7, 'Urgent' => 5, 'Flash' => 3); $gCategoryNames = array('All', 'CreditRecommendation'); $gEventTypes = array('EventOnly', 'EventWithData'); $gTestCompanies = array('55214450300018', '47997411500012', '49496793800031'); // client pour scoresws_identite $client = new SoapClient(null, array('trace' => 1, 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 'location' => WEBSERVICE_URL, 'uri' => WEBSERVICE_URI, 'login' => 'sbeaugrand', 'password' => 'seb2010')); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // modeTestUniquement // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function modeTestUniquement() { global $gServiceHeader; if ($gServiceHeader->TestIndication != 'true') { throw functionalError(1003, 'TestIndication must be set'. ' for the moment'); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Serveur // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // abstract class AccountItem { } class AmountAccountItem extends AccountItem { } class NumberAccountItem extends AccountItem { } if (NDEBUG) { $serveur = new SoapServer(SERVICES_URL. 'wsdl/credit-data-service-provider-api-1.0.wsdl', array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 'trace' => true, 'classmap' => array('AmountAccountItem' => 'AmountAccountItem', 'NumberAccountItem' => 'NumberAccountItem'))); $serveur->addFunction('Ping'); $serveur->addFunction('RetrieveOptions'); $serveur->addFunction('OrderDataSet'); $serveur->addFunction('RetrieveOrderStatus'); $serveur->addFunction('RetrieveDataSet'); $serveur->addFunction('StartInvestigation'); $serveur->addFunction('StartMonitoring'); $serveur->addFunction('StopMonitoring'); $serveur->addFunction('UpdateMonitoringOptions'); $serveur->handle(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // getDomElement // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function getDomElement(&$node, &$obj) { if ($node->hasChildNodes() == true) { $n = $node->childNodes->length; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) { $cur = $node->childNodes->item($i); $o = new StdClass; getDomElement($cur, $o); $name = $cur->nodeName; if ($name == '#text') { if (empty($o) == false && trim($o) != '') { $obj->_ = $o; } } else { if (isset($o->_)) { $obj->$name = $o->_; } else { $obj->$name = $o; } } } } else { $obj = $node->nodeValue; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // readSoapHeader // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Dans php.ini : always_populate_raw_post_data = On // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function readSoapHeader() { $header = new StdClass; $xml = new XmlReader; $xml->xml($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']); while ($xml->read()) { if (preg_match('@/services/schema/services/shared/1\.0@', $xml->namespaceURI) != false && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) { $node = $xml->expand(); getDomElement($node, $header); } else if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'Body') { break; } } $xml->close(); return $header; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // enregistrement // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function enregistrement($table, $id) { global $gServiceHeader; if (isset($gServiceHeader->CustomerId) == true && $gServiceHeader->CustomerId != 'not_provided') { $consumer_id = $gServiceHeader->CustomerId; } else { $consumer_id = $gServiceHeader->ConsumerId; } return Doctrine_Query::create() ->from($table) ->andWhere('ConsumerId = ?', $consumer_id) ->andWhere('ProviderOrderId = ?', $id) ->fetchOne(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // functionalError // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function functionalError($n, $details = '') { $r = new StdClass; $r->version = VERSION; if ($n >= 1000) { $r->ErrorCode = $n; } else { $r->ErrorCode = 5000 + $n; } switch ($n) { case 1: $m = 'Order is not completed'; break; case 1003: $m = 'Authorization failed'; break; case 3000: $m = 'Invalid CompanyId'; break; case 3001: $m = 'Invalid Version'; break; case 3002: $m = 'Invalid LanguageCode'; break; case 3003: $m = 'Invalid DataSetType'; break; case 3004: $m = 'Invalid ServiceLevel'; break; case 3005: $m = 'Invalid CategoryName'; break; case 3006: $m = 'Invalid EventType'; break; case 3007: $m = 'Invalid Date format'; break; case 3020: $m = 'Invalid OrderId'; break; case 3021: $m = 'Invalid OrderId / Consumer combination'; break; } $r->ErrorMessage = $m.'.'; if (empty($details) == false) { $r->ErrorDetails = $details.'.'; } return new SoapFault('FunctionalException', print_r($r, true), '', $r, 'FunctionalException'); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // technicalError // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function technicalError($n, $details = '') { $r = new StdClass; $r->version = VERSION; $r->ErrorCode = 9000 + $n; switch ($n) { case 1: $m = 'Internal web service error'; break; } $r->ErrorMessage = $m.'