fusion parciel library enrichissement avec library
This commit is contained in:
@ -635,13 +635,13 @@ class Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc
$result = array();
$sql = "SELECT t.triId, t.triIdSup, i.CodeInsee, t.triCode, t.triType, t.triNom,
t.triCP, LPAD(t.triTel,10,0) AS triTel, LPAD(t.triFax,10,0) AS triFax, t.triWeb,
t.triMail, t.triSiret, t.triAdrNum, t.triAdrIndRep, t.triAdrTypeVoie, t.triAdrVoie,
t.triAdrComp, t.triVille, t.triStatut, t.triDateCessation, t.triCommentaire,
FROM jo.tribunaux t, jo.tribunauxInsee i
WHERE i.CodeInsee= :inseeCode AND i.triId=t.triId
$sql = "SELECT t.triId, t.triIdSup, i.CodeInsee, t.triCode, t.triType, t.triNom,
t.triCP, LPAD(t.triTel,10,0) AS triTel, LPAD(t.triFax,10,0) AS triFax, t.triWeb,
t.triMail, t.triSiret, t.triAdrNum, t.triAdrIndRep, t.triAdrTypeVoie, t.triAdrVoie,
t.triAdrComp, t.triVille, t.triStatut, t.triDateCessation, t.triCommentaire,
FROM jo.tribunaux t, jo.tribunauxInsee i
WHERE i.CodeInsee= :inseeCode AND i.triId=t.triId
ORDER BY t.triNumGreffe DESC, t.triId ASC";
$stmtNb = 0;
try {
@ -670,10 +670,10 @@ class Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc
$result = array();
$sql = "SELECT t.triId, t.triIdSup, t.triCode, t.triType, t.triNom, t.triCP,
LPAD(t.triTel,10,0) AS triTel, LPAD(t.triFax,10,0) AS triFax, t.triWeb, t.triMail,
t.triSiret, t.triAdrNum, t.triAdrIndRep, t.triAdrTypeVoie, t.triAdrVoie, t.triAdrComp,
t.triVille, t.triStatut, t.triDateCessation, t.triCommentaire, t.triNumGreffe
$sql = "SELECT t.triId, t.triIdSup, t.triCode, t.triType, t.triNom, t.triCP,
LPAD(t.triTel,10,0) AS triTel, LPAD(t.triFax,10,0) AS triFax, t.triWeb, t.triMail,
t.triSiret, t.triAdrNum, t.triAdrIndRep, t.triAdrTypeVoie, t.triAdrVoie, t.triAdrComp,
t.triVille, t.triStatut, t.triDateCessation, t.triCommentaire, t.triNumGreffe
FROM jo.tribunaux t WHERE t.triCP BETWEEN :dep1 AND :dep2 ORDER BY t.triType ASC";
$stmtNb = 0;
try {
@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ class Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc
try {
$stmt = $this->conn->query("SELECT prenom, genre, mixte, nbTot FROM npaipp.pp_prenoms
$stmt = $this->conn->query("SELECT prenom, genre, mixte, nbTot FROM npaipp.pp_prenoms
WHERE prenom='".addslashes($prenom)."' AND nbTot>100 ORDER BY nbTot DESC");
} catch (\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException $e) {
@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ class Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc
$result = array();
$sql = "SELECT Bodacc_Code, Bodacc_Annee_Parution, Bodacc_Num, Num_Annonce, Tribunal_Dept, Tribunal_Code, Rubrique_Bodacc, length(annonce) as Long
$sql = "SELECT Bodacc_Code, Bodacc_Annee_Parution, Bodacc_Num, Num_Annonce, Tribunal_Dept, Tribunal_Code, Rubrique_Bodacc, length(annonce) as Long
FROM jo.bodacc WHERE Bodacc_Code=:code AND Bodacc_Annee_Parution=:annee AND Bodacc_Num=:num";
$stmtNb = 0;
try {
@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ class Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc
$result = array();
$sql = "SELECT id, dep, nomJal, siteWeb, email, adresse, cp, ville, tel, fax, parution, aboAnnuel, infos
$sql = "SELECT id, dep, nomJal, siteWeb, email, adresse, cp, ville, tel, fax, parution, aboAnnuel, infos
FROM jo.tabJAL WHERE dep = :dep";
$stmtNb = 0;
try {
@ -1464,9 +1464,9 @@ class Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc
} elseif ($activite == '' && ($fj < 7000 || $fj > 7999)) {
$sql = "SELECT e.ANBASE, e.NOBOD, e.CODTRI, e.JAL, e.DATE, e.CODEVE, e.SSCODE, e.DEPT, e.NOANN, e.ROLE, e.SIREN, e.E1GSIR, e.E1GNIC, x.annonceNum, x.annonceTxt
FROM historiques.entrep e, historiques.texte x
WHERE e.E1GSIR=:siren AND e.ANBASE=x.annonceNum AND e.DATE BETWEEN 19890101 AND 20041231 AND x.annonceTxt LIKE '%ctivit%'
$sql = "SELECT e.ANBASE, e.NOBOD, e.CODTRI, e.JAL, e.DATE, e.CODEVE, e.SSCODE, e.DEPT, e.NOANN, e.ROLE, e.SIREN, e.E1GSIR, e.E1GNIC, x.annonceNum, x.annonceTxt
