'mysql:dbname=versionecologique_old;host=;charset=UTF8', 'user' => 'root', 'pass' => '', ); $dbOld = new PDO($configOld['dsn'], $configOld['user'], $configOld['pass']); // New database $configNew = array( 'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname='._DB_NAME_.';host='._DB_SERVER_.';charset=UTF8', 'user' => _DB_USER_, 'pass' => _DB_PASSWD_, ); $dbNew = new PDO($configNew['dsn'], $configNew['user'], $configNew['pass']); // Get products id already imported $sql = "SELECT id_product AS id_product FROM ps_product"; $stmtNew = $dbNew->query($sql); if ($stmtNew->rowCount() == 0) { echo "No products ?\n"; exit; } else { while($item = $stmtNew->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $products[] = $item->id_product; } } // ps_image_type => type des images // Truncate $tables = array( 'ps_image', 'ps_image_lang', 'ps_image_shop', ); foreach($tables as $table) { $dbNew->query('TRUNCATE TABLE '.$table); } $image_ids = array(); // ps_image $table = 'ps_image'; $cols = array( 'id_image', 'id_product', 'position', 'cover', ); echo "Importing $table...\n"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE id_product IN (".join(',', $products).")"; $stmtOld = $dbOld->query($sql); if ($stmtOld->rowCount() == 0) { echo "No Results ?\n"; } else { try { // Construct SQL $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('; foreach ($cols as $c) { $sql.= '`'.$c.'`, '; } $sql = trim($sql); $sql = trim($sql, ','); $sql.= ') VALUES ('; foreach ($cols as $c) { $sql.= ':'.$c.', '; } $sql = trim($sql); $sql = trim($sql, ','); $sql.= ')'; // Start transaction $dbNew->beginTransaction(); $i = 0; while($item = $stmtOld->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $stmtImport = $dbNew->prepare($sql); foreach ($cols as $c) { $stmtImport->bindValue($c, $item->{$c}); } if ($stmtImport->execute() === false) { echo "Error on $table - $i\n"; exit; } $i++; $image_ids[] = $item->id_image; } if ($dbNew->commit() === false) { echo "Error on $table\n"; exit; } } catch(Exception $e) { $dbNew->rollBack(); echo "Error on $table\n"; exit; } echo $stmtOld->rowCount(). " / " . $i . "\n"; } echo "End of importing $table\n"; // Recreate images if (count($image_ids) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($image_ids as $id) { $image = new Image($id); $imageFilePath = $image->getPathForCreation().'.'.$image->image_format; $imageFileOld = realpath(__DIR__).'/../import_images/p/'.$image->getImgFolder().$id.'.'.$image->image_format; $result = ImageManager::resize($imageFileOld, $imageFilePath); $imagesTypes = ImageType::getImagesTypes('products'); foreach ($imagesTypes as $imageType) { $intResult = ImageManager::resize($imageFileOld, $imageFilePath.'-'.stripslashes($imageType['name']).'.'.$image->image_format, $imageType['width'], $imageType['height'], $image->image_format); $result = $result & $intResult; } if ($result === false) { echo "Error on image $id - $i/".count($image_ids)."\n"; exit; } $i++; echo $i."/".count($image_ids)."\n"; } } // ps_image_shop $table = 'ps_image_shop'; $cols = array( 'id_product', 'id_image', 'id_shop', 'cover', ); echo "Importing $table...\n"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE id_product IN (".join(',', $products).")"; $stmtOld = $dbOld->query($sql); if ($stmtOld->rowCount() == 0) { echo "No Results ?\n"; } else { try { // Construct SQL $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('; foreach ($cols as $c) { $sql.= '`'.$c.'`, '; } $sql = trim($sql); $sql = trim($sql, ','); $sql.= ') VALUES ('; foreach ($cols as $c) { $sql.= ':'.$c.', '; } $sql = trim($sql); $sql = trim($sql, ','); $sql.= ')'; // Start transaction $dbNew->beginTransaction(); $i = 0; while($item = $stmtOld->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $stmtImport = $dbNew->prepare($sql); foreach ($cols as $c) { $stmtImport->bindValue($c, $item->{$c}); } if ($stmtImport->execute() === false) { echo "Error on $table - $i\n"; exit; } $i++; } if ($dbNew->commit() === false) { echo "Error on $table\n"; exit; } } catch(Exception $e) { $dbNew->rollBack(); echo "Error on $table\n"; exit; } echo $stmtOld->rowCount(). " / " . $i . "\n"; } echo "End of importing $table\n"; // ps_image_lang $table = 'ps_image_lang'; $cols = array( 'id_image', 'id_lang', 'legend', ); echo "Importing $table...\n"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE id_image IN (".join(',', $image_ids).")"; $stmtOld = $dbOld->query($sql); if ($stmtOld->rowCount() == 0) { echo "No Results ?\n"; } else { try { // Construct SQL $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('; foreach ($cols as $c) { $sql.= '`'.$c.'`, '; } $sql = trim($sql); $sql = trim($sql, ','); $sql.= ') VALUES ('; foreach ($cols as $c) { $sql.= ':'.$c.', '; } $sql = trim($sql); $sql = trim($sql, ','); $sql.= ')'; // Start transaction $dbNew->beginTransaction(); $i = 0; while($item = $stmtOld->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $stmtImport = $dbNew->prepare($sql); foreach ($cols as $c) { $stmtImport->bindValue($c, $item->{$c}); } if ($stmtImport->execute() === false) { echo "Error on $table - $i\n"; exit; } $i++; $image_ids[] = $item->id_image; } if ($dbNew->commit() === false) { echo "Error on $table\n"; exit; } } catch(Exception $e) { $dbNew->rollBack(); echo "Error on $table\n"; exit; } echo $stmtOld->rowCount(). " / " . $i . "\n"; } echo "End of importing $table\n";