This commit is contained in:
Damien LASSERRE 2011-10-24 07:07:16 +00:00
parent e48fbf9aac
commit 434aa5c4f9
39 changed files with 2029 additions and 0 deletions

242 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
allVersion=("2.0.1" "0.9.9")
echo ' ____ __ ____ __ '
echo '/\ _`\ /\ \ __ /\ _`\ /\ \__ '
echo '\ \,\L\_\ _____\ \ \___ /\_\ ___ __ _ \ \ \L\_\ __ ___ __ _ __ __ \ \ ,_\ ___ _ __ '
echo ' \/_\__ \ /\ __` \ \ _ `\/\ \ / _ `\ /\ \/ \ \ \ \L_L / __`\/ _ `\ / __`\/\` __\/ __`\ \ \ \/ / __`\/\` __\'
echo ' /\ \L\ \ \ \L\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/\ \/\ \\/> </ \ \ \/, \/\ __//\ \/\ \/\ __/\ \ \//\ \L\.\_\ \ \_/\ \L\ \ \ \/ '
echo ' \ `\____\ \ ,__/\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\/\_/\_\ \ \____/\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \____\\ \_\\ \__/.\_\\ \__\ \____/\ \_\ '
echo ' \/_____/\ \ \/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\//\/_/ \/___/ \/____/\/_/\/_/\/____/ \/_/ \/__/\/_/ \/__/\/___/ \/_/ '
echo ' \ \_\ '
echo ' \/_/ '
#This program as been create by Damien for Scores et decisions ste
#Email :
#if [ man page exist ! ]
# download ans install man page !
if [ `id -u` = 0 ] #Need Root or Sudo
commande=('--configure' '--install' '--all')
for i; do
case $i in
`man SphinxHelp` #en cours de création du man !
`rm -r indexeConf source sphinx-* wget* libste* *~ 2> /dev/null`
echo -e "- Clean directory"
echo -e "1. Last version : 2.0.1"
echo -e "2. Past version : 0.9.9\n"
#Environement for installation
if [ ! -f sphinx-error-log.log ];then `touch sphinx-error-log.log &`; log="Success"; fi
if [ ! -e indexeConf ];then `mkdir indexeConf`; indexeConf="Success"; fi
`touch indexeConf/sphinx.conf`
if [ ! -e source ];then `mkdir source`; source="Success"; fi
if [ ! -e /dbs ];then `mkdir /dbs`; dbs="Success"; fi
if [ ! -e /dbs/sphinx ];then `mkdir /dbs/sphinx`; sphinx="Success"; fi
if [ ! -e /dbs/sphinxlog ];then `mkdir /dbs/sphinxlog`; sphinxlog="Success"; fi
if [ ! -e /init.d/sphinxsearch ];then `cp files/sphinxsearch /etc/init.d/; update-rc.d sphinxsearch defaults`;sphinxinit="Success"; fi
#Check if package in directory, if you want to download manually the package
if [ ! -e sphinx-2.0.1.tar.gz ] || [ ! -e sphinx-0.9.9.tar.gz ]
if [ ! -z $2 ]; then
if [ $2 == "2.0.1" ]; then
elif [ $2 == "0.9.9" ]; then
echo -e $ROUGE"[Erreur]: This version not exist !"$NORMAL
echo -e $CYAN"Download Sphinx-$version..."$NORMAL
`wget -b$version.tar.gz >/dev/null`
loadIndication `(ps -C wget -o pid=)`
`rm wget-log*`
echo -e $ROUGE"[Erreur]: Please specifie version, exemple 2.0.1 or 0.9.9"$NORMAL
`tar -z -xf sphinx-$version.tar.gz -C source `
`rm sphinx-$version.tar.gz*`
echo -e " - Extract files..."
echo -e " - Complited"
#If libstemmer not installed in source/
if [ -e libstemmer_c.tgz ]
echo -e $CYAN"Extract file from libstemmer_c..."$NORMAL
`cd source/sphinx-$version ; tar -zxf libstemmer_c.tgz`
echo -e " - Complited"
echo -e $CYAN"Download and Configure libstemmer..."$NORMAL
`cd source/sphinx-$version ; wget -b > /dev/null`
loadIndication `(ps -C wget -o pid=)`
echo -e "- Extract files..."
`cd source/sphinx-$version ; tar -zxf libstemmer_c.tgz`
echo -e "- Complited"
`cd source/sphinx-$version ; rm libstemmer_c.tgz`
echo ""
echo -e $CYAN"Configuration progress..."$ROUGE
`cd source/sphinx-$version ; sh configure --with-libstemmer --prefix=/usr/local/sphinx 1> /dev/null `
echo -e $NORMAL"- Complited"
echo -e $NORMAL
echo -e $CYAN"Compilation progress..."$ROUGE
if [ $version != "2.0.1-beta" ];then `cd source/sphinx-$version ; make ` ;fi
#Make and install binary.
