2011-06-21 13:28:10 +00:00

405 lines
16 KiB

if (!isset($_SESSION["userselection"]) || !is_array($_SESSION["userselection"]) || $_GET["reset"]) {
$_SESSION["userselection"] = array();
$tables = array(
"attribute" => "attribute",
"user_attribute" => "user_attribute",
$GLOBALS["table_prefix"] = "phplist_";
if ($_GET["deleterule"]) {
$baseurl = PageURL2($_GET["page"].'&id='.$_GET["id"]);
# should move this to common library area
function parseDate($strdate,$format = 'Y-m-d') {
# parse a string date into a date
$strdate = trim($strdate);
if (strlen($strdate) < 6) {
$newvalue = 0;
} elseif (preg_match("#(\d{2,2}).(\d{2,2}).(\d{4,4})#",$strdate,$regs)) {
$newvalue = mktime(0,0,0,$regs[2],$regs[1],$regs[3]);
} elseif (preg_match("#(\d{4,4}).(\d{2,2}).(\d{2,2})#",$value,$regs)) {
$newvalue = mktime(0,0,0,$regs[3],$regs[1],$regs[1]);
} elseif (preg_match("#(\d{2,2}).(\w{3,3}).(\d{2,4})#",$value,$regs)) {
$newvalue = strtotime($value);
} elseif (preg_match("#(\d{2,4}).(\w{3,3}).(\d{2,2})#",$value,$regs)) {
$newvalue = strtotime($value);
} else {
$newvalue = strtotime($value);
if ($newvalue < 0) {
$newvalue = 0;
if ($newvalue) {
return date($format,$newvalue);
} else {
return "";
# new criteria system, add one by one:
if ($_POST["criteria_attribute"]) {
$operator = $_POST["criteria_operator"];
if (is_array($_POST["criteria_values"])) {
$values = join(", ",$_POST["criteria_values"]);
} else {
$values = $_POST["criteria_values"];
foreach ($_POST["attribute_names"] as $key => $val) {
$att_names[$key] = $val;
$newcriterion = array(
"attribute" => sprintf('%d',$_POST["criteria_attribute"]),
"attribute_name" => $att_names[$_POST["criteria_attribute"]],
"operator" => $operator,
"values" => $values,
# find out what number we are
$num = $_SESSION["userselection"]["num"];
if (!$num) $num = 1;
# store this one
# print $att_names[$_POST["criteria_attribute"]];
# print $_POST["attribute_names[".$_POST["criteria_attribute"]."]"];
print '<p class="information">Adding '.$newcriterion["attribute_name"]." ".$newcriterion["operator"]." ".$newcriterion["values"]."</p>";
$_SESSION["userselection"]["criterion$num"] = delimited($newcriterion);
# increase number
if (isset($_POST["criteria_match"])) {
$_SESSION["criteria_overall_operator"] = $_POST["criteria_match"];
$num = sprintf('%d',$_SESSION["userselection"]["num"]);
#print '<br/>'.$num . " criteria already defined";
$ls = new WebblerListing("Existing criteria");
$used_attributes = array();
$delete_base = sprintf('%s&amp;id=%d&amp;tab=%s',$_GET["page"],$_GET["id"],$_GET["tab"]);
$tc = 0; # table counter
$mainoperator = $_SESSION["criteria_overall_operator"] == "all"? ' and ':' or ';
for ($i = 1; $i<=$num;$i++) {
$crit_data = parseDelimitedData($_SESSION["userselection"]["criterion$i"]);
if ($crit_data["attribute"]) {
$attribute = $_POST["criteria"][$i];
# hmm, rather get is some other way, this is a bit unnecessary
$type = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select type from {$tables["attribute"]} where id = ".$crit_data["attribute"]);
$operator = "";
switch($type[0]) {
case "checkboxgroup":
if ($tc) {
$where_clause .= " $mainoperator ";
$select_clause .= " left join $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc on table0.userid = table$tc.userid ";
} else {
$select_clause = "table$tc.userid from $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc ";
$where_clause .= " ( table$tc.attributeid = ".$crit_data["attribute"]." and (";
if ($crit_data["operator"] == "is") {
$operator = ' or ';
$compare = ' > ';
} else {
$operator = ' and ';
$compare = ' < ';
foreach (explode(",",$crit_data["values"]) as $val) {
if (isset($or_clause)) {
$or_clause .= " $operator ";
$or_clause .= "find_in_set('$val',table$tc.value) $compare 0";
$where_clause .= $or_clause . ") ) ";
case "checkbox":
$value = $crit_data["values"][0];
if ($tc) {
$where_clause .= " $mainoperator ";
$select_clause .= " left join $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc on table0.userid = table$tc.userid ";
} else {
$select_clause = "table$tc.userid from $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc";
$where_clause .= " ( table$tc.attributeid = ".$crit_data["attribute"]." and ";
if ($crit_data["operator"] == "isnot") {
$where_clause .= ' not ';
if ($value) {
$where_clause .= "( length(table$tc.value) and table$tc.value != \"off\" and table$tc.value != \"0\") ";
} else {
$where_clause .= "( table$tc.value = \"\" or table$tc.value = \"0\" or table$tc.value = \"off\") ";
$where_clause .= ' ) ';
case "date":
$date_value = parseDate($crit_data["values"]);
if (!$date_value) {
if (isset($where_clause)) {
$where_clause .= " $mainoperator ";
