2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
< ? php
header ( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1' );
session_start ();
if ( ! $_SESSION [ 'connected' ])
echo ( 'Vous devez <20> tre connect<63> afin de pouvoir utiliser cette fonctionnalit<69> ' );
elseif (
$_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'login' ] <> 'ylenaour' &&
$_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'login' ] <> 'jmartory' &&
$_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'login' ] <> 'bpanacionne' &&
$_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'login' ] <> 'mheitz' &&
$_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'login' ] <> 'mpurcarin' &&
$_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'login' ] <> 'mcochet' &&
$_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'login' ] <> 'aegasse' &&
$_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'login' ] <> 'mricois'
echo ( 'Vous n\'avez pas les droits n<> cessaires pour utiliser cette fonctionnalit<69> ' );
else {
$client = new SoapClient ( null , array ( 'trace' => 1 ,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1 ,
'location' => WEBSERVICE_URL ,
'login' => $_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'login' ],
'password' => $_SESSION [ 'tabInfo' ][ 'password' ],
$tribunal = isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'tribunal' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'tribunal' ] : '' ;
$idMandataire = isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'id' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'id' ] : '' ;
$tabMandataires = array ();
$message = '' ;
//Mode edition
if ( $idMandataire != '' ){
$idMandataire = ( int ) substr ( $idMandataire , 1 );
try {
$O = $client -> getMandataire ( $idMandataire );
$tabMandataires = $O [ 'result' ];
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
$firephp -> log ( $tabMandataires , 'Edition - tabMandataires' );
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
} catch ( SoapFault $fault ){
$firephp -> log ( $fault , 'fault' );
$message = 'Une erreur est survenue durant la recherche de mandataire.' ;
} else {
$tabMandataires = $_REQUEST [ 'tabMandataires' ];
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
if ( $tribunal != '' ){
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
//La cour d'appel suivant le tribunal s<> lectionn<6E>
$tmp = $client -> getIdCoursAppel ( $tribunal );
$codeCourAppel = $tmp ;
//Les cours d'appel
/* $tmp = $client -> getTribunaux ( array ( 'L' ));
$coursAppel = $tmp [ 'result' ]; */
include ( realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/coursAppel.php' ));
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
//Les tribunaux
$tmp = $client -> getTribunaux ( array ( 'C' , 'I' , 'G' )); //
$tribunaux = $tmp [ 'result' ];
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
} else {
$message = 'Pas de tribunal s<> lectionn<6E> .' ;
< html >
< head >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " ../css/saisie.css " type = " text/css " />
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " ../css/jquery.autocomplete.css " type = " text/css " />
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " ../js/jquery.form.js " ></ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " ../js/jquery.bgiframe.min.js " ></ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " ../js/jquery.autocomplete.js " ></ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
$ ( '#frmCreateMandataires' ) . submit ( function () {
var options = {
target : '#message' , // target element(s) to be updated with server response
beforeSubmit : showRequest , // pre-submit callback
success : showResponse // post-submit callback
// other available options:
//url: url // override for form's 'action' attribute
//type: type // 'get' or 'post', override for form's 'method' attribute
//dataType: null // 'xml', 'script', or 'json' (expected server response type)
//clearForm: true // clear all form fields after successful submit
//resetForm: true // reset the form after successful submit
// $.ajax options can be used here too, for example:
//timeout: 3000
// inside event callbacks 'this' is the DOM element so we first
// wrap it in a jQuery object and then invoke ajaxSubmit
$ ( this ) . ajaxSubmit ( options );
// !!! Important !!!
// always return false to prevent standard browser submit and page navigation
return false ;
//pre-submit callback
function showRequest ( formData , jqForm , options ) {
// formData is an array; here we use $.param to convert it to a string to display it
// but the form plugin does this for you automatically when it submits the data
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
var queryString = $ . param ( formData );
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
// jqForm is a jQuery object encapsulating the form element. To access the
// DOM element for the form do this:
// var formElement = jqForm[0];
//alert('About to submit: \n\n' + queryString);
// here we could return false to prevent the form from being submitted;
// returning anything other than false will allow the form submit to continue
return true ;
// post-submit callback
function showResponse ( responseText , statusText ) {
// for normal html responses, the first argument to the success callback
// is the XMLHttpRequest object's responseText property
// if the ajaxSubmit method was passed an Options Object with the dataType
// property set to 'xml' then the first argument to the success callback
// is the XMLHttpRequest object's responseXML property
// if the ajaxSubmit method was passed an Options Object with the dataType
// property set to 'json' then the first argument to the success callback
// is the json data object returned by the server
if ( responseText == '' ){
//Le formulaire <20> <20> t<EFBFBD> valid<69> correctement
//On remplace le formulaire par un message indiquant que tout c'est bien pass<73> .
