751 lines
31 KiB
751 lines
31 KiB
* 2007-2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* @since 1.5.0
class HelperListCore extends Helper
/** @var array Cache for query results */
protected $_list = array();
/** @var int Number of results in list */
public $listTotal = 0;
/** @var array WHERE clause determined by filter fields */
protected $_filter;
/** @var array Number of results in list per page (used in select field) */
public $_pagination = array(20, 50, 100, 300, 1000);
/** @var int Default number of results in list per page */
public $_default_pagination = 50;
/** @var string ORDER BY clause determined by field/arrows in list header */
public $orderBy;
/** @var string Default ORDER BY clause when $orderBy is not defined */
public $_defaultOrderBy = false;
/** @var array : list of vars for button delete*/
public $tpl_delete_link_vars = array();
/** @var string Order way (ASC, DESC) determined by arrows in list header */
public $orderWay;
public $identifier;
protected $deleted = 0;
/** @var array $cache_lang use to cache texts in current language */
public static $cache_lang = array();
public $is_cms = false;
public $position_identifier;
public $table_id;
* @var array Customize list display
* align : determine value alignment
* prefix : displayed before value
* suffix : displayed after value
* image : object image
* icon : icon determined by values
* active : allow to toggle status
protected $fields_list;
/** @var bool Content line is clickable if true */
public $no_link = false;
/** @var Smarty_Internal_Template|string */
protected $header_tpl = 'list_header.tpl';
/** @var Smarty_Internal_Template|string */
protected $content_tpl = 'list_content.tpl';
/** @var Smarty_Internal_Template|string */
protected $footer_tpl = 'list_footer.tpl';
/** @var array list of required actions for each list row */
public $actions = array();
/** @var array list of row ids associated with a given action for witch this action have to not be available */
public $list_skip_actions = array();
public $bulk_actions = false;
public $force_show_bulk_actions = false;
public $specificConfirmDelete = null;
public $colorOnBackground;
/** @var bool If true, activates color on hover */
public $row_hover = true;
/** @var string|null If not null, a title will be added on that list */
public $title = null;
/** @var bool ask for simple header : no filters, no paginations and no sorting */
public $simple_header = false;
public $ajax_params = array();
public $page;
public function __construct()
$this->base_folder = 'helpers/list/';
$this->base_tpl = 'list.tpl';
* Return an html list given the data to fill it up
* @param array $list entries to display (rows)
* @param array $fields_display fields (cols)
* @return string html
public function generateList($list, $fields_display)
// Append when we get a syntax error in SQL query
if ($list === false) {
$this->context->controller->warnings[] = $this->l('Bad SQL query', 'Helper');
return false;
$this->tpl = $this->createTemplate($this->base_tpl);
$this->header_tpl = $this->createTemplate($this->header_tpl);
$this->content_tpl = $this->createTemplate($this->content_tpl);
$this->footer_tpl = $this->createTemplate($this->footer_tpl);
$this->_list = $list;
$this->fields_list = $fields_display;
$this->orderBy = preg_replace('/^([a-z _]*!)/Ui', '', $this->orderBy);
$this->orderWay = preg_replace('/^([a-z _]*!)/Ui', '', $this->orderWay);
'header' => $this->displayListHeader(), // Display list header (filtering, pagination and column names)
'content' => $this->displayListContent(), // Show the content of the table
'footer' => $this->displayListFooter() // Close list table and submit button
return parent::generate();
* Fetch the template for action enable
* @param string $token
* @param string $id
* @param int $value state enabled or not
* @param string $active status
* @param int $id_category
* @param int $id_product
* @return string
public function displayEnableLink($token, $id, $value, $active, $id_category = null, $id_product = null, $ajax = false)
$tpl_enable = $this->createTemplate('list_action_enable.tpl');
'ajax' => $ajax,
'enabled' => (bool)$value,
'url_enable' => $this->currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&'.$active.$this->table.($ajax ? '&action='.$active.$this->table.'&ajax='.(int)$ajax : '').
