Compare commits
119 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
6d7cc24d0f | ||
10b829487e | ||
cba2a42376 | ||
da90944620 | ||
b55d4e9f08 | ||
89ac06b62d | ||
1dfc2374fd | ||
3cd50f8f0e | ||
bb26fb81fe | ||
4cb81cdcc3 | ||
fc6cda9dcb | ||
06f76b6727 | ||
478f13ede6 | ||
af093374f7 | ||
8a4a358174 | ||
c603a7bda4 | ||
7e98f44688 | ||
dc9bbba661 | ||
3ba1ed2a4b | ||
f0e537ed31 | ||
4e7055929d | ||
bd89df3e57 | ||
71aee03d67 | ||
a3d5e42183 | ||
4997dd49fb | ||
a6565ad9fa | ||
652559a1ab | ||
a852c5017e | ||
38fd737a3f | ||
70e18b8422 | ||
5fbdcd0d7c | ||
cada35746e | ||
b06dacdbc2 | ||
51228580d5 | ||
7dd7e2f6ec | ||
6c6d3f1f15 | ||
708f570d9f | ||
7ec9fdd9df | ||
6265389f79 | ||
00fe11c6fa | ||
3945b0cb14 | ||
8549ca1623 | ||
82ac4bf25a | ||
f990ca17fb | ||
0f7fb2ad9f | ||
fa5bb0258a | ||
47aaa6b38e | ||
7ad2eb3ae6 | ||
8f175b2605 | ||
e468efba37 | ||
9f3aebeb07 | ||
c73f65a853 | ||
dfb74af73b | ||
dc36edbf8f | ||
9b7f290ee6 | ||
70976cf47a | ||
06508a7823 | ||
2a2ace9fc5 | ||
645f0ae563 | ||
5ec7c860ff | ||
e042c987b8 | ||
ac9001bc06 | ||
257fae95bd | ||
b3df12ddbe | ||
4da392a3cf | ||
92187e0ec3 | ||
483b657f8e | ||
1b1485e624 | ||
332283189a | ||
9062138e1b | ||
9820bb9b4f | ||
da96a9e4f4 | ||
d780f5630a | ||
8d5c18c364 | ||
ba4d074e53 | ||
6a34eaa87c | ||
4973170121 | ||
d15b443a86 | ||
9b91817aba | ||
5ac13207a5 | ||
60f3ab4d0c | ||
077f51ce4f | ||
5ce8b75ffe | ||
4425393401 | ||
ef23c3422a | ||
130fb963d9 | ||
f9cbbe1b39 | ||
ae05e6a3e5 | ||
57461860b8 | ||
eb6769e435 | ||
0ce4fea9ee | ||
d88405da5d | ||
682ffa273e | ||
3b76e2869b | ||
e13292170b | ||
176df57c98 | ||
6776e6dcad | ||
918c42d7c9 | ||
7b8f3bd07b | ||
c195387ef1 | ||
0d5bbe188a | ||
045572ca57 | ||
a467e0a4d5 | ||
7b0cef6538 | ||
2f79588096 | ||
5290b988a5 | ||
ac83da9f1e | ||
df07357416 | ||
86c4c07893 | ||
be6fc63491 | ||
cf7f39d741 | ||
6f5b29be85 | ||
add02110b8 | ||
56040500cb | ||
6fd02854f8 | ||
33b66b0df3 | ||
f1f025e8c3 | ||
2a5c56082f | ||
40316c09d9 |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// Generated by ZF's ./bin/classmap_generator.php
return array(
'Bootstrap' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Bootstrap.php',
'AideController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/AideController.php',
'BdfController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/BdfController.php',
'DashboardController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/DashboardController.php',
'DirigeantController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/DirigeantController.php',
'ErrorController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/ErrorController.php',
'EvaluationController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/EvaluationController.php',
'FichierController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/FichierController.php',
'FinanceController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/FinanceController.php',
'GiantController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/GiantController.php',
'IdentiteController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/IdentiteController.php',
'IndexController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/IndexController.php',
'JuridiqueController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/JuridiqueController.php',
'LogoController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/LogoController.php',
'MandataireController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/MandataireController.php',
'PiecesController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/PiecesController.php',
'PrintController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/PrintController.php',
'RechercheController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/RechercheController.php',
'SaisieController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/SaisieController.php',
'SurveillanceController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/SurveillanceController.php',
'TelechargementController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/TelechargementController.php',
'UserController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/UserController.php',
'WorldcheckController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/WorldcheckController.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_CssHelper' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/helpers/CssHelper.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_Editable' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/helpers/Editable.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_FormatPct' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/helpers/FormatPct.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_JavascriptHelper' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/helpers/JavascriptHelper.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_MenuScript' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/helpers/MenuScript.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_NewsDate' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/mobile/helpers/NewsDate.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_RemplaceSiren' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/helpers/RemplaceSiren.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_SirenTexte' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/helpers/SirenTexte.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_SiretTexte' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/helpers/SiretTexte.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_TrueLabel' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/default/helpers/TrueLabel.php',
@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ class DirigeantController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('AutrePage', $this->getRequest()->getParam('apage'));
$this->view->assign('AutrePage', $this->getRequest()->getParam('apage'));
$user = new Scores_Utilisateur();
$user = new Scores_Utilisateur();
$this->view->assign('accessWorldCheck', $user->checkPerm('WORLDCHECK'));
$this->view->assign('surveillance', $user->checkPerm('survdirigeants'));
$this->view->assign('surveillance', $user->checkPerm('survdirigeants'));
$this->view->assign('edition', $user->checkModeEdition());
@ -56,6 +56,139 @@ class EvaluationController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('max', $bornes[$score]['max']);
$this->view->assign('max', $bornes[$score]['max']);
* Historique des scores
public function scoreshistoAction()
$sessionEntreprise = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($this->siret, $this->id);
$siren = substr($this->siret,0,9);
$types = array (
'indiScore' => 'IndiScore',
'scoreDir' => 'Dirigeance',
'scoreConf' => 'Conformité',
'scoreZ' => 'Score Z',
'scoreCH' => 'Conan & Holder',
'scoreAfdcc1' => 'Afdcc1',
'scoreAfdcc2' => 'Afdcc2',
'scoreAltman' => 'Altman',
'scoreCCF' => 'CCF',
$bornes = array(
'indiScore' => array('min'=>0, 'max'=>20, 'rouge'=>8, 'orange'=>12),
'scoreDir' => array('min'=>0, 'max'=>100, 'rouge'=>45, 'orange'=>56),
'scoreConf' => array('min'=>0, 'max'=>100, 'rouge'=>45, 'orange'=>56),
'scoreZ' => array('min'=>-3, 'max'=>3, 'rouge'=>-0.25, 'orange'=>0.125),
'scoreCH' => array('min'=>-4.5,'max'=>16, 'rouge'=>3.75, 'orange'=>10),
'scoreAfdcc1' => array('min'=>-7, 'max'=>7, 'rouge'=>0, 'orange'=>1),
'scoreAfdcc2' => array('min'=>-3, 'max'=>2, 'rouge'=>-1, 'orange'=>0.5),
'scoreAltman' => array('min'=>-2, 'max'=>8, 'rouge'=>0, 'orange'=>2.7),
'scoreCCF' => array('min'=>500,'max'=>1500,'rouge'=>850, 'orange'=>1200), //corriger les bornes de CCF
$request = $this->getRequest();
$type = $request->getParam('type', 'indiScore');
$user = new Scores_Utilisateur();
$this->view->headTitle()->prepend('Historique indiScore');
$this->view->headTitle()->prepend('Siret '.$this->siret);
$ws = new WsScores();
$histoScores = $ws->getScoresHisto($this->siret, $type);
if ( $histoScores->nbReponses>1 ) {
$data = array();
foreach ($histoScores->result->item as $item) {
$d = array(
'date' => $item->date,
'value' => $item->value,
'encours' =>$item->encours,
$data['data'][] = $d;
//Make the graph - Ready to create a class for this char
require_once 'Vendors/ChartDirector/phpchartdir.php';
require_once 'Scores/Cache.php';
$c = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$path = $c->profil->path->pages . '/imgcache/';
$file = 'indiscorehisto-'.$this->siret.'-'.$this->id.'-'.$type.'.png';
$cache = new Cache();
$return = null;
if( $cache->exist($path.$file) ){
$return = $file;
} else {
if( count($data)<1 ){
$return = null;
} else {
$labelsX = array();
$dataX = array();
$encours = array();
foreach($data['data'] as $value){
$dataX[] = $value['value'];
$encours[] = $value['encours'];
$date = new Zend_Date($value['date'], 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$labelsX[] = chartTime($date->toString('yyyy'), $date->toString('MM'), $date->toString('dd'));
$c = new XYChart(600, 300);
$c->setPlotArea(50, 10, $c->getWidth() - 60, $c->getHeight() - 60, 0xFFFFFF, -1, 0xC0C0C0, $c->dashLineColor(0x808080, DotLine), -1);
$c->xAxis->setColors(0x777777, 0x444444, 0x777777);
$c->yAxis->setColors(0x777777, 0x444444, 0x777777);
$c->yAxis->addZone(abs($bornes[$type]['min'])*(-5), $bornes[$type]['rouge'], 0xFFE2E2);
$c->yAxis->addZone($bornes[$type]['rouge'], $bornes[$type]['orange'], 0xFFF2E2);
$c->yAxis->addZone($bornes[$type]['orange'], abs($bornes[$type]['max'])*5, 0xE2FFE2);
// If real value is not between min max scores, enlarge Y of graphic and mark limits
$maxY = (max($dataX) >= $bornes[$type]['max']) ? max($dataX)*1.1 : $bornes[$type]['max'];
$minY = (min($dataX) <= $bornes[$type]['min']) ? min($dataX)*1.1 : $bornes[$type]['min'];
$c->yAxis->setLinearScale($minY, $maxY);
$textBox = $c->addText(550, 15, $types[$type], "arialbi.ttf", 11, 0xAAAAAA);
$layer = $c->addSplineLayer();
$dataSet = $layer->addDataSet($dataX, 0x0000FF);
$dataSet->setDataSymbol(CircleSymbol, 4, 0x5555FF);
if( $c->makeChart($path.$file ) === true){
$return = $file;
$graphMap = $c->getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='{x|dd/mm/yyyy}\nScore: {value}\nEncours: {field0} K€' style='cursor:pointer;'");
} else {
$return = false;
$this->view->assign('graphMap', $graphMap);
$this->view->assign('graph', $return);
//Assign vars
$this->view->assign('scores', $histoScores->result->item);
if ($histoScores->type == 'indiScore20') $histoScores->type = 'indiScore';
$this->view->assign('type', $histoScores->type);
$this->view->assign('bornes', $bornes);
$this->view->assign('siret', $this->siret);
$this->view->assign('id', $this->id);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $sessionEntreprise->getRaisonSociale());
$this->view->assign('types', $types);
$this->view->assign('exportObjet', $histoScores);
* IndiScore
* IndiScore
@ -1372,4 +1372,36 @@ class FinanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
* Affichage en ajax des informations dernière date de cloture du bilan et etat de saisie
public function liasseinfosAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siren = $request->getParam('siren');
$ws = new WsScores();
$response = $ws->getEntrepriseLiasseInfos($siren);
if ( $response === null ) {
$this->view->assign('msg','Aucun bilan déposé.');
} else {
$date = new Zend_Date($response->DateCloture, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$this->view->assign('DateCloture', $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'));
$this->view->assign('DateClotureIso', $response->DateCloture);
if ( $response->SaisieDate!='' || $response->SaisieDate!='0000-00-00' ) {
$this->view->assign('SaisieDateIso', $response->SaisieDate);
$date = new Zend_Date($response->SaisieDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$this->view->assign('SaisieDate', $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'));
$this->view->assign('SaisieLabel', $response->SaisieLabel);
@ -574,6 +574,7 @@ class IdentiteController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$identite = $ws->getLienRef($lienRef);
$identite = $ws->getLienRef($lienRef);
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $identite->raisonSociale);
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $identite->raisonSociale);
$this->view->assign('identification', $identite->identification);
$this->view->assign('identification', $identite->identification);
$this->view->assign('isin', $identite->isin);
$this->view->assign('actif', $identite->actif);
$this->view->assign('actif', $identite->actif);
//Define SIREN if exist
//Define SIREN if exist
@ -583,12 +584,17 @@ class IdentiteController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('siret', $session->getSiret());
$this->view->assign('siret', $session->getSiret());
$this->view->assign('isin', $session->getIsin());
$this->view->assign('isin', $session->getIsin());
$this->view->assign('surveillance', $user->checkPerm('survdirigeants'));
if ($identite->PpPm=='PP') {
if ($identite->PpPm=='PP') {
$this->view->assign('PP', true);
$this->view->assign('PP', true);
$this->view->assign('nom', $identite->nom);
$this->view->assign('prenom', $identite->prenom);
$this->view->assign('civilite', $identite->civilite);
$this->view->assign('naissanceDate', $identite->naissanceDate);
//Get links
//Get links
@ -606,6 +612,7 @@ class IdentiteController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('siret', $this->siret);
$this->view->assign('siret', $this->siret);
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $session->getRaisonSociale());
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $session->getRaisonSociale());
$this->view->assign('surveillance', $user->checkPerm('liens'));
//Check access to display group link
//Check access to display group link
if ( $user->checkPerm('GROUPE') ) {
if ( $user->checkPerm('GROUPE') ) {
@ -626,6 +633,21 @@ class IdentiteController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if ( ($session->getFormeJuridique()>=1000 && $session->getFormeJuridique()<=1999)
if ( ($session->getFormeJuridique()>=1000 && $session->getFormeJuridique()<=1999)
|| ($session->getFormeJuridique()>=10 && $session->getFormeJuridique()<=19) ) {
|| ($session->getFormeJuridique()>=10 && $session->getFormeJuridique()<=19) ) {
$this->view->assign('PP', true);
$this->view->assign('PP', true);
//@todo : using this function is strange - How to get the id before ?
$result = $ws->searchLienRef($siren, 'siren');
if (count($result->item)>0) {
foreach ($result->item as $item) {
$id = $item->id;
$result = $ws->getLienRef($id);
$this->view->assign('nom', $result->nom);
$this->view->assign('prenom', $result->prenom);
$this->view->assign('civilite', $result->civilite);
$this->view->assign('naissanceDate', $result->naissance_Date);
if ( in_array($session->getFormeJuridique(), array(5488,5498,5720)) ) {
if ( in_array($session->getFormeJuridique(), array(5488,5498,5720)) ) {
@ -948,6 +970,8 @@ class IdentiteController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$result = $ws->getLienRef($id);
$result = $ws->getLienRef($id);
$this->view->assign('result', $result);
$this->view->assign('result', $result);
$this->view->assign('idFiche', $id);
@ -977,6 +1001,8 @@ class IdentiteController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siren = substr($this->siret,0,9);
$siren = substr($this->siret,0,9);
$nic = $request->getParam('nic', null);
$this->view->headTitle()->prepend('Evènements - Siren '.$siren);
$this->view->headTitle()->prepend('Evènements - Siren '.$siren);
@ -987,8 +1013,26 @@ class IdentiteController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($this->siret, $this->id);
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($this->siret, $this->id);
Par défaut, si on est sur un siège actif ou non, afficher tous les évènements de l'entreprise.
Si on est sur un NIC établissement actif ou radié, afficher juste les évènements de l'établissement.
if ( $nic === null ) {
$this->view->assign('Entreprise', 1);
if ( strlen($this->siret) == 9 ) {
$this->view->assign('Nic', substr($session->getSiretSiege(),10,5));
} else {
$this->view->assign('Nic', substr($this->siret,10,5));
$nic = 0;
} else {
$this->view->assign('Entreprise', 0);
$this->view->assign('Nic', $nic);
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws = new WsScores();
$infos = $ws->getListeEvenements($siren, 0, $position, $nbReponses);
$infos = $ws->getListeEvenements($siren, $nic, $position, $nbReponses);
$evens = $infos->result->item;
$evens = $infos->result->item;
$this->view->assign('evens', $evens);
$this->view->assign('evens', $evens);
@ -1480,4 +1524,39 @@ class IdentiteController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $session->getRaisonSociale());
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $session->getRaisonSociale());
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
* Corporama
* Intégration en ajax du lien corporama
* Solutions de prospection et de veille entreprise
public function corporamaAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$this->view->assign('siret', $this->siret);
$siren = substr($this->siret, 0, 9);
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($this->siret, $this->id);
$corporamaUrl = "".$siren."&company=".urlencode($session->getRaisonSociale())."&partner=sd268";
$this->view->assign('corporamaUrl', $corporamaUrl);
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() || $request->getParam('include') ) {
$page = file_get_contents($corporamaUrl, false);
if ($page === false) {
echo "Erreur";
$this->view->assign('page', $page);
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws->setLog('corporama', $this->siret);
@ -169,6 +169,14 @@ class JuridiqueController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//Affichage pour la liste des annonces
//Affichage pour la liste des annonces
} else {
} else {
//Titre de la page
if( empty($siren) ){
$titre = 'Identifiant '.$this->id;
} else {
$titre = 'Siret '.$siren;
$this->view->headTitle()->prepend('Annonces Légales - '.$titre);
//Calcul pagination
//Calcul pagination
$nbReponses = count($infos->result->item);
$nbReponses = count($infos->result->item);
$nbReponsesTotal = $infos->nbReponses;
$nbReponsesTotal = $infos->nbReponses;
@ -448,7 +448,9 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if ($response===false) {
if ($response===false) {
$this->view->assign('msg', "Erreur lors du passage de la commande.");
$this->view->assign('msg', "Erreur lors du passage de la commande.");
} else {
} else {
$this->view->assign('msg', "Enregistrement de votre commande sous la référence".$response.".");
$this->view->assign('formEmail', true);
$this->view->assign('refCommande', $response);
$this->view->assign('msg',"Enregistrement de votre commande sous la référence ".strtoupper($response).".");
//Affichage du formulaire
//Affichage du formulaire
@ -469,6 +471,28 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//Saisir email
case 'EMAIL':
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
$id = $request->getParam('refCommande');
$email = trim($request->getParam('email'));
if ( !empty($email) ) {
$response = $ws->setPiecesBilanCmdEmail($id, $email);
if ( $response === false ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', "Impossible d'enregistrer un email pour la commande ".strtoupper($id).".");
} else {
$this->view->assign('msg', "Email ".$email." enregistré pour la commande ".strtoupper($id).".");
} else {
$this->view->assign('msg', "Email incorrect.");
@ -553,9 +577,11 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//Enregistrement de la commande
//Enregistrement de la commande
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
$response = $ws->getPiecesActe($siren, $mode, $depotNum, $depotDate, $acteType, $acteNum, $acteDate, $ref);
$response = $ws->getPiecesActe($siren, $mode, $depotNum, $depotDate, $acteType, $acteNum, $acteDate, $ref);
if ($response===false) {
if ( $response === false ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', "Erreur lors du passage de la commande.");
$this->view->assign('msg', "Erreur lors du passage de la commande.");
} else {
} else {
$this->view->assign('formEmail', true);
$this->view->assign('refCommande', $response);
$this->view->assign('msg',"Enregistrement de votre commande sous la référence ".strtoupper($response).".");
$this->view->assign('msg',"Enregistrement de votre commande sous la référence ".strtoupper($response).".");
@ -584,11 +610,32 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//Saisir email
case 'EMAIL':
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
$id = $request->getParam('refCommande');
$email = trim($request->getParam('email'));
if ( !empty($email) ) {
$response = $ws->setPiecesActeCmdEmail($id, $email);
if ( $response === false ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', "Impossible d'enregistrer un email pour la commande ".strtoupper($id).".");
} else {
$this->view->assign('msg', "Email ".$email." enregistré pour la commande ".strtoupper($id).".");
} else {
$this->view->assign('msg', "Email incorrect.");
* Commande de pièces, kbis, privileges, nantissements
* Commande de pièces, kbis, privileges, nantissements
@ -633,6 +680,11 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$message = '';
$message = '';
$emails = explode(';',$user->getEmail());
$email = $emails[0];
$validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
$this->view->assign('emailValid', $validator->isValid($email));
//Validation du formulaire
//Validation du formulaire
if ($request->isPost() && $request->getParam('op')=='kbis') {
if ($request->isPost() && $request->getParam('op')=='kbis') {
@ -642,9 +694,6 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
switch($method) {
switch($method) {
case 'M':
case 'M':
$email = $request->getParam('emailKbisM', '');
//Vérification des champs
if (!empty($email)) {
//Envoi du mail
//Envoi du mail
$mail = new Scores_Mail();
$mail = new Scores_Mail();
@ -671,26 +720,20 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
'adresse' => '',
'adresse' => '',
'cp' => '',
'cp' => '',
'ville' => '',
'ville' => '',
'siren' => substr($this->siret,0,9),
'siren' => $siren,
'raisonSociale' => $session->getRaisonSociale(),
'raisonSociale' => $session->getRaisonSociale(),
'type' => 'M',
'type' => 'M',
'dateCommande' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'dateCommande' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$message = 'Votre demande de reception de Kbis par email a été prise en compte';
$message = $this->view->translate('Votre demande de reception de Kbis par email a été prise en compte');
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws->setLog('kbis', $this->siret, 0, 'mail');
$ws->setLog('kbis', $this->siret, 0, 'mail');
} else {
$ws->getKbis($siren, $method, $ref);
$message = '<font color="red">Erreur : adresse email non renseignée.</font>';
$this->view->assign('ref', $ref);
$this->view->assign('method', $method);
$this->view->assign('emailKbisM', $email);
case 'C':
case 'C':
$email = $ref = $request->getParam('emailKbisC', '');
//Vérification des champs
//Vérification des champs
$fields = array('societe', 'nom', 'prenom', 'adresse', 'cp', 'ville');
$fields = array('societe', 'nom', 'prenom', 'adresse', 'cp', 'ville');
$params = $request->getParams();
$params = $request->getParams();
@ -731,21 +774,21 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
'adresse' => $params['adresse'],
'adresse' => $params['adresse'],
'cp' => $params['cp'],
'cp' => $params['cp'],
'ville' => $params['ville'],
'ville' => $params['ville'],
'siren' => substr($this->siret,0,9),
'siren' => $siren,
'raisonSociale' => $session->getRaisonSociale(),
'raisonSociale' => $session->getRaisonSociale(),
'type' => 'C',
'type' => 'C',
'dateCommande' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'dateCommande' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$message = 'Votre commande à été prise en compte, vous recevrez ce document sous 3/5 jours';
$message = $this->view->translate('Votre commande à été prise en compte, vous recevrez ce document sous 3/5 jours');
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws->setLog('kbis', $this->siret, 0, 'courrier');
$ws->setLog('kbis', $this->siret, 0, 'courrier');
$ws->getKbis($siren, $method, $ref);
$message = '<font color="red">Erreur : Tous les champs doivent être renseigner.</font>';
$message = '<font color="red">'.$this->view->translate('Erreur : Tous les champs doivent être renseigner.').'</font>';
$this->view->assign('emailKbisC', $email);
$this->view->assign('method', $method);
$this->view->assign('method', $method);
$this->view->assign('societe', $params['societe']);
$this->view->assign('societe', $params['societe']);
$this->view->assign('nom', $params['nom']);
$this->view->assign('nom', $params['nom']);
@ -757,7 +800,6 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
if ($request->isPost() && $request->getParam('op')=='privileges') {
if ($request->isPost() && $request->getParam('op')=='privileges') {
@ -816,7 +858,6 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('siret', $this->siret);
$this->view->assign('siret', $this->siret);
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $session->getRaisonSociale());
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $session->getRaisonSociale());
@ -977,7 +1018,7 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
* Enter description here ...
