Provider API Test Template
Links to different datasets. Only used to ensure that schema imports are generated properly
The main entity company, with only attributes and relationships needed for the Credit Recommendation dataset
The unique identifier allocated by the provider to the company. This should be unique per provider.
A previous (historical) unique company identifier assigned by the provider to the company.
A list of official registered names from different sources eg the chamber of commerce, not being the tradingname.
Association to the class TradingAddress
This is a technical type used to link datasets with this schema to ensure that import schema references are generated properly.
Enumeration indicating whether or not the position is an official management position (usually board of directors) or not.
It is a formal management position.
Member of the Board of Directors
A founder of the company
In case the company is (temporary) governed by an insolvency practitioner (e.g. receiver or liquidator).
Any other position
Enumeration for qualifying of the payment behaviour of the subject company
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Enumeration of protest and/or non-payment types.
It is a protested bill
It is a non payed bill
It is an official summon for payment.
Any other
Enumeration for qualifying a trend
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Abstract type for holding various types of datasets. Will be extended for actual datasets.
Country codes conforming to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 notation.
Type for holding names of information sources
Unique code for this information source
Indication if it is from an official or unofficial source
Currency codes conforming to ISO 4217 alphanumeric notation.
Type for holding a category of amounts. Used in e.g. payment experience data. If LowerLimit is not provided, the category should by interpreted as having no lower limit. E.g. anything < upperlimit. The same applies if the UperLimit is not provided.
Type for holding legal form information
The subject companies legal form using the official country specific terminology/translation. Providers should provide a code value as attribute.
The subject companies legal when it was originally founded using the official country specific terminology/translation. Providers should provide a code value as attribute.
Indication if the company reinvests it s profits for a social purpose.
Indication if the company is a governmental body.
A unified (country) independent representation of a legal form. Providers are required to map the local (country specific) legal form to the closest matching unified legal form.
A limited company for which it is not know if it is listed on an exchange or not.
A limited company listed on an exchange
A limited company not listed on an exchange
A cooperative with the legal for of a limited company
A private limited company for which it is not know if it is listed on an exchange or not.
A private limited company listed on an exchange.
A private limited company not listed on an exchange.
A public limited company for which it is not know if it is listed on an exchange or not.
A public limited company listed on an exchange.
A public limited company not listed on an exchange.
A sole trader or sole proprietorship
Partnership where partners may or may not have an unlimited liability.
Partnership where all partners are known to have an unlimited liability
Partnership where all partners are known to have a limited liability
Association working for the mutual benefit of it's members
Non-profit organisation
Rural credit society
A savings bank
A mutual insurance company
A governmental of municipal entity
A legal form that falls under foreign law.
Other legal form not comparable to one of the listed ones.
Unknown legal form
ISO 639-1 language codes
Type to hold telephone numbers
Indication this is a mobile number or not.
Type for holding names. Used for company and branch names.
Source for the company name information (e.g. Chamber of Commerce).
Indication is the source is the primary information source in case of multiple sources.
Type for holding share information.
The number of shares issued
The nominal number of shares
The value of 1 share in a specific currency
Enumeration of shares types.
Ordinary shares.
Preferred shares.
It is not know if they are ordinary or preferred shares
To be used if they or neither Ordinary nor Preferred. Some countries may have additional types.
Data type that can hold dates in various formats (see DateFormatType). Note that you can use the operator attribute to indicate a date before or after this date.
Enumeration of supported date formats
Self explanatory
Self explanatory
Self explanatory
Self explanatory
Self explanatory
The actual NACE sector code
Label of for the nace code.
The nace version that is used (v1 or v2)
Source of the sector information. E.g. "Chamber of Commerce".
A code which is used for defining the operations of a company.
Only used for CompanyNumber (so not for events)
Type for a year period
Type for holding amounts.
The company is active
The componany ceased trading, not special reason is known.
The componany is in a bankruptcy procedure. It may still be trading. known.
The componany is in a dept restructuring (composition) procedure. It may still be trading.
The componany merged with another company.
The company ceased trading. It is split up into multple companies.
Operators that indicates how a certain value (amount) should be interpreted:
eq - equal
lt - less then
le - less or equal
gt - greater than
ge - greater or equal
If no operator is provided the equal (eq) operator should be assumed.
United Nations M.49 code list for macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings.
For a definition of countries belonging to the region codes see
This codelist contains some custom extensions which can be recognized by the letter 'x' as prefix code.
Eastern Africa
Middle Africa
Northern Africa
Southern Africa
Western Africa
Latin America and the Caribbean
Central America
Northern America
South America
Central Asia
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia
South-Eastern Asia
Western Asia
Eastern Europe
Northern Europe
Southern Europe
Western Europe
Australia and New Zealand
Least developed countries
Landlocked developing countries
Small island developing states
Transition countries
Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden and Denmark
Nordic Counties. Defined as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and associated territories which include Faroe Islands, Greeland and Aland.
European Union
Type for recording time periods. If StartDate is omitted this period should be interpreted as 'before EndDate'. If EndDate is omitted this period should be interpreted as 'after StartDate'.
The start date of the period
The end date of the period.
Type for registering the state of an financial exception process like a liquidation or debt restructuring process.
The process has started.