$ ( " #frmCreateMandataires " ) . replaceWith ( " <div>Enregistrement termin<69> </div> " );
/* alert ( 'status: ' + statusText + '\n\nresponseText: \n' + responseText +
'\n\nThe output div should have already been updated with the responseText.' );
function getInfo ( siren )
if ( siren . length < 9 ){ return false ;}
//Requ<71> te ajax
$ . post ( './pages_saisie/getIdentiteMandataire.php' ,
{ siren : siren },
function success ( data ){
if ( $ ( " [name=tabMandataires[sirenGrp]] " ) . val () == '' || $ ( " [name=tabMandataires[sirenMand]] " ) . val () == '' ){
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[sirenGrp]] " ) . val ( data . Siren );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[sirenMand]] " ) . val ( data . Siren );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[Nom]] " ) . val ( data . Nom );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[Prenom]] " ) . val ( data . Prenom );
//$("[name=tabMandataires[coursAppel]]").val();// S<> lectionner la cour d'appel suivant le tribunal
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[Statut]] " ) . val ( data . FJ );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[adresse]] " ) . val ( data . Adresse );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[cp]] " ) . val ( data . CP );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[ville]] " ) . val ( data . Ville );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[tel]] " ) . val ( data . Tel );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[fax]] " ) . val ( data . Fax );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[email]] " ) . val ( data . Mail );
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[web]] " ) . val ( data . Web );
, " json " );
2009-03-26 16:01:15 +00:00
$ ( " [name=tabMandataires[Nom]] " ) . autocomplete ( " ./pages_saisie/searchNomAdrMandataire.php " , {
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
minChars : 4 ,
width : 400 ,
highlight : false ,
scroll : true ,
formatResult : function ( data , value ) {
nom = value . split ( " , " )[ 0 ];
siren = value . split ( " , " )[ 3 ] . substring ( 0 , 9 );
return nom + ' , ' + siren ;
</ script >
</ head >
< body >
< div id = " message " >< ? php print $message ; ?> </div>
< form id = " frmCreateMandataires " name = " mandataires " action = " ./pages_saisie/wsMandataire.php " method = " post " enctype = " multipart/form-data " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " tabMandataires[id] " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['id'] ;?> " >
< label > Siren de la soci<EFBFBD> t<EFBFBD> Civile < em >*</ em >:</ label >
2009-03-26 19:22:07 +00:00
< input name = " tabMandataires[sirenGrp] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['sirenGrp'] ;?> " maxlength = " 11 " >
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
< span class = " left " >< a href = " # " onclick = " getInfo( $ ('[name=tabMandataires[sirenGrp]]').val()); " > Obtenir les informations .</ a ></ span >
< label > Siren de la professions lib<EFBFBD> rale :</ label >
2009-03-26 19:22:07 +00:00
< input name = " tabMandataires[sirenMand] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['sirenMand'] ;?> " maxlength = " 11 " >
2009-03-25 18:25:50 +00:00
< span class = " left " >< a href = " # " onclick = " getInfo( $ ('[name=tabMandataires[sirenMand]]').val()); " > Obtenir les informations .</ a ></ span >
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
< label > Nom < em >*</ em >:</ label >
< input name = " tabMandataires[Nom] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['Nom'] ;?> " maxlength = " 81 " >
2009-03-25 18:25:50 +00:00
< span class = " left " >< a href = " # " onclick = " getInfo( $ ('[name=tabMandataires[Nom]]').val().split(' , ')[1]); " > Obtenir les informations .</ a ></ span >
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
< label > Prenom :</ label >
< input name = " tabMandataires[Prenom] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['Prenom'] ;?> " maxlength = " 21 " >
< label > Type d ' intervenant < em >*</ em >:</ label >
< select name = " tabMandataires[type] " >
< option value = " " >-</ option >
< option value = " A " < ? php ( $tabMandataires [ 'type' ] == 'A' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Administrateur</option>
< option value = " AS " < ? php ( $tabMandataires [ 'type' ] == 'AS' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Administrateur Stagiaire</option>
< option value = " H " < ? php ( $tabMandataires [ 'type' ] == 'H' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Huissier</option>
< option value = " M " < ? php ( $tabMandataires [ 'type' ] == 'M' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Mandataire</option>
< option value = " MS " < ? php ( $tabMandataires [ 'type' ] == 'MS' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Mandataire Stagiaire</option>
< option value = " V " < ? php ( $tabMandataires [ 'type' ] == 'V' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Avocat</option>
< option value = " N " < ? php ( $tabMandataires [ 'type' ] == 'N' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Notaire</option>
< option value = " T " < ? php ( $tabMandataires [ 'type' ] == 'T' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Autre</option>
</ select >
< label > Cours d ' appel par defaut n<EFBFBD> 1 < em >*</ em >:</ label >
< select name = " tabMandataires[coursAppel] " >
< option value = " " > Choix de la cours d ' appel </ option >
< ? php
foreach ( $coursAppel as $value ){
print '<option value="' . $value [ 'triId' ] . '"' ;
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
( $tabMandataires [ 'coursAppel' ] == $value [ 'triId' ] ? print ' selected' : '' );
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
print '>' . $value [ 'triNom' ] . '</option>' ;
</ select >
< label > Cours d ' appel par defaut n<EFBFBD> 2 :</ label >
< select name = " tabMandataires[coursAppel2] " >
< option value = " " > Choix de la cours d ' appel </ option >
< ? php
foreach ( $coursAppel as $value ){
print '<option value="' . $value [ 'triId' ] . '"' ;
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
print ( $tabMandataires [ 'coursAppel2' ] == $value [ 'triId' ] ? print ' selected' : '' );
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