#`cd source/sphinx-$version/ ; make install 1> /dev/null`
echo -e $NORMAL" - Complited"
echo ""
echo -e $CYAN"Visualisation"$NORMAL
echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "1. Directory : source " $VERT $source $NORMAL
echo -e "2. Directory : indexeConf " $VERT $indexeConf $NORMAL
echo -e "3. Directory : /dbs " $VERT $dbs $NORMAL
echo -e "4. Directory : /dbs/sphinx " $VERT $sphinx $NORMAL
echo -e "5. Directory : /dbs/sphinxlog " $VERT $sphinxlog $NORMAL
echo -e "6. File : sphinx-error-log.log " $VERT $log $NORMAL
echo -e "7. File : indexeConf/sphinx.conf " $VERT $sphinxconf $NORMAL
echo -e "8. File : /init.d/sphinxsearch " $VERT $sphinxinit $NORMAL
if [ ! -z $2 ]; then
if [ $2 == "2.0.1" ] || [ $2 = "0.9.9" ] || [ $2 = "0.9.5" ]; then
echo -e "9. Archive : sphinx-$2-beta.tar.gz "$VERT"100%"$NORMAL
echo -e "9. Archive : Version : $2 not exist " $ROUGE "Failed" $NORMAL
echo -e "10. Archive : libstemmer_c.tgz " $VERT $libstemmer $NORMAL
echo -e "11. Compilation : /source/sphinx-$version/src/libstemmer_c "$VERT"Compiled" $NORMAL
echo -e "12. Compilation : /source/sphinx-$version/src/ "$VERT"Complited" $NORMAL
echo -e $VERT"Directory and Files as beens creates\n" $NORMAL
echo -n "Machine MASTER ? (y/n) : "; read response
if [ $response = 'y' ];then
echo -e $ROUGE"Mode MASTER activated"$NORMAL
echo -e $ROUGE"Mode SLAVE activated"$NORMAL
echo -n "Do you want to configure Index ? (y/n) : "; read response
if [ $response = 'y' ]
echo -n "Please Enter name of index file (act ent etc...) : "
read response
for index in ${response[@]}
createIndexeFile $index "false"
echo -e " - Written data in $index.sphinx.conf"
echo -e $VERT"File $index as been create"$NORMAL
`cat files/config.sphinx >> indexeConf/sphinx.conf`
`cp indexeConf/sphinx.conf .`
`cp source/sphinx-$version/src/searchd /usr/bin/`;
`cp source/sphinx-$version/src/indexer /usr/bin/`;
`cp sphinx.conf /usr/local/sphinx/etc/`;
echo -e $VERT"The installation as been finish ! great ! thank's damien :)"$NORMAL
#Add a index
if [ ! -e indexeConf/$2.sphinx.conf ]
echo -e $CYAN"Adding index progress..."$NORMAL
`cp files/generic.sphinx.conf indexeConf/$2.sphinx.conf`
`sed -e "s/xindex/$2/g" -i indexeConf/$2.sphinx.conf`
createIndexeFile $2 "true"
echo -e " - Check if this index exist"
echo -e " - Create file in indexeConf/$2.sphinx.conf"
echo -e " - Adding index in sphinx.conf"
echo -e $VERT"Index $2 as been create"$NORMAL
`rm tmp`
`cp indexeConf/sphinx.conf .`
echo -e $ROUGE"[Erreur]: This index already exist !"$NORMAL
`cp sphinx.conf /usr/local/sphinx/etc/`;
echo -e $VERT"Configuration started" $NORMAL
#Run all action.
if [ -e indexeConf/$2.sphinx.conf ]
echo -e $CYAN"Remove progress..."$NORMAL
`rm indexeConf/$2.sphinx.conf`
`cat indexeConf/* > indexeConf/sphinx.conf`
`cat files/config.sphinx >> indexeConf/sphinx.conf`
echo -e " - Delete file indexeConf/$2.sphinx.conf"
echo -e " - Delete data in sphinx.conf"
echo -e $VERT"Index $2 as been delete"$NORMAL
`rm tmp > /dev/null`
`cp indexeConf/sphinx.conf .`
echo -e $ROUGE"[Erreur]: This index: $2 not exist ! impossible to remove !"$NORMAL
if [ ! -z $2 ]
echo -e $CYAN"Update Query progress..."$NORMAL
query=`cat $3`
`sed -e "s/#xqueryx/$query/g" -i indexeConf/$2.sphinx.conf`
`cat indexeConf/sphinx.conf > tmp`
`cat indexeConf/$2.sphinx.conf > indexeConf/sphinx.conf`
`cat tmp >> indexeConf/sphinx.conf`
echo -e " - Query as been update in index $2"
echo -e " - Refreshing sphinx.conf"
echo -e $VERT"Operion successfull"$NORMAL
`rm tmp > /dev/null`
`cp indexeConf/sphinx.conf .`
`cp sphinx.conf /usr/local/sphinx/etc/`;
if [ -d indexeConf ]
`rm indexeConf/*~ 2> /dev/null`
echo -e $CYAN"Refreshing progress..."$NORMAL
directory=`ls indexeConf`
for index in ${directory[*]}
echo " - Refreshing : "$index
`cat indexeConf/*.sphinx.conf > sphinx.conf`
`cat files/config.sphinx >> sphinx.conf`
echo -e $VERT"Refreshing as been finish"$NORMAL
echo -e $ROUGE"[Erreur]: nothing has refresh !"$NORMAL
`cp sphinx.conf /usr/local/sphinx/etc/`;
echo -e $ROUGE"[Erreur]" ${ERREURS["CMD"]} $NORMAL
echo -e $ROUGE"[Erreur]" ${ERREURS["NOCMD"]} $NORMAL
echo -e $ROUGE"[Erreur]" ${ERREURS["CHMOD"]} $NORMAL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source source_act
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, Siren1, RaisonSociale, Siren2, actif, dateLien, IF(dateUpdate > dateInsert, dateUpdate,dateInsert) as dateMaj, source, Pmin*1 AS PminNum, MajMin, PpPm, IF(Pays='','FRA',Pays) AS Pays FROM liens WHERE ActionPart=1 AND Siren1>1000 AND Siren1 IN (SELECT DISTINCT SIREN FROM etablissements_old);
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = PminNum
sql_attr_str2ordinal= MajMin
sql_attr_str2ordinal= PpPm
index act
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index act_phx
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source source_act
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, Siren1, RaisonSociale, Siren2, actif, dateLien, IF(dateUpdate > dateInsert, dateUpdate,dateInsert) as dateMaj, source, Pmin*1 AS PminNum, MajMin, PpPm, IF(Pays='','FRA',Pays) AS Pays FROM liens WHERE ActionPart=1 AND Siren1>1000 AND Siren1 IN (SELECT DISTINCT SIREN FROM etablissements_old);
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = PminNum
sql_attr_str2ordinal= MajMin
sql_attr_str2ordinal= PpPm
index act
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index act_phx
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source comptage
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = root
sql_pass = scores
sql_db = jo
sql_port = 3306
