. */ /** * Doctrine_Record * All record classes should inherit this super class * * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Record * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.phpdoctrine.org * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision: 6619 $ */ abstract class Doctrine_Record extends Doctrine_Record_Abstract implements Countable, IteratorAggregate, Serializable { /** * STATE CONSTANTS */ /** * DIRTY STATE * a Doctrine_Record is in dirty state when its properties are changed */ const STATE_DIRTY = 1; /** * TDIRTY STATE * a Doctrine_Record is in transient dirty state when it is created * and some of its fields are modified but it is NOT yet persisted into database */ const STATE_TDIRTY = 2; /** * CLEAN STATE * a Doctrine_Record is in clean state when all of its properties are loaded from the database * and none of its properties are changed */ const STATE_CLEAN = 3; /** * PROXY STATE * a Doctrine_Record is in proxy state when its properties are not fully loaded */ const STATE_PROXY = 4; /** * NEW TCLEAN * a Doctrine_Record is in transient clean state when it is created and none of its fields are modified */ const STATE_TCLEAN = 5; /** * LOCKED STATE * a Doctrine_Record is temporarily locked during deletes and saves * * This state is used internally to ensure that circular deletes * and saves will not cause infinite loops */ const STATE_LOCKED = 6; /** * TLOCKED STATE * a Doctrine_Record is temporarily locked (and transient) during deletes and saves * * This state is used internally to ensure that circular deletes * and saves will not cause infinite loops */ const STATE_TLOCKED = 7; /** * @var Doctrine_Node_ node object */ protected $_node; /** * @var integer $_id the primary keys of this object */ protected $_id = array(); /** * @var array $_data the record data */ protected $_data = array(); /** * @var array $_values the values array, aggregate values and such are mapped into this array */ protected $_values = array(); /** * @var integer $_state the state of this record * @see STATE_* constants */ protected $_state; /** * @var array $_lastModified an array containing field names that were modified in the previous transaction */ protected $_lastModified = array(); /** * @var array $_modified an array containing field names that have been modified * @todo Better name? $_modifiedFields? */ protected $_modified = array(); /** * @var array $_oldValues an array of the old values from set properties */ protected $_oldValues = array(); /** * @var Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack error stack object */ protected $_errorStack; /** * @var array $_references an array containing all the references */ protected $_references = array(); /** * Doctrine_Collection of objects needing to be deleted on save * * @var string */ protected $_pendingDeletes = array(); /** * Array of pending un links in format alias => keys to be executed after save * * @var array $_pendingUnlinks */ protected $_pendingUnlinks = array(); /** * Array of custom accessors for cache * * @var array */ protected static $_customAccessors = array(); /** * Array of custom mutators for cache * * @var array */ protected static $_customMutators = array(); /** * Whether or not to serialize references when a Doctrine_Record is serialized * * @var boolean */ protected $_serializeReferences = false; /** * Array containing the save hooks and events that have been invoked * * @var array */ protected $_invokedSaveHooks = false; /** * @var integer $index this index is used for creating object identifiers */ private static $_index = 1; /** * @var integer $oid object identifier, each Record object has a unique object identifier */ private $_oid; /** * constructor * @param Doctrine_Table|null $table a Doctrine_Table object or null, * if null the table object is retrieved from current connection * * @param boolean $isNewEntry whether or not this record is transient * * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if object is created using the new operator and there are no * open connections * @throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if the cleanData operation fails somehow */ public function __construct($table = null, $isNewEntry = false) { if (isset($table) && $table instanceof Doctrine_Table) { $this->_table = $table; $exists = ( ! $isNewEntry); } else { // get the table of this class $class = get_class($this); $this->_table = Doctrine::getTable($class); $exists = false; } // Check if the current connection has the records table in its registry // If not this record is only used for creating table definition and setting up // relations. if ( ! $this->_table->getConnection()->hasTable($this->_table->getComponentName())) { return; } $this->_oid = self::$_index; self::$_index++; // get the data array $this->_data = $this->_table->getData(); // get the column count $count = count($this->_data); $this->_values = $this->cleanData($this->_data); $this->prepareIdentifiers($exists); if ( ! $exists) { if ($count > count($this->_values)) { $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY; } else { $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN; } // set the default values for this record $this->assignDefaultValues(); } else { $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; if ($count < $this->_table->getColumnCount()) { $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_PROXY; } } $repository = $this->_table->getRepository(); // Fix for #1682 and #1841. // Doctrine_Table does not have the repository yet during dummy record creation. if ($repository) { $repository->add($this); $this->construct(); } } /** * Set whether or not to serialize references. * This is used by caching since we want to serialize references when caching * but not when just normally serializing a instance * * @param boolean $bool * @return boolean $bool */ public function serializeReferences($bool = null) { if ( ! is_null($bool)) { $this->_serializeReferences = $bool; } return $this->_serializeReferences; } /** * the current instance counter used to generate unique ids for php objects. Contains the next identifier. * * @return integer */ public static function _index() { return self::$_index; } /** * setUp * this method is used for setting up relations and attributes * it should be implemented by child classes * * @return void */ public function setUp() { } /** * construct * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the constructor procedure * * @return void */ public function construct() { } /** * @see $_oid; * * @return integer the object identifier */ public function getOid() { return $this->_oid; } public function oid() { return $this->_oid; } /** * calls a subclass hook. Idempotent until @see clearInvokedSaveHooks() is called. * * * $this->invokeSaveHooks('pre', 'save'); * * * @param string $when 'post' or 'pre' * @param string $type serialize, unserialize, save, delete, update, insert, validate, dqlSelect, dqlDelete, hydrate * @param Doctrine_Event $event event raised * @return Doctrine_Event the event generated using the type, if not specified */ public function invokeSaveHooks($when, $type, $event = null) { $func = $when . ucfirst($type); if (is_null($event)) { $constant = constant('Doctrine_Event::RECORD_' . strtoupper($type)); //echo $func . " - " . 'Doctrine_Event::RECORD_' . strtoupper($type) . "\n"; $event = new Doctrine_Event($this, $constant); } if ( ! isset($this->_invokedSaveHooks[$func])) { $this->$func($event); $this->getTable()->getRecordListener()->$func($event); $this->_invokedSaveHooks[$func] = $event; } else { $event = $this->_invokedSaveHooks[$func]; } return $event; } /** * makes all the already used save hooks available again */ public function clearInvokedSaveHooks() { $this->_invokedSaveHooks = array(); } /** * tests validity of the record using the current data. * * @param boolean $deep run the validation process on the relations * @param boolean $hooks invoke save hooks before start * @return boolean whether or not this record is valid */ public function isValid($deep = false, $hooks = true) { if ( ! $this->_table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_VALIDATE)) { return true; } if ($this->_state == self::STATE_LOCKED || $this->_state == self::STATE_TLOCKED) { return true; } if ($hooks) { $this->invokeSaveHooks('pre', 'save'); $this->invokeSaveHooks('pre', $this->exists() ? 