2011-06-21 13:28:10 +00:00

424 lines
22 KiB

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/accesscheck.php';
$DBstruct = array( # order of tables is essential for smooth upgrade
"attribute" => array ( # attributes of a user or a message
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"name" => array("varchar(255) not null","Name"),
"type" => array("varchar(30)","Type of attribute"),
"listorder" => array("integer","order of listing"),
"default_value" => array("varchar(255)","Default value"),
"required" => array("tinyint","Required for user to fill out"),
"tablename" => array("varchar(255)","Name of table with values"),
"index_1" => array("nameindex (name)",""),
"index_2" => array("idnameindex (id,name)","")
"user_attribute" => array(
"attributeid" => array("integer not null","attribute"),
"userid" => array("integer not null","user"),
"value" => array("varchar(255)","Value of this attribute for this user"),
"primary key" => array("(attributeid,userid)","PKey"),
"index_1" => array("userindex (userid)",""),
"index_2" => array("attindex (attributeid)",""),
"index_3" => array("userattid (attributeid,userid)",""),
"index_4" => array("attuserid (userid,attributeid)",""),
"user" => array ( # a user in the system
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","sysexp:ID"),
"email" => array("varchar(255) not null","Email"),
"confirmed" => array("tinyint default 0","sys:Is this user confirmed"),
"blacklisted" => array("tinyint default 0","sys:Is this user blacklisted"),
"bouncecount" => array("integer default 0","sys:Number of bounces on this user"),
"entered" => array("datetime", "sysexp:Entered"),
"modified" => array("timestamp", "sysexp:Last Modified"),
"uniqid" => array("varchar(255)","sys:Unique ID for User"),
"unique_1" => array("(email)","sys:unique"),
"htmlemail" => array("tinyint default 0","Send this user HTML emails"),
"subscribepage" => array("integer","sysexp:Which page was used to subscribe"),
"rssfrequency" => array("varchar(100)","RSS Frequency"),
"password" => array("varchar(255)","Password"),
"passwordchanged" => array("date","sys:Last time password was changed"),
"disabled" => array("tinyint default 0","Is this account disabled?"),
"extradata" => array("text","Additional data"),
"foreignkey" => array("varchar(100)","Foreign Key"),
"index_1" => array("(foreignkey)","sys:Foreign Key"),
"index_2" => array("idx_phplist_user_user_uniqid (uniqid)","sys:index"),
"index_3" => array("emailidx (email)","sys:index"),
"index_4" => array("enteredindex (entered)","sys:index"),
"user_history" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","sys:ID"),
"userid" => array("integer not null",""),
"ip" => array("varchar(255)",""),
"date" => array("datetime",""),
"summary" => array("varchar(255)","History Summary"),
"detail" => array("text","History Detail"),
"systeminfo" => array("text","System Information"),
"index_1" => array("userididx (userid)","sys:index"),
"index_2" => array("dateidx (date)","sys:index"),
"user_blacklist" => array(
"email" => array("varchar(255) not null unique","Email"),
"added" => array("datetime","When added to blacklist"),
"index_1" => array("emailidx (email)",""),
"user_blacklist_data" => array(
"email" => array("varchar(255) not null unique","Email"),
"name" => array("varchar(100) not null","Name of Dataitem"),
"data" => array("text",""),
"index_1" => array("emailidx (email)",""),
"index_2" => array("emailnameidx (email,name)",""),
"list" => array ( # a list in the system
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"name" => array("varchar(255) not null","Name"),
"description" => array("Text","Description"),
"entered" => array("datetime","Entered"),
"listorder" => array("integer","Order of listing"),
"prefix" => array("varchar(10)","Subject prefix"),
"rssfeed" => array("varchar(255)","Rss Feed"),
"modified" => array("timestamp", "Modified"),
"active" => array("tinyint","Active"),
"owner" => array("integer","Admin who is owner of this list"),
"index_1" => array("nameidx (name)",""),
"index_2" => array("listorderidx (listorder)",""),
"listrss" => array( # rss details for a RSS source of a list
"listid" => array("integer not null","List ID"),
"type" => array("varchar(255) not null","Type of this entry"),
"entered" => array("datetime not null",""),
"info" => array("text",""),
"index_1" => array("listididx (listid)",""),
"index_2" => array("enteredidx (entered)",""),
"listuser" => array ( # user subscription to a list
"userid" => array("integer not null","User ID"),
"listid" => array("integer not null","List ID"),
"entered" => array("datetime", "Entered"),
"modified" => array("timestamp", "Modified"),
"primary key" => array("(userid,listid)","Primary Key"),
"index_1" => array("userenteredidx (userid,entered)",""),
