'MODIFICATION', 'a01' => 'MODIFICATION', 'a02' => 'DISSOLUTION', 'a03' => 'CONSTITUTION', 'a04' => 'STATUTS CONSTITUTIFS', 'a06' => 'STATUTS A JOUR', 'a07' => 'STATUTS A JOUR', 'a08' => 'STATUTS A JOUR ET DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE', 'a09' => 'STATUTS APRES TRANSFERT DE SIEGE', 'a1D' => 'AUGMENTATION ET REDUCTION CAPITAL', 'a25' => 'AUGMENTATION DE CAPITAL', 'a26' => 'REDUCTION DE CAPITAL', 'a31' => 'TRANSFERT SIEGE SOCIAL HORS RESSORT', 'a33' => 'CHANGEMENT DE GERANT', 'a39' => 'CHANGEMENT DE COMMISSAIRE AUX COMPTES', 'a77' => 'CONTINUATION MALGRE LA PERTE DE LA MOITIE DU CAPITAL', 'aA1' => 'STATUTS', 'aAA' => 'ACTE', 'aAB' => 'ACTE MODIFICATIF', 'aAC' => 'ACTE RECTIFICATIF', 'aAD' => 'ACTE SOUS SEING PRIVE', 'aAE' => 'AMPLIATION', 'aAG' => 'AVENANT', 'aAH' => 'AVENANT AUX STATUTS', 'aAI' => 'ATTESTATION', 'aAJ' => 'ANNEXES', 'aAK' => 'ATTESTATION BANCAIRE', 'aAP' => 'PROJET APPORT PARTIEL D",ACTIF', 'aAT' => 'DELIVRANCE DE L",INFORMATION FAITE AU CONJOINT SUR LES CONSEQUENCES DES DETTES', 'aCA' => 'CERTIFICAT', 'aCB' => 'COMPTES DE CLOTURE DE LIQUIDATION', 'aCD' => 'CONTRAT', 'aCE' => 'CONVENTION', 'aCF' => 'CERTIFICAT DE SOUSCRIPTION D",ACTIONS', 'aDA' => 'DECISION DE GERANCE', 'aDB' => 'DECISION DE L",ASSOCIE UNIQUE', 'aDC' => 'DECISION DES ASSOCIES', 'aDE' => 'DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE', 'aDF' => 'DECLARATION DE SOUSCRIPTION ET DE VERSEMENT', 'aDH' => 'DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE (ART.374 L24/07/1966)', 'aDI' => 'DECISION DE L",ACTIONNAIRE UNIQUE', 'aDP' => 'DECISION DU PRESIDENT', 'aEA' => 'EXPEDITION', 'aEB' => 'EXPEDITION NOTARIEE', 'aEC' => 'EXTRAIT DU PROCES-VERBAL', 'aFU' => 'PROJET DE FUSION', 'aIF' => 'PROJET APPORT PARTIEL D",ACTIF', 'aJA' => 'JUGEMENT', 'aLA' => 'LETTRE', 'aLB' => 'LISTE DES SIEGES SOCIAUX ANTERIEURS', 'aLC' => 'LETTRE DE DEMISSION', 'aLD' => 'LETTRE DE NOMINATION', 'aLF' => 'LISTE DES SOUSCRIPTEURS', 'aLS' => 'CERTIFICAT DE DEPOT DES FONDS AVEC LISTE DES SOUSCRIPTEURS', 'aNA' => 'NOMINATION DE REPRESENTANT', 'aO9' => 'NOMINATION DE GERANT(S)', 'aOA' => 'ORDONNANCE', 'aOB' => 'ORDONNANCE DE REFERE', 'aOC' => 'ORDONNANCE DU PRESIDENT', 'aOD' => 'ORDONNANCE SUR REQUETE', 'aOE' => 'ORDONNANCE', 'aPA' => 'PROCES VERBAL', 'aPC' => 'PROCES VERBAL D",ASSEMBLEE CONSTITUTIVE', 'aPD' => 'PROCES VERBAL D",ASSEMBLEE DU DIRECTOIRE', 'aPE' => 'PROCES VERBAL D",ASSEMBLEE GENERALE', 'aPF' => 'PROCES VERBAL D",ASSEMBLEE GENERALE EXTRAORDINAIRE', 'aPG' => 'PROCES VERBAL D",ASSEMBLEE GENERALE ORDINAIRE', 'aPH' => 'PROCES VERBAL D",ASSEMBLEE MIXTE', 'aPI' => 'PROCES VERBAL D",ASSEMBLEES ORDINAIRE ET EXTRAORDINAIRE', 'aPL' => 'PROCES VERBAL DIRIGEANT SOCIAL', 'aPM' => 'PROCES VERBAL DU CONSEIL D",ADMINISTRATION', 'aPN' => 'PROCES VERBAL DU CONSEIL DE SURVEILLANCE', 'aPO' => 'PROCES VERBAL DE LA GERANCE', 'aPT' => 'PROJET DE TRAITE D",APPORT', 'aPU' => 'PROJET DE FUSION', 'aPV' => 'PV D",ASSEMBLEE', 'aQ2' => 'CONSTITUTION DE LA SOCIETE', 'aR1' => 'CESSION DE PARTS (OU DONATION)', 'aR4' => 'TRAITE DE FUSION', 'aRA' => 'RAPPORT', 'aRB' => 'RAPPORT COMMISSAIRE AUX COMPTES', 'aRC' => 'RAPPORT COMMISSAIRE FUSION', 'aRE' => 'RAPPORT CR/CPTES TRANSFORM. STE', 'aRG' => 'RAPPORT DU COMMISSAIRE A LA FUSION', 'aRH' => 'RAPPORT DU COMMISSAIRE A LA SCISSION', 'aRI' => 'RAPPORT DU COMMISSAIRE A LA TRANSFORMATION', 'aRK' => 'RAPPORT DU COMMISSAIRE AUX APPORTS', 'aRL' => 'RAPPORT DU COMMISSAIRE AUX APPORTS ET A LA FUSION', 'aRQ' => 'RAPPORT GERANCE', 'aRS' => 'RAPPORT SPECIAL DU CONSEIL D",ADMINISTRATION', 'aRU' => 'PROJET', 'aTA' => 