.'; if (empty($details) == false) { $r->ErrorDetails = $details.'.'; } return new SoapFault('TechnicalException', print_r($r, true), '', $r, 'TechnicalException'); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // orderResponse // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function orderResponse(&$o, &$q) { global $gServiceHeader; $order = new StdClass; $order->ProviderOrderId = $q->ProviderOrderId; $order->ConsumerId = $gServiceHeader->ConsumerId; if (empty($gServiceHeader->CustomerId) == false && $gServiceHeader->CustomerId != 'not_provided') { $order->CustomerId = $gServiceHeader->CustomerId; } $order->ProviderId = $gServiceHeader->Provider->ProviderId; $order->CountryCode = $gServiceHeader->Provider->CountryCode; $order->CompanyId = $q->CompanyId; $order->Version = VERSION; $order->LanguageCode = $q->LanguageCode; if (isset($q->OrderType) == true) { $order->OrderType = $q->OrderType; $order->DataSetType = $q->DataSetType; if ($order->OrderType == 'Investigation') { $order->ServiceLevelName = $q->ServiceLevelName; } $order->OrderStatus = $q->OrderStatus; $order->OrderDateTime = str_replace(' ', 'T',$q->OrderDateTime); $order->DueDateTime = str_replace(' ', 'T',$q->DueDateTime); if ($q->DateTimeCompleted != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $order->DateTimeCompleted = str_replace(' ', 'T', $q->DateTimeCompleted); } if ($q->DateTimeRetrieved != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $order->DateTimeRetrieved = str_replace(' ', 'T', $q->DateTimeRetrieved); } if (empty($q->Remark) == false) { $order->Remark = $q->Remark; } } else if (isset($q->EventType) == true) { $datetime = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'); $order->CategoryName = $q->CategoryName; $order->OrderType = 'Monitoring'; $order->EventType = $q->EventType; $order->OrderStatus = 'Completed'; $order->OrderDateTime = $datetime; $order->DateTimeCompleted = $datetime; if (isset($o->PreferredStartDate) == true) { $order->PreferredStartDate = $o->PreferredStartDate; } $order->ActualStartDate = $q->ActualStartDate; if (isset($o->PreferredEndDate) == true) { $order->PreferredEndDate = $o->PreferredEndDate; } $order->ActualEndDate = $q->ActualEndDate; //$order->Remark = ; } return $order; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // envoieCourriel // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function envoieCourriel($sujet, $texte) { require_once 'mail/mail.php'; sendMail("[Giant] ".$sujet , $texte, // From array('email' => 'contact@scores-decisions.com', 'name' => 'Commande Giant'), // To array(0 => array('email' => EMAIL_SUPPORTDEV, 'name' => 'Support'))); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ajouteJoursOuvrables // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function ajouteJoursOuvrables($jours) { $annee = date('Y'); $pm = $annee % 19; $pi = ($pm * 19 + 24) % 30; $pt = intval(29 / ($pi + 1)) * intval((21 - $pm) / 11); $pu = intval($pi / 28); $pi = $pi + ($pt * $pu - 1) * $pu; $pj = ($annee + intval($annee / 4) + $pi - 13) % 7; $pi = $pi - $pj + 1; $paques_mois = intval(($pi + 40) / 44) + 3; $paques_jour = $pi - intval($paques_mois / 4) * 31 + 28; if ($paques_mois == 4 && $paques_jour > 25) { $paques_jour -= 7; } if ($paques_mois == 3 && $paques_jour == 32) { $paques_mois = 4; $paques_jour = 1; } $ascens_mois = $paques_mois + 1; $ascens_jour = $paques_jour + $paques_mois + 4; if ($ascens_jour > $ascens_mois + 26) { $ascens_jour -= $ascens_mois + 26; $ascens_mois++; } $pentec_mois = $ascens_mois; $pentec_jour = $ascens_jour + 11; if ($pentec_jour > $pentec_mois + 26) { $pentec_jour -= $pentec_mois + 26; $pentec_mois++; } $jours_feries = array(0, date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 1)), date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 8)), date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, 7, 14)), date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, 8, 15)), date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, 11, 1)), date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, 11, 11)), date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 25)), date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, $paques_mois, $paques_jour)), date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, $ascens_mois, $ascens_jour)), date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, $pentec_mois, $pentec_jour))); for ($i = 0; $i < $jours; ++$i) { $time = strtotime('+'.$i.' day'); if (date('N', $time) >= 6 || in_array(date('z', $time), $jours_feries) == true) { ++$jours; } } return strtotime('+'.