"index_2" => array("userlistenteredidx (userid,listid,entered)",""),
"message" => array ( # a message
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"subject" => array("varchar(255) not null default '(no subject)'","subject"),
"fromfield" => array("varchar(255) not null default ''","from"),
"tofield" => array("varchar(255) not null default ''","tofield"),
"replyto" => array("varchar(255) not null default ''","reply-to"),
"message" => array("mediumtext","Message"),
"textmessage" => array("mediumtext","Text version of Message"),
"footer" => array("text","Footer for a message"),
"entered" => array("datetime","Entered"),
"modified" => array("timestamp", "Modified"),
"embargo" => array("datetime","Time to send message"),
"repeatinterval" => array("integer default 0","Number of seconds to repeat the message"),
"repeatuntil" => array("datetime","Final time to stop repetition"),
# "status" => array("enum('submitted','inprocess','sent','cancelled','prepared','draft')","Status"),
"status" => array("varchar(255)","Status"),
"userselection" => array("text","query to select the users for this message"),
"sent" => array("datetime", "sent"),
"htmlformatted" => array("tinyint default 0","Is this message HTML formatted"),
"sendformat" => array("varchar(20)","Format to send this message in"),
"template" => array("integer","Template to use"),
"processed" => array("mediumint unsigned default 0", "Number Processed"),
"astext" => array("integer default 0","Sent as text"),
"ashtml" => array("integer default 0","Sent as HTML"),
"astextandhtml" => array("integer default 0","Sent as Text and HTML"), // obsolete
"aspdf" => array("integer default 0","Sent as PDF"),
"astextandpdf" => array("integer default 0","Sent as Text and PDF"),
"viewed" => array("integer default 0","Was the message viewed"),
"bouncecount" => array("integer default 0","How many bounces on this message"),
"sendstart" => array("datetime","When did sending of this message start"),
"rsstemplate" => array("varchar(100)","if used as a RSS template, what frequency"),
"owner" => array("integer","Admin who is owner")
"messagedata" => array(
"name" => array("varchar(100) not null","Name of field"),
"id" => array("integer not null", "Message ID"),
"data" => array("text","Data"),
"primary key" => array("(name,id)",""),
"listmessage" => array ( # linking messages to a list
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"messageid" => array("integer not null","Message ID"),
"listid" => array("integer not null","List ID"),
"entered" => array("datetime", "Entered"),
"modified" => array("timestamp","Modified"),
"unique_1" => array("(messageid,listid)",""),
"index_1" => array("listmessageidx (listid,messageid)",""),
"rssitem" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"title" => array("varchar(100) not null","Title"),
"link" => array("varchar(100) not null","Link"),
"source" => array("varchar(255)",""),
"list" => array("integer not null",""),
"index_1" => array("titlelinkidx (title,link)",""),
"index_2" => array("titleidx (title)",""),
"index_3" => array("listidx (list)",""),
"added" => array("datetime",""),
"processed" => array("mediumint unsigned default 0", "Number Processed"),
"astext" => array("integer default 0","Sent as text"),
"ashtml" => array("integer default 0","Sent as HTML"),
"rssitem_data" => array(
"itemid" => array("integer not null","rss item id"),
"tag" => array("varchar(100) not null",""),
"primary key" => array("(itemid,tag)",""),
"data" => array("text","")
"rssitem_user" => array(
"itemid" => array("integer not null","rss item id"),
"userid" => array("integer not null","user id"),
"entered" => array("timestamp", "Entered"),
"primary key" => array("(itemid,userid)","")
"user_rss" => array(
"userid" => array("integer not null primary key","user id"),
"last" => array("datetime", "Last time this user was sent something")
"message_attachment" => array( # attachments for a message
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"messageid" => array("integer not null","Message ID"),
"attachmentid" => array("integer not null","Attachment ID"),
"index_1" => array("messageidx (messageid)",""),
"index_2" => array("messageattidx (messageid,attachmentid)",""),
"attachment" => array (
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"filename" => array("varchar(255)","file"),
"remotefile" => array("varchar(255)","The original location on the uploader machine"),
"mimetype" => array("varchar(255)","The type of attachment"),
"description" => array("text","Description"),
"size" => array("integer","Size of the file")
"usermessage" => array ( # linking messages to a user
#"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"messageid" => array("integer not null","Message ID"),
