525 lines
23 KiB
525 lines
23 KiB
if (!isset($page))
$page=str_replace('.php', '', basename(__FILE__));
if (!isset($titre))
$titre='Recherche "'.$table.'"';
mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8;');
$result = mysql_query("$sql $sql_ext limit 0,1")
or die('Invalid query');
if (isset($_POST['act'])) {
$_SESSION[$sessionPage."_page"] = '';
$filter_string = "";
$qry_string = "";
$i = 0;
while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result)) {
$meta = mysql_fetch_field($result);
$field_name = $meta->name;
$field_type = $meta->type;
//get field type
$type_field = "";
$type_field = returntype($field_type);
//clear session
$_SESSION[$sessionPage.'_search_fd'] = '';
$_SESSION[$sessionPage.'_multisearch_fd'] = '';
$_SESSION[$sessionPage.'_search_fd_'.$i] = '';
if ((qsrequest("search_fd" . $i) != "") && (qsrequest("search_fd" . $i) != "*")) {
$idata = qsrequest("search_fd" . $i);
if (strlen($idata) > 1) {
if ($idata[strlen($idata) - 1] == "*") {
$idata = substr($idata, 0, strlen($idata) - 1);
$idata = str_replace("*", "%", $idata);
$irealdata = $idata;
if (qsrequest("search_optfd".$i) != "") {
$idata = qsrequest("search_optfd". $i) . $idata ;
$iopt = substr($idata, 0, 2);
if (($iopt == "<=") || ($iopt == "=<")) {
$iopt = "<=";
$irealdata = substr($idata, 2);
} elseif (($iopt == ">=") || ($iopt == "=>")) {
$iopt = ">=";
$irealdata = substr($idata, 2);
} elseif ($iopt == "==") {
$iopt = "=";
$irealdata = substr($idata, 2);
} elseif ($iopt == "<>") {
$irealdata = substr($idata, 2);
} elseif ($iopt == "^^") {
$iopt = "*";
$idata = $iopt . $irealdata . $iopt; // Contain
} elseif ($iopt == "^*") {
$iopt = "*";
$idata = $irealdata . $iopt; // Start With
} elseif ($iopt == "*^") {
$iopt = "*";
$idata = $iopt . $irealdata ; // End With
} else {
$iopt = substr($idata, 0, 1);
if (($iopt == "<") || ($iopt == ">") || ($iopt == "=")) {
$irealdata = substr($idata,1);
} else {
$iopt = "=";
if (qsrequest("andor_optfd".$i) != "") {
$idata = qsrequest("andor_optfd". $i) . $idata ;
if (!strcasecmp($idata,"{current date and time}")) {
$idata = time();
} elseif (!strcasecmp($idata,"{current date}")) {
$idata = time();
} elseif (!strcasecmp($idata,"{current time}")) {
$idata = time();
if ($meta) {
if ($type_field == "type_datetime") {
if ((($timestamp = strtotime($irealdata)) !== -1)) {
if ($qry_string == "") {
$qry_string = "search_fd" . $i . "=" ./*urlencode(*/stripslashes($idata)/*)*/;
$filter_string = $field_name . " like '%" . $idata . "%'";
} else {
$qry_string .= "&search_fd" . $i . "=" ./*urlencode(*/stripslashes($idata)/*)*/;
$filter_string .= " and " . $field_name . " like '%" . $idata . "%'";
} else {
$err_string .= "<strong>Error:</strong>while searching.<strong>" . $field_name . "</strong>.<br>";
$err_string .= "Description: Invalid DateTime.<br>";
} elseif ($type_field == "type_integer") {
if (is_numeric($irealdata)) {
if ($qry_string == "") {
$qry_string = "search_fd" . $i . "=" . $idata;
$filter_string = $field_name . " " . $iopt . " " . $irealdata;
} else {
$qry_string .= "&search_fd" . $i . "=" . $idata;
$filter_string .= " and " . $field_name . " " . $iopt . " " . $irealdata;
} else {
$err_string .= "<strong>Error:</strong>while searching.<strong>" . $field_name . "</strong>.<br>";
$err_string .= "Description: Type mismatch.<br>";
} elseif ($type_field == "type_string") {
if ($qry_string == "") {
$qry_string = "search_fd" . $i . "=" ./*urlencode(*/stripslashes($idata)/*)*/;
$filter_string = $field_name . " like '" . $irealdata . "%'";
} else {
