2337 lines
69 KiB
2337 lines
69 KiB
// --- Define path to application directory
|| define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../application'));
// --- Define application environment
|| define('APPLICATION_ENV', (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') : 'production'));
// --- Composer autoload
require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php');
// --- Create application, bootstrap, and run
$application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini');
$displayUsage = false;
try {
$opts = new Zend_Console_Getopt(array(
'help|?' => "Aide.",
'id=s' => "Identifiant du traitement",
'file=s' => "Traitement manuel avec spécification du fichier",
'key=s' => "Liste des clés pour l'enrichissement",
'otherid=s' => "Utilise un autre id que SIREN/SIRET",
'reprise' => "Reprendre un fichier à la ligne n-1",
'ask' => "Interaction avec l'utilisateur lors d'une reprise manuelle",
'doublon=s' => "Option dédoublonnage par fichier",
} catch (Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception $e) {
$displayUsage = true;
// --- Aide / Options
if (count($opts->getOptions())==0 || isset($opts->help)) {
$displayUsage = true;
// --- Usage
if ($displayUsage) {
echo $opts->getUsageMessage();
//Traiter la demande en créant les requetes sql nécessaires
$tabDico = array(
'etablissements' => array(
'db' => 'jo.etablissements',
'cle' => array(
'idSd' => "CONCAT(source,'-',source_id) AS idSd",
'source' => '',
'triCode' => '',
'autre_id' => '',
'actif' => '',
'siege' => '',
'raisonSociale' => '',
'enseigne' => '',
'sigle' => '',
'marques' => '',
'adr_num' => '',
'adr_btq' => '',
'adr_typeVoie' => '',
'adr_libVoie' => '',
'adr_comp' => '',
'adr_cp' => '',
'adr_ville' => '',
'adr_dep' => '',
'adr_codeCom' => 'CONCAT(if (adr_dep>100,round(adr_dep/10),adr_dep*1),adr_com) AS adr_codeCom',
'telEtab' => 'tel as telEtab',
'faxEtab' => 'fax as faxEtab',
'cj' => array(
'sql' => '',
'table' => 'SELECT code, libelle AS label FROM jo.tabFJur',
'capital' => '',
'capitalDev' => '',
'ape_etab' => array(
'sql' => '',
'table' => 'SELECT codNaf5 AS code, libNaf5 AS label FROM jo.tabNaf5',
'ape_entrep' => array(
'sql' => '',
'table' => 'SELECT codNaf5 AS code, libNaf5 AS label FROM jo.tabNaf5',
'SiretEnBase' => 'nic>0 AS SiretEnBase',
'where' => ' WHERE siren=$siren AND nic=$nicV',
'identite' => array(
'db' => 'insee.identite',
'cle' => array(
'etActifInsee' => 'ACTIF as etActifInsee',
'nomInsee' => 'NOM as nomInsee',
'nomInsee2' => 'NOM2 as nomInsee2',
'sigleInsee' => 'SIGLE as sigleInsee',
'enseigneInsee' => 'ENSEIGNE as enseigneInsee',
'adrNumVoieInsee' => 'ADR_NUMVOIE as adrNumVoieInsee',
'adrBtqInsee' => 'ADR_BTQ as adrBtqInsee',
'adrTypeVoieInsee' => 'ADR_TYPVOIE as adrTypeVoieInsee',
'adrVoieInsee' => 'ADR_LIBVOIE as adrVoieInsee',
'adrCompInsee' => 'ADR_COMP as adrCompInsee',
'adrCPInsee' => 'ADR_CP as adrCPInsee',
'adrVilleInsee' => 'ADR_LIBCOM as adrVilleInsee',
'adrDistSPInsee' => 'ADR_DISTSP as adrDistSPInsee',
'CjInsee' => 'CJ as CjInsee',
'nafEnInsee' => array(
'sql' => 'APE_ENT as nafEnInsee',
'table' => 'SELECT codNaf5 AS code, libNaf5 AS label FROM jo.tabNaf5',
'nafEtInsee' => 'APE_ETAB as nafEtInsee',
'APRM' => '',
'ACTIVNAT' => '',
'ORIGINE' => '',
'MODET' => '',
'EXPLET' => '',
'LIEUACT' => '',
'ACTISURF' => '',
'DEFET' => '',
'MODEN' => '',
'PRODPART' => '',
'EXPLEN' => '',
'DEFEN' => '',
'MONOREG' => '',
'REGIMP' => '',
'MONOACT' => '',
'DCREN' => '',
'SIEGE' => '',
'AUXILT' => '',
'SAISONAT' => '',
'CIVILITE' => '',
'TCA' => '',
'TCAEXP' => '',
'EFF_ENT' => '',
'DCRET' => '',
'TEFF_ENT' => '',
'ADR_DEP' => '',
'ADR_COM' => '',
'EFF_ET' => '',
'TEFF_ET' => '',
'dateMajInsee' => 'dateUpdate as dateMajInsee',
'where' => ' WHERE SIREN=$siren AND NIC=$nicV',
'notice' => array(
'db' => 'insee.insee_notices',
'cle' => array(
'insRPET' => '',
'insDEPCOMEN' => '',
'insRPEN' => '',
'insARRONET' => '',
'insCTONET' => '',
'insTCD' => '',
'insZEMET' => '',
'insDU' => '',
'insTU' => '',
'insUU' => '',
'insMMINTRET' => '',
'insMMINTREN' => '',
'insRECME' => '',
'insEAEANT' => '',
'insEAEAPET' => '',
'insEAESEC1T' => '',
'insEAESEC2T' => '',
'insEAEANN' => '',
'insEAEAPEN' => '',
'insEAESEC1N' => '',
'insEAESEC2N' => '',
'insEAESEC3N' => '',
'insEAESEC4N' => '',
'dateMajNotice' => 'dateNotice as dateMajNotice',
'where' => ' WHERE insSIREN=$siren AND insNIC=$nicV',
'rncs_entrep' => array(
'db' => 'jo.rncs_entrep',
'cle' => array(
'entActiveRncs' => 'actif AS entActiveRncs', //=> Faux getIdentite
'numRC2' => 'numRC2',
'raisonSocialeRncs' => 'raisonSociale AS raisonSocialeRncs',
'sigleRncs' => 'sigle AS sigleRncs',
'dateNaiss' => 'dateNaiss',
'lieuNaiss' => 'lieuNaiss',
'nationalite' => 'nationalite',
'pays' => 'pays',
'nafEnRncs' => 'naf AS nafEnRncs',
'cjRncs' => array(
'sql' => 'cj AS cjRncs',
'table' => 'SELECT code, libelle AS label FROM jo.tabFJur',
'dateImma' => 'dateImma',
'dateRad' => 'dateRad',
'capitalType' => 'capitalType',
'dateMajEnRncs' => 'flux AS dateMajEnRncs',
'where' => ' WHERE siren=$siren',
'rncs_etab' => array(
'db' => 'jo.rncs_etab',
'cle' => array(
'etActifRncs' => 'actif AS etActifRncs',
'siegeRncs' => 'siege AS siegeRncs',
'enseigneRncs' => 'enseigne AS enseigneRncs',
'nomCommercialRncs' => 'nomCommercial AS nomCommercialRncs',
'adrNumVoieRncs' => 'adrNumVoie AS adrNumVoieRncs',
'adrIndRepRncs' => 'adrIndRep AS adrIndRepRncs',
'adrLibVoieRncs' => 'adrLibVoie AS adrLibVoieRncs',
'adrTypeVoieRncs' => 'adrTypeVoie AS adrTypeVoieRncs',
'adrVoieRncs' => 'adrVoie AS adrVoieRncs',
'cpRncs' => 'cp AS cpRncs',
'villeRncs' => 'commune AS villeRncs',
'adrCompRncs' => 'adrComp AS adrCompRncs',
'nafEtRncs' => 'naf AS nafEtRncs',
'dateMajEtRncs' => 'flux AS dateMajEtRncs',
'where' => ' WHERE siren=$siren AND nic=$nicV',
'infos_entrep' => array(
'db' => 'jo.infos_entrep',
'cle' => array(
'isin' => '',
'tel' => '',
'fax' => '',
'web' => '',
'mail' => '',
'where' => ' WHERE siren=$siren',
'contentieuxDE' => array(
'db' => 'jo.greffes_affaires_siren',
'cle' => array(
'nbContentieuxDE' => 'SUM(IF(qualite="DE",1,0)) as nbContentieuxDE',
'nbContentieuxDF' => 'SUM(IF(qualite="DF",1,0)) as nbContentieuxDF',
'topContentieuxDE' => 'IF(SUM(IF(qualite="DE",1,0))>0,1,0) as topContentieuxDE',
'topContentieuxDF' => 'IF(SUM(IF(qualite="DF",1,0))>0,1,0) as topContentieuxDF',
'where' => ' WHERE entSiren=$siren',
'data' => array(
'multiple' => array(
$configApp = new Zend_Config($application->getOptions());
Zend_Registry::set('config', $configApp);
define('LOG_PATH', $configApp->path->data.'/log');
//Définition bdd local
try {
$db = Zend_Db::factory($configApp->resources->db);
$dbMetier = Zend_Db::factory($configApp->profil->db->metier);
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
exit ( $e->getMessage() );
// Doctrine conn
$config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
$connectionParams = array(
