. */ /** * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Import * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @author Lukas Smith (PEAR MDB2 library) * @author Frank M. Kromann (PEAR MDB2 Mssql driver) * @author David Coallier (PEAR MDB2 Mssql driver) * @version $Revision: 5554 $ * @link www.phpdoctrine.org * @since 1.0 */ class Doctrine_Import_Mssql extends Doctrine_Import { /** * lists all database sequences * * @param string|null $database * @return array */ public function listSequences($database = null) { $query = "SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U'"; $tableNames = $this->conn->fetchColumn($query); return array_map(array($this->conn->formatter, 'fixSequenceName'), $tableNames); } /** * lists table relations * * Expects an array of this format to be returned with all the relationships in it where the key is * the name of the foreign table, and the value is an array containing the local and foreign column * name * * Array * ( * [groups] => Array * ( * [local] => group_id * [foreign] => id * ) * ) * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableRelations($tableName) { $relations = array(); $sql = 'SELECT o1.name as table_name, c1.name as column_name, o2.name as referenced_table_name, c2.name as referenced_column_name, s.name as constraint_name FROM sysforeignkeys fk inner join sysobjects o1 on fk.fkeyid = o1.id inner join sysobjects o2 on fk.rkeyid = o2.id inner join syscolumns c1 on c1.id = o1.id and c1.colid = fk.fkey inner join syscolumns c2 on c2.id = o2.id and c2.colid = fk.rkey inner join sysobjects s on fk.constid = s.id AND o1.name = \'' . $tableName . '\''; $results = $this->conn->fetchAssoc($sql); foreach ($results as $result) { $result = array_change_key_case($result, CASE_LOWER); $relations[] = array('table' => $result['referenced_table_name'], 'local' => $result['column_name'], 'foreign' => $result['referenced_column_name']); } return $relations; } /** * lists table constraints * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableColumns($table) { $sql = 'EXEC sp_columns @table_name = ' . $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($table, true); $result = $this->conn->fetchAssoc($sql); $columns = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $val = array_change_key_case($val, CASE_LOWER); if (strstr($val['type_name'], ' ')) { list($type, $identity) = explode(' ', $val['type_name']); } else { $type = $val['type_name']; $identity = ''; } if ($type == 'varchar') { $type .= '(' . $val['length'] . ')'; } $val['type'] = $type; $val['identity'] = $identity; $decl = $this->conn->dataDict->getPortableDeclaration($val); $isIdentity = (bool) (strtoupper(trim($identity)) == 'IDENTITY'); $isNullable = (bool) (strtoupper(trim($val['is_nullable'])) == 'NO'); $description = array( 'name' => $val['column_name'], 'ntype' => $type, 'type' => $decl['type'][0], 'alltypes' => $decl['type'], 'length' => $decl['length'], 'fixed' => $decl['fixed'], 'unsigned' => $decl['unsigned'], 'notnull' => $isIdentity ? true : $isNullable, 'default' => $val['column_def'], 'primary' => $isIdentity, 'autoincrement' => $isIdentity, ); $columns[$val['column_name']] = $description; } return $columns; } /** * lists table constraints * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableIndexes($table) { } /** * lists tables * * @param string|null $database * @return array */ public function listTables($database = null) { $sql = "SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name <> 'dtproperties' AND name <> 'sysdiagrams' ORDER BY name"; return $this->conn->fetchColumn($sql); } /** * lists all triggers * * @return array */ public function listTriggers($database = null) { $query = "SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'TR'"; $result = $this->conn->fetchColumn($query); return $result; } /** * lists table triggers * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableTriggers($table) { $table = $this->conn->quote($table, 'text'); $query = "SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'TR' AND object_name(parent_obj) = " . $table; $result = $this->conn->fetchColumn($query); return $result; } /** * lists table views * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableViews($table) { $keyName = 'INDEX_NAME'; $pkName = 'PK_NAME'; if ($this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_PORTABILITY) & Doctrine::PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE) { if ($this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_FIELD_CASE) == CASE_LOWER) { $keyName = strtolower($keyName); $pkName = strtolower($pkName); } else { $keyName = strtoupper($keyName); $pkName = strtoupper($pkName); } } $table = $this->conn->quote($table, 'text'); $query = 'EXEC sp_statistics @table_name = ' . $table; $indexes = $this->conn->fetchColumn($query, $keyName); $query = 'EXEC sp_pkeys @table_name = ' . $table; $pkAll = $this->conn->fetchColumn($query, $pkName); $result = array(); foreach ($indexes as $index) { if ( ! in_array($index, $pkAll) && $index != null) { $result[] = $this->conn->formatter->fixIndexName($index); } } return $result; } /** * lists database views * * @param string|null $database * @return array */ public function listViews($database = null) { $query = "SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'V'"; return $this->conn->fetchColumn($query); } }