228 lines
5.9 KiB
228 lines
5.9 KiB
Copyright (C) 2004 Renato Coelho
(PHP)Source 2 Doc v0.5.0
This is a simple script created in order to update the HTML2FPDF page
It should make a php class documentation
LICENSE: Freeware.
Lacks: html_decode and the likes
Plans: make an independent table for each part?
echo source2doc('filename.php'); //Print doc info on browser
HOW TO declare var types and HOW TO use @return and @desc: (//! is a one-line comment)
var $name; //! type
function name()
//! @return void
//! @desc Say something in one line, but dont use tags or ';' here
//! @desc Fale algo em uma linha, mas nao use tags ou ';' aqui
function source2doc($filename)
$classname = '';
$extends = '';
$file = fopen($filename,"r");
$tamarquivo = filesize($filename);
$buffer = fread($file, $tamarquivo);
// Remove all PHP comments
// Leave only the special comments '//!'
//Remove /* multi-line comments */
$regexp = '|/\\*.*?\\*/|s';
$buffer = preg_replace($regexp,'',$buffer);
//Remove // one line comments
$regexp = '|//[^!].*|m';
$buffer = preg_replace($regexp,'',$buffer);
// Get class name and what it extends (or not)
$regexp = '|class\\s+?(\\S+)(\\s+?\\S+\\s+?(\\S+))?|mi';
preg_match($regexp,$buffer,$aux); //one class per source file
$classname = $aux[1];
if (!empty($aux[3])) $extends = $aux[3];
else $extends = '';
$html = '<b>CLASSNAME:</b> ' . $classname . '<br />' . endl;
if ($extends != '') $html .= '<b>EXTENDS:</b> ' . $extends . '<br />' . endl;
$html .= '<table border="1" width="100%">' . endl;
// Get constants from source code
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
$html .= '<th bgcolor="#6191ff" colspan="2">' . endl;
$html .= 'CONSTANTS' . endl;
$html .= '</th>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
$regexp = '/define[(](.*?);/si';
$const = $const[0];
for($i=0; $i < count($const) ; $i++)
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
$html .= '<td colspan="2">' . endl;
$html .= '<font size=2>' . $const[$i] . '</font>' .endl;
$html .= '</td>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
// Get imports from source code
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
$html .= '<th bgcolor="#6191ff" colspan="2">' . endl;
$html .= 'IMPORTS' . endl;
$html .= '</th>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
$regexp = '/((require|include)[(_].*?);/si';
$imports = $imports[0];
for($i=0; $i < count($imports) ; $i++)
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
$html .= '<td colspan="2">' . endl;
$html .= '<font size=2>' . $imports[$i] . '</font>' .endl;
$html .= '</td>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
// Get attributes from class
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
$html .= '<th bgcolor="#6191ff" colspan="2">' . endl;
$html .= 'ATTRIBUTES' . endl;
$html .= '</th>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
$regexp = '|var\\s(.+);\\s*(//!\\s*?(\\S+))?|mi';
$vname = $atr[1];
$vtype = $atr[3];
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
$html .= '<td align="center" width="10%" bgcolor="#bbbbbb">' . endl;
$html .= 'TYPE' . endl;
$html .= '</td>' . endl;
$html .= '<td align="center" width="90%" bgcolor="#bbbbbb">' . endl;
$html .= 'NAME' . endl;
$html .= '</td>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
for($i=0; $i < count($vname) ; $i++)
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
$html .= '<td align="center">' . endl;
if (empty($vtype[$i])) $html .= '<font size=2><i>(???)</i></font>' . endl;
else $html .= '<font size=2><i>('. $vtype[$i] .')</i></font>' . endl;
$html .= '</td>' . endl;
$html .= '<td>' . endl;
$html .= '<font size=2><b>var</b> ' . $vname[$i] . ';</font>' . endl;
$html .= '</td>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
// Get class' methods
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
$html .= '<th bgcolor="#6191ff" colspan="2">' . endl;
$html .= 'METHODS' . endl;
$html .= '</th>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
$regexp = '|function\\s([^)]*)[)].*?(//!.*?)*;|si';
$funcname = $func[1];
$funccomment = $func[0];
for($i=0; $i < count($funcname) ; $i++)
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
$html .= '<td bgcolor="#33ff99" colspan="2">' . endl;
$html .= '<font size=2><b>function</b> ' . $funcname[$i] . ')</font>' . endl;
$html .= '</td>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
$desc = '';
$ret = '';
$regexp = '|//!(.*)|mi';
$temp = $temp[1];
if (empty($temp[0])) continue;
foreach($temp as $val)
if (strstr($val,'@desc'))
$regexp = '|.*?@desc(.*)|si';
$desc = $temp2[1];
elseif (strstr($val,'@return'))
$regexp = '|.*?@return(.*)|si';
$ret = $temp3[1];
if ($ret != '' or $desc != '')
$html .= '<tr>' . endl;
//@return column
$html .= '<td width="30%">' . endl;
if ($ret == '') $html .= '<font size=2><b>Return:</b> <i>?void?</i></font>' . endl;
else $html .= '<font size=2><b>Return:</b> <i>' . trim($ret) . '</i></font>' . endl;
$html .= '</td>' . endl;
//@desc column
$html .= '<td width="70%">' . endl;
if ($desc == '') $html .= '<font size=2><b>OBS:</b> </font>' . endl;
else $html .= '<font size=2><b>OBS:</b> ' . trim($desc) . '</font>' . endl;
$html .= '</td>' . endl;
$html .= '</tr>' . endl;
$html .= '</table>';
return $html;