'update' : 'insert'); } // Clear the stack from any previous errors. $this->getErrorStack()->clear(); // Run validation process $event = new Doctrine_Event($this, Doctrine_Event::RECORD_VALIDATE); $this->preValidate($event); $this->getTable()->getRecordListener()->preValidate($event); if ( ! $event->skipOperation) { $validator = new Doctrine_Validator(); $validator->validateRecord($this); $this->validate(); if ($this->_state == self::STATE_TDIRTY || $this->_state == self::STATE_TCLEAN) { $this->validateOnInsert(); } else { $this->validateOnUpdate(); } } $this->getTable()->getRecordListener()->postValidate($event); $this->postValidate($event); $valid = $this->getErrorStack()->count() == 0 ? true : false; if ($valid && $deep) { $stateBeforeLock = $this->_state; $this->_state = $this->exists() ? self::STATE_LOCKED : self::STATE_TLOCKED; foreach ($this->_references as $reference) { if ($reference instanceof Doctrine_Record) { if ( ! $valid = $reference->isValid($deep)) { break; } } else if ($reference instanceof Doctrine_Collection) { foreach ($reference as $record) { if ( ! $valid = $record->isValid($deep)) { break; } } } } $this->_state = $stateBeforeLock; } return $valid; } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the validation procedure, doing any custom / specialized * validations that are neccessary. */ protected function validate() { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the validation procedure only when the record is going to be * updated. */ protected function validateOnUpdate() { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the validation procedure only when the record is going to be * inserted into the data store the first time. */ protected function validateOnInsert() { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the serializing procedure. */ public function preSerialize($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the serializing procedure. */ public function postSerialize($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the serializing procedure. */ public function preUnserialize($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the serializing procedure. */ public function postUnserialize($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the saving procedure. */ public function preSave($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the saving procedure. */ public function postSave($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the deletion procedure. */ public function preDelete($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the deletion procedure. */ public function postDelete($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the saving procedure only when the record is going to be * updated. */ public function preUpdate($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the saving procedure only when the record is going to be * updated. */ public function postUpdate($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the saving procedure only when the record is going to be * inserted into the data store the first time. */ public function preInsert($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the saving procedure only when the record is going to be * inserted into the data store the first time. */ public function postInsert($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the validation procedure. Useful for cleaning up data before * validating it. */ public function preValidate($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide concrete Record classes with the possibility * to hook into the validation procedure. */ public function postValidate($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide Record classes with the ability to alter DQL select * queries at runtime */ public function preDqlSelect($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide Record classes with the ability to alter DQL update * queries at runtime */ public function preDqlUpdate($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide Record classes with the ability to alter DQL delete * queries at runtime */ public function preDqlDelete($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide Record classes with the ability to alter hydration * before it runs */ public function preHydrate($event) { } /** * Empty template method to provide Record classes with the ability to alter hydration * after it runs */ public function postHydrate($event) { } /** * Get the record error stack as a human readable string. * Useful for outputting errors to user via web browser * * @return string $message */ public function getErrorStackAsString() { $errorStack = $this->getErrorStack(); if (count($errorStack)) { $message = sprintf("Validation failed in class %s\n\n", get_class($this)); $message .= " " . count($errorStack) . " field" . (count($errorStack) > 1 ? 's' : null) . " had validation error" . (count($errorStack) > 1 ? 's' : null) . ":\n\n"; foreach ($errorStack as $field => $errors) { $message .= " * " . count($errors) . " validator" . (count($errors) > 1 ? 's' : null) . " failed on $field (" . implode(", ", $errors) . ")\n"; } return $message; } else { return false; } } /** * retrieves the ErrorStack. To be called after a failed validation attempt (@see isValid()). * * @return Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack returns the errorStack associated with this record */ public function getErrorStack() { if ( ! $this->_errorStack) { $this->_errorStack = new Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack(get_class($this)); } return $this->_errorStack; } /** * assigns the ErrorStack or returns it if called without parameters * * @param Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack errorStack to be assigned for this record * @return void|Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack returns the errorStack associated with this record */ public function errorStack($stack = null) { if ($stack !== null) { if ( ! ($stack instanceof Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack)) { throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception('Argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack.'); } $this->_errorStack = $stack; } else { return $this->getErrorStack(); } } /** * Assign the inheritance column values * * @return void */ public function assignInheritanceValues() { $map = $this->_table->inheritanceMap; foreach ($map as $k => $v) { $k = $this->_table->getFieldName($k); $old = $this->get($k, false); if (((string) $old !