((int)$id_category && (int)$id_product ? '&id_category='.(int)$id_category : '').($this->page && $this->page > 1 ? '&page='.(int)$this->page : '').'&token='.($token != null ? $token : $this->token)
return $tpl_enable->fetch();
public function displayListContent()
if (isset($this->fields_list['position'])) {
if ($this->position_identifier) {
if (isset($this->position_group_identifier)) {
$position_group_identifier = Tools::getIsset($this->position_group_identifier) ? Tools::getValue($this->position_group_identifier) : $this->position_group_identifier;
} else {
$position_group_identifier = (int)Tools::getValue('id_'.($this->is_cms ? 'cms_' : '').'category', ($this->is_cms ? '1' : Category::getRootCategory()->id));
} else {
$position_group_identifier = Category::getRootCategory()->id;
$positions = array_map(create_function('$elem', 'return (int)($elem[\'position\']);'), $this->_list);
// key_to_get is used to display the correct product category or cms category after a position change
$identifier = in_array($this->identifier, array('id_category', 'id_cms_category')) ? '_parent' : '';
if ($identifier) {
$key_to_get = 'id_'.($this->is_cms ? 'cms_' : '').'category'.$identifier;
foreach ($this->_list as $index => $tr) {
$id = null;
if (isset($tr[$this->identifier])) {
$id = $tr[$this->identifier];
$name = isset($tr['name']) ? $tr['name'] : null;
if ($this->shopLinkType) {
$this->_list[$index]['short_shop_name'] = Tools::strlen($tr['shop_name']) > 15 ? Tools::substr($tr['shop_name'], 0, 15).'...' : $tr['shop_name'];
$is_first = true;
// Check all available actions to add to the current list row
foreach ($this->actions as $action) {
//Check if the action is available for the current row
if (!array_key_exists($action, $this->list_skip_actions) || !in_array($id, $this->list_skip_actions[$action])) {
$method_name = 'display'.ucfirst($action).'Link';
if (method_exists($this->context->controller, $method_name)) {
$this->_list[$index][$action] = $this->context->controller->$method_name($this->token, $id, $name);
} elseif ($this->module instanceof Module && method_exists($this->module, $method_name)) {
$this->_list[$index][$action] = $this->module->$method_name($this->token, $id, $name);
} elseif (method_exists($this, $method_name)) {
$this->_list[$index][$action] = $this->$method_name($this->token, $id, $name);
if ($is_first && isset($this->_list[$index][$action])) {
$is_first = false;
if (!preg_match('/a\s*.*class/', $this->_list[$index][$action])) {
$this->_list[$index][$action] = preg_replace('/href\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"/',
'href="$1" class="btn btn-default"', $this->_list[$index][$action]);
} elseif (!preg_match('/a\s*.*class\s*=\s*\".*btn.*\"/', $this->_list[$index][$action])) {
$this->_list[$index][$action] = preg_replace('/a(\s*.*)class\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"/',
'a $1 class="$2 btn btn-default"', $this->_list[$index][$action]);
// @todo skip action for bulk actions
// $this->_list[$index]['has_bulk_actions'] = true;
foreach ($this->fields_list as $key => $params) {
$tmp = explode('!', $key);
$key = isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : $tmp[0];
if (isset($params['active'])) {
// If method is defined in calling controller, use it instead of the Helper method
if (method_exists($this->context->controller, 'displayEnableLink')) {
$calling_obj = $this->context->controller;
} elseif (isset($this->module) && method_exists($this->module, 'displayEnableLink')) {
$calling_obj = $this->module;
} else {
$calling_obj = $this;
if (!isset($params['ajax'])) {
$params['ajax'] = false;
$this->_list[$index][$key] = $calling_obj->displayEnableLink(
} elseif (isset($params['activeVisu'])) {
$this->_list[$index][$key] = (bool)$tr[$key];
} elseif (isset($params['position'])) {
$this->_list[$index][$key] = array(
'position' => $tr[$key],
'position_url_down' => $this->currentIndex.
(isset($key_to_get) ? '&'.$key_to_get.'='.(int)$position_group_identifier : '').
