1181 lines
45 KiB
1181 lines
45 KiB
if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../VERSION')) {
$fd = fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../VERSION', "r");
while ($line = fscanf($fd, "%[a-zA-Z0-9,. ]=%[a-zA-Z0-9,. ]")) {
list ($key, $val) = $line;
if ($key == "VERSION")
$version = $val . "-";
} else {
$version = "dev";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/commonlib/lib/userlib.php";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/pluginlib.php";
# set some variables
if (!isset ($_GET["pi"]))
$_GET["pi"] = "";
# make sure magic quotes are on. Try to switch it on, this may fail
ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", "on");
$GLOBALS["img_tick"] = '<img src="images/tick.gif" alt="Yes">';
$GLOBALS["img_cross"] = '<img src="images/cross.gif" alt="No">';
# if keys need expanding with 0-s
$checkboxgroup_storesize = 1; # this will allow 10000 options for checkboxes
# identify pages that can be run on commandline
$commandline_pages = array (
if (isset ($message_envelope))
$envelope = "-f$message_envelope";
$database_connection = Sql_Connect($database_host, $database_user, $database_password, $database_name);
if (!empty ($GLOBALS["SessionTableName"])) {
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/sessionlib.php";
if (!isset ($table_prefix))
$table_prefix = "";
if (!isset ($usertable_prefix))
$usertable_prefix = $table_prefix;
$tables = array (
"user" => $usertable_prefix . "user",
"user_history" => $usertable_prefix . "user_history",
"list" => $table_prefix . "list",
"listuser" => $table_prefix . "listuser",
"user_blacklist" => $table_prefix . "user_blacklist",
"user_blacklist_data" => $table_prefix . "user_blacklist_data",
"message" => $table_prefix . "message",
"messagedata" => $table_prefix . "messagedata",
"listmessage" => $table_prefix . "listmessage",
"usermessage" => $table_prefix . "usermessage",
"attribute" => $usertable_prefix . "attribute",
"user_attribute" => $usertable_prefix . "user_attribute",
"sendprocess" => $table_prefix . "sendprocess",
"template" => $table_prefix . "template",
"templateimage" => $table_prefix . "templateimage",
"bounce" => $table_prefix . "bounce",
"user_message_bounce" => $table_prefix . "user_message_bounce",
"user_message_forward" => $table_prefix . 'user_message_forward',
"config" => $table_prefix . "config",
"admin" => $table_prefix . "admin",
"adminattribute" => $table_prefix . "adminattribute",
"admin_attribute" => $table_prefix . "admin_attribute",
"admin_task" => $table_prefix . "admin_task",
"task" => $table_prefix . "task",
"subscribepage" => $table_prefix . "subscribepage",
"subscribepage_data" => $table_prefix . "subscribepage_data",
"eventlog" => $table_prefix . "eventlog",
"attachment" => $table_prefix . "attachment",
"message_attachment" => $table_prefix . "message_attachment",
"rssitem" => $table_prefix . "rssitem",
"rssitem_data" => $table_prefix . "rssitem_data",
"user_rss" => $table_prefix . "user_rss",
"rssitem_user" => $table_prefix . "rssitem_user",
"listrss" => $table_prefix . "listrss",
"urlcache" => $table_prefix . "urlcache",
'linktrack' => $table_prefix . 'linktrack',
'linktrack_userclick' => $table_prefix . 'linktrack_userclick',
'userstats' => $table_prefix . 'userstats',
'bounceregex' => $table_prefix . 'bounceregex',
'bounceregex_bounce' => $table_prefix . 'bounceregex_bounce',
$domain = getConfig("domain");
$website = getConfig("website");
$xormask = getConfig('xormask');
if (!$xormask) {
$xormask = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
SaveConfig("xormask", $xormask, 0, 1);
define('XORmask', $xormask);
$GLOBALS['rssfrequencies'] = array (
# "hourly" => $strHourly, # to be added at some other point
"daily" => $strDaily,
"weekly" => $strWeekly,
"monthly" => $strMonthly
$redfont = "<font color=\"red\">";
$efont = "</font>";
$GLOBALS["coderoot"] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
$GLOBALS["mail_error"] = "";
$GLOBALS["mail_error_count"] = 0;
function SaveConfig($item, $value, $editable = 1, $ignore_errors = 0) {
global $tables;
if ($value == "false" || $value == "no") {
$value = 0;
} else
if ($value == "true" || $value == "yes") {
$value = 1;
Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (item,value,editable) values("%s","%s",%d)', $tables["config"], $item, addslashes($value), $editable), $ignore_errors);
We request you retain the $PoweredBy variable including the links.
