
1426 lines
46 KiB
Raw Normal View History

//include_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../framework/default/_includes/mysql.php'));
require_once 'common/curl.php';
include_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/insee/classMInsee.php'));
* Project: GoogleMapAPI: a PHP library inteface to the Google Map API
* File: GoogleMapAPI.class.php
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
* Smarty mailing list. Send a blank e-mail to
* smarty-general-subscribe@lists.php.net
* @link http://www.phpinsider.com/php/code/GoogleMapAPI/
* @copyright 2005 New Digital Group, Inc.
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @package GoogleMapAPI
* @version 2.5
/* $Id: GoogleMapAPI.class.php,v 1.63 2007/08/03 16:29:40 mohrt Exp $ */
For best results with GoogleMaps, use XHTML compliant web pages with this header:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
For database caching, you will want to use this schema:
address varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
lon float default NULL,
lat float default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (address)
class GoogleMapAPI {
* PEAR::DB DSN for geocode caching. example:
* $dsn = 'mysql://user:pass@localhost/dbname';
* @var string
var $dsn = null;
* YOUR GooglMap API KEY for your site.
* (http://maps.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html)
* @var string
var $api_key = '';
* current map id, set when you instantiate
* the GoogleMapAPI object.
* @var string
var $map_id = null;
* sidebar <div> used along with this map.
* @var string
var $sidebar_id = null;
* GoogleMapAPI uses the Yahoo geocode lookup API.
* This is the application ID for YOUR application.
* This is set upon instantiating the GoogleMapAPI object.
* (http://developer.yahoo.net/faq/index.html#appid)
* @var string
var $app_id = null;
* use onLoad() to load the map javascript.
* if enabled, be sure to include on your webpage:
* <html onload="onLoad()">
* @var string
var $onload = true;
* map center latitude (horizontal)
* calculated automatically as markers
* are added to the map.
* @var float
var $center_lat = null;
* map center longitude (vertical)
* calculated automatically as markers
* are added to the map.
* @var float
var $center_lon = null;
* enables map controls (zoom/move/center)
* @var boolean
var $map_controls = true;
* determines the map control type
* small -> show move/center controls
* large -> show move/center/zoom controls
* @var string
var $control_size = 'large';
* enables map type controls (map/satellite/hybrid)
* @var boolean
var $type_controls = true;
* @var boolean
var $map_type = 'G_NORMAL_MAP';
* enables scale map control
* @var boolean
var $scale_control = true;
* enables overview map control
* @var boolean
var $overview_control = false;
* determines the default zoom level
* @var integer
var $zoom = 16;
* determines the map width
* @var integer
var $width = '500px';
* determines the map height
* @var integer
var $height = '500px';
* message that pops up when the browser is incompatible with Google Maps.
* set to empty string to disable.
* @var integer
var $browser_alert = 'Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser.';
* message that appears when javascript is disabled.
* set to empty string to disable.
* @var string
var $js_alert = '<b>Javascript must be enabled in order to use Google Maps.</b>';
* determines if sidebar is enabled
* @var boolean
var $sidebar = true;
* determines if to/from directions are included inside info window
* @var boolean
var $directions = true;
* determines if map markers bring up an info window
* @var boolean
var $info_window = true;
* determines if info window appears with a click or mouseover
* @var string click/mouseover
var $window_trigger = 'click';
* what server geocode lookups come from
* available: YAHOO Yahoo! API. US geocode lookups only.
* GOOGLE Google Maps. This can do international lookups,
* but not an official API service so no guarantees.
* Note: GOOGLE is the default lookup service, please read
* the Yahoo! terms of service before using their API.