'&way=1&position='.((int)$tr['position'] + 1).'&token='.$this->token,
'position_url_up' => $this->currentIndex.
(isset($key_to_get) ? '&'.$key_to_get.'='.(int)$position_group_identifier : '').
'&way=0&position='.((int)$tr['position'] - 1).'&token='.$this->token
} elseif (isset($params['image'])) {
// item_id is the product id in a product image context, else it is the image id.
$item_id = isset($params['image_id']) ? $tr[$params['image_id']] : $id;
if ($params['image'] != 'p' || Configuration::get('PS_LEGACY_IMAGES')) {
$path_to_image = _PS_IMG_DIR_.$params['image'].'/'.$item_id.(isset($tr['id_image']) ? '-'.(int)$tr['id_image'] : '').'.'.$this->imageType;
} else {
$path_to_image = _PS_IMG_DIR_.$params['image'].'/'.Image::getImgFolderStatic($tr['id_image']).(int)$tr['id_image'].'.'.$this->imageType;
$this->_list[$index][$key] = ImageManager::thumbnail($path_to_image, $this->table.'_mini_'.$item_id.'_'.$this->context->shop->id.'.'.$this->imageType, 45, $this->imageType);
} elseif (isset($params['icon']) && isset($tr[$key]) && (isset($params['icon'][$tr[$key]]) || isset($params['icon']['default']))) {
if (!$this->bootstrap) {
if (isset($params['icon'][$tr[$key]]) && is_array($params['icon'][$tr[$key]])) {
$this->_list[$index][$key] = array(
'src' => $params['icon'][$tr[$key]]['src'],
'alt' => $params['icon'][$tr[$key]]['alt'],
} else {
$this->_list[$index][$key] = array(
'src' => isset($params['icon'][$tr[$key]]) ? $params['icon'][$tr[$key]] : $params['icon']['default'],
'alt' => isset($params['icon'][$tr[$key]]) ? $params['icon'][$tr[$key]] : $params['icon']['default'],
} elseif (isset($params['icon'][$tr[$key]])) {
$this->_list[$index][$key] = $params['icon'][$tr[$key]];
} elseif (isset($params['type']) && $params['type'] == 'float') {
$this->_list[$index][$key] = rtrim(rtrim($tr[$key], '0'), '.');
} elseif (isset($tr[$key])) {
$echo = $tr[$key];
if (isset($params['callback'])) {
$callback_obj = (isset($params['callback_object'])) ? $params['callback_object'] : $this->context->controller;
$this->_list[$index][$key] = call_user_func_array(array($callback_obj, $params['callback']), array($echo, $tr));
} else {
$this->_list[$index][$key] = $echo;
$this->content_tpl->assign(array_merge($this->tpl_vars, array(
'shop_link_type' => $this->shopLinkType,
'name' => isset($name) ? $name : null,
'position_identifier' => $this->position_identifier,
'identifier' => $this->identifier,
'table' => $this->table,
'token' => $this->token,
'color_on_bg' => $this->colorOnBackground,
'position_group_identifier' => isset($position_group_identifier) ? $position_group_identifier : false,
'bulk_actions' => $this->bulk_actions,
'positions' => isset($positions) ? $positions : null,
'order_by' => $this->orderBy,
'order_way' => $this->orderWay,
'is_cms' => $this->is_cms,
'fields_display' => $this->fields_list,
'list' => $this->_list,
'actions' => $this->actions,
'no_link' => $this->no_link,
'current_index' => $this->currentIndex,
'view' => in_array('view', $this->actions),
'edit' => in_array('edit', $this->actions),
'has_actions' => !empty($this->actions),
'list_skip_actions' => $this->list_skip_actions,
'row_hover' => $this->row_hover,
'list_id' => isset($this->list_id) ? $this->list_id : $this->table,
'checked_boxes' => Tools::getValue((isset($this->list_id) ? $this->list_id : $this->table).'Box')
return $this->content_tpl->fetch();
* Display duplicate action link
public function displayDuplicateLink($token = null, $id, $name = null)
$tpl = $this->createTemplate('list_action_duplicate.tpl');
if (!array_key_exists('Bad SQL query', self::$cache_lang)) {
self::$cache_lang['Duplicate'] = $this->l('Duplicate', 'Helper');
if (!array_key_exists('Copy images too?', self::$cache_lang)) {