FROM historiques.entrep e, historiques.texte x
WHERE e.E1GSIR=:siren AND e.ANBASE=x.annonceNum AND e.DATE BETWEEN 19890101 AND 20041231 AND x.annonceTxt LIKE '%ctivit%'
$stmtNb = 0;
try {
@ -1508,6 +1508,6 @@ class Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc
$tabCjBodacc = include 'Metier/Bodacc/BodaccCJ.php';
$strFJ = strtoupper(trim(preg_replace('/[^a-z]/i', '', $strFJ)));
return $tabCjBodacc[$strFJ];
return isset($tabCjBodacc[$strFJ])?$tabCjBodacc[$strFJ]:'';
@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ class Metier_Insee_MInsee extends Metier_Insee_Table
'Capital' => $etab['capital'],
'CapitalDev' => $etab['capitalDev'],
'TrancheCA' => $etab['tca'],
'TrancheCALib' => self::$tabTCA[$etab['tca']],
'TrancheCALib' => isset(self::$tabTCA[$etab['tca']])?self::$tabTCA[$etab['tca']]:null,
'EffEnTr' => $etab['teff_entrep'],
'EffEnTrLib' => self::$tabEffectif[$etab['teff_entrep']],
'EffEtTr' => $etab['teff_etab'],
@ -5591,459 +5591,460 @@ class Metier_Insee_MInsee extends Metier_Insee_Table
try {
$stmt = $this->conn->executeQuery($sql);
} catch (\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException $e) {
if ($this->logger !== null) {
// --- Traitement des resultats
if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
// --- Identite Light de l'entité
if ($this->Identite === null) {
$this->Identite = $this->getIdentiteLight($siren);
// --- Parcours des annonces
while ($ann = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
// --- Formatage bodacc
if ($ann['SourceTable'] == 'bodacc') {
$tabEven = explode(';', $ann['typeEven']);
$tabRetEven = array();
// --- Annonce rubrique insertion
if ($ann['typeAnnonce']!='Insertion') {
// --- Sélection des événements
// --- Traitement des resultats
if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
// --- Identite Light de l'entité
if ($this->Identite === null) {
$this->Identite = $this->getIdentiteLight($siren);
// --- Parcours des annonces
while ($ann = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
// --- Formatage bodacc
if ($ann['SourceTable'] == 'bodacc') {
$tabEven = explode(';', $ann['typeEven']);
$tabRetEven = array();
// --- Annonce rubrique insertion
if ($ann['typeAnnonce']!='Insertion') {
// --- Sélection des événements
foreach ($tabEven as $even) {
if (intval($even) != 0) {
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $even,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($even)
// Libellé générique
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => '0000',
'LibEven' => $ann['typeAnnonce']." de l'annonce du ".
Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd/m/Y', $ann['corrBodacc_Date_Parution'])
// --- Annonce autre rubrique
else {
if (trim($ann['typeEven'])!='') {
foreach ($tabEven as $even) {
if (intval($even) != 0) {
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $even,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($even)
'CodeEven' => $even,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($even)
// Libellé générique
// --- Detection plan
if ($this->AnnoncesLegalesVisu === false) {
$this->getAnnoncesLegalesPlan('bodacc', $this->Identite['FJ'], $ann);
} else {
switch ($ann['Rubrique']) {
case 'mmd': $codeEven='2313'; $libEven = "Modification(s) diverse(s)"; break;
case 'comptes': $codeEven='3999'; $libEven = "Dépôt des comptes"; break;
case 'creations': $codeEven='4999'; $libEven = "Création d'entreprise"; break;
case 'procol': $codeEven='1999'; $libEven = "Procédure collective"; break;
case 'radiations': $codeEven='6700'; $libEven = "Radiation"; break;
case 'ventes': $codeEven='5999'; $libEven = "Vente/Cession"; break;
default: $codeEven='0000'; $libEven = $ann['Rubrique']; break;
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => '0000',
'LibEven' => $ann['typeAnnonce']." de l'annonce du ".
Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd/m/Y', $ann['corrBodacc_Date_Parution'])
'CodeEven' => $codeEven,
'LibEven' => $libEven
// --- Annonce autre rubrique
else {
if (trim($ann['typeEven'])!='') {
foreach ($tabEven as $even) {
if (intval($even) != 0) {
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $even,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($even)
// --- Detection plan
if ($this->AnnoncesLegalesVisu === false) {
$this->getAnnoncesLegalesPlan('bodacc', $this->Identite['FJ'], $ann);
} else {
switch ($ann['Rubrique']) {
case 'mmd': $codeEven='2313'; $libEven = "Modification(s) diverse(s)"; break;
case 'comptes': $codeEven='3999'; $libEven = "Dépôt des comptes"; break;
case 'creations': $codeEven='4999'; $libEven = "Création d'entreprise"; break;
case 'procol': $codeEven='1999'; $libEven = "Procédure collective"; break;
case 'radiations': $codeEven='6700'; $libEven = "Radiation"; break;
case 'ventes': $codeEven='5999'; $libEven = "Vente/Cession"; break;
default: $codeEven='0000'; $libEven = $ann['Rubrique']; break;
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $codeEven,
'LibEven' => $libEven
$dateCes = str_replace('-', '', $ann['dateCessationActivite'])*1;
$dateDeb = str_replace('-', '', $ann['dateDebutActivite'])*1;
$dateEff = str_replace('-', '', $ann['dateEffet'])*1;
if ($dateCes > 0) {
$dateEffet = $ann['dateCessationActivite'];
} elseif ($dateDeb > 0) {
$dateEffet = $ann['dateDebutActivite'];
} else {
$dateEffet = $ann['dateEffet'];
$adresseAnn = trim(preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $ann['adresseSiege'].' '.$ann['codePostalSiege'].' '.$ann['villeSiege']));
if (strlen($adresse) <8) {
$adresseAnn = trim(preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $ann['adresse'].' '.$ann['codePostal'].' '.$ann['ville']));
// --- Retour bodacc
$retFormat = array(
'id' => $ann['id'],
'BodaccCode' => 'BOD'.$ann['Bodacc_Code'],
'BodaccNum' => $ann['Bodacc_Num'],
'NumAnnonce' => $ann['Num_Annonce'],
'DateParution' => $ann['Bodacc_Date_Parution'],
'Departement' => $ann['Tribunal_Dept'],
'Tribunal' => $ann['triNom'],
'TribunalCode' => $ann['triCode'],
'TribunalSiret' => $ann['triSiret'],
'Rubrique' => $ann['Rubrique'],
'typeAnnonce' => $ann['typeAnnonce'],
'texteRectificatif' => $ann['corrTexteRectificatif'],
'dateEffet' => $dateEffet,
'dateJugement' => $ann['dateJugement'],
'dateFin' => $ann['dateFinObservation'],
'montantVente' => trim($ann['VenteMt'].' '.$ann['VenteDev']),
'libFJ' => $ann['FJ'],
'codFJ' => $this->iBodacc->getCodeFormeJur($ann['FJ']),
'capital' => $ann['Capital'],
'capitalDev' => $ann['CapitalDev'],
'raisonSociale' => $ann['raisonSociale'],
'nomCommercial' => $ann['nomCommercial'],
'sigle' => $ann['sigle'],
'adresse' => $adresseAnn,
'dateInsertionSD' => $ann['dateInsert'],
'evenements' => $tabRetEven,
'complement' => $ann['complement'],
'deleted' => $ann['deleted'],
'texteAnnonce' => $ann['annonce'],
$tabRet[] = $retFormat;
// --- Formattage Histo
elseif ($ann['SourceTable'] == 'histo') {
if ($ann['JAL']==1) {
} elseif ($ann['JAL']==200) {
// 4xxx
if ($ann['CODEVE']<20) {
// 5xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<=25) {
// 2xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<40) {
// 6xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<42) {
// 2xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<50) {
// 1xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<80) {
$tabEvens = array();
$newCodeEven = $this->HistoEvenConvert[$ann['CODEVE']];
if ($newCodeEven*1 == 2318) {
$tabNewEven = explode(';', $this->HistoRoleConvert[$ann['ROLE']]);
if (count($tabNewEven) > 0) {
foreach ($tabNewEven as $newCodeEven) {
$tabEvens[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $newCodeEven,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($newCodeEven));
} else {
$dateCes = str_replace('-', '', $ann['dateCessationActivite'])*1;
$dateDeb = str_replace('-', '', $ann['dateDebutActivite'])*1;
$dateEff = str_replace('-', '', $ann['dateEffet'])*1;
if ($dateCes > 0) {
$dateEffet = $ann['dateCessationActivite'];
} elseif ($dateDeb > 0) {
$dateEffet = $ann['dateDebutActivite'];
} else {
$dateEffet = $ann['dateEffet'];
$adresseAnn = trim(preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $ann['adresseSiege'].' '.$ann['codePostalSiege'].' '.$ann['villeSiege']));
if (strlen($adresse) <8) {
$adresseAnn = trim(preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $ann['adresse'].' '.$ann['codePostal'].' '.$ann['ville']));
// --- Retour bodacc
$retFormat = array(
'id' => $ann['id'],
'BodaccCode' => 'BOD'.$ann['Bodacc_Code'],