== (string) $v || $old === null) && !in_array($k, $this->_modified)) { $this->set($k, $v); } } } /** * setDefaultValues * sets the default values for records internal data * * @param boolean $overwrite whether or not to overwrite the already set values * @return boolean */ public function assignDefaultValues($overwrite = false) { if ( ! $this->_table->hasDefaultValues()) { return false; } foreach ($this->_data as $column => $value) { $default = $this->_table->getDefaultValueOf($column); if ($default === null) { continue; } if ($value === self::$_null || $overwrite) { $this->_data[$column] = $default; $this->_modified[] = $column; $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY; } } } /** * cleanData * leaves the $data array only with values whose key is a field inside this * record and returns the values that were removed from $data. Also converts * any values of 'null' to objects of type Doctrine_Null. * * @param array $data data array to be cleaned * @return array values cleaned from data */ public function cleanData(&$data) { $tmp = $data; $data = array(); foreach ($this->getTable()->getFieldNames() as $fieldName) { if (isset($tmp[$fieldName])) { $data[$fieldName] = $tmp[$fieldName]; } else if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $tmp)) { $data[$fieldName] = self::$_null; } else if (!isset($this->_data[$fieldName])) { $data[$fieldName] = self::$_null; } unset($tmp[$fieldName]); } return $tmp; } /** * hydrate * hydrates this object from given array * * @param array $data * @param boolean $overwriteLocalChanges whether to overwrite the unsaved (dirty) data * @return void */ public function hydrate(array $data, $overwriteLocalChanges = true) { if ($overwriteLocalChanges) { $this->_values = array_merge($this->_values, $this->cleanData($data)); $this->_data = array_merge($this->_data, $data); } else { $this->_values = array_merge($this->cleanData($data), $this->_values); $this->_data = array_merge($data, $this->_data); } if ( ! $this->isModified() && count($this->_values) < $this->_table->getColumnCount()) { $this->_state = self::STATE_PROXY; } } /** * prepareIdentifiers * prepares identifiers for later use * * @param boolean $exists whether or not this record exists in persistent data store * @return void */ private function prepareIdentifiers($exists = true) { switch ($this->_table->getIdentifierType()) { case Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_AUTOINC: case Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_SEQUENCE: case Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_NATURAL: $name = $this->_table->getIdentifier(); if (is_array($name)) { $name = $name[0]; } if ($exists) { if (isset($this->_data[$name]) && $this->_data[$name] !== self::$_null) { $this->_id[$name] = $this->_data[$name]; } } break; case Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_COMPOSITE: $names = $this->_table->getIdentifier(); foreach ($names as $name) { if ($this->_data[$name] === self::$_null) { $this->_id[$name] = null; } else { $this->_id[$name] = $this->_data[$name]; } } break; } } /** * serialize * this method is automatically called when an instance of Doctrine_Record is serialized * * @return string */ public function serialize() { $event = new Doctrine_Event($this, Doctrine_Event::RECORD_SERIALIZE); $this->preSerialize($event); $this->getTable()->getRecordListener()->preSerialize($event); $vars = get_object_vars($this); if ( ! $this->serializeReferences()) { unset($vars['_references']); } unset($vars['_table']); unset($vars['_errorStack']); unset($vars['_filter']); unset($vars['_node']); $data = $this->_data; if ($this->exists()) { $data = array_merge($data, $this->_id); } foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if ($v instanceof Doctrine_Record && $this->_table->getTypeOf($k) != 'object') { unset($vars['_data'][$k]); } elseif ($v === self::$_null) { unset($vars['_data'][$k]); } else { switch ($this->_table->getTypeOf($k)) { case 'array': case 'object': $vars['_data'][$k] = serialize($vars['_data'][$k]); break; case 'gzip': $vars['_data'][$k] = gzcompress($vars['_data'][$k]); break; } } } $str = serialize($vars); $this->postSerialize($event); $this->getTable()->getRecordListener()->postSerialize($event); return $str; } /** * this method is automatically called everytime an instance is unserialized * * @param string $serialized Doctrine_Record as serialized string * @throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if the cleanData operation fails somehow * @return void */ public function unserialize($serialized) { $event = new Doctrine_Event($this, Doctrine_Event::RECORD_UNSERIALIZE); $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance(); $connection = $manager->getConnectionForComponent(get_class($this)); $this->_oid = self::$_index; self::$_index++; $this->_table = $connection->getTable(get_class($this)); $this->preUnserialize($event); $this->getTable()->getRecordListener()->preUnserialize($event); $array = unserialize($serialized); foreach($array as $k => $v) { $this->$k = $v; } foreach ($this->_data as $k => $v) { switch ($this->_table->getTypeOf($k)) { case 'array': case 'object': $this->_data[$k] = unserialize($this->_data[$k]); break; case 'gzip': $this->_data[$k] = gzuncompress($this->_data[$k]); break; case 'enum': $this->_data[$k] = $this->_table->enumValue($k, $this->_data[$k]); break; } } $this->_table->getRepository()->add($this); $this->cleanData($this->_data); $this->prepareIdentifiers($this->exists()); $this->postUnserialize($event); $this->getTable()->getRecordListener()->postUnserialize($event); } /** * assigns the state of this record or returns it if called without parameters * * @param integer|string $state if set, this method tries to set the record state to $state * @see Doctrine_Record::STATE_* constants * * @throws Doctrine_Record_State_Exception if trying to set an unknown state * @return null|integer */ public function state($state = null) { if ($state == null) { return $this->_state; } $err = false; if (is_integer($state)) { if ($state >= 1 && $state <= 7) { $this->_state = $state; } else { $err = true; } } else if (is_string($state)) { $upper = strtoupper($state); $const = 'Doctrine_Record::STATE_' . $upper; if (defined($const)) { $this->_state = constant($const); } else { $err = true; } } if ($this->_state === Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN || $this->_state === Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN) { $this->_resetModified(); } if ($err) { throw new Doctrine_Record_State_Exception('Unknown record state ' . $state); } } /** * refresh * refresh internal data from the database * * @param bool $deep If true, fetch also current relations. Caution: this deletes * any aggregated values you may have queried beforee * * @throws Doctrine_Record_Exception When the refresh operation fails (when the database row * this record represents does not exist anymore) * @return boolean */ public function refresh($deep = false) { $id = $this->identifier(); if ( ! is_array($id)) { $id = array($id); } if (empty($id)) { return false; } $id = array_values($id); $overwrite = $this->getTable()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_HYDRATE_OVERWRITE); $this->getTable()->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_HYDRATE_OVERWRITE, true); if ($deep) { $query = $this->getTable()->createQuery(); foreach (array_keys($this->_references) as $name) { $query->leftJoin(get_class($this) . '.' . $name); } $query->where(implode(' = ? AND ', (array)$this->getTable()->getIdentifier()) . ' = ?'); $this->clearRelated(); $record = $query->fetchOne($id); } else { // Use HYDRATE_ARRAY to avoid clearing object relations $record = $this->getTable()->find($id, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY); if ($record) { $this->hydrate($record); } } $this->getTable()->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_HYDRATE_OVERWRITE, $overwrite); if ($record === false) { throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception('Failed to refresh. Record does not exist.'); } $this->_resetModified(); $this->prepareIdentifiers(); $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; return $this; } /** * refresh * refresh data of related objects from the database * * @param string $name name of a related component. * if set, this method only refreshes the specified related component * * @return Doctrine_Record this object */ public function refreshRelated($name = null) { if (is_null($name)) { foreach ($this->_table->getRelations() as $rel) { $reference = $rel->fetchRelatedFor($this); if ($reference instanceof Doctrine_Collection || ($reference && $reference->exists())) { $this->_references[$rel->getAlias()] = $reference; } } } else { $rel = $this->_table->getRelation($name); $reference = $rel->fetchRelatedFor($this); if ($reference instanceof Doctrine_Collection || ($reference && $reference->exists())) { $this->_references[$name] = $reference; } } } /** * clearRelated * unsets all the relationships this object has * * (references to related objects still remain on Table objects) */ public function clearRelated() { $this->_references = array(); } /** * returns the table object