'TRAITE', 'aTB' => 'TRAITE D",APPORT-FUSION', 'aTC' => 'TRAITE DE FUSION', 'aUA' => 'ATTESTATION DU CONJOINT COMMUN EN BIENS', ); /** * Return a ramdom password * @param int $length * Length of the string * @param int $strength * $strength = 1:- 0-9 * $strength = 2:- A-Z0-9 * $strength = 3:- A-Za-z0-9 * $strength = 4:- A-Za-z0-9 and # $ % & * $strength = 5:- A-Za-z0-9 and # $ % & = > ? @ * @return string */ protected function randomPassword($length,$strength) { $char_sets=array('48-57','65-90','97-122','35-38','61-64'); $new_password=''; srand(microtime()*10000000); for($i=0;$i<$length;$i++){ $random=rand(0,$strength-1); list($start,$end)=explode('-',$char_sets[$random]); $new_password.=chr(rand($start,$end)); } return $new_password; } public function init() { require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php'; } public function preDispatch() { $user = new Scores_Utilisateur(); if (!$user->checkModeEdition() && $user->getIdClient()!=1 ){ $this->_forward('perms', 'error'); } } /** * Affichage des différents liens d'administration */ public function indexAction() { $liens = array( 0 => array( 'libelle' => 'Gestion des clients', 'url' => $this->view->url(array('action'=>'clients')), ), 1 => array( 'libelle' => 'Gestion des commandes', 'url' => $this->view->url(array('action'=>'commandes')), ), 2 => array( 'libelle' => 'Gestion des fichiers nouveautés', 'url' => $this->view->url(array('action'=>'newform')), ), 3 => array( 'libelle' => 'Statistiques', 'url' => $this->view->url(array('action'=>'stat')), ), ); $this->view->assign('Liens', $liens); } /** * Créer des graphiques pour les statistiques * @param array $data * @param array $labels * @param string $name */ protected function statChart($data, $labels, $name) { require_once("Vendors/ChartDirector/phpchartdir.php"); $hChart = 210; $c = new PieChart($hChart*3, $hChart); $c->setPieSize($hChart/2, $hChart/2, $hChart/3); $c->set3D(10); $c->setData($data, $labels); $c->setSectorStyle(LocalGradientShading); $c->setLabelLayout(SideLayout, 16); $c->setLabelFormat("{={sector}+1}"); $textBoxObj = $c->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 10); $textBoxObj->setBackground(Transparent); $b = $c->addLegend($hChart*1.5, $hChart/2, true, "arial.ttf", 10); $b->setAlignment(Left); $b->setBackground(Transparent, 0xaaaaaa); $b->setRoundedCorners(); $b->setMargin(16); $b->setKeySpacing(0, 4); $b->setKeyBorder(SameAsMainColor); $b->setText( "<*block,valign=top*>{={sector}+1}.<*advanceTo=22*><*block,width=120*>{label}". "<*/*><*block,width=40,halign=right*>{percent}<*/*>%"); $fChart = fopen('themes/default/images/charts/chart-'.$name.'.png', "w"); fwrite($fChart, $c->makeChart2('png')); fclose($fChart); } /** * Affichage des statistiques des clients */ public function statAction() { $client_stat = new Application_Model_ClientStat(); $statTypes = array('Navigateur'=>'browserName', 'Résolution d\'écran'=>'screenSize', 'Type d\'appareil'=>'isMobile'); while($statType = current($statTypes)) { $sql = $client_stat->select($statType) ->group($statType); $rows = $client_stat->fetchAll($sql); $i=0; $values = array(); $keys = array(); foreach ($rows as $item) { $isMobile = ($statType=='isMobile')?