diff --git a/config/README b/config/README
index 0ff94278a..18d13b6f9 100644
--- a/config/README
+++ b/config/README
@@ -9,20 +9,32 @@ dans le vhost
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "DEV" => Developpement
-<<<<<<< .working
Répertoire de données (data)
->>>>>>> .merge-right.r3206
+Répertoire de stockage (cache)
+avis => stockage des avis de situation (tous les jours)
+bdf => stockage des fichiers de la banque de france
+consommation => csv consommation client (tous les jours)
+creditsafe => (tous les jours)
+css => impression pdf
+graydon => méthod
+imgcache => image générer (tous les jours)
+infogreffe => requete et commande xml (toutes les semaines)
+kbis => kbis au format pdf, xml, html (tous les jours)
+liasse => liasse au format excel
+portefeuille => portefeuille au format csv
+surveillance =>
+survliste =>
Liens symbolique
ln -s PATH_DATA/logos PATH_SITE/cache/logos
ln -s PATH_SITE/www/img PATH_SITE/cache/img
diff --git a/framework/common/curl.php b/framework/common/curl.php
index a2365cc1e..ee1e5d24a 100644
--- a/framework/common/curl.php
+++ b/framework/common/curl.php
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
/** Parse une page Html et retourne son contenu dans un tableau :
** "code" => Code réponse Serveur
** "header" => Headers du serveur
diff --git a/framework/default/_includes/automate.class.php b/framework/default/_includes/automate.class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cbc511e5..000000000
--- a/framework/default/_includes/automate.class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1016 +0,0 @@
-// include('http.class.php');
- class Automate {
- var $tab_produits=array('baicsv'=>'');
- var $server_url=false;
- var $session_id=false;
- var $session_error=false;
- var $connected=false;
- var $code_abonne=false;
- var $http;
- var $retour='array';
- var $debug=true;
- var $debugPrint=false;
- var $tabDebug=array();
- function Automate($retour='array', $debug=false) {
- //$this->Http();
-// $this->http=&new Http();
- $this->setRetour($retour);
- $this->setDebug($debug);
- }
- function setRetour($retour){
- $this->retour=$retour;
- }
- function setDebug($debug){
- $this->debug=$debug;
- }
- function trace($str) {
- $message=date('Y/m/d H:i:s') .' - '. $str;
- if ($this->debug==true) {
- array_push($this->tabDebug, $message);
- if ($this->debugPrint==true){
- echo $message . '
- flush();}
- }
- }
- function printTrace() {
- print_r($this->tabDebug);
- }
- function getLastError() {
- return $this->tabDebug[count($this->tabDebug)-1];
- }
- function getPage($url) {
- $this->trace('URL demandée : "'. $url .'"');
- return file_get_contents ($url);
- }
- function getServerUrl() {
- if (!$this->server_url) {
- // On récupère le site automate 1 ou 2
- $str= $this->getPage('http://automate.bil.fr/');
- //$str=$this->get('http://automate.bil.fr/');
- //echo $str;exit();
- $tab=explode('Accès Hyperbil ',$str);
- $tab=explode('', $tab[1]);
- $this->server_url=trim($tab[0]).'/';
- //$this->server_url='http://automate1.bil.fr/';
- }
- $this->trace('URL du serveur BIL : '. $this->server_url);
- //exit();
- return $this->server_url;
- }
- function getSessionId() {
- if (!$this->session_id) {
- $str= $this->getPage($this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?');
- $tab=explode(';',$str);
- $this->session_id=$tab[1];
- }
- $this->trace('ID de session provisoire : '. $this->session_id);
- $this->trace($str);
- //exit();
- return $this->session_id;
- }
- function connect($user, $password) {
- if (!$this->connected) {
- if (!$this->session_id) $this->getSessionId($this->getServerUrl());
- $this->code_abonne=$user;
- $str=$this->getPage ( $this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?magic='. $this->session_id .'&rq=hbilaboncsv&QPABO='. $user .'&QPPAS='. $password);
- $tab=explode(';',$str);
- if ( $tab[0]!=$user || $tab[1]!=1 ) {
- $this->session_id=trim(strip_tags($tab[2]));
- if (strpos($this->session_id, 'invalide')>0)
- {
- $this->session_error=$tab[3].' '.$tab[2];
- $this->trace('Erreur de connexion : '. $this->session_error);
- return false;
- }else{
- $this->connected=true;
- $this->trace('Connexion OK. ID de session définitif : '. $this->session_id);
- //exit();
- return $this->session_id;
- }
- } else {
- $this->session_error=$tab[3];
- $this->trace('Erreur de connexion : '. $this->session_error);
- return false;
- }
- }
- $this->trace('Connexion déjà existante !');
- return true;
- }
- function getListeProduits($siren) {
- if ($this->connected) {
- $str=$this->getPage ($this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?magic='. $this->session_id .'&rq=hbilbaicsv&QIABO='. $this->code_abonne .'&QISIR='. $siren.'&CT=texte/separateur:point-virgule');
- //$tab=explode(';',$str);
- if ($this->retour=='array')
- return $this->csv2array($str, $siren);
- elseif ($this->retour=='csv')
- return $str;
- }
- }
- function getFicheIdentite($siren, $nic='', $type='', $numentrep='', $refClient='', $retour='') {
- if ($retour=='') $retour=$this->retour;
- if ($type=='') $typeFiche='';
- else $typeFiche=$type;
-hbilsoid Requête IDENTITE FORMAT SO2000
-hbilsoidci Fiche identité Complete INSEE SO2000
-hbilsoidc Fiche identité Complete SO2000
- if ($this->connected) {
- $str=strip_tags($this->getPage ($this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?magic='. $this->session_id .'&rq=hbilsoid'. $typeFiche .'&QIABO='. $this->code_abonne .'&QISIR='. $siren .'&QINIC='. $nic .'&CT=text/plain'));
- //$tab=explode(';',$str);
- if ($retour=='array')
- return $this->so2array('ID', $str);
- elseif ($retour=='csv')
- return array2csv($this->so2array('ID', $str));
- else
- return $str;
- }
- }
- function getDatesClotures($siren, $numentrep='', $retour='') {
- if ($retour=='') $retour=$this->retour;
- if ($this->connected) {
- $str=$this->getPage($this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?magic='. $this->session_id .'&rq=hbilbillcsv&QIABO='. $this->code_abonne .'&QISIR='. $siren .'&CT=texte/separateur:point-virgule' );
- $this->trace('Dates clotures CSV Automate = "'.$str.'"');
- $ret=$this->csv2array($str, $siren);
- if ($retour=='array')
- return $ret;
- elseif ($retour=='csv')
- return $ret[0]['RISIR'] .';'.
- $ret[0]['RETOUR'] .';'.
- $ret[0]['RINUME'] .';'.
- $ret[0]['RBDTCN'] .';'.
- $ret[0]['RDDURN'] .';'.
- $ret[1]['RBDTCN'] .';'.
- $ret[1]['RDDURN'] .';'.
- $ret[2]['RBDTCN'] .';'.
- $ret[2]['RDDURN'] .";\n";
- // return strip_tags(sstr_replace("\n", '', $str))."\n";
- }
- }
- function getBilan($siren, $dateCloture='', $numentrep='', $retour='') {
- if ($retour=='') $retour=$this->retour;
- if ($this->connected) {
- if ($dateCloture=='') $dateCloture=date('d/m/Y');
- $str=$this->getPage($this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?magic='. $this->session_id .'&rq=hbilsobi&QIABO='. $this->code_abonne .'&QISIR='. $siren .'&QIDLIM='. $dateCloture .'&CT=text/plain' );
- $this->trace('Bilan Automate = "'.$str.'"');
- if ($retour=='array')
- return $this->so2array('BI', $str);
- elseif ($retour=='csv')
- return $str;
- // return strip_tags(sstr_replace("\n", '', $str))."\n";
- }
- }
- function getSolvaBil($siren, $niveauSolvaBil=3, $encours='', $refClient='', $solvaBilPlus='', $format='csv', $dateCalcul='') {
- if ($this->connected) {
- if ($refClient=='') $refClient='Automate';
- $url=$this->server_url .'cgi-bin/solv_lst?magic='. $this->session_id .'&nb=1&QIABO='. $this->code_abonne .'&QISIR1='. $siren .'&QIREFC1='. $refClient .'&QIENCO1='. $encours .'&niv='. $niveauSolvaBil . '&format='. $format . '&QISSTY='. $solvaBilPlus;
- $str=$this->getPage($url);// .'&QNDOBS='. $dateCalcul);
- echo "Demande=$url\r\n";
- echo "Reponse=$str\r\n";
- $this->trace('SolvaBil CSV Automate = "'.$str.'"');
- if ($this->retour=='array')
- return $this->csv2array($str, $siren);
- elseif ($this->retour=='csv')
- //return strip_tags($str);
- return strip_tags($str);
- }
- }
- function getActionnaires($siren, $numentrep='') {
- if ($this->connected) {
- $str=$this->getPage($this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?magic='. $this->session_id .'&rq=hbilactlcsv&QIABO='. $this->code_abonne .'&QISIR='. $siren .'&QINUME='. $numentrep .'&CT=texte/separateur:point-virgule' );
- $this->trace('Actionnaires CSV Automate = "'.$str.'"');
- if ($this->retour=='array')
- return $this->csv2array($str, $siren);
- elseif ($this->retour=='csv')
- return strip_tags($str);
- }
- }
- function getRecherche($siren='', $nic='', $raisonSociale='', $prenom='', $numRue='', $nomRue='', $codePostal='', $ville='', $tel='', $ape='') {
- if ($this->connected) {
- $url=$this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?magic='. $this->session_id .'&rq=hbilentlcsv&QIABO='. $this->code_abonne .'&QISIR='. $siren .'&CT=texte/separateur:point-virgule' .
- '&QINIC='. $nic .
- '&QINOM='. $raisonSociale .
- '&QIPRN='. $prenom .
- '&QINRU='. $numRue .
- '&QIRUE='. $nomRue .
- '&QICP=' . $codePostal .
- '&QIVIL='. $ville .
- '&QITEL='. $tel .
