Remise à zéro de la branche

This commit is contained in:
Michael RICOIS 2009-08-12 09:31:36 +00:00
parent c0cf9ae108
commit ad69158c4c
1794 changed files with 0 additions and 163845 deletions

View File

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
Les fonctions du core doivent être les suivantes
hook_menu() => Déclaration d'un élément de menu
hook_perm() => Déclaration de permission ou de non permission
hook_block() => Déclaration d'un bloc de contenu
hook_config() => Configuration
Référencement du nom du module
Actif, Inactif
Déclaration du bloc de contenu
Descriptif du fonctionnement
- On charge le bootstrap pour la config, les librairies et inclusions indispensables
- On liste les modules
- On génére un menu
- On affiche le contenu par défaut (module/content)
Le script index.php reçoit toutes les requêtes.
Le paramètres page permet de définir quel module utiliser et quel action effectuer
Des paramètres optionnelles permettent de rediriger vers l'action d'un module
Il est important de pouvoir utiliser l'affichage du bloc d'un module dans un autre
Partons du module principal scores qui déterminera la plupart des éléments du menu
Parcours du répertoire modules (ou liste à partir de fichier de configuration)
Dossier existe
On charge page.tpl.php
CSS => CSS par defaut, Lecture depuis les modules (Attention aux pages en ajax)
JS => JS par defaut, Lecture depuis les modules (Attention aux pages en ajax)
On charge block.tpl.php pour chaque bloc du même module ou d'autres modules
Attention aux modules imbriqués
Gestion module prioritaire + ordre d'affichage
Gestion des includes
Le fichier prepend définit l'include path en prenant celui définit en dur dans le php.ini
et rajoute le répertoire framework et includes.
Pour inclure les fichiers dans l'un de ces répertoires, il n'est pas nécessaire de spécifier tous le chemin.
* Inclusion de CSS et JS différents sur chaques pages
Minify et Compression
Mode développement qui utilise les librairies sans compression
* Création d'un script d'installation en PHP
- Vérification des applications nécessaires à l'extranet et test de leur fonctionnement
- Prise compte des différents environnement DEV ou PROD
- Prise compte des emplacements de stockage des fichiers
* Modification du chemin de stockage pour les fichiers
- Evite d'avoir à créer des liens symboliques
- Ajouter une variable dans le fichier de config pour définir l'emplacement de stockage des fichiers
* Supprimer les répertoires, ils doivent être crée en lien symbolique (attention au fichier dans les URLs)
www/credisafe => /var/www/data/creditsafe
www/img/logos => /var/www/data/logos
www/infogreffe => /var/www/data/infogreffe
www/pdf => /var/www/data/pdf
Structure du site ....
batch => Contient des batchs lancé par cron
www => contient les fichiers du site
css => tous les fichiers css
img => images générales du site
js => tous les fichiers javascripts
misc => Script divers
pages => Toutes les pages du sites (template)
index.php => Redirige toutes les requêtes
modules => modules du sites (méthodes, présentation contenu, fournisseurs, )
includes => fonctions nécessaires au site mais qui ne peuvent être incluses dans le framework
includes/models => Modèle des bases de données
config => fichiers de config (mots de pass,...), en dehors du www donc protégé
framework => contient le framework (fonctions complexes, librairies, communes avec le webservice)
cache => contient les fichiers de cache
includes : bootstrap, module, session, mail, cache, common, file, database, watchdog
modules : block, menu, syslog, system, user

View File

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/php -q
define ('ACTES_IGNUM_LOCAL_DIR','/var/www/extranet/www/pdf/scan/');
define ('ACTES_IG_LOCAL_DIR', '/var/www/extranet/www/pdf/');
define ('ACTES_IGNUM_FTP_URL', '');
define ('ACTES_IGNUM_FTP_USER', 'mpc2500');
define ('ACTES_IGNUM_FTP_PASS', 'passmpc78');
require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../framework/fwk.php');
require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/');
require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/mysql.php');
define('INCLUDE_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../includes/') );
$strInfoProg='Usage : '.basename($argv[0]). " [OPTION]
Vérifie les actes numérisés reçus en provenance des Greffes.
Sans aucun paramètre, récupération des actes.
-d:JJ/MM/AAAA Date de début de publication
-f:JJ/MM/AAAA Date de fin de publication
-l Dernier JO Association uniquement (*)
-n:X Intervalle MIN en secondes entre les requêtes sur le site des JO (défaut=$tempsMinEntreRequetes)
-i:X \" MAX \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" (défaut=$tempsMaxEntreRequetes)
-v Vérifier que toutes les annonces du JO sont en base !
if ($_SERVER['argc']==1) $lastJO=true;
else {
for ($i=1; isset($argv[$i]); $i++) {
if (substr($argv[$i],0,1)=='-') {
switch (substr($argv[$i],1,1)) {
case 'd':
$dateDeb=dateT('d/m/Y', 'Ymd', $dateDebut);
case 'n':
if ($tempsMinEntreRequetes<0) $tempsMinEntreRequetes=0;
case '-':
default: die('Option '. $argv[$i] . " inconnue !\n");
$con = mysql_pconnect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASS);
if (!($con === false)) {
if (mysql_select_db(MYSQL_DB, $con) === false)
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s') .' - ERREUR : MySql n°'. mysql_errno() .') : '. mysql_error() . $eol;
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s') .' - ERREUR : MySql n°'. mysql_errno() .') : '. mysql_error(). $eol;
$tabCommandes=mysql_select('commandes', 'idCommande, idUser, login, emailCommande, siren, refDocument, dateCommande', 'dateReception=0', false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
foreach ($tabCommandes as $commande) {
echo date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - Il y a $nbCommandes actes en attente de réception courrier ou numérisation !$eol";
** Connexion au site FTP
echo date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - Récupération des fichiers numérisés en attente de traitement...".EOL;
if ($ret===false)
die (date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - ERREUR : Récupération des actes numérisés impossible !".EOL);
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - FIN de la récupération des flux Hugin en FTP ($ret fichiers récupérés).".EOL;
** Connexion au site FTP
echo date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - Traitement des actes non encore traités !".EOL;
$dh = opendir(ACTES_IGNUM_LOCAL_DIR);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
if ($filename<>'.' && $filename<>'..' && strtolower(substr($filename, -4))=='.pdf')
$tabFichiers[] = $filename;
foreach ($tabFichiers as $k => $nomFichier) {
if (strtolower(substr($nomFichier,0,1))=='g') {
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - Fichier $nomFichier disponible pour traitement.".EOL;
$numFichier=str_replace('.pdf','', $nomFichier);
$tabActes[] = $nomFichier;
if (isset($tabCommandes[$numFichier]) && is_array($tabCommandes[$numFichier])) {
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - Le fichier $nomFichier correspond à la commande ".$commande['refDocument'].' de '.$commande['login'].'.'.EOL;
$numFichierSuiv=str_replace('.pdf','', $tabFichiers[$k+1]);
if (strpos($numFichierSuiv, $numFichier) === false) {
/** Le fichier $nomFichier est une commande livrée en un seul fichier **/
if (file_exists(ACTES_IG_LOCAL_DIR.$nomCible))
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - La commande $nomCible est déjà mise à disposition !".EOL;
else {
if (rename(ACTES_IGNUM_LOCAL_DIR.$nomFichier, ACTES_IG_LOCAL_DIR.$nomCible)) {
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - La commande $nomCible a été mise à disposition.".EOL;
if (trim($commande['emailCommande'])<>'') {
$subject="Actes ou Statuts disponible pour $siren";
$message ="Le document commandé pour le siren $siren est disponible en téléchargement sur le site de Scores & Décisions à l'adresse suivante :\r\n\r\n";
$headers = 'From:' . "\r\n" .
if (mail($commande['emailCommande'], $subject, $message, $headers))
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s').' - Un email a été envoyé à '.$commande['emailCommande']." pour la commande $nomCible.".EOL;
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s').' - ERREUR : Impossible d\'envoyer l\'email à '.$commande['emailCommande']." pour la commande $nomCible.".EOL;
mysql_update('commandes', array('dateReception'=>date('YmdHis')),'idCommande='.$commande['idCommande']);
else print 'Impossible de déplacer '.ACTES_IGNUM_LOCAL_DIR.$nomFichier.' en '.ACTES_IG_LOCAL_DIR.$nomCible.' !'.EOL;
// On traitera plus tard le multi fichier !
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - @TODO : La commande $numFichier est en plusieur fichiers !".EOL;
// die();

View File

@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/php -q
$version = '0.2';
$argc = $_SERVER['argc'];
$argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
if($argc > 1){
foreach($argv as $value){
case 'availability':
$availability = FALSE;
case 'matchidentifiers':
$matchidentifiers = FALSE;
case 'matchmethods':
$matchmethods = FALSE;
case 'commandes':
$checkCommandes = FALSE;
case 'all':
$checkCommandes = TRUE;
$matchidentifiers = TRUE;
$matchmethods = TRUE;
$checkCommandes = FALSE;
print $argv[0]." version : ".$version."\n\n";
print "Lancer le script ".$argv[0]." sans paramètres permet de charger toutes les méthodes graydon et vérifier les commandes\n\n";
print "Les services disponibles sont :\n";
print "\t-Disponibilité des pays graydon (availability).\n";
print "\t-Types d'identifiant disponible par pays (matchidentifiers).\n";
print "\t-Méthodes de recherche (matchmethods).\n";
print "\t-Vérification des commandes (commandes).\n";
require_once '../config/prepend.php';
//Inclure la base de données
require_once 'dbbootstrap.php';
//Inclure la config graydon
require_once 'graydon/graydonws.php';
if($availability == TRUE){
//Country Availability
$request = new StdClass();
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$result = $graydon->getCountryAvailability($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
foreach($result->CountryAvailablity->CountryAndProduct as $item){
$availability = array();
$count = count($item->Products->Product);
if ($count>1){
$availability = $item->Products->Product;
$availability[] = $item->Products->Product;
//Enregistrement pour chaque pays de la disponibilité des services
$countryavailability = new Countryavailability();
$countryavailability->country = $item->Country;
$countryavailability->availability = serialize($availability);
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){}
if($matchidentifiers == TRUE){
$request = new StdClass();
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$result = $graydon->getCompanyMatchIdentifiers($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
foreach($result->CompanyMatchIdentifiers->CompanyMatchIdentifier as $item){
$tabIdentifiers = array();
$count = count($item->CompanyIdentifier);
if ($count>1){
$tabIdentifiers = $item->CompanyIdentifier;
$tabIdentifiers[] = $item->CompanyIdentifier;
//Stockage du résultat de la méthode en cache
$matchidentifiers = new Matchidentifiers();
$matchidentifiers->country = $item->Country;
$matchidentifiers->identifiers = serialize($tabIdentifiers);
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/graydon_error.php';
if(graydon_error($code, $text)!=FALSE){
//Stockage du résultat de la méthode en cache
$matchidentifiers = new Matchidentifiers();
$matchidentifiers->country = $pays;
$matchidentifiers->identifiers = serialize(false);
if($matchmethods == TRUE){
$request = new StdClass();
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$result = $graydon->getCompanyMatchMethods($request);
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
foreach($result->CompanyMatchMethods->CompanyMatchMethod as $item){
$methods = array();
$count = count($item->MatchMethods->MatchMethod);
if ($count>1){
$methods = $item->MatchMethods->MatchMethod;
$methods[] = $item->MatchMethods->MatchMethod;
//Stockage du résultat de la méthode en cache
$matchmethods = new Matchmethods();
$matchmethods->country = $item->Country;
$matchmethods->methods = serialize($methods);
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/error.php';
if(graydon_error($code, $text)!=FALSE){
//Stockage du résultat de la méthode en cache
$matchmethods = new Matchmethods();
$matchmethods->country = $pays;
$matchmethods->methods = serialize('false');
if($checkCommandes == TRUE){
//Vérification des commandes
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
$tabCommandes = $q->Execute();
//Pour chaque commande ('Completed','Assigned','InError','Initialised','Delivered','Notified','ReCompleted')
foreach($tabCommandes as $commande){
//Si servicespeed = immediate alors on ne gère pas
if($commande->servicespeed != 'Immediate'){
case 'Delivered': //Délivré, on a été la chercher
//On ne fait rien
case 'Completed': //Commande prête à télécharger
case 'InError': //Problème dans la commande
case 'Notified':
case 'Initialised': //Commande prise en compte
case 'Assigned': //Assigné chez graydon
case '': // Pas d'état, commande pas encore vérifier
case 'default':
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->set('orderstate', $orderstate)
->where('reference = ?', array($commande->reference));

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
function mysql_trace($query, $res='') {
if (!$fp=fopen('mysql_insert.log', 'a'))
return false;
if (!fwrite($fp, date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - $res : $query\n"))
return false;
if (!fclose($fp))
return false;
return true;
/** Retourne la dernière valeur de l'auto-incrément ou 0 si pas d'auto-incrément
** Penser à bien tester la valeur !== false
function mysql_insert($table, $toAdd, $debug=false){
$fields = implode(array_keys($toAdd), '`,`');
foreach (array_values($toAdd) as $key=>$array_values)
$values = "'".implode(array_values($tmp), "','")."'"; # better
$values = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $values);
$query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
$res = mysql_query($query);// OR die(mysql_error());
if ($res!==false)
if (mysql_insert_id()>0)
if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, $res);
return $res;
//-- Example of usage
//$tToAdd = array('id'=>3, 'name'=>'Yo', 'salary' => 5000);
//insertIntoDB('myTable', $tToAdd)
function mysql_update($table, $update, $where, $debug=false){
$fields = array_keys($update);
$values = array_values($update);
$query='UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET ';
if($i>0){$query.=', ';}
$query.=' `'.$fields[$i]."`='".addslashes($values[$i])."'";
$query = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $query);
$query.=' WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, mysql_errno());
mysql_query($query);// or die(mysql_error());
return true;
// mysql_update('myTable', $anarray, "type = 'main'")
function mysql_select($table, $fields, $where, $debug=false, $assoc=MYSQL_BOTH) {
$query="SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $where;";
// if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, count($tab));
$result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($result, $assoc))
if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, count($tab));
// echo $query;
return $tab;

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
if( LOG_BENCH != 'NONE' )
$timer->setMarker('Fin du script (append.php)');
if ( LOG_BENCH == 'FILE' || LOG_BENCH == 'BOTH' ) {
$f = fopen( LOG_PATH.'memory.log', 'a+' );
fwrite($f, $strInfo);
if ( LOG_BENCH == 'WEB' || LOG_BENCH == 'BOTH' ) {
echo '<br/><hr><br/>Mémoire utilisée par le script "'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" = '.$mem . " octets ($memko ko)";
echo "<br/>Temps d'exécution de la page :<br/>";

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
/** Environnement du site **/
define ('EMAIL_SUPPORTDEV', '');
define ('ERROR_SOAP', 'Une erreur est survenue lors de votre requête...<br/>Un message à été envoyé à l\'administrateur de l\'extranet.<br/>Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir renouveler votre demande ultérieurement');
/** Log des requêtes MySQL ? **/
define ('LOG_MYSQL', 'ALL'); // NONE ou ALL
/** Log des performances des pages PHP (mémoire et temps d'exécution **/
define ('LOG_BENCH', 'BOTH'); // NONE, WEB, FILE, BOTH
/** Paramètres de la base de données **/
define ('MYSQL_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('MYSQL_DB', 'sdv1');
define ('MYSQL_USER', 'root');
define ('MYSQL_PASS', 'bj10sx');
define ('PATH_SITE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
define ('PATH_WWW', PATH_SITE.'/www/');
/** Paramètres de stockage **/
define ('PATH_DATA', '/sites/data');
define ('PATH_LOGS', PATH_DATA.'/log/');
define ('PATH_PDF', PATH_DATA.'/pdf/');
define ('PATH_LOGOS', PATH_WWW.'/img/logos/');
define ('EXTRANET_URL', '');
define ('IPARI_URL', '');
define ('SITEINST_URL1', '');
define ('SITEINST_URL2', '');
/** Celeste **/
define ('WEBSERVICE_URL', '');
define ('WEBSERVICE_URI', '');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_URL', '');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_URI', '');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_USER', '85000109');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_PASS', '166');
/** Paramètres de la base de données **/
define ('FTPACTES_HOST', '');
define ('FTPACTES_USER', 'inpi');
define ('FTPACTES_PASS', 'coface');
define('INFOGREFFE_WS_REF', 'ref');

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
/** Environnement du site **/
define ('EMAIL_SUPPORTDEV', '');
define('ERROR_SOAP', 'Une erreur est survenue lors de votre requête...<br/>Un message à été envoyé à l\'administrateur de l\'extranet.<br/>Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir renouveler votre demande ultérieurement');
/** Log des requêtes MySQL ? **/
define ('LOG_MYSQL', 'ALL'); // NONE ou ALL
/** Log des performances des pages PHP (mémoire et temps d'exécution **/
define ('LOG_BENCH', 'BOTH'); // NONE, WEB, FILE, BOTH
/** Paramètres de la base de données **/
define ('MYSQL_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('MYSQL_DB', 'extranet');
define ('MYSQL_USER', 'root');
define ('MYSQL_PASS', '');
define ('PATH_SITE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
define ('PATH_WWW', PATH_SITE.'/www/');
/** Paramètres de stockage **/
define ('PATH_DATA', realpath('d:/www/data'));
define ('PATH_LOGS', PATH_DATA.'/log/');
define ('PATH_PDF', PATH_DATA.'/pdf/');
define ('PATH_LOGOS', PATH_WWW.'/img/logos/');
define ('EXTRANET_URL', '');
define ('IPARI_URL', '');
define ('SITEINST_URL1', '');
define ('SITEINST_URL2', '');
/** Celeste **/
define ('WEBSERVICE_URL', '');
define ('WEBSERVICE_URI', '');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_URL', '');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_URI', '');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_USER', '85009006');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_PASS', '17628');
define('INFOGREFFE_WS_URL', '');
define('INFOGREFFE_WS_URI', '');
define('INFOGREFFE_WS_USER', '85000109');
define('INFOGREFFE_WS_PASS', '166');
/** Paramètres de la base de données **/
define ('FTPACTES_HOST', '');
define ('FTPACTES_USER', 'inpi');
define ('FTPACTES_PASS', 'coface');
define('INFOGREFFE_WS_REF', 'ref');

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
/** Environnement du site **/
define ('EMAIL_SUPPORTDEV', '');
define ('ERROR_SOAP', 'Une erreur est survenue lors de votre requête...<br/>Un message à été envoyé à l\'administrateur de l\'extranet.<br/>Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir renouveler votre demande ultérieurement');
/** Log des requêtes MySQL ? **/
define ('LOG_MYSQL', 'ALL'); // NONE ou ALL
/** Log des performances des pages PHP (mémoire et temps d'exécution **/
define ('LOG_BENCH', 'BOTH'); // NONE, WEB, FILE, BOTH
/** Paramètres de la base de données **/
define ('MYSQL_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('MYSQL_DB', 'sdv1');
define ('MYSQL_USER', 'root');
define ('MYSQL_PASS', 'Cs03dfCN');
define ('PATH_SITE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
define ('PATH_WWW', PATH_SITE.'/www/');
/** Paramètres de stockage **/
define ('PATH_DATA', '/var/www/data');
define ('PATH_LOGS', PATH_DATA.'/log/');
define ('PATH_PDF', PATH_DATA.'/pdf/');
define ('PATH_LOGOS', PATH_WWW.'/img/logos/');
define ('EXTRANET_URL', '');
define ('IPARI_URL', '');
define ('SITEINST_URL1', '');
define ('SITEINST_URL2', '');
/** Celeste **/
define ('WEBSERVICE_URL', '');
define ('WEBSERVICE_URI', '');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_URL', '');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_URI', '');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_USER', '85009006');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_PASS', '17628');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_URL', '');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_URI', '');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_USER', '85000109');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_PASS', '166');
/** Paramètres de la base de données **/
define ('FTPACTES_HOST', '');
define ('FTPACTES_USER', 'inpi');
define ('FTPACTES_PASS', 'coface');
define('INFOGREFFE_WS_REF', 'ref');

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
/** Environnement du site **/
define ('EMAIL_SUPPORTDEV', '');
define ('ERROR_SOAP', 'Une erreur est survenue lors de votre requête...<br/>Un message à été envoyé à l\'administrateur de l\'extranet.<br/>Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir renouveler votre demande ultérieurement');
/** Log des requêtes MySQL ? **/
define ('LOG_MYSQL', 'ALL'); // NONE ou ALL
/** Log des performances des pages PHP (mémoire et temps d'exécution **/
define ('LOG_BENCH', 'BOTH'); // NONE, WEB, FILE, BOTH
/** Paramètres de la base de données **/
define ('MYSQL_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('MYSQL_DB', 'sdv1');
define ('MYSQL_USER', 'root');
define ('MYSQL_PASS', '');
define ('PATH_SITE', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'));
define ('PATH_WWW', PATH_SITE.'/www/');
/** Paramètres de stockage **/
define ('PATH_DATA', realpath('d:/www/data'));
define ('PATH_LOGS', PATH_DATA.'/log/');
define ('PATH_PDF', PATH_DATA.'/pdf/');
define ('PATH_LOGOS', PATH_WWW.'/img/logos/');
define ('EXTRANET_URL', '');
define ('IPARI_URL', '');
define ('SITEINST_URL1', '');
define ('SITEINST_URL2', '');
/** Celeste **/
define ('WEBSERVICE_URL', '');
define ('WEBSERVICE_URI', '');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_URL', '');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_URI', '');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_USER', '85009006');
//define('INFOGREFFE_WS_PASS', '17628');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_URL', '');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_URI', '');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_USER', '85000109');
define ('INFOGREFFE_WS_PASS', '166');
/** Paramètres de la base de données **/
define ('FTPACTES_HOST', '');
define ('FTPACTES_USER', 'inpi');
define ('FTPACTES_PASS', 'coface');
define('INFOGREFFE_WS_REF', 'ref');

View File

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
* Remplacement du php_value include_path dans le .htaccess
* Attention à bien placer l'include_path dans le php.ini
* Pour windows/wamp : include_path = ".;c:\wamp\bin\php\php-X.X.X\PEAR"
* Pour serveur linux : include_path = ".:/usr/share/php"
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR .
realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../framework/') . PATH_SEPARATOR .
realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../includes/')
* Fonction globale récupérant le microtime de la machine en format float.
* @return float Valeur courante du microtime() de la machine en format décimal
function getmicrotime(){
list($usec, $sec) = explode (' ', microtime());
return ( (float)$sec + (float)$usec );
/** On ne prend l'heure qu'une seule fois par script PHP et on initialise des constantes.
* DATETIME_LOG Y-m-d H:i:s Date du jour pour les insertions en BDD
* NOW His Heure d'exécution du script
* NOW_FORMAT H:i:s Heure d'exécution du script
* TODAY Ymd Année, Mois, Jour d'exécution du script
define ('DATETIME', date('YmdHis'));
define ('DATETIME_LOG', substr(DATETIME,0,4).'-'.substr(DATETIME, 4,2).'-'.substr(DATETIME, 6,2).' '.substr(DATETIME,8,2).'-'.substr(DATETIME,10,2).'-'.substr(DATETIME,12,2) );
define ('TODAY', substr(DATETIME,0,8));
define ('NOW', substr(DATETIME,8,6));
define ('TODAY_FORMAT', substr(DATETIME,0,4).'-'.substr(DATETIME,4,2).'-'.substr(DATETIME,6,2));
define ('TODAY_AFF', substr(DATETIME,6,2).'/'.substr(DATETIME,4,2).'/'.substr(DATETIME,0,4));
define ('NOW_FORMAT', substr(DATETIME,8,2).':'.substr(DATETIME,10,2).':'.substr(DATETIME,12,2));
* Les librairies suivantes sont chargées automatiquement car tous les scripts les utilisent !
if( !defined('ROOT_PATH') )
define ('ROOT_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../') );
define ('WWW_PATH', realpath(ROOT_PATH.'/www/') );
define ('LOG_PATH', realpath(ROOT_PATH.'/log/') );
define ('INCLUDE_PATH', realpath(ROOT_PATH.'/includes/') );
include_once realpath(INCLUDE_PATH.'/phplib/');
include_once realpath(INCLUDE_PATH.'/auth/');
//include_once realpath(INCLUDE_PATH.'/auth/');
include_once realpath(ROOT_PATH.'/config/');
require_once 'FirePHPCore/FirePHP.class.php';
$firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true);
//Définition des options de configuration suivant le serveur
ini_set('error_reporting', 0);
$firephp->setEnabled(true); //Debuggage activé par defaut
//ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
if ( LOG_BENCH != 'NONE' ){
include_once ('Benchmark/Timer.php');
class Benchmark_Timer
function start() {}
function setMarker() {}
function stop() {}
function getProfiling() {}
function display() {}
/* @todo: A enlever pour la prod
$timer = new Benchmark_Timer();
$timer->setMarker('Debut du script (prepend.php)');
/** Instance de la connexion à la base de données
* Cette instance est utilisée par tous les scripts pour accéder à la base de données
class DB extends DB_MySQL
function DB() {
$this->Host = MYSQL_HOST;
$this->Database = MYSQL_DB;
$this->User = MYSQL_USER;
$this->Password = MYSQL_PASS;
function getRow() {
$ret= $this->Record;
for( $i= 0; $i<count($this->Record); $i++ ) { if( !isset($ret[$i]) ) break; unset($ret[$i]); }
return $ret;
function query($q) {
if ( LOG_MYSQL != 'NONE' ) $time_start=getmicrotime();
if ( LOG_MYSQL == 'NONE' ) return $ret;
$time_end= getmicrotime();
$time_total= $time_end-$time_start;
$time_total= substr((string)$time_total,0,10);
$now= date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $time_start);
if ($ret<1)
$mysqlerror = mysql_errno() .' : '. mysql_error();
$mysqlerror = '';
if ( LOG_MYSQL=='SELECT' && $sqlAction=='SELECT' )
elseif ( LOG_MYSQL=='UPDATE' && ( $sqlAction=='UPDATE' || $sqlAction=='INSERT' || $sqlAction=='DELETE' ) )
$fh=@fopen( LOG_PATH . 'db_mysql'.$logOption.'.log', 'a+');
if ($fh) {
@fwrite($fh, "$now\t$time_total\t" . MYSQL_HOST ."\t". MYSQL_USER ."\t". MYSQL_DB ."\t$mysqlerror\t$q\r\n");
$mySqlErrTab=explode(' : ', $mysqlerror);
if ( $mySqlErrno > 0 && $mySqlErrno !=1062 ) {
// mail_admin( 'Erreur MySQL '.$mySqlErrno, $mysqlerror ."\n\n". $q );
return $ret;

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
class WChiffes {
private static $tabChiffresEnLEttres = array( 0=>'zéro',
17=>'dix sept',
18=>'dix huit',
19=>'dix neuf',
70=>'soixante dix',
80=>'quatre vingt',
90=>'quatre vingt dix');
public function ChiffresEnLettres($chiffre) {
return array_search($chiffre, self::$tabChiffresEnLEttres);

View File

@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
/** Parse une page Html et retourne son contenu dans un tableau :
** "code" => Code réponse Serveur
** "header" => Headers du serveur
** "body" => Page HTML
function parse_response($this_response) {
// Split response into header and body sections
list($response_headers, $response_body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $this_response, 2);
$response_header_lines = explode("\r\n", $response_headers);
// First line of headers is the HTTP response code
$http_response_line = array_shift($response_header_lines);
if(preg_match('@^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] ([0-9]{3})@',$http_response_line, $matches)) { $response_code = $matches[1]; }
// put the rest of the headers in an array
$response_header_array = array();
foreach($response_header_lines as $header_line)
list($header,$value) = explode(': ', $header_line, 2);
if ($header=='Set-cookie' && substr($value,0,5)=='RMID=' && $nbRMID<5)//{
// echo ("Je gicle le RMID n°$nbRMID\r\n");}
$response_header_array[$header] .= $value."\n";
return array('code' => $response_code, 'header' => $response_header_array, 'body' => $response_body);
/** Récupère une page HTML en fonction des paramètres :
** $url Url distante de la page à récupérer
** $strCookies Chaine de caractère contenant les cookies
** $postData Tableau des données à passer en POST uniquement
** $referer Referer à indiquer lors de l'appel de la page
** $debug Activer le débogage (True/False)
** ... et retourne son contenu dans un tableau :
** "code" => Code réponse Serveur
** "header" => Headers du serveur
** "body" => Page HTML
function getUrl($url, $strCookies='', $postData='', $referer='', $debug=false, $host='', $proxy='', $timeout=0, $acceptRedir=0) {
$ch = curl_init();
if ($host=='') {
$tabTmp = parse_url($url);
$hostUrl = $tabTmp['host'];
$this_header = array('Host: '. $hostUrl);
} else
$this_header = array('Host: '. $host);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
if ($proxy<>'') curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, 'username:password'); // Pas nécessaire en authentification NT
if (((int)$timeout)<>0) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (int)$timeout);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
if ($acceptRedir>0) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $acceptRedir);
$user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer);
// Add each cookie that has been returned in the response
// If cookies need to be added/deleted or value changed, then add code here
if ($strCookies!='') {
//echo $strCookies."\r\n";
$cookies = explode("\n", $strCookies);
// Create the basic header
foreach($cookies as $this_cookie) {
if (trim($this_cookie)<>'')
array_push($this_header, 'Cookie: '.$this_cookie);
if ($postData!='') {
if (is_array($postData))
foreach ($post_data as $k=>$v)
$o.= "$k=".utf8_encode($v)."&";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
//if in_array('',$this_header
/*array_push($this_header, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
array_push($this_header, "Content-Length: 44");*/
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this_header);
if($page === false) {
if (curl_errno($ch) == 28) //TIMEOUT
$response=array('code' =>408, 'header' =>array(), 'body' =>'Connexion impossible au site du partenaire');
$response=array('code' =>400, 'header' =>array(), 'body' =>'Erreur Curl : ' . curl_error($ch));
} else {
$response = parse_response($page);
if ($debug){
$url2=str_replace('http://', '', $url);
$url2=str_replace('/', '_', $url2);
$url2=str_replace('?', '(param)', $url2);
$url2=str_replace('&', '(et)', $url2);
$fp=fopen('insee/'. date('Ymd-His') .'-'. microtime_float(true) .'-'. $url2 . '.html', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $url."\r\n");
fwrite($fp, $page);
//echo strip_tags(html_entity_decode($response['body']), '<td>');
return $response;
/** Recherche un texte dans une page HTML
function getTextInHtml($pageHtml, $strToFind, $strDeb, $strEnd, $include_strDeb=false, $include_strEnd=false, $ltrim=true, $rtrim=true, &$fin, $nbOcc=1) {
while( is_int(($deb=strpos($pageHtml,$strToFind,$fin))) ) {
$deb2 = strpos($pageHtml,$strDeb, $deb);
$fin = strpos($pageHtml,$strEnd, $deb2);
if (!$include_strDeb)
$s_temp = substr($pageHtml, $deb2, ($fin-$deb2));
if ($ltrim) $s_temp=ltrim($s_temp);
if ($rtrim) $s_temp=rtrim($s_temp);
if ($nbOcc==1) return $s_temp;
//echo $s_temp."\r\n";
//$a_temp = explode('" class="basic">', $s_temp);
if ($nbOcc==$nbOccTrouve) {
// echo "j'ai trouvé le nb demandé, je sort\r\n";
return $tabUrl;
/*<span class="mongrasvert">
<li>Le type de voie a été modifié<br>
<li>L'orthographe du mot directeur a été modifiée<br>
<li>Le code postal a été forcé à partir du département et de la localité<br> </span>

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@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
* Classe de gestion des méthodes relatives à la date et à l'heure
* <p>détail de la classe</p>
* @name nom de la classe
* @author Nom de l'auteur <adresse@Email.dom>
* @link
* @copyright Prénom Nom Année
* @version 1.0.0
* @package Nom du package
class WDate {
private static $tabMoisEnLettres = array( 1=>'Janvier',
/** Retourne le numéro du mois donné au format texte (janvier, mars, etc...)
* @param string Mois en toute lettres (janvier, mars, etc...)
* @return string Mois en Chiffe (1, 3, 12) / false en cas d'erreur
public function getNumMois($moisEnLettres) {
foreach (self::$tabMoisEnLettres as $num=>$mois)
$tabMoisSansAccents[$num]=strtr($mois, 'ééû','eeu');
return array_search(ucfirst(strtolower(strtr($moisEnLettres, 'ééû','eeu'))), $tabMoisSansAccents);
/** Retourne le libellé nu numéro du mois passé en paramètre
* @param int $moisEnChiffre
* @return string Libellé du mois / false si le mois passé en paramètre est invalide
public function getLibelleMois($moisEnChiffre) {
if ($moisEnChiffre>0 && $moisEnChiffre<13)
return self::$tabMoisEnLettres[$moisEnChiffre];
return false;
* Conversion de formats de dates selon les formats de dates définits en php
* @param string Format de la date d'entrée
* @param string Format de la date de sortie
* @param string Date d'entrée
* @return string Date formatée
public function dateT($formatIN, $formatOUT, $date) {
switch ($formatIN) {
case 'd M Y': $tmp=explode(' ', $date); $d=str_replace('1er', '1', $tmp[0]); $m=getNumMois($tmp[1]); $Y=$tmp[2]; break;
case 'dMY': $Y=substr($date,-4);
if (substr($date,0,3)=='1er') { $d=1; $posM=3; }
elseif (is_numeric(substr($date,1,1))) { $d=substr($date,0,2); $posM=2; }
else { $d=substr($date,0,1); $posM=1; }
$M=substr($date, $posM, strlen($date)-4-$posM);
case 'Ymd': $d=substr($date,6,2); $m=substr($date,4,2); $Y=substr($date,0,4); break;
case 'Y-m-d': $d=substr($date,8,2); $m=substr($date,5,2); $Y=substr($date,0,4); break;
case 'd/m/Y': $d=substr($date,0,2); $m=substr($date,3,2); $Y=substr($date,6,4); break;
default: return $date;
if ($m*1>0 && $m*1<10) $m='0'.($m*1); if ($d*1>0 && $d*1<10) $d='0'.($d*1);
switch ($formatOUT) {
case 'd/m/Y': return $d.'/'.$m.'/'.$Y; break;
case 'm/Y': return $m.'/'.$Y; break;
// case 'M Y': return $this->tabMoisEnLettres[$m].' '.$Y; break;
case 'Y': return $Y; break;
case 'm': return $m; break;
case 'd': return $d; break;
case 'Ym': return $Y.$m; break;
case 'Ymd': return $Y.$m.$d; break;
case 'Y-m-d': return $Y.'-'.$m.'-'.$d; break;
case 'Y/m/d': return $Y.'/'.$m.'/'.$d; break;
default: return $date;
/** Calcul de la date après application de la période textuelle (deux ans, six mois, quinze jours, etc...)
* @todo Fonction ne fonctionnant qu'avec un chiffre en un seul mot du genre dix mais pas quatre vingt dix !!!
* @param date $dateIN au format Ymd
* @param string $period (ex : cinq mois, six ans, un jour)
* @return date
function period2Days($dateIN, $period) {
$dateV=self::dateT('Ymd', 'Ymd', $dateIN);
if ($dateV<>$dateIN) return NULL;
$period=trim(strtr($period, "-.,", ' '));
if ($period=='') return NULL;
$tabP=explode(' ', $period);
switch (end($tabP)) {
case 'mois': $dateOUT=date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m+$chiffre, $d, $Y)); break;
case 'an':
case 'ans': $dateOUT=date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $Y+$chiffre)); break;
case 'jour':
case 'jours': $dateOUT=date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d+$chiffre, $Y)); break;
default: $dateOUT=NULL;
return $dateOUT;

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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
function ftp_mget($ftp_url, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass, $ftp_dir, $local_dir, $debug=null) {
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($ftp_url);
if (!$conn_id) {
if ($debug<>null) echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - ERREUR : Impossible de se connecter au serveur FTP ($ftp_url) !".EOL;
return false;
$login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass);
if (!$login_result) {
if ($debug<>null) echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - ERREUR : Impossible de s'authentifier sur le serveur FTP (user=$ftp_user)!".EOL;
return false;
// Récupération du contenu d'un dossier
$contents = ftp_nlist($conn_id, $ftp_dir);
$nbFic=0; // Nombre de fichiers récupérés
if (is_array($contents))
foreach($contents as $k => $server_file) {
$tailleDist = ftp_size($conn_id, $server_file);
$dateDist = ftp_mdtm($conn_id, $server_file);
if ($dateDist != -1) {
$tabFichiers[$server_file]['dateDispo']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dateDist);
if ($debug<>null) echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - Le fichier distant $server_file a été modifié le ".date("d/m/Y à H:i:s.",$dateDist)."\n";
} else {
if ($debug<>null) echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - ERREUR : Impossible de récupérer l'heure de modification du fichier distant $server_file !\n";
if ($tailleDist != -1) {
if ($debug<>null) echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - Taille du fichier distant $server_file est de $tailleDist octets\n";
if (file_exists($local_dir . $server_file)) {
$dateLoc=filemtime($local_dir . $server_file);
$tabFichiers[$server_file]['dateDownload']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dateLoc);
$tailleLoc=filesize($local_dir . $server_file);
if ($debug<>null) echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - Taille du fichier local $server_file = $tailleLoc octets\n";
if ($tailleDist<>$tailleLoc) {
if (ftp_get($conn_id, $local_dir. $server_file, $server_file, FTP_BINARY)) {
if ($debug<>null) echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - Fichier distant $server_file téléchargé avec succès".EOL;
} else {
if ($debug<>null) echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s')." - ERREUR : Fichier distant $server_file non téléchargé !".EOL;
return false;
// Fermeture de la connexion
return $nbFic;

View File

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
class WDB {
private $host;
private $database;
private $user;
private $password;
private $con_id; // Connection ID with MySQL
private $result;
public function __construct($database='', $host='', $user='', $password='') {
if ($host=='') $this->host=MYSQL_HOST;
else $this->host=$host;
if ($user=='') $this->user=MYSQL_USER;
else $this->user=$user;
if ($password=='') $this->password=MYSQL_PASS;
else $this->password=$password;
if ($database=='') $this->database=MYSQL_DEFAULT_DB;
else $this->database=$database;
$this->con_id = mysql_pconnect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password);
if (!($this->con_id === false)) {
if (mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->con_id) === false) {
echo date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - ERREUR ".mysql_errno()." : Connection à la base de données impossible !".EOL;
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s'). mysql_error();
public function setCharSet($charSet) {
return (mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET $charSet;", $this->con_id));
/** INSERTION d'un tableau dans une table.
** Les index doivent avoir les mêmes noms que les champs.
** @param string Table
** @param array Valeurs insérer
** @return int Dernière valeur de l'auto-incrément, 1 si pas d'auto-incrément et 0 si erreur
public function insert($table, $toAdd, $debug=false){
$fields = implode(array_keys($toAdd), '`,`');
foreach (array_values($toAdd) as $key=>$array_values)
$values = "'".implode(array_values($tmp), "','")."'"; # better
$query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$res = mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
if ($res!==false)
if (mysql_insert_id()>0)
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return $res;
public function update($table, $update, $where, $debug=false){
$fields = array_keys($update);
$values = array_values($update);
$query='UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET ';
if($i>0) { $query.=', '; }
$query.=' `'.$fields[$i]."`='".addslashes($values[$i])."'";
$query.=' WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$res=mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return true;
public function delete($table, $where, $debug=false) {
$query='DELETE FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$res=mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return true;
public function select($table, $fields, $where, $debug=false, $assoc=MYSQL_BOTH, $huge=false) {
if (mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->con_id) === false) {
echo date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - ERREUR ".mysql_errno()." : Connection à la base de données impossible !".EOL;
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s'). mysql_error();
$query="SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $where;";
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$this->result=mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);// or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_errno()) die(mysql_errno() .' : '. mysql_error());
// echo $query;
if (!$huge) {
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($this->result, $assoc))
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, sizeof($tab), $tdeb);
return $tab;
} else {
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $nbRows, $tdeb);
return $nbRows;
public function fetch($assoc=MYSQL_BOTH) {
return mysql_fetch_array($this->result, $assoc);
public function trace($query, $res='', $tdeb=-1) {
if (!$fp=fopen('mysql_insert.log', 'a'))
return false;
if ($tdeb>-1) $duree=substr(''.microtime_float()-$tdeb, 0, 5);
else $duree='N/D';
if (!fwrite($fp, date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - $errnum - $res - $duree - $query\n"))
return false;
if (!fclose($fp))
return false;
return true;
/** Exécute la requête passé en paramètre **/
public function query($query, $debug=false){
return mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
/** Retourne le libellé de la dernière erreur **/
public function getLastErrorMsg() {
return mysql_error($this->con_id);
/** Retourne le numéro de la dernière erreur **/
public function getLastErrorNum() {
return mysql_errno($this->con_id);
/** Retourne le libellé et le numéro de la dernière erreur **/
public function getLastError() {
return mysql_error($this->con_id).' ('.mysql_errno($this->con_id).')';