(($item->$statType==0)?'Ordinateur':'Mobile'):$item->$statType; $values[$i] = $isMobile; $keys[$i] = $client_stat->statCnt($statType, $item->$statType); $i++; } $this->statChart($keys, $values, $statType); next($statTypes); } $this->view->assign('statTypes', $statTypes); } /** * Gestion des commandes de l'extranet * Type : greffes | kbis | graydon | giant */ public function commandesAction() { $this->view->headScript()->appendFile('/themes/default/scripts/dashboard.js', 'text/javascript'); $request = $this->getRequest(); $type = $request->getParam('type', ''); $date = $request->getParam('date', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), 1, date('Y'))); $user = new Scores_Utilisateur(); $typesCommande = array('kbis', 'greffes'); if (in_array($type, $typesCommande)) { require_once 'Scores/GestionCommandes.php'; //Valeur pour la sélection des dates $dateSelect = array(); $dateToday = date('m'); $dateIntervalle = 12; if ($user->checkModeEdition()){ $dateIntervalle = 24; } for($i=$dateToday-$dateIntervalle; $i<=$dateToday; $i++) { $dateTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date('Y')); $selected = ''; if ($dateTime==$date){ $selected = 'selected'; } $dateSelect[] = array( 'value' => $dateTime, 'select' => $selected, 'affichage' => date('m/Y', $dateTime) ); } $this->view->assign('dateSelect', $dateSelect); switch($type) { case 'kbis': $num = $request->getParam('num'); $num = str_replace(' ', '', strtoupper($num)); $etat = $request->getParam('etat'); $mode = $request->getParam('mode', 'M'); $modeSelect = array( 'C' => array('value' => 'C', 'select' => '', 'affichage' => 'courrier S&D'), 'M' => array('value' => 'M', 'select' => '', 'affichage' => 'e-mail'), ); $modeSelect[$mode]['select'] = ' selected'; $gestionCommande = new GestionCommande(); $status = $gestionCommande->listStatus($mode); $etatSelect = array(); $etatSelect[] = array('value'=>0, 'select'=>'', 'affichage'=>''); foreach($status as $item){ $select = ''; if ($item['id']==$etat){ $select = ' selected'; } $etatSelect[] = array('value'=>$item['id'], 'select'=>$select, 'affichage'=>$item['libStatut']); } ${'status'.$mode} = $gestionCommande->listStatus($mode); $this->view->assign('etatSelect', $etatSelect); $this->view->assign('modeSelect', $modeSelect); $this->view->assign('num', $num); if (!empty($num)){ if (preg_match('/[0-9]{9}/', $num)){ $listCommandes = $gestionCommande->listCommandesKbisBySiren($num); } elseif(substr($num,0,1)=='K'){ $listCommandes = $gestionCommande->listCommandesKbisByNum($num); } } elseif (!empty($date)) { $listCommandes = $gestionCommande->listCommandesKbis($date, $etat, $mode); } //Parcours de la liste des commandes et vérification document existe if (count($listCommandes)>0) { for($i=0;$i0, 'select'=>'', 'affichage'=>''); $typeCommande = $listCommandes[$i]->type; if (isset(${'status'.$typeCommande})){ foreach(${'status'.$typeCommande} as $item){ $select = ''; if ($item['id']==$listCommandes[$i]->statutCommande){ $select = ' selected'; } $cmdEtatSelect[] = array( 'value' => $item['id'], 'affichage' => $item['libStatut'], 'select' => $select, ); } } $listCommandes[$i]->cmdEtatSelect = $cmdEtatSelect; } } break; //Fin Gestion Kbis case 'greffes': $num = $request->getParam('num'); $num = str_replace(' ', '', strtoupper($num)); $etat = $request->getParam('etat'); $mode = $request->getParam('mode', 'G'); $login = $request->getParam('login'); if (empty($mode) && !empty($num)) $mode = substr($num,0,1); $modeSelect = array( 'G' => array('value' => 'G', 'select' => '', 'affichage' => 'courrier infogreffe'), 'C' => array('value' => 'C', 'select' => '', 'affichage' => 'courrier S&D'), 'M' => array('value' => 'M', 'select' => '', 'affichage' => 'e-mail'), ); $modeSelect[$mode]['select'] = ' selected'; $gestionCommande = new GestionCommande(); //Liste des états possible pour les commandes $status = $gestionCommande->listStatus($mode); $etatSelect = array(); $etatSelect[] = array('value'=>0, 