$jours.' day'); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // company // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function company(&$c, &$i) { //$c->OldCompanyId = ; if ($i['TvaAttribue'] == 1) { $c->Vat = new StdClass; $c->Vat->VatNumber = $i['TvaNumero']; } $c->CompanyStatus = ($i['Actif'] == 1) ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'; $c->EmailAddress = $i['Mail']; $c->WebAddress = str_replace('http://', '', $i['Web']); $c->IncorporationDate = preg_replace('/^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})/', '$1-$2-', $i['DateCreaEt']); if (strtotime($c->IncorporationDate) == false) { $c->IncorporationDate = preg_replace('/^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})/', '$1-$2-', $i['DateCreaEn']); } if (strtotime($c->IncorporationDate) == false) { unset($c->IncorporationDate); } $c->IsUltimateParent = $i['Siege']; $country_legal_form = new StdClass; $country_legal_form->_ = $i['FJ_lib']; $country_legal_form->code = $i['FJ']; $country_legal_form->lang = 'fr'; $c->LegalForm = new StdClass; $c->LegalForm->CountryLegalForm = $country_legal_form; $c->LegalForm->UnifiedLegalForm = 'Unknown'; // TODO //$c->LegalForm->FoundedAsLegalForm = ; $c->LegalForm->Country = 'FR'; //$c->LegalForm->IsSocial = ; //$c->LegalForm->IsCivil = ; $c->Telefax = '+33'.str_replace('.', '', $i['Fax']); $c->TelephoneNumber = '+33'.str_replace('.', '', $i['Tel']); if (empty($i['Enseigne']) == false) { $c->TradeName = $i['Enseigne']; } //$c->SocialSecurityNumber = ; //$c->StockExchange = ; //$c->Division = ; $op = new StdClass; $product_name = new StdClass; $product_name->_ = $i['NafEtabLib']; //$product_name->source = ; //$product_name->isPrimary = ; $product_name->lang = 'fr'; $op->ProductName[] = $product_name; $product_name = new StdClass; $product_name->_ = $i['Activite']; $product_name->lang = 'fr'; $op->ProductName[] = $product_name; $op->IndustryCode = new StdClass; if (empty($i['NaceEtab']) == false) { $op->IndustryCode->NaceCode = substr($i['NaceEtab'], 1); } else { $op->IndustryCode->NaceCode = 0; } //$op->IndustryCode->Description = ; //$op->IndustryCode->version = ; //$op->IndustryCode->source = ; //$op->Certifications = ; //$op->ExportCountry = ; //$op->ImportCountry = ; //$op->ExportRegion = ; //$op->ImportRegion = ; //$op->ExportGood = ; //$op->ImportGood = ; $c->Operations = $op; //$c->ShareCapital = ; $position = dirigeants($i); if (count($position) > 0) { $c->Position = $position; } $c->Employees = new StdClass; $c->Employees->TotalNrFulltime = $i['Effectif']; //$c->RealEstate = ; //$c->PeerGroup = ; //$c->Event = ; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // restrictedCompany // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function restrictedCompany(&$c, &$i) { $c->CompanyId = $i['Siret']; //$c->CompanyRegistry = ; $c->CompanyName = $i['Nom']; $address = new StdClass; $address->Street = $i['Adresse']; $address->HouseNumber = $i['AdresseNum']; //$address->HouseNumberAddition = ; //$address->Building = ; //$address->PoBox = ; $address->PostCode = $i['CP']; $address->City = $i['Ville']; //$address->State = ; if (empty($i['Pays']) == false) { $address->Country = $i['Pays']; } else { $address->Country = 'FR'; } //$address->Period = ; //$address->FlexibleAddress = ; $c->CompanyAddress = $address; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // bilans // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function bilans(&$ratios) { $bilans = array(); $actif = array(59, 51, 52, 53, 69, 60, 61, 62, 63); $passif = array(79, 70, 71, 72, 90, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87); foreach ($ratios['bilansInfos'] as $bilan_num => $b) { $balance = new StdClass; $balance->Assets = new StdClass; $balance->Liabilities = new StdClass; foreach ($actif as $code) { $description = new StdClass; $description->_ = $ratios['ratiosInfos']['r'.$code]['libelle']; $description->code = 'r'.$code; $description->lang = 'fr'; $item = new NumberAccountItem; $item->Description = $description; //$item->level = ; $item->Value = $ratios['ratiosEntrep'][$bilan_num]['r'.$code]; if (empty($description->_) == true) { throw technicalError(1, 'Assets'); } $balance->Assets->AccountItem[] = $item; } foreach ($passif as $code) { $description = new StdClass; $description->_ = $ratios['ratiosInfos']['r'.$code]['libelle']; $description->code = 'r'.$code; $description->lang = 'fr'; $item = new NumberAccountItem; $item->Description = $description; //$item->level = ; $item->Value = $ratios['ratiosEntrep'][$bilan_num]['r'.