2016-10-28 14:18:57 +02:00

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class SaisieController extends Zend_Controller_Action
protected $theme;
protected $countries;
protected $currencies;
* test de type de voie
* @todo vérifier si type de voie à jour
protected $codVoie = array(
'ABE' => "Abbaye",
'AGL' => "Agglomération",
'AIRE' => "Aire",
'ALL' => "Allée",
'ALL' => "Allee",
'ACH' => "Ancien chemin",
'ART' => "Ancienne route",
'ANSE' => "Anse",
'ARC' => "Arcade",
'AUT' => "Autoroute",
'AV' => "Avenue",
'BRE' => "Barrière",
'BCH' => "Bas chemin",
'BSTD' => "Bastide",
'BAST' => "Baston",
'BEGI' => "Beguinage",
'BER' => "Berge",
'BOIS' => "Bois",
'BCLE' => "Boucle",
'BD' => "Boulevard",
'BRG' => "Bourg",
'BUT' => "Butte",
'CALE' => "Cale",
'CAMP' => "Camp",
'CGNE' => "Campagne",
'CPG' => "Camping",
'CARR' => "Carré",
'CAU' => "Carreau",
'CAR' => "Carrefour",
'CARE' => "Carrière",
'CST' => "Castel",
'CAV' => "Cavée",
'CTRE' => "Central",
'CTRE' => "Centre",
'CHL' => "Chalet",
'CHP' => "Chapelle",
'CHI' => "Charmille",
'CHT' => "Château",
'CHS' => "Chaussée",
'CHE' => "Chemin",
'CHV' => "Chemin vicinaux",
'CHV' => "Chemin vicinal",
'CHEM' => "Cheminement",
'CITE' => "Cîte",
'CLOI' => "Cloître",
'CLOS' => "Clos",
'COL' => "Col",
'COLI' => "Colline",
'CTR' => "Contour",
'COR' => "Corniche",
'COTE' => "Côte",
'COTT' => "Cottage",
'COUR' => "Cour",
'CRS' => "Cours",
'DARS' => "Darse",
'DEG' => "Degré",
'DSG' => "Descente",
'DSC' => "Descente",
'DIG' => "Digue",
'DOM' => "Domaine",
'ECA' => "Ecart",
'ECL' => "Ecluse",
'EGL' => "Eglise",
'EN' => "Enceinte",
'ENV' => "Enclave",
'ENC' => "Enclos",
'ESC' => "Escalier",
'ESPA' => "Espace",
'ESP' => "Esplanade",
'ETING' => "Etang",
'FG' => "Faubourg",
'FRM' => "Ferme",
'FON' => "Fontaine",
'FORT' => "Fort",
'FORM' => "Forum",
'FOS' => "Fosse",
'FOYR' => "Foyer",
'GAL' => "Galerie",
'GARE' => "Gare",
'GARN' => "Garenne",
'GBD' => "Grand boulevard",
'GDEN' => "Grande ensemble",
'GR' => "Grande rue",
'GRI' => "Grille",
'GRIM' => "Grimpette",
'GPE' => "Groupe",
'GPT' => "Groupement",
'HLE' => "Halle",
'HAM' => "Hameau",
'HCH' => "Haut chemin",
'HIP' => "Hippodrome",
'HLM' => "HLM",
'ILE' => "Ile",
'IMM' => "Immeuble",
'IMP' => "Impasse",
'JARD' => "Jardin",
'JTE' => "Jetée",
'LEVE' => "Levée",
'LD' => "Lieu dit",
'LD' => "Lieudit",
'LOT' => "Lotissement",
'MAIL' => "Mail",
'MF' => "Maison forestière",
'MAN' => "Manoir",
'MAR' => "Marche",
'MAS' => "Mas",
'MET' => "Métro",
'MTE' => "Montée",
'MLN' => "Moulin",
'MUS' => "Musée",
'NTE' => "Nouvelle route",
'PAL' => "Palais",
'PARC' => "Parc",
'PKG' => "Parking",
'PRV' => "Parvis",
'PAS' => "Passage",
'PN' => "Passage à niveau",
'PASS' => "Passe",
'PLE' => "Passerelle",
'PAT' => "Patio",
'PAV' => "Pavillon",
'PERI' => "Périphérique",
'PSTY' => "Péristyle",
'PTA' => "Petites allée",
'PCH' => "Petit chemin",
'PAE' => "Petite avenue",
'PIM' => "Petite impasse",
'PRT' => "Petite route",
'PTR' => "Petite rue",
'PL' => "Place",
'PLCI' => "Placis",
'PLAG' => "Plage",
'PLN' => "Plaine",
'PLAN' => "Plan",
'PLT' => "Plateau",
'PNT' => "Pointe",
'PONT' => "Pont",
'PCH' => "Porche",
'PORT' => "Port",
'PTE' => "Porte",
'PORQ' => "Portique",
'POT' => "Poterne",
'POUR' => "Pourtour",
'PRE' => "Pré",
'PRQ' => "Presqu'île",
'PROM' => "Promenade",
'QU' => "Quai",
'QUAI' => "Quai",
'QUA' => "Quartier",
'RAC' => "Raccourci",
'RAID' => "Raidillon",
'RPE' => "Rampe",
'REM' => "Rempart",
'RES' => "Résidence",
'ROC' => "Roc",
'ROC' => "Rocade",
'RPT' => "Rond point",
'ROQT' => "Roquet",
'RTD' => "Rotonde",
'RTE' => "Route",
'R' => "Rue",
'RUE' => "Rue",
'RLE' => "Ruelle",
'SEN' => "Sente",
'SEN' => "Sentier",
'SQ' => "Square",
'STDE' => "Stade",
'STA' => "Station",
'TPL' => "Terre plein",
'TRN' => "Terrain",
'TSSE' => "Terrasse",
'TRT' => "Tertre",
'TOUR' => "Tour",
'TRA' => "Traverse",
'VAL' => "Vallon",
'VAL' => "Vallée",
'VEN' => "Venelle",
'VIA' => "Via",
'VTE' => "Vieille route",
'VCHE' => "Vieux chemin",
'VLA' => "Villa",
'VGE' => "Village",
'VLGE' => "Village",
'VOI' => "Voie",
'VOIE' => "Voie",
'ZONE' => "Zone",
'ZAC' => "Zone d'aménagement concerté",
'Z A C' => "Zone d'aménagement concerté",
'ZAD' => "Zone d'aménagement différé",
'Z A D' => "Zone d'aménagement différé",
'ZA' => "Zone artisanale",
'Z A' => "Zone artisanale",
'ZI' => "Zone industrielle",
'Z I' => "Zone industrielle",
'ZUP' => "Zone à urbaniser en priorité",
'Z U P' => "Zone à urbaniser en priorité",
* Retourne Fonctions de direction
protected function fctDir()
$fctdir = new Application_Model_FctDir();
$sql = $fctdir->select('codeFct, libelle');
$selectDir['0000'] = '-';
$rows = $fctdir->fetchAll($sql);
if ( count($rows)>0 ) {
foreach ($rows as $item) {
$index = str_pad($item->codeFct, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$selectDir[$index] = $item->libelle;
return $selectDir;
* Genre
* @var array
* civilité en dur
* @todo verifier si liste à jour civilité
protected $selectGenre = array(
'' => '-',
'M.' => 'M',
'Mme' => 'Mme',
'Mlle' => 'Mlle',
'Societe' => 'STE'
public function init()
// --- Theme
$this->theme = Zend_Registry::get('theme');
require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php';
require_once 'Scores/IdentiteEntreprise.php';
$ws = new WsScores();
//codPays3 (index), libPays, devise
$countries = json_decode($ws->getCatalogCountry(),true);
if ($countries!==false) {
$lib = array();
foreach ($countries as $key => $row) {
$lib[$key] = $row['libPays'];
array_multisort($lib, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $countries);
$this->countries = $countries;
//devIso (index), devNom
$currencies = json_decode($ws->getCatalogCurrency(),true);
if ($currencies!==false) {
$lib = array();
foreach ($currencies as $key => $row) {
$lib[$key] = $row['devNom'];
array_multisort($lib, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $currencies);
$this->currencies = $currencies;
$this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($this->theme->pathStyle.'/saisie.css', 'all');
* Index
public function indexAction()
//Do nothing
* Affichage du formulaire de saisie
* @todo : Enregistrement des informations en session pour récupération
public function ficheAction()
->appendFile($this->theme->pathScript.'/saisie.js', 'text/javascript')
->appendFile('/libs/form/jquery.form.min.js', 'text/javascript');
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$id = $request->getParam('id', 0);
$this->view->headTitle()->append('Saisie - '.$siret);
$ws = new WsScores();
$infos = $ws->getIdentite($siret, $id);
$devisesReponse = $ws->getDevises();
$devises = $devisesReponse->result->item;
//Mise en session
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($siret, $id, true);
$sessionSaisie = new Zend_Session_Namespace('saisie');
$sessionSaisie->tabSaisie['tribunal'] = $infos->TribunalCode;
//@todo : Change
$this->view->assign('selectPays', $this->countries);
$this->view->assign('siret', $siret);
$this->view->assign('id', $id);
$this->view->assign('devises', $devises);
$this->view->assign('etab', $infos);
* Sauvegarde des informations de saisie
* @todo : Sauvegarder en mémoire la saisie
public function saveAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$id = $request->getParam('id', 0);
$tabSaisie = $request->getParam('frmSaisie');
$tabJugement = $request->getParam('jugement');
$tabActionna = $request->getParam('actionnaire');
$tabParticip = $request->getParam('particip');
$tabScore = $request->getParam('score');
$perimetreVente = $request->getParam('perimetreVente');
$etablissement5500 = $request->getParam('etablissement5500');
$etabnic = $request->getParam('etabnic');
//Vente et Cession evénement 5500
if ($perimetreVente!=null){
foreach($perimetreVente as $k => $p){
if ( $p=='-' ){
array_splice($perimetreVente, $k, 1);
if ( isset($perimetreVente) && count($perimetreVente)>0 ){
$tabJugement['even'] = array_merge(
//Liste établissements concernées
if ( $etablissement5500!=null && count($etablissement5500)>0 ) {
$countEtab = 0;
$txtEtab = '';
foreach($etablissement5500 as $etab){
$txtEtab.= $etab;
if($countEtab>10) break;
if( count($etablissement5500) > $countEtab )
{ $txtEtab.=', '; }
if ( count($etablissement5500)>1 ){
$txt = 'Etablissement(s) concerné(s) : ';
} else {
$txt = 'Etablissement concerné : ';
if ( $tabJugement['comp']!='' ) {
$tabJugement['comp'].= ' '.$txt.$txtEtab;
} else {
$tabJugement['comp'] = ' '.$txt.$txtEtab;
//Sélection nic pour établissement concerné
if ( $etabnic!=null && $etabnic != '' ) {
if ( isset($txtEtab) && $txtEtab!='' ) {
$tabJugement['comp'].= ', '.$etabnic;
} else {
$tabJugement['comp'].= 'Etablissement concerné : '.$etabnic;
//Opposition à l'adresse
if ( $tabJugement['oppo'] == 'adresse' ) {
if ( $tabJugement['comp']!='' ) {
$tabJugement['comp'].= ' Opposition : A l\'adresse du bien vendu';
} else {
$tabJugement['comp'] = 'Opposition : A l\'adresse du bien vendu';
$tabInfos = array();
$tabInfos['identite'] = $tabSaisie;
$tabInfos['jugement'] = $tabJugement;
$tabInfos['actionnaire'] = $tabActionna;
$tabInfos['participation'] = $tabParticip;
$tabInfos['scores'] = $tabScore;
$ws = new WsScores();
$O = $ws->setInfosEntrep($siret, $id, $tabInfos);
//Enregistrement en session pour saisie supplémentaire ou lors d'erreur
$tabSaisie = array(
'source' => $tabJugement['source'],
'dateParution' => $tabJugement['dateParution'],
'numParution' => $tabJugement['numParution']
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('saisie');
$session->tabSaisie = $tabSaisie;
if ($O->error->errnum!=0){
$message = "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement !";
$this->_helper->getHelper('Redirector')->setGotoSimple('fiche', 'saisie', null, array(
'siret' => $siret,
'id' => $id,
'message' => $message
} else {
$message = 'Saisie enregistrée !';
$this->view->assign('params', $request->getParams());
$this->view->assign('tabInfos', $tabInfos);
$this->view->assign('O', $O);
$this->view->assign('siret', $siret);
$this->view->assign('id', $id);
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
* Retourne le formulaire bodacc
public function formAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$id = $request->getParam('id', 0);
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($siret, $id);
$ws = new WsScores();
if (Zend_Session::sessionExists()){
$sessionSaisie = new Zend_Session_Namespace('saisie');
$saisie = $sessionSaisie->tabSaisie;
$this->view->assign('saisie', $saisie);
$eventNum = isset($saisie['eventNum']) ? $saisie['eventNum'] : '0000' ;
$this->view->assign('eventNum', $eventNum);
//Si le code tribunal n'est pas défini dans la fiche identité
//alors en sélectionner un par défault suivant le code INSEE
$tribunal = isset($saisie['tribunal']) ? $saisie['tribunal'] : '' ;
$this->view->assign('codeTribunalCmp', $tribunal);
$listeCompetences = array();
if ($tribunal=='') {
$siret = $session->getSiret();
$codeCommune = $session->getCodeCommune();
$reponse = $ws->getListeCompetences($siret, 'tri', $codeCommune);
$listeCompetences = $reponse->result->item;
$this->view->assign('ListeCompetences', $listeCompetences);
$reponse = $ws->getTribunaux( array('C','I','G','M','P') );
$listeTribunaux = array();
if (count($reponse->result->item)>0) {
foreach($reponse->result->item as $item) {
$listeTribunaux[$item->code] = $item->nom;
$this->view->assign('ListeTribunaux', $listeTribunaux);
* table des événements en dur
* @todo verifier si liste à jour
$selectEvent = array(
'1100', '1101' , '1200', '1201', '1300', '1301', '1302', '1303', '1304', '1305', '1306',
'1307', '1308', '1309', '1310', '1311', '1312', '1408', '1411', '1412', '1413', '1414',
'1415', '1511', '1502', '1506', '1503', '1512', '1600', '1601', '1999', '2102', '2100',
'2202', '2206', '2319', '2315', '2313', '2305', '2307', '2303', '2306', '2901', '4500',
'5500', '6700', '1010', '1050', '1055', '2203', '2204', '2210', '2212',
$eventM = new Application_Model_TabEvenements();
$sql = $eventM->select()
->where('codEven IN ('.join(',',$selectEvent).')')
