;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; APPLICATION.INI CheatSheet for your Zend Framework Application ; ; Collection of all available configuration options via Zend_Application ; and it's bootstrap resources. ; ; Should work with Zend Framework 1.11.11 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; @author Florian Eibeck ; ; https://github.com/feibeck/application.ini ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Use this file as application.ini in your applications config folder. Uncomment ; and set all options that your application needs. Alternatively use this file ; as a cheatsheet and copy all needed options to your application.ini. ; ; Values in this file represent the default values that are used if the option ; is not defined. Empty values represent options that have no default value, or ; a value of null. Variables are written as and need to be changed to ; a value of your choice. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [production] ; +------------------+ ; | PHP ini settings | ; +------------------+ ; ; Set php configuration options ; ; http://php.net/manual/ini.list.php ; ; Examples: ; phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0 ; phpSettings.display_errors = 0 ; +-----------------------------+ ; | Include path and autoloader | ; +-----------------------------+ ; ; Add paths to the include path ; ; includepaths[] = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library" ; ; Set namespaces for the Zend_Loader_Autoloader ; ; autoloaderNamespaces[] = "ZendX_" ; ; Set a specific version of the Zend Framework, see ; http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.10/en/zend.loader.autoloader.html#zend.loader.autoloader.zf-version ; autoloaderzfpath = path ; autoloaderzfversion = version ["latest"] ; +--------------------------------+ ; | Zend_Application and Bootstrap | ; +--------------------------------+ ; ; File containing a class named "Bootstrap" ; bootstrap = PATH ; ; or path and classname ; bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php" ; bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap" ; ; Loading resource plugins from custom namespace ; pluginpaths.PREFIX = PATH ; ; Example: ; pluginpaths.My_Application_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/my/resource.php" ; ; Namespace for the Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader ; appnamespace = "Application" ; +--------------+ ; | Cachemanager | ; +--------------+ ; ; Define cache templates for Zend_Cache_Manager. ; ; http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.application.available-resources.html#zend.application.available-resources.cachemanager ; http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.cache.cache.manager.html ; ; resources.cachemanager..