* Bilan association
public function associationbilanAction()
public function associationbilanAction()
@ -1029,15 +1070,6 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
* Gestion téléchargement des kbis
* Gestion téléchargement des kbis
public function kbisAction()
public function kbisAction()
//On bascule soit vers kbispasserelle ou vers kbis infogreffe
$this->_forward('kbispasserelle', 'pieces', null, $this->getRequest()->getParams());
* Téléchargement de kbis par la passerelle SD
public function kbispasserelleAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$params = $request->getParams();
$params = $request->getParams();
@ -1096,7 +1128,7 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php';
require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php';
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws = new WsScores();
$info = $ws->getKbis($siren);
$info = $ws->getKbis($siren, 'T');
if ( substr($info,0,7)=='http://' ) {
if ( substr($info,0,7)=='http://' ) {
//Suppression du fichier si il existe
//Suppression du fichier si il existe
@ -1127,14 +1159,6 @@ class PiecesController extends Zend_Controller_Action
* Téléchargement de kbis par infogreffe
public function kbisinfogreffeAction()
* Affiche les privilèges en surveillance
* Affiche les privilèges en surveillance
@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ class PrintController extends Zend_Controller_Action
case 'evaluation':
case 'evaluation':
$params['siret'] = $elements[2];
$params['siret'] = $elements[2];
$params['id'] = $elements[3];
$params['id'] = $elements[3];
case 'scoreshisto':
$params['type'] = $elements[4];
case 'giant':
case 'giant':
$params['Pays'] = $elements[2];
$params['Pays'] = $elements[2];
@ -48,6 +48,205 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
array( "triId"=>"1798", "triCode"=>"AGENL", "triNom"=>"Cour d'Appel d'Agen", "triCP"=>"47916" ),
array( "triId"=>"1798", "triCode"=>"AGENL", "triNom"=>"Cour d'Appel d'Agen", "triCP"=>"47916" ),
protected $codVoie = array(
'ABE' => "Abbaye",
'AGL' => "Agglomération",
'AIRE' => "Aire",
'ALL' => "Allée",
'ALL' => "Allee",
'ACH' => "Ancien chemin",
'ART' => "Ancienne route",
'ANSE' => "Anse",
'ARC' => "Arcade",
'AUT' => "Autoroute",
'AV' => "Avenue",
'BRE' => "Barrière",
'BCH' => "Bas chemin",
'BSTD' => "Bastide",
'BAST' => "Baston",
'BEGI' => "Beguinage",
'BER' => "Berge",
'BOIS' => "Bois",
'BCLE' => "Boucle",
'BD' => "Boulevard",
'BRG' => "Bourg",
'BUT' => "Butte",
'CALE' => "Cale",
'CAMP' => "Camp",
'CGNE' => "Campagne",
'CPG' => "Camping",
'CARR' => "Carré",
'CAU' => "Carreau",
'CAR' => "Carrefour",
'CARE' => "Carrière",
'CST' => "Castel",
'CAV' => "Cavée",
'CTRE' => "Central",
'CTRE' => "Centre",
'CHL' => "Chalet",
'CHP' => "Chapelle",
'CHI' => "Charmille",
'CHT' => "Château",
'CHS' => "Chaussée",
'CHE' => "Chemin",
'CHV' => "Chemin vicinaux",
'CHV' => "Chemin vicinal",
'CHEM' => "Cheminement",
'CITE' => "Cîte",
'CLOI' => "Cloître",
'CLOS' => "Clos",
'COL' => "Col",
'COLI' => "Colline",
'CTR' => "Contour",
'COR' => "Corniche",
'COTE' => "Côte",
'COTT' => "Cottage",
'COUR' => "Cour",
'CRS' => "Cours",
'DARS' => "Darse",
'DEG' => "Degré",
'DSG' => "Descente",
'DSC' => "Descente",
'DIG' => "Digue",
'DOM' => "Domaine",
'ECA' => "Ecart",
'ECL' => "Ecluse",
'EGL' => "Eglise",
'EN' => "Enceinte",
'ENV' => "Enclave",
'ENC' => "Enclos",
'ESC' => "Escalier",
'ESPA' => "Espace",
'ESP' => "Esplanade",
'ETING' => "Etang",
'FG' => "Faubourg",
'FRM' => "Ferme",
'FON' => "Fontaine",
'FORT' => "Fort",
'FORM' => "Forum",
'FOS' => "Fosse",
'FOYR' => "Foyer",
'GAL' => "Galerie",
'GARE' => "Gare",
'GARN' => "Garenne",
'GBD' => "Grand boulevard",
'GDEN' => "Grande ensemble",
'GR' => "Grande rue",
'GRI' => "Grille",
'GRIM' => "Grimpette",
'GPE' => "Groupe",
'GPT' => "Groupement",
'HLE' => "Halle",
'HAM' => "Hameau",
'HCH' => "Haut chemin",
'HIP' => "Hippodrome",
'HLM' => "HLM",
'ILE' => "Ile",
'IMM' => "Immeuble",
'IMP' => "Impasse",
'JARD' => "Jardin",
'JTE' => "Jetée",
'LEVE' => "Levée",
'LD' => "Lieu dit",
'LD' => "Lieudit",
'LOT' => "Lotissement",
'MAIL' => "Mail",
'MF' => "Maison forestière",
'MAN' => "Manoir",
'MAR' => "Marche",
'MAS' => "Mas",
'MET' => "Métro",
'MTE' => "Montée",
'MLN' => "Moulin",
'MUS' => "Musée",
'NTE' => "Nouvelle route",
'PAL' => "Palais",
'PARC' => "Parc",
'PKG' => "Parking",
'PRV' => "Parvis",
'PAS' => "Passage",
'PN' => "Passage à niveau",
'PASS' => "Passe",
'PLE' => "Passerelle",
'PAT' => "Patio",
'PAV' => "Pavillon",
'PERI' => "Périphérique",
'PSTY' => "Péristyle",
'PTA' => "Petites allée",
'PCH' => "Petit chemin",
'PAE' => "Petite avenue",
'PIM' => "Petite impasse",
'PRT' => "Petite route",
'PTR' => "Petite rue",
'PL' => "Place",
'PLCI' => "Placis",
'PLAG' => "Plage",
'PLN' => "Plaine",
'PLAN' => "Plan",
'PLT' => "Plateau",
'PNT' => "Pointe",
'PONT' => "Pont",
'PCH' => "Porche",
'PORT' => "Port",
'PTE' => "Porte",
'PORQ' => "Portique",
'POT' => "Poterne",
'POUR' => "Pourtour",
'PRE' => "Pré",
'PRQ' => "Presqu'île",
'PROM' => "Promenade",
'QU' => "Quai",
'QUAI' => "Quai",
'QUA' => "Quartier",
'RAC' => "Raccourci",
'RAID' => "Raidillon",
'RPE' => "Rampe",
'REM' => "Rempart",
'RES' => "Résidence",
'ROC' => "Roc",
'ROC' => "Rocade",
'RPT' => "Rond point",
'ROQT' => "Roquet",
'RTD' => "Rotonde",
'RTE' => "Route",
'R' => "Rue",
'RUE' => "Rue",
'RLE' => "Ruelle",
'SEN' => "Sente",
'SEN' => "Sentier",
'SQ' => "Square",
'STDE' => "Stade",
'STA' => "Station",
'TPL' => "Terre plein",
'TRN' => "Terrain",
'TSSE' => "Terrasse",
'TRT' => "Tertre",
'TOUR' => "Tour",
'TRA' => "Traverse",
'VAL' => "Vallon",
'VAL' => "Vallée",
'VEN' => "Venelle",
'VIA' => "Via",
'VTE' => "Vieille route",
'VCHE' => "Vieux chemin",
'VLA' => "Villa",
'VGE' => "Village",
'VLGE' => "Village",
'VOI' => "Voie",
'VOIE' => "Voie",
'ZONE' => "Zone",
'ZAC' => "Zone d'aménagement concerté",
'Z A C' => "Zone d'aménagement concerté",
'ZAD' => "Zone d'aménagement différé",
'Z A D' => "Zone d'aménagement différé",
'ZA' => "Zone artisanale",
'Z A' => "Zone artisanale",
'ZI' => "Zone industrielle",
'Z I' => "Zone industrielle",
'ZUP' => "Zone à urbaniser en priorité",
'Z U P' => "Zone à urbaniser en priorité",
* Retourne Fonctions de direction
* Retourne Fonctions de direction
@ -125,7 +324,7 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
->appendFile('/themes/default/scripts/saisie.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/themes/default/scripts/saisie.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/form/jquery.form.js', 'text/javascript');
->appendFile('/libs/form/jquery.form.min.js', 'text/javascript');
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
@ -327,8 +526,8 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
'1100', '1101' , '1200', '1201', '1300', '1301', '1302', '1303', '1304', '1305', '1306',
'1100', '1101' , '1200', '1201', '1300', '1301', '1302', '1303', '1304', '1305', '1306',
'1307', '1308', '1309', '1310', '1311', '1312', '1408', '1411', '1412', '1413', '1414',
'1307', '1308', '1309', '1310', '1311', '1312', '1408', '1411', '1412', '1413', '1414',
'1415', '1511', '1502', '1506', '1503', '1512', '1600', '1601', '1999', '2102', '2100',
'1415', '1511', '1502', '1506', '1503', '1512', '1600', '1601', '1999', '2102', '2100',
'2202', '2206', '2319', '2315', '2313', '2305', '2307', '2303', '2306', '2901', '5500',
'2202', '2206', '2319', '2315', '2313', '2305', '2307', '2303', '2306', '2901', '4500',
'6700', '1010', '1050', '1055', '2203', '2204', '2210', '2212',
'5500', '6700', '1010', '1050', '1055', '2203', '2204', '2210', '2212',
$eventM = new Application_Model_TabEvenements();
$eventM = new Application_Model_TabEvenements();
$sql = $eventM->select()
$sql = $eventM->select()
@ -804,7 +1003,7 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//Affichage formulaire
//Affichage formulaire
} else {
} else {
if ( intval($siren)==0 ) {
if ( intval($siren)==0 ) {
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise();
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise();
$siren = '';
$siren = '';
@ -1454,11 +1653,13 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('id1', $lienRef);
$this->view->assign('id1', $lienRef);
} else {
} else {
//Création de la première référence lien
//Création de la première référence lien
$result = $ws->getIdentiteLight($siren);
//Compute informations
$infos = array(
$infos = array(
'siren' => $siren,
'siren' => $result->Siren,
'actif' => 1,
'actif' => 1,
'PpPm' => 'PM',
'PpPm' => 'PM',
'RS' => $rs,
'RS' => $result->Nom,
'civilite' => '',
'civilite' => '',
'nom' => '',
'nom' => '',
'prenom' => '',
'prenom' => '',
@ -1467,17 +1668,17 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
'naissance_dept_pays' => '',
'naissance_dept_pays' => '',
'naissance_lieu' => '',
'naissance_lieu' => '',
'nat' => '',
'nat' => '',
'adresse_num' => '',
'adresse_num' => $result->AdresseNum,
'adresse_btq' => '',
'adresse_btq' => $result->AdresseBtq,
'adresse_codvoie' => '',
'adresse_codvoie' => $result->AdresseVoie,
'adresse_libvoie' => '',
'adresse_libvoie' => $result->AdresseRue,
'adresse_comp' => '',
'adresse_comp' => '',
'adresse_cp' => '',
'adresse_cp' => $result->CP,
'adresse_ville' => '',
'adresse_ville' => $result->Ville,
'adresse_pays' => '',
'adresse_pays' => 'FRA',
'dateSaisie' => date('YmdHis'),
'dateSaisie' => date('YmdHis'),
'capital' => '',
'capital' => $result->CapitalDev,
'deviseCapital' => 'EUR',
'deviseCapital' => $result->CapitalDev,
'nbActions' => '',
'nbActions' => '',
'idLoc1Type' => '',
'idLoc1Type' => '',
'idLoc1Num' => '',
'idLoc1Num' => '',
@ -1488,7 +1689,7 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$idNewLien = $ws->setLienRef(json_encode($infos));
$idNewLien = $ws->setLienRef(json_encode($infos));
if (is_int($idNewLien)) {
if ( is_int($idNewLien) ) {
$this->view->assign('id1', $idNewLien);
$this->view->assign('id1', $idNewLien);
@ -2043,7 +2244,7 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws = new WsScores();
if ($id===null) {
if ( $id===null ) {
$siren = $request->getParam('siren');
$siren = $request->getParam('siren');
$result = $ws->searchLienRef($siren, 'siren');
$result = $ws->searchLienRef($siren, 'siren');
if (count($result->item)>0) {
if (count($result->item)>0) {
@ -2054,13 +2255,21 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if ( $id!==null ) {
$this->view->assign('edit', $id);
$this->view->assign('edit', $id);
$this->view->assign('currencies', $this->currencies);
$this->view->assign('currencies', $this->currencies);
$this->view->assign('countries', $this->countries);
$this->view->assign('countries', $this->countries);
$result = $ws->getSaisieLienRef($id);
$result = $ws->getSaisieLienRef($id);
if ( $result!==false ) {
$items = json_decode($result, true);
$items = json_decode($result, true);
if ( $items!==null ) {
Zend_Registry::get('firebug')->info('getSaisieLienRef id='.$id);
//Get country code
//Get country code
if ($items->adresse_pays!='FRA') {
if ($items->adresse_pays!='FRA') {
@ -2095,6 +2304,11 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function lienchangeAction()
public function lienchangeAction()
@ -2187,13 +2401,55 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siren = $request->getParam('siren');
$siren = $request->getParam('siren');
$refresh = 0;
$message = '';
$message = '';
$getcutoff = null;
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
$params = $request->getParams();
$params = $request->getParams();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
//Confirm delete
if ( $mode == 'todelete' ) {
$this->view->assign('mode', 'todelete');
$this->view->assign('siren', $params['siren']);
$this->view->assign('encours', $params['encours']);
$this->view->assign('scoreSolv', $params['scoreSolv']);
$this->view->assign('scoreDir', $params['scoreDir']);
$this->view->assign('scoreConf', $params['scoreConf']);
$this->view->assign('remarque', $params['remarque']);
elseif ($mode == 'delete') {
$this->view->assign('mode', 'delete');
$message = $ws->setScoreCutoff(
if (is_int($message)){
$message = "Cut-off est supprimé.";
} else {
$message = "Erreur lors de la suppression du cut-off (".$message.").";
//Add or Edit cutoff
else {
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
// check values one more time
// check values one more time
$paramlist = array(
$paramlist = array(
'siren' => 'Siren',
'siren' => 'Siren',
@ -2204,38 +2460,38 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
'remarque' => 'Remarque',
'remarque' => 'Remarque',
foreach ($paramlist as $item => $val) {
foreach ($paramlist as $item => $val) {
if (!isset($params[$item])) {
if ( !isset($params[$item]) ) {
$message .= "Valeur $val vide !<br/>";
$message .= "Valeur $val vide !<br/>";
if ($params['encours']<0 || $params['encours']>500 ) {
if ( $params['encours']<0 || $params['encours']>500 ) {
$message = "Encours : Erreur borne";
$message = "Encours : Erreur borne";
// end checking values
// end checking values
if ($message == '') {
if ( $message == '' ) {
$message = $ws->setScoreCutoff($params['siren'], $params['encours']*1000, $params['scoreSolv'], $params['scoreDir'], $params['scoreConf'], $params['remarque'], $params['delete']);
$message = $ws->setScoreCutoff(
if (is_int($message)){
if (is_int($message)){
$message = "Cut-off mis à jour.";
$message = "Cut-off mis à jour.";
$refresh = 1;
$this->view->assign('mode', 'added');
if ($message == '' && $params['delete'] == 1) {
$message = "Cut-off est supprimé. Aucun Cut-off est défini, merci de remplir toutes les valeurs";
$refresh = 1;
} else {
} else {
$this->view->assign('name', "Définir un Cut-off");
$message = "Erreur lors de la mise à jour (".$message.").";
$this->view->assign('href', $this->view->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'scorecutoff','siren'=>$siren)));
$getcutoff = json_decode($ws->getScoreCutoff($siren), true);
$getcutoff = json_decode($ws->getScoreCutoff($siren), true);
if(!$getcutoff) {
if( !$getcutoff ) {
if ($message == '') {
if ( $message == '' ) {
$message = "Aucun Cut-off est défini, merci de remplir toutes les valeurs";
$message = "Aucun Cut-off, merci de remplir toutes les valeurs";
$refresh = 0;
$getcutoff = array(
$getcutoff = array(
@ -2250,11 +2506,21 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//Display link
else {
$this->view->assign('name', "Définir un Cut-off");
$this->view->assign('href', $this->view->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'scorecutoff','siren'=>$siren)));
$this->view->assign('getcutoff', $getcutoff);
$this->view->assign('getcutoff', $getcutoff);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('typescore', $user->getTypeScore());
$this->view->assign('typescore', $user->getTypeScore());
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
$this->view->assign('refresh', $refresh);
public function citysearchAction()
public function citysearchAction()
@ -2287,7 +2553,119 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('output', $output);
$this->view->assign('output', $output);
public function codvoieAction()
$codvoie = $this->getRequest()->getParam('codvoie', null);
$output = array();
if ( null !== $codvoie) {
foreach($this->codVoie as $key=>$val){
if (stripos($key, $codvoie)!==false || stripos($val, $codvoie)!==false){
$output[] = array(
'label' => $key.": ".$val,
'value' => $key
$this->view->assign('output', $output);
* Ajouter, modifier ou supprimer des dirigeants oppérationnels
public function diropcontrolAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$id = $request->getParam('id', null);
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$siren = substr($siret, 0, 9);
$nic = substr($siret, 9, 5);
$ws = new WsScores();
switch ($mode) {
case 'add':
$fonction = $this->fctDir();
$this->view->assign('fonction', $fonction);
case 'edit':
$fonction = $this->fctDir();
$infos = $ws->getDirigeantsOp($siren, $id);
$this->view->assign('fonction', $fonction);
$this->view->assign('infos', $infos->item[0]);
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
$this->view->assign('id', $id);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('nic', $nic);
* Sauvegarder les modifications des dirigeants oppérationnels
public function diropsaveAction()
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$message = '';
$newDate = '0000-00-00';
if (trim($params['naiss_date']) != '') {
$date = new Zend_Date($params['naiss_date'], 'dd/MM/yyyy');
$newDate = $date->toString('yyyy-MM-dd');
$infos = array(
'siren' => $params['siren'],
'nic' => $params['nic'],
'civilite' => $params['civilite'],
'nom' => $params['nom'],
'prenom' => $params['prenom'],
'nom_usage' => $params['nom_usage'],
'dateNais' => $newDate,
'lieuNais' => $params['naiss_lieu'],
'codFct' => str_pad($params['codFct'], 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT),
'tel' => $params['tel'],
'fax' => $params['fax'],
'email' => $params['email']
$ws = new WsScores();
if($params['mode'] == 'add'){
$message = $this->view->translate('Ajout');
} else if ($params['mode'] == 'edit') {
$message = $this->view->translate('Edition');
} else if ($params['mode'] == 'del') {
$message = $this->view->translate('Suppression');
$result = $ws->setDirigeantsOp(json_encode($infos), $params['mode'], $params['id']);
if ($result>0) {
$message = $message.' '.$this->view->translate('a été réussi!');
} else if ($result===0) {
$message = $message.' '.$this->view->translate('n\'a pas été réussi!');
} else {
$message = $result;
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
* Edit contact information
* Edit contact information
public function contactAction()
public function contactAction()
@ -2295,14 +2673,27 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
$id = $request->getParam('id');
$this->view->assign('id', $id);
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
$this->view->assign('post', true);
$this->view->assign('post', true);
$params = $request->getParams();
$message = '';
$message = '';
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
if( in_array($mode, array('create', 'edit')) ) {
if( $mode == 'delete' ) {
$params = $request->getParams();
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setSaisieContactEt($params['siret'], '', '', '', $id, true);
if ( is_string($result) ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', $result);
} else {
// check values
// check values
$paramlist = array(
$paramlist = array(
'siret' => 'SIRET',
'siret' => 'SIRET',
@ -2320,7 +2711,7 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if ($message == '') {
if ($message == '') {
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setSaisieContactEt($siret, $type, $value, $info);
$result = $ws->setSaisieContactEt($params['siret'], $params['type'], $params['value'], $params['info']);
if ( is_string($result) ) {
if ( is_string($result) ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', $result);
$this->view->assign('msg', $result);
@ -2330,22 +2721,17 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('msg', $message);
$this->view->assign('msg', $message);
} else {
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->delSaisieContactEt($id);
if ( is_string($result) ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', $result);
} else {
} else {
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$id = $request->getParam('id');
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
if ($mode=='delete') {
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$this->view->assign('siret', $siret);
if ( $mode=='delete' ) {
$this->view->assign('mode', 'delete');
$this->view->assign('mode', 'delete');
@ -2354,21 +2740,44 @@ class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if ( $id !== null ) {
if ( $id !== null ) {
$ws = new WsScores();
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->getSaisieContactEt($id);
$result = $ws->getSaisieContactEt($id);
$data = json_decode($result);
$data = json_decode($result, true);
$this->view->assign('id', $data->id);
$this->view->assign('id', $data['id']);
$this->view->assign('siret', str_pad($data->siren,9,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad($data->nic,5,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT));
$this->view->assign('siret', str_pad($data['siren'],9,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad($data['nic'],5,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT));
$this->view->assign('type', $data->typeTel);
$this->view->assign('type', $data['typeTel']);
if ($data->typeTel=='tel' || $data->typeTel=='fax' ) {
if ($data['typeTel']=='tel' || $data['typeTel']=='fax' ) {
$this->view->assign('value', str_pad($data->telephone,10,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT));
$this->view->assign('value', str_pad($data['telephone'],10,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT));
$this->view->assign('info', $data->infoTel);
$this->view->assign('info', $data['infoTel']);
} else {
} else {
$this->view->assign('value', $data->infoTel);
$this->view->assign('value', $data->infoTel);
$tabChange = array();
if ( $data->idUtilisateur != 0 ) {
$change = new stdClass();
$change->UserId = $data['idUtilisateur'];
$change->UserName = $data['idUtilisateurName'];
$change->Date = $data['dateInsert'];
$change->Type = 'add';
$tabChange[] = $change;
if ( $data->idUpdate != 0 ) {
$change = new stdClass();
$change->UserId = $data['idUpdate'];
$change->UserName = $data['idUpdateName'];
$change->Date = $data['dateUpdate'];
$change->Type = 'edit';
$tabChange[] = $change;
if ( $data->idSuppr != 0 ) {
$change = new stdClass();
$change->UserId = $data['idSuppr'];
$change->UserName = $data['idSupprName'];
$change->Date = $data['dateSuppr'];
$change->Type = 'del';
$tabChange[] = $change;
$this->view->Modif = $tabChange;
} else {
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$this->view->assign('siret', $siret);
$this->view->telinfo = array(
$this->view->telinfo = array(
@ -52,12 +52,13 @@ class SurveillanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siret = $request->getParam('siret', '');
$siret = $request->getParam('siret', '');
$email = $request->getParam('email', '');
$ref = $request->getParam('ref', '');
$ref = $request->getParam('ref', '');
$source = $request->getParam('source', '');
$source = $request->getParam('source', '');
$encours = $request->getParam('encours', 0);
$encours = $request->getParam('encours', 0);
$user = new Scores_Utilisateur();
$user = new Scores_Utilisateur();
// Main email
$email = $user->getEmail();
$email = $user->getEmail();
if( empty($source) ) {
if( empty($source) ) {
@ -119,9 +120,9 @@ class SurveillanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
echo "Erreur lors de la suppression";
echo "Erreur lors de la suppression";
} elseif (isset($page)) {
} elseif (isset($page)) {
} else {
} else {
@ -140,12 +141,25 @@ class SurveillanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$delete = $request->getParam('delete', false);
$delete = $request->getParam('delete', false);
$encours = $request->getParam('encours', 0);
$encours = $request->getParam('encours', 0);
$validateur = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
//Vérification siret / email / ref
//Vérification siret / email / ref
if (empty($siret) || empty($email) | empty($ref)){
if (empty($siret) || empty($email) || empty($ref)){
$msg = 'Erreur email ou reférence non définie !';
$msg = 'Erreur email ou reférence non définie !';
} else {
$emails = explode(';', $email);
$emailsValid = true;
foreach ( $emails as $email ) {
if ( !$validateur->isValid($email) ) {
$emailsValid = false;
if ( $emailsValid ) {
//Vérification de l'encours (chiffres)
//Vérification de l'encours (chiffres)
elseif (!preg_match('/([0-9]+)/', $encours)){
if (!preg_match('/([0-9]+)/', $encours)){
$msg = 'Encours incorrect';
$msg = 'Encours incorrect';
} else {
} else {
if (!empty($delete)){
if (!empty($delete)){
@ -161,6 +175,12 @@ class SurveillanceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
else { $msg = "Erreur lors de la mise sous surveillance $source"; }
else { $msg = "Erreur lors de la mise sous surveillance $source"; }
} else {
$msg = "Email invalide.";
$this->view->assign('msg', $msg);
$this->view->assign('msg', $msg);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class TelechargementController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if (!is_dir($this->path)) mkdir($this->path);
if (!is_dir($this->path)) mkdir($this->path);
// Recuperation du nom du fichier
// Recuperation du nom du fichier
if ($filename===null) {
if ( $filename === null ) {
$tableau = explode('/', $url);
$tableau = explode('/', $url);
$file = $tableau[sizeof($tableau) - 1];
$file = $tableau[sizeof($tableau) - 1];
} else {
} else {
@ -33,14 +33,16 @@ class TelechargementController extends Zend_Controller_Action
// Suppression du fichier si le temps de cache est depasse
// Suppression du fichier si le temps de cache est depasse
if (file_exists($this->path.'/'.$file)){
if ( $this->filetime == 0 && file_exists($this->path.'/'.$file) ){
} elseif ( file_exists($this->path.'/'.$file) ) {
$dateFile = filemtime($this->path.'/'.$file);
$dateFile = filemtime($this->path.'/'.$file);
$now = mktime(date('G'), date('i'), date('s'),
$now = mktime(date('G'), date('i'), date('s'),
date('m') , date('d'), date('Y'));
date('m') , date('d'), date('Y'));
$maxTime = mktime(date('G',$dateFile)+$this->filetime, date('i',$dateFile),
$maxTime = mktime(date('G',$dateFile)+$this->filetime, date('i',$dateFile),
date('s',$dateFile), date('m',$dateFile),
date('s',$dateFile), date('m',$dateFile),
date('d',$dateFile), date('Y',$dateFile));
date('d',$dateFile), date('Y',$dateFile));
if ($maxTime-$now<0) {
if ( $maxTime - $now < 0 ) {
@ -54,11 +56,12 @@ class TelechargementController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$client = new Zend_Http_Client($url);
$client = new Zend_Http_Client($url);
$response = $client->request('GET');
$response = $client->request('GET');
if ( $response->isSuccessful() && copy($response->getStreamName(), $this->path.'/'.$file) ) {
if ( $response->isSuccessful() ) {
if ( copy($response->getStreamName(), $this->path.'/'.$file) ) {
return $file;
return $file;
} else {
return false;
return false;
} catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
} catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
return false;
return false;
@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ class TelechargementController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function consommationAction()
public function consommationAction()
$this->filetime = 1;
$this->filetime = 0;
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$start = $request->getParam('start', false);
$start = $request->getParam('start', false);
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ class UserController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
public function init()
require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php';
require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php';
$this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/themes/default/styles/user.css', 'all');
@ -13,6 +12,8 @@ class UserController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
public function indexAction()
$this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/themes/default/styles/user.css', 'all');
$user = new Scores_Utilisateur();
$user = new Scores_Utilisateur();
if (!$user->checkPerm('MONPROFIL')){
if (!$user->checkPerm('MONPROFIL')){
@ -189,49 +190,100 @@ class UserController extends Zend_Controller_Action
* Email length 80 * 3 = 240
* Email length 80 * 3 = 240
* 255 chars is the length to store emails (email1;email2;email3)
* 255 chars is the length to store emails (email1;email2;email3)
public function emailsAction()
public function emailAction()
$nbEmails = 3;
$request = $this->getRequest();
$emails = $request->getParam('q');
if (null !== $emails) {
$emailList = explode(';', $emails);
if ( count($emailList)>0 ) {
$i = 1;
foreach ( $emailList as $email ) {
$this->view->assign('email'.$i, $email);
* Validate email
public function emailvalidAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$check = $request->getParam('check');
$email = $request->getParam('q');
$email = $request->getParam('q');
if ( $check == 1) {
$this->view->assign('checkemail', true);
$valid = false;
$valid = false;
$this->view->assign('msg', 'Email invalide !');
if (null !== $email) {
if (null !== $email) {
$validateur = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
$validateur = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
$valid = $validateur->isValid($email);
$valid = $validateur->isValid($email);