->order('libEven ASC');
$rows = $eventM->fetchAll($sql);
$tabEvent = array();
if ($rows->count()>0) {
foreach($rows as $row){
$tabEvent[$row->codEven] = $row->libEven;
$this->view->assign('tabEvent', $tabEvent);
$this->view->assign('siret', $siret);
* Retourne le formulaire correspondant à l'évenement
public function evenAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ( $request->isPost() ){
$num = $request->getParam('num', '0000');
$siren = $request->getParam('siren', '');
$nic = $request->getParam('nic', '');
$tribunal = $request->getParam('tribunal', '');
$selectDir = $this->fctDir();
if (Zend_Session::sessionExists()){
$sessionSaisie = new Zend_Session_Namespace('saisie');
$this->view->assign('saisie', $sessionSaisie->tabSaisie);
$num = $sessionSaisie->tabSaisie['eventNum'];
$tribunal = $sessionSaisie->tabSaisie['tribunal'];
$siren = substr($siren, 0, 9);
$nic = substr($siren, 9, 5);
switch($num) {
case '5500':
//Liste des établissements
$ws = new WsScores();
$reponse = $ws->getListeEtablissements($siren, -1, 0, 200);
$listeEtablissements = $reponse->result->item;
$this->view->assign('ListeEtablissements', $listeEtablissements);
case '6700':
//Liste des établissements
$ws = new WsScores();
$reponse = $ws->getListeEtablissements($siren, -1, 0, 100);
$listeEtablissements = $reponse->result->item;
$this->view->assign('ListeEtablissements', $listeEtablissements);
//Assign constantes
$this->view->assign('selectDir', $selectDir);
$this->view->assign('selectGenre', $this->selectGenre);
case '2202':
case '2203':
case '2204':
case '2210':
case '2212':
case '2315':
//Assign constantes
$this->view->assign('selectDir', $selectDir);
$this->view->assign('selectGenre', $this->selectGenre);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('nic', $nic);
$this->view->assign('tribunal', $tribunal);
* Affiche un champ de formulaire
public function champsAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$champ = $request->getParam('champ', '');
* Retourne les informations de l'établissements
public function etabnicAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siret = $request->getParam('siret', '');
if($siret!='') {
$ws = new WsScores();
$etab = $ws->getIdentite($siret);
echo $etab->Adresse.' '.$etab->CP.' '.$etab->Ville.' ('. $etab->Nic.')';
public function listetabAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siren = $this->getParam('siren');
$p = $request->getParam('p', 1);
$nbAffichage = 100;
$position = ($p - 1 ) * $nbAffichage;
if (!empty($p)) {
$ws = new WsScores();
$reponse = $ws->getListeEtablissements($siren, -1, $position, $nbAffichage);
$liste = array();
if (count($reponse->result->item)>0) {
foreach ($reponse->result->item as $item) {
$liste[] = array(
'value' => $item->Nic,
'label' => $item->Nic.' - '.$item->Adresse.' '.$item->CP.' '.$item->Ville,
$nbReponsesTotal = $reponse->nbReponses;
$pageTotal = ceil( $nbReponsesTotal / $nbAffichage );
$pageNext = $p + 1;
if( $pageNext > $pageTotal ) {
$pageNext = $pageTotal;
$output = array( 'p' => $pageNext, 'list' => $liste );
echo json_encode($output);
* Retourne le formulaire d'opposition insee
public function oppositioninseeAction()
* Retourne le formulaire de refus rncs
public function refusrncsAction()
* Suppression / Copie et Edition des annonces
* @todo : Faire l'edition des annonces
public function annonceAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$source = $request->getParam('source');
$op = $request->getParam('op');
case 'delete':
$siret = str_replace(' ', '', $request->getParam('siret'));
$idan = $request->getParam('idan');
$sourceNum = false;
$source = strtoupper($source);
if (in_array($source, array('BODA', 'BODB', 'BODC'))){
$sourceNum = 1;
} elseif ($source == 'BALO') {
$sourceNum = 2;
} elseif ($source == 'ASSO') {
$sourceNum = 3;
} elseif (in_array($source, array('BOMP A', 'BOMP B', 'BOMP C', 'MAPA'))) {
$sourceNum = 4;
} elseif (!empty($source)){
$sourceNum = 0;
if ($sourceNum === false) {
echo "Source inconnu"; exit;
$ws = new WsScores();
$reponse = $ws->supprAnnonce($sourceNum, $idan, $siret);
$error = $reponse->error;
if ( isset($error) && $error->errnum == 0 ){
$output = 'Annonce '.$idan.' supprimé !';
} elseif ( isset($error) && $error->errnum != 0 ) {
$output = 'Erreur lors de la suppression.';
} else {
$output = "Une erreur est survenue...";
echo $output;
case 'copy':
$siretIn = str_replace(' ', '', $request->getParam('siretIn'));
$siretOut = str_replace(' ', '', $request->getParam('siretOut'));
$idan = $request->getParam('idan');
$sourceNum = false;
$source = strtoupper($source);
if (in_array($source, array('BODA', 'BODB', 'BODC'))){
$sourceNum = 1;
} elseif ($source == 'BALO') {
$sourceNum = 2;
} elseif ($source == 'ASSO') {
$sourceNum = 3;
} elseif (in_array($source, array('BOMP A', 'BOMP B', 'BOMP C', 'MAPA'))) {
$sourceNum = 4;
} elseif (!empty($source)){
$sourceNum = 0;
if ($sourceNum === false) {
echo "Source inconnu"; exit;
$ws = new WsScores();
$reponse = $ws->dupliqueAnnonce($sourceNum, $idan, $siretIn, $siretOut);
$error = $reponse->error;
if ( isset($error) && $error->errnum == 0 ){
$output = 'Annonce '.$idan.' dupliqué sur '.$siretOut.'!';
} elseif ( isset($error) && $error->errnum != 0 ) {
$output = 'Erreur lors de la duplication.';
} else {
$output = "Une erreur est survenue...";
echo $output;
case 'edit':
//@todo : sauvegarder
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$idan = $request->getParam('idan');
echo saisie_save($siret, '', $tabInfo);
echo '<br/>';
case 'even':
$siret = str_replace(' ', '', $request->getParam('siret'));
$idan = $request->getParam('idan');
$codeEven = $request->getParam('even');
$siren = substr($siret,0,9);
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setAnnonceEven($siren, $idan, $codeEven);
if ($result===true) {
echo "Modification effectué";
} else {
echo "Erreur !";
echo 'Error !';
* Affiche le fomulaire d'edition/suppression/copie d'annonce
public function annoncedialogAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$op = $request->getParam('op');
$idan = $request->getParam('idAnn');
$source = $request->getParam('code');
if ($op == 'edit')
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$siren = substr($siret,0,9);
$nic = substr($siret,10,5);
if ( !empty($idan) )
$ws = new WsScores();
$reponse = $ws->getAnnonceCollecte($idan, $siret);
if ($reponse->error->errnum>0)
$message = $reponse->error->errmsg;
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
$idanResult = $reponse->result;
//Limitation des événements
$eventLimits = array('5500');
foreach ( $eventLimits as $eventLimit )
$isEditable = false;
if (count($idanResult->even->item)>0){
foreach($idanResult->even->item as $even){
if ($eventLimit == $even->CodeEven){
$isEditable = true;
if ( $isEditable && in_array($idanResult->source, array('JT', 'ANTE')))
$dateParution = new Zend_Date(substr($idanResult->dateSource,0,10), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$dateJugement = new Zend_Date($idanResult->dateEffetFinP, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$dateFinPeriode = new Zend_Date($idanResult->dateJugement, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
//Mapper idanResult dans le tableau de saisie
$saisie = array(
'source' => isset($_SESSION['source']) ? $_SESSION['source'] : $idanResult->source,
'dateParution' => isset($_SESSION['dateParution']) ? $_SESSION['dateParution'] :
'numParution' => isset($_SESSION['numParution']) ? $_SESSION['numParution'] : '',
'dateJugement' => $dateJugement->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'),
'tribunal' => $idanResult->tribunal,
'even' => $idanResult->even->item,
'eventNum' => $eventLimit,
'comp' => $idanResult->complement,
'montant' => $idanResult->montant,
'dateFinPeriode' => $dateFinPeriode->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'),
$intervenants = array();
for ( $i=0 ; $i<3 ; $i++ ) {
$intervenants[$i] = array(
'type' => $idanResult->{'inter'.($i+1).'type'},
'id' => $idanResult->{'inter'.($i+1).'id'},
'nom' => $idanResult->{'inter'.($i+1).'nom'},
$sessionSaisie = new Zend_Session_Namespace('saisie');
$sessionSaisie->tabSaisie = $saisie;
//require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/constantes.php';
//require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/saisie_form_event.php';
} else {
$message = "Source : ".$idanResult->source."<br/>";
$message.= "Evénement(s) non éditable : <br/>";
foreach($idanResult->even->item as $even){
$message.= $even->CodeEven." - ";
$eventM = new Application_Model_TabEvenements();
$row = $eventM->find($even->CodeEven);
if (null !== row) {
$message.= $row->current()->libEven;
$message.= "<br/>";
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
elseif ($op == 'even')
$eventM = new Application_Model_TabEvenements();
$sql = $eventM->select()->order('libEven ASC');
$rows = $eventM->fetchAll($sql);
$tabEvent = array();