sql_query = SELECT id,ape_etab,ape_entrep,source,siren,nic,actif,siege,adr_cp,adr_dep,adr_com,(tel>100000000) AS tel,(fax>100000000) AS fax,cj,capital,age_entrep,age_etab,tca,tcaexp,teff_entrep,teff_etab,rang,dateCrea_etab,eff_entrep,eff_etab,nbEtab,bilType,bilAnnee,bilTca,bilCA,bilCAexp,bilRN FROM etablissements_act;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = bilType
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = adr_com
sql_attr_uint = tel
sql_attr_uint = fax
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = capital
sql_attr_uint = age_entrep
sql_attr_uint = age_etab
sql_attr_uint = tca
sql_attr_uint = tcaexp
sql_attr_uint = teff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = teff_etab
sql_attr_uint = rang
sql_attr_uint = dateCrea_etab
sql_attr_uint = eff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = eff_etab
sql_attr_uint = nbEtab
sql_attr_uint = bilAnnee
sql_attr_uint = bilTca
sql_attr_uint = bilCA
sql_attr_uint = bilCAexp
sql_attr_uint = bilRN
sql_query_info = SELECT siren, nic, ape_etab,ape_entrep, raisonSociale, enseigne, sigle, adr_libVoie, adr_cp, adr_ville FROM etablissements WHERE id=$id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source comptage
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = root
sql_pass = scores
sql_db = jo
sql_port = 3306
sql_query = SELECT id,ape_etab,ape_entrep,source,siren,nic,actif,siege,adr_cp,adr_dep,adr_com,(tel>100000000) AS tel,(fax>100000000) AS fax,cj,capital,age_entrep,age_etab,tca,tcaexp,teff_entrep,teff_etab,rang,dateCrea_etab,eff_entrep,eff_etab,nbEtab,bilType,bilAnnee,bilTca,bilCA,bilCAexp,bilRN FROM etablissements_act;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = bilType
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = adr_com
sql_attr_uint = tel
sql_attr_uint = fax
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = capital
sql_attr_uint = age_entrep
sql_attr_uint = age_etab
sql_attr_uint = tca
sql_attr_uint = tcaexp
sql_attr_uint = teff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = teff_etab
sql_attr_uint = rang
sql_attr_uint = dateCrea_etab
sql_attr_uint = eff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = eff_etab
sql_attr_uint = nbEtab
sql_attr_uint = bilAnnee
sql_attr_uint = bilTca
sql_attr_uint = bilCA
sql_attr_uint = bilCAexp
sql_attr_uint = bilRN
sql_query_info = SELECT siren, nic, ape_etab,ape_entrep, raisonSociale, enseigne, sigle, adr_libVoie, adr_cp, adr_ville FROM etablissements WHERE id=$id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
source source_dir
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
# sql_query = SELECT id, siren, actif, \
#IF(civilite='M',1,IF(civilite='MME' OR civilite='MLLE',2,0)) AS genre, \
#CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
# YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
#MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
# DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
#naissance_lieu, adr_dep \
#FROM rncs_dirigeants;
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, adr_dep, typeDir, dirSiren, civilite, CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
naissance_lieu, fonction_code, actif \
FROM dirigeants_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal= civilite
sql_attr_str2ordinal= typeDir
sql_attr_str2ordinal= fonction_code
sql_attr_uint = dirSiren
sql_attr_uint = naiss_annee
sql_attr_uint = naiss_mois
sql_attr_uint = naiss_jour
sql_attr_uint = actif
# sql_attr_uint = genre
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
index dir
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
#ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index dir_phx
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
source source_dir
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
# sql_query = SELECT id, siren, actif, \
#IF(civilite='M',1,IF(civilite='MME' OR civilite='MLLE',2,0)) AS genre, \
#CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
# YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
#MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
# DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
#naissance_lieu, adr_dep \
#FROM rncs_dirigeants;
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, adr_dep, typeDir, dirSiren, civilite, CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
naissance_lieu, fonction_code, actif \
FROM dirigeants_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal= civilite
sql_attr_str2ordinal= typeDir
sql_attr_str2ordinal= fonction_code
sql_attr_uint = dirSiren
sql_attr_uint = naiss_annee
sql_attr_uint = naiss_mois
sql_attr_uint = naiss_jour
sql_attr_uint = actif
# sql_attr_uint = genre
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
index dir
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
#ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index dir_phx
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
source source_ent
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, nic, siege, CONCAT(raisonSociale,\
' "" ',enseigne,' "" ',sigle,' "" ',identite_pre,' "" ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.',''),' ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.','')) AS nom, adr_dep, \
actif, adr_num, adr_typeVoie, CONCAT(adr_libVoie,' ',adr_comp) AS adresse, adr_cp, \
adr_ville AS ville, cj, ape_etab, (siren>200) AS sirenValide, rang \
FROM etablissements_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = adr_typeVoie
sql_attr_uint = siren
sql_attr_uint = nic
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_num
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = sirenValide
sql_attr_uint = rang
index ent
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_mns
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_mns
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