'select'=>'', 'affichage'=>''); foreach($status as $item){ $select = ''; if ($item['id']==$etat){ $select = ' selected'; } $etatSelect[] = array( 'value' => $item['id'], 'select' => $select, 'affichage' => $item['libStatut'] ); } $this->view->assign('etatSelect', $etatSelect); $this->view->assign('modeSelect', $modeSelect); $this->view->assign('num', $num); $this->view->assign('login', $login); if (!empty($num)){ if (preg_match('/[0-9]{9}/', $num)){ $listCommandes = $gestionCommande->listCommandesGreffeBySiren($num); } elseif(substr($num,0,1)=='G' || substr($num,0,1)=='C'){ $listCommandes = $gestionCommande->listCommandesGreffeByNum($num); } } elseif (!empty($login)) { $listCommandes = $gestionCommande->listCommandesGreffeByLogin($login, $date); } elseif (!empty($date)) { $listCommandes = $gestionCommande->listCommandesGreffe($date, $etat, $mode); } //Liste des différents états pour les commandes ${'status'.$mode} = $gestionCommande->listStatus($mode); //Parcours de la liste des commandes et vérification document existe if (count($listCommandes)>0) { for($i=0;$i0, 'select'=>'', 'affichage'=>''); $typeCommande = $listCommandes[$i]->typeCommande; if (isset(${'status'.$typeCommande})){ foreach(${'status'.$typeCommande} as $item){ $select = ''; if ($item['id']==$listCommandes[$i]->statutCommande){ $select = ' selected'; } $cmdEtatSelect[] = array( 'value' => $item['id'], 'affichage' => $item['libStatut'], 'select' => $select, ); } } $listCommandes[$i]->cmdEtatSelect = $cmdEtatSelect; //Lien vers le fichier $documentLien = ''; $document = ''; $sirenLien = ''; switch($type) { case 'greffes': if (preg_match('/^([0-9a-zA-Z]{2,}-).*?$/', $listCommandes[$i]->refDocument, $matches)){ if (substr($listCommandes[$i]->refDocument,0,3)=='ST-'){ $document = 'DERNIER STATUS À JOUR'; } else { $explodedRef = explode('-', $listCommandes[$i]->refDocument); $date = new Zend_Date($explodedRef[1], 'yyyyMMdd'); $dateref = $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'); $depot = ', Dépôt n°'.$explodedRef[6].' au '.$dateref; $document = $this->typeActes['a'.substr($listCommandes[$i]->refDocument,0,2)].$depot; } $c = Zend_Registry::get('config'); $refFile = realpath($c->profil->path->data).'/pdf/acte-'. $listCommandes[$i]->siren.'-'. trim($listCommandes[$i]->refDocument).'.pdf'; if (file_exists($refFile)) { $document = ''.$document.''; } $sirenLien = $this->view->url(array( 'controller' => 'pieces', 'action' => 'actes', 'siret' => $listCommandes[$i]->siren, ), 'default', true); } elseif (preg_match('/^([0-9]{4}).*?$/', $listCommandes[$i]->refDocument, $matches)){ $document = 'Bilan de '.$matches[1]; require_once 'Infogreffe/Infogreffe.php'; $infogreffe = new Infogreffe(); $path = $infogreffe->bilanPath($listCommandes[$i]->refDocument); $fichier = $infogreffe->bilanFilename($listCommandes[$i]->siren, $listCommandes[$i]->refDocument); if(file_exists($refFile)){ $document = ''.$document.''; } $sirenLien = $this->view->url(array( 'controller' => 'pieces', 'action' => 'bilans', 'siret' => $listCommandes[$i]->siren, ), 'default', true); } break; } $listCommandes[$i]->document = $document; $listCommandes[$i]->documentLien = $documentLien; $listCommandes[$i]->sirenLien = $sirenLien; } } break; //Fin Gestion Greffes } $this->view->assign('commandes', $listCommandes); $this->renderScript('dashboard/commandes-'.$type.'