'BodaccNum' => $ann['Bodacc_Num'],
'NumAnnonce' => $ann['Num_Annonce'],
'DateParution' => $ann['Bodacc_Date_Parution'],
'Departement' => $ann['Tribunal_Dept'],
'Tribunal' => $ann['triNom'],
'TribunalCode' => $ann['triCode'],
'TribunalSiret' => $ann['triSiret'],
'Rubrique' => $ann['Rubrique'],
'typeAnnonce' => $ann['typeAnnonce'],
'texteRectificatif' => $ann['corrTexteRectificatif'],
'dateEffet' => $dateEffet,
'dateJugement' => $ann['dateJugement'],
'dateFin' => $ann['dateFinObservation'],
'montantVente' => trim($ann['VenteMt'].' '.$ann['VenteDev']),
'libFJ' => $ann['FJ'],
'codFJ' => $this->iBodacc->getCodeFormeJur($ann['FJ']),
'capital' => $ann['Capital'],
'capitalDev' => $ann['CapitalDev'],
'raisonSociale' => $ann['raisonSociale'],
'nomCommercial' => $ann['nomCommercial'],
'sigle' => $ann['sigle'],
'adresse' => $adresseAnn,
'dateInsertionSD' => $ann['dateInsert'],
'evenements' => $tabRetEven,
'complement' => $ann['complement'],
'deleted' => $ann['deleted'],
'texteAnnonce' => $ann['annonce'],
$tabRet[] = $retFormat;
// --- Formattage Histo
elseif ($ann['SourceTable'] == 'histo') {
if ($ann['JAL']==1) {
} elseif ($ann['JAL']==200) {
// 4xxx
if ($ann['CODEVE']<20) {
// 5xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<=25) {
// 2xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<40) {
// 6xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<42) {
// 2xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<50) {
// 1xxx
elseif ($ann['CODEVE']<80) {
$tabEvens = array();
$newCodeEven = $this->HistoEvenConvert[$ann['CODEVE']];
if ($newCodeEven*1 == 2318) {
$tabNewEven = explode(';', $this->HistoRoleConvert[$ann['ROLE']]);
if (count($tabNewEven) > 0) {
foreach ($tabNewEven as $newCodeEven) {
$tabEvens[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $newCodeEven,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($newCodeEven)
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($newCodeEven));
} else {
$tabEvens[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $newCodeEven,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($newCodeEven)
// --- Detection plan
if ($this->AnnoncesLegalesVisu === false) {
$this->getAnnoncesLegalesPlan('histo', $this->Identite['FJ'], $ann);
// Recherche du capital et de la FJ dans le texte histo
if (($ann['CODEVE']>=10 && $ann['CODEVE']<20)
|| ($ann['CODEVE']>=30 && $ann['CODEVE']<42)
|| ($ann['CODEVE']>=51 && $ann['CODEVE']<80)) {
// Recherche du capital
if (preg_match('/Capital(?:.|)\:(.*)(eur.|f|livre)/Uis', $ann['annonceTxt'], $matches)) {
$capital=trim(strtr($matches[1], array(' '=>'', ',00 '=>'', '.00 '=>'')))*1;
if (substr(strtoupper($matches[2]), 0, 3)=='EUR') {
$capitalDev = 'EUR';
} elseif (substr(strtoupper($matches[2]), 0, 3)=='LIV') {
$capitalDev = 'GBP';
} else {
$capitalDev = 'FRF';
} else {
// Recherche de la forme juridique
if (preg_match('/Forme(?:.|)\:(.*)(Capital|Adresse|Activit.|Administration|Commentaire)(?:.|)\:/Uisu', $ann['annonceTxt'], $matches)) {
$libFJ = trim($matches[1]);
// --- Retour histo
$retFormat = array(
'id' => -$ann['ANBASE'],
'BodaccCode' => $Bodacc_Code,
'BodaccNum' => $ann['NOBOD'],
'NumAnnonce' => $ann['NOANN'],
'DateParution' => substr($ann['DATE'], 0, 4).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 4, 2).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 6, 2),
'Departement' => $ann['DEPT'],
'Tribunal' => $this->iBodacc->getTribunalNom($ann['CODTRI']), //$ann['triNom'],
'TribunalSiret' => $this->iBodacc->getTribunalSiret($ann['CODTRI']),//$ann['triSiret'],
'Rubrique' => $rub,
'typeAnnonce' => 'Insertion',
'dateEffet' => substr($ann['DATE'], 0, 4).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 4, 2).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 6, 2),
'dateJugement' => substr($ann['DATE'], 0, 4).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 4, 2).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 6, 2),
'dateFin' => '',
'montantVente' => '',
'libFJ' => $libFJ,
'codFJ' => $this->iBodacc->getCodeFormeJur($libFJ),
'capital' => $capital,
'capitalDev' => $capitalDev,
'raisonSociale' => '',//$ann['raisonSociale'],
'nomCommercial' => '',//$ann['nomCommercial'],
'sigle' => '',//$ann['sigle'],
'adresse' => '',//$adresseAnn,
'dateInsertionSD' => '',
'evenements' => $tabEvens,
'texteAnnonce' => $ann['NOANN'].' - '.$ann['annonceTxt'],
$tabRet[] = $retFormat;
// --- Formattage Annonce
elseif ($ann['SourceTable'] == 'annonce') {
$rubriqueRet = '';
$tabInter = array(
'A' => 'Administrateur judiciaire',
'M' => 'Mandataire judiciaire',
'H' => 'Huissier',
'L' => 'Liquidateur',
'R' => 'Représentant des Créanciers',