* @var string service name
var $lookup_service = 'GOOGLE';
var $lookup_server = array('GOOGLE' => 'maps.google.com', 'YAHOO' => 'api.local.yahoo.com');
var $driving_dir_text = array(
'dir_to' => 'Start address: (include addr, city st/region)',
'to_button_value' => 'Get Directions',
'to_button_type' => 'submit',
'dir_from' => 'End address: (include addr, city st/region)',
'from_button_value' => 'Get Directions',
'from_button_type' => 'submit',
'dir_text' => 'Directions: ',
'dir_tohere' => 'To here',
'dir_fromhere' => 'From here'
* version number
* @var string
var $_version = '2.5';
* list of added markers
* @var array
var $_markers = array();
* maximum longitude of all markers
* @var float
var $_max_lon = -1000000;
* minimum longitude of all markers
* @var float
var $_min_lon = 1000000;
* max latitude
* @var float
var $_max_lat = -1000000;
* min latitude
* @var float
var $_min_lat = 1000000;
* determines if we should zoom to minimum level (above this->zoom value) that will encompass all markers
* @var boolean
var $zoom_encompass = true;
* factor by which to fudge the boundaries so that when we zoom encompass, the markers aren't too close to the edge
* @var float
var $bounds_fudge = 0.01;
* use the first suggestion by a google lookup if exact match not found
* @var float
var $use_suggest = false;
* list of added polylines
* @var array
var $_polylines = array();
* icon info array
* @var array
var $_icons = array();
* database cache table name
* @var string
var $_db_cache_table = 'geolocalisation';
var $conid;
var $insee;
* class constructor
* @param string $map_id the id for this map
* @param string $app_id YOUR Yahoo App ID
function GoogleMapAPI($map_id = 'map', $app_id = 'MyMapApp') {
$this->map_id = $map_id;
$this->sidebar_id = 'sidebar_' . $map_id;
$this->app_id = $app_id;
$this->insee = new MInsee();
* sets the PEAR::DB dsn
* @param string $dsn
function setDSN($dsn) {
$this->dsn = $dsn;
* sets YOUR Google Map API key
* @param string $key
function setAPIKey($key) {
$this->api_key = $key;
* sets the width of the map
* @param string $width
function setWidth($width) {
return false;
$_width = $_match[1];
$_type = $_match[2];
if($_type == '%')
$this->width = $_width . '%';
$this->width = $_width . 'px';
return true;
* sets the height of the map
* @param string $height
function setHeight($height) {
return false;
$_height = $_match[1];
$_type = $_match[2];
if($_type == '%')
$this->height = $_height . '%';
$this->height = $_height . 'px';
return true;
* sets the default map zoom level
* @param string $level
function setZoomLevel($level) {
$this->zoom = (int) $level;
* enables the map controls (zoom/move)
function enableMapControls() {
$this->map_controls = true;
* disables the map controls (zoom/move)
function disableMapControls() {
$this->map_controls = false;
* sets the map control size (large/small)
* @param string $size
function setControlSize($size) {
$this->control_size = $size;
* enables the type controls (map/satellite/hybrid)
function enableTypeControls() {
$this->type_controls = true;
* disables the type controls (map/satellite/hybrid)
function disableTypeControls() {
$this->type_controls = false;
* set default map type (map/satellite/hybrid)
function setMapType($type) {
switch($type) {
case 'hybrid':
$this->map_type = 'G_HYBRID_MAP';
case 'satellite':
$this->map_type = 'G_SATELLITE_MAP';
case 'map':
$this->map_type = 'G_NORMAL_MAP';
* enables onload
function enableOnLoad() {
$this->onload = true;
* disables onload
function disableOnLoad() {
$this->onload = false;
* enables sidebar
function enableSidebar() {
$this->sidebar = true;
* disables sidebar
function disableSidebar() {
$this->sidebar = false;
* enables map directions inside info window
function enableDirections() {
$this->directions = true;
* disables map directions inside info window
function disableDirections() {
$this->directions = false;
* set browser alert message for incompatible browsers
* @params $message string
function setBrowserAlert($message) {
$this->browser_alert = $message;
* set <noscript> message when javascript is disabled
* @params $message string
function setJSAlert($message) {
$this->js_alert = $message;
* enable map marker info windows
function enableInfoWindow() {
$this->info_window = true;
* disable map marker info windows
function disableInfoWindow() {
$this->info_window = false;
* set the info window trigger action
* @params $message string click/mouseover
function setInfoWindowTrigger($type) {
switch($type) {
case 'mouseover':
$this->window_trigger = 'mouseover';
$this->window_trigger = 'click';
* enable zoom to encompass makers
function enableZoomEncompass() {
$this->zoom_encompass = true;
* disable zoom to encompass makers
function disableZoomEncompass() {
$this->zoom_encompass = false;
* set the boundary fudge factor
function setBoundsFudge($val) {
$this->bounds_fudge = $val;
* enables the scale map control
function enableScaleControl() {
$this->scale_control = true;
* disables the scale map control
function disableScaleControl() {
$this->scale_control = false;
* enables the overview map control
function enableOverviewControl() {
$this->overview_control = true;
* disables the overview map control
function disableOverviewControl() {
$this->overview_control = false;
* set the lookup service to use for geocode lookups
* default is YAHOO, you can also use GOOGLE.
