout-pratique.pdf');
$genericPdf = array(
'content' => $content,
'name' => 'Tout-pratique.pdf',
'mine' => 'application/pdf'
$this->sendConfirmationEmail($email, false, $genericPdf);
public function searchCmsCategory($id, $strict = false)
if ($strict) {
$cmsCategory = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("
SELECT cc.`id_category`,cc.`id_parent`, ccl.`slug`
FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."cmsps_categories` as cc
LEFT JOIN `"._DB_PREFIX_."cmsps_categories_lang` as ccl ON (ccl.`id_category` = cc.`id_category`)
WHERE cc.`id_category`= ".(int)$id." AND ccl.`id_lang` = ".(int)$this->context->language->id."
} else {
$cmsCategory = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("
SELECT cc.`id_category`,cc.`id_parent`, ccl.`slug`
FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."cmsps_categories` as cc
LEFT JOIN `"._DB_PREFIX_."cmsps_posts` as cp ON (cp.`id_category` = cc.`id_category`)
LEFT JOIN `"._DB_PREFIX_."cmsps_categories_lang` as ccl ON (ccl.`id_category` = cc.`id_category`)
WHERE cp.`id_post`= ".(int)$id." AND ccl.`id_lang` = ".(int)$this->context->language->id."
while ($cmsCategory[0]['id_parent'] != 0) {
$cmsCategory = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS("
SELECT cc.`id_category`, cc.`id_parent`, ccl.`slug`
FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."cmsps_categories` as cc
LEFT JOIN `"._DB_PREFIX_."cmsps_categories_lang` as ccl ON (ccl.`id_category` = cc.`id_category`)
WHERE cc.`id_category` = ".(int)$cmsCategory[0]['id_parent']." AND ccl.`id_lang` = ".(int)$this->context->language->id."
return $cmsCategory[0];
protected function isNewsletterCmsPsRegistered($email, $id_category, $register_status, $haveToRegister = true)
if ($register_status == self::GUEST_REGISTERED) {
$sql = 'SELECT n.`id`
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter n
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter_cmsps nc ON (nc.`id_newsletter` = n.`id`)
WHERE n.`email` = \''.pSQL($email).'\'
AND n.`id_shop` = '.$this->context->shop->id.'
AND nc.`id_category`='.(int)$id_category;
} elseif ($register_status == self::CUSTOMER_REGISTERED) {
$sql = 'SELECT c.`id_customer`
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c
LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter_cmsps nc ON (nc.`id_customer` = c.`id_customer`)
WHERE c.`email` = \''.pSQL($email).'\'
AND c.`newsletter` = 1
AND nc.`id_customer` IS NOT NULL
AND nc.`id_category`='.(int)$id_category.'
AND c.`id_shop` = '.$this->context->shop->id;
} else {
return false;
if (Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql)){
return true;
} elseif ($haveToRegister) {
return $this->registerNewsletterCmsPs($email, $id_category, $register_status);
return false;
protected function registerNewsletterCmsPs($email, $id_category, $register_status)
if ($register_status == self::GUEST_REGISTERED) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter_cmsps (id_newsletter, id_category)
SELECT n.`id`
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter n
WHERE n.`email` = \''.pSQL($email).'\'
AND id_shop = '.$this->context->shop->id.'
} elseif ($register_status == self::CUSTOMER_REGISTERED) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter_cmsps (id_category, id_customer)
SELECT c.`id_customer`
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c
WHERE c.`email` = \''.pSQL($email).'\'
AND c.`newsletter` = \'1\'
AND id_shop = '.$this->context->shop->id.'
if(Db::getInstance()->execute($sql)) {
return true;
return false;
* @Override
protected function unregister($email, $register_status)
if (!$this->unregisterNewsletterCmsPs($email, $id_category, $register_status)) {
return false;
if ($register_status == self::GUEST_REGISTERED) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($_POST['email']).'\' AND id_shop = '.$this->context->shop->id;
} elseif ($register_status == self::CUSTOMER_REGISTERED) {
$sql = 'UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer SET `newsletter` = 0 WHERE `email` = \''.pSQL($_POST['email']).'\' AND id_shop = '.$this->context->shop->id;
if (!isset($sql) || !Db::getInstance()->execute($sql)) {
return false;
return true;
protected function unregisterNewsletterCmsPs($email, $register_status)
if ($register_status == self::GUEST_REGISTERED) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter_cmsps nc
WHERE nc.`id_newsletter` =
SELECT n.`id`
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter n
WHERE n.`email` = \''.pSQL($email).'\'
AND id_shop = '.$this->context->shop->id.'