$code]; if (empty($description->_) == true) { throw technicalError(1, 'Liabilities'); } $balance->Liabilities->AccountItem[] = $item; } //$balance->ExplanatoryNotes = ; $profit_and_loss = new StdClass; foreach ($ratios['ratiosEntrep'][$bilan_num] as $code => $valeur) { $code_num = substr($code, 1); if (in_array($code_num, $actif) || in_array($code_num, $passif)) { continue; } $description = new StdClass; $description->_ = $ratios['ratiosInfos'][$code]['libelle']; $description->code = $code; $description->lang = 'fr'; $item = new NumberAccountItem; $item->Description = $description; //$item->level = ; $item->Value = $valeur; if (empty($description->_) == true) { throw technicalError(1, 'ProfitAndLoss'); } $profit_and_loss->AccountItem[] = $item; } $accounts = new StdClass; $accounts->BalanceSheet = $balance; $accounts->ProfitAndLoss = $profit_and_loss; //$accounts->KeyCreditRatios = ; //$accounts->ExplanatoryNotes = ; $bilan = new StdClass; //$bilan->Description = ; //$bilan->AccountsFileDate = ; $bilan->AccountsDate = $b['dateCloture']; $bilan->AccountsStatus = 'AtClosingStage'; //$bilan->AccountsFormat = ; switch ($b['typeBilan']) { case 'N': $bilan->AccountsType = 'Not-consolidated'; break; case 'C': $bilan->AccountsType = 'Consolidated'; break; default : $bilan->AccountsType = 'Unspecified'; } $bilan->BaseCurrency = $b['devise']; switch (strtoupper($b['unite'])) { case 'K': $bilan->Unit = 1000; break; case 'M': $bilan->Unit = 1000000; break; //default : $bilan->Unit = 1; } //$bilan->DateOfGeneralMeeting = ; //$bilan->AuditorOpinion = ; //$bilan->AccountsQualityLabel = ; //$bilan->HarmonizedAnnualAccounts = ; $bilan->OriginalAnnualAccounts = $accounts; $bilans[] = $bilan; } return $bilans; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // synthese // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function synthese(&$ratios) { $synthese = array(); foreach ($ratios['bilansInfos'] as $bilan_num => $b) { $s = new StdClass; //$s->Description = ; //$s->Source = ; $s->AccountStatus = 'AtClosingStage'; switch ($b['typeBilan']) { case 'N': $s->AccountsType = 'Not-consolidated'; break; case 'C': $s->AccountsType = 'Consolidated'; break; default : $s->AccountsType = 'Unspecified'; } $s->SummaryDate = $b['dateCloture'];; switch (strtoupper($b['unite'])) { case 'K': $s->Unit = 1000; break; case 'M': $s->Unit = 1000000; break; default : $s->Unit = 1; } $s->Revenue = $ratios['ratiosEntrep'][$bilan_num]['r5'];; //$s->TotalEquity = $ratios['ratiosEntrep'][$bilan_num]['r231']; $s->ProfitLossBeforeTax = $ratios['ratiosEntrep'][$bilan_num]['r7']; $s->ProfitLoss = $ratios['ratiosEntrep'][$bilan_num]['r10']; $s->WorkingCapital = $ratios['ratiosEntrep'][$bilan_num]['r231']; //$s->AuthorizedCapital = ; $s->IssuedCapital = $ratios['ratiosEntrep'][$bilan_num]['r232']; //$s->PaidUpCapital = ; //$s->VariableCapital = ; //$s->VariablePaidUpCapital = ; $synthese[] = $s; } return $synthese; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // paiement // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function paiement(&$ratios) { if (empty($ratios['bilansInfos']) == true) { return false; } $r = new StdClass; $r->Period = new StdClass; $r->Period->EndDate = $ratios['bilansInfos' ][0]['dateCloture']; $r->DebtorDays = intval($ratios['ratiosEntrep'][0]['r278']); $r->CreditorDays = intval($ratios['ratiosEntrep'][0]['r279']); //$r->LiquidityAssessment = ; //$r->PaymentQualification = ; //$r->FreeText = ; //$r->TradePaymentExperience = ; //$r->ProtestsAndNonPayments = ; //$r->DebtCollection = ; //$r->AnalysisByPeriod = ; //$r->AnalysisByAmount = ; return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // banques // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function banques(&$sd_banques) { $banques = array(); foreach ($sd_banques as $b) { $banque = new StdClass; $banque->BankName = $b['libBanque']; //$banque->BankIdentifierCode = ; //$banque->BankAccount = ; //$banque->BankAddress = ; //$banque->SortCode = ; $banques[] = $banque; } return $banques; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // creditRecommendation // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function creditRecommendation(&$indiscore) { $e = new StdClass; $e->Date = date('Y-m-d'); $e->AmountAdvised = $indiscore['encours']; //$e->Description = ; //$e->ParameterizedDescription = ; //$e->Trend = ; //$e->ReasonNoAmountAdvised = ; //$e->FreeText = ; if (isset($indiscore['tabInfosNotations']) == true) { $e->RiskClasses = new StdClass; $risk_class = new StdClass; $risk_class->RatingName = 'IndiScore'; $risk_class->RatingValue = $indiscore['tabInfosNotations']['ProbabiliteDefaut']; //$risk_class->Description = ; //$risk_class->ParameterizedDescription = ; //$risk_class->FreeText = ; $e->RiskClasses->ProviderRiskClass[] = $risk_class; $risk_class = new StdClass; $risk_class->RatingName = 'Conan & Holder'; $risk_class->RatingValue = $indiscore['scores']['ConanH']; $e->RiskClasses->ProviderRiskClass[] = $risk_class; $risk_class = new StdClass; $risk_class->RatingName = 'Afdcc2'; $risk_class->RatingValue = $indiscore['scores']['Afdcc2']; $e->RiskClasses->ProviderRiskClass[] = $risk_class; $risk_class = new StdClass; $risk_class->RatingName = 'Score Z'; $risk_class->RatingValue = $indiscore['scores']['Z']; $e->RiskClasses->ProviderRiskClass[] = $risk_class; } return $e; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // auditor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function