if ($rows->count()>0) {
foreach($rows as $row){
$tabEvent[$row->codEven] = $row->libEven;
$this->view->assign('evens', $tabEvent);
$this->view->assign('op', $op);
$this->view->assign('idan', $idan);
$this->view->assign('source', $source);
$this->view->assign('siret', $siret);
public function liasseAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$id = $request->getParam('id');
$siren = substr($siret,0,9);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($siret, $id);
$this->view->assign('siret', $siret);
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $session->getRaisonSociale());
require_once 'Scores/WsScores.php';
$ws = new WsScores();
$selection = $request->getParam('selection', '');
if ( !empty($selection) ) {
list($date, $type) = explode(':', $selection);
// --- Correction d'un bilan
if ($date!='NEW') {
$milDate = $milDatePre = null;
// --- Recherche dans la liste des bilans
$listBilans = $ws->getListeBilans($siren);
if ( count($listBilans->result->item) > 0 ) {
foreach ($listBilans->result->item as $item) {
if ($type == $item->typeBilan) {
if ($item->dateExercice == $date) {
$milDate = $item->dateExercice;
if (intval(substr($item->dateExercice,0,4)) == intval(substr($date,0,4))-1) {
$milDatePre = $item->dateExercice;
// --- Selection des valeurs du bilan en cours
if ( null !== $milDate ) {
$response = $ws->getBilan($siren, $milDate, $type, true);
$infos = new stdClass();
$infos->siren = $response->siren;
$infos->dateCloture = $response->DATE_CLOTURE;
$infos->dateCloturePre = $response->DATE_CLOTURE_PRE;
$infos->dureeMois = $response->DUREE_MOIS;
$infos->dureeMoisPre = $response->DUREE_MOIS_PRE;
$infos->unite = empty($response->MONNAIE_LIV_UNITE) ? 'U' : $response->MONNAIE_LIV_UNITE;
$postes = array();
foreach ($response->POSTES->item as $item) {
$postes[$item->id] = $item->val;
// --- Selection des valeurs du bilan précédent pour remplir la colonne N-1
elseif ( null === $milDate && null !== $milDatePre ) {
$response = $ws->getBilan($siren, $milDatePre, $type, true);
$infos = new stdClass();
$infos->siren = $response->siren;
$infos->dateCloturePre = $response->DATE_CLOTURE;
$infos->dureeMoisPre = $response->DUREE_MOIS;
$infos->unite = empty($response->MONNAIE_LIV_UNITE) ? 'U' : $response->MONNAIE_LIV_UNITE;
$postesN1 = array();
foreach ($response->POSTES->item as $item) {
$postesN1[$item->id] = $item->val;
$postes = array();
/** Reprises des valeures N-1 si l'information est absente en base **/
if ($type=='N' || $type=='C') {
// Actif
if (!isset($postes['AA3']) && isset($postesN1['AA2'])) $postes['AA3']=$postesN1['AA2'];
if (!isset($postes['AC2']) && isset($postesN1['AC1'])) $postes['AC2']=$postesN1['AC1'];
if (!isset($postes['AE2']) && isset($postesN1['AE1'])) $postes['AE2']=$postesN1['AE1'];
if (!isset($postes['AG2']) && isset($postesN1['AG1'])) $postes['AG2']=$postesN1['AG1'];
if (!isset($postes['AI2']) && isset($postesN1['AI1'])) $postes['AI2']=$postesN1['AI1'];
if (!isset($postes['AK2']) && isset($postesN1['AK1'])) $postes['AK2']=$postesN1['AK1'];
if (!isset($postes['AM2']) && isset($postesN1['AM1'])) $postes['AM2']=$postesN1['AM1'];
if (!isset($postes['AO2']) && isset($postesN1['AO1'])) $postes['AO2']=$postesN1['AO1'];
if (!isset($postes['AQ2']) && isset($postesN1['AQ1'])) $postes['AQ2']=$postesN1['AQ1'];
if (!isset($postes['AS2']) && isset($postesN1['AS1'])) $postes['AS2']=$postesN1['AS1'];
if (!isset($postes['AU2']) && isset($postesN1['AU1'])) $postes['AU2']=$postesN1['AU1'];
if (!isset($postes['AW2']) && isset($postesN1['AW1'])) $postes['AW2']=$postesN1['AW1'];
if (!isset($postes['AY2']) && isset($postesN1['AY1'])) $postes['AY2']=$postesN1['AY1'];
if (!isset($postes['CT2']) && isset($postesN1['CT1'])) $postes['CT2']=$postesN1['CT1'];
if (!isset($postes['CV2']) && isset($postesN1['CV1'])) $postes['CV2']=$postesN1['CV1'];
if (!isset($postes['BC2']) && isset($postesN1['BC1'])) $postes['BC2']=$postesN1['BC1'];
if (!isset($postes['BE2']) && isset($postesN1['BE1'])) $postes['BE2']=$postesN1['BE1'];
if (!isset($postes['BG2']) && isset($postesN1['BG1'])) $postes['BG2']=$postesN1['BG1'];
if (!isset($postes['BI2']) && isset($postesN1['BI1'])) $postes['BI2']=$postesN1['BI1'];
if (!isset($postes['BK2']) && isset($postesN1['BK1'])) $postes['BK2']=$postesN1['BK1'];
if (!isset($postes['BM2']) && isset($postesN1['BM1'])) $postes['BM2']=$postesN1['BM1'];
if (!isset($postes['BO2']) && isset($postesN1['BO1'])) $postes['BO2']=$postesN1['BO1'];
if (!isset($postes['BQ2']) && isset($postesN1['BQ1'])) $postes['BQ2']=$postesN1['BQ1'];
if (!isset($postes['BS2']) && isset($postesN1['BS1'])) $postes['BS2']=$postesN1['BS1'];
if (!isset($postes['BU2']) && isset($postesN1['BU1'])) $postes['BU2']=$postesN1['BU1'];
if (!isset($postes['BW2']) && isset($postesN1['BW1'])) $postes['BW2']=$postesN1['BW1'];
if (!isset($postes['BY2']) && isset($postesN1['BY1'])) $postes['BY2']=$postesN1['BY1'];
if (!isset($postes['CA2']) && isset($postesN1['CA1'])) $postes['CA2']=$postesN1['CA1'];
if (!isset($postes['CC2']) && isset($postesN1['CC1'])) $postes['CC2']=$postesN1['CC1'];
if (!isset($postes['CE2']) && isset($postesN1['CE1'])) $postes['CE2']=$postesN1['CE1'];
if (!isset($postes['CG2']) && isset($postesN1['CG1'])) $postes['CG2']=$postesN1['CG1'];
if (!isset($postes['CI2']) && isset($postesN1['CI1'])) $postes['CI2']=$postesN1['CI1'];
if (!isset($postes['CK2']) && isset($postesN1['CK1'])) $postes['CK2']=$postesN1['CK1'];
if (!isset($postes['CL3']) && isset($postesN1['CL2'])) $postes['CL3']=$postesN1['CL2'];
if (!isset($postes['CM3']) && isset($postesN1['CM2'])) $postes['CM3']=$postesN1['CM2'];
if (!isset($postes['CN3']) && isset($postesN1['CN2'])) $postes['CN3']=$postesN1['CN2'];
if (!isset($postes['1A2']) && isset($postesN1['1A1'])) $postes['1A2']=$postesN1['1A1'];
// Passif
if (!isset($postes['DA1']) && isset($postesN1['DA'])) $postes['DA1']=$postesN1['DA'];
if (!isset($postes['DB1']) && isset($postesN1['DB'])) $postes['DB1']=$postesN1['DB'];
if (!isset($postes['DC1']) && isset($postesN1['DC'])) $postes['DC1']=$postesN1['DC'];
if (!isset($postes['DD1']) && isset($postesN1['DD'])) $postes['DD1']=$postesN1['DD'];
if (!isset($postes['DE1']) && isset($postesN1['DE'])) $postes['DE1']=$postesN1['DE'];
if (!isset($postes['DF1']) && isset($postesN1['DF'])) $postes['DF1']=$postesN1['DF'];
if (!isset($postes['DG1']) && isset($postesN1['DG'])) $postes['DG1']=$postesN1['DG'];
if (!isset($postes['DH1']) && isset($postesN1['DH'])) $postes['DH1']=$postesN1['DH'];
if (!isset($postes['DI1']) && isset($postesN1['DI'])) $postes['DI1']=$postesN1['DI'];
if (!isset($postes['DJ1']) && isset($postesN1['DJ'])) $postes['DJ1']=$postesN1['DJ'];
if (!isset($postes['DK1']) && isset($postesN1['DK'])) $postes['DK1']=$postesN1['DK'];
if (!isset($postes['DL1']) && isset($postesN1['DL'])) $postes['DL1']=$postesN1['DL'];
if (!isset($postes['DM1']) && isset($postesN1['DM'])) $postes['DM1']=$postesN1['DM'];
if (!isset($postes['DN1']) && isset($postesN1['DN'])) $postes['DN1']=$postesN1['DN'];
if (!isset($postes['DO1']) && isset($postesN1['DO'])) $postes['DO1']=$postesN1['DO'];
if (!isset($postes['DP1']) && isset($postesN1['DP'])) $postes['DP1']=$postesN1['DP'];
if (!isset($postes['DQ1']) && isset($postesN1['DQ'])) $postes['DQ1']=$postesN1['DQ'];
if (!isset($postes['DR1']) && isset($postesN1['DR'])) $postes['DR1']=$postesN1['DR'];
if (!isset($postes['DS1']) && isset($postesN1['DS'])) $postes['DS1']=$postesN1['DS'];
if (!isset($postes['DT1']) && isset($postesN1['DT'])) $postes['DT1']=$postesN1['DT'];
if (!isset($postes['DU1']) && isset($postesN1['DU'])) $postes['DU1']=$postesN1['DU'];
if (!isset($postes['DV1']) && isset($postesN1['DV'])) $postes['DV1']=$postesN1['DV'];
if (!isset($postes['DW1']) && isset($postesN1['DW'])) $postes['DW1']=$postesN1['DW'];
if (!isset($postes['DX1']) && isset($postesN1['DX'])) $postes['DX1']=$postesN1['DX'];
if (!isset($postes['DY1']) && isset($postesN1['DY'])) $postes['DY1']=$postesN1['DY'];
if (!isset($postes['DZ1']) && isset($postesN1['DZ'])) $postes['DZ1']=$postesN1['DZ'];
if (!isset($postes['EA1']) && isset($postesN1['EA'])) $postes['EA1']=$postesN1['EA'];
if (!isset($postes['EB1']) && isset($postesN1['EB'])) $postes['EB1']=$postesN1['EB'];
if (!isset($postes['EC1']) && isset($postesN1['EC'])) $postes['EC1']=$postesN1['EC'];
if (!isset($postes['ED1']) && isset($postesN1['ED'])) $postes['ED1']=$postesN1['ED'];
if (!isset($postes['EE1']) && isset($postesN1['EE'])) $postes['EE1']=$postesN1['EE'];
if (!isset($postes['1B1']) && isset($postesN1['1B'])) $postes['1B1']=$postesN1['1B'];
if (!isset($postes['1C1']) && isset($postesN1['1C'])) $postes['1C1']=$postesN1['1C'];
if (!isset($postes['1D1']) && isset($postesN1['1D'])) $postes['1D1']=$postesN1['1D'];
if (!isset($postes['1E1']) && isset($postesN1['1E'])) $postes['1E1']=$postesN1['1E'];
if (!isset($postes['EF1']) && isset($postesN1['EF'])) $postes['EF1']=$postesN1['EF'];