'dbname' => $configApp->profil->db->metier->params->dbname,
'user' => $configApp->profil->db->metier->params->username,
'password' => $configApp->profil->db->metier->params->password,
'host' => $configApp->profil->db->metier->params->host,
'charset' => 'utf8',
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
try {
$conn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, $config);
} catch (\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException $e) {
if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development') {
echo '<pre>'; print_r($e); echo '</pre>';
} else {
echo "Le service rencontre actuellement un problème technique.";
Zend_Registry::set('doctrine', $conn);
if ($opts->id) {
$commandesM = new Application_Model_Commandes($db);
$commande = $commandesM->find(intval($opts->id))->current();
$file = basename($commande->fichier);
//Init file information
$commandesM->update(array('nbLigneT'=>0,'error'=>''), "id = ".$commande->id);
} else {
$file = $opts->file;
$extension = strrchr($file,'.');
$file = str_replace($extension, '', $file);
if (!file_exists($configApp->profil->path->data.'/export')) mkdir($configApp->profil->path->data.'/export');
if ($opts->id) {
$profilM = new Application_Model_Profil($db);
$profil = $profilM->find($commande->idProfil)->current();
$profilEntete = json_decode($profil->criteres, true);
$profilDoublon = null;
if ($profil->doublon!='') {
$profilDoublon = json_decode($profil->doublon, true);
else {
$profilDoublon = null;
if ($opts->doublon && $opts->doublon!='') {
$profilDoublon = explode(' ', $opts->doublon);
$tabExtract = array();
$tabEntete = array();
$tabIdentifiant = array();
$tabData = array();
$posKeySiren = $posKeySiret = $posKeyNic = $posKeySpecial = false;
//Fichier de définition
$inFile = $configApp->profil->path->data.'/clients/'.$file.'.csv';
//Lire le fichier csv
$row = 0;
if (($handle = fopen($inFile, 'r')) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ',', '"')) !== FALSE) {
$num = count($data);
//Traitement de la première ligne
if ($row == 0) {
for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
//Détection clé spécifique
if ( $opts->otherid ) {
if ( strtolower($data[$c]) == strtolower($opts->otherid) ) {
$posKeySpecial = $c;
} else {
//Détection clé importante
switch(strtolower($data[$c])) {
case 'siren':
$posKeySiren = $c;
case 'nic':
$posKeyNic = $c;
case 'siret':
$posKeySiret = $c;
case 'ref':
$posKeyRef = $c;
$tabExtract[] = $data[$c];
if ( !$opts->otherid ) {
if ($posKeySiren!==false && $posKeyNic!==false && $posKeySiret!==false || $posKeySiren!==false && $posKeySiret!==false ){
die("Trop de clé!");
if ($posKeySiren===false && $posKeySiret===false){
die("Aucune clé détecté!");
//Traitement des identifiants
} else {
if ( $opts->otherid ) {
$tabIdentifiant[] = $data[$posKeySpecial];
} else {
//Gestion des identifiants obligatoire (SIREN, NIC, SIRET)
if ( $posKeySiret!==false ){
$tabIdentifiant[] = $data[$posKeySiret];
} elseif ( $posKeySiren!==false && $posKeyNic!==false ){
$tabIdentifiant[] = $data[$posKeySiren].$data[$posKeyNic];
} elseif ( $posKeySiren !==false ){
$tabIdentifiant[] = $data[$posKeySiren];
//Gestion des autres colonnes fournies par le client
for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
$colname = $tabExtract[$c];
if (!in_array(strtolower($colname), array('siren', 'siret', 'nic'))){
$tabData[$row-1][$colname] = $data[$c];
//Création clé dédoublonnage
if (null != $profilDoublon) {
$keyDoublon = '';
foreach ($profilDoublon as $item) {
switch($item) {
case 'siret': $keyDoublon.= $data[$posKeySiret]; break;
case 'siren': $keyDoublon.= $data[$posKeySiren]; break;
case 'nic': $keyDoublon.= $data[$posKeyNic]; break;
case 'ref': $keyDoublon.= $data[$posKeyRef]; break;
$tabData[$row-1]['keyDoublon'] = $keyDoublon;
//Ajout des entetes provenant du profil
if ($opts->id) {
$tabExtract = array_merge($tabExtract, $profilEntete);
$nbIdentifiant = count($tabIdentifiant);
//echo "Chargement de $row lignes dont $nbIdentifiant lignes avec identifiants.\n";
$rowTotal = $nbIdentifiant;
$dico = new Scores_Extract_Dict();
//Liste des champs SQL
foreach($tabExtract as $i => $key) {
$strKey = false;
//Détection element(VAL1,VAL2)
$values = false;
if (preg_match('/(.*)\((.*)\)/', $key, $matches)) {
$key = $matches[1];
$values = $matches[2];
//Traitement spécial pour le champs, ajout et remplacement sur entete
if (function_exists($key.'Entete')) {
$keys = call_user_func($key.'Entete', $values);
foreach($keys as $item){
$tabEntete[] = $item;
//Traitement pour les clé BDD
else {
//Add original key
$tabEntete[] = $key;
//Ajout à la requete SQL
foreach($tabDico as $element => $select) {
if ( array_key_exists('db', $select) && array_key_exists($key, $select['cle']) ) {
$elementsup = $select['cle'][$key];
if ( is_array($elementsup) && array_key_exists('table', $elementsup) ) {
//Specify supplemental head
$tabEntete[] = $key.'Lib';
//Load generic table - always return array('code', 'label')
if ( is_array($elementsup['table']) ) {
${'tab'.ucfirst($key)} = $elementsup['table'];
else {
$stmt = $dbMetier->query($elementsup['table']);
${'tab'.ucfirst($key)} = $stmt->fetchAll();
if( array_key_exists('sql', $select['cle'][$key]) && $select['cle'][$key]['sql']!='' ) {
$strKey = $select['cle'][$key]['sql'];
elseif ( $select['cle'][$key]!='' ) {
$strKey = $select['cle'][$key];
//If string exist add supplemental fields for the sql request
if (isset(${$element.'Fields'})) {
${$element.'Fields'}.= ', ';
if ($strKey!==false){
${$element.'Fields'}.= $strKey;
else {
${$element.'Fields'}.= $key;
if ( in_array($element, array('data', 'multiple')) && in_array($key, $select) ) {
${$key.'Data'} = $values;
if ( $values ) {
$tabExtract[$i] = $key;
//Ajout colonne obligatoire
$tabEntete[] = 'nicSiege';
${'nicSiegeData'} = '';
$tabEntete[] = 'SiretValide';
if( null != $profilDoublon ) {
$tabEntete[] = 'Doublon';
//Construction de l'entete pour le fichier
$tabEnteteF = array();
if (count($tabEntete)>0){
foreach ( $tabEntete as $key ) {
$lib = $dico->getDicoLib($key);
if ( $lib ) {
$tabEnteteF[] = $lib;
} else {
$tabEnteteF[] = $key;
//Définition du fichier de sortie
if ( $opts->reprise ) {
$outFile = $configApp->profil->path->data.'/export/'.$commande->fichierOut;
$rowReprise = 0;
$fp = fopen($outFile, 'r+');
if ($fp === false) {
echo "Impossible d'ouvrir $outFile";
while (($data = fgetcsv($fp, 0, ',', '"')) !== FALSE) {
} else {
$outFile = $configApp->profil->path->data.'/export/'.$file.'-'.date('YmdHis').'.csv';
//Ecriture de l'entete du fichier
$fp = fopen($outFile, 'w');
if ($fp === false) {
echo "Impossible d'ouvrir $outFile";
if (count($tabEnteteF) > 0){
fputcsv($fp, $tabEnteteF, ',', '"');
//Mise à jour des éléments
if ($opts->id) {
'dateStart'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'fichierOut' => basename($outFile)),
"id = ".$commande->id
$row = 0;
$doublonList = array();