The process has ended.
There is a provisional agreement or verdict.
There is a final agreement or verdict.
A start of the exception proces has been requested, either by the subject company, by the creditors or a governmental body.
The status is unknown.
Self explanatory
Self explanatory
Self explanatory
Incorporation/foundation event
A position (e.g. management) change has taken place.
The subject company merged with another company
The subject company acquired another company
The subject company split up in two or more legal entities.
The subject company was acquired by another company.
General news events that do not fit in one of the existing GENERAL event types.
An new annual account has been filed at the official registry.
An new annual account can be retrieved.
A change in autorized or issued capital has taken place.
Self explanatory.
Financial news events that do not fit in one of the existing FINANCIAL event types.
A bankrupcy or liquidation process is in progress.
A debt restructuring process is in progress.
A protest or non-payment has been recorded
News related to a Financial Exception that does not fit in one of the other EXCEPTION event types.
Nace version used.
Revision 1
Revision 2
Type for integer values with optional <,>, or = operator
The source from which the financial summary information is derived.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Indication if a loan or mortgage is satisfied, not satisfied or partially satisfied.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Type for holding gender information.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Type for holding VAT information
The VAT number for the subject company.
Format: preferred format is the EU international notation <countrycode><vatnumber>. E.g. BE0123456789
Indication if a company is VAT liable or not
Enumeration of obligation types.
Days category is used to display periods for example paying period or exceeding period between 1 and 30 days.
Description type. For each description you can (and should) supply a code and language. This allows consumers to create their own translations if needed.
The current ratio is a financial ratio that measures whether or not a firm has enough resources to pay its debts over the next 12 months. It compares a firm's current assets to its current liabilities.
The percentage gearing ratio of the latest year of the subject company.
Indicates how many times an interest is paid compared to pre-tax profits.
Ratio depending on the country. Calculated from balance sheet items.
Note: Definition should be provided by the sender of the message in an interchange agreement.
In finance, the Acid-test or quick ratio or liquid ratio measures the ability of a company to use its near cash or quick assets to immediately extinguish or retire its current liabilities. Quick assets include those current assets that presumably can be quickly converted to cash at close to their book values. Such items are cash, cash equivalents such as marketable securities, and some accounts receivable. This ratio indicates a firm's capacity to maintain operations as usual with current cash or near cash reserves in bad periods. As such, this ratio implies a liquidation approach and does not recognize the revolving nature of current assets and liabilities. The ratio compares a company's cash and short-term investments to the financial liabilities the company is expected to incur within a year's time.
Quick Ratio = (Current Assets - (Inventory + prepayments + Staff salaries + supplies)) / Current liabilities - Bank overdraft
To indicate the percentage of sales export of a subject company.
To indicate the percentage of sales imports of a subject company.
The percentage of share holding of a mentioned company to the subject company.
Enumeration of supported peer group types used in a peer group comparison. If you use 'other', you should make sure that you provide a proper description for the peer group.
Companies with the similar size
Companies with the same sector, usually based on Nace codes.
Companies within the same sector AND with similar size
Companies within the same sector OR with a similar size.
Companies publishing a full scheme (full annual account) at the countries official register.
Companies publishing a compact scheme (compact annual account) at the countries official register.
None of the above.
Enumeration qualifying an information source as either official (usually a goverment body) or unofficial (e.g. a public newspaper).
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Indication wheter the account is consolidated, not-consolidated or unspecified.
Status of the Annual Account.
The Annual Account is due at the <AccountsFileDate> E.g. this can be used to indicate the expected first accounts newly started companies.
The accounts have been field at the countries official registry.
The accounts are not filed yet and are overdue.
The accounts are at the auditor for approval
The accounts are at the closing stage.
The accounts at the official registry but are not yet accessible and therefore cannot be delivered.
State indicating that the Company has been established recently and has not pulished an annual account yet.
Type for holding free text notes. Should not be used for labels and descriptions that are used accross data sets (see DescriptionType).
Type for holding free text notes.
Description type that can contain parameters for the description. This allows consumers to create their own translation for e.g. message like 'The amount advised exceeds ${amount}'.
Type for holding for parameters that should be substituted in the Description text.
Percentage of payments that exceed a given number of days. Additional the number of days a payment exceeds with a lower and a higher limit. Used for payment experience data.
The percentage of this category
Enumeration indication the type of relationship an associated person of company has with the subject company.
The person or company is a shareholder of the subject company.
The person or company is a participation of the subject company (reverse relationship of shareholder).
The company is the parent company of the subject company.
The company is the ultimate parent company of the subject company.
The company is part of the same group/holding structure as the subject company.
Any other relationship
Reason of position change
The person was appointed.
The person was dismissed (not initiated by him or her self).
The person was dismissed for legal reasons.
The person was re-appointed.
The person resigned
Person left the company, it is not know if on which inititiative.
Any other reason
Type for holding company numbers (see CompanyRegistry)
Optional attribute that can be used to indicate if it is a current or old CompanyNumber. If no attribute is provided it is assumed that the current value is provided.
Payment behaviour
Period, normally in years eg 2002 - 2009
Debtor days is a measure of the average time payment takes. Increases in debtor days may be a sign that the quality of a company's debtors is decreasing.
