2016-08-29 16:58:25 +02:00

568 lines
21 KiB

* 2007-2015 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
* @author EnvoiMoinsCher <>
* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA / 2011-2015 EnvoiMoinsCher
* @license Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* International Registred Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
class EnvoimoinscherOrder
private $order_data = array();
private $orders = array();
private $stats = array();
private $offer_data = array();
private $prestashop_config = array();
private $order_id = 0;
private $planning_id = 0;
private $type = 0;
protected $model = null;
* Mapping between POST values (. is replaced by _) and the values sent to API.
* @access protected
* @var array
protected $mapping = array('disponibilite_HDE' => 'disponibilite.HDE',
'disponibilite_HLE' => 'disponibilite.HLE', 'collecte' => 'collecte',
'depot_pointrelais' => 'depot.pointrelais', 'retrait_pointrelais' => 'retrait.pointrelais',
'envoi_raison' => 'raison', 'colis_valeur' => 'colis.valeur', 'palette_valeur' => 'palette.valeur',
'encombrant_valeur' => 'encombrant.valeur', 'pli_valeur' => 'pli.valeur',
'colis_description' => 'colis.description', 'palette_description' => 'palette.description',
'encombrant_description' => 'encombrant.description', 'pli_description' => 'pli.description',
'assurance_emballage' => 'assurance.emballage', 'assurance_materiau' => 'assurance.materiau',
'assurance_protection' => '', 'assurance_fermeture' => 'assurance.fermeture'
* Mapping between POST values for delivery address.
* @access protected
* @var array
protected $post_dest_fields = array('dest_tel' => 'tel', 'dest_fname' => 'prenom', 'dest_lname' => 'nom',
'dest_add' => 'adresse', 'dest_code' => 'code_postal', 'dest_city' => 'ville', 'dest_email' => 'email',
'dest_company' => 'societe');
* Public constructor.
* @access public
* @param MySQL $model Database instance
* @return void
public function __construct($model)
$this->model = $model;
$planning = $this->model->getLastPlanning();
if (isset($planning['id_eopl'])) {
$this->planning_id = $planning['id_eopl'];
$this->orders = Tools::jsonDecode($planning['orders_eopl'], true);
$this->stats = Tools::jsonDecode($planning['stats_eopl'], true);
$this->errors = Tools::jsonDecode($planning['errors_eopl'], true);
$this->type = $planning['type_eopl'];
* Initialize the API Object for a make order
* @access private
* @return mixed : array with the quotation object and param used
private function getOrderObject()
require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/Env/WebService.php');
require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/Env/Quotation.php');
require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/envoimoinscher/includes/EnvoimoinscherHelper.php');
$order_object = array();
$helper = new EnvoimoinscherHelper();
////// generation of the quotation object //////
$cot_cl = new EnvQuotation(
'user' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_LOGIN'],
'pass' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_PASS'],
'key' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_KEY_' . $this->order_data['config']['EMC_ENV']]
$emc = Module::getInstanceByName('envoimoinscher');
$cot_cl->setPlatformParams($emc->ws_name, _PS_VERSION_, $emc->version);
$quot_info = array(
'delai' => 'aucun',
'code_contenu' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_NATURE'],
'module' => $this->prestashop_config['wsName'],
'version' => $this->prestashop_config['version'],
'type_emballage.emballage' => EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_WRAPPING'),
'partnership' => $this->model->getPartnership()
////// add the delivery and shipper address //////
'pays' => 'FR',
'code_postal' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_POSTALCODE'],
'ville' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_CITY'],
'type' => 'entreprise',
'societe' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_COMPANY'],
'adresse' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_ADDRESS'],
'civilite' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_CIV'],
'prenom' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_FNAME'],
'nom' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_LNAME'],
'email' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_MAIL'],
'tel' => EnvoimoinscherHelper::normalizeTelephone($this->order_data['config']['EMC_TEL']),
'infos' => $this->order_data['config']['EMC_COMPL']
$dest_type = $this->order_data['delivery']['type'];
if ((int)EnvoimoinscherModel::getConfig('EMC_INDI') == 1) {