$iDb = new Metier_Util_Db();
//Vérification et création des données
foreach($tabIdentifiant as $item)
$extendNbRow = 0;
$tabNewData = array();
echo "Ligne ".($row+1)." - ";
if ( $opts->reprise && $row < $rowReprise ) {
echo "Reprise";
} else {
if ( $opts->otherid ) {
$id = $item;
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow] = $tabData[$row];
//Récupération des données SQL
foreach($tabDico as $element => $select)
//Retour lignes multiples
if ( $element == 'multiple' )
$values = false;
$isSelected = false;
foreach($select as $selectItem){
if ( in_array($selectItem, $tabExtract) ) {
$isSelected = true;
$retour = array();
if ( $isSelected && function_exists($selectItem.'Multiple') ) {
if( ${$selectItem.'Data'}!=false ){
$values = ${$selectItem.'Data'};
$retour = call_user_func($selectItem.'MultipleById', $id, $values);
if (count($retour)>0) {
$originalLine = $tabNewData[$extendNbRow];
foreach($retour as $i => $retourItem) {
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow+$i] = array_merge($originalLine,$retourItem);
} else {
$siretValide = null;
$sirenValide = null;
$nicValide = null;
$siren = substr($item, 0, 9);
$nic = substr($item, 9);
//Simple vérification SIREN, seulement des chiffres
if ( !preg_match('/[0-9]{9}/', $siren) ) {
$sirenValide = false;
//Simple vérification NIC, seulement des chiffres
if ( $nic!='' && !preg_match('/[0-9]{5}/', $nic) ) {
$nicValide = false;
} else {
$nicValide = true;
//Vérification algorithme
if ( $sirenValide!==false && $nicValide!==false ) {
$siretValide = siretValide($item);
if ($posKeySiret!==false) {
if ($siretValide===false) {
$sirenValide = sirenValide($siren);
} else {
$sirenValide = true;
if ($posKeySiren!==false && $posKeyNic!==false) {
$sirenValide = sirenValide($siren);
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow] = $tabData[$row];
//On définit le tableau de retour (les colonnes du fichier client sont déjà présentent)
if ( $posKeySiret!==false ){
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow]['siret'] = (string) $item;
} elseif ( $posKeySiren!==false && $posKeyNic!==false ){
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow]['siren'] = (string) $siren;
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow]['nic'] = (string) $nic;
} elseif ( $posKeySiren !==false ){
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow]['siren'] = (string) $siren;
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow]['SiretValide'] = ($siretValide===true) ? 1 : 0;
//Clé de doublon
$keyDoublon = null;
if ( array_key_exists('keyDoublon', $tabData[$row])) {
$keyDoublon = $tabData[$row]['keyDoublon'];
if ( null !== $keyDoublon && in_array($keyDoublon, $doublonList) ) {
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow]['doublon'] = 1;
} elseif ( $sirenValide===false || intval($siren)==0 ){
//Siren faux
} elseif ( $nicValide===false ){
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow]['SiretValide'] = "NIC source invalide";
} else {
//Vérifier les nic, ou sélectionner le nic du siege actif
$nicV = $nic; //Surcharge pour le nic
$strNic = '';
$sqlNic = 'SELECT LPAD(nic,5,0) AS nicTmp, cj AS cjTmp, IF(siege=1,1,0) AS triSiege FROM jo.etablissements WHERE siren='.$siren;
//Si identifiant est un siret, char(14) alors on vérifie que le NIC existe
if ( strlen($item)==14 && intval($nic)>0 ) {
$stmt = $dbMetier->query($sqlNic.' AND nic='.$nic);
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
if (count($result)==0){
$nicV = 0;
$fJur = '0000';
} else {
//nic : On considère qu'il est vrai si on a un résultat
$fJur = $result[0]['cjTmp'];
if ( intval($nicV)==0 ) {
$strNic = ' AND nic>-1 AND actif>-1 ORDER BY triSiege DESC, actif DESC, nicTmp DESC LIMIT 0,1';
$stmt = $dbMetier->query($sqlNic.$strNic);
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
if (count($result)>0){
$nicV = $result[0]['nicTmp'];
$fJur = $result[0]['cjTmp'];
} else {
$nicV = '00000';
$fJur = '0000';
if ( $posKeySiren!==false && $posKeyNic!==false ){
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow]['siren'] = $siren;
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow]['nic'] = $nic;
//Récupération des données SQL
foreach($tabDico as $element => $select)
//Traitement par requete SQL
if (isset(${$element.'Fields'})){
$where = $select['where'];
eval( "\$where = \"$where\";" );
${$element.'SQL'} = 'SELECT '.${$element.'Fields'}.' FROM '.$select['db'].$where;
try {
$stmt = $dbMetier->query(${$element.'SQL'});
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
if ( count($result)>0 ) {
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow] = array_merge( $tabNewData[$extendNbRow] , $result[0]);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
//Enregistrement du message d'erreur
if ($opts->id) {
$commandesM->update(array('error'=>$e->getMessage()), "id = ".$commande->id);
//Arret du script
//Traitement par fonction
if( $element == 'data' )
foreach($select as $selectItem)
if ( isset(${$selectItem.'Data'}) )
$values = false;
if( ${$selectItem.'Data'}!=false ){
$values = ${$selectItem.'Data'};
$retour = call_user_func($selectItem.'Data', $siren, $nicV, $values);
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow] = $tabNewData[$extendNbRow] + $retour;
//Retour lignes multiples
elseif ( $element == 'multiple' )
$values = false;
$isSelected = false;
foreach($select as $selectItem){
if ( in_array($selectItem, $tabExtract) ) {
$isSelected = true;
$retour = array();
if ( $isSelected && function_exists($selectItem.'Multiple') ) {
if( ${$selectItem.'Data'}!=false ){
$values = ${$selectItem.'Data'};
$retour = call_user_func($selectItem.'Multiple', $siren, $nicV, $values);
if (count($retour)>0) {
$originalLine = $tabNewData[$extendNbRow];
foreach($retour as $i => $retourItem) {
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow+$i] = array_merge($originalLine,$retourItem);
//Traitement des libellés génériques
foreach($select['cle'] as $cle => $values)
if ( in_array($cle.'Lib', $tabEntete) && isset(${'tab'.ucfirst($cle)}) )
$retour[$cle.'Lib'] = 'Non trouvé';
$codeFromData = $tabNewData[$extendNbRow][$cle];
foreach( ${'tab'.ucfirst($cle)} as $cleItem ) {
if ( $codeFromData == $cleItem['code'] ) {
$retour[$cle.'Lib'] = $cleItem['label'];
$tabNewData[$extendNbRow] = $tabNewData[$extendNbRow] + $retour;
//Enregistrement clés de doublon pour rappel
if ( null !== $keyDoublon ) {
$doublonList[] = $keyDoublon;
//Trier pour la sortie
$nbLines = count($tabNewData);
for($i=0;$i<$nbLines;$i++) {
$tabSortie = array();
foreach($tabEntete as $key){
$tabSortie[] = isset($tabNewData[$i][$key]) ? $tabNewData[$i][$key] : '';
fputcsv($fp, $tabSortie, ',', '"');
echo "OK";
echo "\n";
//Mise à jour des lignes traitées dans la base
if ($opts->id) {
$commandesM->update(array('nbLigneT'=>$row), "id = ".$commande->id);
if ($opts->id) {
