/* * jdMenu 1.4.1 (2008-03-31) * * Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Jonathan Sharp (http://jdsharp.us) * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses. * * http://jdsharp.us/ * * Built upon jQuery 1.2.1 (http://jquery.com) * This also requires the jQuery dimensions >= 1.2 plugin */ // This initializes the menu $(function() { $('ul.jd_menu').jdMenu(); }); (function($){ function addEvents(ul) { var settings = $.data( $(ul).parents().andSelf().filter('ul.jd_menu')[0], 'jdMenuSettings' ); $('> li', ul) .bind('mouseenter.jdmenu mouseleave.jdmenu', function(evt) { $(this).toggleClass('jdm_hover'); var ul = $('> ul', this); if ( ul.length == 1 ) { clearTimeout( this.$jdTimer ); var enter = ( evt.type == 'mouseenter' ); var fn = ( enter ? showMenu : hideMenu ); this.$jdTimer = setTimeout(function() { fn( ul[0], settings.onAnimate, settings.isVertical ); }, enter ? settings.showDelay : settings.hideDelay ); } }) .bind('click.jdmenu', function(evt) { var ul = $('> ul', this); if ( ul.length == 1 && ( settings.disableLinks == true || $(this).hasClass('accessible') ) ) { showMenu( ul, settings.onAnimate, settings.isVertical ); return false; } // The user clicked the li and we need to trigger a click for the a if ( evt.target == this ) { var link = $('> a', evt.target).not('.accessible'); if ( link.length > 0 ) { var a = link[0]; if ( !a.onclick ) { window.open( a.href, a.target || '_self' ); } else { $(a).trigger('click'); } } } if ( settings.disableLinks || ( !settings.disableLinks && !$(this).parent().hasClass('jd_menu') ) ) { $(this).parent().jdMenuHide(); evt.stopPropagation(); } }) .find('> a') .bind('focus.jdmenu blur.jdmenu', function(evt) { var p = $(this).parents('li:eq(0)'); if ( evt.type == 'focus' ) { p.addClass('jdm_hover'); } else { p.removeClass('jdm_hover'); } }) .filter('.accessible') .bind('click.jdmenu', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }); } function showMenu(ul, animate, vertical) { var ul = $(ul); if ( ul.is(':visible') ) { return; } ul.bgiframe(); var li = ul.parent(); ul .trigger('jdMenuShow') .positionBy({ target: li[0], targetPos: ( vertical === true || !li.parent().hasClass('jd_menu') ? 1 : 3 ), elementPos: 0, hideAfterPosition: true }); if ( !ul.hasClass('jdm_events') ) { ul.addClass('jdm_events'); addEvents(ul); } li .addClass('jdm_active') // Hide any adjacent menus .siblings('li').find('> ul:eq(0):visible') .each(function(){ hideMenu( this ); }); if ( animate === undefined ) { ul.show(); } else { animate.apply( ul[0], [true] ); } } function hideMenu(ul, animate) { var ul = $(ul); $('.bgiframe', ul).remove(); ul .filter(':not(.jd_menu)') .find('> li > ul:eq(0):visible') .each(function() { hideMenu( this ); }) .end(); if ( animate === undefined ) { ul.hide() } else { animate.apply( ul[0], [false] ); } ul .trigger('jdMenuHide') .parents('li:eq(0)') .removeClass('jdm_active jdm_hover') .end() .find('> li') .removeClass('jdm_active jdm_hover'); } // Public methods $.fn.jdMenu = function(settings) { // Future settings: activateDelay var settings = $.extend({ // Time in ms before menu shows showDelay: 200, // Time in ms before menu hides hideDelay: 500, // Should items that contain submenus not // respond to clicks disableLinks: true // This callback allows for you to animate menus //onAnimate: null }, settings); if ( !$.isFunction( settings.onAnimate ) ) { settings.onAnimate = undefined; } return this.filter('ul.jd_menu').each(function() { $.data( this, 'jdMenuSettings', $.extend({ isVertical: $(this).hasClass('jd_menu_vertical') }, settings) ); addEvents(this); }); }; $.fn.jdMenuUnbind = function() { $('ul.jdm_events', this) .unbind('.jdmenu') .find('> a').unbind('.jdmenu'); }; $.fn.jdMenuHide = function() { return this.filter('ul').each(function(){ hideMenu( this ); }); }; // Private methods and logic $(window) // Bind a click event to hide all visible menus when the document is clicked .bind('click.jdmenu', function(){ $('ul.jd_menu ul:visible').jdMenuHide(); }); })(jQuery);