$dest_type = 'particulier';
$dest_array = array(
'pays' => $this->order_data['delivery']['pays'],
'code_postal' => $this->order_data['delivery']['code_postal'],
'ville' => $this->order_data['delivery']['ville'],
'type' => $dest_type,
'adresse' => $this->order_data['delivery']['adresse'],
'civilite' => $this->order_data['delivery']['civilite'] == 'M.' ? 'M.' : 'Mme',
'prenom' => $this->order_data['delivery']['prenom'],
'nom' => $this->order_data['delivery']['nom'],
'email' => $this->order_data['delivery']['email'],
'societe' => $this->order_data['delivery']['societe'],
'tel' => EnvoimoinscherHelper::normalizeTelephone($this->order_data['delivery']['tel']),
'infos' => $this->order_data['delivery']['other']
foreach ($this->post_dest_fields as $field => $value) {
if (Tools::isSubmit($field)) {
if ($field == 'dest_tel') {
$dest_array[$value] = EnvoimoinscherHelper::normalizeTelephone(Tools::getValue($field));
} else {
$dest_array[$value] = Tools::getValue($field);
$cot_cl->setPerson('destinataire', $dest_array);
$order_object['tmp_del'] = $dest_array;
////// generate the quotation informations //////
$quot_info = array_merge($quot_info, $this->order_data['default']);
$quot_info['service'] = $this->offer_data['offer']['service']['code'];
$quot_info['operateur'] = $this->order_data['order'][0]['emc_operators_code_eo'];
$quot_info['collecte'] = $this->offer_data['offer']['collection']['date'];
if ($_POST) {
// add some complementary informations from _POST values
foreach ($_POST as $p => $post) {
if (isset($this->mapping[$p])) {
$quot_info[$this->mapping[$p]] = $post;
$quot_info['operateur'] = $this->order_data['order'][0]['emc_operators_code_eo'];
$quot_info['description'] = Tools::getValue($this->order_data['config']['EMC_TYPE'] . '_description');
$quot_info['valeur_declaree.valeur'] =
Tools::getValue($this->order_data['config']['EMC_TYPE'] . '_valeur');
$quot_info['valeur'] = Tools::getValue($this->order_data['config']['EMC_TYPE'] . '_valeur');
//$parcel_weight = (float)$_POST['weight'];
$quot_info['depot.pointrelais'] =
$this->order_data['order'][0]['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '-' . $quot_info['depot.pointrelais'];
$quot_info['retrait.pointrelais'] =
$this->order_data['order'][0]['emc_operators_code_eo'] . '-' . $quot_info['retrait.pointrelais'];
// set tracking key
$tracking_key = sha1($this->order_id . $helper->getValueToToken($quot_info) . Tools::getRemoteAddr() . time());
$url_params = '&key=' . $tracking_key . '&order=' . $this->order_id;
//$shop_domain = Tools::getShopDomain();
$url = Tools::getShopProtocol() . Tools::getHttpHost() . __PS_BASE_URI__ .
$quot_info['url_push'] = $url . $url_params;
$order_object['tmp_quote'] = $quot_info;
$order_object['tracking_key'] = $tracking_key;
////// generate the proforma if international //////
$order_object['tmp_proforma'] = array();
if ((Tools::getValue('proformaSend') == 1) || (!$_POST && $dest_array['pays'] != 'FR')) {
$proforma_post = array();
$proforma_weight = 0;
$i = 1;
foreach ($this->order_data['proforma'] as $item) {
$item['poids'] = (float)$item['poids'] - 0.01;
if (Tools::isSubmit('desc_en_' . $i)) {
$item['description_en'] = Tools::getValue('desc_en_' . $i);
if (Tools::isSubmit('desc_fr_' . $i)) {
$item['description_fr'] = Tools::getValue('desc_fr_' . $i);
$proforma_post[$i] = $item;
if ($proforma_post[$i]['poids'] <= 0) {
$proforma_post[$i]['poids'] = 0.001;
$proforma_post[$i]['poids'] = EnvoimoinscherHelper::normalizeToKg(
// $proforma_weight = already in kg (proformaPost is converted every time)
$proforma_weight = $proforma_weight + $proforma_post[$i]['poids'];
if ($proforma_weight > $this->order_data['productWeight']) {
$diff = $proforma_weight - $this->order_data['productWeight'];
$proforma_post[$i - 1]['poids'] = $proforma_post[$i - 1]['poids'] - $diff;
} elseif ($proforma_weight == $this->order_data['productWeight'])
$proforma_post[$i - 1]['poids'] = $proforma_post[$i - 1]['poids'] - 0.01;
$order_object['tmp_proforma'] = $proforma_post;
//$tmp_proforma = $proforma_post;
////// add the parcel data (size, weight etc) //////
$cot_cl->setType($this->order_data['config']['EMC_TYPE'], $this->order_data['parcels']);
$order_object['tmp_parcels'] = $this->order_data['parcels'];
$order_object['object'] = $cot_cl;
return $order_object;
* Send order request to EnvoiMoinsCher's API and insert the data into Prestashop database.
* @access public
* @param boolean $do_skip If true, makes modifies array with orders to send.
* @return boolean True for success, false otherwise.