* NOTE: GOOGLE can to intl lookups, but is not an
* official API, so use at your own risk.
function setLookupService($service) {
switch($service) {
case 'GOOGLE':
$this->lookup_service = 'GOOGLE';
case 'YAHOO':
$this->lookup_service = 'YAHOO';
* adds a map marker by address
* @param string $address the map address to mark (street/city/state/zip)
* @param string $title the title display in the sidebar
* @param string $html the HTML block to display in the info bubble (if empty, title is used)
function addMarkerByAddress($address,$title = '',$html = '',$tooltip = '') {
if(($_geocode = $this->getGeocode($address)) === false)
return false;
return $this->addMarkerByCoords($_geocode['lon'],$_geocode['lat'],$title,$html,$tooltip);
* adds a map marker by geocode
* @param string $lon the map longitude (horizontal)
* @param string $lat the map latitude (vertical)
* @param string $title the title display in the sidebar
* @param string $html|array $html
* string: the HTML block to display in the info bubble (if empty, title is used)
* array: The title => content pairs for a tabbed info bubble
// TODO make it so you can specify which tab you want the directions to appear in (add another arg)
function addMarkerByCoords($lon,$lat,$title = '',$html = '',$tooltip = '') {
$_marker['lon'] = $lon;
$_marker['lat'] = $lat;
$_marker['html'] = (is_array($html) || strlen($html) > 0) ? $html : $title;
$_marker['title'] = $title;
$_marker['tooltip'] = $tooltip;
$this->_markers[] = $_marker;
// return index of marker
return count($this->_markers) - 1;
* adds a map polyline by address
* if color, weight and opacity are not defined, use the google maps defaults
* @param string $address1 the map address to draw from
* @param string $address2 the map address to draw to
* @param string $color the color of the line (format: #000000)
* @param string $weight the weight of the line in pixels
* @param string $opacity the line opacity (percentage)
function addPolyLineByAddress($address1,$address2,$color='',$weight=0,$opacity=0) {
if(($_geocode1 = $this->getGeocode($address1)) === false)
return false;
if(($_geocode2 = $this->getGeocode($address2)) === false)
return false;
return $this->addPolyLineByCoords($_geocode1['lon'],$_geocode1['lat'],$_geocode2['lon'],$_geocode2['lat'],$color,$weight,$opacity);
* adds a map polyline by map coordinates
* if color, weight and opacity are not defined, use the google maps defaults
* @param string $lon1 the map longitude to draw from
* @param string $lat1 the map latitude to draw from
* @param string $lon2 the map longitude to draw to
* @param string $lat2 the map latitude to draw to
* @param string $color the color of the line (format: #000000)
* @param string $weight the weight of the line in pixels
* @param string $opacity the line opacity (percentage)
function addPolyLineByCoords($lon1,$lat1,$lon2,$lat2,$color='',$weight=0,$opacity=0) {
$_polyline['lon1'] = $lon1;
$_polyline['lat1'] = $lat1;
$_polyline['lon2'] = $lon2;
$_polyline['lat2'] = $lat2;
$_polyline['color'] = $color;
$_polyline['weight'] = $weight;
$_polyline['opacity'] = $opacity;
$this->_polylines[] = $_polyline;
// return index of polyline
return count($this->_polylines) - 1;
* adjust map center coordinates by the given lat/lon point
* @param string $lon the map latitude (horizontal)
* @param string $lat the map latitude (vertical)
function adjustCenterCoords($lon,$lat) {
if(strlen((string)$lon) == 0 || strlen((string)$lat) == 0)
return false;
$this->_max_lon = (float) max($lon, $this->_max_lon);
$this->_min_lon = (float) min($lon, $this->_min_lon);
$this->_max_lat = (float) max($lat, $this->_max_lat);
$this->_min_lat = (float) min($lat, $this->_min_lat);
$this->center_lon = (float) ($this->_min_lon + $this->_max_lon) / 2;
$this->center_lat = (float) ($this->_min_lat + $this->_max_lat) / 2;
return true;
* set map center coordinates to lat/lon point
* @param string $lon the map latitude (horizontal)
* @param string $lat the map latitude (vertical)
function setCenterCoords($lon,$lat) {
$this->center_lat = (float) $lat;
$this->center_lon = (float) $lon;
* generate an array of params for a new marker icon image
* iconShadowImage is optional
* If anchor coords are not supplied, we use the center point of the image by default.