for this record. * * @return Doctrine_Table a Doctrine_Table object */ public function getTable() { return $this->_table; } /** * return all the internal data (columns) * * @return array an array containing all the properties */ public function getData() { return $this->_data; } /** * returns the value of a property (column). If the property is not yet loaded * this method does NOT load it. * * @param $name name of the property * @throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to get an unknown property * @return mixed */ public function rawGet($fieldName) { if ( ! isset($this->_data[$fieldName])) { throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception('Unknown property '. $fieldName); } if ($this->_data[$fieldName] === self::$_null) { return null; } return $this->_data[$fieldName]; } /** * loads all the uninitialized properties from the database. * Used to move a record from PROXY to CLEAN/DIRTY state. * * @param array $data overwriting data to load in the record. Instance is hydrated from the table if not specified. * @return boolean */ public function load(array $data = array()) { // only load the data from database if the Doctrine_Record is in proxy state if ($this->_state == Doctrine_Record::STATE_PROXY) { $id = $this->identifier(); if ( ! is_array($id)) { $id = array($id); } if (empty($id)) { return false; } $data = empty($data) ? $this->getTable()->find($id, Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY) : $data; foreach ($data as $field => $value) { if ( ! isset($this->_data[$field]) || $this->_data[$field] === self::$_null) { // Ticket #2031: null value was causing removal of field during load if ($value === null) { $value = self::$_null; } $this->_data[$field] = $value; } } if ($this->isModified()) { $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_DIRTY; } else if (count($data) >= $this->_table->getColumnCount()) { $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; } return true; } return false; } /** * sets a fieldname to have a custom accessor or check if a field has a custom * accessor defined (when called without $accessor parameter). * * @param string $fieldName * @param string $accessor * @return boolean */ public function hasAccessor($fieldName, $accessor = null) { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); if ($accessor) { self::$_customAccessors[$componentName][$fieldName] = $accessor; } else { return (isset(self::$_customAccessors[$componentName][$fieldName]) && self::$_customAccessors[$componentName][$fieldName]); } } /** * clears the accessor for a field name * * @param string $fieldName * @return void */ public function clearAccessor($fieldName) { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); unset(self::$_customAccessors[$componentName][$fieldName]); } /** * gets the custom accessor for a field name * * @param string $fieldName * @return string $accessor */ public function getAccessor($fieldName) { if ($this->hasAccessor($fieldName)) { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); return self::$_customAccessors[$componentName][$fieldName]; } } /** * gets all accessors for this component instance * * @return array $accessors */ public function getAccessors() { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); return self::$_customAccessors[$componentName]; } /** * sets a fieldname to have a custom mutator or check if a field has a custom * mutator defined (when called without the $mutator parameter) * * @param string $fieldName * @param string $mutator * @return boolean */ public function hasMutator($fieldName, $mutator = null) { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); if ($mutator) { self::$_customMutators[$componentName][$fieldName] = $mutator; } else { return (isset(self::$_customMutators[$componentName][$fieldName]) && self::$_customMutators[$componentName][$fieldName]); } } /** * gets the custom mutator for a field name * * @param string $fieldname * @return string */ public function getMutator($fieldName) { if ($this->hasMutator($fieldName)) { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); return self::$_customMutators[$componentName][$fieldName]; } } /** * clears the custom mutator for a field name * * @param string $fieldName * @return void */ public function clearMutator($fieldName) { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); unset(self::$_customMutators[$componentName][$fieldName]); } /** * gets all custom mutators for this component instance * * @return array $mutators */ public function getMutators() { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); return self::$_customMutators[$componentName]; } /** * Set a fieldname to have a custom accessor and mutator * * @param string $fieldname * @param string $accessor * @param string $mutator */ public function hasAccessorMutator($fieldName, $accessor, $mutator) { $this->hasAccessor($fieldName, $accessor); $this->hasMutator($fieldName, $mutator); } /** * returns a value of a property or a related component * * @param mixed $fieldName name of the property or related component * @param boolean $load whether or not to invoke the loading procedure * @throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to get a value of unknown property / related component * @return mixed */ public function get($fieldName, $load = true) { if ($this->_table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_AUTO_ACCESSOR_OVERRIDE) || $this->hasAccessor($fieldName)) { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); $accessor = $this->hasAccessor($fieldName) ? $this->getAccessor($fieldName) : 'get' . Doctrine_Inflector::classify($fieldName); if ($this->hasAccessor($fieldName) || method_exists($this, $accessor)) { $this->hasAccessor($fieldName, $accessor); return $this->$accessor($load); } } return $this->_get($fieldName, $load); } protected function _get($fieldName, $load = true) { $value = self::$_null; if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $this->_values)) { return $this->_values[$fieldName]; } if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $this->_data)) { // check if the value is the Doctrine_Null object located in self::$_null) if ($this->_data[$fieldName] === self::$_null && $load) { $this->load(); } if ($this->_data[$fieldName] === self::$_null) { $value = null; } else { $value = $this->_data[$fieldName]; } return $value; } try { if ( ! isset($this->_references[$fieldName]) && $load) { $rel = $this->_table->getRelation($fieldName); $this->_references[$fieldName] = $rel->fetchRelatedFor($this); } if ($this->_references[$fieldName] === self::$_null) { return null; } return $this->_references[$fieldName]; } catch (Doctrine_Table_Exception $e) { $success = false; foreach ($this->_table->getFilters() as $filter) { try { $value = $filter->filterGet($this, $fieldName); $success = true; } catch (Doctrine_Exception $e) {} } if ($success) { return $value; } else { throw $e; } } } /** * sets a value that will be managed as if it were a field by magic accessor and mutators, @see get() and @see set(). * Normally used by Doctrine for the mapping of aggregate values. * * @param string $name the name of the mapped value * @param mixed $value mixed value to be mapped * @return void */ public function mapValue($name, $value = null) { $this->_values[$name] = $value; } /** * alters mapped values, properties and related components. * * @param mixed $name name of the property or reference * @param mixed $value value of the property or reference * @param boolean $load whether or not to refresh / load the uninitialized record data * * @throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to set a value for unknown property / related component * @throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to set a value of wrong type for related component * * @return Doctrine_Record */ public function set($fieldName, $value, $load = true) { if ($this->_table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_AUTO_ACCESSOR_OVERRIDE) || $this->hasMutator($fieldName)) { $componentName = $this->_table->getComponentName(); $mutator = $this->hasMutator($fieldName) ? $this->getMutator($fieldName): 'set' . Doctrine_Inflector::classify($fieldName); if ($this->hasMutator($fieldName) || method_exists($this, $mutator)) { $this->hasMutator($fieldName, $mutator); return $this->$mutator($value, $load); } } return $this->_set($fieldName, $value, $load); } protected function _set($fieldName, $value, $load = true) { if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $this->_values)) { $this->_values[$fieldName] = $value; } else if (isset($this->_data[$fieldName])) { $type = $this->_table->getTypeOf($fieldName); if ($value instanceof Doctrine_Record) { $id = $value->getIncremented(); if ($id !