print '>' . $value [ 'triNom' ] . '</option>' ;
</ select >
< label > Libell<EFBFBD> du tribunal < em >*</ em >:</ label >
< select name = " tabMandataires[tribunal] " >
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
< option value = " " > Choix du tribunal </ option >
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
< ? php
foreach ( $tribunaux as $code => $lib ) {
if ( strlen ( $lib ) > 39 ) $lib = substr ( $lib , 0 , 41 ) . '...' ;
print '<option value="' . $code . '"' ;
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
if ( $tabMandataires [ 'tribunal' ] == $code ) echo ' selected' ;
/*elseif ($code==$tribunal) echo ' selected';*/
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
echo " > $lib </option> " ;
</ select >
2009-03-27 08:34:36 +00:00
< span class = " left " > ( V<EFBFBD> rifier le tribunal du mandataire ) </ span >
2009-03-23 15:01:04 +00:00
< label > Forme Juridique < em >*</ em >:</ label >
< select name = " tabMandataires[Statut] " >
< option value = " " selected >-</ option >
< option value = " 1500 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '1500' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Profession lib<69> rale</option>
< option value = " 1400 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '1400' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Officier public ou minist<73> riel</option>
< option value = " 1800 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '1800' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Associ<63> G<> rant</option>
< option value = " 1900 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '1900' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Personne physique</option>
< option value = " 5485 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5485' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> d'exercice lib<69> ral <20> responsabilit<69> limit<69> e</option>
< option value = " 6565 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6565' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP de notaires</option>
< option value = " 6561 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6561' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP d'avocats</option>
< option value = " 1099 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '1099' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP d'huissiers</option>
< option value = " 2210 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '2210' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> cr<63> <72> e de fait entre personnes physiques</option>
< option value = " 5499 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5499' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Autre soci<63> t<EFBFBD> <20> responsabilit<69> limit<69> e</option>
< option value = " 2900 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '2900' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Autre groupement de droit priv<69> non dot<6F> de la personnalit<69> morale</option>
< option value = " 6585 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6585' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP</option>
< option value = " 9220 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '9220' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >ASSOCIATION</option>
< option value = " 6562 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6562' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP d'avocats aux conseil</option>
< option value = " 6599 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6599' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP</option>
< option value = " 6563 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6563' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP d'avou<6F> s d'appel</option>
< option value = " 5710 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5710' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SAS</option>
< option value = " 6566 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5710' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP de commissaires-priseurs</option>
< option value = " 5498 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5498' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SARLU</option>
< option value = " 5585 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5585' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SELAFA</option>
< option value = " 6568 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6568' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP de conseils juridiques</option>
< option value = " 3220 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '3220' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> <20> trang<6E> re non immatricul<75> e au RCS</option>
< option value = " 1200 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '1200' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Commer<65> ant</option>
< option value = " 6567 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6567' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SCP de greffiers de tribunal de commerce</option>
< option value = " 5599 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5599' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SARL</option>
< option value = " 6220 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6220' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >GIE</option>
< option value = " 2110 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '2110' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Indivision entre personnes physiques</option>
< option value = " 2385 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '2385' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> en participation de professions lib<69> rales</option>
< option value = " 2310 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '2310' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> en participation entre personnes physiques</option>
< option value = " 3120 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '3120' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> <20> trang<6E> re immatricul<75> e au RCS</option>
< option value = " 2220 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '2220' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> cr<63> <72> e de fait avec personne morale</option>