View File

@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
define ('BEFORE', 0);
define ('AFTER', 1);
define ('BOTH', 2);
define ('ALIGN_LEFT', 0);
define ('ALIGN_RIGHT', 1);
/**Initialisation d'une chaîne de caractère
* @param string $chaine Chaîne de caractère initiale
* @param int $taille Taille de la chaîne de caractère à initialiser
* @param string $caractere_pour_combler Caractère à utiliser pour combler la chaîne de caractère (espace par défaut)
* @param string $align Aligner la chaîne de caractère à droite (right) ou à gauche (left, par défaut)
* @return string
function initstr($chaine, $taille, $caractere_pour_combler=' ', $align=ALIGN_LEFT) {
if ($align==ALIGN_RIGHT) {
for ($i=0;$i<($taille-strlen($chaine));$i++)
} else {
if (strlen($chaine)>=$taille)
return substr($chaine,0,$taille);
for ($i=strlen($chaine);$i<$taille;$i++)
$str = $str . $caractere_pour_combler;
return $str;
* Ajout d'anti-slashs s'il y a lieu en vu d'une insertion en BDD
* @param string $str Chaine de caractère
* @return unknown
function checkaddslashes($str){
return addslashes(preg_replace('/\\[^nrt\']/i', '\\', $str));
function checkaddslashes2($str){
if(strpos(str_replace("\'",''," $str"),"'")!=false)
return addslashes($str);
return $str;
function trimAccent ($strWithAccent) {
$strWithAccent = htmlentities(strtolower($strWithAccent ));
$strWithAccent = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml|grave);/", "$1", $strWithAccent );
$strWithAccent = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", " ", html_entity_decode($strWithAccent ));
$strWithAccent = trim($strWithAccent , "-");
return $strWithAccent;
//function SRSaufVoyelle ($strIn, $mot1, $mot2) {
function str_replace_except_voy($mot1, $mot2, $strIn, $rule=0) {
$Voyelle=array('a','e','i','o','u','y', '1', '2', '3', '4');
if ($mot1==$mot2) return $strIn;
if (strpos($mot2,$mot1)===false)
//foreach ($Voyelle as $k => $voy)
$posMot1=strpos($strIn, $mot1);
while ($posMot1!==false) {
//echo "Lettre AV=$lettreAV<br/>";
//echo "Lettre AP=$lettreAP<br/>";
if ( ( $rule==0 && !in_array($lettreAV, $Voyelle) ) ||
( $rule==1 && !in_array($lettreAP, $Voyelle) ) ||
( $rule==2 && !in_array($lettreAV, $Voyelle) && !in_array($lettreAP, $Voyelle) ))
$strIn=substr($strIn,0,$posMot1) . $mot2 . substr($strIn,$posMot1+strlen($mot1),strlen($strIn));
//echo "Le Mot devient : $strIn<br/>";
$posMot1=strpos($strIn, $mot1, $posMot1+strlen($mot1));
return $strIn;
//echo "Erreur : $mot2 contient $mot1 !<br>";
return $strIn;
/** Retourne le phonex d'un mot
function phonex($strIn) {
if ($strIn=='') return 0.0;
$tabSonAIA=array('aina', 'eina', 'aima', 'eima');
$tabSonAIE=array('ainr', 'eine', 'aime', 'eime');
$tabSonAII=array('aini', 'eini', 'aimi', 'eimi');
$tabSonAIO=array('aino', 'eino', 'aimo', 'eimo');
$tabSonAIU=array('ainu', 'einu', 'aimu', 'eimu');
$tabCarPhon=array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'k', 'l', 'n', 'o', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z');
/** On traite tout en minuscule **/
/** On remplace les 'Y' par des 'I' **/
$strIn=str_replace('y', 'i', $strIn);
/** On supprime les accents **/
/** On retire les 'H' muets sauf ceux précédés par 'C' ou 'S' **/
$strIn = preg_replace ('/(?<![CS])H/', '', $strIn);
/** On remplace les 'PH' par des 'F' **/
$strIn=str_replace('ph', 'f', $strIn);
/** On remplace les 'G' par des 'K' devant AN AM AIN AIM **/
$strIn=str_replace('gan', 'kan', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gain', 'kain', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gam', 'kam4', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gaim', 'kaim', $strIn);
/** On remplace le son AI **/
for ($i=0; $i>4; $i++) {
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIA[$i], 'yna', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIE[$i], 'yne', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAII[$i], 'yni', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIO[$i], 'yno', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIU[$i], 'ynu', $strIn);
/** Remplacement des groupes de 3 lettres **/
$strIn=str_replace('eau', 'o', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('oua', '2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ein', '4', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ain', '4', $strIn);
/** Remplacement du son 'é' **/
$strIn=str_replace('ai', 'y', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ei', 'y', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('er', 'yr', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ess', 'yss', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('et', 'yt', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ez', 'yz', $strIn);
/** Remplacement des groupes de 2 lettres sauf si voyelle ou son (1 à 4) AVANT **/
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('an', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('am', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('en', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('em', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('in', '4', $strIn, BEFORE);
/** Remplacement du son 'SCH' **/
$strIn=str_replace('sch', '5', $strIn);
/** Remplacement du 'S' sauf si voyelle ou son (1 à 4) avant ou après **/
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('in', '4', $strIn, BOTH);
/** Remplacement de groupe de 2 lettres diverses **/
$strIn=str_replace('oe', 'e', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('eu', 'e', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('au', 'o', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('oi', '2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('oy', '2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ou', '3', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ch', '5', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('sh', '5', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ss', 's', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('sc', 's', $strIn);
/** Remplacement du 'C' par 'S' s'il est suivi d'un 'E' ou d'un 'I' **/
$strIn=str_replace('ce', 'se', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ci', 'si', $strIn);
/** Remplacement divers **/
$strIn=str_replace('c', 'k', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('q', 'k', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('qu', 'k', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ga', 'ka', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('go', 'ko', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gu', 'ku', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gy', 'ky', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('g2', 'k2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('g1', 'k1', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('g3', 'k3', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('a', 'o', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('d', 't', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('p', 't', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('j', 'g', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('b', 'f', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('v', 'f', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('m', 'n', $strIn);
/** Supression des lettres dupliquées **/
for ($i=1; $i<strlen($strIn); $i++)
{ if ($strIn==$let)
else {
/** Supression des terminaisons **/
if ($strIn2=='t' || $strIn2=='k' || $strIn2=='s' || $strIn2=='z')
/** Supression des caractères non autorisés **/
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($strIn); $i++)
if ($j<1) break;
for ($k=0; $k<22; $k++)
if ($strIn[$i]==$tabCarPhon[$k])
/** Couversion en flottant **/
for ($j=10; $j>0; $j--)
return $result;
* CLASS soundex2
* soundex2 French version
* based on the algorithm described here : by Frédéric BROUARD
* author Johan Barbier <>
class csoundex2 {
* public sString
* main string we work on
var $sString = '';
* vowels replacement array
var $aReplaceVoy1 = array (
'E' => 'A',
'I' => 'A',
'O' => 'A',
'U' => 'A'
* consonnants replacement array
var $aReplaceGrp1 = array (
'GUI' => 'KI',
'GUE' => 'KE',
'GA' => 'KA',
'GO' => 'KO',
'GU' => 'K',
'CA' => 'KA',
'CO' => 'KO',
'CU' => 'KU',
'Q' => 'K',
'CC' => 'K',
'CK' => 'K'
* other replacement array
var $aReplaceGrp2 = array (
'ASA' => 'AZA',
'KN' => 'NN',
'PF' => 'FF',
'PH' => 'FF',
'SCH' => 'SSS'
* endings replacement array
var $aEnd = array (
* public function build
* core function of the class, go through the whole process
* @Param string sString : the string we want to check
function build ($sString) {
* let's check it's a real string...
if (is_string ($sString) && !empty ($sString)) {
$this -> sString = $sString;
} else {
trigger_error ('Parameter string must not be empty', E_USER_ERROR);
* remove starting and ending spaces
$this -> sString = trim ($this -> sString);
* remove special french characters
$this -> trimAccent ();
* string to upper case
$this -> sString = strtoupper ($this -> sString );
* let's remove every space in the string
$this -> sString = str_replace (' ', '', $this -> sString);
* let's remove every '-' in the string
$this -> sString = str_replace ('-', '', $this -> sString);
* let's process through the first replacement array
$this -> arrReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp1);
* let's process through th vowels replacement
$sChar = substr ($this -> sString, 0, 1);
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 1, strlen ($this -> sString) - 1);
$this -> arrReplace ($this -> aReplaceVoy1);
$this -> sString = $sChar.$this -> sString;
* let's process through the second replacement array
$this -> arrReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp2, true);
* let's remove every 'H' but those prededed by a 'C' or an 'S'
$this -> sString = preg_replace ('/(?<![CS])H/', '', $this -> sString);
* let's remove every 'Y' but those preceded by an 'A'
$this -> sString = preg_replace ('/(?<!A)Y/', '', $this -> sString);
* remove endings in aEnd
$length = strlen ($this -> sString) - 1;
if (in_array ($this -> sString{$length}, $this -> aEnd)) {
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 0, $length);
* let's remove every 'A', but the one at the beginning of the string, if any.
$sChar = '';
if ($this -> sString{0} === 'A') {
$sChar = 'A';
$this -> sString = str_replace ('A', '', $this -> sString);
$this -> sString = $sChar.$this -> sString;
* let's have only 1 occurence of each letter
$this -> sString = preg_replace( '/(.)\1/', '$1', $this -> sString );
* let's have the final code : a 4 letters string
$this -> getFinal ();
* private function getFinal
* gets the first 4 letters, pads the string with white space if the string length < 4
function getFinal () {
if (strlen ($this -> sString) < 4) {
$this -> sString = str_pad ($this -> sString, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
} else {
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 0, 4);
* private function trimAccent
* remove every special French letters
function trimAccent () {
$this -> sString = htmlentities(strtolower($this -> sString ));
$this -> sString = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml|grave);/", "$1", $this -> sString );
$this -> sString = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", "-", html_entity_decode($this -> sString ));
$this -> sString = trim($this -> sString , "-");
* private function arrReplace
* replacement method, given an array
* @Param array tab : the replacement array to be used
* @Param bool pref : if false, just replace keys by values; if true, do the same but only with prefix
function arrReplace ($tab, $pref = false) {
$fromRep = array_keys ($tab);
$toRep = array_values ($tab);
if (false === $pref) {
$this -> sString = str_replace ($fromRep, $toRep, $this -> sString);
} else {
foreach ($fromRep as $clef => $val) {
$length = strlen ($val);
if (substr ($this -> sString, 0, $length) === $val) {
$this -> sString = substr_replace ($this -> sString, $toRep[$clef], 0, $length);
function soundex2($str) {
$soundex2 = new csoundex2();
$soundex2 -> build ($str);
return $soundex2 -> sString;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
' '=>'',
switch($_SESSION['user']) {
case 'MHZ': $myEmail=''; break;
case 'JMY': $myEmail=''; break;
case 'YLN': $myEmail=''; break;

View File

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
//include_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/timer.php'));
/** Parse une page Html et retourne son contenu dans un tableau :
** "code" => Code réponse Serveur
** "header" => Headers du serveur
** "body" => Page HTML
function parse_response($this_response, $err_num, $err_msg) {
// Split response into header and body sections
list($response_headers, $response_body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $this_response, 2);
$response_header_lines = explode("\r\n", $response_headers);
// First line of headers is the HTTP response code
$http_response_line = array_shift($response_header_lines);
if(preg_match('@^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] ([0-9]{3})@',$http_response_line, $matches)) { $response_code = $matches[1]; }
if ($response_code==100) {
list($response_headers, $response_body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response_body, 2);
$response_header_lines = explode("\r\n", $response_headers);
$http_response_line = array_shift($response_header_lines);
if(preg_match('@^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] ([0-9]{3})@',$http_response_line, $matches)) { $response_code = $matches[1]; }
// put the rest of the headers in an array
$response_header_array = array();
foreach($response_header_lines as $header_line)
list($header,$value) = explode(': ', $header_line, 2);
if ($header=='Set-cookie' && substr($value,0,5)=='RMID=' && $nbRMID<5)//{
// echo ("Je gicle le RMID n°$nbRMID\r\n");}
$response_header_array[$header] .= $value."\n";
/* if ($response_code==100) {
// print_r($response_header_lines);
return array('code' => $response_code, 'header' => $response_header_array, 'body' => $response_body, 'err_num'=>$err_num, 'err_msg'=>$err_msg);
/** Récupère une page HTML en fonction des paramètres :
** $url Url distante de la page à récupérer
** $strCookies Chaine de caractère contenant les cookies
** $postData Tableau des données à passer en POST uniquement
** $referer Referer à indiquer lors de l'appel de la page
** $debug Activer le débogage (True/False)
** ... et retourne son contenu dans un tableau :
** "code" => Code réponse Serveur
** "header" => Headers du serveur
** "body" => Page HTML
function getUrl($url, $strCookies='', $postData='', $referer='', $debug=false, $host='', $proxy='', $timeout=0) {
$ch = curl_init();
if ($host=='')
$this_header = array('Host: '. HOST_INSEE);
$this_header = array('Host: '. $host);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
if ($proxy<>'') curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
if (((int)$timeout)<>0) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (int)$timeout);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, 'username:password'); // Pas nécessaire en authentification NT
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1);
$user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer);
// Add each cookie that has been returned in the response
// If cookies need to be added/deleted or value changed, then add code here
if ($strCookies!='') {
//echo $strCookies."\r\n";
$cookies = explode("\n", $strCookies);
// Create the basic header
foreach($cookies as $this_cookie) {
if (trim($this_cookie)<>'')
array_push($this_header, 'Cookie: '.$this_cookie);
if ($postData!='') {
if (is_array($postData))
foreach ($post_data as $k=>$v)
// $o.= "$k=".utf8_encode($v)."&";
$o.= "$k=".$v."&";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
//if in_array('',$this_header
// array_push($this_header, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// array_push($this_header, "Content-Length: ".strlen($post_data));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this_header);
$response = parse_response($page, curl_errno($ch), curl_error($ch));
if ($debug){
$url2=str_replace('http://', '', $url);
$url2=str_replace('/', '_', $url2);
$url2=str_replace('?', '(param)', $url2);
$url2=str_replace('&', '(et)', $url2);
$fp=fopen('insee/'. date('Ymd-His') .'-'. microtime_float(true) .'-'. $url2 . '.html', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $url."\r\n");
fwrite($fp, $page);
//echo strip_tags(html_entity_decode($response['body']), '<td>');
return $response;
/** Recherche un texte dans une page HTML
function getTextInHtml($pageHtml, $strToFind, $strDeb, $strEnd, $include_strDeb=false, $include_strEnd=false, $ltrim=true, $rtrim=true, &$fin, $nbOcc=1) {
while( is_int(($deb=strpos($pageHtml,$strToFind,$fin))) ) {
$deb2 = strpos($pageHtml,$strDeb, $deb);
$fin = strpos($pageHtml,$strEnd, $deb2);
if (!$include_strDeb)
$s_temp = substr($pageHtml, $deb2, ($fin-$deb2));
if ($ltrim) $s_temp=ltrim($s_temp);
if ($rtrim) $s_temp=rtrim($s_temp);
if ($nbOcc==1) return $s_temp;
//echo $s_temp."\r\n";
//$a_temp = explode('" class="basic">', $s_temp);
if ($nbOcc==$nbOccTrouve) {
// echo "j'ai trouvé le nb demandé, je sort\r\n";
return $tabUrl;
/*<span class="mongrasvert">
<li>Le type de voie a été modifié<br>
<li>L'orthographe du mot directeur a été modifiée<br>
<li>Le code postal a été forcé à partir du département et de la localité<br> </span>

View File

@ -1,820 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* Auteur : Bernard Martin-Rabaud */
/* Email : */
/* */
/* Cette classe permet de : */
/* - créer un formulaire */
/* - le contrôler et l'afficher pour confirmation */
/* - et retourner son contenu */
define("_SEPA_AFFICHE_MULTIPLE", ", ");
define("_SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE", "###");
$erreur_message = array("min" => "caractères minimum",
"max" => "caractères maximum",
"texte" => "texte non valide",
"alphanum" => "texte alphanumérique non valide",
"num" => "valeur numérique non valide",
"num-strict" => "valeur numérique non valide",
"tel" => "numéro de téléphone non valide",
"email" => "e-mail non valide",
"url" => "url non valide",
"date" => "date non valide",
"datej" => "jour non valide",
"datem" => "mois non valide",
"datem" => "année non valide",
"option" => "aucune option n'a été sélectionnée",
"vide" => "champ obligatoire");
class ClasseForm {
var $titre;
var $montrer_titre;
var $champs;
var $taille_std;
var $pivot_siecle;
var $mode_retour;
var $confirme;
var $mode;
var $champ_cour;
var $log;
var $name;
var $closeButton;
function ClasseForm($titre=null, $confirme=false, $autocomplete="on", $nom='formulaire', $closeButton=false) {
$this->titre = $titre;
$this->montrer_titre = true;
$this->champs = array();
$this->taille_std = null;
$this->pivot_siecle = 20;
$this->mode_retour = "noms & valeurs";
$this->confirme = $confirme;
if ($autocomplete==false || $autocomplete=="off" || $autocomplete==null)
$this->autocomplete = 'off';
$this->autocomplete = 'on';
$this->mode = null;
$this->champ_cour = 0;
$this->log = null;
function afficher() {
$resultat = null;
echo $this->javascriptSubmit();
if (!isset($_POST) || !$_POST || ($_POST["classeform_acces"] == "annuler")) $this->mode = null;
else {
$succes = $this->controler();
if ($succes) $this->mode = $_POST["classeform_acces"];
else $this->mode = "erreur";
switch ($this->mode) {
case "confirme" :
echo $this->afficherTexte();
echo $this->afficherForm(true);
case "modif" :
echo $this->afficherForm();
case "envoi" :
$resultat = $this->retournerTableauValeurs($this->mode_retour);
if ($this->log) $this->enregistrerLog($this->retournerTableauValeurs("valeurs", $resultat));
default :
echo $this->afficherForm();
return $resultat;
function ajoutChamp($label, $nom, $type, $format=null, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null, $defVal='') {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, $type, $format, $oblig, $min, $max, $defVal);
function ajoutChampText($label, $nom, $format=null, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null, $defVal='', $ajaxQuery='') {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "text", $format, $oblig, $min, $max, $defVal, $ajaxQuery);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($this->taille_std, 256);
function ajoutChampHidden($nom) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp('', $nom, "hidden");
function ajoutChampPassword($label, $nom, $min=null, $max=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "password", "", true, $min, $max);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($this->taille_std, 100);
function ajoutChampTextarea($label, $nom, $format=null, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "textarea", $format, $oblig, $min, $max);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($this->taille_std, 3);
function ajoutChampFile($label, $nom, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "file", "fichier", $oblig, $min, $max);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($this->taille_std, 256);
function ajoutChampSelect($label, $nom, $oblig=true, $taille=null, $multiple=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "select", "", $oblig, null, null);
if ($taille) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($taille, null);
if ($multiple) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valMultiple();
function ajoutChampRadio($label, $nom, $oblig=true, $fin_ligne=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$args = func_get_args();
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "radio", "", $oblig);
if ($fin_ligne) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valFinLigne($fin_ligne);
if (sizeof($args) > 4) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valOptions(array_slice($args, 4));
function ajoutChampCheckbox($label, $nom, $oblig=true, $fin_ligne=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$args = func_get_args();
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "checkbox", "", $oblig);
if ($fin_ligne) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valFinLigne($fin_ligne);
if (sizeof($args) > 4) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valOptions(array_slice($args, 4));
function ajoutTexte($texte) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($texte, "", "", "", false);
function cacherTitre() {
$this->montrer_titre = false;
function valTailleStd($taille) {
$this->taille_std = $taille;
function valPivotSiecle($pivot) {
$this->pivot_siecle = $pivot;
function valModeRetour($mode) {
$this->mode_retour = $mode;
function valLog($log) {
$this->log = $log;
function valChampFormat($format, $min=null, $max=null) {
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valFormat($format, $min, $max);
function valChampLimites($min, $max=null) {
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valLimites($min, $max);
function valChampCtlLimites($min, $max=null) {
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($min, $max);
function valChampMultiple() {
function valChampOptions() {
if ((func_num_args() == 1) && is_array(func_get_arg(0))) $args = func_get_arg(0);
else $args = func_get_args();
function valChampDescro($descro) {
function valChampFinLigne($fin_ligne) {
function valChampOption1Vide($option_vide) {
function afficherForm($cache=false) {
$html = "<form method='post' action='javascript:location.href' name='$this->name' 'id='$this->name' autocomplete='$this->autocomplete'>\n";
$html .= "<fieldset>\n";
$html .= "<table class='form-table' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' border='0'>\n";
if ($this->titre && $this->montrer_titre && !$cache)
$html .= "<caption class='form-caption'>$this->titre" . (($this->mode == "erreur") ? " <span class='erreur'>(erreurs)</span>" : "") . "</caption>\n";
else if (($this->mode == "erreur"))
$html .= "<caption class='form-caption'><span class='erreur'>(erreurs)</span></caption>\n";
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++) {
if ($cache) $html .= $this->champs[$i]->afficherFormCache();
else $html .= $this->champs[$i]->afficherForm();
if ($valeurs) $html .= $this->afficherBoutonsForm();
else $html .= $this->afficherBoutonsForm();
if ($this->existeChampFacultatif())
$html .= "<tr><td class='form-info-obligatoire' colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
$html .= "</fieldset></table></form>\n";
return $html;
function afficherBoutonsForm() {
if (($this->mode == null) || ($this->mode == "erreur")) {
if ($this->confirme)
$html = "<tr><td><input type='hidden' name='classeform_acces' value='confirme' /></td>";
else $html = "<tr><td><input type='hidden' name='classeform_acces' value='envoi' /></td>";
else $html = "<tr><td><input type='hidden' name='classeform_acces' /></td>";
$html .= "<td><input class='form-bouton' type='button' value='Envoyer' onClick='soumettre(\"envoi\")'/>";
if ($this->confirme) {
if ($this->mode == "confirme") {
$html .= " <input class='form-bouton' type='button' value='Modifier'";
$html .= " onClick='soumettre(\"modif\")'; />";
else {
$html .= " <input class='form-bouton' type='button' value='Voir avant envoi'";
$html .= " onClick='soumettre(\"confirme\")'; />";
$html .= " <input class='form-bouton' type='reset' value='Rétablir' onClick='soumettre(\"annuler\")' />\n";
if ($this->closeButton)
$html .= " <input class='form-bouton' type='button' value='Annuler & Fermer' onClick='soumettre(\"fermer\")' />\n";
$html .= "</td></tr>";
return $html;
function afficherTexte() {
$html = "<table class='form-table' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' border='0'>\n";
if ($this->titre) $html .= "<caption class='form-caption'>$this->titre</caption>\n";
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++)
$html .= $this->champs[$i]->afficherTexte();
$html .= "</table>\n";
return $html;
function javascriptSubmit() {
$html = "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
$html .= "<!-- \n";
$html .= "function soumettre(acces) {\n";
$html .= " if (acces=='fermer') self.close();\n";
$html .= " else {\n";
$html .= " with (document.forms[0]) {\n";
$html .= " classeform_acces.value=acces; action=location.href; submit();\n";
$html .= " }\n";
$html .= " }\n";
$html .= "}\n";
$html .= "// -->\n";
$html .= "</script>\n";
return $html;
function controler() {
$succes = true;
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++) {
if ( $this->champs[$i]->aControler() && ($this->champs[$i]->controler($this->pivot_siecle) == false) ) {
$succes = false;
return $succes;
function affecterValeursChamps($valeurs) {
$valeurs = convertirPost($valeurs);
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++)
function retournerTableauValeurs($mode_retour) {
$retour = array();
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++)
{// echo "------------------------------------\r\n$i : \r\n";
//echo "\r\n\r\n";
$this->champs[$i]->retournerTableauValeurs(&$retour, $mode_retour);}
return $retour;
function envoyerMail() {
$mail = new ClasseMail($this->titre);
$mail->contenu = $this->champs;
return $mail->envoyer($this->cible);
function existeChampFacultatif() {
$ok = false;
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++) {
if ($this->champs[$i]->type && !$this->champs[$i]->valObligatoire()) {
$ok = true;
return $ok;
function enregistrerLog($valeurs, $resultat) {
if ($f = fopen($this->log, "a")) {
$texte = ($resultat ? "" : "ECHEC ") . "[ " . date("d/mY H:i:s") . " ] - ";
$texte .= $this->titre ? "$this->titre - " : "";
$texte .= $valeurs;
fputs($f, $texte);
class ClasseFormChamp {
var $label;
var $nom;
var $type;
var $format;
var $oblig;
var $taille_max;
var $taille_min;
var $valeur;
var $options;
var $descro;
var $multiple;
var $fonction;
var $ctl_taille1;
var $ctl_taille2;
var $fin_ligne;
var $erreur;
var $valeur_defaut;
var $valeur_db;
var $ajaxQuey;
function ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, $type=null, $format=null, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null, $valDef='', $ajaxQuery='') {
$this->label = $label;
$this->nom = $nom;
$this->type = $type;
$this->format = $format;
$this->taille_min = $min;
$this->taille_max = $max;
$this->oblig = $oblig;
if (($type == "select") || ($type == "checkbox") || ($type == "radio")) {
$this->valeur = array();
$this->options = array();
else {
$this->valeur = null;
$this->options = null;
$this->descro = null;
if ($type == "checkbox") $this->multiple = true;
else $this->multiple = false;
$this->fonction = null;
$this->ctl_taille1 = null;
$this->ctl_taille2 = null;
$this->fin_ligne = null;
$this->erreur = null;
$this->valeur_defaut = $valDef;
$this->ajaxQuey = $ajaxQuery;
// $this->valeur_db=$this->valeur;
function valObligatoire() {
if ($this->oblig) return true;
else return false;
function valFormat($format, $long_min=null, $long_max=null) {
if ($this->type == "text") {
$this->format = $format;
if ($long_min) $this->taille_min = $long_min;
if ($long_max) $this->taille_max = $long_max;
function valLimites($min, $max) {
if (($this->type == "text") || ($this->type == "password") || ($this->type == "textarea") || ($this->type == "file")) {
$this->taille_min = $min;
$this->taille_max = $max;
function valCtlLimites($taille1, $taille2) {
if (($this->type == "text") || ($this->type == "password") || ($this->type == "textarea") || ($this->type == "select") || ($this->type == "file")) {
$this->ctl_taille1 = $taille1;
if ($taille2 && ($this->type != "select")) $this->ctl_taille2 = $taille2;
function valFonction($fonction) {
$this->fonction = $fonction;
function valDescro($descro) {
if (($this->type == "text") || ($this->type == "password") || ($this->type == "textarea") || ($this->type == "file")) {
$this->descro = $descro;
function valMultiple() {
if ($this->type == "select") $this->multiple = true;
function valFinLigne($fin_ligne) {
if (($this->type == "radio") || ($this->type == "checkbox")) $this->fin_ligne = $fin_ligne;
function valOptions($options) {
if ($this->champAOptions()) {
if (is_array($options)) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
if (preg_match("/^s[e|é]lection\s?=\s?(.+)$/", $option, $regs))
$this->options[] = new ClasseFormOption($regs[1], true);
else $this->options[] = new ClasseFormOption($option);
else {
if (preg_match("/^s[e|é]lection\s?=\s?(.+)$/", $options, $regs))
$this->options[] = new ClasseFormOption($regs[1], true);
else $this->options[] = new ClasseFormOption($options);
function ValOption1Vide($option_vide) {
if ($this->type == "select") $this->fin_ligne = $option_vide;
function afficherForm() {
if (!$this->type) $html = "<tr><td class='form-label' colspan='2'>$this->label</td></tr>";
else {
if (!is_null($this->erreur))
$html = "<tr><td class='form-label-erreur'> > $this->label (<font size='-2'>$this->erreur</font>)</td>";
else if ($this->oblig) $html = "<tr><td class='form-label-obligatoire'>$this->label</td>";
else $html .= "<tr><td class='form-label-facultatif'>$this->label</td>";
$html .= "<td class='form-td'>";
switch ($this->type) {
case "text" : $html .= $this->afficherFormTexte();
case "password" : $html .= $this->afficherFormPassword();
case "textarea" : $html .= $this->afficherFormTextarea();
case "select" : $html .= $this->afficherFormSelect();
case "radio" : $html .= $this->afficherFormRadio();
case "checkbox" : $html .= $this->afficherFormCheckbox();
case "file" : $html .= $this->afficherFormFile();
case "hidden" : $html .= $this->afficherFormCache();
$html .= "</td></tr>\n";
return $html;
function afficherFormCache() {
$html = "<input type='hidden' name='$this->nom' id='$this->nom'";
if (is_array($this->valeur)) {
$chaine = implode(_SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE, $this->valeur);
$html .= " value=\"" . $chaine . "\" />\n";
else $html .= " value=\"" . $this->valeur . "\" />\n";
return $html;
function afficherTexte() {
$html = "<tr><td class='form-label'>$this->label</td><td class='form-td'>";
if (is_array($this->valeur)) {
$chaine = implode(_SEPA_AFFICHE_MULTIPLE, $this->valeur);
$html .= $chaine;
else $html .= $this->valeur;
$html .= "</td></tr>\n";
return $html;
function champAOptions() {
if (($this->type == "select") || ($this->type == "checkbox") || ($this->type == "radio")) return true;
else return false;
function controler($pivot=null) {
global $erreur_message;
if ($this->type) {
if (($this->type == "text") || ($this->type == "password") || ($this->type == "textarea") || ($this->type == "file")) {
if (is_null($this->erreur)) return true;
else return false;
else if (($this->type == "select") || ($this->type == "radio")) {
if (!$this->valeur || (sizeof($this->valeur) == 0)) {
$this->erreur = $erreur_message["option"];
return false;
else return true;
else return true;
else return true;
function aControler() {
if ($this->type && $this->oblig) return true;
else return false;
//return true;
function retournerTableauValeurs(&$tableau, $mode_retour) {
if (is_array($this->valeur)) {$valeur = implode(_SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE, $this->valeur);
die('Cas non géré dans inc_classeform.php');
else $valeur = $this->valeur_db;
switch ($mode_retour) {
case "noms & valeurs" :
$tableau[$this->nom] = $valeur;
case "labels & valeurs" :
$tableau[$this->label] = $valeur;
case "valeurs" :
$tableau[] = $valeur;
//echo '$this->nom='.$this->nom.', $valeur='.$valeur."\r\n";
function affecterValeur($valeurs) {
$valeur = $valeurs[$this->nom];
if ($this->champAOptions()) {
if (strpos($valeur, _SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE) !== false)
$this->valeur = explode(_SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE, $valeur);
else $this->valeur = $valeur;
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->options);$i++)
else $this->valeur = $valeur;
function controlerChampTexte($pivot) {
global $erreur_message;
if (trim($this->valeur) == "") $this->erreur = $erreur_message["vide"];
else {
$this->erreur = champTexteConforme($this->valeur, $this->taille_min, $this->taille_max);
if (is_null($this->erreur) && $this->format) {
switch ($this->format) {
case "alphanum" :
if (!controlerAlphanum($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["alphanum"];
case "num" :
if (!controlerNum($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["num"];
case "num-strict" :
if (!controlerNum($this->valeur, true)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["num"];
case "tel" :
if (!controlerTel($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["tel"];
case "email" :
if (!controlerEmail($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["email"];
case "date" :
if (!controlerDate($this->valeur, $pivot)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["date"];
$tmp=explode('/', $this->valeur);
if ($tmp[0]*1<10) $date_j='0'.$tmp[0]*1; else $date_j=''.$tmp[0]*1;
if ($date_j*1 < 1 || $date_j>31) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["datej"];
if ($tmp[1]*1<10) $date_m='0'.$tmp[1]*1; else $date_m=''.$tmp[1]*1;
if ($date_m*1 < 1 || $date_m>12) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["datem"];
if ($date_a*1 < 1890 || $date_a>date('Y')) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["datea"];
case "url" :
if (!controlerUrl($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["url"];
function afficherFormTexte() {
$html .= "<input class='form-input' type='text' name='$this->nom' size='$this->ctl_taille1' ";
if ($this->ctl_taille2) $html .= " maxlength='$this->ctl_taille2'";
if ($this->valeur) $html .= ' value="' . $this->valeur . '" />';
else if ($this->valeur_defaut) $html .= ' value="' . $this->valeur_defaut . '" />';
else if ($this->descro) { $html .= ' value="' . htmlentities(stripslashes($this->descro), ENT_QUOTES) . '"';
$html .= " onFocus='this.value=\"\"' />";
elseif ($this->ajaxQuey) $html .= " id='$this->nom' onkeyup=\"loadData('$this->nom');\" />
<ul id='zoneResultats_$this->nom' style='visibility: hidden;'></ul>";
else $html .= ' value="" />';
return $html;
function afficherFormPassword() {
$html .= "<input class='form-input' type='password' name='$this->nom' size='$this->ctl_taille1'";
if ($this->ctl_taille2) $html .= " maxlength='$this->ctl_taille2'";
if ($this->valeur) $html .= ' value="' . $this->valeur . '" />';
else if ($this->descro) {
$html .= ' value="' . htmlentities(stripslashes($this->descro), ENT_QUOTES) . '"';
$html .= " onFocus='this.value=\"\"' />";
else $html .= " value='' />";
return $html;
function afficherFormTextarea() {
$html .= "<textarea class='form-input' name='$this->nom' cols='$this->ctl_taille1'";
if ($this->ctl_taille2) $html .= " rows='$this->ctl_taille2'";
else if ($this->taille_max) {
$rows = ceil($this->taille_max / $taille_std);
$html .= " rows='$rows'";
else $html .= " rows='3'";
if ((trim($this->valeur) == "") || $this->descro) $html .= " onFocus='this.value=\"\"'>";
else $html .= ">";
if (trim($this->valeur)) $html .= $this->valeur;
else if ($this->descro) $html .= htmlentities(stripslashes($this->descro), ENT_QUOTES);
$html .= "</textarea>";
return $html;
function afficherFormSelect() {
$html = "<select name='$this->nom" . ($this->multiple ? "[]'" : "'");
if ($this->fin_ligne && $this->multiple)
$html .= " size='" . (($this->ctl_taille1 >= 2) ? $this->ctl_taille1 : 2 ) . "'";
else $html .= " size='" . ($this->ctl_taille1 ? $this->ctl_taille1 : 1) . "'";
$html .= $this->multiple ? " multiple>\n" : ">\n";
if ($this->fin_ligne) {
$html .= "<option class='form-option-entete' value=''>$this->fin_ligne</option>\n";
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->options);$i++)
$html .= $this->options[$i]->afficherFormSelect();
$html .= "</select>\n";
return $html;
function afficherFormRadio() {
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->options);$i++) {
$html .= $this->options[$i]->afficherFormCase("radio", $this->nom, $this->oblig);
$html .= $this->fin_ligne ? "<br />" : "&nbsp;";
return $html;
function afficherFormCheckbox() {
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->options);$i++) {
$html .= $this->options[$i]->afficherFormCase("checkbox", "$this->nom[]", $this->oblig);
$html .= $this->fin_ligne ? "<br />" : "&nbsp;";
return $html;
function afficherFormFile() {
$html .= "<input class='form-input' type='file' name='$this->nom' size='$this->ctl_taille1'";
if ($this->taille_max) $html .= " maxlength='$this->ctl_taille2'";
if ($this->descro) $html .= " value='$this->descro' onChange='this.value=\"\"' />";
else $html .= " value='' />";
return $html;
class ClasseFormOption {
var $valeur;
var $selection;
function ClasseFormOption($val, $selec=false) {
$this->valeur = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($val), ENT_QUOTES);
$this->selection = $selec;
function afficherFormSelect() {
echo "<!--Valeur du select='$this->valeur'-->";
if (strpos($this->valeur,':')>0) {
$tab=explode(':', $this->valeur);
$html = '<option value="'.$tab[0] .'"' . ($this->selection ? ' selected>' : '>');
$html .= $tab[1]."</option>\n";
else {
$html = '<option value="'. $this->valeur .'"' . ($this->selection ? ' selected>' : '>');
$html .= "$this->valeur</option>\n";
return $html;
function afficherFormCase($type, $nom, $oblig) {
$html = "<input type='$type' name='$nom' value=\"$this->valeur\"";
$html .= ($this->selection) ? " checked />" : " />";
if ($oblig) $html .= "<span class='form-input-obligatoire'>" . $this->valeur . "<span>";
else $html .= "<span class='form-input-facultatif'>" . $this->valeur . "<span>";
return $html;
function selectionnerSiValeur($valeurs) {
if (is_array($valeurs)) {
if (in_array($this->valeur, $valeurs)) $this->selection = true;
else $this->selection = false;
else if ($this->valeur == $valeurs) $this->selection = true;
else $this->selection = false;
function controlerEmail($valeur) {
if (preg_match("/^[\w|-]+(\.[\w|-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$/", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
function controlerDate($valeur, $pivot) {
if (preg_match("/^(\d{1,2})[\/|\-|\.](\d{1,2})[\/|\-|\.](\d\d)(\d\d)?$/", $valeur, $regs)) {
$jour = ($regs[1] < 10) ? "0".$regs[1] : $regs[1];
$mois = ($regs[2] < 10) ? "0".$regs[2] : $regs[2];
if ($regs[4]) $an = $regs[3] . $regs[4];
else {
if ($pivot) {
if ($regs[3] <= $pivot) $an = $regs[3] + 2000;
else $an = $regs[3] + 1900;
else $an = $regs[3] + 2000;
if (checkdate($mois, $jour, $an)) return true;
else return false;
else return false;
function controlerUrl($valeur) {
if (ereg("^((http|ftp):\/\/)?([0-9a-z_]+[\.\-])+[0-9a-z]+(\/[0-9a-z_]+)*(\/[0-9a-z_]+\.[0-9a-z]+)?$", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
function controlerAlphanum($valeur) {
//if (preg_match("/^[\w|\d|\s|'|\"|\\|,|\.|\-|&|#|;]+$/", $valeur)) return true;
//else return false;
return true;
function controlerNum($valeur, $strict=false) {
if ($strict) {
if (ereg("^[0-9]+$", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
else if (preg_match("/^[\d|\s|\-|\+|E|e|,|\.]+$/", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
function controlerTel($valeur) {
if (preg_match("/^[\d|\s|\-|\.|\(|\)]+$/", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
function champTexteConforme($valeur, $min, $max) {
global $erreur_message;
if ($min && (strlen($valeur) < $min)) return $min . " " . $erreur_message["min"];
else if ($max && (strlen($valeur) > $max)) return $max . " " . $erreur_message["max"];
else if (preg_match('/(.)\1{4,}/', $valeur)) return $erreur_message["texte"];
else return null;
function convertirPost($post) {
$result = array();
foreach ($post as $cle => $valeur) {
if (is_array($valeur)) {
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($valeur);$i++)
$result[$cle][] = stripslashes($valeur[$i]);//htmlspecialchars(, ENT_QUOTES);
else $result[$cle] =stripslashes($valeur);// htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(), ENT_QUOTES);
return $result;