== null && $type !== 'object') { $value = $id; } } if ($load) { $old = $this->get($fieldName, $load); } else { $old = $this->_data[$fieldName]; } if ($this->_isValueModified($type, $old, $value)) { if ($value === null) { $default = $this->_table->getDefaultValueOf($fieldName); $value = ($default === null) ? self::$_null : $default; } $this->_data[$fieldName] = $value; $this->_modified[] = $fieldName; $this->_oldValues[$fieldName] = $old; switch ($this->_state) { case Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN: case Doctrine_Record::STATE_PROXY: $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_DIRTY; break; case Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN: $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY; break; } } } else { try { $this->coreSetRelated($fieldName, $value); } catch (Doctrine_Table_Exception $e) { $success = false; foreach ($this->_table->getFilters() as $filter) { try { $value = $filter->filterSet($this, $fieldName, $value); $success = true; } catch (Doctrine_Exception $e) {} } if ($success) { return $value; } else { throw $e; } } } return $this; } /** * Check if a value has changed according to Doctrine * Doctrine is loose with type checking in the same ways PHP is for consistancy of behavior * * This function basically says if what is being set is of Doctrine type boolean and something * like current_value == 1 && new_value = true would not be considered modified * * Simply doing $old !== $new will return false for boolean columns would mark the field as modified * and change it in the database when it is not necessary * * @param string $type Doctrine type of the column * @param string $old Old value * @param string $new New value * @return boolean $modified Whether or not Doctrine considers the value modified */ protected function _isValueModified($type, $old, $new) { if ($new instanceof Doctrine_Expression) { return true; } if ($type == 'boolean' && (is_bool($old) || is_numeric($old)) && (is_bool($new) || is_numeric($new)) && $old == $new) { return false; } else if (in_array($type, array('decimal', 'float')) && is_numeric($old) && is_numeric($new)) { return $old * 100 != $new * 100; } else if (in_array($type, array('integer', 'int')) && is_numeric($old) && is_numeric($new)) { return (int) $old !== (int) $new; } else if ($type == 'timestamp' || $type == 'date') { return strtotime($old) !== strtotime($new); } else { return $old !== $new; } } /** * Places a related component in the object graph. * * This method inserts a related component instance in this record * relations, populating the foreign keys accordingly. * * @param string $name related component alias in the relation * @param Doctrine_Record|Doctrine_Collection $value object to be linked as a related component * @todo Refactor. What about composite keys? */ public function coreSetRelated($name, $value) { $rel = $this->_table->getRelation($name); if ($value === null) { $value = self::$_null; } // one-to-many or one-to-one relation if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey || $rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey) { if ( ! $rel->isOneToOne()) { // one-to-many relation found if ( ! ($value instanceof Doctrine_Collection)) { throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception("Couldn't call Doctrine::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Collection when setting one-to-many references."); } if (isset($this->_references[$name])) { $this->_references[$name]->setData($value->getData()); return $this; } } else { $localFieldName = $this->_table->getFieldName($rel->getLocal()); if ($value !== self::$_null) { $relatedTable = $value->getTable(); $foreignFieldName = $relatedTable->getFieldName($rel->getForeign()); } // one-to-one relation found if ( ! ($value instanceof Doctrine_Record) && ! ($value instanceof Doctrine_Null)) { throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception("Couldn't call Doctrine::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Record or Doctrine_Null when setting one-to-one references."); } if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey) { if ($value !== self::$_null && ! empty($foreignFieldName) && $foreignFieldName != $value->getTable()->getIdentifier()) { $this->set($localFieldName, $value->rawGet($foreignFieldName), false); } else { // FIX: Ticket #1280 fits in this situation $this->set($localFieldName, $value, false); } } elseif ($value !== self::$_null) { // We should only be able to reach $foreignFieldName if we have a Doctrine_Record on hands $value->set($foreignFieldName, $this, false); } } } else if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_Association) { // join table relation found if ( ! ($value instanceof Doctrine_Collection)) { throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception("Couldn't call Doctrine::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Collection when setting many-to-many references."); } } $this->_references[$name] = $value; } /** * test whether a field (column, mapped value, related component) is accessible by @see get() * * @param string $fieldName * @return boolean */ public function contains($fieldName) { if (isset($this->_data[$fieldName])) { // this also returns true if the field is a Doctrine_Null. // imho this is not correct behavior. return true; } if (isset($this->_id[$fieldName])) { return true; } if (isset($this->_values[$fieldName])) { return true; } if (isset($this->_references[$fieldName]) && $this->_references[$fieldName] !== self::$_null) { return true; } return false; } /** * deletes a column or a related component. * @param string $name * @return void */ public function __unset($name) { if (isset($this->_data[$name])) { $this->_data[$name] = array(); } else if (isset($this->_references[$name])) { if ($this->_references[$name] instanceof Doctrine_Record) { $this->_pendingDeletes[] = $this->$name; $this->_references[$name] = self::$_null; } elseif ($this->_references[$name] instanceof Doctrine_Collection) { $this->_pendingDeletes[] = $this->$name; $this->_references[$name]->setData(array()); } } } /** * returns Doctrine_Record instances which need to be deleted on save * * @return array */ public function getPendingDeletes() { return $this->_pendingDeletes; } /** * returns Doctrine_Record instances which need to be unlinked (deleting the relation) on save * * @return array $pendingUnlinks */ public function getPendingUnlinks() { return $this->_pendingUnlinks; } /** * resets pending record unlinks * * @return void */ public function resetPendingUnlinks() { $this->_pendingUnlinks = array(); } /** * applies the changes made to this object into database * this method is smart enough to know if any changes are made * and whether to use INSERT or UPDATE statement * * this method also saves the related components * * @param Doctrine_Connection $conn optional connection parameter * @throws Exception if record is not valid and validation is active * @return void */ public function save(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null) { if ($conn === null) { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); } $conn->unitOfWork->saveGraph($this); } /** * tries to save the object and all its related components. * In contrast to Doctrine_Record::save(), this method does not * throw an exception