Modification de certains chemins Ajout du framework dans l'extranet
57 lines
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57 lines
1.7 KiB
# The data for the pie chart
$data = array(72, 18, 15, 12);
# The depths for the sectors
$depths = array(30, 20, 10, 10);
# The labels for the pie chart
$labels = array("Sunny", "Cloudy", "Rainy", "Snowy");
# The icons for the sectors
$icons = array("sun.png", "cloud.png", "rain.png", "snowy.png");
# Create a PieChart object of size 400 x 310 pixels, with a blue (CCCCFF) vertical
# metal gradient background, black border, 1 pixel 3D border effect and rounded
# corners
$c = new PieChart(400, 310, metalColor(0xccccff, 0), 0x000000, 1);
#Set directory for loading images to current script directory
#Need when running under Microsoft IIS
# Set the center of the pie at (200, 180) and the radius to 100 pixels
$c->setPieSize(200, 180, 100);
# Add a title box using 15 pts Times Bold Italic font, on a blue (CCCCFF) background
# with glass effect
$textBoxObj = $c->addTitle("Weather Profile in Wonderland", "timesbi.ttf", 15);
$textBoxObj->setBackground(0xccccff, 0x000000, glassEffect());
# Set the pie data and the pie labels
$c->setData($data, $labels);
# Add icons to the chart as a custom field
# Configure the sector labels using CDML to include the icon images
"<*block,valign=absmiddle*><*img={field0}*> <*block*>{label}\n{percent}%<*/*>".
# Draw the pie in 3D with variable 3D depths
# Set the start angle to 225 degrees may improve layout when the depths of the sector
# are sorted in descending order, because it ensures the tallest sector is at the
# back.
# output the chart
header("Content-type: image/png");