setPieSize(150, 100, 80); # Add a title at the bottom of the chart using Arial Bold Italic font $c->addTitle2(Bottom, "Project Cost Breakdown", "arialbi.ttf"); # Draw the pie in 3D $c->set3D(); # add a legend box where the top left corner is at (330, 40) $c->addLegend(330, 40); # modify the label format for the sectors to $nnnK (pp.pp%) $c->setLabelFormat("{label} \${value}K\n({percent}%)"); # Set the pie data and the pie labels $c->setData($data, $labels); # Explode the 1st sector (index = 0) $c->setExplode(0); # output the chart header("Content-type: image/png"); print($c->makeChart2(PNG)); ?>