This not only gives respect to the large amount of time given freely
by the developers but also helps build interest, traffic and use of
PHPlist, which is beneficial to it's future development.
You can configure your PoweredBy options in your config file
Michiel Dethmers, Tincan Ltd 2001,2004
if (ereg("dev", VERSION))
$v = "dev";
$PoweredByImage = '<p align=left><a href="http://www.phplist.com"><img src="http://phplist.tincan.co.uk/images/' . $v . '/power-phplist.png" width=70 height=30 title="Powered by PHPlist version ' . $v . ', © tincan ltd" alt="Powered by PHPlist' . $v . ', © tincan ltd" border="0"></a></p>';
} else {
$PoweredByImage = '<p align=left><a href="http://www.phplist.com"><img src="images/power-phplist.png" width=70 height=30 title="Powered by PHPlist version ' . $v . ', © tincan ltd" alt="Powered by PHPlist' . $v . ', © tincan ltd" border="0"></a></p>';
$PoweredByText = '
<style type="text/css"><!--
.poweredphplist {font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif;font-size : 10px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight : normal; padding: 2px; padding-left:20px;}
a:visited.poweredphplist {font-family: Arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size : 10px; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight : normal; color : #666666; text-align : center; text-decoration : none; padding: 2px;}
a:hover.poweredphplist {color : #7D7B7B;}
<span class="poweredphplist">powered by <a href="http://www.phplist.com" class="poweredphplist" target="_blank">phplist</a> v ' . $v . ', © <a href="http://tincan.co.uk/powered" target="_blank" class="poweredphplist">tincan ltd</a></span>';
if (!TEST && REGISTER) {
$PoweredBy = $PoweredByImage;
} else {
$PoweredBy = $PoweredByText;
} else {
$PoweredBy = $PoweredByImage;
} else {
$PoweredBy = $PoweredByText;
# some other configuration variables, which need less tweaking
# number of users to show per page if there are more
define("MAX_USER_PP", 50);
define("MAX_MSG_PP", 5);
function formStart($additional = "") {
global $form_action, $page, $p;
# depending on server software we can post to the directory, or need to pass on the page
if ($form_action) {
$html = sprintf('<form method=post action="%s" %s>', $form_action, $additional);
# retain all get variables as hidden ones
foreach (array (
) as $key) {
$val = $_REQUEST[$key];
if ($val)
$html .= sprintf('<input type=hidden name="%s" value="%s">', $key, $val);
} else
$html = sprintf('<form method=post %s>', $additional);
/* $html = sprintf('<form method=post action="./" %s>
%s',$additional,isset($page) ?
'<input type=hidden name="page" value="'.$page.'">':(
isset($p)?'<input type=hidden name="p" value="'.$p.'">':"")
return $html;
function checkAccess($page) {
global $tables;
if (!$GLOBALS["require_login"] || isSuperUser())
return 1;
# check whether it Is a page to protect
Sql_Query("select id from {$tables["task"]} where page = \"$page\"");
if (!Sql_Affected_Rows())
return 1;
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select level from %s,%s where adminid = %d and page = "%s" and %s.taskid = %s.id', $tables["task"], $tables["admin_task"], $_SESSION["logindetails"]["id"], $page, $tables["admin_task"], $tables["task"]));
$row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req);
if (!$row[0])
return 0;
return 1;
function sendReport($subject, $message) {
$report_addresses = explode(",", getConfig("report_address"));
foreach ($report_addresses as $address) {
sendMail($address, $GLOBALS["installation_name"] . " " . $subject, $message);
function sendMessageStats($msgid) {
global $stats_collection_address, $tables;
$msg = '';
if (!isset ($stats_collection_address)) {
$stats_collection_address = 'phplist-stats@tincan.co.uk';
$data = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $tables["message"], $msgid));
$msg .= "PHPlist version " . VERSION . "\n";
$diff = timeDiff($data["sendstart"], $data["sent"]);
if ($data["id"] && $data["processed"] > 10 && $diff != "very little time") {
$msg .= "\n" . 'Time taken: ' . $diff;
foreach (array (
) as $item) {
$msg .= "\n" . $item . ' => ' . $data[$item];
if ($stats_collection_address == 'phplist-stats@tincan.co.uk' && $data["processed"] > 500) {
mail($stats_collection_address, "PHPlist stats", $msg);
} else {
mail($stats_collection_address, "PHPlist stats", $msg);