Creditor days is the average time that a company takes to pay its creditors
An general assessment of the liquidity of the company. It consists of a Qualification (value Low, Normal, Good and Excellent) and a AdditionalQualification which is a description field. This field may be filled with a more specific provider qualification
Payment qualification a general assessment of the payment behaviour of the subject company.
It consists of a Qualification (value Low, Normal, Good and Excellent) and a AdditionalQualification which is a description field. This field may be filled with a more specific provider qualification
Free text notes field. E.g. can be used to add a disclaimer or a specific note or some other descriptive text to accompany the PaymentBehaviour
The Credit Recommendation is an assessment of the credit worthiness of a corperation. It consist of an amount advised and a risk classification/rating.
The day the credit recommendation was updated/calculated (usually the report date).
The amount advised is a recommended maximum credit exposure at any one time.
Description of the amount advised
Parameterized description of the amount advised. To be used in case you want to provide subsitution values for a description type.
In some cases no maximum credit exposure can be advised. If this is the case, provide a description (including code + language ) why no amount can be advised.
Free text notes field
Association to the class RiskClass
Real estate, encompasses land along with anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings, specifically property that is stationary, or fixed in location.
Description of the real estate
Indication if the real estate owned by the company, if so the indication is true.
The surface of the real estate in m2 or other unit of measure in case the provider is not using the metric system. Please always include the metric used in the text.
The source which delivered the information
Association to the class Mortgage
Holder type for Provider and Common Risk Class. A Risk Class is the risk identifier used to indicate the risk of insolvent behavior
Association to the class Provider Specific Rating
Individual human being. Can be used in the context of a shareholder, management position etc.
First name
Middle name
Last name
Name prefix
Professional title eg Master, Bachelor or Doctor
Date of birth
The place of birth.
Country of birth
Association to the class Address
Telephone number. Format: +(countrycode)(number) eg +31201234567
Association to the class Event
Gender. Male or Female
Complex type for address information. In is primairily meant for holding structured address information. If structured address information cannot be be provided the embedded FlexibleAddress type can be used for non structured address information.
The street the address is located
Housenumber addition
Building identification, mostly used in English speaking countries.
The city the address is located.
The state the address is located.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. The code exists of two characters e.g. BE, UK and NL
The period the address is considered valid. If the end date is empty the address is still considered valid
Association to the class FlexibleAddress
Describes the type of business the subject company is in.
Product names and or services the company delivers. This is a free text field e.g. 'Jaquar cars'.
NACE industry sector codes for the subject company
Free text field on any certifications (e.g. ISO) the company may have.
Country the subject company is exporting to.
Country the subject company is importing from.
Region the subject company is exporting to.
Region the subject company is importing from.
Goods the subject company is exporting.
Goods the subject company is importing.
Known banks of the subject company.
Registered name of the bank.
In order to identify Financial Institutions unambiguously, SWIFT developed the Bank Identifier Code (BIC). The BIC in particular enhances STP in cross-border financial messages. BIC was adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO has appointed SWIFT as the registration authority for the assignment of BICs (ISO 9362) and for the publication of BICs in the BIC Directory.
Bank Code 4 alphabetic characters identifying an individual bank, for example “DEUT” identifying Deutsche Bank
Country Code 2 letter ISO country code such as DE for Germany
Location Code 2 alphanumerical characters (except zero) identifying the location of the institution within the specific country such as FF for Frankfurt
Branch Code 3 alphanumeric characters, (optional) identifying the specific office or branw
The bank sortcode may be used to categorise the bank on codevalue. Primairly used within the UK.
An offcial registar which registers companies. There may be multiple registries within a country. For example some companies some have registries for builders (dutch: aannemers).
What kind of registry. eg Chamber of Commerce or another registar
The number under which the subject company is registered at this CompanyRegistry.
A district indication in case of regional registries.
The date the subject company was registered.
A custom code which described the operations of a company. The type is made general so country specfic codings may be entered.
Share Capital
The authorised capital of a company (sometimes referred to as the authorised share capital or the nominal capital, particularly in the United States) is the maximum amount of share capital that the company is authorised by its constitutional documents to issue to shareholders. Part of the authorised capital can (and frequently does) remain unissued
Share capital or issued capital (UK English) or capital stock (US English)[1] refers to the portion of a company's equity that has been obtained (or will be obtained) by trading stock to a shareholder for cash or an equivalent item of capital value. For example, a company can set aside share capital to exchange for computer servers instead of directly purchasing the servers from existing equity
Some legal forms may have a fixed capital plus a variable capital. This attribute can be used to hold the fixed capital part.
Some legal forms may have a fixed capital plus a variable capital. This attribute can be used to hold the variable capital part.
paid-up capital is the issued capital which has been fully or partly paid-up by the shareholders
Some legal forms may have a fixed capital plus a variable capital. This attribute can be used to hold the paid up part of the variable capital.
A person or company who, which owns a part of the company.
The start and optionally the end date the shares were owned by the shareholder
The number of share held by the shareholder
The percentage of shares held by the shareholder.
Format float 0-100
Association to the class Person
A mortgage is the transfer of an interest in property (or the equivalent in law - a charge) to a lender as a security for a debt.