$commandesM->update( array('dateStop' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) , "id = ".$commande->id);
/* == FUNCTION DATA == */
function nicSiegeData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
$tabData['nicSiege'] = $nic;
return $tabData;
function tvaData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
$iTva = new Metier_Partenaires_MTva();
$tabData['tva'] = isset($iTva->vatNumber) ? $iTva->vatNumber : '';
return $tabData;
function dateFermetureEtEntete($values)
return array(
function dateFermetureEtData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$ret = $iDb->select('insee.insee_even', 'insEVE, insDATEVE', 'insSIREN='.$siren.' AND insNIC='.$nic." AND insEVE IN('FF','OF','400','410','420','425','430','435') ORDER BY insDATEVE DESC LIMIT 1", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (count($ret)==0) {
$siret = $siren.$nic;
$ret = $iDb->select('insee.insee_even', 'insEVE, insDATEVE', "insSIRETPS=$siret AND insEVE IN('510','530') ORDER BY insDATEVE DESC LIMIT 1", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$tabData['dateFermetureEt'] = isset($ret[0]['insDATEVE']) ? $ret[0]['insDATEVE'] : '';
$tabData['codeFermetureEt'] = isset($ret[0]['insEVE']) ? $ret[0]['insEVE'] : '';
return $tabData;
function dateFermetureEnEntete($values)
return array(
function dateFermetureEnData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$ret = $iDb->select('insee.insee_even', 'insEVE, insDATEVE', 'insSIREN='.$siren." AND insEVE IN('FF','410','420','425') ORDER BY insDATEVE DESC", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (mysql_errno()>0) die( 'Erreur B3 '.mysql_errno().' : '.mysql_error() );
$tabData['dateFermetureEn'] = isset($ret[0]['insDATEVE']) ? $ret[0]['insDATEVE'] : '';
$tabData['codeFermetureEn'] = isset($ret[0]['insEVE']) ? $ret[0]['insEVE'] : '';
return $tabData;
function activiteData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $fJur;
$iBodacc = new Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc();
$tmp = $iBodacc->getActiviteReelle($siren, $fJur);
$tabData['activite'] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', strtr($tmp,array("\r"=>' ',"\n"=>' ',"\t"=>' ',','=>' ',';'=>' ','"'=>' ',"'"=>' ')));
return $tabData;
function situationJuridiqueEntete($values)
return array(
function situationJuridiqueData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$tabTmp = array('P','D','R','A');
$tabData['situationJuridique'] = 'NC';
$tabData['situationParution'] = '';
$tabData['situationDernCode'] = '';
$tabData['situationDernEven'] = '';
foreach ($tabTmp as $sit) {
$iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$tmp = $iInsee->getAnnoncesLegales($siren, 0, $sit);
if (count($tmp) > 0) {
$tabData['situationJuridique'] = $sit;
$tabData['situationParution'] = $tmp['DateParution'];
$tabData['situationDernCode'] = $tmp['evenements'][0]['CodeEven'];
$tabData['situationDernEven'] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ',
strtr($tmp['evenements'][0]['LibEven'],array("\r"=>' ',"\n"=>' ',"\t"=>' ',','=>' ',';'=>' ','"'=>' ',"'"=>' ')));
if (in_array($tabData['situationJuridique'], array('NC','R'))) {
$rep = $iDb->select('rncs_entrep', 'actif, dateRad', "siren='".$siren."'", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$entrep = $rep[0];
if (isset($entrep['actif']) && $entrep['actif']*1 == 0){
$tabData['situationJuridique'] = 'R';
$tabData['situationParution'] = $entrep['dateRad'];
$tabData['situationDernCode'] = '';
$tabData['situationDernEven'] = '';
return $tabData;
function dirigeantEntete($values)
return array(
function dirigeantData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$tmp = $iInsee->getDirigeants($siren, false);
$tabData['dirigeant1Nom'] = '';
$tabData['dirigeant1Fonction'] = '';
$tabData['dirigeant1DateNaiss'] = '';
$tabData['dirigeant1LieuNaiss'] = '';
$tabData['dirigeant2Nom'] = '';
$tabData['dirigeant2Fonction'] = '';
$tabData['dirigeant2DateNaiss'] = '';
$tabData['dirigeant2LieuNaiss'] = '';
if (count($tmp)>0 ) {
$dir = $tmp[0];
if ($dir['Societe']<>'') $tabData['dirigeant1Nom'].= $dir['Societe'].' repr. par ';
$tabData['dirigeant1Nom'].= trim($dir['Civilite'].' '.$dir['Nom'].' '.$dir['Prenom']);
$tabData['dirigeant1Fonction'] = $dir['Titre'];
$tabData['dirigeant1DateNaiss'] = $dir['NaissDate'];
$tabData['dirigeant1LieuNaiss'] = $dir['NaissVille'];
if (count($tmp)>1) {
$dir = $tmp[1];
if ($dir['Societe']<>'') $tabData['dirigeant2Nom'].=$dir['Societe'].' repr. par ';
$tabData['dirigeant2Nom'].= trim($dir['Civilite'].' '.$dir['Nom'].' '.$dir['Prenom']);
$tabData['dirigeant2Fonction'] = $dir['Titre'];
$tabData['dirigeant2DateNaiss'] = $dir['NaissDate'];
$tabData['dirigeant2LieuNaiss'] = $dir['NaissVille'];
return $tabData;
function bilanNEntete($values)
if ($values!==false) {
$values = explode(',', $values);
$tmp = array();
foreach($values as $value){
$tmp[] = 'bilanN'.$value;
return array_merge(
array('bilanNdateCloture', 'bilanNdureeMois')
, $tmp
} else {
return array('bilanNdateCloture', 'bilanNdureeMois');
function bilanNData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
$tabPostes = explode(',', $values);
$annee = 0;
$tabData = array();
$mBil = new Metier_Partenaires_MBilans();
* @todo : Pouvoir appeler la liste des bilans en fonction du TYPE, sans les chiffres
* jo.bilans => Liste mais postes dans chaine de caractère
* jo.bilans_postes => Liste + postes directement
$tabBilans = $mBil->listeBilans(false, 9);
if (count($tabBilans)>0) {
$tabBi = findBilan($siren, $tabBilans, $annee);
$tabData['bilanNdateCloture'] = $tabBi['DATE_CLOTURE'];
$tabData['bilanNdureeMois'] = $tabBi['DUREE_MOIS'];
if (count($tabPostes)>0) {
foreach ($tabPostes as $poste) {
if (isset($tabBi[$poste])){
$tabData['bilanN'.$poste] = $tabBi[$poste];
return $tabData;
function bilanN1Entete($values)
if ($values!==false) {
$values = explode(',', $values);
$tmp = array();
foreach($values as $value){
$tmp[] = 'bilanN1'.$value;
return array_merge(
array('bilanN1dateCloture', 'bilanN1dureeMois')
, $tmp
} else {
return array('bilanN1dateCloture', 'bilanN1dureeMois');
function bilanN1Data($siren, $nic, $values = false)
$tabPostes = explode(',', $values);
$annee = 1;
$tabData = array();
$mBil = new Metier_Partenaires_MBilans();
$tabBilans = $mBil->listeBilans(false, 9);
if (count($tabBilans)>0) {
$tabBi = findBilan($siren, $tabBilans, $annee);
$tabData['bilanN1dateCloture'] = $tabBi['DATE_CLOTURE'];
$tabData['bilanN1dureeMois'] = $tabBi['DUREE_MOIS'];
if (count($tabPostes)>0) {
foreach ($tabPostes as $poste) {
if (isset($tabBi[$poste])){
$tabData['bilanN1'.$poste] = $tabBi[$poste];
return $tabData;
function bilanN2Entete($values)
if ($values!==false) {
$values = explode(',', $values);
$tmp = array();
foreach($values as $value){
$tmp[] = 'bilanN2'.$value;
return array_merge(
array('bilanN2dateCloture', 'bilanN2dureeMois')
, $tmp
} else {
return array('bilanN2dateCloture', 'bilanN2dureeMois');
