Michael RICOIS 893f4da173 Ajout de tous les fichiers de l'extranet
Modification de certains chemins
Ajout du framework dans l'extranet
2009-02-17 13:14:53 +00:00

49 lines
1.7 KiB

# The data for the pie chart
$data = array(20, 10, 15, 12);
# The labels for the pie chart
$labels = array("Labor", "Licenses", "Facilities", "Production");
# Create a PieChart object of size 560 x 280 pixels, with a silver background, black
# border, 1 pxiel 3D border effect and rounded corners
$c = new PieChart(560, 280, silverColor(), 0x000000, 1);
# Add a title box using 15 pts Times Bold Italic font in white color, on a deep blue
# (0000CC) background with reduced-glare glass effect
$textBoxObj = $c->addTitle("Donut Chart Demonstration", "timesbi.ttf", 15, 0xffffff);
$textBoxObj->setBackground(0x0000cc, 0x000000, glassEffect(ReducedGlare));
# Set donut center at (280, 140), and outer/inner radii as 110/55 pixels
$c->setDonutSize(280, 140, 110, 55);
# Set 3D effect with 3D depth of 20 pixels
# Set the label box background color the same as the sector color, with reduced-glare
# glass effect and rounded corners
$t = $c->setLabelStyle();
$t->setBackground(SameAsMainColor, Transparent, glassEffect(ReducedGlare));
# Set the sector label format. The label consists of two lines. The first line is the
# sector name in Times Bold Italic font and is underlined. The second line shows the
# data value and percentage.
"<*br*>US\$ {value}K ({percent}%)");
# Set the pie data and the pie labels
$c->setData($data, $labels);
# Use the side label layout method
# output the chart
header("Content-type: image/png");