function normalize($var) {
$var = str_replace(" ", "_", $var);
$var = str_replace(";", "", $var);
return $var;
function ClineSignature() {
return "PHPlist version " . VERSION . " (c) 2000-" . date("Y") . " Tincan Ltd, http://www.phplist.com\n";
function ClineError($msg) {
print ClineSignature();
print "\nError: $msg\n";
function clineUsage($line = "") {
# if (!ereg("dev",VERSION))
print clineSignature();
print "Usage: " . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] . " -p page $line\n\n";
function Error($msg) {
if ($GLOBALS["commandline"]) {
print '<div class="error" align=center>' . $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get("error") . ": $msg </div>";
$GLOBALS["mail_error"] .= 'Error: ' . $msg . "\n";
if (is_array($_POST) && sizeof($_POST)) {
$GLOBALS["mail_error"] .= "\nPost vars:\n";
while (list ($key, $val) = each($_POST)) {
if ($key != "password")
$GLOBALS["mail_error"] .= $key . "=" . $val . "\n";
$GLOBALS["mail_error"] .= "password=********\n";
function clean($value) {
$value = trim($value);
$value = ereg_replace("\r", "", $value);
$value = ereg_replace("\n", "", $value);
$value = ereg_replace('"', """, $value);
$value = ereg_replace("'", "’", $value);
$value = ereg_replace("`", "‘", $value);
$value = stripslashes($value);
return $value;
function join_clean($sep, $array) {
# join values without leaving a , at the end
$arr2 = array ();
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
if ($val) {
$arr2[$key] = $val;
return join($sep, $arr2);
function Fatal_Error($msg) {
if (isset ($GLOBALS['I18N']) && is_object($GLOBALS['I18N'])) {
print '<div align="center" class="error">' . $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get("fatalerror") . ": $msg </div>";
} else {
print '<div align="center" class="error">' . "Fatal Error: $msg </div>";
$message = '
An error has occurred in the Mailinglist System
Error: ' . $msg;
if (function_exists("sendMail")) {
sendMail(getConfig("report_address"), "Mail list error", $message, "");
# include "footer.inc";
# exit;
return 0;
function Warn($msg) {
print '<div align=center class="error">' . $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get("warning") . ": $msg </div>";
$message = '
An warning has occurred in the Mailinglist System
' . $msg;
# sendMail(getConfig("report_address"),"Mail list warning",$message,"");
function Info($msg) {
print '<center><table border=1><tr><td class="error">' . $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get("information") . ": $msg </td></tr></table></center>";
$main_menu = array (
"configure" => "Configure",
"community" => "Help",
"about" => "About",
"div1" => "<hr />",
"list" => "Lists",
"send" => "Send a message",
"users" => "Users",
"usermgt" => "Manage Users",
"spage" => "Subscribe Pages",
"messages" => "Messages",
'statsmgt' => 'Statistics',
"div2" => "<hr />",
"templates" => "Templates",
"preparesend" => "Prepare a message",
"sendprepared" => "Send a prepared message",
"processqueue" => "Process Queue",
"processbounces" => "Process Bounces",
"bouncemgt" => 'Manage Bounces',
"bounces" => "View Bounces",
"eventlog" => "Eventlog"
function newMenu() {
if (isset ($GLOBALS["firsttime"])) {
unset ($GLOBALS["main_menu"]['statsmgt']);
$spb = '<span class="menulinkleft">';
$spe = '</span>';
$nm = strtolower(NAME);
if ($nm != "phplist") {
$GLOBALS["main_menu"]["community"] = "";
$GLOBALS["main_menu"]["bounces"] = "";
$GLOBALS["main_menu"]["processbounces"] = "";
} else {
$GLOBALS["main_menu"]["bouncemgt"] = '';
if ($GLOBALS["require_login"] && (!isset ($_SESSION["adminloggedin"]) || !$_SESSION["adminloggedin"]))
return $spb . PageLink2('home', $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get('Main Page')) . '<br />' . $spe . $spb . PageLink2('about', $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get('about') . ' phplist') . '<br />' . $spe;
$access = accessLevel("spage");
switch ($access) {
case "owner" :
$subselect = sprintf(' where owner = %d', $_SESSION["logindetails"]["id"]);
case "all" :
case "view" :
$subselect = "";
case "none" :
default :
$subselect = " where id = 0";
$pixel = '<img src="http://phplist.tincan.co.uk/images/pixel.gif" width=1 height=1>';
$pixel = "";
global $tables;
$html = "";
if ($GLOBALS["require_login"])
$html .= $spb . PageLink2("logout", $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get("logout")) . '<br />' . $spe;