non_significatifs = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/mots-non-significatifs.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_phx
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
source source_ent
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, nic, siege, CONCAT(raisonSociale,\
' "" ',enseigne,' "" ',sigle,' "" ',identite_pre,' "" ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.',''),' ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.','')) AS nom, adr_dep, \
actif, adr_num, adr_typeVoie, CONCAT(adr_libVoie,' ',adr_comp) AS adresse, adr_cp, \
adr_ville AS ville, cj, ape_etab, (siren>200) AS sirenValide, rang \
FROM etablissements_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = adr_typeVoie
sql_attr_uint = siren
sql_attr_uint = nic
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_num
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = sirenValide
sql_attr_uint = rang
index ent
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_mns
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_mns
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
non_significatifs = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/mots-non-significatifs.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_phx
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

config/Sphinx/sphinx.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
## indexer settings
# memory limit, in bytes, kiloytes (16384K) or megabytes (256M)
# optional, default is 32M, max is 2047M, recommended is 256M to 1024M
mem_limit = 256
# maximum IO calls per second (for I/O throttling)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
# max_iops = 40
# maximum IO call size, bytes (for I/O throttling)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
# max_iosize = 1048576
## searchd settings
# IP address to bind on
# optional, default is (ie. listen on all interfaces)
# address =
# address =
# searchd TCP port number
# mandatory, default is 3312
listen = 3312
# log file, searchd run info is logged here
# optional, default is 'searchd.log'
log = /dbs/sphinxlog/searchd.log
# query log file, all search queries are logged here
# optional, default is empty (do not log queries)
query_log = /dbs/sphinxlog/query.log
# client read timeout, seconds
# optional, default is 5
read_timeout = 5
# maximum amount of children to fork (concurrent searches to run)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
max_children = 30
# PID file, searchd process ID file name
# mandatory
pid_file = /var/log/
# max amount of matches the daemon ever keeps in RAM, per-index
# default is 1000 (just like Google)
max_matches = 1000
# seamless rotate, prevents rotate stalls if precaching huge datasets
# optional, default is 1
seamless_rotate = 0
# whether to forcibly preopen all indexes on startup
# optional, default is 0 (do not preopen)
preopen_indexes = 0
# whether to unlink .old index copies on succesful rotation.
# optional, default is 1 (do unlink)
unlink_old = 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source source_act
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, Siren1, RaisonSociale, Siren2, actif, dateLien, IF(dateUpdate > dateInsert, dateUpdate,dateInsert) as dateMaj, source, Pmin*1 AS PminNum, MajMin, PpPm, IF(Pays='','FRA',Pays) AS Pays FROM liens WHERE ActionPart=1 AND Siren1>1000 AND Siren1 IN (SELECT DISTINCT SIREN FROM etablissements_old);
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = PminNum
sql_attr_str2ordinal= MajMin
sql_attr_str2ordinal= PpPm
index act
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index act_phx
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source source_act
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, Siren1, RaisonSociale, Siren2, actif, dateLien, IF(dateUpdate > dateInsert, dateUpdate,dateInsert) as dateMaj, source, Pmin*1 AS PminNum, MajMin, PpPm, IF(Pays='','FRA',Pays) AS Pays FROM liens WHERE ActionPart=1 AND Siren1>1000 AND Siren1 IN (SELECT DISTINCT SIREN FROM etablissements_old);
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = PminNum
sql_attr_str2ordinal= MajMin
sql_attr_str2ordinal= PpPm
index act
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index act_phx
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source comptage
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = root
sql_pass = scores
sql_db = jo
sql_port = 3306
sql_query = SELECT id,ape_etab,ape_entrep,source,siren,nic,actif,siege,adr_cp,adr_dep,adr_com,(tel>100000000) AS tel,(fax>100000000) AS fax,cj,capital,age_entrep,age_etab,tca,tcaexp,teff_entrep,teff_etab,rang,dateCrea_etab,eff_entrep,eff_etab,nbEtab,bilType,bilAnnee,bilTca,bilCA,bilCAexp,bilRN FROM etablissements_act;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = bilType
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = adr_com
sql_attr_uint = tel
sql_attr_uint = fax
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = capital
sql_attr_uint = age_entrep
sql_attr_uint = age_etab
sql_attr_uint = tca
sql_attr_uint = tcaexp
sql_attr_uint = teff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = teff_etab
sql_attr_uint = rang
sql_attr_uint = dateCrea_etab
sql_attr_uint = eff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = eff_etab
sql_attr_uint = nbEtab
sql_attr_uint = bilAnnee
sql_attr_uint = bilTca
sql_attr_uint = bilCA
sql_attr_uint = bilCAexp
sql_attr_uint = bilRN
sql_query_info = SELECT siren, nic, ape_etab,ape_entrep, raisonSociale, enseigne, sigle, adr_libVoie, adr_cp, adr_ville FROM etablissements WHERE id=$id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source comptage
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = root
sql_pass = scores
sql_db = jo
sql_port = 3306