* Can be called statically. For private use by addMarkerIcon() and setMarkerIcon()
* @param string $iconImage URL to icon image
* @param string $iconShadowImage URL to shadow image
* @param string $iconAnchorX X coordinate for icon anchor point
* @param string $iconAnchorY Y coordinate for icon anchor point
* @param string $infoWindowAnchorX X coordinate for info window anchor point
* @param string $infoWindowAnchorY Y coordinate for info window anchor point
function createMarkerIcon($iconImage,$iconShadowImage = '',$iconAnchorX = 'x',$iconAnchorY = 'x',$infoWindowAnchorX = 'x',$infoWindowAnchorY = 'x') {
$_icon_image_path = strpos($iconImage,'http') === 0 ? $iconImage : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $iconImage;
if(!($_image_info = @getimagesize($_icon_image_path))) {
die('GoogleMapAPI:createMarkerIcon: Error reading image: ' . $iconImage);
if($iconShadowImage) {
$_shadow_image_path = strpos($iconShadowImage,'http') === 0 ? $iconShadowImage : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $iconShadowImage;
if(!($_shadow_info = @getimagesize($_shadow_image_path))) {
die('GoogleMapAPI:createMarkerIcon: Error reading image: ' . $iconShadowImage);
if($iconAnchorX === 'x') {
$iconAnchorX = (int) ($_image_info[0] / 2);
if($iconAnchorY === 'x') {
$iconAnchorY = (int) ($_image_info[1] / 2);
if($infoWindowAnchorX === 'x') {
$infoWindowAnchorX = (int) ($_image_info[0] / 2);
if($infoWindowAnchorY === 'x') {
$infoWindowAnchorY = (int) ($_image_info[1] / 2);
$icon_info = array(
'image' => $iconImage,
'iconWidth' => $_image_info[0],
'iconHeight' => $_image_info[1],
'iconAnchorX' => $iconAnchorX,
'iconAnchorY' => $iconAnchorY,
'infoWindowAnchorX' => $infoWindowAnchorX,
'infoWindowAnchorY' => $infoWindowAnchorY
if($iconShadowImage) {
$icon_info = array_merge($icon_info, array('shadow' => $iconShadowImage,
'shadowWidth' => $_shadow_info[0],
'shadowHeight' => $_shadow_info[1]));
return $icon_info;
* set the marker icon for ALL markers on the map
function setMarkerIcon($iconImage,$iconShadowImage = '',$iconAnchorX = 'x',$iconAnchorY = 'x',$infoWindowAnchorX = 'x',$infoWindowAnchorY = 'x') {
$this->_icons = array($this->createMarkerIcon($iconImage,$iconShadowImage,$iconAnchorX,$iconAnchorY,$infoWindowAnchorX,$infoWindowAnchorY));
* add an icon to go with the correspondingly added marker
function addMarkerIcon($iconImage,$iconShadowImage = '',$iconAnchorX = 'x',$iconAnchorY = 'x',$infoWindowAnchorX = 'x',$infoWindowAnchorY = 'x') {
$this->_icons[] = $this->createMarkerIcon($iconImage,$iconShadowImage,$iconAnchorX,$iconAnchorY,$infoWindowAnchorX,$infoWindowAnchorY);
return count($this->_icons) - 1;
* print map header javascript (goes between <head></head>)
function printHeaderJS() {
echo $this->getHeaderJS();
* return map header javascript (goes between <head></head>)
function getHeaderJS() {
return sprintf('<script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=%s" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>', $this->api_key);
* prints onLoad() without having to manipulate body tag.
* call this after the print map like so...
* $map->printMap();
* $map->printOnLoad();
function printOnLoad() {
echo $this->getOnLoad();
* return js to set onload function
function getOnLoad() {
return '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">window.onload=onLoad;</script>';
* print map javascript (put just before </body>, or in <header> if using onLoad())
function printMapJS() {
echo $this->getMapJS();
* return map javascript
function getMapJS() {
$_output = '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">' . "\n";
$_output .= '//<![CDATA[' . "\n";
$_output .= "/*************************************************\n";
$_output .= " * Created with GoogleMapAPI " . $this->_version . "\n";
$_output .= " * Author: Monte Ohrt <monte AT ohrt DOT com>\n";
$_output .= " * Copyright 2005-2006 New Digital Group\n";
$_output .= " * http://www.phpinsider.com/php/code/GoogleMapAPI/\n";
$_output .= " *************************************************/\n";
$_output .= 'var points = [];' . "\n";
$_output .= 'var markers = [];' . "\n";
$_output .= 'var counter = 0;' . "\n";
if($this->sidebar) {
$_output .= 'var sidebar_html = "";' . "\n";
$_output .= 'var marker_html = [];' . "\n";
if($this->directions) {
$_output .= 'var to_htmls = [];' . "\n";
$_output .= 'var from_htmls = [];' . "\n";
if(!empty($this->_icons)) {
$_output .= 'var icon = [];' . "\n";
for($i = 0, $j = count($this->_icons); $i<$j; $i++) {
$info = $this->_icons[$i];
// hash the icon data to see if we've already got this one; if so, save some javascript
$icon_key = md5(serialize($info));
if(!isset($exist_icn[$icon_key])) {
$_output .= "icon[$i] = new GIcon();\n";
$_output .= sprintf('icon[%s].image = "%s";',$i,$info['image']) . "\n";
if($info['shadow']) {
