960 lines
30 KiB
960 lines
30 KiB
* This class is under GPL Licencense Agreement
* @author Juan Carlos Gonzalez Ulloa <jgonzalez@innox.com.mx>
* Innovacion Inteligente S de RL de CV (Innox)
* Av. Abraham Lincoln 28 B
* Col. Vallarta Norte
* Guadalajara, Jalisco. México.
* Class to read SHP files and modify the DBF related information
* Just create the object and all the records will be saved in $shp->records
* Each record has the "shp_data" and "dbf_data" arrays with the record information
* You can modify the DBF information using the $shp_record->setDBFInformation($data)
* The $data must be an array with the DBF's row data.
* Performance issues:
* Because the class opens and fetches all the information (records/dbf info)
* from the file, the loading time and memory amount neede may be way to much.
* Example:
* 15 seconds loading a 210907 points shape file
* 60Mb memory limit needed
* Athlon XP 2200+
* Mandrake 10 OS
$shp = new ShapeFile("file.shp"); // along this file the class will use file.shx and file.dbf
// Let's see all the records:
foreach($shp->records as $record){
echo "<pre>"; // just to format
print_r($record->shp_data); // All the data related to the poligon
print_r($record->dbf_data); // The alphanumeric information related to the figure
echo $shp->getRecordClass()."\n"; // The poligon type
echo "</pre>";
Here you have all the information contained within a shape file.
MODIFIED 15-MARCH-2006 by Marcel Mateescu <marcelmateescu@sourceforge.net>
to run without the DBASE extensiopn of PHP using dbf_class.php
// Configuration
define("SHOW_ERRORS", true);
define("DEBUG", false);
// Constants
// Strings
define("ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "SHP File not found [%s]");
define("INEXISTENT_RECORD_CLASS", "Unable to determine shape record type [%i]");
define("INEXISTENT_FUNCTION", "Unable to find reading function [%s]");
define("INEXISTENT_DBF_FILE", "Unable to open (read/write) SHP's DBF file [%s]");
define("INCORRECT_DBF_FILE", "Unable to read SHP's DBF file [%s]");
define("UNABLE_TO_WRITE_DBF_FILE", "Unable to write DBF file [%s]");
class ShapeFile{
var $file_name;
var $fp;
var $error_message = "";
var $show_errors = SHOW_ERRORS;
var $shp_bounding_box = array();
var $shp_type = 0;
var $records;
var $dbf;
function ShapeFile($file_name){
$this->file_name = $file_name;
_d("Opening [$file_name]");
return $this->setError( sprintf(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, $file_name) );
$this->fp = fopen($this->file_name, "rb");
// Data fetchers
function _fetchShpBasicConfiguration(){
_d("Reading basic information");
fseek($this->fp, 32, SEEK_SET);
$this->shp_type = readAndUnpack("i", fread($this->fp, 4));
_d("SHP type detected: ".$this->shp_type);
$this->shp_bounding_box = readBoundingBox($this->fp);
//_d("SHP bounding box detected: miX=".$this->shp_bounding_box["xmin"]." miY=".$this->shp_bounding_box["ymin"]." maX=".$this->shp_bounding_box["xmax"]." maY=".$this->shp_bounding_box["ymax"]);
function _fetchRecords(){
fseek($this->fp, 100);
$shp_record = new ShapeRecord($this->fp, $this->file_name);
if($shp_record->error_message != ""){
return false;
$this->records[] = $shp_record;
function fetchNextRecord(){
$shp_record = new ShapeRecord($this->fp, $this->file_name);
if($shp_record->error_message != ""){
return false;
$this->records[] = $shp_record;
function getDBFHeader(){
$dbf_filename = processDBFFileName($this->file_name);
$dbf_data = array();
// if(is_readable($dbf_data)){
//mod mm $dbf = dbase_open($dbf_filename, 1);
$this->dbf = new dbf_class($dbf_filename);
// solo en PHP5 $dbf_data = dbase_get_header_info($dbf);
// }
// General functions
function setError($error){