- '&QIAPE='. $ape ;
- $str= $this->getPage($url);
- $tab=$this->csv2array($str);
- return $tab;
- }
- }
- function getAnnoncesLegales($siren, $numentrep='', $sansLeTexte='a') {
- if ($this->connected) {
- //http://automate.bil.fr/cgi-bin/h2r?CT=text/plain&magic=XXXXX-XX-XXXXX &rq=hbilsoann& QIABO=999999999&QISIR=999999999&QINUME=999999999&QIREFC=XXXXXXXXXXXX
- $str=$this->getPage($this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?CT=text/plain&magic='. $this->session_id .'&rq=hbilsoan'.$sansLeTexte.'&QIABO='. $this->code_abonne .'&QISIR='. $siren .'&QINUME='. $numentrep .'&QIREFC=XXXXXXXXXXXx');
- $this->trace('Annonces Legales SO2000 Automate = "'.$str.'"');
- //echo $numentrep .' - '. $str;
- if ($this->retour=='array')
- return $this->csv2array($str, $siren);
- elseif ($this->retour=='csv')
- return strip_tags($str);
- }
- }
- function getDirigeants($siren, $numentrep='') {
- if ($this->connected) {
- //http://automate.bil.fr/cgi-bin/h2r?CT=text/plain&magic=XXXXX-XX-XXXXX &rq=hbilsoann& QIABO=999999999&QISIR=999999999&QINUME=999999999&QIREFC=XXXXXXXXXXXX
- $str=$this->getPage($this->server_url .'cgi-bin/h2r?CT=text/plain&magic='. $this->session_id .'&rq=hbilsodir&QIABO='. $this->code_abonne .'&QISIR='. $siren .'&QINUME='. $numentrep .'&QIREFC=XXXXXXXXXXXx');
- $this->trace('Dirigeants SO2000 Automate = "'.$str.'"');
- //echo $numentrep .' - '. $str;
- if ($this->retour=='array')
- return $this->csv2array($str, $siren);
- elseif ($this->retour=='csv')
- return strip_tags($str);
- }
- }
- function so2array($ficheSO2000, $str) {
- switch ($ficheSO2000){
- case 'ID':
- $tab_ret=array(
- 'SONABO'=>trim(substr($str, 0, 9)), // N°ABONNE (I) ********************
- 'SONUME'=>trim(substr($str, 9, 9)), // N°ENTREPRISE (I) * FICHE COMPLETE *
- 'SONUS' =>trim(substr($str, 18, 9)), // N°UFS (I) * +EXTENSION INSEE * SONUS_V
- 'SOANN' =>trim(substr($str, 27, 9)), // N° ANNONCE (I) ********************
- 'SORCS' =>trim(substr($str, 36, 14)), // N°SIRET (I)
- 'SOPRD' =>trim(substr($str, 50, 2)), // CODE PRODUIT (I) SOPRD_N
- 'SOSEQ' =>trim(substr($str, 52, 5)), // SEQUENCE DANS GROUPE(I) SOSEQ_N
- 'SODTEN'=>trim(substr($str, 57, 8)), // DATE ENVOI (I) AAAAMMJJ SODTEN_D
- 'SOTENR'=>trim(substr($str, 65, 1)), // CODE ENREGISTREMENT (I)
- 'SOTYP' =>trim(substr($str, 66, 3)), // TYPE STRUCTURE (I) "ID " SOTYP_V
- 'SOCONF'=>trim(substr($str, 69, 1)), // Code confirmé (I)
- 'SOREFC'=>trim(substr($str, 70, 30)), // REFERENCE CLIENT (I) SOREFC_X
- 'SOORIG'=>trim(substr($str, 100, 1)), // Code Origine BIL (S)
- 'SOSDTX'=>trim(substr($str, 101, 1)), // INDIC. QUALITE (S)
- 'SOMAJ' =>trim(substr($str, 102, 9)), // TEMOIN DE MAJ (S) SOMAJ_N
- 'SONOM' =>trim(substr($str, 111, 60)), // RAISON SOCIALE p/1 (I) (INSEE=40) SONOM_X
- 'SONOM2'=>trim(substr($str, 171, 30)), // RAISON SOCIALE p/2 (I) (INSEE=BLANC) SONOM_N
- 'SOSIG' =>trim(substr($str, 201, 30)), // SIGLE (S) (INSEE=20) SOSIG_N
- 'SOENS' =>trim(substr($str, 231, 60)), // ENSEIGNE (S) (INSEE=40) SOENS_X
- 'SONRU' =>trim(substr($str, 291, 4)), // N°DS LA RUE (S)
- 'SOBTQ' =>trim(substr($str, 295, 1)), // B=BIS T=TER Q=QUAT. (S)
- 'SORUE' =>trim(substr($str, 296, 33)), // NOM DE LA RUE (S)
- 'SOCOM' =>trim(substr($str, 329, 32)), // LIBELLE COMMUNE (I)
- 'SOCP' =>trim(substr($str, 361, 5)), // CODE POSTAL (I) SOCP_N
- 'SOCPLA'=>trim(substr($str, 366, 30)), // COMPLEMENT ADRESSE (S) SOCPLA_N
- 'SODTCT'=>trim(substr($str, 396, 8)), // DATE CREATION ENTREP (S) AAAAMMJJ DTCREE_D
- 'SOSTAE'=>trim(substr($str, 404, 1)), // STATUT ETABLISSEMENT (S) Table INS
- 'SOCJEN'=>trim(substr($str, 405, 4)), // CATEG JURIDIQUE (S) Table INC SOCJEN_X
- 'SOTSEX'=>trim(substr($str, 409, 1)), // SEXE SI PP (S) Table IMF
- 'SONBET'=>trim(substr($str, 410, 4)), // NOMBRE ETAB. (S) NBRETE_C
- 'SOAPET'=>trim(substr($str, 414, 4)), // NAF ENTREPRISE (S) Table APE
- 'SOAPFT'=>trim(substr($str, 418, 4)), // CODE "FAMILLE" ENTR. (C) Table APY SOAPFT_N
- 'SOAPEE'=>trim(substr($str, 422, 4)), // NAF ETABLISSEMT (S) Table APE
- 'SOAPFE'=>trim(substr($str, 426, 4)), // CODE "FAMILLE" ETAB. (C) Table APY SOAPFE_N
- 'SORLJ' =>trim(substr($str, 430, 1)), // Proc.Collective (C) "O"=RLJ SORLJ_N
- 'SOCAPM'=>trim(substr($str, 431, 2)), // MONNAIE (C) Table BDV SOCAPM_N
- 'SOCAPI'=>trim(substr($str, 433, 13)), // MONTANT CAPITAL (C) CAPITE_X
- 'SOEFF' =>trim(substr($str, 446, 7)), // EFFECTIF (+Ext) blanc=non précisé SOEFF_N
- 'SORCE' =>trim(substr($str, 453, 9)), // N°RC (C) RCE_X
- 'SOETEL'=>trim(substr($str, 462, 10)), // TELEPHONE SOURCE BIL (S)
- 'SOEFAX'=>trim(substr($str, 472, 10)), // FAX SOURCE BIL (S)
- 'SOEWEB'=>trim(substr($str, 482, 40)), // SITE WEB SOURCE BIL (S) non encore renseigné SOEWEB_N
- 'SOEDRQ'=>trim(substr($str, 522, 3)), // QUALITE DIRIGEANT (C) source BIL
- 'SOEDRN'=>trim(substr($str, 525, 60)), // NOM-prénom DIRIGEANT (C) source BIL SOEDRN_X
- 'SDEDRD'=>trim(substr($str, 585, 8)), // DATE NAISSANCE DIRIG (C) AAAAMMJJ SOEDRD_D
- 'SOEDRL'=>trim(substr($str, 593, 35)), // LIEU NAISSANCE DIRIG (C) source BIL SOEDRL_N
- 'SORSNO'=>trim(substr($str, 628, 2)), // NOTE SUR 20 (+sc) BLANC=PAS DE NOTE
- 'SORSEC'=>trim(substr($str, 630, 7)), // ENCOURS EN KILO (+sc) BLANC=PAS D ENCOURS
- 'SORSCP'=>trim(substr($str, 637, 1)), // CODE PAIEMENT (+sc) Table S53
- 'SORSSF'=>trim(substr($str, 638, 1)), // CODE SITU FINANCERE (+sc) Table S53
- 'SORSCA'=>trim(substr($str, 639, 1)), // CODE AVIS (+sc) Table S53
- 'SORSMO'=>trim(substr($str, 640, 3)), // MONNAIE LIVRAISON ENCOURS (+sc) Table BDV
- 'SOSICO'=>trim(substr($str, 643, 6)), // CODE SICOVAM (C) STE COTEE EN BOURSE SOSICO_N
- 'SOTYPM'=>trim(substr($str, 649, 2)), // TYPE DE MARCHE (C) STE COTEE EN BOURSE SOTYPM_N
- 'SOISIN'=>trim(substr($str, 651, 12)), // CODE ISIN (C) STE COTEE EN BOURSE SOISIN_N
- 'SOIDR1'=>trim(substr($str, 663, 41)), // réserve, non encore renseigné
- 'SONICC'=>trim(substr($str, 704, 5)), // NIC SOURCE/CIBLE (C)(+Ext) TRANSFERT ADRESSE SONICC_N
- 'SODCAP'=>trim(substr($str, 709, 8)), // DATE MAJ CAPITAL (C) AAAAMMJJ SODCAP_D
- 'SOCAPO'=>trim(substr($str, 717, 3)), // CAPITAL MONNAIE ORI (C) Table BDV
- 'SOCAPL'=>trim(substr($str, 720, 3)), // CAPITAL MONNAIE LIV (C) Table BDV
- 'SODTCE'=>trim(substr($str, 723, 8)), // DATE CREAT ETAB (+Ext) AAAAMMJJ SODTCE_D
- 'SOORIC'=>trim(substr($str, 731, 1)), // ORI.CREATION ENTREP (+Ext) Table INJ SOORIC_N
- 'SOCLAT'=>trim(substr($str, 732, 2)), // TR.EFFECTIF ENTREP(C)(+Ext*)Table INL
-'CLAE'=>trim(substr($str, 734,2)), //TR.EFFECTIF ETAB(+Ext)TableINL
-'SOA40T'=>trim(substr($str, 736,2)), //NAP 40 ENTREP(+Ext)TableA40
-'SOA40E'=>trim(substr($str, 738,2)), //NAP 40 ETAB(+Ext)TableA40
-'SOEACA'=>trim(substr($str, 740,5)), //ACT.ARTISANALE ETAB(+Ext)TableARA
-'SOEMDT'=>trim(substr($str, 745,1)), //MODALITE ACT. ENTREP(+Ext)TableIMO
-'SOEMDE'=>trim(substr($str, 746,1)), //MODALITE ACT. ETAB(+Ext)TableIMO
-'SOERGS'=>trim(substr($str, 747,2)), //CODE REGION ENTREP(C)(+Ext*)TableINGSOERGS_N
-'SOERGE'=>trim(substr($str, 749,2)), //CODE REGION ETAB(C)(+Ext*)TableING
-'SOEDPS'=>trim(substr($str, 751,2)), //DEPARTEMENT SIEGE(S) (+Ext*)DPSIE_C
-'SOELCS'=>trim(substr($str, 753,3)), //CODE LOCALITE SIEGE(S) (+Ext*)
-'SOEDPE'=>trim(substr($str, 756,2)), //DEPARTEMENT ETAB(S) (+Ext*)
-'SOELCE'=>trim(substr($str, 758,3)), //CODE LOCALITE ETAB(S) (+Ext*)SOLIN_C
-'SOARDO'=>trim(substr($str, 761,1)), //DEP.OUTRE MER(+Ext) NRTableIDOSOARDO_N
-'SOARD'=>trim(substr($str, 762,1)), //ARRONDISSEMENT(+Ext)
-'SOCANO'=>trim(substr($str, 763,1)), //DEP.OUTRE MER(+Ext) NRTableIDOSOCANO_N
-'SOCAN'=>trim(substr($str, 764,2)), //CANTON(+Ext)
-'SOILOT'=>trim(substr($str, 766,8)), //CODE ILOT(+Ext) NRSOILOT_N
-'SOTZEM'=>trim(substr($str, 774,2)), //ZONE EMPLOI ETAB(+Ext)TableINZ
-'SOTTCO'=>trim(substr($str, 776,2)), //TRANCHE COMMUNE ETAB(+Ext)TableICD
-'SOTDPU'=>trim(substr($str, 778,2)), //DEP UNITE.URB ETAB(+Ext)SOTDPU_N
-'SOTTLU'=>trim(substr($str, 780,1)), //TAILLE UN.URB ETAB(+Ext)TableICUSOTTLU_N
-'SOTUNU'=>trim(substr($str, 781,2)), //UNITE URBAINE ETAB(+Ext)SOTUNU_X
-'SOTRIV'=>trim(substr($str, 783,5)), //CODE RIVOLI ETAB(+Ext)SOTRIV_X
-'SOTRGP'=>trim(substr($str, 788,2)), //PPALE REGION ENTREP(+Ext)TableING
-'SOTMON'=>trim(substr($str, 790,1)), //MONOREGIONALITE(+Ext)TableIMR
-'SOTMOA'=>trim(substr($str, 791,1)), //MONOACTIVITE(+Ext)TableIMPSOTMOA_N
-'SOECA'=>trim(substr($str, 792,1)), //CODE TRANCHE CA(C)(+Ext*)TableINTSOECA_X
-'SOECAX'=>trim(substr($str, 793,1)), //TRANCHE PART EXPORT(C)(+Ext*)TableINPSOECAX_X
-'SOTRPE'=>trim(substr($str, 794,1)), //REPERTOIRE ENT ETAT(+Ext)TableIEE
-'SOORDI'=>trim(substr($str, 795,1)), //ENTREPRISE ORDINAIRE(+Ext)TableIEOSOORDI_N
-'SOENAT'=>trim(substr($str, 796,2)), //CODE NATURE ETAB(+Ext)TableINN