$_output .= sprintf('icon[%s].shadow = "%s";',$i,$info['shadow']) . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf('icon[%s].shadowSize = new GSize(%s,%s);',$i,$info['shadowWidth'],$info['shadowHeight']) . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf('icon[%s].iconSize = new GSize(%s,%s);',$i,$info['iconWidth'],$info['iconHeight']) . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf('icon[%s].iconAnchor = new GPoint(%s,%s);',$i,$info['iconAnchorX'],$info['iconAnchorY']) . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf('icon[%s].infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(%s,%s);',$i,$info['infoWindowAnchorX'],$info['infoWindowAnchorY']) . "\n";
} else {
$_output .= "icon[$i] = icon[$exist_icn[$icon_key]];\n";
$_output .= 'var map = null;' . "\n";
if($this->onload) {
$_output .= 'function onLoad() {' . "\n";
if(!empty($this->browser_alert)) {
$_output .= 'if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {' . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf('var mapObj = document.getElementById("%s");',$this->map_id) . "\n";
$_output .= 'if (mapObj != "undefined" && mapObj != null) {' . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf('map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("%s"));',$this->map_id) . "\n";
if(isset($this->center_lat) && isset($this->center_lon)) {
// Special care for decimal point in lon and lat, would get lost if "wrong" locale is set; applies to (s)printf only
$_output .= sprintf('map.setCenter(new GLatLng(%s, %s), %d, %s);', number_format($this->center_lat, 6, ".", ""), number_format($this->center_lon, 6, ".", ""), $this->zoom, $this->map_type) . "\n";
// zoom so that all markers are in the viewport
if($this->zoom_encompass && count($this->_markers) > 1) {
// increase bounds by fudge factor to keep
// markers away from the edges
$_len_lon = $this->_max_lon - $this->_min_lon;
$_len_lat = $this->_max_lat - $this->_min_lat;
$this->_min_lon -= $_len_lon * $this->bounds_fudge;
$this->_max_lon += $_len_lon * $this->bounds_fudge;
$this->_min_lat -= $_len_lat * $this->bounds_fudge;
$this->_max_lat += $_len_lat * $this->bounds_fudge;
$_output .= "var bds = new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng($this->_min_lat, $this->_min_lon), new GLatLng($this->_max_lat, $this->_max_lon));\n";
$_output .= 'map.setZoom(map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bds));' . "\n";
if($this->map_controls) {
if($this->control_size == 'large')
$_output .= 'map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());' . "\n";
$_output .= 'map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());' . "\n";
if($this->type_controls) {
$_output .= 'map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());' . "\n";
if($this->scale_control) {
$_output .= 'map.addControl(new GScaleControl());' . "\n";
if($this->overview_control) {
$_output .= 'map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl());' . "\n";
$_output .= $this->getAddMarkersJS();
$_output .= $this->getPolylineJS();
if($this->sidebar) {
$_output .= sprintf('document.getElementById("%s").innerHTML = "<ul class=\"gmapSidebar\">"+ sidebar_html +"<\/ul>";', $this->sidebar_id) . "\n";
$_output .= '}' . "\n";
if(!empty($this->browser_alert)) {
$_output .= '} else {' . "\n";
$_output .= 'alert("' . str_replace('"','\"',$this->browser_alert) . '");' . "\n";
$_output .= '}' . "\n";
if($this->onload) {
$_output .= '}' . "\n";
$_output .= $this->getCreateMarkerJS();
// Utility functions used to distinguish between tabbed and non-tabbed info windows
$_output .= 'function isArray(a) {return isObject(a) && a.constructor == Array;}' . "\n";
$_output .= 'function isObject(a) {return (a && typeof a == \'object\') || isFunction(a);}' . "\n";
$_output .= 'function isFunction(a) {return typeof a == \'function\';}' . "\n";
if($this->sidebar) {
$_output .= 'function click_sidebar(idx) {' . "\n";
$_output .= ' if(isArray(marker_html[idx])) { markers[idx].openInfoWindowTabsHtml(marker_html[idx]); }' . "\n";
$_output .= ' else { markers[idx].openInfoWindowHtml(marker_html[idx]); }' . "\n";
$_output .= '}' . "\n";
$_output .= 'function showInfoWindow(idx,html) {' . "\n";
$_output .= 'map.centerAtLatLng(points[idx]);' . "\n";
$_output .= 'markers[idx].openInfoWindowHtml(html);' . "\n";
$_output .= '}' . "\n";
if($this->directions) {
$_output .= 'function tohere(idx) {' . "\n";
$_output .= 'markers[idx].openInfoWindowHtml(to_htmls[idx]);' . "\n";
$_output .= '}' . "\n";
$_output .= 'function fromhere(idx) {' . "\n";
$_output .= 'markers[idx].openInfoWindowHtml(from_htmls[idx]);' . "\n";
$_output .= '}' . "\n";
$_output .= '//]]>' . "\n";
$_output .= '</script>' . "\n";
return $_output;
* overridable function for generating js to add markers
function getAddMarkersJS() {
$SINGLE_TAB_WIDTH = 88; // constant: width in pixels of each tab heading (set by google)
$i = 0;
$_output = '';
foreach($this->_markers as $_marker) {
if(is_array($_marker['html'])) {
// warning: you can't have two tabs with the same header. but why would you want to?