$this->error_message = $error;
echo $error."\n";
return false;
function closeFile(){
* ShapeRecord
class ShapeRecord{
var $fp;
var $dbf = null;
var $record_number = null;
var $content_length = null;
var $record_shape_type = null;
var $error_message = "";
var $shp_data = array();
var $dbf_data = array();
var $file_name = "";
var $record_class = array( 0 => "RecordNull",
1 => "RecordPoint",
8 => "RecordMultiPoint",
3 => "RecordPolyLine",
5 => "RecordPolygon");
function ShapeRecord(&$fp, $file_name){
$this->fp = $fp;
_d("Shape record created at byte ".ftell($fp));
$function_name = "read".$this->getRecordClass();
_d("Calling reading function [$function_name] starting at byte ".ftell($fp));
$this->shp_data = $function_name($this->fp);
} else {
$this->setError( sprintf(INEXISTENT_FUNCTION, $function_name) );
$this->file_name = processDBFFileName($file_name);
function _readHeader(){
$this->record_number = readAndUnpack("N", fread($this->fp, 4));
$this->content_length = readAndUnpack("N", fread($this->fp, 4));
$this->record_shape_type = readAndUnpack("i", fread($this->fp, 4));
_d("Shape Record ID=".$this->record_number." ContentLength=".$this->content_length." RecordShapeType=".$this->record_shape_type."\nEnding byte ".ftell($this->fp)."\n");
function getRecordClass(){
_d("Unable to find record class ($this->record_shape_type) [".getArray($this->record_class)."]");
return $this->setError( sprintf(INEXISTENT_RECORD_CLASS, $this->record_shape_type) );
_d("Returning record class ($this->record_shape_type) ".$this->record_class[$this->record_shape_type]);
return $this->record_class[$this->record_shape_type];
function setError($error){
$this->error_message = $error;
return false;
function getShpData(){
return $this->shp_data;
function _openDBFFile($check_writeable = false){
$dbffilename =$this->file_name;
//mm $this->dbf = dbase_open($this->file_name, ($check_writeable ? 2 : 0));
$this->dbf = new dbf_class($dbffilename);
$this->setError( sprintf(INCORRECT_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
} else {
$this->setError( sprintf(INEXISTENT_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
function _closeDBFFile(){
// dbase_close($this->dbf);
$this->dbf = null;
function _fetchDBFInformation(){
// print_r(stream_context_get_options($this->fp));
if($this->dbf) {
//°° $this->dbf_data = dbase_get_record_with_names($this->dbf, $this->record_number);
$this->dbf_data = $this->dbf->getRow($this->record_number);
} else {
$this->setError( sprintf(INCORRECT_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
function setDBFInformation($row_array){
if($this->dbf) {
if(!dbase_replace_record($this->dbf, array_values($row_array), $this->record_number)){
$this->setError( sprintf(UNABLE_TO_WRITE_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
} else {
$this->dbf_data = $row_array;
} else {
$this->setError( sprintf(INCORRECT_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
* Reading functions
function readRecordNull(&$fp, $read_shape_type = false){
$data = array();
if($read_shape_type) $data += readShapeType($fp);
_d("Returning Null shp_data array = ".getArray($data));
return $data;
$point_count = 0;
function readRecordPoint(&$fp, $create_object = false){
global $point_count;
$data = array();
$data["x"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
$data["y"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
//_d("Returning Point shp_data array = ".getArray($data));
return $data;
function readRecordMultiPoint(&$fp){
$data = readBoundingBox($fp);
$data["numpoints"] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
_d("MultiPoint numpoints = ".$data["numpoints"]);
for($i = 0; $i <= $data["numpoints"]; $i++){