auditor() { $auditor = new StdClass; return $auditor; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // dirigeants // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function dirigeants(&$i) { $d = array(); if (empty($i['dir2NomPrenom']) == false) { $pos = new StdClass; //$pos->Authorization = ; //$pos->Description = ; //$pos->MandateEndEvent = ; if (empty($i['dir1DateFct']) == false) { $pos->Period = new StdClass; $pos->Period->StartDate = $i['dir1DateFct']; } //$pos->PositionChangeReason = ; $pos->PositionTitle = new StdClass; $pos->PositionTitle->_ = $i['dir1Titre']; //$pos->PositionTitle->code = ; $pos->PositionTitle->lang = 'fr'; $pos->Type = 'Management'; //$pos->OtherPositions = ; //$pos->OtherDirectorShips = ; $pos->Person = new StdClass; //$pos->Person->FirstName = ; //$pos->Person->MiddleName = ; //$pos->Person->LastName = ; //$pos->Person->Initials = ; //$pos->Person->Prefix = ; //$pos->Person->Title = ; //$pos->Person->FlexibleName = ; $pos->Person->DateOfBirth = $i['dir1DateNaiss']; $pos->Person->PlaceOfBirth = $i['dir1LieuNaiss']; //$pos->Person->CountryOfBirth = ; //$pos->Person->PersonalAddress = ; //$pos->Person->TelephoneNumber = ; //$pos->Person->PersonalCalamity = ; //$pos->Person->Gender = ; //$pos->Company = ; //$pos->source = ; $d[] = $pos; } if (empty($i['dir2NomPrenom']) == false) { $pos = new StdClass; if (empty($i['dir2DateFct']) == false) { $pos->Period = new StdClass; $pos->Period->StartDate = $i['dir2DateFct']; } $pos->PositionTitle = new StdClass; $pos->PositionTitle->_ = $i['dir2Titre']; $pos->PositionTitle->lang = 'fr'; $pos->Type = 'Management'; $pos->Person = new StdClass; $pos->Person->DateOfBirth = $i['dir2DateNaiss']; $pos->Person->PlaceOfBirth = $i['dir2LieuNaiss']; $d[] = $pos; } return $d; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // etablissements // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function etablissements(&$etablissements) { $r = array(); foreach ($etablissements as $e) { $branch = new StdClass; $branch->BranchId = $e['id']; if (empty($e['Enseigne']) == false) { $branch->BranchName = $e['Enseigne']; } //$branch->FreeText = ; //$branch->FoundingDate = ; //$branch->SourceDate = ; //$branch->NrOfBranches = ; $address = new StdClass; $address->Street = $e['Adresse']; //$address->HouseNumber = ; //$address->HouseNumberAddition = ; //$address->Building = ; //$address->PoBox = ; $address->PostCode = $e['CP']; $address->City = $e['Ville']; //$address->State = ; //$address->Country = ; //$address->Period = ; //$address->FlexibleAddress = ; $branch->BranchAddress = $address; $r[] = $branch; } return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // liens // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function liens(&$liens) { $r = array(); foreach ($liens['actionnaires'] as $l) { $assoc = new StdClass; $assoc->RelationShip = 'Shareholder'; //$assoc->Description = ; //$assoc->FreeText = ; //$assoc->Period = ; if (empty($l['Pmin']) == true && empty($l['MajMin']) == false) { $assoc->IsMajorityStake = $l['MajMin'] == '+'; } //$assoc->Source = ; $assoc->IsPrincipalStakeHolder = $l['Pmin'] > 50; $assoc->Shares = new StdClass; //$assoc->Shares->NominalValue = ; //$assoc->Shares->NrOfShares = ; $assoc->Shares->Percentage = str_replace(',', '.', $l['Pmin']); //$assoc->Shares->ShareType = ; //$assoc->Person = ; $assoc->Company = new StdClass; $assoc->Company->CompanyId = $l['Siren']; $assoc->Company->CompanyName = $l['RaisonSociale']; //$assoc->Company->RepresentedBy = ; //$assoc->Company->CompanyAddress = ; //$assoc->Company->ExceptionEvent = ; $r[] = $assoc; } foreach ($liens['participations'] as $l) { $assoc = new StdClass; $assoc->RelationShip = 'Participation'; $assoc->Shares = new StdClass; $assoc->Shares->Percentage = str_replace(',', '.', $l['Pmin']); $assoc->Company = new StdClass; $assoc->Company->CompanyId = $l['Siren']; $assoc->Company->CompanyName = $l['RaisonSociale']; $r[] = $assoc; } return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ping // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function Ping($o) { $r = new StdClass; $addr = explode(':', WEBSERVICE_URI); $hote = str_replace('/', '', $addr[1]); if (isset($addr[2]) == true) { $port = str_replace('/', '', $addr[2]); } else { $port = -1; } $fp = fsockopen($hote, $port); if ($fp != false) { fclose($fp); $r->ResponseCode = 'OK'; } else { $r->ResponseCode = 'ServiceNotAvailable'; $r->Remark = 'Some services are not available.'; } //$r->version = ; return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // RetrieveOptions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function RetrieveOptions($o) { global $gDataSetTypes; global $gLanguageCodes; global $gServiceLevels; global $gLevelDurations; if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{14}$/', $o->CompanyId) == false) { throw