setRoundedFrame(); # Set the meter center at (100, 100), with radius 85 pixels, and span from -135 to # +135 degress $m->setMeter(100, 100, 85, -135, 135); # Meter scale is 0 - 100, with major tick every 10 units, minor tick every 5 units, # and micro tick every 1 units $m->setScale(0, 100, 10, 5, 1); # Disable default angular arc by setting its width to 0. Set 2 pixels line width for # major tick, and 1 pixel line width for minor ticks. $m->setLineWidth(0, 2, 1); # Set the circular meter surface as metallic blue (9999DD) $m->addRing(0, 90, metalColor(0x9999dd)); # Add a blue (6666FF) ring between radii 88 - 90 as decoration $m->addRing(88, 90, 0x6666ff); # Set 0 - 60 as green (99FF99) zone, 60 - 80 as yellow (FFFF00) zone, and 80 - 100 as # red (FF3333) zone $m->addZone(0, 60, 0x99ff99); $m->addZone(60, 80, 0xffff00); $m->addZone(80, 100, 0xff3333); # Add a text label centered at (100, 135) with 15 pts Arial Bold font $m->addText(100, 135, "CPU", "arialbd.ttf", 15, TextColor, Center); # Add a text box centered at (100, 165) showing the value formatted to 2 decimal # places, using white text on a black background, and with 1 pixel 3D depressed # border $textBoxObj = $m->addText(100, 165, $m->formatValue($value, "2"), "Arial", 8, 0xffffff, Center); $textBoxObj->setBackground(0x000000, 0x000000, -1); # Add a semi-transparent blue (40333399) pointer at the specified value $m->addPointer($value, 0x40333399); # output the chart header("Content-type: image/png"); print($m->makeChart2(PNG)); ?>