$data["points"][] = readRecordPoint($fp);
_d("Returning MultiPoint shp_data array = ".getArray($data));
return $data;
function readRecordPolyLine(&$fp){
$data = readBoundingBox($fp);
$data["numparts"] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
$data["numpoints"] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
_d("PolyLine numparts = ".$data["numparts"]." numpoints = ".$data["numpoints"]);
for($i=0; $i<$data["numparts"]; $i++){
$data["parts"][$i] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
_d("PolyLine adding point index= ".$data["parts"][$i]);
$points_initial_index = ftell($fp);
_d("Reading points; initial index = $points_initial_index");
$points_read = 0;
foreach($data["parts"] as $part_index => $point_index){
//fseek($fp, $points_initial_index + $point_index);
_d("Seeking initial index point [".($points_initial_index + $point_index)."]");
if(!isset($data["parts"][$part_index]["points"]) || !is_array($data["parts"][$part_index]["points"])){
$data["parts"][$part_index] = array();
$data["parts"][$part_index]["points"] = array();
while( ! in_array( $points_read, $data["parts"]) && $points_read < $data["numpoints"] && !feof($fp)){
$data["parts"][$part_index]["points"][] = readRecordPoint($fp, true);
fseek($fp, $points_initial_index + ($points_read * XY_POINT_RECORD_LENGTH));
_d("Seeking end of points section [".($points_initial_index + ($points_read * XY_POINT_RECORD_LENGTH))."]");
return $data;
function readRecordPolygon(&$fp){
_d("Polygon reading; applying readRecordPolyLine function");
return readRecordPolyLine($fp);
* General functions
function processDBFFileName($dbf_filename){
_d("Received filename [$dbf_filename]");
if(!strstr($dbf_filename, ".")){
$dbf_filename .= ".dbf";
if(substr($dbf_filename, strlen($dbf_filename)-3, 3) != "dbf"){
$dbf_filename = substr($dbf_filename, 0, strlen($dbf_filename)-3)."dbf";
_d("Ended up like [$dbf_filename]");
return $dbf_filename;
function readBoundingBox(&$fp){
$data = array();
$data["xmin"] = readAndUnpack("d",fread($fp, 8));
$data["ymin"] = readAndUnpack("d",fread($fp, 8));
$data["xmax"] = readAndUnpack("d",fread($fp, 8));
$data["ymax"] = readAndUnpack("d",fread($fp, 8));
_d("Bounding box read: miX=".$data["xmin"]." miY=".$data["ymin"]." maX=".$data["xmax"]." maY=".$data["ymax"]);
return $data;
function readAndUnpack($type, $data){
if(!$data) return $data;
return current(unpack($type, $data));
function _d($debug_text){
echo $debug_text."\n";
function getArray($array){
$contents = ob_get_contents();
return $contents;
* This class is under GPL Licencense Agreement
* @author Juan Carlos Gonzalez Ulloa <jgonzalez@innox.com.mx>
* Innovacion Inteligente S de RL de CV (Innox)
* Lopez Mateos Sur 2077 - Z16
* Col. Jardines de Plaza del Sol
* Guadalajara, Jalisco
* CP 44510
* Mexico
* Class to read SHP files and modify the DBF related information
* Just create the object and all the records will be saved in $shp->records
* Each record has the "shp_data" and "dbf_data" arrays with the record information
* You can modify the DBF information using the $shp_record->setDBFInformation($data)
* The $data must be an array with the DBF's row data.
* Performance issues:
* Because the class opens and fetches all the information (records/dbf info)
* from the file, the loading time and memory amount neede may be way to much.
* Example:
* 15 seconds loading a 210907 points shape file
* 60Mb memory limit needed
* Athlon XP 2200+
* Mandrake 10 OS
* Edited by David Granqvist March 2008 for better performance on large files
* This version only get the information it really needs
* Get one record at a time to save memory, means that you can work with very large files.