-'SOSINE'=>trim(substr($str, 798,2)), //Type Exploitation(C)(+Ext*)TableINE
- );
- break;
- case 'BI':
- $fcontents=explode("\n",$str);
- $i=1;
- while (substr($fcontents[$i], 65, 1)=='7')
- {
- $tabBilan['SIRET'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 36, 14);
- $tabBilan['DATE_FRAICHE_BILAN'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 57, 8); // SSAAMMJJ
- $tabBilan['DATE_CLOTURE'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 101, 8); // SSAAMMJJ
- $tabBilan['DATE_CLOTURE_PRE'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 109, 8); // SSAAMMJJ
- $tabBilan['DUREE_MOIS'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 117, 2);
- $tabBilan['DUREE_MOIS_PRE'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 119, 2);
- $tabBilan['MONNAIE'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 121, 2);
- $tabBilan['CONSOLIDE'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 123, 1); // C = Bilan consolidé
- $tabBilan['MONNAIE_ORI'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 793, 3);
- $tabBilan['MONNAIE_LIV_UNITE'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 796, 1);
- $tabBilan['MONNAIE_LIV'] =substr($fcontents[$i], 797, 3);
- for ($j=0; $j<30; $j++)
- {
- $code =rtrim(substr($fcontents[$i], 124+$j*20, 4));
- if ($code!='')
- {
- $colonneLiasse=(int)substr($code,2,1);
- //echo "$code => $colonneLiasse
- $signe =substr($fcontents[$i], 128+$j*20, 1);
- $valeur =(double)substr($fcontents[$i], 129+$j*20, 15);
- if ($signe=='-')
- $valeur*=-1;
-/* if ( $colonneLiasse>0 )
- {
- if (!isset($tabBilan[substr($code,0,2)]))
- $tabBilan[substr($code,0,2)]=$valeur;
- }
- else
- */
- $tabBilan[$code]=$valeur;
- }
- }
- $i++;
- }
- $tab_ret=$tabBilan;/*array(
- 'SONABO'=>trim(substr($str, 0, 9)), // N°ABONNE (I) ********************
- 'SONUME'=>trim(substr($str, 9, 9)), // N°ENTREPRISE (I) * FICHE COMPLETE *
- 'SONUS' =>trim(substr($str, 18, 9)), // N°UFS (I) * +EXTENSION INSEE * SONUS_V
- 'SOANN' =>trim(substr($str, 27, 9)), // N° ANNONCE (I) ********************
- 'SORCS' =>trim(substr($str, 36, 14)), // N°SIRET (I)
- 'SOPRD' =>trim(substr($str, 50, 2)), // CODE PRODUIT (I) SOPRD_N
- 'SOSEQ' =>trim(substr($str, 52, 5)), // SEQUENCE DANS GROUPE(I) SOSEQ_N
- 'SODTEN'=>trim(substr($str, 57, 8)), // DATE ENVOI (I) AAAAMMJJ SODTEN_D
- 'SOTENR'=>trim(substr($str, 65, 1)), // CODE ENREGISTREMENT (I)
- 'SOTYP' =>trim(substr($str, 66, 3)), // TYPE STRUCTURE (I) "ID " SOTYP_V
- 'SOCONF'=>trim(substr($str, 69, 1)), // Code confirmé (I)
- 'SOREFC'=>trim(substr($str, 70, 30)), // REFERENCE CLIENT (I) SOREFC_X
- 'SOORIG'=>trim(substr($str, 100, 1)), // Code Origine BIL (S)
- 'SOBICN'=>trim(substr($str, 101, 8)), // Date de cloture de l'exercice Exercice Année N au format SSAAMMJJ 20051231
- 'SOBIC1'=>trim(substr($str, 109, 8)), // Date de cloture de l'exercice précédent Exercice Année N-1 au format SSAAMMJJ 20041231
- 'SOBIDN'=>trim(substr($str, 117, 2)), // Durée en mois de l'exercice Durée de l'exercice au format MM 12
- 'SOBID1'=>trim(substr($str, 119, 2)), // Durée en mois de l'exercice précédent Durée de l'exercice N-1 au format MM 12
- 'SOBIMO'=>trim(substr($str, 121, 2)), // Monnaie du bilan Cf. Table BDV EUR
- 'SOBICO'=>trim(substr($str, 123, 1)), // Type du bilan S = Bilan réel Normal / C = Bilan Consolidé S
-//725 69 793 SOBIFF O AN Zone réservé Réservé usage GROUPE BIL
- 'SOBIMU'=>trim(substr($str, 793, 3)), // Code devise ISO de déclaration du bilan Cf. Table BDV EUR
- 'SOBIUL'=>trim(substr($str, 796, 1)), // Unité de la devise du bilan livré K=KILO
- 'SOBIML'=>trim(substr($str, 123, 3)), // Code devise ISO du bilan livré Cf. Table BDV EUR
-125 4 128 SOBL01 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 01 * AX
-129 1 129 SOBS01 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 01 *
-130 15 144 SOBM01 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 01 * 000000000012345
-145 4 148 SOBL02 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 02 BX
-149 1 149 SOBS02 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 02 -
-150 15 164 SOBM02 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 02 000000000000045
-165 4 168 SOBL03 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 03 DE
-169 1 169 SOBS03 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 03 000000000012345
-170 15 184 SOBM03 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 03
-185 4 188 SOBL04 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 04
-189 1 189 SOBS04 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 04
-190 15 204 SOBM04 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 04
-205 4 208 SOBL05 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 05
-209 1 209 SOBS05 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 05
-210 15 224 SOBM05 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 05
-225 4 228 SOBL06 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 06
-229 1 229 SOBS06 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 06
-230 15 244 SOBM06 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 06
-245 4 248 SOBL07 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 07
-249 1 249 SOBS07 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 07
-250 15 264 SOBM07 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 07
-265 4 268 SOBL08 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 08
-269 1 269 SOBS08 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 08
-270 15 284 SOBM08 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 08
-285 4 288 SOBL09 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 09
-289 1 289 SOBS09 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 09
-290 15 304 SOBM09 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 09
-305 4 308 SOBL10 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 10
-309 1 309 SOBS10 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 10
-310 15 324 SOBM10 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 10
-325 4 328 SOBL11 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 11
-329 1 329 SOBS11 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 11
-330 15 344 SOBM11 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 11
-345 4 348 SOBL12 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 12
-349 1 349 SOBS12 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 12
-350 15 364 SOBM12 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 12
-365 4 368 SOBL13 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 13
-369 1 369 SOBS13 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 13
-370 15 384 SOBM13 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 13
-385 4 388 SOBL14 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 14
-389 1 389 SOBS14 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 14
-390 15 404 SOBM14 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 14
-405 4 408 SOBL15 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 15
-409 1 409 SOBS15 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 15
-410 15 424 SOBM15 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 15
-425 4 428 SOBL16 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 16
-429 1 429 SOBS16 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 16
-430 15 444 SOBM16 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 16
-445 4 448 SOBL17 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 17
-449 1 449 SOBS17 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 17
-450 15 464 SOBM17 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 17
-465 4 468 SOBL18 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 18
-469 1 469 SOBS18 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 18
-470 15 484 SOBM18 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 18
-485 4 488 SOBL19 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 19
-489 1 489 SOBS19 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 19
-490 15 504 SOBM19 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 19
-505 4 508 SOBL20 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 20
-509 1 509 SOBS20 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 20
-510 15 524 SOBM20 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 20
-525 4 528 SOBL21 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 21
-529 1 529 SOBS21 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 21
-530 15 544 SOBM21 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 21
-545 4 548 SOBL22 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 22
-549 1 549 SOBS22 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 22
-550 15 564 SOBM22 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 22