if (!isset($postes['EG1']) && isset($postesN1['EG'])) $postes['EG1']=$postesN1['EG'];
if (!isset($postes['EH1']) && isset($postesN1['EH'])) $postes['EH1']=$postesN1['EH'];
// Compte de Résultats
if (!isset($postes['FC1']) && isset($postesN1['FC'])) $postes['FC1']=$postesN1['FC'];
if (!isset($postes['FF1']) && isset($postesN1['FF'])) $postes['FF1']=$postesN1['FF'];
if (!isset($postes['FI1']) && isset($postesN1['FI'])) $postes['FI1']=$postesN1['FI'];
if (!isset($postes['FL1']) && isset($postesN1['FL'])) $postes['FL1']=$postesN1['FL'];
if (!isset($postes['FM1']) && isset($postesN1['FM'])) $postes['FM1']=$postesN1['FM'];
if (!isset($postes['FN1']) && isset($postesN1['FN'])) $postes['FN1']=$postesN1['FN'];
if (!isset($postes['FO1']) && isset($postesN1['FO'])) $postes['FO1']=$postesN1['FO'];
if (!isset($postes['FP1']) && isset($postesN1['FP'])) $postes['FP1']=$postesN1['FP'];
if (!isset($postes['FQ1']) && isset($postesN1['FQ'])) $postes['FQ1']=$postesN1['FQ'];
if (!isset($postes['FR1']) && isset($postesN1['FR'])) $postes['FR1']=$postesN1['FR'];
if (!isset($postes['FS1']) && isset($postesN1['FS'])) $postes['FS1']=$postesN1['FS'];
if (!isset($postes['FT1']) && isset($postesN1['FT'])) $postes['FT1']=$postesN1['FT'];
if (!isset($postes['FU1']) && isset($postesN1['FU'])) $postes['FU1']=$postesN1['FU'];
if (!isset($postes['FV1']) && isset($postesN1['FV'])) $postes['FV1']=$postesN1['FV'];
if (!isset($postes['FW1']) && isset($postesN1['FW'])) $postes['FW1']=$postesN1['FW'];
if (!isset($postes['FX1']) && isset($postesN1['FX'])) $postes['FX1']=$postesN1['FX'];
if (!isset($postes['FY1']) && isset($postesN1['FY'])) $postes['FY1']=$postesN1['FY'];
if (!isset($postes['FZ1']) && isset($postesN1['FZ'])) $postes['FZ1']=$postesN1['FZ'];
if (!isset($postes['GA1']) && isset($postesN1['GA'])) $postes['GA1']=$postesN1['GA'];
if (!isset($postes['GB1']) && isset($postesN1['GB'])) $postes['GB1']=$postesN1['GB'];
if (!isset($postes['GC1']) && isset($postesN1['GC'])) $postes['GC1']=$postesN1['GC'];
if (!isset($postes['GD1']) && isset($postesN1['GD'])) $postes['GD1']=$postesN1['GD'];
if (!isset($postes['GE1']) && isset($postesN1['GE'])) $postes['GE1']=$postesN1['GE'];
if (!isset($postes['GF1']) && isset($postesN1['GF'])) $postes['GF1']=$postesN1['GF'];
if (!isset($postes['GG1']) && isset($postesN1['GG'])) $postes['GG1']=$postesN1['GG'];
if (!isset($postes['GH1']) && isset($postesN1['GH'])) $postes['GH1']=$postesN1['GH'];
if (!isset($postes['GI1']) && isset($postesN1['GI'])) $postes['GI1']=$postesN1['GI'];
if (!isset($postes['GJ1']) && isset($postesN1['GJ'])) $postes['GJ1']=$postesN1['GJ'];
if (!isset($postes['GK1']) && isset($postesN1['GK'])) $postes['GK1']=$postesN1['GK'];
if (!isset($postes['GL1']) && isset($postesN1['GL'])) $postes['GL1']=$postesN1['GL'];
if (!isset($postes['GM1']) && isset($postesN1['GM'])) $postes['GM1']=$postesN1['GM'];
if (!isset($postes['GN1']) && isset($postesN1['GN'])) $postes['GN1']=$postesN1['GN'];
if (!isset($postes['GO1']) && isset($postesN1['GO'])) $postes['GO1']=$postesN1['GO'];
if (!isset($postes['GP1']) && isset($postesN1['GP'])) $postes['GP1']=$postesN1['GP'];
if (!isset($postes['GQ1']) && isset($postesN1['GQ'])) $postes['GQ1']=$postesN1['GQ'];
if (!isset($postes['GR1']) && isset($postesN1['GR'])) $postes['GR1']=$postesN1['GR'];
if (!isset($postes['GS1']) && isset($postesN1['GS'])) $postes['GS1']=$postesN1['GS'];
if (!isset($postes['GT1']) && isset($postesN1['GT'])) $postes['GT1']=$postesN1['GT'];
if (!isset($postes['GU1']) && isset($postesN1['GU'])) $postes['GU1']=$postesN1['GU'];
if (!isset($postes['GV1']) && isset($postesN1['GV'])) $postes['GV1']=$postesN1['GV'];
if (!isset($postes['GW1']) && isset($postesN1['GW'])) $postes['GW1']=$postesN1['GW'];
if (!isset($postes['HA1']) && isset($postesN1['HA'])) $postes['HA1']=$postesN1['HA'];
if (!isset($postes['HB1']) && isset($postesN1['HB'])) $postes['HB1']=$postesN1['HB'];
if (!isset($postes['HC1']) && isset($postesN1['HC'])) $postes['HC1']=$postesN1['HC'];
if (!isset($postes['HD1']) && isset($postesN1['HD'])) $postes['HD1']=$postesN1['HD'];
if (!isset($postes['HE1']) && isset($postesN1['HE'])) $postes['HE1']=$postesN1['HE'];
if (!isset($postes['HF1']) && isset($postesN1['HF'])) $postes['HF1']=$postesN1['HF'];
if (!isset($postes['HG1']) && isset($postesN1['HG'])) $postes['HG1']=$postesN1['HG'];
if (!isset($postes['HH1']) && isset($postesN1['HH'])) $postes['HH1']=$postesN1['HH'];
if (!isset($postes['HI1']) && isset($postesN1['HI'])) $postes['HI1']=$postesN1['HI'];
if (!isset($postes['HJ1']) && isset($postesN1['HJ'])) $postes['HJ1']=$postesN1['HJ'];
if (!isset($postes['HK1']) && isset($postesN1['HK'])) $postes['HK1']=$postesN1['HK'];
if (!isset($postes['HL1']) && isset($postesN1['HL'])) $postes['HL1']=$postesN1['HL'];
if (!isset($postes['HM1']) && isset($postesN1['HM'])) $postes['HM1']=$postesN1['HM'];
if (!isset($postes['HN1']) && isset($postesN1['HN'])) $postes['HN1']=$postesN1['HN'];
if (!isset($postes['HO1']) && isset($postesN1['HO'])) $postes['HO1']=$postesN1['HO'];
if (!isset($postes['HY1']) && isset($postesN1['HY'])) $postes['HY1']=$postesN1['HY'];
if (!isset($postes['1G1']) && isset($postesN1['1G'])) $postes['1G1']=$postesN1['1G'];
if (!isset($postes['HP1']) && isset($postesN1['HP'])) $postes['HP1']=$postesN1['HP'];
if (!isset($postes['HQ1']) && isset($postesN1['HQ'])) $postes['HQ1']=$postesN1['HQ'];
if (!isset($postes['1H1']) && isset($postesN1['1H'])) $postes['1H1']=$postesN1['1H'];
if (!isset($postes['1J1']) && isset($postesN1['1J'])) $postes['1J1']=$postesN1['1J'];
if (!isset($postes['1K1']) && isset($postesN1['1K'])) $postes['1K1']=$postesN1['1K'];
if (!isset($postes['HX1']) && isset($postesN1['HX'])) $postes['HX1']=$postesN1['HX'];
if (!isset($postes['A11']) && isset($postesN1['A1'])) $postes['A11']=$postesN1['A1'];
if (!isset($postes['A21']) && isset($postesN1['A2'])) $postes['A21']=$postesN1['A2'];
if (!isset($postes['A31']) && isset($postesN1['A3'])) $postes['A31']=$postesN1['A3'];
if (!isset($postes['A41']) && isset($postesN1['A4'])) $postes['A41']=$postesN1['A4'];
} elseif ($type=='S') {
// Calcul des chiffres net N-1 si absent 2033
if (!isset($postesN1['013']) && (isset($postesN1['010'])||isset($postesN1['012'])))$postesN1['013']=$postesN1['010']-$postesN1['012'];
if (!isset($postesN1['017']) && (isset($postesN1['014'])||isset($postesN1['016'])))$postesN1['017']=$postesN1['014']-$postesN1['016'];
if (!isset($postesN1['031']) && (isset($postesN1['028'])||isset($postesN1['030'])))$postesN1['031']=$postesN1['028']-$postesN1['030'];
if (!isset($postesN1['043']) && (isset($postesN1['040'])||isset($postesN1['042'])))$postesN1['043']=$postesN1['040']-$postesN1['042'];
if (!isset($postesN1['049']) && (isset($postesN1['044'])||isset($postesN1['048'])))$postesN1['049']=$postesN1['044']-$postesN1['048'];
if (!isset($postesN1['053']) && (isset($postesN1['050'])||isset($postesN1['052'])))$postesN1['053']=$postesN1['050']-$postesN1['052'];
if (!isset($postesN1['063']) && (isset($postesN1['060'])||isset($postesN1['062'])))$postesN1['063']=$postesN1['060']-$postesN1['062'];
if (!isset($postesN1['067']) && (isset($postesN1['064'])||isset($postesN1['066'])))$postesN1['067']=$postesN1['064']-$postesN1['066'];
if (!isset($postesN1['071']) && (isset($postesN1['068'])||isset($postesN1['070'])))$postesN1['071']=$postesN1['068']-$postesN1['070'];
if (!isset($postesN1['075']) && (isset($postesN1['072'])||isset($postesN1['074'])))$postesN1['075']=$postesN1['072']-$postesN1['074'];
if (!isset($postesN1['083']) && (isset($postesN1['080'])||isset($postesN1['082'])))$postesN1['083']=$postesN1['080']-$postesN1['082'];
if (!isset($postesN1['087']) && (isset($postesN1['084'])||isset($postesN1['086'])))$postesN1['087']=$postesN1['084']-$postesN1['086'];
if (!isset($postesN1['091']) && (isset($postesN1['088'])||isset($postesN1['090'])))$postesN1['091']=$postesN1['088']-$postesN1['090'];
if (!isset($postesN1['095']) && (isset($postesN1['092'])||isset($postesN1['094'])))$postesN1['095']=$postesN1['092']-$postesN1['094'];
if (!isset($postesN1['099']) && (isset($postesN1['096'])||isset($postesN1['098'])))$postesN1['099']=$postesN1['096']-$postesN1['098'];
if (!isset($postesN1['113']) && (isset($postesN1['110'])||isset($postesN1['112'])))$postesN1['113']=$postesN1['110']-$postesN1['112'];
// Récupération des chiffres N-1 si absent du bilan N
// ACTIF 2033
if (!isset($postes['N00']) && isset($postesN1['013'])) $postes['N00']=$postesN1['013'];
if (!isset($postes['N01']) && isset($postesN1['017'])) $postes['N01']=$postesN1['017'];
if (!isset($postes['N02']) && isset($postesN1['031'])) $postes['N02']=$postesN1['031'];
if (!isset($postes['N03']) && isset($postesN1['043'])) $postes['N03']=$postesN1['043'];
if (!isset($postes['N04']) && isset($postesN1['049'])) $postes['N04']=$postesN1['049'];
if (!isset($postes['N05']) && isset($postesN1['053'])) $postes['N05']=$postesN1['053'];