$_GET["pi"] = '';
$html .= $spb . PageLink2("home", $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get("Main Page")) . $spe;
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s %s',$tables["subscribepage"],$subselect));
$spages = array();
if (Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
$spages["div1"] = $GLOBALS["strSubscribeTitle"];
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
$spages[sprintf('%s&id=%d',getConfig("subscribeurl"),$row["id"])] = $row["title"];
$url = getConfig("unsubscribeurl");
if ($url)
$spages[$url] = 'Unsubscribe';
} else {
# $html .= $spb.sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>',getConfig("subscribeurl"),$GLOBALS["strSubscribeTitle"]).$spe;
$spages["spage"] = "Create Subscribe Pages";
if ($tables["attribute"] && Sql_Table_Exists($tables["attribute"])) {
$attrmenu = array();
$res = Sql_Query("select * from {$tables['attribute']}",1);
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_array($res)) {
if ($row["type"] != "checkbox" && $row["type"] != "textarea" && $row["type"] != "textline" && $row["type"] != "hidden")
$attrmenu["editattributes&id=".$row["id"]] = strip_tags($row["name"]);
foreach ($GLOBALS["main_menu"] as $page => $desc) {
$link = PageLink2($page, $GLOBALS["I18N"]->get($desc));
if ($link) {
if ($page == "preparesend" || $page == "sendprepared") {
$html .= $spb . $link . $spe;
} else {
$html .= $spb . $link . $spe;
if (sizeof($GLOBALS["plugins"])) {
$html .= $spb . "<hr/>" . $spe;
foreach ($GLOBALS["plugins"] as $pluginName => $plugin) {
$pluginDesc = $plugin->name;
$html .= $spb . PageLink2("main&pi=$pluginName", $pluginDesc) . $spe;
return $html . $pixel;
function PageLink2($name, $desc = "", $url = "") {
if ($url)
$url = "&" . $url;
$access = accessLevel($name);
if ($access == "owner" || $access == "all" || $access == "view") {
if ($name == "processqueue" && !MANUALLY_PROCESS_QUEUE)
return ""; #'<!-- '.$desc.'-->';
elseif ($name == "processbounces" && !MANUALLY_PROCESS_BOUNCES) return ""; #'<!-- '.$desc.'-->';
else {
if (!preg_match("/&pi=/i", $name) && $_GET["pi"] && is_object($GLOBALS["plugins"][$_GET["pi"]])) {
$pi = '&pi=' . $_GET["pi"];
} else {
$pi = "";
return sprintf('<a href="./?page=%s%s%s">%s</a>', $name, $url, $pi, strtolower($desc));
} else
return "";
# return "\n<!--$name disabled $access -->\n";
# return "\n$name disabled $access\n";
function SidebarLink($name, $desc, $url = "") {
if ($url)
$url = "&" . $url;
$access = accessLevel($name);
if ($access == "owner" || $access == "all") {
if ($name == "processqueue" && !MANUALLY_PROCESS_QUEUE)
return '<!-- ' . $desc . '-->';
elseif ($name == "processbounces" && !MANUALLY_PROCESS_BOUNCES) return '<!-- ' . $desc . '-->';
return sprintf('<a href="./?page=%s%s" target="phplistwindow">%s</a>', $name, $url, strtolower($desc));
} else
return "\n<!--$name disabled $access -->\n";
# return "\n$name disabled $access\n";
function PageURL2($name, $desc = "", $url = "") {
if ($url)
$url = "&" . $url;
if (!preg_match("/&pi=/i", $name) && $_GET["pi"] && is_object($GLOBALS["plugins"][$_GET["pi"]])) {
$pi = '&pi=' . $_GET["pi"];
} else {
$pi = "";
return sprintf('./?page=%s%s%s', $name, $url, $pi);
function Redirect($page) {
$website = getConfig("website");
Header("Location: " . $GLOBALS['scheme'] . "://" . $website . $GLOBALS["adminpages"] . "/?page=$page");
function formatBytes($value) {
$gb = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
$mb = 1024 * 1024;
$kb = 1024;
$gbs = $value / $gb;
if ($gbs > 1)
return sprintf('%2.2fGb', $gbs);
$mbs = $value / $mb;
if ($mbs > 1)
return sprintf('%2.2fMb', $mbs);
$kbs = $value / $kb;
if ($kbs > 1)
return sprintf('%dKb', $kbs);
return sprintf('%dBytes', $value);
# I would prefer not to use this version, as it is very heavy on memory, loading the content
# of an entire table in memory, which tends to fail, but the other one (below) is not
# always available, hmm
function upgradeTableOld($table, $tablestructure) {
$columns = array ();
$records = array ();
$cols = Sql_Query("show columns from $table");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($cols))
array_push($columns, $row[0]);
$recs = Sql_Query("select * from $table");
while ($data = Sql_Fetch_Array($recs)) {
$rec = array ();
foreach ($columns as $column)
$rec[$column] = $data[$column];