-565 4 568 SOBL23 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 23
-569 1 569 SOBS23 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 23
-570 15 584 SOBM23 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 23
-585 4 588 SOBL24 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 24
-589 1 589 SOBS24 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 24
-590 15 604 SOBM24 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 24
-605 4 608 SOBL25 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 25
-609 1 609 SOBS25 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 25
-610 15 624 SOBM25 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 25
-625 4 628 SOBL26 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 26
-629 1 629 SOBS26 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 26
-630 15 644 SOBM26 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 26
-645 4 648 SOBL27 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 27
-649 1 649 SOBS27 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 27
-650 15 664 SOBM27 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 27
-665 4 668 SOBL28 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 28
-669 1 669 SOBS28 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 28
-670 15 684 SOBM28 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 28
-685 4 688 SOBL29 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 29
-689 1 689 SOBS29 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 29
-690 15 704 SOBM29 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 29
-705 4 708 SOBL30 N AN Code du poste bilan dans la liasse Cerfa Poste 30
-709 1 709 SOBS30 N AN Signe du poste bilan, "-" si négatif Poste 30
-710 15 724 SOBM30 N Num Montant du poste bilan en unité monétaire Poste 30
- */
- // );
- break;
- }
- return $tab_ret;
- }
- function csv2array($strCSV, $siren='') {
- $tab=explode("\n", $strCSV);
- foreach ($tab as $ligne=>$data) {
- $data2=explode(';', $data);
- $ficheCSV=trim($data2[1]);
- if (trim($data2[0])=='01') $ficheCSV='SOLV1';
- if (trim($data2[0])=='02') $ficheCSV='SOLV2';
- if (trim($data2[0])=='03') $ficheCSV='SOLV3';
- if((trim($data2[2])=='OUI' || trim($data2[2])=='NON') &&
- (trim($data2[3])=='OUI' || trim($data2[3])=='NON') &&
- (trim($data2[4])=='OUI' || trim($data2[4])=='NON')) $ficheCSV='DISPO';
- switch ($ficheCSV)
- {
- case 'BILL':
- $tab_ret=array(
- 'RETOUR' =>'',
- 'RISIR' =>$data2[3],// N° SIREN
- 'RINUME' =>$data2[4], // N° ENTREPRISE
- 'RBDTCN' =>$data2[5],// N° SIREN
- 'RDDURN' =>trim($data2[6]),// N° SIREN
- );
- $tab2[$ligne]=$tab_ret;
- break;
- case 'DISPO':
- $tab_ret=array(
- 'RETOUR'=>'',
- 'RINUME'=>$data2[0],// N° ENTREPRISE
- 'RISIR' =>$data2[1],// N° SIREN
- 'RISOLV'=>$data2[13],// SOLVABIL
- );
- $tab2[$ligne]=$tab_ret;
- break;
- case 'ACTL':
- $tab_ret=array('actionnaire'=>array(
- 'RETOUR' =>'',
- 'XLABO' =>str_replace('','',$data2[0]),// N° SIREN
- 'RISIR' =>$data2[2],// N° SIREN
- 'RINUME' =>$data2[3], // N° ENTREPRISE
- 'RLPSIR' =>$data2[4],// N° SIREN
- 'RLPNOM' =>$data2[5],// N° SIREN
- 'RLPOUR' =>$data2[6],// N° SIREN
- ));
- $tab2[$ligne]=$tab_ret;
- break;
- case 'SOLV3':
- $tab_ret=array(
- 'RETOUR' =>'',
- 'RNISIR' =>$data2[3],// N° SIREN
- 'RNNIV' =>$data2[0],
- 'RNDATN' =>$data2[1],
- 'RNREFC' =>$data2[2],
- 'RISIR' =>$data2[3],
- 'RINIC' =>$data2[4],
- 'RINRS' =>$data2[5],
- 'RNNOTE' =>$data2[6],
- 'XNENCO' =>$data2[7],
- 'XNMONN' =>$data2[8],
- 'RNENCO' =>$data2[9],
- 'RNRUNM' =>$data2[10],
- 'RNAVIL' =>$data2[11],
- 'RNPAIL' =>$data2[12],
- 'RNPAII' =>$data2[13],
- 'RNSITL' =>$data2[14],
- 'RISIGL' =>$data2[15],
- 'RIENS' =>$data2[16],
- 'RIRCE' =>$data2[17],
- 'RINRU' =>$data2[18],
- 'RIBIS' =>$data2[19],
- 'RIRUE' =>$data2[20],
- 'RICP' =>$data2[21],
- 'RIVIL' =>$data2[22],
- 'RITELT' =>$data2[23],
- 'RIFAXT' =>$data2[24],
- 'RICATL' =>$data2[25],
- 'RICAT' =>$data2[26],
- 'RICAPI' =>$data2[27],
- 'RILIDV' =>$data2[28],
- 'RIDTCR' =>$data2[29],
- 'RIAPE' =>$data2[30],
- 'RIAPEL' =>$data2[31],
- 'RISINL' =>$data2[32],
- 'RINBET' =>$data2[33],
- 'RIDRN1' =>$data2[34],
- 'RIDRR1' =>$data2[35],
- 'RIDRF1' =>$data2[36],
- 'RIDDN1' =>$data2[37],
- 'RIDRV1' =>$data2[38],
- 'RIDRN2' =>$data2[39],
- 'RIDRR2' =>$data2[40],
- 'RIDRF2' =>$data2[41],
- 'RIDDN2' =>$data2[42],
- 'RIDRV2' =>$data2[43],
- 'RICAL' =>$data2[44],
- 'RICAUM' =>$data2[45],
- 'RICSEL' =>$data2[46],
- 'RICOTL' =>$data2[47],
- 'RITMAR' =>$data2[48],
- 'RISICO' =>$data2[49],
- 'RIACNO' =>$data2[50],
- 'RIACSI' =>$data2[51],
- 'RIACPO' =>$data2[52],
- 'RIRLJ' =>$data2[53],
- 'RIDATE' =>$data2[54],
- 'RIEVTL' =>$data2[55],
- 'RIROLL' =>$data2[56],
- 'RISTYPL' =>$data2[57],
- 'RISNOM' =>$data2[58],
- 'RISNRU' =>$data2[59],
- 'RISBIS' =>$data2[60],
- 'RISRUE' =>$data2[61],
- 'RISCP' =>$data2[62],
- 'RISVIL' =>$data2[63],
- 'RISTEL' =>$data2[64],
- 'RFRUNM' =>$data2[65],
- 'RFCLO3' =>$data2[66],
- 'RFDUR3' =>$data2[67],
- 'RFCA3' =>$data2[68],
- 'RFCAX3' =>$data2[69],
- 'RFRP3' =>$data2[70],
- 'RFFF3' =>$data2[71],
- 'RFRS3' =>$data2[72],
- 'RFRX3' =>$data2[73],
- 'RFRN3' =>$data2[74],
- 'RFCF3' =>$data2[75],
- 'RFFP3' =>$data2[76],
- 'RFDC3' =>$data2[77],
- 'RFDM3' =>$data2[78],
- 'RFTB3' =>$data2[79],
- 'RFFR3' =>$data2[80],
- 'RFBF3' =>$data2[81],
- 'RFTI3' =>$data2[82],
- 'RFEF3' =>$data2[83],
- 'RFCLO2' =>$data2[84],
- 'RFDUR2' =>$data2[85],
- 'RFCA2' =>$data2[86],
- 'RFCAP2' =>$data2[87],
- 'RFCAX2' =>$data2[88],
- 'RFCAXP2' =>$data2[89],
- 'RFRP2' =>$data2[90],
- 'RFRPP2' =>$data2[91],
- 'RFFF2' =>$data2[92],
- 'RFFFP2' =>$data2[93],
- 'RFRS2' =>$data2[94],
- 'RFRSP2' =>$data2[95],
- 'RFRX2' =>$data2[96],
- 'RFRXP2' =>$data2[97],
- 'RFRN2' =>$data2[98],
- 'RFRNP2' =>$data2[99],
- 'RFCF2' =>$data2[100],
- 'RFCFP2' =>$data2[101],
- 'RFFP2' =>$data2[102],
- 'RFFPP2' =>$data2[103],
- 'RFDC2' =>$data2[104],
- 'RFDCP2' =>$data2[105],
- 'RFDM2' =>$data2[106],
- 'RFDMP2' =>$data2[107],
- 'RFTB2' =>$data2[108],
- 'RFTBP2' =>$data2[109],
- 'RFFR2' =>$data2[110],
- 'RFFRP2' =>$data2[111],
- 'RFBF2' =>$data2[112],
- 'RFBFP2' =>$data2[113],
- 'RFTI2' =>$data2[114],
- 'RFTIP2' =>$data2[115],
- 'RFEF2' =>$data2[116],
- 'RFEFP2' =>$data2[117],
- 'RFCLO1' =>$data2[118],
- 'RFDUR1' =>$data2[119],
- 'RFCA1' =>$data2[120],
- 'RFCAP1' =>$data2[121],
- 'RFCAX1' =>$data2[122],
- 'RFCAXP1' =>$data2[123],
- 'RFRP1' =>$data2[124],
- 'RFRPP1' =>$data2[125],
- 'RFFF1' =>$data2[126],
- 'RFFFP1' =>$data2[127],
- 'RFRS1' =>$data2[128],
- 'RFRSP1' =>$data2[129],
- 'RFRX1' =>$data2[130],
- 'RFRXP1' =>$data2[131],
- 'RFRN1' =>$data2[132],
- 'RFRNP1' =>$data2[133],
- 'RFCF1' =>$data2[134],
- 'RFCFP1' =>$data2[135],
- 'RFFP1' =>$data2[136],
- 'RFFPP1' =>$data2[137],
- 'RFDC1' =>$data2[138],
- 'RFDCP1' =>$data2[139],
- 'RFDM1' =>$data2[140],
- 'RFDMP1' =>$data2[141],
- 'RFTB1' =>$data2[142],
- 'RFTBP1' =>$data2[143],
- 'RFFR1' =>$data2[144],
- 'RFFRP1' =>$data2[145],
- 'RFBF1' =>$data2[146],
- 'RFBFP1' =>$data2[147],
- 'RFTI1' =>$data2[148],
- 'RFTIP1' =>$data2[149],
- 'RFEF1' =>$data2[150],
- 'RFEFP1' =>$data2[151],
- 'RBRUNM' =>$data2[152],
- 'XBDTCN' =>$data2[153],
- 'RBDURN' =>$data2[154],
- 'RBR11' =>$data2[155],
- 'RBR11P' =>$data2[156],
- 'RBR12' =>$data2[157],
- 'RBR12P' =>$data2[158],
- 'RBR13' =>$data2[159],
- 'RBR13P' =>$data2[160],
- 'RBR14' =>$data2[161],
- 'RBR14P' =>$data2[162],
- 'RBR15' =>$data2[163],
- 'RBR15P' =>$data2[164],
- 'RBR16' =>$data2[165],
- 'RBR16P' =>$data2[166],
- 'RBR17' =>$data2[167],
- 'RBR17P' =>$data2[168],
- 'RBR18' =>$data2[169],
- 'RBR18P' =>$data2[170],
- 'RBR1A' =>$data2[171],
- 'RBR1AP' =>$data2[172],
- 'RBR1T' =>$data2[173],
- 'RBR1TP' =>$data2[174],
- 'RBR21' =>$data2[175],
- 'RBR21P' =>$data2[176],
- 'RBR22' =>$data2[177],
- 'RBR22P' =>$data2[178],
- 'RBR23' =>$data2[179],
- 'RBR23P' =>$data2[180],
- 'RBR24' =>$data2[181],
- 'RBR24P' =>$data2[182],
- 'RBR25' =>$data2[183],
- 'RBR25P' =>$data2[184],
- 'RBR26' =>$data2[185],
- 'RBR26P' =>$data2[186],
- 'RBR27' =>$data2[187],
- 'RBR27P' =>$data2[188],
- 'RBR28' =>$data2[189],
- 'RBR28P' =>$data2[190],
- 'RBR29' =>$data2[191],
- 'RBR29P' =>$data2[192],
- 'RBR2A' =>$data2[193],
- 'RBR2AP' =>$data2[194],
- 'RBR2T' =>$data2[195],
- 'RBR2TP' =>$data2[196],
- 'RBRUNM' =>$data2[197],
- 'XBDTCN' =>$data2[198],
- 'RBDURN' =>$data2[199],
- 'RBS01' =>$data2[200],
- 'RBS01P' =>$data2[201],
- 'RBS02' =>$data2[202],
- 'RBS02P' =>$data2[203],
- 'RBS03' =>$data2[204],
- 'RBS03P' =>$data2[205],
- 'RBS04' =>$data2[206],
- 'RBS04P' =>$data2[207],
- 'RBS05' =>$data2[208],
- 'RBS05P' =>$data2[209],
- 'RBS06' =>$data2[210],
- 'RBS06P' =>$data2[211],
- 'RBS07' =>$data2[212],
- 'RBS07P' =>$data2[213],
- 'RBS08' =>$data2[214],
- 'RBS08P' =>$data2[215],
- 'RBS09' =>$data2[216],
- 'RBS09P' =>$data2[217],
- 'RBS10' =>$data2[218],