$ti = 0;
$num_tabs = count($_marker['html']);
$tab_obs = array();
foreach($_marker['html'] as $tab => $info) {
if($ti == 0 && $num_tabs > 2) {
$width_style = sprintf(' style=\"width: %spx\"', $num_tabs * $SINGLE_TAB_WIDTH);
} else {
$width_style = '';
$tab = str_replace('"','\"',$tab);
$info = str_replace('"','\"',$info);
$info = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $info);
$tab_obs[] = sprintf('new GInfoWindowTab("%s", "%s")', $tab, '<div id=\"gmapmarker\"'.$width_style.'>' . $info . '</div>');
$iw_html = '[' . join(',',$tab_obs) . ']';
} else {
$iw_html = sprintf('"%s"',str_replace('"','\"','<div id="gmapmarker">' . str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $_marker['html']) . '</div>'));
$_output .= sprintf('var point = new GLatLng(%s,%s);',$_marker['lat'],$_marker['lon']) . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf('var marker = createMarker(point,"%s",%s, %s,"%s");',
str_replace('"','\"',$_marker['tooltip'])) . "\n";
//TODO: in above createMarker call, pass the index of the tab in which to put directions, if applicable
$_output .= 'map.addOverlay(marker);' . "\n";
return $_output;
* overridable function to generate polyline js
function getPolylineJS() {
$_output = '';
foreach($this->_polylines as $_polyline) {
$_output .= sprintf('var polyline = new GPolyline([new GLatLng(%s,%s),new GLatLng(%s,%s)],"%s",%s,%s);',
$_polyline['lat1'],$_polyline['lon1'],$_polyline['lat2'],$_polyline['lon2'],$_polyline['color'],$_polyline['weight'],$_polyline['opacity'] / 100.0) . "\n";
$_output .= 'map.addOverlay(polyline);' . "\n";
return $_output;
* overridable function to generate the js for the js function for creating a marker.
function getCreateMarkerJS() {
$_output = 'function createMarker(point, title, html, n, tooltip) {' . "\n";
$_output .= 'if(n >= '. sizeof($this->_icons) .') { n = '. (sizeof($this->_icons) - 1) ."; }\n";
if(!empty($this->_icons)) {
$_output .= 'var marker = new GMarker(point,{\'icon\': icon[n], \'title\': tooltip});' . "\n";
} else {
$_output .= 'var marker = new GMarker(point,{\'title\': tooltip});' . "\n";
// TODO: make it so you can specify which tab you want the directions in.
if($this->directions) {
// WARNING: If you are using a tabbed info window AND directions: this uses an UNDOCUMENTED field
// of the GInfoWindowTab object, contentElem. Google may CHANGE this name or other aspects of their
// GInfoWindowTab implementation without warning and BREAK this code.
// NOTE: If you are NOT using a tabbed info window, you'll be fine.