# this is likely to require some memory, do we need to intercept that?
# hmm
array_push($records, $rec);
Sql_Query("drop table $table");
Sql_Create_table($table, $tablestructure);
foreach ($records as $record) {
# while (list($key,$val) = each ($record))
# print "$key => $val<br>\n";
$collist = "";
$vallist = "";
while (list ($column, $value) = each($tablestructure)) {
if ($column != "primary key" && $column != "unique") {
$collist .= "$column,";
$vallist .= sprintf('"%s",', addslashes($record[$column]));
$collist = substr($collist, 0, -1);
$vallist = substr($vallist, 0, -1);
$query = "replace into $table ($collist) values($vallist)";
# This one is a bit better, as it writes data to file instead of memory, but
# its not brilliant
function upgradeTable($table, $tablestructure) {
global $tmpdir;
$columns = array ();
$records = array ();
$fname = tempnam($tmpdir, "");
$fp = fopen($fname, "w");
if (Sql_Table_Exists($table)) {
$cols = Sql_Query("show columns from $table");
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($cols))
array_push($columns, $row[0]);
#$fp = tmpfile();
# print "Writing tempfile $fname<br>";
$recs = Sql_Query("select * from $table");
while ($data = Sql_Fetch_Array($recs)) {
foreach ($columns as $column) {
fwrite($fp, "$column:" . base64_encode($data[$column]) . "\n");
fwrite($fp, "--\n");
Sql_Query("drop table if exists $table");
Sql_Create_table($table, $tablestructure);
$fp = fopen($fname, "r");
if (!$fp) {
return 0;
# print "Reading tempfile<br>";
while (!feof($fp)) {
# read one record
$buffer = "";
$record = array ();
$buffer = fgets($fp, 4096);
while (!feof($fp) && !ereg("^--", $buffer)) {
list ($column, $value) = explode(":", $buffer);
if ($column && $value)
$record[$column] = base64_decode($value);
$buffer = fgets($fp, 4096);
$collist = "";
$vallist = "";
if (sizeof($record)) {
while (list ($column, $value) = each($tablestructure)) {
if ($column != "primary key" && $column != "unique") {
$collist .= "$column,";
$vallist .= sprintf('"%s",', addslashes($record[$column]));
$collist = substr($collist, 0, -1);
$vallist = substr($vallist, 0, -1);
$query = "replace into $table ($collist) values($vallist)";
# print $query . "<br>";
if (!Sql_Query($query)) {
return 0;
return 1;
# this version can only be used with the right permissions, which are generally not
# available by default, so for now they are disabled
function upgradeTable2($table, $tablestructure) {
global $tmpdir;
$filename = "phpupgrade.tmp";
if (is_file("$tmpdir/$filename"))
if (Sql_Verbose_Query("select * from $table into outfile '$tmpdir/$filename'")) {
Sql_Query("drop table $table");
Sql_Create_table($table, $tablestructure);
Sql_Query("load data infile '$tmpdir/$filename' into $table IGNORE");
} else {
print '<p>Error: Cannot dump old database tables. Please make sure you have the correct Database and File permissions.</p>
<p>Required permissions are:
<li>Mysql "alter" and "file" permission on your database</li>
<li>Write permission in ' . $tmpdir . '</li>
if (is_file("$tmpdir/$filename"))
function Help($topic, $text = '?') {
return sprintf('<a href="javascript:help(\'help/?topic=%s\')">%s</a>', $topic, $text);
# Debugging system, needs $debug = TRUE and $verbose = TRUE or $debug_log = {path} in config.php
# Hint: When using log make sure the file gets write permissions
function dbg($variable, $description = 'Value', $nestingLevel = 0) {
// smartDebug($variable, $description, $nestingLevel); //TODO Fix before release!
// return;
global $config;
# if (!$config["debug"])
# $er = error_reporting(0);
if (ini_get("safe_mode"))
if (isset($config["debug"]) && !$config["debug"])
if (isset($config["verbose"]) && $config["verbose"])
print "\n".'<font class="debug">DBG: '.$msg.'</font><br>'."\n";
elseif (isset($config["debug_log"]) && $config["debug_log"]) {
$fp = @fopen($config["debug_log"],"a");
$line = "[".date("d M Y, H:i:s")."] ".getenv("REQUEST_URI").'('.$config["stats"]["number_of_queries"].") $msg \n";
# $fp = fopen($config["sql_log"],"a");
# fwrite($fp,"$line");
# fclose($fp);
} else {
# Fatal_Error("Debugging not configured properly");
# error_reporting($er);
#TODO make an object!