Indication of the type. E.g. Mortgage or Charge.
Description field for further detailing the mortgage/charge type.
The period the debt is active
The date the debt is registered.
The amount of the mortgage or charge
Indication if the debt is satisfied, partially satisfied or not satisfied at all.
Association to the class Lender
The person or company who or which inspects and verifies the organisations financial accounts (e.g. a Certified Public Accountant)
The official procedure for example in case of a debt restructuring for a private person "Personal Debt Restructuring" or "Wet op de schuldsanering" in the Netherlands
The start and (optional) end date of the exception event. This is especially useful in longer procedures (e.g. bankruptcy procedures).
An event is a container for many different situations that may occur. It may be a general event in the company, or a news item about a big order,a change in the name of the company etc.
The date the event occurred
An code classifying the type of event (enumeration)
An optional code that can be used by a provider to provide more detail abount the type of event. This can be useful in cases where the receiving party wants to to display the event with a different (more specific) label than what would be possible using the more course grained EventCode.
The event supplier, e.g. the chamber of commerce, or a newspaper
A description of the event.
A parameterized description of the event. Use this if you want to use substitution values in the event description
Free text notes field
A holder type for the information describing the event situation.
Unique id for this event
In case this is event is related to a previous event you can add a reference to correlate both events.
Generic Risk Class type. Instances are ProviderRiskClass and CommonRiskClass.
The offcial name of the Risk Class
The Risk class value for the subject company. This is string field allowing both numeric and alpha numering (AAA) values.
The official description of the Risk Class.
The official description of the Risk Class. Use this if you want to use substition values in the description
Free text notes field. Can l be used to add informational message in the report about the credit rating.
This is a harmonized representation of the subject companies annual account using the CREICA format. It conisist of a balancesheet, profit and loss and key credit ratio's.
Association to the class ProfitAndLoss
Harmonized representation of the balance sheet.
Association to the class Assets
Assocation to the class Liabilities
The key credit ratios give an overview about the overall financial condition of the companies business.
Ratio depending on the country. Calculated from balance sheet items.
Note: Definition should be provided by the sender of the message in an interchange agreement.
In finance, the Acid-test or quick ratio or liquid ratio measures the ability of a company to use its near cash or quick assets to immediately extinguish or retire its current liabilities. Quick assets include those current assets that presumably can be quickly converted to cash at close to their book values. Such items are cash, cash equivalents such as marketable securities, and some accounts receivable. This ratio indicates a firm's capacity to maintain operations as usual with current cash or near cash reserves in bad periods. As such, this ratio implies a liquidation approach and does not recognize the revolving nature of current assets and liabilities. The ratio compares a company's cash and short-term investments to the financial liabilities the company is expected to incur within a year's time.
Quick Ratio = (Current Assets - (Inventory + prepayments + Staff salaries + supplies)) / Current liabilities - Bank overdraft
The current ratio is a financial ratio that measures whether or not a firm has enough resources to pay its debts over the next 12 months. It compares a firm's current assets to its current liabilities.
Indicates how many times an interest is paid compared to pre-tax profits.
The percentage gearing ratio of the latest year of the subject company.
Gearing Ratio is the contribution of owner’s equity to borrowed funds. The ratio explains the degree to which the business is funded by the owner as against the borrowed funds.
Gearing is basically defined as the ratio between a company’s borrowing (debt) and owner’s equity (i.e. shareholder’s fund). It is synonym to the word leverage.
To indicate the percentage of sales imports of a subject company.
To indicate the percentage of sales export of a subject company.
The percentage of share holding of a mentioned company to the subject company.
Profit and loss account
Self explanatory.
Sum of net profit before taxes minus taxes (except VAT).
Sum of net sales +/- increase or decrease of finished goods and WIP plus other capitalized labour, overheads and material, plus other operating income minus cost of material and services.
Sum of gross profit minus personal costs, depreciation (including inventories) and other operating expenses.
Sum of operating result plus financial income minus financial expenses plus financial results.
Sum of results of ordinary income plus extraordinary income and extraordinary results, minus extraordinary expenses.
Interest payable on loans, borrowings, etc.
The loss of value of assets during the accounting period.
The value of stock at the beginning of the year plus the cost of purchases made during the year less the value to stock at the end of the year.
Cost, in the period, of wages and salaries to employees.
Interest earned from banks, etc.
Total cost of salary payments to Directors.
Total value of dividends paid to shareholders.
Self explanatory. Payable on any pre-tax profits.
Self explanatory.
(Before taxes) Sum of extraordinary income and extraordinary results, minus extraordinary expanses.
Prepaid expenses are the prepayments plus assets exchange adjustment. Adjustment accounts are liabilities exchange adjustment plus pre-paid income. FR - Comptes de régularisation .
Harmonized representation of the balance sheet Assets
Sum of start-up reserves, expenses, total intangible assets, total fixed assets, inventories and total current assets.
Association to class FixedAssets
Association to the class CurrentAssets
Fixed Assets
Total fixed assets. Self explanatory
Expenses incurred in connection with the start-up or expansion or restructuring of the business.
Includes licenses, trade marks, patents, goodwill and advances paid on intangible assets.
Includes land, buildings, machinery, equipment advances paid on fixed assets and assets under construction.