< option value = " 5685 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5685' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> d'exercice lib<69> ral <20> forme anonyme <20> directoire</option>
< option value = " 9900 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '9900' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Autre personne morale de droit priv<69> </option>
< option value = " 1700 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '1700' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Agent commercial</option>
< option value = " 5202 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5202' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >SNC</option>
< option value = " 1100 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '1100' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Artisan Commer<65> ant</option>
< option value = " 5720 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5720' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> par actions simplifi<66> e <20> associ<63> unique ou soci<63> t<EFBFBD> par actions simplifi<66> e unipersonnelle</option>
< option value = " 5385 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5385' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> d'exercice lib<69> ral en commandite par action</option>
< option value = " 9260 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '9260' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Association de droit local</option>
< option value = " 9210 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '9210' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Association non d<> clar<61> e</option>
< option value = " 8450 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '8450' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Ordre professionnel ou assimil<69> </option>
< option value = " 6210 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6210' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Groupement europ<6F> en d'int<6E> r<EFBFBD> t <20> conomique (GEIE)</option>
< option value = " 5306 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5306' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> en commandite simple</option>
< option value = " 6560 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6560' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Autre soci<63> t<EFBFBD> civile coop<6F> rative</option>
< option value = " 2320 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '2320' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> en participation avec personne morale</option>
< option value = " 9223 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '9223' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Groupement d'employeurs</option>
< option value = " 8490 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '8490' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Autre organisme professionnel</option>
< option value = " 5699 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5699' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >(Autre) SA <20> directoire</option>
< option value = " 5560 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '5560' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Autre SA coop<6F> rative <20> conseil d'administration</option>
< option value = " 6521 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '1400' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> civile de placement collectif immobilier (SCPI)</option>
< option value = " 6589 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6521' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> civile de moyens</option>
< option value = " 6551 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6551' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> civile coop<6F> rative de consommation</option>
< option value = " 8410 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '8410' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Syndicat de salari<72> s</option>
< option value = " 6540 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '6540' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Soci<63> t<EFBFBD> civile immobili<6C> re</option>
< option value = " 2120 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '2120' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Indivision avec personne morale</option>
< option value = " 8420 " < ? = ( $tabMandataires [ 'Statut' ] == '8420' ? print 'selected' : '' ); ?> >Syndicat patronal</option>
</ select >
< label > Adresse < em >*</ em >:</ label >
< textarea name = " tabMandataires[adresse] " type = " text " maxlength = " 100 " >< ? = $tabMandataires [ 'adresse' ]; ?> </textarea>
< label > Compl<EFBFBD> ment adresse :</ label >
< input name = " tabMandataires[adresseComp] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['adresseComp'] ;?> " maxlength = " 8 " >
< label > Code Postal < em >*</ em >:</ label >
< input name = " tabMandataires[cp] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['cp'] ;?> " maxlength = " 5 " >
< label > Ville ou commune < em >*</ em >:</ label >
< input name = " tabMandataires[ville] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['ville'] ;?> " maxlength = " 28 " >
< label > T<EFBFBD> l<EFBFBD> phone < em >*</ em >:</ label >
< input name = " tabMandataires[tel] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['tel'] ;?> " maxlength = " 16 " >
< label > T<EFBFBD> l<EFBFBD> copie :</ label >
< input name = " tabMandataires[fax] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['fax'] ;?> " maxlength = " 16 " >
< label > Email :</ label >
< input name = " tabMandataires[email] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['email'] ;?> " maxlength = " 51 " >
< label > Web :</ label >
< input name = " tabMandataires[web] " type = " text " value = " <?= $tabMandataires['web'] ;?> " maxlength = " 35 " >
< label > Informations diverses :</ label >
< textarea name = " tabMandataires[contact] " type = " text " maxlength = " 255 " >< ? = $tabMandataires [ 'contact' ]; ?> </textarea>
< input type = " submit " name = " submit " value = " Enregistrer " >
</ form >
< body >
</ html >
< ? php