#TODO dump to floating frame
#TODO dump to logfile if not in devmode
#TODO colapsable output
static $sDebugResult;
function addDebug($msg) {
global $sDebugResult;
$sDebugResult = $sDebugResult . "\n" . $msg;
Needs these styles:
#dbg {
background-color: #ffc;
background-image: none;
cursor: pointer;
display: block;
font-size: x-small;
text-align: left;
#dbg ul{
border:1px solid #a0a0a0;
function smartDebug($variable, $description = 'Value', $nestingLevel = 0) {
# WARNING recursive
$nestingLevelMax = 1;
if ($nestingLevel < 1) {
$aBackTrace = debug_backtrace();
$iIndex = count($aBackTrace) - 1;
addDebug(sprintf("<ul>\n<li>{%s#%d:%s()} ",
addDebug("<i>$description</i>: ");
if (is_array($variable) || is_object($variable)) {
if (is_array($variable)) {
addDebug("(array)[" . count($variable) . "]");
} else {
addDebug("<B>(object)</B>[" . count($variable) . "]");
addDebug("<ul type='circle' style='border:1px solid #a0a0a0;padding-bottom:4px;padding-right:4px'>\n");
foreach ($variable as $key => $value) {
if ($nestingLevel > $nestingLevelMax) {
// output ( "Nesting level $nestingLevel reached.\n" );
} else {
addDebug("<li>\"{$key}\" => ");
smartDebug($value, '', $nestingLevel ? $nestingLevel + 1 : 1);
} else
addDebug("(" . gettype($variable) . ") '{$variable}'\n");
if (!$nestingLevel)
if ( (isset($debug_delay) && $debug_delay) && $nestingLevel == -1 || $nestingLevel == 0 ) {
global $sDebugResult;
echo '<div id="dbg">' . $sDebugResult . '</div>';
$sDebugResult = '';
function PageData($id) {
global $tables;
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $tables["subscribepage_data"], $id));
if (!Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
$data = array ();
$data["header"] = getConfig("pageheader");
$data["footer"] = getConfig("pagefooter");
$data["button"] = 'Subscribe';
$data['attributes'] = '';
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s order by listorder', $GLOBALS['tables']['attribute']));
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
$data['attributes'] .= $row['id'] . '+';
$data[sprintf('attribute%03d', $row['id'])] = '';
foreach (array (
) as $key) {
$data[sprintf('attribute%03d', $row['id'])] .= $row[$key] . '###';
$data['attributes'] = substr($data['attributes'], 0, -1);
$data['htmlchoice'] = 'checkforhtml';
$lists = array ();
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where active order by listorder', $GLOBALS['tables']['list']));
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
array_push($lists, $row['id']);
$data['lists'] = join(',', $lists);
$data['intro'] = $GLOBALS['strSubscribeInfo'];
$data['emaildoubleentry'] = 'yes';
$data['rssdefault'] = 'daily';
$data['thankyoupage'] = '';
$data['rssintro'] = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Please indicate how often you want to receive messages');
$data['rss'] = join(',', array_keys($GLOBALS['rssfrequencies']));
return $data;
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
$data[$row["name"]] = preg_replace('/<\?=VERSION\?>/i', VERSION, $row["data"]);
if (!isset ($data['lists']))
$data['lists'] = '';
if (!isset ($data['emaildoubleentry']))
$data['emaildoubleentry'] = '';
if (!isset ($data['rssdefault']))
$data['rssdefault'] = '';
if (!isset ($data['rssintro']))
$data['rssintro'] = '';
if (!isset ($data['rss']))
$data['rss'] = '';
if (!isset ($data['lists']))
$data['lists'] = '';
return $data;
function PageAttributes($data) {
$attributes = explode('+', $data["attributes"]);
$attributedata = array ();
if (is_array($attributes)) {
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
if (isset ($data[sprintf('attribute%03d', $attribute)])) {
list ($attributedata[$attribute]["id"], $attributedata[$attribute]["default_value"], $attributedata[$attribute]["listorder"], $attributedata[$attribute]["required"]) = explode('###', $data[sprintf('attribute%03d', $attribute)]);
if (!isset ($sorted) || !is_array($sorted)) {
$sorted = array ();
$sorted[$attributedata[$attribute]["id"]] = $attributedata[$attribute]["listorder"];
if (isset ($sorted) && is_array($sorted)) {
$attributes = $sorted;
return array (
function parseDate($strdate, $format = 'Y-m-d') {
# parse a string date into a date
$strdate = trim($strdate);
if (strlen($strdate) < 6) {
$newvalue = 0;
elseif (preg_match("#(\d{2,2}).(\d{2,2}).(\d{4,4})#", $strdate, $regs)) {