* Does not load the information until you tell it too (saves time)
* Added an option to not read the polygon points can be handy sometimes, and saves time :-)
* Example:
//sets the options to show the polygon points, 'noparts' => true would skip that and save time
$options = array('noparts' => false);
$shp = new ShapeFile("../../php/shapefile/file.shp",$options);
//Dump the ten first records
$i = 0;
while ($record = $shp->getNext() and $i<10) {
$dbf_data = $record->getDbfData();
$shp_data = $record->getShpData();
//Dump the information
// Configuration
define("SHOW_ERRORS", true);
define("DEBUG", false);
// Constants
// Strings
define("ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND", "SHP File not found [%s]");
define("INEXISTENT_RECORD_CLASS", "Unable to determine shape record type [%i]");
define("INEXISTENT_FUNCTION", "Unable to find reading function [%s]");
define("INEXISTENT_DBF_FILE", "Unable to open (read/write) SHP's DBF file [%s]");
define("INCORRECT_DBF_FILE", "Unable to read SHP's DBF file [%s]");
define("UNABLE_TO_WRITE_DBF_FILE", "Unable to write DBF file [%s]");
class ShapeFile{
private $file_name;
private $fp;
//Used to fasten up the search between records;
private $dbf_filename = null;
//Starting position is 100 for the records
private $fpos = 100;
private $error_message = "";
private $show_errors = SHOW_ERRORS;
private $shp_bounding_box = array();
private $shp_type = 0;
public $records;
function ShapeFile($file_name,$options=array()){
$this->options = $options;
$this->file_name = $file_name;
//_d("Opening [$file_name]");
return $this->setError( sprintf(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, $file_name) );
$this->fp = fopen($this->file_name, "rb");
//Set the dbf filename
$this->dbf_filename = processDBFFileName($this->file_name);
public function getError(){
return $this->error_message;
function __destruct()
// Data fetchers
private function _fetchShpBasicConfiguration(){
//_d("Reading basic information");
fseek($this->fp, 32, SEEK_SET);
$this->shp_type = readAndUnpack("i", fread($this->fp, 4));
//_d("SHP type detected: ".$this->shp_type);
$this->shp_bounding_box = readBoundingBox($this->fp);
////_d("SHP bounding box detected: miX=".$this->shp_bounding_box["xmin"]." miY=".$this->shp_bounding_box["ymin"]." maX=".$this->shp_bounding_box["xmax"]." maY=".$this->shp_bounding_box["ymax"]);
public function getNext(){
if (!feof($this->fp)) {
fseek($this->fp, $this->fpos);
$shp_record = new ShapeRecord($this->fp, $this->dbf_filename,$this->options);
if($shp_record->getError() != ""){
return false;
$this->fpos = $shp_record->getNextRecordPosition();
return $shp_record;
return false;
/*Alpha, not working
public function _resetFileReading(){
$this->fpos = 0;
/* Takes too much memory
function _fetchRecords(){
fseek($this->fp, 100);
$shp_record = new ShapeRecord($this->fp, $this->file_name);
if($shp_record->error_message != ""){
return false;
$this->records[] = $shp_record;
//Not Used
/* private function getDBFHeader(){
$dbf_data = array();
$dbf = dbase_open($this->dbf_filename , 1);
// solo en PHP5 $dbf_data = dbase_get_header_info($dbf);
echo dbase_get_header_info($dbf);
// General functions
private function setError($error){
$this->error_message = $error;
echo $error."\n";
return false;
private function closeFile(){
// ShapeRecord
class ShapeRecord{
private $fp;
private $fpos = null;
private $dbf = null;
private $record_number = null;
private $content_length = null;
private $record_shape_type = null;
private $error_message = "";
private $shp_data = array();
private $dbf_data = array();
private $file_name = "";
private $record_class = array( 0 => "RecordNull",
1 => "RecordPoint",
8 => "RecordMultiPoint",
3 => "RecordPolyLine",
5 => "RecordPolygon",
13 => "RecordMultiPointZ",
11 => "RecordPointZ");
function ShapeRecord(&$fp, $file_name,$options){
$this->fp = $fp;
$this->fpos = ftell($fp);
$this->options = $options;
//_d("Shape record created at byte ".ftell($fp));
if (feof($fp)) {
echo "end ";
$this->file_name = $file_name;
public function getNextRecordPosition(){
$nextRecordPosition = $this->fpos + ((4 + $this->content_length )* 2);
return $nextRecordPosition;
private function _readHeader(){
$this->record_number = readAndUnpack("N", fread($this->fp, 4));
$this->content_length = readAndUnpack("N", fread($this->fp, 4));
$this->record_shape_type = readAndUnpack("i", fread($this->fp, 4));
//_d("Shape Record ID=".$this->record_number." ContentLength=".$this->content_length." RecordShapeType=".$this->record_shape_type."\nEnding byte ".ftell($this->fp)."\n");
private function getRecordClass(){
//_d("Unable to find record class ($this->record_shape_type) [".getArray($this->record_class)."]");
return $this->setError( sprintf(INEXISTENT_RECORD_CLASS, $this->record_shape_type) );
//_d("Returning record class ($this->record_shape_type) ".$this->record_class[$this->record_shape_type]);
return $this->record_class[$this->record_shape_type];
private function setError($error){
$this->error_message = $error;
return false;
public function getError(){
return $this->error_message;
public function getShpData(){
$function_name = "read".$this->getRecordClass();
//_d("Calling reading function [$function_name] starting at byte ".ftell($fp));
$this->shp_data = $function_name($this->fp,$this->options);
} else {
$this->setError( sprintf(INEXISTENT_FUNCTION, $function_name) );
return $this->shp_data;
public function getDbfData(){
return $this->dbf_data;
private function _openDBFFile($check_writeable = false){
$check_function = $check_writeable ? "is_writable" : "is_readable";
$this->dbf = dbase_open($this->file_name, ($check_writeable ? 2 : 0));
$this->setError( sprintf(INCORRECT_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
} else {
$this->setError( sprintf(INEXISTENT_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
private function _closeDBFFile(){
$this->dbf = null;
private function _fetchDBFInformation(){
if($this->dbf) {
//En este punto salta un error si el registro 0 está vacio.