View File

@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
/* */
/* Auteur : Bernard Martin-Rabaud */
/* Email : */
/* */
/* Cette classe permet de : */
/* - créer un formulaire */
/* - le contrôler et l'afficher pour confirmation */
/* - et retourner son contenu */
define("_SEPA_AFFICHE_MULTIPLE", ", ");
define("_SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE", "###");
$erreur_message = array("min" => "caractères minimum",
"max" => "caractères maximum",
"texte" => "texte non valide",
"alphanum" => "texte alphanumérique non valide",
"num" => "valeur numérique non valide",
"num-strict" => "valeur numérique non valide",
"tel" => "numéro de téléphone non valide",
"email" => "e-mail non valide",
"url" => "url non valide",
"date" => "date non valide",
"option" => "aucune option n'a été sélectionnée",
"vide" => "champ obligatoire");
class ClasseForm {
var $titre;
var $montrer_titre;
var $champs;
var $taille_std;
var $pivot_siecle;
var $mode_retour;
var $confirme;
var $mode;
var $champ_cour;
var $log;
function ClasseForm($titre=null, $confirme=false) {
$this->titre = $titre;
$this->montrer_titre = true;
$this->champs = array();
$this->taille_std = null;
$this->pivot_siecle = 20;
$this->mode_retour = "noms & valeurs";
$this->confirme = $confirme;
$this->mode = null;
$this->champ_cour = 0;
$this->log = null;
function afficher() {
$resultat = null;
echo $this->javascriptSubmit();
if (!isset($_POST) || !$_POST || ($_POST["classeform_acces"] == "annuler")) $this->mode = null;
else {
$succes = $this->controler();
if ($succes) $this->mode = $_POST["classeform_acces"];
else $this->mode = "erreur";
switch ($this->mode) {
case "confirme" :
echo $this->afficherTexte();
echo $this->afficherForm(true);
case "modif" :
echo $this->afficherForm();
case "envoi" :
$resultat = $this->retournerTableauValeurs($this->mode_retour);
if ($this->log) $this->enregistrerLog($this->retournerTableauValeurs("valeurs", $resultat));
default :
echo $this->afficherForm();
return $resultat;
function ajoutChamp($label, $nom, $type, $format=null, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null, $defVal='') {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, $type, $format, $oblig, $min, $max, $defVal);
function ajoutChampText($label, $nom, $format=null, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null, $defVal='') {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "text", $format, $oblig, $min, $max, $defVal);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($this->taille_std, 256);
function ajoutChampPassword($label, $nom, $min=null, $max=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "password", "", true, $min, $max);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($this->taille_std, 100);
function ajoutChampTextarea($label, $nom, $format=null, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "textarea", $format, $oblig, $min, $max);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($this->taille_std, 3);
function ajoutChampFile($label, $nom, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "file", "fichier", $oblig, $min, $max);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($this->taille_std, 256);
function ajoutChampSelect($label, $nom, $oblig=true, $taille=null, $multiple=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "select", "", $oblig, null, null);
if ($taille) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($taille, null);
if ($multiple) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valMultiple();
function ajoutChampRadio($label, $nom, $oblig=true, $fin_ligne=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$args = func_get_args();
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "radio", "", $oblig);
if ($fin_ligne) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valFinLigne($fin_ligne);
if (sizeof($args) > 4) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valOptions(array_slice($args, 4));
function ajoutChampCheckbox($label, $nom, $oblig=true, $fin_ligne=null) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$args = func_get_args();
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, "checkbox", "", $oblig);
if ($fin_ligne) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valFinLigne($fin_ligne);
if (sizeof($args) > 4) $this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valOptions(array_slice($args, 4));
function ajoutTexte($texte) {
$this->champ_cour = sizeof($this->champs);
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour] = new ClasseFormChamp($texte, "", "", "", false);
function cacherTitre() {
$this->montrer_titre = false;
function valTailleStd($taille) {
$this->taille_std = $taille;
function valPivotSiecle($pivot) {
$this->pivot_siecle = $pivot;
function valModeRetour($mode) {
$this->mode_retour = $mode;
function valLog($log) {
$this->log = $log;
function valChampFormat($format, $min=null, $max=null) {
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valFormat($format, $min, $max);
function valChampLimites($min, $max=null) {
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valLimites($min, $max);
function valChampCtlLimites($min, $max=null) {
$this->champs[$this->champ_cour]->valCtlLimites($min, $max);
function valChampMultiple() {
function valChampOptions() {
if ((func_num_args() == 1) && is_array(func_get_arg(0))) $args = func_get_arg(0);
else $args = func_get_args();
function valChampDescro($descro) {
function valChampFinLigne($fin_ligne) {
function valChampOption1Vide($option_vide) {
function afficherForm($cache=false) {
$html = "<form method='post' action='javascript:location.href'>\n";
$html .= "<table class='form-table' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' border='0'>\n";
if ($this->titre && $this->montrer_titre && !$cache)
$html .= "<caption class='form-caption'>$this->titre" . (($this->mode == "erreur") ? " <span class='erreur'>(erreurs)</span>" : "") . "</caption>\n";
else if (($this->mode == "erreur"))
$html .= "<caption class='form-caption'><span class='erreur'>(erreurs)</span></caption>\n";
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++) {
if ($cache) $html .= $this->champs[$i]->afficherFormCache();
else $html .= $this->champs[$i]->afficherForm();
if ($valeurs) $html .= $this->afficherBoutonsForm();
else $html .= $this->afficherBoutonsForm();
if ($this->existeChampFacultatif())
$html .= "<tr><td class='form-info-obligatoire' colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
$html .= "</table></form>\n";
return $html;
function afficherBoutonsForm() {
if (($this->mode == null) || ($this->mode == "erreur")) {
if ($this->confirme)
$html = "<tr><td><input type='hidden' name='classeform_acces' value='confirme' /></td>";
else $html = "<tr><td><input type='hidden' name='classeform_acces' value='envoi' /></td>";
else $html = "<tr><td><input type='hidden' name='classeform_acces' /></td>";
$html .= "<td><input class='form-bouton' type='button' value='Envoyer' onClick='soumettre(\"envoi\")'/>";
if ($this->confirme) {
if ($this->mode == "confirme") {
$html .= " <input class='form-bouton' type='button' value='Modifier'";
$html .= " onClick='soumettre(\"modif\")'; />";
else {
$html .= " <input class='form-bouton' type='button' value='Voir avant envoi'";
$html .= " onClick='soumettre(\"confirme\")'; />";
$html .= " <input class='form-bouton' type='reset' value='Annuler' onClick='soumettre(\"annuler\")' /></td></tr>\n";
return $html;
function afficherTexte() {
$html = "<table class='form-table' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' border='0'>\n";
if ($this->titre) $html .= "<caption class='form-caption'>$this->titre</caption>\n";
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++)
$html .= $this->champs[$i]->afficherTexte();
$html .= "</table>\n";
return $html;
function javascriptSubmit() {
$html = "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
$html .= "<!-- \n";
$html .= "function soumettre(acces) { with (document.forms[0]) {";
$html .= "classeform_acces.value=acces; action=location.href; submit();";
$html .= "} }\n";
$html .= "// -->\n";
$html .= "</script>\n";
return $html;
function controler() {
$succes = true;
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++) {
if ($this->champs[$i]->aControler() && ($this->champs[$i]->controler($this->pivot_siecle) == false)) {
$succes = false;
return $succes;
function affecterValeursChamps($valeurs) {
$valeurs = convertirPost($valeurs);
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++)
function retournerTableauValeurs($mode_retour) {
$retour = array();
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++)
{ //echo "------------------------------------\r\n$i : \r\n";
// print_r($this->champs[$i]);
//echo "\r\n\r\n";
$this->champs[$i]->retournerTableauValeurs(&$retour, $mode_retour);}
return $retour;
function envoyerMail() {
$mail = new ClasseMail($this->titre);
$mail->contenu = $this->champs;
return $mail->envoyer($this->cible);
function existeChampFacultatif() {
$ok = false;
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->champs);$i++) {
if ($this->champs[$i]->type && !$this->champs[$i]->valObligatoire()) {
$ok = true;
return $ok;
function enregistrerLog($valeurs, $resultat) {
if ($f = fopen($this->log, "a")) {
$texte = ($resultat ? "" : "ECHEC ") . "[ " . date("d/mY H:i:s") . " ] - ";
$texte .= $this->titre ? "$this->titre - " : "";
$texte .= $valeurs;
fputs($f, $texte);
class ClasseFormChamp {
var $label;
var $nom;
var $type;
var $format;
var $oblig;
var $taille_max;
var $taille_min;
var $valeur;
var $options;
var $descro;
var $multiple;
var $fonction;
var $ctl_taille1;
var $ctl_taille2;
var $fin_ligne;
var $erreur;
var $valeur_defaut;
var $valeur_db;
function ClasseFormChamp($label, $nom, $type=null, $format=null, $oblig=true, $min=null, $max=null, $valDef='') {
$this->label = $label;
$this->nom = $nom;
$this->type = $type;
$this->format = $format;
$this->taille_min = $min;
$this->taille_max = $max;
$this->oblig = $oblig;
if (($type == "select") || ($type == "checkbox") || ($type == "radio")) {
$this->valeur = array();
$this->options = array();
else {
$this->valeur = null;
$this->options = null;
$this->descro = null;
if ($type == "checkbox") $this->multiple = true;
else $this->multiple = false;
$this->fonction = null;
$this->ctl_taille1 = null;
$this->ctl_taille2 = null;
$this->fin_ligne = null;
$this->erreur = null;
$this->valeur_defaut = $valDef;
function valObligatoire() {
if ($this->oblig) return true;
else return false;
function valFormat($format, $long_min=null, $long_max=null) {
if ($this->type == "text") {
$this->format = $format;
if ($long_min) $this->taille_min = $long_min;
if ($long_max) $this->taille_max = $long_max;
function valLimites($min, $max) {
if (($this->type == "text") || ($this->type == "password") || ($this->type == "textarea") || ($this->type == "file")) {
$this->taille_min = $min;
$this->taille_max = $max;
function valCtlLimites($taille1, $taille2) {
if (($this->type == "text") || ($this->type == "password") || ($this->type == "textarea") || ($this->type == "select") || ($this->type == "file")) {
$this->ctl_taille1 = $taille1;
if ($taille2 && ($this->type != "select")) $this->ctl_taille2 = $taille2;
function valFonction($fonction) {
$this->fonction = $fonction;
function valDescro($descro) {
if (($this->type == "text") || ($this->type == "password") || ($this->type == "textarea") || ($this->type == "file")) {
$this->descro = $descro;
function valMultiple() {
if ($this->type == "select") $this->multiple = true;
function valFinLigne($fin_ligne) {
if (($this->type == "radio") || ($this->type == "checkbox")) $this->fin_ligne = $fin_ligne;
function valOptions($options) {
if ($this->champAOptions()) {
if (is_array($options)) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
if (preg_match("/^s[e|é]lection\s?=\s?(.+)$/", $option, $regs))
$this->options[] = new ClasseFormOption($regs[1], true);
else $this->options[] = new ClasseFormOption($option);
else {
if (preg_match("/^s[e|é]lection\s?=\s?(.+)$/", $options, $regs))
$this->options[] = new ClasseFormOption($regs[1], true);
else $this->options[] = new ClasseFormOption($options);
function ValOption1Vide($option_vide) {
if ($this->type == "select") $this->fin_ligne = $option_vide;
function afficherForm() {
if (!$this->type) $html = "<tr><td class='form-label' colspan='2'>$this->label</td></tr>";
else {
if (!is_null($this->erreur))
$html = "<tr><td class='form-label-erreur'> > $this->label (<font size='-2'>$this->erreur</font>)</td>";
else if ($this->oblig) $html = "<tr><td class='form-label-obligatoire'>$this->label</td>";
else $html .= "<tr><td class='form-label-facultatif'>$this->label</td>";
$html .= "<td class='form-td'>";
switch ($this->type) {
case "text" : $html .= $this->afficherFormTexte();
case "password" : $html .= $this->afficherFormPassword();
case "textarea" : $html .= $this->afficherFormTextarea();
case "select" : $html .= $this->afficherFormSelect();
case "radio" : $html .= $this->afficherFormRadio();
case "checkbox" : $html .= $this->afficherFormCheckbox();
case "file" : $html .= $this->afficherFormFile();
$html .= "</td></tr>\n";
return $html;
function afficherFormCache() {
$html = "<input type='hidden' name='$this->nom'";
if (is_array($this->valeur)) {
$chaine = implode(_SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE, $this->valeur);
$html .= " value='" . $chaine . "' />\n";
else $html .= " value='" . $this->valeur . "' />\n";
return $html;
function afficherTexte() {
$html = "<tr><td class='form-label'>$this->label</td><td class='form-td'>";
if (is_array($this->valeur)) {
$chaine = implode(_SEPA_AFFICHE_MULTIPLE, $this->valeur);
$html .= $chaine;
else $html .= $this->valeur;
$html .= "</td></tr>\n";
return $html;
function champAOptions() {
if (($this->type == "select") || ($this->type == "checkbox") || ($this->type == "radio")) return true;
else return false;
function controler($pivot=null) {
global $erreur_message;
if ($this->type) {
if (($this->type == "text") || ($this->type == "password") || ($this->type == "textarea") || ($this->type == "file")) {
if (is_null($this->erreur)) return true;
else return false;
else if (($this->type == "select") || ($this->type == "radio")) {
if (!$this->valeur || (sizeof($this->valeur) == 0)) {
$this->erreur = $erreur_message["option"];
return false;
else return true;
else return true;
else return true;
function aControler() {
if ($this->type && $this->oblig) return true;
else return false;
function retournerTableauValeurs(&$tableau, $mode_retour) {
if (is_array($this->valeur)) {$valeur = implode(_SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE, $this->valeur);
die('Cas non géré dans inc_classeform.php');
else $valeur = $this->valeur_db;
switch ($mode_retour) {
case "noms & valeurs" :
$tableau[$this->nom] = $valeur;
case "labels & valeurs" :
$tableau[$this->label] = $valeur;
case "valeurs" :
$tableau[] = $valeur;
function affecterValeur($valeurs) {
$valeur = $valeurs[$this->nom];
if ($this->champAOptions()) {
if (strpos($valeur, _SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE) !== false)
$this->valeur = explode(_SEPA_VALEUR_MULTIPLE, $valeur);
else $this->valeur = $valeur;
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->options);$i++)
else $this->valeur = $valeur;
function controlerChampTexte($pivot) {
global $erreur_message;
if (trim($this->valeur) == "") $this->erreur = $erreur_message["vide"];
else {
$this->erreur = champTexteConforme($this->valeur, $this->taille_min, $this->taille_max);
if (is_null($this->erreur) && $this->format) {
switch ($this->format) {
case "alphanum" :
if (!controlerAlphanum($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["alphanum"];
case "num" :
if (!controlerNum($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["num"];
case "num-strict" :
if (!controlerNum($this->valeur, true)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["num"];
case "tel" :
if (!controlerTel($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["tel"];
case "email" :
if (!controlerEmail($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["email"];
case "date" :
if (!controlerDate($this->valeur, $pivot)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["date"];
else $this->valeur_db=substr($this->valeur,6,4).'-'.substr($this->valeur,3,2).'-'.substr($this->valeur,0,2);
case "url" :
if (!controlerUrl($this->valeur)) $this->erreur = $erreur_message["url"];
function afficherFormTexte() {
$html .= "<input class='form-input' type='text' name='$this->nom' size='$this->ctl_taille1' ";
if ($this->ctl_taille2) $html .= " maxlength='$this->ctl_taille2'";
if ($this->valeur) $html .= " value='" . $this->valeur . "' />";
else if ($this->valeur_defaut) $html .= " value='" . $this->valeur_defaut . "' />";
else if ($this->descro) { $html .= " value='" . htmlentities(stripslashes($this->descro), ENT_QUOTES) . "'";
$html .= " onFocus='this.value=\"\"' />";
else $html .= " value='' />";
return $html;
function afficherFormPassword() {
$html .= "<input class='form-input' type='password' name='$this->nom' size='$this->ctl_taille1'";
if ($this->ctl_taille2) $html .= " maxlength='$this->ctl_taille2'";
if ($this->valeur) $html .= " value='" . $this->valeur . "' />";
else if ($this->descro) {
$html .= " value='" . htmlentities(stripslashes($this->descro), ENT_QUOTES) . "'";
$html .= " onFocus='this.value=\"\"' />";
else $html .= " value='' />";
return $html;
function afficherFormTextarea() {
$html .= "<textarea class='form-input' name='$this->nom' cols='$this->ctl_taille1'";
if ($this->ctl_taille2) $html .= " rows='$this->ctl_taille2'";
else if ($this->taille_max) {
$rows = ceil($this->taille_max / $taille_std);
$html .= " rows='$rows'";
else $html .= " rows='3'";
if ((trim($this->valeur) == "") || $this->descro) $html .= " onFocus='this.value=\"\"'>";
else $html .= ">";
if (trim($this->valeur)) $html .= $this->valeur;
else if ($this->descro) $html .= htmlentities(stripslashes($this->descro), ENT_QUOTES);
$html .= "</textarea>";
return $html;
function afficherFormSelect() {
$html = "<select name='$this->nom" . ($this->multiple ? "[]'" : "'");
if ($this->fin_ligne && $this->multiple)
$html .= " size='" . (($this->ctl_taille1 >= 2) ? $this->ctl_taille1 : 2 ) . "'";
else $html .= " size='" . ($this->ctl_taille1 ? $this->ctl_taille1 : 1) . "'";
$html .= $this->multiple ? " multiple>\n" : ">\n";
if ($this->fin_ligne) {
$html .= "<option class='form-option-entete' value=''>$this->fin_ligne</option>\n";
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->options);$i++)
$html .= $this->options[$i]->afficherFormSelect();
$html .= "</select>\n";
return $html;
function afficherFormRadio() {
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->options);$i++) {
$html .= $this->options[$i]->afficherFormCase("radio", $this->nom, $this->oblig);
$html .= $this->fin_ligne ? "<br />" : "&nbsp;";
return $html;
function afficherFormCheckbox() {
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->options);$i++) {
$html .= $this->options[$i]->afficherFormCase("checkbox", "$this->nom[]", $this->oblig);
$html .= $this->fin_ligne ? "<br />" : "&nbsp;";
return $html;
function afficherFormFile() {
$html .= "<input class='form-input' type='file' name='$this->nom' size='$this->ctl_taille1'";
if ($this->taille_max) $html .= " maxlength='$this->ctl_taille2'";
if ($this->descro) $html .= " value='$this->descro' onChange='this.value=\"\"' />";
else $html .= " value='' />";
return $html;
class ClasseFormOption {
var $valeur;
var $selection;
function ClasseFormOption($val, $selec=false) {
$this->valeur = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($val), ENT_QUOTES);
$this->selection = $selec;
function afficherFormSelect() {
$html = "<option value='$this->valeur'" . ($this->selection ? " selected>" : ">");
$html .= "$this->valeur</option>\n";
return $html;
function afficherFormCase($type, $nom, $oblig) {
$html = "<input type='$type' name='$nom' value='$this->valeur'";
$html .= ($this->selection) ? " checked />" : " />";
if ($oblig) $html .= "<span class='form-input-obligatoire'>" . $this->valeur . "<span>";
else $html .= "<span class='form-input-facultatif'>" . $this->valeur . "<span>";
return $html;
function selectionnerSiValeur($valeurs) {
if (is_array($valeurs)) {
if (in_array($this->valeur, $valeurs)) $this->selection = true;
else $this->selection = false;
else if ($this->valeur == $valeurs) $this->selection = true;
else $this->selection = false;
function controlerEmail($valeur) {
if (preg_match("/^[\w|-]+(\.[\w|-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$/", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
function controlerDate($valeur, $pivot) {
if (preg_match("/^(\d{1,2})[\/|\-|\.](\d{1,2})[\/|\-|\.](\d\d)(\d\d)?$/", $valeur, $regs)) {
$jour = ($regs[1] < 10) ? "0".$regs[1] : $regs[1];
$mois = ($regs[2] < 10) ? "0".$regs[2] : $regs[2];
if ($regs[4]) $an = $regs[3] . $regs[4];
else {
if ($pivot) {
if ($regs[3] <= $pivot) $an = $regs[3] + 2000;
else $an = $regs[3] + 1900;
else $an = $regs[3] + 2000;
if (checkdate($mois, $jour, $an)) return true;
else return false;
else return false;
function controlerUrl($valeur) {
if (ereg("^((http|ftp):\/\/)?([0-9a-z_]+[\.\-])+[0-9a-z]+(\/[0-9a-z_]+)*(\/[0-9a-z_]+\.[0-9a-z]+)?$", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
function controlerAlphanum($valeur) {
if (preg_match("/^[\w|\d|\s|'|\"|\\|,|\.|\-|&|#|;]+$/", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
function controlerNum($valeur, $strict=false) {
if ($strict) {
if (ereg("^[0-9]+$", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
else if (preg_match("/^[\d|\s|\-|\+|E|e|,|\.]+$/", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
function controlerTel($valeur) {
if (preg_match("/^[\d|\s|\-|\.|\(|\)]+$/", $valeur)) return true;
else return false;
function champTexteConforme($valeur, $min, $max) {
global $erreur_message;
if ($min && (strlen($valeur) < $min)) return $min . " " . $erreur_message["min"];
else if ($max && (strlen($valeur) > $max)) return $max . " " . $erreur_message["max"];
else if (preg_match('/(.)\1{4,}/', $valeur)) return $erreur_message["texte"];
else return null;
function convertirPost($post) {
$result = array();
foreach ($post as $cle => $valeur) {
if (is_array($valeur)) {
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($valeur);$i++)
$result[$cle][] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($valeur[$i]), ENT_QUOTES);
else $result[$cle] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($valeur), ENT_QUOTES);
return $result;

View File

@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
class ICotation {
var $reTrtAuto;
var $tabBilan;
var $tabNotation;
var $tabLibActivite;
var $tabActivite;
var $tabR;
function ICotation ($tabBilan, $retraitementAutomatique=true) {
$this->reTrtAuto = $retraitementAutomatique;
$this->tabBilan = $tabBilan;
include ('');
function calculProvisionsPourRisque () {
if ( !$this->reTrtAuto )
return $this->tabBilan['DP'] + $this->tabBilan['DQ'] - $this->tabBilan['X04'];
return (1/2*$this->tabBilan['DP'])+(1/2*$this->tabBilan['DQ']);
function calculEBE () {
return $this->tabBilan['FC'] + $this->tabBilan['FF'] + $this->tabBilan['FI'] + $this->tabBilan['FOB']
+ $this->tabBilan['FM'] + $this->tabBilan['FN'] - $this->tabBilan['FC'] + $this->tabBilan['FC']
- ( $this->tabBilan['FS'] + $this->tabBilan['FT'] + $this->tabBilan['FU'] + $this->tabBilan['FV'] )
- ( $this->tabBilan['FW'] - $this->tabBilan['HP'] - $this->tabBilan['HQ'] - $this->tabBilan['HP2'] - $this->tabBilan['HQ2'] )
- $this->tabBilan['FX'] - ( $this->tabBilan['FY'] + $this->tabBilan['FZ'] ) + ( $this->tabBilan['FO'] - $this->tabBilan['FOB'] ) ;
function calculChiffreAffaires () {
return $this->tabBilan['FC']
+ $this->tabBilan['FF']
+ $this->tabBilan['FI']
+ $this->tabBilan['FO']
- $this->tabBilan['FOB'] ;
function calculMargeCommerciale () {
return $this->tabBilan['FC'] - ( $this->tabBilan['FS'] + $this->tabBilan['FT'] ) ;
function calculProduction () {
return $this->tabBilan['FF'] + $this->tabBilan['FI'] + $this->tabBilan['FM'] + $this->tabBilan['FN'] ;
function calculValeurAjoutee () {
return $this->calculMargeCommerciale() + $this->calculProduction()
- ( $this->tabBilan['FU'] + $this->tabBilan['FV'] + $this->tabBilan['FW'] ) ;
function calculEBEnonCASA () {
return $this->calculValeurAjoutee() + $this->tabBilan['FO'] - $this->tabBilan['FX'] - ( $this->tabBilan['FY'] + $this->tabBilan['FZ'] ) ;
function calculFondsPropresNetsCorriges() {
return $this->tabBilan['DA'] + $this->tabBilan['DC'] + $this->tabBilan['DB'] + $this->tabBilan['DD'] + $this->tabBilan['DE'] + $this->tabBilan['DF'] + $this->tabBilan['DG'] + $this->tabBilan['DK'] - (1/3*$this->tabBilan['X01'])
+ $this->tabBilan['DH'] + $this->tabBilan['DI'] + $this->tabBilan['DJ']
- $this->tabBilan['CL'] - $this->tabBilan['AB'] + $this->tabBilan['AC'] - $this->tabBilan['AA'] - $this->tabBilan['CB'] + $this->tabBilan['CC'] - $this->tabBilan['X02'] - $this->tabBilan['CM'] - $this->tabBilan['CN']
+ $this->tabBilan['DM'] + $this->tabBilan['DN']
- $this->tabBilan['X03'] + $this->calculProvisionsPourRisque() - $this->tabBilan['RAD'] ;
function calculDettesFinancieresBancairesBrutes () {
return $this->tabBilan['DS'] - $this->tabBilan['CM1'] + $this->tabBilan['EI'] - $this->tabBilan['CM2']
+ $this->tabBilan['DT'] - $this->tabBilan['CM3'] + $this->tabBilan['DU'] - $this->tabBilan['EH']
+ (3/4*$this->tabBilan['YQ']) + (2/3*$this->tabBilan['YR'])
+ (3/4*$this->tabBilan['YQ2']) + (2/3*$this->tabBilan['YR2'])
+ $this->tabBilan['DV'] - $this->tabBilan['EI'] - $this->tabBilan['DVI1'] - $this->tabBilan['CM2']
+ $this->tabBilan['YS'] + $this->tabBilan['X08']
+ $this->tabBilan['EH'] + $this->tabBilan['VI1'] - ( $this->tabBilan['X20'] + $this->tabBilan['X21'] ) ;
function noteCapitalisation () {
if ( !$this->reTrtAuto ) {
$autresDettesExploit = $this->tabBilan['EA'] - $this->tabBilan['EAVI1'] - $this->tabBilan['EAB'] + $this->tabBilan['EB'] + $this->tabBilan['X01'] + $this->tabBilan['X04'] ;
$dettesFiscalesSociales = $this->tabBilan['DY'] - $this->tabBilan['DYA'];
} else {
$autresDettesExploit = $this->tabBilan['EA'] - $this->tabBilan['EAVI1'] - $this->tabBilan['EAB'] + $this->tabBilan['EB'] + $this->tabBilan['X01'] + 2/3*((1/2*$this->tabBilan['DP'])+(1/2*$this->tabBilan['DQ']));
$dettesFiscalesSociales = $this->tabBilan['DY'] + 1/3*((1/2*$this->tabBilan['DP'])+(1/2*$this->tabBilan['DQ'])) - $this->tabBilan['DYA'] ;
$numerateur = $this->calculFondsPropresNetsCorriges();
$denominateur = $numerateur + $this->tabBilan['DS'] - $this->tabBilan['CM1'] + $this->tabBilan['EI'] - $this->tabBilan['CM2'] + $this->tabBilan['DU'] - $this->tabBilan['EH']
+ $this->tabBilan['DV'] - $this->tabBilan['DVI1'] - $this->tabBilan['EI'] + $this->tabBilan['DT'] - $this->tabBilan['CM3'] + 3/4*$this->tabBilan['YQ'] + 2/3*$this->tabBilan['YR']
+ 3/4*$this->tabBilan['YQ2'] + 2/3*$this->tabBilan['YR2']
+ $this->tabBilan['DW'] + $this->tabBilan['DX'] + $dettesFiscalesSociales
+ $autresDettesExploit + $this->tabBilan['DZ'] + $this->tabBilan['DIA'] + $this->tabBilan['ED'] + $this->tabBilan['EAB'] + $this->tabBilan['DYA']
+ $this->tabBilan['EH'] + $this->tabBilan['YS'] + $this->tabBilan['VI1'];
// + $this->tabBilan['X08']
// - $this->tabBilan['X20'] + $this->tabBilan['YS'] - $this->tabBilan['X08'];
if ($denominateur==0)
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur*100,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>0);
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur* 100,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>($numerateur* 100)/$denominateur);
function noteLevierEndettement () {
$numerateur = $this->calculDettesFinancieresBancairesBrutes();
$denominateur = $this->calculFondsPropresNetsCorriges();
if ($denominateur==0)
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>0);
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>$numerateur/$denominateur);
function noteCapaciteRemboursement () {
$numerateur = $this->calculDettesFinancieresBancairesBrutes();
$denominateur = $this->calculEBE();
if ($denominateur==0)
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>0);
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>$numerateur/$denominateur);
function noteCouvChargesFi () {
$numerateur = $this->calculEBE();
$denominateur = $this->tabBilan['GR'] + ( 1/4*$this->tabBilan['HP'] + 1/3*$this->tabBilan['HQ'] )
+ ( 1/4*$this->tabBilan['HP2'] + 1/3*$this->tabBilan['HQ2'] )
+ $this->tabBilan['GS']
+ $this->tabBilan['GT']
- $this->tabBilan['GJ']
- $this->tabBilan['GK']
- $this->tabBilan['GL']
- $this->tabBilan['GN']
- $this->tabBilan['GO']
- $this->tabBilan['GH']
+ $this->tabBilan['GI'] ;
if ($denominateur==0)
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>0);
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>$numerateur/$denominateur);
function noteTresorerie () {
$numerateur = $this->tabBilan['CD'] - $this->tabBilan['CE'] + $this->tabBilan['CF'] - $this->tabBilan['CG']
- $this->tabBilan['EH'] - ( $this->tabBilan['YS'] + $this->tabBilan['X08'] ) ;
$denominateur = $this->calculChiffreAffaires();
if ($denominateur==0)
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur*360,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>0);
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur*360,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>$numerateur*360/$denominateur);
function noteMargeExploitation () {
$numerateur = $this->calculEBE();
$denominateur = $this->calculChiffreAffaires();
if ($denominateur==0)
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur*100,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>0);
return array('NUMERATEUR'=>$numerateur*100,'DENOMINATEUR'=>$denominateur,'NOTE'=>$numerateur*100/$denominateur);
function getSecteurActivite($naf) {
while (strlen($naf) > 1)
for ($i=1; $i<$nbSecteurs; $i++)
for ($j=0; isset($this->tabActivite[$i][$j]); $j++)
if ($this->tabActivite[$i][$j]==$naf)
// echo 'NAF '.$naf.' TROUVÉ !<br>';
return $i;
// echo 'NAF '.$naf.' non trouvé !<br>';
return 17; // Secteur d'activité par défaut si non trouvé
function getBorne($note, $borne, $secteur) {
// print_array($this->tabR[$borne][$secteur],0);
for ($j=0; $j<10; $j++)
if ($tabMinMax[0]!='') $min=$tabMinMax[0];
else $min=-1E99;
if ($tabMinMax[1]!='') $max=$tabMinMax[1];
else $max=1E99;
if ( ( $note>$min && $note<=$max ) )
// echo "TROUVE ++++ $note > ".$tabMinMax[0]." et $note <= ". $tabMinMax[1].'<br/>';
if ($j==0) return 3;
elseif ($j<4) return $j+4;
else return $j*2+1;
// echo "NOK $note < ".$tabMinMax[0]." ou $note > ". $tabMinMax[1].'<br/>';
return 3; // On retourne la plus basse note par défaut
function getNoteBorne($note, $borne, $secteur, $numerateur, $denominateur) {
$noteBorneBrute=$this->getBorne($note, $borne, $secteur);
case 1:
if ($numerateur<0) return 3;
else return $noteBorneBrute;
case 2:
if ($numerateur==0) return 19;
else return $noteBorneBrute;
case 3:
if ($numerateur==0 && $denominateur>0) return 19;
elseif ($denominateur<0) return 3;
else return $noteBorneBrute;
case 4:
if ($note<0) return 19;
else return $noteBorneBrute;
return $noteBorneBrute;
function getNotationFin ($coteMoy) {
if( $coteMoy > 18.5 )
return 'A';
elseif( $coteMoy > 16 )
return 'B+';
elseif( $coteMoy > 14 )
return 'B';
elseif( $coteMoy > 12.5 )
return 'C+';
elseif( $coteMoy > 11 )
return 'C';
elseif( $coteMoy > 10 )
return 'C-';
elseif( $coteMoy > 9 )
return 'D+';
elseif( $coteMoy > 8 )
return 'D';
elseif( $coteMoy > 7 )
return 'D-';
elseif( $coteMoy > 6 )
return 'E+';
elseif( $coteMoy > 4.5 )
return 'E';
elseif( $coteMoy > 3 )
return 'E-';
return 'E--';
function getInfosNotation ($notation, $csv=false) {
if ($csv) {
$str =$this->tabNotation[$notation][1].';'.
return $str;
} else {
$str ='Notation : '. $this->tabNotation[$notation][0]."\r\n";
$str.='Equivalence BDF : '. $this->tabNotation[$notation][1]."\r\n";
$str.='Grades Moody\'s : '. $this->tabNotation[$notation][2]."\r\n";
$str.='Grades S&P : '. $this->tabNotation[$notation][3]."\r\n";
$str.='Probabilité de défaillance : '. $this->tabNotation[$notation][4]." %\r\n";
return $str;

View File

@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
/** Parse une page Html et retourne son contenu dans un tableau :
** "code" => Code réponse Serveur
** "header" => Headers du serveur
** "body" => Page HTML
function parse_response($this_response) {
// Split response into header and body sections
list($response_headers, $response_body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $this_response, 2);
$response_header_lines = explode("\r\n", $response_headers);
// First line of headers is the HTTP response code
$http_response_line = array_shift($response_header_lines);
if(preg_match('@^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] ([0-9]{3})@',$http_response_line, $matches)) { $response_code = $matches[1]; }
// put the rest of the headers in an array
$response_header_array = array();
foreach($response_header_lines as $header_line)
list($header,$value) = explode(': ', $header_line, 2);
if ($header=='Set-cookie' && substr($value,0,5)=='RMID=' && $nbRMID<5)//{
// echo ("Je gicle le RMID n°$nbRMID\r\n");}
$response_header_array[$header] .= $value."\n";
return array('code' => $response_code, 'header' => $response_header_array, 'body' => $response_body);
/** Récupère une page HTML en fonction des paramètres :
** $url Url distante de la page à récupérer
** $strCookies Chaine de caractère contenant les cookies
** $postData Tableau des données à passer en POST uniquement
** $referer Referer à indiquer lors de l'appel de la page
** $debug Activer le débogage (True/False)
** ... et retourne son contenu dans un tableau :
** "code" => Code réponse Serveur
** "header" => Headers du serveur
** "body" => Page HTML
function getUrl($url, $strCookies='', $postData='', $referer='', $debug=false, $host='') {
$ch = curl_init();
if ($host=='')
$this_header = array('Host: '. HOST_INSEE);
$this_header = array('Host: '. $host);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, '');
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, 'username:password'); // Pas nécessaire en authentification NT
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1);
$user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer);
// Add each cookie that has been returned in the response
// If cookies need to be added/deleted or value changed, then add code here
if ($strCookies!='') {
//echo $strCookies."\r\n";
$cookies = explode("\n", $strCookies);
// Create the basic header
foreach($cookies as $this_cookie) {
if (trim($this_cookie)<>'')
array_push($this_header, 'Cookie: '.$this_cookie);
if ($postData!='') {
if (is_array($postData))
foreach ($post_data as $k=>$v)
$o.= "$k=".utf8_encode($v)."&";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
//if in_array('',$this_header
/*array_push($this_header, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
array_push($this_header, "Content-Length: 44");*/
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this_header);
$response = parse_response($page);
if ($debug){
$url2=str_replace('http://', '', $url);
$url2=str_replace('/', '_', $url2);
$url2=str_replace('?', '(param)', $url2);
$url2=str_replace('&', '(et)', $url2);
$fp=fopen('/var/www/_includes/partenaires/insee/'. date('Ymd-His') .'-'. microtime_float(true) .'-'. $url2 . '.html', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $url."\r\n");
fwrite($fp, $page);
//echo strip_tags(html_entity_decode($response['body']), '<td>');
return $response;
/**Verification de la validité des données pour la demande*/
function valideData($variable, $taille_min, $taille_max, $type_variable, $erreur=false){
if ( strlen((string)$variable) < $taille_min )
return $erreur;
if ( strlen((string)$variable) > $taille_max )
return $erreur;
if ( $type_variable == 'A' )
if ( is_string($variable) == true )
return true;
return $erreur;
elseif ( $type_variable == 'N')
for ($i=0; $i < strlen((string)$variable); $i++)
$car = substr((string)$variable,$i,1);
if ($car<'0' || $car>'9')
return $erreur;
return true;
return $erreur;
/** Test de la validité du siren demandé */
function valideSiren($siren, $nic='', $erreur=false) {
if (!valideData($siren, 9, 9,'N')) //Siren non précisé ou incorrect.
return $erreur;
if (!isset($nic) || trim($nic)=='')
for ($i=0; $i<=8; $i+=2) // Traitement IMPAIR
for ($i=1; $i<=7; $i+=2)
{ // Traitement PAIR
if ((integer)($somme/10)!=($somme/10))
{ // Le Siren est faux
if (substr($siren,0,3)!='200') // Les siren débutant par 200 sont toujours valides (sirens provisoires de la BDF?!)
return $erreur;
} else {
if (!valideData($nic,1,5,'N')) // Nic de format incorrect.
return $erreur;
for ($i=0; $i<=12; $i+=2)
{ // Traitement PAIR
for ($i=1; $i<=13; $i+=2) // Traitement IMPAIR
if ((integer)($somme/10)!=($somme/10))// Le Siret est faux
return $erreur;
return true;
function rechercheTelephone($raisonSociale='', $adresse='', $localite='', $departement='', $activite='') {
$response1=getUrl(SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', '', '', '', true, HOST_PJ);
$SESSION_ID=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<input type="hidden" name="SESSION_ID" value="', ' value="', '">');
$VID=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<input type="hidden" name="VID" value="', ' value="', '">');
$e_cookie=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<noscript><img ALT="" src="', 'src="', '" BORDER=0 width=1 height=1></noscript>');
$response=getUrl(SITE_PJ.'files/look2002/FR/commun/pji.css', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl(SITE_PJ.'files/look2002/FR/commun/pji_PJ.css', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl(SITE_PJ.'files/look2002/FR/commun/script_open.js', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl(SITE_PJ.'files/look2002/FR/commun/alerte.js', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl(SITE_PJ.'files/look2002/FR/commun/script_VED.js', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl(SITE_PJ.'sitecrm/popup.js', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl('', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl(SITE_PJ.'files/look2002/FR/commun/script_VED.js', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl('', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl('', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl('', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl('', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl('', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response=getUrl('', '', '', SITE_PJ.'pj.cgi?', false, HOST_PJ);
$response2=getUrl($e_cookie, $response1['header']['Set-cookie'], '', SITE_PJ, true, HOST_PJ);
$cookies=$response1['header']['Set-cookie'] . $response2['header']['Set-Cookie'];
// Requête d'interrogation
$response=getUrl(SITE_PJ, $cookies, $postData, SITE_PJ, true, HOST_PJ);
if (count($tabNT=getTabListeNonTrouve($pageHtml))>0)
// Pas de réponses pour ces critères
// Il faut élargir la recherche !
$NEW_DEPARTEMENT=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<input type="hidden" name="NEW_DEPARTEMENT" value="', 'value="', '">');
$OBJ_GEO=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<input type=hidden name=OBJ_GEO value="', 'value="', '">');
elseif (count($tabGU=getTabListeGU($pageHtml))>0)
// Plusieurs Adresses possibles pour l'adresse donnée
// print_r($tabGU);
$input_image=getBonneAdresse($adresse, $tabGU);
$VALID_ARR=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<input type=hidden name=VALID_ARR value="', 'value="', '">');
$NUM_RUE=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<input type=hidden name=NUM_RUE value="', 'value="', '">');
if ($input_image<>'') {
$CODE_LOC_INFO_VILLE=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<input type="hidden" name="CODE_LOC_INFO_VILLE" value="', 'value="', '">');
'GEO_DEP'=>'', // New
'input_image'=>$input_image,// diff
'INFO_VILLE'=>'oui', // non dans la recherche préc.
'SAV_ADRESSE'=>$adresse, //
'SAV_LOCALITE'=>$localite, // New
'SAV_DEPARTEMENT'=>$departement, //
$response=getUrl(SITE_PJ, $cookies, $postData, SITE_PJ, true, HOST_PJ);
$nbReponses=trim(getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<tr><td align="left" class=txtrequetetotal valign=middle nowrap><b>', '<b>', 'r&eacute;ponse(s)</b></td>'));
if (count($tabRep)==$nbReponses)
return $tabRep;
return false;
function getTabResponses($pageHtml) {
$tabRepTmp=explode ('class=fdinscr', $pageHtml);
foreach($tabRepTmp as $key => $value)
if ($key>0) {
$raisonSociale=getTextInHtml($value, 'class=fdrsinscr', '<b>', '</b>');
$ligneAdresse=html_entity_decode(getTextInHtml($value, '<td align="left" class=txtinscr ><b>', '<b>', '|'));
$tabligneAdresse=explode('<br>', $ligneAdresse);
$dispoPlan =(bool)(strpos($value, '<b>Plan</b>'));
$dispoIti =(bool)(strpos($value, '<b>Itin&eacute;raire</b>'));
$dispoPhoto =(bool)(strpos($value, '<b>Photo</b>'));
$dispoWeb =(bool)(strpos($value, '<b>Site</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'));
$lienWeb=getTextInHtml($value, '<a target="_blank" href="', 'href="', '" ');
$page=getUrl($lienWeb, '', '', '', true);
/*echo "Enreg n°$key : RS='$raisonSociale'\r\n";
echo "Enreg n°$key : Adresse1='$ligneAdresse1'\r\n";
echo "Enreg n°$key : Adresse2='$ligneAdresse2'\r\n";
echo "Enreg n°$key : Plan ?='$dispoPlan'\r\n";
echo "Enreg n°$key : Itineraire ?='$dispoIti'\r\n";
echo "Enreg n°$key : Photo ?='$dispoPhoto'\r\n";
echo "Enreg n°$key : Web ?='$dispoWeb'\r\n";
echo "Enreg n°$key : Site WEB='$lienWeb'\r\n\r\n";*/
array_push($tabRep, array( 'raisonSociale' =>$raisonSociale,
'AdresseLigne1' =>$ligneAdresse1,
'AdresseLigne2' =>$ligneAdresse2,
'Dispo_Plan' =>$dispoPlan,
'Dispo_Iti' =>$dispoIti,
'Dispo_Photo' =>$dispoPhoto,
'Dispo_Web' =>$dispoWeb,
'LienWeb' =>$lienWeb));
return $tabRep;
function getBonneAdresse($adresse, $tabGU) {
// tableau de mots à vérifier
$words = array_keys($tabGU);
// aucune distance de trouvée pour le moment
$shortest = -1;
// boucle sur les des mots pour trouver le plus près
foreach ($words as $word) {
// calcule la distance avec le mot mis en entrée,
// et le mot courant
$lev = levenshtein($adresse, $word);
// cherche une correspondance exacte
if ($lev == 0) {
// le mot le plus près est celui-ci (correspondance exacte)
$closest = $word;
$shortest = 0;
// on sort de la boucle ; nous avons trouvé une correspondance exacte
// Si la distance est plus petite que la prochaine distance trouvée
// OU, si le prochain mot le plus près n'a pas encore été trouvé
if ($lev <= $shortest || $shortest < 0) {
// définission du mot le plus près ainsi que la distance
$closest = $word;
$shortest = $lev;
echo "Mot entré : $adresse\n";
if ($shortest == 0) {
echo "Correspondance exacte trouvée : $closest\n";
} else {
echo "Vous voulez dire : $closest ?\n";
return $tabGU[$closest];

