<?php // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // giant_rapport.php // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $commande_id = $_GET['OrderId']; abstract class AccountItem { } class AmountAccountItem extends AccountItem { } class AccountItemGroup extends AccountItem { } class AmountType { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // dRow // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function dRow($lib, $data, $title = '') { $html = '<tr>'."\n"; $html .= ' <td width="30"> </td>'."\n"; $html .= ' <td width="200" class="StyleInfoLib">'.$lib.'</td>'."\n"; if ($title != '') { $title = ' title="'.$title.'"'; } $html .= ' <td width="350" class="StyleInfoData"'. $title.'>'.$data.'</td>'."\n"; $html .= '</tr>'."\n"; print $html; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // dRow2 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function dRow2($lib, $data, $id) { $html = '<tr>'."\n"; $html .= ' <td width="30"> </td>'."\n"; $html .= ' <td width="100" class="StyleInfoLib" >'.$lib .'</td>'."\n"; $html .= ' <td width="350" class="StyleInfoData">'.$data.'</td>'."\n"; $html .= ' <td width="100" class="StyleInfoData">'.$id .'</td>'."\n"; $html .= '</tr>'."\n"; print $html; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // getArray // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function getArray($obj) { if (is_array($obj) == false) { return array($obj); } else { return $obj; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // printObj // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function printObj($obj) { $ret = ''; foreach ($obj as $val) { if (is_object($val) == true) { $ret .= printObj($val); } else if ($val == 'OldValue' || $val == 'NewValue') { $ret .= '('.$val.') '; } else if ($val != 'eq') { $ret .= $val.' '; } } return $ret; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // cmp // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function cmp($a, $b) { if ($a->Date->_ == $b->Date->_) { return 0; } return ($a->Date->_ < $b->Date->_) ? 1 : -1; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // pdate // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function pdate($d) { if (isset($d->format) == false) { if (isset($d->_) == true) { return $d->_; } else { return $d; } } $f = substr($d->format, 0, 1); $date = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($d->format); ++$i) { if (substr($d->format, $i, 1) != $f) { $f = substr($d->format, $i, 1); $date .= ' / '; } $date .= substr($d->_, $i, 1); } return $date; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // arrayInsert // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function arrayInsert($array, $pos, $value) { return array_merge(array_slice($array, 0 , $pos), array($value), array_slice($array, $pos)); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // fillAccountItem // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function fillAccountItem(&$tab, &$num, $item, $year, $level = 0, $desPrec = '') { if (isset($item->AccountItem) == true || isset($item->GroupTotalAmount) == true) { if (isset($item->AccountItem) == true) { foreach (getArray($item->AccountItem) as $it) { if (isset($item->Description->_) == true) { fillAccountItem($tab, $num, $it, $year, $level + 1, $desPrec.$item->Description->_); } else { fillAccountItem($tab, $num, $it, $year, $level + 1, $desPrec); } } } if (isset($item->GroupTotalAmount) == true) { if (isset($tab[$num]) == true) { for ($i = $num; $i < count($tab); ++$i) { if (isset($item->Description->code) == true) { $code = $item->Description->code; } else { $code = $desPrec.$item->Description->_; } if ($tab[$i]->cde == $code) { $num = $i; $tab[$num]->val[$year] = $item->GroupTotalAmount->_; return; } } $obj = new StdClass; $obj->des = $item->Description->_; $obj->val[$year] = $item->GroupTotalAmount->_; if (isset($item->Description->code) == true) { $obj->cde = $item->Description->code; } else { $obj->cde = $desPrec.