'O' => 'Opposition',
'U' => 'Curateur',
'C' => 'Commissaire au plan',
'S' => 'Syndic',
'D' => 'Commissaire au concordat',
'T' => 'Conciliateur',
'V' => 'Avocat',
'N' => 'Notaire',
'J' => 'Juge Commissaire',
'K' => 'Juge Commissaire Suppléant',
} else {
$tabEvens[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $newCodeEven,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($newCodeEven)
$dept = substr($ann['triCP'], 0, 2)*1;
$depotComptes = false;
if ($dept==97) {
$dept = substr($ann['triCP'], 0, 3)*1;
// --- Detection plan
if ($this->AnnoncesLegalesVisu === false) {
$this->getAnnoncesLegalesPlan('histo', $this->Identite['FJ'], $ann);
/** Ajout des informations identitaires pour les annonces collecte avant Décembre 2008 **/
if (trim($ann['raisonSociale'])=='' || trim($ann['adresse'])==''
|| trim($ann['codePostal'])=='' || trim($ann['ville'])=='') {
$ann['raisonSociale'] = $this->Identite['Nom'];
$ann['adresse'] = $this->Identite['Adresse'];
$ann['codePostal'] = $this->Identite['CP'];
$ann['ville'] = $this->Identite['Ville'];
$adresse.= ucfirst(strtolower($ann['adresse'])).', ';
$adresse = trim(preg_replace('/^0+/', '', preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $adresse)));
if (preg_match('/(3100|3200|3300|3999)/', $ann['typeEven'].';'.$ann['strEven'])) {
$depotComptes = true;
$strRCS = 'Siren : '. $ann['siren'] . '. ';
// Recherche du capital et de la FJ dans le texte histo
if (($ann['CODEVE']>=10 && $ann['CODEVE']<20)
|| ($ann['CODEVE']>=30 && $ann['CODEVE']<42)
|| ($ann['CODEVE']>=51 && $ann['CODEVE']<80)) {
// Recherche du capital
if (preg_match('/Capital(?:.|)\:(.*)(eur.|f|livre)/Uis', $ann['annonceTxt'], $matches)) {
$capital=trim(strtr($matches[1], array(' '=>'', ',00 '=>'', '.00 '=>'')))*1;
if (substr(strtoupper($matches[2]), 0, 3)=='EUR') {
$capitalDev = 'EUR';
} elseif (substr(strtoupper($matches[2]), 0, 3)=='LIV') {
$capitalDev = 'GBP';
} else {
$capitalDev = 'FRF';
} else {
$strRCS = $ann['siren'] . ' RCS '. ucfirst(strtolower(strtr($ann['triNom'], array('TGIcc '=>'', 'TGI '=>'', 'TC '=>'', 'TI '=>'', )))).'. ';
// Recherche de la forme juridique
if (preg_match('/Forme(?:.|)\:(.*)(Capital|Adresse|Activit.|Administration|Commentaire)(?:.|)\:/Uisu', $ann['annonceTxt'], $matches)) {
$libFJ = trim($matches[1]);
$texteAnnonce = 'Date : '.strtolower(Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd M Y', $ann['dateJugement'])).'. '.
$this->iBodacc->getEvenement($ann['typeEven']).'. '.
$strRCS . trim($ann['raisonSociale']).'. Adresse : '.
$adresse.' '.$ann['codePostal'].' '.$ann['ville'].'. ';
if (trim($ann['numero']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.='Jugement Numéro : '.trim($ann['numero']).'. ';
if ($ann['dateCessationPaiement']*1 != 0) {
$texteAnnonce.='Cessation des paiements le '.strtolower(Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd M Y', $ann['dateCessationPaiement'])).'. ';
for ($mandNum = 1; $mandNum < 5; $mandNum++) {
if (trim($ann['inter'.$mandNum.'type']) != ''
&& ($ann['inter'.$mandNum.'id']>0 || trim($ann['inter'.$mandNum.'nom']) != '')) {
$texteAnnonce.= $tabInter[$ann['inter'.$mandNum.'type']].' : '.$ann['inter'.$mandNum.'nom'];
if ($ann['inter'.$mandNum.'id'] != 0) {
$mandStmt = $this->conn->executeQuery(
"SELECT sirenGrp, sirenMand, tel, fax, email
FROM jo.tabMandataires WHERE id=".$ann['inter'.$mandNum.'id']);
$mand = $mandStmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($mand['sirenGrp'] != 0) {
$texteAnnonce.= ', Siren SCP '.$mand['sirenGrp'];
if ($mand['sirenMand'] != 0) {
$texteAnnonce.= ', Siren '.$mand['sirenMand'];
if ($mand['tel'] != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ', Telephone '.$mand['tel'];
if ($mand['fax'] != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ', Telecopie '.$mand['fax'];
if ($mand['email'] != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ', E-mail : '.$mand['email'];
$texteAnnonce.= '. ';
if (trim($ann['nouvActivite']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Activité : '.trim($ann['nouvActivite']).'. ';
if (trim($ann['nouvDir']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Administration : '.trim($ann['nouvDir']).'. ';
if (trim($ann['nouvAdr']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Nouvelle adresse : '.trim($ann['nouvAdr']).'. ';
if ($ann['nouvFJ']*1 > 0) {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Transformation de la société en '.$this->getLibelleFJ($ann['nouvFJ']).'. ';
if ($ann['dateEffetFinP']*1 != '') {
if ($depotComptes) {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Comptes annuels et rapports de l\'exercice clos le : '.
