graphique de la synthese

This commit is contained in:
Damien LASSERRE 2011-05-09 11:43:43 +00:00
parent e14f08dd47
commit 79f29b1642

View File

@ -5,13 +5,26 @@ require_once ('finance/synthese.lib.php');
require_once ('Scores/WsScores.php');
require_once ('ChartDirector/phpchartdir.php');
* La Classe finance gére les actions concernant la partie element financiés du menu
* Les Bilans.
* La Synthese.
* Les Ratios.
* Les Etablissements bancaires.
* Les Liasses fiscales.
* Les cotations en bourses.
* @author Damien Lasserre
class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
private $ws;
private $entreprise;
private $dateFunction;
private $imageCachePath;
private $idSC;
private $ws; // L'objet WSScores pour les requetes.
private $entreprise; // Un stdClass pour quelques info sur la société.
private $dateFunction; // Objet qui gére les dates.
private $imageCachePath; // Chemin des images de graphique en cache.
private $idSC; // Id unique Scores-et-decision ( URL ).
public function init()
@ -105,7 +118,7 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('siren', $this->entreprise->siren);
$this->view->assign('synthese', $bilanN);
$this->view->assign('nameForGraphique', $bilanReference);
self::analyseSyntheseGraphique($synthese, $bilanReference);
@ -205,21 +218,111 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
private function getValFromKey($stdClass, $key)
foreach($stdClass as $element) {
if ($element->id == $key)
return ($element->val/1000);
* En cours de developement
* @param unknown_type $synthese
* @param unknown_type $bilanReference
protected function analyseSyntheseGraphique($synthese, $bilanReference)
protected function analyseSyntheseGraphique($data)
$referenceTab = array('r236', 'r235', 'r6', 'r146');
$dataX = array();
$filename = "test.png";
foreach($referenceTab as $id){
self::getVal($id, $dataX[$id], $synthese);
//Tri des données par date et par ordre croissant
foreach ($data as $key => $row) { $date[$key] = $row->dateCloture; }
array_multisort($date, SORT_ASC, $data);
//Définition des valeurs pour le graph
$dataBFR = array();
$dataFR = array();
$dataCA = array();
$BFR = array();
$nbAnnees = 0;
//Parcourir les années
foreach($data as $item){
$anneeFin = substr($item->dateCloture,0,4);
$moisFin = substr($item->dateCloture,4,2);
$jourFin = substr($item->dateCloture,6,2);
//Calcul de la date de début
$dateDebut = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, $moisFin-$item->duree, $jourFin, $anneeFin));
$anneeDebut = substr($dateDebut,0,4);
$moisDebut = substr($dateDebut,4,2);
$jourDebut = substr($dateDebut,6,2);
//Affectation des abscisses
if(count($dataBFR['x']) < 5)
$dataBFR['x'][$i] = $dataFR['x'][$i] = $dataCA['x'][$i] = $dataEBE['x'][$i] = chartTime((int)$anneeDebut, (int)$moisDebut, (int)$jourDebut);
$dataBFR['x'][$i+1] = $dataFR['x'][$i+1] = $dataCA['x'][$i+1] = $dataEBE['x'][$i+1] = chartTime((int)$anneeFin, (int)$moisFin, (int)$jourFin);
//Affectation des ordonnées
if(count($dataBFR['y']) < 5)
$dataBFR['y'][$i] = $dataBFR['y'][$i+1] = self::getValFromKey($item->RatiosEntrep->item, 'r236');
if(count($dataFR['y']) < 5)
$dataFR['y'][$i] = $dataFR['y'][$i+1] = self::getValFromKey($item->RatiosEntrep->item, 'r235');
if(count($dataCA['y']) < 5)
$dataCA['y'][$i] = $dataCA['y'][$i+1] = self::getValFromKey($item->RatiosEntrep->item, 'r6');
if(count($dataEBE['y']) < 5)
$dataEBE['y'][$i] = $dataEBE['y'][$i+1] = self::getValFromKey($item->RatiosEntrep->item, 'r146');
$c = new XYChart(660, 350, 0xcccccc, 0x000000, 1);
$c->addTitle("Synthèse *", "timesbi.ttf", 15, 0x000000);
$c->addText(60, 320, "* Elements financier rapportés à 12 mois" );
$c->setPlotArea(60, 80, 500, 200, 0xffffff, -1, -1, 0xcccccc, 0xcccccc);
$c->xAxis->setTitle( "<*block,valign=absmiddle*>Années<*/*>");
// Add a legend box at (55, 32) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 9 pts
// Arial Bold font. Set the background and border color to Transparent.
$legendObj = $c->addLegend(55, 30, false, "times.ttf", 9);
// Add a blue (0000ff) step line layer to the chart and set the line width to 2 pixels
$layer1 = $c->addStepLineLayer($dataFR['y'], 0x0000ff, "FONDS DE ROULEMENT");
// Add a red (ff0000) step line layer to the chart and set the line width to 2 pixels
$layer0 = $c->addStepLineLayer($dataBFR['y'], 0xff0000, "BESOIN EN FONDS DE ROULEMENT");
// Add a green (00ff00) step line layer to the chart and set the line width to 2 pixels
$layer2 = $c->addStepLineLayer($dataCA['y'], 0x00ff00, "CHIFFRE D'AFFAIRES");