$item->Description->_; } $obj->niv = $level; $tab = arrayInsert($tab, $num, $obj); } else { $obj = new StdClass; $obj->des = $item->Description->_; $obj->val[$year] = $item->GroupTotalAmount->_; if (isset($item->Description->code) == true) { $obj->cde = $item->Description->code; } else { $obj->cde = $desPrec.$item->Description->_; } $obj->niv = $level; $tab[$num] = $obj; } ++$num; } } else { if (isset($tab[$num]) == true) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($tab); ++$i) { if (isset($item->Description->code) == true) { $code = $item->Description->code; } else { $code = $desPrec.$item->Description->_; } if ($tab[$i]->cde == $code) { $num = $i; $tab[$num]->val[$year] = $item->Value->_; return; } } $obj = new StdClass; $obj->des = $item->Description->_; $obj->val[$year] = $item->Value->_; if (isset($item->Description->code) == true) { $obj->cde = $item->Description->code; } else { $obj->cde = $desPrec.$item->Description->_; } $obj->niv = $level; $tab = arrayInsert($tab, $num, $obj); } else { $obj = new StdClass; $obj->des = $item->Description->_; $obj->val[$year] = $item->Value->_; if (isset($item->Description->code) == true) { $obj->cde = $item->Description->code; } else { $obj->cde = $desPrec.$item->Description->_; } $obj->niv = $level; $tab[$num] = $obj; } ++$num; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // printAccountItem // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function printAccountItem(&$company, $title) { $tab = array(); $years = array(); foreach ($company->AnnualAccounts as $a) { switch ($title) { case 'ACTIF': $account = $a->OriginalAnnualAccounts ->BalanceSheet->Assets; break; case 'PASSIF': $account = $a->OriginalAnnualAccounts ->BalanceSheet->Liabilities; break; default: $account = $a->OriginalAnnualAccounts->ProfitAndLoss; } $num = 0; $year = substr($a->AccountsDate->_, 0, 4); $years[] = $year; fillAccountItem($tab, $num, $account, $year); } rsort($years); print '<tr>'. '<td style="background-color: #00008c; color: #ffffff;"><b>'. $title.'</b></td>'; foreach ($years as $y) { print '<td style="background-color: #00008c; color: #ffffff;"'. ' align="right"><b>'.$y.'</b></td>'; } $level = 0; foreach ($tab as $line) { while ($line->niv < $level) { print '</tbody>'; --$level; } $level = $line->niv; print '<tr>'; print '<td>'; for ($i = 0; $i < $line->niv; ++$i) { print ' '; } print $line->des; print '</td>'; foreach ($years as $y) { print '<td align="right">'; if (isset($line->val[$y]) == true) { print $line->val[$y]; } print '</td>'; } print '</tr>'; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // printLiensFinanciers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function printLiensFinanciers(&$company, $type) { foreach (getArray($company->Associated) as $t) { if ($t->RelationShip == $type) { $libelle = ''; if (isset($t->Shares) == true) { $libelle = $t->Shares->Percentage.' %'; } $id = ''; if (isset($t->Company->CompanyId) == true) { $id = $t->Company->CompanyId; } else if (isset($t->Company->CompanyAddress) == true && isset($t->Company->CompanyAddress->Country) == true) { $id = '('.$t->Company->CompanyAddress->Country.')'; } $name = ''; if (isset($t->Company->CompanyName) == true) { $name .= ' '.$t->Company->CompanyName->_; } dRow2($libelle, $name, $id); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Type de rapport // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // require_once 'dbbootstrap.php'; setDbConn('giantclient'); $r = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('Rapports') ->where('OrderId = ?', $commande_id) ->andWhere('User = ?', $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login']) ->fetchOne(); if ($r == false) { exit; } print '<div id="center">'; switch ($r->DataSetType) { case 'Full': print '<h1>RAPPORT COMPLET</h1>'; break; case 'Compact': print '<h1>RAPPORT DE SYNTHESE</h1>'; break; case 'CreditRecommendation': print '<h1>RAPPORT DE SCORE</h1>'; break; } $d = unserialize($r->DataSet); $c = $d->Company; print '<p id="rsynthese">SOCIÉTÉ : '.