Transfert Check after file on FTP follow by CFTP or others
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,148 @@
Mise à disposition fichier de télétransmission
Configuration pour les fichiers en entrées
'client' => array(
'prestations' => array(
'name' => Nom de la prestation pour référence (UPPERCASE)
'type' => Type du dépot SFTP|FTP
'directory' => Répertoire de dépot (par defaut "send")
'filemask' => Masque du fichier à récupérer ! not working
'in' => array(
--See the list of options--
'out' => array(
--See the list of options--
Send Options list (in)
- CopyAddDate - Copy file and add a timestamp to the end of the filename
- CopyDeleteAfter - After copying the file delete it in repository
- RunWithEndFile - Only execute action when we receive file with extension .fin or .end
- Log - Log transfert
- Route - For each Route options (cp, ftp, sftp, mail)
cp => realpath of dir
- FilterName - Filtre par nom de prestation (true) ou par nom défini
Recv Options list (out)
- Log - Log read disable by default
Tck Options list (Check Transfert - use with CFT and other transfert mode)
ALTER TABLE `flux_fileout` ADD `transfertDate` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER `depotDateRead`;
Envoi dans le repo du client fichier *.tck
Recherche du fichier dans la table des flux et remplissage marqueur transfertDate
Créer fileMail => Recupération element par mail, enregistrement
Filtre sur email et/ou sujet
Créer fileTransfert => envoi sur le FTP, SFTP du client
Note CFT
&PART Partner name (ID of CFTPART)
&GROUP Group to which the partner belongs
&SPART Sending partner name
&RPART Receiving partner name
&IPART Intermediate partner name
&NPART Network name of partner sending data (NSPART or NRPART according to the transfer direction)
&IDT Transfer identifier
&NIDT Protocol transfer identifier
&IDTU Local transfer counter (unique)
&PIDTU Parent idtu of the child transfers
&PHASE Processing phases to help manage transfer flows
&PHASESTEP Step in processing phase
&APPSTATE State step for the processing script to restart if relaunched
&NSUB Counter for the submitting of end-of-transfer procedures, error procedures and procedures submitted by SUBMIT.
If 4 characters long, the counter is reset to 1 after 9999
&DIAGI Internal diagnostic code value
&DIAGP Protocol diagnostic code value
&COMP Compression negotiated for the transfer
&NBT Number of bytes transferred
&PRI Transfer CFT priority for the transfer (0 to 255)
&QQ Number of the day in the year associated with the transfer identifier
&SELFNAME Name of the generic transfer selection file
&FCODE Code for the data in a file
&TRTYPE Available at the end of transfer to designate FILE, MESSAGE, REPLY, or NACK
&NCODE Code for the data sent over the network
&EXITFREE Free communication area between multiple exits
&XLATE Transcoding table used during transfer
&MODE Server mode = ‘S’ transfer, Requester mode = ‘R’ transfer
&IDF Model file identifier (logical name)
&FNAME Physical file local name
&FKEYLEN Length (received) of the indexed file key at the sender’s site
&FKEYPOS Position (received) of the indexed file key at the sender’s site
&NBR Number of records in the file
&BLKNUM Catalog block number
&XLATE Identifier of the translation table used
&NBC Number of bytes in the transferred file
&NIDF Model file network identifier
&FDB Database name
&FCHARSET Local file encoding
&NCHARSET Destination file encoding for network data
&NFNAME Physical file network name
&UNIT Physical file volume name for received file (MVS, z/OS)
&UNITC Physical file unit class for received file (MVS, z/OS)
&PATH Local file path of the received file
&ROOT Local file root for the received file
&SUF Local file suffix for the received file
&SFNAME Name of file to send
&FUNIT Physical file volume name for sending file (z/OS,MVS)
&FUNITC Physical file unit for sending file (z/OS,MVS)
&FPATH Prefix (file path) of the sending file
&FROOT Root (actual file name) of the sending file
&FSUF Suffix associated with file name of the sending file
DATE and TIME associated with a FILE
&FDATE Date associated with the file
&FTIME Time associated with the file
&FYEAR Year associated with the file
&FMONTH Month associated with the file
&FDAY Day associated with the file
DATE and TIME associated with a CATALOG
&CDATE Catalog entry date
&CTIME Transfer start date
&BTIME Transfer start time
&BYEAR Start year for the transfer
&BMONTH Start month for the transfer
&BDAY Transfer start day
&EDATE Transfer end date
&ETIME Transfer end time f
&EYEAR Transfer end year
&EMONTH Transfer end month
&EDAY Transfer end day
&TT Transmission duration in seconds (TIMES attribute in the Transfer CFT catalog)
&FLOG Name of last log file used by Transfer CFT
&FACCNT Name of last statistics file used by Transfer CFT
&FCAT Name of catalog used by Transfer CFT
Utilisation des événements INOTIFY pour la surveillance des dossiers
The command may contain these wildcards:
@ -86,49 +228,3 @@ The following bits may be set in the mask field returned by read(2):
File system containing watched object was unmounted.