function bilanN2Data($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$tabPostes = explode(',', $values);
$annee = 2;
$tabData = array();
$mBil = new Metier_Partenaires_MBilans();
$tabBilans = $mBil->listeBilans(false, 9);
if (count($tabBilans)>0) {
$tabBi = findBilan($siren, $tabBilans, $annee);
$tabData['bilanN2dateCloture'] = $tabBi['DATE_CLOTURE'];
$tabData['bilanN2dureeMois'] = $tabBi['DUREE_MOIS'];
if (count($tabPostes)>0) {
foreach ($tabPostes as $poste) {
if (isset($tabBi[$poste])){
$tabData['bilanN2'.$poste] = $tabBi[$poste];
return $tabData;
function findBilan($siren, $tabBilans, $position = 0)
$mBil = new Metier_Partenaires_MBilans();
//Trier et Supprimer les bilans consolidés
$tabBilN = $tabBilS = array();
foreach ($tabBilans as $typeMil => $bilan) {
$temp = $mBil->getBilan(substr($typeMil,1), substr($typeMil,0,1));
$annee = $bilan['millesime'];
if (substr($typeMil,0,1)=='N') {
$tabBilN[$annee] = $temp;
} elseif (substr($typeMil,0,1)=='S') {
$tabBilS[$annee] = $temp;
$tabBil = $tabBilN + $tabBilS; //On comble les trous par des bilans simplifié
krsort($tabBil); // Tri décroissant
$tabBi = array();
$countBilan = 0;
foreach($tabBil as $annee => $bilan){
$tabBi = $bilan;
if ($countBilan == $position) break;
if ($tabBi['CONSOLIDE'] == 'S'){
$bilanT = $mBil->bilanSimplifie2Normal($tabBi);
$tabBi = $tabBi + $bilanT;
return $tabBi;
function annoncesEntete($values)
if ($values!==false) {
$values = explode(',', $values);
$tmp = array();
foreach($values as $value){
$tmp[] = 'Annonce'.$value.'Lib';
$tmp[] = 'Annonce'.$value.'Date';
$tmp[] = 'Annonce'.$value.'DateParution';
return $tmp;
} else {
return array();
function annoncesData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$tabData = array();
if ($values!==false) {
$tabDeja = array();
$tabTmp = explode(',', $values);
$iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$iInsee->AnnoncesLegalesVisu = true;
$tabEven = $iInsee->getAnnoncesLegales($siren, 0, $tabTmp);
foreach ($tabTmp as $even){
foreach ($tabEven as $tabAnn){
foreach ($tabAnn['evenements'] as $codEve){
if ($even==$codEve['CodeEven'] && !in_array($even, $tabDeja)) {
$tabDeja[] = $even;
$dateEven = $tabAnn['dateJugement'];
if ($dateEven=='0000-00-00') $dateEven=$tabAnn['dateEffet'];
if ($dateEven=='0000-00-00') $dateEven=$tabAnn['DateParution'];
$tabData['Annonce'.$even.'Lib'] = strtr($codEve['LibEven'],array(','=>' ',"'"=>' ','"'=>' ',';'=>' '));
$tabData['Annonce'.$even.'Date'] = $dateEven;
$tabData['Annonce'.$even.'DateParution'] = $tabAnn['DateParution'];
return $tabData;
function indiScoreEntete($values)
return array(
function indiScoreData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$tabData = array();
$ret = $iDb->select('jo.scores_surveillance', 'indiScore, encours, indiScoreDate, dateBilan', 'siren='.$siren, false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (isset($ret[0]['indiScore'])) {
$tabData['indiScore'] = $ret[0]['indiScore'];
$tabData['indiScoreDate'] = $ret[0]['indiScoreDate'];
$tabData['encours'] = $ret[0]['encours'];
$tabData['dateBilan'] = $ret[0]['dateBilan'];
} else {
$tabData['indiScore'] = 'Aucune donnée';
$tabData['indiScoreDate'] = 'Aucune donnée';
$tabData['encours'] = 'Aucune donnée';
$tabData['dateBilan'] = 'Aucune donnée';
return $tabData;
function AdresseNormaliseEntete($values)
return array(
function AdresseNormaliseData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
$output = array();
$head = AdresseNormaliseEntete('');
foreach($head as $item) {
$output[$item] = '';
try {
$etabM = new Application_Model_JoEtablissements();
$sql = $etabM->select(true)->columns(array('LPAD(source,3,0) AS source', 'LPAD(source_id,20,0) AS sourceId'))
->where('siren=?', $siren)
->where('nic=?', $nic);
$etabResult = $etabM->fetchRow($sql);
$source = $etabResult->source;
$sourceId = $etabResult->source_id;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {}
$infoRNVP = null;
try {
$rnvp = new Metier_Rnvp_Adresse();
$rnvp->setCompanyId($source . $sourceId);
$infoRNVP = $rnvp->format();
} catch (Exception $e) {}
if ($infoRNVP !== null) {
foreach ($head as $item) {
$output[$item] = $infoRNVP->{$item};
return $output;
function AdresseNormaliseInseeEntete($values)
return array(
function AdresseNormaliseInseeData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$output['L1_NOM'] ='';
$output['L2_NOM2'] ='';
$output['L3_ADRCOMP'] ='';
$output['L4_VOIE'] ='';
$output['L5_DISTSP'] ='';
$output['L6_POST'] ='';
$output['L7_PAYS'] ='';
$tmp = $iInsee->getAdresse($siren, $nic, 0);
if (count($tmp)>0) {
$output['L1_NOM'] = $tmp['L1_NOM'];
$output['L2_NOM2'] = $tmp['L2_NOM2'];
$output['L3_ADRCOMP'] = $tmp['L3_ADRCOMP'];
$output['L4_VOIE'] = $tmp['L4_VOIE'];
$output['L5_DISTSP'] = $tmp['L5_DISTSP'];
$output['L6_POST'] = $tmp['L6_POST'];
$output['L7_PAYS'] = $tmp['L1_PAYS'];
return $output;
function SiretSucEntete($values)
return array(
function SiretSucData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$tabData = array();
$nouveauSiret = '';
$nbDem = 0;
$codeEve = '';
$dateEve = '';
$origine = '';
$siege = '';
$strIdentite = "SIREN,NIC,ACTIF AS sdActif";
// First item
$ret = $iDb->select('insee.identite', $strIdentite, "SIREN=$siren AND NIC=$nic", false);
if ( count($ret)>0 ) {
$tmp = $ret[0];
$actif = intval($tmp['sdActif']);
$tabAncienSiret = array();
while ($actif==0) {
// Recherche du nouveau siret
$tabAssoc = $iInsee->getSiretAssoc($siren, $nic);
if ( array_key_exists('suc', $tabAssoc) && count($tabAssoc['suc'])>0 )
$nouveauSiret = trim(''.$tabAssoc['suc']['siren'].$tabAssoc['suc']['nic']);
if ( $nouveauSiret!='' && $tabAncienSiret[''.$siren.$nic]<=2 )
$nbDem++; //Nombre de déménagement
$siren = substr($nouveauSiret,0,9);
$nic = substr($nouveauSiret,9,5);
$ret = $iDb->select('insee.identite', $strIdentite, "SIREN=$siren AND NIC=$nic", false);
$tmp = $ret[0];
$actif = intval($tmp['sdActif']);
$codeEve = $tabAssoc['suc']['codeEve'];
$dateEve = $tabAssoc['suc']['dateEve'];
$origine = $tabAssoc['suc']['origine'];
$siege = $tabAssoc['suc']['siege'];
} else {
} else {
$tabData['SiretSuc'] = $nouveauSiret;
$tabData['SiretSucNbDem'] = $nbDem;
$tabData['SiretSucSiege'] = $siege;
$tabData['SiretSucActif'] = $actif;
$tabData['SiretSucCodeEve'] = $codeEve;
$tabData['SiretSucDateEve'] = $dateEve;
$tabData['SiretSucOrigine'] = $origine;
return $tabData;
function privilegeEntete($values)
return array(
function privilegeData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
$return = 'Non';
//Présence de privilèges
$nbPrivileges = 0;
$iPriv = new Metier_Partenaires_MPrivileges();
$ret = $iPriv->getPrivilegesDetail($siren);
$nbPrivileges = count($ret);
if ($nbPrivileges>0) {
$return = 'Oui';
} else {
$iDb = new Metier_Util_Db();
$sql = "SELECT count(*) AS nbPriv FROM ge_cs2 WHERE cs = 'P' AND dateFin >= NOW() AND dateSuppr=0 AND siren='$siren';";
$ret = $iDb->query($sql);
if (count($ret) > 0) {