$c->CompanyName->_.'</p>'; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Identite de l'entreprise // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // print '<h1>IDENTITÉ DE L\'ENTREPRISE</h1>'; print '<table>'; dRow('Numéro identifiant', $c->CompanyId); if (isset($c->Vat->VatNumber) == true) { dRow('Numéro de TVA Intracom.', $c->Vat->VatNumber); } if (isset($c->SocialSecurityNumber) == true) { dRow('Numéro de Securité Sociale', $c->SocialSecurityNumber); } if (isset($c->CompanyStatus) == true) { dRow('Etablissement actif', ($c->CompanyStatus == 'Active') ? 'Oui' : 'Non'); } print '</table>'; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Raison sociale et coordonnees // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // print '<h2>Raison sociale & Coordonnées</h2>'; print '<table>'; dRow('Raison Sociale', $c->CompanyName->_); if (isset($c->TradeName) == true) { $libelle = 'Enseigne(s)'; foreach (getArray($c->TradeName) as $t) { dRow($libelle, $t->_); $libelle = ''; } } if (isset($c->LegalForm->CountryLegalForm) == true) { dRow('Forme juridique', $c->LegalForm->CountryLegalForm->code.' : '. $c->LegalForm->CountryLegalForm->_); } dRow('Adresse', $c->CompanyAddress->HouseNumber.' '. $c->CompanyAddress->Street.' '. $c->CompanyAddress->PostCode.' '. $c->CompanyAddress->City.' '. $c->CompanyAddress->Country); if (isset($c->TelephoneNumber) == true) { $libelle = 'Téléphone(s)'; foreach (getArray($c->TelephoneNumber) as $t) { $mobile = (isset($t->isMobile) == true && $t->isMobile == 1) ? ' (mobile)' : ''; dRow($libelle, $t->_.$mobile); $libelle = ''; } } if (isset($c->Telefax) == true) { dRow('Fax', $c->Telefax); } if (isset($c->WebAddress) == true) { dRow('Site Internet', '<a href="'.$c->WebAddress.'" target="_blank">'.$c->WebAddress.'</a>'); } if (isset($c->EmailAddress) == true) { dRow('Courriel', '<a href="mailto:'.$c->EmailAddress.'" target="_blank">'. $c->EmailAddress.'</a>'); } print '</table>'; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Banques // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->Bank) == true) { print '<h2>Banques</h2>'; print '<table>'; foreach (getArray($c->Bank) as $t) { $libelle = $t->BankName; if (isset($t->BankIdentifierCode) == true) { dRow($libelle, 'BIC: '.$t->BankIdentifierCode); $libelle = ''; } if (isset($t->BankAccount) == true) { dRow($libelle, $t->BankAccount->AccountType.': '. $t->BankAccount->AccountNumber); $libelle = ''; } if (isset($t->BankAddress) == true) { $adresse = ''; if ( isset($t->BankAddress->HouseNumber) == true) { $adresse .= $t->BankAddress->HouseNumber.' '; } if ( isset($t->BankAddress->Street) == true) { $adresse .= $t->BankAddress->Street.' '; } if ( isset($t->BankAddress->PostCode) == true) { $adresse .= $t->BankAddress->PostCode.' '; } if ( isset($t->BankAddress->City) == true) { $adresse .= $t->BankAddress->City.' '; } if ( isset($t->BankAddress->Country) == true) { $adresse .= $t->BankAddress->Country.' '; } dRow($libelle, $adresse); } } print '</table>'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Activite(s) et chiffre d'affaire // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->Operations->IndustryCode) == true || isset($c->FinancialSummary) == true || isset($capital) == true || isset($c->Employees) == true) { print '<h2>Activité(s) & Chiffre d\'affaire</h2>'; print '<table>'; if (isset($c->Operations->IndustryCode) == true) { $libelle = 'Activité(s)'; foreach (getArray($c->Operations->IndustryCode) as $t) { $desc = 'Nace '.$t->NaceCode; if ( isset($t->Description->_) == true) { $desc .= ' '.