if (!isset($postes['N06']) && isset($postesN1['063'])) $postes['N06']=$postesN1['063'];
if (!isset($postes['N07']) && isset($postesN1['067'])) $postes['N07']=$postesN1['067'];
if (!isset($postes['N08']) && isset($postesN1['071'])) $postes['N08']=$postesN1['071'];
if (!isset($postes['N09']) && isset($postesN1['075'])) $postes['N09']=$postesN1['075'];
if (!isset($postes['N10']) && isset($postesN1['083'])) $postes['N10']=$postesN1['083'];
if (!isset($postes['N11']) && isset($postesN1['087'])) $postes['N11']=$postesN1['087'];
if (!isset($postes['N12']) && isset($postesN1['091'])) $postes['N12']=$postesN1['091'];
if (!isset($postes['N13']) && isset($postesN1['095'])) $postes['N13']=$postesN1['095'];
if (!isset($postes['N14']) && isset($postesN1['099'])) $postes['N14']=$postesN1['099'];
if (!isset($postes['N15']) && isset($postesN1['113'])) $postes['N15']=$postesN1['113'];
// PASSIF 2033
if (!isset($postes['N16']) && isset($postesN1['120'])) $postes['N16']=$postesN1['120'];
if (!isset($postes['N17']) && isset($postesN1['124'])) $postes['N17']=$postesN1['124'];
if (!isset($postes['N18']) && isset($postesN1['126'])) $postes['N18']=$postesN1['126'];
if (!isset($postes['N19']) && isset($postesN1['130'])) $postes['N19']=$postesN1['130'];
if (!isset($postes['N20']) && isset($postesN1['132'])) $postes['N20']=$postesN1['132'];
if (!isset($postes['N21']) && isset($postesN1['134'])) $postes['N21']=$postesN1['134'];
if (!isset($postes['N22']) && isset($postesN1['136'])) $postes['N22']=$postesN1['136'];
if (!isset($postes['N23']) && isset($postesN1['140'])) $postes['N23']=$postesN1['140'];
if (!isset($postes['N24']) && isset($postesN1['142'])) $postes['N24']=$postesN1['142'];
if (!isset($postes['N25']) && isset($postesN1['154'])) $postes['N25']=$postesN1['154'];
if (!isset($postes['N26']) && isset($postesN1['156'])) $postes['N26']=$postesN1['156'];
if (!isset($postes['N27']) && isset($postesN1['164'])) $postes['N27']=$postesN1['164'];
if (!isset($postes['N28']) && isset($postesN1['166'])) $postes['N28']=$postesN1['166'];
if (!isset($postes['N29']) && isset($postesN1['172'])) $postes['N29']=$postesN1['172'];
if (!isset($postes['N30']) && isset($postesN1['174'])) $postes['N30']=$postesN1['174'];
if (!isset($postes['N31']) && isset($postesN1['176'])) $postes['N31']=$postesN1['176'];
if (!isset($postes['N32']) && isset($postesN1['180'])) $postes['N32']=$postesN1['180'];
if (!isset($postes['N33']) && isset($postesN1['210'])) $postes['N33']=$postesN1['210'];
if (!isset($postes['N34']) && isset($postesN1['214'])) $postes['N34']=$postesN1['214'];
if (!isset($postes['N35']) && isset($postesN1['218'])) $postes['N35']=$postesN1['218'];
if (!isset($postes['N36']) && isset($postesN1['222'])) $postes['N36']=$postesN1['222'];
if (!isset($postes['N37']) && isset($postesN1['224'])) $postes['N37']=$postesN1['224'];
if (!isset($postes['N38']) && isset($postesN1['226'])) $postes['N38']=$postesN1['226'];
if (!isset($postes['N39']) && isset($postesN1['230'])) $postes['N39']=$postesN1['230'];
if (!isset($postes['N40']) && isset($postesN1['232'])) $postes['N40']=$postesN1['232'];
if (!isset($postes['N41']) && isset($postesN1['234'])) $postes['N41']=$postesN1['234'];
if (!isset($postes['N42']) && isset($postesN1['236'])) $postes['N42']=$postesN1['236'];
if (!isset($postes['N43']) && isset($postesN1['238'])) $postes['N43']=$postesN1['238'];
if (!isset($postes['N44']) && isset($postesN1['240'])) $postes['N44']=$postesN1['240'];
if (!isset($postes['N45']) && isset($postesN1['242'])) $postes['N45']=$postesN1['242'];
if (!isset($postes['N46']) && isset($postesN1['244'])) $postes['N46']=$postesN1['244'];
if (!isset($postes['N47']) && isset($postesN1['250'])) $postes['N47']=$postesN1['250'];
if (!isset($postes['N48']) && isset($postesN1['252'])) $postes['N48']=$postesN1['252'];
if (!isset($postes['N49']) && isset($postesN1['254'])) $postes['N49']=$postesN1['254'];
if (!isset($postes['N50']) && isset($postesN1['256'])) $postes['N50']=$postesN1['256'];
if (!isset($postes['N51']) && isset($postesN1['262'])) $postes['N51']=$postesN1['262'];
if (!isset($postes['N52']) && isset($postesN1['264'])) $postes['N52']=$postesN1['264'];
if (!isset($postes['N53']) && isset($postesN1['270'])) $postes['N53']=$postesN1['270'];
if (!isset($postes['N54']) && isset($postesN1['280'])) $postes['N54']=$postesN1['280'];
if (!isset($postes['N55']) && isset($postesN1['290'])) $postes['N55']=$postesN1['290'];
if (!isset($postes['N56']) && isset($postesN1['294'])) $postes['N56']=$postesN1['294'];
if (!isset($postes['N57']) && isset($postesN1['300'])) $postes['N57']=$postesN1['300'];
if (!isset($postes['N58']) && isset($postesN1['306'])) $postes['N58']=$postesN1['306'];
if (!isset($postes['N59']) && isset($postesN1['310'])) $postes['N59']=$postesN1['310'];
} elseif ($type=='A' || $type=='B') {
if (!isset($postes['NA1']) && isset($postesN1['AA1'])) $postes['NA1']=$postesN1['AA1'];
if (!isset($postes['NA2']) && isset($postesN1['AA2'])) $postes['NA2']=$postesN1['AA2'];
if (!isset($postes['NA3']) && isset($postesN1['AA3'])) $postes['NA3']=$postesN1['AA3'];
if (!isset($postes['NP1']) && isset($postesN1['AP1'])) $postes['NP1']=$postesN1['AP1'];
if (!isset($postes['NP2']) && isset($postesN1['AP2'])) $postes['NP2']=$postesN1['AP2'];
if (!isset($postes['NP3']) && isset($postesN1['AP3'])) $postes['NP3']=$postesN1['AP3'];
if (!isset($postes['NP4']) && isset($postesN1['AP4'])) $postes['NP4']=$postesN1['AP4'];
if (!isset($postes['NP5']) && isset($postesN1['AP5'])) $postes['NP5']=$postesN1['AP5'];
if (!isset($postes['NP6']) && isset($postesN1['AP6'])) $postes['NP6']=$postesN1['AP6'];
if (!isset($postes['NP7']) && isset($postesN1['AP7'])) $postes['NP7']=$postesN1['AP7'];
if (!isset($postes['NP8']) && isset($postesN1['AP8'])) $postes['NP8']=$postesN1['AP8'];
if (!isset($postes['NP9']) && isset($postesN1['AP9'])) $postes['NP9']=$postesN1['AP9'];
if (!isset($postes['NR1']) && isset($postesN1['AR1'])) $postes['NR1']=$postesN1['AR1'];
if (!isset($postes['NR2']) && isset($postesN1['AR2'])) $postes['NR2']=$postesN1['AR2'];
if (!isset($postes['NR3']) && isset($postesN1['AR3'])) $postes['NR3']=$postesN1['AR3'];
if (!isset($postes['NR4']) && isset($postesN1['AR4'])) $postes['AR4']=$postesN1['AR4'];
} else {
$infos = 'NEW';
} else {
$infos = 'NEW';
$ancres = array(
'C' => array(
'actif' => 'Actif',
'passif' => 'Passif',
'compteDeResultat' => 'Compte de résultat',
//+ Poste YP pour l'effectif du groupe
'N' => array(
'actif' => 'Actif',
'passif' => 'Passif',
'compteDeResultat' => 'Compte de résultat',
'immobilisations' => 'Immobilisations',
'amortissements' => 'Amortissements',
'provisions' => 'Provisions',
'creancesDettes' => 'Créances, Dettes',
'resultatfiscal' => 'Détermination du résultat fiscal',
'affectation' => 'Affectation',
'S' => array(
'actif' => 'Actif',
'passif' => 'Passif',
'compteDeResultat' => 'Compte de résultat',
'immobilisations' => 'Immobilisations',
'amortissements' => 'Amortissements',
'provisions' => 'Provisions',
'creancesDettes' => 'Créances, Dettes',
'affectation' => 'Affectation'
'A' => array(
'actif' => 'Actif',
'passif' => 'Passif',
'compteDeResultat' => 'Compte de résultat',
'B' => array(
'actif' => 'Actif',
'passif' => 'Passif',
'compteDeResultat' => 'Compte de résultat',
if (!empty($infos)) {
// --- Default value pour les nouveaux bilans
if ( is_string($infos) && $infos == 'NEW' ) {
$dateCloture = (date('Y')-1).'1231';
$dureeMois = '12';
$dateCloturePre = 'AAAAMMJJ';
$dureeMoisPre = '0';
$unite = 'U';
// --- Default value pour l' edition de bilan
else {
$dateCloture = ($infos->dateCloture!='') ? $infos->dateCloture : $date;
$dureeMois = ($infos->dureeMois!='') ? $infos->dureeMois : '12';
$dateCloturePre = empty($infos->dateCloturePre) ? 'AAAAMMJJ' : $infos->dateCloturePre ;
$dureeMoisPre = empty($infos->dureeMoisPre) ? '0' : $infos->dureeMoisPre;
$unite = $infos->unite;
$this->view->assign('liasse', $postes);
// --- Formattage date
$dateCloture = substr($dateCloture,6,2).'/'.substr($dateCloture,4,2).'/'.substr($dateCloture,0,4);
$dateCloturePre = substr($dateCloturePre,6,2).'/'.substr($dateCloturePre,4,2).'/'.substr($dateCloturePre,0,4);
$this->view->assign('dateCloture', $dateCloture);
$this->view->assign('dateCloturePre', $dateCloturePre);
$this->view->assign('dureeMois', $dureeMois);
$this->view->assign('dureeMoisPre', $dureeMoisPre);
$this->view->assign('unite', $unite);
$this->view->assign('typeBilan', $type);
$this->view->assign('ancres', $ancres[$type]);
$this->view->assign('infos', $infos);
* Sauvegarde de la liasse saisie
public function liassesaveAction()
//Renvoyer flux json STATUS : OK ou ERR, MESSAGE : TEXTE, POSTE : ARRAY ou vide
$request = $this->getRequest();
$params = $request->getParams();
$dateCloture = substr($params['dateCloture'],6,4).
$dateCloturePre = substr($params['dateCloturePre'],6,4).
if (isset($params['originalDateCloture'])) {
$originalDateCloture = substr($params['originalDateCloture'],6,4).
