357 lines
14 KiB
357 lines
14 KiB
* Inclusion du fichier de configuration des includes Métiers de S&D
include '/var/www/includes/config.php';
* Inclusion du Framework
if( !defined('FWK_PATH') )
include '/var/www/framework/fwk.php';
$iDb=new WDB('jo');
$iDb2=new WDB('sdv1');
$authorized = false;
if(isset($_GET['logout']) && ($_SESSION['auth'])) {
$_SESSION['auth'] = null;
echo "logging out...";
if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
$pwd =addslashes(trim($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']));
$tabTmp=$iDb2->select( 'utilisateurs',
'id, login, email',
"login='$user' AND password='$pwd' AND idClient=1 AND actif=1 AND deleted=0");
if ( $_SESSION['userId'] ) {//&& $_SESSION['auth']) {
$authorized = true;
} else {
//if (isset($_GET["login"]) && (! $authorized)) {
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm="Login please"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
$_SESSION['auth'] = true;
print('Login now or forever hold your clicks...');
if (!$authorized) {
?><h1>you have <? echo ($authorized) ? '' : 'not'; ?> logged!</h1><?
} else {
if (date('Hi')*1<1600 && $_SESSION['userId']<>1 && $_SESSION['userId']<>127) die('Pas de stats avant 16h. Production en cours...');
//echo '<!--';
if (isset($_POST['envoyer'])) {
foreach ($_POST['envoyer'] as $idEnv=>$env) {
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" />
<title>Gestion des informations de la base de données</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../nonimg/gestion.css" />
<script language='javascript' src='../nonimg/calendar.js'></script>
$iInsee=new MInsee();
$iBodacc=new MBodacc();
$tabTmp=$iDb2->select( 'utilisateurs',
'id, login',
foreach ($tabTmp as $user) {
$tabSource=array( 'JS'=>'Collecte JAL',
'TS'=>'Collecte CCI',
if ($_SESSION['userId']==1 || $_SESSION['userId']==127) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['detail']) && $_REQUEST['detail']==1)
elseif (isset($_REQUEST['detail']) && $_REQUEST['detail']==0)
if (isset($_REQUEST['vue'])) $vue=$_REQUEST['vue'];
else $vue='';
if ($vue=='mois') {
else {
if ($vueDetail) {
$tabBod=$iDb->select( 'bodacc_detail',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY idSirenage, Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
$tabCol=$iDb->select( 'annonces',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate2 as Jour, source, idSaisie AS idSirenage, idSaisie",
"source IN ('JS','TS','GC','PC') GROUP BY Jour, source, idSaisie ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb ASC");
$tabAss=$iDb->select( 'asso',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY idSirenage, Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
$tabDir=$iDb->select( 'rncs_dirigeants',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY idSirenage, Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
$tabBom=$iDb->select( 'boamp_lots',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY idSirenage, Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
$tabBoa=$iDb->select( 'boamp_detail',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY idSirenage, Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
} else {
$tabBod=$iDb->select( 'bodacc_detail',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, 0 AS idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
$tabCol=$iDb->select( 'annonces',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate2 as Jour, source, 0 AS idSirenage",
"source IN ('JS','TS','GC','PC') GROUP BY Jour, source ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb ASC");
$tabAss=$iDb->select( 'asso',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, 0 AS idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
$tabDir=$iDb->select( 'rncs_dirigeants',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, 0 AS idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