functionalError(3000, $o->CompanyId); } $r = new StdClass; $r->DateOfLastUpdate = '0000-00-00'; $i = scoresws_identite($o->CompanyId, substr($o->CompanyId, 0, 9), 0); if ($i == false) { throw technicalError(1); } if (empty($i['Bilan']['Cloture']) == false) { $r->DateOfLastAnnualAccount = preg_replace('/^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})/', '$1-$2-', $i['Bilan']['Cloture']); } if (isset($r->DateOfLastAnnualAccount) == true && $r->DateOfLastUpdate < $r->DateOfLastAnnualAccount) { $r->DateOfLastUpdate = $r->DateOfLastAnnualAccount; } if (empty($i['DateMajINSEE']) == false && $r->DateOfLastUpdate < $i['DateMajINSEE']) { $r->DateOfLastUpdate = $i['DateMajINSEE']; } if (empty($i['DateMajRCS']) == false && $r->DateOfLastUpdate < $i['DateMajRCS']) { $r->DateOfLastUpdate = $i['DateMajRCS']; } if (empty($i['DateMajANN']) == false && $r->DateOfLastUpdate < $i['DateMajANN']) { $r->DateOfLastUpdate = $i['DateMajANN']; } if (empty($i['DateMajID']) == false && $r->DateOfLastUpdate < $i['DateMajID']) { $r->DateOfLastUpdate = $i['DateMajID']; } if ($r->DateOfLastUpdate == '0000-00-00') { unset($r->DateOfLastUpdate); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($gDataSetTypes); ++$i) { $r->DataSetOptions[$i] = array('Version' => VERSION, 'LanguageCodes' => $gLanguageCodes, 'DataSetType' => $gDataSetTypes[$i]); } $service_levels = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($gServiceLevels); ++$i) { $service_levels[$i] = array('Name' => $gServiceLevels[$i], 'Duration' => $gLevelDurations[$gServiceLevels[$i]], 'DurationMetric' => 'day'); } $r->InvestigationOptions = array(array('Version' => VERSION, 'LanguageCodes' => $gLanguageCodes, 'DataSetType' => 'Full', 'ServiceLevels' => $service_levels)); $r->MonitoringOptions = array(array('Version' => VERSION, 'LanguageCodes' => $gLanguageCodes, 'Categories' => array(array('Name' => 'CreditRecommendation', 'EventCodes' => array('FINANCIAL.CREDIT_RECOMMENDATION_CHANGE')), array('Name' => 'All', 'EventCodes' => array('GENERAL.ADDRESS_CHANGE', 'GENERAL.COMPANY_NAME_CHANGE', 'GENERAL.LEGALFORM_CHANGE', 'GENERAL.ACQUISITION', 'GENERAL.NEWS', 'FINANCIAL.ANNUAL_ACCOUNT_FILED', 'FINANCIAL.CAPITAL_CHANGE', 'FINANCIAL.CREDIT_RECOMMENDATION_CHANGE', 'EXCEPTION.BANKRUPTCY_OR_LIQUIDATION'))))); $r->version = VERSION; return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // getDataSet // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function getDataSet($company_id, $data_set_type) { $siren = substr($company_id, 0, 9); switch ($data_set_type) { case 'Full': $identite = scoresws_identite($company_id, $siren, 0); break; case 'Compact': case 'CreditRecommendation': $identite = scoresws_identitelight($company_id, $siren, 0); break; case 'Flex': default: throw functionalError(3003, $data_set_type); } if ($identite == false) { throw technicalError(1, 'scoresws_identite'); } $indiscore = scoresws_indiscore($company_id, $siren, 0); if ($indiscore == false) { throw technicalError(1, 'scoresws_indiscore'); } $company = new StdClass; $company->Company = new StdClass; restrictedCompany($company->Company, $identite); $company->Company->CreditRecommendation = creditRecommendation($indiscore); if ($data_set_type == 'CreditRecommendation') { return $company; } $ratios = scoresws_ratios($company_id, $siren, 0); if ($ratios == false) { throw technicalError(1, 'scoresws_ratios'); } $banques = scoresws_banques($company_id, $siren, 0); if ($banques == false) { throw technicalError(1, 'scoresws_banques'); } $etablissements = scoresws_etablissements($company_id, $siren, 0); if ($etablissements == false) { throw technicalError(1, '$scoresws_etablissements'); } $liens = scoresws_liens($company_id, $siren, 0); if ($liens == false) { throw technicalError(1, '$scoresws_liens'); } company($company->Company, $identite); $company->Company->AnnualAccounts = bilans($ratios); $company->Company->Bank = banques($banques); //$company->Company->Auditor = auditor(); $company->Company->Branch = etablissements($etablissements); $company->Company->Associated = liens($liens); $company->Company->FinancialSummary = synthese($ratios); $p = paiement($ratios); if ($p != false) { $company->Company->PaymentBehaviour = $p; } return $company; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // OrderDataSet // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function OrderDataSet($o) { global $gServiceHeader; global $gLanguageCodes; global $gTestCompanies; if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{14}$/', $o->CompanyId) == false) { throw functionalError(3000, $o->CompanyId); } if ($o->DataSetVersion != VERSION) { throw functionalError(3001, $o->DataSetVersion); } if (in_array($o->LanguageCode, $gLanguageCodes) == false) { throw functionalError(3002, $o->LanguageCode); } if ($gServiceHeader->TestIndication == 'true' && in_array($o->CompanyId, $gTestCompanies) == false) { throw