if ( $valid ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', 'Modification effectué.');
$this->view->assign('email', $email);
$result = array(
'valid' => $valid,
} else {
$this->view->assign('email', $email);
public function emailsecondaryAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$user = new Scores_Utilisateur();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
$email = $request->getParam('email');
$login = $request->getParam('login', $user->getLogin());
$this->view->assign('login', $login);
$idClient = $request->getParam('client', $user->getIdClient());
if ( $mode === null ) {
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->getGestionEmail($login);
$emails = array();
if (count($result->item)>0) {
$emails = $result->item;
$this->view->assign('emails', $emails);
} elseif ( $mode == 'set' ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', 'Email invalide !');
if (null !== $email) {
$validateur = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
$valid = $validateur->isValid($email);
if ( $valid ) {
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setGestionEmail($email, $login);
if ( $result ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', 'Modification effectué.');
$this->view->assign('email', $email);
} elseif ( $mode == 'del' ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', 'Erreur lors de la suppression !');
$id = $request->getParam('id');
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setGestionEmail($email, $login, $id, $mode);
if ( $result ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', 'Adresse email supprimé.');
$this->view->assign('result', $result);
@ -339,8 +391,7 @@ class UserController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function loginAction()
public function loginAction()
//@todo : gestion des affichages particuliers pour les clients
//@todo : gestion des affichages particuliers pour les clients
@ -391,7 +442,6 @@ class UserController extends Zend_Controller_Action
@ -420,7 +470,7 @@ class UserController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->assign('url', $url);
$this->view->assign('url', $url);
if (!$ajax) {
if ( $ajax == 0 ) {
$this->view->assign('refresh', $refresh);
$this->view->assign('refresh', $refresh);
$this->view->headMeta()->appendHttpEquiv('refresh', $refresh.'; url='.$url);
$this->view->headMeta()->appendHttpEquiv('refresh', $refresh.'; url='.$url);
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Extranet2.4\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Extranet2.4\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-26 11:07+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-24 09:31+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-26 11:18+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-24 09:32+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Michael RICOIS <>\n"
"Last-Translator: Michael RICOIS <>\n"
"Language-Team: SND-A\n"
"Language-Team: SND-A\n"
"Language: en\n"
"Language: en\n"
@ -31,80 +31,87 @@ msgstr "News"
msgid "Banque de France - "
msgid "Banque de France - "
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:23
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:27
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:20
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:20
msgid "Liste des dirigeants"
msgid "Liste des dirigeants"
msgstr "List of managers"
msgstr "List of managers"
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:24
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:28
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:64
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:69
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:93
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:98
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:76
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:70
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:108
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:164
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:267
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:196
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:496
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:355
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:606
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:584
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:711
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:694
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:862
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:799
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:950
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:39
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:39
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:215
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:215
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:465
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:465
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:826
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:826
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:972
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:979
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1014
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1021
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1035
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1042
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1279
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1286
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1304
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1311
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:1398
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:1476
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:1415
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:1493
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:224
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:226
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:274
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:276
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:320
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:322
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:341
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:343
msgid "Siret "
msgid "Siret "
msgstr "Siret"
msgstr "Siret"
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:63
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:68
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:21
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:21
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/histo.phtml:29
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/histo.phtml:29
msgid "Historique des dirigeants"
msgid "Historique des dirigeants"
msgstr "History of Managers"
msgstr "History of Managers"
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:92
#: application/controllers/DirigeantController.php:97
msgid "Liste des dirigeants opérationnels"
msgid "Liste des dirigeants opérationnels"
msgstr "List of operational managers"
msgstr "List of operational managers"
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:75
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "Historique indiScore"
msgstr "INDISCORE"
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:163
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:44
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:44
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscorehisto.phtml:28
msgid "IndiScore"
msgid "IndiScore"
msgstr "IndiScore"
msgstr "IndiScore"
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:107
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:195
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:45
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:45
msgid "Rapport de synthèse"
msgid "Rapport de synthèse"
msgstr "Synthesis Report"
msgstr "Synthesis Report"
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:266
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:354
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:46
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:46
msgid "Rapport complet"
msgid "Rapport complet"
msgstr "Full report"
msgstr "Full report"
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:495
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:583
#, fuzzy
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enquete commerciale"
msgid "Enquete commerciale"
msgstr "Commercial survey"
msgstr "Commercial survey"
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:605
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:693
#, fuzzy
#, fuzzy
msgid "Avis de crédit"
msgid "Avis de crédit"
msgstr "Reviews custom credit"
msgstr "Reviews custom credit"
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:710
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:798
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:48
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:48
msgid "Scoring Credit Safe"
msgid "Scoring Credit Safe"
msgstr "Scoring Credit Safe"
msgstr "Scoring Credit Safe"
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:861
#: application/controllers/EvaluationController.php:949
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:47
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:47
msgid "Valorisation"
msgid "Valorisation"
msgstr "Valuation"
msgstr "Valuation"
@ -117,7 +124,7 @@ msgstr "Financial situation"
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:214
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:214
#, fuzzy
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bilan, Compte de résultat"
msgid "Bilan, Compte de résultat"
msgstr "Balances, Income statement"
msgstr "Income Statement"
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:464
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:464
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:25
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:25
@ -129,37 +136,38 @@ msgstr "Ratios"
msgid "Liasse fiscale"
msgid "Liasse fiscale"
msgstr "Tax return"
msgstr "Tax return"
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:971
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:978
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:28
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:28
msgid "Bourse & Cotations"
msgid "Bourse & Cotations"
msgstr "Purse & Quotes"
msgstr "Purse & Quotes"
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1013
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1020
msgid "Relations Banquaires"
msgid "Relations Banquaires"
msgstr "Bank Account"
msgstr "Bank Account"
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1034
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1041
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:26
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:26
msgid "Flux de trésorerie"
msgid "Flux de trésorerie"
msgstr "Cash flow"
msgstr "Cash flow"
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1278
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1285
msgid "Subventions"
msgid "Subventions"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1303
#: application/controllers/FinanceController.php:1310
msgid "Subvention"
msgid "Subvention"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:52
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:58
msgid "Identité - "
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Identity -"
msgid "Fiche Identité - "
msgstr "See identity card"
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:203
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:202
msgid "Fiche procédure collective - "
msgid "Fiche procédure collective - "
msgstr "Legal review -"
msgstr "Legal review -"
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:314
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:313
msgid "Liste des établissements - Siren "
msgid "Liste des établissements - Siren "
msgstr "Branch List - Siren "
msgstr "Branch List - Siren "
@ -167,41 +175,63 @@ msgstr "Branch List - Siren "
msgid "Liens inter-entreprises - Id "
msgid "Liens inter-entreprises - Id "
msgstr "Associated Links - Id "
msgstr "Associated Links - Id "
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:599
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:607
msgid "Liens inter-entreprises - Siren "
msgid "Liens inter-entreprises - Siren "
msgstr "Associated Links - Siren "
msgstr "Associated Links - Siren "
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:976
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:1006
msgid "Evènements - Siren "
msgid "Evènements - Siren "
msgstr "INSEE events - Siren"
msgstr "INSEE events - Siren"
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:1397
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:1475
msgid "Groupe"
msgid "Groupe"
msgstr "Parent Company"
msgstr "Parent Company"
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:1414
#: application/controllers/IdentiteController.php:1492
msgid "Contacts"
msgid "Contacts"
msgstr "Contacts"
msgstr "Contacts"
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:223
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "Annonces Légales - "
msgstr "Legal Notices"
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:225
#, fuzzy
#, fuzzy
msgid "Informations Réglementées"
msgid "Informations Réglementées"
msgstr "Informations"
msgstr "Informations"
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:273
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:275
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:33
#: application/languages/totranslate.php:33
msgid "Compétences Territoriales"
msgid "Compétences Territoriales"
msgstr "Territorial competences"
msgstr "Territorial competences"
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:319
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:321
#, fuzzy
#, fuzzy
msgid "Conventions Collectives"
msgid "Conventions Collectives"
msgstr "Collective agreements"
msgstr "Collective agreements"
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:340
#: application/controllers/JuridiqueController.php:342
msgid "Marques Déposées"
msgid "Marques Déposées"
msgstr "Trademarks"
msgstr "Trademarks"
#: application/controllers/PiecesController.php:682
#, fuzzy
msgid "Votre demande de reception de Kbis par email a été prise en compte"
msgstr "Receive kbis by email"
#: application/controllers/PiecesController.php:736
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Votre commande à été prise en compte, vous recevrez ce document sous 3/5 "
msgstr "You have been disconnected"
#: application/controllers/PiecesController.php:743
#, fuzzy
msgid "Erreur : Tous les champs doivent être renseigner."
msgstr "All users"
#: application/controllers/RechercheController.php:29
#: application/controllers/RechercheController.php:29
msgid "Recherche Entreprise"
msgid "Recherche Entreprise"
msgstr "Search Company"
msgstr "Search Company"
@ -232,12 +262,36 @@ msgstr "List of recent searches"
msgid "Enquête"
msgid "Enquête"
msgstr "Investigation"
msgstr "Investigation"
#: application/controllers/SaisieController.php:134
#: application/controllers/SaisieController.php:333
#: application/controllers/SaisieController.php:1961
#: application/controllers/SaisieController.php:2162
msgid "Saisie - "
msgid "Saisie - "
msgstr "Edit - "
msgstr "Edit - "
#: application/controllers/UserController.php:346
#: application/controllers/SaisieController.php:2648
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ajout"
msgstr "Add the"
#: application/controllers/SaisieController.php:2650
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "Edit"
#: application/controllers/SaisieController.php:2652
#, fuzzy
msgid "Suppression"
msgstr "Print"
#: application/controllers/SaisieController.php:2658
#, fuzzy
msgid "a été réussi!"
msgstr "You have been disconnected"
#: application/controllers/SaisieController.php:2660
#, fuzzy
msgid "n'a pas été réussi!"
msgstr "You have been disconnected"
#: application/controllers/UserController.php:395
msgid "Connexion"
msgid "Connexion"
msgstr "Connextion"
msgstr "Connextion"
@ -493,13 +547,13 @@ msgstr "Siren identification number"
msgid "Dénomination Sociale"
msgid "Dénomination Sociale"
msgstr "Company Name"
msgstr "Company Name"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/histo.phtml:40
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/histo.phtml:41
msgid "Modification le"
msgid "Modification le"
msgstr "Change done the"
msgstr "Change done the"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/histo.phtml:58
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/histo.phtml:51
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/liste.phtml:119
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/liste.phtml:119
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:86
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:130
msgid "Aucune donnée n'est présente dans notre base"
msgid "Aucune donnée n'est présente dans notre base"
msgstr "No data is present in our database"
msgstr "No data is present in our database"
@ -517,7 +571,7 @@ msgid "Recherche à partir de la dénomination sociale"
msgstr "Search from the company name"
msgstr "Search from the company name"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/liste.phtml:70
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/liste.phtml:70
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:62
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:65
msgid "Recherche à partir du nom du dirigeant"
msgid "Recherche à partir du nom du dirigeant"
msgstr "Search from the name of manager"
msgstr "Search from the name of manager"
@ -533,18 +587,86 @@ msgstr "Add a shareholder"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:50
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:38
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ajouter un dirigeant"
msgstr "Add a shareholder"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:53
msgid "Recherche à partir de la Dénomination sociale"
msgid "Recherche à partir de la Dénomination sociale"
msgstr "Search from the Companyname"
msgstr "Search from the Companyname"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:69
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:75
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:74
#: application/views/default/scripts/identite/lienfiche.phtml:21
msgid "né(e) le"
#, fuzzy
msgid "le"
msgstr "Add the"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:79
#: application/views/default/scripts/identite/lienfiche.phtml:25
#, fuzzy
msgid "à"
msgstr "Born in"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:84
#, fuzzy
msgid "né(e)"
msgstr "Born in"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:86
#, fuzzy
msgid "né"
msgstr "Born in"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "née"
msgstr "born the"
msgstr "born the"
#: application/views/default/scripts/dirigeant/op.phtml:76
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscore.phtml:41
msgid "né(e) à"
#, fuzzy
msgstr "born in"
msgid "Consulter l'historique des IndiScore"
msgstr "Check the list of operational managers"
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscorehisto.phtml:3
#, fuzzy
msgstr "INDISCORE"
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscorehisto.phtml:8
#, fuzzy
msgid "Numéro identifiant Siren"
msgstr "Siret identification number"
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscorehisto.phtml:13
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dénomination sociale"
msgstr "Company Name"
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscorehisto.phtml:19
#, fuzzy
msgid "Historique des scores"
msgstr "History of bodacc announces"
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscorehisto.phtml:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Registration date"
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscorehisto.phtml:29
#, fuzzy
msgid "Motif du changement"
msgstr "Search from the name of manager"
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscorehisto.phtml:51
#, fuzzy
msgid "Impossible de générer le graphique"
msgstr "Modify password"
#: application/views/default/scripts/evaluation/indiscorehisto.phtml:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "Aucune information sur l'historique disponible."
msgstr "No IP"
#: application/views/default/scripts/identite/etablissements.phtml:2
#: application/views/default/scripts/identite/etablissements.phtml:2
@ -578,7 +700,7 @@ msgstr "Inactive"
msgid "Tous"
msgid "Tous"
msgstr "All"
msgstr "All"
#: application/views/default/scripts/identite/etablissements.phtml:75
#: application/views/default/scripts/identite/etablissements.phtml:69
msgid "Voir la fiche d'identité"
msgid "Voir la fiche d'identité"
msgstr "See the copany identity"
msgstr "See the copany identity"
@ -598,6 +720,134 @@ msgstr "Company name & Contacts"
msgid "Activité(s) & Chiffre d'affaires"
msgid "Activité(s) & Chiffre d'affaires"
msgstr "Activities & Turnover"
msgstr "Activities & Turnover"
#: application/views/default/scripts/identite/lienfiche.phtml:30
#, fuzzy
msgid "Né(e)"
msgstr "Born in"
#: application/views/default/scripts/identite/lienfiche.phtml:32
#, fuzzy
msgid "Né"
msgstr "Born in"
#: application/views/default/scripts/identite/lienfiche.phtml:34
#, fuzzy
msgid "Née"
msgstr "None"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:39
#, fuzzy
msgid "K-Bis inexistant pour cette forme juridique"
msgstr "Legal form"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:46
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visualiser/Télécharger le kbis"
msgstr "Receive kbis by email"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:59
msgid "Recevoir le kbis par email"
msgstr "Receive kbis by email"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:60
msgid "Recevoir le kbis original par courrier"
msgstr "Receive the original kbis by mail"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:62
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Les pièces demandées seront commandées par courrier auprès du greffe. "
"Prévoir un délai de 2 à 3 semaines."
msgstr "Receive the original kbis by mail"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:72
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:104
#, fuzzy
msgid "Commande de KBIS demandé pour la société"
msgstr "SOCIETY"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:73
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Vous recevrez un email (sous 3/5 jours ouvrés) lorsque le document sera "
msgstr "Link a document"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:77
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Votre email"
msgstr "Receive kbis by email"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:84
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:114
#, fuzzy
msgid "Votre référence"
msgstr "Your Reference"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:87
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:116
msgid "(facultatif)"
msgstr ""
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:92
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:144
msgid "Valider"
msgstr "Validate"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Commande impossible. L'email de votre compte est invalide."
msgstr "Exporting your portfolio"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:105
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Vous recevrez un email (sous 2 à 3 semaines) lorsque le document sera "
msgstr "Link a document"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:119
#, fuzzy
msgid "Votre Societe"
msgstr "Your profile"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:123
#, fuzzy
msgid "Votre Nom"
msgstr "Last name"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "Votre Prenom"
msgstr "Your profile"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Votre Adresse"
msgstr "Address"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:135
#, fuzzy
msgid "Votre Code Postal"
msgstr "Code :"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:139
#, fuzzy
msgid "Votre Ville"
msgstr "City"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Commande impossible. L'email de votre compte est invalide"
msgstr "Exporting your portfolio"
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:157
#: application/views/default/scripts/pieces/commande.phtml:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vous n'avez pas les droits d'accès pour cette fonctionalité."
msgstr "Permissions"
#: application/views/default/scripts/recherche/actionnaire.phtml:6
#: application/views/default/scripts/recherche/actionnaire.phtml:6
@ -617,20 +867,82 @@ msgstr "SEARCH A COMPANY"
#: application/views/default/scripts/recherche/refclient.phtml:1
#: application/views/default/scripts/recherche/refclient.phtml:1
#, fuzzy
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Search"
msgstr "Monitoring"
#: application/views/default/scripts/recherche/worldcheck.phtml:4
#: application/views/default/scripts/recherche/worldcheck.phtml:4
#, fuzzy
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Search in WorldCheck"
msgstr "Search in WorldCheck"
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/login.phtml:613
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:10
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/login.phtml:614
#, fuzzy
msgid "Civilité"
msgstr "Solvency :"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:23
msgid "Nom"
msgstr "Last name"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:30
msgid "Prenom"
msgstr ""
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:37
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nom d'usage"
msgstr "Last name"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fonction"
msgstr "Constructions"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:56
#, fuzzy
msgid "Date de naissance"
msgstr "Closing date"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lieu de naissance"
msgstr "Intracom VAT number."
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:76
msgid "Téléphone"
msgstr "Telephone"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "Télécopie"
msgstr "Telephone"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml:90
#, fuzzy
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Receive kbis by email"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol.phtml:9
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ajouter un dirigeant opérationnel"
msgstr "Add a shareholder"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol.phtml:12
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modifier le dirigeant opérationnel"
msgstr "Modify password"
#: application/views/default/scripts/saisie/diropcontrol.phtml:15
#, fuzzy
msgid "Supprimer le dirigeant opérationnel"
msgstr "Search a Manager"
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/login.phtml:30
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/login.phtml:31
msgid "Identifiants oubliés ?"
msgid "Identifiants oubliés ?"
msgstr "Forgotten you login ?"
msgstr "Forgotten you login ?"
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:3
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:3
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:16
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:21
msgid "Vous avez été déconnecté."
msgid "Vous avez été déconnecté."
msgstr "You have been disconnected"
msgstr "You have been disconnected"
@ -639,16 +951,21 @@ msgid "Veuillez cliquer"
msgstr "Click"
msgstr "Click"
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:4
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:4
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:20
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:25
msgid "ici"
msgid "ici"
msgstr "here"
msgstr "here"
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:20
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:24
#, fuzzy, php-format
msgid "Si cette page ne disparait pas au bout de %1$s seconde(s)"
msgstr "If this page does not disappear after 5 second(s), please click"
#: application/views/default/scripts/user/logout.phtml:25
msgid "veuillez cliquer "
msgid "veuillez cliquer "
msgstr "click"
msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Numéro identifiant Siret"
#~ msgid "né(e) à"
#~ msgstr "Siret identification number"
#~ msgstr "born in"
#~ msgid "Numéro de TVA Intracom."
