Michael RICOIS 893f4da173 Ajout de tous les fichiers de l'extranet
Modification de certains chemins
Ajout du framework dans l'extranet
2009-02-17 13:14:53 +00:00


This package contains JpGraph, an Object Oriented PHP4 Graph Plotting library.

The library is Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Aditus Consulting and
released under dual license QPL 1.0 for open source and educational
use and JpGraph Professional License for commercial use. 

Please see full license details at http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/

* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Please use the 2.x serie if PHP5 support is required
* --------------------------------------------------------------------

Included files
README	                This file
QPL.txt                 QPL 1.0  Licensee

  Changelog			Changelog
  jpg-config.inc.php		Configuration setup for JpGraph
  jpgraph.php			Base library
  jpgraph_errhandler.inc.php	Base library. Error handler module.
  gd_image.inc.php		Base library. GD interface class
  jpgraph_ttf.inc.php		Base library. TTF font handling

  jpgraph_led.php		Extension: LED digits module
  jpgraph_log.php		Extension: logarithmic scales
  jpgraph_date.php		Extension: date/time scales	
  jpgraph_line.php		Extension: line plots 
  jpgraph_bar.php		Extension: bar plots
  jpgraph_error.php		Extension: error plots
  jpgraph_scatter.php		Extension: scatter/impulse plots
  jpgraph_radar.php		Extension: radar plots
  jpgraph_pie.php		Extension: pie plots
  jpgraph_pie3d.php		Extension: 3D pie plots
  jpgraph_canvas.php		Extension: drawing canvas
  jpgraph_canvtools.php		Extension: utility classes for working with canvas
  jpgraph_gantt.php		Extension: Gantt chart
  jpgraph_regstat.php		Extension: Statistics and cubic splines.
  jpgraph_stock.php		Extension: Stock and box plots.
  jpgraph_gradient.php		Extension: Color gradient class
  jpgraph_gb2312.php		Extension: Chinese GB2312 to Unicode translation
  jpgraph_plotmark.php		Extension: Handle plotmarks in plots
  jpgraph_imgtrans.php		Extension: Basic image transformation
  jpgraph_flags.php		Extension: Country flags
  jpgraph_iconplot.php		Extension: Use image icons in plots
  jpgraph_plotband.php		Extension: Plotbands in graphs
  jpgraph_plotmark.inc.php	Extension: Using plotmarks in graphs
  jpgraph_antispam.php		Extension: Antispam module
  jpgraph_utils.inc.php		Extension: Non mandatory Utility classes
  jpgraph_mgraph.php		Extension: Multi graph
  imgdata_*.inc			Extension: Encoded images for plot marks
  flags*.dat			Raw Image data: Pre-compiled data for country flags.

/src/Examples		A directory with example sripts.
			Run testsuit.php to get a list of all
			files and you can easily click on a file to
			see the code and the resulting image.

/docs			Directory with all documentation		
/docs/index.html	Documentation portal

* PHP 4.3.5 or higher 
  (earlier versions might work but is unsupported)
* GD 1.8.x or GD 2.15 or higher

* PHP 4.4.0 
* PHP Builtin GD 2.28 library

0. Make sure that the PHP version is compatible with the stated requirements
   and that the PHP installation has support for the GD library. 
   Please run phpinfo() to check if GD library
   is supported in the installation. 
   If the GD library doesn't seem to be installed 
   please consult the PHP manual under section "Image" for
   instructions on where to find this library. Please refer to
   the manual section "Verifying your PHP installation"
1. Unzip and copy the files to a directory of your choice where Your
   httpd sever can access them. 
   For a global site installation you should copy the files to 
   somewhere in the PHP search path. 

2. Check that the default directory paths in jpg-config.inc
   for cache directory and TTF directory suits your installation. 
   Note1: The default directories are different depending on if
   the library is running on Windows or UNIX.
   Note2: Apache/PHP must have write permission to your cache 
   directory if you enable the cache feature. By default the cache
   is disabled.

3. Check that all rest of the DEFINE in jpg-config.inc 
   is setup to your preference. The default should be fine
   for most users. (See also Note 3. below)
4. If any problems are encounted please start by reading the FAQ on 

The installation includes HTML documentation and reference guide for the
library. The portal page for all the documentation is

0. Make sure your PHP installation has the minimum requirements and has
   the GD library enabled (most modern installations fulfills the minimmum
   requirements). See chapter 3.1 in the manual.

