Modification de certains chemins Ajout du framework dans l'extranet
230 lines
9.9 KiB
230 lines
9.9 KiB
<script language="Javascript">
var charts = [
['', "Pie Chart Samples"],
['simplepie.php', "Simple Pie Chart", 1],
['threedpie.php', "3D Pie Chart", 1],
['multidepthpie.php', "Multi-Depth Pie Chart", 1],
['sidelabelpie.php', "Side Label Layout", 1],
['smallsectorpie.php', "Pie with Small Sectors", 1],
['circlelabelpie.php', "Circular Label Layout", 2],
['legendpie.php', "Pie Chart with Legend", 1],
['iconpie.php', "Icon Pie Chart", 1],
['iconpie2.php', "Icon Pie Chart (2)", 1],
['multipie.php', "Multi-Pie Chart", 3],
['donut.php', "Donut Chart", 1],
['icondonut.php', "Icon Donut Chart", 1],
['texturedonut.php', "Texture Donut Chart", 1],
['concentric.php', "Concentric Donut Chart", 1],
['fontpie.php', "Text Style and Colors", 1],
['colorpie.php', "Coloring and Wallpaper", 4],
['threedanglepie.php', "3D Angle", 7],
['threeddepthpie.php', "3D Depth", 5],
['shadowpie.php', "3D Shadow Mode", 4],
['anglepie.php', "Start Angle and Direction", 2],
['donutwidth.php', "Donut Width", 5],
['', ""],
['', "Bar Chart Samples"],
['simplebar.php', "Simple Bar Chart", 1],
['colorbar.php', "Multi-Color Bar Chart", 1],
['softlightbar.php', "Soft Bar Shading", 1],
['glasslightbar.php', "Glass Bar Shading", 1],
['cylinderlightbar.php', "Cylinder Bar Shading", 1],
['threedbar.php', "3D Bar Chart", 1],
['cylinderbar.php', "Cylinder Bar Shape", 1],
['polygonbar.php', "Polygon Bar Shapes", 1],
['stackedbar.php', "Stacked Bar Chart", 1],
['percentbar.php', "Percentage Bar Chart", 1],
['multibar.php', "Multi-Bar Chart", 1],
['softmultibar.php', "Soft Multi-Bar Chart", 1],
['glassmultibar.php', "Glass Multi-Bar Chart", 1],
['multicylinder.php', "Multi-Cylinder Chart", 1],
['multishapebar.php', "Multi-Shape Bar Chart", 1],
['overlapbar.php', "Overlapping Bar Chart", 1],
['multistackbar.php', "Multi-Stacked Bar Chart", 1],
['depthbar.php', "Depth Bar Chart", 1],
['posnegbar.php', "Positive Negative Bars", 1],
['hbar.php', "Borderless Bar Chart", 1],
['dualhbar.php', "Dual Horizontal Bar Charts", 1],
['pareto.php', "Pareto Chart", 1],
['gapbar.php', "Bar Gap", 6],
['', ""],
['', "Line Chart Samples"],
['simpleline.php', "Simple Line Chart", 1],
['compactline.php', "Compact Line Chart", 1],
['threedline.php', "3D Line Chart", 1],
['multiline.php', "Multi-Line Chart", 1],
['symbolline.php', "Symbol Line Chart", 1],
['symbolline2.php', "Symbol Line Chart (2)", 1],
['splineline.php', "Spline Line Chart", 1],
['stepline.php', "Step Line Chart", 1],
['linecompare.php', "Line Comparison", 1],
['errline.php', "Line with Error Symbols", 1],
['multisymbolline.php', "Multi-Symbol Line Chart", 1],
['customsymbolline.php', "Custom Symbols", 1],
['rotatedline.php', "Rotated Line Chart", 1],
['xyline.php', "Arbitrary XY Line Chart", 1],
['discontline.php', "Discontinuous Lines", 1],
['', ""],
['', "Trending and Curve Fitting"],
['trendline.php', "Trend Line Chart", 1],
['scattertrend.php', "Scatter Trend Chart", 1],
['confidenceband.php', "Confidence Band", 1],
['curvefitting.php', "General Curve Fitting", 1],
['', ""],
['', "Scatter/Bubble/Vector Charts"],
['scatter.php', "Scatter Chart", 1],
['builtinsymbols.php', "Built-in Symbols", 1],
['scattersymbols.php', "Custom Scatter Symbols", 1],
['scatterlabels.php', "Custom Scatter Labels", 1],
['bubble.php', "Bubble Chart", 1],
['bubblescale.php', "Bubble XY Scaling", 1],
['vector.php', "Vector Chart", 1],
['', ""],
['', "Area Chart Samples"],
['simplearea.php', "Simple Area Chart", 1],
['enhancedarea.php', "Enhanced Area Chart", 1],
['threedarea.php', "3D Area Chart", 1],
['patternarea.php', "Pattern Area Chart", 1],