#~ msgid "Numéro de TVA Intracom."
#~ msgstr "Intracom VAT number."
#~ msgstr "Intracom VAT number."
@ -681,12 +998,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Création de l'établissement"
#~ msgid "Création de l'établissement"
#~ msgstr "Creation of the establishment"
#~ msgstr "Creation of the establishment"
#~ msgid "Adresse"
#~ msgstr "Address"
#~ msgid "Téléphone"
#~ msgstr "Telephone"
#~ msgid "Fax"
#~ msgid "Fax"
#~ msgstr "FAX"
#~ msgstr "FAX"
@ -916,9 +1227,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "ISIN"
#~ msgid "ISIN"
#~ msgstr "ISIN"
#~ msgstr "ISIN"
#~ msgid "Nom du groupe"
#~ msgstr "Group name"
#~ msgid "Sigle"
#~ msgid "Sigle"
#~ msgstr "Acronym"
#~ msgstr "Acronym"
@ -1183,9 +1491,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Avances et acomptes sur immo. incorp."
#~ msgid "Avances et acomptes sur immo. incorp."
#~ msgstr "Scores and outstandings"
#~ msgstr "Scores and outstandings"
#~ msgid "Constructions"
#~ msgstr "Constructions"
#, fuzzy
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Instal. techniques, ..."
#~ msgid "Instal. techniques, ..."
#~ msgstr "Technical or commercial disputes"
#~ msgstr "Technical or commercial disputes"
@ -1394,9 +1699,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Dépôt"
#~ msgid "Dépôt"
#~ msgstr "Deposit"
#~ msgstr "Deposit"
#~ msgid "INDISCORE"
#~ msgstr "INDISCORE"
#~ msgid "Définir un Cut-off"
#~ msgid "Définir un Cut-off"
#~ msgstr "Define a Cut-off"
#~ msgstr "Define a Cut-off"
@ -1429,9 +1731,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "L'étude de la dirigeance ne relève aucun problème."
#~ msgid "L'étude de la dirigeance ne relève aucun problème."
#~ msgstr "Managers :"
#~ msgstr "Managers :"
#~ msgid "Solvabilité :"
#~ msgstr "Solvency :"
#~ msgid "L'analyse de la solvabilité est Bonne"
#~ msgid "L'analyse de la solvabilité est Bonne"
#~ msgstr "The solvency analysis is Good"
#~ msgstr "The solvency analysis is Good"
@ -1575,9 +1874,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Autre téléphone"
#~ msgid "Autre téléphone"
#~ msgstr "Other telephone"
#~ msgstr "Other telephone"
#~ msgid "E-mail"
#~ msgstr "E-mail"
#~ msgid "Autre e-mail"
#~ msgid "Autre e-mail"
#~ msgstr "Other e-mail"
#~ msgstr "Other e-mail"
@ -1601,9 +1897,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Demandeur"
#~ msgid "Demandeur"
#~ msgstr "Applicant"
#~ msgstr "Applicant"
#~ msgid "Votre profil"
#~ msgstr "Your profile"
#, fuzzy
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Votre Identité"
#~ msgid "Votre Identité"
#~ msgstr "Identity -"
#~ msgstr "Identity -"
@ -1614,12 +1907,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Votre Fax"
#~ msgid "Votre Fax"
#~ msgstr "Your fax"
#~ msgstr "Your fax"
#~ msgid "Votre E-mail"
#~ msgstr "Your E-mail"
#~ msgid "Votre Référence"
#~ msgstr "Your Reference"
#~ msgid "Service Achats"
#~ msgid "Service Achats"
#~ msgstr "Purchasing Service"
#~ msgstr "Purchasing Service"
@ -1708,16 +1995,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "EXTRAIT KBIS"
#~ msgid "EXTRAIT KBIS"
#~ msgstr "Monitoring of kbis commands"
#~ msgstr "Monitoring of kbis commands"
#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Visualiser/Télécharger le kbis"
#~ msgstr "Receive kbis by email"
#~ msgid "Recevoir le kbis par email"
#~ msgstr "Receive kbis by email"
#~ msgid "Recevoir le kbis original par courrier"
#~ msgstr "Receive the original kbis by mail"
@ -1876,9 +2153,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Navigateur actuel"
#~ msgid "Navigateur actuel"
#~ msgstr "Actual browser"
#~ msgstr "Actual browser"
#~ msgid "Poste de travail"
#~ msgstr "Workplace"
#~ msgid "Moteur de recherche"
#~ msgid "Moteur de recherche"
#~ msgstr "Search engine"
#~ msgstr "Search engine"
@ -1997,12 +2271,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Date d'envoi"
#~ msgid "Date d'envoi"
#~ msgstr "Sending date"
#~ msgstr "Sending date"
#~ msgid "Liste des surveillances"
#~ msgstr "List of monitorings"
#~ msgid "Ajout le"
#~ msgstr "Add the"
#~ msgid "Envoyé le"
#~ msgid "Envoyé le"
#~ msgstr "Sent at"
#~ msgstr "Sent at"
@ -2051,10 +2319,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Mode Edition"
#~ msgid "Mode Edition"
#~ msgstr "Edit mode"
#~ msgstr "Edit mode"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Si cette page ne disparait pas au bout de 5 seconde(s), veuillez cliquer"
#~ msgstr "If this page does not disappear after 5 second(s), please click"
#~ msgid "Gestion Système"
#~ msgid "Gestion Système"
#~ msgstr "Management System"
#~ msgstr "Management System"
@ -2172,9 +2436,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Liste des clients"
#~ msgid "Liste des clients"
#~ msgstr "List of customers"
#~ msgstr "List of customers"
#~ msgid "Nom"
#~ msgstr "Last name"
#~ msgid "Editer"
#~ msgid "Editer"
#~ msgstr "Edit"
#~ msgstr "Edit"
@ -2211,9 +2472,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Racine des identifiants"
#~ msgid "Racine des identifiants"
#~ msgstr "Root of your login"
#~ msgstr "Root of your login"
#~ msgid "Date de signature"
#~ msgstr "Signature date"
#~ msgid "(AAAA-MM-YY)"
#~ msgid "(AAAA-MM-YY)"
#~ msgstr "(YYYY-MM-DD)"
#~ msgstr "(YYYY-MM-DD)"
@ -2547,15 +2805,9 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Non"
#~ msgid "Non"
#~ msgstr "No"
#~ msgstr "No"
#~ msgid "Edition"
#~ msgstr "Edit"
#~ msgid "Mettre sous surveillance"
#~ msgid "Mettre sous surveillance"
#~ msgstr "Put under surveillance"
#~ msgstr "Put under surveillance"
#~ msgid "Néant"
#~ msgstr "None"
#~ msgid "Aucune information"
#~ msgid "Aucune information"
#~ msgstr "No information"
#~ msgstr "No information"
@ -2571,9 +2823,6 @@ msgstr "click"
#~ msgid "Modifier le client"
#~ msgid "Modifier le client"
#~ msgstr "Modify a customer"
#~ msgstr "Modify a customer"
#~ msgid "Valider"
#~ msgstr "Validate"
#~ msgid "Scores & Decisions SAS - Tous droits réservés - "
#~ msgid "Scores & Decisions SAS - Tous droits réservés - "
#~ msgstr "Scores & Decisions SAS - All rights reserved - "
#~ msgstr "Scores & Decisions SAS - All rights reserved - "
@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ Fichier PDF : <input type="file" name="fichier" />
<input type="submit" name="upload" value="Valider" />
<input type="submit" name="upload" value="Valider" />
<div id="uploadOutput"></div>
<div id="uploadOutput"></div>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="/libs/form/jquery.form.min.js"/>
var timer;
var timer;
@ -36,17 +36,10 @@
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="270"><?=$dir->Titre?></td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="270"><?=$dir->Titre?></td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="200"><?=$dir->Societe.' '.$dir->Nom.' '.$dir->Prenom?></td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="200"><?=$dir->Societe.' '.$dir->Nom.' '.$dir->Prenom?></td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="200">
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="200">
<?php if ($dir->DateFct != '') { ?>
<?php $date = new Zend_Date($dir->DateFct,'yyyy-MM-dd'); ?>
<?=$this->translate("Modification le")?>
<?php if ( Zend_Date::isDate($date) ) { ?>
<?=$this->translate("Modification le") . ' ' . $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy');?>
if (strpos($dir->DateFct, '/') != false) {
<?php }?>
echo $dir->DateFct.' ';
} else {
$date = new Zend_Date($dir->DateFct,'yyyy-MM-dd');
echo $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy');
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -33,13 +33,16 @@
<h2><?=$this->translate("Liste des dirigeants actifs")?></h2>
<h2><?=$this->translate("Liste des dirigeants actifs")?></h2>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<?php if ($this->edition) {?>
<a class="dialog" title="Ajouter un dirigeant" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'diropcontrol','mode'=>'add','siret'=>$this->siret), null, true)?>">
<img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="/themes/default/images/interfaces/ajouter.png" /><?=$this->translate("Ajouter un dirigeant")?></a>
<?php }?>
<?php if ( count($this->dirigeants)>0 ) {?>
<?php if ( count($this->dirigeants)>0 ) {?>
<table class="data">
<table class="data">
<?php foreach ($this->dirigeants as $dir) {?>
<?php foreach ($this->dirigeants as $dir) {?>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="120"><?=$dir->Titre?></td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="140"><?=$dir->Titre?></td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="200">
<td class="StyleInfoData" id="<?=$dir->Id?>" width="200">
<?php if ($dir->Societe != '') { ?>
<?php if ($dir->Societe != '') { ?>
<a href="<?=$this->url(array(
<a href="<?=$this->url(array(
'controller' => 'recherche',
'controller' => 'recherche',
@ -60,22 +63,63 @@
'dirNom' => $dir->Nom,
'dirNom' => $dir->Nom,
'dirPrenom' => $dir->Prenom,
'dirPrenom' => $dir->Prenom,
), null, true)?>" title="<?=$this->translate("Recherche à partir du nom du dirigeant")?>">
), null, true)?>" title="<?=$this->translate("Recherche à partir du nom du dirigeant")?>">
<?=$dir->Nom.' '.$dir->Prenom?>
<?=$dir->Civilite.' '.$dir->Nom.' '.$dir->Prenom?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="230">
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="200">
<?php if (trim($dir->NaissDate) != '' && trim($dir->NaissVille.' '.$dir->NaissDepPays) != '') { ?>
<?=$this->translate("né(e) le")?> <?=$dir->NaissDate?> à <?=$dir->NaissVille?>
$message = '';
<?php if (trim($dir->NaissDepPays) != '') { ?>
if (trim($dir->NaissDate) != '' && trim($dir->NaissDate)!='0000-00-00') {
$date = new Zend_Date($dir->NaissDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$message = $message.' '.$this->translate("le").' '.$date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy');
if (trim($dir->NaissVille.' '.$dir->NaissDepPays) != '') {
$message = $message.' '.$this->translate("à").' '.$dir->NaissVille;
if ($message!='') {
if ($dir->Civilite=='' || $dir->Civilite==null) {
$message = $this->translate("né(e)").' '.$message;
} else if ($dir->Civilite=='M') {
$message = $this->translate("né").' '.$message;
} else {
$message = $this->translate("née").' '.$message;
echo $message;
<?php if ($this->edition) {?>
<a class="dialog" title="Modifier le dirigeant" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'diropcontrol','mode'=>'edit','siret'=>$this->siret,'id'=>$dir->Id), null, true)?>">
<img src="/themes/default/images/interfaces/editer.png" /></a>
<a class="dialog" title="Supprimer le dirigeant" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'diropcontrol','mode'=>'del','siret'=>$this->siret,'id'=>$dir->Id), null, true)?>">
<img src="/themes/default/images/interfaces/supprimer.png" /></a>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage) && $this->accessWorldCheck) {?>
<?php if ($dir->Societe != '') { ?>
<img style="cursor:pointer;" class="wcheck" data-url="<?=$this->url(array(
'dirType'=>'ORGANISATION','dirSociete'=>$dir->Societe),null,true);?>" src="/themes/default/images/worldcheck/wc.png"/>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php } else if (trim($dir->NaissDate) != '') {?>
<?php if ($dir->Nom != '') {
<?=$this->translate("né(e) le")?> <?=$dir->NaissDate?>
$param = array(
<?php } else if (trim($dir->NaissVille.' '.$dir->NaissDepPays) != '') { ?>
<?=$this->translate("né(e) à")?> <?=$dir->NaissVille?> (<?=$dir->NaissDepPays?>)
<img style="cursor:pointer;" class="wcheck" data-url="<?=$this->url($param,null,true);?>" src="/themes/default/images/worldcheck/wc.png"/>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
@ -94,3 +138,41 @@
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="/libs/form/jquery.form.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/libs/form/jquery.form.min.js"/>
beforeSubmit: function() {
beforeSubmit: function() {
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<div id="center">
<div id="center">
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<tr><td colspan="3"> </td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3"> </td></tr>
<?php if ($this->edition) {?>
<?php if ( $this->edition && empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"></td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"></td>
@ -33,14 +33,21 @@
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"> </td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<a href=<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'evaluation', 'action'=>'scoreshisto', 'siret' => $this->siret)); ?>>
<?=$this->translate("Consulter l'historique des IndiScore");?></a>
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
<h2>Dénomination sociale & coordonnées</h2>
<h2>Dénomination sociale & coordonnées</h2>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Dénomination Sociale</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Dénomination Sociale</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
@ -50,41 +57,41 @@
echo '<br/>'.$this->indiscore->Nom2;
echo '<br/>'.$this->indiscore->Nom2;
if ($this->indiscore->Enseigne!='' && $this->indiscore->Sigle!='') {
$titre = 'Enseigne / Sigle'; $lib = $this->indiscore->Enseigne.' / '.$this->indiscore->Sigle;
} elseif ($this->indiscore->Enseigne!='' && $this->indiscore->Sigle=='') {
$titre = 'Enseigne'; $lib = $this->indiscore->Enseigne;
} elseif ($this->indiscore->Enseigne=='' && $this->indiscore->Sigle!='') {
$titre = 'Sigle'; $lib = $this->indiscore->Sigle;
if (!empty($titre)) {
if ($this->indiscore->Enseigne!='' && $this->indiscore->Sigle!='') {
$titre = 'Enseigne / Sigle'; $lib = $this->indiscore->Enseigne.' / '.$this->indiscore->Sigle;
} elseif ($this->indiscore->Enseigne!='' && $this->indiscore->Sigle=='') {
$titre = 'Enseigne'; $lib = $this->indiscore->Enseigne;
} elseif ($this->indiscore->Enseigne=='' && $this->indiscore->Sigle!='') {
$titre = 'Sigle'; $lib = $this->indiscore->Sigle;
<?php if ( !empty($titre) ) {?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"><?=$titre?></td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"><?=$titre?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$lib?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$lib?></td>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Forme juridique</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Forme juridique</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Date de création de l'entreprise</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Date de création de l'entreprise</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<?php $date = new Zend_Date($this->indiscore->DateCreaEn, 'yyyyMMdd');?>
<?php $date = new Zend_Date($this->indiscore->DateCreaEn, 'yyyyMMdd');?>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Adresse</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Adresse</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
@ -92,16 +99,16 @@
<?php if ($this->indiscore->Adresse2<>'') echo $this->indiscore->Adresse2.'<br/>';?>
<?php if ($this->indiscore->Adresse2<>'') echo $this->indiscore->Adresse2.'<br/>';?>
<?=$this->indiscore->CP?> <?=$this->indiscore->Ville?>
<?=$this->indiscore->CP?> <?=$this->indiscore->Ville?>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Téléphone</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Téléphone</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<?php if ($this->surveillance) {?>
<?php if ( $this->surveillance && empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="30"></td>
<td colspan="2">
<td colspan="2">
<?=$this->action('infos','surveillance', null, array(
<?=$this->action('infos','surveillance', null, array(
@ -109,18 +116,18 @@
'siret' => $this->siret
'siret' => $this->siret
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ($this->aviscredit) {?>
<?php if ( $this->aviscredit && empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<td width="30"></td>
<td width="30"></td>
<td colspan="2">
<td colspan="2">
<a href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'evaluation', 'action'=>'aviscredit', 'siret' => $this->siret))?>">
<a href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'evaluation', 'action'=>'aviscredit', 'siret' => $this->siret))?>">
Saisir votre demande d'avis credit personnalisé</a>
Saisir votre demande d'avis credit personnalisé</a>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -131,7 +138,6 @@
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="550" colspan="2" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="550" colspan="2" class="StyleInfoData">
L'évaluation indiScore© est en partie basée sur les points notables suivants :<br/>
L'évaluation indiScore© est en partie basée sur les points notables suivants :<br/>
<h3><u>Conformité légale :</u></h3>
<h3><u>Conformité légale :</u></h3>
<div class="stats gradiant_pic">
<div class="stats gradiant_pic">
@ -178,7 +184,7 @@
<?php $millesimeMax = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')-2));?>
<?php $millesimeMax = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')-2));?>
<?php if($this->indiscore->NbBilansScore > 0 && $this->indiscore->Bilans->item[0]->Millesime >= $millesimeMax):?>
<?php if($this->indiscore->NbBilansScore > 0 && $this->indiscore->Bilans->item[0]->Millesime >= $millesimeMax) {?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
@ -201,7 +207,7 @@
<?php else:?>
<?php } else {?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
@ -216,7 +222,7 @@
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
@ -280,7 +286,7 @@
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu);?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu);?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
<div id="center">
<h1><?=$this->translate('HISTORIQUE INDISCORE')?></h1>
<div class="paragraph">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"><?=$this->translate('Numéro identifiant Siren')?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->SirenTexte($this->siren)?></td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"><?=$this->translate('Dénomination sociale')?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->raisonSociale?></td>
<h2><?=$this->translate('Historique des scores')?></h2>
<?php if ( count($this->scores)> 0 ) {?>
<div class="paragraph">
<table id="synthese">
<tr class="head">
<th align="center"><?=$this->translate('Date')?></td>
<th align="center"><?=$this->translate('IndiScore')?></td>
<th><?=$this->translate('Motif du changement')?></td>
<?php foreach($this->scores as $score) {?>
<td align="center">
<?php $date = new Zend_Date($score->date, 'yyyy-MM-dd');?>
<td align="center"><?=$score->value?> </td>
<?php }?>
<div class="paragraph">
<?php if ( $this->graph ) {?>
<img src="/fichier/imgcache/<?=$this->graph?>">
<?php } else {?>
<b><?=$this->translate('Impossible de générer le graphique')?></b>
<?php }?>
<?php } else {?>
<div class="paragraph">
<?=$this->translate("Aucune information sur l'historique disponible.")?>
<?php }?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
<div id="center">
<h1><?=$this->translate('HISTORIQUE').' '.strtoupper($this->types[$this->type]);?></h1>
<div class="paragraph">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"><?=$this->translate('Numéro identifiant Siren')?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->SirenTexte($this->siren)?></td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"><?=$this->translate('Dénomination sociale')?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->raisonSociale?></td>
<h2><?=$this->translate('Historique des scores')?></h2>
<div class="paragraph" style="text-align: right;">
<select name="type">
<?php foreach($this->types as $key=>$val) {?>
<?php $selected = ($key == $this->type)?'selected':'';?>
<option value="<?=$this->url(array('siret'=>$this->siret, 'id'=>$this->id, 'type'=>$key))?>" <?=$selected; ?>><?=$val ?></option>
<?php }?>
window.location = $(this).val();
<?php if ( count($this->scores)> 0 ) {?>
<?php $bornes = $this->bornes[$this->type];?>
<div class="paragraph">
<table id="synthese">
<tr class="head">
<th align="center" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick=sortTable(0)><?=$this->translate('Date')?> ↑↓</th>
<th align="center" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick=sortTable(1)><?=$this->types[$this->type]?> ↑↓</th>
<th align="center" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick=sortTable(2)><?=$this->translate('Encours')?> (K€) ↑↓</th>
<th><?=$this->translate('Motif du changement')?></th>
<?php foreach($this->scores as $score) {?>
<td align="center">
<?php $date = new Zend_Date($score->date, 'yyyy-MM-dd');?>
<td align="center"><?=$score->value?> </td>
<td align="center"><?=$score->encours?> </td>
<?php }?>
$("#synthese tbody tr").each(function(){
if ($(this).find('td:eq(1)').text() < <?=$bornes['rouge']?>) {
$(this).find('td:eq(1)').css("color", "red");
} else if ($(this).find('td:eq(1)').text() < <?=$bornes['orange']?>) {
$(this).find('td:eq(1)').css("color", "orange");
} else {
$(this).find('td:eq(1)').css("color", "green");
function sortTable(column){
var t;
if (!$("thead tr th").attr("class")) {
t = 1;
$("thead tr th").addClass("DESC");
} else if ($("thead tr th").attr("class")=='DESC') {
t = -1;
$("thead tr th").removeClass("DESC")
var rows = $('#synthese tbody tr').get();
rows.sort(function(a, b) {
var A = $(a).children('td').eq(column).text();
var B = $(b).children('td').eq(column).text();
if (column===0)
A = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', $.trim(A));
B = $.datepicker.parseDate('dd/mm/yy', $.trim(B));
if((A - B) < 0) {
return -1*t;
if((A - B) > 0) {
return t;
return 0;
$.each(rows, function(index, row) {
<div class="paragraph">
<?php if ( $this->graph ) {?>
<img src="/fichier/imgcache/<?=$this->graph?>" usemap="#graphMap">
<map name="graphMap">
<?php } else {?>
<b><?=$this->translate('Impossible de générer le graphique')?></b>
<?php }?>
<?php } else {?>
<div class="paragraph">
<?=$this->translate("Aucune information sur l'historique disponible.")?>
<?php }?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)) {?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)) {?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<table class="identite">
<table class="identite">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">
Numéro identifiant Siren
Numéro identifiant Siren
@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<?php echo $this->SirenTexte($this->siren);?>
<?php echo $this->SirenTexte($this->siren);?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Dénomination Sociale</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Dénomination Sociale</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?php echo $this->raisonSociale;?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?php echo $this->raisonSociale;?></td>
<?php if (isset($this->tabResultActif) && isset($this->tabResultPassif) && isset($this->tabResultSig)){?>
<?php if (isset($this->tabResultActif) && isset($this->tabResultPassif) && isset($this->tabResultSig)){?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Type de bilans</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Type de bilans</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
@ -38,9 +38,19 @@
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<div id="liasse-check-result" class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="margin-top: 5px;">
<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float: left; margin-right: .3em;"></span>
<a title="Cliquez ici pour vérifier l'intégration des éléments financiers"
href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'finance','action'=>'liasseinfos','siren'=>$this->siren), null, true)?>"
id="liasse-check">Vérifier la disponibilité des derniers états financiers au Greffe.</a></p>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -195,10 +205,10 @@
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)) {?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)) {?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->raisonSociale?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->raisonSociale?></td>
<?php if($this->haveLiasse):?>
<?php if ( $this->haveLiasse ) {?>
<form method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'finance','action'=>'liasse','siret'=>$this->siret,'id'=>$this->id))?>">
<form method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'finance','action'=>'liasse','siret'=>$this->siret,'id'=>$this->id))?>">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
@ -44,13 +44,13 @@
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ($this->edition) {?>
<?php if ($this->edition) {?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td colspan="2">
<td colspan="2">
<?php if ($this->haveLiasse) {?>
<?php if ( $this->haveLiasse ) {?>
<a href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie', 'action'=>'liasse', 'siret'=>$this->siren, 'selection'=>$this->date.':'.$this->champType))?>">
<a href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie', 'action'=>'liasse', 'siret'=>$this->siren, 'selection'=>$this->date.':'.$this->champType))?>">
Corriger le bilan sélectionné</a><br/> ou <?php }?>
Corriger le bilan sélectionné</a><br/> ou <?php }?>
Saisir une nouvelle liasse au format
Saisir une nouvelle liasse au format
@ -110,6 +110,16 @@
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) && $this->haveLiasse) {?>
<div id="liasse-check-result" class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="margin-top: 5px;">
<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float: left; margin-right: .3em;"></span>
<a title="Cliquez ici pour vérifier l'intégration des éléments financiers"
href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'finance','action'=>'liasseinfos','siren'=>$this->siren), null, true)?>"
id="liasse-check">Vérifier la disponibilité des derniers états financiers au Greffe.</a></p>
<?php }?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
@ -2505,46 +2505,31 @@
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VM2'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VM2'];?></td>
<td colspan="3">T.V.A.</td>
<td align="center">VB</td>
<td align="center">VB</td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VB'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VB'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VB1'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VB1'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VB2'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VB2'];?></td>
<td>Autres impôts, taxes et versem. assim.</td>
<td colspan="3">Autres impôts, taxes et versem. assim.</td>
<td align="center">VN</td>
<td align="center">VN</td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VN'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VN'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VN1'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VN1'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VN2'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VN2'];?></td>
<td colspan="3">Divers</td>
<td align="center">VP</td>
<td align="center">VP</td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VP'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VP'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VP1'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VP1'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VP2'];?></td>
<td align="right" class="amount-value"><?php echo $this->liasse['VP2'];?></td>
<td align="center" colspan="3"></td>
<td colspan="3">Groupes et associés</td>
<td colspan="3">Groupes et associés</td>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float: left; margin-right: .3em;"></span>
<?php if ( $this->DateClotureIso ) { ?>
Le dernier millésime déposé au greffe est le <?=$this->DateCloture?>.