self::$cache_lang['Copy images too?'] = $this->l('This will copy the images too. If you wish to proceed, click "Yes". If not, click "No".', 'Helper');
$duplicate = $this->currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&duplicate'.$this->table;
$confirm = self::$cache_lang['Copy images too?'];
if (($this->table == 'product') && !Image::hasImages($this->context->language->id, (int)$id)) {
$confirm = '';
'href' => $this->currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&view'.$this->table.'&token='.($token != null ? $token : $this->token),
'action' => self::$cache_lang['Duplicate'],
'confirm' => $confirm,
'location_ok' => $duplicate.'&token='.($token != null ? $token : $this->token),
'location_ko' => $duplicate.'&noimage=1&token='.($token ? $token : $this->token),
return $tpl->fetch();
* Display action show details of a table row
* This action need an ajax request with a return like this:
* {
* use_parent_structure: true // If false, data need to be an html
* data:
* [
* {field_name: 'value'}
* ],
* fields_display: // attribute $fields_list of the admin controller
* }
* or somethins like this:
* {
* use_parent_structure: false // If false, data need to be an html
* data:
* '<p>My html content</p>',
* fields_display: // attribute $fields_list of the admin controller
* }
public function displayDetailsLink($token = null, $id, $name = null)
$tpl = $this->createTemplate('list_action_details.tpl');
if (!array_key_exists('Details', self::$cache_lang)) {
self::$cache_lang['Details'] = $this->l('Details', 'Helper');
$ajax_params = $this->ajax_params;
if (!is_array($ajax_params) || !isset($ajax_params['action'])) {
$ajax_params['action'] = 'details';
'id' => $id,
'href' => $this->currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&details'.$this->table.'&token='.($token != null ? $token : $this->token),
'controller' => str_replace('Controller', '', get_class($this->context->controller)),
'token' => $token != null ? $token : $this->token,
'action' => self::$cache_lang['Details'],
'params' => $ajax_params,
'json_params' => Tools::jsonEncode($ajax_params)
return $tpl->fetch();
* Display view action link
public function displayViewLink($token = null, $id, $name = null)
$tpl = $this->createTemplate('list_action_view.tpl');
if (!array_key_exists('View', self::$cache_lang)) {
self::$cache_lang['View'] = $this->l('View', 'Helper');
'href' => $this->currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&view'.$this->table.'&token='.($token != null ? $token : $this->token),
'action' => self::$cache_lang['View'],
return $tpl->fetch();
* Display edit action link
public function displayEditLink($token = null, $id, $name = null)
$tpl = $this->createTemplate('list_action_edit.tpl');
if (!array_key_exists('Edit', self::$cache_lang)) {
self::$cache_lang['Edit'] = $this->l('Edit', 'Helper');
'href' => $this->currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&update'.$this->table.($this->page && $this->page > 1 ? '&page='.(int)$this->page : '').'&token='.($token != null ? $token : $this->token),
'action' => self::$cache_lang['Edit'],
'id' => $id
return $tpl->fetch();
* Display delete action link
public function displayDeleteLink($token = null, $id, $name = null)
$tpl = $this->createTemplate('list_action_delete.tpl');
if (!array_key_exists('Delete', self::$cache_lang)) {
self::$cache_lang['Delete'] = $this->l('Delete', 'Helper');
if (!array_key_exists('DeleteItem', self::$cache_lang)) {
self::$cache_lang['DeleteItem'] = $this->l('Delete selected item?', 'Helper', true, false);
if (!array_key_exists('Name', self::$cache_lang)) {
self::$cache_lang['Name'] = $this->l('Name:', 'Helper', true, false);
if (!is_null($name)) {
$name = addcslashes('\n\n'.self::$cache_lang['Name'].' '.$name, '\'');
