name = (string) $name; $this->xml = (string) $xml; $this->odf = $odf; $zipHandler = $this->odf->getConfig('ZIP_PROXY'); $this->file = new $zipHandler(); $this->_analyseChildren($this->xml); } /** * Returns the name of the segment * * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Does the segment have children ? * * @return bool */ public function hasChildren() { return $this->getIterator()->hasChildren(); } /** * Countable interface * * @return int */ public function count() { return count($this->children); } /** * IteratorAggregate interface * * @return Iterator */ public function getIterator() { return new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new SegmentIterator($this->children), 1); } /** * Replace variables of the template in the XML code * All the children are also called * * @return string */ public function merge() { $this->xmlParsed .= str_replace(array_keys($this->vars), array_values($this->vars), $this->xml); if ($this->hasChildren()) { foreach ($this->children as $child) { $this->xmlParsed = str_replace($child->xml, ($child->xmlParsed=="")?$child->merge():$child->xmlParsed, $this->xmlParsed); $child->xmlParsed = ''; } } $reg = "/\[!--\sBEGIN\s$this->name\s--\](.*)\[!--\sEND\s$this->name\s--\]/sm"; $this->xmlParsed = preg_replace($reg, '$1', $this->xmlParsed); $this->file->open($this->odf->getTmpfile()); foreach ($this->images as $imageKey => $imageValue) { if ($this->file->getFromName('Pictures/' . $imageValue) === false) { $this->file->addFile($imageKey, 'Pictures/' . $imageValue); } } $this->file->close(); return $this->xmlParsed; } /** * Analyse the XML code in order to find children * * @param string $xml * @return Segment */ protected function _analyseChildren($xml) { // $reg2 = "#\[!--\sBEGIN\s([\S]*)\s--\](?:<\/text:p>)?(.*)(?:)?\[!--\sEND\s(\\1)\s--\]#sm"; $reg2 = "#\[!--\sBEGIN\s([\S]*)\s--\](.*)\[!--\sEND\s(\\1)\s--\]#sm"; preg_match_all($reg2, $xml, $matches); for ($i = 0, $size = count($matches[0]); $i < $size; $i++) { if ($matches[1][$i] != $this->name) { $this->children[$matches[1][$i]] = new self($matches[1][$i], $matches[0][$i], $this->odf); } else { $this->_analyseChildren($matches[2][$i]); } } return $this; } /** * Assign a template variable to replace * * @param string $key * @param string $value * @throws SegmentException * @return Segment */ public function setVars($key, $value, $encode = true, $charset = 'ISO-8859') { if (strpos($this->xml, $this->odf->getConfig('DELIMITER_LEFT') . $key . $this->odf->getConfig('DELIMITER_RIGHT')) === false) { throw new SegmentException("var $key not found in {$this->getName()}"); } $value = $encode ? htmlspecialchars($value) : $value; $value = ($charset == 'ISO-8859') ? utf8_encode($value) : $value; $this->vars[$this->odf->getConfig('DELIMITER_LEFT') . $key . $this->odf->getConfig('DELIMITER_RIGHT')] = str_replace("\n", "", $value); return $this; } /** * Assign a template variable as a picture * * @param string $key name of the variable within the template * @param string $value path to the picture * @throws OdfException * @return Segment */ public function setImage($key, $value) { $filename = strtok(strrchr($value, '/'), '/.'); $file = substr(strrchr($value, '/'), 1); $size = @getimagesize($value); if ($size === false) { throw new OdfException("Invalid image"); } list ($width, $height) = $size; $width *= Odf::PIXEL_TO_CM; $height *= Odf::PIXEL_TO_CM; $xml = << IMG; $this->images[$value] = $file; $this->setVars($key, $xml, false); return $this; } /** * Shortcut to retrieve a child * * @param string $prop * @return Segment * @throws SegmentException */ public function __get($prop) { if (array_key_exists($prop, $this->children)) { return $this->children[$prop]; } else { throw new SegmentException('child ' . $prop . ' does not exist'); } } /** * Proxy for setVars * * @param string $meth * @param array $args * @return Segment */ public function __call($meth, $args) { try { return $this->setVars($meth, $args[0]); } catch (SegmentException $e) { throw new SegmentException("method $meth nor var $meth exist"); } } /** * Returns the parsed XML * * @return string */ public function getXmlParsed() { return $this->xmlParsed; } } ?>