functionalError(3000, $o->CompanyId.' is not in test mode'); } modeTestUniquement(); $date = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'); $q = new Orders; $q->TestIndication = $gServiceHeader->TestIndication == 'true'; $q->ConsumerId = $gServiceHeader->ConsumerId; if (empty($gServiceHeader->CustomerId) == false && $gServiceHeader->CustomerId != 'not_provided') { $q->CustomerId = $gServiceHeader->CustomerId; } $q->CompanyId = $o->CompanyId; $q->OrderType = 'DataSet'; $q->DataSetType = $o->DataSetType->_; $q->ServiceLevelName = 'Immediate'; $q->LanguageCode = $o->LanguageCode; $q->OrderStatus = 'Pending'; $q->OrderDateTime = $date; $q->DueDateTime = $date; $q->save(); $q->DataSet = serialize(getDataSet($o->CompanyId, $o->DataSetType->_)); $q->OrderStatus = 'Completed'; $q->DateTimeCompleted = $date; $q->save(); $r = new StdClass; $r->version = VERSION; $r->Order = orderResponse($o, $q); return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // RetrieveOrderStatus // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function RetrieveOrderStatus($o) { if (is_numeric($o->ProviderOrderId) == false) { throw functionalError(3020, $o->ProviderOrderId); } $q = enregistrement('Orders', $o->ProviderOrderId); if ($q == false) { throw functionalError(3021); } $r = new StdClass; $r->version = VERSION; $r->Order = orderResponse($o, $q); return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // RetrieveDataSet // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function RetrieveDataSet($o) { if (is_numeric($o->ProviderOrderId) == false) { throw functionalError(3020, $o->ProviderOrderId); } $q = enregistrement('Orders', $o->ProviderOrderId); if ($q == false) { throw functionalError(3021); } if ($q->OrderStatus != 'Completed' && $q->OrderStatus != 'Delivered') { throw functionalError(3021, 'Order status is '.$q->OrderStatus); } if ($q->OrderStatus != 'Delivered') { $q->OrderStatus = 'Delivered'; $q->DateTimeRetrieved = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'); $q->save(); } $data_set = unserialize($q->DataSet); $r = new StdClass; $r->version = VERSION; $r->Order = orderResponse($o, $q); switch ($q->DataSetType) { case 'Full': $r->DataSet = new SoapVar($data_set, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'FullDataSet', SERVICES_URL. 'schema/services/fulldataset/1.0'); break; case 'Compact': $r->DataSet = new SoapVar($data_set, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'CompactDataSet', SERVICES_URL. 'schema/services/compactdataset/1.0'); break; case 'CreditRecommendation': $r->DataSet = new SoapVar($data_set, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'CreditRecommendation', SERVICES_URL. 'schema/services/creditrecommendation/1.0'); break; default: throw technicalalError(9000, $q->DataSetType.' non-implemented'); } return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // StartInvestigation // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function StartInvestigation($o) { global $gServiceHeader; global $gDataSetTypes; global $gLanguageCodes; global $gServiceLevels; global $gLevelDurations; global $gTestCompanies; if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{14}$/', $o->CompanyId) == false) { throw functionalError(3000, $o->CompanyId); } if ($o->DataSetVersion != VERSION) { throw functionalError(3001, $o->DataSetVersion); } if (in_array($o->LanguageCode, $gLanguageCodes) == false) { throw functionalError(3002, $o->LanguageCode); } if (in_array($o->DataSetType->_, $gDataSetTypes) == false) { throw functionalError(3003, $o->DataSetType->_); } $o->ServiceLevelName = ucfirst($o->ServiceLevelName); if (in_array($o->ServiceLevelName, $gServiceLevels) == false) { throw functionalError(3004, $o->ServiceLevelName); } if ($o->TestIndication == 'true' && in_array($o->CompanyId, $gTestCompanies) == false) { throw functionalError(3000, $o->CompanyId.' is not in test mode'); } modeTestUniquement(); $date = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s'); $q = new Orders; $q->TestIndication = $gServiceHeader->TestIndication == 'true'; $q->ConsumerId = $gServiceHeader->ConsumerId; if (empty($gServiceHeader->CustomerId) == false && $gServiceHeader->CustomerId != 'not_provided') { $q->CustomerId = $gServiceHeader->CustomerId; } $q->CompanyId = $o->CompanyId; $q->OrderType = 'Investigation'; $q->DataSetType = $o->DataSetType->_; $q->ServiceLevelName = $o->ServiceLevelName; $q->LanguageCode = $o->LanguageCode; $q->OrderStatus = 'Pending'; $q->OrderDateTime = $date; $q->DueDateTime = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', ajouteJoursOuvrables($gLevelDurations[$q->ServiceLevelName])); $q->save(); //if ($o->TestIndication == false) { envoieCourriel('Commande', 'ProviderOrderId='.