$select_clause .= " left join $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc on table0.userid = table$tc.userid ";
} else {
$select_clause = " table$tc.userid from $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc ";
$where_clause .= ' ( table'.$tc.'.attributeid = '.$crit_data["attribute"].' and table'.$tc.'.value != "" and table'.$tc.'.value ';
switch ($crit_data["operator"]) {
case "is":
$where_clause .= ' = "'.$date_value . '" )';break;
case "isnot":
$where_clause .= ' != "'.$date_value . '" )';break;
case "isbefore":
$where_clause .= ' <= "'.$date_value . '" )';break;
case "isafter":
$where_clause .= ' >= "'.$date_value . '" )';break;
# $where_clause .= " )";
if (isset($where_clause)) {
$where_clause .= " $mainoperator ";
$select_clause .= " left join $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc on table0.userid = table$tc.userid ";
} else {
$select_clause = " table$tc.userid from $tables[user_attribute] as table$tc ";
$where_clause .= " ( table$tc.attributeid = ".$crit_data["attribute"]." and table$tc.value ";
if ($crit_data["operator"] == "isnot") {
$where_clause .= ' not in (';
} else {
$where_clause .= ' in (';
$where_clause .= $crit_data["values"] . ") )";
if ($num) {
$userselection_query = "select $select_clause where $where_clause";
# $count_query = addslashes($count_query);
if ($_GET["calculate"]) {
print "<h3>$userselection_query</h3>";
print '<p class="information">Calculating ...';
$req = Sql_Query($userselection_query);
print '.. '.Sql_Num_Rows($req). " users apply</p>";
$existing_criteria = $ls->display();
$att_js = '
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
var values = Array();
var operators = Array();
var value_divs = Array();
var value_default = Array();
if (sizeof($used_attributes)) {
$already_used = ' and id not in ('.join(',',$used_attributes).')';
} else {
$already_used = "";
$attreq = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where type in ("select","radio","date","checkboxgroup","checkbox") %s',$tables["attribute"],$already_used));
while ($att = Sql_Fetch_array($attreq)) {
$att_drop .= sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',
$num = Sql_Affected_Rows();
switch ($att["type"]) {
case "select":case "radio":case "checkboxgroup":
$att_js .= sprintf('value_divs[%d] = "criteria_values_select";'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('value_default[%d] = "";'."\n",$att["id"]);
$value_req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s order by listorder,name',$GLOBALS["table_prefix"]."listattr_".$att["tablename"]));
$num = Sql_Num_Rows($value_req);
$att_js .= sprintf('values[%d] = new Array(%d);'."\n",$att["id"],$num+1);
#$att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][0] = new Option("[choose]","0",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$c = 0;
while ($value = Sql_Fetch_Array($value_req)) {
$att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][%d] = new Option("%s","%d",false,false);'."\n",$att["id"],$c,$value["name"],$value["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d] = new Array(2);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][0] = new Option("IS","is",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][1] = new Option("IS NOT","isnot",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
case "checkbox":
$att_js .= sprintf('value_divs[%d] = "criteria_values_select";'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('value_default[%d] = "";'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('values[%d] = new Array(%d);'."\n",$att["id"],2);
$att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][0] = new Option("%s",0,false,true);'."\n",$att["id"],"Unchecked");
$att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][1] = new Option("%s",1,false,true);'."\n",$att["id"],"Checked");
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d] = new Array(2);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][0] = new Option("IS","is",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][1] = new Option("IS NOT","isnot",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
case "date":
$att_js .= sprintf('value_divs[%d] = "criteria_values_text";'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('value_default[%d] = "dd-mm-yyyy";'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('values[%d] = new Array(%d);'."\n",$att["id"],1);
$att_js .= sprintf('values[%d][%d] = new Option("%s","%d",false,false);'."\n",$att["id"],$c,"Date","dd-mm-yyyy");