View File

@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
class Insee {
function getDataEtablissement($pageHtml)
global $libelleErreur;
// On recherche si on est sur un établissement siège ou secondaire
$pos=strpos($pageHtml, '<table cols="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFCC33" align="left"><font face="Arial" size="2"><B>Fiche Etablissement</B>');
if ($pos>0)
$pos=strpos($pageHtml, '<table cols="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFCC33" align="left"><font face="Arial" size="2"><B>Fiche siège</B>');
if ($pos>0)
// Recherche Dernière MAJ / Activité
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, '<font face="Arial" size="2">(dernière mise à jour :');
if ($pos>0) {
$tabRet['dateMAJ']=substr($responseSiege, $pos+51, 10);
} else {
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, '<font face="Arial" size="2">Absence&nbsp;d\'activité notée&nbsp;le&nbsp;:&nbsp;');
if ($pos>0) $tabRet['dateAbsActivite']=substr($responseSiege, $pos+78, 10);
else {
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, '<font face="Arial" size="2">Absence&nbsp;d\'activité');
if ($pos>0) $tabRet['dateAbsActivite']='';
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, ' size="-1"> <B>n°&nbsp;SIRET&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
$tabRet['siret']=str_replace(' ', '', html_entity_decode(substr($responseSiege, $pos+97, 32)));
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, 'size="-1"> <B>Date&nbsp;de&nbsp;création&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
if ($pos>0) {
$posFin=strpos($responseSiege, '</font>', $pos+109);
$tabRet['dateCreation']=str_replace(' ', '', html_entity_decode(substr($responseSiege, $pos+109, $posFin-($pos+109))));
else $tabRet['dateCreation']='';
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, ' size="-1"> <B>Raison sociale et Enseigne&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top" colspan="3"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
if ($pos==0){
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, ' size="-1"> <B>Raison sociale et Enseigne&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top" colspan="3"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
if ($pos==0){
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, ' size="-1"> <B>Raison sociale et Enseigne&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top" colspan="3"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
$libelleErreur='Informations INSEE non diffusables';
if ($libelleErreur=='') {
$posFin=strpos($responseSiege, '</font>', $pos+$len);
$raisonSocialeStr=trim(substr($responseSiege, $pos+$len, $posFin-($pos+$len)));
$raisonSocialeTabLigne=explode('<BR>', $raisonSocialeStr);
$tabRet['raisonSociale']=trim(str_replace(' ', '', html_entity_decode($raisonSocialeTabLigne[0])));
$tabRet['Enseigne']=trim(str_replace(' ', '', html_entity_decode($raisonSocialeTabLigne[1])));
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, ' size="-1"> <B>Activité&nbsp;principale&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top" colspan="3"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
$tabRet['NafCode']=substr($responseSiege, $pos+120, 4);
$tabRet['NafLib']=trim(substr($responseSiege, $pos+137, 70));
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, ' size="-1"> <B>Adresse&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top" colspan="3"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
$posFin=strpos($responseSiege, '</font>', $pos+103);
$AdresseStr=substr($responseSiege, $pos+103, $posFin-($pos+103));
$AdresseTabLigne=explode('<BR>', $AdresseStr);//'
$tabRet['AdresseLigne1']=str_replace('&nbsp;', '/', $AdresseTabLigne[0]);
$tabRet['AdresseLigne2']=str_replace('&nbsp;', '/', $AdresseTabLigne[1]);
$tabRet['AdresseLigne3']=str_replace('&nbsp;', '/', $AdresseTabLigne[2]);
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, '<font face="Arial" size="-1"><b>L\'entreprise&nbsp;est&nbsp;connue&nbsp;au&nbsp;répertoire&nbsp;comme&nbsp;');
if ($pos>0) {
$posFin=strpos($responseSiege, '</b>', $pos+106);
$tabRet['etatJuridique']=html_entity_decode(substr($responseSiege, $pos+106, $posFin-($pos+106)));
} else {
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, '<font face="Arial" size="-1"><b>L\'entreprise&nbsp;est&nbsp;cessée&nbsp;le&nbsp;:&nbsp;');
$tabRet['dateEtatJuridique']=substr($responseSiege, $pos+86, 10);
//echo 'GetDataEtab="'.$libelleErreur."\"\r\n";
return $tabRet;
function getDataEntreprise($pageHtml)
global $libelleErreur;
if ($libelleErreur=='') {
$pos=strpos($responseEntreprise, 'size="-1"> <B>Date&nbsp;de&nbsp;création&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
if ($pos>0)
$tabRet['dateCreationEntrep']=substr($responseEntreprise, $pos+109, 10);
// Raison sociale et Sigle
$pos=strpos($responseEntreprise, ' size="-1"> <B>Raison sociale et Sigle&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top" colspan="3"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
$posFin=strpos($responseEntreprise, '</font>', $pos+123);
$raisonSocialeStr=trim(substr($responseEntreprise, $pos+123, $posFin-($pos+123)));
$raisonSocialeTabLigne=explode('<BR>', $raisonSocialeStr);
$tabRet['raisonSocialeEntrep']=trim(str_replace(' ', '', html_entity_decode($raisonSocialeTabLigne[0])));
$tabRet['sigle']=trim(str_replace(' ', '', html_entity_decode($raisonSocialeTabLigne[1])));
// Activité prinicpale Entrep
$pos=strpos($responseEntreprise, ' size="-1"> <B>Activité&nbsp;principale&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top" colspan="3"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
$tabRet['NafCodeEntrep']=substr($responseEntreprise, $pos+120, 4);
$tabRet['NafLibEntrep']=trim(substr($responseEntreprise, $pos+137, 70));
// Forme Juridique
$pos=strpos($responseEntreprise, ' size="-1"> <B>Forme&nbsp;juridique&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top" colspan="3"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
$tabRet['FJCodeEntrep']=substr($responseEntreprise, $pos+116, 4);
$tabRet['FJLibEntrep']=trim(substr($responseEntreprise, $pos+133, 70));
// Nb Etab Actifs
$pos=strpos($responseEntreprise, ' size="-1"> <B>Nb&nbsp;établissements&nbsp;actifs&nbsp;:</B></FONT></td><td valign="top"><font face="Arial" size="-1">');
$posFin=strpos($responseEntreprise, '</font>', $pos+118);
$tabRet['nbEtabActifs']=trim(str_replace(' ', '', html_entity_decode(substr($responseEntreprise, $pos+118, $posFin-($pos+118)))));
return $tabRet;
* parseHtml.php
* Author: Carlos Costa Jordao
* Email:
* My notation of variables:
* i_ = integer, ex: i_count
* a_ = array, a_html
* b_ = boolean,
* s_ = string
* What it does:
* - parses a html string and get the tags
* - exceptions: html tags like <br> <hr> </a>, etc
* - At the end, the array will look like this:
* ["IMG"][0]["SRC"] = "xxx"
* ["IMG"][1]["SRC"] = "xxx"
* ["IMG"][1]["ALT"] = "xxx"
* ["A"][0]["HREF"] = "xxx"
function parseHtml( $s_str )
$i_indicatorL = 0;
$i_indicatorR = 0;
$s_tagOption = '';
$i_arrayCounter = 0;
$a_html = array();
// Search for a tag in string
while( is_int(($i_indicatorL=strpos($s_str,'<',$i_indicatorR))) ) {
// Get everything into tag...
$i_indicatorR = strpos($s_str,'>', $i_indicatorL);
$s_temp = substr($s_str, $i_indicatorL, ($i_indicatorR-$i_indicatorL) );
$a_tag = explode( ' ', $s_temp );
// Here we get the tag's name
list( ,$s_tagName,, ) = each($a_tag);
$s_tagName = strtoupper($s_tagName);
// Well, I am not interesting in <br>, </font> or anything else like that...
// So, this is false for tags without options.
$b_boolOptions = is_array(($s_tagOption=each($a_tag))) && $s_tagOption[1];
if( $b_boolOptions ) {
// Without this, we will mess up the array
$i_arrayCounter = (int)count($a_html[$s_tagName]);
// get the tag options, like src="htt://". Here, s_tagTokOption is 'src' and s_tagTokValue is '"http://"'
do {
$s_tagTokOption = strtoupper(strtok($s_tagOption[1], "="));
$s_tagTokValue = trim(strtok("="));
$a_html[$s_tagName][$i_arrayCounter][$s_tagTokOption] =
$b_boolOptions = is_array(($s_tagOption=each($a_tag))) &&
} while( $b_boolOptions );
return $a_html;
function getDataEntrepriseRNCS($pageHtml) {
global $libelleErreur;
// Liste et liens vers les Bilans
$tabRet['raisonSociale']=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td align="left" valign="top"><span class="boldred"><br>', '<br>', '</span>');
$tabRet['RCS']=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<span class="textarial">RCS ', 'RCS ', '</span>', true);
$tabRet['activite']=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td width="185" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="boldtextarial">Activit&eacute;</td>', 'class="basictext">', '</td>');
$tabRet['adresseSiege']=getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="boldtextarial">Si&egrave;ge
social</td>', 'class="basictext">', '</td>');
// Capital social
// Chiffre d'affaires
// Date CA
// Effectif
// Forme Juridique
// Nationalité
// Activité
// Siège social
<td bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="boldtextarial">Si&egrave;ge
<td bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#EBF0F5" class="basictext">75 Avenue la Grande Armee<br>
75116 PARIS 16 </td>
<div align="center"><img src="../images/degrade580grey.jpg" width="580" height="12"><br>
<table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="left" valign="top"><img src="../images/arrowsmallblue.gif" width="9" height="10"><span class="boldtextarialblue15">Renseignements
<table width="580" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="185" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="boldtextarial">Forme
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="385" bgcolor="#EBF0F5" class="basictext">SA à conseil d'administration</td>
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="185" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="boldtextarial">Capital social</td>
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="385" bgcolor="#EBF0F5" class="basictext">171.285.000,00
<tr align="left" valign="top">
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="185" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="boldtextarial">Nationalit&eacute;</td>
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td bgcolor="#EBF0F5" class="basictext">France</td>
<div align="center"><img src="../images/degrade580grey.jpg" width="580" height="12"><br>
<div align="center">
<table width="588" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="210" align="left" valign="top"><img src="../images/arrowsmallblue.gif" width="9" height="10"><span class="boldtextarialblue15">Chiffres
<td width="378" align="left" valign="top" class="smalltext">au 31-12-2004</td>
<table width="580" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="185" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="boldtextarial">Chiffre
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="385" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#EBF0F5" class="basictext">
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="185" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="boldtextarial">Effectif</td>
<td width="5" bgcolor="#336699"><img src="../images/shim.gif" width="2" height="2"></td>
<td width="385" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#EBF0F5" class="basictext">De 5150 à 5720</td>
<div align="center"><img src="../images/degrade580grey.jpg" width="580" height="12"><br>
<table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">*/
return $tabRet;
function getDataEcoCoface($pageHtml) {
global $libelleErreur;
$pos=strpos($pageHtml, '<b><font class="nota">La forme juridique ou la date de création trop récente de l\'entreprise ne nous permettant pas d\'obtenir suffisamment d\'informations, nous vous offrons ce produit.</font></b>');
if ($pos>0) {
$tabRet['societeInactive']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" > Société inactive</td>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" > ', '</td>');
$strCapital=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" > Capital &nbsp (', '(', '</tr><tr>');
$tabTmp=explode('</td>', $strCapital);
$tabRet['capital_source']=str_replace(')', '', $tabTmp[0]);
$tabTmp=explode('&nbsp', $tabTmp[1]);
$tabRet['capital_montant']=str_replace(chr(160), '', trim(strip_tags($tabTmp[0])));
$tabRet['dateCreation']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" > Date de création</td>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" > ', '</td>');
$tabRet['formeJuridique']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" > Forme juridique</td>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" > ', '</td>');
$tabRet['cotationBourse']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" > Cotation en bourse</td>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" > ', '</td>');
$tabRet['effectifSociete']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" > Effectif société</td>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" > ', '</td>');
$tabRet['activite']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" > Activité</td>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" > ', '</td>');
$tabRet['sigle']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" > Sigle</td>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" > ', '</td>');
$tabRet['enseigne']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" > Enseigne</td>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" > ', '</td>');
// Dirigeants
$strDir=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td class="tabtot">IDENTITE</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '</table>');
$tabDir=explode('</tr>', $strDir);
foreach ($tabDir as $key => $dir)
$tabTmp=explode('<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" > ', $dir);
if ($typeDir<>'' && $typeDir<>'Date de création' && $typeDir<>'Forme juridique' && $typeDir<>'Cotation en bourse'
&& $typeDir<>'Effectif société' && $typeDir<>'Société inactive' && $typeDir<>'Activité'
&& $typeDir<>'Sigle' && $typeDir<>'Enseigne'
&& substr($typeDir, 0, 8) <>'Capital ' )
//$produit=str_replace(' ','_',$produit);
$tabTmp=explode('&nbsp', $nomDir);
// Liens Financiers
$strTmp=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td class="tabtot">LIENS FINANCIERS</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '</table>');
if (strpos($strTmp, 'Néant')>0)
$tabRet['LiensFinanciers']='Présence liens';
$strTmp=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td class="tabtot">ELEMENTS FINANCIERS</td>', '<td>&nbsp;</td>', '</table>');
if (strpos($strTmp, 'Néant')>0)
$tabRet['ElementsFinanciers']='Présence El.Fi.';
//echo $pageHtml;
return $tabRet;
function getDataEntrepriseCoface($pageHtml) {
global $libelleErreur;
$tabRet['siren']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, 'portail/entreprise_identite/identite.asp?nsiren=', '?nsiren=', '&IMPRESSION=OUI');
//$tabRet['siren']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<a href="" target="_blank">&nbsp;Qui sommes nous&nbsp;</a>-<a href="javascript:;" onClick="MM_openBrWindow(\'../mod_cofacescrl/part_recherche.asp?nscrl=18452&metier=ALL&geo=ALL&idnav=168d25840396c5f38f4
$tabRet['nscrl']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, 'Plan du site&nbsp;</a>-<a href="" target="_blank">&nbsp;Qui sommes nous&nbsp;</a>-<a href="javascript:;" onClick="MM_openBrWindow(\'../mod_cofacescrl/part_recherche.asp?nscrl=', '?nscrl=', '&metier=ALL&geo=ALL&idnav=');
// Raison Sociale, Adresse et lien vers Géoloc
$strRS_Adr=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td WIDTH="40%" bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne"> <b> Raison sociale<br>', '<td WIDTH="60%" bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval"><b>', '</b></td>');
$tabRS_Adr=explode('<br>', $strRS_Adr);
$tabRS_Adr1=explode('&nbsp;', $tabRS_Adr[1]);
$tabRS_Adr1=explode('&nbsp;', $tabRS_Adr[2]);
$tabRet['UrlGeoLoc']=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td WIDTH="60%" bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval"><a href="javascript:;" onClick="MM_openBrWindow(\'', 'onClick="MM_openBrWindow(\'', '\',\'Planfax');
// Téléphone / Fax
$strTelFax=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne"><b>Téléphone<br>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval" valign="top">', '</td>');
$tabTelFax=explode('<br>', $strTelFax);
// Adresse Internet / Email
$strInet=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne"><b>Adresse internet <br>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval"><a class="tabval" HREF="', '</a></td>');
$tabInet=explode('<br>', $strInet);
$tabRet['web']=trim( @getTextInHtml($tabInet[0], ' target="_new">', '>', '</a>') );
$tabRet['mail']=trim( @getTextInHtml($tabInet[1], ' href="mailto:', ':', '">') );
// Bourse
$strBourse=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne"> <b>'."\r\n".' Code Sicovam<br>', '<td bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval">', '</td>');
$tabBourse=explode('<br>', $strBourse);
// Activité
$tabRet['activite']=trim(str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', @getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<td WIDTH="40%" bgcolor="#F3E5CC" class="tabligne" valign="top"><b>Libellé code activité </b></td>', '<td WIDTH="60%" bgcolor="#FFF3DE" class="tabval">', '</td>')));
// Produits disponibles
$strDispos=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="98%"><tr><td class="normal"><b>Produits disponibles</b></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#E1D0B6"><img src="../images/vide.gif" border="0" height="1"><br></td></tr><tr><td><img src="../images/vide.gif" border="0" height="5"><br></td></tr></table>', '<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">', '</table>');
$tabDispos=explode('<td align="left" width="25%"', $strDispos);
foreach ($tabDispos as $key => $produit)
$produit=trim(str_replace('>', '', str_replace('nowrap>', '', strip_tags($produit))));
if ($produit<>'' && $produit<>'&nbsp;') {
$produit=str_replace(' ','_',$produit);
// print_r($tabRet);
// die();
return $tabRet;
function getTabListeBilans($pageHtml) {
while( is_int(($deb=strpos($pageHtml,'<a href="',$fin))) ) {
$fin = strpos($pageHtml,'</a>', $deb);
$s_temp = substr($pageHtml, $deb, ($fin-$deb));
//echo $s_temp."\r\n";
$a_temp = explode('" class="basic">', $s_temp);
return $tabUrl;
function getTabListeGU($pageHtml) {
/* <tr><td><img alt="" src=" onMouseOver="javascript:mOvr(this);" onMouseOut="javascript:mOut(this);"><a class=txt9px href="javascript:ChoixGeo('CP_PDR_SUP_LOC_REQ')">Lancer la recherche dans toute la localit&eacute;</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="b.gif" alt="" border=0></td><td align="left" onMouseOver="javascript:mOvr(this);" onMouseOut="javascript:mOut(this);"><a class=txt9px href="javascript:ChoixGeo('CP_INSCRIPTIONS_REQ')">Lancer la recherche sans l&#39;adresse</td></tr>
while( is_int(($deb=strpos($pageHtml,'<td onMouseOver="javascript:mOvr(this);" onMouseOut="javascript:mOut(this);"><a class="txt9px" href="javascript:ChoixGeo(\'',$fin))) ) {
$fin = strpos($pageHtml,'</td></tr>', $deb);
$s_temp = substr($pageHtml, $deb, ($fin-$deb));
//echo $s_temp."\r\n";
$a_temp = explode('\')">', $s_temp);
return $tabGU;
function getTabListeNonTrouve($pageHtml) {
/* onMouseOver="javascript:mOvr(this);" onMouseOut="javascript:mOut(this);"><a class=txt9px href="javascript:ChoixGeo('CP_PDR_SUP_LOC_REQ')">Lancer la recherche dans toute la localit&eacute;</td></tr>
onMouseOver="javascript:mOvr(this);" onMouseOut="javascript:mOut(this);"><a class=txt9px href="javascript:ChoixGeo('CP_INSCRIPTIONS_REQ')">Lancer la recherche sans l&#39;adresse</td></tr>
while( is_int(($deb=strpos($pageHtml,'onMouseOver="javascript:mOvr(this);" onMouseOut="javascript:mOut(this);"><a class=txt9px href="javascript:ChoixGeo(\'',$fin))) ) {
$fin = strpos($pageHtml,'</td></tr>', $deb);
$s_temp = substr($pageHtml, $deb, ($fin-$deb));
//echo $s_temp."\r\n";
$a_temp = explode('\')">', $s_temp);
return $tabGU;
/** Recherche un texte dans une page HTML
function getTextInHtml($pageHtml, $strToFind, $strDeb, $strEnd, $include_strDeb=false, $include_strEnd=false, $ltrim=true, $rtrim=true, &$fin, $nbOcc=1) {
while( is_int(($deb=strpos($pageHtml,$strToFind,$fin))) ) {
$deb2 = strpos($pageHtml,$strDeb, $deb);
$fin = strpos($pageHtml,$strEnd, $deb2);
if (!$include_strDeb)
$s_temp = substr($pageHtml, $deb2, ($fin-$deb2));
if ($ltrim) $s_temp=ltrim($s_temp);
if ($rtrim) $s_temp=rtrim($s_temp);
if ($nbOcc==1) return $s_temp;
//echo $s_temp."\r\n";
//$a_temp = explode('" class="basic">', $s_temp);
if ($nbOcc==$nbOccTrouve) {
// echo "j'ai trouvé le nb demandé, je sort\r\n";
return $tabUrl;
/*<span class="mongrasvert">
<li>Le type de voie a été modifié<br>
<li>L'orthographe du mot directeur a été modifiée<br>
<li>Le code postal a été forcé à partir du département et de la localité<br> </span>

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
define('HOST_NORMAD', '');
define('SITE_NORMAD', 'http://'. HOST_NORMAD .'/');
//$normad2=new Normad('SCI BRYGE', 'Kervegant', '', '', '', '29', 'SCAER');
class Normad {
/** Normalise l'adresse postale donnée en paramètre. Seule la ligne 1 qui devrait comporter la Raison Sociale ou le nom de l'expéditeur reste inchangée !
** @param $adrL1 Obligatoirement le Nom ou la Raison Sociale du destinataire
** @param $adrL2 Normalisation = Appart.,Bâtiment...
** @param $adrL3 Normalisation = Résidence,Cité...
** @param $adrL4 Normalisation = Num./Bis/Type voie/Nom voie
** @param $adrL5 Normalisation = BP,TSA,Lieu-dit...
** @param $codPos Code Postal (ou département)
** @param $ville Ville (orthographe correcte si possible si pas de CP)
** @return array
function Normad ($adrL1, $adrL2, $adrL3, $adrL4, $adrL5, $codPos, $ville) {
$adrL1 =substr(trim($adrL1) , 0, 40);
$adrL2 =substr(trim($adrL2) , 0, 40);
$adrL3 =substr(trim($adrL3) , 0, 40);
$adrL4 =substr(trim($adrL4) , 0, 40);
$adrL5 =substr(trim($adrL5) , 0, 40);
$codPos=substr(trim($codPos), 0, 5);
$ville =substr(trim($ville) , 0, 33);
$postData=array( 'ad1'=>$adrL2, //htmlentities($adrL2),
'ad2'=>$adrL3, //htmlentities($adrL3),
'ad3'=>$adrL4, //htmlentities($adrL4),
'ad4'=>$adrL5, //htmlentities($adrL5),
$tabHtml=getUrl(SITE_NORMAD.'traiter_adresse.php', '', $postData, SITE_NORMAD.'validez.php', true, HOST_NORMAD);
$retour=trim(str_replace(chr(173), '', getTextInHtml($page, '<td colspan=2><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#3F5A80"><b>', '<b>', '</b></font>', false, true, true, true, $posInHtml)));
$retour=explode('[*', $retour);
$tabRet['retour_messages']=getTextInHtml($page, '<li>', 'i>', '<br>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml, 0);
// Récupération des Lignes d'adresse
$tabRet['ligne2']=getTextInHtml($page, '<td class="gris2"><span class=grasnoir>Adresse en sortie :</span>', '<td class=gras nowrap>', '</td>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['ligne3']=getTextInHtml($page, '<td class=pet align=right nowrap> Volet 2 : </td>', '<td class=gras nowrap>', '</td>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['ligne4']=getTextInHtml($page, '<td class=pet align=right nowrap> Volet ', '<td class=gras nowrap>', '</td>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['ligne5']=getTextInHtml($page, '<td class=pet align=right nowrap> Volet 4 : </td>', '<td class=gras nowrap>', '</td>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['CP']=getTextInHtml($page, '<td class=pet align=right nowrap> CP : </td>', '<td class=gras nowrap>', '</td>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['ville']=getTextInHtml($page, '<td class=pet align=right nowrap> Localité : </td>', '<td class=gras nowrap>', '</td>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['ligne6']=$tabRet['CP'] .' '. $tabRet['ville'];
// Découpage de la rue
$tabRet['voie_num']=getTextInHtml($page, '<span class=pet>Numéro ', '<span class=gras>', '</span><br>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['voie_btq']=getTextInHtml($page, '<span class=pet>Bis/Ter/Quater/...', '<span class=gras>', '</span><br>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['voie_type']=getTextInHtml($page, '<span class=pet>Type', '<span class=gras>', '</span><br>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['voie_denom']=getTextInHtml($page, '<span class=pet>Dénomination', '<span class=gras>', '</span><br>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['voie_motDir']=getTextInHtml($page, 'directeur :</span> ', '<span class=gras>', '</span><br>', false, false, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['voie_matric']=getTextInHtml($page, '<span class=pet>Matricule voie :</span>', '</span>', '<br>', false, true, true, true, $posInHtml);
$tabRet['code_insee_commune']=getTextInHtml($page, '<span class=pet>Code INSEE commune :</span>', '</span>', '<br>', false, true, true, true, $posInHtml);
//echo "$voie_num\r\n$voie_btq\r\n$voie_type\r\n$voie_denom\r\n$voie_motDir\r\n$voie_matric\r\n$code_insee_commune\r\n";
<td class="gris2" valign=top><span class=grasnoir>Détails :</span><br>
00441644 <br>
28074 <br>
<hr size=1>
<td colspan=3><p class="gris2" align="justify">&nbsp; </p>
<p class="mongrasvert" align="right"> R&eacute;f&eacute;rentiels
d'avril 2006 </p>
} ?>

View File

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
$this->tabNotation['A+']=array('Exceptionnel', 'A3++', 'Aaa' ,'AAA' ,'0.001');
$this->tabNotation['A'] =array('Excellent', 'A3+', 'Aa1 Aa2 Aa3' ,'AA+ AA AA-' ,'0.01');
$this->tabNotation['B+']=array('Très bon', '3++', 'A1' ,'A+' ,'0.02');
$this->tabNotation['B'] =array('Bon', '3+', 'A2 A3' ,'A A-' ,'0.04');
$this->tabNotation['C+']=array('Assez bon', '3', 'Baa1' ,'BBB+' ,'0.15');
$this->tabNotation['C'] =array('Acceptable', '3', 'Baa2' ,'BBB' ,'0.30');
$this->tabNotation['C-']=array('Moyen', '3', 'Baa3' ,'BBB-' ,'0.60');
$this->tabNotation['D+']=array('Passable', '4+', 'Ba1' ,'BB+' ,'0.90');
$this->tabNotation['D'] =array('Médiocre', '4', 'Ba2' ,'BB' ,'1.25');
$this->tabNotation['D-']=array('Très médiocre', '4', 'Ba3' ,'BB-' ,'1.60');
$this->tabNotation['E+']=array('Mauvais (sous surveillance)', '5', 'B1 B2 B3', 'B+ B B-', '5.00');
$this->tabNotation['E'] =array('Très mauvais (sensible, sans incident)', '6', 'Caa', 'CCC', '14.00');
$this->tabNotation['E-']=array('Très mauvais (sensible avec incidents)', '8', 'Ca C', 'CC C', '17.00');
$this->tabNotation['F'] =array('En défaut, hors procédures judiciaires (douteux)', '8 9', 'D', 'D', 'Défaut');
$this->tabNotation['Z'] =array('En défaut, avec procédures judiciaires ou contentieuses (douteux)', 'P', '', '', 'Défaut');
$this->tabLibActivite[15]='Industries Alimentaires : Collecte Appro';
$this->tabLibActivite[3]='Industries Alimentaires : Collecte et 1ère transformation';
$this->tabLibActivite[5]='Industries Alimentaires : Eaux de vie et Champagne';
$this->tabLibActivite[2]='Industries Alimentaires : Autres activités';
$this->tabLibActivite[6]='Industries extractives / Production Distribution : Énergie Eau';
$this->tabLibActivite[7]='Construction - BTP';
$this->tabLibActivite[1]='Industries Manufacturières';
$this->tabLibActivite[4]='Commerce de Gros';
$this->tabLibActivite[9]='Commerce Distribution';
$this->tabLibActivite[10]='Grande Distribution';
$this->tabLibActivite[13]='Media Technologie de l\'information';
$this->tabLibActivite[11]='Hôtellerie et Loisirs / Activités immobilières';
$this->tabLibActivite[16]='Banques. Assurances. Activités financières';
$this->tabLibActivite[17]='Agriculture. Sylviculture. Pêche. Aquaculture';

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
class Rncs {
function Rncs () {}

View File

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
//script will fetch an email identified by $msgid, and parse the its parts into an
//array $partsarray
//structure of array:
//$partsarray[<name of part>][<attachment/text>]
//if attachment- subarray is [filename][binary data]
//if text- subarray is [type of text(HTML/PLAIN)][text string]
//$partsarray[3.1][attachment][filename]=filename of attachment in part 3.1
//$partsarray[3.1][attachment][binary]=binary data of attachment in part 3.1
//$partsarray[2][text][type]=type of text in part 2
//$partsarray[2][text][string]=decoded text string in part 2
//$partsarray[not multipart][text][string]=decoded text string in message that isn't multipart
function parsepart($p,$i){
global $link,$msgid,$partsarray;
//where to write file attachments to:
$filestore = '[full/path/to/attachment/store/(chmod777)]';
//fetch part
//if type is not text
if ($p->type!=0){
//decode if base64
if ($p->encoding==3)$part=base64_decode($part);
//decode if quoted printable
if ($p->encoding==4)$part=quoted_printable_decode($part);
//no need to decode binary or 8bit!
//get filename of attachment if present
// if there are any dparameters present in this part
if (count($p->dparameters)>0){
foreach ($p->dparameters as $dparam){
if ((strtoupper($dparam->attribute)=='NAME') ||(strtoupper($dparam->attribute)=='FILENAME')) $filename=$dparam->value;
//if no filename found
if ($filename==''){
// if there are any parameters present in this part
if (count($p->parameters)>0){
foreach ($p->parameters as $param){
if ((strtoupper($param->attribute)=='NAME') ||(strtoupper($param->attribute)=='FILENAME')) $filename=$param->value;
//write to disk and set partsarray variable
if ($filename!=''){
$partsarray[$i][attachment] = array('filename'=>$filename,'binary'=>$part);
//end if type!=0
//if part is text
else if($p->type==0){
//decode text
if ($p->encoding==4) $part=quoted_printable_decode($part);
//if base 64
if ($p->encoding==3) $part=base64_decode($part);
//OPTIONAL PROCESSING e.g. nl2br for plain text
//if plain text
if (strtoupper($p->subtype)=='PLAIN')1;
//if HTML
else if (strtoupper($p->subtype)=='HTML')1;
$partsarray[$i][text] = array('type'=>$p->subtype,'string'=>$part);
//if subparts... recurse into function and parse them too!
if (count($p->parts)>0){
foreach ($p->parts as $pno=>$parr){
if (!$mbox = imap_open($imap_server, $imap_account, $imap_password)) die("Connexion IMAP impossible : ". imap_last_error());
$list = imap_list($mbox, $imap_server, "*");
if(is_array($list)) {
foreach ($list as $val) {
echo imap_utf7_decode($val) . "<br />\n";
} else {
echo "imap_list a échoué : " . imap_last_error() . "\n";
echo "<p><h1>Entetes de mail dans INBOX</h1>\n";
$headers = imap_headers ($mbox);
if ($headers == false) {
echo "Erreur !\n";
} else {
while (list ($key,$val) = each ($headers)) {
echo $val."<br>\n";
$check = imap_mailboxmsginfo($mbox);
if($check) {
echo "Date: " . $check->Date ."<br />\n" ;
echo "Pilote: " . $check->Driver ."<br />\n" ;
echo "Mailbox: " . $check->Mailbox ."<br />\n" ;
echo "Messages: ". $check->Nmsgs ."<br />\n" ;
echo "Récent: " . $check->Recent ."<br />\n" ;
echo "Non lus: " . $check->Unread ."<br />\n" ;
echo "Effacés: " . $check->Deleted ."<br />\n" ;
echo "Taille: " . $check->Size ."<br />\n" ;
} else {
echo "imap_check() a échoué: ".imap_last_error(). "<br />\n";
$imap_obj = imap_check($mbox);
$imap_sorted = imap_sort($mbox, SORTARRIVAL, 0);
echo '<br>Nombre de messages '.$MN.'<br/>';
$overview = imap_fetch_overview($mbox,"1:$MN",0);
while( list($key,$val) = each($overview))
if (strpos($val->from, '')!==false) {
/*$unsorted[$k]["subject"]=imap_utf8($val->subject); // Le sujet du message
$unsorted[$k]['date']=$val->date;// Date d'expédition
$unsorted[$k]['message_id - Identification du message
references - est une référence sur l'id de ce message
in_reply_to - est une réponse à cet identifiant de message
size - taille en octets
uid - UID du message dans la boîte aux lettres
msgno - numéro de séquence du message dans la boîte
recent - Ce message est récent
flagged - Ce message est marqué
answered - Ce message a donné lieu à une réponse
deleted - Ce message est marqué pour l'effacement
seen - Ce message est déjà lu
draft - Ce message est un brouillon
/*if (count($s->parts)>0){
foreach ($s->parts as $partno=>$partarr){
//parse parts of email
else { //for not multipart messages
//get body of message
//decode if quoted-printable
if ($s->encoding==4) $text=quoted_printable_decode($text);
if (strtoupper($s->subtype)=='PLAIN') $text=$text;
if (strtoupper($s->subtype)=='HTML') $text=$text;
$partsarray['not multipart'][text]=array('type'=>$s->subtype,'string'=>$text);
//usort ($unsorted, create_function('$a,$b','setlocale(LC_ALL,$locale);return strcoll($a["subject"],$b["subject"]);'));
$Bodacc=explode("-------------------------------------------------- \r\n--------------------------------------------------", $full_bodacc);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
function mysql_trace($query, $res='') {
if (!$fp=fopen('mysql_insert.log', 'a'))
return false;
if (!fwrite($fp, date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - $res : $query\n"))
return false;
if (!fclose($fp))
return false;
return true;
/** Retourne la dernière valeur de l'auto-incrément ou 0 si pas d'auto-incrément
** Penser à bien tester la valeur !== false
function mysql_insert($table, $toAdd, $debug=false){
$fields = implode(array_keys($toAdd), '`,`');
foreach (array_values($toAdd) as $key=>$array_values)
$values = "'".implode(array_values($tmp), "','")."'"; # better
$values = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $values);
$query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
$res = mysql_query($query);// OR die(mysql_error());
if ($res!==false)
if (mysql_insert_id()>0)
if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, $res);
return $res;
//-- Example of usage
//$tToAdd = array('id'=>3, 'name'=>'Yo', 'salary' => 5000);
//insertIntoDB('myTable', $tToAdd)
function mysql_update($table, $update, $where, $debug=false){
$fields = array_keys($update);
$values = array_values($update);
$query='UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET ';
if($i>0){$query.=', ';}
$query.=' `'.$fields[$i]."`='".addslashes($values[$i])."'";
$query = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $query);
$query.=' WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, mysql_errno());
mysql_query($query);// or die(mysql_error());
return true;
// mysql_update('myTable', $anarray, "type = 'main'")
function mysql_select($table, $fields, $where, $debug=false, $assoc=MYSQL_BOTH) {
$query="SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $where;";
// if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, count($tab));
$result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($result, $assoc))
if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, count($tab));
// echo $query;
return $tab;

View File

@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
define('HOST_INSEE', '');
define('SITE_INSEE', 'http://'. HOST_INSEE .'/');
define('HOST_PJ', '');
define('SITE_PJ', 'http://'. HOST_PJ .'/');
define('SITE_SOCIETE', '');
/* v0.1 Extraction d'informations INSEE en ligne de commande.
Usage: <?=$argv[0]?> <extract type> <fileIn> <fileInFmt> <fileOut> <fileOutFmt>
Where <extract type> is :
id : Fiche d'identite INSEE (établissement+entreprise)
lst : Liste des etablissements du SIREN (+infos entreprise)
rncs : Informations du RNCS
pj : Données des pages jaunes
coface : Coface
Where <fileInFmt> is :
csv Fichier IN au format CSV (; ou ,) SIREN;NIC;REF
plat Fichier IN au format plat (blancs significatifs) SIREN_____NIC__REF______________
Where <fileOutFmt> is : csv / todo
Le fichier en entrée doit être au format <fileInFmt> et contenir le SIREN en première colonne.
$insee=&new Insee();
function getInfosSirene($sirenLu, $nicLu='') {
if (valideSiren($sirenLu)==false) {
$libelleErreur='SIREN invalide';
if ( $nicLu<>'' && valideSiren($sirenLu, $nicLu)==false) {
$libelleErreur='SIRET invalide';
if ($invalide==true)
$str=date('d/m/Y à H:i:s') .';'. $libelleErreur .';'. $siret .';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';
$fp=fopen('/var/www/_includes/partenaires/insee/debug.csv', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $str."\r\n");
} else { // La demande est valide on va à l'INSEE
/** Paramètre de requête "option" à l'insee :
** 1: Fiche du siège + Données entreprises
** 2: Tous les établissements de l'entreprise
** 3: Un établissement particulier
** 4: Département
if ($nicLu<>'') $option=3;
else $option=1;
$libelleErreur='Erreur SCRIPT Inconnue';
/** Etape de connexion au site de l'INSEE pour simuler correctement un utilisateur WEB
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/frame_interrogation.asp?ACTION=nouvelle&Niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Accueil/script_page_accueil.asp');
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_menu.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/frame_interrogation.asp?ACTION=nouvelle&Niveau=siren');
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_barre_haut.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/frame_interrogation.asp?ACTION=nouvelle&Niveau=siren');
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_haut.asp?grille=siren&action=nouvelle', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/frame_interrogation.asp?ACTION=nouvelle&Niveau=siren');
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?grille=siren&action=nouvelle', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/frame_interrogation.asp?ACTION=nouvelle&Niveau=siren');
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_bas.asp?grille=siren&action=nouvelle', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/frame_interrogation.asp?ACTION=nouvelle&Niveau=siren');
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_haut.asp?grille=siren&action=nouvelle', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?grille=siren&action=nouvelle');
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_bas.asp?grille=siren&action=nouvelle', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?grille=siren&action=nouvelle');
if ($nicLu=='') //Faire une boucle de recherche de tous les établissement et y inclure le reste du traitement
// Requête d'interrogation
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], $postData, SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?grille=siren&action=nouvelle');
$referer=SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false';
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/question.asp?action='.$action, $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', $referer);
if ($responseQ['code']==302)
//$libelleErreur='Erreur INSEE inconnue 1';
// Siren Invalide ou autre erreur non répertoriée !
if (trim($header['Location'])=='/REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=erreur')
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=erreur', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false');
$responseErreur=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Erreur_principal.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=erreur',true);
$pos=strpos($responseErreur['body'], '<td valign=top bgcolor="#FFCC33"><font face=Arial size=2><b>');
if ($pos>0){
$posFin=strpos($responseErreur['body'], '</b></font></td>', $pos+60);
$libelleErreur=trim(substr($responseErreur['body'], $pos+60, $posFin-($pos+60)));
} else
$libelleErreur='Erreur INSEE inconnue';
// On déroule les URLs d'appels liste des établissements
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=liste', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false');
// Frames réponse niveau Etab
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_menu.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=liste');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_barre_haut.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=liste');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Reponse_haut.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=liste');
$responseListe=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Liste_principal.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=liste', true);
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Liste_bas.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=liste');
$pos=strpos($responseListe, 'Nombre total de réponses&nbsp;:&nbsp;'."\r\n\t\t\t".'<font face="Arial" size="2"><b>');
if ($pos>0) {
$posFin=strpos($responseListe, '</b></font>', $pos+73);
$nbRepTot=trim(substr($responseListe, $pos+73, $posFin-($pos+73)));
$pos=strpos($responseListe, '&nbsp;-&nbsp;Affichage de la page&nbsp;'."\r\n\t\t\t".'<font face="Arial" size="2"><b>');
if ($pos>0) {
$posFin=strpos($responseListe, '&nbsp;-&nbsp;</b></font>', $pos+75);
$strPages=trim(substr($responseListe, $pos+75, $posFin-($pos+75)));
$tabPages=explode('&nbsp;/&nbsp;', $strPages);
$pos=strpos($responseListe, '&nbsp;-&nbsp;</b></font>'."\r\n\t\t\t".'<font face="Arial" size="2"><b>');
if ($pos>0) {
$posFin=strpos($responseListe, '</b></font>', $pos+60);
$nbRepParPage=trim(substr($responseListe, $pos+60, $posFin-($pos+60)));
/* TODO = Récupérer les infos étab + entrep pour chaque ligne du tableau !!!*
if ($libelleErreur=='Erreur SCRIPT Inconnue')
for ($i=1;$i<11; $i++)
if ($numEtab==$nbRepTot)
break; // Il n'y a pas plus d'établissement à récupérer ! On sort...
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/question.asp?action=detail&numtableau='.$i, $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Liste_principal.asp');
if ($responseQ['code']==302)
// Siren Invalide ou autre erreur non répertoriée !
if (trim($header['Location'])=='/REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?origine=liste&dest=detail&niveau=siege&numtableau='.$i)
// On déroule les URLs d'appels fiche siège
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege&numtableau='.$i, $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false');
// Frames réponse niveau Etab
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_menu.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_barre_haut.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Reponse_haut.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege');
$responseEtab=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_principal.asp?niveau=siege&numtableau='.$i.'&origine=liste', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?origine=liste&dest=detail&niveau=siege&numtableau='.$i, true);
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_bas.asp?niveau=siege&numtableau='.$i.'&origine=liste', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?origine=liste&dest=detail&niveau=siege&numtableau='.$i);
// Récupération de la fiche entreprise INSEE
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/frame_reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail&origine=liste&numtableau='.$i, $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_principal.asp?niveau=siege&numtableau='.$i.'&origine=liste');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_menu.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/frame_reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail&origine=liste&numtableau='.$i);
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_barre_haut.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail&origine=liste&numtableau='.$i);
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Reponse_haut.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/frame_reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail&origine=liste&numtableau='.$i);
$responseEntreprise=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_principal.asp?niveau=entreprise&numtableau='.$i.'&origine=liste', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail&origine=liste&numtableau='.$i, true);
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_bas.asp?niveau=entreprise&numtableau='.$i.'&origine=liste', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail&origine=liste&numtableau='.$i);
elseif (trim($header['Location'])=='/REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?origine=liste&dest=detail&niveau=etablissement&numtableau='.$i)
// On déroule les URLs d'appels établissement
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement&numtableau='.$i, $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false');
// Frames réponse niveau Etab
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_menu.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_barre_haut.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Reponse_haut.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement');
$responseEtab=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_principal.asp?niveau=etablissement&numtableau='.$i.'&origine=liste', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?origine=liste&dest=detail&niveau=etablissement&numtableau='.$i, true);
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_bas.asp?niveau=etablissement&numtableau='.$i.'&origine=liste', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?origine=liste&dest=detail&niveau=etablissement&numtableau='.$i);
$tabRet[]=array_merge($tabInfoEtab, $tabInfoEntrep);
if ($libelleErreur<>'' && $tabInfoEtab['siret'] =='') $siret=$sirenLu . $nicLu;
else $siret=$tabInfoEtab['siret'];
$str= date('d/m/Y à H:i:s') .';'.
$libelleErreur .';'.
// Siège
$siret .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['active'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['dateAbsActivite'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['typeEtablissement'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['dateMAJ'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['dateCreation'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['raisonSociale'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['Enseigne'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['NafCode'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['NafLib'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['AdresseLigne1'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['AdresseLigne2'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['AdresseLigne3'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['etatJuridique'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['dateEtatJuridique'] .';'.
// Entreprise
$tabInfoEntrep['dateCreationEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['raisonSocialeEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['sigle'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['NafCodeEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['NafLibEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['FJCodeEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['FJLibEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['nbEtabActifs'] .';';
$fp=fopen('/var/www/_includes/partenaires/insee/debug.csv', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $str."\r\n");
// echo "Question $num/$nbLignes : Demande=$sirenLu$nicLu Etablissement $numEtab/$nbRepTot $typeEtablissement=$siret $libelleErreur\r\n";
}//end for
}//end if
if ($pageCour==$nbTotPage) {
// On sort de la boucle de passage à la page de liste suivante car il n'y a plus d'autres pages
} else {
$referer=SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Liste_principal.asp';
} //Fin While
// die('Boucle');
} /* Fin de la boucle option 'lst' */ else
// Requête d'interrogation
$response=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], $postData, SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?grille=siren&action=nouvelle');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/question.asp?action=nouveau', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false');
if ($responseQ['code']==302)
//$libelleErreur='Erreur INSEE inconnue 1';
// Siren Invalide ou autre erreur non répertoriée !
if (trim($header['Location'])=='/REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=erreur')
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=erreur', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false');
$responseErreur=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Erreur_principal.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=erreur',true);
$pos=strpos($responseErreur['body'], '<td valign=top bgcolor="#FFCC33"><font face=Arial size=2><b>');
if ($pos>0){
$posFin=strpos($responseErreur['body'], '</b></font></td>', $pos+60);
$libelleErreur=trim(substr($responseErreur['body'], $pos+60, $posFin-($pos+60)));
} else
$libelleErreur='Erreur INSEE inconnue';
{ if (trim($header['Location'])=='/REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege')
// L'établissement demandé est un siège !
if ($option==3)
// On déroule les URLs d'appels établissement
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false');
// Frames réponse niveau Etab
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_menu.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_barre_haut.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Reponse_haut.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement');
$responseEtab=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_principal.asp?niveau=etablissement', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement', true);
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_bas.asp?niveau=etablissement', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=etablissement');
// On recherche si on est bien sur un fiche établissement
$pos=strpos($responseEtab, '<table cols="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFCC33" align="left"><font face="Arial" size="2"><B>Fiche Etablissement</B>');
if ($pos<1)
$libelleErreur='Erreur SCRIPT Fiche Etablissement non trouvée';
// On déroule les URLs d'appels Sièges
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false');
// Frames réponse niveau sièges
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_menu.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_barre_haut.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Reponse_haut.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege');
$responseSiege=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_principal.asp?niveau=siege', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege', true);
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_bas.asp?niveau=siege', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege');
$responseSiege=$responseSiege['body'];//strip_tags(html_entity_decode(), '<td>');
// On recherche si on est bien sur un fiche siège
$pos=strpos($responseSiege, '<table cols="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFCC33" align="left"><font face="Arial" size="2"><B>Fiche siège</B>');
if ($pos<1)
$libelleErreur='Erreur SCRIPT Fiche Siège non trouvée';
// Niveau entreprise
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/frame_reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_principal.asp?niveau=siege');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_menu.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/frame_reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_barre_haut.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=entreprise');
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Reponse_haut.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/frame_reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail');
$responseEntreprise=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_principal.asp?niveau=entreprise', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/frame_reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail', true);
$responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_bas.asp?niveau=entreprise', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/reponse/frame_reponse.asp?niveau=entreprise&dest=detail');
$pos=strpos($responseEntreprise, '<table cols="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFCC33" align="left"><font face="Arial" size="2"><B>Fiche Entreprise</B>');
if ($pos<1) {
$libelleErreur='Erreur SCRIPT Fiche Entreprise non trouvée';
/** Recherche des données établissement
/** Recherche des données entreprise
if ($libelleErreur<>'' && $tabInfoEtab['siret'] =='') $siret=$sirenLu . $nicLu;
else $siret=$tabInfoEtab['siret'];
$str= date('d/m/Y à H:i:s') .';'.
$libelleErreur .';'.
// Siège
$siret .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['active'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['dateAbsActivite'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['typeEtablissement'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['dateMAJ'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['dateCreation'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['raisonSociale'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['Enseigne'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['NafCode'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['NafLib'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['AdresseLigne1'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['AdresseLigne2'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['AdresseLigne3'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['etatJuridique'] .';'.
$tabInfoEtab['dateEtatJuridique'] .';'.
// Entreprise
$tabInfoEntrep['dateCreationEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['raisonSocialeEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['sigle'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['NafCodeEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['NafLibEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['FJCodeEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['FJLibEntrep'] .';'.
$tabInfoEntrep['nbEtabActifs'] .';'.
//echo $str.'<br/>';
$fp=fopen('/var/www/_includes/partenaires/insee/debug.csv', 'a');
fwrite($fp, $str."\r\n");
// echo "Ligne $num/$nbLignes : Question=$sirenLu$nicLu Retour $typeEtablissement=$siret $libelleErreur (PJ=$nbPJ)\r\n";
//echo $str."<br/>";
$tabRet=array(0=>array_merge($tabInfoEntrep, $tabInfoEtab));
return $tabRet;

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 00:40:09 GMT
Content-Length: 1173
Content-Type: text/html
Expires: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 00:40:09 GMT
Cache-control: private
<TITLE>Le répertoire SIRENE</TITLE>
A { text-decoration: none;}
<BODY vlink="#0000FF" alink="#0000FF" >
<table valign="top">
<td valign="top">
<font face="Arial" size="2">&nbsp;Nombre total de réponses&nbsp;:&nbsp;
<font face="Arial" size="2"><b></b></font>
<font face="Arial" size="2">&nbsp;-&nbsp;Affichage de la page&nbsp;
<font face="Arial" size="2"><b>&nbsp;/&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;</b></font>
<font face="Arial" size="2"><b></b></font>
<font face="Arial" size="2">&nbsp;réponses affichées dans cette page&nbsp;
<table cols=2 width="100%">
<td align=right>
Page précédente/suivante :<a href="/REPERTOIRE/Reponse/question.asp?action=listemoins" target="_top"><img src="/IMAGES/reponse/fleche_precedent.gif" width="20" height="20" border="0" alt="Page précédente"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/REPERTOIRE/Reponse/question.asp?action=listeplus" target="_top"><img src="/IMAGES/reponse/fleche_suivant.gif" width="20" height="20" border="0" alt="Page suivante"></a>