$data = array(
$this->identifier => $id,
'href' => $this->currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.$id.'&delete'.$this->table.'&token='.($token != null ? $token : $this->token),
'action' => self::$cache_lang['Delete'],
if ($this->specificConfirmDelete !== false) {
$data['confirm'] = !is_null($this->specificConfirmDelete) ? '\r'.$this->specificConfirmDelete : Tools::safeOutput(self::$cache_lang['DeleteItem'].$name);
$tpl->assign(array_merge($this->tpl_delete_link_vars, $data));
return $tpl->fetch();
* Display default action link
public function displayDefaultLink($token = null, $id, $name = null)
$tpl = $this->createTemplate('list_action_default.tpl');
if (!array_key_exists('Default', self::$cache_lang)) {
self::$cache_lang['Default'] = $this->l('Default', 'Helper');
'href' => $this->currentIndex.'&'.$this->identifier.'='.(int)$id.'&default'.$this->table.'&token='.($token != null ? $token : $this->token),
'action' => self::$cache_lang['Default'],
'name' => $name,
return $tpl->fetch();
* Display list header (filtering, pagination and column names)
public function displayListHeader()
if (!isset($this->list_id)) {
$this->list_id = $this->table;
$id_cat = (int)Tools::getValue('id_'.($this->is_cms ? 'cms_' : '').'category');
if (!isset($token) || empty($token)) {
$token = $this->token;
/* Determine total page number */
$pagination = $this->_default_pagination;
if (in_array((int)Tools::getValue($this->list_id.'_pagination'), $this->_pagination)) {
$pagination = (int)Tools::getValue($this->list_id.'_pagination');
} elseif (isset($this->context->cookie->{$this->list_id.'_pagination'}) && $this->context->cookie->{$this->list_id.'_pagination'}) {
$pagination = $this->context->cookie->{$this->list_id.'_pagination'};
$total_pages = max(1, ceil($this->listTotal / $pagination));
$identifier = Tools::getIsset($this->identifier) ? '&'.$this->identifier.'='.(int)Tools::getValue($this->identifier) : '';
$order = '';
if (Tools::getIsset($this->table.'Orderby')) {
$order = '&'.$this->table.'Orderby='.urlencode($this->orderBy).'&'.$this->table.'Orderway='.urlencode(strtolower($this->orderWay));
$action = $this->currentIndex.$identifier.'&token='.$token.'#'.$this->list_id;
/* Determine current page number */
$page = (int)Tools::getValue('submitFilter'.$this->list_id);
if (!$page) {
$page = 1;
if ($page > $total_pages) {
$page = $total_pages;
$this->page = (int)$page;
/* Choose number of results per page */
$selected_pagination = Tools::getValue($this->list_id.'_pagination',
isset($this->context->cookie->{$this->list_id.'_pagination'}) ? $this->context->cookie->{$this->list_id.'_pagination'} : $this->_default_pagination
if (!isset($this->table_id) && $this->position_identifier && (int)Tools::getValue($this->position_identifier, 1)) {
$this->table_id = substr($this->identifier, 3, strlen($this->identifier));
if ($this->position_identifier && ($this->orderBy == 'position' && $this->orderWay != 'DESC')) {
$table_dnd = true;
$prefix = isset($this->controller_name) ? str_replace(array('admin', 'controller'), '', Tools::strtolower($this->controller_name)) : '';
$ajax = false;
foreach ($this->fields_list as $key => $params) {
if (!isset($params['type'])) {
$params['type'] = 'text';
$value_key = $prefix.$this->list_id.'Filter_'.(array_key_exists('filter_key', $params) && $key != 'active' ? $params['filter_key'] : $key);
$value = Context::getContext()->cookie->{$value_key};
if (!$value && Tools::getIsset($value_key)) {
$value = Tools::getValue($value_key);
switch ($params['type']) {
case 'bool':
if (isset($params['ajax']) && $params['ajax']) {
$ajax = true;
case 'date':
case 'datetime':
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = Tools::unSerialize($value);