$qry_string .= "&search_fd" . $i . "=" . /*urlencode(*/stripslashes($idata)/*)*/;
$filter_string .= " and " . $field_name . " like '" . $irealdata . "%'";
} else {
if ($qry_string == "") {
$qry_string = "search_fd" . $i . "=" . /*urlencode(*/stripslashes($idata)/*)*/;
$filter_string = $field_name . " = '" . $irealdata . "'";
} else {
$qry_string .= "&search_fd" . $i . "=" . /*urlencode(*/stripslashes($idata)/*)*/;
$filter_string .= " and " . $field_name . " = '" . $irealdata . "'";
if (qsrequest("multisearch_fd" . $i) != "") {
if ($qry_string == "") {
$qry_string = "multisearch_fd" . $i . "=" . qsrequest("multisearch_fd" . $i);
} else {
$qry_string = $qry_string . "&multisearch_fd" . $i . "=" . qsrequest("multisearch_fd" . $i);
//begin search between see variable 'search_fd_(n)'
if (qsrequest("search_fd_" . $i) != "") {
$idata = qsrequest("search_fd_" . $i);
if (strlen($idata) > 1) {
if ($idata[strlen($idata) - 1] == "*") {
$idata = substr($idata, 0, strlen($idata) - 1);
$idata = str_replace("*", "%", $idata);
$irealdata = $idata;
if (qsrequest("search_optfd_".$i) != "") {
$idata = qsrequest("search_optfd_". $i) . $idata ;
if ($meta) {
if ($type_field == "type_datetime") {
if ((($timestamp = strtotime($irealdata)) !== -1)) {
if ($qry_string == "") {
$qry_string = "search_fd_" . $i . "=" ./*urlencode(*/stripslashes($idata)/*)*/;
$filter_string = $field_name . " like '%" . $idata . "%'";
} else {
$qry_string .= "&search_fd_" . $i . "=" ./*urlencode(*/stripslashes($idata)/*)*/;
$filter_string .= " and " . $field_name . " like '%" . $idata . "%'";
} else {
$err_string .= "<strong>Error:</strong>while searching.<strong>" . $field_name . "</strong>.<br>";
$err_string .= "Description: Invalid DateTime.<br>";
} elseif ($type_field == "type_integer") {
if (is_numeric($irealdata)) {
if ($qry_string == "") {
$qry_string = "search_fd_" . $i . "=" . $idata;
$filter_string = $field_name . " " . $iopt . " " . $irealdata;
} else {
$qry_string .= "&search_fd_" . $i . "=" . $idata;
$filter_string .= " and " . $field_name . " " . $iopt . " " . $irealdata;
} else {
$err_string .= "<strong>Error:</strong>while searching.<strong>" . $field_name . "</strong>.<br>";
$err_string .= "Description: Type mismatch.<br>";
if ($result > 0) {mysql_free_result($result);}
if (qsrequest("search_sort") <> "") {
$sortstring = qsrequest("search_sort");
if (qsrequest("page_size") <> "") {
$page_size = qsrequest("page_size");
#----get submit url page----
$submiturl = "./list.php?";
if ($err_string == "") {
if ($qry_string != "") {
$URL= $submiturl . "&" . $qry_string;
} else {
$URL= $submiturl;
header ("Location: $URL");
} else {
$sortstring = "";
if (qssession("sortfield") != "") {
$sortstring = "&sortfield=" . urlencode(stripslashes(qssession("sortfield"))) . "&sortby=" . urlencode(stripslashes(qssession("sortby")));
if (qssession("page_size") != "") {
$page_size = urlencode(stripslashes(qssession("page_size")));
while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result)) {
$strkeyword = "";
$iopt = "";
$idata = "";
if ((!isset($_GET["search_fd".$i])) && (!isset($_POST["search_fd".$i]))) {
$arryitemvalue[$i] = "";
} else {
# Check value for advance search
$idata = qsrequest("search_fd" . $i);
$icon = "";
if (substr($idata, 0, 2) == "||") {
$icon = "||";
$idata = substr($idata, 2);
$iopt = substr($idata, 0, 2); // Get 2 of left keyword
if (($iopt == "<=") || ($iopt == "=<")){
$iopt = "<=";
$strkeyword = substr($idata, 2);
}elseif (($iopt == ">=") || ($iopt == "=>")){
$iopt = ">=";
$strkeyword = substr($idata, 2);
}elseif ($iopt == "==" ){