.phtml'); } //Affichage des liens vers les différents types de commande $this->view->assign('typesCommande', $typesCommande); } /** * Modification de l'état d'une commande infogreffe */ public function commandesetatchangeAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $request = $this->getRequest(); $etat = $request->getParam('etat'); $idCommande = $request->getParam('idCommande'); $mode = $request->getParam('mode', 'C'); $type = $request->getParam('type'); require_once 'Scores/GestionCommandes.php'; $commande = new GestionCommande(); if ($type == 'kbis'){ echo $commande->changeEtatKbis($idCommande, $etat, $mode); } elseif ($type == 'greffe') { echo $commande->changeEtatGreffe($idCommande, $etat, $mode); } } /** * Affichage de la dénomination sociale à partir du siren */ public function rsAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $request = $this->getRequest(); $siren = $request->getParam('siren'); $ws = new WsScores(); $infos = $ws->getIdentite($siren); if ($infos==false) { echo 'Erreur'; } else { echo $infos->Nom; } } /** * Génération automatique du courrier PDF / ODT */ public function courrierAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $request = $this->getRequest(); $numCommande = $request->getParam('commande'); require_once 'GenCourrier/GenCourrier.php'; $courrier = new GenCourrier($numCommande); $courrier->computeOdt(); } /** * Liste les clients */ public function clientsAction() { $user = new Scores_Utilisateur(); if ( !$user->isSuperAdmin() ){ $this->_forward('perms', 'error'); } $this->view->headScript() ->appendFile('/themes/default/scripts/dashboard.js', 'text/javascript'); $ws = new WsScores(); $reponse = $ws->getListeClients(); $listeClients = $reponse->result->item; $reponse = $ws->getListeDroits(); $wsdroits = $reponse->item; $this->view->assign('ListeClients', $listeClients); $this->view->assign('wsdroits', $wsdroits); } /** * Edition ou création d'un nouveau client */ public function clientAction() { $user = new Scores_Utilisateur(); if ( !$user->isSuperAdmin() ) { $this->_forward('perms', 'error'); } $this->view->headScript()->appendFile('/libs/checkbox/jquery.checkbox.js', 'text/javascript'); $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/libs/checkbox/jquery.checkbox.css', 'all'); $request = $this->getRequest(); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient', false); $titre = 'CREATION NOUVEAU CLIENT'; $submitValue = 'Créer le client'; $ws = new WsScores(); if ($idClient!==false){ $reponse = $ws->getListeClients($idClient); $InfosClient = $reponse->result->item[0]; $titre = 'EDITION CLIENT'; $submitValue = 'Modifier le client'; } $reponse = $ws->getListeDroits(); $wsdroits = array(); foreach ($reponse->item as $tmp) { $wsdroits[$tmp->code] = $tmp->desc; } $this->view->assign('wsdroits', $wsdroits); $reponse = $ws->getCategory(); $wscategory = $reponse->item; $this->view->assign('wscategory', $wscategory); $this->view->assign('idClient', $idClient); $this->view->assign('InfosClient', $InfosClient); $this->view->assign('titre', $titre); $this->view->assign('submitValue', $submitValue); } /** * Enregistre les informations sur le client */ public function clientsaveAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $infos = $request->getParams(); $ws = new WsScores(); $reponse = $ws->setClient($infos); if ($reponse->error->errnum==1) { $this->_forward('client', 'dashboard', null, array('idClient' => $infos['idClient'])); } $this->view->assign('infos', $request->getParams()); } public function usersAction() { $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/themes/default/styles/user.css', 'all'); $user = new Scores_Utilisateur(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient', $user->getIdClient()); $service = $request->getParam('service', null); if (!