- 'RBS10P' =>$data2[219],
- 'RBS11' =>$data2[220],
- 'RBS11P' =>$data2[221],
- 'RBS12' =>$data2[222],
- 'RBS12P' =>$data2[223],
- 'RBS13' =>$data2[224],
- 'RBS13P' =>$data2[225],
- 'RBS14' =>$data2[226],
- 'RBS14P' =>$data2[227],
- 'RBS15' =>$data2[228],
- 'RBS15P' =>$data2[229],
- 'RBS16' =>$data2[230],
- 'RBS16P' =>$data2[231],
- 'RBS17' =>$data2[232],
- 'RBS17P' =>$data2[233],
- 'RBS18' =>$data2[234],
- 'RBS18P' =>$data2[235],
- 'RBS19' =>$data2[236],
- 'RBS19P' =>$data2[237],
- 'RBS20' =>$data2[238],
- 'RBS20P' =>$data2[239],
- 'RBS21' =>$data2[240],
- 'RBS21P' =>$data2[241],
- 'RBS22' =>$data2[242],
- 'RBS22P' =>$data2[243],
- 'RBS23' =>$data2[244],
- 'RBS23P' =>$data2[245],
- 'RBS24' =>$data2[246],
- 'RBS24P' =>$data2[247],
- 'RVDTCN' =>$data2[248],
- 'RVDUR' =>$data2[249],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[250],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[251],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[252],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[253],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[254],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[255],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[256],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[257],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[258],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[259],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[260],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[261],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[262],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[263],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[264],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[265],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[266],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[267],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[268],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[269],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[270],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[271],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[272],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[273],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[274],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[275],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[276],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[277],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[278],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[279],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[280],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[281],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[282],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[283],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[284],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[285],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[286],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[287],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[288],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[289],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[290],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[291],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[292],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[293],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[294],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[295],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[296],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[297],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[298],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[299],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[300],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[301],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[302],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[303],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[304],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[305],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[306],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[307],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[308],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[309],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[310],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[311],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[312],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[313],
- 'RVRAM' =>$data2[314],
- 'RVRAMS' =>$data2[315],
- 'RVUNI' =>$data2[316],
- 'RVPOS' =>$data2[317],
- 'RNNBS' =>$data2[318],
- );
- for ($i=0; $i<(int)($data2[318]); $i++){
- $j=$i+319;
- $tabRNTX[$i]=$data2[$j];
- $this->trace ( "Ligne de commentaire n°$i ($j) = ". $data2[$j] );
- }
- $tab_RNTX=array('RNTX'=>$tabRNTX);
- $tab_ret=array_merge($tab_ret, $tab_RNTX);
- $posNbActionnaires=$j+1;
- $nbActionnaires=$data2[$posNbActionnaires];
- $this->trace ( "Nombre d'actionnaire(s) = $nbActionnaires (position $posNbActionnaires)");
- for ($i=1, $k=0; $i<=(int)($nbActionnaires)*3; $i=$i+3, $k++){
- $j=$i+$posNbActionnaires;
- $tabACT[$k]=array('NOM'=>$data2[$j],
- 'SIREN'=>$data2[$j+1],
- 'POURCENTAGE'=>$data2[$j+2],
- );
- $this->trace ( "Ligne d'actionnaire n°$k ($j) = ". $data2[$j] .' '. $data2[$j+1] .' '. $data2[$j+2]);
- }
- $tab_ACT=array('ACTIONNAIRES'=>$tabACT);
- $tab_ret=array_merge($tab_ret, $tab_ACT);
- $posNbPart=$j+3;
- $nbPart=$data2[$posNbPart];
- $this->trace ( "Nombre de participation(s) = $nbPart (position $posNbPart)");
- for ($i=1, $k=0; $i<=(int)($nbPart)*3; $i=$i+3, $k++){
- $j=$i+$posNbPart;
- $tabPART[$k]=array('NOM'=>$data2[$j],
- 'SIREN'=>$data2[$j+1],
- 'POURCENTAGE'=>$data2[$j+2],
- );
- $this->trace ( "Ligne de participation n°$k ($j) = ". $data2[$j] .' '. $data2[$j+1] .' '. $data2[$j+2]);
- }
- $tab_PART=array('PARTICIPATIONS'=>$tabPART);
- $tab_ret=array_merge($tab_ret, $tab_PART);
- $tab2[$ligne]=$tab_ret;
- break;
- case '':
- break;
- default:
- $tab2[$ligne]=array(
- 'RETOUR' =>trim($ficheCSV.' '.$data2[2]),
- 'RISIR' =>trim($siren));
- break;
- }
- }
-// print_r($tab2);exit();
- return $tab2;
- }
- }
- function array2csv($array, $level=0, $str_csv='') {
- if (!is_array($array))
- return 0;
- reset($array);
- while ( list($key, $value) = each($array) ) {
- if (is_array($value))
- array2csv($value, $level+1, $str_csv);
- else
- $str_csv.=$value.';';
- }
- if ($level==0) return $str_csv."\r\n";
- }
- ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/default/_includes/constantes.php b/framework/default/_includes/constantes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 011b44852..000000000
--- a/framework/default/_includes/constantes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- $tabINDREP=array('B'=>'bis',
- 'T'=>'ter',
- 'Q'=>'quater',
- 'C'=>'quinquies',
- ' '=>'',
- ''=>'');
- switch($_SESSION['user']) {
- case 'MHZ': $myEmail='mheitz@scores-decisions.com'; break;
- case 'JMY': $myEmail='jmartory@scores-decisions.com'; break;
- case 'YLN': $myEmail='buzuk@scores-decisions.com'; break;
- }
- ?>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/default/_includes/curl.php b/framework/default/_includes/curl.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 968a2c61b..000000000
--- a/framework/default/_includes/curl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-//include_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/timer.php'));
-/** Parse une page Html et retourne son contenu dans un tableau :
- ** "code" => Code réponse Serveur
- ** "header" => Headers du serveur
- ** "body" => Page HTML
- **/
-function parse_response($this_response, $err_num, $err_msg) {
- // Split response into header and body sections
- list($response_headers, $response_body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $this_response, 2);
- $response_header_lines = explode("\r\n", $response_headers);
- // First line of headers is the HTTP response code
- $http_response_line = array_shift($response_header_lines);
- if(preg_match('@^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] ([0-9]{3})@',$http_response_line, $matches)) { $response_code = $matches[1]; }
- if ($response_code==100) {
- list($response_headers, $response_body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response_body, 2);
- $response_header_lines = explode("\r\n", $response_headers);
- $http_response_line = array_shift($response_header_lines);
- if(preg_match('@^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] ([0-9]{3})@',$http_response_line, $matches)) { $response_code = $matches[1]; }
- }
- // put the rest of the headers in an array