$iopt = "==";
$strkeyword = substr($idata, 2);
}elseif ($iopt == "<>"){
$strkeyword = substr($idata, 2);
} else {
$startstrdata = substr($idata,0,1) ;
$endstrdata = $idata[strlen($idata) - 1];
if (($startstrdata != "%" ) && ($endstrdata != "%")){
if (($startstrdata == "<") || ($startstrdata == ">") || ($startstrdata == "=")) {
if ($startstrdata == "<") {
$strkeyword = str_replace("<","", $idata) ;
$iopt = "<";
}elseif($startstrdata == ">") {
$strkeyword = str_replace(">","", $idata) ;
$iopt = ">";
} else {
$strkeyword = str_replace("=","", $idata) ;
$iopt = "=";
}else {
$arryitemvalue[$i] = $idata;
$strkeyword = $idata;
}else {
if (($startstrdata == "%" ) && ($endstrdata == "%")) { # Contain Case
$startstrdata = str_replace("%","", $idata) ;
$strkeyword = substr($idata,1, (strlen($idata)-2));
$iopt = "^^" ;
}elseif (($startstrdata != "%" ) && ($endstrdata == "%")) { # Start With Case xx*
$strkeyword = substr($idata,0, (strlen($idata)-1));
$iopt = "^*";
}elseif (($startstrdata == "%" ) && ($endstrdata != "%")) { # End With Case *xx
$strkeyword = substr($idata,1, (strlen($idata)));
$iopt = "*^";
}// end eheck one charator
}//end of check 2 first character
$arryitemvalue[$i] = $strkeyword;
$arryopt[$i] = $iopt;
$arryandoropt[$i] = $icon;
$i += 1;
}// end while
if ($result > 0) {mysql_free_result($result);}
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var i = 0;
while ((temp == " ") && (i <= s.length)) {
temp = s.charAt(i);
s = s.substring(i - 1, s.length);
function check(frm) {
var szAlert = "Invalid\n";
var nIndex = 0;
/* if (!NumberValidate(frm.search_fd0.value)) {
szAlert += "- " +"'Num Mand' invalid numeric format\n";
if (!NumberValidate(frm.search_fd8.value)) {
szAlert += "- " +"'Adr Num' invalid numeric format\n";
if(nIndex > 0) {
alert(szAlert) ;
return false ;
return true ;
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<center><strong><font size="5"><?=htmlentities($titre)?></font></strong></center><br>
<a name="top"></a>
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function getURLParam(strParamName){
var strReturn = "";
var strHref = window.location.href;
if ( strHref.indexOf("?") > -1 ){
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$css_class = '"TrOdd"';
<table Border="0" Cellpadding="2" Cellspacing="1" BgColor="#177AE9">
<td colspan="2" class="ThRows" align="center"><?=htmlentities($titre)?></td>
if ($err_string != '') {
print '<tr>';
print '<td align="left" class="ThRows"><b><font color="red">Erreur :</font></b></td>';
print '<td align="left" colspan="2" class=' . $css_class . '>' . $err_string . '</td>';
print '</tr>';
foreach ($champ as $i=>$field) {
if (!$field['hidden'])
<td align="left" class="ThRows"><?=htmlentities($field['libelleColonne'])?></td>
$cellvalue = '';
if ((!isset($_GET['search_fd'.$i])) && (!isset($_POST['search_fd'.$i]))) {
$itemvalue = '';
} else {
$itemvalue = $arryitemvalue[$i];
if ($format[$i]=='enum') {
foreach ($formatEnum[$i] as $value) {
$cellvalue.= '<input type="radio" name="edit_fd'.$i.'" value="'.$value. '" ';
$cellvalue.= qscheckselected($value,$itemvalue,' checked="checked"') .'>'.$value.'<br/>'; */
$cellvalue.= '<input type="radio" name="search_fd'.$i.'" value="'.$value.'" ';
$cellvalue.= qscheckselected($value, $itemvalue,' checked="checked"') .'>'.$value.'<br/>';
$cellvalue.='<input type="hidden" name="multisearch_fd'.$i.'" value="">';