strtolower(Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd M Y', $ann['dateEffetFinP'])).'. ';
} else {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Date d\'effet : '.
strtolower(Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd M Y', $ann['dateEffetFinP'])).'. ';
if (trim($ann['complement']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Observations : '.trim($ann['complement']).'.';
$tabRetEven = array();
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $ann['typeEven'],
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($ann['typeEven'])
if ($ann['typeEven']==2102 || $ann['typeEven']==2100) {
$capital = true;
} else {
$capital = false;
if (trim($ann['strEven']) != '') {
$tabEven = explode(';', $ann['strEven']);
foreach ($tabEven as $even) {
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $even,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($even)
if ($even>=1000 && $even<2000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'procol';
} elseif ($even>=2000 && $even<3000) {
} elseif ($even>=3000 && $even<4000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'comptes';
} elseif ($even>=4000 && $even<5000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'creations';
} elseif ($even>=5000 && $even<6000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'ventes';
} elseif ($even>=6000 && $even<7000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'radiations';
if ($even==2102 || $even==2100) {
$capital = true;
// --- Detection plan
if ($this->AnnoncesLegalesVisu === false) {
$this->getAnnoncesLegalesPlan('annonce', $this->Identite['FJ'], $ann);
if ($ann['montant']>0) {
if ($capital) {
$texteAnnonce.=' Nouveau capital : '.trim($ann['montant']). ' euros';
if ($ann['actionsNb']>0) {
$texteAnnonce.=' divisé en '.$ann['actionsNb'].' actions de '. round($ann['montant']/$ann['actionsNb']). ' euros';
} elseif (!preg_match('/ pour un montant de /Uis', $ann['complement'])) {
$texteAnnonce.=' Montant : '.trim($ann['montant']). ' euros';
$strVente=trim($ann['montant']). ' EUR';
$texteAnnonce.='. ';
// On ne prend l'annonce saisie directement que si elle est plus volumineuse
if (trim($ann['annonce']) != '' && strlen(trim($ann['annonce']))>strlen($texteAnnonce)) {
$texteAnnonce = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', strtr($texteAnnonce, array('*'=>' ', '/'=>' ', '..'=>'.')));
if (str_replace('-', '', $ann['dateSource'])*1 != 0) {
$dateParution = $ann['dateSource'];
} else {
$dateParution = $ann['dateInsert'];
$retFormat = array(
'id' => '0.'.$ann['id'],
'BodaccCode' => $ann['source'].'-'.$ann['parutionIdJal'],
'BodaccNum' => $ann['parutionNum'],
'NumAnnonce' => 0,
'DateParution' => $dateParution,
'Departement' => $dept,
'Tribunal' => $ann['triNom'],
'TribunalSiret' => $ann['triSiret'],
'Rubrique' => $rubriqueRet,
'typeAnnonce' => 'insertion',
'dateEffet' => $ann['dateCessationPaiement'],
'dateJugement' => $ann['dateJugement'],
'dateFin' => $ann['dateEffetFinP'],
'montantVente' => $strVente,
'libFJ' => $ann['nouvFJ'],
'codFJ' => $this->iBodacc->getCodeFormeJur($ann['nouvFJ']),
'capital' => $nouvCapital,
'capitalDev' => 'EUR',
'raisonSociale' => $ann['raisonSociale'],
'nomCommercial' => '',
'sigle' => '',
'adresse' => $ann['nouvAdr'],
'dateInsertionSD' => $ann['dateInsert'],
'evenements' => $tabRetEven,
'texteAnnonce' => $texteAnnonce,
'complement' => $ann['complement'],
if ($depotComptes) {
$retFormat['dateEffet'] = $ann['dateEffetFinP'];
$tabRet[] = $retFormat;
} // --- Fin du parcours des annonces
// --- Effacement procol
if ($this->AnnoncesLegalesVisu === false) {
if ($this->getAnnoncesLegalesEffacement($siren, $rubrique, $tabRet) === true) {
return array();
// --- Retour histo
$retFormat = array(
'id' => -$ann['ANBASE'],
'BodaccCode' => $Bodacc_Code,
'BodaccNum' => $ann['NOBOD'],
'NumAnnonce' => $ann['NOANN'],
'DateParution' => substr($ann['DATE'], 0, 4).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 4, 2).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 6, 2),
'Departement' => $ann['DEPT'],
'Tribunal' => $this->iBodacc->getTribunalNom($ann['CODTRI']), //$ann['triNom'],
'TribunalSiret' => $this->iBodacc->getTribunalSiret($ann['CODTRI']),//$ann['triSiret'],
'Rubrique' => $rub,
'typeAnnonce' => 'Insertion',
'dateEffet' => substr($ann['DATE'], 0, 4).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 4, 2).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 6, 2),