} else {
$originalDateCloture = $dateCloture;
if (isset($params['originalTypeBilan'])) {
$originalTypeBilan = $params['originalTypeBilan'];
} else {
$originalTypeBilan = $params['typeBilan'];
$ws = new WsScores();
$response = $ws->setBilan(
if (is_int($response)) {
$this->view->assign('result', array('status'=>'OK'));
} else {
if ( preg_match_all('/([A-Z0-9]{2,});?/', $response, $postes) ) {
$this->view->assign('result', array(
'message'=>'Erreur valeur',
'postes' => $postes[1],
} else {
$this->view->assign('result', array(
* Affichage du formulaire pour les liens
public function lienAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siren = $request->getParam('siren', null);
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$type = $request->getParam('type');
$idLien = $request->getParam('idLien', null);
$lienRef = $request->getParam('lienref', null);
$createFiche = $request->getParam('createfiche', null);
$ws = new WsScores();
$id2 = null;
if ($createFiche) {
//Get identite
$result = $ws->getIdentiteLight($createFiche);
//Compute informations
$infos = array(
'siren' => $result->Siren,
'actif' => 1,
'PpPm' => 'PM',
'RS' => $result->Nom,
'civilite' => '',
'nom' => '',
'prenom' => '',
'nom_usage' => '',
'naissance_date' => '',
'naissance_dept_pays' => '',
'naissance_lieu' => '',
'nat' => '',
'adresse_num' => $result->AdresseNum,
'adresse_btq' => $result->AdresseBtq,
'adresse_codvoie' => $result->AdresseVoie,
'adresse_libvoie' => $result->AdresseRue,
'adresse_comp' => '',
'adresse_cp' => $result->CP,
'adresse_ville' => $result->Ville,
'adresse_pays' => 'FRA',
'dateSaisie' => date('YmdHis'),
'capital' => $result->CapitalDev,
'deviseCapital' => $result->CapitalDev,
'nbActions' => '',
'idLoc1Type' => '',
'idLoc1Num' => '',
'idLoc2Type' => '',
'idLoc2Num' => '',
'idLoc3Type' => '',
'idLoc3Num' => '',
$id2 = $ws->setLienRef(json_encode($infos));
if (is_int($id2)) {
$this->view->assign('id2', $id2);
$this->view->assign('id2Nom', $result->Nom);
if ( $lienRef !== null ) {
$result = $ws->getLienRef($lienRef);
$rs = $result->raisonSociale;
//Override session session
if ( intval($result->siren) != 0 ) {
$siren = $result->siren;
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($siren);
} elseif ($siren !== null) {
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($siren);
$rs = $session->getRaisonSociale();
$detention = array(
'+' => 'Major.',
'-' => 'Minor.',
'C' => 'Contrôle',
'S' => 'Scission',
'F' => 'Fusion',
'P' => 'Projet de fusion',
'T' => 'TUP',
'L' => 'Tutelle',
'E' => 'Franchise',
'M' => 'Membre',
$this->view->assign('detention', $detention);
//Mode = delete
id du lien pour récupérer les informations
- rs1, siren1, rs2, siren2
if ($mode == 'delete') {
$result = $ws->getSaisieLien($idLien);
$infos = json_decode($result, true);
if ($type=='actionnaire') {
$this->view->assign('id1', $infos['idPar']);
$this->view->assign('id2', $infos['idAct']);
$idFiche = $infos['idAct'];
} elseif ($type=='participation') {
$this->view->assign('id2', $infos['idPar']);
$this->view->assign('id1', $infos['idAct']);
$idFiche = $infos['idPar'];
if ($idFiche) {
$result = $ws->getLienRef($idFiche);
if ($result->raisonSociale!='') {
$this->view->assign('rs2', $result->raisonSociale);
} else {
$this->view->assign('rs2', $result->nom);
$this->view->assign('siren2', $result->siren);
$this->view->assign('PDetention', $infos['PDetention']);
$this->view->assign('Pvote', $infos['Pvote']);
$this->view->assign('MajMin', $infos['MajMin']);
$dateEffetLien = new Zend_Date($infos['dateEffetLien'], 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$this->view->assign('dateEffetLien', $dateEffetLien->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'));
//Mode = edit / add
id du lien pour récupérer les informations
- siren, rs actuel
- Liste des documents de référence
- Liste des types d'identifiant par pays sdv1.tabIdLocal
elseif ($mode == 'edit') {
$result = $ws->getSaisieLien($idLien);
$infos = json_decode($result, true);
if ($type=='actionnaire') {
$this->view->assign('id1', $infos['idPar']);
$this->view->assign('id2', $infos['idAct']);
} elseif ($type=='participation') {
$this->view->assign('id2', $infos['idPar']);
$this->view->assign('id1', $infos['idAct']);
$dateEffetLien = new Zend_Date($infos['dateEffetLien'], 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$doc = ($siren) ? $ws->getLienDoc($siren, 'Siren') : $ws->getLienDoc($lienRef, 'Entreprise');
if ( $doc->item[0]->date ) {
$date = new Zend_Date($doc->item[0]->date, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$dateEffetLienDoc = $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy');
} else {
$dateEffetLienDoc = $dateEffetLien->toString('dd/MM/yyyy');
$this->view->assign('PDetention', $infos['PDetention']);
$this->view->assign('Pvote', $infos['Pvote']);
$this->view->assign('MajMin', $infos['MajMin']);
$this->view->assign('dateEffetLien', $dateEffetLien->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'));
$this->view->assign('dateEffetLienDoc', $dateEffetLienDoc);
} else {
$date = $request->getParam('date');
if ($date) {
$this->view->assign('dateEffetLien', substr($date,8,2).'/'.substr($date,5,2).'/'.substr($date,0,4));
if ( $lienRef ) {
$this->view->assign('id1', $lienRef);
} else {
//Création de la première référence lien
$result = $ws->getIdentiteLight($siren);
//Compute informations
$infos = array(
'siren' => $result->Siren,
'actif' => 1,
'PpPm' => 'PM',
'RS' => $result->Nom,
'civilite' => '',
'nom' => '',
'prenom' => '',
'nom_usage' => '',
'naissance_date' => '',
'naissance_dept_pays' => '',
'naissance_lieu' => '',
'nat' => '',
'adresse_num' => $result->AdresseNum,
'adresse_btq' => $result->AdresseBtq,
'adresse_codvoie' => $result->AdresseVoie,
'adresse_libvoie' => $result->AdresseRue,
'adresse_comp' => '',
'adresse_cp' => $result->CP,
'adresse_ville' => $result->Ville,
'adresse_pays' => 'FRA',
'dateSaisie' => date('YmdHis'),
'capital' => $result->CapitalDev,
'deviseCapital' => $result->CapitalDev,
'nbActions' => '',
'idLoc1Type' => '',
'idLoc1Num' => '',
'idLoc2Type' => '',
'idLoc2Num' => '',
'idLoc3Type' => '',
'idLoc3Num' => '',
$idNewLien = $ws->setLienRef(json_encode($infos));
if ( is_int($idNewLien) ) {
$this->view->assign('id1', $idNewLien);
$this->view->assign('countries', $this->countries);
$this->view->assign('rs', $rs);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
$this->view->assign('type', $type);
$this->view->assign('idLien', $idLien);
public function liensearchAction()
$query = $this->getRequest()->getParam('q');
$type = $this->getRequest()->getParam('type', null);
//Some transformation
if ( $type == 'siren' || $type == 'id' ) {
$query = str_replace(array(' ','.','-',','), array('','','',''), $query);
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->searchLienRef($query, $type);
$output = array();
if (count($result->item)>0) {
foreach ($result->item as $item) {
$output[] = array(
'value' => $item->id,
'label' => $item->lib,
$this->view->assign('output', $output);
* Gestion des liens étrangers
public function lienetrangerAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode', null);
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
if ($mode === null) {
$this->view->assign('currencies', $this->currencies);
$this->view->assign('countries', $this->countries);
$this->view->assign('type', $this->getRequest()->getParam('type'));
* Gestion des liens personnes physiques
public function lienppAction()
$dep = new Application_Model_TabDepartements();
$sql = $dep->select();
$rows = $dep->fetchAll($sql);
if ( count($rows)>0 ) {
foreach ($rows as $item) {
$depListe[] = array(
'num' => $item->numdep,
'lib' => $item->libdep,
$this->view->assign('depListe', $depListe);
$this->view->assign('countries', $this->countries);
public function lienrefsaveAction()
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
//Construct reference informations
$params['PpPm'] = 'PM';
//Check params
if ( empty($params['nom'])
|| $params['pp']==1 && empty($params['prenom'])
|| empty($params['adresse_pays'])
|| empty($params['adresse_ville']) ) {
$this->view->assign('error', 'Champs non saisi !');
} else {
//Personne Physique
if ($params['pp']==1) {
//Fill data
$params['PpPm'] = 'PP';
$params['RS'] = $params['civilite'].' '.$params['nom'].' '.$params['prenom'].' '.$params['nom_usage'];
//Personne Morale
} elseif (!empty($params['siren'])) {
//Fill data
$params['RS'] = $params['nom'];
$params['civilite'] = '';
$params['nom'] = '';
$params['prenom'] = '';
$params['nom_usage'] = '';
$params['naissance_date'] = '';
$params['naissance_dept_pays'] = '';
$params['naissance_lieu'] = '';
$params['nat'] = '';
} else {
//Fill data
$params['siren'] = '000000000';
$params['RS'] = $params['nom'];
$params['civilite'] = '';
$params['nom'] = '';
$params['prenom'] = '';
$params['nom_usage'] = '';
$params['naissance_date'] = '';
$params['naissance_dept_pays'] = '';
$params['naissance_lieu'] = '';
$params['nat'] = '';
if (empty($params['dateCapital'])) {
$dateCapital = '';
} else {
$date = new Zend_Date($params['dateCapital'], 'dd/MM/yyyy');
$dateCapital = $date->toString('yyyyMMdd');
if (empty($params['naissance_date'])) {
$dateNaissance = '';
} else {
$date = new Zend_Date($params['naissance_date'], 'dd/MM/yyyy');
$dateNaissance = $date->toString('yyyyMMdd');
if (empty($params['dateNbActions'])) {
$dateNbActions = '';
} else {
$date = new Zend_Date($params['dateNbActions'], 'dd/MM/yyyy');
$dateNbActions = $date->toString('yyyyMMdd');
if ($params['naissance_dept_pays']=='FRA' && $params['naissance_dept']!='') {
$params['naissance_dept_pays'] = $params['naissance_dept'];
$infos = array(
'siren' => preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $params['siren']),
'actif' => (array_key_exists('actif', $params) && $params['actif']==0 ) ? 0 : 1,
'PpPm' => $params['PpPm'],
'RS' => strtoupper(trim($params['RS'])),
'sigle' => empty($params['sigle']) ? '' : trim($params['sigle']),
'civilite' => $params['civilite'],
'nom' => strtoupper(trim($params['nom'])),
'prenom' => ucfirst(trim($params['prenom'])),
'nom_usage' => strtoupper(trim($params['nom_usage'])),
'naissance_date' => $dateNaissance,
'naissance_dept_pays' => $params['naissance_dept_pays'],
'naissance_lieu' => $params['naissance_lieu'],
'nat' => $params['nat'],
'adresse_num' => empty($params['adresse_num']) ? '' : trim($params['adresse_num']),
'adresse_btq' => empty($params['adresse_btq']) ? '' : trim($params['adresse_btq']),
'adresse_codvoie' => empty($params['adresse_codvoie']) ? '' : strtoupper(trim($params['adresse_codvoie'])),
'adresse_libvoie' => empty($params['adresse_libvoie']) ? '' : strtoupper(trim($params['adresse_libvoie'])),
'adresse_comp' => empty($params['adresse_comp']) ? '' : strtoupper(trim($params['adresse_comp'])),
'adresse_cp' => empty($params['adresse_cp']) ? '' : trim($params['adresse_cp']),
'adresse_ville' => empty($params['adresse_ville']) ? '' : trim($params['adresse_ville']),
'adresse_pays' => empty($params['adresse_pays']) ? '' : trim($params['adresse_pays']),
'tel' => empty($params['tel']) ? '' : trim($params['tel']),
'fax' => empty($params['fax']) ? '' : trim($params['fax']),
'web' => empty($params['web']) ? '' : trim($params['web']),
'email' => empty($params['email']) ? '' : trim($params['email']),
'dateSaisie' => date('YmdHis'),
'capital' => empty($params['capital']) ? '' : trim($params['capital']),
'deviseCapital' => empty($params['deviseCapital']) ? 'EUR' : $params['deviseCapital'],
'dateCapital' => $dateCapital,
'nbActions' => empty($params['nbActions']) ? '' : $params['nbActions'],
'dateNbActions' => $dateNbActions,
'isin' => empty($params['isin']) ? '' : trim($params['isin']),
'idLoc1Type' => $params['idLoc1Type'],
'idLoc1Num' => trim($params['idLoc1Num']),
'idLoc2Type' => $params['idLoc2Type'],
'idLoc2Num' => trim($params['idLoc2Num']),
'idLoc3Type' => $params['idLoc3Type'],
'idLoc3Num' => trim($params['idLoc3Num']),
'bilMillesime' => $params['bilMillesime'],