elseif ($format[$i]=='date') $cellvalue.='<input type="text" name="search_fd'.$i.'" value="'. qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes($itemvalue)) . '"><input type="hidden" name="multisearch_fd'.$i.'" value=""><a href="#search_fd'.$i.'"></a><a name="search_fd'.$i.'"><img src="../images/Calendar.gif" onclick="popUpCalendar(this, document.forms[0].search_fd'.$i.', \'dd/mm/yyyy\', 0, 0)" align="absmiddle" border="0" height="21" width="20"></a>';
elseif (isset($champ[$i]['libs']['table'])) { /** @todo Aujourd'hui, on ne peut faire une multiple s<>lection car la recherche ne les prendra pas en compte **/
$cellvalue='<select align="top" name="search_fd'.$i.'"><option/>'.EOL;// SIZE="10" multiple
$cellvalue.=qsmysqlgen_listbox( 'SELECT '.$libs['key'].', '.$libs['lib'].' FROM '.$libs['table'].' ORDER BY '.$libs['lib'].' ASC',
'search_fd'.$i, $libs['key'], $libs['lib'],$itemvalue);
} else
$cellvalue = '<input type="text" name="search_fd'.$i.'" value="'. qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes($itemvalue)) . '"><input type="hidden" name="multisearch_fd'.$i.'" value="">';
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$cellvalue = ' ';
print '<td class='.$css_class.' align=Default>'.$cellvalue.'</td>';
$cellvalue = "";
if ((!isset($_GET["edit_fd".$i])) && (!isset($_POST["edit_fd".$i]))) {
if ($formatdate[$i]<>'')
$itemvalue = qsconvertdate($row[$i],"dd/mm/yyyy");
$itemvalue = $row[$i];
} else {
$itemvalue = qsrequest("edit_fd".$i);
if ($isEditables[$i]) {
$cellvalue = '<input type="text" name="edit_fd'.$i.'" value="' . qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes($itemvalue)) . '"';
if (isset($long[$i]) && $long[$i]>0) {
if ($size>80) $size=80;
$cellvalue.=' size="'.$size.'" maxlength="'.$long[$i].'">';
} else
if (isset($champ[$i]['libs']['table'])){
if ($format[$i]=='int') {
$testMutipe1="if (!Selectbox.hasOneOption(this.form.edit_fd$i)) { ";
$testMutipe2=' } ';
} else {
//$cellvalue='<input type="text" name="edit_fd'.$i.'" value="'. htmlentities($itemvalue).'">';
$cellvalue ='<table><tr><td valign="top"><i>Sélectionné(s) :</i><br/><select align="top" name="edit_fd'.$i.'" size="10" '.$multiple.
' onDblClick="Selectbox.moveSelectedOptions(this.form.edit_fd'.$i.',this.form.edit_fd'.$i.'out, true)">'.EOL;
if ($itemvalue<>'') {//mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8;');
$cellvalue.=qsmysqlgen_listbox('SELECT '.$libs['key'].', '.$libs['lib'].' FROM '.$libs['table'].' WHERE '.$libs['key'].' IN ('.str_replace(';',',',$itemvalue).')',
'edit_fd'.$i, $libs['key'], $libs['lib'],$itemvalue);}
$cellvalue.='</select></td><td align="center">'.EOL;
// onDblClick="Selectbox.moveSelectedOptions(this.form.list1,this.form.list2,this.form.movesort.checked,this.form.movepattern1.value)">
// onClick="Selectbox.moveSelectedOptions(this.form.list1,this.form.list2,this.form.movesort.checked,this.form.movepattern1.value)"><br><br>
$cellvalue.='<input type="button" VALUE=">" onClick="Selectbox.moveSelectedOptions(this.form.edit_fd'.$i.', this.form.edit_fd'.$i.'out, true)"><br/>'.EOL;
if ($multiple<>'')
$cellvalue.='<input type="button" VALUE=">>" onClick="Selectbox.moveAllOptions(this.form.edit_fd'.$i.', this.form.edit_fd'.$i.'out, true)"><br/>'.EOL;
$cellvalue.='<br/><input type="button" VALUE="<" onClick="'.$testMutipe1.'Selectbox.moveSelectedOptions(this.form.edit_fd'.$i.'out, this.form.edit_fd'.$i.', true)'.$testMutipe2.'"><br/>'.EOL;
if ($multiple<>'')
$cellvalue.='<input type="button" VALUE="<<" onClick="Selectbox.moveAllOptions(this.form.edit_fd'.$i.'out, this.form.edit_fd'.$i.', true)"><br/>'.EOL;
$cellvalue.='</td><td><i>Disponible(s) :</i><br/><select align="top" name="edit_fd'.$i.'out" SIZE="10" '.$multiple.