$_output .= 'var tabFlag = isArray(html);' . "\n";
$_output .= 'if(!tabFlag) { html = [{"contentElem": html}]; }' . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf(
"to_htmls[counter] = html[0].contentElem + '<form class=\"gmapDir\" id=\"gmapDirTo\" style=\"white-space: nowrap;\" action=\"http://maps.google.com/maps\" method=\"get\" target=\"_blank\">' +
'<span class=\"gmapDirHead\" id=\"gmapDirHeadTo\">%s<strong>%s</strong> - <a href=\"javascript:fromhere(' + counter + ')\">%s</a></span>' +
'<p class=\"gmapDirItem\" id=\"gmapDirItemTo\"><label for=\"gmapDirSaddr\" class=\"gmapDirLabel\" id=\"gmapDirLabelTo\">%s<br /></label>' +
'<input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"40\" name=\"saddr\" class=\"gmapTextBox\" id=\"gmapDirSaddr\" value=\"\" onfocus=\"this.style.backgroundColor = \'#e0e0e0\';\" onblur=\"this.style.backgroundColor = \'#ffffff\';\" />' +
'<span class=\"gmapDirBtns\" id=\"gmapDirBtnsTo\"><input value=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" class=\"gmapDirButton\" id=\"gmapDirButtonTo\" /></span></p>' +
'<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"daddr\" value=\"' +
point.y + ',' + point.x + \"(\" + title.replace(new RegExp(/\"/g),'&quot;') + \")\" + '\" /></form>';
from_htmls[counter] = html[0].contentElem + '<p /><form class=\"gmapDir\" id=\"gmapDirFrom\" style=\"white-space: nowrap;\" action=\"http://maps.google.com/maps\" method=\"get\" target=\"_blank\">' +
'<span class=\"gmapDirHead\" id=\"gmapDirHeadFrom\">%s<a href=\"javascript:tohere(' + counter + ')\">%s</a> - <strong>%s</strong></span>' +
'<p class=\"gmapDirItem\" id=\"gmapDirItemFrom\"><label for=\"gmapDirSaddr\" class=\"gmapDirLabel\" id=\"gmapDirLabelFrom\">%s<br /></label>' +
'<input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"40\" name=\"daddr\" class=\"gmapTextBox\" id=\"gmapDirSaddr\" value=\"\" onfocus=\"this.style.backgroundColor = \'#e0e0e0\';\" onblur=\"this.style.backgroundColor = \'#ffffff\';\" />' +
'<span class=\"gmapDirBtns\" id=\"gmapDirBtnsFrom\"><input value=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" class=\"gmapDirButton\" id=\"gmapDirButtonFrom\" /></span></p>' +
'<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"saddr\" value=\"' +
point.y + ',' + point.x + encodeURIComponent(\"(\" + title.replace(new RegExp(/\"/g),'&quot;') + \")\") + '\" /></form>';
html[0].contentElem = html[0].contentElem + '<p /><div id=\"gmapDirHead\" class=\"gmapDir\" style=\"white-space: nowrap;\">%s<a href=\"javascript:tohere(' + counter + ')\">%s</a> - <a href=\"javascript:fromhere(' + counter + ')\">%s</a></div>';\n",
$_output .= 'if(!tabFlag) { html = html[0].contentElem; }';
if($this->info_window) {
$_output .= sprintf('if(isArray(html)) { GEvent.addListener(marker, "%s", function() { marker.openInfoWindowTabsHtml(html); }); }',$this->window_trigger) . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf('else { GEvent.addListener(marker, "%s", function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html); }); }',$this->window_trigger) . "\n";
$_output .= 'points[counter] = point;' . "\n";
$_output .= 'markers[counter] = marker;' . "\n";
if($this->sidebar) {
$_output .= 'marker_html[counter] = html;' . "\n";
$_output .= "sidebar_html += '<li class=\"gmapSidebarItem\" id=\"gmapSidebarItem_'+ counter +'\"><a href=\"javascript:click_sidebar(' + counter + ')\">' + title + '<\/a><\/li>';" . "\n";
$_output .= 'counter++;' . "\n";
$_output .= 'return marker;' . "\n";
$_output .= '}' . "\n";
return $_output;
* print map (put at location map will appear)
function printMap() {
echo $this->getMap();
* return map
function getMap() {
$_output = '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">' . "\n" . '//<![CDATA[' . "\n";
$_output .= 'if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {' . "\n";
if(strlen($this->width) > 0 && strlen($this->height) > 0) {
$_output .= sprintf('document.write(\'<div id="%s" style="width: %s; height: %s"><\/div>\');',$this->map_id,$this->width,$this->height) . "\n";
} else {
$_output .= sprintf('document.write(\'<div id="%s"><\/div>\');',$this->map_id) . "\n";
$_output .= '}';
if(!empty($this->js_alert)) {
$_output .= ' else {' . "\n";
$_output .= sprintf('document.write(\'%s\');', str_replace('/','\/',$this->js_alert)) . "\n";
$_output .= '}' . "\n";
$_output .= '//]]>' . "\n" . '</script>' . "\n";
if(!empty($this->js_alert)) {
$_output .= '<noscript>' . $this->js_alert . '</noscript>' . "\n";
return $_output;
* print sidebar (put at location sidebar will appear)
function printSidebar() {