} elseif ($register_status == self::CUSTOMER_REGISTERED) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter_cmsps nc
WHERE nc.`id_customer` =
SELECT c.`id_customer`
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c
WHERE c.`email` = \''.pSQL($email).'\'
AND c.`newsletter` = \'1\'
AND id_shop = '.$this->context->shop->id.'
if(Db::getInstance()->execute($sql)) {
return true;
return false;
* @Override
protected function sendConfirmationEmail($email, $cmsCategory = false, $genericPdf = false)
$data = array();
$fileAttachment = array();
if ($cmsCategory != false) {
if (glob(_CMS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.'pdf/Tout-pratique-'.$cmsCategory['slug'].'.pdf')) {
$fileAttachment['content'] = file_get_contents(_CMS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.'pdf/Tout-pratique-'.$cmsCategory['slug'].'.pdf');
$fileAttachment['name'] = 'Tout-pratique-'.$cmsCategory['slug'].'.pdf';
$fileAttachment['mime'] = "application/pdf";
$data['{attached_file_url}'] = _PS_BASE_URL_.'/img/cms_c/pdf/Tout-pratique-'.$cmsCategory['slug'].'.pdf';
$data['{attached_file}'] = "Tout-pratique-".$cmsCategory['slug'];
} else {
// on envoie le pdf générique
if (glob(_CMS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.'pdf/Tout-pratique.pdf')) {
$fileAttachment['content'] = file_get_contents(_CMS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.'pdf/Tout-pratique.pdf');
$fileAttachment['name'] = 'Tout-pratique.pdf';
$fileAttachment['mime'] = "application/pdf";
$data['{attached_file_url}'] = _PS_BASE_URL_.'/img/cms_c/pdf/Tout-pratique.pdf';
$data['{attached_file}'] = "Tout-pratique";
} elseif ($genericPdf != false) {
$fileAttachment = $genericPdf;
$data['{attached_file_url}'] = _PS_BASE_URL_.'/img/cms_c/pdf/Tout-pratique.pdf';
$data['{attached_file}'] = $genericPdf['name'];
return Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'newsletter_conf', Mail::l('Newsletter confirmation', $this->context->language->id), $data, pSQL($email), null, null, null, $fileAttachment, null, _THEME_DIR_.'modules/blocknewsletter/mails/', false, $this->context->shop->id);
* @Override
protected function _prepareHook($params)
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitNewsletter'))
if ($this->error)
'color' => 'red',
'msg' => $this->error,
'nw_value' => isset($_POST['email']) ? pSQL($_POST['email']) : false,
'nw_error' => true,
'action' => $_POST['action'],
'nw_block' => $_POST['block'],
else if ($this->valid)
'color' => 'green',
'msg' => $this->valid,
'nw_error' => false,
'nw_block' => $_POST['block'],
$this->smarty->assign('this_path', $this->_path);
* @Override
public function confirmSubscription($email)
if ($email)
return true;
public function hookdisplayNewsletterFooter($params)
if (!isset($this->prepared) || !$this->prepared) {
if(isset($params['id_cmspost'])) {
$this->prepared = true;
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocknewsletter_footer.tpl');
public function hookdisplayleftPostCms($params)
if (!isset($this->prepared) || !$this->prepared) {
$this->prepared = true;
if(isset($params['id_cmspost'])) {
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocknewsletter_left.tpl');
public function hookdisplayFooter($params)
if($this->context->customer->isLogged()) {
$register_status = $this->isNewsletterRegistered($this->context->customer->email);
if((isset($register_status) && $register_status>0) || !isset($register_status)) {
if (!isset($this->prepared) || !$this->prepared) {
$this->prepared = true;
if(isset($params['id_cmspost'])) {
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocknewsletter_lightbox.tpl');