Configuration pour les fichiers en entrées
'client' => array(
'prestations' => array(
'name' => Nom de la prestation pour référence (UPPERCASE)
'type' => Type du dépot SFTP|FTP
'directory' => Répertoire de dépot (par defaut "send")
'filemask' => Masque du fichier à récupérer ! not working
'in' => array(
--See the list of options--
'out' => array(
--See the list of options--
Send Options list (in)
- CopyAddDate - Copy file and add a timestamp to the end of the filename
- CopyDeleteAfter - After copying the file delete it in repository
- RunWithEndFile - Only execute action when we receive file with extension .fin or .end
- Log - Log transfert
- Route - For each Route options (cp, ftp, sftp, mail)
cp => realpath of dir
- FilterName - Filtre par nom de prestation (true) ou par nom défini
Recv Options list (out)
- Log - Log read disable by default
Créer fileMail => Recupération element par mail, enregistrement
Filtre sur email et/ou sujet
@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ if ( isset($opts->file) )
$extension = $pathParts['extension'];
// --- Don't play with *.tck files
if ($extension == 'tck') {
$client = basename(dirname($pathParts['dirname']));
// --- Base path, type and repository
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
* Indicateur de transfert par un autre système
* Attention le script doit s'executer avec l'utilisateur root
// Define path to application directory
|| define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/application'));
// Define application environment
|| define('APPLICATION_ENV', (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') : 'production'));
// Ensure library/ is on include_path
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(
realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library'),
/** Zend_Application */
require_once 'Zend/Application.php';
// Create application, bootstrap, and run
$application = new Zend_Application(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'
try {
$opts = new Zend_Console_Getopt(
'help|?' => "Displays usage information.",
'file|f=s' => "Give the full file path to integrate",
'debug' => "Send a mail for debug",
} catch (Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception $e) {
echo $e->getUsageMessage();
// --- Usage
if( isset($opts->help) || count($opts->getOptions())==0 )
echo "Mark as transfert.\n";
echo $opts->getUsageMessage();
// --- Get the file
if ( isset($opts->file) )
$optionsNoLog = false;
$repositoryDir = 'send';
$c = new Zend_Config($application->getOptions());
// --- Get the main directory name in FTP and SFTP
$pathParts = pathinfo($opts->file);
$filenameIn = $pathParts['basename'];
$extension = '';
if (array_key_exists('extension', $pathParts))
$extension = $pathParts['extension'];
// --- Only file with .tck
if ($extension != 'tck') {
$client = basename(dirname($pathParts['dirname']));
$filenameSearch = str_replace('.tck', '', $filenameIn);
// --- Base path, type and repository
$startpos = strlen( $c->profil->path->data . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );
if ('sftp' == substr($opts->file, $startpos, 4))
$type = 'SFTP';
$fluxBasePath = $c->profil->path->sftp . '/' . $client;
elseif ('ftp' == substr($opts->file, $startpos, 3))
$type = 'FTP';
$fluxBasePath = $c->profil->path->ftp . '/' . $client;
$fluxRepository = str_replace(array($fluxBasePath.'/', '/'.$filenameIn), array('', ''), $opts->file);
// --- Match prestation
$prestations = include __DIR__ . '/fileConfig.php';
$prestation = null;
if (array_key_exists($client, $prestations))
$clientPrestations = $prestations[$client]['prestations'];
foreach ($clientPrestations as $i => $p)
// --- Not default repository dir
if (array_key_exists('directory', $p) && !empty($p['directory']))
$repositoryDir = $p['directory'];
if ($type == $p['type'] && $fluxRepository == $repositoryDir)
$prestation = $p['name'];
// --- Set option
if (array_key_exists('in', $p) && count($p['in']) > 0)
foreach ($p['in'] as $option => $value)
${'options'.$option} = $value;
$fluxBasePath .= '/'.$repositoryDir;
// --- Prepare mail or Debug mode
if ($opts->mail || $opts->debug)
$subject = "[Flux] - Transfert fichier $client";
$txt = "Transfert d'un fichier\n";
$txt.= "Client : $client\n";
$txt.= "Fichier : ".$filenameIn."\n";
$mail = new Zend_Mail('UTF-8');
// --- Configuration du transport SMTP
if ( $c->profil->mail->method == 'smtp' ) {
$config = array();
if ( isset($this->config->auth) ) {
$config['auth'] = $this->config->auth;
if ( isset($this->config->username) ) {
$config['username'] = $c->profil->mail->username;
if ( isset($this->config->password) ) {
$config['password'] = $c->profil->mail->password;
if ( isset($this->config->port) ) {
$config['port'] = $c->profil->mail->port;
$tr = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp($c->profil->mail->host, $config);
// --- Configuration transport Sendmail
if ( $this->config->mail->method == 'sendmail' ) {
$tr = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Sendmail();
$mail->setFrom('', 'Machine Flux');
$mail->addTo('', 'Suivi');
// --- Stop
if ($opts->mail) {
// --- Execute
if ($optionsNoLog === false)
$db = Zend_Db::factory($c->profil->db->metier);
try {
$fluxM = new Application_Model_Sdv1FluxFileOut();
$fluxM->update(array('transfertDate' => date('YmdHis')), "fileOut='".$filenameSearch."'");
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." - Enregistrement client:$client fichier:$filenameSearch\n";
catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e)
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." - ERREUR Enregistrement client:$client fichier:$filenameSearch\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user