View File

@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
define ('BEFORE', 0);
define ('AFTER', 1);
define ('BOTH', 2);
function trimAccent ($strWithAccent) {
$strWithAccent = htmlentities(strtolower($strWithAccent ));
$strWithAccent = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml|grave);/", "$1", $strWithAccent );
$strWithAccent = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", "-", html_entity_decode($strWithAccent ));
$strWithAccent = trim($strWithAccent , "-");
return $strWithAccent;
//function SRSaufVoyelle ($strIn, $mot1, $mot2) {
function str_replace_except_voy($mot1, $mot2, $strIn, $rule=0) {
$Voyelle=array('a','e','i','o','u','y', '1', '2', '3', '4');
if ($mot1==$mot2) return $strIn;
if (strpos($mot2,$mot1)===false)
//foreach ($Voyelle as $k => $voy)
$posMot1=strpos($strIn, $mot1);
while ($posMot1!==false) {
//echo "Lettre AV=$lettreAV<br/>";
//echo "Lettre AP=$lettreAP<br/>";
if ( ( $rule==0 && !in_array($lettreAV, $Voyelle) ) ||
( $rule==1 && !in_array($lettreAP, $Voyelle) ) ||
( $rule==2 && !in_array($lettreAV, $Voyelle) && !in_array($lettreAP, $Voyelle) ))
$strIn=substr($strIn,0,$posMot1) . $mot2 . substr($strIn,$posMot1+strlen($mot1),strlen($strIn));
//echo "Le Mot devient : $strIn<br/>";
$posMot1=@strpos($strIn, $mot1, $posMot1+strlen($mot1));
return $strIn;
//echo "Erreur : $mot2 contient $mot1 !<br>";
return $strIn;
/** Retourne le phonex d'un mot
function phonex($strIn) {
if ($strIn=='') return 0.0;
$tabSonAIA=array('aina', 'eina', 'aima', 'eima');
$tabSonAIE=array('ainr', 'eine', 'aime', 'eime');
$tabSonAII=array('aini', 'eini', 'aimi', 'eimi');
$tabSonAIO=array('aino', 'eino', 'aimo', 'eimo');
$tabSonAIU=array('ainu', 'einu', 'aimu', 'eimu');
$tabCarPhon=array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'k', 'l', 'n', 'o', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z');
/** On traite tout en minuscule **/
/** On remplace les 'Y' par des 'I' **/
$strIn=str_replace('y', 'i', $strIn);
/** On supprime les accents **/
/** On retire les 'H' muets sauf ceux précédés par 'C' ou 'S' **/
$strIn = preg_replace ('/(?<![CS])H/', '', $strIn);
/** On remplace les 'PH' par des 'F' **/
$strIn=str_replace('ph', 'f', $strIn);
/** On remplace les 'G' par des 'K' devant AN AM AIN AIM **/
$strIn=str_replace('gan', 'kan', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gain', 'kain', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gam', 'kam4', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gaim', 'kaim', $strIn);
/** On remplace le son AI **/
for ($i=0; $i>4; $i++) {
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIA[$i], 'yna', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIE[$i], 'yne', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAII[$i], 'yni', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIO[$i], 'yno', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIU[$i], 'ynu', $strIn);
/** Remplacement des groupes de 3 lettres **/
$strIn=str_replace('eau', 'o', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('oua', '2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ein', '4', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ain', '4', $strIn);
/** Remplacement du son 'é' **/
$strIn=str_replace('ai', 'y', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ei', 'y', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('er', 'yr', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ess', 'yss', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('et', 'yt', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ez', 'yz', $strIn);
/** Remplacement des groupes de 2 lettres sauf si voyelle ou son (1 à 4) AVANT **/
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('an', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('am', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('en', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('em', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('in', '4', $strIn, BEFORE);
/** Remplacement du son 'SCH' **/
$strIn=str_replace('sch', '5', $strIn);
/** Remplacement du 'S' sauf si voyelle ou son (1 à 4) avant ou après **/
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('in', '4', $strIn, BOTH);
/** Remplacement de groupe de 2 lettres diverses **/
$strIn=str_replace('oe', 'e', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('eu', 'e', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('au', 'o', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('oi', '2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('oy', '2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ou', '3', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ch', '5', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('sh', '5', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ss', 's', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('sc', 's', $strIn);
/** Remplacement du 'C' par 'S' s'il est suivi d'un 'E' ou d'un 'I' **/
$strIn=str_replace('ce', 'se', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ci', 'si', $strIn);
/** Remplacement divers **/
$strIn=str_replace('c', 'k', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('q', 'k', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('qu', 'k', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ga', 'ka', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('go', 'ko', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gu', 'ku', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gy', 'ky', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('g2', 'k2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('g1', 'k1', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('g3', 'k3', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('a', 'o', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('d', 't', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('p', 't', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('j', 'g', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('b', 'f', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('v', 'f', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('m', 'n', $strIn);
/** Supression des lettres dupliquées **/
for ($i=1; $i<strlen($strIn); $i++)
{ if ($strIn==$let)
else {
/** Supression des terminaisons **/
if ($strIn2=='t' || $strIn2=='k' || $strIn2=='s' || $strIn2=='z')
/** Supression des caractères non autorisés **/
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($strIn); $i++)
if ($j<1) break;
for ($k=0; $k<22; $k++)
if ($strIn[$i]==$tabCarPhon[$k])
/** Couversion en flottant **/
for ($j=10; $j>0; $j--)
return $result;

View File

@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
1 codeZone valeur NBEntreprises NbProCol Pourcentage Risque Points
2 GLOBALE TOTAL 6447249 43572 0.006758231 0.006758231 0
3 insAPEN31 DB 18973 612 0.032256364 4.729218896 -3.729218896
4 insAPEN31 FA 367665 9644 0.0262304 3.845731092 -2.845731092
5 insAPEN31 DJ 32346 786 0.024299759 3.562673018 -2.562673018
6 insAPEN31 DM 5682 132 0.023231257 3.406016148 -2.406016148
7 insAPEN31 DC 2430 55 0.022633745 3.318412852 -2.318412852
8 insAPEN31 DE 36701 740 0.020162938 2.956159228 -1.956159228
9 insAPEN31 DH 5546 111 0.020014425 2.934385137 -1.934385137
10 insAPEN31 DD 11292 225 0.019925611 2.92136384 -1.92136384
11 insAPEN31 DK 17243 334 0.019370179 2.839930026 -1.839930026
12 insAPEN31 HA 242687 4586 0.018896768 2.770521585 -1.770521585
13 insAPEN31 IA 111075 1916 0.017249606 2.529025356 -1.529025356
14 insAPEN31 DL 20515 323 0.015744577 2.308367769 -1.308367769
15 insAPEN31 GA 693458 10740 0.0154876 2.270691423 -1.270691423
16 insAPEN31 DI 9391 138 0.014694921 2.154473946 -1.154473946
17 insAPEN31 DA 69613 995 0.014293307 2.095591997 -1.095591997
18 insAPEN31 DG 4389 61 0.013898382 2.037690661 -1.037690661
19 insAPEN31 DN 33557 435 0.012963018 1.900553633 -0.900553633
20 insAPEN31 ZZ 16576 119 0.007179054 1.052546337 -0.052546337
21 insAPEN31 CB 2833 17 0.006000706 0.879784584 0.120215416
22 insAPEN31 GG 9721 52 0.005349244 0.784271442 0.215728558
23 insAPEN31 MA 70612 373 0.005282388 0.774469502 0.225530498
24 insAPEN31 FF 4750 25 0.005263158 0.77165007 0.22834993
25 insAPEN31 CA 195 1 0.005128205 0.751864171 0.248135829
26 insAPEN31 HH 3757 16 0.004258717 0.62438547 0.37561453
27 insAPEN31 JA 72234 289 0.004000886 0.586583954 0.413416046
28 insAPEN31 OA 611504 2075 0.003393273 0.497499673 0.502500327
29 insAPEN31 KA 2657556 7102 0.00267238 0.391807048 0.608192952
30 insAPEN31 BA 14187 37 0.002608021 0.382371184 0.617628816
31 insAPEN31 OO 2450 6 0.00244898 0.359053502 0.640946498
32 insAPEN31 II 1476 3 0.00203252 0.297994946 0.702005054
33 insAPEN31 KK 22395 40 0.001786113 0.261868298 0.738131702
34 insAPEN31 AA 777002 1339 0.00172329 0.252657643 0.747342357
35 insAPEN31 EA 5687 7 0.001230877 0.180463266 0.819536734
36 insAPEN31 NA 432746 238 0.000549976 0.080633943 0.919366057
37 insAPEN31 BB 81 0 0 1
38 insAPEN31 DF 149 0 0 1
39 insAPEN31 EE 79 0 0 1
40 insAPEN31 JJ 596 0 0 1
41 insAPEN31 LA 56364 0 0 1
42 insAPEN31 LL 79 0 0 1
43 insAPEN31 MM 343 0 0 1
44 insAPEN31 NN 772 0 0 1
45 insAPEN31 PA 32 0 0 1
46 insAPEN31 QA 510 0 0 1
47 insMONOACT 1 57315 535 0.00933438 1.368546272 -0.368546272
48 insMONOACT 2 6175850 41794 0.006767328 0.992181671 0.007818329
49 insMONOACT 0 214084 1243 0.005806132 0.851257436 0.148742564
50 insSAISONAT 0 6422146 43477 0.006769855 0.99255229 0.00744771
51 insSAISONAT 1 25103 95 0.003784408 0.554845387 0.445154613
52 insDEPET 93 99100 1332 0.013440969 1.988829034 -0.988829034
53 insDEPET 77 87496 937 0.010709061 1.58459497 -0.58459497
54 insDEPET 94 94293 975 0.01034011 1.530002158 -0.530002158
55 insDEPET 57 67886 694 0.010223021 1.51267675 -0.51267675
56 insDEPET 95 72827 735 0.010092411 1.493350666 -0.493350666
57 insDEPET 13 198603 1935 0.009743055 1.441657335 -0.441657335
58 insDEPET 59 165430 1504 0.009091459 1.345242092 -0.345242092
59 insDEPET 91 75252 675 0.008969861 1.327249612 -0.327249612
60 insDEPET 06 158986 1366 0.008591951 1.271331178 -0.271331178
61 insDEPET 62 87566 730 0.008336569 1.23354282 -0.23354282
62 insDEPET 54 50761 411 0.008096767 1.198059904 -0.198059904
63 insDEPET 90 9792 79 0.00806781 1.193775242 -0.193775242
64 insDEPET 42 68973 550 0.007974135 1.179914273 -0.179914273
65 insDEPET 60 52888 420 0.00794131 1.175057253 -0.175057253
66 insDEPET 92 147353 1169 0.00793333 1.173876504 -0.173876504
67 insDEPET 68 61653 481 0.007801729 1.154403789 -0.154403789
68 insDEPET 72 43306 332 0.007666374 1.134375644 -0.134375644
69 insDEPET 31 116009 868 0.007482178 1.107120578 -0.107120578
70 insDEPET 02 39818 295 0.00740871 1.096249618 -0.096249618
71 insDEPET 78 101841 754 0.007403698 1.095508047 -0.095508047
72 insDEPET 67 93946 692 0.007365934 1.089920151 -0.089920151
73 insDEPET 28 34301 252 0.007346725 1.087077834 -0.087077834
74 insDEPET 33 152528 1107 0.007257684 1.07390268 -0.07390268
75 insDEPET 84 67613 488 0.007217547 1.067963714 -0.067963714
76 insDEPET 83 126540 909 0.007183499 1.062925765 -0.062925765
77 insDEPET 66 58946 419 0.007108201 1.051784011 -0.051784011
78 insDEPET 18 27790 193 0.006944944 1.027627324 -0.027627324
79 insDEPET 69 174961 1214 0.006938689 1.026701782 -0.026701782
80 insDEPET 88 34443 238 0.006909967 1.022451853 -0.022451853
81 insDEPET 30 76395 525 0.006872177 1.0168602 -0.0168602
82 insDEPET 08 23202 157 0.006766658 1.001246731 -0.001246731
83 insDEPET 87 34338 231 0.006727241 0.995414275 0.004585725
84 insDEPET 76 86118 579 0.006723333 0.994836039 0.005163961
85 insDEPET 26 53631 358 0.006675244 0.987720376 0.012279624
86 insDEPET 34 133650 876 0.006554433 0.969844315 0.030155685
87 insDEPET 2A 17005 111 0.006527492 0.965857872 0.034142128
88 insDEPET 25 44175 286 0.00647425 0.95797981 0.04202019
89 insDEPET 38 119307 770 0.006453938 0.954974293 0.045025707
90 insDEPET 41 28978 186 0.006418662 0.949754625 0.050245375
91 insDEPET 45 49561 318 0.006416335 0.949410303 0.050589697
92 insDEPET 2B 19519 124 0.006352784 0.940006815 0.059993185
93 insDEPET 70 21399 132 0.006168513 0.912740526 0.087259474
94 insDEPET 37 49723 305 0.006133982 0.907631159 0.092368841
95 insDEPET 55 17276 105 0.006077796 0.899317376 0.100682624
96 insDEPET 27 45311 273 0.006025027 0.891509307 0.108490693
97 insDEPET 39 26947 162 0.006011801 0.889552272 0.110447728
98 insDEPET 80 42871 257 0.005994728 0.887026083 0.112973917
99 insDEPET 47 40592 242 0.005961766 0.882148698 0.117851302
100 insDEPET 82 27230 159 0.005839148 0.864005216 0.135994784
101 insDEPET 36 23734 137 0.00577231 0.854115317 0.145884683
102 insDEPET 63 65589 373 0.005686929 0.841481754 0.158518246
103 insDEPET 89 33216 188 0.005659923 0.837485697 0.162514303
104 insDEPET 52 16860 94 0.005575326 0.824968117 0.175031883
105 insDEPET 24 51134 284 0.005554034 0.821817631 0.178182369
106 insDEPET 58 22345 123 0.005504587 0.814501022 0.185498978
107 insDEPET 17 75422 415 0.005502373 0.814173445 0.185826555
108 insDEPET 71 55680 306 0.00549569 0.813184479 0.186815521
109 insDEPET 03 34938 192 0.005495449 0.813148882 0.186851118
110 insDEPET 21 53379 290 0.005432848 0.803885963 0.196114037
111 insDEPET 49 68055 368 0.005407391 0.800119144 0.199880856
112 insDEPET 11 55513 300 0.00540414 0.799638025 0.200361975
113 insDEPET 86 38412 205 0.005336874 0.789684879 0.210315121
114 insDEPET 51 65810 346 0.00525756 0.777948932 0.222051068
115 insDEPET 56 72609 378 0.005205966 0.770314771 0.229685229
116 insDEPET 07 33636 169 0.005024379 0.74344568 0.25655432
117 insDEPET 44 106703 532 0.004985802 0.73773754 0.26226246
118 insDEPET 01 51685 255 0.004933733 0.730033082 0.269966918
119 insDEPET 10 30663 149 0.004859277 0.71901592 0.28098408
120 insDEPET 14 64428 310 0.004811573 0.711957263 0.288042737
121 insDEPET 19 30160 144 0.004774536 0.706477014 0.293522986
122 insDEPET 16 39889 190 0.004763218 0.704802333 0.295197667
123 insDEPET 73 71454 339 0.004744311 0.702004723 0.297995277
124 insDEPET 81 40986 194 0.004733324 0.700378935 0.299621065
125 insDEPET 35 90680 422 0.004653727 0.688601272 0.311398728
126 insDEPET 29 86330 400 0.004633384 0.685591038 0.314408962
127 insDEPET 61 32758 149 0.004548507 0.673032089 0.326967911
128 insDEPET 74 93707 423 0.00451407 0.667936558 0.332063442
129 insDEPET 09 17626 79 0.004482015 0.663193417 0.336806583
130 insDEPET 79 37656 162 0.004302103 0.636572261 0.363427739
131 insDEPET 64 83756 359 0.00428626 0.634227986 0.365772014
132 insDEPET 23 16174 68 0.004204278 0.622097355 0.377902645
133 insDEPET 50 52775 219 0.004149692 0.614020335 0.385979665
134 insDEPET 04 22787 90 0.00394962 0.58441619 0.41558381
135 insDEPET 40 49541 192 0.003875578 0.573460278 0.426539722
136 insDEPET 43 27370 105 0.003836317 0.567650968 0.432349032
137 insDEPET 22 64491 244 0.003783474 0.559831842 0.440168158
138 insDEPET 85 64417 243 0.003772296 0.558177928 0.441822072
139 insDEPET 46 26030 95 0.003649635 0.54002805 0.45997195
140 insDEPET 53 32932 120 0.003643872 0.539175339 0.460824661
141 insDEPET 99 40894 134 0.003276764 0.484855233 0.515144767
142 insDEPET 65 34146 104 0.003045745 0.450671801 0.549328199
143 insDEPET 32 32543 96 0.002949943 0.436496261 0.563503739
144 insDEPET 15 22199 62 0.002792919 0.413261701 0.586738299
145 insDEPET 05 25212 70 0.002776456 0.410825718 0.589174282
146 insDEPET 48 12747 34 0.002667294 0.394673359 0.605326641
147 insDEPET 98 775 2 0.002580645 0.381852092 0.618147908
148 insDEPET 12 41281 104 0.002519319 0.372777775 0.627222225
149 insDEPCOMEN 75120 23391 422 0.018041127 2.669503799 -1.669503799
150 insDEPCOMEN 75110 28336 491 0.017327781 2.56395164 -1.56395164
151 insDEPCOMEN 75102 19124 292 0.015268772 2.259284889 -1.259284889
152 insDEPCOMEN 75103 14002 144 0.010284245 1.521735947 -0.521735947
153 insDEPCOMEN 75112 23538 238 0.010111309 1.496147047 -0.496147047
154 insDEPCOMEN 75119 18558 185 0.009968747 1.475052368 -0.475052368
155 insDEPCOMEN 75109 30187 288 0.009540531 1.411690247 -0.411690247
156 insDEPCOMEN 75111 32950 296 0.008983308 1.329239301 -0.329239301
157 insDEPCOMEN 75101 16952 132 0.007786692 1.15217877 -0.15217877
158 insDEPCOMEN 75118 26179 197 0.007525116 1.113473932 -0.113473932
159 insDEPCOMEN 75114 21520 154 0.007156134 1.058876561 -0.058876561
160 insDEPCOMEN 75108 66310 446 0.006725984 0.995228288 0.004771712
161 insDEPCOMEN 75117 41679 278 0.006670026 0.986948262 0.013051738
162 insDEPCOMEN 75115 36833 223 0.006054353 0.895848666 0.104151334
163 insDEPCOMEN 75113 19497 113 0.005795763 0.857585705 0.142414295
164 insDEPCOMEN 75104 10380 51 0.004913295 0.72700886 0.27299114
165 insDEPCOMEN 75105 14528 71 0.004887115 0.723135028 0.276864972
166 insDEPCOMEN 75116 48424 220 0.004543202 0.672247044 0.327752956
167 insDEPCOMEN 75106 16345 72 0.004405017 0.651800145 0.348199855
168 insDEPCOMEN 75107 18645 59 0.003164387 0.468227056 0.531772944
169 insDEPCOMEN,3 974 61141 402 0.006574966 0.972882512 0.027117488
170 insDEPCOMEN,3 972 42850 261 0.006091015 0.901273418 0.098726582
171 insDEPCOMEN,3 971 63190 307 0.004858364 0.718880828 0.281119172
172 insDEPCOMEN,3 973 13285 63 0.00474219 0.701690944 0.298309056
173 insCJ,2 54 1046180 26431 0.025264295 3.738299821 -2.738299821
174 insCJ,2 55 116455 1676 0.014391825 2.129525393 -1.129525393
175 insCJ,2 13 332350 4569 0.013747555 2.034194255 -1.034194255
176 insCJ,2 56 6079 81 0.01332456 1.971604606 -0.971604606
177 insCJ,2 57 68076 864 0.012691698 1.8779614 -0.8779614
178 insCJ,2 12 437093 5064 0.011585635 1.714299878 -0.714299878
179 insCJ,2 11 197912 2096 0.010590566 1.567061711 -0.567061711
180 insCJ,2 82 5102 51 0.00999608 1.479097048 -0.479097048
181 insCJ,2 31 11814 115 0.009734214 1.440349288 -0.440349288
182 insCJ,2 53 1525 13 0.00852459 1.261364073 -0.261364073
183 insCJ,2 52 38818 186 0.004791592 0.709000819 0.290999181
184 insCJ,2 51 517 1 0.001934236 0.286204465 0.713795535
185 insCJ,2 92 417094 658 0.001577582 0.233431198 0.766568802
186 insCJ,2 62 10141 12 0.001183315 0.175092447 0.824907553
187 insCJ,2 17 40919 39 0.000953102 0.141028389 0.858971611
188 insCJ,2 16 558658 471 0.000843092 0.124750367 0.875249633
189 insCJ,2 65 1134849 828 0.000729612 0.107959088 0.892040912
190 insCJ,2 32 26976 19 0.00070433 0.104218063 0.895781937
191 insCJ,2 29 24080 14 0.000581395 0.086027738 0.913972262
192 insCJ,2 84 8634 5 0.000579106 0.085688967 0.914311033
193 insCJ,2 63 20101 6 0.000298493 0.044167268 0.955832732
194 insCJ,2 19 511880 129 0.000252012 0.037289666 0.962710334
195 insCJ,2 15 577704 133 0.000230222 0.034065378 0.965934622
196 insCJ,2 18 497265 107 0.000215177 0.03183925 0.96816075
197 insCJ,2 22 29402 3 0.000102034 0.015097719 0.984902281
198 insCJ,2 21 24477 1 4.08547E-05 0.006045173 0.993954827
199 insCJ,2 10 1 0 0 0 1
200 insCJ,2 14 6117 0 0 0 1
201 insCJ,2 23 7434 0 0 0 1
202 insCJ,2 27 527 0 0 0 1
203 insCJ,2 41 874 0 0 0 1
204 insCJ,2 61 17 0 0 0 1
205 insCJ,2 64 178 0 0 0 1
206 insCJ,2 69 2 0 0 0 1
207 insCJ,2 71 2984 0 0 0 1
208 insCJ,2 72 36821 0 0 0 1
209 insCJ,2 73 91862 0 0 0 1
210 insCJ,2 74 2566 0 0 0 1
211 insCJ,2 81 1202 0 0 0 1
212 insCJ,2 83 4849 0 0 0 1
213 insCJ,2 91 145682 0 0 0 1
214 insCJ,2 93 461 0 0 0 1
215 insCJ,2 99 1571 0 0 0 1
216 ageDirigeant 0 4092989 11244 0.002747137 0.406487512 0.593512488
217 ageDirigeant 1 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
218 ageDirigeant 2 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
219 ageDirigeant 3 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
220 ageDirigeant 4 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
221 ageDirigeant 5 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
222 ageDirigeant 6 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
223 ageDirigeant 7 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
224 ageDirigeant 8 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
225 ageDirigeant 9 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
226 ageDirigeant 10 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
227 ageDirigeant 11 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
228 ageDirigeant 12 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
229 ageDirigeant 13 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
230 ageDirigeant 14 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
231 ageDirigeant 15 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
232 ageDirigeant 16 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
233 ageDirigeant 17 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
234 ageDirigeant 18 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
235 ageDirigeant 19 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
236 ageDirigeant 20 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
237 ageDirigeant 21 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
238 ageDirigeant 22 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
239 ageDirigeant 23 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
240 ageDirigeant 24 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
241 ageDirigeant 25 7915 339 0.042830069 6.337467242 -5.337467242
242 ageDirigeant 26 51311 1744 0.033988813 5.029246825 -4.029246825
243 ageDirigeant 27 51311 1744 0.033988813 5.029246825 -4.029246825
244 ageDirigeant 28 51311 1744 0.033988813 5.029246825 -4.029246825
245 ageDirigeant 29 51311 1744 0.033988813 5.029246825 -4.029246825
246 ageDirigeant 30 132700 3421 0.025779955 3.814600838 -2.814600838
247 ageDirigeant 31 132700 3421 0.025779955 3.814600838 -2.814600838
248 ageDirigeant 32 132700 3421 0.025779955 3.814600838 -2.814600838
249 ageDirigeant 33 132700 3421 0.025779955 3.814600838 -2.814600838
250 ageDirigeant 34 132700 3421 0.025779955 3.814600838 -2.814600838
251 ageDirigeant 35 246272 4538 0.01842678 2.726568435 -1.726568435
252 ageDirigeant 36 246272 4538 0.01842678 2.726568435 -1.726568435
253 ageDirigeant 37 246272 4538 0.01842678 2.726568435 -1.726568435
254 ageDirigeant 38 246272 4538 0.01842678 2.726568435 -1.726568435
255 ageDirigeant 39 246272 4538 0.01842678 2.726568435 -1.726568435
256 ageDirigeant 40 339245 5421 0.015979602 2.364465057 -1.364465057
257 ageDirigeant 41 339245 5421 0.015979602 2.364465057 -1.364465057
258 ageDirigeant 42 339245 5421 0.015979602 2.364465057 -1.364465057
259 ageDirigeant 43 339245 5421 0.015979602 2.364465057 -1.364465057
260 ageDirigeant 44 339245 5421 0.015979602 2.364465057 -1.364465057
261 ageDirigeant 45 367968 5217 0.014177863 2.097865945 -1.097865945
262 ageDirigeant 46 367968 5217 0.014177863 2.097865945 -1.097865945
263 ageDirigeant 47 367968 5217 0.014177863 2.097865945 -1.097865945
264 ageDirigeant 48 367968 5217 0.014177863 2.097865945 -1.097865945
265 ageDirigeant 49 367968 5217 0.014177863 2.097865945 -1.097865945
266 ageDirigeant 50 375026 4591 0.012241818 1.811393744 -0.811393744
267 ageDirigeant 51 375026 4591 0.012241818 1.811393744 -0.811393744
268 ageDirigeant 52 375026 4591 0.012241818 1.811393744 -0.811393744
269 ageDirigeant 53 375026 4591 0.012241818 1.811393744 -0.811393744
270 ageDirigeant 54 375026 4591 0.012241818 1.811393744 -0.811393744
271 ageDirigeant 55 377653 3778 0.010003892 1.480253045 -0.480253045
272 ageDirigeant 56 377653 3778 0.010003892 1.480253045 -0.480253045
273 ageDirigeant 57 377653 3778 0.010003892 1.480253045 -0.480253045
274 ageDirigeant 58 377653 3778 0.010003892 1.480253045 -0.480253045
275 ageDirigeant 59 377653 3778 0.010003892 1.480253045 -0.480253045
276 ageDirigeant 60 232451 2003 0.00861687 1.275018479 -0.275018479
277 ageDirigeant 61 232451 2003 0.00861687 1.275018479 -0.275018479
278 ageDirigeant 62 232451 2003 0.00861687 1.275018479 -0.275018479
279 ageDirigeant 63 232451 2003 0.00861687 1.275018479 -0.275018479
280 ageDirigeant 64 232451 2003 0.00861687 1.275018479 -0.275018479
281 ageDirigeant 65 100941 680 0.006736609 0.996800526 0.003199474
282 ageDirigeant 66 100941 680 0.006736609 0.996800526 0.003199474
283 ageDirigeant 67 100941 680 0.006736609 0.996800526 0.003199474
284 ageDirigeant 68 100941 680 0.006736609 0.996800526 0.003199474
285 ageDirigeant 69 100941 680 0.006736609 0.996800526 0.003199474
286 ageDirigeant 70 55612 320 0.005754154 0.85142895 0.14857105
287 ageDirigeant 71 55612 320 0.005754154 0.85142895 0.14857105
288 ageDirigeant 72 55612 320 0.005754154 0.85142895 0.14857105
289 ageDirigeant 73 55612 320 0.005754154 0.85142895 0.14857105
290 ageDirigeant 74 55612 320 0.005754154 0.85142895 0.14857105
291 ageDirigeant 75 33744 164 0.004860123 0.719141306 0.280858694
292 ageDirigeant 76 33744 164 0.004860123 0.719141306 0.280858694
293 ageDirigeant 77 33744 164 0.004860123 0.719141306 0.280858694
294 ageDirigeant 78 33744 164 0.004860123 0.719141306 0.280858694
295 ageDirigeant 79 33744 164 0.004860123 0.719141306 0.280858694
296 ageDirigeant 80 19900 73 0.003668342 0.542796117 0.457203883
297 ageDirigeant 81 19900 73 0.003668342 0.542796117 0.457203883
298 ageDirigeant 82 19900 73 0.003668342 0.542796117 0.457203883
299 ageDirigeant 83 19900 73 0.003668342 0.542796117 0.457203883
300 ageDirigeant 84 19900 73 0.003668342 0.542796117 0.457203883
301 ageDirigeant * 13522 39 0.002884189 0.426766798 0.573233202
302 ageEntreprise 0 398545 3931 0,009863378 1,45812286 -0.45812286
303 ageEntreprise 1 363230 5849 0.016102745 2.380500904 -1.380500904
304 ageEntreprise 2 336945 5474 0.016245975 2.401674887 -1.401674887
305 ageEntreprise 3 320242 4323 0.013499166 1.995608689 -0.995608689
306 ageEntreprise 4 311256 3186 0.010235947 1.513200512 -0.513200512
307 ageEntreprise 5 286481 2597 0.009065174 1.340122706 -0.340122706
308 ageEntreprise 6 271422 2131 0.007851243 1.16066488 -0.16066488
309 ageEntreprise 7 249689 1696 0.00679245 1.004141411 -0.004141411
310 ageEntreprise 8 299828 1471 0.004906146 0.725285383 0.274714617
311 ageEntreprise 9 251098 1368 0.005448072 0.805399367 0.194600633
312 ageEntreprise 10 224326 1088 0.004850084 0.716997635 0.283002365
313 ageEntreprise 11 225543 1016 0.004504684 0.665936463 0.334063537
314 ageEntreprise 12 219141 911 0.004157141 0.614558427 0.385441573
315 ageEntreprise 13 227433 890 0.00391324 0.578502136 0.421497864
316 ageEntreprise 14 228796 849 0.003710729 0.548564505 0.451435495
317 ageEntreprise 15 203213 738 0.003631657 0.536875165 0.463124835
318 ageEntreprise 16 195413 723 0.003699856 0.546957126 0.453042874
319 ageEntreprise 17 156467 621 0.003968888 0.586728635 0.413271365
320 ageEntreprise 18 136150 578 0.004245318 0.627593783 0.372406217
321 ageEntreprise 19 120966 421 0.003480317 0.514502176 0.485497824
322 ageEntreprise 20 110350 344 0.003117354 0.460844645 0.539155355
323 ageEntreprise 21 108829 314 0.00288526 0.426533798 0.573466202
324 ageEntreprise 22 92057 306 0.003324028 0.49139762 0.50860238
325 ageEntreprise 23 94394 225 0.002383626 0.3523762 0.6476238
326 ageEntreprise 24 61811 133 0.002151721 0.318093146 0.681906854
327 ageEntreprise 25 86450 215 0.002486987 0.367656207 0.632343793
328 ageEntreprise 26 79203 222 0.002802924 0.414361868 0.585638132
329 ageEntreprise 27 41020 131 0.003193564 0.472110957 0.527889043
330 ageEntreprise 28 37137 119 0.003204351 0.473705671 0.526294329
331 ageEntreprise 29 30627 110 0.003591602 0.530953718 0.469046282
332 ageEntreprise 30 27785 106 0.003815008 0.563980261 0.436019739
333 ageEntreprise 31 27100 87 0.003210332 0.474589802 0.525410198
334 ageEntreprise 32 26851 86 0.00320286 0.47348522 0.52651478
335 ageEntreprise 33 21279 48 0.002255745 0.3334713 0.6665287
336 ageEntreprise 34 17287 42 0.002429571 0.359168382 0.640831618
337 ageEntreprise 35 20082 45 0.002240813 0.331263809 0.668736191
338 ageEntreprise 36 24005 33 0.001374714 0.203226655 0.796773345
339 ageEntreprise 37 10981 36 0.00327839 0.484650929 0.515349071
340 ageEntreprise 38 14152 43 0.00303844 0.449178619 0.550821381
341 ageEntreprise 39 17017 67 0.003937239 0.582049933 0.417950067
342 ageEntreprise 40 31055 102 0.003284495 0.485553488 0.514446512
343 ageEntreprise 41 15175 43 0.002833608 0.418897912 0.581102088
344 ageEntreprise 42 6992 15 0.002145309 0.3171453 0.6828547
345 ageEntreprise 43 6310 14 0.0022187 0.327994919 0.672005081
346 ageEntreprise 44 7244 15 0.002070679 0.306112636 0.693887364
347 ageEntreprise 45 5863 13 0.002217295 0.32778713 0.67221287
348 ageEntreprise 46 7647 52 0.006800052 1.005265304 -0.005265304
349 ageEntreprise 47 9466 55 0.005810268 0.858943563 0.141056437
350 ageEntreprise 48 6119 35 0.005719889 0.845582587 0.154417413
351 ageEntreprise 49 6031 41 0.006798209 1.004992841 -0.004992841
352 ageEntreprise 50 4954 22 0.004440856 0.656500587 0.343499413
353 ageEntreprise 51 12623 11 0.000871425 0.128824523 0.871175477
354 ageEntreprise * 353169 621 0.001758365 0.259942604 0.740057396
355 insTEFEN 11 122483 2586 0.021113134 3.12406207 -2.12406207
356 insTEFEN 2 348140 6830 0.019618544 2.902911041 -1.902911041
357 insTEFEN 3 178988 3509 0.019604666 2.900857541 -1.900857541
358 insTEFEN 12 77324 1239 0.016023486 2.370958447 -1.370958447
359 insTEFEN 1 946071 14717 0.015555915 2.301773089 -1.301773089
360 insTEFEN 21 22652 290 0.012802402 1.894342023 -0.894342023
361 insTEFEN 22 11018 103 0.009348339 1.383252313 -0.383252313
362 insTEFEN 31 2325 13 0.005591398 0.827346328 0.172653672
363 insTEFEN 0 4729670 14264 0.003015855 0.446249188 0.553750812
364 insTEFEN 32 4541 13 0.002862806 0.423602777 0.576397223
365 insTEFEN 41 2251 6 0.002665482 0.394405265 0.605594735
366 insTEFEN 51 492 1 0.00203252 0.300747375 0.699252625
367 insTEFEN 42 1121 1 0.000892061 0.131996172 0.868003828
368 insTEFEN 52 172 0 0 0 1
369 insTEFEN 53 1 0 0 0 1
370 insNBTOA 13 445 8 0.017977528 2.660093638 -1.660093638
371 insNBTOA 2 199031 2816 0.01414855 2.093528483 -1.093528483
372 insNBTOA 3 38973 413 0.01059708 1.56802565 -0.56802565
373 insNBTOA 1 3755472 38870 0.01035023 1.531499858 -0.531499858
374 insNBTOA 8 1595 15 0.009404389 1.391545849 -0.391545849
375 insNBTOA 11 743 6 0.00807537 1.194894013 -0.194894013
376 insNBTOA 4 14851 119 0.008012928 1.185654658 -0.185654658
377 insNBTOA 7 2443 19 0.007777323 1.150792658 -0.150792658
378 insNBTOA 20-25 949 7 0.007376185 1.091437261 -0.091437261
379 insNBTOA 10 869 6 0.006904488 1.021641256 -0.021641256
380 insNBTOA 5 7090 46 0.006488011 0.960016163 0.039983837
381 insNBTOA 6 3905 24 0.006145967 0.909404611 0.090595389
382 insNBTOA 9 1144 6 0.005244755 0.776054416 0.223945584
383 insNBTOA 14 412 2 0.004854369 0.718289848 0.281710152
384 insNBTOA 75-99 225 1 0.004444444 0.657634261 0.342365739
385 insNBTOA 35-49 639 2 0.00312989 0.463122719 0.536877281
386 insNBTOA 50-74 424 1 0.002358491 0.348980445 0.651019555
387 insNBTOA 15-19 1445 3 0.002076125 0.307199395 0.692800605
388 insNBTOA 12 626 1 0.001597444 0.236370142 0.763629858
389 insNBTOA 26-34 793 1 0.001261034 0.186592319 0.813407681
390 insNBTOA 0 2414681 1206 0.000499445 0.073901711 0.926098289
391 insNBTOA 100- 494 0 0 0 1
392 insTCA 2 21622 409 0.018915919 2.798369096 -1.798369096
393 insTCA 3 28973 507 0.017499051 2.588761516 -1.588761516
394 insTCA 1 20023 348 0.017380013 2.571151383 -1.571151383
395 insTCA 4 15955 207 0.012973989 1.919336348 -0.919336348
396 insTCA 5 10403 89 0.008555224 1.265636407 -0.265636407
397 insTCA 6 7600 51 0.006710526 0.992736831 0.007263169
398 insTCA 0 6337365 41952 0.006619786 0.979312956 0.020687044
399 insTCA 7 2667 7 0.002624672 0.388286754 0.611713246
400 insTCA 9 1314 2 0.00152207 0.225170857 0.774829143
401 insTCA 8 1327 0 0 0 1
402 insTCAEXPOR 3 5258 109 0.020730316 3.066785966 -2.066785966
403 insTCAEXPOR 2 12013 215 0.017897278 2.647674141 -1.647674141
404 insTCAEXPOR 1 10029 173 0.017249975 2.551913931 -1.551913931
405 insTCAEXPOR 4 5589 88 0.015745214 2.329303684 -1.329303684
406 insTCAEXPOR 0 6414360 42987 0.006701682 0.991428405 0.008571595
407 insSEXE M 2233981 9893 0.004428417 0.655262754 0.344737246
408 insSEXE F 923849 2714 0.002937710 0.434686146 0.565313854
409 insSEXE * 3289419 30965 0.009413516 1.392896465 -0.392896465
410 insRECME 0 6445782 43572 0.006759769 1.000227591 -0.000227591
411 insRECME 1 1467 0 0.000000000 0 1
412 insMONOREG 1 78856 935 0.011857056 1.754461392 -0.754461392
413 insMONOREG 2 6170828 41393 0.006707852 0.992545468 0.007454532
414 insMONOREG 0 197565 1244 0.006296662 0.931702627 0.068297373
415 insRPET 11 1205539 10949 0.009082245 1.343874119 -0.343874119
416 insRPET 31 252996 2234 0.008830179 1.306576712 -0.306576712
417 insRPET 41 170366 1448 0.008499348 1.25762463 -0.25762463
418 insRPET 93 599741 4858 0.008100163 1.198558318 -0.198558318
419 insRPET 42 155599 1173 0.007538609 1.1154667 -0.1154667
420 insRPET 22 135577 972 0.007169358 1.060829637 -0.060829637
421 insRPET 4 60943 402 0.006596328 0.976040016 0.023959984
422 insRPET 24 214087 1391 0.006497359 0.961395827 0.038604173
423 insRPET 23 131429 852 0.006482588 0.959210205 0.040789795
424 insRPET 43 102313 659 0.006441019 0.953059456 0.046940544
425 insRPET 94 36450 234 0.006419753 0.949912765 0.050087235
426 insRPET 91 337251 2154 0.006386934 0.945056671 0.054943329
427 insRPET 82 667354 4078 0.0061107 0.904183032 0.095816968
428 insRPET 2 42948 261 0.006077117 0.899213798 0.100786202
429 insRPET 72 377551 2184 0.005784649 0.855938198 0.144061802
430 insRPET 26 164649 907 0.005508688 0.81510506 0.18489494
431 insRPET 74 80672 443 0.005491372 0.812542903 0.187457097
432 insRPET 21 136535 746 0.0054638 0.808463155 0.191536845
433 insRPET 54 191379 972 0.005078927 0.751514532 0.248485468
434 insRPET 73 335852 1699 0.005058776 0.748532806 0.251467194
435 insRPET 52 315413 1595 0.005056862 0.748249607 0.251750393
436 insRPET 83 150096 732 0.004876879 0.721618007 0.278381993
437 insRPET 1 63134 307 0.004862673 0.719516021 0.280483979
438 insRPET 3 13275 63 0.004745763 0.702217129 0.297782871
439 insRPET 53 314133 1445 0.004599962 0.680643473 0.319356527
440 insRPET 25 149961 678 0.004521176 0.668985593 0.331014407
441 insRPET 99 41208 134 0.003251796 0.481159052 0.518840948
442 insRPET 98 775 2 0.002580645 0.381850789 0.618149211
443 insSINGT 43 23550 425 0.018046709 2.670330198 -1.670330198
444 insSINGT 2 76142 1237 0.016245961 2.403877696 -1.403877696
445 insSINGT 1 3885595 40481 0.010418224 1.541560768 -0.541560768
446 insSINGT 40 13737 119 0.008662736 1.281805149 -0.281805149
447 insSINGT 31 35843 96 0.002678347 0.396308903 0.603691097
448 insSINGT 33 3315 8 0.002413273 0.357086476 0.642913524
449 insSINGT 52 6565 10 0.001523229 0.225388741 0.774611259
450 insSINGT 10 96382 127 0.001317673 0.194973117 0.805026883
451 insSINGT 60 216663 228 0.001052326 0.155710193 0.844289807
452 insSINGT 90 577496 260 0.00045022 0.066617958 0.933382042
453 insSINGT 70 1298907 576 0.00044345 0.065616245 0.934383755
454 insSINGT 34 24032 1 4.16112E-05 0.006157112 0.993842888
455 insSINGT 80 149852 4 2.6693E-05 0.003949703 0.996050297
456 insSINGT 0 1 0 0 1
457 insSINGT 30 5741 0 0 0 1
458 insSINGT 42 33428 0 0 0 1
459 insORDIN 1 3412206 41477 0.012155479 1.798618445 -0.798618445
460 insORDIN 0 3035043 2095 0.00069027 0.102137713 0.897862287
461 insMODET 3 2787 130 0.046645138 6.901974209 -5.901974209
462 insMODET 1 991 19 0.019172553 2.836918732 -1.836918732
463 insMODET 2 3347 45 0.013444876 1.989407496 -0.989407496
464 insMODET 0 6440124 43378 0.006735585 0.996649019 0.003350981
465 insAUXILT 1 26364 474 0.017979062 2.66032066 -1.66032066
466 insAUXILT 0 6420872 43098 0.006712172 0.993184774 0.006815226
467 insAUXILT * 13 0 0 0 1
468 insTCD 73 83653 867 0.010364243 1.533573253 -0.533573253
469 insTCD 44 207816 2036 0.009797128 1.449658615 -0.449658615
470 insTCD 52 189137 1814 0.009590931 1.419148149 -0.419148149
471 insTCD 43 241634 2262 0.009361265 1.385164989 -0.385164989
472 insTCD 62 114691 1056 0.009207348 1.362390251 -0.362390251
473 insTCD 41 193192 1687 0.008732246 1.292090379 -0.292090379
474 insTCD 51 286358 2499 0.008726838 1.291290286 -0.291290286
475 insTCD 72 161502 1371 0.008489059 1.256106603 -0.256106603
476 insTCD 80 520175 4329 0.008322199 1.231416755 -0.231416755
477 insTCD 42 173427 1427 0.008228246 1.21751469 -0.21751469
478 insTCD 61 258193 2063 0.007990147 1.182283729 -0.182283729
479 insTCD 31 307323 2413 0.007851674 1.161794206 -0.161794206
480 insTCD 32 256048 1919 0.007494688 1.108971884 -0.108971884
481 insTCD 71 137763 984 0.007142702 1.056889189 -0.056889189
482 insTCD 22 291665 2073 0.007107469 1.051675929 -0.051675929
483 insTCD 21 317427 2113 0.006656649 0.984969043 0.015030957
484 insTCD 18 197044 1301 0.006602586 0.976969555 0.023030445
485 insTCD 17 257376 1549 0.006018432 0.890533619 0.109466381
486 insTCD 15 199766 1128 0.005646607 0.83551543 0.16448457
487 insTCD 16 172805 968 0.00560169 0.828869199 0.171130801
488 insTCD 14 249738 1244 0.00498122 0.737059757 0.262940243
489 insTCD 0 120431 578 0.004799429 0.71016047 0.28983953
490 insTCD 13 342501 1623 0.004738672 0.701170482 0.298829518
491 insTCD 12 272656 1158 0.00424711 0.628435122 0.371564878
492 insTCD 11 245321 1022 0.00416597 0.616429079 0.383570921
493 insTCD 8 125432 481 0.003834747 0.567418744 0.432581256
494 insTCD 7 149718 535 0.003573385 0.528745536 0.471254464
495 insTCD 6 81869 265 0.003236878 0.478953484 0.521046516
496 insTCD 4 81356 256 0.003146664 0.465604668 0.534395332
497 insTCD 5 84330 243 0.002881537 0.426374401 0.573625599
498 insTCD 3 74476 200 0.002685429 0.397356756 0.602643244
499 insTCD 2 43091 94 0.00218143 0.322781198 0.677218802
500 insTCD 1 9335 14 0.001499732 0.221911936 0.778088064
501 insNATURE 91 238972 6564 0.027467653 4.064325692 -3.064325692
502 insNATURE 20 144873 3353 0.023144409 3.424625203 -2.424625203
503 insNATURE 22 10828 119 0.010990026 1.626168944 -0.626168944
504 insNATURE 93 160570 1367 0.008513421 1.259711389 -0.259711389
505 insNATURE 21 185819 1501 0.008077753 1.195246614 -0.195246614
506 insNATURE 92 83924 635 0.00756637 1.119578368 -0.119578368
507 insNATURE 99 5621113 30028 0.005342003 0.790443877 0.209556123
508 insNATURE 23 1135 5 0.004405286 0.651840126 0.348159874
509 insNATURE * 15 0 0 0 1
510 insORIGINE 3 296615 3962 0.013357382 1.976461277 -0.976461277
511 insORIGINE 7 112298 1480 0.01317922 1.950098922 -0.950098922
512 insORIGINE 2 907819 9870 0.010872211 1.608736195 -0.608736195
513 insORIGINE 5 54475 462 0.008480955 1.254907414 -0.254907414
514 insORIGINE 6 1914 11 0.005747126 0.85038913 0.14961087
515 insORIGINE 1 4776418 27127 0.005679361 0.840361968 0.159638032
516 insORIGINE 8 90133 230 0.002551785 0.377581718 0.622418282
517 insORIGINE 0 173492 370 0.002132663 0.315565284 0.684434716
518 insORIGINE 4 34085 60 0.001760305 0.260468315 0.739531685
519 insTU 8 1084479 9960 0.009184134 1.358955201 -0.358955201
520 insTU 7 1259040 10827 0.008599409 1.272434856 -0.272434856
521 insTU 5 399066 3189 0.007991159 1.182433539 -0.182433539
522 insTU 6 378843 2890 0.00762849 1.128770171 -0.128770171
523 insTU 4 410877 2959 0.007201669 1.065614405 -0.065614405
524 insTU 3 331773 2090 0.006299488 0.93212079 0.06787921
525 insTU 2 343704 2076 0.006040081 0.893736945 0.106263055
526 insTU 1 375638 2186 0.005819433 0.861088098 0.138911902
527 insTU 0 1863829 7395 0.003967639 0.587082401 0.412917599