$t->Description->_; } dRow($libelle, $desc); $libelle = ''; } } if (isset($c->FinancialSummary) == true) { $tab = getArray($c->FinancialSummary); $date = 0; foreach ($tab as $t) { if ($t->SummaryDate->_ > $date && isset($t->AuthorizedCapital) == true) { $capital = $t->AuthorizedCapital->_; $date = $t->SummaryDate->_; } } } if (isset($capital) == false && isset($c->ShareCapital->AuthorizedCapital->_) == true && (isset($c->ShareCapital->AuthorizedCapital->currency) == false || $c->ShareCapital->AuthorizedCapital->currency == 'EUR')) { $capital = $c->ShareCapital->AuthorizedCapital->_; } if (isset($capital) == true) { dRow('Capital', $capital.' €'); } if (isset($c->Employees) == true) { $annee = 0; $total = 0; foreach (getArray($c->Employees) as $t) { if (isset($t->Period) == true) { if (isset($t->Period->StartDate->_) == true && $t->Period->StartDate->_ > $annee) { $annee = $t->Period->StartDate->_; $total = $t->TotalStaffEmployed + 0; } else if (isset($t->Period->EndDate->_) == true && $t->Period->EndDate->_ > $annee) { $annee = $t->Period->EndDate->_; $total = $t->TotalStaffEmployed + 0; } } else { $total = $t->TotalStaffEmployed + 0; } } if ($total > 0) { if ($annee > 0) { dRow('Effectif de l\'entreprise', $total.' salarié(s) en '.substr($annee, 0, 4)); } else { dRow('Effectif de l\'entreprise', $total.' salarié(s)'); } } } print '</table>'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Annonces legales // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->Event) == true) { print '<h1>ANNONCES LÉGALES</h1>'; print '<table>'; $tab = getArray($c->Event); usort($tab, 'cmp'); foreach ($tab as $t) { if (isset($t->Value) == true) { $desc = printObj($t->Value); if ( isset($t->Description->_) == true) { $desc = $t->Description->_.' '.$desc; } dRow(pdate($t->Date), $desc); } else if (isset($t->Description->_) == true) { dRow(pdate($t->Date), $t->Description->_); } else { dRow(pdate($t->Date), '('.$t->EventCode.')'); } } print '</table>'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Dirigeants // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->Position) == true) { print '<h1>DIRIGEANTS</h1>'; print '<table>'; foreach (getArray($c->Position) as $t) { if (isset($t->Person) == false) { continue; } $date = ''; if (isset($t->Period->StartDate) == true) { $date .= pdate($t->Period->StartDate); } $date .= ' - '; if (isset($t->Period->EndDate) == true) { $date .= pdate($t->Period->EndDate); } $desc = $t->PositionTitle->_.' '.$t->Person->LastName; if (isset($t->Person->FirstName) == true) { $desc .= ' '.$t->Person->FirstName; } dRow($date, $desc); } print '</table>'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Employés // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->Employees) == true) { print '<h1>EMPLOYÉS</h1>'; print '<table>'; foreach (getArray($c->Employees) as $t) { if (isset($t->Period) == true) { if (isset($t->Period->StartDate) == true) { dRow(pdate($t->Period->StartDate), $t->TotalStaffEmployed + 0); } else if (isset($t->Period->EndDate) == true) { dRow(pdate($t->Period->EndDate), $t->TotalStaffEmployed + 0); } } else { dRow('', $t->TotalStaffEmployed + 0); } } print '</table>'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Synthese // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->FinancialSummary) == true) { print '<h1>Synthèse</h1>'; print '<center>'; print '<table cellpadding="4">'; $tab = getArray($c->FinancialSummary); print '<tr><td></td>'; foreach ($tab as $t) { print '<td align="right"><b>'.substr($t->SummaryDate->_, 0, 4). '</b></td>'; } print '</tr>'; foreach (array('Revenue', 'TotalEquity', 'ProfitLossBeforeTax', 'ProfitLoss', 'WorkingCapital', 'AuthorizedCapital') as $n) { print '<tr>'; print '<td>'; print $n; print '</td>'; foreach ($tab as $t) { print '<td align="right">'; if (isset($t->$n) == true) { $val = $t->$n->_; if (is_numeric($val) == true) { print $val * $t->Unit; } else { print $val; } } print '</td>'; } print '</tr>'; } print '</table>'; print '</center>'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Bilans // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->AnnualAccounts) == true) { print '<h1>ÉLÉMENTS FINANCIERS - BILANS</h1>'; print '<center>'; print '<table rules="groups" cellpadding="4">'; printAccountItem($c, 'ACTIF'); printAccountItem($c, 'PASSIF'); printAccountItem($c, 'COMPTE DE RÉSULTAT'); print '</table>'; print '</center>'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Etablissements // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->Branch) == true) { print '<h1>Établissements</h1>'; print '<table>'; foreach (getArray($c->Branch) as $t) { if (isset($t->BranchName->_) == true) { $libelle = $t->BranchName->_; } else if (isset($t->BranchName) == true) { $libelle = $t->BranchName; } else if (isset($t->BranchId) == true) { $libelle = $t->BranchId; } dRow($libelle, $c->CompanyAddress->HouseNumber.' '. $c->CompanyAddress->Street.' '. $c->CompanyAddress->PostCode.' '. $c->CompanyAddress->City.' '. $c->CompanyAddress->Country); } print '</table>'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Liens financiers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->Associated) == true) { print '<h1>Liens financiers</h1>'; print '<h2>Actionnariat</h2>'; print '<table>'; printLiensFinanciers($c, 'Shareholder'); print '</table>'; print '<h2>Participations</h2>'; print '<table>'; printLiensFinanciers($c, 'Participation'); print '</table>'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Paiements // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour) == true) { print '<h1>Paiements</h1>'; print '<table>'; $date = ''; if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->Period->StartDate) == true) { $date = pdate($c->PaymentBehaviour->Period->StartDate); } if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->Period->EndDate) == true) { $date .= ' -> '.pdate($c->PaymentBehaviour->Period->EndDate); } if (empty($date) == false) { dRow('Date', $date); } if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->DebtorDays) == true) { dRow('DebtorDays', $c->PaymentBehaviour->DebtorDays); } if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->CreditorDays) == true) { dRow('CreditorDays', $c->PaymentBehaviour->CreditorDays); } if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->LiquidityAssessment) == true) { $desc = $c->PaymentBehaviour->LiquidityAssessment->Qualification; if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->LiquidityAssessment ->AdditionalQualification) == true) { $desc .= ', '.$c->PaymentBehaviour->LiquidityAssessment ->AdditionalQualification->_; } dRow('LiquidityAssessment', $desc); } if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->PaymentQualification) == true) { $desc = $c->PaymentBehaviour->PaymentQualification->Qualification; if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->PaymentQualification ->AdditionalQualification) == true) { $desc .= ', '.$c->PaymentBehaviour->PaymentQualification ->AdditionalQualification->_; } dRow('PaymentQualification', $desc); } print '</table>'; if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->AnalysisByPeriod) == true) { $ap = $c->PaymentBehaviour->AnalysisByPeriod; $tab = array(); foreach ($ap->Category as $cat) { $trim = pdate($cat->Period->StartDate).' - '. pdate($cat->Period->EndDate); $total = 0; foreach (getArray($cat->DueDateExceeds) as $e) { if ($e->NrOfDaysExceeds->LowerLimit->_ >= 90) { $total += $e->Percentage; } else { $lab = $e->NrOfDaysExceeds->LowerLimit->_.' to '. $e->NrOfDaysExceeds->UpperLimit->_; $tab[$lab][$trim] = $e->Percentage; } } $tab['90-'][$trim] = $total; } ksort($tab); print '<h2>'.$ap->Description->_.'</h2>'; print '<table cellpadding="10">'; print '<tr>'; print '<td>Quarter</td>'; print '<td>Within term</td>'; foreach ($tab as $tranche => $valeurs) { print '<td>'.$tranche.'</td>'; } print '</tr>'; foreach ($ap->Category as $cat) { $trim = pdate($cat->Period->StartDate).' - '. pdate($cat->Period->EndDate); print '<tr align="right">'. '<td>'.$trim.'</td>'. '<td>'.