if ($ret[0]['nbPriv']>0) {
$return = 'Oui';
$tabData['privilege'] = $return;
return $tabData;
function GPSEntete($values)
return array(
function GPSData($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$tabData['latitude'] = '';
$tabData['longitude'] = '';
$tabData['altitude'] = '';
$tabData['precis'] = '';
$result = $iDb->select(
'etablissements e',
"LPAD(e.adr_num,4,0) AS adr_num, e.adr_btq, e.adr_typeVoie, e.adr_libVoie, e.adr_comp, LPAD(e.adr_cp,5,0) AS adr_cp, e.adr_ville",
"siren=$siren AND nic=$nic", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (count($result)>0) {
$MInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$etab = $result[0];
$mMap=new Metier_Partenaires_MMap();
$tabData['latitude'] = $mMap->latitudeDec;
$tabData['longitude'] = $mMap->longitudeDec;
$tabData['altitude'] = $mMap->altitude;
$tabData['precis'] = $mMap->precision;
return $tabData;
function NaceEtabEntete($values)
return array(
function NaceEtabData($siren, $nic, $values)
global $iDb;
$tabData = array(
'NaceEtab' => '',
'NaceEtabLib' => '',
$result = $iDb->select('jo.etablissements e, jo.tabNaf5 n, insee.tabNace i',
"CONCAT(n.codNaf1, SUBSTRING(n.codNaf5,1,4)) AS codNace, i.libelleFR",
"siren=$siren AND nic=$nic AND n.codNaf5=e.ape_etab AND i.codNace=SUBSTRING(n.codNaf5,1,4)", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (count($result)>0) {
$tabData['NaceEtab'] = $result[0]['codNace'];
$tabData['NaceEtabLib'] = $result[0]['libelleFR'];
return $tabData;
function NaceEntEntete()
return array(
function NaceEntData($siren, $nic, $values)
global $iDb;
$tabData = array(
'NaceEn' => '',
'NaceEnLib' => '',
$result = $iDb->select('jo.etablissements e, jo.tabNaf5 n, insee.tabNace i',
"CONCAT(n.codNaf1, SUBSTRING(n.codNaf5,1,4)) AS codNace, i.libelleFR",
"siren=$siren AND nic=$nic AND n.codNaf5=e.ape_entrep AND i.codNace=SUBSTRING(n.codNaf5,1,4)", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (count($result)>0) {
$tabData['NaceEn'] = $result[0]['codNace'];
$tabData['NaceEnLib'] = $result[0]['libelleFR'];
return $tabData;
function TelOrderEntete()
return array(
function TelOrderData($siren, $nic, $values)
global $iDb;
$c = new Metier_Partenaires_MTel();
$result = $c->getTel($siren, $nic, true, 1);
$tabData = array();
if ( count($result)>0 ) {
foreach ($result as $p) {
if ($p['typeTel']=='tel') {
$tabData = array(
'TelOrderTypeTel' => $p['typeTel'],
'TelOrderInfoTel' => $p['infoTel'],
'TelOrderTelephone' => $p['telephone'],
'TelOrderSource' => $p['source'],
'TelOrderDate' => $p['dateMAJ'],
return $tabData;
function LienHeadEntete()
return array(
function LienHeadData($siren, $nic, $values)
$c = new Metier_Liens_Base();
$c->setId($siren, 'siren');
$c->stopAtFirstIsin = true;
$id = $c->getHead();
$result = $c->getIdentity($id);
$tabData = array();
if ( $result ) {
$tabData = array(
'HeadId' => $result->id,
'HeadSiren' => $result->siren,
'HeadIsin' => $result->isin,
'HeadPpPm' => $result->PpPm,
'HeadRS' => $result->RS,
'HeadPays' => $result->adresse_pays
return $tabData;
function LienHeadUltimateEntete()
return array(
function LienHeadUltimateData($siren, $nic, $values)
$c = new Metier_Liens_Base();
$c->setId($siren, 'siren');
$c->stopAtPP = false;
$id = $c->getHead();
$result = $c->getIdentity($id);
$tabData = array();
if ( $result ) {
$tabData = array(
'HeadId' => $result->id,
'HeadSiren' => $result->siren,
'HeadIsin' => $result->isin,
'HeadPpPm' => $result->PpPm,
'HeadRS' => $result->RS,
'HeadPays' => $result->adresse_pays,
'HeadCivilite' => $result->civilite,
'HeadNom' => $result->nom,
'HeadPrenom' => $result->prenom,
'HeadNomUsage' => $result->nom_usage,
'HeadNaissanceDate' => $result->naissance_date,
'HeadNaissanceDeptPays' => $result->naissance_dept_pays,
'HeadNaissanceLieu' => $result->naissance_lieu,
return $tabData;
function ZonePrioritaireEntete() {
return array(
function ZonePrioritaireData($siren, $nic, $value) {
global $iDb;
$tabData = array();
$result = $iDb->select(
'jo.etablissements e, insee.identite i',
"LPAD(e.adr_num,4,0) AS adr_num, e.adr_btq, e.adr_typeVoie, e.adr_libVoie, e.adr_comp,
LPAD(e.adr_cp,5,0) AS adr_cp, e.adr_ville, i.ADR_DEP, LPAD(i.ADR_COM,3,0) AS ADR_COM, i.CODEVOIE",
"i.SIREN=e.siren AND i.NIC=e.nic AND e.siren=$siren AND e.nic=$nic", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (count($result) > 0) {
$r = $result[0];
$iAmabis = new Metier_Partenaires_MAmabis();
$tabData = $iAmabis->getZonage($r['adr_num'], $r['adr_btq'], $r['adr_typeVoie'], $r['adr_libVoie'],
$r['adr_cp'], $r['adr_ville'], trim($r['ADR_DEP'].$r['ADR_COM'].$r['CODEVOIE']),
false, 'TEST', false);
return $tabData;
function AdresseDomEntete() {
return array(
function AdresseDomData($siren, $nic, $value) {
global $iDb;
$tabData = array();
$result = $iDb->select(
'jo.etablissements e, insee.identite i',
"LPAD(e.adr_num,4,0) AS adr_num, e.adr_btq, e.adr_typeVoie, e.adr_libVoie, e.adr_comp,
LPAD(e.adr_cp,5,0) AS adr_cp, e.adr_ville, i.ADR_DEP, LPAD(i.ADR_COM,3,0) AS ADR_COM, i.CODEVOIE",
"i.SIREN=e.siren AND i.NIC=e.nic AND e.siren=$siren AND e.nic=$nic", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (count($result) > 0) {
$r = $result[0];
$c = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$dom = $c->infoAdresseDom($r['adr_num'], $r['adr_btq'], $r['adr_typeVoie'], $r['adr_libVoie'],
trim(preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $r['adr_comp'])), $r['adr_cp'], $r['adr_ville']);
$tabData['AdresseDomNb'] = $dom[0]['nbEntrep'];
return $tabData;
function IrisEntete() {
return array(
function IrisData($siren, $nic, $values) {
global $iDb;
$tabData = array();
$result = $iDb->select(
'jo.etablissements e, insee.identite i',
"LPAD(e.adr_num,4,0) AS adr_num, e.adr_btq, e.adr_typeVoie, e.adr_libVoie, e.adr_comp,
LPAD(e.adr_cp,5,0) AS adr_cp, e.adr_ville, i.ADR_DEP, LPAD(i.ADR_COM,3,0) AS ADR_COM, i.CODEVOIE",
"i.SIREN=e.siren AND i.NIC=e.nic AND e.siren=$siren AND e.nic=$nic", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if (count($result) > 0) {
$r = $result[0];
$c = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$tabData = $c->getInfosIris($r['ADR_DEP'].$r['ADR_COM'],substr($r['CODEVOIE'],0,4),
$r['adr_num'], $r['adr_btq'], $r['adr_typeVoie'], $r['adr_libVoie']);
return $tabData;
function actionnairesEntete()
return array(
function actionnairesMultiple($siren, $nic)
$liensM = new Metier_Liens_Base();
$liensM->setId($siren, 'siren');
$result = $liensM->getActionnaires(null, true);
$tabData = array();
if (count($result)>0) {
foreach($result as $item) {
$formatElement = array();
$formatElement['ActSiren'] = $item->siren;
$formatElement['ActActif'] = $item->actif;
$formatElement['ActPDetention'] = $item->PDetention;
$formatElement['ActPVote'] = $item->Pvote;
$formatElement['ActType'] = $item->PpPm;
$formatElement['ActRS'] = $item->RS;
if ($item->PpPm == 'PP') {
$formatElement['ActPP'] = $item->civilite.' '.