sql_query = SELECT id,ape_etab,ape_entrep,source,siren,nic,actif,siege,adr_cp,adr_dep,adr_com,(tel>100000000) AS tel,(fax>100000000) AS fax,cj,capital,age_entrep,age_etab,tca,tcaexp,teff_entrep,teff_etab,rang,dateCrea_etab,eff_entrep,eff_etab,nbEtab,bilType,bilAnnee,bilTca,bilCA,bilCAexp,bilRN FROM etablissements_act;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = bilType
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = adr_com
sql_attr_uint = tel
sql_attr_uint = fax
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = capital
sql_attr_uint = age_entrep
sql_attr_uint = age_etab
sql_attr_uint = tca
sql_attr_uint = tcaexp
sql_attr_uint = teff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = teff_etab
sql_attr_uint = rang
sql_attr_uint = dateCrea_etab
sql_attr_uint = eff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = eff_etab
sql_attr_uint = nbEtab
sql_attr_uint = bilAnnee
sql_attr_uint = bilTca
sql_attr_uint = bilCA
sql_attr_uint = bilCAexp
sql_attr_uint = bilRN
sql_query_info = SELECT siren, nic, ape_etab,ape_entrep, raisonSociale, enseigne, sigle, adr_libVoie, adr_cp, adr_ville FROM etablissements WHERE id=$id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
source source_dir
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
# sql_query = SELECT id, siren, actif, \
#IF(civilite='M',1,IF(civilite='MME' OR civilite='MLLE',2,0)) AS genre, \
#CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
# YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
#MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
# DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
#naissance_lieu, adr_dep \
#FROM rncs_dirigeants;
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, adr_dep, typeDir, dirSiren, civilite, CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
naissance_lieu, fonction_code, actif \
FROM dirigeants_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal= civilite
sql_attr_str2ordinal= typeDir
sql_attr_str2ordinal= fonction_code
sql_attr_uint = dirSiren
sql_attr_uint = naiss_annee
sql_attr_uint = naiss_mois
sql_attr_uint = naiss_jour
sql_attr_uint = actif
# sql_attr_uint = genre
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
index dir
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
#ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index dir_phx
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
source source_dir
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
# sql_query = SELECT id, siren, actif, \
#IF(civilite='M',1,IF(civilite='MME' OR civilite='MLLE',2,0)) AS genre, \
#CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
# YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
#MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
# DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
#naissance_lieu, adr_dep \
#FROM rncs_dirigeants;
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, adr_dep, typeDir, dirSiren, civilite, CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
naissance_lieu, fonction_code, actif \
FROM dirigeants_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal= civilite
sql_attr_str2ordinal= typeDir
sql_attr_str2ordinal= fonction_code
sql_attr_uint = dirSiren
sql_attr_uint = naiss_annee
sql_attr_uint = naiss_mois
sql_attr_uint = naiss_jour
sql_attr_uint = actif
# sql_attr_uint = genre
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
index dir
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
#ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index dir_phx
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
source source_ent
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, nic, siege, CONCAT(raisonSociale,\
' "" ',enseigne,' "" ',sigle,' "" ',identite_pre,' "" ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.',''),' ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.','')) AS nom, adr_dep, \
actif, adr_num, adr_typeVoie, CONCAT(adr_libVoie,' ',adr_comp) AS adresse, adr_cp, \
adr_ville AS ville, cj, ape_etab, (siren>200) AS sirenValide, rang \
FROM etablissements_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = adr_typeVoie
sql_attr_uint = siren
sql_attr_uint = nic
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_num
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = sirenValide
sql_attr_uint = rang
index ent
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_mns
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_mns
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
non_significatifs = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/mots-non-significatifs.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_phx
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
source source_ent
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, nic, siege, CONCAT(raisonSociale,\
' "" ',enseigne,' "" ',sigle,' "" ',identite_pre,' "" ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.',''),' ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.','')) AS nom, adr_dep, \
actif, adr_num, adr_typeVoie, CONCAT(adr_libVoie,' ',adr_comp) AS adresse, adr_cp, \
adr_ville AS ville, cj, ape_etab, (siren>200) AS sirenValide, rang \
FROM etablissements_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = adr_typeVoie
sql_attr_uint = siren
sql_attr_uint = nic
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_num
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = sirenValide
sql_attr_uint = rang
index ent
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_mns
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_mns
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
non_significatifs = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/mots-non-significatifs.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_phx