'dateJugement' => substr($ann['DATE'], 0, 4).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 4, 2).'-'.substr($ann['DATE'], 6, 2),
'dateFin' => '',
'montantVente' => '',
'libFJ' => $libFJ,
'codFJ' => $this->iBodacc->getCodeFormeJur($libFJ),
'capital' => $capital,
'capitalDev' => $capitalDev,
'raisonSociale' => '',//$ann['raisonSociale'],
'nomCommercial' => '',//$ann['nomCommercial'],
'sigle' => '',//$ann['sigle'],
'adresse' => '',//$adresseAnn,
'dateInsertionSD' => '',
'evenements' => $tabEvens,
'texteAnnonce' => $ann['NOANN'].' - '.$ann['annonceTxt'],
$tabRet[] = $retFormat;
// --- Formattage Annonce
elseif ($ann['SourceTable'] == 'annonce') {
$rubriqueRet = '';
$tabInter = array(
'A' => 'Administrateur judiciaire',
'M' => 'Mandataire judiciaire',
'H' => 'Huissier',
'L' => 'Liquidateur',
'R' => 'Représentant des Créanciers',
'O' => 'Opposition',
'U' => 'Curateur',
'C' => 'Commissaire au plan',
'S' => 'Syndic',
'D' => 'Commissaire au concordat',
'T' => 'Conciliateur',
'V' => 'Avocat',
'N' => 'Notaire',
'J' => 'Juge Commissaire',
'K' => 'Juge Commissaire Suppléant',
$dept = substr($ann['triCP'], 0, 2)*1;
$depotComptes = false;
if ($dept==97) {
$dept = substr($ann['triCP'], 0, 3)*1;
/** Ajout des informations identitaires pour les annonces collecte avant Décembre 2008 **/
if (trim($ann['raisonSociale'])=='' || trim($ann['adresse'])==''
|| trim($ann['codePostal'])=='' || trim($ann['ville'])=='') {
$ann['raisonSociale'] = $this->Identite['Nom'];
$ann['adresse'] = $this->Identite['Adresse'];
$ann['codePostal'] = $this->Identite['CP'];
$ann['ville'] = $this->Identite['Ville'];
$adresse.=ucfirst(strtolower($ann['adresse'])).', ';
$adresse=trim(preg_replace('/^0+/', '', preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $adresse)));
if (preg_match('/(3100|3200|3300|3999)/', $ann['typeEven'].';'.$ann['strEven'])) {
$depotComptes = true;
$strRCS = 'Siren : '. $ann['siren'] . '. ';
} else {
$strRCS = $ann['siren'] . ' RCS '. ucfirst(strtolower(strtr($ann['triNom'], array('TGIcc '=>'', 'TGI '=>'', 'TC '=>'', 'TI '=>'', )))).'. ';
$texteAnnonce = 'Date : '.strtolower(Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd M Y', $ann['dateJugement'])) .'. '. $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($ann['typeEven']).'. '.
$strRCS . trim($ann['raisonSociale']). '. Adresse : '. $adresse.' '.$ann['codePostal'].' '.$ann['ville'].'. ';
if (trim($ann['numero']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.='Jugement Numéro : '.trim($ann['numero']).'. ';
if ($ann['dateCessationPaiement']*1 != 0) {
$texteAnnonce.='Cessation des paiements le '.strtolower(Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd M Y', $ann['dateCessationPaiement'])).'. ';
for ($mandNum = 1; $mandNum < 5; $mandNum++) {
if (trim($ann['inter'.$mandNum.'type']) != ''
&& ($ann['inter'.$mandNum.'id']>0 || trim($ann['inter'.$mandNum.'nom']) != '')) {
$texteAnnonce.= $tabInter[$ann['inter'.$mandNum.'type']].' : '.$ann['inter'.$mandNum.'nom'];
if ($ann['inter'.$mandNum.'id'] != 0) {
$mandStmt = $this->conn->executeQuery("SELECT sirenGrp, sirenMand,
tel, fax, email FROM jo.tabMandataires
WHERE id=".$ann['inter'.$mandNum.'id']);
$mand = $mandStmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($mand['sirenGrp'] != 0) {
$texteAnnonce.= ', Siren SCP '.$mand['sirenGrp'];
if ($mand['sirenMand'] != 0) {
$texteAnnonce.= ', Siren '.$mand['sirenMand'];
if ($mand['tel'] != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ', Telephone '.$mand['tel'];
if ($mand['fax'] != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ', Telecopie '.$mand['fax'];
if ($mand['email'] != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ', E-mail : '.$mand['email'];
$texteAnnonce.= '. ';
if (trim($ann['nouvActivite']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Activité : '.trim($ann['nouvActivite']).'. ';
if (trim($ann['nouvDir']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Administration : '.trim($ann['nouvDir']).'. ';
if (trim($ann['nouvAdr']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Nouvelle adresse : '.trim($ann['nouvAdr']).'. ';
if ($ann['nouvFJ']*1 > 0) {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Transformation de la société en '.$this->getLibelleFJ($ann['nouvFJ']).'. ';
if ($ann['dateEffetFinP']*1 != '') {
if ($depotComptes) {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Comptes annuels et rapports de l\'exercice clos le : '.