//Ignoramos los errores, ja que aún asà todo funciona perfecto.
$this->dbf_data = @dbase_get_record_with_names($this->dbf, $this->record_number);
} else {
$this->setError( sprintf(INCORRECT_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
public function setDBFInformation($row_array){
if($this->dbf) {
if(!dbase_replace_record($this->dbf, array_values($row_array), $this->record_number)){
$this->setError( sprintf(UNABLE_TO_WRITE_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
} else {
$this->dbf_data = $row_array;
} else {
$this->setError( sprintf(INCORRECT_DBF_FILE, $this->file_name) );
// Reading functions
function readRecordNull(&$fp, $read_shape_type = false,$options = null){
$data = array();
if($read_shape_type) $data += readShapeType($fp);
//_d("Returning Null shp_data array = ".getArray($data));
return $data;
$point_count = 0;
function readRecordPoint(&$fp, $create_object = false,$options = null){
global $point_count;
$data = array();
$data["x"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
$data["y"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
////_d("Returning Point shp_data array = ".getArray($data));
return $data;
function readRecordPointZ(&$fp, $create_object = false,$options = null){
global $point_count;
$data = array();
$data["x"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
$data["y"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
// $data["z"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
// $data["m"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
////_d("Returning Point shp_data array = ".getArray($data));
return $data;
function readRecordPointZSP($data, &$fp){
$data["z"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
return $data;
function readRecordPointMSP($data, &$fp){
$data["m"] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
return $data;
function readRecordMultiPoint(&$fp,$options = null){
$data = readBoundingBox($fp);
$data["numpoints"] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
//_d("MultiPoint numpoints = ".$data["numpoints"]);
for($i = 0; $i <= $data["numpoints"]; $i++){
$data["points"][] = readRecordPoint($fp);
//_d("Returning MultiPoint shp_data array = ".getArray($data));
return $data;
function readRecordPolyLine(&$fp,$options = null){
$data = readBoundingBox($fp);
$data["numparts"] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
$data["numpoints"] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
//_d("PolyLine numparts = ".$data["numparts"]." numpoints = ".$data["numpoints"]);
if (isset($options['noparts']) && $options['noparts']==true) {
//Skip the parts
$points_initial_index = ftell($fp)+4*$data["numparts"];
$points_read = $data["numpoints"];
for($i=0; $i<$data["numparts"]; $i++){
$data["parts"][$i] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
//_d("PolyLine adding point index= ".$data["parts"][$i]);
$points_initial_index = ftell($fp);
//_d("Reading points; initial index = $points_initial_index");
$points_read = 0;
foreach($data["parts"] as $part_index => $point_index){
//fseek($fp, $points_initial_index + $point_index);
//_d("Seeking initial index point [".($points_initial_index + $point_index)."]");
if(!isset($data["parts"][$part_index]["points"]) || !is_array($data["parts"][$part_index]["points"])){
$data["parts"][$part_index] = array();
$data["parts"][$part_index]["points"] = array();
while( ! in_array( $points_read, $data["parts"]) && $points_read < $data["numpoints"] && !feof($fp)){
$data["parts"][$part_index]["points"][] = readRecordPoint($fp, true);
fseek($fp, $points_initial_index + ($points_read * XY_POINT_RECORD_LENGTH));