<?php if ( $this->SaisieDateIso && $this->SaisieCode == 0 ) {?>
Le bilan a été saisie le <?=$this->SaisieDate?>.
<?php } else {?>
Le bilan n'a pas été saisie par la source officielle (<i><?=$this->SaisieLabel?>)</i>.
<br/>Contactez le support ( pour une demande de mise à jour.
(Soumis à facturation selon vos accords contractuels)
<?php }?>
<?php } else {?>
<?php }?>
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<div id="center">
<div id="center">
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<table class="identite">
<table class="identite">
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<td class="StyleInfoLib" width="200">Secteur d'activité </td>
<td class="StyleInfoLib" width="200">Secteur d'activité </td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="340"><?=$this->naf?> - <?=$this->nafLib?></td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="340"><?=$this->naf?> - <?=$this->nafLib?></td>
<?php if (isset($this->tabResult)){?>
<?php if ( isset($this->tabResult) ) {?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Type de bilans</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Type de bilans</td>
@ -67,8 +67,18 @@
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) && isset($this->tabResult) ) {?>
<div id="liasse-check-result" class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="margin-top: 5px;">
<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float: left; margin-right: .3em;"></span>
<a title="Cliquez ici pour vérifier l'intégration des éléments financiers"
href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'finance','action'=>'liasseinfos','siren'=>$this->siren), null, true)?>"
id="liasse-check">Vérifier la disponibilité des derniers états financiers au Greffe.</a></p>
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
@ -145,7 +155,7 @@
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
<div id="paragraph">
<?php if(!empty($this->annees)):?>
<h2>Eléments Financiers</h2>
<?php $i = 0;?>
<table id="synthese">
<?php foreach ($this->annees as $annee => $duree):?>
<th class="date" colspan="2"><?php echo $annee;?><br /><?php echo $duree;?> Mois</th>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php foreach ($this->synthese as $champ => $element):?>
<?php $nom = explode(':', $champ);?>
<td style="cursor:help" class="tooltip" title="<?php echo $this->commentaires[$nom[0]]['commentaires'];?>" class="head">
<b><?php echo $nom[1];?></b>
<?php foreach ($element as $item):?>
<td><?php echo number_format($item['Valeur'], 0, '', ' ');?> K€</td>
<td><?php echo $item['percent'];?> %</td>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php $i++;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php else :?>
<td width="30"></td>
<td colspan="2" valign="top" width="350" class="StyleInfoData">Aucune synthése diponnible.</td>
<?php endif;?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Votre fichier : <input type="file" name="fichier" />
<div id="progressbar"></div>
<div id="progressbar"></div>
<div id="uploadOutput"></div>
<div id="uploadOutput"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/libs/form/jquery.form.js" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/libs/form/jquery.form.min.js"/>
beforeSubmit: function() {
beforeSubmit: function() {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<div id="center">
<div id="center">
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)){?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)){?>
@ -41,6 +41,16 @@
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<div id="liasse-check-result" class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="margin-top: 5px;">
<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float: left; margin-right: .3em;"></span>
<a title="Cliquez ici pour vérifier l'intégration des éléments financiers"
href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'finance','action'=>'liasseinfos','siren'=>$this->siren), null, true)?>"
id="liasse-check">Vérifier la disponibilité des derniers états financiers au Greffe.</a></p>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -117,7 +127,7 @@ Aucun bilan disponible.
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ pour en savoir plus cliquez-ici</a></span>
<?=$this->translate("Tous droits réservés")?> -
<?=$this->translate("Tous droits réservés")?> -
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<?=$this->translate("Mentions légales")?></a> -
<?=$this->translate("Mentions légales")?></a> -
<img class='flag' id='fr' src="/themes/default/images/drapeaux/fr.png"/>
<img class='flag' id="fr" src="/themes/default/images/drapeaux/fr.png"/>
<img class='flag' id='en' src="/themes/default/images/drapeaux/en.png"/>
<img class='flag' id="en" src="/themes/default/images/drapeaux/en.png"/>
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ if ($item->deleted) {
<?php if( $this->edition ) {?>
<?php if( $this->edition ) {?>
<div style="float:right;">
<div style="float:right;">
<a class="dialog" title="Modifier le contact" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'contact','mode'=>'edit','id'=>$item->id), null, true)?>"><img src="/themes/default/images/interfaces/editer.png" /></a>
<a class="dialog" title="Modifier le contact" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'contact', 'siret'=>$this->siret, 'mode'=>'edit','id'=>$item->id), null, true)?>"><img src="/themes/default/images/interfaces/editer.png" /></a>
<a class="dialog" title="Supprimer le contact" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'contact','mode'=>'delete','id'=>$item->id), null, true)?>"><img src="/themes/default/images/interfaces/supprimer.png" /></a>
<a class="dialog" title="Supprimer le contact" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'contact', 'siret'=>$this->siret, 'mode'=>'delete','id'=>$item->id), null, true)?>"><img src="/themes/default/images/interfaces/supprimer.png" /></a>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<?php if ( isset($this->page) ) {?>
<?php } else {?>
<div id="center" style="padding:0;">
<iframe src="<?=$this->corporamaUrl?>" width="100%" height="1000px" style="border:0;overflow-x:hidden;"></iframe>
<?php }?>
@ -42,19 +42,13 @@
<?php if (count($this->etabs)>0) { ?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<table style="width:100%;">
<table class="data">
<?php foreach ($this->etabs as $etab) { ?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td colspan="2" width="550" class="StyleInfoData">
if (count($this->etabs)>0)
foreach ($this->etabs as $etab)
if ($etab->Siege==1) $type = 'siège ';
if ($etab->Siege==1) $type = 'siège ';
else $type = 'établ. ';
else $type = 'établ. ';
@ -71,11 +65,11 @@
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="30">
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="50" valign="top">
<b><a title="<?=$this->translate("Voir la fiche d'identité")?>" href="<?=$href?>"><?=$etab->Nic?></a></b>
<b><a title="<?=$this->translate("Voir la fiche d'identité")?>" href="<?=$href?>"><?=$etab->Nic?></a></b>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="80"><?=$type?></td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="70" valign="top"><?=$type?></td>
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="190">
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="250">
if ($etab->Enseigne!='') {
if ($etab->Enseigne!='') {
@ -96,7 +90,7 @@
if ($etab->Fax!='') echo '<br/><i>Fax : '.$etab->Fax.'</i>';
if ($etab->Fax!='') echo '<br/><i>Fax : '.$etab->Fax.'</i>';
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="260">
<td class="StyleInfoData" valign="top">
<?=$etab->NafEtab.' : '.$etab->NafEtabLib?>
<?=$etab->NafEtab.' : '.$etab->NafEtabLib?>
if ($etab->Actif==1 && !empty($etab->EffEtTrLib) && !empty($etab->EffEtTr) && !in_array($etab->EffEtTr, array('N/C', 'NN', 0)) ){
if ($etab->Actif==1 && !empty($etab->EffEtTrLib) && !empty($etab->EffEtTr) && !in_array($etab->EffEtTr, array('N/C', 'NN', 0)) ){
@ -107,25 +101,20 @@
<?php } ?>
<?php if($this->hasPrefCarte){?>
<td align="center" colspan="3">
<?=$this->action('carte', 'identite', null, array('siret'=>$this->siret, 'id'=>$this->id, 'actif'=>$this->actif) )?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?php if($this->hasPrefCarte){?>
<div class="paragraph">
<?=$this->action('carte', 'identite', null, array('siret'=>$this->siret, 'id'=>$this->id, 'actif'=>$this->actif) )?>
<?php }?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php }?>
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<div id="center">
<div id="center">
<?php }?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<table class="identite">
<table class="identite">
@ -23,17 +25,26 @@
<h2>Événements INSEE</h2>
<h2>Événements INSEE</h2>
<?php if ( count($this->evens)==0 ) { ?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<table class="data">
<?php if ( $this->Entreprise == 1 ) {?>
Liste des événements de l'entreprise. <a href="<?=$this->url(array(
<td class="StyleInfoData" width="580">
Aucun évènement n'est présent dans notre base
'nic'=>$this->Nic), null, true)?>">Afficher uniquement les événements de l'établissement.</a>
<?php } else {?>
Liste des événements uniquement sur l'établissement <?=$this->Nic?>.
<a href="<?=$this->url(array(
'siret'=>$this->siret), null, true)?>">Afficher tous les événements de l'entreprise.</a>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ( count($this->evens)==0 ) { ?>
<div class="paragraph">Aucun évènement n'est présent dans notre base</div>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<table class="data">
<table class="data">
@ -76,7 +87,7 @@
<?php if ($this->PageTotal>1) {?>
<?php if ( $this->PageTotal>1 ) {?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="pagination clearfix">
<div class="pagination clearfix">
<a class="first" href="<?=$this->url(array('page'=>1))?>">«</a>
<a class="first" href="<?=$this->url(array('page'=>1))?>">«</a>
@ -90,7 +101,7 @@
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)) {?>
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -141,6 +141,11 @@ echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['EffectifEtab']);
<?=$this->action('geo', 'identite', null, array('infos' => $this->infos));?>
<?=$this->action('geo', 'identite', null, array('infos' => $this->infos));?>
<?=$this->action('news', 'identite');?>
<?=$this->action('news', 'identite');?>
<div class="paragraph" style="clear:both;">
<a href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'identite','action'=>'corporama', 'siret'=>$this->siret), null, true)?>" title="Toute la puissance des réseaux sociaux professionnels pour identifier rapidement un interlocuteur et accéder à ses coordonnées">
Actualités de la société <?=$this->raisonSociale?> sur le Web</a>
<?php if ( !empty($this->surveillance) ) {?>
<?php if ( !empty($this->surveillance) ) {?>
<div class="paragraph" style="clear:both;">
<div class="paragraph" style="clear:both;">
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
<?php if (count($this->docs)==0) {?>
<?php if (count($this->docs)==0) {?>
Aucun document.
Aucun document.
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {
$limit = 3;
<?php foreach ( $this->docs as $doc ) {?>
foreach ( $this->docs as $key=>$doc ) {
$class = ($key<$limit)?'first':'all';?>
<div class="<?=$class?>" id="<?=$key ?>">
<a target="_blank" href="/fichier/groupes/<?=$doc->url?>" id="<?=$doc->date?>" class="lienDocDate"><?=$doc->label?></a>
<a target="_blank" href="/fichier/groupes/<?=$doc->url?>" id="<?=$doc->date?>" class="lienDocDate"><?=$doc->label?></a>
<?php if ($this->edition) {?>
<?php if ($this->edition) {?>
<a class="dialog" title="Supprimer le document" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'liendoc','mode'=>'delete','id'=>$doc->id), null, true)?>">
<a class="dialog" title="Supprimer le document" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'liendoc','mode'=>'delete','id'=>$doc->id), null, true)?>">
@ -10,6 +12,29 @@ Aucun document.
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<div class="affiche" id="show" style="cursor:pointer;">Afficher tous les documents</div><br/>
if (<?=$key?> >2) {
} else {
$("div.affiche").on("click", function(){
if ($(this).attr("id")=="show") {
$(this).attr("id", "hide");
$(this).text("Afficher les <?=$limit?> derniers documents");
} else {
$(this).attr("id", "show");
$(this).text("Afficher tous les documents");
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?php if ($this->result->PpPm == 'PP') {?>
<?php if ($this->result->PpPm == 'PP') {?>
<?php if (!empty($this->result->civilite)) {?>
<?php if (!empty($this->result->civilite)) {?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (!empty($this->result->nom)) {?>
<?php if (!empty($this->result->nom)) {?>
@ -13,15 +13,28 @@
<?php if (!empty($this->result->nomUsage)) {?>
<?php if (!empty($this->result->nomUsage)) {?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (!empty($this->result->naissanceDate) && $this->result->naissanceDate!='0000-00-00') {?>
<br/>Née le <?=$this->result->naissanceDate?>
<?php }?>
$message = '';
<?php if (!empty($this->result->naissanceLieu)) {?>
if (!empty($this->result->naissanceDate) && $this->result->naissanceDate!='0000-00-00') {
à <?=$this->result->naissanceLieu?>
$date = new Zend_Date($this->result->naissanceDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
<?php }?>
$message = $message.' '.$this->translate("le").' '.$date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy');
<?php if (!empty($this->result->naissanceDeptPays)) {?>
<?php }?>
if (!empty($this->result->naissanceLieu) || !empty($this->result->naissanceDeptPays)) {
$message = $message.' '.$this->translate("à").' '.$this->result->naissanceLieu.' '.$this->result->naissanceDeptPays;
if ($message!='') {
if ($this->result->civilite=='' || $this->result->civilite==null) {
$message = $this->translate("Né(e)").' '.$message;
} else if ($this->result->civilite=='M') {
$message = $this->translate("Né").' '.$message;
} else {
$message = $this->translate("Née").' '.$message;
<?php } ?>
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
@ -62,6 +75,8 @@ $('a.dialogFiche').on('click', function(e){
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ( $this->idFiche>=1000 ) {?>
<div><b>Coordonnées : </b></div>
<div><b>Coordonnées : </b></div>
<div><?=($this->result->adresseNum==0) ? '' : $this->result->adresseNum . ' ' .
<div><?=($this->result->adresseNum==0) ? '' : $this->result->adresseNum . ' ' .
$this->result->adresseBtq. ' ' . $this->result->adresseCodeVoie. ' ' .
$this->result->adresseBtq. ' ' . $this->result->adresseCodeVoie. ' ' .
@ -82,9 +97,26 @@ else
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if (count($this->result->identification->item)>0) {?>
<?php if (count($this->result->identification->item)>0) {?>
<div><b>Identifiants nationaux</b></div>
<div><b>Identifiants nationaux</b></div>
<?php foreach ($this->result->identification->item as $id) {?>
<?php foreach ($this->result->identification->item as $id) {?>
<div><?=$id->label?> - <?=$id->num?></div>
<div><?=$id->label?> - <?=$id->num?></div>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ($this->result->PpPm == 'PP') {
$param = array(
<br/><a href="<?=$this->url($param,null,true);?>">Lancer une recherche dirigeant</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php }?>
@ -96,6 +96,37 @@
<a class="confirm" title="Fiche suppression" href="<?=$hrefSuppr; ?>">Supprimer la fiche</a>
<a class="confirm" title="Fiche suppression" href="<?=$hrefSuppr; ?>">Supprimer la fiche</a>
<?php if ($this->surveillance) {?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td colspan="2" width="550" class="StyleInfoData">
<?=$this->action('infos','surveillance', null, array(
'source' => 'liens',
'siret' => $this->siret
<?php }?>
<?php if ($this->PP) {?>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoLib">
$date = new Zend_Date($this->naissanceDate, 'YYYY-MM-dd');
$param = array(
'dirDateNaissJJ' =>$date?$date->get('dd'):'',
'dirDateNaissMM' =>$date?$date->get('MM'):'',
'dirDateNaissAAAA' =>$date?$date->get('YYYY'):''
); ?>
<a href="<?=$this->url($param,null,true);?>">Lancer une recherche dirigeant</a>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<?php echo $this->doctype()?>
<?php echo $this->headMeta()?>
<?php echo $this->headTitle()?>
<?php echo $this->headLink()?>
<?php echo $this->headScript()?>
<div id="global">
<?php echo $this->render('header.phtml')?>
<div id="content">
<?php echo $this->layout()->content?>
<div id="footer">
<?php echo $this->render('footer.phtml')?>
<?php echo $this->inlineScript()?>
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
<?php else:?>
<?php else:?>
<script src="/libs/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.js"></script>
<script src="/libs/jcrop/js/jquery.Jcrop.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/libs/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/libs/jcrop/css/jquery.Jcrop.min.css" type="text/css" />
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<p>Vous recevrez un email (sous 3/5 jours ouvrés) lorsque le document sera disponible.</p>
<p>Vous recevrez un email (sous 3/5 jours ouvrés) lorsque le document sera disponible.</p>
<p>Votre email : <b><?=$this->email?></b> </p>
<p>Email du compte : <b><?=$this->email?></b> </p>
<?php if ($this->emailValide===false) {?>
<?php if ($this->emailValide===false) {?>
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
<div id="output">
<div id="output">
<p><i>(Il est possible de modifier l'email après le passage de la commande)</i></p>
<form name="commande" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces','action'=>'acte'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<form name="commande" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces','action'=>'acte'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?=$this->mode?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?=$this->mode?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="siren" value="<?=$this->siren?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="siren" value="<?=$this->siren?>"/>
@ -32,10 +35,49 @@
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
<?php if($this->msg) {?>
<?php if ($this->formEmail) {?>
<div id="output">
<form name="commande" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces','action'=>'acte'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="EMAIL"/>
<input type="hidden" name="refCommande" value="<?=$this->refCommande?>"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label class="StyleInfoLib">Modifier l'adresse email</label>
<div class="field">
<input class="longfield" name="email" type="text" value="<?=$this->email?>" size="100"/>
$('#dialogcmd').dialog({ buttons: [
{ text: "Modifier email", click: function() {
var url = $('form[name=commande]').attr('action');
var formdata = $('form[name=commande]').serialize();
$('#dialogcmd > #output').html("Enregistrement en cours...");
$.post(url, formdata, function(data){
$('#dialogcmd > #output').html(data);
{ text: "Fermer", click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }
] });
<?php } elseif($this->msg) {?>
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
<a href="<?=$this->url?>" target="_blank">Télécharger le fichier</a>
<a href="<?=$this->url?>" target="_blank">Télécharger le fichier</a>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<p>Vous recevrez un email (sous 3/5 jours ouvrés) lorsque le document sera disponible.</p>
<p>Vous recevrez un email (sous 3/5 jours ouvrés) lorsque le document sera disponible.</p>
<p>Votre email : <b><?=$this->email?></b> </p>
<p>Email du compte : <b><?=$this->email?></b> </p>
<?php if ($this->emailValide===false) {?>
<?php if ($this->emailValide===false) {?>
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
<div id="output">
<div id="output">
<p><i>(Il est possible de modifier l'email après le passage de la commande)</i></p>
<form name="commande" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces','action'=>'bilan'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<form name="commande" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces','action'=>'bilan'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?=$this->mode?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?=$this->mode?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="siren" value="<?=$this->siren?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="siren" value="<?=$this->siren?>"/>
@ -29,10 +32,33 @@
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
<?php if($this->msg) {?>
<?php if ( $this->formEmail ) {?>
<div id="output">
<form name="commande" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces','action'=>'bilan'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="EMAIL"/>
<input type="hidden" name="refCommande" value="<?=$this->refCommande?>"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label class="StyleInfoLib">Modifier l'adresse email</label>
<div class="field">
<input class="longfield" name="email" type="text" value="<?=$this->email?>" size="100"/>
<?php } elseif ( $this->msg ) {?>
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
<a href="<?=$this->url?>" target="_blank">Télécharger le fichier</a>
<a href="<?=$this->url?>" target="_blank">Télécharger le fichier</a>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
<h2>Document déjà commandé</h2>
Vous avez déjà commandé ce document sous la référence
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<h2>Document déjà commandé</h2>
<p>Une commande est déjà en cours, le document sera disponible
sous peu. Merci de revenir sur cette page.</p>
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
<div id="output">
<h2>Saisir une adresse email</h2>
<p>Recevoir le document directement par mail (sous 3/5 jours ouvrés)</p>
<p>Merci de préciser votre adresse email pour recevoir le document
et valider la commande.</p>
Siren : <?=$this->SirenTexte($this->siren)?>
<form name="commande" action="<?=$this->url(array(
'controller' => 'pieces',
'action' => 'sauvcmd',
), null, true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="vue" value="<?=$this->vue?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="idCommande" value="<?=$this->idCommande?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="siret" value="<?=$this->siren?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="info" value="<?=$this->info?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="G"/>
<input type="hidden" name="ref" value="<?=$this->ref?>"/>
<label>Adresse email du destinataire</label>
<input name="emailCommande" type="text" value="<?=$this->email?>" size="40"/><br/>
<p><i>Votre commande ne sera pas validé si l'adresse email est vide.</i>
<br/><i>Après validation, patientez pour avoir votre référence de commande.</i></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var email = $('input[name=emailCommande]').val();
alert("Veuillez saisir une adresse email valide !");
return false;
} else {
return true;
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
<form name="kbis" method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces', 'action'=>'commande'))?>">
<input type="hidden" name="siret" value="<?=$this->partial()->view->siret?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="kbis"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field">
<?php if($this->partial()->view->KbisErreurCJ){ ?>
K-Bis inexistant pour cette forme juridique
<?php } else {?>
$disable = '';
if($this->partial()->view->KbisErreurDEP){ $disable = ' disabled'; }
<input class="noborder" type="radio" name="method" value="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces', 'action'=>'kbis', 'siret'=>$this->partial()->view->siret))?>"<?=$disable?>/>
Visualiser/Télécharger le kbis
<?php if($this->partial()->view->KbisErreurDEP){ ?><br/>K-Bis en ligne indisponible pour ce département. -
Afin d'obtenir un extrait K-bis, vous pouvez contactez directement le greffe du tribunal à compétence commercial
dont vous trouverez les coordonnées <a href="<?=$this->url(array(
'controller' => 'juridique',
'action' => 'competences',
'type' => 'tri',
'siret' => $this->partial()->view->siret,
'id' => $this->partial()->view->id
))?>">ici</a> ou choisir de commander par nos services en sélectionnant les propositions ci-dessous.