$item->nom.' '.$item->prenom.
' ('.$item->nom_usage.') ';
$formatElement['ActPPDateNaiss'] = $item->naissance_date;
$formatElement['ActPPLieuNaiss'] = $item->naissance_lieu;
$formatElement['ActPPNat'] = $item->nat;
} else {
$formatElement['ActPP'] = '';
$formatElement['ActPPDateNaiss'] = '';
$formatElement['ActPPLieuNaiss'] = '';
$formatElement['ActPPNat'] = '';
$formatElement['ActAdresseNum'] = $item->adresse_num;
$formatElement['ActAdresseBTQ'] = $item->adresse_btq;
$formatElement['ActAdresseCodeVoie'] = $item->adresse_codvoie;
$formatElement['ActAdresseLibVoie'] = $item->adresse_libvoie;
$formatElement['ActAdresseCompl'] = $item->adresse_comp;
$formatElement['ActAdresseCP'] = $item->adresse_cp;
$formatElement['ActAdresseVille'] = $item->adresse_ville;
$formatElement['ActAdressePays'] = $item->adresse_pays;
$formatElement['ActIdLoc1Type'] = $item->idLoc1Type;
$formatElement['ActIdLoc1Num'] = $item->idLoc1Num;
$formatElement['ActIdLoc2Type'] = $item->idLoc2Type;
$formatElement['ActIdLoc2Num'] = $item->idLoc2Num;
$formatElement['ActIdLoc3Type'] = $item->idLoc3Type;
$formatElement['ActIdLoc3Num'] = $item->idLoc3Num;
$formatElement['ActDateEffetLien'] = $item->dateEffetLien;
if ($item->dateUpdate!='0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
$formatElement['ActDate'] = substr($item->dateUpdate,0,10);
} else {
$formatElement['ActDate'] = substr($item->dateInsert,0,10);
$tabData[] = $formatElement;
return $tabData;
function participationsEntete()
return array(
function participationsMultiple($siren, $nic)
$liensM = new Metier_Liens_Base();
$liensM->setId($siren, 'siren');
$result = $liensM->getParticipations(null,true);
$tabData = array();
if (count($result)>0) {
foreach($result as $item) {
$formatElement = array();
$formatElement['ParSiren'] = $item->siren;
$formatElement['ParActif'] = $item->actif;
$formatElement['ParPDetention'] = $item->PDetention;
$formatElement['ParPvote'] = $item->Pvote;
$formatElement['ParType'] = $item->PpPm;
$formatElement['ParRS'] = $item->RS;
if ($item->PpPm == 'PP') {
$formatElement['ParPP'] = $item->civilite.' '.
$item->nom.' '.$item->prenom.
' ('.$item->nom_usage.') '.
$formatElement['ParPPDateNaiss'] = $item->naissance_date;
$formatElement['ParPPLieuNaiss'] = $item->naissance_lieu;
$formatElement['ParPPNat'] = $item->nat;
} else {
$formatElement['ParPP'] = '';
$formatElement['ParPPDateNaiss'] = '';
$formatElement['ParPPLieuNaiss'] = '';
$formatElement['ParPPNat'] = '';
$formatElement['ParAdresseNum'] = $item->adresse_num;
$formatElement['ParAdresseBTQ'] = $item->adresse_btq;
$formatElement['ParAdresseCodeVoie'] = $item->adresse_codvoie;
$formatElement['ParAdresseLibVoie'] = $item->adresse_libvoie;
$formatElement['ParAdresseCompl'] = $item->adresse_comp;
$formatElement['ParAdresseCP'] = $item->adresse_cp;
$formatElement['ParAdresseVille'] = $item->adresse_ville;
$formatElement['ParAdressePays'] = $item->adresse_pays;
$formatElement['ParIdLoc1Type'] = $item->idLoc1Type;
$formatElement['ParIdLoc1Num'] = $item->idLoc1Num;
$formatElement['ParIdLoc2Type'] = $item->idLoc2Type;
$formatElement['ParIdLoc2Num'] = $item->idLoc2Num;
$formatElement['ParIdLoc3Type'] = $item->idLoc3Type;
$formatElement['ParIdLoc3Num'] = $item->idLoc3Num;
$formatElement['ParDateEffetLien'] = $item->dateEffetLien;
if ($item->dateUpdate!='0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
$formatElement['ParDate'] = substr($item->dateUpdate,0,10);
} else {
$formatElement['ParDate'] = substr($item->dateInsert,0,10);
$tabData[] = $formatElement;
return $tabData;
function annoncetxtEntete()
return array(
function annoncetxtMultiple($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$tabData = array();
$tabTmp = '';
if ( !empty($values)) {
$tabTmp = explode(',', $values);
$iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$iInsee->AnnoncesLegalesVisu = true;
$response = $iInsee->getAnnoncesLegales($siren, 0, $tabTmp, false, true);
foreach ($response as $tabAnn){
foreach ($tabAnn['evenements'] as $codEve) {
$dateEven = $tabAnn['dateJugement'];
if ($dateEven=='0000-00-00') $dateEven=$tabAnn['dateEffet'];
if ($dateEven=='0000-00-00') $dateEven=$tabAnn['DateParution'];
$formatElement['AnnonceLib'] = strtr($codEve['LibEven'],array(','=>' ',"'"=>' ','"'=>' ',';'=>' '));
$formatElement['AnnonceDate'] = $dateEven;
$formatElement['AnnonceDateParution'] = $tabAnn['DateParution'];
$formatElement['AnnonceTxt'] = $tabAnn['texteAnnonce'];
$tabData[] = $formatElement;
return $tabData;
function groupesEntete()
return array(
function groupesMultiple($siren, $nic, $values = false)
$tabData = array();
$c = new Metier_Liens_Base();
$c->setId($siren, 'siren');
$identity = $c->getIdentity();
$level = 0;
$tabData[] = array(
'Niveau' => 'N'.$level,
'LienSiren' => $identity->siren,
'LienNom' => $identity->RS,
'LienPays' => $identity->adresse_pays,
'LienPmin' => '',
$level = $level+1;
$result = $c->getTreeRecursive($identity->id, 33, $level, 6);
foreach ($result as $item) {
$tabData[] = array(
'Niveau' => 'N'.$level,
'LienSiren' => $item['siren'],
'LienNom' => $item['name'],
'LienPays' => $item['pays'],
'LienPmin' => $item['pmin'],
$children = array();
if ( count($item['children'])>0 ) {
$children = groupesChildren($item['children'], $level+1);
$tabData = array_merge($tabData, $children);
return $tabData;
function groupesMultipleById($id, $values = false)
$tabData = array();
$c = new Metier_Liens_Base();
$c->setId($id, 'ref');
$identity = $c->getIdentity();
$level = 0;
$tabData[] = array(
'Niveau' => 'N'.$level,
'LienSiren' => $identity->siren,
'LienNom' => $identity->RS,
'LienPays' => $identity->adresse_pays,
'LienPmin' => '',
$level = $level+1;
$result = $c->getTreeRecursive($identity->id, 33, $level, 6);
foreach ($result as $item) {
$tabData[] = array(
'Niveau' => 'N'.$level,
'LienSiren' => $item['siren'],
'LienNom' => $item['name'],
'LienPays' => $item['pays'],
'LienPmin' => $item['pmin'],
$children = array();
if ( count($item['children'])>0 ) {
$children = groupesChildren($item['children'], $level+1);
$tabData = array_merge($tabData, $children);
return $tabData;
function groupesChildren($tab, $level)
$result = array();
if ( count($tab)>0 ) {
$head = array();
foreach($tab as $k => $item) {
$head[] = array(
'Niveau' => 'N'.$level,
'LienSiren' => $item['siren'],
'LienNom' => $item['name'],
'LienPays' => $item['pays'],
'LienPmin' => $item['pmin'],
$result = array_merge($result, $head);
$children = array();
if ( count($item['children'])>0 ) {
$children = groupesChildren($item['children'], $level+1);
$result = array_merge($result, $children);
return $result;
function etablissementlisteEntete()