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d] = new Array(4);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][0] = new Option("IS","is",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][1] = new Option("IS NOT","isnot",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][2] = new Option("IS BEFORE","isbefore",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= sprintf('operators[%d][3] = new Option("IS AFTER","isafter",false,true);'."\n",$att["id"]);
$att_js .= '
var browser = navigator.appName.substring ( 0, 9 );
var warned = browser != "Microsoft";
function findEl(name) {
var div;
if (document.getElementById){
div = document.getElementById(name);
} else if (document.all){
div = document.all[name];
return div;
function changeDropDowns() {
var choice = document.userselection.criteria_attribute.options[document.userselection.criteria_attribute.selectedIndex].value;
if (choice == "")
if (!warned) {
alert("Warning, this functionality is buggy and unreliable with IE.\nIt will be better to use Mozilla, Firefox or Opera");
warned = 1;
var value_el_select = findEl("criteria_values_select");
var value_el_text = findEl("criteria_values_text");
for (i=0;i<value_el_select.length;) {
value_el_select.options[i] = null;
for (i=0;i<values[choice].length;i++) {
value_el_select.options[i] = values[choice][i];
value_el_select.selectedIndex = 0;
value_el_text.value = value_default[choice];
for (i=0;i<document.userselection.criteria_operator.length;) {
document.userselection.criteria_operator.options[i] = null;
for (i=0;i<operators[choice].length;i++) {
document.userselection.criteria_operator.options[i] = operators[choice][i];
document.userselection.criteria_operator.selectedIndex = 0;
var div1 = findEl("criteria_values_select");
var div2 = findEl("criteria_values_text");
var div3 = findEl(value_divs[choice]); = "hidden"; = "hidden"; = "visible";
$att_drop = '<select name="criteria_attribute" onchange="changeDropDowns()" class="criteria_element" >';
$att_drop .= '<option value="">[select attribute]</option>';
$att_names = '';# to remember them later
$attreq = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where type in ("select","radio","date","checkboxgroup","checkbox") %s',$tables["attribute"],$already_used));
while ($att = Sql_Fetch_array($attreq)) {
$att_drop .= sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',
$att["id"],"",substr(stripslashes($att["name"]),0,30).' ('.$att["type"].')');
$att_names .= sprintf('<input type=hidden name="attribute_names[%d]" value="%s" />',$att["id"],stripslashes($att["name"]));
$att_drop .= '</select>'.$att_names;
$operator_drop = '
<select name="criteria_operator" class="criteria_element" >
<option value="is">IS</option>
<option value="isnot">IS NOT</option>
<option value="gt">IS GREATER THAN</option>
<option value="lt">IS LESS THAN</option>
<option value="before">IS BEFORE</option>
<option value="after">IS AFTER</option>
$values_drop = '
<style type="text/css">
#criteria_values_select {
visibility : hidden;
background-color: #ffffff;
#criteria_values_select > option {
background-color: #ffffff;
#criteria_values_text {
visibility : hidden;
span.values_span {
vertical-align: top;
display: block;
input.criteria_element {
vertical-align: top;
select.criteria_element {
vertical-align: top;
$values_drop .= '<span id="values_span" class="values_span">';
$values_drop .= '<input class="criteria_element" name="criteria_values" id="criteria_values_text" size="15" type="text"/>';
# $values_drop .= '</span>';
# $values_drop .= '<span id="values_select">';
$values_drop .= '<select class="criteria_element" name="criteria_values[]" id="criteria_values_select" multiple size="10"></select>';
$values_drop .= '</span>';
$existing_overall_operator = $_SESSION["criteria_overall_operator"] == "any" ? "any":"all";
$criteria_overall_operator =
sprintf('Match all of these rules <input type="radio" name="criteria_match" value="all" %s />
Match any of these rules <input type="radio" name="criteria_match" value="any" %s />',
$existing_overall_operator == "all"? 'checked="checked"':'',$existing_overall_operator == "any"? 'checked="checked"':'');
$criteria_styles = '
<style type="text/css">
div.criteria_container {
/*border: 1px solid black;
background-color: #ffeeee;*/
width: 100%;
z-index: 8;
span.criteria_element {
vertical-align: top;
display: inline;
$criteria_content = $criteria_overall_operator.$existing_criteria.$criteria_styles.$att_js.
'<div class="criteria_container">'.
'<span class="criteria_element">'.$att_drop.'</span>'.
'<span class="criteria_element">'.$operator_drop.'</span>'.
'<span class="criteria_element">'.$values_drop.'</span>'.
'<span class="criteria_element"><input type="submit" name="save" value="Add Criterion" /></span>';
print '<form name="userselection" method="post">';
print $criteria_content;
print '</form>';