$cat->PercentageWithinTerms.' %</td>'; foreach ($tab as $tranche => $valeurs) { if (isset($tab[$tranche][$trim]) == true) { print '<td>'.$tab[$tranche][$trim].' %</td>'; } else { print '<td>0 %</td>'; } } print '</tr>'; } print '</table>'; } if (isset($c->PaymentBehaviour->AnalysisByAmount) == true) { $ap = $c->PaymentBehaviour->AnalysisByAmount; $tab = array(); foreach ($ap->Category as $cat) { $amount = ''; if ( isset($cat->AmountCategory->LowerLimit) == true) { $amount .= $cat->AmountCategory->LowerLimit->_; } $amount .= '-'; if ( isset($cat->AmountCategory->HigherLimit) == true) { $amount .= $cat->AmountCategory->HigherLimit->_; } $total = 0; foreach (getArray($cat->DueDateExceeds) as $e) { if ($e->NrOfDaysExceeds->LowerLimit->_ >= 90) { $total += $e->Percentage; } else { $lab = $e->NrOfDaysExceeds->LowerLimit->_.' to '. $e->NrOfDaysExceeds->UpperLimit->_; $tab[$lab][$amount] = $e->Percentage; } } $tab['90-'][$amount] = $total; } ksort($tab); print '<h2>'.$ap->Description->_.'</h2>'; print '<table cellpadding="10">'; print '<tr>'; print '<td>Amount</td>'; print '<td>Within term</td>'; foreach ($tab as $tranche => $valeurs) { print '<td>'.$tranche.'</td>'; } print '</tr>'; foreach ($ap->Category as $cat) { $amount = ''; if ( isset($cat->AmountCategory->LowerLimit) == true) { $amount .= $cat->AmountCategory->LowerLimit->_; } $amount .= '-'; if ( isset($cat->AmountCategory->HigherLimit) == true) { $amount .= $cat->AmountCategory->HigherLimit->_; } print '<tr>'. '<td>'.$amount.'</td>'. '<td>'.$cat->PercentageWithinTerms.' %</td>'; foreach ($tab as $tranche => $valeurs) { if (isset($tab[$tranche][$amount]) == true) { print '<td>'.$tab[$tranche][$amount].' %</td>'; } else { print '<td>0 %</td>'; } } print '</tr>'; } print '</table>'; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Score // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // print '<h1>Score</h1>'; print '<table>'; if (isset($c->CreditRecommendation->Date) == true) { dRow('Date', pdate($c->CreditRecommendation->Date)); } if (isset($c->CreditRecommendation->RiskClasses) == true) { foreach (getArray($c->CreditRecommendation ->RiskClasses->ProviderRiskClass) as $t) { if (isset($t->Description->_) == true) { $desc = ' '. '<img src="img/info.gif"'. ' style="vertical-align:middle;"'. ' title="'.$t->Description->_.'"/>'; } else { $desc = ''; } dRow($t->RatingName->_.$desc, $t->RatingValue); } $t = $c->CreditRecommendation->RiskClasses->CommonRiskClass; if (isset($t->Description->_) == true) { $desc = ' '. '<img src="img/info.gif"'. ' style="vertical-align:middle;"'. ' title="'.$t->Description->_.'"/>'; } else { $desc = ''; } dRow($t->RatingName->_.$desc, $t->RatingValue); } dRow('AmountAdvised', $c->CreditRecommendation->AmountAdvised->_.' '. $c->CreditRecommendation->AmountAdvised->currency); print '</table>'; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ratios secteur // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($c->PeerGroup->FlexibleComparisonItems ->ComparisonItemsGroup[0]->FlexibleComparisonItem) == true) { print '<h1>Ratios secteur</h1>'; print '<table>'; print '<tr>'; print '<td>'; print '</td>'; foreach ($c->PeerGroup->FlexibleComparisonItems->ComparisonItemsGroup as $group) { print '<td align="right"><b>'; print substr($group->Period->EndDate->_, 0, 4); print '</b></td>'; print '<td align="right">'; print 'secteur'; print '</td>'; } print '<tr>'; foreach ($c->PeerGroup->FlexibleComparisonItems ->ComparisonItemsGroup[0]->FlexibleComparisonItem as $i => $item) { print '<tr>'; print '<td>'; print $item->ItemName->_; print '</td>'; foreach ($c->PeerGroup->FlexibleComparisonItems->ComparisonItemsGroup as $group) { print '<td align="right">'; print $group->FlexibleComparisonItem[$i]->SubjectValue; print '</td>'; print '<td align="right">'; print $group->FlexibleComparisonItem[$i]->AverageValue; print '</td>'; } print '</tr>'; } print '</table>'; } print '</div>'; ?>