Includes participations shares/securities and amounts or long term loans due from associated companies or associations.
Current Assets
Self explanatory
Work in progress, incomplete projects
Finished goods and goods for resale.
Self explanatory.
Sum of raw materials, WIP, finished goods and advanced payments on stock.
Trade receivables inclusive bills receivable (less provisions for bad debts) and receivables from associated companies (>50%).
Total of marketable shares and securities, cash and banks.
Total prepaid expenses and other current assets.
Sum of total receivables, cash, banks, securities and other current assets.
Sum of total equity, total long term liabilities and total short term liabilities.
Association to the class ShareholderFunds
Assocation to the class LongTermLiabilities
Association to the class CurrentLiabilities
Association to the class Other
ShareholderFunds. Part of harmonized balance sheet.
Sum of equity capital and surplus equity.
Sum of share capital (reduced by not paid in capital), capital reserve, agio reserve, revaluation reserve, retained earnings or accumulated loss brought forward from previous years, net profit/loss of the period, taxed reserves and other equity capital.
Sum of subordinated loans from partners/shareholders, untaxed reserves, investment reserves, inventory reserves and other surplus equity.
Sum of capital reserve, agio reserve, net profit/loss for the period, taxed reserves. Part of Equity capital.
Reserves resulting from a revaluation of assets. Part of equity capital.
Retained earnings or accumulated losses brought forward from previous years. Part of Equity capital.
Untaxed reserves, investment reserves, inventory reserves. Part of surplus equity.
Long term liabilities
Long term loans inclusive convertible bonds.
Long term liabilities (more than 12 months) to associated companies (>50%).
Reserve for pensions and similar obligations.
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
Leasing and other long term liabilities.
Sum of long term loans, long term liabilities to associated companies, reserve for pensions, long term deferred taxes, accumulated depreciation and other long term liabilities.
Current Liabilities
Including bills payable.
Short term bank loans.
Advanced payments on unfinished goods.
Due to associated companies (>50%).
Self explanatory.
Taxes, social liabilities, sundry debts, deferred income, transitory items and other short term liabilities.
Sum of trade creditors, due to banks, advanced payments, short term liabilities, provisions and other short term liabilities.
Self explanatory.
Holver type for BalanceSheet information
Association to the class assets
Association to the class liabilities
Profit and Loss in the original (provider or country specific) format
AccountItem is a general item to hold annual account information.
Key credit ratios in the original (provider or country specific) format.
AccountItem is a general item to hold annual account information.
Explanatory notes type. You can use this to highlight certain sections of the original annual account. Use OrginalAccountItemGroups to cluster account items together.
AccountItem is a general item to hold annual account information.
Assets side of the balance sheet
AccountItem is a general item to hold annual account information.
Liabilities side of the balance sheet
AccountItem is a general item to hold annual account information.
AccountItemGroup is a general group to hold Account items. This allows you to create groups like for example 'Total fixed assets' and have account items inside them.
Note that you can create nested AccountItemGroups
Group total amount for the group
Original account item is a general item to hold account information from the orginal (non-harmonized) account. It is an abstract type. You should use either an AmountAccountItem or NumberAccountItem, both types extend from OriginalAccountItem.
Label for the account item. This is what will be displayed in the report. E.g. 'Turnover'
The level attribute can be used by providers who cannot deliver AccountItemGroups (which is the preferred way). Consumers can use the level attribuut to correctly format (ident) AccountItems. The level should be set as illustrated by the following example:
Total Assets --> level="0"
Tangible Assets --> level="1"
Land and Buildings --> level="2"
Intangible Assets --> level="1"
This is a representation of the subject companies annual account in the original (provider or country specific) format. It conisist of a balancesheet, profit and loss and key credit ratio's.
Association to the class BalanceSheet
Association to the class ProfitAndLoss
Association to the class KeyCreditRatios
Association to class ExplanatoryNotes
An amount type that holds a single item of an Annual Account.
The monetary amount of the account item
An number type that holds a single item of an Annual Account.
The value of the account item.
The financial summary holds a number of key financial figures and ratios per year. While it is also part of the full dataset is is primairily meant for usage in a compact report.
Optional description. Can be used to explain special considerations for interpreting this summary, or alternatively, if no summary can be provided used for explaining why.
Source attribute indicating if the information is taken from the annual account or retrieved via interview.
Account type gives a description about the state of the annual account. Allowed values are: 'consolidated','not-consolidated' or 'unspecified'.
The date (usually a fiscal year) the information is based on.
TODO: What if this is a fiscal year starting april 1st?
The units in which the figures are shown. E.g. shown in units of 1000
Revenue is income that a company receives from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers,
before any deductions are made.
Total equity is the total of all Ordinary capital, Reserves, Preferences and Minorities. It can also be expressed as net assets i.e. the total assets less the total liabilities.
Profit(loss) before tax is the profits before taking into account interest payments and income taxes.
Amount of money earned after all expenses, including overhead, employee salaries, manufacturing costs, and advertising costs, have been deducted from the total revenue.
Current assets minus current liabilities. This is a financial metric which represents operating liquidity available to a business.
A company's authorized or nominal capital. It is the maximum amount of share capital the company can issue (unless it goes through a procedure to increase the figure).
