select( 'utilisateurs', 'id, login, email', "login='$user' AND password='$pwd' AND idClient=1 AND actif=1 AND deleted=0"); $_SESSION['userId']=$tabTmp[0]['id']; $_SESSION['userMail']=$tabTmp[0]['login']; if ( $_SESSION['userId'] ) {//&& $_SESSION['auth']) { $authorized = true; } } else { //if (isset($_GET["login"]) && (! $authorized)) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm="Login please"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); $_SESSION['auth'] = true; print('Login now or forever hold your clicks...'); exit; } if (!$authorized) { ?>

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$env) { $nomAncre='#n'.$idEnv; }} ?> Gestion des informations de la base de données

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'') { if ($_REQUEST['cj']==1) $strCJ=' AND e.cj BETWEEN 1000 AND 1999 '; elseif ($_REQUEST['cj']==5) $strCJ=' AND e.cj BETWEEN 5000 AND 5999 '; elseif ($_REQUEST['cj']==9) $strCJ=' AND e.cj BETWEEN 9000 AND 9999 '; elseif ($_REQUEST['cj']=='A') $strCJ=' AND ( e.cj BETWEEN 2000 AND 4999 OR e.cj BETWEEN 6000 AND 8999) '; elseif ($_REQUEST['cj']==0) $strCJ=''; } ?> select( 'annonces a, etablissements e', 'a.siren, a.dateSource, a.dateJugement, a.raisonSociale, a.adresse, a.codePostal, a.ville, a.typeEven, e.cj, e.rang', "(a.idSaisie>0 OR a.source='GC') AND a.siren=e.siren AND e.siege=1 $strCJ AND (a.typeEven LIKE '%1100%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1101%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1200%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1201%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1211%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1212%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1300%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1301%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1302%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1303%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1304%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1305%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1306%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1307%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1308%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1309%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1310%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1311%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1312%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1313%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1417%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1418%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1419%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1504%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1600%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1601%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1604%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1605%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1610%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1611%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1650%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1900%' OR a.typeEven LIKE '%1901%') GROUP BY a.DateJugement, a.siren, a.typeEven ORDER BY a.DateJugement DESC LIMIT 0,100",false,MYSQL_ASSOC); $iDb2=new WDB('insee'); foreach ($tabTmp as $tabAnn) { $tabTmp2=$iDb2->select( 'identite', 'SIREN, ACTIF, CJ, EFF_ENT, TEFF_ENT, TCA, APE_ENT', 'SIREN='.$tabAnn['siren'].' AND SIEGE=1 ORDER BY ACTIF DESC, NIC DESC LIMIT 0,1',false,MYSQL_ASSOC); if (isset($tabTmp2[0])) $iden=$tabTmp2[0]; else $iden=array(); $strSalaries=$iden['EFF_ENT']*1; if ($strSalaries>19) $bgcolor='#E2E0FC'; else $bgcolor='#E2EEFC'; if ($strSalaries>19) $strSalaries=''.$strSalaries.' salariés'; elseif ($strSalaries>1) $strSalaries.=' salariés'; elseif ($strSalaries==1) $strSalaries.=' salarié'; else $strSalaries=' '; echo "'; } ?>
Siren Date Parution Date Jugement Type Evènement raisonSociale Adresse codePostalSiege villeSiege activite Actif Insee Catégorie Juridique Effectif Insee Tranche CA Insee
".$tabAnn['siren'].''.$tabAnn['dateSource'].''.$tabAnn['dateJugement'].''.$iBodacc->getEvenement($tabAnn['typeEven']).' ('.$tabAnn['typeEven'].')'.$tabAnn['raisonSociale'].''.str_replace('|', '', $tabAnn['adresse']).''.$tabAnn['codePostal'].''.$tabAnn['ville'].''.$iden['APE_ENT'].''.$iden['ACTIF'].''.$iden['CJ']."$strSalaries".$iden['TCA'].'