$user->isSuperAdmin() && !$user->isAdmin()) { $this->renderScript('error/perms.phtml'); } if ($user->isAdmin()){ $idClient = $user->getIdClient(); } $ws = new WsScores(); $this->view->assign('services', array()); $infos = $ws->getListeUtilisateurs($user->getLogin(), $idClient); $utilisateurs = $infos->result->item; $this->view->assign('utilisateurs', $utilisateurs); $this->view->assign('idClient', $idClient); } public function userAction() { $this->view->headLink() ->appendStylesheet('/themes/default/styles/user.css', 'all') ->appendStylesheet('/themes/default/styles/form.css', 'all'); $this->view->headScript()->appendFile('/themes/default/scripts/user.js', 'text/javascript'); $request = $this->getRequest(); $op = $request->getParam('op'); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient'); $login = $request->getParam('login'); if ($op=='save') { $options = $request->getParam('frmOptions', ''); $action = $options['action']; $idClient = $options['idClient']; $login = $options['login']; require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php'; $ws = new WsScores(); $result = $ws->setInfosLogin($login, $action, $options); if (is_string($result)) { $this->view->assign('message',$result); switch($action) { case 'new': $op = 'new'; break; case 'update': $op = 'edit'; break; } } else { $this->_redirect('/dashboard/users/idClient/'.$idClient); } } switch($op) { case 'new': require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php'; $ws = new WsScores(); //Liste des catégories d'accès $reponse = $ws->getCategory(); $wscategory = $reponse->item; $this->view->assign('wscategory', $wscategory); //Liste de tous les droits $listeDroits = $ws->getListeDroits(); $droitsLib = array(); foreach($listeDroits->item as $droit) { $droitsLib[strtoupper($droit->code)] = $droit->desc; } $this->view->assign('droitsLib', $droitsLib); //Liste de toutes les préférences $listePrefs = $ws->getListePrefs(); $prefsLib = array(); foreach($listePrefs->item as $pref) { $prefsLib[strtoupper($pref->code)] = $pref->desc; } $this->view->assign('prefsLib', $prefsLib); $options['idClient'] = $idClient; $this->view->assign('options', $options); //Customer informations $reponse = $ws->getNextLogin($idClient); $this->view->assign('loginNew', $reponse->result->racine); $this->view->assign('droitsClients', explode(' ', strtolower($reponse->result->droitsClients))); $this->view->assign('password', $this->randomPassword(10, 3)); $this->view->assign('action', 'new'); break; case 'edit': require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php'; $ws = new WsScores(); //Liste des catégories d'accès $reponse = $ws->getCategory(); $wscategory = $reponse->item; $this->view->assign('wscategory', $wscategory); //Liste de tous les droits $listeDroits = $ws->getListeDroits(); $droitsLib = array(); foreach($listeDroits->item as $droit) { $droitsLib[strtoupper($droit->code)] = $droit->desc; } $this->view->assign('droitsLib', $droitsLib); //Liste de toutes les préférences $listePrefs = $ws->getListePrefs(); $prefsLib = array(); foreach($listePrefs->item as $pref) { $prefsLib[strtoupper($pref->code)] = $pref->desc; } $this->view->assign('prefsLib', $prefsLib); $options->idClient = $idClient; $this->view->assign('options', $options); //Customer informations $reponse = $ws->getListeClients($idClient); $InfosClient = $reponse->result->item[0]; $this->view->assign('loginNew', $InfosClient->racineLogin); $this->view->assign('droitsClients', explode(' ', strtolower($InfosClient->droits))); //User informations $user = $ws->getUser($login); $options = json_decode($user, true); Zend_Registry::get('firebug')->info($user); $this->view->assign('droits', explode(' ',$options['droits'])); $this->view->assign('prefs', explode(' ',$options['pref'])); $this->view->assign('options', $options); $this->view->assign('action', 'update'); break; case 'delete': $action = 'delete'; require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php'; $ws = new WsScores(); $ws->setInfosLogin($login, $action); //Redirect $this->_redirect('/dashboard/users/idClient/'.