View File

@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
* CLASS soundex2
* soundex2 French version
* based on the algorithm described here : by Frédéric BROUARD
* author Johan Barbier <>
class soundex2 {
* public sString
* main string we work on
var $sString = '';
* vowels replacement array
var $aReplaceVoy1 = array (
'E' => 'A',
'I' => 'A',
'O' => 'A',
'U' => 'A'
* consonnants replacement array
var $aReplaceGrp1 = array (
'GUI' => 'KI',
'GUE' => 'KE',
'GA' => 'KA',
'GO' => 'KO',
'GU' => 'K',
'CA' => 'KA',
'CO' => 'KO',
'CU' => 'KU',
'Q' => 'K',
'CC' => 'K',
'CK' => 'K'
* other replacement array
var $aReplaceGrp2 = array (
'ASA' => 'AZA',
'KN' => 'NN',
'PF' => 'FF',
'PH' => 'FF',
'SCH' => 'SSS'
* endings replacement array
var $aEnd = array (
* public function build
* core function of the class, go through the whole process
* @Param string sString : the string we want to check
function build ($sString) {
* let's check it's a real string...
if (is_string ($sString) && !empty ($sString)) {
$this -> sString = $sString;
} else {
$this -> sString = '';
//trigger_error ('Parameter string must not be empty', E_USER_ERROR);
* remove starting and ending spaces
$this -> sString = trim ($this -> sString);
* remove special french characters
$this -> trimAccent ();
* string to upper case
$this -> sString = strtoupper ($this -> sString );
* let's remove every space in the string
$this -> sString = str_replace (' ', '', $this -> sString);
* let's remove every '-' in the string
$this -> sString = str_replace ('-', '', $this -> sString);
* let's process through the first replacement array
$this -> arrReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp1);
* let's process through th vowels replacement
$sChar = substr ($this -> sString, 0, 1);
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 1, strlen ($this -> sString) - 1);
$this -> arrReplace ($this -> aReplaceVoy1);
$this -> sString = $sChar.$this -> sString;
* let's process through the second replacement array
$this -> arrReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp2, true);
* let's remove every 'H' but those prededed by a 'C' or an 'S'
$this -> sString = preg_replace ('/(?<![CS])H/', '', $this -> sString);
* let's remove every 'Y' but those preceded by an 'A'
$this -> sString = preg_replace ('/(?<!A)Y/', '', $this -> sString);
* remove endings in aEnd
$length = strlen ($this -> sString) - 1;
if (in_array ($this -> sString{$length}, $this -> aEnd)) {
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 0, $length);
* let's remove every 'A', but the one at the beginning of the string, if any.
$sChar = '';
if ($this -> sString{0} === 'A') {
$sChar = 'A';
$this -> sString = str_replace ('A', '', $this -> sString);
$this -> sString = $sChar.$this -> sString;
* let's have only 1 occurence of each letter
$this -> sString = preg_replace( '/(.)\1/', '$1', $this -> sString );
* let's have the final code : a 4 letters string
$this -> getFinal ();
* private function getFinal
* gets the first 4 letters, pads the string with white space if the string length < 4
function getFinal () {
if (strlen ($this -> sString) < 4) {
$this -> sString = str_pad ($this -> sString, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
} else {
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 0, 4);
* private function trimAccent
* remove every special French letters
function trimAccent () {
$this -> sString = htmlentities(strtolower($this -> sString ));
$this -> sString = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml|grave);/", "$1", $this -> sString );
$this -> sString = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", "-", html_entity_decode($this -> sString ));
$this -> sString = trim($this -> sString , "-");
* private function arrReplace
* replacement method, given an array
* @Param array tab : the replacement array to be used
* @Param bool pref : if false, just replace keys by values; if true, do the same but only with prefix
function arrReplace ($tab, $pref = false) {
$fromRep = array_keys ($tab);
$toRep = array_values ($tab);
if (false === $pref) {
$this -> sString = str_replace ($fromRep, $toRep, $this -> sString);
} else {
foreach ($fromRep as $clef => $val) {
$length = strlen ($val);
if (substr ($this -> sString, 0, $length) === $val) {
$this -> sString = substr_replace ($this -> sString, $toRep[$clef], 0, $length);

View File

@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
define ('BEFORE', 0);
define ('AFTER', 1);
define ('BOTH', 2);
function trimAccent ($strWithAccent) {
$strWithAccent = htmlentities(strtolower($strWithAccent ));
$strWithAccent = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml|grave);/", "$1", $strWithAccent );
$strWithAccent = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", "-", html_entity_decode($strWithAccent ));
$strWithAccent = trim($strWithAccent , "-");
return $strWithAccent;
//function SRSaufVoyelle ($strIn, $mot1, $mot2) {
function str_replace_except_voy($mot1, $mot2, $strIn, $rule=0) {
$Voyelle=array('a','e','i','o','u','y', '1', '2', '3', '4');
if ($mot1==$mot2) return $strIn;
if (strpos($mot2,$mot1)===false)
//foreach ($Voyelle as $k => $voy)
$posMot1=strpos($strIn, $mot1);
while ($posMot1!==false) {
//echo "Lettre AV=$lettreAV<br/>";
//echo "Lettre AP=$lettreAP<br/>";
if ( ( $rule==0 && !in_array($lettreAV, $Voyelle) ) ||
( $rule==1 && !in_array($lettreAP, $Voyelle) ) ||
( $rule==2 && !in_array($lettreAV, $Voyelle) && !in_array($lettreAP, $Voyelle) ))
$strIn=substr($strIn,0,$posMot1) . $mot2 . substr($strIn,$posMot1+strlen($mot1),strlen($strIn));
//echo "Le Mot devient : $strIn<br/>";
$posMot1=strpos($strIn, $mot1, $posMot1+strlen($mot1));
return $strIn;
//echo "Erreur : $mot2 contient $mot1 !<br>";
return $strIn;
/** Retourne le phonex d'un mot
function phonex($strIn) {
if ($strIn=='') return 0.0;
$tabSonAIA=array('aina', 'eina', 'aima', 'eima');
$tabSonAIE=array('ainr', 'eine', 'aime', 'eime');
$tabSonAII=array('aini', 'eini', 'aimi', 'eimi');
$tabSonAIO=array('aino', 'eino', 'aimo', 'eimo');
$tabSonAIU=array('ainu', 'einu', 'aimu', 'eimu');
$tabCarPhon=array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'k', 'l', 'n', 'o', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z');
/** On traite tout en minuscule **/
/** On remplace les 'Y' par des 'I' **/
$strIn=str_replace('y', 'i', $strIn);
/** On supprime les accents **/
/** On retire les 'H' muets sauf ceux précédés par 'C' ou 'S' **/
$strIn = preg_replace ('/(?<![CS])H/', '', $strIn);
/** On remplace les 'PH' par des 'F' **/
$strIn=str_replace('ph', 'f', $strIn);
/** On remplace les 'G' par des 'K' devant AN AM AIN AIM **/
$strIn=str_replace('gan', 'kan', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gain', 'kain', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gam', 'kam4', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gaim', 'kaim', $strIn);
/** On remplace le son AI **/
for ($i=0; $i>4; $i++) {
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIA[$i], 'yna', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIE[$i], 'yne', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAII[$i], 'yni', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIO[$i], 'yno', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace($tabSonAIU[$i], 'ynu', $strIn);
/** Remplacement des groupes de 3 lettres **/
$strIn=str_replace('eau', 'o', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('oua', '2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ein', '4', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ain', '4', $strIn);
/** Remplacement du son 'é' **/
$strIn=str_replace('ai', 'y', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ei', 'y', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('er', 'yr', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ess', 'yss', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('et', 'yt', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ez', 'yz', $strIn);
/** Remplacement des groupes de 2 lettres sauf si voyelle ou son (1 à 4) AVANT **/
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('an', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('am', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('en', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('em', '1', $strIn, BEFORE);
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('in', '4', $strIn, BEFORE);
/** Remplacement du son 'SCH' **/
$strIn=str_replace('sch', '5', $strIn);
/** Remplacement du 'S' sauf si voyelle ou son (1 à 4) avant ou après **/
$strIn=str_replace_except_voy('in', '4', $strIn, BOTH);
/** Remplacement de groupe de 2 lettres diverses **/
$strIn=str_replace('oe', 'e', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('eu', 'e', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('au', 'o', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('oi', '2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('oy', '2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ou', '3', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ch', '5', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('sh', '5', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ss', 's', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('sc', 's', $strIn);
/** Remplacement du 'C' par 'S' s'il est suivi d'un 'E' ou d'un 'I' **/
$strIn=str_replace('ce', 'se', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ci', 'si', $strIn);
/** Remplacement divers **/
$strIn=str_replace('c', 'k', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('q', 'k', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('qu', 'k', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('ga', 'ka', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('go', 'ko', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gu', 'ku', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('gy', 'ky', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('g2', 'k2', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('g1', 'k1', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('g3', 'k3', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('a', 'o', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('d', 't', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('p', 't', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('j', 'g', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('b', 'f', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('v', 'f', $strIn);
$strIn=str_replace('m', 'n', $strIn);
/** Supression des lettres dupliquées **/
for ($i=1; $i<strlen($strIn); $i++)
{ if ($strIn==$let)
else {
/** Supression des terminaisons **/
if ($strIn2=='t' || $strIn2=='k' || $strIn2=='s' || $strIn2=='z')
/** Supression des caractères non autorisés **/
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($strIn); $i++)
if ($j<1) break;
for ($k=0; $k<22; $k++)
if ($strIn[$i]==$tabCarPhon[$k])
/** Couversion en flottant **/
for ($j=10; $j>0; $j--)
return $result;
* CLASS soundex2
* soundex2 French version
* based on the algorithm described here : by Frédéric BROUARD
* author Johan Barbier <>
class csoundex2 {
* public sString
* main string we work on
var $sString = '';
* vowels replacement array
var $aReplaceVoy1 = array (
'E' => 'A',
'I' => 'A',
'O' => 'A',
'U' => 'A'
* consonnants replacement array
var $aReplaceGrp1 = array (
'GUI' => 'KI',
'GUE' => 'KE',
'GA' => 'KA',
'GO' => 'KO',
'GU' => 'K',
'CA' => 'KA',
'CO' => 'KO',
'CU' => 'KU',
'Q' => 'K',
'CC' => 'K',
'CK' => 'K'
* other replacement array
var $aReplaceGrp2 = array (
'ASA' => 'AZA',
'KN' => 'NN',
'PF' => 'FF',
'PH' => 'FF',
'SCH' => 'SSS'
* endings replacement array
var $aEnd = array (
* public function build
* core function of the class, go through the whole process
* @Param string sString : the string we want to check
function build ($sString) {
* let's check it's a real string...
if (is_string ($sString) && !empty ($sString)) {
$this -> sString = $sString;
} else {
trigger_error ('Parameter string must not be empty', E_USER_ERROR);
* remove starting and ending spaces
$this -> sString = trim ($this -> sString);
* remove special french characters
$this -> trimAccent ();
* string to upper case
$this -> sString = strtoupper ($this -> sString );
* let's remove every space in the string
$this -> sString = str_replace (' ', '', $this -> sString);
* let's remove every '-' in the string
$this -> sString = str_replace ('-', '', $this -> sString);
* let's process through the first replacement array
$this -> arrReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp1);
* let's process through th vowels replacement
$sChar = substr ($this -> sString, 0, 1);
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 1, strlen ($this -> sString) - 1);
$this -> arrReplace ($this -> aReplaceVoy1);
$this -> sString = $sChar.$this -> sString;
* let's process through the second replacement array
$this -> arrReplace ($this -> aReplaceGrp2, true);
* let's remove every 'H' but those prededed by a 'C' or an 'S'
$this -> sString = preg_replace ('/(?<![CS])H/', '', $this -> sString);
* let's remove every 'Y' but those preceded by an 'A'
$this -> sString = preg_replace ('/(?<!A)Y/', '', $this -> sString);
* remove endings in aEnd
$length = strlen ($this -> sString) - 1;
if (in_array ($this -> sString{$length}, $this -> aEnd)) {
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 0, $length);
* let's remove every 'A', but the one at the beginning of the string, if any.
$sChar = '';
if ($this -> sString{0} === 'A') {
$sChar = 'A';
$this -> sString = str_replace ('A', '', $this -> sString);
$this -> sString = $sChar.$this -> sString;
* let's have only 1 occurence of each letter
$this -> sString = preg_replace( '/(.)\1/', '$1', $this -> sString );
* let's have the final code : a 4 letters string
$this -> getFinal ();
* private function getFinal
* gets the first 4 letters, pads the string with white space if the string length < 4
function getFinal () {
if (strlen ($this -> sString) < 4) {
$this -> sString = str_pad ($this -> sString, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
} else {
$this -> sString = substr ($this -> sString, 0, 4);
* private function trimAccent
* remove every special French letters
function trimAccent () {
$this -> sString = htmlentities(strtolower($this -> sString ));
$this -> sString = preg_replace("/&(.)(acute|cedil|circ|ring|tilde|uml|grave);/", "$1", $this -> sString );
$this -> sString = preg_replace("/([^a-z0-9]+)/", "-", html_entity_decode($this -> sString ));
$this -> sString = trim($this -> sString , "-");
* private function arrReplace
* replacement method, given an array
* @Param array tab : the replacement array to be used
* @Param bool pref : if false, just replace keys by values; if true, do the same but only with prefix
function arrReplace ($tab, $pref = false) {
$fromRep = array_keys ($tab);
$toRep = array_values ($tab);
if (false === $pref) {
$this -> sString = str_replace ($fromRep, $toRep, $this -> sString);
} else {
foreach ($fromRep as $clef => $val) {
$length = strlen ($val);
if (substr ($this -> sString, 0, $length) === $val) {
$this -> sString = substr_replace ($this -> sString, $toRep[$clef], 0, $length);
function soundex2($str) {
$soundex2 = new csoundex2();
$soundex2 -> build ($str);
return $soundex2 -> sString;

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
/** TimeStamp Unix
** Si $onlyMiliSec=true, retourne juste les milisec du timestamp
function microtime_float($onlyMiliSec=false) {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
if (!$onlyMiliSec)
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
return $usec;
/** Fait une pause entre 0 et 15 secondes par défaut
function randsleep($min_sec=0, $max_sec=15) {
sleep(rand($min_sec, $max_sec));
/**************Fonctions de dates/heures ****/
global $tabMois;
$tabMois=array( 1=>'Janvier',
function getLibelleMois($numMois) {
global $tabMois;
if ($numMois>0 && $numMois<13)
return $tabMois[$numMois];
return false;
function getNumMois($strMois) {
global $tabMois;
$mois=array_search(ucfirst(strtolower($strMois)), $tabMois);
return $mois;
function dateT($formatIN, $formatOUT, $date) {
switch ($formatIN) {
case 'd M Y': $tmp=explode(' ', $date); $d=$tmp[0]; $m=getNumMois($tmp[1]); $Y=$tmp[2]; break;
case 'Ymd': $d=substr($date,6,2); $m=substr($date,4,2); $Y=substr($date,0,4); break;
case 'Y-m-d': $d=substr($date,8,2); $m=substr($date,5,2); $Y=substr($date,0,4); break;
case 'd/m/Y': $d=substr($date,0,2); $m=substr($date,3,2); $Y=substr($date,6,4); break;
default: return $date;
if ($m*1>0 && $m*1<10) $m='0'.($m*1);
if ($d*1>0 && $d*1<10) $d='0'.($d*1);
switch ($formatOUT) {
case 'd/m/Y': return $d.'/'.$m.'/'.$Y; break;
case 'Y': return $Y; break;
case 'm': return $m; break;
case 'd': return $d; break;
case 'Ym': return $Y.$m; break;
case 'Ymd': return $Y.$m.$d; break;
case 'Y-m-d': return $Y.'-'.$m.'-'.$d; break;
case 'Y/m/d': return $Y.'/'.$m.'/'.$d; break;
default: return $date;

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
/** Test de la validité du siren demandé */
function valideSiren($siren, $nic='', $erreur=false) {
if (!valideData($siren, 9, 9,'N')) //Siren non précisé ou incorrect.
return $erreur;
if (!isset($nic) || trim($nic)=='')
for ($i=0; $i<=8; $i+=2) // Traitement IMPAIR
for ($i=1; $i<=7; $i+=2)
{ // Traitement PAIR
if ((integer)($somme/10)!=($somme/10))
{ // Le Siren est faux
if (substr($siren,0,3)!='200') // Les siren débutant par 200 sont toujours valides (sirens provisoires de la BDF?!)
return $erreur;
} else {
if (!valideData($nic,1,5,'N')) // Nic de format incorrect.
return $erreur;
for ($i=0; $i<=12; $i+=2)
{ // Traitement PAIR
for ($i=1; $i<=13; $i+=2) // Traitement IMPAIR
if ((integer)($somme/10)!=($somme/10))// Le Siret est faux
return $erreur;
return true;

View File

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
//define('FWK_PATH', 'C:\\wamp\\www\\framework\\');
define('FWK_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/'));
include_once(realpath(FWK_PATH.'/common/strings.php') );
define ('REP_TEMP', '/tmp/');
// Environnement : DEV ou PRD
define ('ENV', 'DEV');
define ('EOL', "\n");
/** TimeStamp Unix
** Si $onlyMiliSec=true, retourne juste les milisec du timestamp
function microtime_float($onlyMiliSec=false) {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
if (!$onlyMiliSec)
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
return $usec;
/** Fait une pause aléatoire entre 0 et 15 secondes par défaut
function randsleep($min_sec=0, $max_sec=15) {
sleep(rand($min_sec, $max_sec));
/** V�rification que la variable demand� respecte bien les r�gles pass�es en param�tres
* @param mixed Variable � tester
* @param int Longueur minimum en caract�re de la variable
* @param int Longueur mximum
* @param char(1) Type de variable <b>A</b>:Alphanum�rique / <b>N</b>:Num�rique
* @param mixed Message textuel d'erreur � afficher en cas d'erreur ou false
* @return mixed true, false ou Message d'erreur pass� en param�tre
function valideData($variable, $taille_min, $taille_max, $type_variable, $erreur=false){
if ( strlen((string)$variable) < $taille_min )
return $erreur;
if ( strlen((string)$variable) > $taille_max )
return $erreur;
if ( $type_variable == 'A' )
if ( is_string($variable) == true )
return true;
return $erreur;
elseif ( $type_variable == 'N')
for ($i=0; $i < strlen((string)$variable); $i++)
$car = substr((string)$variable,$i,1);
if ($car<'0' || $car>'9')
return $erreur;
return true;
return $erreur;
function adapteOCtets($size) {
$kb = 1024; // Kilobyte
$mb = 1024 * $kb; // Megabyte
$gb = 1024 * $mb; // Gigabyte
$tb = 1024 * $gb; // Terabyte
if($size==0) return '0';
else if($size < $kb) return $size.'o';
else if($size < $mb) return round($size/$kb,2).'ko';
else if($size < $gb) return round($size/$mb,2).'Mo';
else if($size < $tb) return round($size/$gb,2).'Go';
else return round($size/$tb,2).'To';
** Enregistrer une information dans la log
** @param string $debugLevel E=Error, W=Warning, N=Notice, I=Info, D=Debug
** @param string $message Message d'erreur à inscrire dans la log
** @param integer $line __LINE__
** @param string $file __FILE__
** @param string $function __FUNCTION__
** @param string $class __CLASS___
function debugLog($debugLevel, $message, $line, $file, $function, $class) {
if (!file_exists(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../debug.log'))) {
$fp=fopen(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../debug.log'), 'a');
fwrite($fp, 'Date/Heure;Niveau;Script;Login;Password;Adresse IP;Action SOAP;Ligne;Fichier;Fonction;Classe;Domaine;POST DATA;Message'.EOL);
} else
$fp=fopen(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../debug.log'), 'a');
fwrite($fp, date('Y/m/d-H:i:s') .';'. $debugLevel .';'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .';'. $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] .';'. $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] .';'.
$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] .';'. $_SERVER['HTTP_SOAPACTION'] .';'.$line.';'. $file.';'. $function.';'. $class .';'.
gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) .';'. $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA .';'. $message . EOL);
if ($debugLevel=='E') die($message);

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@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
class Session {
function Session() {}
/** Création d'une session **/
function creerSession($user, $password) {
$sql="SELECT login, nom, prenom, etat FROM utilisateurs WHERE login='$user' AND password='$password' LIMIT 0,1";
//echo $sql;
//echo $password;
$db=new DB();
return $ret;
function majSession($user, $page='') {
if ($_SESSION['connected']==true) {
$db=new DB();
$sql="SELECT lastAction FROM sessions WHERE login='$user' LIMIT 0,1";
if ($db->num_rows()>0)
$db->query("UPDATE sessions SET lastAction='".DATETIME_LOG."', page='$page' WHERE login='".$user."'");
$db->query("INSERT INTO sessions (login, lastAction, page) VALUES ('$user', '".DATETIME_LOG."', '$page');");
return $ret;
else return false;
function existeSession($user) {
if ($_SESSION['connected']) {
return true;
return false;
function supprSession($user) {
if ($_SESSION['connected']) {
$db=new DB();
$sql="DELETE FROM sessions WHERE login='$user' LIMIT 1";
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
class Session {
function Session() {}
/** Création d'une session **/
function creerSession($user, $password) {
return $ret;
function majSession($user, $page='') {
if ($_SESSION['connected']==true) {
return $ret; //return true;
else return false;
function existeSession($user) {
if ($_SESSION['connected']) {
return true;
return false;
function supprSession($user) {
if ($_SESSION['connected']) {
return true;
return false;

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
* Cache - Gère le cache de la page et des différents fichiers
* @package Cache
* @author Michael RICOIS
* @copyright Scores&Decisions
class Cache {
public $content = '';
public $length = '';
public $forceStart = FALSE;
public $fileName = '';
public $path = '';
public $disable = FALSE;
private $maxTime = 6; //heures max en cache
private $CacheRefreshHours = 16; //Raffraichir les pages après xx heures
function __construct(){
$this->path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../cache/');
function startCapture($fileName){
global $firephp;
$fileName = str_replace('.php','',$fileName);
$this->fileName = $this->path .'/'. $fileName;
if (!$this->disable){
if(!$this->isInCache() || $this->forceStart){
$firephp->info('Le fichier n\'est pas en cache');
return TRUE;
$firephp->info('Le fichier est en cache');
return FALSE;
$this->delete(); //On supprime le fichier en cache
return TRUE;
function stopCapture(){
if (!$this->disable){
if(!$this->isInCache() || $this->forceStart){
$this->content = ob_get_contents();
$this->length = ob_get_length();
$this->content.='<!-- Page fourni par le cache -->';
//On supprime les fichiers précédement crée pour qu'il soit généré la prochaine fois
function isInCache(){
global $firephp;
if(file_exists($this->fileName) && !$this->timeOver())
return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
function timeOver(){
global $firephp;
$dateFile = filemtime($this->fileName);
$now= mktime(date('G'), date('i'), date('s'), date("m") , date("d"), date("Y"));
$maxTime = mktime(date('G',$dateFile)+$this->maxTime, date('i',$dateFile), date('s',$dateFile), date("m",$dateFile), date("d",$dateFile), date("Y",$dateFile));
$refreshHour = mktime($this->CacheRefreshHours, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$firephp->log(date('G:i:s - d/m/Y',$dateFile), 'CACHE : dateFile ');
$firephp->log(date('G:i:s - d/m/Y',$now), 'CACHE : now ');
$firephp->log(date('G:i:s - d/m/Y',$maxTime), 'CACHE : MaxTime');
$firephp->log(date('G:i:s - d/m/Y',$refreshHour), 'CACHE : RefreshHour ');
if( ($now>$maxTime) ||
($dateFile<$refreshHour && $now>$refreshHour) )
return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
function delete(){
function displayCache(){
return file_get_contents($this->fileName);
return 'Erreur';
function create(){
//Retrait <script>...</script>
preg_replace('@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', '', $this->content);
if( !file_put_contents($this->fileName, $this->content))
//TODO : Gestion des erreurs

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
$tabFoncDir=array( 'ADM'=>'Administrateur',
'ANC'=>'Ancien dirigeant',
'COC'=>'Co-commissaire aux comptes',
'COM'=>'Commissaire au comptes',
'CON'=>'Controleur de gestion',
'COS'=>'Commissaire aux comptes suppléants',
'DID'=>'Directeur Général Délégué',
'FON'=>'Fondé de pouvoir',
'MEM'=>'Membre du conseil d\'administration ou de surveillance',
'PCS'=>'Président du conseil de surveillance',
'PDG'=>'Président directeur général',
'PRD'=>'Président du directoire',
'PRE'=>'Président du conseil d\'administration',
'REP'=>'Représentant au conseil d\'administration',
'RES'=>'Responsable en FRANCE',
'VIC'=>'Vice-président conseil d\'administration ou desurveillance',
'PP'=>'Personne Physique',
'PPE'=>'Personne ayant pouvoir d\'engager la société',
$tabSiege = array(0=>'établissement secondaire',
1=>'établissement siège',
$tabSaisonalite=array( 0=>'Activité permanente',
1=>'Activité saisonnière',);
1=>'auxiliaire (exerce une activité de service pour le compte de l\'entreprise)',
9=>'non siège inscrit au répertoire des métiers');
$tabMODE=array(0=>'Activité simple',
1=>'montage et installation d\'équipements industriels',
2=>'maintenance et réparation d\'équipements industriels',
3=>'conception et commercialisation d\équipements fabriqués par des sous-traitants');
$tabTypeVoie = array (
'CC'=>'Chemin communal',
'CD'=>'Chemin départemental',
'CR'=>'Chemin rural',
'GR'=>'Grande rue',
'LD'=>'Lieu dit',
'L D'=>'Lieu dit',
'LDT'=>'Lieu dit',
'N'=>'Route Nationale',
'RP'=>'Rond Point',
'RPT'=>'Rond Point',
'SEN'=>'Sente / Sentier',
'VC'=>'Voie communale',
'ZA'=>'Zone d\'activités', // Rajouté car trouvé
'ZAC'=>'Zone d\'activités et de commerce', // Rajouté car trouvé
'ZAE'=>'Zone d\'activités', // Rajouté car trouvé
'ZI'=>'Zone industrielle'); // Rajouté car trouvé
/**Nature d'établissements*/
$tabNature = array( '20'=>'Petit magasin (moins de 300m²)',
'21'=>'Magasin (de 300m² à 400m²)',
'22'=>'Grande surface (de 400 à 2500m²)',
'23'=>'Très grande surface (plus de 2500m²)',
'91'=>'Base d\'activité sur chantiers',
'92'=>'Base d\'activité sur marchés',
'93'=>'Base d\'activité en clientèle',
/**Régions du code officiel géographique*/
$tabRegion = array( '1'=>'Guadeloupe',
'52'=>'Pays de la Loire',
'93'=>'Provence Alpes Côte d Azur',
'98'=>'Territoire d outre-mer (TOM)',
/**Tranches de Chiffre d'Affaires INSEE*/
$tabTCA = array('0'=>'inconnu',
'1'=>'moins de 150.000 €',
'2'=>'entre 150.000 et 750.000 €',
'3'=>'entre 750.000 et 1,5 millions d\'Euro',
'4'=>'entre 1,5 et 7,5 millions d\'Euro',
'5'=>'entre 7,5 et 15 millions d\'Euro',
'6'=>'entre 15 et 30,5 millions d\'Euro',
'7'=>'entre 30,5 et 75 millions d\'Euro',
'8'=>'entre 75 et 150 millions d\'Euro',
'9'=>'plus de 150 millions d\'Euro');
$tabTCAX = array('0'=>'rien',
'1'=>'moins de 5%',
'2'=>'entre 5 et 25%',
'3'=>'entre 25 et 50%',
'4'=>'plus de 50%');
/**Tranche d'habitants de commune détaillée*/
$tabTCD=array( '1'=>'moins de 50 habitants',
'2'=>'de 50 à 99 habitants',
'3'=>'de 100 à 149 habitants',
'4'=>'de 150 à 199 habitants',
'5'=>'de 200 à 249 habitants',
'6'=>'de 250 à 299 habitants',
'7'=>'de 300 à 399 habitants',
'8'=>'de 400 à 499 habitants',
'11'=>'de 500 à 699 habitants',
'12'=>'de 700 à 999 habitants',
'13'=>'de 1000 à 1499 habitants',
'14'=>'de 1500 à 1999 habitants',
'15'=>'de 2000 à 2499 habitants',
'16'=>'de 2500 à 2999 habitants',
'17'=>'de 3000 à 3999 habitants',
'18'=>'de 4000 à 4999 habitants',
'21'=>'de 5 000 à 6 999 habitants',
'22'=>'de 7 000 à 9 999 habitants',
'31'=>'de 10 000 à 14 999 habitants',
'32'=>'de 15 000 à 19 999 habitants',
'41'=>'de 20 000 à 24 999 habitants',
'42'=>'de 25 000 à 29 999 habitants',
'43'=>'de 30 000 à 39 999 habitants',
'44'=>'de 40 000 à 49 999 habitants',
'51'=>'de 50 000 à 69 999 habitants',
'52'=>'de 70 000 à 99 999 habitants',
'61'=>'de 100 000 à 149 999 habitants',
'62'=>'de 150 000 à 199 999 habitants',
'71'=>'de 200 000 à 299 999 habitants',
'72'=>'de 300 000 à 499 999 habitants',
'73'=>'de 500 000 à 1 499 999 habitants',
'80'=>'plus de 1 500 000 habitants');
/**Taille des unités urbaines*/
$tabTU=array( '0'=>'commune rurale',
'1'=>'unité urbaine de moins de 5 000 habitants',
'2'=>'unité urbaine de 5 000 à 9 999 habitants',
'3'=>'unité urbaine de 10 000 à 19 999 habitants',
'4'=>'unité urbaine de 20 000 à 49 999 habitants',
'5'=>'unité urbaine de 50 000 à 99 999 habitants',
'6'=>'unité urbaine de 100 000 à 199 999 habitants',
'7'=>'unité urbaine de 200 000 à 1 999 999 habitants',
'8'=>'agglomération de Paris',
/**Tranches d'effectifs INSEE*/
$tabEffectif=array('0'=>'0 salarié',
'1'=>'de 1 à 2 salarié(s)',
'2'=>'de 3 à 5 salariés',
'3'=>'de 6 à 9 salariés',
'11'=>'de 10 à 19 salariés',
'12'=>'de 20 à 49 salariés',
'21'=>'de 50 à 99 salariés',
'22'=>'de 100 à 199 salariés',
'31'=>'de 200 à 249 salariés',
'32'=>'de 250 à 499 salariés',
'41'=>'de 500 à 999 salariés',
'42'=>'de 1000 à 1999 salariés',
'51'=>'de 2000 à 4999 salariés',
'52'=>'plus de 5000 salariés');
/**Libellé des singularités INSEE*/
$tabSingularite=array('1'=>'Propriétaire Exploitant direct',
'2'=>'Locataire Gérant',
'10'=>'Loueur de fonds',
'30'=>'Unité singulière de première espèce: avocats assocés, stations services sous mandat..',
'31'=>'Associé d\'exploitation en commun; ce groupe comprend notamment: associé de société de fait, associé d\'indivision',
'33'=>'Employeur non exploitant: prestataire de personnel, gérant mandataire',
'34'=>'Membre d\'une société civile professionnelle',
'40'=>'Siège d\'une unité SIREN de droit privé sans activité',
'41'=>'Siège d\'un organisme public sans activité',
'42'=>'Siège d\'un établissement public local non doté de l\'autonomie comptable: une partie des centres communaux d\'action sociale, une partie des caisses des écoles',
'43'=>'Sièges de domiciliation',
'52'=>'Sans domicile fixe',
'60'=>'Activité occasionnelle ou accessoire: Expert auprès des tribunaux, médecin, infirmier, pharmacien remplçant, avocat stagiaire, sportif amateur',
'70'=>'Activité en location (autre que le fond de commerce): Exploitant de terrain de camping, location de garage ou parking, locations de meublés, location de terres agricoles',
'80'=>'Gestion immobilière de biens propres: syndicats de copropriétaires',
'90'=>'Unité singulière de seconde espèce: établissement d\'une entreprise installée à Monaco, siège à l\'etranger de sociétés, associé gérant de sociétés');
/**Libellé des origines de création INSEE*/
$tabOrigine=array( '0'=>'non renseigné',
' '=>'non renseigné',
''=>'non renseigné',
'1'=>'Création pure',
'2'=>'Réinstallation après transfert',
'5'=>'Reprise au conjoint ou apport reçu',
'6'=>'Reprise à un locataire gérant',
'7'=>'Prise en location-gérance',
'8'=>'Autre modalité d\'acquisition auprés d\'une autre unité SIREN');

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
* Bootstrap Doctrine.php, register autoloader specify
* configuration attributes and load models.
require_once 'Doctrine.php';
spl_autoload_register(array('Doctrine', 'autoload'));
$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();
$manager->setAttribute( Doctrine::ATTR_MODEL_LOADING, Doctrine::MODEL_LOADING_CONSERVATIVE );
$manager->setAttribute( Doctrine::ATTR_AUTO_ACCESSOR_OVERRIDE, TRUE );
$manager->setAttribute( Doctrine::ATTR_USE_NATIVE_ENUM, TRUE );
$graydonConn = Doctrine_Manager::connection('mysql://'.MYSQL_USER.':'.MYSQL_PASS.'@'.MYSQL_HOST.'/graydon', 'graydon');
$intersudConn = Doctrine_Manager::connection('mysql://'.MYSQL_USER.':'.MYSQL_PASS.'@'.MYSQL_HOST.'/intersud', 'intersud');
$sdv1Conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection('mysql://'.MYSQL_USER.':'.MYSQL_PASS.'@'.MYSQL_HOST.'/sdv1', 'sdv1');
function setDbConn($name){
global $manager;
$currentName = $manager->getCurrentConnection()->getName();
$currentConn = $manager->getCurrentConnection();
if($currentName != $name){

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@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
// Include XML_Serializer
* Export - Gère les différents format d'exportation
* @package export
* @author Michael RICOIS
* @copyright Scores&Decisions
class ExportXML {
public $fileName = '';
public $path = '';
public $rootName = 'root';
public $defaultTagName = 'element';
public $records = array();
public $encoding = 'UTF-8';
public $serializer_options = array();
public $content = '';
function __construct() {
$this->path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../cache/');
function setXMLOptions(){
// An array of serializer options
$this->serializer_options = array (
'addDecl' => TRUE,
'encoding' => $this->encoding,
'indent' => ' ',
'rootName' => $this->rootName,
'defaultTagName' => $this->defaultTagName,
function serialize(){
// Instantiate the serializer with the options
$Serializer = &new XML_Serializer($this->serializer_options);
// Serialize the data structure
$status = $Serializer->serialize($this->records);
// Check whether serialization worked
if (PEAR::isError($status)) {
$this->content = $Serializer->getSerializedData();
function writeXML($fileName){
$fileName = str_replace('.php','',$fileName);
$this->fileName = $this->path .'/'. $fileName . '.xml';
if( !file_put_contents($this->fileName, $this->content))
//TODO : Gestion des erreurs
class ExportCSV {
public $fileName = '';
public $path = '';
public $encoding = 'UTF-8';
public $delimiter = ';';
public $records = array();
function __construct() {
$this->path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../cache/');
* Ecrit un fichier csv à partir d'un tableau.
* @param string $fileName
* @param array $records
* @param string $delimiter
* @return void
function writeCSV($fileName)
$fileName = str_replace('.php','',$fileName);
$this->fileName = $this->path .'/'. $fileName . '.csv';
//Ouverture du fichier
$fp = fopen($this->fileName, 'w');
//On attribue le header
$headerKeys = array_keys($newRecords);
if ($fp != FALSE){
//Header du fichier csv
fputcsv($fp, $headerKeys, $this->delimiter);
foreach( $this->records as $record ){
$values = array_values($newRecords);
if ($fp != FALSE){
//Contenu du fichier
fputcsv($fp, $values, $this->delimiter);
function array_flatten($array, &$newArray = Array(), $prefix='', $delimiter='|') {
foreach ($array as $key => $child) {
if (is_array($child)) {
$newPrefix = $prefix.$key.$delimiter;
$newArray =& $this->array_flatten($child, $newArray ,$newPrefix, $delimiter);
} else {
$newArray[$prefix.$key] = $child;
return $newArray;
class tabExport {
public $tab = array();
public $notdisplay = array();
public $title = array();
public $type = array();
public $convert = array();
function __construct() {}
function convertTable(){
$this->convert = $this->rArray($this->tab);
return $this->convert;
function rArray($array) {
foreach ($array as $key => $child) {
if (is_array($child)) {
if(!in_array($key, $this->notdisplay, TRUE)){
$newArray[$this->renameKey($key)] = $this->rArray($child);
if(!in_array($key, $this->notdisplay, TRUE)){
$newArray[$this->renameKey($key)] = $this->convertValue($key, $child);
return $newArray;
function renameKey($key){
$newKey = $key;
if(array_key_exists($key, $this->title)){
$newKey = $this->title[$key];
return $newKey;
function convertValue($key, $value){
if(array_key_exists($key, $this->type)){
case 'date':
//Test des différents formats de value
return $value;
class ExportPDF {
function __construct(){}

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
Auditors Remuneration
Directors Remuneration
Increase in Cash
Investments/Long Term Ass.
Liquid Assets
Long Term Debt(>12 Months)
Net Cashflow from Oper.
Net Working Capital
Number of Employees
Number of Years Trading
Other Deferred Liabs
Profit per Employee
Sales per Employee
Tangible Net Worth(T.N.W)
Working Capital/Sales

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
Previous Trading

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@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
Creditors Days (D.P.O)
Net Income
Total Equity
Working Capital
Leverage Percentage
Quick Ratio Percentage
Total Fixed Assets
Gearing Percentage
Payment Trend

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Buyers_Number = Buyers_Number
Chamber_Of_Commerce = Chambre de commerce
Unique_Company_Number = Unique_Company_Number
National2 = Identifiant National 2
VAT = Numéro TVA intra-comunautaire
Internal = Identifiant interne
National1 = Identifiant National 1
Web_Address = Adresse Web
Fiscal_Code = Code Fiscal

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@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
//Contient les Numéros d'identifiant
function dIdentifiant($tab){
$tab = $tab['Company']['Subject'][0]['CompanyId'];
print '<table>';
foreach($tab as $identifiant => $value){
printRow($identifiant, $value);
print '</table>';
//Contient l'identité de l'entreprise
function dIdentite($tab){
print '<table>';
//Affichage raison sociale
if($tab['Company']['Subject'][0]['Name']){ printRow('Raison Sociale', $tab['Company']['Subject'][0]['Name']); }
//Affichage autres noms
if($tab['Name']['Trade']){ printRow('Enseigne', $tab['Name']['Trade']); }
//Affichage Forme légale
foreach($tab['LegalForm'] as $name => $forme){
case "Current" :
printRow('Forme légale', $forme);
case "Previous" :
printRow('Forme légale précédente', $forme);
//Afficage date
if($tab['Company']['Subject'][0]['Date']['Age_of_Company']){ printRow('Date de Création', $tab['Company']['Subject'][0]['Date']['Age_of_Company']); }
//Affichage adresses
$typeAddress = array('Registered', 'Trading', 'Previous Trading');
$oldAddress = '';
foreach($typeAddress as $address){
$currentAddress = $tab['Address'][$address]['EntireAddress'];
if($oldAddress != $currentAddress && $tab['Address'][$address]['EntireAddress']){
case "Registered" :
printRow('Adresse', $currentAddress);
case "Trading" :
printRow('Adresse commerciale', $currentAddress);
case "Previous Trading" :
printRow('Adresse commerciale précédente', $currentAddress);
$oldAddress = $currentAddress;
//Affichage Communication
foreach($tab['Communication'] as $name => $value){
case "Telephone" :
printRow('Téléphone', $value);
case "Fax" :
printRow('Fax', $value);
print '</table>';
//Contient l'activité
function dActivite($tab){
print '<table>';
//Code NACE
$activite = '';
foreach($tab['Taxonomy'] as $item){
if($item['Type'] == 'Nace'){
$activite.= $item['Code'].' - '.$item['Value'].'<br/>';
if($activite) printRow('Activité', $activite);
$text = '';
foreach($tab['Text']['Activities'] as $item){
$text.= $item.'<br/>';
printRow('', '<b><u>Informations complémentaires:</u></b><br/>'.$text);
printRow('Effectif', $tab['Employees']['Staff_Employed']);
foreach($tab['ShareCapitalSummary']['ShareCapital'] as $item){
foreach($item['Amount'] as $name => $value){
printRow($name, $value);
//Chiffre d'affaire
//Principaux dirigeants
$text = '';
foreach($tab['DirectorsDetail'] as $item){
$text.= formatName($item['Name']);
$text.= ' ('.$item['Type'].')';
$text.= '<br/>';
printRow('Principaux dirigeants', $text);
print '</table>';
function dCredit($tab){
print '<table>';
printRow('Score actuel', $tab['CreditRating']['Credit_Score']['Value']);
printRow('Score précédent', $tab['CreditRating']['Previous_Credit_Score']['Value']);
printRow('', '<b><u>Description :</u></b><br/>'.$tab['CreditRating']['Credit_Score']['Text']['Credit_Score_Description']);
printRow('', '<b><u>Explication :</u></b><br/>'.$tab['CreditRating']['Credit_Score']['Text']['Credit_Score_Explanation']);
$value = $tab['CreditRating']['Maximum_Credit_Guide']['Value'];
$value.= ' '.$tab['CreditRating']['Maximum_Credit_Guide']['Currency'];
printRow('Credit maximum (Guide)', $value);
print '</table>';
function dResume($tab){
print '<table id="resume">';
Trade Morality
Leverage Percentage
Quick Ratio Percentage
Issued Capital
Nominal Capital
Net Sales
Net Income
Total Equity
Total Fixed Assets
foreach($tab['FinancialSummary']['Text'] as $name => $value){
printRow($name, $value);
foreach($tab['FinancialSummary']['Date'] as $name => $value){
printRow($name, $value);
print '</table>';
function dLiens($tab){
global $firephp;
print '<table>';
$oldKey = '';
foreach($tab['Company'] as $kCompany => $company){
if($kCompany != 'Subject'){
$text = '';
foreach($company as $detail){
$text.= $detail['Name'];
if($detail['Address']['Main']['EntireAddress']) $text.= ' (<i>'.$detail['Address']['Main']['EntireAddress'].'</i>)<br/>';
if($detail['Address']['Branch']['EntireAddress']) $text.= ' (<i>'.$detail['Address']['Branch']['EntireAddress'].'</i>)<br/>';
printRow($kCompany, $text);
print '</table>';
function dBilans($tab){
foreach($tab['AccountItem'] as $kAccount => $account){
print '<div class="bilans">'.$kAccount.'</div>';
print '<span class="bilans"> The following figures are shown in units of '.$account['Units'].'</span>';
//Entête du tableau
print '<table class="bilans">';
print '<thead><tr>';
print '<th>&nbsp;</th>';
foreach($account['AccountingPeriod'] as $index => $period){
print '<th class="right">'.$period['Date'].'</th>';
print '</tr></thead>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td>Currency</td>';
foreach($account['AccountingPeriod'] as $index => $period){
print '<td class="right">'.$period['Currency'].'</td>';
print '</tr>';
//Contenu du tableau
foreach($account['AccountElement'] as $intitule => $values){
print '<tr>';
print '<td>'.$intitule.'</td>';
foreach($values as $value){
print '<td class="right">'.$value.'</td>';
print '</tr>';
print '</table>';
function formatName($name){
if($name['Family']){ $text.= $name['Family']; }
if($name['Christian']){ $text.= ' '.$name['Christian']; }
$text = $name;
return $text;
function printRow($title, $value){
print '<tr>
<td width="30">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">'.$title.'</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">'.$value.'</td>