// Add a black (000000) step line layer style dash to the chart and set the line width to 2 pixels
$layer3 = $c->addStepLineLayer($dataEBE['y'], $c->dashLineColor(0x000000, DashLine), "EXCEDENT BRUT D'EXPLOITATION");
# If the FR line gets above the BFR line, color to area between the lines red (ff0000)
$c->addInterLineLayer($layer0->getLine(0), $layer1->getLine(0), 0xff0000, Transparent);
# If the FR line gets below the lower BFR line, color to area between the lines light green (8099ff99)
$c->addInterLineLayer($layer0->getLine(0), $layer1->getLine(0), Transparent, 0x8044ff44);
if($c->makeChart($this->imageCachePath.$filename) === TRUE){
$return = '<img src="./fichier/imgcache/'.$filename.'"/>';
$return = 'Impossible de générer le graphique';
return $return;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -356,7 +459,7 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
case 'EUR':
return (number_format((round($valeur)/1000), 0, '', ' '));
case '%':
case '%' :
return (round($valeur));
case 'Jours':
return ($valeur);
@ -596,11 +699,11 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
* Ont ajoute de nouveaux ratios a cette endroit
* @var unknown_type
$tableau = array('EquilibreFinancier' => array('r233' => '>', 'r234' => '>', 'r237' => '>', 'r238' => '>', 'r239' => '>', 'r240' => '>'),
'Profitabilite' => array('r262' => '>', 'r263' => '>', 'r264' => '>', 'r265' => '>', 'r266' => '>'),
'Liquidite' => array('r250' => '>', 'r251' => '>', 'r252' => '>'),
'Endetement' => array('r241' => '<', 'r247' => '<', 'r248' => '<'),
'Productivite' => array('r271' => '>', 'r278' => '<', 'r279' => '<', 'r281' => '<', 'r261' => '>', 'r267' => '>')
$tableau = array('EquilibreFinancier' => array('r233' => '>', 'r234' => '>', 'r237' => '>', 'r238' => '>', 'r239' => '>', 'r240' => '>'),
'Profitabilite' => array('r262' => '>', 'r263' => '>', 'r264' => '>', 'r265' => '>', 'r266' => '>'),
'Liquidite' => array('r250' => '>', 'r251' => '>', 'r252' => '>'),
'Endetement' => array('r241' => '<', 'r247' => '<', 'r248' => '<'),
'Productivite' => array('r271' => '>', 'r278' => '<', 'r279' => '<', 'r281' => '<', 'r261' => '>', 'r267' => '>')
$tab = array();
@ -611,9 +714,8 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$request = $this->getRequest();
$date = $this->getRequest()->getParam('Date');
$type = $this->getRequest()->getParam('typeBilan');
$html = '';
$ratios = $this->ws->getRatios($this->entreprise->siren, 'ratios');
$html = '';
$ratios = $this->ws->getRatios($this->entreprise->siren, 'ratios');
foreach($ratios->BilansInfos->item as $elements) {
$tab[$elements->dateCloture][$elements->typeBilan] = $elements;
@ -684,14 +786,14 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
/** La liste des type de bilan existant **/
$liste = array ('N' => array(), 'S' => array(),
'C' => array(), 'B' => array(),
'A' => array());
'C' => array(), 'B' => array(),
'A' => array());
/** Le nom des type pour le select */
$type = array ('A' => 'Assurance', 'B' => 'Banque',
'C' => 'Consolidé', 'N' => '');
'C' => 'Consolidé', 'N' => '');
/** Liste des unités que l'ont proposent **/
$unit = array ('€' => 1, 'K€' => 1000,
'M€' => 1000000);
'M€' => 1000000);
$liasse = array ();
$date = $this->getRequest()->getParam('date');
$siret = $this->getRequest()->getParam('siret');
@ -703,12 +805,12 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$liste[$item->typeBilan][] = $item->dateExercice;
/** ont transforme les bilan de type S en N **/
$NandS = array_merge($liste['N'], $liste['S']);
$NandS = array_merge($liste['N'], $liste['S']);
$liste['N'] = $NandS;unset($liste['S']);
if (!empty($date)) {
$dateAndType = explode(':', $date);
$liasses = $this->ws->getBilan($this->entreprise->siren, $dateAndType[0], $dateAndType[1], true);
$liasses = $this->ws->getBilan($this->entreprise->siren, $dateAndType[0], $dateAndType[1], true);
$this->view->assign('dateCloture', $liasses->DATE_CLOTURE);
$this->view->assign('dateCloturePre', $liasses->DATE_CLOTURE_PRE);
@ -739,6 +841,10 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
/* Gestion des bourses */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* Fonction qui gére la cotation en bourse.
* Enter description here ...
public function bourseAction()
$this->view->assign('bourse', $bourse);
@ -747,6 +853,9 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Gestion des etablissements bancaires */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* Fonction qui gére les etablissements bancaires.
public function banqueAction()