'onDblClick="'.$testMutipe1.'Selectbox.moveSelectedOptions(this.form.edit_fd'.$i.'out,this.form.edit_fd'.$i.', true)'.$testMutipe2.'">'.EOL;
if ($itemvalue<>'')
$cellvalue.=qsmysqlgen_listbox('SELECT '.$libs['key'].', '.$libs['lib'].' FROM '.$libs['table'].' WHERE '.$libs['key'].' NOT IN ('.str_replace(';',',',$itemvalue).')',
'edit_fd'.$i.'out', $libs['key'], $libs['lib'],$itemvalue);
$cellvalue.=qsmysqlgen_listbox('SELECT '.$libs['key'].', '.$libs['lib'].' FROM '.$libs['table'],
'edit_fd'.$i.'out', $libs['key'], $libs['lib'],$itemvalue);
elseif ($format[$i]=='date') $cellvalue.='<a href="#edit_fd'.$i.'"></a><a name="edit_fd'.$i.'"><img src="../images/Calendar.gif" onclick="popUpCalendar(this, document.forms[0].edit_fd'.$i.', \'dd/mm/yyyy\', 0, 0)" align="absmiddle" border="0" height="21" width="20"></a>';
elseif ($format[$i]=='text') $cellvalue ='<textarea name="edit_fd'.$i.'" rows=4 cols=40>' . qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes($itemvalue)) . '</textarea>';
elseif ($format[$i]=='enum') {
foreach ($formatEnum[$i] as $value) {
$cellvalue.= '<input type="radio" name="edit_fd'.$i.'" value="'.$value. '" ';
$cellvalue.= qscheckselected($value,$itemvalue,' checked="checked"') .'>'.$value.'<br/>';
if ($champ[$i]['link']<>'') { // Le champ comporte un lien vers une autre source de donn<6E>es
$tmp=explode('.', $champ[$i]['link']);
$database = $tmp[0];
$table = $tmp[1];
if (isset($tmp[2])) $cles = 'uniqueKey='.$tmp[2].'&value='.$itemvalue;
else $cles = 'currentrow_fd'.$i.'='.$itemvalue;
$cellvalue.= ' <a href="./edit.php?dbtable='.$database.'.'.$table.'&'.$cles.'&refererUrl='.urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'">Lien</a>';
else { // Le champ n'est pas <20>ditable
if ($champ[$i]['link']<>'') { // Le champ comporte un lien vers une autre source de donn<6E>es
$tmp=explode('.', $champ[$i]['link']);
$database = $tmp[0];
$table = $tmp[1];
if (isset($tmp[2])) $cles = 'uniqueKey='.$tmp[2].'&value='.$itemvalue;
else $cles = 'currentrow_fd'.$i.'='.$itemvalue;
$cellvalue = '<a href="./edit.php?dbtable='.$database.'.'.$table.'&'.$cles.'&refererUrl='.urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'">'.$itemvalue.'</a>';
elseif (isset($champ[$i]['libs']['table'])) { // Le champ a une table li<6C>e
//$cellvalue='<input type="text" name="edit_fd'.$i.'" value="'. htmlentities($itemvalue).'">';
$cellvalue =str_replace(array("\n\r","\r\n","\n","\r"),"<br>",qsmysqlgen_listvisu('SELECT '.$libs['key'].', '.$libs['lib'].' FROM '.$libs['table'].' WHERE '.$libs['key'].' IN ('.str_replace(';',',',$itemvalue).')',
'edit_fd'.$i, $libs['key'], $libs['lib'],$itemvalue));
else // On afiche laa valeur du champ
$cellvalue = $itemvalue;
if ($cellvalue == '') {
$cellvalue = ' ';
print '<td class=' . $css_class . ' align="left">' . $cellvalue . '</td></tr>';
#----get back url page----
$backurl = "./liste.php?";
<td colspan="2" class="ThRows" align=Center>
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="n">
<input type="button" name="QS_Back" value="Retour" OnClick="javascript:window.location='<?php print $backurl; ?>'">
<input type="submit" name="QS_Submit" value="Recherche">
<input type="button" name="QS_Clear" value="RAZ" OnClick="location='./search.php'">
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