$idClient); break; case 'enable': $action = 'enable'; require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php'; $ws = new WsScores(); $ws->setInfosLogin($login, $action); //Redirect $this->_redirect('/dashboard/users/idClient/'.$idClient); break; case 'disable': $action = 'disable'; require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php'; $ws = new WsScores(); $ws->setInfosLogin($login, $action); //Redirect $this->_redirect('/dashboard/users/idClient/'.$idClient); break; } } public function userserviceAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $submit = $request->getParam('submit', null); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient'); $service = $request->getParam('service'); $this->view->assign('service', $service); $login = $request->getParam('login'); $this->view->assign('login', $login); $ws = new WsScores(); if ( $request->isPost() && null!==$submit ) { $ws->setUserService($login, $service); } else { $services = $ws->getServices($idClient); $this->view->assign('services', $services->item); } } public function usersearchAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient'); $query = $request->getParam('q'); $ws = new WsScores(); $result = $ws->searchLogin($idClient, $query); $items = json_decode($result); $output = array(); if (count($items)>0){ $separator = ", "; foreach ($items as $item) { $output[] = array( 'label' => $item->login, 'value' => $item->login, ); } } Zend_Registry::get('firebug')->info($output); $this->view->assign('output', $output); } /** * Affichage du formulaire pour l'envoi des fichiers concernant les nouveautées */ public function newformAction() { //Only the view } /** * Réception du fichier des nouveautés et enregistrement des informations */ public function newuploadAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); if ( isset($_FILES) && count($_FILES)==1 ) { $c = Zend_Registry::get('config'); $path = realpath($c->profil->path->data).'/nouveautes'; if(!file_exists($path)) mkdir($path); $tmp_name = $_FILES['fichier']['tmp_name']; $n = $_FILES['fichier']['name']; $name = uniqid('new'); $extValide = array('pdf'); $extension = strrchr($n,'.'); $extension = strtolower(substr($extension,1)); //Vérifier l'extension du fichier if(!in_array($extension, $extValide)){ echo "Extension de fichier incorrect !"; } elseif (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $path.'/'.$name.'.'.$extension)){ $request = $this->getRequest(); //Enregistrement des informations $data = array( 'categorie' => $request->getParam('categorie'), 'intitule' => $request->getParam('intitule'), 'date' => $request->getParam('date'), 'fichier' => $name.'.'.$extension, ); $new = new Application_Model_Nouveautes(); try { $new->insert($data); echo "Fichier enregistré"; } catch(Exception $e) { echo "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement"; if ( file_exists($path.'/'.$name.'.'.$extension) ) unlink($path.'/'.$name.'.'.