Issued capital is the value of the shares issued to shareholders. This means the nominal value of the shares rather than their actual worth.
The total amount of shareholder capital that has been paid in full by shareholders or in other words the amount of money that has been received by shareholders who have completely paid for their purchased shares.
Some legal forms may have a fixed capital plus a variable capital. This attribute can be used to hold the variable capital part.
Some legal forms may have a fixed capital plus a variable capital. This attribute can be used to hold the paid up part of the variable capital.
A branch is a smaller, remotely located office that is separate from a company's corporate headquarters.
Unique identification for the branch.
Name of the branch
Free text notes field
The date the branch officially became active
The last update date of branch information.
To be used in case individual branches are/cannot be delivered but the total number of branches is known.
An indicator of the type of association.
Descriptional field with additional information about the particular relationship
Free text notes field.
The period the association (relation) with the subject company company exists. If no end date is provided, the association is assumed to still exist.
Majority stake indicator. Can be used when the relationships involves shares but the percentages are not know. If the percentages are known please use the embedded shares type.
The data source for this association information.
Stakeholder owning x% or more of a company's outstanding shares. The x is a percentage which differs per country.
For example in the UK the principal shareholder has 10% or more of the shares.
Association to the class shares
Shares of an associated Person or Company
The number of share held by the holding party
The percentage of shares held by the holding party range 0 -100
Ordinary or Preference types of shares.
The Trade Payment Experience gives an assessment per month for the company in general terms. Slow, Normal Quick
TODO: This description is not in line with the assessment attribute which is a value from 0.0 to 10.0. Is this really something different than payment bahaviour??? We are waiting for an answer from Steve
Date of the trade experience measurement
Payment assessment displayed by means of a figure from 0.0 to 10.0
A type for holding an 'Analysis by Amount' of Payment Experience data.
Description label for the analysis.
Parameterized description label for the analysis. Use this if you want to use substitution values in the label.
The total number of invoices (sum of all categories) the analysis of the Payment Behaviour is based on.
The pooling total category is a range which is valid for the invoice amounts for this category
A type for displaying a Payment Behaviour analysis by period. E.g. per month or quarter.
Description for this Analysis by Period.
Parameterized description for this Analysis by Period. Use this if you want the use substitution values in the description.
The total number of invoices (sum of all categories) the analysis of the Payment Behaviour is based on.
Debt collection refers to the activity where creditors and collectors are able to take reasonable steps to secure payment from consumers who are legally bound to pay or to repay money they owe.
The information in this class may reflect only the know debt collection information of the subject company which may be only a subset of the total debt collection for a company.
The period covering the debt collection information. This should normally be the same as the period of the parent payment behaviour class, but can differ slightly.
The total amount that was collected in the collection period.
The total number of debts collected in the specified year.
Optional Description. Can also be used to signal that no debts where collected.
Protests and non payment is a general entity to contain protests and non payments from several sources.
Date the protest or non-payment was registered.
Type of protest or non payment. The current values are Protest, NonPayment and AmountOverdue
Name of the creditor (petitioner)
Indication if there where know protests or non-payments for this creditor. Can be used to include an important creditor in the list with no non-payments outstanding.
The amount of protest of non payment
Description of the protest or non payment.
FreeText field for additional information about the Protest or Non payment.
A peer group is a group of companies which have a similarity with the subject company and is used for comparison.
General name of the peer group
A description of the peer group. E.g. 'Companies within the same sector' or 'Companies with the same size'.
The number of companies which are part of the peer group.
The nace code of the peer group (if applicable).
Association to the class CreditRecommendationComparison
Association to the class CommonRatingComparison
Association to the class ProviderRatingComparison
Association to the class FlexibleComparisonItems
Association to the class Ratios
Comparison type used for holding various statistics of a Peer Group Comparison.
The subject value is the actual value of the the company for the item which is compared. For example the company scores 3.0 (subjectvalue) and the average for the sector is 4.1
Average value of the Peer Group for the item that is being compared.
Percentage op companies within Peer Group with an equal value for the item that is being compared.
Percentage of companies within Peer Group with an higher value for the item that is being compared.
Percentage op companies within Peer Group with an lower value for the item that is being compared.
The percentile value of the subject company within Peer Group for the item that is being compared.
First quartile value for the item that is being compared.. This means that 25% of the group score less than this value and 75% scores above
Second quartile or median for the item that is being compared. 50% scores less and 50% scores better.
Third quartile for the item that is being compared. 25% scores better and 75% scores worse.
ComparisonItemsGroup is a sub group of the flexibleComparisonItems and can be used to group ComparisonItems (see example in description of FlexibleComparisonItems).
Description of the group
Period for the group (start end-date)
Association to the class ComparisonItem
An item subject in a ComparisonItemsGroup comparison (see example in description of FlexibleComparisonItems).
Name of the item
Amount Advised Comparison is a peer group comparison of the amount advised
Description label for comparison. E.g. 'Amount Advised Comparison'
The period for this comparison.
Association to the class Com
A peer group comparison of the unified common risk class (formely also known eurogate rating) with a peer group.
Description label for comparison. E.g. 'Probability of default Comparison'
The period for this comparison.