//_d("Seeking end of points section [".($points_initial_index + ($points_read * XY_POINT_RECORD_LENGTH))."]");
return $data;
function readRecordMultiPointZ(&$fp,$options = null){
$data = readBoundingBox($fp);
$data["numparts"] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
$data["numpoints"] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
// $fileX = 40 + (16*$data["numpoints"]);
// $fileY = $fileX + 16 + (8*$data["numpoints"]);
$fileX = 44 + (4*$data["numparts"]);
$fileY = $fileX + (16*$data["numpoints"]);
$fileZ = $fileY + 16 + (8*$data["numpoints"]);
Note: X = 44 + (4 * NumParts), Y = X + (16 * NumPoints), Z = Y + 16 + (8 * NumPoints)
//_d("PolyLine numparts = ".$data["numparts"]." numpoints = ".$data["numpoints"]);
if (isset($options['noparts']) && $options['noparts']==true) {
//Skip the parts
$points_initial_index = ftell($fp)+4*$data["numparts"];
$points_read = $data["numpoints"];
for($i=0; $i<$data["numparts"]; $i++){
$data["parts"][$i] = readAndUnpack("i", fread($fp, 4));
//_d("PolyLine adding point index= ".$data["parts"][$i]);
$points_initial_index = ftell($fp);
//_d("Reading points; initial index = $points_initial_index");
$points_read = 0;
foreach($data["parts"] as $part_index => $point_index){
//fseek($fp, $points_initial_index + $point_index);
//_d("Seeking initial index point [".($points_initial_index + $point_index)."]");
if(!isset($data["parts"][$part_index]["points"]) || !is_array($data["parts"][$part_index]["points"])){
$data["parts"][$part_index] = array();
$data["parts"][$part_index]["points"] = array();
while( ! in_array( $points_read, $data["parts"]) && $points_read < $data["numpoints"]/* && !feof($fp)*
$data["parts"][$part_index]["points"][] = readRecordPoint($fp, true);
$data['Zmin'] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
$data['Zmax'] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
foreach($data["parts"] as $part_index => $point_index){
foreach($point_index["points"] as $n => $p){
$data["parts"][$part_index]['points'][$n] = readRecordPointZSP($p, $fp, true);
$data['Mmin'] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
$data['Mmax'] = readAndUnpack("d", fread($fp, 8));
foreach($data["parts"] as $part_index => $point_index){
foreach($point_index["points"] as $n => $p){
$data["parts"][$part_index]['points'][$n] = readRecordPointMSP($p, $fp, true);
fseek($fp, $points_initial_index + ($points_read * XY_POINT_RECORD_LENGTH));
//_d("Seeking end of points section [".($points_initial_index + ($points_read * XY_POINT_RECORD_LENGTH))."]");
return $data;
function readRecordPolygon(&$fp,$options = null){
//_d("Polygon reading; applying readRecordPolyLine function");
return readRecordPolyLine($fp,$options);
* General functions
function processDBFFileName($dbf_filename){
//_d("Received filename [$dbf_filename]");
if(!strstr($dbf_filename, ".")){
$dbf_filename .= ".dbf";
if(substr($dbf_filename, strlen($dbf_filename)-3, 3) != "dbf"){
$dbf_filename = substr($dbf_filename, 0, strlen($dbf_filename)-3)."dbf";
//_d("Ended up like [$dbf_filename]");
return $dbf_filename;
function readBoundingBox(&$fp){
$data = array();
$data["xmin"] = readAndUnpack("d",fread($fp, 8));
$data["ymin"] = readAndUnpack("d",fread($fp, 8));
$data["xmax"] = readAndUnpack("d",fread($fp, 8));
$data["ymax"] = readAndUnpack("d",fread($fp, 8));
//_d("Bounding box read: miX=".$data["xmin"]." miY=".$data["ymin"]." maX=".$data["xmax"]." maY=".$data["ymax"]);
return $data;
function readAndUnpack($type, $data){
if(!$data) return $data;
return current(unpack($type, $data));
function _d($debug_text){
echo $debug_text."\n";
function getArray($array){
$contents = ob_get_contents();
return $contents;