if (!Validate::isCleanHtml($value[0]) || !Validate::isCleanHtml($value[1])) {
$value = '';
$name = $this->list_id.'Filter_'.(isset($params['filter_key']) ? $params['filter_key'] : $key);
$name_id = str_replace('!', '__', $name);
$params['id_date'] = $name_id;
$params['name_date'] = $name;
case 'select':
foreach ($params['list'] as $option_value => $option_display) {
if (isset(Context::getContext()->cookie->{$prefix.$this->list_id.'Filter_'.$params['filter_key']})
&& Context::getContext()->cookie->{$prefix.$this->list_id.'Filter_'.$params['filter_key']} == $option_value
&& Context::getContext()->cookie->{$prefix.$this->list_id.'Filter_'.$params['filter_key']} != '') {
$this->fields_list[$key]['select'][$option_value]['selected'] = 'selected';
case 'text':
if (!Validate::isCleanHtml($value)) {
$value = '';
$params['value'] = $value;
$this->fields_list[$key] = $params;
$has_value = false;
$has_search_field = false;
foreach ($this->fields_list as $key => $field) {
if (isset($field['value']) && $field['value'] !== false && $field['value'] !== '') {
if (is_array($field['value']) && trim(implode('', $field['value'])) == '') {
$has_value = true;
if (!(isset($field['search']) && $field['search'] === false)) {
$has_search_field = true;
'page' => $page,
'simple_header' => $this->simple_header,
'total_pages' => $total_pages,
'selected_pagination' => $selected_pagination,
'pagination' => $this->_pagination,
'list_total' => $this->listTotal,
'sql' => isset($this->sql) && $this->sql ? str_replace('\n', ' ', str_replace('\r', '', $this->sql)) : false,
'token' => $this->token,
'table' => $this->table,
'bulk_actions' => $this->bulk_actions,
'show_toolbar' => $this->show_toolbar,
'toolbar_scroll' => $this->toolbar_scroll,
'toolbar_btn' => $this->toolbar_btn,
'has_bulk_actions' => $this->hasBulkActions($has_value),
'filters_has_value' => (bool)$has_value
'ajax' => $ajax,
'title' => array_key_exists('title', $this->tpl_vars) ? $this->tpl_vars['title'] : $this->title,
'show_filters' => ((count($this->_list) > 1 && $has_search_field) || $has_value),
'currentIndex' => $this->currentIndex,
'action' => $action,
'is_order_position' => $this->position_identifier && $this->orderBy == 'position',
'order_way' => $this->orderWay,
'order_by' => $this->orderBy,
'fields_display' => $this->fields_list,
'delete' => in_array('delete', $this->actions),
'identifier' => $this->identifier,
'id_cat' => $id_cat,
'shop_link_type' => $this->shopLinkType,
'has_actions' => !empty($this->actions),
'table_id' => isset($this->table_id) ? $this->table_id : null,
'table_dnd' => isset($table_dnd) ? $table_dnd : null,
'name' => isset($name) ? $name : null,
'name_id' => isset($name_id) ? $name_id : null,
'row_hover' => $this->row_hover,
'list_id' => isset($this->list_id) ? $this->list_id : $this->table
), $this->tpl_vars));
return $this->header_tpl->fetch();
public function hasBulkActions($has_value = false)
if ($this->force_show_bulk_actions) {
return true;
if (count($this->_list) <= 1 && !$has_value) {
return false;
if (isset($this->list_skip_actions) && count($this->list_skip_actions)
&& isset($this->bulk_actions) && is_array($this->bulk_actions) && count($this->bulk_actions)) {
foreach ($this->bulk_actions as $action => $data) {
if (array_key_exists($action, $this->list_skip_actions)) {
foreach ($this->_list as $key => $row) {
if (!in_array($row[$this->identifier], $this->list_skip_actions[$action])) {
return true;
return false;
return !empty($this->bulk_actions);
* Close list table and submit button
public function displayListFooter()
if (!isset($this->list_id)) {
$this->list_id = $this->table;
$this->footer_tpl->assign(array_merge($this->tpl_vars, array(
'current' => $this->currentIndex,
'list_id' => $this->list_id
return $this->footer_tpl->fetch();