- $response_header_array = array();
- $nbRMID=0;
- foreach($response_header_lines as $header_line)
- {
- list($header,$value) = explode(': ', $header_line, 2);
- if ($header=='Set-cookie' && substr($value,0,5)=='RMID=' && $nbRMID<5)//{
- $nbRMID++;
-// echo ("Je gicle le RMID n°$nbRMID\r\n");}
- else
- $response_header_array[$header] .= $value."\n";
- }
-/* if ($response_code==100) {
- print_r($response_headers);
-// print_r($response_header_lines);
- }*/
- return array('code' => $response_code, 'header' => $response_header_array, 'body' => $response_body, 'err_num'=>$err_num, 'err_msg'=>$err_msg);
-/** Récupère une page HTML en fonction des paramètres :
- ** $url Url distante de la page à récupérer
- ** $strCookies Chaine de caractère contenant les cookies
- ** $postData Tableau des données à passer en POST uniquement
- ** $referer Referer à indiquer lors de l'appel de la page
- ** $debug Activer le débogage (True/False)
- **
- ** ... et retourne son contenu dans un tableau :
- ** "code" => Code réponse Serveur
- ** "header" => Headers du serveur
- ** "body" => Page HTML
- **/
-function getUrl($url, $strCookies='', $postData='', $referer='', $debug=false, $host='', $proxy='', $timeout=0) {
- $ch = curl_init();
- if ($host=='')
- $this_header = array('Host: '. HOST_INSEE);
- else
- $this_header = array('Host: '. $host);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
- if ($proxy<>'') curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
- if (((int)$timeout)<>0) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (int)$timeout);
- //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, 'username:password'); // Pas nécessaire en authentification NT
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
- //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1);
- $user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)';
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer);
- // Add each cookie that has been returned in the response
- // If cookies need to be added/deleted or value changed, then add code here
- if ($strCookies!='') {
- //die('"'.$strCookies.'"');
- //echo $strCookies."\r\n";
- $cookies = explode("\n", $strCookies);
- // Create the basic header
- foreach($cookies as $this_cookie) {
- if (trim($this_cookie)<>'')
- array_push($this_header, 'Cookie: '.$this_cookie);
- }
- }
- if ($postData!='') {
- if (is_array($postData))
- $post_data=$postData;
- $o="";
- foreach ($post_data as $k=>$v)
- {
-// $o.= "$k=".utf8_encode($v)."&";
- $o.= "$k=".$v."&";
- }
- $post_data=substr($o,0,-1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);
- //if in_array('',$this_header
- // array_push($this_header, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- // array_push($this_header, "Content-Length: ".strlen($post_data));
- }
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this_header);
- //print_r($this_header);
- $page=curl_exec($ch);
- $response = parse_response($page, curl_errno($ch), curl_error($ch));
- if ($debug){
- $url2=str_replace('http://', '', $url);
- $url2=str_replace('/', '_', $url2);
- $url2=str_replace('?', '(param)', $url2);
- $url2=str_replace('&', '(et)', $url2);
- $fp=fopen('insee/'. date('Ymd-His') .'-'. microtime_float(true) .'-'. $url2 . '.html', 'a');
- fwrite($fp, $url."\r\n");
- fwrite($fp, $page);
- fclose($fp);
- //echo strip_tags(html_entity_decode($response['body']), '
Fiche Etablissement');
- if ($pos>0)
- $tabRet['typeEtablissement']='secondaire';
- $pos=strpos($pageHtml, '
- -
- -
- - -
| ', $dir); - $typeDir=trim(strip_tags($tabTmp[0])); - $nomDir=trim(strip_tags($tabTmp[1])); - if ($typeDir<>'' && $typeDir<>'Date de création' && $typeDir<>'Forme juridique' && $typeDir<>'Cotation en bourse' - && $typeDir<>'Effectif société' && $typeDir<>'Société inactive' && $typeDir<>'Activité' - && $typeDir<>'Sigle' && $typeDir<>'Enseigne' - && substr($typeDir, 0, 8) <>'Capital ' ) - { - //$tabDir['Produits'].=$produit.'/'; - //$produit=str_replace(' ','_',$produit); - $tabRet['Dirigeant'.$nbDir.'Type']=trim($typeDir); - $tabTmp=explode(' ', $nomDir); - $tabRet['Dirigeant'.$nbDir.'Genre']=trim($tabTmp[0]); - $tabRet['Dirigeant'.$nbDir.'Prenom']=trim($tabTmp[1]); - $tabRet['Dirigeant'.$nbDir.'Nom']=trim($tabTmp[2]); - $nbDir++; - } - } - $tabRet['NbDirigeants']=$nbDir-1; - - // Liens Financiers - $strTmp=@getTextInHtml($pageHtml, ' | LIENS FINANCIERS | ', '', ' |
Produits disponibles |
Référentiels - d'avril 2006
-*/ - - } ?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/framework/default/_includes/includes/paramCotation.inc b/framework/default/_includes/includes/paramCotation.inc deleted file mode 100644 index 6fcc54160..000000000 --- a/framework/default/_includes/includes/paramCotation.inc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -tabNotation['A+']=array('Exceptionnel', 'A3++', 'Aaa' ,'AAA' ,'0.001'); - $this->tabNotation['A'] =array('Excellent', 'A3+', 'Aa1 Aa2 Aa3' ,'AA+ AA AA-' ,'0.01'); - $this->tabNotation['B+']=array('Très bon', '3++', 'A1' ,'A+' ,'0.02'); - $this->tabNotation['B'] =array('Bon', '3+', 'A2 A3' ,'A A-' ,'0.04'); - $this->tabNotation['C+']=array('Assez bon', '3', 'Baa1' ,'BBB+' ,'0.15'); - $this->tabNotation['C'] =array('Acceptable', '3', 'Baa2' ,'BBB' ,'0.30'); - $this->tabNotation['C-']=array('Moyen', '3', 'Baa3' ,'BBB-' ,'0.60'); - $this->tabNotation['D+']=array('Passable', '4+', 'Ba1' ,'BB+' ,'0.90'); - $this->tabNotation['D'] =array('Médiocre', '4', 'Ba2' ,'BB' ,'1.25'); - $this->tabNotation['D-']=array('Très médiocre', '4', 'Ba3' ,'BB-' ,'1.60'); - $this->tabNotation['E+']=array('Mauvais (sous surveillance)', '5', 'B1 B2 B3', 'B+ B B-', '5.00'); - $this->tabNotation['E'] =array('Très mauvais (sensible, sans incident)', '6', 'Caa', 'CCC', '14.00'); - $this->tabNotation['E-']=array('Très mauvais (sensible avec incidents)', '8', 'Ca C', 'CC C', '17.00'); - $this->tabNotation['F'] =array('En défaut, hors procédures judiciaires (douteux)', '8 9', 'D', 'D', 'Défaut'); - $this->tabNotation['Z'] =array('En défaut, avec procédures judiciaires ou contentieuses (douteux)', 'P', '', '', 'Défaut'); - - $this->tabLibActivite[0]=''; - $this->tabLibActivite[15]='Industries Alimentaires : Collecte Appro'; - $this->tabLibActivite[3]='Industries Alimentaires : Collecte et 1ère transformation'; - $this->tabLibActivite[5]='Industries Alimentaires : Eaux de vie et Champagne'; - $this->tabLibActivite[2]='Industries Alimentaires : Autres activités'; - $this->tabLibActivite[6]='Industries extractives / Production Distribution : Énergie Eau'; - $this->tabLibActivite[7]='Construction - BTP'; - $this->tabLibActivite[1]='Industries Manufacturières'; - $this->tabLibActivite[8]='Négoce'; - $this->tabLibActivite[4]='Commerce de Gros'; - $this->tabLibActivite[9]='Commerce Distribution'; - $this->tabLibActivite[10]='Grande Distribution'; - $this->tabLibActivite[12]='Transports'; - $this->tabLibActivite[13]='Media Technologie de l\'information'; - $this->tabLibActivite[14]='Services'; - $this->tabLibActivite[11]='Hôtellerie et Loisirs / Activités immobilières'; - $this->tabLibActivite[16]='Banques. Assurances. Activités financières'; - $this->tabLibActivite[17]='Agriculture. Sylviculture. Pêche. Aquaculture'; - - $this->tabActivite[15]=array('512A'); - $this->tabActivite[3]=array('151A','151C','152','153E','155','157','159G','159J','159N','159Q'); - $this->tabActivite[5]=array('159A','159F'); - $this->tabActivite[2]=array('151E','151F','153A','153C','153F','154','156','158','159B','159D','159L','159S','159T'); - $this->tabActivite[6]=array('11','10','12','13','14','401','402','403','410'); - $this->tabActivite[7]=array('451','452','453','454','455'); - $this->tabActivite[1]=array('251','252','241','242','243','245','246','247','261','262','263','264','265','266','267','268','244','297','300','311','312','313','314','315','316','321','322','323','17','18','19','20','21','271','272','273','274','275','281','282','283','284','285','286','287','291','292','293','294','295','296','341','342','343','353','351','352','354','355','223','331','332','333','334','335','361','362','363','364','365','366','231','232','233','222','371','372'); - $this->tabActivite[8]=array(); - $this->tabActivite[4]=array('511A','511N','511P','512C','512E','512G','512J','513','511C','515A','515C','511E','511G','511J','511L','511R','511T','511U','514','515E','515F','515H','515J','515L','515N','515Q','516','517'); - $this->tabActivite[9]=array('501','502','503','504','505','521A','521B','521C','521J','522','523','524A','524C','524E','524F','524H','524J','524L','524N','524R','524T','524U','524V','524W','524X','524Y','524Z','525','526'); - $this->tabActivite[10]=array('521D','521E','521F','521H','524P'); - $this->tabActivite[12]=array('621','622','623','611','612','602','603','631','632','634','634B','634C','634A','641'); - $this->tabActivite[13]=array('221','722','721','723','724','725','726','924','642','922','921'); - $this->tabActivite[14]=array('703','712E','711','712A','713','714','712C','741A','741C','741E','741G','742','743','741J','744','745','746','747','748','900','633','801','802','803','804','851','852','853','930','911','912','913','527','950'); - $this->tabActivite[11]=array('923','925','926','927','551','552','553','554','555','702'); - $this->tabActivite[16]=array('651','660','672','652E','652A','652C','652F','671'); - $this->tabActivite[17]=array('751','990','752','990','701'); - - $this->tabR[1][0]=array(); - $this->tabR[1][1]=array('0:15.5','15.5:21.7','21.7:25','25:29.1','29.1:33.4','33.4:37','37:40','40:42.6','42.6:44.9','44.9:100'); - $this->tabR[1][2]=array('0:18.7','18.7:22.8','22.8:25','25:27.7','27.7:30.6','30.6:33','33:35','35:36.7','36.7:38.3','38.