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
## indexer settings
# memory limit, in bytes, kiloytes (16384K) or megabytes (256M)
# optional, default is 32M, max is 2047M, recommended is 256M to 1024M
mem_limit = 256
# maximum IO calls per second (for I/O throttling)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
# max_iops = 40
# maximum IO call size, bytes (for I/O throttling)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
# max_iosize = 1048576
## searchd settings
# IP address to bind on
# optional, default is (ie. listen on all interfaces)
# address =
# address =
# searchd TCP port number
# mandatory, default is 3312
listen = 3312
# log file, searchd run info is logged here
# optional, default is 'searchd.log'
log = /dbs/sphinxlog/searchd.log
# query log file, all search queries are logged here
# optional, default is empty (do not log queries)
query_log = /dbs/sphinxlog/query.log
# client read timeout, seconds
# optional, default is 5
read_timeout = 5
# maximum amount of children to fork (concurrent searches to run)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
max_children = 30
# PID file, searchd process ID file name
# mandatory
pid_file = /var/log/
# max amount of matches the daemon ever keeps in RAM, per-index
# default is 1000 (just like Google)
max_matches = 1000
# seamless rotate, prevents rotate stalls if precaching huge datasets
# optional, default is 1
seamless_rotate = 0
# whether to forcibly preopen all indexes on startup
# optional, default is 0 (do not preopen)
preopen_indexes = 0
# whether to unlink .old index copies on succesful rotation.
# optional, default is 1 (do unlink)
unlink_old = 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source source_act
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, Siren1, RaisonSociale, Siren2, actif, dateLien, IF(dateUpdate > dateInsert, dateUpdate,dateInsert) as dateMaj, source, Pmin*1 AS PminNum, MajMin, PpPm, IF(Pays='','FRA',Pays) AS Pays FROM liens WHERE ActionPart=1 AND Siren1>1000 AND Siren1 IN (SELECT DISTINCT SIREN FROM etablissements_old);
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = PminNum
sql_attr_str2ordinal= MajMin
sql_attr_str2ordinal= PpPm
index act
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index act_phx
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source source_act
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, Siren1, RaisonSociale, Siren2, actif, dateLien, IF(dateUpdate > dateInsert, dateUpdate,dateInsert) as dateMaj, source, Pmin*1 AS PminNum, MajMin, PpPm, IF(Pays='','FRA',Pays) AS Pays FROM liens WHERE ActionPart=1 AND Siren1>1000 AND Siren1 IN (SELECT DISTINCT SIREN FROM etablissements_old);
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = PminNum
sql_attr_str2ordinal= MajMin
sql_attr_str2ordinal= PpPm
index act
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index act_phx
source = source_act
path = /dbs/sphinx/act_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source comptage
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = root
sql_pass = scores
sql_db = jo
sql_port = 3306
sql_query = SELECT id,ape_etab,ape_entrep,source,siren,nic,actif,siege,adr_cp,adr_dep,adr_com,(tel>100000000) AS tel,(fax>100000000) AS fax,cj,capital,age_entrep,age_etab,tca,tcaexp,teff_entrep,teff_etab,rang,dateCrea_etab,eff_entrep,eff_etab,nbEtab,bilType,bilAnnee,bilTca,bilCA,bilCAexp,bilRN FROM etablissements_act;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = bilType
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = adr_com
sql_attr_uint = tel
sql_attr_uint = fax
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = capital
sql_attr_uint = age_entrep
sql_attr_uint = age_etab
sql_attr_uint = tca
sql_attr_uint = tcaexp
sql_attr_uint = teff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = teff_etab
sql_attr_uint = rang
sql_attr_uint = dateCrea_etab
sql_attr_uint = eff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = eff_etab
sql_attr_uint = nbEtab
sql_attr_uint = bilAnnee
sql_attr_uint = bilTca
sql_attr_uint = bilCA
sql_attr_uint = bilCAexp
sql_attr_uint = bilRN
sql_query_info = SELECT siren, nic, ape_etab,ape_entrep, raisonSociale, enseigne, sigle, adr_libVoie, adr_cp, adr_ville FROM etablissements WHERE id=$id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
source comptage
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = root
sql_pass = scores
sql_db = jo
sql_port = 3306
sql_query = SELECT id,ape_etab,ape_entrep,source,siren,nic,actif,siege,adr_cp,adr_dep,adr_com,(tel>100000000) AS tel,(fax>100000000) AS fax,cj,capital,age_entrep,age_etab,tca,tcaexp,teff_entrep,teff_etab,rang,dateCrea_etab,eff_entrep,eff_etab,nbEtab,bilType,bilAnnee,bilTca,bilCA,bilCAexp,bilRN FROM etablissements_act;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = bilType
sql_attr_uint = source
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = adr_com
sql_attr_uint = tel
sql_attr_uint = fax
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = capital
sql_attr_uint = age_entrep
sql_attr_uint = age_etab
sql_attr_uint = tca
sql_attr_uint = tcaexp
sql_attr_uint = teff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = teff_etab
sql_attr_uint = rang
sql_attr_uint = dateCrea_etab
sql_attr_uint = eff_entrep
sql_attr_uint = eff_etab
sql_attr_uint = nbEtab
sql_attr_uint = bilAnnee
sql_attr_uint = bilTca
sql_attr_uint = bilCA
sql_attr_uint = bilCAexp
sql_attr_uint = bilRN