Association to the class ComparisonFigures
Calculated ratios regarding the subject company
Description of the RatioComparison
Period for the Comparison (start end-date)
Provider risk class comparison is a peer group comparison class for the provider specific risk class.
Description label for comparison. E.g. 'Provider Risk Class Comparison'
The period for this comparison.
Association to the class ComparisonFigures
Association to the class ComparisonItemsGroup
Flexible address structure. Should only be used if a structured address (see AddressType) cannot be delivered.
An address line. You can use multiple address lines to compose the complete address.
Flexible name structure for persons (not companies). Should only be used if a structured name (see Person class) cannot be delivered.
Flexible name line. You can use multiple name lines to compose the complete name.
The type bank account represents the one or more accounts a company has with one or more specific banks
The bank account type, could be an internal account, country specific bank account, or the international used bank account nr IBAN
The account Number represents the bank account which is a string of numbers, characters or both
Reference to another company, not the being the subject company
The unique company identifier assigned by the provider to this company.
A previous (historical) unique company identifier assigned by the provider to the company.
A list of official registered names, possibly from different sources (e.g. chamber of commerce) , not being the trading name.
Type for holding analysis by amount data for one amount category
The amount category describes an amount range by defining a lower and upperlimit of the category. E.g. 0 - 5000 (currency)
The percentage of invoices paid within terms (scale 0 -100)
The invoices that is paid after the duedate. This may be displayed be means of a percentage scale (0-100) or a days category with a lower and upperlimit.
Number of invoices within this category.
The pooling total category is a range which is valid for the invoice amounts for this category
A holder for one period of payment analysis data
The period for this Category.
The percentage of invoices paid within terms (scale 0 -100)
The invoices that is paid after the duedate. This may be displayed be means of a percentage or a days category with a lower and upperlimit.
The number of invoices for this Period
The pooling total category is a range which is valid for the invoice amounts for this category
Type for holding debt collection category data. The 'to be collected amount' can be specified as a range e.g. 0 - 10000
With the collection amount range it is possible to summarise the collected debts over a period. For example 5 collections in 2009 in the range 2500-7500 euro.
The amount category
The number of debts collected within this category
usage defines the use of the event. for example in the case of a name change an event with the usage oldvalue and an event with the usage newvalue would be present.
Usually a qualified insolvency practitioner responsible for adequately managing the insolvency procedure.
(Official) role name of the insolvency practioner. E.g. Liquidator, receiver, official receiver.
Start date of the insolvency practitioner (usually a receiver)
The RatioComparisonItem contains Items of the HarmonizedRatioType. In this way it is possible to compare ratio's against sector information
General entity for a company holding all information about the company.
The unique company identifier assigned by the provider to the company.
A previous (historical) unique company identifier assigned by the provider to the company.
VAT information number regarding the subject company
The registration number for this company at the countries social security governmental body
Association to the class ChamberOfCommerce
A list of official registered names, possibly from different sources (e.g. chamber of commerce) , not being the trading name.
Type for holding trades name, also known as a trading name or a business name.
Indication whether the company is active or not.
Main telephone numbers. Preferred format: +(countrycode)(number) .
E.g. +31201234567
You can specify a mobile number by setting isMobile attribute to true
Fax number. Preferred format: +(countrycode)(number).
E.g. +31201234567
Website address. Format: (so without http:// prefix).
E-mail address of the subject company. Format example:
Date of incorporation of the subject company.
Indication if the company is the ultimateParent (has no parent companies). Can be omitted if the company is not part of a holding structure.
Stock exchanges on which the company is listed. E.g. 'NYSE Euronext'
Association to the class Division
Association to the class ShareCapital
Association to the class Employees
Association to the class Auditor
Association to the class Real Estate
Association to the class Annual Account
This class describes details about the position a person has in a company.
Description of the authorization. E.g. if the person in the position has the authority to sign bills, or take decisions for unlimited amounts. In some countires it is a normal practise to explicity describe de authority of the management or board.
The position could be for a predefined period. The ending of the period is on a certain date but could also be accompanied by an event like the annual account meeting or an election.
The period the position was held.
Indication if the person was appointed, dismissed etc.
Position title. E.g. Managing Director, Director, Deputy Manager, Company Secretary etc.
Source of the information
RestrictedCompany is a restricted set of the original company type
The unique company identifier assigned by the provider to the company.
A list of official registered names, possibly from different sources (e.g. chamber of commerce) , not being the trading name.
The timeline gives the possibility to create a number of eventstates which represents the lifecyle of the event procedure. For example a liquidation consists of a start, provisional verdict and a final verdict
A specific state of an event
State indication that can be customized by each provider. Can be used to refine the State attribute
The start and (optional) end date of the exception event. This is especially useful in longer procedures (e.g. bankruptcy procedures).
Type to hold Annual Accounts data like the balance sheet and profit & loss.
Optional description. Can be used to explain special considerations for interpreting this accounts, or alternatively, if no accounts can be provided used for explaining why.
The date the accounts are filed at the countries official registry (the registry may vary per country).
The date of the annual accounts. This is usually the last day of the fiscal year.
Free format string indicating the format of the annual accounts. Example given 'IFRS' or '020','040' for Belgium format.
