from('CommandesDetail') ->where('commandes_id = ?', $commande_id) ->fetchOne()->eName.'.'.$action; header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$nom.'"'); $report = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('Report') ->where('order_id = ? and format = ?', array($commande_id, $action)) ->fetchOne(); print $report->content; exit; } ?>

Commandes Internationales

from('Report') ->where('order_id = ? and format = "html"', $commande_id) ->fetchOne(); $contenu = preg_replace('/background: #FFFFFF;/', '', $rapport->content); $contenu = preg_replace('@]*?>.*?@si', '', $contenu); print $contenu; print '
'; exit; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Suppression // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if ($action == 'Supprimer') { Doctrine_Query::create() ->update('Commandes') ->set('orderstate', '?', 'Unlinked') ->where('id = ?', $commande_id) ->execute(); } $etatsEnq = array('Toutes' => 'Toutes', 'Initialised' => 'Initialisées', 'Assigned' => 'Assignées', 'Completed' => 'Completées', 'Delivered' => 'Délivrées', 'NonD' => 'Non délivrées'); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Mise à jour // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($_GET['maj'])) { require_once 'graydon/graydon.php'; $commande = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('Commandes') ->where('id = ?', $_GET['maj']) ->fetchOne(); $requete = new StdClass(); $requete->Authentication_Parameters = $authentication; $requete->OrderReference = $commande->reference; try { $checkOrderResult = $graydon->checkOrders($requete); } catch (SoapFault $e) { print 'erreur soap'; exit; } $orderstate = $checkOrderResult->CheckOrders->OrderStatus[0]->OrderState; if ($orderstate != $commande->orderstate) { Doctrine_Query::create() ->update('Commandes') ->set('orderstate', '?', $orderstate) ->where('id = ?', $commande->id) ->execute(); } if (isset($checkOrderResult->CheckOrders->OrderStatus[0]->DateDue)) { $datedue = $checkOrderResult->CheckOrders->OrderStatus[0]->DateDue; if ($datedue != $commande->datedue) { Doctrine_Query::create() ->update('Commandes') ->set('datedue', '?', $datedue) ->where('id = ?', $commande->id) ->execute(); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Choix de l'etat des commandes a afficher // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($_GET['id']) == false) { print '
'; print ''; print ''; print '
'; print '
'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // tableDebut // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function tableDebut() { print ''; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // tableLigne // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function tableLigne($c1, $c2) { print ''; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // tableFin // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function tableFin() { print '
'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // boutonPost // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function boutonPost($action, $nom, $valeur, $etat_enq) { if ($action == 'xml' || $action == 'pdf' || $action == 'doc') { $extra = 'action="pages/international_commandes.php" '; } else { $extra = ''; } print '
'. ''. ''. ''. ''. '
'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Affichage des commandes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (isset($_GET['id']) == true) { $tabCommandes = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('Commandes') ->where('user = ?', $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login']) ->andWhere('id = ?', $_GET['id']) ->execute(); } else { $tabCommandes = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('Commandes') ->where('user = ?', $_SESSION['tabInfo']['login']) ->orderby('id') ->execute(); } foreach ($tabCommandes as $commande) { if (($etat_enq != 'Toutes' && $etat_enq != 'NonD' && $etat_enq != $commande->orderstate) || ($etat_enq == 'NonD' && $commande->orderstate == 'Delivered') || $commande->orderstate == 'Unlinked') { continue; } if ($commande->orderstate == 'Completed' || $commande->orderstate == 'CompletedwithUpdate' || $commande->orderstate == 'ReCompleted' || $commande->orderstate == 'Delivered') { $delivree = true; } else { $delivree = false; } $detail = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('CommandesDetail') ->where('commandes_id = ?', $commande->id) ->fetchOne(); print ''. '
'; if ($delivree == true) { print ''; } print $detail->eName; if ($delivree == true) { print ''; } print '
Type d\'enquête: '.$commande->servicespeed.'
'. 'État: '; if ($delivree == true) { print ''; } print substr($etatsEnq[$commande->orderstate], 0, -1); if ($delivree == true) { print '
'; $reports = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('Report') ->where('order_id = ?', $commande->id) ->orderby('id') ->execute(); foreach ($reports as $report) { boutonPost($report->format, 'commande_id', $commande->id, $etat_enq); } if (count($reports) > 0) { boutonPost('Supprimer', 'commande_id', $commande->id, $etat_enq); } else { $delivree = false; } } print '
'; tableDebut(); tableLigne('Date de commande:', $commande->dateordered); if ($commande->datedue == '0000-00-00' && $commande->servicespeed != 'Immediate') { $datedue = 'MàJ'; } else { $datedue = $commande->datedue; } tableLigne('Date de réception prévue:', $datedue); if ($delivree == true) { tableLigne('Date de mise à jour:', $commande->datecompleted); } tableFin(); print '
'; } ?>