View File

@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
* @file
* Fonctions utiles pour l'utilisation du webservice graydon
function parseReport($type){
$doc = new DOMDocument;
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
* Parcours le contenu du rapport en XML
* return array
function parseReportXML($xml){
global $firephp;
$tabReport = array();
global $xpath;
$query = '/GraydonUKCompanySchema/CompanyReportPage/CompanyReport';
$report = $xpath->query($query);
//Liste des elements à parser
$elements = array( 'Company', 'Name', 'Address', 'Communication', 'Country', 'Credit_Rating',
'Date', 'DirectorsDetail', 'Employees', 'Financial_Summary', 'Legal_Form',
'Share_CapitalSummary', 'Taxonomy', 'FreeText', 'AccountItem'
foreach($elements as $elementName){
//Pour chaque element, nouvelle requete xpath
$queryElement = $query.'/'.$elementName;
case "Company" :
$tabReport['Company'] = pxmlCompany($queryElement);
case "Name" :
$name = pxmlName($queryElement);
if ($name) $tabReport['Name'] = $name;
case "Address" :
$tabReport['Address'] = pxmlAddress($queryElement);
case "Communication":
$tabReport['Communication'] = pxmlCommunication($queryElement);
case "Country" :
$country = pxmlCountry($queryElement);
if($country) $tabReport['Country'] = $country;
case "Credit_Rating" :
$creditRating = pxmlCreditRating($queryElement);
if($creditRating) $tabReport['CreditRating'] = $creditRating;
case "Date" :
$tabReport['Date'] = pxmlDate($queryElement);
case "DirectorsDetail" :
$directorsdetail = pxmlDirectorsDetail($queryElement);
if($directorsdetail){ $tabReport['DirectorsDetail'] = $directorsdetail; }
case "Employees" :
$employees = pxmlEmployees($queryElement);
if($employees) $tabReport['Employees'] = $employees;
case "Financial_Summary" :
$financialsummary = pxmlFinancialSummary($queryElement);
if($financialsummary) $tabReport['FinancialSummary'] = $financialsummary;
case "Legal_Form" :
$legalform = pxmlLegalForm($queryElement);
if($legalform) $tabReport['LegalForm'] = $legalform;
case "Share_CapitalSummary";
$sharecapitalsummary = pxmlShareCapitalSummary($queryElement);
if($sharecapitalsummary) $tabReport['ShareCapitalSummary'] = $sharecapitalsummary;
case "Taxonomy" :
$taxonomy = pxmlTaxonomy($queryElement);
if($taxonomy) $tabReport['Taxonomy'] = $taxonomy;
case "FreeText" :
$freetext = pxmlFreeText($queryElement);
if($freetext) $tabReport['Text'] = $freetext;
case "AccountItem";
$AccountItem = pxmlAccountItem($queryElement);
if($AccountItem) $tabReport['AccountItem'] = $AccountItem;
return $tabReport;
function pxmlCompany($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tabCompany = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$countCompany = 0;
$oldType ='';
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type!=$oldType){$countCompany = 0;}
$name = $item->getElementsByTagName("Name")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tabCompany[$type][$countCompany]['Name'] = $item->getElementsByTagName("Name")->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tabCompanyId = pxmlCompanyId($query.'[@Type="'.$type.'"]/CompanyId');
if($tabCompanyId){ $tabCompany[$type][$countCompany]['CompanyId'] = $tabCompanyId;}
$tabAddress = pxmlAddress($query.'[@Type="'.$type.'"]['.($countCompany+1).']/Address');
if($tabAddress){ $tabCompany[$type][$countCompany]['Address'] = $tabAddress;}
$tabDate = pxmlDate($query.'[@Type="'.$type.'"]/Date');
if($tabDate){ $tabCompany[$type][$countCompany]['Date'] = $tabDate;}
$oldType = $type;
return $tabCompany;
function pxmlCompanyId($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tabCompanyId = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
$tabCompanyId[$type] = $item->nodeValue;
return $tabCompanyId;
return false;
function pxmlDate($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tabDate = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
$format = $item->getAttribute('Format');
$value = $item->nodeValue;
//Formattage de la date
case "CCYY":
$date = $value;
case "CCYYMMDD":
$date = substr($value,6,2).'/'.substr($value,4,2).'/'.substr($value,0,4);
case "DD":
$date = $value;
case "DDMM":
$date = $value;
case "DDMMCCYY":
$date = $value;
case "MM":
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-$value, 1, date("Y"));
$date = date('m/Y',$timestamp);
case "MMCCYY":
$date = $value;
case "MMDDCCYY":
$date = substr($value,2,2).'/'.substr($value,0,2).'/'.substr($value,4,4);
case "DD/MM/CCYY":
$date = $value;
$date = $value;
$tabDate[$type] = $date;
return $tabDate;
return false;
function pxmlName($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tabName = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$countName = 0;
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type !='' ){ $index = $type; }else{$index = $countName;}
$tabName[$index] = $item->nodeValue;
return $tabName;
return false;
function pxmlAddress($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tabAddress = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$countAddress = 0;
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type !='' ){ $index = $type; }else{$index = $countAddress;}
//Liste des elements à parser
$elements = array('EntireAddress', 'Building', 'Street', 'Town', 'City', 'County', 'PostCode', 'Country');
foreach($elements as $elementName){
if($emelmentName == 'Country'){
$value = $item->getElementsByTagName($elementName)->item(0)->nodeValue;
if ($value) { $tabAddress[$index][$elementName] = $value; }
return $tabAddress;
return false;
function pxmlCommunication($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tabCommunication = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type != '' ){
$tabCommunication[$type] = $item->nodeValue;
return $tabCommunication;
return false;
function pxmlCountry($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tabCountry = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$countCountry = 0;
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type !='' ){ $tabName[$countCountry]['Type'] = $type; }
$dialcode = $item->getAttribute('DialCode');
if($dialcode !='' ){ $tabName[$countCountry]['DialCode'] = $dialcode; }
$isocode = $item->getAttribute('ISOCode');
if($isocode !='' ){ $tabName[$countCountry]['ISOCode'] = $isocode; }
$tabName[$countCountry]['Value'] = $item->nodeValue;
return $tabCountry;
return false;
function pxmlCreditRating($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $item){
//Get type of Credit Rating
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
$units = $item->getAttribute('Units');
if($units !='' ){ $tab[$type]['Units'] = $units; }
case "Credit_Score" :
$tab[$type]['Value'] = $item->firstChild->nodeValue;
$freetextList = $item->getElementsByTagName('FreeText');
foreach ($freetextList as $freetext){
$tab[$type]['Text'][$freetext->getAttribute('Type')] = $freetext->nodeValue;
case "Previous_Credit_Score" :
$tab[$type]['Value'] = $item->firstChild->nodeValue;
$freetextList = $item->getElementsByTagName('FreeText');
foreach ($freetextList as $freetext){
$tab[$type]['Text'][$freetext->getAttribute('Type')] = $freetext->nodeValue;
case "Maximum_Credit_Guide" :
$amount = $item->getElementsByTagName('Amount')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tab[$type]['Currency']= $item->getElementsByTagName('Currency')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tab[$type]['Value'] = $amount;
$freetextList = $item->getElementsByTagName('FreeText');
foreach ($freetextList as $freetext){
$tab[$type]['Text'][$freetext->getAttribute('Type')] = $freetext->nodeValue;
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlDirectorsDetail($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $item) {
//Traitement des attributs
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type !='' ){ $tab[$count]['Type'] = $type; }
$title = $item->getAttribute('Title');
if($title !='' ){ $tab[$count]['Title'] = $title; }
$nationality = $item->getAttribute('Nationality');
if($nationality !='' ){ $tab[$count]['Nationality'] = $nationality; }
//Traitement des éléments
$name = pxmlName($query.'['.($count+1).']/Name');
if ($name) $tab[$count]['Name'] = $name;
$address = pxmlAddress($query.'['.($count+1).']/Address');
if ($address) $tab[$count]['Address'] = $address;
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlEmployees($query){
global $xpath;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $item) {
//Traitement des attributs
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type !='' ){ $index = $type; }else{ $index = $count; }
$tab[$index] = $item->nodeValue;
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlFinancialSummary($query){
global $xpath;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$elements = array('FreeText', 'Amount', 'Date');
foreach ($items as $item){
foreach($elements as $elementName){
case 'FreeText':
$freetextList = $item->getElementsByTagName('FreeText');
foreach ($freetextList as $freetext){
$tab['Text'][$freetext->getAttribute('Type')] = $freetext->nodeValue;
case 'Amount':
$amount = $item->getElementsByTagName('Amount')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tab['Amount']['Currency']= $item->getElementsByTagName('Currency')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tab['Amount']['Value'] = $amount;
case 'Date':
$date = pxmlDate($query.'/Date');
if($date) $tab['Date'] = $date;
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlLegalForm($query){
global $xpath;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type !='' ){ $index = $type; }else{ $index = $count; }
$tab[$index] = $item->nodeValue;
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlShareCapitalSummary($query){
global $xpath;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
foreach ($items as $item){
$freetextList = $item->getElementsByTagName('FreeText');
foreach ($freetextList as $freetext){
$tab['Text'][$freetext->getAttribute('Type')] = $freetext->nodeValue;
$sharecapitalList = $item->getElementsByTagName('Share_Capital');
$countShareCapital = 0;
foreach ($sharecapitalList as $sharecapital){
$type = $sharecapital->getElementsByTagName('Amount')->item(0)->getAttribute('Type');
$tab['ShareCapital'][$countShareCapital]['Amount'][$type] = $sharecapital->getElementsByTagName('Amount')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tab['ShareCapital'][$countShareCapital]['Currency'] = $sharecapital->getElementsByTagName('Currency')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tab['ShareCapital'][$countShareCapital]['FreeText'] = $sharecapital->getElementsByTagName('FreeText')->item(0)->nodeValue;
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlTaxonomy($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $item){
$value = $item->nodeValue;
if($value){ $tab[$count]['Value'] = $value;}
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type !='' ){ $tab[$count]['Type'] = $type;}
$code = $item->getAttribute('Code');
if($code !='' ){ $tab[$count]['Code'] = $code;}
$item = $item->getAttribute('Item');
if($item !='' ){ $tab[$count]['Item'] = $item;}
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlFreeText($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$count = 0;
$oldType = '';
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
if($type != $oldType){ $count = 0; }
$value = $item->nodeValue;
if($value){ $tab[$type][$count] = $value;}
$oldType = $type;
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlAccountItem($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
//Pour chaque AccountItem
//Lire chaque AccountPeriod
//Pour chaque AccountPeriod
//Classer les AccoutElement
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
$units = $item->getAttribute('Units');
$tab[$type]['Units'] = $units;
$tab[$type]['AccountingPeriod'] = pxmlAccountingPeriod($query.'[@Type="'.$type.'"]/AccountingPeriod');
$tab[$type]['AccountElement'] = pxmlAccountElement($query.'[@Type="'.$type.'"]/AccountElement');
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlAccountingPeriod($query){
global $xpath;
global $firephp;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $AccountingPeriod){
$item = $AccountingPeriod->getAttribute('Item');
//@todo : Intégrer avec la fonction de parsing de la date
$date = $AccountingPeriod->getElementsByTagName('Date')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$currency = $AccountingPeriod->getElementsByTagName('Currency')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$tab[$item]['Date'] = $date;
$tab[$item]['Currency'] = $currency;
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlAccountElement($query){
global $xpath;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $item){
$type = $item->getAttribute('Type');
$tab[$type] = pxmlAmount($query.'[@Type="'.$type.'"]/Amount');
return $tab;
return false;
function pxmlAmount($query){
global $xpath;
$tab = array();
$items = $xpath->query($query);
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $item){
$indexItem = $item->getAttribute('Item');
if($indexItem){ $index = $indexItem; }
$amount = $item->nodeValue;
$tab[$index] = $amount;
return $tab;
return false;
function parseReportHTML(){}
function parseReportDOC(){}

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
* Graydon Error - Gère les erreurs renvoyé par le webservice graydon
* @package GraydonError
* @author Michael RICOIS
* @copyright Scores&Decisions
require_once 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
* Recupère les erreurs SOAP et les traite.
* @param string $lastRequest
* @param string $lastResponse
* @param array $fault
* @param bool $debug
* @return string
function graydon_processSoapFault($clientSoap, $fault, $tabInfo, $debug = FALSE){
$message = 'Request : '. htmlspecialchars($clientSoap->__getLastRequest()) . '<br/><br/>' .
'Response : '. htmlspecialchars($clientSoap->__getLastResponse()) . '<br/><br/>';
$message.= '<br/>';
$message.= 'Informations de debug : <br/>';
$message.= '<pre>';
$message.= 'REQUEST : '.print_r($_REQUEST,true).'<br/><br/>';
$message.= 'SERVER : '.print_r($_REQUEST,true).'<br/><br/>';
$message.= 'SESSION : '.print_r($_SESSION,true).'<br/><br/>';
$message.= 'ENV : '.print_r($_ENV,true).'<br/><br/>';
$message.= 'tabInfo : '.print_r($tabInfo,true).'<br/><br/>';
$message.= '</pre>';
if($debug == TRUE){
print '<pre>';
print $message;
print '</pre>';
$message = graydon_messageSoapFault();
return $message;
* Affiche un message d'erreur sympatique pour le client.
* @return string
function graydon_messageSoapFault(){
(defined('ERROR_SOAP')) ? ($message = ERROR_SOAP) : ($message = "Une erreur est survenue lors de votre requête") ;
return $message;
* Envoi de l'erreur Soap par mail.
* @param string $message
* @return void
function graydon_mailSoapFault($message){
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->From = "";
$mail->FromName = "Serveur SD-13408";
$mail->Host = "";
$mail->Mailer = "smtp";
$mail->Subject = "Erreur SOAP - (Date :".date("d")."/".date("m")."/".date("Y").")";
$body = $message;
$mail->AddAddress(EMAIL_SUPPORTDEV, "Support");
if(!$mail->Send()) {
* Fonction qui enregistre les messages d'erreur dans un log.
* @param string $message
* @return void
function graydon_logSoapFault($message){
echo $message;
function graydon_error($code, $text){
$tabError = array(
0 => array( "Code" => "CWS0112", "Text" => "Country or Countries specified not valid" ),
1 => array( "Code" => "CWS0113", "Text" => "Country is not enabled for matchByIdentifier" ),
2 => array( "Code" => "CWS5000", "Text" => "No match results found for subject company" ),
$returnError = FALSE;
foreach($tabError as $error){
if($code == $error['Code']){
$returnError = $error;
return $returnError;

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
require_once 'log.php';
* Enregistre chaque appel de méthode graydon
* @param string $login
* Login de l'utilisateur
* @param string $page
* Nom de la page
* @param string $requete
* Requête Graydon effectué
* @param string $transactionIdentifier
* Identifiant de transaction Graydon
* @param string $sessionIdentifier
* Identifiant de session Graydon
* @return void
function graydonRequeteLog($login, $page, $requete, $transactionIdentifier, $sessionIdentifier){
$tabData = array( "Date" => date('Y/m/d H:i:s'),
"Login" => $login,
"Page" => $page,
"Requete" => $requete,
"TransactionIdentifier" => $transactionIdentifier,
"SessionIdentifier" => $sessionIdentifier,
writeLog(GRAYDON_LOGFILE, $tabData, ';');

View File

@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
Graydon Webservice
//=> Recherche
Get a match for a company by using the appropriate identifier for the country being matched in.
Specify the 'Country' parameter within the 'CompanyMatches_Parameters', also supply the 'CompanyIdentifier'
Determine which identifier should be supplied by using the 'getCompanyMatchIdentifiers' operation beforehand,
this response with the identifier type used to search in the desired country.
Determine which search method is available and which of these is the best using the 'getCompanyMatchMethods',
the response will give you an array of available match methods. The response is a single 'Company' element
within the 'CompanyMatches' element, this has all the information on the matched company held in many elements.
If no companies are found to match the given search criteria a 'graydonComanyData_Fault' is thrown containing
appropriate error information.
Get a list of matches for a company by using the a company name keyword and city/postcode for the country
being matched in.
Specify the 'Country' parameter within the 'CompanyMatches_Parameters', also supply the 'Keyword', 'City'
and 'PostCode' parameter (Last two elements are optional). Determine which identifier should be
suDetermine which search method is available and which of these is the best using the
'getCompanyMatchMethods', the response will give you an array of available match methods.
The response is an array of 'Company' elements within the 'CompanyMatches' element, this has all the
information on the matched company held in many elements. If no companies are found to match the given
search criteria a 'graydonComanyData_Fault' is thrown containing appropriate error information.
Get a list of matches for a company by using the company name and city for the country being matched in.
Specify the 'Country' parameter within the 'CompanyMatches_Parameters', also supply the 'Name', 'City'
parameter (The last element is optional). Determine which search method is available and which of these
is the best using the 'getCompanyMatchMethods', the response will give you an array of available match
methods. The response is an array of 'Company' elements within the 'CompanyMatches' element, this has
all the information on the matched company held in many elements. If no companies are found to match
the given search criteria a 'graydonComanyData_Fault' is thrown containing appropriate error information.
Get a list of matches for a company by using the company's postcode for the country being matched in.
Specify the 'Country' parameter within the 'CompanyMatches_Parameters', also supply the 'Name', 'City'
parameter (The last element is optional).
Determine which search method is available and which of these is the best using the 'getCompanyMatchMethods',
the response will give you an array of available match methods. The response is an array of 'Company'
elements within the 'CompanyMatches' element, this has all the information on the matched company held in many
elements. If no companies are found to match the given search criteria a 'graydonComanyData_Fault' is thrown
containing appropriate error information.
Get a list of company identifiers for a single or all country. Provide the 'Country' parameter to request
identifiers for a single country. Use this to determine which type of identifier can be used with the
'getCompanyMatchesByIdentifier' method. The response contains an array of 'CompanyMatchIdentifier', each
containing the related 'Country' and the 'CompanyIdentifier' element holding the 'Type' for that country.
Get the available matching methods for a single or all countries.
Provide the 'Country' parameter if you want methods for a single country and not all.
This helps determine the best search method to implement per country and the availability
of additional search criteria such as 'City'. The response is a single or array
of 'CompanyMatchMethods' each contains the related country and an array of
available 'MatchMethod' elements. The order of the 'MatchMethods' elements determines
order of preference for searching in that country.
Get the list of products and their availability for a subject company.
Provide the 'CompanyMatchIdentifier' parameter (This is provided on each company match).
The subject company should be identified via a matching operation prior to this operations use.
Get the availability of products and services for a single or all countries.
Provide the 'Country' parameter when a single country is desired.
The response contains a single or multiple 'CountryAndProduct' elements which inturn contains
the 'Country' and multiple 'Product' elements with the relevant details.
getDemoCompanies -->
Get the demonstration companies available for a single or all countries.
Provide the 'Country' parameter when a single country is desired.
The response contains a single or multiple 'Company' elements which icontains the relevant
details for the demonstration company.
User profile: SESS38R7
Customer no.: 32790
Password : E88MSU4
ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);
//define('GRAYDON_WSDL' ,'');
define('GRAYDON_WSDL', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/GraydonCompanyData.wsdl');
require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/wsfunctions.php';
$options = array('trace' => 1);
//$options = array('trace' => 1, 'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS);
// Create a soap client
$graydon = new SoapClient(GRAYDON_WSDL, $options);
// Create the authentication parameters object
$authentication = new StdClass();
// Initialise the authentication parameters
$authentication->PartnerUserId = USER_PROFILE;
$authentication->PartnerPassword = PASSWORD;
$authentication->PartnerClientId = '';
$authentication->SessionID = '';

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
$tabPays = array(
"Algeria" => array( "display"=> "Algeria"),
"Angola" => array( "display"=> "Angola"),
"Argentina" => array( "display"=> "Argentina"),
"Australia" => array( "display"=> "Australia"),
"Austria" => array( "display"=> "Austria"),
"Azerbaijan" => array( "display"=> "Azerbaijan"),
"Bahamas" => array( "display"=> "Bahamas"),
"Bahrain" => array( "display"=> "Bahrain"),
"Bangladesh" => array( "display"=> "Bangladesh"),
"Belgium" => array( "display"=> "Belgium"),
"Belize" => array( "display"=> "Belize"),
"Benin" => array( "display"=> "Benin"),
"Bermuda" => array( "display"=> "Bermuda"),
"Bolivia" => array( "display"=> "Bolivia"),
"Botswana" => array( "display"=> "Botswana"),
"Brazil" => array( "display"=> "Brazil"),
"British Virgin Islands" => array( "display"=> "British Virgin Islands"),
"Bulgaria" => array( "display"=> "Bulgaria"),
"Cambodia" => array( "display"=> "Cambodia"),
"Cameroon" => array( "display"=> "Cameroon"),
"Canada" => array( "display"=> "Canada"),
"Chile" => array( "display"=> "Chile"),
"China" => array( "display"=> "China"),
"Colombia" => array( "display"=> "Colombia"),
"Congo Republic" => array( "display"=> "Congo Republic"),
"Costa Rica" => array( "display"=> "Costa Rica"),
"Croatia" => array( "display"=> "Croatia"),
"Cyprus" => array( "display"=> "Cyprus"),
"Czech Republic" => array( "display"=> "Czech Republic"),
"Denmark" => array( "display"=> "Denmark"),
"Dominican Republic" => array( "display"=> "Dominican Republic"),
"Ecuador" => array( "display"=> "Ecuador"),
"Egypt" => array( "display"=> "Egypt"),
"El Salvador" => array( "display"=> "El Salvador"),
"Estonia" => array( "display"=> "Estonia"),
"Ethiopia" => array( "display"=> "Ethiopia"),
"Finland" => array( "display"=> "Finland"),
"France" => array( "display"=> "France"),
"Gabon" => array( "display"=> "Gabon"),
"Germany" => array( "display"=> "Germany"),
"Ghana" => array( "display"=> "Ghana"),
"Gibraltar" => array( "display"=> "Gibraltar"),
"Greece" => array( "display"=> "Greece"),
"Guadeloupe" => array( "display"=> "Guadeloupe"),
"Guatemala" => array( "display"=> "Guatemala"),
"Honduras" => array( "display"=> "Honduras"),
"Hong Kong" => array( "display"=> "Hong Kong"),
"Hungary" => array( "display"=> "Hungary"),
"Iceland" => array( "display"=> "Iceland"),
"India" => array( "display"=> "India"),
"Indonesia" => array( "display"=> "Indonesia"),
"Iran" => array( "display"=> "Iran"),
"Irish Republic" => array( "display"=> "Irish Republic"),
"Israel" => array( "display"=> "Israel"),
"Italy" => array( "display"=> "Italy"),
"Ivory Coast" => array( "display"=> "Ivory Coast"),
"Jamaica" => array( "display"=> "Jamaica"),
"Japan" => array( "display"=> "Japan"),
"Jordan" => array( "display"=> "Jordan"),
"Kenya" => array( "display"=> "Kenya"),
"Kuwait" => array( "display"=> "Kenya"),
"Kyrgyzstan" => array( "display"=> "Kyrgyzstan"),
"Latvia" => array( "display"=> "Latvia"),
"Lebanon" => array( "display"=> "Lebanon"),
"Liberia" => array( "display"=> "Liberia"),
"Libya" => array( "display"=> "Libya"),
"Liechtenstein" => array( "display"=> "Liechtenstein"),
"Lithuania" => array( "display"=> "Lithuania"),
"Luxembourg" => array( "display"=> "Luxembourg"),
"Madagascar" => array( "display"=> "Madagascar"),
"Malaysia" => array( "display"=> "Malaysia"),
"Malta" => array( "display"=> "Malta"),
"Mauritius" => array( "display"=> "Mauritius"),
"Mexico" => array( "display"=> "Mexico"),
"Monaco" => array( "display"=> "Monaco"),
"Morocco" => array( "display"=> "Morocco"),
"Namibia" => array( "display"=> "Namibia"),
"Netherlands" => array( "display"=> "Netherlands"),
"New Zealand" => array( "display"=> "New Zealand"),
"Nicaragua" => array( "display"=> "Nicaragua"),
"Nigeria" => array( "display"=> "Nigeria"),
"Norway" => array( "display"=> "Norway"),
"Oman" => array( "display"=> "Oman"),
"Pakistan" => array( "display"=> "Pakistan"),
"Panama" => array( "display"=> "Panama"),
"Paraguay" => array( "display"=> "Paraguay"),
"Peru" => array( "display"=> "Peru"),
"Philippines" => array( "display"=> "Philippines"),
"Poland" => array( "display"=> "Poland"),
"Portugal" => array( "display"=> "Portugal"),
"Puerto Rico" => array( "display"=> "Puerto Rico"),
"Qatar" => array( "display"=> "Qatar"),
"Romania" => array( "display"=> "Romania"),
"Russia" => array( "display"=> "Russia"),
"Saudi Arabia" => array( "display"=> "Saudi Arabia"),
"Senegal" => array( "display"=> "Senegal"),
"Serbia And Montenegro" => array( "display"=> "Serbia And Montenegro"),
"Seychelles" => array( "display"=> "Seychelles"),
"Singapore" => array( "display"=> "Singapore"),
"Slovakia" => array( "display"=> "Slovakia"),
"Slovenia" => array( "display"=> "Slovenia"),
"South Africa" => array( "display"=> "South Africa"),
"South Korea" => array( "display"=> "South Korea"),
"Spain" => array( "display"=> "Spain"),
"Sri Lanka" => array( "display"=> "Sri Lanka"),
"Sweden" => array( "display"=> "Sweden"),
"Switzerland" => array( "display"=> "Switzerland"),
"Syria" => array( "display"=> "Syria"),
"Taiwan" => array( "display"=> "Taiwan"),
"Thailand" => array( "display"=> "Thailand"),
"Trinidad And Tobago" => array( "display"=> "Trinidad And Tobago"),
"Tunisia" => array( "display"=> "Tunisia"),
"Turkey" => array( "display"=> "Turkey"),
"Uganda" => array( "display"=> "Uganda"),
"Ukraine" => array( "display"=> "Ukraine"),
"United Arab Emirates" => array( "display"=> "United Arab Emirates"),
"United Kingdom" => array( "display"=> "United Kingdom"),
"Uruguay" => array( "display"=> "Uruguay"),
"USA" => array( "display"=> "USA"),
"Venezuela" => array( "display"=> "Venezuela"),
"Vietnam" => array( "display"=> "Vietnam"),
"Yemen" => array( "display"=> "Yemen"),
"Zimbabwe" => array( "display"=> "Zimbabwe"),

View File

@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
Algeria = 125
Angola = 125
Argentina = "-"
Australia = "-"
Austria = 65
Azerbaijan = "-"
Bahamas = 125
Bahrain = 125
Bangladesh = "-"
Belgium = 65
Belize = "-"
Benin = 125
Bermuda = 125
Bolivia = "-"
Botswana = 125
Brazil = "-"
British Virgin Islands = 125
Bulgaria = 65
Cambodia = "-"
Cameroon = 125
Canada = 65
Chile = "-"
China = 95
Colombia = "-"
Congo Republic = "125"
Costa Rica = "-"
Croatia = 65
Cyprus = "-"
Czech Republic = 65
Denmark = 125
Dominican Republic = 125
Ecuador = "-"
Egypt = 125
El Salvador = "-"
Estonia = 95
Ethiopia = 125
Finland = "-"
France = 65
Gabon = 125
Germany = 65
Ghana = 125
Gibraltar = "-"
Greece = 65
Guadeloupe = 125
Guatemala = "-"
Honduras = "-"
Hong Kong = "-"
Hungary = 65
Iceland = "-"
India = "-"
Indonesia = "-"
Iran = 125
Irish Republic = 65
Israel = "-"
Italy = 65
Ivory Coast = 125
Jamaica = 125
Japan = 95
Jordan = 125
Kenya = 125
Kuwait = 125
Kyrgyzstan = "-"
Latvia = 95
Lebanon = 125
Liberia = 125
Libya = 125
Liechtenstein = "-"
Lithuania = 95
Luxembourg = "-"
Madagascar = 125
Malaysia = "-"
Malta = "-"
Mauritius = "-"
Mexico = "-"
Monaco = "-"
Morocco = 125
Namibia = 125
Netherlands = 65
New Zealand = "-"
Nicaragua = "-"
Nigeria = 125
Norway = "-"
Oman = "-"
Pakistan = "-"
Panama = "-"
Paraguay = "-"
Peru = "-"
Philippines = "-"
Poland = 65
Portugal = 65
Puerto Rico = 125
Qatar = 125
Romania = 65
Russia = 95
Saudi Arabia = 125
Senegal = 125
Serbia And Montenegro = "-"
Seychelles = "-"
Singapore = "-"
Slovakia = 65
Slovenia = 65
South Africa = "-"
South Korea = "-"
Spain = 65
Sri Lanka = "-"
Sweden = 65
Switzerland = 65
Syria = 125
Taiwan = "-"
Thailand = "-"
Trinidad And Tobago = "-"
Tunisia = 125
Turkey = 125
Uganda = 125
Ukraine = 95
United Arab Emirates = 125
United Kingdom = 65
Uruguay = "-"
USA = 65
Venezuela = "-"
Vietnam = "-"
Yemen = 125
Zimbabwe = 125
Algeria = 155
Angola = 155
Argentina = 95
Australia = 95
Austria = 95
Azerbaijan = 155
Bahamas = 155
Bahrain = 155
Bangladesh = 155
Belgium = 95
Belize = 95
Benin = 155
Bermuda = 155
Bolivia = 95
Botswana = 155
Brazil = 95
British Virgin Islands = 155
Bulgaria = 95
Cambodia = 155
Cameroon = 155
Canada = 95
Chile = 95
China = 155
Colombia = 95
Congo Republic = 155
Costa Rica = 95
Croatia = 95
Cyprus = 95
Czech Republic = 95
Denmark = 95
Dominican Republic = 155
Ecuador = 95
Egypt = 155
El Salvador = 95
Estonia = 155
Ethiopia = 155
Finland = 95
France = 95
Gabon = 155
Germany = 95
Ghana = 155
Gibraltar = 95
Greece = 95
Guadeloupe = 155
Guatemala = 95
Honduras = 95
Hong Kong = 95
Hungary = 95
Iceland = 95
India = 95
Indonesia = 95
Iran = 155
Irish Republic = 95
Israel = 95
Italy = 95
Ivory Coast = 155
Jamaica = 155
Japan = 155
Jordan = 155
Kenya = 155
Kuwait = 155
Kyrgyzstan = 155
Latvia = 155
Lebanon = 155
Liberia = 155
Libya = 155
Liechtenstein = 95
Lithuania = 155
Luxembourg = 95
Madagascar = 155
Malaysia = 155
Malta = 95
Mauritius = 95
Mexico = 95
Monaco = 95
Morocco = 155
Namibia = 155
Netherlands = 95
New Zealand = 95
Nicaragua = 95
Nigeria = 155
Norway = 95
Oman = 155
Pakistan = 155
Panama = 95
Paraguay = 95
Peru = 95
Philippines = 155
Poland = 95
Portugal = 95
Puerto Rico = 155
Qatar = 155
Romania = 95
Russia = 155
Saudi Arabia = 155
Senegal = 155
Serbia And Montenegro = 95
Seychelles = 155
Singapore = 155
Slovakia = 95
Slovenia = 95
South Africa = 95
South Korea = 155
Spain = 95
Sri Lanka = 155
Sweden = 95
Switzerland = 95
Syria = 155
Taiwan = 155
Thailand = 155
Trinidad And Tobago = 155
Tunisia = 155
Turkey = 155
Uganda = 155
Ukraine = 155
United Arab Emirates = 155
United Kingdom = 95
Uruguay = 95
USA = 95
Venezuela = 95
Vietnam = 155
Yemen = 155
Zimbabwe = 155
Algeria = 230
Angola = 230
Argentina = 230
Australia = 230
Austria = 155
Azerbaijan = 230
Bahamas = 230
Bahrain = 230
Bangladesh = 230
Belgium = 155
Belize = 230
Benin = 230
Bermuda = 230
Bolivia = 230
Botswana = 230
Brazil = 230
British Virgin Islands = 230
Bulgaria = 155
Cambodia = 230
Cameroon = 230
Canada = 155
Chile = 230
China = 230
Colombia = 230
Congo Republic = 230
Costa Rica = 230
Croatia = 155
Cyprus = 155
Czech Republic = 155
Denmark = 155
Dominican Republic = 230
Ecuador = 230
Egypt = 230
El Salvador = 230
Estonia = 230
Ethiopia = 230
Finland = 155
France = 155
Gabon = 230
Germany = 155
Ghana = 230
Gibraltar = 155
Greece = 155
Guadeloupe = 230
Guatemala = 230
Honduras = 230
Hong Kong = 230
Hungary = 155
Iceland = 155
India = 155
Indonesia = 230
Iran = 230
Irish Republic = 155
Israel = 155
Italy = 155
Ivory Coast = 230
Jamaica = 230
Japan = 230
Jordan = 230
Kenya = 230
Kuwait = 230
Kyrgyzstan = 230
Latvia = 230
Lebanon = 230
Liberia = 230
Libya = 230
Liechtenstein = 155
Lithuania = 230
Luxembourg = 155
Madagascar = 230
Malaysia = 230
Malta = 155
Mauritius = 230
Mexico = 230
Monaco = 155
Morocco = 230
Namibia = 230
Netherlands = 155
New Zealand = 230
Nicaragua = 230
Nigeria = 230
Norway = 155
Oman = 230
Pakistan = 230
Panama = 230
Paraguay = 230
Peru = 230
Philippines = 230
Poland = 155
Portugal = 155
Puerto Rico = 230
Qatar = 230
Romania = 155
Russia = 230
Saudi Arabia = 230
Senegal = 230
Serbia And Montenegro = 155
Seychelles = 230
Singapore = 230
Slovakia = 155
Slovenia = 155
South Africa = 230
South Korea = 230
Spain = 155
Sri Lanka = 230
Sweden = 155
Switzerland = 155
Syria = 230
Taiwan = 230
Thailand = 230
Trinidad And Tobago = 230
Tunisia = 230
Turkey = 230
Uganda = 230
Ukraine = 230
United Arab Emirates = 230
United Kingdom = 155
Uruguay = 230
USA = 155
Venezuela = 230
Vietnam = 230
Yemen = 230
Zimbabwe = 230

View File

@ -1,746 +0,0 @@
* Retourne les identifiants disponible.
* @param string $pays
* Le pays Graydon
* @return string
* .
function getCompanyMatchIdentifiers($pays){
global $page, $mode, $firephp, $graydon, $authentication;
$firephp->info('Méthode getCompanyMatchIdentifiers');
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->where('country = ?', $pays);
$matchidentifiers = new Matchidentifiers();
$matchidentifiers = $q->fetchOne();
/** Recup des types d'identifiants pour le pays **/
if($matchidentifiers == FALSE){
//Récupération des intitulés identifiant
$request = new StdClass();
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$request->Country = $pays;
$firephp->log($request,'REQUETE CompanyMatchIdentifier');
$result = $graydon->getCompanyMatchIdentifiers($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog($_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'getCompanyMatchIdentifiers', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'getCompanyMatchIdentifiers';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = $mode;
$count = count($result->CompanyMatchIdentifiers);
if ($count>1){
$tabIdentifiers = $result->CompanyMatchIdentifiers->CompanyMatchIdentifier->CompanyIdentifier;
$tabIdentifiers[] = $result->CompanyMatchIdentifiers->CompanyMatchIdentifier->CompanyIdentifier;
//Stockage du résultat de la méthode en cache
$matchidentifiers = new Matchidentifiers();
$matchidentifiers->country = $pays;
$matchidentifiers->identifiers = serialize($tabIdentifiers);
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/graydon_error.php';
if(graydon_error($code, $text)!=FALSE){
//Stockage du résultat de la méthode en cache
$matchidentifiers = new Matchidentifiers();
$matchidentifiers->country = $pays;
$matchidentifiers->identifiers = serialize('noidentifiers');
$tabIdentifiers = 'noidentifiers';
$tabIdentifiers = graydon_processSoapFault($graydon,$fault,$_SESSION['tabInfo']);
$firephp->info('tabIdentifiers pris dans la bdd');
$tabIdentifiers = unserialize($matchidentifiers->identifiers);
return $tabIdentifiers;
function getCompanyProducts($identifier){
global $page, $mode, $firephp, $graydon, $authentication;
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->where('identifiers = ?', $identifier);
$companyproducts = new Companyproducts();
$companyproducts = $q->fetchOne();
$now = mktime(date('G'), date('i'), date('s'), date("m") , date("d"), date("Y"));
if($companyproducts == FALSE){
$request = new StdClass();
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$request->CompanyMatchIdentifier = $identifier;
try {
// Make a request on the web service
$result = $graydon->getCompanyProducts($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog($_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'getCompanyProducts', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'getCompanyProducts';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = $mode;
//Sauvegarde dans la bdd
$companyproducts = new Companyproducts();
$companyproducts->identifiers = $identifier;
$companyproducts->company = serialize($result->Company);
$companyproducts->products = serialize($result->Products);
$company = $result->Company;
$products = $result->Products->Product;
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/graydon_error.php';
if(graydon_error($code, $text)==FALSE){
$company = unserialize($companyproducts->company);
$products = unserialize($companyproducts->products);
$products = $products->Product;
return array('Company' => $company, 'Products' => $products);
function getCompanyMatches($pays){
global $page, $mode, $firephp, $graydon, $authentication;
// Create the request parameters
$request = new StdClass();
// Initialise the request object
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
// Create a new country parameters object
$company = new StdClass();
// Initialise the country object
$company->Country = $pays;
$company->ClientReference = '';
$request->CompanyMatches_Parameters = $company;
if($_REQUEST['method'] == 'keyword'){
$request->Keyword = $_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['Keywords'];
$request->City = isset($_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['City']) ? $_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['City'] : '' ;
$request->PostCode = isset($_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['PostCode']) ? $_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['PostCode'] : '' ;
}elseif($_REQUEST['method'] == 'identifier'){
$request->Identifier = $_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['Identifier'];
}elseif($_REQUEST['method'] == 'name'){
$request->Name = $_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['Name'];
$request->City = isset($_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['City']) ? $_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['City'] : '' ;
$request->PostCode = isset($_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['PostCode']) ? $_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['PostCode'] : '' ;
}elseif($_REQUEST['method'] == 'postcode'){
$request->PostCode = isset($_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['PostCode']) ? $_REQUEST['frmRecherche']['PostCode'] : '' ;
// Make a request on the webservice
if($_REQUEST['method'] == 'keyword'){
$result = $graydon->getCompanyMatchesByKeyword($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog($_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'getCompanyMatchesByKeyword', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'getCompanyMatchesByKeyword';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = 'normal';
}elseif($_REQUEST['method'] == 'identifier'){
$result = $graydon->getCompanyMatchesByIdentifier($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog($_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'getCompanyMatchesByIdentifier', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'getCompanyMatchByIdentifier';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = 'normal';
}elseif($_REQUEST['method'] == 'name'){
$result = $graydon->getCompanyMatchesByName($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog($_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'getCompanyMatchesByName', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'getCompanyMatchesByName';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = 'normal';
}elseif($_REQUEST['method'] == 'postcode'){
$result = $graydon->getCompanyMatchesByPostCode($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog($_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'getCompanyMatchesByPostCode', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'getCompanyMatchesByPostCode';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = 'normal';
$_SESSION['graydon']['SessionID'] = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
$_SESSION['graydon']['TransactionIdentifier'] = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
return $result;
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){
if(isset($fault->faultstring) && $fault->faultcode = 'HTTP'){
print '<br/>Le service partenaire n\'est pas disponible.';
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/graydon_error.php';
$error = graydon_error($code, $text);
return graydon_processSoapFault($graydon,$fault,$_SESSION['tabInfo']);
}elseif($error['Code'] == 'CWS5000'){
return array();
function getCountryAvailability($pays){
global $page, $mode, $firephp, $graydon, $authentication;
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->where('country = ?', $pays);
$countryavailability = new Countryavailability();
$countryavailability = $q->fetchOne();
if($countryavailability == FALSE){
// Create the request parameters
$request = new StdClass();
// Initialise the request object
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$request->Country = $pays;
$result = $graydon->getCountryAvailability($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog( $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'getCountryAvailability', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'getCountryAvailability';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = $mode;
$count = count($result->CountryAvailablity->CountryAndProduct->Products->Product);
if ($count>1){
$availability = $result->CountryAvailablity->CountryAndProduct->Products->Product;
$availability[] = $result->CountryAvailablity->CountryAndProduct->Products->Product;
//Stockage du résultat de la méthode en cache
$countryavailability = new Countryavailability();
$countryavailability->country = $pays;
$countryavailability->availability = serialize($availability);
}catch(SoapFault $fault){
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/graydon_error.php';
if(graydon_error($code, $text)==FALSE){
$availability = graydon_processSoapFault($graydon,$fault,$_SESSION['tabInfo']);
$availability = FALSE;
$availability = unserialize($countryavailability->availability);
return $availability;
function getCompanyMatchMethods($pays){
global $page, $mode, $firephp, $graydon, $authentication;
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->where('country = ?', $pays);
$matchmethods = new Matchmethods();
$matchmethods = $q->fetchOne();
if($matchmethods == FALSE){
// Create the request parameters
$request = new StdClass();
// Initialise the request object
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$request->Country = $pays;
$result = $graydon->getCompanyMatchMethods($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $result->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $result->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog( $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'getCompanyMatchMethods', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'getCompanyMatchMethods';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = $mode;
$count = count($result->CompanyMatchMethods->CompanyMatchMethod->MatchMethods->MatchMethod);
if ($count>1){
$methods = $result->CompanyMatchMethods->CompanyMatchMethod->MatchMethods->MatchMethod;
$methods[] = $result->CompanyMatchMethods->CompanyMatchMethod->MatchMethods->MatchMethod;
//Stockage du résultat de la méthode en cache
$matchmethods = new Matchmethods();
$matchmethods->country = $pays;
$matchmethods->methods = serialize($methods);
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/graydon_error.php';
if(graydon_error($code, $text)!=FALSE){
//Stockage du résultat de la méthode en cache
$matchmethods = new Matchmethods();
$matchmethods->country = $pays;
$matchmethods->methods = serialize('nomethods');
$methods = 'nomethods';
$methods = graydon_processSoapFault($graydon,$fault,$_SESSION['tabInfo']);
$methods = unserialize($matchmethods->methods);
return $methods;
function getIdentite($companyProductIdentifier, $file){
global $page, $mode, $firephp, $graydon, $authentication;
$request = new StdClass();
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$request->OrderCreatorEmail = '';
$request->CompanyProductIdentifier = $CompanyProductIdentifier;
$request->PartnerData = '';
$placeOrderResult = $graydon->placeOrder($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $placeOrderResult->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $placeOrderResult->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog($_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'placeOrder', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'placeOrder';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = $mode;
//Optention du prix du service
$prix = Doctrine_Query::create($conn)
->from('Price p')
->leftJoin('p.Country c')
->where('c.graydon_country = ?', $pays)
//Enregistrement des commandes dans la bdd
$commandes = new Commandes();
$commandes->reference = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->OrderReference;
$commandes->servicespeed = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->Order->ServiceSpeed;
$commandes->prix = $prix->immediate;
$commandes->orderstate = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->OrderState;
$commandes->dateordered = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->DateOrdered;
$commandes->datecompleted = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->DateCompleted;
$commandes->datedue = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->DateDue;
$commandes->companyproductidentifier = $CompanyProductIdentifier;
$commandes->sessionid = $sessionID;
$commandes->transactionidentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$commandes->user = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$commandes->mode = $_SESSION['graydon']['mode'];
$country = Doctrine_Query::create()
->where('graydon_country = ?', $pays)
$commandes->Country = $country;
$commandes_id = $commandes->id;
//Pas d'enregistrement des détails de la commande car elle est immédiate
//Envoi d'un mail pour le passage de la commande
require_once 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->From = "";
$mail->FromName = "Commandes International";
$mail->Host = "";
$mail->Mailer = "smtp";
$mail->Subject = "[International] - (Date :".date("d")."/".date("m")."/".date("Y").") - Commandes";
$body = "Commande effectué par ".$_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$body .= "";
$mail->AddAddress(EMAIL_SUPPORTDEV, "Support");
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/graydon_error.php';
if(graydon_error($code, $text)==FALSE){
return graydon_processSoapFault($graydon,$fault,$_SESSION['tabInfo']);
return false;
//On vérifie l'état de le demande
if (isset($placeOrderResult) && $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->OrderState == 'Completed'){
$request = new StdClass();
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$request->LanguageCode = 'E'; //Spécifier la langue du rapport
$request->OrderReference = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->OrderReference;
$request->MimeType = 'xml';
$reportResult = $graydon->getCompanyReport($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $reportResult->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $reportResult->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog($_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'getCompanyReport', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Enregistrement dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'getCompanyReport';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = $mode;
$xml = $reportResult->ReportXML->any;
//Enregistrement du fichier xml
file_put_contents($file, $xml);
//Mise en cache dans la bdd
$report = new Report();
$report->identifier = $identifier;
$report->name = $_SESSION['graydon']['name'];
$report->content = $xml;
$report->format = 'xml';
$report->order_id = $commandes_id;
return $xml;
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/graydon_error.php';
if(graydon_error($code, $text)==FALSE){
return graydon_processSoapFault($graydon,$fault,$_SESSION['tabInfo']);
return FALSE;
function setEnquete($pays){
global $page, $mode, $firephp, $graydon, $authentication;
$serviceSpeed = strtolower($_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Servicespeed']);
//Optention du prix du service
$prix = Doctrine_Query::create($conn)
->from('Price p')
->leftJoin('p.Country c')
->where('c.graydon_country = ?', $pays)
//Sauvegarde des infos dans la base avant le passage de la commande
$commandes = new Commandes();
//$commandes->reference = '';
$commandes->servicespeed = $serviceSpeed;
$commandes->prix = $prix->$serviceSpeed;
//$commandes->orderstate = '';
//$commandes->dateordered =
//$commandes->datecompleted =
//$commandes->datedue =
//$commandes->companyproductidentifier = ;
//$commandes->sessionid = $sessionID;
//$commandes->transactionidentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$commandes->user = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$commandes->mode = $_SESSION['graydon']['mode'];
$commandes->Country = $pays;
$commandes_id = $commandes->id;
//Enregistrement des détails de la commande
$commandesDetail = new CommandesDetail();
$commandesDetail->dIdentite = $_REQUEST['InfoUser']['Identite'];
$commandesDetail->dTelephone = $_REQUEST['InfoUser']['Tel'];
$commandesDetail->dEmail = $_REQUEST['InfoUser']['Email'];
$commandesDetail->dFax = $_REQUEST['InfoUser']['Fax'];
$commandesDetail->eLanguageCode = 'E';
$commandesDetail->eName = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Name'];
$commandesDetail->eIdentifiers = serialize($_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Identifiers']);
$commandesDetail->eAdresse = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Adresse'];
$commandesDetail->eTelephone = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Telephone'];
$commandesDetail->ePays = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Pays'];
$commandesDetail->eCreditOpinionCurrency = 'EUR';
//$commandesDetail->eCreditOpinionPeriod = '';
$commandesDetail->eBankers = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Bankers'];
$commandesDetail->eAttentionOf = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['AttentionOf'];
$commandesDetail->eSpecialRemarks = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['SpecialRemarks'];
$commandesDetail->commandes_id = $commandes_id;
//Passage de la commande chez graydon
$request = new StdClass();
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$request->OrderCreatorEmail = '';
$request->Order->LanguageCode = 'F';
$request->Order->Name = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Name'];
$request->Order->ServiceSpeed = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Servicespeed'];
$request->Order->Country = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Pays'];
$request->Order->Address->EntireAddress = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Adresse'];
if (count($_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Identifiers'])>1){
$count = 0;
foreach($_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Identifiers'] as $key => $value){
$request->Order->CompanyIdentifier[$count]->Identifier = $value;
$request->Order->CompanyIdentifier[$count]->Type = $key;
foreach($_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Identifiers'] as $key => $value){
$request->Order->CompanyIdentifier->Identifier = $value;
$request->Order->CompanyIdentifier->Type = $key;
$request->Order->AttentionOf = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['AttentionOf'];
$request->Order->Bankers = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Bankers'];
$request->Order->SpecialRemarks = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['SpecialRemarks'];
$request->Order->Telephone = $_REQUEST['InfoEnq']['Telephone'];
$request->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication;
$request->OrderCreatorEmail = '';
$request->CompanyProductIdentifier = $_REQUEST['pidentifier'];
$request->PartnerData = '';
$requet->PartnerData = '';
$placeOrderResult = $graydon->placeOrder($request);
//Enregistrement de l'action dans les logs
$transactionIdentifier = $placeOrderResult->Service_Log->TransactionIdentifier;
$sessionID = $placeOrderResult->Service_Log->SessionID;
graydonRequeteLog($_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'], $page, 'placeOrder', $transactionIdentifier, $sessionID);
//Log de la requete dans la bdd
$log = new Requetelog();
$log->login = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$log->action = 'placeOrder';
$log->request = serialize($request);
$log->transactionIdentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$log->sessionID = $sessionID;
$log->mode = $mode;
//Enregistrement des commandes dans la bdd
$commandes = new Commandes();
$commandes->reference = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->OrderReference;
$commandes->servicespeed = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->Order->ServiceSpeed;
$commandes->prix = $prix->$serviceSpeed;
$commandes->orderstate = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->OrderState;
$commandes->dateordered = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->DateOrdered;
$commandes->datecompleted = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->DateCompleted;
$commandes->datedue = $placeOrderResult->OrderStatus->DateDue;
$commandes->companyproductidentifier = '';
$commandes->sessionid = $sessionID;
$commandes->transactionidentifier = $transactionIdentifier;
$commandes->user = $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'];
$commandes->mode = $_SESSION['graydon']['mode'];
$commandes->Country = $country;
$commandes_id = $commandes->id;
//Enregistrement des détails de la commande
//Déjà fait avant le passage de la commande chez graydon
//Envoi d'un mail pour le passage de la commande
require_once 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->From = "";
$mail->FromName = "Commandes International";
$mail->Host = "";
$mail->Mailer = "smtp";
$mail->Subject = "[International] - Commande - (Date :".date("d")."/".date("m")."/".date("Y").")";
$body = "Commande effectué par ".$_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'].", ref : ".$commandes->reference;
$body .= " ";
$mail->AddAddress(EMAIL_SUPPORTDEV, "Support");
$commandeOk = TRUE;
}catch( SoapFault $fault ){
$code = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultReturnCode;
$text = $fault->detail->GraydonCompanyData_Fault->FaultMessage;
require_once 'graydon/graydon_error.php';
if(graydon_error($code, $text)==FALSE){
//Envoi d'un mail pour le passage de la commande en erreur
require_once 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->From = "";
$mail->FromName = "Commandes International";
$mail->Host = "";
$mail->Mailer = "smtp";
$mail->Subject = "[International] - Commande Erreur - (Date :".date("d")."/".date("m")."/".date("Y").")";
$body = "Commande effectué par ".$_SESSION['tabInfo']['login'].", identifiant : ".$commandes_id;
$body .= " ";
$mail->AddAddress(EMAIL_SUPPORTDEV, "Support");
$commandeOk = FALSE;
if($commandeOk === FALSE){ return $commandes_id; }
else{ return $commandeOK; }