Accounts type gives a description about the state of the annual account. Allowed values are: 'consolidated','not-consolidated' or 'unspecified'.
The base currency used for the Annual Account. Default is EUR.
The units in which the figures are shown. E.g. shown in units of 1000
The date of the general meeting where these accounts are or should be approved (so it can be a future date).
Comment of the Auditor on the filed annual account. E.g. 'The auditor expressed an unqualified opininion'.
A field which expresses a general remark about the quality of the annual accounts. For example: Meets all compulsory controls.
Employee information of the subject company.
The employees information may cover one or more years. This period is to define the period the employee data covers (usually in years).
The average number off employees (parttime and fulltime) employed by the company during the specified period
The average number of fulltime employees over the period
The number of average employees over the period.
The total number of people actually working in the company. Full and parttime.
The total number of fulltime employees over the period.
The total number of parttime employees over the period.
The number of directors employed by the company
The number of employees measured in fulltime quivalent.
A part of the company specialised in a certain field of the companies business.
Links to extensions. Only used to ensure that schema imports are generated properly
This is a technical type used to link datasets with this schema to ensure that import schema references are generated properly.
The SocialAccount displays information about the employees in the company for example full-time, part-time, education etc. Futhermore the Account contains information about measures the employer has taken for the benifit of the employees.
Association to the class TrainingInfoAvailableForEmployees.
This is a technical type used to link datasets with this schema to ensure that import schema references are generated properly.
This type is not used anywhere in the datasets
This extension of Annual Account adds the Social Annual Account information of a company.
A case number which is used to mark the annual account for storage and archive purposes
A number refering to digital storage media on which the annual account information is stored
This instance of Operations is a child of the CDM Operations class. EmployersCategory and JointIndustrialCommitees are added in this country extension.
The employers category describes which rules the employers applies to its employees. There are rules about the number of holidays are applicable for an employee wtc.
The paritaire committees are responsible for the salary negotiations in the private sector. For example a private company. The comities, consist of representatives of the employer and the employees of a private company. The chairman of the committee is a negotiator of a government agency responsible for employment.
A number refering to digital storage media on which the annual account information is stored
On what kind of media the data is stored. for example CDRom, Dvd or Flashdisk
Links to extensions. Only used to ensure that schema imports are generated properly
The main entity company
The unique company identifier assigned by the provider to the company.
A previous (historical) unique company identifier assigned by the provider to the company.
The VAT number in case the company is liable for value added tax.
Format: differs per country
The registration number for this company at the countries social security governmental body
A list of official registered names, possibly from different sources (e.g. chamber of commerce) , not being the trading name.
Type for holding trades name, also known as a trading name or a business name.
Indication whether the company is active or not.
Main telephone number. Preferred format: +(countrycode)(number) .
E.g. +31201234567
Fax number. Preferred format: +(countrycode)(number).
E.g. +31201234567
Website address. Format: (so without http:// prefix).
E-mail address of the subject company. Format example:
Date of incorporation of the subject company.
Indication if the company is the ultimateParent (has no parent companies). Can be omitted if the company is not part of a holding structure.
This is a technical type used to link datasets with this schema to ensure that import schema references are generated properly.
The complex type used for this flex data set.
The name space used for this flex data set
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>Test to check the operations of the Provider API web services in normal situations.SEQUENTIALInternationalCompanyCreditDataBindingPingUTF-8
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>//OrderTypeInvestigationfalsefalseconsumerId001countryCodeFRlanguageCodefrcompanyId55214450300018authorizationBasic R0JFOjVmSmtzOUNwNjNzNUhITXI=customerIdnot_providedSEQUENTIALconsumerId001customerIdnot_providedcountryCodeFRcompanyId55214450300018languagefrproviderOrderId1356InternationalCompanyCreditDataBindingPingUTF-8
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>Condition 1XPATHnot(//DataSetType/text()='CreditRecommendation')RetrieveOptions 2InternationalCompanyCreditDataBindingOrderDataSetUTF-8
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>orderidResponseOrderDataSet CreditRecommendation//ProviderOrderIdproviderOrderIdPropertiesInternationalCompanyCreditDataBindingRetrieveOrderStatusUTF-8
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>Condition 1XPATHnot(//DataSetType/text()='Compact')RetrieveOptions 3InternationalCompanyCreditDataBindingOrderDataSetUTF-8
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>orderidResponseOrderDataSet Compact//ProviderOrderIdproviderOrderIdPropertiesInternationalCompanyCreditDataBindingRetrieveOrderStatusUTF-8
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>Condition 1XPATHnot(//DataSetType/text()='Full')PingExitInternationalCompanyCreditDataBindingOrderDataSetUTF-8
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>orderidResponseOrderDataSet Full//ProviderOrderIdproviderOrderIdPropertiesInternationalCompanyCreditDataBindingRetrieveOrderStatusUTF-8
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>Tests to check the response of error code SEQUENTIALInternationalCompanyCreditDataBindingRetrieveOptionsUTF-8
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
${=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());}
]]>//ErrorCode3021falsefalseconsumerId003countryCodeFRlanguageCodefrcompanyId55214450300018customerIdnot_providedproviderId003authorizationBasic R0JFOjVmSmtzOUNwNjNzNUhITXI=