<?php /** * MyMin - JSMin like alternative parser for JavaScript * * This class is a jsmin alternative, based on same parser logic but modified * to mantain performances and to parse correctly JavaScript conditional comments too. * * SERVER SIDE * PHP 5 or greater is required. * This code is compatible with every error_reporting level (E_ALL | E_STRICT) * The best practice to use this code is caching results without run-time * evaluation (your server should be stressed too much with big files) * * Permission is hereby granted to use this version of the library under the * same terms as jsmin.php, which has the following license: * * -- * Copyright (c) 2002 Douglas Crockford (www.crockford.com) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * -- * * @class MyMin * @author Andrea Giammarchi <http://www.3site.eu> * @copyright 2002 Douglas Crockford <douglas@crockford.com> (jsmin.c) * @copyright 2007 Ryan Grove <ryan@wonko.com> (PHP port) * @copyright 2007 Andrea Giammarchi (improvements + MyMinCompressor + MyMinCSS) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License * @version 1.0.1 (2007-10-05) - updated 2008-02-17 */ // -- Class MyMin -------------------------------------------------------------- class MyMin { const /* char */ LF = "\n", SPACE = ' ', EOS = "\x00"; protected /* boolean */ $cc_on; protected /* char */ $a, $ahead, $b; protected /* int */ $index = 0, $length; protected /* string */ $input, $output = ""; // -- Public Static Methods ---------------------------------------------------- static public final function /* string */ parse(/* string */ $input, /* boolean */ $cc_on = true){ return "".(new MyMin($input, $cc_on)); } // -- Public Instance Methods -------------------------------------------------- public final function /* object */ __construct(/* string */ $input, /* boolean */ $cc_on = true){ $this->input = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)+/", self::LF, trim($input)); $this->length = strlen($this->input); $this->cc_on = $cc_on; $this->b = $this->ahead = self::SPACE; $this->a = self::LF; $this->action(3); while($this->a !== self::EOS){ switch($this->a){ case self::SPACE: $this->action($this->isAlNum($this->b) ? 1 : 2); break; case self::LF: switch($this->b){ case '{': case '[': case '(': case '+': case '-': $this->action(1); break; case self::SPACE: $this->action(3); break; default: $this->action($this->isAlNum($this->b) ? 1 : 2); break; } break; default: switch($this->b){ case self::SPACE: $this->action($this->isAlNum($this->a) ? 1 : 3); break; case self::LF: switch($this->a){ case '}': case ']': case ')': case '+': case '-': case '"': case '\'': $this->action(1); break; default: $this->action($this->isAlNum($this->a) ? 1 : 3); break; } break; default: $this->action(1); break; } break; } } } public final function /* string */ __toString(/* void */){ return str_replace("\n\n", "\n", ltrim($this->output)); } // -- Protected Instance Methods ----------------------------------------------- protected function /* void */ action(/* int */ $i){ switch($i){ case 1: $this->output .= $this->a; case 2: $this->a = $this->b; if($this->a === '\'' || $this->a === '"'){ while(true){ $this->output .= $this->a; if(!$this->nextCharNoSlash($this->b, "Unterminated string literal.")) break; } } case 3: $this->b = $this->next(); if($this->b === '/'){ switch($this->a){ case self::LF: case self::SPACE: if(!$this->spaceBeforeRegExp($this->output)) break; case '{': case ';': case '(': case ',': case '=': case ':': case '[': case '!': case '&': case '|': case '?': $this->output .= $this->a.$this->b; while($this->nextCharNoSlash('/', "Unterminated regular expression literal.")) $this->output .= $this->a; $this->b = $this->next(); break; } } break; } } protected function /* void */ appendComment(/* int */ $pos, /* string */ $open, /* string */ $close) { $this->output .= $this->a.$open.(new MyMin(substr($this->input, $this->index, $pos - $this->index), $this->cc_on)).$close; $this->index = $pos; $this->a = self::LF; } protected function /* void */ conditionalComment(/* char */ $find) { $single = $find === self::LF; $pos = strpos($this->input, $find, $this->index); if($pos === false){ if($single) $pos = $this->length; else throw new MyMinException("Unterminated comment."); } $this->appendComment($pos, $single ? "//" : "/*", $find); } protected function /* char */ get(/* void */) { $c = $this->ahead; $this->ahead = self::EOS; if($c === self::EOS && $this->index < $this->length) $c = $this->input{$this->index++}; return ($c === self::EOS || $c === self::LF || $c >= self::SPACE) ? $c : self::SPACE; } protected function /* boolean */ isAlNum(/* char */ $c) { return $c > 126 || $c === '\\' || preg_match('/^(\w|\$)$/', $c); } protected function /* char */ next(/* void */) { $c = $this->get(); $loop = true; if($c === '/'){ switch($this->ahead = $this->get()){ case '/': if($this->cc_on && $this->input{$this->index} === '@') $this->conditionalComment(self::LF); while($loop){ $c = $this->get(); if($c <= self::LF) $loop = false; } break; case '*': $this->get(); if($this->cc_on && $this->input{$this->index} === '@') $this->conditionalComment("*/"); while($loop){ switch($this->get()){ case '*': if(($this->ahead = $this->get()) === '/'){ $this->get(); $c = self::SPACE; $loop = false; } break; case self::EOS: throw new MyMinException("Unterminated comment."); } } break; } } return $c; } protected function /* boolean */ nextCharNoSlash(/* char */ $c, /* string */ $message) { $loop = true; $this->a = $this->get(); if($this->a === $c) $loop = false; else{ if($this->a === '\\'){ $this->output .= $this->a; $this->a = $this->get(); } if($this->a <= self::LF) throw new MyMinException($message); } return $loop; } protected function /* boolean */ spaceBeforeRegExp(/* string */ $output){ for( $i = 0, $length = strlen($output), $reserved = array("case", "else", "in", "return", "typeof"), $result = false, $tmp = ""; $i < 5 && !$result; $i++ ){ if($length === strlen($reserved[$i])) $result = $reserved[$i] === $output; else if($length > strlen($reserved[$i])){ $tmp = substr($output, $length - strlen($reserved[$i]) - 1); $result = substr($tmp, 1) === $reserved[$i] && !$this->isAlNum($tmp{0}); } }; return $length < 2 ? true : $result; } } // -- MyMin Exceptions --------------------------------------------------------- class MyMinException extends Exception {}