strtolower(Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd M Y', $ann['dateEffetFinP'])).'. ';
} else {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Date d\'effet : '.
strtolower(Metier_Util_Date::dateT('Y-m-d', 'd M Y', $ann['dateEffetFinP'])).'. ';
if (trim($ann['complement']) != '') {
$texteAnnonce.= ' Observations : '.trim($ann['complement']).'.';
$tabRetEven = array();
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $ann['typeEven'],
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($ann['typeEven'])
if ($ann['typeEven']==2102 || $ann['typeEven']==2100) {
$capital = true;
} else {
$capital = false;
if (trim($ann['strEven']) != '') {
$tabEven = explode(';', $ann['strEven']);
foreach ($tabEven as $even) {
$tabRetEven[] = array(
'CodeEven' => $even,
'LibEven' => $this->iBodacc->getEvenement($even)
if ($even>=1000 && $even<2000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'procol';
} elseif ($even>=2000 && $even<3000) {
} elseif ($even>=3000 && $even<4000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'comptes';
} elseif ($even>=4000 && $even<5000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'creations';
} elseif ($even>=5000 && $even<6000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'ventes';
} elseif ($even>=6000 && $even<7000) {
$rubriqueRet = 'radiations';
if ($even==2102 || $even==2100) {
$capital = true;
// --- Detection plan
if ($this->AnnoncesLegalesVisu === false) {
$this->getAnnoncesLegalesPlan('annonce', $this->Identite['FJ'], $ann);
if ($ann['montant']>0) {
if ($capital) {
$texteAnnonce.=' Nouveau capital : '.trim($ann['montant']). ' euros';
if ($ann['actionsNb']>0) {
$texteAnnonce.=' divisé en '.$ann['actionsNb'].' actions de '. round($ann['montant']/$ann['actionsNb']). ' euros';
} elseif (!preg_match('/ pour un montant de /Uis', $ann['complement'])) {
$texteAnnonce.=' Montant : '.trim($ann['montant']). ' euros';
$strVente=trim($ann['montant']). ' EUR';
$texteAnnonce.='. ';
// On ne prend l'annonce saisie directement que si elle est plus volumineuse
if (trim($ann['annonce']) != '' && strlen(trim($ann['annonce']))>strlen($texteAnnonce)) {
$texteAnnonce = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', strtr($texteAnnonce, array('*'=>' ', '/'=>' ', '..'=>'.')));
if (str_replace('-', '', $ann['dateSource'])*1 != 0) {
$dateParution = $ann['dateSource'];
} else {
$dateParution = $ann['dateInsert'];
$retFormat = array(
'id' => '0.'.$ann['id'],
'BodaccCode' => $ann['source'].'-'.$ann['parutionIdJal'],
'BodaccNum' => $ann['parutionNum'],
'NumAnnonce' => 0,
'DateParution' => $dateParution,
'Departement' => $dept,
'Tribunal' => $ann['triNom'],
'TribunalSiret' => $ann['triSiret'],
'Rubrique' => $rubriqueRet,
'typeAnnonce' => 'insertion',
'dateEffet' => $ann['dateCessationPaiement'],
'dateJugement' => $ann['dateJugement'],
'dateFin' => $ann['dateEffetFinP'],
'montantVente' => $strVente,
'libFJ' => $ann['nouvFJ'],
'codFJ' => $this->iBodacc->getCodeFormeJur($ann['nouvFJ']),
'capital' => $nouvCapital,
'capitalDev' => 'EUR',
'raisonSociale' => $ann['raisonSociale'],
'nomCommercial' => '',
'sigle' => '',
'adresse' => $ann['nouvAdr'],
'dateInsertionSD' => $ann['dateInsert'],
'evenements' => $tabRetEven,
'texteAnnonce' => $texteAnnonce,
'complement' => $ann['complement'],
if ($depotComptes) {
$retFormat['dateEffet'] = $ann['dateEffetFinP'];
$tabRet[] = $retFormat;
} // --- Fin du parcours des annonces
// --- Effacement procol
if ($this->AnnoncesLegalesVisu === false) {
if ($this->getAnnoncesLegalesEffacement($siren, $rubrique, $tabRet) === true) {
return array();
} catch (\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException $e) {
if ($this->logger !== null) {
@ -558,6 +558,16 @@ class Scores_Extract_Dict
'help' => "",
'columns' => array()
'nbContentieuxDE'=> array(
'lib' => 'Greffe Contentieux DE',
'help' => "Nbre de contentieux DE",
'columns' => array()
'nbContentieuxDF'=> array(
'lib' => 'Greffe Contentieux DF',
'help' => "Nbre de contentieux DF",
'columns' => array()
public function __construct()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user