<?php }?>
<input class="noborder" type="radio" name="method" value="M" <?=$this->partial()->view->method=='M' ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Recevoir le kbis par email<br/>
<input class="noborder" type="radio" name="method" value="C" <?=$this->partial()->view->method=='C' ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Recevoir le kbis original par courrier<br/>
<?php if($this->partial()->view->KbisErreurDEP) { ?>
<p><i>Les pièces demandées seront commandées par courrier auprès du greffe. Prévoir un délai de 2 à 3 semaines.</i></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<div id="kbisM">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field">
$user = $this->partial()->view->user;
<input type="text" class="longfield" name="emailKbisM" value="<?=$user->getEmail()?>">
<span>Précisez votre e-mail pour recevoir le kbis.</span>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="longfield" name="ref" value="<?=$this->partial()->view->ref?>">
<span>Votre référence.</span>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label> </label>
<div class="field"><input type="submit" class="button" name="kbis" value="Valider"></div>
<div id="kbisC">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label>Votre E-mail</label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="emailKbisC" value="<?=$user->getEmail()?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label>Votre Societe</label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="societe" value="<?=$this->partial()->view->societe?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label>Votre Nom</label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="nom" value="<?=$user->getNom()?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label>Votre Prenom</label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="prenom" value="<?=$user->getPrenom()?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label>Votre Adresse</label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="adresse" value="<?=$this->partial()->view->adresse?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label>Votre Code Postal</label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="cp" value="<?=$this->partial()->view->cp?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label>Votre Ville</label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="ville" value="<?=$this->partial()->view->ville?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label> </label>
<div class="field"><input type="submit" class="button" name="kbis" value="Valider"></div>
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
<form name="privileges" method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces', 'action'=>'commande'))?>">
<input type="hidden" name="siret" value="<?=$this->partial()->view->siret?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="privileges"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
$disponible = true;
if($this->partial()->view->KbisErreurCJ || $this->partial()->view->KbisErreurDEP){
$disponible = false;
if( $this->partial()->view->permSurvPriv ){
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="SprivSurv" <?=is_array($this->partial()->view->privileges) && in_array('SprivSurv',$this->partial()->view->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/><b>Privilèges de la sécurité sociale et des régimes complémentaires et Trésor Public <br/>(avec surveillance, retour sous 48 à 72h)</b><br/>
<?php } ?>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="privSecu" <?=is_array($this->partial()->view->privileges) && in_array('privSecu',$this->partial()->view->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges de la sécurité sociale et des régimes complémentaires (mail sous 12h ouvrées)<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="privTres" <?=is_array($this->partial()->view->privileges) && in_array('privTres',$this->partial()->view->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges du Trésor Public (mail sous 12h ouvrées)<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="nantFond" <?=is_array($this->partial()->view->privileges) && in_array('nantFond',$this->partial()->view->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Nantissements du fonds de commerce ou du fonds artisanal (conventionnels et judiciaires)<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="nantVend" <?=is_array($this->partial()->view->privileges) && in_array('nantVend',$this->partial()->view->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges du vendeur de fonds de commerce et d'action résolutoire<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="declCrea" <?=is_array($this->partial()->view->privileges) && in_array('declCrea',$this->partial()->view->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Déclarations de créances<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="privSecu" <?=is_array($this->partial()->view->privileges) && in_array('privSecu',$this->partial()->view->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges de la sécurité sociale et des régimes complémentaires<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="privTres" <?=is_array($this->partial()->view->privileges) && in_array('privTres',$this->partial()->view->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges du Trésor Public<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="nantCompl" <?=is_array($this->partial()->view->privileges) && in_array('nantCompl',$this->partial()->view->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Etat complet des nantissements<br/>
if(!$disponible) {
<p><i>Les pièces demandées seront commandées par courrier auprès du greffe. Prévoir un délai de 2 à 3 semaines.</i></p>
<div id="privilegesM">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="longfield" name="email" value="<?=$this->partial()->view->user->getEmail()?>">
<span>Précisez votre e-mail pour recevoir la commande.</span>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="longfield" name="ref" value="<?=$this->partial()->view->ref?>">
<span>Votre référence.</span>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label> </label>
<div class="field"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Valider" class="button"></div>
@ -2,24 +2,20 @@
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<table class="identite">
<table class="identite">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Numéro identifiant Siren</td>
Numéro identifiant Siren
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->SirenTexte($this->siren)?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Dénomination Sociale</td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Dénomination Sociale</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->raisonSociale?></td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->raisonSociale?></td>
<?php if(!empty($this->message)) { ?>
<?php if( !empty($this->message) ) { ?>
<div id="message"><?=$this->message?></div>
<div id="message"><?=$this->message?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
@ -29,22 +25,206 @@
#privilegesM {display:none;}
#privilegesM {display:none;}
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<?php if ($this->permKbis) {?>
<?php if ($this->permKbis) {?>
<form name="kbis" method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces', 'action'=>'commande'))?>">
<input type="hidden" name="siret" value="<?=$this->siret?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="kbis"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field">
<?php if( $this->KbisErreurCJ ){ ?>
<?=$this->translate("K-Bis inexistant pour cette forme juridique");?>
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
<p class="marge">Vous n'avez pas les droits d'accès pour cette fonctionalité.</p>
$disable = '';
if($this->KbisErreurDEP){ $disable = ' disabled'; }
<input class="noborder" type="radio" name="method" value="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces', 'action'=>'kbis', 'siret'=>$this->siret))?>"<?=$disable?>/>
<?=$this->translate("Visualiser/Télécharger le kbis");?>
<?php if($this->KbisErreurDEP){ ?>
<br/>K-Bis en ligne indisponible pour ce département. -
Afin d'obtenir un extrait K-bis, vous pouvez contactez directement le greffe du tribunal à compétence commercial
dont vous trouverez les coordonnées <a href="<?=$this->url(array(
'controller' => 'juridique',
'action' => 'competences',
'type' => 'tri',
'siret' => $this->siret,
'id' => $this->id
))?>">ici</a> ou choisir de commander par nos services en sélectionnant les propositions ci-dessous.
<?php }?>
<input class="noborder" type="radio" name="method" value="M" <?=$this->method=='M' ? 'checked' : ''?>/><?=$this->translate("Recevoir le kbis par email");?><br/>
<input class="noborder" type="radio" name="method" value="C" <?=$this->method=='C' ? 'checked' : ''?>/><?=$this->translate("Recevoir le kbis original par courrier");?><br/>
<?php if($this->KbisErreurDEP) { ?>
<p><i><?=$this->translate("Les pièces demandées seront commandées par courrier auprès du greffe. Prévoir un délai de 2 à 3 semaines.");?></i></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<div id="kbisM">
<?php if( $this->emailValid ) {?>
<div class="fieldgrp"><p>
<?=$this->translate("Commande de KBIS demandé pour la société");?> <strong><?=$this->raisonSociale?> (<?=$this->siren;?>)</strong><br/>
<?=$this->translate("Vous recevrez un email (sous 3/5 jours ouvrés) lorsque le document sera disponible.");?>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre email");?></label>
<div class="field">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre référence");?></label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="longfield" name="ref" value="<?=$this->ref?>">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label> </label>
<div class="field"><input type="submit" class="button" name="kbis" value="<?=$this->translate("Valider");?>"></div>
<?php } else {?>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field" style="color:red;"><?=$this->translate("Commande impossible. L'email de votre compte est invalide.");?></div>
<?php }?>
<div id="kbisC">
<?php if( $this->emailValid ) {?>
<div class="fieldgrp"><p>
<?=$this->translate("Commande de KBIS demandé pour la société");?> <strong><?=$this->raisonSociale?> (<?=$this->siren;?>)</strong><br/>
<?=$this->translate("Vous recevrez un email (sous 2 à 3 semaines) lorsque le document sera disponible.");?>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre email");?></label>
<div class="field">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre référence");?></label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="ref" value="<?=$this->ref?>">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre Societe");?></label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="societe" value="<?=$this->societe?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre Nom");?></label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="nom" value="<?=$this->user->getNom()?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre Prenom");?></label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="prenom" value="<?=$this->user->getPrenom()?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre Adresse");?></label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="adresse" value="<?=$this->adresse?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre Code Postal");?></label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="cp" value="<?=$this->cp?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Votre Ville");?></label>
<div class="field"><input class="longfield" type="text" name="ville" value="<?=$this->ville?>"/></div>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label> </label>
<div class="field"><input type="submit" class="button" name="kbis" value="<?=$this->translate("Valider");?>"></div>
<?php } else {?>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field" style="color:red;"><?=$this->translate("Commande impossible. L'email de votre compte est invalide");?></div>
<?php }?>
<?php } else {?>
<p class="marge"><?=$this->translate("Vous n'avez pas les droits d'accès pour cette fonctionalité."); ?></p>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<?php if ($this->permPriv) {?>
<?php if ( $this->permPriv ) {?>
<form name="privileges" method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces', 'action'=>'commande'))?>">
<input type="hidden" name="siret" value="<?=$this->siret?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="privileges"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
$disponible = true;
if($this->KbisErreurCJ || $this->KbisErreurDEP){
$disponible = false;
if ( $disponible ) { ?>
<?php if( $this->permSurvPriv ) { ?>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="SprivSurv" <?=is_array($this->privileges) && in_array('SprivSurv',$this->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/><b>Privilèges de la sécurité sociale et des régimes complémentaires et Trésor Public <br/>(avec surveillance, retour sous 48 à 72h)</b><br/>
<?php } ?>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="privSecu" <?=is_array($this->privileges) && in_array('privSecu',$this->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges de la sécurité sociale et des régimes complémentaires (mail sous 12h ouvrées)<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="privTres" <?=is_array($this->privileges) && in_array('privTres',$this->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges du Trésor Public (mail sous 12h ouvrées)<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="nantFond" <?=is_array($this->privileges) && in_array('nantFond',$this->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Nantissements du fonds de commerce ou du fonds artisanal (conventionnels et judiciaires)<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="nantVend" <?=is_array($this->privileges) && in_array('nantVend',$this->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges du vendeur de fonds de commerce et d'action résolutoire<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="declCrea" <?=is_array($this->privileges) && in_array('declCrea',$this->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Déclarations de créances<br/>
<?php } else { ?>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="privSecu" <?=is_array($this->privileges) && in_array('privSecu',$this->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges de la sécurité sociale et des régimes complémentaires<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="privTres" <?=is_array($this->privileges) && in_array('privTres',$this->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Privilèges du Trésor Public<br/>
<input class="noborder type" type="checkbox" name="privileges[]" value="nantCompl" <?=is_array($this->privileges) && in_array('nantCompl',$this->privileges) ? 'checked' : ''?>/>Etat complet des nantissements<br/>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( !$disponible ) { ?>
<p><i>Les pièces demandées seront commandées par courrier auprès du greffe. Prévoir un délai de 2 à 3 semaines.</i></p>
<?php } ?>
<div id="privilegesM">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="longfield" name="email" value="<?=$this->user->getEmail()?>">
<span>Précisez votre e-mail pour recevoir la commande.</span>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="field">
<input type="text" class="longfield" name="ref" value="<?=$this->ref?>">
<span>Votre référence.</span>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label> </label>
<div class="field"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Valider" class="button"></div>
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
<p class="marge">Vous n'avez pas les droits d'accès pour cette fonctionalité.</p>
<p class="marge"><?=$this->translate("Vous n'avez pas les droits d'accès pour cette fonctionalité."); ?></p>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<div id="center">
<div class="paragraph">
<table class="identite">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">
Numéro identifiant Siren
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Dénomination Sociale</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->raisonSociale?></td>
<h2>Extrait R.C.S</h2>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<?php if($this->mail) { ?>
<div id="formMail" style="display:none">
<form name="mailkbis" method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces', 'action'=>'kbis', 'siret'=>$this->siren))?>">
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="mailkbis"/>
<label>Votre Email : </label>
<input type="text" name="mail" value="<?=$this->email?>"/>
<input type="submit" name="mailkbis" value="Ok"/>
<?php } ?>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
<div id="center">
<div class="paragraph">
<table class="identite">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">
Numéro identifiant Siren
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">
<td width="30"> </td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">Dénomination Sociale</td>
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"><?=$this->raisonSociale?></td>
<h2>Extrait R.C.S</h2>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="paragraph">
<?php if($this->mail) { ?>
<div id="formMail" style="display:none">
<form name="mailkbis" method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'pieces', 'action'=>'kbis', 'siret'=>$this->siren))?>">
<input type="hidden" name="op" value="mailkbis"/>
<label>Votre Email : </label>
<input type="text" name="mail" value="<?=$this->email?>"/>
<input type="submit" name="mailkbis" value="Ok"/>
<?php } ?>
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ $('select[name="even[]"]').change(function(){
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/libs/form/jquery.form.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/libs/form/jquery.form.min.js"></script>
$('form#saisie').bind('submit', function(){
$('form#saisie').bind('submit', function(){
var options = {
var options = {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
var windowhref = window.location.href;
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
{ text: "Fermer", click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }
{ text: "Fermer", click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); window.location.href=windowhref; } }
] });
] });
@ -19,12 +20,45 @@
<p>Supprimer l'élément id=<?=$this->id?> ?</p>
<p>Supprimer l'élément id=<?=$this->id?> ?</p>
<form name="contact" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'contact'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<form name="contact" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'contact'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="delete" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$this->id?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$this->id?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="siret" value="<?=$this->siret?>"/>
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
<?php if ( count($this->Modif)>0 ) {?>
<?php foreach ( $this->Modif as $item ) {?>
switch ($item->type) {
case 'add':
$date = new Zend_Date($item->dateInsert, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
Création le <?=$date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy')?> par <?$item->idUtilisateurName?>.
case 'edit':
$date = new Zend_Date($item->dateUpdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
Modification le <?=$date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy')?> par <?$item->idUpdateName?>.
case 'del':
$date = new Zend_Date($item->dateSuppr, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
Suppression le <?=$date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy')?> par <?$item->idSupprName?>.
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<form name="contact" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'contact'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<form name="contact" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'contact'),null,true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?=$this->mode?>"/>
<?php if ($this->id) {?>
<?php if ($this->id) {?>
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$this->id?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$this->id?>"/>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -40,7 +74,7 @@
<input type="text" name="" value="<?=$this->value?>">
<input type="text" name="value" value="<?=$this->value?>">
Téléphone france saisit sans séparateur, maximum 10 chiffres (format: XXXXXXXXXX)
Téléphone france saisit sans séparateur, maximum 10 chiffres (format: XXXXXXXXXX)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
.err {
<div class="fields">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Civilité") ?></label>
<div class="field">
$civilites = array('M', 'MME', 'MLE');
foreach ($civilites as $civilite) {
$checked=(strcmp($civilite, $this->infos->Civilite)==0)?"checked":"";
<?=$civilite ?><input type="radio" name="civilite" value="<?=$civilite?>" <?=$checked?>/>
<?php }?>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Nom") ?></label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="nom" value="<?=$this->infos->Nom?>"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Prenom") ?></label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="prenom" value="<?=$this->infos->Prenom?>"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Nom d'usage") ?></label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="nom_usage" value="<?=$this->infos->NomUsage?>"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Fonction") ?></label>
<div class="field">
<select name="codFct" style="width:380px;">
<?php foreach ($this->fonction as $key=>$val) {
$selected=(intval($key)==intval($this->infos->Code))?"selected":""; ?>
<option value="<?=$key ?>" <?=$selected?>><?=$val?></option>
<?php }?>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Date de naissance") ?></label>
<div class="field">
if (trim($this->infos->NaissDate) != '' && trim($this->infos->NaissDate)!='0000-00-00') {
$date = new Zend_Date($this->infos->NaissDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$newDate = $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy');
<input type="text" name="naiss_date" value="<?=$newDate?>"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Lieu de naissance") ?></label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="naiss_lieu" value="<?=$this->infos->NaissVille?>"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Téléphone") ?></label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="tel" value="<?=$this->infos->Tel?>"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Télécopie") ?></label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="fax" value="<?=$this->infos->Fax?>"/>
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label><?=$this->translate("Email") ?></label>
<div class="field">
<input type="text" name="email" value="<?=$this->infos->Email?>"/>
$('input[name=email]').on("focusout", function(){
var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\+])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;
if (!regex.test($(this).val())) {
else {
$.datepicker.setDefaults( $.datepicker.regional["fr"] );
$('input[name=naiss_date]').datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: "-100:+0", });
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<form name="dirop" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie', 'action'=>'diropsave'),null, true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?=$this->mode?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="siren" value="<?=$this->siren?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="nic" value="<?=$this->nic?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$this->id?>" />
if ($this->mode=='add') {
echo $this->translate("Ajouter un dirigeant opérationnel");
echo $this->partial('/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml', array('fonction'=>$this->fonction));
} else if ($this->mode=='edit') {
echo $this->translate("Modifier le dirigeant opérationnel");
echo $this->render('/saisie/diropcontrol-form.phtml');
} else if ($this->mode=='del')
echo $this->translate("Supprimer le dirigeant opérationnel");
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
{ text: "Valider", click: function() {
var form = $('form[name=dirop]');
$.post(form.attr('action'), form.serialize(), function(data){
}).fail(function(){ alert('Unknown error'); });
{ text: "Annuler", click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }
] });
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?=$this->message ?>
buttons: [{
text: "Quitter",
click: function() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<label>Complément, huissier, opposition, etc...</label>
<input type="text" name="jugement[comp]" size="70" maxlength="255" value="" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<label>Date de jouissance / effet :</label>
<input type="text" maxlength="10" class="date" name="jugement[dateFinPeriode]" value="<?=$this->saisie['dateFinPeriode']?>" />
<span class="left">(Format JJ/MM/AAAA)</span>
<label>Nom de l'acheteur</label>
<input type="text" name="jugement[AcheteurNom]" size="70" maxlength="100" value="" />
<label>SIREN de l'acheteur</label>
<input type="text" name="jugement[AcheteurSiren]" size="70" maxlength="11" value="" />
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ span.poste input { width:50px; }
$('span.unit').editable(function(value, settings) {
$('span.unit').editable(function(value, settings) {
return value;
return value;
}, {
}, {
data : "{'U':'€','K':'K€','M':'M€'}",
data : {'U':'€','K':'K€','M':'M€', 'selected':'<?=$this->unite?>'},
type : 'select',
type : 'select',
tooltip : 'Click to edit',
tooltip : 'Click to edit',
@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="right"><?=$this->Editable('VH1',$this->liasse['VH1'],'poste');?></td>
<td align="right"><?=$this->Editable('VH1',$this->liasse['VH1'],'poste');?></td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="center"> </td>
<td align="right"><?=$this->Editable('VH3',$this->liasse['VH2'],'poste');?></td>
<td align="right"><?=$this->Editable('VH2',$this->liasse['VH2'],'poste');?></td>
<td align="right"><?=$this->Editable('VH3',$this->liasse['VH3'],'poste');?></td>
<td align="right"><?=$this->Editable('VH3',$this->liasse['VH3'],'poste');?></td>
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Liste des documents Infogreffe
<script type="text/javascript" src="/libs/form/jquery.form.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/libs/form/jquery.form.min.js"/>
$.datepicker.setDefaults( $.datepicker.regional["fr"] );
$.datepicker.setDefaults( $.datepicker.regional["fr"] );
$('input[name=fileDate]').datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true });
$('input[name=fileDate]').datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true });
@ -301,17 +301,25 @@ function AddSelectCountry(code, n){
$('input[name=tel], input[name=fax]').on('blur', function(){
var input = $(this).val();
var output = $.trim(input.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, ''));
$('a#google').on('click', function(e){
$('a#google').on('click', function(e){
var val = $('input[name=nom]').val();
var val = $('input[name=nom]').val();
minLength: 2,
delay: 250,
source: function(request, response) {
var codvoie = $('input[name=adresse_codvoie]').val();
$.getJSON('<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'codvoie'),null,true)?>', { codvoie: codvoie },
function(data) { response(data); }
select: function( event, ui ) {
$('input[name=adresse_codvoie]').attr('value', ui.item.value);
var code = $('select[name=adresse_pays]').val();
var code = $('select[name=adresse_pays]').val();
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ $('input[name=isin]').change(function(e){
function cpville(inputFld, outputFld, countrySel=null, countryVal=null) {
function cpville(inputFld, outputFld, countrySel, countryVal) {
minLength: 4,
minLength: 4,
delay: 250,
delay: 250,
@ -217,10 +217,23 @@ function cpville(inputFld, outputFld, countrySel=null, countryVal=null) {
cpville('adresse_cp', 'adresse_ville');
cpville('adresse_cp', 'adresse_ville');
minLength: 2,
delay: 250,
source: function(request, response) {
var codvoie = $('input[name=adresse_codvoie]').val();
$.getJSON('<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'codvoie'),null,true)?>', { codvoie: codvoie },
function(data) { response(data); }
select: function( event, ui ) {
$('input[name=adresse_codvoie]').attr('value', ui.item.value);
<?php } else {?>
<?php } else {?>
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ $('input[name=naissance_date]').datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true
function cpville(inputFld, outputFld, countrySel=null, countryVal=null) {
function cpville(inputFld, outputFld, countrySel, countryVal) {
minLength: 4,
minLength: 4,
delay: 250,
delay: 250,
@ -115,11 +115,24 @@ function cpville(inputFld, outputFld, countrySel=null, countryVal=null) {
cpville('adresse_cp', 'adresse_ville', 'adresse_pays', 'FRA');
cpville('adresse_cp', 'adresse_ville', 'adresse_pays', 'FRA');
cpville('naissance_lieu', 'naissance_lieu', 'naissance_dept_pays', 'FRA');
cpville('naissance_lieu', 'naissance_lieu', 'naissance_dept_pays', 'FRA');
minLength: 2,
delay: 250,
source: function(request, response) {
var codvoie = $('input[name=adresse_codvoie]').val();
$.getJSON('<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie','action'=>'codvoie'),null,true)?>', { codvoie: codvoie },
function(data) { response(data); }
select: function( event, ui ) {
$('input[name=adresse_codvoie]').attr('value', ui.item.value);
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="fieldgrp">
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php if ($this->href) {?>
<?php if ( $this->href ) {?>
<a class="dialog" title="<?=$this->name?>" href="<?=$this->href?>"><?=$this->name?></a>
<a class="dialog" title="<?=$this->name?>" href="<?=$this->href?>"><?=$this->name?></a>
@ -16,52 +16,72 @@ $('a.dialog').on('click', function(e){
buttons: {'Fermer': function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }},
buttons: {"Fermer": function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }},
close: function() { $('#dialog').remove(); }};
close: function() { $('#dialog').remove(); }};
$('<div id="dialog"></div>').dialog(dialogOpts);
$('<div id="dialog"></div>').dialog(dialogOpts);
return false;