when validation fails but returns TRUE on * success or FALSE on failure. * * @param Doctrine_Connection $conn optional connection parameter * @return TRUE if the record was saved sucessfully without errors, FALSE otherwise. */ public function trySave(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null) { try { $this->save($conn); return true; } catch (Doctrine_Validator_Exception $ignored) { return false; } } /** * executes a SQL REPLACE query. A REPLACE query is identical to a INSERT * query, except that if there is already a row in the table with the same * key field values, the REPLACE query just updates its values instead of * inserting a new row. * * The REPLACE type of query does not make part of the SQL standards. Since * practically only MySQL and SQLIte implement it natively, this type of * query isemulated through this method for other DBMS using standard types * of queries inside a transaction to assure the atomicity of the operation. * * @param Doctrine_Connection $conn optional connection parameter * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if some of the key values was null * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if there were no key fields * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if something fails at database level * @return integer number of rows affected */ public function replace(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null) { if ($conn === null) { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); } if ($this->exists()) { return $this->save(); } else { if ($this->isValid()) { $identifier = (array) $this->getTable()->getIdentifier(); $data = $this->getPrepared(); return $conn->replace($this->_table, $data, $identifier); } else { return false; } } } /** * retrieves an array of modified fields and associated new values. * * @param boolean $old pick the old values (instead of the new ones) * @param boolean $last pick only lastModified values (@see getLastModified()) * @return array $a */ public function getModified($old = false, $last = false) { $a = array(); $modified = $last ? $this->_lastModified:$this->_modified; foreach ($modified as $fieldName) { if ($old) { $a[$fieldName] = isset($this->_oldValues[$fieldName]) ? $this->_oldValues[$fieldName] : $this->getTable()->getDefaultValueOf($fieldName); } else { $a[$fieldName] = $this->_data[$fieldName]; } } return $a; } /** * returns an array of the modified fields from the last transaction. * * @param boolean $old pick the old values (instead of the new ones) * @return array */ public function getLastModified($old = false) { return $this->getModified($old, true); } /** * Retrieves data prepared for a sql transaction. * * Returns an array of modified fields and values with data preparation; * adds column aggregation inheritance and converts Records into primary * key values. * * @param array $array * @return array * @todo What about a little bit more expressive name? getPreparedData? */ public function getPrepared(array $array = array()) { $a = array(); if (empty($array)) { $modifiedFields = $this->_modified; } foreach ($modifiedFields as $field) { $type = $this->_table->getTypeOf($field); if ($this->_data[$field] === self::$_null) { $a[$field] = null; continue; } switch ($type) { case 'array': case 'object': $a[$field] = serialize($this->_data[$field]); break; case 'gzip': $a[$field] = gzcompress($this->_data[$field],5); break; case 'boolean': $a[$field] = $this->getTable()->getConnection()->convertBooleans($this->_data[$field]); break; default: if ($this->_data[$field] instanceof Doctrine_Record) { $a[$field] = $this->_data[$field]->getIncremented(); if ($a[$field] !== null) { $this->_data[$field] = $a[$field]; } } else { $a[$field] = $this->_data[$field]; } /** TODO: if ($this->_data[$v] === null) { throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception('Unexpected null value.'); } */ } } return $a; } /** * implements Countable interface * * @return integer the number of columns in this record */ public function count() { return count($this->_data); } /** * alias for @see count() * * @return integer the number of columns in this record */ public function columnCount() { return $this->count(); } /** * returns the record representation as an array * * @link http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_1/en/working-with-models * @param boolean $deep whether to include relations * @param boolean $prefixKey not used * @return array */ public function toArray($deep = true, $prefixKey = false) { if ($this->_state == self::STATE_LOCKED || $this->_state == self::STATE_TLOCKED) { return false; } $stateBeforeLock = $this->_state; $this->_state = $this->exists() ? self::STATE_LOCKED : self::STATE_TLOCKED; $a = array(); foreach ($this as $column => $value) { if ($value === self::$_null || is_object($value)) { $value = null; } $columnValue = $this->get($column); if ($columnValue instanceof Doctrine_Record) { $a[$column] = $columnValue->getIncremented(); } else { $a[$column] = $columnValue; } } if ($this->_table->getIdentifierType() == Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_AUTOINC) { $i = $this->_table->getIdentifier(); $a[$i] = $this->getIncremented(); } if ($deep) { foreach ($this->_references as $key => $relation) { if ( ! $relation instanceof Doctrine_Null) { $a[$key] = $relation->toArray($deep, $prefixKey); } } } // [FIX] Prevent mapped Doctrine_Records from being displayed fully foreach ($this->_values as $key => $value) { $a[$key] = ($value instanceof Doctrine_Record) ? $value->toArray($deep, $prefixKey) : $value; } $this->_state = $stateBeforeLock; return $a; } /** * merges this record with an array of values * or with another existing instance of this object * * @see fromArray() * @link http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_1/en/working-with-models * @param string $array array of data to merge, see link for documentation * @param bool $deep whether or not to merge relations * @return void */ public function merge($data, $deep = true) { if ($data instanceof $this) { $array = $data->toArray($deep); } else if (is_array($data)) { $array = $data; } return $this->fromArray($array, $deep); } /** * imports data from a php array * * @link http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_1/en/working-with-models * @param string $array array of data, see link for documentation * @param bool $deep whether or not to act on relations * @return void */ public function fromArray(array $array, $deep = true) { $refresh = false; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if ($key == '_identifier') { $refresh = true; $this->assignIdentifier($value); continue; } if ($deep && $this->getTable()->hasRelation($key)) { if ( ! $this->$key) { $this->refreshRelated($key); } if (is_array($value)) { if (isset($value[0]) && ! is_array($value[0])) { $this->unlink($key, array(), false); foreach ($value as $id) { $this->link($key, $id, false); } } else { $this->$key->fromArray($value, $deep); } } } else if ($this->getTable()->hasField($key) || array_key_exists($key, $this->_values)) { $this->set($key, $value); } else { $method = 'set' . Doctrine_Inflector::classify($key); try { if (is_callable(array($this, $method))) { $this->$method($value); } } catch (Doctrine_Record_Exception $e) {} } } if ($refresh) { $this->refresh(); } } /** * synchronizes a Doctrine_Record instance and its relations with data from an array * * it expects an array representation of a Doctrine_Record similar to the return * value of the toArray() method. If the array contains relations it will create * those that don't exist, update the ones that do, and delete the ones missing * on the array but available on the Doctrine_Record (unlike @see fromArray() that * does not touch what it is not in $array) * * @param array $array representation of a Doctrine_Record * @param bool $deep whether or not to act on relations */ public function synchronizeWithArray(array $array, $deep = true) { $refresh = false; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if ($key == '_identifier') { $refresh = true; $this->assignIdentifier($value); continue; } if ($deep && $this->getTable()->hasRelation($key)) { if ( ! $this->$key) { $this->refreshRelated($key); } if (is_array($value)) { if (isset($value[0]) && ! is_array($value[0])) { $this->unlink($key, array(), false); foreach ($value as $id) { $this->link($key, $id, false); } } else { $this->$key->synchronizeWithArray($value); } } } else if ($this->getTable()->hasField($key) || array_key_exists($key, $this->_values)) { $this->set($key, $value); } } // Eliminate relationships missing in the $array foreach ($this->_references as $name => $relation) { $rel = $this->getTable()->getRelation($name); if ( ! isset($array[$name]) && ( ! $rel->isOneToOne() || ! isset($array[$rel->getLocalFieldName()]))) { unset($this->$name); } } if ($refresh) { $this->refresh(); } } /** * exports instance to a chosen format * * @param string $type format type: array, xml, yml, json * @param string $deep whether or not to export all relationships * @return string representation as $type format. Array is $type is array */ public function exportTo($type, $deep = true) { if ($type == 'array') { return $this->toArray($deep); } else { return Doctrine_Parser::dump($this->toArray($deep, true), $type); } } /** * imports data from a chosen format in the current instance * * @param string $type Format type: xml, yml, json * @param string $data Data to be parsed and imported * @return void */ public function importFrom($type, $data) { if ($type == 'array') { return $this->fromArray($data); } else { return $this->fromArray(Doctrine_Parser::load($data, $type)); } } /** * returns true if this record is saved in the database, otherwise false (it is transient) * * @return boolean */ public function exists() { return ($this->_state !== Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN && $this->_state !== Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY && $this->_state !== Doctrine_Record::STATE_TLOCKED && $this->_state !== null); } /** * returns true if this record was modified, otherwise false * * @param boolean $deep whether to process also the relations for changes * @return boolean */ public function isModified($deep = false) { $modified = ($this->_state === Doctrine_Record::STATE_DIRTY || $this->_state === Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY); if ( ! $modified && $deep) { if ($this->_state == self::STATE_LOCKED || $this->_state == self::STATE_TLOCKED) { return false; } $stateBeforeLock = $this->_state; $this->_state = $this->exists() ? self::STATE_LOCKED : self::STATE_TLOCKED; foreach ($this->_references as $reference) { if ($reference instanceof Doctrine_Record) { if ($modified = $reference->isModified($deep)) { break; } } else if ($reference instanceof Doctrine_Collection) { foreach ($reference as $record) { if ($modified = $record->isModified($deep)) { break 2; } } } } $this->_state = $stateBeforeLock; } return $modified; } /** * checks existence of properties and related components * @param mixed $fieldName name of the property or reference * @return boolean */ public function hasRelation($fieldName) { if (isset($this->_data[$fieldName]) || isset($this->_id[$fieldName])) { return true; } return $this->_table->hasRelation($fieldName); } /** * implements IteratorAggregate interface * @return Doctrine_Record_Iterator iterator through data */ public function getIterator() { return new Doctrine_Record_Iterator($this); } /** * deletes this data access object and all the related composites * this operation is isolated by a transaction * * this event can be listened by the onPreDelete and onDelete listeners * * @return boolean true if successful */ public function delete(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null) { if ($conn == null) { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); } return $conn->unitOfWork->delete($this); } /** * generates a copy of this object. Returns an instance of the same class of $this. * * @param boolean $deep whether to duplicates the objects targeted by the relations * @return Doctrine_Record */ public function copy($deep = false) { $data = $this->_data; if ($this->_table->getIdentifierType() === Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_AUTOINC) { $id = $this->_table->getIdentifier(); unset($data[$id]); } $ret = $this->_table->create($data); $modified = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if ( ! ($val instanceof Doctrine_Null)) { $ret->_modified[] = $key; } } if ($deep) { foreach ($this->_references as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof Doctrine_Collection) { foreach ($value as $record) { $ret->{$key}[] = $record->copy($deep); } } else if($value instanceof Doctrine_Record) { $ret->set($key, $value->copy($deep)); } } } return $ret; } /** * assigns an identifier to the instance, for database storage * * @param mixed $id a key value or an array of keys * @return void */ public function assignIdentifier($id = false) { if ($id === false) { $this->_id = array(); $this->_data = $this->cleanData($this->_data); $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN; $this->_resetModified(); } elseif ($id === true) { $this->prepareIdentifiers(true); $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; $this->_resetModified(); } else { if (is_array($id)) { foreach ($id as $fieldName => $value) { $this->_id[$fieldName] = $value; $this->_data[$fieldName] = $value; } } else { $name = $this->_table->getIdentifier(); $this->_id[$name] = $id; $this->_data[$name] = $id; } $this->_state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; $this->_resetModified(); } } /** * returns the primary keys of this object * * @return array */ public function identifier() { return $this->_id; } /** * returns the value of autoincremented primary key of this object (if any) * * @return integer * @todo Better name? */ final public function getIncremented() { $id = current($this->_id); if ($id === false) { return null; } return $id; } /** * getLast * this method is used internally by Doctrine_Query * it is needed to provide compatibility between * records and collections * * @return Doctrine_Record */ public function getLast() { return $this; } /** * tests whether a relation is set * @param string $name relation alias * @return boolean */ public function hasReference($name) { return isset($this->_references[$name]); } /** * gets a related component * * @param string $name * @return Doctrine_Record|Doctrine_Collection */ public function reference($name) { if (isset($this->_references[$name])) { return $this->_references[$name]; } } /** * gets a related component and fails if it does not exist * * @param string $name * @throws Doctrine_Record_Exception if trying to get an unknown related component */ public function obtainReference($name) { if (isset($this->_references[$name])) { return $this->_references[$name]; } throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception("Unknown reference $name"); } /** * get all related components * @return array various Doctrine_Collection or Doctrine_Record instances */ public function getReferences() { return $this->_references; } /** * set a related component * * @param string $alias * @param Doctrine_Access $coll */ final public function setRelated($alias, Doctrine_Access $coll) { $this->_references[$alias] = $coll; } /** * loadReference * loads a related component * * @throws Doctrine_Table_Exception if trying to load an unknown related component * @param string $name alias of the relation * @return void */ public function loadReference($name) { $rel = $this->_table->getRelation($name); $this->_references[$name] = $rel->fetchRelatedFor($this); } /** * call * * @param string|array $callback valid callback * @param string $column column name * @param mixed arg1 ... argN optional callback arguments * @return Doctrine_Record provides a fluent interface */ public function call($callback, $column) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); if (isset($args[0])) { $fieldName = $args[0]; $args[0] = $this->get($fieldName); $newvalue = call_user_func_array($callback, $args); $this->_data[$fieldName] = $newvalue; } return $this; } /** * getter for node associated with this record * * @return Doctrine_Node false if component is not a Tree */ public function getNode() { if ( ! $this->_table->isTree()) { return false; } if ( ! isset($this->_node)) { $this->_node = Doctrine_Node::factory($this, $this->getTable()->getOption('treeImpl'), $this->getTable()->getOption('treeOptions') ); } return $this->_node; } public function unshiftFilter(Doctrine_Record_Filter $filter) { return $this->_table->unshiftFilter($filter); } /** * unlink * removes links from this record to given records * if no ids are given, it removes all links * * @param string $alias related component alias * @param array $ids the identifiers of the related records * @param boolean $now whether or not to execute now or set as pending unlinks * @return Doctrine_Record this object (fluent interface) */ public function unlink($alias, $ids = array(), $now = false) { $ids = (array) $ids; // fix for #1622 if ( ! isset($this->_references[$alias]) && $this->hasRelation($alias)) { $this->loadReference($alias); } if (isset($this->_references[$alias])) { foreach ($this->_references[$alias] as $k => $record) { if (in_array(current($record->identifier()), $ids) || empty($ids)) { $this->_references[$alias]->remove($k); } } $this->_references[$alias]->takeSnapshot(); } if ( ! $this->exists() || $now === false) { if (count($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->_pendingUnlinks[$alias][$id] = true; } } else { $this->_pendingUnlinks[$alias] = false; } return $this; } else { return $this->unlinkInDb($alias, $ids); } } /** * unlink now the related components, querying the db * @param string $alias related component alias * @param array $ids the identifiers of the related records * @return Doctrine_Record this object (fluent interface) */ public function unlinkInDb($alias, $ids = array()) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $rel = $this->getTable()->getRelation($alias); if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_Association) { $q->delete() ->from($rel->getAssociationTable()->getComponentName()) ->where($rel->getLocal() . ' = ?', array_values($this->identifier())); if (count($ids) > 0) { $q->whereIn($rel->getForeign(), $ids); } $q->execute(); } else if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey) { $q->update($rel->getTable()->getComponentName()) ->set($rel->getForeign(), '?', array(null)) ->addWhere($rel->getForeign() . ' = ?', array_values($this->identifier())); if (count($ids) > 0) { $q->whereIn($rel->getTable()->getIdentifier(), $ids); } $q->execute(); } return $this; } /** * creates links from this record to given records * * @param string $alias related component alias * @param array $ids the identifiers of the related records * @param boolean $now wether or not to execute now or set pending * @return Doctrine_Record this object (fluent interface) */ public function link($alias, $ids, $now = false) { $ids = (array) $ids; if ( ! count($ids)) { return $this; } if ( ! $this->exists() || $now === false) { $relTable = $this->getTable()->getRelation($alias)->getTable(); $records = $relTable->createQuery() ->whereIn($relTable->getIdentifier(), $ids) ->execute(); foreach ($records as $record) { $this->$alias->add($record); } foreach ($ids as $id) { if (isset($this->_pendingUnlinks[$alias][$id])) { unset($this->_pendingUnlinks[$alias][$id]); } } return $this; } else { return $this->linkInDb($alias, $ids); } } /** * creates links from this record to given records now, querying the db * * @param string $alias related component alias * @param array $ids the identifiers of the related records * @return Doctrine_Record this object (fluent interface) */ public function linkInDb($alias, $ids) { $identifier = array_values($this->identifier()); $identifier = array_shift($identifier); $rel = $this->getTable()->getRelation($alias); if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_Association) { $modelClassName = $rel->getAssociationTable()->getComponentName(); $localFieldName = $rel->getLocalFieldName(); $localFieldDef = $rel->getAssociationTable()->getColumnDefinition($localFieldName); if ($localFieldDef['type'] == 'integer') { $identifier = (integer) $identifier; } $foreignFieldName = $rel->getForeignFieldName(); $foreignFieldDef = $rel->getAssociationTable()->getColumnDefinition($foreignFieldName); if ($foreignFieldDef['type'] == 'integer') { foreach ($ids as $i => $id) { $ids[$i] = (integer) $id; } } foreach ($ids as $id) { $record = new $modelClassName; $record[$localFieldName] = $identifier; $record[$foreignFieldName] = $id; $record->save(); } } else if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->update($rel->getTable()->getComponentName()) ->set($rel->getForeign(), '?', array_values($this->identifier())); if (count($ids) > 0) { $q->whereIn($rel->getTable()->getIdentifier(), $ids); } $q->execute(); } else if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->update($this->getTable()->getComponentName()) ->set($rel->getLocalFieldName(), '?', $ids); if (count($ids) > 0) { $q->whereIn($rel->getTable()->getIdentifier(), array_values($this->identifier())); } $q->execute(); } return $this; } /** * Reset the modified array and store the old array in lastModified so it * can be accessed by users after saving a record, since the modified array * is reset after the object is saved. * * @return void */ protected function _resetModified() { if ( ! empty($this->_modified)) { $this->_lastModified = $this->_modified; $this->_modified = array(); } } /** * magic method used for method overloading * * the function of this method is to try to find a given method from the templates (behaviors) * the record is using, and if found, execute it. Note that already existing methods would not be * overloaded. * * So, in sense, this method replicates the usage of mixins (as seen in some programming languages) * * @param string $method name of the method * @param array $args method arguments * @return mixed the return value of the given method */ public function __call($method, $args) { if (($template = $this->_table->getMethodOwner($method)) !== false) { $template->setInvoker($this); return call_user_func_array(array($template, $method), $args); } foreach ($this->_table->getTemplates() as $template) { if (is_callable(array($template, $method))) { $template->setInvoker($this); $this->_table->setMethodOwner($method, $template); return call_user_func_array(array($template, $method), $args); } } throw new Doctrine_Record_Exception(sprintf('Unknown method %s::%s', get_class($this), $method)); } /** * used to delete node from tree - MUST BE USE TO DELETE RECORD IF TABLE ACTS AS TREE * */ public function deleteNode() { $this->getNode()->delete(); } /** * Helps freeing the memory occupied by the entity. * Cuts all references the entity has to other entities and removes the entity * from the instance pool. * Note: The entity is no longer useable after free() has been called. Any operations * done with the entity afterwards can lead to unpredictable results. * @param boolean $deep whether to free also the related components */ public function free($deep = false) { if ($this->_state != self::STATE_LOCKED && $this->_state != self::STATE_TLOCKED) { $this->_state = $this->exists() ? self::STATE_LOCKED : self::STATE_TLOCKED; $this->_table->getRepository()->evict($this->_oid); $this->_table->removeRecord($this); $this->_data = array(); $this->_id = array(); if ($deep) { foreach ($this->_references as $name => $reference) { if ( ! ($reference instanceof Doctrine_Null)) { $reference->free($deep); } } } $this->_references = array(); } } /** * __toString alias * * @return string */ public function toString() { return Doctrine::dump(get_object_vars($this)); } /** * magic method * @return string representation of this object */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->_oid; } }