'bilDev' => empty($params['bilDev']) ? 'EUR' : $params['bilDev'],
'bilFL' => $params['bilFL'],
'bilHN' => $params['bilHN'],
'bilFPr' => $params['bilFPr'],
'bilEE' => $params['bilEE'],
$ws = new WsScores();
$idNewLien = $ws->setLienRef(json_encode($infos), $params['idLien']);
$this->view->assign('idNewLien', $idNewLien);
$rs = empty($infos['RS']) ? $infos['nom'] : $infos['RS'];
$this->view->assign('RS', $rs);
$this->view->assign('error', '');
if (!is_int($idNewLien) || $idNewLien==0){
$this->view->assign('error', $idNewLien);
* Sauvegarde
public function liensaveAction()
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$ws = new WsScores();
if ($params['mode']=='delete') {
if (empty($params['dateEffetLien'])) {
$dateEffetLien = '';
} else {
$date = new Zend_Date($params['dateEffetLien'], 'dd/MM/yyyy');
$dateEffetLien = $date->toString('yyyyMMdd');
$infos = array(
'actif' => 0,
'dateEffetLien' => $dateEffetLien,
'motifUpdate' => empty($params['motifUpdate']) ? '' : $params['motifUpdate'],
} else {
if ($params['type']=='actionnaire') {
$idAct = $params['id2'];
$idPar = $params['id1'];
} elseif ($params['type']=='participation') {
$idPar = $params['id2'];
$idAct = $params['id1'];
if (empty($params['dateEffetLien'])) {
$date = new Zend_Date();
} else {
$date = new Zend_Date($params['dateEffetLien'], 'dd/MM/yyyy');
$infos = array(
'idAct' => $idAct,
'actif' => 1,
'PDetention' => $params['PDetention'],
'Pvote' => ($params['Pvote']=='') ? null : $params['Pvote'],
'MajMin' => $params['MajMin'],
'idPar' => $idPar,
'dateEffetLien' => $date->toString('yyyyMMdd'),
'motifUpdate' => empty($params['motifUpdate']) ? '' : $params['motifUpdate'],
if($params['transfer'] && ($params['MajMin'] == 'T' || $params['MajMin'] == 'F'))
$liens = $ws->getLiensById($idPar);
$participations = $liens->participations->item;
if (count($participations)>0) {
$ws->setLienChange('tupfusion', $idPar, $idAct);
$idNewLien = $ws->setLien(json_encode($infos), $params['idLien']);
if (!is_int($idNewLien)){
$this->view->assign('error', $idNewLien);
} else {
$this->view->assign('id', $idNewLien);
$this->view->assign('mode', $params['mode']);
public function liendocAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
if ($mode == 'delete') {
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
$id = $request->getParam('id');
$this->view->assign('idNum', $id);
//Get Infos
$ws = new WsScores();
$docs = $ws->getLienDoc($id);
if (count($docs->item)==1) {
$this->view->assign('doc', $docs->item[0]);
} else {
$siren = $request->getParam('siren', null);
$idLien = $request->getParam('idLien', null);
$type = $request->getParam('type', null);
$this->view->assign('idType', $type);
if ($siren===null) {
$this->view->assign('idNum', $idLien);
} else {
$ws = new WsScores();
$identite = $ws->getIdentite($siren);
if (empty($identite->Bilan->Cloture)) {
$dateCapital = '';
} else {
$date = new Zend_Date($identite->Bilan->Cloture, 'yyyyMMdd');
$dateCapital = $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy');
$infos = array(
'siren' => $siren,
'actif' => 1,
'PpPm' => 'PP',
'RS' => $identite->Nom,
'civilite' => '',
'nom' => '',
'prenom' => '',
'nom_usage' => '',
'naissance_date' => '',
'naissance_dept_pays' => '',
'naissance_lieu' => '',
'nat' => '',
'adresse_num' => $identite->AdresseNum,
'adresse_btq' => $identite->AdresseBtq,
'adresse_codvoie' => $identite->AdresseVoie,
'adresse_libvoie' => $identite->AdresseRue,
'adresse_comp' => $identite->Adresse2,
'adresse_cp' => $identite->CP,
'adresse_ville' => $identite->Ville,
'adresse_pays' => 'FRA',
'dateSaisie' => date('YmdHis'),
'capital' => $identite->Bilan->Capital,
'deviseCapital' => 'EUR',
'dateCapital' => $dateCapital,
'nbActions' => '',
'idLoc1Type' => '',
'idLoc1Num' => '',
'idLoc2Type' => '',
'idLoc2Num' => '',
'idLoc3Type' => '',
'idLoc3Num' => '',
'bilMillesime' => $identite->Bilan->Millesime,
'bilDev' => 'EUR',
'bilFL' => $identite->Bilan->CA,
'bilHN' => $identite->Bilan->Resultat,
'bilFPr' => '',
'bilEE' => '',
$idNum = $ws->setLienRef(json_encode($infos));
$this->view->assign('idNum', $idNum);
public function liendocsaveAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$params = $request->getParams();
if (empty($params['idNum'])) {
echo "Erreur";
elseif ($params['mode']=='delete') {
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setLienDoc(json_encode(array()), $params['idNum']);
if ($result) {
echo "Fichier supprimé";
} else {
echo "Erreur lors de la suppression";
//Téléchargement du fichier
elseif ( isset($_FILES) && count($_FILES)==1 )
$c = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$path = $c->profil->path->shared.'/persist/groupes';
if (!file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path); }
$date = new Zend_Date($params['fileDate'],'dd/MM/yyyy');
$name = 'INTERNE-'.$params['idNum'].'-'.$params['fileType'].'-'.$date->toString('yyyyMMdd');
$n = $_FILES['fichier']['name'];
$s = $_FILES['fichier']['size'];
$tmp_name = $_FILES['fichier']['tmp_name'];
$extValide = array('pdf');
$extension = strrchr($n,'.');
$extension = substr($extension,1);
//Vérifier l'extension du fichier
if( !in_array($extension, $extValide) ){
echo "Extension de fichier incorrect !";
} elseif ( move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $path.'/'.$name.'.'.$extension) ){
$result = false;
//Send info to webservice
$infos = array(
'idType' => $params['idType'],
'idNum' => $params['idNum'],
'periDoc' => $params['periDoc'],
'docRef' => $name,
'dateDocRef' => $date->toString('yyyyMMdd'),
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setLienDoc(json_encode($infos));
//Display message
if ($result) {
echo "Fichier envoyé";
} else {
//Delete file
echo "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement des informations !";
} else {
echo "Erreur lors du déplacement du fichier !";
else {
echo "Greffe";
public function countryidAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$code = $request->getParam('code');
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->getCountryId($code);
$this->view->assign('identifiant', $result->item);
public function bourseAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$id = $request->getParam('id', 0);
$this->view->headTitle()->append('Saisie - '.$siret);
$session = new Scores_Session_Entreprise($siret, $id);
$isin = $session->getIsin();
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->getSaisieBourse($isin);
$infos = json_decode($result, true);
$dateFields = array(
if ( $infos === null ) {
$this->view->assign('error', $result);
} else {
foreach ( $infos as $key => $val ) {
if(in_array($key, $dateFields))
if ($val=="0000-00-00") {
$val = "";
} else {
$date = new Zend_Date($val, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$val = $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy');
$this->view->assign($key, $val);
$this->view->assign('raisonSociale', $session->getRaisonSociale());
$this->view->assign('siren', $session->getSiren());
public function boursesaveAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ( $request->isPost() ){
$infos = $request->getParams();
$dateFields = array(
foreach($dateFields as $dateField)
if ($infos[$dateField] != '') {
$date = new Zend_Date($infos[$dateField], 'dd/MM/yyyy');
$infos[$dateField] = $date->toString('yyyy-MM-dd');
$filtre = array('controller'=>'', 'action'=>'', 'module'=>'', 'id'=>'', 'submit'=>'', 'dateIntroYmd'=>'');
$infos = array_diff_key($infos, $filtre);
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setBourse($infos['code_isin'], json_encode($infos));
$this->view->assign('message', $result);
public function lienidentiteAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$this->view->assign('type', $request->getParam('type'));
$siren = $request->getParam('siren');
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->getIdentite($siren);
$this->view->assign('deviseCapital', 'EUR');
$date = new Zend_Date($result->Bilan->Cloture, 'yyyyMMdd');
$this->view->assign('dateCapital', $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'));
$this->view->assign('bilDev', 'EUR');
$this->view->assign('bilMillesime', $result->Bilan->Millesime);
$this->view->assign('bilFL', $result->Bilan->CA);
$this->view->assign('bilHN', $result->Bilan->Resultat);
$this->view->assign('currencies', $this->currencies);
//Special legal form, go to other display
if ( ($result->FJ>=1000 && $result->FJ<=1999) || ($result->FJ>=10 && $result->FJ<=19) ) {
$this->view->assign('countries', $this->countries);
public function lienficheAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$id = $request->getParam('idFiche', null);
$ws = new WsScores();
if ( $id===null ) {
$siren = $request->getParam('siren');
$result = $ws->searchLienRef($siren, 'siren');
if (count($result->item)>0) {
foreach ($result->item as $item) {
$id = $item->id;
if ( $id!==null ) {
$this->view->assign('edit', $id);
$this->view->assign('currencies', $this->currencies);
$this->view->assign('countries', $this->countries);
$result = $ws->getSaisieLienRef($id);
if ( $result!==false ) {
$items = json_decode($result, true);
if ( $items!==null ) {
Zend_Registry::get('firebug')->info('getSaisieLienRef id='.$id);
//Get country code
if ($items->adresse_pays!='FRA') {
$result = $ws->getCountryId($items['adresse_pays']);
$this->view->assign('identifiant', $result->item);
if (count($items)>0) {
foreach( $items as $key => $val ) {
switch ($key) {
case 'dateCapital':
case 'dateNbActions':
case 'naissance_date':
if (!empty($val) && $val!='0000-00-00') {
$date = new Zend_Date($val, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
$this->view->assign($key, $date->toString('dd/MM/yyyy'));
$this->view->assign($key, $val);
if ($items['PpPm']=='PM') {
$this->view->assign('nom', $items['RS']);
} else {
$dep = new Application_Model_TabDepartements();
$sql = $dep->select();
$rows = $dep->fetchAll($sql);
if ( count($rows)>0 ) {
foreach ($rows as $item) {
$depListe[] = array(
'num' => $item->numdep,
'lib' => $item->libdep,
if ($item->numdep == $items['naissance_dept_pays']) {
$this->view->assign('naissance_dept_pays', 'FRA');
$this->view->assign('naissance_dept', $item->numdep);
$this->view->assign('depListe', $depListe);
$this->view->assign('nom', $items['nom']);
public function lienchangeAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
$lienref = $request->getParam('lienref');
$this->view->assign('lienref', $lienref);
$idLien = $request->getParam('idLien');
$this->view->assign('idLien', $idLien);
$ws = new WsScores();
//Save data
if ( $request->isPost() ){
$id = $request->getParam('id');
if ($id) $result = $ws->setLienChange($mode, $idLien, $id);
if (true === $result) {
$this->view->assign('message', 'Déplacement effectué.');
} else {
$this->view->assign('message', 'Erreur : '.$result);
} else {
$this->view->assign('countries', $this->countries);
//Obtain LienRef
$result = $ws->getSaisieLienRef($lienref);
$infos = json_decode($result,true);
if ($infos['PpPm']=='PM') {
$this->view->assign('nom', $infos['RS']);
} else {
$this->view->assign('nom', $infos['nom'].' '.$infos['prenom']);
public function liendeleteAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$id = $request->getParam('idFiche', null);
$infos = array ('delete' => '1');
$ws = new WsScores();
if ($id===null) {
$siren = $request->getParam('siren');
$result = $ws->searchLienRef($siren, 'siren');
if (count($result->item)>0) {
foreach ($result->item as $item) {
$id = $item->id;
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
if ($id == null) {
$message = 'Fiche n\'est pas trouvée';
} else {
$checkLiens = $ws->getLiensById($id);
if ($checkLiens->actionnaires->item || $checkLiens->participations->item || $checkLiens->directions->item) {
$message = 'Presence des liens';
} else {
$result = $ws->setLienRef(json_encode($infos), $id);
$message = ($result == 1)?'Fiche supprimée':'Erreur de suppression';
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