$q->ProviderOrderId); //} $r = new StdClass; $r->version = VERSION; $r->Order = orderResponse($o, $q); return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // StartMonitoring // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function StartMonitoring($o) { global $gServiceHeader; global $gLanguageCodes; global $gCategoryNames; global $gEventTypes; global $gTestCompanies; if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{14}$/', $o->CompanyId) == false) { throw functionalError(3000, $o->CompanyId); } if ($o->MonitoringVersion != VERSION) { throw functionalError(3001, $o->MonitoringVersion); } if (in_array($o->LanguageCode, $gLanguageCodes) == false) { throw functionalError(3002, $o->LanguageCode); } if (in_array($o->CategoryName, $gCategoryNames) == false) { throw functionalError(3005); } if (in_array($o->EventType, $gEventTypes) == false) { throw functionalError(3006); } if (isset($o->PreferredStartDate) == true && preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/', $o->PreferredStartDate) == false) { throw functionalError(3007, $o->PreferredStartDate); } if (isset($o->PreferredEndDate) == true && preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/', $o->PreferredEndDate) == false) { throw functionalError(3007, $o->PreferredEndDate); } if ($gServiceHeader->TestIndication == 'true' && in_array($o->CompanyId, $gTestCompanies) == false) { throw functionalError(3000, $o->CompanyId.' is not in test mode'); } modeTestUniquement($o->CompanyId); $i = scoresws_identitelight($o->CompanyId, substr($o->CompanyId, 0, 9), 0); $q = new Monitors; $q->TestIndication = $gServiceHeader->TestIndication == 'true'; $q->ConsumerId = $gServiceHeader->ConsumerId; if (empty($gServiceHeader->CustomerId) == false && $gServiceHeader->CustomerId != 'not_provided') { $q->CustomerId = $gServiceHeader->CustomerId; } $q->CompanyId = $o->CompanyId; $q->CompanyName = $i['Nom']; $q->CategoryName = $o->CategoryName; $q->EventType = $o->EventType; $q->LanguageCode = $o->LanguageCode; if (isset($o->PreferredStartDate) == true) { $q->ActualStartDate = $o->PreferredStartDate; } else { $q->ActualStartDate = date('Y-m-d'); } if (isset($o->PreferredEndDate) == true) { $q->ActualEndDate = $o->PreferredEndDate; } else { $q->ActualEndDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+6 month')); } $q->save(); $r = new StdClass; $r->version = VERSION; $r->Order = orderResponse($o, $q); return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // StopMonitoring // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function StopMonitoring($o) { $q = enregistrement('Monitors', $o->ProviderOrderId); if ($q == false) { throw functionalError(3021); } if (isset($o->PreferredEndDate) == true) { $q->ActualEndDate = $o->PreferredEndDate; } else { $q->ActualEndDate = date('Y-m-d'); } $q->save(); $r = new StdClass; $r->version = VERSION; $r->Order = orderResponse($o, $q); return $r; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UpdateMonitoringOptions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function UpdateMonitoringOptions($o) { global $gLanguageCodes; global $gCategoryNames; global $gEventTypes; if (isset($o->NewMonitoringVersion) == true && $o->NewMonitoringVersion != VERSION) { throw functionalError(3001, $o->NewMonitoringVersion); } if (isset($o->NewLanguageCode) == true && in_array($o->NewLanguageCode, $gLanguageCodes) == false) { throw functionalError(3002, $o->NewLanguageCode); } if (isset($o->NewCategoryName) == true && in_array($o->NewCategoryName, $gCategoryNames) == false) { throw functionalError(3005, $o->NewCategoryName); } if (isset($o->NewEventType) == true && in_array($o->NewEventType, $gEventTypes) == false) { throw functionalError(3006, $o->NewEventType); } if (isset($o->NewPreferredStartDate) == true && preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/', $o->NewPreferredStartDate) == false) { throw functionalError(3007, $o->NewPreferredStartDate); } if (isset($o->NewPreferredEndDate) == true && preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/', $o->NewPreferredEndDate) == false) { throw functionalError(3007, $o->NewPreferredEndDate); } if (is_numeric($o->ProviderOrderId) == false) { throw functionalError(3020, $o->ProviderOrderId); } $q = enregistrement('Monitors', $o->ProviderOrderId); if ($q == false) { throw functionalError(3021); } if (isset($o->NewCategoryName) == true) { $q->CategoryName = $o->NewCategoryName; } if (isset($o->NewEventType) == true) { $q->EventType = $o->NewEventType; } if (isset($o->NewMonitoringVersion) == true) { $q->MonitoringVersion = $o->NewMonitoringVersion; } if (isset($o->NewLanguageCode) == true) { $q->LanguageCode = $o->NewLanguageCode; } if (isset($o->NewPreferredStartDate) == true) { $q->ActualStartDate = $o->NewPreferredStartDate; } if (isset($o->NewPreferredEndDate) == true) { $q->ActualEndDate = $o->NewPreferredEndDate; } $q->save(); $r = new StdClass; $r->version = VERSION; $r->Order = orderResponse($o, $q); return $r; } ?>