return array(
function etablissementlisteMultiple($siren, $nic, $values = false)
global $iDb;
$mInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee($iDb);
$result = $mInsee->getEtablissements($siren);
$tabData = array();
if (count($result['reponses']) > 0) {
foreach ($result['reponses'] as $r) {
$tabData[] = array(
'etabSIRET' => $r['Siret'],
'etabSIEGE' => $r['Siege'],
'etabACTIF' => $r['Actif'],
return $tabData;
function contentieuxlisteDEseulsEntete($values)
return contentieuxlisteEntete($values);
function contentieuxlisteDFseulsEntete($values)
return contentieuxlisteEntete($values);
function contentieuxlisteEntete($values)
if ($values!==false) {
$values = explode(',', $values);
$tmp = array();
foreach($values as $value){
$tmp[] = $value;
return $tmp;
} else {
return array(
function contentieuxlisteDEseulsMultiple($siren, $nic=0, $values = false)
$qualite=' AND s.qualite="DE"';
return contentieuxlisteMultiple($siren, $nic, $values,$qualite);
function contentieuxlisteDFseulsMultiple($siren, $nic=0, $values = false)
$qualite=' AND s.qualite="DF"';
return contentieuxlisteMultiple($siren, $nic, $values,$qualite);
function contentieuxlisteMultiple($siren, $nic=0, $values = false,$qualite='')
global $iDb;
'IdAffaire' => 'a.idAffaire as IdAffaire',
'Tiers' => 's.qualite as Tiers',
'StatusCode' => 'etatAffaire as StatusCode',
'StatusLabel' => 'etatAffaire as StatusLabel',
'CategoryCode' => 'codNatureDemande as CategoryCode',
'CategoryLabel' => 'codNatureDemande as CategoryLabel',
'Label' => 'natureDemande as Label',
'DateAffaire' => 'dateEnrolement as DateAffaire',
'NomPartie' => 's.nomPartie as NomPartie',
'NomDemandeur' => 'nomDemandeur as NomDemandeur',
'NomDefendeur' => 'nomDefendeur as NomDefendeur',
'CodeGreffe' => 'codeGreffe as CodeGreffe',
'NomGreffe' => 'nomGreffe as NomGreffe',
'Representants' => 'representants as Representants',
'NomsRepresentants' => 'rep0nom as NomsRepresentants',
'Parties' => 'a.parties as Parties',
'CategorieAffaire' => 'typeAffaireEnum as CategorieAffaire',
'Historique' => 'h.numLigneHisto as Historique',
'DateDecision' => 'h.dateDecision as DateDecision',
'LibelleDecision' => 'h.libelleDecision as LibelleDecision'
'IdAffaire' => 'a.idAffaire as IdAffaire',
$tabFields = explode(',', $values);
$histojoin=' left join greffes_affaires_histo h on h.idAffaire=a.idAffaire ';
foreach($tabFields as $field){
throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $field . ' does not exist');
$select = implode(',',$tabSelect);
$conn = Zend_Registry::get('doctrine');
$sql='select '.$select .'
from (greffes_affaires_siren s inner join greffes_affaires a using(id)) '.$histojoin.' where
/*$sql='select dateEnrolement as dateAffaire,typeAffaireEnum as categorieAffaire,codNatureDemande as typeAffaire,natureDemande,nomDemandeur,
nomDefendeur,etatAffaire as statutAffaire,codeGreffe,nomGreffe,representants,rep0nom as nomsRepresentants
from greffes_affaires_siren s inner join greffes_affaires a using(id) where entSiren=:siren';*/
try {
$stmt->bindValue('siren', $siren);
} catch (\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException $e) {
throw new Exception(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
if(in_array('StatusLabel',$tabFields) || in_array('CategoryLabel',$tabFields)){
$status = include APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Metier/Ctx/AffaireStatus.php';
$categories = include APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Metier/Table/AffairesTypes.php';
foreach($tabData as $k => $row){
if(isset($row['StatusLabel']) && isset($status[$row['StatusLabel']])){$tabData[$k]['StatusLabel']=$status[$row['StatusLabel']];}
if(isset($row['CategoryLabel']) && isset($categories[$row['CategoryLabel']])){$tabData[$k]['CategoryLabel']=$categories[$row['CategoryLabel']];}
if(in_array('Parties',$tabFields) || in_array('Representants',$tabFields)){
foreach($tabData as $k => $row){
if(isset($row['Parties']) && !empty($row['Parties'])){
foreach($parties as $p){
$text.=(isset($p->nomPartie)?$p->nomPartie:'').' ('.(isset($p->entreprise->siren)?$p->entreprise->siren:'').') ';
if(isset($p->representants) && !empty($p->representants)){
foreach ($p->representants as $r){
$text.=' '.isset($r->nom)?' # '.$r->nom:'';
$text.=' | ';
//echo $tabData[$k]['parties'];echo $text;
if(isset($row['Representants']) && !empty($row['Representants'])){
foreach($parties as $p){
$text=isset($p->nom)?$p->nom.' - ':'';
return $tabData;
/* == FUNCTION == */
* Verifie si un SIREN est valide
* @param Le code SIREN dont on veut vérifier la validité.
* @return Un booléen qui vaut 'true' si le code SIREN passé en
* paramètre est valide, false sinon.
function sirenValide($siren) {
if ( (strlen($siren) != 9) || (is_nan($siren)) )
$estValide = false;
else {
// Donc le SIREN est un numérique à 9 chiffres
$somme = 0;
$tmp = 0;
for ($cpt = 0; $cpt<strlen($siren); $cpt++) {
if (($cpt % 2) == 1) { // Les positions paires : 2ème, 4ème, 6ème et 8ème chiffre
$tmp = substr($siren, $cpt, 1) * 2; // On le multiplie par 2
if ($tmp > 9)
$tmp-= 9; // Si le résultat est supérieur à 9, on lui soustrait 9
$tmp = substr($siren, $cpt, 1);
$somme+= intval($tmp);
if (($somme % 10) == 0)
$estValide = true; // Si la somme est un multiple de 10 alors le SIREN est valide
$estValide = false;
return $estValide;
* Verifie si un SIRET est valide
* @param Le code SIRET dont on veut vérifier la validité.
* @return Un booléen qui vaut 'true' si le code SIRET passé en
* paramètre est valide, false sinon.
function siretValide($siret) {
if ( (strlen($siret) != 14) || (is_nan($siret)) )
$estValide = false;
else {
// Donc le SIRET est un numérique à 14 chiffres
// Les 9 premiers chiffres sont ceux du SIREN (ou RCS), les 4 suivants
// correspondent au numéro d'établissement
// et enfin le dernier chiffre est une clef de LUHN.
$somme = 0;
$tmp = 0;
for ($cpt = 0; $cpt<strlen($siret); $cpt++) {
if (($cpt % 2) == 0) { // Les positions impaires : 1er, 3è, 5è, etc...
$tmp = substr($siret, $cpt, 1) * 2; // On le multiplie par 2
if ($tmp > 9)
$tmp-= 9; // Si le résultat est supérieur à 9, on lui soustrait 9
$tmp = substr($siret, $cpt, 1);
$somme+= intval($tmp);
if (($somme % 10) == 0)
$estValide = true; // Si la somme est un multiple de 10 alors le SIRET est valide
$estValide = false;
return $estValide;
* writeCSV
* @param array $list
* @param array $entete
* @param string $filename
function writeCSV($list, $entete, $filename)
$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
if (count($entete)>0){
fputcsv($fp, $entete, ',', '"');
foreach ($list as $fields) {
fputcsv($fp, $fields, ',', '"');