echo $this->getSidebar();
* return sidebar html
function getSidebar() {
return sprintf('<div id="%s"></div>',$this->sidebar_id) . "\n";
* get the geocode lat/lon points from given address
* look in cache first, otherwise get from Yahoo
* @param string $address
function getGeocode($address) {
return false;
$address=strtr($address, array('&#039;'=>"'"));
$_geocode = false;
if(($_geocode = $this->getCache($address)) === false) {
if(($_geocode = $this->geoGetCoords($address)) !== false) {
$this->putCache($address, $_geocode['lon'], $_geocode['lat'], $_geocode['precis'], $_geocode['num'], $_geocode['indRep'], $_geocode['typeVoie'], $_geocode['libVoie'], $_geocode['adrComp0'], $_geocode['adrComp1'], $_geocode['adrComp2'], $_geocode['adrComp3'],$_geocode['cp'], $_geocode['ville']);
return $_geocode;
* get the geocode lat/lon points from cache for given address
* @param string $address
function getCache($address) {
$fp=fopen(PATH_LOGS.'log/geoGoogle.csv', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $_result."\n".print_r($tabAdr,1)."----------------------------------------\n");
$_ret = array();
$this->conid = mysql_pconnect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASS);
mysql_select_db(MYSQL_DB, $this->conid);
$res=mysql_select($this->_db_cache_table, 'lon,lat,precis,adr_num,adr_indRep,adr_typeVoie,adr_libVoie,adr_adrComp0,adr_adrComp1,adr_adrComp2,adr_adrComp3,adr_cp,adr_ville', "address='".addslashes($address)."'");
foreach ($res as $_row) {
$_ret['lon'] = $_row[0];
$_ret['lat'] = $_row[1];
$_ret['precis'] = $_row[2];
$_ret['num'] = $_row[3];
$_ret['indRep'] = $_row[4];
$_ret['typeVoie'] = $_row[5];
$_ret['libVoie'] = $_row[6];
$_ret['adrComp0'] = $_row[7];
$_ret['adrComp1'] = $_row[8];
$_ret['adrComp2'] = $_row[9];
$_ret['adrComp3'] = $_row[10];
$_ret['cp'] = $_row[11];
$_ret['ville'] = $_row[12];
return !empty($_ret) ? $_ret : false;
* put the geocode lat/lon points into cache for given address
* @param string $address
* @param string $lon the map latitude (horizontal)
* @param string $lat the map latitude (vertical)
function putCache($address, $lon, $lat, $precis, $adr_num, $adr_indRep, $adr_typeVoie, $adr_libVoie, $adr_adrComp0, $adr_adrComp1, $adr_adrComp2, $adr_adrComp3, $adr_cp, $adr_ville) {
if(strlen($address) == 0 || strlen($lon) == 0 || strlen($lat) == 0 || strlen($precis)==0 )
return false;
$this->conid = mysql_pconnect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASS);
mysql_select_db(MYSQL_DB, $this->conid);
$tabInsert=array( 'address'=>$address,
'adr_cp'=> $adr_cp,
mysql_insert($this->_db_cache_table, $tabInsert);
return true;
* get geocode lat/lon points for given address from Yahoo
* @param string $address
function geoGetCoords($address,$depth=0) {
switch($this->lookup_service) {
case 'GOOGLE':
$_url = sprintf('http://%s/maps/geo?&q=%s&output=csv&key=%s',$this->lookup_server['GOOGLE'],rawurlencode($address),$this->api_key);
$_result = false;
if($_result = $this->fetchURL($_url)) {
$_result_parts = explode(',',$_result);
if($_result_parts[0] != 200)
return false;
$_coords['precis']= $_result_parts[1];
$_coords['lat'] = $_result_parts[2];
$_coords['lon'] = $_result_parts[3];
case 'YAHOO':
$_url = 'http://%s/MapsService/V1/geocode';
$_url .= sprintf('?appid=%s&location=%s',$this->lookup_server['YAHOO'],$this->app_id,rawurlencode($address));
$_result = false;
if($_result = $this->fetchURL($_url)) {
preg_match('!<Latitude>(.*)</Latitude><Longitude>(.*)</Longitude>!U', $_result, $_match);
$_coords['lon'] = $_match[2];
$_coords['lat'] = $_match[1];
return $_coords;
* fetch a URL. Override this method to change the way URLs are fetched.
* @param string $url
function fetchURL($url) {
while(1) {
$page=getUrl($url,'','','',false, '','',0);
switch ($page['code']) {
case 403:
case 200:
//elseif ()
//if ($page['code']==403) die('Erreur 403');
return $page['body'];
* get distance between to geocoords using great circle distance formula
* @param float $lat1
* @param float $lat2
* @param float $lon1
* @param float $lon2
* @param float $unit M=miles, K=kilometers, N=nautical miles, I=inches, F=feet
function geoGetDistance($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2,$unit='M') {
// calculate miles
$M = 69.09 * rad2deg(acos(sin(deg2rad($lat1)) * sin(deg2rad($lat2)) + cos(deg2rad($lat1)) * cos(deg2rad($lat2)) * cos(deg2rad($lon1 - $lon2))));
case 'K':
// kilometers
return $M * 1.609344;
case 'N':
// nautical miles
return $M * 0.868976242;
case 'F':
// feet
return $M * 5280;
case 'I':
// inches
return $M * 63360;
case 'M':
// miles
return $M;