$tabBom=$iDb->select( 'boamp_lots',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
$tabBoa=$iDb->select( 'boamp_detail',
"COUNT(*) as Nb, $strDate1 as Jour, idSirenage",
'idSirenage>0 GROUP BY Jour ORDER BY Jour DESC, Nb DESC');
foreach ($tabBod as $tabJour) {
$tabJours[]=$tabJour['Jour']; $tabIdSir[]=$tabJour['idSirenage'];
foreach ($tabCol as $tabJour) {
$tabJours[]=$tabJour['Jour']; $tabIdSir[]=$tabJour['idSirenage'];
foreach ($tabAss as $tabJour) {
$tabJours[]=$tabJour['Jour']; $tabIdSir[]=$tabJour['idSirenage'];
foreach ($tabDir as $tabJour) {
$tabJours[]=$tabJour['Jour']; $tabIdSir[]=$tabJour['idSirenage'];
foreach ($tabBom as $tabJour) {
$tabJours[]=$tabJour['Jour']; $tabIdSir[]=$tabJour['idSirenage'];
foreach ($tabBoa as $tabJour) {
$tabJours[]=$tabJour['Jour']; $tabIdSir[]=$tabJour['idSirenage'];
$tabJours=array_unique($tabJours); rsort($tabJours);
$tabIdSir=array_unique($tabIdSir); sort($tabIdSir);
<h3 align="center">Opérations par <?=$strLibPeriode?></h3>
<table BgColor="#177AE9" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center" BorderColor="#000020">
<td align="center"><b><font color="Black">Date</font></b></td>
<? if ($vueDetail) echo '<td align="center"><b><font color="Black">Login</font></b></td>'; ?>
<td align="center"><b><font color="Black">Sirenage<br/>Bodacc</font></b></td>
<td align="center"><b><font color="Black">Sirenage<br/>Associations</font></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="middle"><b><font color="Black">Collecte</font></b></td>
<td align="center"><b><font color="Black">Dirigeants<br/>RNCS</font></b></td>
<td align="center"><b><font color="Black">Avis de marché<br/>du BOAMP</font></b></td>
<td align="center"><b><font color="Black">Lots attribués<br/>du BOAMP</font></b></td>
<td align="center" valign="middle"><b><font color="Black">TOTAL</font></b></td>
foreach ($tabJours as $jour) {
if ($vue<>'mois') {
if(WDate::jourFerie($jour,1)) continue;
if (isset($moisPre) && $moisPre<>$moisCour) {
foreach ($tabIdSir as $idSir) {
if ($vueDetail && !($idSir==127 || $idSir==958 || $idSir==1366)) continue;
echo '<tr BgColor="#177AE9"><td><font color="Black">'.$moisPre.'</font></td>';
if ($vueDetail) echo '<td><font color="Black">'.@$tabLogin[$idSir].' <i>('.$idSir.')</i></font></td>';
echo '<td align="right"><b><font color="Black">'.@$tot0[$moisPre][$idSir].'</font></b></td>';
echo '<td align="right"><b><font color="Black">'.@$tot1[$moisPre][$idSir].'</font></b></td>';
echo '<td align="right"><b><font color="Black">'.@$tot2[$moisPre][$idSir].'</font></b></td>';
echo '<td align="right"><b><font color="Black">'.@$tot3[$moisPre][$idSir].'</font></b></td>';
echo '<td align="right"><b><font color="Black">'.@$tot4[$moisPre][$idSir].'</font></b></td>';
echo '<td align="right"><b><font color="Black">'.@$tot5[$moisPre][$idSir].'</font></b></td>';
echo '<td align="right"><b><font color="Black">'.@$tabNbSir[$moisPre][$idSir].'</font></b></td>';
echo "</tr>";
echo '<tr BgColor="#177AE9"><td><font color="Black"><u>'.$moisPre.'</u></font></td>';
if ($vueDetail) echo '<td><font color="Black"><u>'.@$tabLogin[$idSir].' <i>('.$idSir.')</i></u></font></td>';
echo '<td colspan=6><font color="Black"><u>'.@$tabNbSir[$moisPre][$idSir].' opérations en '.@$tabJourW[$moisPre][$idSir]." jours ($nbOp op/j)</u></font> <u>";
if ($nbOp<150) $strPrime='<font color="red"><b>0 €</b></font>';
elseif ($nbOp<180) $strPrime='<font color="red"><b>80 €</b></font>';
elseif ($nbOp<200) $strPrime='<font color="red"><b>160 €</b></font>';
else $strPrime='<font color="red"><b>250 €</b></font>';
echo " $strPrime</u></td></tr>";
echo "<tr>";
foreach ($tabIdSir as $idSir) {
if ($vueDetail && !($idSir==127 || $idSir==958 || $idSir==1366))
2010-09 mpurcarin (127) 1160 187 123 283 1753
2010-09 aegasse (282) 38 38
2010-09 mfuret (873) 22 22
2010-09 tjactel (958) 743 53 647 1443
2010-09 lpotiron (1086)