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][3]=array('0:18.7','18.7:22.8','22.8:25','25:27.7','27.7:30.6','30.6:33','33:35','35:36.7','36.7:38.3','38.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][4]=array('0:8.7','8.7:12.8','12.8:15','15:17.7','17.7:20.6','20.6:23','23:25','25:26.7','26.7:28.3','28.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][5]=array('0:18.7','18.7:22.8','22.8:25','25:27.7','27.7:30.6','30.6:33','33:35','35:36.7','36.7:38.3','38.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][6]=array('0:20.5','20.5:26.7','26.7:30','30:34.1','34.1:38.4','38.4:42','42:45','45:47.6','47.6:49.9','49.9:100'); - $this->tabR[1][7]=array('0:13.7','13.7:17.8','17.8:20','20:22.7','22.7:25.6','25.6:28','28:30','30:31.7','31.7:33.3','33.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][8]=array('0:3.7','3.7:7.8','7.8:10','10:12.7','12.7:15.6','15.6:18','18:20','20:21.7','21.7:23.3','23.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][9]=array('0:13.7','13.7:17.8','17.8:20','20:22.7','22.7:25.6','25.6:28','28:30','30:31.7','31.7:33.3','33.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][10]=array('0:5.7','5.7:9.8','9.8:12','12:14.7','14.7:17.6','17.6:20','20:22','22:23.7','23.7:25.3','25.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][11]=array('0:18.7','18.7:22.8','22.8:25','25:27.7','27.7:30.6','30.6:33','33:35','35:36.7','36.7:38.3','38.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][12]=array('0:13.7','13.7:17.8','17.8:20','20:22.7','22.7:25.6','25.6:28','28:30','30:31.7','31.7:33.3','33.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][13]=array('0:23.7','23.7:27.8','27.8:30','30:32.7','32.7:35.6','35.6:38','38:40','40:41.7','41.7:43.3','43.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][14]=array('0:18.7','18.7:22.8','22.8:25','25:27.7','27.7:30.6','30.6:33','33:35','35:36.7','36.7:38.3','38.3:100'); - $this->tabR[1][15]=array('0:15.5','15.5:21.7','21.7:25','25:29.1','29.1:33.4','33.4:37','37:40','40:42.6','42.6:44.9','44.9:100'); - $this->tabR[1][16]=array('0:6.8','6.8:8.9','8.9:10','10:11.4','11.4:12.8','12.8:14','14:15','15:15.9','15.9:16.6','16.6:100'); - $this->tabR[1][17]=array('0:18.7','18.7:22.8','22.8:25','25:27.7','27.7:30.6','30.6:33','33:35','35:36.7','36.7:38.3','38.3:100'); - - $this->tabR[2][0]=array(); - $this->tabR[2][1]=array('1.8:','1.6:1.8','1.5:1.6','1.4:1,5','1.2:1.4','1.0:1.2','0.9:1.0','0.8:0,9','0.7:0,8','0:0.7'); - $this->tabR[2][2]=array('2.2:','1.9:2.2','1.8:1.9','1.6:1.8','1.4:1.6','1.2:1.4','1.0:1.2','0.9:1.0','0.7:0.9','0:0.7'); - $this->tabR[2][3]=array('2.2:','1.9:2.2','1.8:1.9','1.6:1.8','1.4:1.6','1.2:1.4','1.0:1.2','0.9:1.0','0.7:0.9','0:0.7'); - $this->tabR[2][4]=array('3.0:','2.7:3.0','2.5:2.7','2.3:2.5','2.0:2.3','1.7:2.0','1.5:1.7','1.3:1.5','1.1:1.3','0:1.1'); - $this->tabR[2][5]=array('2.6:','2.4:2.6','2.2:2.4','2.0:2.2','1.7:2.0','1.5:1.7','1.3:1.5','1.1:1.3','1.0:1.1','0:1'); - $this->tabR[2][6]=array('1.7:','1.6:1.7','1.5:1.6','1.4:1.5','1.2:1.4','1.1:1.2','1.0:1.1','0.9:1.0','0.8:0.9','0:0.8'); - $this->tabR[2][7]=array('1.5:','1.4:1.5','1.3:1.4','1.1:1.3','1.0:1.2','0.9:1.0','0.8:0.9','0.7:0.8','0.6:0.7','0:0.6'); - $this->tabR[2][8]=array('10.1:','8.8:10.1','8:8.8','7:8','5.8:7','4.8:5.8','4:4.8','3.3:4','2.8:3.3','0:2.8'); - $this->tabR[2][9]=array('3:','2.7:3','2.5:2.7','2.3:2.5','2:2.3','1.7:2','1.5:1.7','1.3:1.5','1.1:1.3','0:1.1'); - $this->tabR[2][10]=array('3.8:','3.3:3.8','3.0:3.3','2.6:3.0','2.2:2.6','1.8:2.2','1.5:1.8','1.2:1.5','1.0:1.2','0:1'); - $this->tabR[2][11]=array('2.3:','2.1:2.3','2:2.1','1.8:2','1.6:1.8','1.5:1.6','1.3:1.5','1.2:1.3','1:1.2','0:1'); - $this->tabR[2][12]=array('2.3:','2.1:2.3','2:2.1','1.8:2','1.6:1.8','1.5:1.6','1.3:1.5','1.2:1.3','1:1.2','0:1'); - $this->tabR[2][13]=array('1.8:','1.6:1.8','1.5:1.6','1.4:1.5','1.2:1.4','1:1.2','0.9:1','0.8:0.9','0.7:0.8','0:0.7'); - $this->tabR[2][14]=array('1.8:','1.6:1.8','1.5:1.6','1.4:1.5','1.2:1.4','1:1.2','0.9:1','0.8:0.9','0.7:0.8','0:0.7'); - $this->tabR[2][15]=array('2.2:','1.9:2.2','1.7:1.9','1.5:1.7','1.2:1.5','1.0:1.2','0.8:1.0','0.7:0.8','0.5:0.7','0:0.5'); - $this->tabR[2][16]=array('10.1:','8.8:10.1','8:8.8','7:8','5.8:7','4.8:5.8','4:4.8','3.3:4','2.8:3.3','0:2.8'); - $this->tabR[2][17]=array('2.2:','1.9:2.2','1.8:1.9','1.6:1.8','1.4:1.6','1.2:1.4','1:1.2','0.9:1','0.7:0.9','0:0.7'); - - $this->tabR[3][0]=array(); - $this->tabR[3][1]=array('4.4:','4:4.4','3.8:4','3.5:3.8','3.1:3.5','2.8:3.1','2.5:2.8','2.2:2.5','2:2.2','0:2'); - $this->tabR[3][2]=array('5.2:','4.7:5.2','4.5:4.7','4.1:4.5','3.7:4.1','3.3:3.7','3:3.3','2.7:3','2.4:2.7','0:2.4'); - $this->tabR[3][3]=array('5.2:','4.7:5.2','4.5:4.7','4.1:4.5','3.7:4.1','3.3:3.7','3:3.3','2.7:3','2.4:2.7','0:2.4'); - $this->tabR[3][4]=array('5.2:','4.7:5.2','4.5:4.7','4.1:4.5','3.7:4.1','3.3:3.7','3:3.3','2.7:3','2.4:2.7','0:2.4'); - $this->tabR[3][5]=array('8.6:','7.9:8.6','7.5:7.9','6.9:7.5','6.2:6.9','5.6:6.2','5:5.6','4.5:5','4:4.5','0:4'); - $this->tabR[3][6]=array('4.4:','4:4.4','3.8:4','3.5:3.8','3.1:3.5','2.8:3.1','2.5:2.8','2.2:2.5','2:2.2','0:2'); - $this->tabR[3][7]=array('4.4:','4:4.4','3.8:4','3.5:3.8','3.1:3.5','2.8:3.1','2.5:2.8','2.2:2.5','2:2.2','0:2'); - $this->tabR[3][8]=array('10.9:','9.7:10.9','9:9.7','8:9','6.8:8','5.8:6.8','5:5.8','4.3:5','3.7:4.3','0:3.7'); - $this->tabR[3][9]=array('5.2:','4.7:5.2','4.5:4.7','4.1:4.5','3.7:4.1','3.3:3.7','3:3.3','2.7:3','2.4:2.7','0:2.4'); - $this->tabR[3][10]=array('5.2:','4.7:5.2','4.5:4.7','4.1:4.5','3.7:4.1','3.3:3.7','3:3.3','2.7:3','2.4:2.7','0:2.4'); - $this->tabR[3][11]=array('5.2:','4.7:5.2','4.5:4.7','4.1:4.5','3.7:4.1','3.3:3.7','3:3.3','2.7:3','2.4:2.7','0:2.4'); - $this->tabR[3][12]=array('5.9:','5.4:5.9','5:5.4','4.5:5','3.9:4.5','3.4:3.9','3:3.4','2.6:3','2.3:2.6','0:2.3'); - $this->tabR[3][13]=array('4.2:','3.8:4.2','3.5:3.8','3.1:3.5','2.7:3.1','2.3:2.7','2:2.3','1.7:2','1.5:1.7','0:1.5'); - $this->tabR[3][14]=array('4.2:','3.8:4.2','3.5:3.8','3.1:3.5','2.7:3.1','2.3:2.7','2:2.3','1.7:2','1.5:1.7','0:1.5'); - $this->tabR[3][15]=array('6.9:','6.3:6.9','6.0:6.3','5.5:6.0','5.0:5.5','4.5:5.0','4.0:4.5','3.6:4.0','3.2:3.6','0:3.2'); - $this->tabR[3][16]=array('10.9:','9.7:10.9','9:9.7','8:9','6.8:8','5.8:6.8','5:5.8','4.3:5','3.7:4.3','0:3.7'); - $this->tabR[3][17]=array('5.2:','4.7:5.2','4.5:4.7','4.1:4.5','3.7:4.1','3.3:3.7','3:3.3','2.7:3','2.4:2.7','0:2.4'); - - $this->tabR[4][0]=array(); - $this->tabR[4][1]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][2]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][3]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][4]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][5]=array('0:1.36','1.36:1.44','1.44:1.5','1.5:1.58','1.58:1.71','1.71:1.85','1.85:2','2:2.16','2.16:2.33','2.33:'); - $this->tabR[4][6]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][7]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][8]=array('0:1.1','1.1:1.2','1.2:1.3','1.3:1.4','1.4:1.6','1.6:1.8','1.8:2','2:2.2','2.2:2.5','2.5:'); - $this->tabR[4][9]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][10]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][11]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][12]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - $this->tabR[4][13]=array('0:2.4','2.4:2.7','2.7:3','3:3.4','3.4:4.1','4.1:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:8.7','8.7:'); - $this->tabR[4][14]=array('0:2.4','2.4:2.7','2.7:3','3:3.4','3.4:4.1','4.1:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:8.7','8.7:'); - $this->tabR[4][15]=array('0:2.9','2.9:3.4','3.4:3.7','3.7:4.3','4.3:5.2','5.2:6.2','6.2:7.5','7.5:9.1','9.1:10.9','10.9:'); - $this->tabR[4][16]=array('0:1.1','1.