return false;
<?php } else {?>
<?php } elseif ( $this->mode == 'todelete' ) {?>
<p>Etes vous sur de vouloir supprimer le cut-off sur le siren <?=$this->siren?> ? </p>
<form action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie', 'action'=>'scorecutoff'), null, true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="siren" value="<?=$this->siren?>">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="delete">
<input type="hidden" name="encours" value="<?=$this->encours?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="scoreConf" value="<?=$this->scoreConf?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="scoreDir" value="<?=$this->scoreDir?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="scoreSolv" value="<?=$this->scoreSolv?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="remarque" value="<?=$this->remarque?>"/>
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
{text: "Oui", click: function() {
var values = $(this).find('form').serialize();
var url = $(this).find('form').attr('action');
$.post(url, values, function(data) {
{text: "Non", click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }}
] });
<?php } elseif ( $this->mode == 'delete' || $this->mode == 'added' ) {?>
<div class="ui-widget">
<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="margin-top: 20px; padding: 0 .7em;">
var windowhref = window.location.href;
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
{text: "Fermer", click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); window.location.href = windowhref; }}
] });
<?php } else {?>
select, input {
select, input {
.brsr {
background-color: silver;
height: 450px;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
position: absolute;
width: 720px;
opacity: 0.3;
z-index: 1;
.message {
font-size: 10px;
width: 98%;
background-color: #FFFFDD;
border: 1px solid #FCEFA1;
border-radius: 4px;
padding-left: 15px;
<?php $getcutoff = $this->getcutoff; ?>
<?php $getcutoff = $this->getcutoff; ?>
<?php if ($this->message!='') {?>
<?php if ($this->message!='') {?>
<div class='message'><p id='<?=$this->refresh ?>'><?=$this->message; ?></p></div>
<div class="ui-widget">
<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="margin-top: 20px; padding: 0 .7em;">
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if ($getcutoff['dateInsert']!='') { ?>
<?php if ($getcutoff['dateInsert']!='') { ?>
@ -70,7 +90,7 @@ select, input {
<div>Date de mise à jour Cut-off</div>
<div>Date de mise à jour Cut-off</div>
<div class="StyleInfoData" style="float:left; margin-top:20px; ">
<div class="StyleInfoData" style="float:left; margin-top:20px; ">
<div id='dateInsert'>
<?php $date = new Zend_Date($getcutoff['dateInsert'], 'yyyy-MM-dd')?>
<?php $date = new Zend_Date($getcutoff['dateInsert'], 'yyyy-MM-dd')?>
@ -82,9 +102,8 @@ select, input {
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<div style="margin-top:5em">
<div style="margin-top:5em">
<form action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'saisie', 'action'=>'scorecutoff'), null, true)?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="siren" value="<?=$this->siren?>">
<input type="hidden" name="siren" value="<?=$this->siren?>">
<input type="hidden" name="delete" value="0">
@ -121,8 +140,28 @@ foreach($select as $item => $val) {
<div class="loading"><center><img style="padding-top:25%" src="/themes/default/images/giant/19-1.gif" /></center></div>
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
<script type="text/javascript" src="/themes/default/scripts/scorecutoff.js" />
<?php if ($getcutoff['dateInsert']!='') { ?>
{text: "Supprimer", click: function() {
var values = $(this).find('form').serialize();
var url = $(this).find('form').attr('action') + '/mode/todelete';
$.post(url, values, function(data) {
<?php }?>
{text: "Valider", click: function() {
var values = $(this).find('form').serialize();
var url = $(this).find('form').attr('action');
$.post(url, values, function(data) {
{text: "Fermer", click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }}
] });
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ $('#dialogsurv').dialog({ buttons: [ {
<div class="fieldgrp">
<div class="fieldgrp">
<label class="StyleInfoLib">Adresse email du destinataire</label>
<label class="StyleInfoLib">Adresse email du destinataire</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="field">
<input class="longfield" name="email" type="text" value="<?=$this->email?>" size="20"/>
<input class="longfield" name="email" type="text" value="<?=$this->email?>" size="100"/>
@ -102,13 +102,13 @@ function survSubmit(){
$('#frmSurv').replaceWith('<div id="frmSurv">Mise sous surveillance en cours...</div>');
$('#frmSurv').replaceWith('<div id="frmSurv">Mise sous surveillance en cours...</div>');
if (source.length>0) {
if (source.length>0) {
$.each( source, function( key, value ) {
$.each( source, function( key, value ) {
$.post(action, {siret: siret, ref: ref, email: email, encours: encours, source: value} ,
$.post(action, {siret: siret, ref: ref, email: email, encours: encours, source: value} ,
function(data) { $('#frmSurv').append('<br/>'+data);
function(data) { $('#frmSurv').append('<br/>'+data);
}, 'text');
}, 'text');
$('#frmSurv').append('<br/>Mise sous surveillance terminé.');
$('#dialogsurv').dialog({ buttons: [
$('#dialogsurv').dialog({ buttons: [
{ text: "Fermer", click: function() { window.location.href = windowhref; } }
{ text: "Fermer", click: function() { window.location.href = windowhref; } }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<?php if ( $this->checkemail ) {?>
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?=$this->email?>"/>
<?php if ($this->email!='') {?>
<p><i>Enregistrer les modifications en cliquant sur "Sauver", en bas de la page, après avoir fermer la fenêtre.</i></p>
<?php }?>
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
{ text: "Fermer", click: function() {
var email = $('#dialog input[name=email]').val();
if (email!='') {
} }
<?php } else {?>
#bloc-addemail { display:none; }
<p>Email principal associé au compte utilisateur</p>
<form name="email" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'email'), null, true)?>" method="post">
<label>Adresse Email principal :</label><br/>
<input type="text" size="50" maxlength="80" name="q" value="<?=$this->email?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="check" value="1"/>
<p><i>L'email principal est utilisé pour toutes communications avec Scores & Decisions. Il doit donc être valide.</i></p>
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
{ text: "Valider", click: function() {
$.post($('form[name=email]').attr('action'), $('form[name=email]').serialize(), function(data){
}).fail(function() {
$('#dialog').html('<strong>Unknown error</strong>');
} },
{ text: "Quitter", click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }
<?php }?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<?php if ( $this->msg ) {?>
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
{ text: "Fermer", click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }
<?php } elseif( $this->mode == 'add' ) {?>
<form name="email" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'emailsecondary'), null, true)?>">
<label>Saisisez l'email à ajouter : </label><br/>
<input type="text" size="50" maxlength="80" name="email" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="login" value="<?=$this->login?>">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="set">
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
{ text: "Valider", click: function() {
$.post($('form[name=email]').attr('action'), $('form[name=email]').serialize(), function(data) {
} },
{ text: "Fermer", click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }
<?php } else {?>
<p>Emails secondaires associés au compte <strong><?=$this->login?></strong></p>
<?php if ( count($this->emails)>0 ) {?>
<?php foreach ($this->emails as $email) {?>
<li><?=$email->value?> (<a class="email-delete" href="<?=$this->url(array(
'controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'emailsecondary', 'login'=>$this->login,
'id'=>$email->id, 'email'=>$email->value, 'mode'=>'del'), null, true)?>">supprimer</a>)
<?php }?>
<?php } else {?>
<strong>Aucun email secondaire.</strong>
<?php }?>
$('#dialog').dialog({ buttons: [
{ text: "Associer une nouvelle adresse email", click: function() {
$.post('<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'emailsecondary', 'mode'=> 'add', 'login' => $this->login), null, true)?>', function(data) {
} },
{ text: "Fermer", click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } }
$('').on('click', function(e) {
$.post($(this).attr('href'), function(data) {
<?php }?>
@ -1 +1,3 @@
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?=$this->email?>"/>
@ -43,22 +43,51 @@ if ($this->action != 'new') {
<div class="infoTitle StyleInfoLib">Adresse e-mail</div>
<div class="infoTitle StyleInfoLib">Adresse e-mail</div>
<div class="infoData">
<div class="infoData" id="email">
<?php $emails = explode(';', $this->options->email); ?>
<?php $emails = explode(';', $this->options->email); ?>
<?php foreach ( $emails as $email ) {?>
<?php foreach ( $emails as $email ) {?>
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<div style="float:left;">
<div style="float:left;">
<button id="user-emails">Editer les emails</button>
<button id="user-emails" data-href="<?=$this->url(array(
'controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'email',
'q' => $this->options->email,
))?>">Editer e-mail du compte</button>
<button id="user-emailsecondary" data-href="<?=$this->url(array(
'controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'emailsecondary',
'idClient' => $this->options->idClient,
'login' => $this->loginVu,
))?>">Voir ou associer des e-mails secondaires</button>
$('button#user-emails').button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-pencil" }, text: false}).click(function(e) {
icons: { primary: "ui-icon-pencil" },
text: false
}).click(function( event ) {
var title = $(this).text();
var title = $(this).text();
var href = '/user/emails/q/'+$('input[name="frmOptions[email]"]').val();
var href = $(this).data('href');
var dialogOpts = {
bgiframe: true,
title: title,
width: 500,
height: 300,
modal: true,
open: function(event, ui) {
buttons: {
Quitter: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }
close: function() { $('#dialog').remove(); }
$('<div id="dialog"></div>').dialog(dialogOpts);
return false;
$('button#user-emailsecondary').button({icons: { primary: "ui-icon-plusthick" }, text: false}).click(function(e) {
var title = $(this).text();
var href = $(this).data('href');;
var dialogOpts = {
var dialogOpts = {
bgiframe: true,
bgiframe: true,
title: title,
title: title,
@ -1,619 +1,36 @@
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<?php echo $this->headMeta(); ?>
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<?php echo $this->headTitle(); ?>
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<?php echo $this->headLink(); ?>
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<!--[if IE 8]><style>input[type="checkbox"]{padding:0;}</style><![endif]-->
<body id="body-login">
<div id="login">
<div id="header">
<form method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'login'),null, true)?>">
<div id="wrap">
<p style="text-align:center; color:red;"><span><?=$this->message?></span></p>
<div class="container">
<p class="infield">
<label for="user" class="infield">Identifiant</label>
<form class="form-signin" method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'login'),null, true)?>">
<input type="text" name="login" id="user" value="" autofocus autocomplete="off" required />
<h2 class="form-signin-heading">Extranet <small>Scores & Décisions</small></h2>
<p class="infield">
<div style="text-align:center;"><p class="text-danger"><span><?=$this->message?></span></p></div>
<label for="password" class="infield">Mot de passe</label>
<input name="login" value="" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Identifiant" autofocus autocomplete="off" required />
<input type="password" name="pass" id="password" value="" required />
<input name="pass" value="" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Mot de passe" required/>
<!-- <input type="checkbox" name="remember_login" value="1" id="remember_login" /><label for="remember_login">Remember</label> -->
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<script>document.write('<input name="screenSize" type="hidden" value="'+ screen.width +'x'+screen.height + '">');</script>
<input type="submit" id="submit" class="login" value="Connexion" />
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block clearfix"" type="submit">Connexion</button>
<a class="dlg" title="<?=$this->translate("Identifiants oubliés ?")?>" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'motpasse'))?>">
<?=$this->translate("Identifiants oubliés ?")?></a>
$('a.dlg').on('click', function(e){
<div class="form-signin">
<a class="dlg pull-right" title="<?=$this->translate("Identifiants oubliés ?")?>" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'motpasse'))?>">
<?=$this->translate("Identifiants oubliés ?")?></a>
$('a.dlg').on('click', function(e){
var title = $(this).attr('title');
var title = $(this).attr('title');
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var href = $(this).attr('href');
@ -633,15 +50,19 @@ $('a.dlg').on('click', function(e){
$('<div id="dlg"></div>').dialog(dlgOpts);
$('<div id="dlg"></div>').dialog(dlgOpts);
return false;
return false;
<p class="info">
<a href="">Scores & Décisions SAS</a>
<div id="footer">
<div class="container">
<p class="text-muted credit"> © <?=date('Y')?> <a href="">Scores & Décisions SAS</a>.</p>
<?php echo $this->inlineScript(); ?>
@ -6,19 +6,34 @@
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<?php echo $this->doctype(); ?>
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<?php echo $this->headStyle(); ?>
<?php echo $this->headLink(); ?>
<h4 class="logout"><?=$this->translate("Vous avez été déconnecté.")?></h4>
<div id="wrap">
<h5 class="logout">
<div class="container">
<?=$this->translate("Si cette page ne disparait pas au bout de %1$s seconde(s)", $this->refresh)?>,
<h4><?=$this->translate("Vous avez été déconnecté.")?></h4>
<?=$this->translate("veuillez cliquer ")?><a href="<?=$this->url?>"><?=$this->translate("ici")?></a>
<h5 class="logout">
<?=$this->translate("Si cette page ne disparait pas au bout de %1\$s seconde(s)", $this->refresh)?>,
<?=$this->translate("veuillez cliquer ")?><a href="<?=$this->url?>"><?=$this->translate("ici")?></a>
<div id="footer">
<div class="container">
<p class="text-muted credit"> © <?=date('Y')?> <a href="">Scores & Décisions SAS</a>.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Class Zend_View_Helper_NewsDate extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
protected $mois = array (
'Jan' => 1,
'Feb' => 2,
'Mar' => 3,
'Apr' => 4,
'May' => 5,
'Jun' => 6,
'Jul' => 7,
'Aug' => 8,
'Sep' => 9,
'Oct' => 10,
'Nov' => 11,
'Dev' => 12,
public function NewsDate($date)
$tmp = explode(', ', $date);
$tabDate = explode(' ', $tmp[1]);
$tabTime = explode(':', $tabDate[3]);
$timestamp = gmmktime(
$pubDate = date('d/m/Y à H:i', $timestamp);
return $pubDate;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<div id="center">
<h2 class="titre">LISTE DES ÉTABLISSEMNTS</h2>
<?php if (empty($this->AutrePage)):?>
<?=$this->render('cgu.phtml', $this->cgu)?>
<?php endif;?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<?php if ($this->source == 'google'):?>
<div id="infogeo_photo">
<?=$this->action('streetview', 'identite', null, array(
'lat' => $this->infos->GeoLat,
'lon' => $this->infos->GeoLon,
'siret' => $this->infos->Siret,
<?php elseif ($this->source == 'mappy'):?>
<div><img id="pp-cb-thumb" width="300px" /></div>
<script src="<?=$this->lienJs?>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var photoService = new Mappy.api.visiocity.PhotoService();
var geo = new Mappy.api.geolocation.Geocoder();
var address = "<?=$this->adresse?>";
geo.geocode(address, function(result) {
|[0], "f", serviceHandler);
}, function(error) {});
var serviceHandler = function(result) {
if (result instanceof Mappy.api.visiocity.Frontage) {
var current = result.getCurrent();
var img = $('<img src="' + current.getURL(320, null) +
'" alt="' + current.getDescription() +
'" width="300px" />');
<?php endif;?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<?php if ( $this->texte ) {?>
<td width="50" class="aide">
<?php if ( !empty($this->aide) ) {?>
<img src="/themes/default/images/interfaces/aideligne.png" width="16" height="16" style="display:none;"/>
<div id="<?=$this->id?>" style="display:none;"><?=$this->aide?></div>
<?php } ?></td>
<td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib"><?=$this->label?></td>
if (!empty($this->titre)) {
$titre = ' title="'.$this->titre.'"';
} else {
$titre = '';
<td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"<?=$titre?>><?=$this->texte?></td>
<?php } ?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
<div id="center">
<?php if ( empty($this->AutrePage) ) {?>
<h2 class="titre">FICHE D'IDENTITÉ</h2>
<?php }?>
<div class="paragraph">
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Siret']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['SiretSiege']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['TvaNumero']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Isin']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Capitalisation']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->logo);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['NumRC']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['AutreId']);
//echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['NumRM']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Actif']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['SituationJuridique']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['AutreSiren']);
<div data-role="content">
<div data-role="collapsible-set">
<div data-role="collapsible">
<h3>Raison sociale & Coordonnées</h3>
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['RaisonSociale']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['NomCommercial']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['EnseigneSigle']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['FormeJuridique']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['DateImmat']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['DateCreaEn']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['DateCreaEt']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Adresse']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Zones']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Tel']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Fax']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Web']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Mail']);
<div data-role="collapsible">
<h3>Activité(s) & Chiffre d'affaires</h3>
//Remplace Siren pour texte
//$this->dBlock['ActiviteEn']['texte'] = $this->RemplaceSiren($this->dBlock['ActiviteEn']['texte']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['ActiviteEn']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['ActiviteEt']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Naf4']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Nace']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['NatureActivite']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['SurfaceMagasin']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['OrigineFond']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['TypeExploitation']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Saisonnalite']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['NbEtabActif']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Capital']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['ChiffreAffaire']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Dirigeants']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['Effectif']);
echo $this->partial('identite/fiche-item.phtml', $this->dBlock['EffectifEtab']);
<div data-role="collapsible">
<h3>Localisation géographique</h3>
<?=$this->action('geo', 'identite', null, array('infos' => $this->infos));?>
<div data-role="collapsible">
<h3>Information presse (Source Google News ©)</h3>
<?=$this->action('news', 'identite');?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<h2>Localisation géographique</h2>
<div class="paragraph">
<div id="infogeo" class="clearfix">
<div id="infogeo_txt">
<?php if ( $this->infos->GeoLat && $this->infos->GeoLon ):?>
<span id=geolocalisation>
<b>Information géographique :</b><br/>
Latitude : <?=$this->decLat?> (<?=$this->infos->GeoLat?>)<br />
Longitude : <?=$this->decLon?> (<?=$this->infos->GeoLon?>)<br />
<a id="lien-google" href="<?=$this->mapsHref?>" target="_blank">
Afficher l'adresse sur Google Map ©</a><br/>
<b>Code commune / Rivoli :</b><br/>
<?=$this->infos->Dept.' '.$this->infos->codeCommune.' / '.$this->infos->Rivoli; ?>
if (count($this->infos->InfosIris)>0){
$InfosIris = $this->infos->InfosIris;
$codComIris = str_replace($InfosIris->codIris, '', $InfosIris->codComIris);
<br/><br/><b>Iris :</b>
<?php if (intval($InfosIris->codIris) == 0){ ?>
<br/>Commune non découpée en Iris
<?php } else {?>
<br/>Code : <?=$codComIris?> <?=$InfosIris->codIris?>
<br/>Libellé : <a title="Consulter le plan d'assemblage de la commune" href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'identite', 'action'=>'iris', 'code'=>$codComIris), null, true)?>" target="_blank"><?=$InfosIris->libIris?></a>
<img title="<?=$InfosIris->typIris?>" style="vertical-align:middle;" src="/themes/default/images/info.gif">
<?php }?>
<?php }?>
<?php if($this->facade):?>
<?=$this->action('facade', 'identite', null, array('infos' => $this->infos));?>
<?php endif;?>
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<img src="/fichier/imgcache/<?php echo $this->name;?>" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<?php if(!$this->disable):?>
<div id="news">
<h2>Information presse (Source Google News ©)</h2>
<div id="paragraph">
<?php foreach($this->items as $item):?>
<li style="padding-top:2px;">
<a target="_blank" href="<?=$item->link()?>">
Le <?=$this->NewsDate($item->pubDate())?> - <?=$item->title()?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php endif;?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?php if ($this->url) {?>
<div id="legende-photo">Cliché à l'approche de l'adresse postale.</div>
<img id="pp-cb-thumb" src="<?=$this->url?>" width="320" height="320" />
<a class="street-heading" href="<?=$this->url(array(
'controller'=>'identite','action'=>'streetview', 'lat'=>$this->lat, 'lon'=>$this->lon, 'heading'=>$this->pagePrec))?>"><</a>
<a class="street-heading" href="<?=$this->url(array(
'controller'=>'identite','action'=>'streetview', 'lat'=>$this->lat, 'lon'=>$this->lon, 'heading'=>$this->pageSuiv))?>">></a>
<?php }?>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<div data-role="page">
<div data-role="header" role="banner">
<h2 class="ui-title" role="heading" aria-level="1">Extranet</h2>
<a href="#" data-role="button" role="button">Menu</a>
<a href="#" data-role="button" role="button">Search</a>
</div><!-- /header -->
<div role="main" class="ui-content">
</div><!-- /content -->
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
<h4>Scores & Decisions</h4>
</div><!-- /footer -->
</div><!-- /page -->
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
<div data-role="page" data-theme="b">
<div data-role="header">
<a href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'index'), null, true)?>" data-role="button"
data-icon="home" data-iconpos="notext">Menu</a>
<a href="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'index'), null, true)?>" data-role="button"
data-icon="search" data-iconpos="notext">Recherche</a>
<div data-role="content">
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<div data-role="page">
<div data-role="header" role="banner">
<h2 class="ui-title" role="heading" aria-level="1">Extranet</h2>
</div><!-- /header -->
<div role="main" class="ui-content">
<form method="post" action="<?=$this->url(array('controller'=>'user', 'action'=>'login'),null, true)?>">
<label for="user" class="ui-hidden-accessible">Identifiant</label>
<input name="login" id="user" placeholder="Identifiant" value="" type="text" required>
<label for="password" class="ui-hidden-accessible">Mot de passe</label>
<input name="pass" id="password" placeholder="Mot de passe" value="" type="password" required>
<input value="Connexion" data-icon="user" type="button">
</div><!-- /content -->
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
<h4>Scores & Décisions SAS</h4>
</div><!-- /footer -->
</div><!-- /page -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @category Zend
* @package Zend_Loader
* @subpackage Exception
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
* Generate class maps for use with autoloading.
* Usage:
* --help|-h Get usage message
* --library|-l [ <string> ] Library to parse; if none provided, assumes
* current directory
* --output|-o [ <string> ] Where to write autoload file; if not provided,
* assumes "autoload_classmap.php" in library directory
* --append|-a Append to autoload file if it exists
* --overwrite|-w Whether or not to overwrite existing autoload
* file
* --ignore|-i [ <string> ] Comma-separated namespaces to ignore
$libPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../library';
if (!is_dir($libPath)) {
// Try to load StandardAutoloader from include_path
if (false === include('Zend/Loader/StandardAutoloader.php')) {
echo "Unable to locate autoloader via include_path; aborting" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
// Try to load StandardAutoloader from library
if (false === include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../library/Zend/Loader/StandardAutoloader.php')) {
echo "Unable to locate autoloader via library; aborting" . PHP_EOL;
// Ensure library/ is on include_path
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(
$libraryPath = getcwd();
// Setup autoloading
$loader = new Zend_Loader_StandardAutoloader(array('autoregister_zf' => true));
$rules = array(
'help|h' => 'Get usage message',
'library|l-s' => 'Library to parse; if none provided, assumes current directory',
'output|o-s' => 'Where to write autoload file; if not provided, assumes "autoload_classmap.php" in library directory',
'append|a' => 'Append to autoload file if it exists',
'overwrite|w' => 'Whether or not to overwrite existing autoload file',
'ignore|i-s' => 'Comma-separated namespaces to ignore',
try {
$opts = new Zend_Console_Getopt($rules);
} catch (Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception $e) {
echo $e->getUsageMessage();
if ($opts->getOption('h')) {
echo $opts->getUsageMessage();
$ignoreNamespaces = array();
if (isset($opts->i)) {
$ignoreNamespaces = explode(',', $opts->i);
$relativePathForClassmap = '';
if (isset($opts->l)) {
if (!is_dir($opts->l)) {
echo 'Invalid library directory provided' . PHP_EOL
echo $opts->getUsageMessage();
$libraryPath = $opts->l;
$libraryPath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', realpath($libraryPath));
$usingStdout = false;
$appending = $opts->getOption('a');
$output = $libraryPath . '/autoload_classmap.php';
if (isset($opts->o)) {
$output = $opts->o;
if ('-' == $output) {
$output = STDOUT;
$usingStdout = true;
} elseif (is_dir($output)) {
echo 'Invalid output file provided' . PHP_EOL
echo $opts->getUsageMessage();
} elseif (!is_writeable(dirname($output))) {
echo "Cannot write to '$output'; aborting." . PHP_EOL
. $opts->getUsageMessage();
} elseif (file_exists($output) && !$opts->getOption('w') && !$appending) {
echo "Autoload file already exists at '$output'," . PHP_EOL
. "but 'overwrite' or 'appending' flag was not specified; aborting." . PHP_EOL
. $opts->getUsageMessage();
} else {
// We need to add the $libraryPath into the relative path that is created in the classmap file.
$classmapPath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', realpath(dirname($output)));
// Simple case: $libraryPathCompare is in $classmapPathCompare
if (strpos($libraryPath, $classmapPath) === 0) {
$relativePathForClassmap = substr($libraryPath, strlen($classmapPath) + 1) . '/';
} else {
$libraryPathParts = explode('/', $libraryPath);
$classmapPathParts = explode('/', $classmapPath);
// Find the common part
$count = count($classmapPathParts);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if (!isset($libraryPathParts[$i]) || $libraryPathParts[$i] != $classmapPathParts[$i]) {
// Common part end
// Add parent dirs for the subdirs of classmap
$relativePathForClassmap = str_repeat('../', $count - $i);
// Add library subdirs
$count = count($libraryPathParts);
for (; $i < $count; $i++) {
$relativePathForClassmap .= $libraryPathParts[$i] . '/';
if (!$usingStdout) {
if ($appending) {
echo "Appending to class file map '$output' for library in '$libraryPath'..." . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo "Creating class file map for library in '$libraryPath'..." . PHP_EOL;
// Get the ClassFileLocator, and pass it the library path
$l = new Zend_File_ClassFileLocator($libraryPath);
// Iterate over each element in the path, and create a map of
// classname => filename, where the filename is relative to the library path
$map = new stdClass;
foreach ($l as $file) {
$filename = str_replace($libraryPath . '/', '', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $file->getPath()) . '/' . $file->getFilename());
// Add in relative path to library
$filename = $relativePathForClassmap . $filename;
foreach ($file->getClasses() as $class) {
foreach ($ignoreNamespaces as $ignoreNs) {
if ($ignoreNs == substr($class, 0, strlen($ignoreNs))) {
continue 2;
$map->{$class} = $filename;
if ($appending) {
$content = var_export((array) $map, true) . ';';
// Prefix with dirname(__FILE__); modify the generated content
$content = preg_replace("#(=> ')#", "=> dirname(__FILE__) . '", $content);
// Fix \' strings from injected DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR usage in iterator_apply op
$content = str_replace("\\'", "'", $content);
// Convert to an array and remove the first "array("
$content = explode("\n", $content);
// Load existing class map file and remove the closing "bracket ");" from it
$existing = file($output, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
// Merge
$content = implode("\n", array_merge($existing, $content));
} else {
// Create a file with the class/file map.