"userid" => array("integer not null","User ID"),
"entered" => array("datetime not null", "Entered"),
"viewed" => array("datetime","When viewed"),
"status" => array("varchar(255)","Status of message"),
"primary key" => array("(userid,messageid)","Primary key"),
"index_1" => array("messageidindex (messageid)",""),
"index_2" => array("useridindex (userid)",""),
"index_3" => array("enteredindex (entered)",""),
"sendprocess" => array( # keep track of running send processes to avoid to many running concurrently
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"started" => array("datetime", "Start Time"),
"modified" => array("timestamp","Modified"),
"alive" => array("integer default 1","Is this process still alive?"),
"ipaddress" => array("varchar(50)","IP Address of who started it"),
"page" => array("varchar(100)","The page that this process runs in")
"template" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"title" => array("varchar(255) not null","Title"),
"template" => array("longblob","The template"),
"listorder" => array("integer",""),
"unique_1" => array("(title)","")
"templateimage" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"template" => array("integer not null default 0","id of template"),
"mimetype" => array("varchar(100)","Mime Type"),
"filename" => array("varchar(100)","Filename"),
"data" => array("longblob","The image"),
"width" => array("integer",""),
"height" => array("integer",""),
"index_1" => array("templateidx (template)",""),
"bounce" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"date" => array("datetime","Date received"),
"header" => array("text","Header of bounce"),
"data" => array("blob","The bounce"),
"status" => array("varchar(255)","Status of this bounce"),
"comment" => array("text","System Comment"),
"index_1" => array("dateindex (date)",""),
"index_2" => array("statusindex (status(10))",""),
"user_message_bounce" => array( # bounce. We can have one usermessage bounce multiple times
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"user" => array("integer not null","User ID"),
"message" => array("integer not null","Message ID"),
"bounce" => array("integer not null","Bounce ID"),
"time" => array("timestamp","When did it bounce"),
"index_1" => array("umbindex (user,message,bounce)","index"),
"index_2" => array("useridx (user)","index"),
"index_3" => array("msgidx (message)","index"),
"index_4" => array("bounceidx (bounce)","index"),
"user_message_forward" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"user" => array("integer not null","User ID"),
"message" => array("integer not null","Message ID"),
"forward" => array("varchar(255)","Forward email"),
"status" => array("varchar(255)","Status of forward"),
"time" => array("timestamp","When was it forwarded"),
"index_1" => array("usermessageidx (user,message)","index"),
"index_2" => array("useridx (user)","index"),
"index_3" => array("messageidx (message)","index"),
"config" => array(
"item" => array("varchar(35) not null primary key","ID"),
"value" => array("longtext","Value"),
"editable" => array("tinyint default 1","Editable?"),
"type" => array("varchar(25)","Type of data"),
"admin" => array (
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","sys:ID"),
"loginname" => array("varchar(25) not null","Login Name (max 25 chars)"),
"namelc" => array("varchar(255)","sys:Normalised loginname"),
"email" => array("varchar(255) not null","Email"),
"created" => array("datetime","sys:Time Created"),
"modified" => array("timestamp","sys:Time modified"),
"modifiedby" => array("varchar(25)","sys:Modified by"),
"password" => array("varchar(255)","Password"),
"passwordchanged" => array("date","sys:Last time password was changed"),
"superuser" => array("tinyint default 0","Is this user Super Admin?"),
"disabled" => array("tinyint default 0","Is this account disabled?"),
"unique_1" => array("(loginname)",""),
"index_1" => array("loginnameidx (loginname)",""),
"adminattribute" => array ( # attributes for an admin
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"name" => array("varchar(255) not null","Name"),
"type" => array("varchar(30)","Type of attribute"),
"listorder" => array("integer","order of listing"),
"default_value" => array("varchar(255)","Default value"),
"required" => array("tinyint","Required for user to fill out"),
"tablename" => array("varchar(255)","Name of table with values")
"admin_attribute" => array( # attributes of an admin
"adminattributeid" => array("integer not null","attribute number"),
"adminid" => array("integer not null","id of admin"),
"value" => array("varchar(255)","Value of this attribute for this admin"),
"primary key" => array("(adminattributeid,adminid)","PKey")
"task" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"page" => array("varchar(25) not null","Page, page in system"),