['stackedarea.php', "Stacked Area Chart", 1],
['threedstackarea.php', "3D Stacked Area Chart", 1],
['percentarea.php', "Percentage Area Chart", 1],
['deptharea.php', "Depth Area Chart", 1],
['rotatedarea.php', "Rotated Area Chart", 1],
['', ""],
['', "Floating Box/Waterfall Charts"],
['boxwhisker.php', "Box-Whisker Chart", 1],
['boxwhisker2.php', "Horizontal Box-Whisker Chart", 1],
['floatingbox.php', "Floating Box Chart", 1],
['waterfall.php', "Waterfall Chart", 1],
['posnegwaterfall.php', "Pos/Neg Waterfall Chart", 1],
['', ""],
['', "Gantt Charts"],
['gantt.php', "Simple Gantt Chart", 1],
['colorgantt.php', "Multi-Color Gantt Chart", 1],
['layergantt.php', "Multi-Layer Gantt Chart", 1],
['', ""],
['', "Finance Charts"],
['hloc.php', "Simple HLOC Chart", 1],
['candlestick.php', "Simple Candlestick Chart", 1],
['finance.php', "Finance Chart (1)", 1],
['finance2.php', "Finance Chart (2)", 1],
['<a href="javascript:window.open(\'financedemo.php\', \'financedemo\').focus();">', "Interactive Financial Chart", -1],
['', ""],
['', "Other XY Chart Features"],
['markzone.php', "Marks and Zones", 1],
['markzone2.php', "Marks and Zones (2)", 1],
['yzonecolor.php', "Y Zone Coloring", 1],
['xzonecolor.php', "X Zone Coloring", 1],
['dualyaxis.php', "Dual Y-Axis", 1],
['dualxaxis.php', "Dual X-Axis", 1],
['multiaxes.php', "Multiple Axes", 1],
['fourq.php', "4 Quadrant Chart", 1],
['fontxy.php', "Text Style and Colors", 1],
['background.php', "Background and Wallpaper", 4],
['logaxis.php', "Log Scale Axis", 2],
['axisscale.php', "Y-Axis Scaling", 5],
['ticks.php', "Tick Density", 2],
['', ""],
['', "Polar Charts"],
['simpleradar.php', "Simple Radar Chart", 1],
['multiradar.php', "Multi Radar Chart", 1],
['stackradar.php', "Stacked Radar Chart", 1],
['polarline.php', "Polar Line Chart", 1],
['polararea.php', "Polar Area Chart", 1],
['polarspline.php', "Polar Spline Chart", 1],
['polarscatter.php', "Polar Scatter Chart", 1],
['polarbubble.php', "Polar Bubble Chart", 1],
['polarvector.php', "Polar Vector Chart", 1],
['rose.php', "Simple Rose Chart", 1],
['stackrose.php', "Stacked Rose Chart", 1],
['polarzones.php', "Circular Zones", 1],
['polarzones2.php', "Sector Zones", 1],
['', ""],
['', "Meters/Dials/Guages"],
['semicirclemeter.php', "Semi-Circle Meter", 1],
['roundmeter.php', "Round Meter", 1],
['wideameter.php', "Wide Angular Meters", 6],
['squareameter.php', "Square Angular Meters", 4],
['multiameter.php', "Multi-Pointer Angular Meter", 1],
['iconameter.php', "Icon Angular Meter", 1],
['hlinearmeter.php', "Horizontal Linear Meter", 1],
['vlinearmeter.php', "Vertical Linear Meter", 1],
['multihmeter.php', "Multi-Pointer Horizontal Meter", 1],
['multivmeter.php', "Multi-Pointer Vertical Meter", 1],
['linearzonemeter.php', "Linear Zone Meter", 1],
['', ""],
['', "Clickable Charts"],
['clickbar.php', "Simple Clickable Charts", 0],
['jsclick.php', "Javascript Clickable Chart", 0],
['customclick.php', "Custom Clickable Objects", 0],
['', ""],
['', "Working With Database"],
['dbdemo1_intro.php', "Database Integration (1)", 0],
['dbdemo2_intro.php', "Database Integration (2)", 0],
['dbdemo3_intro.php', "Database Clickable Charts", 0],
['', ""],
['', "Zooming and Scrolling"],
['<a href="javascript:window.open(\'zoomscrolldemo.php\', \'zoomscrolldemo\').focus();">', "Zoom/Scroll Demo (1)", -1],
['<a href="javascript:window.open(\'zoomscrolldemo2.php\', \'zoomscrolldemo\').focus();">', "Zoom/Scroll Demo (2)", -1],
['', ""],
['', "Realtime Charts"],
['<a href="javascript:window.open(\'realtimedemo.php\', \'realtimedemo\').focus();">', "Realtime Chart Demo", -1],
['', ""]
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