sql_query_info = SELECT siren, nic, ape_etab,ape_entrep, raisonSociale, enseigne, sigle, adr_libVoie, adr_cp, adr_ville FROM etablissements WHERE id=$id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
source source_dir
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
# sql_query = SELECT id, siren, actif, \
#IF(civilite='M',1,IF(civilite='MME' OR civilite='MLLE',2,0)) AS genre, \
#CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
# YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
#MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
# DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
#naissance_lieu, adr_dep \
#FROM rncs_dirigeants;
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, adr_dep, typeDir, dirSiren, civilite, CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
naissance_lieu, fonction_code, actif \
FROM dirigeants_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal= civilite
sql_attr_str2ordinal= typeDir
sql_attr_str2ordinal= fonction_code
sql_attr_uint = dirSiren
sql_attr_uint = naiss_annee
sql_attr_uint = naiss_mois
sql_attr_uint = naiss_jour
sql_attr_uint = actif
# sql_attr_uint = genre
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
index dir
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
#ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index dir_phx
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
source source_dir
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
# sql_query = SELECT id, siren, actif, \
#IF(civilite='M',1,IF(civilite='MME' OR civilite='MLLE',2,0)) AS genre, \
#CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
# YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
#MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
# DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
#naissance_lieu, adr_dep \
#FROM rncs_dirigeants;
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, adr_dep, typeDir, dirSiren, civilite, CONCAT(nom,' ',naissance_nom, ' ', dirRS) AS nom, prenom, \
YEAR(naissance_date) AS naiss_annee, \
MONTH(naissance_date) AS naiss_mois, \
DAY(naissance_date) AS naiss_jour, \
naissance_lieu, fonction_code, actif \
FROM dirigeants_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal= civilite
sql_attr_str2ordinal= typeDir
sql_attr_str2ordinal= fonction_code
sql_attr_uint = dirSiren
sql_attr_uint = naiss_annee
sql_attr_uint = naiss_mois
sql_attr_uint = naiss_jour
sql_attr_uint = actif
# sql_attr_uint = genre
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
index dir
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir
docinfo = extern
morphology = none
#ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index dir_phx
source = source_dir
path = /dbs/sphinx/dir_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
source source_ent
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, nic, siege, CONCAT(raisonSociale,\
' "" ',enseigne,' "" ',sigle,' "" ',identite_pre,' "" ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.',''),' ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.','')) AS nom, adr_dep, \
actif, adr_num, adr_typeVoie, CONCAT(adr_libVoie,' ',adr_comp) AS adresse, adr_cp, \
adr_ville AS ville, cj, ape_etab, (siren>200) AS sirenValide, rang \
FROM etablissements_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = adr_typeVoie
sql_attr_uint = siren
sql_attr_uint = nic
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_num
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = sirenValide
sql_attr_uint = rang
index ent
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_mns
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_mns
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
non_significatifs = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/mots-non-significatifs.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_phx
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
source source_ent
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = sphinx
sql_pass = indexer
sql_db = jo
sql_query_pre =
sql_query = SELECT id, siren, nic, siege, CONCAT(raisonSociale,\
' "" ',enseigne,' "" ',sigle,' "" ',identite_pre,' "" ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.',''),' ',\
'@','A'), '&',' ET '),'/',''),',',''),'-',''),'.','')) AS nom, adr_dep, \
actif, adr_num, adr_typeVoie, CONCAT(adr_libVoie,' ',adr_comp) AS adresse, adr_cp, \
adr_ville AS ville, cj, ape_etab, (siren>200) AS sirenValide, rang \
FROM etablissements_tmp;
sql_attr_str2ordinal = adr_typeVoie
sql_attr_uint = siren
sql_attr_uint = nic
sql_attr_uint = siege
sql_attr_uint = adr_num
sql_attr_uint = adr_cp
sql_attr_uint = adr_dep
sql_attr_uint = actif
sql_attr_uint = cj
sql_attr_uint = sirenValide
sql_attr_uint = rang
index ent
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
ispell_aff = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/francais.aff
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_mns
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_mns
docinfo = extern
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
abreviations = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/abreviations.txt
non_significatifs = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/mots-non-significatifs.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF
index ent_phx
source = source_ent
path = /dbs/sphinx/ent_phx
docinfo = extern
morphology = libstemmer_francais
wordforms = /usr/local/sphinx/etc/wordforms.txt
charset_type = sbcs
charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, \
U+23, U+25, U+26, U+2B, U+3D, U+40, \
U+C0..U+DE->U+E0..U+FE, U+DF, U+E0..U+FF