1:1.2','1.2:1.3','1.3:1.4','1.4:1.6','1.6:1.8','1.8:2','2:2.2','2.2:2.5','2.5:'); - $this->tabR[4][17]=array('0:2','2:2.3','2.3:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4.2','4.2:5','5:6','6:7.2','7.2:'); - - $this->tabR[5][0]=array(); - $this->tabR[5][1]=array('-99:-40','-40:-34','-34:-30','-30:-24','-24:-16','-16:-8','-8:0','0:8.1','8.1:16.1','16.1:'); - $this->tabR[5][2]=array('-99:-40','-40:-34','-34:-30','-30:-24','-24:-16','-16:-8','-8:0','0:8.1','8.1:16.1','16.1:'); - $this->tabR[5][3]=array('-99:-40','-40:-34','-34:-30','-30:-24','-24:-16','-16:-8','-8:0','0:8.1','8.1:16.1','16.1:'); - $this->tabR[5][4]=array('-99:-16.7','-16.7:-12.7','-12.7:-10','-10:-6','-6:-0.7','-0.7:4.7','4.7:10','10:15.3','15.3:20.7','20.7:'); - $this->tabR[5][5]=array('-999:-420','-420:-384','-384:-360','-360:-324','-324:-276','-276:-228','-228:-180','-180:-132','-132:-84','-84:'); - $this->tabR[5][6]=array('-99:-40','-40:-34','-34:-30','-30:-24','-24:-16','-16:-8','-8:0','0:8.1','8.1:16.1','16.1:'); - $this->tabR[5][7]=array('-99:-30','-30:-24','-24:-20','-20:-14','-14:-6','-6:2','2:10','10:18','18:26','26:'); - $this->tabR[5][8]=array('-99:-41.7','-41.7:-34.7','-34.7:-30','-30:-23','-23:-13.7','-13.7:-4.3','-4.3:5','5:14.3','14.3:23.7','23.7:'); - $this->tabR[5][9]=array('-99:-16.7','-16.7:-12.7','-12.7:-10','-10:-6','-6:-0.7','-0.7:4.7','4.7:10','10:15.3','15.3:20.7','20.7:'); - $this->tabR[5][10]=array('-99:-5','-5:-2','-2:0','0:3','3:7','7:11','11:15','15:19','19:23','23:'); - $this->tabR[5][11]=array('-99:-6.7','-6.7:-2.7','-2.7:0','0:4','4:9.3','9.3:14.7','14.7:20','20:25.3','25.3:30.7','30.7:'); - $this->tabR[5][12]=array('-99:-6.7','-6.7:-2.7','-2.7:0','0:4','4:9.3','9.3:14.7','14.7:20','20:25.3','25.3:30.7','30.7:'); - $this->tabR[5][13]=array('-99:-6.7','-6.7:-2.7','-2.7:0','0:4','4:9.3','9.3:14.7','14.7:20','20:25.3','25.3:30.7','30.7:'); - $this->tabR[5][14]=array('-99:-6.7','-6.7:-2.7','-2.7:0','0:4','4:9.3','9.3:14.7','14.7:20','20:25.3','25.3:30.7','30.7:'); - $this->tabR[5][15]=array('-99:-38.3','-38.3:-36.3','-36.3:-35.0','-35:-33','-33.0:-30','-30:-27.7','-27.7:-25.0','-25.0:-22.3','-22.3:-19.7','-19.7:'); - $this->tabR[5][16]=array('-99:-41.7','-41.7:-34.7','-34.7:-30','-30:-23','-23:-13.7','-13.7:-4.3','-4.3:5','5:14.3','14.3:23.7','23.7:'); - $this->tabR[5][17]=array(':-58.3','-58.3:53.3','-53.3:-50','-50:-45','-45:-38.3','-38.3:-31.7','-31.7:-25','-25:-18.3','-18.3:-11.7','-11.7:'); - - $this->tabR[6][0]=array(); - $this->tabR[6][1]=array('0:6','6:6.6','6.6:7','7:7.6','7.6:8.4','8.4:9.2','9.2:10','10:10.8','10.8:11.6','11.6:'); - $this->tabR[6][2]=array('0:6','6:6.6','6.6:7','7:7.6','7.6:8.4','8.4:9.2','9.2:10','10:10.8','10.8:11.6','11.6:'); - $this->tabR[6][3]=array('0:1.5','1.5:2.1','2.1:2.5','2.5:3.1','3.1:3.9','3.9:4.7','4.7:5.5','5.5:6.3','6.3:7.1','7.1:'); - $this->tabR[6][4]=array('0:1.8','1.8:2.2','2.2:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.4','3.4:4','4:4.5','4.5:5','5:5.6','5.6:'); - $this->tabR[6][5]=array('0:6.7','6.7:7.5','7.5:8','8:8.8','8.8:9.9','9.9:10.9','10.9:12','12:13.1','13.1:14.1','14.1:'); - $this->tabR[6][6]=array('0:7.7','7.7:8.5','8.5:9','9:9.8','9.8:10.9','10.9:11.9','11.9:13','13:14.1','14.1:15.1','15.1:'); - $this->tabR[6][7]=array('0:3','3:3.6','3.6:4','4:4.6','4.6:5.4','5.4:6.2','6.2:7','7:7.8','7.8:8.6','8.6:'); - $this->tabR[6][8]=array('0:1.3','1.3:1.7','1.7:2','2:2.4','2.4:2.9','2.9:3.5','3.5:4','4:4.5','4.5:5.1','5.1:'); - $this->tabR[6][9]=array('0:1.8','1.8:2.2','2.2:2.5','2.5:2.9','2.9:3.4','3.4:4','4:4.5','4.5:5','5:5.6','5.6:'); 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-/*var_dump($imap_obj); -print_r($imap_obj); -print_r($imap_sorted); -print_r($unsorted); -print_r($partsarray);*/ -print_r($Bodacc); -echo ''; - - -imap_close($mbox); -?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/framework/default/_includes/mysql.php b/framework/default/_includes/mysql.php deleted file mode 100644 index eaf5c9688..000000000 --- a/framework/default/_includes/mysql.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ - -//error_reporting(E_ALL); -function mysql_trace($query, $res='') { - if (!$fp=fopen('mysql_insert.log', 'a')) - return false; - if (!fwrite($fp, date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - $res : $query\n")) - return false; - if (!fclose($fp)) - return false; - return true; -} - -/** Retourne la dernière valeur de l'auto-incrément ou 0 si pas d'auto-incrément - ** Penser à bien tester la valeur !== false - **/ -function mysql_insert($table, $toAdd, $debug=false){ - $fields = implode(array_keys($toAdd), '`,`'); - foreach (array_values($toAdd) as $key=>$array_values) - $tmp[$key]=addslashes($array_values); - - $values = "'".implode(array_values($tmp), "','")."'"; # better - $values = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $values); - $query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');'; - - $res = mysql_query($query);// OR die(mysql_error()); - if ($res!==false) - { - if (mysql_insert_id()>0) - $res=mysql_insert_id(); - else - $res=true; - } - if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, $res); - - return $res; - //-- Example of usage - //$tToAdd = array('id'=>3, 'name'=>'Yo', 'salary' => 5000); - //insertIntoDB('myTable', $tToAdd) -} - -function mysql_update($table, $update, $where, $debug=false){ - $fields = array_keys($update); - $values = array_values($update); - $i=0; - $query='UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET '; - while($fields[$i]){ - if($i>0){$query.=', ';} - $query.=' `'.$fields[$i]."`='".addslashes($values[$i])."'"; - $i++; - } - $query = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $query); - $query.=' WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;'; - if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, mysql_errno()); - mysql_query($query);// or die(mysql_error()); - return true; - - //Example - // mysql_update('myTable', $anarray, "type = 'main'") - -} - -function mysql_select($table, $fields, $where, $debug=false, $assoc=MYSQL_BOTH) { - $query="SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $where;"; - // if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, count($tab)); - $result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); - $tab=array(); - while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($result, $assoc)) - $tab[]=$ligne; - - mysql_free_result($result); - if ($debug) mysql_trace($query, count($tab)); -// echo $query; - return $tab; -} - -?> diff --git a/framework/default/_includes/partenaires/insee.php b/framework/default/_includes/partenaires/insee.php deleted file mode 100644 index 7c44c12be..000000000 --- a/framework/default/_includes/partenaires/insee.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,404 +0,0 @@ - -define('HOST_INSEE', 'avis-situation-sirene.insee.fr'); -define('SITE_INSEE', 'http://'. HOST_INSEE .'/'); -define('HOST_PJ', 'www.pagesjaunes.fr'); -define('SITE_PJ', 'http://'. HOST_PJ .'/'); -define('SITE_SOCIETE', 'http://www.societe.com/'); - -include('/var/www/_includes/includes/insee.class.php'); -//include('includes/normad.class.php'); -include('/var/www/_includes/includes/fonctions.php'); - -/* v0.1 Extraction d'informations INSEE en ligne de commande. - - Usage: =$argv[0]?>
Fiche Etablissement'); - if ($pos<1) - $libelleErreur='Erreur SCRIPT Fiche Etablissement non trouvée'; - else - $libelleErreur=''; - $responseSiege=$responseEtab; - } - else - { - // On déroule les URLs d'appels Sièges - $responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Interrogation/Interrogation_principal.asp?action=valider&grille=siren&waitframe=false'); - //sleep(1); - // Frames réponse niveau sièges - $responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_menu.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege'); - $responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'SIRENET_Script/Interrogation/script_recherche_barre_haut.asp?niveau=siren', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege'); - $responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Reponse_haut.asp', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege'); - $responseSiege=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_principal.asp?niveau=siege', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege', true); - $responseQ=getUrl(SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Detail_bas.asp?niveau=siege', $response1["header"]["Set-Cookie"], '', SITE_INSEE .'REPERTOIRE/Reponse/Frame_Reponse.asp?dest=detail&niveau=siege'); - $responseSiege=$responseSiege['body'];//strip_tags(html_entity_decode(), ' | ');
- // On recherche si on est bien sur un fiche siège
- $pos=strpos($responseSiege, '