// Stupid syntax highlighters make separating < from PHP declaration necessary
$content = '<' . "?php\n"
. "// Generated by ZF's ./bin/classmap_generator.php\n"
. 'return ' . var_export((array) $map, true) . ';';
// Prefix with dirname(__FILE__); modify the generated content
$content = preg_replace("#(=> ')#", "=> dirname(__FILE__) . '", $content);
// Fix \' strings from injected DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR usage in iterator_apply op
$content = str_replace("\\'", "'", $content);
// Remove unnecessary double-backslashes
$content = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $content);
// Exchange "array (" width "array("
$content = str_replace('array (', 'array(', $content);
// Align "=>" operators to match coding standard
preg_match_all('(\n\s+([^=]+)=>)', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$maxWidth = 0;
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$maxWidth = max($maxWidth, strlen($match[1]));
$content = preg_replace('(\n\s+([^=]+)=>)e', "'\n \\1' . str_repeat(' ', " . $maxWidth . " - strlen('\\1')) . '=>'", $content);
// Make the file end by EOL
$content = rtrim($content, "\n") . "\n";
// Write the contents to disk
file_put_contents($output, $content);
if (!$usingStdout) {
echo "Wrote classmap file to '" . realpath($output) . "'" . PHP_EOL;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
@ECHO off
REM Zend Framework
REM This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
REM with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
REM It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
REM If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
REM obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
REM to so we can send you a copy immediately.
REM Zend
REM Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
REM New BSD License
REM Test to see if this was installed via pear
REM below @php_bin@
FOR %%x IN ("@php_bin@") DO (if %%x=="%TMPZTMPZTMP%" GOTO :NON_PEAR_INSTALLED)
REM Assume php.exe is executable, and that zf.php will reside in the
REM same file as this one
SET PHP_BIN=php.exe
REM Assume this was installed via PEAR and use replacements php_bin & php_dir
SET PHP_BIN=@php_bin@
SET PHP_DIR=@php_dir@
"%PHP_BIN%" -d safe_mode=Off -f "%ZF_SCRIPT%" -- %*
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @category Zend
* @package Zend_Tool
* @subpackage Framework
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
* @version $Id$
* ZF
* @category Zend
* @package Zend_Tool
* @subpackage Framework
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
class ZF
* @var bool
protected $_clientLoaded = false;
* @var string
protected $_mode = 'runTool';
* @var array of messages
protected $_messages = array();
* @var string
protected $_homeDirectory = null;
* @var string
protected $_storageDirectory = null;
* @var string
protected $_configFile = null;
* main()
* @return void
public static function main()
$zf = new self();
* bootstrap()
* @return ZF
public function bootstrap()
// detect settings
$this->_mode = $this->_detectMode();
$this->_homeDirectory = $this->_detectHomeDirectory();
$this->_storageDirectory = $this->_detectStorageDirectory();
$this->_configFile = $this->_detectConfigFile();
// setup
* run()
* @return ZF
public function run()
switch ($this->_mode) {
case 'runError':
case 'runSetup':
if ($this->_runSetup() === false) {
case 'runInfo':
case 'runTool':
return $this;
* _detectMode()
* @return ZF
protected function _detectMode()
$arguments = $_SERVER['argv'];
$mode = 'runTool';
if (!isset($arguments[0])) {
return $mode;
if ($arguments[0] == $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) {
$this->_executable = array_shift($arguments);
if (!isset($arguments[0])) {
return $mode;
if ($arguments[0] == '--setup') {
$mode = 'runSetup';
} elseif ($arguments[0] == '--info') {
$mode = 'runInfo';
return $mode;
* _detectHomeDirectory() - detect the home directory in a variety of different places
* @param bool $mustExist Should the returned value already exist in the file system
* @param bool $returnMessages Should it log messages for output later
* @return string
protected function _detectHomeDirectory($mustExist = true, $returnMessages = true)
$homeDirectory = null;
$homeDirectory = getenv('ZF_HOME'); // check env var ZF_HOME
if ($homeDirectory) {
$this->_logMessage('Home directory found in environment variable ZF_HOME with value ' . $homeDirectory, $returnMessages);
if (!$mustExist || ($mustExist && file_exists($homeDirectory))) {
return $homeDirectory;
} else {
$this->_logMessage('Home directory does not exist at ' . $homeDirectory, $returnMessages);
$homeDirectory = getenv('HOME'); // HOME environment variable
if ($homeDirectory) {
$this->_logMessage('Home directory found in environment variable HOME with value ' . $homeDirectory, $returnMessages);
if (!$mustExist || ($mustExist && file_exists($homeDirectory))) {
return $homeDirectory;
} else {
$this->_logMessage('Home directory does not exist at ' . $homeDirectory, $returnMessages);
$homeDirectory = getenv('HOMEPATH');
if ($homeDirectory) {
$this->_logMessage('Home directory found in environment variable HOMEPATH with value ' . $homeDirectory, $returnMessages);
if (!$mustExist || ($mustExist && file_exists($homeDirectory))) {
return $homeDirectory;
} else {
$this->_logMessage('Home directory does not exist at ' . $homeDirectory, $returnMessages);
$homeDirectory = getenv('USERPROFILE');
if ($homeDirectory) {
$this->_logMessage('Home directory found in environment variable USERPROFILE with value ' . $homeDirectory, $returnMessages);
if (!$mustExist || ($mustExist && file_exists($homeDirectory))) {
return $homeDirectory;
} else {
$this->_logMessage('Home directory does not exist at ' . $homeDirectory, $returnMessages);
return false;
* _detectStorageDirectory() - Detect where the storage directory is from a variaty of possiblities
* @param bool $mustExist Should the returned value already exist in the file system
* @param bool $returnMessages Should it log messages for output later
* @return string
protected function _detectStorageDirectory($mustExist = true, $returnMessages = true)
$storageDirectory = false;
$storageDirectory = getenv('ZF_STORAGE_DIR');
if ($storageDirectory) {
$this->_logMessage('Storage directory path found in environment variable ZF_STORAGE_DIR with value ' . $storageDirectory, $returnMessages);
if (!$mustExist || ($mustExist && file_exists($storageDirectory))) {
return $storageDirectory;
} else {
$this->_logMessage('Storage directory does not exist at ' . $storageDirectory, $returnMessages);
$homeDirectory = ($this->_homeDirectory) ? $this->_homeDirectory : $this->_detectHomeDirectory(true, false);
if ($homeDirectory) {
$storageDirectory = $homeDirectory . '/.zf/';
$this->_logMessage('Storage directory assumed in home directory at location ' . $storageDirectory, $returnMessages);
if (!$mustExist || ($mustExist && file_exists($storageDirectory))) {
return $storageDirectory;
} else {
$this->_logMessage('Storage directory does not exist at ' . $storageDirectory, $returnMessages);
return false;
* _detectConfigFile() - Detect config file location from a variety of possibilities
* @param bool $mustExist Should the returned value already exist in the file system
* @param bool $returnMessages Should it log messages for output later
* @return string
protected function _detectConfigFile($mustExist = true, $returnMessages = true)
$configFile = null;
$configFile = getenv('ZF_CONFIG_FILE');
if ($configFile) {
$this->_logMessage('Config file found environment variable ZF_CONFIG_FILE at ' . $configFile, $returnMessages);
if (!$mustExist || ($mustExist && file_exists($configFile))) {
return $configFile;
} else {
$this->_logMessage('Config file does not exist at ' . $configFile, $returnMessages);
$homeDirectory = ($this->_homeDirectory) ? $this->_homeDirectory : $this->_detectHomeDirectory(true, false);
if ($homeDirectory) {
$configFile = $homeDirectory . '/.zf.ini';
$this->_logMessage('Config file assumed in home directory at location ' . $configFile, $returnMessages);
if (!$mustExist || ($mustExist && file_exists($configFile))) {
return $configFile;
} else {
$this->_logMessage('Config file does not exist at ' . $configFile, $returnMessages);
$storageDirectory = ($this->_storageDirectory) ? $this->_storageDirectory : $this->_detectStorageDirectory(true, false);
if ($storageDirectory) {
$configFile = $storageDirectory . '/zf.ini';
$this->_logMessage('Config file assumed in storage directory at location ' . $configFile, $returnMessages);
if (!$mustExist || ($mustExist && file_exists($configFile))) {
return $configFile;
} else {
$this->_logMessage('Config file does not exist at ' . $configFile, $returnMessages);
return false;
* _setupPHPRuntime() - parse the config file if it exists for php ini values to set
* @return void
protected function _setupPHPRuntime()
// set php runtime settings
ini_set('display_errors', true);
// support the changing of the current working directory, necessary for some providers
if ($cwd != '' && realpath($cwd)) {
if (!$this->_configFile) {
$zfINISettings = parse_ini_file($this->_configFile);
$phpINISettings = ini_get_all();
foreach ($zfINISettings as $zfINIKey => $zfINIValue) {
if (substr($zfINIKey, 0, 4) === 'php.') {
$phpINIKey = substr($zfINIKey, 4);
if (array_key_exists($phpINIKey, $phpINISettings)) {
ini_set($phpINIKey, $zfINIValue);
* _setupToolRuntime() - setup the tools include_path and load the proper framwork parts that
* enable Zend_Tool to work.
* @return void
protected function _setupToolRuntime()
$includePathPrepend = getenv('ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH_PREPEND');
$includePathFull = getenv('ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH');
// check if the user has not provided anything
if (!($includePathPrepend || $includePathFull)) {
if ($this->_tryClientLoad()) {
// if ZF is not in the include_path, but relative to this file, put it in the include_path
if ($includePathPrepend || $includePathFull) {
if (isset($includePathPrepend) && ($includePathPrepend !== false)) {
set_include_path($includePathPrepend . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
} elseif (isset($includePathFull) && ($includePathFull !== false)) {
if ($this->_tryClientLoad()) {
$zfIncludePath['relativePath'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../library/';
if (file_exists($zfIncludePath['relativePath'] . 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Console.php')) {
set_include_path(realpath($zfIncludePath['relativePath']) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
if (!$this->_tryClientLoad()) {
$this->_mode = 'runError';
* _tryClientLoad() - Attempt to load the Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Console to enable the tool to run.
* This method will return false if its not loaded to allow the consumer to alter the environment in such
* a way that it can be called again to try loading the proper file/class.
* @return bool if the client is actuall loaded or not
protected function _tryClientLoad()
$this->_clientLoaded = false;
$fh = @fopen('Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Console.php', 'r', true);
if (!$fh) {
return $this->_clientLoaded; // false
} else {
include 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Console.php';
$this->_clientLoaded = class_exists('Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Console');
return $this->_clientLoaded;
* _runError() - Output the error screen that tells the user that the tool was not setup
* in a sane way
* @return void
protected function _runError()
echo <<<EOS
***************************** ZF ERROR ********************************
In order to run the zf command, you need to ensure that Zend Framework
is inside your include_path. There are a variety of ways that you can
ensure that this zf command line tool knows where the Zend Framework
library is on your system, but not all of them can be described here.
The easiest way to get the zf command running is to give it the include
path via an environment variable ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH or
ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH_PREPEND with the proper include path to use,
then run the command "zf --setup". This command is designed to create
a storage location for your user, as well as create the zf.ini file
that the zf command will consult in order to run properly on your
Example you would run:
$ ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH=/path/to/library zf --setup
Your are encourged to read more in the link that follows.
* _runInfo() - this command will produce information about the setup of this script and
* Zend_Tool
* @return void
protected function _runInfo()
echo 'Zend_Tool & CLI Setup Information' . PHP_EOL
. '(available via the command line "zf --info")'
echo ' * ' . implode(PHP_EOL . ' * ', $this->_messages) . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'To change the setup of this tool, run: "zf --setup"';
echo PHP_EOL;
* _runSetup() - parse the request to see which setup command to run
* @return void
protected function _runSetup()
$setupCommand = (isset($_SERVER['argv'][2])) ? $_SERVER['argv'][2] : null;
switch ($setupCommand) {
case 'storage-directory':
case 'config-file':
* _runSetupStorageDirectory() - if the storage directory does not exist, create it
* @return void
protected function _runSetupStorageDirectory()
$storageDirectory = $this->_detectStorageDirectory(false, false);
if (file_exists($storageDirectory)) {
echo 'Directory already exists at ' . $storageDirectory . PHP_EOL
. 'Cannot create storage directory.';
echo 'Storage directory created at ' . $storageDirectory . PHP_EOL;
* _runSetupConfigFile()
* @return void
protected function _runSetupConfigFile()
$configFile = $this->_detectConfigFile(false, false);
if (file_exists($configFile)) {
echo 'File already exists at ' . $configFile . PHP_EOL
. 'Cannot write new config file.';
$includePath = get_include_path();
$contents = 'php.include_path = "' . $includePath . '"';
file_put_contents($configFile, $contents);
$iniValues = ini_get_all();
if ($iniValues['include_path']['global_value'] != $iniValues['include_path']['local_value']) {
echo 'NOTE: the php include_path to be used with the tool has been written' . PHP_EOL
. 'to the config file, using ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH (or other include_path setters)' . PHP_EOL
. 'is no longer necessary.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Config file written to ' . $configFile . PHP_EOL;
* _runSetupMoreInfo() - return more information about what can be setup, and what is setup
* @return void
protected function _runSetupMoreInfo()
$homeDirectory = $this->_detectHomeDirectory(false, false);
$storageDirectory = $this->_detectStorageDirectory(false, false);
$configFile = $this->_detectConfigFile(false, false);
echo <<<EOS
ZF Command Line Tool - Setup
Current Paths (Existing or not):
Home Directory: {$homeDirectory}
Storage Directory: {$storageDirectory}
Config File: {$configFile}
Important Environment Variables:
- the directory this tool will look for a home directory
- directory must exist
- where this tool will look for a storage directory
- directory must exist
- where this tool will look for a configuration file
- set the include_path for this tool to use this value
- prepend the current php.ini include_path with this value
Search Order:
Home Directory:
- ZF_HOME, then HOME (*nix), then HOMEPATH (windows)
Storage Directory:
- ZF_STORAGE_DIR, then {home}/.zf/
Config File:
- ZF_CONFIG_FILE, then {home}/.zf.ini, then {home}/zf.ini,
then {storage}/zf.ini
zf --setup storage-directory
- setup the storage directory, directory will be created
zf --setup config-file
- create the config file with some default values
* _runTool() - This is where the magic happens, dispatch Zend_Tool
* @return void
protected function _runTool()
$configOptions = array();
if (isset($this->_configFile) && $this->_configFile) {
$configOptions['configOptions']['configFilepath'] = $this->_configFile;
if (isset($this->_storageDirectory) && $this->_storageDirectory) {
$configOptions['storageOptions']['directory'] = $this->_storageDirectory;
// ensure that zf.php loads the Zend_Tool_Project features
$configOptions['classesToLoad'] = 'Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Manifest';
$console = new Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Console($configOptions);
* _logMessage() - Internal method used to log setup and information messages.
* @param string $message
* @param bool $storeMessage
* @return void
protected function _logMessage($message, $storeMessage = true)
if (!$storeMessage) {
$this->_messages[] = $message;
if (!getenv('ZF_NO_MAIN')) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Zend Framework
# This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
# with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
# It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
# If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
# obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
# to so we can send you a copy immediately.
# Zend
# Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
# New BSD License
# find php: pear first, command -v second, straight up php lastly
if test "@php_bin@" != '@'php_bin'@'; then
elif command -v php 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
PHP_BIN=`command -v php`
# find zf.php: pear first, same directory 2nd,
if test "@php_dir@" != '@'php_dir'@'; then
SELF_LINK_TMP="$(readlink "$SELF_LINK")"
while test -n "$SELF_LINK_TMP"; do
SELF_LINK_TMP="$(readlink "$SELF_LINK")"
PHP_DIR="$(dirname "$SELF_LINK")"
"$PHP_BIN" -d safe_mode=Off -f "$PHP_DIR/zf.php" -- "$@"
@ -453,6 +453,37 @@ div.ui-state-highlight p {margin: 10px;}
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/* Menu
/* Menu
@ -544,10 +575,10 @@ a.AncienSiege { background-color: #4D90FE; border: 1px solid #3079ED; color: #FF
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/* Comment
/* Comment
@ -659,8 +683,6 @@ div.blocdegrade .echelleright{float:right;}
#formSurveillance {border:1px solid; padding:3px 5px;width:200px;}
#formSurveillance {border:1px solid; padding:3px 5px;width:200px;}
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.pagination:hover {background: black repeat scroll 0 0;color:white;}
/* Pieces
/* Pieces
@ -135,6 +135,16 @@ Session
Application must override the session.save_path, soap.wsdl_cache_dir to define it's own path.
Application must override the session.save_path, soap.wsdl_cache_dir to define it's own path.
Project Configuration
- Autoloader
See in the public/index.php. We use Classmpap Autloader which store Class Key and his file
To generate classmap file use bin/classmap_generator.php
@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
class Application_Controller_Plugin_Auth extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
class Application_Controller_Plugin_Auth extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
* Vérifie les autorisations
* Utilise _request et _response hérités et injectés par le FC
* @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request : non utilisé, mais demandé par l'héritage
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$checkAuth = true;
$checkAuth = true;
@ -125,17 +119,22 @@ class Application_Controller_Plugin_Auth extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
//Pas Authentifié
//Pas Authentifié
} else {
} else {
if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
->setParam('ajax', 1);
->setParam('ajax', 1);
} else {
} else {
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('login');
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('login');
$session->url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$session->url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
class Application_Controller_Plugin_Theme extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
class Application_Controller_Plugin_Theme extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function routeShutdown(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$theme = 'default';
$theme = 'default'; //$theme = 'mobile';
if ( $auth->hasIdentity() ) {
if ( $auth->hasIdentity() ) {
$theme = !empty($auth->getIdentity()->theme) ? $auth->getIdentity()->theme : 'default';
$theme = !empty($auth->getIdentity()->theme) ? $auth->getIdentity()->theme : 'default';
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class Application_Controller_Plugin_Theme extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstrac
$view = $bootstrap->bootstrap('View')->getResource('View');
$view = $bootstrap->bootstrap('View')->getResource('View');
$layout = $bootstrap->bootstrap('Layout')->getResource('Layout');
$layout = $bootstrap->bootstrap('Layout')->getResource('Layout');
//Load default style and javascript files for the selected theme
//Load default style and javascript files for the selected theme
@ -50,10 +50,27 @@ class Application_Controller_Plugin_Theme extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstrac
->appendHttpEquiv('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
->appendHttpEquiv('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
->appendHttpEquiv('Content-Language', 'fr-FR');
->appendHttpEquiv('Content-Language', 'fr-FR');
//Favicon - Touch icon for iOS 2.0+ and Android 2.1+
->headLink(array('rel' => 'favicon', 'type' => 'image/png', 'href' => '/favicon.png'));
'rel' => 'apple-touch-icon-precomposed',
->headLink(array('rel' => 'shortcut icon', 'type' => 'image/x-icon', 'href' => '/favicon.ico'));
'href' => '/favicon-152.png'
//Favicon - targeted to any additional png size
'rel' => 'icon',
'type' => 'image/png',
'href' => '/favicon-32.png'
'rel' => 'shortcut icon',
'type' => 'image/x-icon',
'href' => '/favicon.ico')
$UserLogin = false;
if ( $controller == 'user' && ( $action == 'login' || $action == 'logout' ) ) {
$UserLogin = true;
* Detect IE
* Detect IE
@ -67,7 +84,16 @@ class Application_Controller_Plugin_Theme extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstrac
* ===> Standard Styles
* ===> Standard Styles
$view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($paramsTheme->pathStyle.'/main.css', 'all');
if ( $UserLogin ) {
->appendStylesheet('/libs/bootstrap-3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'all')
->appendStylesheet('/themes/default/styles/user-login.css', 'all');
} else {
->appendStylesheet('/libs/pace/themes/pace-theme-flash.css', 'all')
->appendStylesheet($paramsTheme->pathStyle.'/main.css', 'all');
if ($isIE6) {
if ($isIE6) {
//Old CSS for IE6
//Old CSS for IE6
@ -79,12 +105,20 @@ class Application_Controller_Plugin_Theme extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstrac
$view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/libs/qtip/jquery.qtip.css', 'all');
$view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/libs/qtip/jquery.qtip.css', 'all');
* ===> Standard Javascript
* ===> Standard Javascript
if ( $UserLogin ) {
->appendFile('/libs/html5shiv.js', 'text/javascript', array('conditional' => 'lt IE 9'))
->appendFile('/libs/respond.min.js', 'text/javascript', array('conditional' => 'lt IE 9'))
->appendFile('/libs/jquery/jquery-1.11.0.min.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/bootstrap-3.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js', 'text/javascript');
} else {
->appendFile('/libs/pace/pace.min.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/jquery/jquery-1.11.0.min.js', 'text/javascript');
->appendFile('/libs/jquery/jquery-1.11.0.min.js', 'text/javascript');
if ($isIE6) {
if ($isIE6) {
//Old JQuery version for IE6
//Old JQuery version for IE6
@ -97,9 +131,12 @@ class Application_Controller_Plugin_Theme extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstrac
->appendFile('/libs/ui-1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/ui-1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/ui-1.10.4/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js', 'text/javascript');
->appendFile('/libs/ui-1.10.4/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js', 'text/javascript');
if ( ! $UserLogin ) {
->appendFile('/libs/qtip/jquery.qtip.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/qtip/jquery.qtip.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile($paramsTheme->pathScript.'/script.js', 'text/javascript');
->appendFile($paramsTheme->pathScript.'/script.js', 'text/javascript');
* ===> Specific Style and Script by Controller/Action
* ===> Specific Style and Script by Controller/Action
@ -178,17 +215,35 @@ class Application_Controller_Plugin_Theme extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstrac
->appendName('charset', 'utf-8')
->appendHttpEquiv('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
->appendHttpEquiv('Content-Language', 'fr-FR')
->appendName('viewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1');
->appendName('viewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1');
//Favicon - Touch icon for iOS 2.0+ and Android 2.1+
'rel' => 'apple-touch-icon-precomposed',
'href' => '/favicon-152.png'
//Favicon - targeted to any additional png size
'rel' => 'icon',
'type' => 'image/png',
'href' => '/favicon-32.png'
'rel' => 'shortcut icon',
'type' => 'image/x-icon',
'href' => '/favicon.ico')
->appendStylesheet('/libs/mobile/1.4.0/', 'all');
->appendStylesheet('/libs/mobile/1.4.2/', 'all');
->appendFile('/libs/jquery/jquery-1.11.0.min.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/jquery/jquery-2.1.0.min.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/mobile/1.4.0/', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/mobile/1.4.2/', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile($paramsTheme->pathScript.'/script.js', 'text/javascript');
->appendFile($paramsTheme->pathScript.'/script.js', 'text/javascript');
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user