$newvalue = mktime(0, 0, 0, $regs[2], $regs[1], $regs[3]);
elseif (preg_match("#(\d{4,4}).(\d{2,2}).(\d{2,2})#", $value, $regs)) {
$newvalue = mktime(0, 0, 0, $regs[3], $regs[1], $regs[1]);
elseif (preg_match("#(\d{2,2}).(\w{3,3}).(\d{2,4})#", $value, $regs)) {
$newvalue = strtotime($value);
elseif (preg_match("#(\d{2,4}).(\w{3,3}).(\d{2,2})#", $value, $regs)) {
$newvalue = strtotime($value);
} else {
$newvalue = strtotime($value);
if ($newvalue < 0) {
$newvalue = 0;
if ($newvalue) {
return date($format, $newvalue);
} else {
return "";
function formatDate($date, $short = 0) {
$months = array (
), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("February"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("March"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("April"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("May"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("June"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("July"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("August"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("September"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("October"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("November"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("December"));
$shortmonths = array (
), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Feb"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Mar"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Apr"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("May"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Jun"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Jul"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Aug"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Sep"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Oct"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Nov"), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Dec"));
$year = substr($date, 0, 4);
$month = substr($date, 5, 2);
$day = substr($date, 8, 2);
$day = ereg_replace("^0", "", $day);
if ($date) {
if ($short)
return $day . " " . $shortmonths[intval($month)] . " " . $year;
return $day . " " . $months[intval($month)] . " " . $year;
$oldpoweredimage = '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';
$oldnewpoweredimage = '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';
$newpoweredimage = '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';
function FileNotFound() {
header("HTTP/1.0 404 File Not Found");
printf('<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1>The requested document was not found on this server<br/>Please contact the <a href="mailto:%s?subject=File not Found: %s">Administrator</a><p><hr><address><a href="http://tincan.co.uk/phplist" target="_tincan">phplist</a> version %s</address></body></html>', getConfig("admin_address"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], VERSION);
function findMime($filename) {
list ($name, $ext) = explode(".", $filename);
if (!$ext || !is_file(MIMETYPES_FILE)) {
$fp = @ fopen(MIMETYPES_FILE, "r");
$contents = fread($fp, filesize(MIMETYPES_FILE));
$lines = explode("\n", $contents);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (!ereg("#", $line) && !preg_match("/^\s*$/", $line)) {
$line = preg_replace("/\t/", " ", $line);
$items = explode(" ", $line);
$mime = array_shift($items);
foreach ($items as $extension) {
$extension = trim($extension);
if ($ext == $extension) {
return $mime;
function excludedDateForRepetition($date) {
if (!is_array($GLOBALS["repeat_exclude"]))
return 0;
foreach ($GLOBALS["repeat_exclude"] as $exclusion) {
$formatted_value = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select date_format("%s","%s")', $date, $exclusion["format"]));
foreach ($exclusion["values"] as $disallowed) {
if ($formatted_value[0] == $disallowed) {
return 1;
return 0;
function delimited($data) {
$delimitedData = "";
while (list ($key, $val) = each($data)) {
$delimitedData .= $key . 'KEYVALSEP' . $val . 'ITEMSEP';
$length = strlen($delimitedData);
return substr($delimitedData, 0, -7);
function parseDelimitedData($value) {
$data = array ();
$rawdata = explode('ITEMSEP', $value);
foreach ($rawdata as $item) {
list ($key, $val) = split('KEYVALSEP', $item);
$data[$key] = ltrim($val);
return $data;