1. If an empty page is returned back when running an example check
   the following

     i)  Increase the maximum memory allowed by PHP (in php.ini) to at least 32MB
    ii)  Enable all error messages and notices in php.ini (error_reporting = E_ALL)
    III) Make sure output buffering is disabled in php.ini (output_buffering = Off) 
         this will make it possible to see the errors more easily
    IV)  Disable any PHP accelerometer you may have installed (e.g. Zend Cache)

   Then try running the example again. Most likely an error message will
   now be shown that will give further information on what is wrong.
   For further clarifiction on the casues for the error messages see
   the FAQ section on the WEB site.

2. If you are running IIS and Win2k and get the error "Can't find
   font' when trying to use TTF fonts then try to change you paths
   to UNIX style, i.e. "/usr/local/fonts/ttf/". Remember that the
   path is absolute and not relative to the htdocs catalogue. Some 
   versions of GD for Windows also need you to set the environment
   variable GDFONTPATH for GD to find the fonts.

3. If you are using the cache please make sure that you have
   set the permissions correctly for the cache directory so that
   Apache/PHP can write to that directory.

Bug reports and suggestions
Should be reported in the issue tracker at


Change history:
Date        Ver        Comment
2007-10-19  1.22       Minor Feature release
2007-03-25  1.21       Feature release
2006-09-24  1.20.5     Maintenance release
2006-05-26  1.20.4a    Maintenance release
2006-02-18  1.20.3     Minor defect and feature release
2005-12-04  1.20       Major feature enhancements
2005-07-10  1.19       Various minor defects fixed
2005-06-06  1.18       Date scale and guide-lines for Pie
2005-01-16  1.17       Functional enhancement, bug fixes
2004-11-02  1.17-beta2 Functional enhancement, bug fixes
2004-09-12  1.17-beta  Port to PHP5 in compatibility mode. 
2004-06-20  1.16       Minor defect fixes
2004-05-04  1.15       Final 1.15
2004-04-19  1.15 BETA  Defect fixes and code restructuring to make 
                       jpgraph.php smaller.
2003-11-25  1.14       Additional error checking, country flags, icon etc
2003-08-19  1.13 BETA  Improved Gantt graphs various other changes and bug fixes
2003-02-02  1.11       Stock charts and some minor oter changes.
2002-12-16  1.10       Alpha blending, cubic splines and field plots
2002-10-30  1.9.1      Fixed two stupid mistakes in 1.9
2002-10-25  1.9        TTF font change. Many small additional improvements
2002-09-17  1.8	       Documentation update.
2002-09-09  1.8 BETA   Functional improvements.
2002-07-05  1.7        Functional improvements. Rotated bar graphs.
2002-06-17  1.7 BETA   Functional improvements.        
2002-05-15  1.6.3      Enhancements to Gantt graphs anbd minor bug fixes.
2002-04-19  1.6.2      Addition of image maps for line and scatter plot
2002-04-07  1.6.1      Bug fixes for 3D pies and image maps for pie's
2002-04-01  1.6	       Functional improvments
2002-04-01  1.6 BETA   Beta candidate for 1.6
2002-03-01  1.5.3      Fix minor release problem in 1.5.2
2002-02-29  1.5.2      Minor bug fixes.
2002-02-11  1.5.1      Minor bug fixes.
2002-01-27  1.5	       Functional improvements. Gantt charts.
2002-01-17  1.5-BETA2  Functional improvements, bug fixes
2001-12-16  1.5-BETA   Functional improvements, gantt-charts, bug fixes.
2001-11-12  1.4        Functional improvements, bug fixes.
2001-09-23  1.3.1      Minor bug fixes
2001-09-13  1.3        Major functional enhancements and minor bugfixes
2001-04-29  1.2.2      Minor bug fixes. Addded background image support 
2001-03-29  1.2.1      Minor bug fixes. Experimental support for 3D pie plots
2001-03-18  1.2        Second release see changes.txt
2001-02-18  1.1        Second release see changes.txt
2001-02-04  1.0        First public release