ToutPratique 1d1a2def5f push prod
2016-05-17 15:54:37 +02:00

136 lines
3.4 KiB

* AdminOrderTaxProfitReport.php file defines admin tab class of module
if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) {
class AdminOrderTaxProfitReport extends AdminTab
* @var int $iCurrentLang : store id of default lang
public static $iCurrentLang = null;
* @var string $sBASE_URI : base of URI in prestashop
public static $sBASE_URI = null;
* @var string $multishop_context_group : store context group
public $multishop_context_group = null;
* @var string $multishop_context : store context
public $multishop_context = null;
* Magic Method __construct assigns few information about module and instantiate parent class
public function __construct()
// hack for older version than 1 4 5 1
if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '') == -1) {
require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'ordertaxprofitreport/conf/common.conf.php');
else {
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/conf/common.conf.php');
// use case - get link context
if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '>')) {
$cookie = Context::getContext()->cookie;
else {
global $cookie;
global $currentIndex;
// get default lang
self::$iCurrentLang = $cookie->id_lang;
// set module name
$this->module = _OTPR_MODULE_SET_NAME;
// Fix for translations before v1.4
if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '') == -1) {
global $_LANGADM, $_MODULE;
// set lang filename
$sLangFile = _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->module . '/' . Language::getIsoById(self::$iCurrentLang) . '.php';
// check lang file exists
if (file_exists($sLangFile)) {
// include php lang file
require_once $sLangFile;
foreach ($_MODULE as $nKey => $sValue) {
if (Tools::substr(strip_tags($nKey), 0, 5) == 'Admin') {
$_LANGADM[str_replace('_', '', strip_tags($nKey))] = $sValue;
// construct
self::$sBASE_URI = $currentIndex;
* display() method manages all data in Back Office of admin tab
* @return string
public function display()
// include main class
require_once(_OTPR_PATH_ROOT . 'ordertaxprofitreport.php');
// instantiate
$oMainClass = new OrderTaxProfitReport();
// use case - display => search form / export => return HTML report or a downloadable CVS report
$_REQUEST['sAction'] = (!Tools::getIsset('sAction') || (Tools::getIsset('sAction') && 'display' == Tools::getValue('sAction')))? 'display' : Tools::getValue('sAction');
$_REQUEST['sType'] = !Tools::getIsset('sType')? 'searchForm' : $_REQUEST['sType'];
// set URI of admin tab
$_REQUEST['sAdminTabURI'] = self::$sBASE_URI;
echo (
* addCSS() method return always true because some other modules are hooked on adminBackofficeHeader and call addCSS() method. This method doesn't exist in the Admin context tab.
* This prevent those modules do not execute functions which do not exists
* @return bool true
public function addCSS()
// return true
return true;
* addJS() method return always true because some other modules are hooked on adminBackofficeHeader and call addJS() method. This method doesn't exist in the Admin context tab.
* This prevents those modules do not execute functions which doesn't exists
* @return bool true
public function addJS()
// return true
return true;