function repeatMessage($msgid) {
# if (!USE_REPETITION && !USE_RSS) return;
# get the future embargo, either "repeat" minutes after the old embargo
# or "repeat" after this very moment to make sure that we're not sending the
# message every time running the queue when there's no embargo set.
$msgdata = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select *,date_add(embargo,interval repeatinterval minute) as newembargo,
date_add(now(),interval repeatinterval minute) as newembargo2, date_add(embargo,interval repeatinterval minute) > now() as isfuture
from %s where id = %d and repeatuntil > now()', $GLOBALS["tables"]["message"], $msgid));
if (!$msgdata["id"] || !$msgdata["repeatinterval"])
# copy the new message
insert into %s (entered) values(now())', $GLOBALS["tables"]["message"]));
$id = Sql_Insert_id();
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/structure.php';
if (!is_array($DBstruct["message"])) {
logEvent("Error including structure when trying to duplicate message $msgid");
foreach ($DBstruct["message"] as $column => $rec) {
if ($column != "id" && $column != "entered" && $column != "sendstart") {
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set %s = "%s" where id = %d', $GLOBALS["tables"]["message"], $column, addslashes($msgdata[$column]), $id));
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['messagedata'], $msgid));
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (name,id,data) values("%s",%d,"%s")', $GLOBALS['tables']['messagedata'], $row['name'], $id, addslashes($row['data'])));
# check whether the new embargo is not on an exclusion
if (is_array($GLOBALS["repeat_exclude"])) {
$repeatinterval = $msgdata["repeatinterval"];
$loopcnt = 0;
while (excludedDateForRepetition($msgdata["newembargo"])) {
$repeatinterval += $msgdata["repeatinterval"];
$msgdata = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select *,date_add(embargo,interval %d minute) as newembargo,
date_add(now(),interval %d minute) as newembargo2, date_add(embargo,interval %d minute) > now() as isfuture
from %s where id = %d and repeatuntil > now()', $repeatinterval, $repeatinterval, $repeatinterval, $GLOBALS["tables"]["message"], $msgid));
if ($loopcnt > 15) {
logEvent("Unable to find new embargo date too many exclusions? for message $msgid");
# correct some values
if (!$msgdata["isfuture"]) {
$msgdata["newembargo"] = $msgdata["newembargo2"];
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set embargo = "%s",status = "submitted",sent = "" where id = %d', $GLOBALS["tables"]["message"], $msgdata["newembargo"], $id));
// bug 0009687: maybe add "ashtml","astextandhtml" and put them in ashtml?
foreach (array (
) as $item) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set %s = 0 where id = %d', $GLOBALS["tables"]["message"], $item, $id));
# lists
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select listid from %s where messageid = %d', $GLOBALS["tables"]["listmessage"], $msgid));
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (messageid,listid,entered) values(%d,%d,now())', $GLOBALS["tables"]["listmessage"], $id, $row[0]));
# attachments
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s,%s where %s.messageid = %d and %s.attachmentid = %s.id', $GLOBALS["tables"]["message_attachment"], $GLOBALS["tables"]["attachment"], $GLOBALS["tables"]["message_attachment"], $msgid, $GLOBALS["tables"]["message_attachment"], $GLOBALS["tables"]["attachment"]));
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
if (is_file($row["remotefile"])) {
# if the "remote file" is actually local, we want to refresh the attachment, so we set
# filename to nothing
$row["filename"] = "";
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (filename,remotefile,mimetype,description,size)
values("%s","%s","%s","%s",%d)', $GLOBALS["tables"]["attachment"], addslashes($row["filename"]), addslashes($row["remotefile"]), addslashes($row["mimetype"]), addslashes($row["description"]), $row["size"]));
$attid = Sql_Insert_id();
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (messageid,attachmentid) values(%d,%d)', $GLOBALS["tables"]["message_attachment"], $id, $attid));
logEvent("Message $msgid was successfully rescheduled as message $id");
function versionCompare($thisversion, $latestversion) {
# return 1 if $thisversion is larger or equal to $latestversion
list ($major1, $minor1, $sub1) = sscanf($thisversion, '%d.%d.%d');
list ($major2, $minor2, $sub2) = sscanf($latestversion, '%d.%d.%d');
if ($major1 > $major2)
return 1;
if ($major1 == $major2 && $minor1 > $minor2)
return 1;
if ($major1 == $major2 && $minor1 == $minor2 && $sub1 >= $sub2)
return 1;
return 0;
function trimArray($array) {
$result = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
if (isset($key) && trim($val)) {
$result[$key] = $val;
return $result;
function cleanArray($array) {
$result = array();
if (!is_array($array)) return $array;
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
if (isset($key) && !empty($val)) {
$result[$key] = $val;
return $result;
#function cleanCommaList($list) {
# return join(',',cleanArray(split(',',$list)));
function cleanCommaList($sList) {
if (!strpos($sList,',')) return $sList;
$aList = explode(',',$sList);
foreach ($aList as $key=>$value) {
if(!$value) {
array_splice($aList, $key, 1); //Remove null value from array
return join(',',$aList);
function formatTime($time, $short = 0) {
return $time;
function formatDateTime($datetime, $short = 0) {
$date = substr($datetime, 0, 10);
$time = substr($datetime, 11, 8);
return formatDate($date, $short) . " " . formatTime($time, $short);
function phplist_shutdown() {
# output( "Script status: ".connection_status(),0); # with PHP 4.2.1 buggy. http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=17774
$status = connection_status();
if ($GLOBALS["mail_error_count"]) {
$message = "Some errors occurred in the PHPlist Mailinglist System\n" .
"Error message(s):\n\n" .
$message .= "\n==== debugging information\n\nSERVER Vars\n";
if (is_array($_SERVER))
while (list ($key, $val) = each($_SERVER))
if ($key != "password")
$message .= $key . "=" . $val . "\n";
sendMail(getConfig("report_address"), $GLOBALS["installation_name"] . " Mail list error", $message, "");
# print "Phplist shutdown $status";
# exit;