View File

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
0. Additional Definitions.
As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
General Public License.
"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
of using an interface provided by the Library.
A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
2. Conveying Modified Versions.
If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
this License applicable to that copy.
3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
4. Combined Works.
You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
covered by this License.
b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
d) Do one of the following:
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
Corresponding Source.
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
for conveying Corresponding Source.)
5. Combined Libraries.
You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side by side in a single library together with other library
facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
choice, if you do both of the following:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
conveyed under the terms of this License.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that published version or of any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="fpdf.css">
<style type="text/css">
ul {list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:0}
ul#answers li {margin-top:1.8em}
.question {font-weight:bold; color:#900000}
<li><b>1.</b> <a href='#q1'>What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?</a></li>
<li><b>2.</b> <a href='#q2'>When I try to create a PDF, a lot of weird characters show on the screen. Why?</a></li>
<li><b>3.</b> <a href='#q3'>I try to generate a PDF and IE displays a blank page. What happens?</a></li>
<li><b>4.</b> <a href='#q4'>I can't make line breaks work. I put \n in the string printed by MultiCell but it doesn't work.</a></li>
<li><b>5.</b> <a href='#q5'>I try to display a variable in the Header method but nothing prints.</a></li>
<li><b>6.</b> <a href='#q6'>I defined the Header and Footer methods in my PDF class but nothing appears.</a></li>
<li><b>7.</b> <a href='#q7'>Accented characters are replaced by some strange characters like é.</a></li>
<li><b>8.</b> <a href='#q8'>I try to display the Euro symbol but it doesn't work.</a></li>
<li><b>9.</b> <a href='#q9'>I get the following error when I try to generate a PDF: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file</a></li>
<li><b>10.</b> <a href='#q10'>I draw a frame with very precise dimensions, but when printed I notice some differences.</a></li>
<li><b>11.</b> <a href='#q11'>I'd like to use the whole surface of the page, but when printed I always have some margins. How can I get rid of them?</a></li>
<li><b>12.</b> <a href='#q12'>How can I put a background in my PDF?</a></li>
<li><b>13.</b> <a href='#q13'>How can I set a specific header or footer on the first page?</a></li>
<li><b>14.</b> <a href='#q14'>I'd like to use extensions provided by different scripts. How can I combine them?</a></li>
<li><b>15.</b> <a href='#q15'>How can I send the PDF by email?</a></li>
<li><b>16.</b> <a href='#q16'>What's the limit of the file sizes I can generate with FPDF?</a></li>
<li><b>17.</b> <a href='#q17'>Can I modify a PDF with FPDF?</a></li>
<li><b>18.</b> <a href='#q18'>I'd like to make a search engine in PHP and index PDF files. Can I do it with FPDF?</a></li>
<li><b>19.</b> <a href='#q19'>Can I convert an HTML page to PDF with FPDF?</a></li>
<li><b>20.</b> <a href='#q20'>Can I concatenate PDF files with FPDF?</a></li>
<ul id='answers'>
<li id='q1'>
<p><b>1.</b> <span class='question'>What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?</span></p>
FPDF is released under a permissive license: there is no usage restriction. You may embed it
freely in your application (commercial or not), with or without modifications.
<li id='q2'>
<p><b>2.</b> <span class='question'>When I try to create a PDF, a lot of weird characters show on the screen. Why?</span></p>
These "weird" characters are in fact the actual content of your PDF. This behavior is a bug of
IE6. When it first receives an HTML page, then a PDF from the same URL, it displays it directly
without launching Acrobat. This happens frequently during the development stage: on the least
script error, an HTML page is sent, and after correction, the PDF arrives.
To solve the problem, simply quit and restart IE. You can also go to another URL and come
To avoid this kind of inconvenience during the development, you can generate the PDF directly
to a file and open it through the explorer.
<li id='q3'>
<p><b>3.</b> <span class='question'>I try to generate a PDF and IE displays a blank page. What happens?</span></p>
First of all, check that you send nothing to the browser after the PDF (not even a space or a
carriage return). You can put an exit statement just after the call to the Output() method to
be sure. If it still doesn't work, it means you're a victim of the "blank page syndrome". IE
used in conjunction with the Acrobat plug-in suffers from many bugs. To avoid these problems
in a reliable manner, two main techniques exist:
- Disable the plug-in and use Acrobat as a helper application. To do this, launch Acrobat, go
to the Edit menu, Preferences, Internet, and uncheck "Display PDF in browser". Then, the next
time you load a PDF in IE, it displays the dialog box "Open it" or "Save it to disk". Uncheck
the option "Always ask before opening this type of file" and choose Open. From now on, PDF files
will open automatically in an external Acrobat window.
The drawback of the method is that you need to alter the client configuration, which you can do
in an intranet environment but not for the Internet.
- Use a redirection technique. It consists in generating the PDF in a temporary file on the server
and redirect the client to it. For example, at the end of the script, you can put the following:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>//Determine a temporary file name in the current directory
$file = basename(tempnam('.', 'tmp'));
rename($file, $file.'.pdf');
$file .= '.pdf';
//Save PDF to file
$pdf-&gt;Output($file, 'F');
header('Location: '.$file);</code></pre>
This method turns the dynamic PDF into a static one and avoids all troubles. But you have to do
some cleaning in order to delete the temporary files. For example:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>function CleanFiles($dir)
//Delete temporary files
$t = time();
$h = opendir($dir);
if(substr($file,0,3)=='tmp' and substr($file,-4)=='.pdf')
$path = $dir.'/'.$file;
This function deletes all files of the form tmp*.pdf older than an hour in the specified
directory. You may call it where you want, for example in the script which generates the PDF.
<li id='q4'>
<p><b>4.</b> <span class='question'>I can't make line breaks work. I put \n in the string printed by MultiCell but it doesn't work.</span></p>
You have to enclose your string with double quotes, not single ones.
<li id='q5'>
<p><b>5.</b> <span class='question'>I try to display a variable in the Header method but nothing prints.</span></p>
You have to use the <code>global</code> keyword to access global variables, for example:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>function Header()
global $title;
$this-&gt;SetFont('Arial', 'B', 15);
$this-&gt;Cell(0, 10, $title, 1, 1, 'C');
$title = 'My title';</code></pre>
Alternatively, you can use an object property:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>function Header()
$this-&gt;SetFont('Arial', 'B', 15);
$this-&gt;Cell(0, 10, $this-&gt;title, 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf-&gt;title = 'My title';</code></pre>
<li id='q6'>
<p><b>6.</b> <span class='question'>I defined the Header and Footer methods in my PDF class but nothing appears.</span></p>
You have to create an object from the PDF class, not FPDF:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>$pdf = new PDF();</code></pre>
<li id='q7'>
<p><b>7.</b> <span class='question'>Accented characters are replaced by some strange characters like é.</span></p>
Don't use UTF-8 encoding. Standard FPDF fonts use ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252.
It is possible to perform a conversion to ISO-8859-1 with utf8_decode():
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>$str = utf8_decode($str);</code></pre>
But some characters such as Euro won't be translated correctly. If the iconv extension is available, the
right way to do it is the following:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>$str = iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252', $str);</code></pre>
<li id='q8'>
<p><b>8.</b> <span class='question'>I try to display the Euro symbol but it doesn't work.</span></p>
The standard fonts have the Euro character at position 128. You can define a constant like this
for convenience:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>define('EURO', chr(128));</code></pre>
<li id='q9'>
<p><b>9.</b> <span class='question'>I get the following error when I try to generate a PDF: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file</span></p>
You must send nothing to the browser except the PDF itself: no HTML, no space, no carriage return.
You may have this other message just before:<br>
<b>Warning:</b> Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at script.php:X)<br>
It means that script.php outputs something at line X. Go to this line and fix it.
In case the warning doesn't show, add this at the very beginning of your script:
<div class="doc-source">
If you still don't see it, disable zlib.output_compression in your php.ini.
<li id='q10'>
<p><b>10.</b> <span class='question'>I draw a frame with very precise dimensions, but when printed I notice some differences.</span></p>
To respect dimensions, select "None" for the Page Scaling setting instead of "Shrink to Printable Area" in the print dialog box.
<li id='q11'>
<p><b>11.</b> <span class='question'>I'd like to use the whole surface of the page, but when printed I always have some margins. How can I get rid of them?</span></p>
Printers have physical margins (different depending on the models); it is therefore impossible to remove
them and print on the whole surface of the paper.
<li id='q12'>
<p><b>12.</b> <span class='question'>How can I put a background in my PDF?</span></p>
For a picture, call Image() in the Header() method, before any other output. To set a background color, use Rect().
<li id='q13'>
<p><b>13.</b> <span class='question'>How can I set a specific header or footer on the first page?</span></p>
Simply test the page number:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>function Header()
//First page
//Other pages
<li id='q14'>
<p><b>14.</b> <span class='question'>I'd like to use extensions provided by different scripts. How can I combine them?</span></p>
Use an inheritance chain. If you have two classes, say A in a.php:
<div class="doc-source">
class A extends FPDF
and B in b.php:
<div class="doc-source">
class B extends FPDF
then make B extend A:
<div class="doc-source">
class B extends A
and make your own class extend B:
<div class="doc-source">
class PDF extends B
$pdf = new PDF();</code></pre>
<li id='q15'>
<p><b>15.</b> <span class='question'>How can I send the PDF by email?</span></p>
As any other file, but an easy way is to use <a href="">PHPMailer</a> and
its in-memory attachment:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>$mail = new PHPMailer();
$doc = $pdf-&gt;Output('', 'S');
$mail-&gt;AddStringAttachment($doc, 'doc.pdf', 'base64', 'application/pdf');
<li id='q16'>
<p><b>16.</b> <span class='question'>What's the limit of the file sizes I can generate with FPDF?</span></p>
There is no particular limit. There are some constraints, however:
- The maximum memory size allocated to PHP scripts is usually 8MB. For very big documents,
especially with images, this limit may be reached (the file being built into memory). The
parameter is configured in the php.ini file.
- The maximum execution time allocated defaults to 30 seconds. This limit can of course be easily
reached. It is configured in php.ini and may be altered dynamically with set_time_limit().
- Browsers generally have a 5 minute time-out. If you send the PDF directly to the browser and
reach the limit, it will be lost. It is therefore advised for very big documents to
generate them in a file, and to send some data to the browser from time to time (with a call
to flush() to force the output). When the document is finished, you can send a redirection to
it or create a link.
Remark: even if the browser times out, the script may continue to run on the server.
<li id='q17'>
<p><b>17.</b> <span class='question'>Can I modify a PDF with FPDF?</span></p>
It is possible to import pages from an existing PDF document thanks to the FPDI extension:<br>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
You can then add some content to them.
<li id='q18'>
<p><b>18.</b> <span class='question'>I'd like to make a search engine in PHP and index PDF files. Can I do it with FPDF?</span></p>
No. But a GPL C utility does exist, pdftotext, which is able to extract the textual content from
a PDF. It is provided with the Xpdf package:<br>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<li id='q19'>
<p><b>19.</b> <span class='question'>Can I convert an HTML page to PDF with FPDF?</span></p>
Not real-world pages. But a GPL C utility does exist, htmldoc, which allows to do it and gives good results:<br>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<li id='q20'>
<p><b>20.</b> <span class='question'>Can I concatenate PDF files with FPDF?</span></p>
Not directly, but it is possible to use <a href="" target="_blank">FPDI</a>
to perform this task. Some free command-line tools also exist:<br>
<a href=";lang=en" target="_blank">mbtPdfAsm</a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">pdftk</a>

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<code><b>boolean</b> AcceptPageBreak()</code>
Whenever a page break condition is met, the method is called, and the break is issued or not
depending on the returned value. The default implementation returns a value according to the
mode selected by SetAutoPageBreak().
This method is called automatically and should not be called directly by the application.
The method is overriden in an inherited class in order to obtain a 3 column layout:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>class PDF extends FPDF
var $col=0;
function SetCol($col)
//Move position to a column
function AcceptPageBreak()
//Go to next column
return false;
//Go back to first column and issue page break
return true;
$pdf=new PDF();
$pdf-&gt;Cell(0,5,&quot;Line $i&quot;,0,1);
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setautopagebreak.htm">SetAutoPageBreak()</a>.
<hr style="margin-top:1.5em">
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<code>AddFont(<b>string</b> family [, <b>string</b> style [, <b>string</b> file]])</code>
Imports a TrueType or Type1 font and makes it available. It is necessary to generate a font
definition file first with the makefont.php utility.
The definition file (and the font file itself when embedding) must be present in the font directory.
If it is not found, the error "Could not include font definition file" is generated.
<dl class="param">
Font family. The name can be chosen arbitrarily. If it is a standard family name, it will
override the corresponding font.
Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):
<li>empty string: regular</li>
<li><code>B</code>: bold</li>
<li><code>I</code>: italic</li>
<li><code>BI</code> or <code>IB</code>: bold italic</li>
The default value is regular.
The font definition file.
By default, the name is built from the family and style, in lower case with no space.
<div class="doc-source">
is equivalent to:
<div class="doc-source">
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setfont.htm">SetFont()</a>.
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<code><b>int</b> AddLink()</code>
Creates a new internal link and returns its identifier. An internal link is a clickable area
which directs to another place within the document.
The identifier can then be passed to Cell(), Write(), Image() or Link(). The destination is
defined with SetLink().
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="cell.htm">Cell()</a>,
<a href="write.htm">Write()</a>,
<a href="image.htm">Image()</a>,
<a href="link.htm">Link()</a>,
<a href="setlink.htm">SetLink()</a>.
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<code>AddPage([<b>string</b> orientation ,[ <b>mixed</b> format]])</code>
Adds a new page to the document. If a page is already present, the Footer() method is called
first to output the footer. Then the page is added, the current position set to the top-left
corner according to the left and top margins, and Header() is called to display the header.
The font which was set before calling is automatically restored. There is no need to call
SetFont() again if you want to continue with the same font. The same is true for colors and
line width.
The origin of the coordinate system is at the top-left corner and increasing ordinates go
<dl class="param">
Page orientation. Possible values are (case insensitive):
<li><code>P</code> or <code>Portrait</code></li>
<li><code>L</code> or <code>Landscape</code></li>
The default value is the one passed to the constructor.
Page format. It can be either one of the following values (case insensitive):
or an array containing the width and the height (expressed in user unit).<br>
The default value is the one passed to the constructor.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="fpdf.htm">FPDF()</a>,
<a href="header.htm">Header()</a>,
<a href="footer.htm">Footer()</a>,
<a href="setmargins.htm">SetMargins()</a>.
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<code>AliasNbPages([<b>string</b> alias])</code>
Defines an alias for the total number of pages. It will be substituted as the document is
<dl class="param">
The alias. Default value: <code>{nb}</code>.
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>class PDF extends FPDF
function Footer()
//Go to 1.5 cm from bottom
//Select Arial italic 8
//Print current and total page numbers
$this-&gt;Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this-&gt;PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C');
$pdf=new PDF();
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="pageno.htm">PageNo()</a>,
<a href="footer.htm">Footer()</a>.
<hr style="margin-top:1.5em">
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<code>Cell(<b>float</b> w [, <b>float</b> h [, <b>string</b> txt [, <b>mixed</b> border [, <b>int</b> ln [, <b>string</b> align [, <b>boolean</b> fill [, <b>mixed</b> link]]]]]]])</code>
Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string.
The upper-left corner of the cell corresponds to the current position. The text can be aligned
or centered. After the call, the current position moves to the right or to the next line. It is
possible to put a link on the text.
If automatic page breaking is enabled and the cell goes beyond the limit, a page break is
done before outputting.
<dl class="param">
Cell width. If <code>0</code>, the cell extends up to the right margin.
Cell height.
Default value: <code>0</code>.
String to print.
Default value: empty string.
Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell. The value can be either a number:
<li><code>0</code>: no border</li>
<li><code>1</code>: frame</li>
or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order):
<li><code>L</code>: left</li>
<li><code>T</code>: top</li>
<li><code>R</code>: right</li>
<li><code>B</code>: bottom</li>
Default value: <code>0</code>.
Indicates where the current position should go after the call. Possible values are:
<li><code>0</code>: to the right</li>
<li><code>1</code>: to the beginning of the next line</li>
<li><code>2</code>: below</li>
Putting <code>1</code> is equivalent to putting <code>0</code> and calling Ln() just after.
Default value: <code>0</code>.
Allows to center or align the text. Possible values are:
<li><code>L</code> or empty string: left align (default value)</li>
<li><code>C</code>: center</li>
<li><code>R</code>: right align</li>
Indicates if the cell background must be painted (<code>true</code>) or transparent (<code>false</code>).
Default value: <code>false</code>.
URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>//Set font
//Move to 8 cm to the right
//Centered text in a framed 20*10 mm cell and line break
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setfont.htm">SetFont()</a>,
<a href="setdrawcolor.htm">SetDrawColor()</a>,
<a href="setfillcolor.htm">SetFillColor()</a>,
<a href="settextcolor.htm">SetTextColor()</a>,
<a href="setlinewidth.htm">SetLineWidth()</a>,
<a href="addlink.htm">AddLink()</a>,
<a href="ln.htm">Ln()</a>,
<a href="multicell.htm">MultiCell()</a>,
<a href="write.htm">Write()</a>,
<a href="setautopagebreak.htm">SetAutoPageBreak()</a>.
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Terminates the PDF document. It is not necessary to call this method explicitly because Output()
does it automatically.
If the document contains no page, AddPage() is called to prevent from getting an invalid document.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="output.htm">Output()</a>.
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<code>Error(<b>string</b> msg)</code>
This method is automatically called in case of fatal error; it simply outputs the message
and halts the execution. An inherited class may override it to customize the error handling
but should always halt the script, or the resulting document would probably be invalid.
<dl class="param">
The error message.
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This method is used to render the page footer. It is automatically called by AddPage() and
Close() and should not be called directly by the application. The implementation in FPDF is
empty, so you have to subclass it and override the method if you want a specific processing.
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>class PDF extends FPDF
function Footer()
//Go to 1.5 cm from bottom
//Select Arial italic 8
//Print centered page number
$this-&gt;Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this-&gt;PageNo(),0,0,'C');
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="header.htm">Header()</a>.
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<code>FPDF([<b>string</b> orientation [, <b>string</b> unit [, <b>mixed</b> format]]])</code>
This is the class constructor. It allows to set up the page format, the orientation and the
unit of measure used in all methods (except for font sizes).
<dl class="param">
Default page orientation. Possible values are (case insensitive):
<li><code>P</code> or <code>Portrait</code></li>
<li><code>L</code> or <code>Landscape</code></li>
Default value is <code>P</code>.
User unit. Possible values are:
<li><code>pt</code>: point</li>
<li><code>mm</code>: millimeter</li>
<li><code>cm</code>: centimeter</li>
<li><code>in</code>: inch</li>
A point equals 1/72 of inch, that is to say about 0.35 mm (an inch being 2.54 cm). This
is a very common unit in typography; font sizes are expressed in that unit.
Default value is <code>mm</code>.
The format used for pages. It can be either one of the following values (case insensitive):
or an array containing the width and the height (expressed in the unit given by <code>unit</code>).<br>
Default value is <code>A4</code>.
Example with a custom 100x150 mm page format:
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>$pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', array(100,150));</code></pre>
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<code><b>float</b> GetStringWidth(<b>string</b> s)</code>
Returns the length of a string in user unit. A font must be selected.
<dl class="param">
The string whose length is to be computed.
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<code><b>float</b> GetX()</code>
Returns the abscissa of the current position.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setx.htm">SetX()</a>,
<a href="gety.htm">GetY()</a>,
<a href="sety.htm">SetY()</a>.
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<code><b>float</b> GetY()</code>
Returns the ordinate of the current position.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="sety.htm">SetY()</a>,
<a href="getx.htm">GetX()</a>,
<a href="setx.htm">SetX()</a>.
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This method is used to render the page header. It is automatically called by AddPage() and
should not be called directly by the application. The implementation in FPDF is empty, so
you have to subclass it and override the method if you want a specific processing.
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>class PDF extends FPDF
function Header()
//Select Arial bold 15
//Move to the right
//Framed title
//Line break
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="footer.htm">Footer()</a>.
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<code>Image(<b>string</b> file [, <b>float</b> x [, <b>float</b> y [, <b>float</b> w [, <b>float</b> h [, <b>string</b> type [, <b>mixed</b> link]]]]]])</code>
Puts an image. The size it will take on the page can be specified in different ways:
<li>explicit width and height (expressed in user unit)</li>
<li>one explicit dimension, the other being calculated automatically in order to keep the original proportions</li>
<li>no explicit dimension, in which case the image is put at 72 dpi</li>
Supported formats are JPEG, PNG and GIF. The GD extension is required for GIF.
For JPEGs, all flavors are allowed:
<li>gray scales</li>
<li>true colors (24 bits)</li>
<li>CMYK (32 bits)</li>
For PNGs, are allowed:
<li>gray scales on at most 8 bits (256 levels)</li>
<li>indexed colors</li>
<li>true colors (24 bits)</li>
but are not supported:
<li>Alpha channel</li>
For GIFs: in case of an animated GIF, only the first frame is used.<br>
If a transparent color is defined, it is taken into account.<br>
The format can be specified explicitly or inferred from the file extension.<br>
It is possible to put a link on the image.<br>
Remark: if an image is used several times, only one copy is embedded in the file.
<dl class="param">
Path or URL of the image.
Abscissa of the upper-left corner. If not specified or equal to <code>null</code>, the current abscissa
is used.
Ordinate of the upper-left corner. If not specified or equal to <code>null</code>, the current ordinate
is used; moreover, a page break is triggered first if necessary (in case automatic page breaking is enabled)
and, after the call, the current ordinate is moved to the bottom of the image.
Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.
Image format. Possible values are (case insensitive): <code>JPG</code>, <code>JPEG</code>, <code>PNG</code> and <code>GIF</code>.
If not specified, the type is inferred from the file extension.
URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="addlink.htm">AddLink()</a>.
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<h1>FPDF 1.6 Reference Manual</h1>
<a href="acceptpagebreak.htm">AcceptPageBreak</a> - accept or not automatic page break<br>
<a href="addfont.htm">AddFont</a> - add a new font<br>
<a href="addlink.htm">AddLink</a> - create an internal link<br>
<a href="addpage.htm">AddPage</a> - add a new page<br>
<a href="aliasnbpages.htm">AliasNbPages</a> - define an alias for number of pages<br>
<a href="cell.htm">Cell</a> - print a cell<br>
<a href="close.htm">Close</a> - terminate the document<br>
<a href="error.htm">Error</a> - fatal error<br>
<a href="footer.htm">Footer</a> - page footer<br>
<a href="fpdf.htm">FPDF</a> - constructor<br>
<a href="getstringwidth.htm">GetStringWidth</a> - compute string length<br>
<a href="getx.htm">GetX</a> - get current x position<br>
<a href="gety.htm">GetY</a> - get current y position<br>
<a href="header.htm">Header</a> - page header<br>
<a href="image.htm">Image</a> - output an image<br>
<a href="line.htm">Line</a> - draw a line<br>
<a href="link.htm">Link</a> - put a link<br>
<a href="ln.htm">Ln</a> - line break<br>
<a href="multicell.htm">MultiCell</a> - print text with line breaks<br>
<a href="output.htm">Output</a> - save or send the document<br>
<a href="pageno.htm">PageNo</a> - page number<br>
<a href="rect.htm">Rect</a> - draw a rectangle<br>
<a href="setauthor.htm">SetAuthor</a> - set the document author<br>
<a href="setautopagebreak.htm">SetAutoPageBreak</a> - set the automatic page breaking mode<br>
<a href="setcompression.htm">SetCompression</a> - turn compression on or off<br>
<a href="setcreator.htm">SetCreator</a> - set document creator<br>
<a href="setdisplaymode.htm">SetDisplayMode</a> - set display mode<br>
<a href="setdrawcolor.htm">SetDrawColor</a> - set drawing color<br>
<a href="setfillcolor.htm">SetFillColor</a> - set filling color<br>
<a href="setfont.htm">SetFont</a> - set font<br>
<a href="setfontsize.htm">SetFontSize</a> - set font size<br>
<a href="setkeywords.htm">SetKeywords</a> - associate keywords with document<br>
<a href="setleftmargin.htm">SetLeftMargin</a> - set left margin<br>
<a href="setlinewidth.htm">SetLineWidth</a> - set line width<br>
<a href="setlink.htm">SetLink</a> - set internal link destination<br>
<a href="setmargins.htm">SetMargins</a> - set margins<br>
<a href="setrightmargin.htm">SetRightMargin</a> - set right margin<br>
<a href="setsubject.htm">SetSubject</a> - set document subject<br>
<a href="settextcolor.htm">SetTextColor</a> - set text color<br>
<a href="settitle.htm">SetTitle</a> - set document title<br>
<a href="settopmargin.htm">SetTopMargin</a> - set top margin<br>
<a href="setx.htm">SetX</a> - set current x position<br>
<a href="setxy.htm">SetXY</a> - set current x and y positions<br>
<a href="sety.htm">SetY</a> - set current y position<br>
<a href="text.htm">Text</a> - print a string<br>
<a href="write.htm">Write</a> - print flowing text<br>

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<code>Line(<b>float</b> x1, <b>float</b> y1, <b>float</b> x2, <b>float</b> y2)</code>
Draws a line between two points.
<dl class="param">
Abscissa of first point.
Ordinate of first point.
Abscissa of second point.
Ordinate of second point.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setlinewidth.htm">SetLineWidth()</a>,
<a href="setdrawcolor.htm">SetDrawColor()</a>.
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<code>Link(<b>float</b> x, <b>float</b> y, <b>float</b> w, <b>float</b> h, <b>mixed</b> link)</code>
Puts a link on a rectangular area of the page. Text or image links are generally put via Cell(),
Write() or Image(), but this method can be useful for instance to define a clickable area inside
an image.
<dl class="param">
Abscissa of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
Ordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
Width of the rectangle.
Height of the rectangle.
URL or identifier returned by AddLink().
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="addlink.htm">AddLink()</a>,
<a href="cell.htm">Cell()</a>,
<a href="write.htm">Write()</a>,
<a href="image.htm">Image()</a>.
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<code>Ln([<b>float</b> h])</code>
Performs a line break. The current abscissa goes back to the left margin and the ordinate
increases by the amount passed in parameter.
<dl class="param">
The height of the break.
By default, the value equals the height of the last printed cell.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="cell.htm">Cell()</a>.
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<code>MultiCell(<b>float</b> w, <b>float</b> h, <b>string</b> txt [, <b>mixed</b> border [, <b>string</b> align [, <b>boolean</b> fill]]])</code>
This method allows printing text with line breaks. They can be automatic (as soon as the
text reaches the right border of the cell) or explicit (via the \n character). As many cells
as necessary are output, one below the other.
Text can be aligned, centered or justified. The cell block can be framed and the background
<dl class="param">
Width of cells. If <code>0</code>, they extend up to the right margin of the page.
Height of cells.
String to print.
Indicates if borders must be drawn around the cell block. The value can be either a number:
<li><code>0</code>: no border</li>
<li><code>1</code>: frame</li>
or a string containing some or all of the following characters (in any order):
<li><code>L</code>: left</li>
<li><code>T</code>: top</li>
<li><code>R</code>: right</li>
<li><code>B</code>: bottom</li>
Default value: <code>0</code>.
Sets the text alignment. Possible values are:
<li><code>L</code>: left alignment</li>
<li><code>C</code>: center</li>
<li><code>R</code>: right alignment</li>
<li><code>J</code>: justification (default value)</li>
Indicates if the cell background must be painted (<code>true</code>) or transparent (<code>false</code>).
Default value: <code>false</code>.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setfont.htm">SetFont()</a>,
<a href="setdrawcolor.htm">SetDrawColor()</a>,
<a href="setfillcolor.htm">SetFillColor()</a>,
<a href="settextcolor.htm">SetTextColor()</a>,
<a href="setlinewidth.htm">SetLineWidth()</a>,
<a href="cell.htm">Cell()</a>,
<a href="write.htm">Write()</a>,
<a href="setautopagebreak.htm">SetAutoPageBreak()</a>.
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<code><b>string</b> Output([<b>string</b> name, <b>string</b> dest])</code>
Send the document to a given destination: browser, file or string. In the case of browser, the
plug-in may be used (if present) or a download ("Save as" dialog box) may be forced.
The method first calls Close() if necessary to terminate the document.
<dl class="param">
The name of the file. If not specified, the document will be sent to the browser
(destination <code>I</code>) with the name <code>doc.pdf</code>.
Destination where to send the document. It can take one of the following values:
<li><code>I</code>: send the file inline to the browser. The plug-in is used if available.
The name given by <code>name</code> is used when one selects the "Save as" option on the
link generating the PDF.</li>
<li><code>D</code>: send to the browser and force a file download with the name given by
<li><code>F</code>: save to a local file with the name given by <code>name</code> (may include a path).</li>
<li><code>S</code>: return the document as a string. <code>name</code> is ignored.</li>
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="close.htm">Close()</a>.
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<code><b>int</b> PageNo()</code>
Returns the current page number.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="aliasnbpages.htm">AliasNbPages()</a>.
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<code>Rect(<b>float</b> x, <b>float</b> y, <b>float</b> w, <b>float</b> h [, <b>string</b> style])</code>
Outputs a rectangle. It can be drawn (border only), filled (with no border) or both.
<dl class="param">
Abscissa of upper-left corner.
Ordinate of upper-left corner.
Style of rendering. Possible values are:
<li><code>D</code> or empty string: draw. This is the default value.</li>
<li><code>F</code>: fill</li>
<li><code>DF</code> or <code>FD</code>: draw and fill</li>
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setlinewidth.htm">SetLineWidth()</a>,
<a href="setdrawcolor.htm">SetDrawColor()</a>,
<a href="setfillcolor.htm">SetFillColor()</a>.
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<code>SetAuthor(<b>string</b> author [, <b>boolean</b> isUTF8])</code>
Defines the author of the document.
<dl class="param">
The name of the author.
Indicates if the string is encoded in ISO-8859-1 (<code>false</code>) or UTF-8 (<code>true</code>).<br>
Default value: <code>false</code>.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setcreator.htm">SetCreator()</a>,
<a href="setkeywords.htm">SetKeywords()</a>,
<a href="setsubject.htm">SetSubject()</a>,
<a href="settitle.htm">SetTitle()</a>.
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<code>SetAutoPageBreak(<b>boolean</b> auto [, <b>float</b> margin])</code>
Enables or disables the automatic page breaking mode. When enabling, the second parameter is
the distance from the bottom of the page that defines the triggering limit. By default, the
mode is on and the margin is 2 cm.
<dl class="param">
Boolean indicating if mode should be on or off.
Distance from the bottom of the page.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="cell.htm">Cell()</a>,
<a href="multicell.htm">MultiCell()</a>,
<a href="acceptpagebreak.htm">AcceptPageBreak()</a>.
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<code>SetCompression(<b>boolean</b> compress)</code>
Activates or deactivates page compression. When activated, the internal representation of
each page is compressed, which leads to a compression ratio of about 2 for the resulting
Compression is on by default.
<strong>Note:</strong> the Zlib extension is required for this feature. If not present, compression
will be turned off.
<dl class="param">
Boolean indicating if compression must be enabled.
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<code>SetCreator(<b>string</b> creator [, <b>boolean</b> isUTF8])</code>
Defines the creator of the document. This is typically the name of the application that
generates the PDF.
<dl class="param">
The name of the creator.
Indicates if the string is encoded in ISO-8859-1 (<code>false</code>) or UTF-8 (<code>true</code>).<br>
Default value: <code>false</code>.
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setauthor.htm">SetAuthor()</a>,
<a href="setkeywords.htm">SetKeywords()</a>,
<a href="setsubject.htm">SetSubject()</a>,
<a href="settitle.htm">SetTitle()</a>.
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<code>SetDisplayMode(<b>mixed</b> zoom [, <b>string</b> layout])</code>
Defines the way the document is to be displayed by the viewer. The zoom level can be set: pages can be
displayed entirely on screen, occupy the full width of the window, use real size, be scaled by a
specific zooming factor or use viewer default (configured in the Preferences menu of Acrobat).
The page layout can be specified too: single at once, continuous display, two columns or viewer
By default, documents use the full width mode with continuous display.
<dl class="param">
The zoom to use. It can be one of the following string values:
<li><code>fullpage</code>: displays the entire page on screen</li>
<li><code>fullwidth</code>: uses maximum width of window</li>
<li><code>real</code>: uses real size (equivalent to 100% zoom)</li>
<li><code>default</code>: uses viewer default mode</li>
or a number indicating the zooming factor to use.
The page layout. Possible values are:
<li><code>single</code>: displays one page at once</li>
<li><code>continuous</code>: displays pages continuously</li>
<li><code>two</code>: displays two pages on two columns</li>
<li><code>default</code>: uses viewer default mode</li>
Default value is <code>continuous</code>.
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<code>SetDrawColor(<b>int</b> r [, <b>int</b> g, <b>int</b> b])</code>
Defines the color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders). It
can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first
page is created and the value is retained from page to page.
<dl class="param">
If <code>g</code> et <code>b</code> are given, red component; if not, indicates the gray level.
Value between 0 and 255.
Green component (between 0 and 255).
Blue component (between 0 and 255).
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setfillcolor.htm">SetFillColor()</a>,
<a href="settextcolor.htm">SetTextColor()</a>,
<a href="line.htm">Line()</a>,
<a href="rect.htm">Rect()</a>,
<a href="cell.htm">Cell()</a>,
<a href="multicell.htm">MultiCell()</a>.
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<code>SetFillColor(<b>int</b> r [, <b>int</b> g, <b>int</b> b])</code>
Defines the color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds).
It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first
page is created and the value is retained from page to page.
<dl class="param">
If <code>g</code> and <code>b</code> are given, red component; if not, indicates the gray level.
Value between 0 and 255.
Green component (between 0 and 255).
Blue component (between 0 and 255).
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setdrawcolor.htm">SetDrawColor()</a>,
<a href="settextcolor.htm">SetTextColor()</a>,
<a href="rect.htm">Rect()</a>,
<a href="cell.htm">Cell()</a>,
<a href="multicell.htm">MultiCell()</a>.
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<code>SetFont(<b>string</b> family [, <b>string</b> style [, <b>float</b> size]])</code>
Sets the font used to print character strings. It is mandatory to call this method
at least once before printing text or the resulting document would not be valid.
The font can be either a standard one or a font added via the AddFont() method. Standard fonts
use Windows encoding cp1252 (Western Europe).
The method can be called before the first page is created and the font is retained from page
to page.
If you just wish to change the current font size, it is simpler to call SetFontSize().
<strong>Note:</strong> the font metric files must be accessible. They are searched successively in:
<li>The directory defined by the <code>FPDF_FONTPATH</code> constant (if this constant is defined)</li>
<li>The <code>font</code> directory located in the directory containing <code>fpdf.php</code> (if it exists)</li>
<li>The directories accessible through <code>include()</code></li>
Example defining <code>FPDF_FONTPATH</code> (note the mandatory trailing slash):
<div class="doc-source">
If the file corresponding to the requested font is not found, the error "Could not include
font metric file" is issued.
<dl class="param">
Family font. It can be either a name defined by AddFont() or one of the standard families (case
<li><code>Courier</code> (fixed-width)</li>
<li><code>Helvetica</code> or <code>Arial</code> (synonymous; sans serif)</li>
<li><code>Times</code> (serif)</li>
<li><code>Symbol</code> (symbolic)</li>
<li><code>ZapfDingbats</code> (symbolic)</li>
It is also possible to pass an empty string. In that case, the current family is retained.
Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):
<li>empty string: regular</li>
<li><code>B</code>: bold</li>
<li><code>I</code>: italic</li>
<li><code>U</code>: underline</li>
or any combination. The default value is regular.
Bold and italic styles do not apply to <code>Symbol</code> and <code>ZapfDingbats</code>.
Font size in points.
The default value is the current size. If no size has been specified since the beginning of
the document, the value taken is 12.
<div class="doc-source">
<pre><code>//Times regular 12
//Arial bold 14
//Removes bold
//Times bold, italic and underlined 14
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="addfont.htm">AddFont()</a>,
<a href="setfontsize.htm">SetFontSize()</a>,
<a href="cell.htm">Cell()</a>,
<a href="multicell.htm">MultiCell()</a>,
<a href="write.htm">Write()</a>.
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<code>SetFontSize(<b>float</b> size)</code>
Defines the size of the current font.
<dl class="param">
The size (in points).
<h2>See also</h2>
<a href="setfont.htm">SetFont()</a>.
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