public function doOrder($do_skip = true)
$emc = Module::getInstanceByName('envoimoinscher');
$cookie = $emc->getContext()->cookie;
$order_object = $this->getOrderObject();
// Set 20 seconds timeout
$order_passed = $order_object['object']->makeOrder($order_object['tmp_quote'], true);
$mass_order = false;
// if 'todo' exists, we send more than one order
if (isset($this->orders['todo']) && $do_skip) {
$mass_order = true;
// order was passed
if (!$order_object['object']->curl_error && !$order_object['object']->resp_error && $order_passed) {
$result = true;
$this->order_data['tracking_key'] = $order_object['tracking_key'];
$this->order_data['new_order_state'] = $this->order_data['config']['EMC_CMD'];
$this->order_data['employee'] = (int)$cookie->id_employee;
$this->model->insertOrder($this->order_id, $this->order_data, $order_object['object']->order, $_POST);
// increment 'ok'
if (!isset($this->stats['ok'])) {
$this->stats['ok'] = 0;
} else {// order did not passed
$result = false;
//if timeout
if ($order_object['object']->curl_errno == 28) {
$this->model->addPostData($this->order_id, array_merge(
array('order_id'=>$this->order_id,'date_order'=>date('Y:m:d H:i:s')),
), 'timeout');
$error_list = array();
if ($order_object['object']->curl_error_text != '') {
$error_list[] = $order_object['object']->curl_error_text;
foreach ($order_object['object']->resp_errors_list as $error) {
$error_list[] = $error['message'];
$this->model->insertOrderError($this->order_id, implode('', $error_list));
$this->errors[] = array('id' => $this->order_id, 'message' => implode('<br /> -', $error_list));
if (!$mass_order) {
$cookie->emc_error_txt = implode('', $error_list);
$cookie->emc_error_send = 1;
'['.$emc->l('ENVOIMOINSCHER').'] Une erreur pendant l\'envoi de la commande ' . $this->order_id . ' ' .
// increment errors
if (!isset($this->stats['errors'])) {
$this->stats['errors'] = 0;
$this->model->addPostData($this->order_id, array(
'delivery' => $order_object['tmp_del'],
'quote' => $order_object['tmp_quote'],
'parcels' => $order_object['tmp_parcels'],
'proforma' => $order_object['tmp_proforma'],
'emcErrorTxt' => $cookie->emc_error_txt,
'emcErrorSend' => $cookie->emc_error_send
if ($do_skip) {
return $result;
* Getters
* Get final result after sending checked orders.
* @access public
* @param string $format Returned format (array or json)
* @result mixed Array or JSON format returned to user
public function getFinalResult($format = 'array')
$result = array('stats' => $this->stats, 'errors' => $this->errors);
if ($format == 'json') {
return Tools::jsonEncode($result);
return $result;
* Returns actual id of treated order.
* @access public
* @return int Order id. If 0, no order is treated.
public function getOrderId()
return $this->order_id;
* Gets next order to treat.
* @access public
* @return int Order id. If 0, they are no more orders to treat.
public function getNextOrderId()
if (isset($this->orders['todo'][1])) {
return $this->orders['todo'][1];
return 0;
* Gets orders.
* @access public
* @return array Array with orders
public function getOrders()
return $this->orders;
* Gets stats.
* @access public
* @return array Stats array
public function getStats()
return $this->stats;
* Setters
* Sets informations about treated order.
* @access public
* @param array $order_data Order informations.
* @return void
public function setOrderData($order_data)
$this->order_data = $order_data;
* Sets offer informations. Offer data is used to get some mandatory informations as collection date
* which can be removed by the user.
* @access public
* @param array $offer_data Offer informations.
* @return void
public function setOfferData($offer_data)
$this->offer_data = $offer_data;
* Sets id of actual order.
* @access public
* @param int $order_id Id of order to treat. If 0, get the order id automatically.
* @return void
public function setOrderId($order_id = 0)
if ($order_id > 0) {
$this->order_id = $order_id;
} elseif ($order_id == 0 && count($this->orders['todo']) > 0) {
$this->order_id = $this->orders['todo'][0];
* Sets plugin informations (version, if Prestashop 1.3 installed etc.)
* @access public
* @param array $config Configuration data
* @return void
public function setPrestashopConfig($config)
$this->prestashop_config = $config;
* Skipping methods
* Skips order by $order_id. It's a public method because it can be called from outside.
* @access public
* @param int $order_id Order id to skip (was treated or will not be treated)
* @return void
public function skipOrder($order_id)
// order treated
$key = array_keys($this->orders['todo'], $order_id);
// remove from todo
// add to done
$this->orders['done'][] = $order_id;
$s = 0;
$orders_todo = array();
$todo_clone = $this->orders['todo'];
$keys = array_keys($this->orders['todo']);
foreach ($keys as $t) {
$orders_todo[$s] = $todo_clone[$t];
$this->orders['todo'] = $orders_todo;
* Increments skipped orders.
* @access public
* @return void
public function incrementSkipped()
* Init methods
* Construct orders list.
* @access public
* @param array $orders Orders array
* @param int $type Type of sending
* @return void
public function constructOrdersLists($orders, $type)
$this->model->makeNewPlanning($orders, $type);
* Updates orders list.
* @access public
* @return void
public function updateOrdersList()
'orders' => $this->orders,
'stats' => $this->stats,
'errors' => $this->errors
* Checkers
* Checks if we can do some more 'mass orders'.
* @access public
* @return bool True if we can send more, false otherwise.
public function doOtherOrders()
return isset($this->orders['todo']) && count($this->orders['todo']) > 0;
* Checks if 'mass orders' type is an 'error type' (orders from the last table).
* @access public
* @return bool True if is error type, false otherwise
public function isErrorType()
return $this->type == 3;
* Removes all planning data.
* @access public
* @return void
public function cleanOrders()