$extension); } } else { echo "Erreur"; } } } public function newprogressAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $request = $this->getRequest(); $key = $request->getParam('key', ''); if (!empty($key)) { //$rep sera égal à false si la clef n'existe pas dans le cache apc $rep = apc_fetch('upload_'.$key); echo json_encode($rep); } } public function prestationsAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient'); $this->view->assign('idClient', $idClient); } public function prestationAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient'); $this->view->assign('idClient', $idClient); $submitValue = "Créer"; $id = $request->getParam('id'); if ($id!=null) { //Recup param prestation $submitValue = "Modifier"; } $this->view->assign('submitValue', $submitValue); } public function prestationsaveAction(){} public function tarifsAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient'); $this->view->assign('idClient', $idClient); $ws = new WsScores(); //Liste des periodes de facturation $contrats = $ws->getClientTarifs($idClient); Zend_Registry::get('firebug')->info($contrats); $this->view->assign('contrats', $contrats->item); //Liste des services $services = $ws->getServices($idClient); $this->view->assign('services', $services->item); //Liste des logs $logs = $ws->getLogs(); $this->view->assign('logs', $logs->item); } public function tarifAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient'); $ws = new WsScores(); if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); if ( $request->isPost() ) { $log = $request->getParam('log'); $service = $request->getParam('service'); $type = $request->getParam('type'); $priceUnit = $request->getParam('priceUnit'); $limit = $request->getParam('limit'); $date = $request->getParam('date'); $duree = $request->getParam('duree'); $doublon = $request->getParam('doublon'); $result = $ws->setClientTarif($idClient, $log, $service, $type, $priceUnit, $limit, $date, $duree, $doublon); if(is_int($result)) { //OK } else { $this->view->assign('log', $log); $this->view->assign('service', $service); $this->view->assign('type', $type); $this->view->assign('priceUnit', $priceUnit); $this->view->assign('date', $date); $this->view->assign('duree', $duree); $this->view->assign('doublon', $doublon); $this->view->assign('error', $result); } } } $services = $ws->getServices($idClient); $this->view->assign('services', $services->item); $logs = $ws->getLogs(); $this->view->assign('logs', $logs->item); $this->view->assign('idClient', $idClient); } public function serviceAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $idClient = $request->getParam('idClient'); $ws = new WsScores(); if ( $request->isPost() ) { $code = $request->getParam('code'); $label = $request->getParam('label'); $droitsP = $request->getParam('droits'); $droits = join(' ', $droitsP); $infos = array( 'code' => $code, 'label' => $label, 'droits' => $droits, ); $result = $ws->setService($idClient, json_encode($infos)); if(is_int($result)) { $this->view->assign('message', 'Service crée.'); } else { $this->view->assign('message', $result); } } else { //Droits du client //Liste des catégories d'accès $reponse = $ws->getCategory(); $wscategory = $reponse->item; $this->view->assign('wscategory', $wscategory); //Liste de tous les droits $listeDroits = $ws->getListeDroits(); $droitsLib = array(); foreach($listeDroits->item as $droit) { $droitsLib[strtoupper($droit->code)] = $droit->desc; } $this->view->assign('droitsLib', $droitsLib); //Customer informations $reponse = $ws->getNextLogin($idClient); $this->view->assign('droitsClients', explode(' ', strtolower($reponse->result->droitsClients))); } $this->view->assign('idClient', $idClient); } }