smestre (1366)
echo '<tr BgColor="#E2EEFC"><td>'.$jour.'</td>';
if ($vueDetail) echo '<td>'.@$tabLogin[$idSir].' <i>('.$idSir.')</i></td>';
// Nombre d'annonces Bodacc affectées
echo '<td align="right"> ';
foreach ($tabBod as $tabJour)
if ($tabJour['Jour']==$jour && $tabJour['idSirenage']==$idSir) {
echo $tabJour['Nb'].' ';
echo '</td>';
// Nombre d'annonces Associations affectées
echo '<td align="right"> ';
foreach ($tabAss as $tabJour)
if ($tabJour['Jour']==$jour && $tabJour['idSirenage']==$idSir) {
echo $tabJour['Nb'].' ';
echo '</td>';
// Collecte
echo '<td align="right"> ';
foreach ($tabCol as $tabJour)
if ($tabJour['Jour']==$jour && $tabJour['idSirenage']==$idSir) {
echo preg_replace('/^0/','', "$col</td>");
// Nombre de dirigeants PM
echo '<td align="right"> ';
foreach ($tabDir as $tabJour)
if ($tabJour['Jour']==$jour && $tabJour['idSirenage']==$idSir) {
echo $tabJour['Nb'].' ';
echo '</td>';
// Nombre d'annonces Boamp Avis affectées
echo '<td align="right"> ';
foreach ($tabBoa as $tabJour)
if ($tabJour['Jour']==$jour && $tabJour['idSirenage']==$idSir) {
echo $tabJour['Nb'].' ';
echo '</td>';
// Nombre d'annonces Boamp Loys affectées
echo '<td align="right"> ';
foreach ($tabBom as $tabJour)
if ($tabJour['Jour']==$jour && $tabJour['idSirenage']==$idSir) {
echo $tabJour['Nb'].' ';
echo '</td>';
// TOTAUX de la ligne/période
if ($tot>=50) {
echo '<td align="right">'.$tot.'</td>';
elseif ($jour<>date('Y-m-d'))
echo '<td align="right">Congé</td>';
echo '<td align="right">-</td>';
echo '</tr>';
<h3 align="center">Collecte Jugements anté-Bodacc</h3>
<table BgColor="#177AE9" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center" BorderColor="#000020">
<tr><td><b><font color="Black">Date</font></b></td><td><b><font color="Black">Source</font></b></td>
<? if ($_SESSION['userId']<>282 && $_SESSION['userId']<>127 && $_SESSION['userId']<>1 && $_SESSION['userId']<>2) echo '<td><b><font color="Black">Login</font></b></td>'; ?><td><b><font color="Black">Total saisie</font></b></td></tr>
foreach ($tabCol as $tabJour) {
echo '<tr BgColor="#E2EEFC"><td>'.$tabJour['Jour'].'</td><td>'.$tabSource[$tabJour['source']].'</td>';
if ($vueDetail)
echo '<td>'.@$tabLogin[$tabJour['idSaisie']].' <i>('.@$tabJour['idSaisie'].')</i></td>';
echo '<td>'.$tabJour['Nb'].'</td></tr>';
<h3 align="center">Sirenage des annonces JO Associations</h3>
<table BgColor="#177AE9" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center" BorderColor="#000020">
<tr><td><b><font color="Black">Date</font></b></td>
<? if ($_SESSION['userId']<>282 && $_SESSION['userId']<>127 && $_SESSION['userId']<>1 && $_SESSION['userId']<>2) echo '<td><b><font color="Black">Login</font></b></td>'; ?><td><b><font color="Black">Total sirené</font></b></td></tr>
// `id` , `Assoc_Nom` , `siren` , `sirenValide` , `nic` , `nicValide` , `idSirenage` , `Waldec` , `Activite` , `codThemes` , `Num_Annonce` , `Date_Parution` , `Num_Parution` , `pageDeb` , `Departement` , `Sous_Prefecture` , `codTribunal` , `Type_Annonce` , `typeAnnonce` , `typeAsso` , `corrNum_Annonce` , `corrDate_Parution` , `corrPage` , `corrNumParution` , `codEven` , `Annonce_Html` , `Assoc_Web` , `Assoc_Mail` , `Assoc_Objet` , `Assoc_Adresse` , `Assoc_AdrNum` , `Assoc_AdrIndRep` , `Assoc_AdrTypVoie` , `Assoc_AdrLibVoie` , `Assoc_AdrCP` , `Assoc_AdrVille` , `Assoc_AdrComp` , `Assoc_NObjet` , `Assoc_AObjet` , `Assoc_NAdresse` , `Assoc_Fusion` , `Assoc_Annulation` , `Assoc_ANom` , `Assoc_NNom` , `Assoc_Commentaire` , `Assoc_Duree` , `Assoc_Dotation` , `Assoc_ProgAction` , `Assoc_Fondateurs` , `Assoc_Date_Declaration` , `Assoc_Date_Declaration2` , `dateInsert`
foreach ($tabAss as $tabJour) {
echo '<tr BgColor="#E2EEFC"><td>'.$tabJour['Jour'].'</td>';
if ($vueDetail)
echo '<td>'.@$tabLogin[$tabJour['idSirenage']].' <i>('.@$tabJour['idSirenage'].')</i></td>';
echo '<td>'.$tabJour['Nb'].'</td></tr>';