} else {
$this->view->assign('id', $id);
public function scorecutoffAction()
$ws = new WsScores();
$user = new Scores_Utilisateur();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siren = $request->getParam('siren');
$message = '';
$getcutoff = null;
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
$params = $request->getParams();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
//Confirm delete
if ( $mode == 'todelete' ) {
$this->view->assign('mode', 'todelete');
$this->view->assign('siren', $params['siren']);
$this->view->assign('encours', $params['encours']);
$this->view->assign('scoreSolv', $params['scoreSolv']);
$this->view->assign('scoreDir', $params['scoreDir']);
$this->view->assign('scoreConf', $params['scoreConf']);
$this->view->assign('remarque', $params['remarque']);
$this->view->assign('paiement', $params['paiement']);
elseif ($mode == 'delete') {
$this->view->assign('mode', 'delete');
$message = $ws->setScoreCutoff(
if (is_int($message)){
$message = "Cut-off est supprimé.";
} else {
$message = "Erreur lors de la suppression du cut-off (".$message.").";
//Add or Edit cutoff
else {
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
// check values one more time
$paramlist = array(
'siren' => 'Siren',
'encours' => 'Encours',
'scoreSolv' => 'Indiscore',
'scoreDir' => 'Score dirigeance',
'scoreConf' => 'Score de conformité',
'remarque' => 'Remarque',
'paiement' => 'Information de paiement',
foreach ($paramlist as $item => $val) {
if ( !isset($params[$item]) ) {
$message .= "Valeur $val vide !<br/>";
if ( $params['encours']<0 || $params['encours']>500 ) {
$message = "Encours : Erreur borne";
// end checking values
if ( $message == '' ) {
$message = $ws->setScoreCutoff(
if (is_int($message)){
$message = "Cut-off mis à jour.";
$this->view->assign('mode', 'added');
} else {
$message = "Erreur lors de la mise à jour (".$message.").";
$getcutoff = json_decode($ws->getScoreCutoff($siren), true);
if( !$getcutoff ) {
if ( $message == '' ) {
$message = "Aucun Cut-off, merci de remplir toutes les valeurs";
$getcutoff = array(
'siren' => '',
'encours' => '',
'scoreSolv' => '',
'scoreDir' => '',
'scoreConf' => '',
'remarque' => '',
'paiement' => '',
'dateInsert' => '',
'dateUpdate' => ''
//Display link
else {
$this->view->assign('name', "Définir un Cut-off");
$this->view->assign('href', $this->view->url(array(
) , 'default', true));
$this->view->assign('getcutoff', $getcutoff);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('typescore', $user->getTypeScore());
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
public function citysearchAction()
$cpVille = $this->getRequest()->getParam('cpville', null);
$output = array();
if ( null !== $cpVille) {
$city = new Application_Model_City();
$sql = $city->select('code, libelle');
if (is_numeric($cpVille) && strlen($cpVille)<6) {
$sql->where("code LIKE '".$cpVille."%'");
} else {
$sql->where('libelle LIKE ?', "%$cpVille%");
$rows = $city->fetchAll($sql);
if ( count($rows)>0 ) {
foreach ($rows as $item) {
$output[] = array(
'label' => str_pad($item->code, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT).": ".$item->libelle,
'value' => str_pad($item->code, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT),
$this->view->assign('output', $output);
public function codvoieAction()
$codvoie = $this->getRequest()->getParam('codvoie', null);
$output = array();
if ( null !== $codvoie) {
foreach($this->codVoie as $key=>$val){
if (stripos($key, $codvoie)!==false || stripos($val, $codvoie)!==false){
$output[] = array(
'label' => $key.": ".$val,
'value' => $key
$this->view->assign('output', $output);
* Ajouter, modifier ou supprimer des dirigeants oppérationnels
public function diropcontrolAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$id = $request->getParam('id', null);
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$siren = substr($siret, 0, 9);
$nic = substr($siret, 9, 5);
$ws = new WsScores();
switch ($mode) {
case 'add':
$fonction = $this->fctDir();
$this->view->assign('fonction', $fonction);
case 'edit':
$fonction = $this->fctDir();
$infos = $ws->getDirigeantsOp($siren, $id);
$this->view->assign('fonction', $fonction);
$this->view->assign('infos', $infos->item[0]);
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
$this->view->assign('id', $id);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('nic', $nic);
* Sauvegarder les modifications des dirigeants oppérationnels
public function diropsaveAction()
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$message = '';
$newDate = '0000-00-00';
if (trim($params['naiss_date']) != '') {
$date = new Zend_Date($params['naiss_date'], 'dd/MM/yyyy');
$newDate = $date->toString('yyyy-MM-dd');
$infos = array(
'siren' => $params['siren'],
'nic' => $params['nic'],
'civilite' => $params['civilite'],
'nom' => $params['nom'],
'prenom' => $params['prenom'],
'nom_usage' => $params['nom_usage'],
'dateNais' => $newDate,
'lieuNais' => $params['naiss_lieu'],
'codFct' => str_pad($params['codFct'], 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT),
'tel' => $params['tel'],
'fax' => $params['fax'],
'email' => $params['email']
$ws = new WsScores();
if($params['mode'] == 'add'){
$message = $this->view->translate('Ajout');
} else if ($params['mode'] == 'edit') {
$message = $this->view->translate('Edition');
} else if ($params['mode'] == 'del') {
$message = $this->view->translate('Suppression');
$result = $ws->setDirigeantsOp(json_encode($infos), $params['mode'], $params['id']);
if ($result>0) {
$message = $message.' '.$this->view->translate('a été réussi!');
} else if ($result===0) {
$message = $message.' '.$this->view->translate('n\'a pas été réussi!');
} else {
$message = $result;
$this->view->assign('message', $message);
* Edit contact information
public function contactAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
$id = $request->getParam('id');
$this->view->assign('id', $id);
if ( $request->isPost() ) {
$this->view->assign('post', true);
$params = $request->getParams();
$message = '';
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
if( $mode == 'delete' ) {
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setSaisieContactEt($params['siret'], '', '', '', $id, true);
if ( is_string($result) ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', $result);
} else {
// Check values
$paramlist = array(
'siret' => 'SIRET',
'type' => 'Type',
'value' => 'Valeur',
foreach ($paramlist as $item => $val) {
if (!isset($params[$item])) {
$message .= "Valeur $val vide !<br/>";
// End checking values
$id = null;
if ( array_key_exists('id', $params) && !empty($params['id'])) {
$id = $params['id'];
if ($message == '') {
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->setSaisieContactEt($params['siret'], $params['type'], $params['value'], $params['info'], $id);
if ( is_string($result) ) {
$this->view->assign('msg', $result);
} else {
$this->view->assign('msg', $message);
} else {
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
$siret = $request->getParam('siret');
$this->view->assign('siret', $siret);
if ( $mode=='delete' ) {
$this->view->assign('mode', 'delete');
} else {
if ( $id !== null ) {
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->getSaisieContactEt($id);
$data = json_decode($result, true);
$this->view->assign('id', $data['id']);
$this->view->assign('siret', str_pad($data['siren'],9,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad($data['nic'],5,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT));
$this->view->assign('type', $data['typeTel']);
if ($data['typeTel']=='tel' || $data['typeTel']=='fax' ) {
$this->view->assign('value', str_pad($data['telephone'],10,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT));
$this->view->assign('info', $data['infoTel']);
} else {
$this->view->assign('value', $data->infoTel);
$tabChange = array();
if ( $data->idUtilisateur != 0 ) {
$change = new stdClass();
$change->UserId = $data['idUtilisateur'];
$change->UserName = $data['idUtilisateurName'];
$change->Date = $data['dateInsert'];
$change->Type = 'add';
$tabChange[] = $change;
if ( $data->idUpdate != 0 ) {
$change = new stdClass();
$change->UserId = $data['idUpdate'];
$change->UserName = $data['idUpdateName'];
$change->Date = $data['dateUpdate'];
$change->Type = 'edit';
$tabChange[] = $change;
if ( $data->idSuppr != 0 ) {
$change = new stdClass();
$change->UserId = $data['idSuppr'];
$change->UserName = $data['idSupprName'];
$change->Date = $data['dateSuppr'];
$change->Type = 'del';
$tabChange[] = $change;
$this->view->Modif = $tabChange;
$this->view->telinfo = array(
"agence commerciale",
"agence industries",
"bureau d'étude",
"centrale à béton",
"centre de formation",
"chef d'établissement",
"comité détablissement",
"comité d'entreprise",
"conseil financier",
"conseil immobilier",
"cuisine centrale",
"délégation départementale",
"délégation régionale",
"direction commerciale",
"direction de l'environnement",
"direction des ressources humaines",
"direction financière",
"direction générale",
"direction logistique",
"direction régionale",
"direction technique",
"direction usine",
"division surveillance",
"fournitures industrielles",
"inspection technique",
"local entretien",
"local syndical",
"pièces détachées",
"salle d'exposition",
"secrétariat de direction",
"service après vente/SAV",
"service clients",
"service commandes",
"service commercial",
"service commercial export",
"service comptabilité",
"service comptabilité fournisseurs",
"service courrier",
"service dépannage",
"service entreprises",
"service entretien",
"service expéditions",
"service exploitation",
"service export",
"service financier",
"service formation",
"service fournisseurs",
"service import",
"service informatique",
"service international",
"service locations",
"service logistique",
"service maintenance",
"service maritime",
"service production",
"service qualité",
"service technique",
"service terrestre",
"services généraux",
"standard général",
"standard usine",
"unité de production",
* Enregistrement des informations de geocodage
public function geocodeAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
// --- Diplay form to re-validate geocode
if ( $mode == 'form' ) {
// --- No return
else {
// --- Parametres
$data = array(
'source' => 'google',
'lat' => $request->getParam('lat'),
'lng' => $request->getParam('lng'),
'alt' => $request->getParam('alt'),
'address' => $request->getParam('address'),
'precis' => $request->getParam('precis'),
// --- Execute
$ws = new Scores_Ws_Client('saisie', '0.2');
$p = new stdClass();
$p->companyId = $request->getParam('siret');
$p->type = 'siren';
$p->data = json_encode($data);
$p->override = false;
public function ribibanAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
$siren = $request->getParam('siren', null);
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$guichetMod = $request->getParam('guichetMod');
$banqueMod = $request->getParam('banqueMod');
$ws = new WsScores();
$result = $ws->getIdentite($siren);
$infos = $ws->getBanques($siren);
$this->view->assign('siren', $siren);
$this->view->assign('mode', $mode);
$this->view->assign('banques', $infos->result->item);
$this->view->assign('guichetMod', $guichetMod);
$this->view->assign('banqueMod', $banqueMod);
public function ribansaveAction(){
$request = $this->getRequest();
$codeBanque = str_replace(' ', '',$request->getParam('code_banque'));
$codeGuichet = str_replace(' ', '',$request->getParam('code_guichet'));
$numCompte = str_replace(' ', '',$request->getParam('num_compte'));
$bicSwift = str_replace(' ', '',$request->getParam('bic_swift'));
$iban = str_replace(' ', '',$request->getParam('iban'));
$mode = $request->getParam('mode');
$this->view->assign('code_banque', $guichetMod);
$this->view->assign('code_guichet', $codeGuichet);
$this->view->assign('num_compte', $numCompte);
$this->view->assign('bic_swift', $bicSwift);
$this->view->assign('iban', $iban);