"type" => array("varchar(25) not null","Type: system, list, user, message, admin"),
"unique_1" => array("(page)",""),
"index_1" => array("pageidx (page)","index"),
"index_2" => array("pagetypeidx (page,type)","index"),
"admin_task" => array(
"adminid" => array("integer not null","id of admin"),
"taskid" => array("integer not null","id of task"),
"level" => array("integer","Level: all,none,view,add,edit,delete,self"),
"primary key" => array("(adminid,taskid)","PKey")
"subscribepage" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"title" => array("varchar(255) not null","Title"),
"active" => array("tinyint default 0",""),
"owner" => array("integer","Admin who is owner of this page")
"subscribepage_data" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null","ID"),
"name" => array("varchar(100) not null","Name of field"),
"data" => array("text","data"),
"primary key" => array("(id,name)","")
"eventlog" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"entered" => array("datetime",""),
"page" => array("varchar(100)","page this log was for"),
"entry" => array("text",""),
"index_1" => array("enteredidx (entered)","index"),
"index_2" => array("pageidx (page)","index"),
"urlcache" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"url" => array("varchar(255) not null",""),
"lastmodified" => array("integer",""),
"added" => array("datetime",""),
"content" => array("mediumtext",""),
"index_1" => array("urlindex (url)",""),
"linktrack" => array (
"linkid" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment", "Link ID"),
"messageid" => array("integer not null","Message ID"),
"userid" => array("integer not null","User ID"),
"url" => array("varchar(255)", "URL to log"),
"forward" => array("text","URL to forward to"),
"firstclick" => array("datetime","When first clicked"),
"latestclick" => array("timestamp", "When last clicked"),
"clicked" => array("integer default 0", "Number of clicks"),
"index_1" => array("midindex (messageid)",""),
"index_2" => array("uidindex (userid)",""),
"index_3" => array("urlindex (url)",""),
"index_4" => array("miduidindex (messageid,userid)",""),
"index_5" => array("miduidurlindex (messageid,userid,url)",""),
"unique_1" => array("(messageid,userid,url)","")
"linktrack_userclick" => array (
"linkid" => array("integer not null",""),
"userid" => array("integer not null",""),
"messageid" => array("integer not null",""),
"name" => array("varchar(255)","Name of data"),
"data" => array("text",""),
"date" => array("datetime",""),
"index_1" => array("linkindex (linkid)",""),
"index_2" => array("uidindex (userid)",""),
"index_3" => array("midindex (messageid)",""),
"index_4" => array("linkuserindex (linkid,userid)",""),
"index_5" => array("linkusermessageindex (linkid,userid,messageid)",""),
"userstats" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment",""),
"unixdate" => array("integer","date in unix format"),
"item" => array("varchar(255)",""),
"listid" => array("integer default 0",""),
"value" => array("integer default 0",""),
"index_1" => array("dateindex (unixdate)",""),
"index_2" => array("itemindex (item)",""),
"index_3" => array("listindex (listid)",""),
"index_4" => array("listdateindex (listid,unixdate)",""),
"unique_1" => array("entry (unixdate,item,listid)",""),
# session table structure, table is created as the name identified in the config file
# "sessiontable" => array(
# "sessionid" => array("CHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY",""),
# "lastactive" => array("INTEGER NOT NULL",""),
# "data" => array("LONGTEXT",""),
# ),
"bounceregex" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment","ID"),
"regex" => array("varchar(255)","Regex"),
"action" => array("varchar(255)","Action on rule"),
"listorder" => array("integer default 0",""),
"admin" => array("integer",""),
"comment" => array("text",""),
"status" => array("varchar(255)",""),
"count" => array("integer default 0","Count of matching bounces on this rule"),
"unique_1" => array("regex (regex)",""),
"bounceregex_bounce" => array(
"regex" => array("integer not null","Related regex"),
"bounce" => array("integer not null","Related bounce"),
"primary key" => array("(regex,bounce)",""),
/* "translation" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null primary key auto_increment",""),
"translator" => array("varchar(255)","Name of translator"),
"email" => array("varchar(255)","email of translator"),
"pass" => array("varchar(255)","encrypted password for translation"),
"ident" => array("varchar(255)","Translation identifier")
"translation_data" => array(
"id" => array("integer not null","Translation ID"),
"item" => array("varchar(100)","Item to translate"),
"primary key" => array("(id,item)","")