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
## indexer settings
# memory limit, in bytes, kiloytes (16384K) or megabytes (256M)
# optional, default is 32M, max is 2047M, recommended is 256M to 1024M
mem_limit = 256
# maximum IO calls per second (for I/O throttling)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
# max_iops = 40
# maximum IO call size, bytes (for I/O throttling)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
# max_iosize = 1048576
## searchd settings
# IP address to bind on
# optional, default is (ie. listen on all interfaces)
# address =
# address =
# searchd TCP port number
# mandatory, default is 3312
listen = 3312
# log file, searchd run info is logged here
# optional, default is 'searchd.log'
log = /dbs/sphinxlog/searchd.log
# query log file, all search queries are logged here
# optional, default is empty (do not log queries)
query_log = /dbs/sphinxlog/query.log
# client read timeout, seconds
# optional, default is 5
read_timeout = 5
# maximum amount of children to fork (concurrent searches to run)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
max_children = 30
# PID file, searchd process ID file name
# mandatory
pid_file = /var/log/
# max amount of matches the daemon ever keeps in RAM, per-index
# default is 1000 (just like Google)
max_matches = 1000
# seamless rotate, prevents rotate stalls if precaching huge datasets
# optional, default is 1
seamless_rotate = 0
# whether to forcibly preopen all indexes on startup
# optional, default is 0 (do not preopen)
preopen_indexes = 0
# whether to unlink .old index copies on succesful rotation.
# optional, default is 1 (do unlink)
unlink_old = 1

indexer/sh/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S'`
echo "DEBUT de l'indexation ==== $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerDiri-$(date +%F).log
# nombre de lignes dans la table etab
output=$(mysql -h192.168.3.30 -usphinx -pindexer jo < sql/countDiri.sql)
for line in "$output"; do
# Suppression fin de ligne
etab=$(echo $etab|sed -e "s/^[etab ]*//g"||sed -e "s/[ ]*$//g")
# nombre de lignes dans la table diri_tmp
output=$(mysql -h192.168.3.30 -usphinx -pindexer jo < sql/countDiri_tmp.sql)
for line in "$output"; do
# Suppression fin de ligne
etab_tmp=$(echo $etab_tmp|sed -e "s/^[etab_tmp ]*//g"||sed -e "s/[ ]*$//g")
# Comparaison du nombre de lignes entre etab (ancien) et etab_tmp (nouveau)
if test $etab_tmp -gt $etab; then
echo "Il y a $etab_tmp lignes dans la nouvelle table dirigeants ($etab lignes dans l'ancienne)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerDiri-$(date +%F).log
$PATH_BIN/indexer --rotate dir dir_phx >> $PATH_LOG/indexerDiri-$(date +%F).log
echo "Sphinx - termine : $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerDiri-$(date +%F).log
mysql -f -uroot -h192.168.3.30 -pscores jo < finIndexationDiri.sql >> $PATH_LOG/indexerDiri-$(date +%F).log
# Il y a plus de lignes dans l'ancienne table dirigeants ==> On ne fait rien
echo "Il n'y a pas assez de lignes dans la nouvelle table dirigeants ($etab_tmp / $etab) !" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerDiri-$(date +%F).log
echo "FIN ===== $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerDiri-$(date +%F).log

indexer/sh/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S'`
echo "DEBUT de l'indexation ==== $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
# nombre de lignes dans la table etab
output=$(mysql -h192.168.3.30 -usphinx -pindexer jo < sql/countEtab.sql)
for line in "$output"; do
# Suppression fin de ligne
etab=$(echo $etab|sed -e "s/^[etab ]*//g"||sed -e "s/[ ]*$//g")
# Cast de la variable au cas ou
#etab=$(echo $etab| gawk '{print + 0}')
# nombre de lignes dans la table etab_tmp
output=$(mysql -h192.168.3.30 -usphinx -pindexer jo < sql/countEtab_tmp.sql)
for line in "$output"; do
# Suppression fin de ligne
etab_tmp=$(echo $etab_tmp|sed -e "s/^[etab_tmp ]*//g"||sed -e "s/[ ]*$//g")
# Cast de la variable au cas ou
#etab_tmp=$(echo $etab_tmp| gawk '{print + 0}')
# Comparaison du nombre de lignes entre etab (ancien) et etab_tmp (nouveau)
if test $etab_tmp -gt $etab; then
echo "Il y a $etab_tmp lignes dans la nouvelle table etablissement ($etab lignes dans l'ancienne)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
# $PATH_BIN/indexer --rotate --all >> $PATH_LOG/indexer-$(date +%F).log
$PATH_BIN/indexer --rotate ent ent_mns ent_phx >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
echo "Sphinx - terminé : $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
mysql -f -uroot -h192.168.3.30 -pscores jo < finIndexationEtab.sql >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
# Il y a plus de lignes dans l'ancienne table etablissements ==> On ne fait rien
echo "Il n'y a pas assez de lignes dans la nouvelle table etablissement ($etab_tmp / $etab) !" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
echo "FIN ===== $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log

indexer/sh/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S'`
echo "DEBUT de l'indexation ==== $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
# nombre de lignes dans la table etab
output=$(mysql -h192.168.3.30 -usphinx -pindexer jo < sql/countEtab.sql)
for line in "$output"; do
# Suppression fin de ligne
etab=$(echo $etab|sed -e "s/^[etab ]*//g"||sed -e "s/[ ]*$//g")
# Cast de la variable au cas ou
#etab=$(echo $etab| gawk '{print + 0}')
# nombre de lignes dans la table etab_tmp
output=$(mysql -h192.168.3.30 -usphinx -pindexer jo < sql/countEtab_tmp.sql)
for line in "$output"; do
# Suppression fin de ligne
etab_tmp=$(echo $etab_tmp|sed -e "s/^[etab_tmp ]*//g"||sed -e "s/[ ]*$//g")
# Cast de la variable au cas ou
#etab_tmp=$(echo $etab_tmp| gawk '{print + 0}')
# Comparaison du nombre de lignes entre etab (ancien) et etab_tmp (nouveau)
if test $etab_tmp -gt $etab; then
echo "Il y a $etab_tmp lignes dans la nouvelle table etablissement ($etab lignes dans l'ancienne)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
# $PATH_BIN/indexer --rotate --all >> $PATH_LOG/indexer-$(date +%F).log
$PATH_BIN/indexer --rotate ent ent_mns ent_phx >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
echo "Sphinx - terminé : $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
mysql -f -uroot -h192.168.3.30 -pscores jo < finIndexationEtab.sql >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
# Il y a plus de lignes dans l'ancienne table etablissements ==> On ne fait rien
echo "Il n'y a pas assez de lignes dans la nouvelle table etablissement ($etab_tmp / $etab) !" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log
echo "FIN ===== $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $PATH_LOG/indexerEtab-$(date +%F).log

indexer/sql/countDiri.sql Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
SELECT count(*) AS etab_tmp from dirigeants_tmp;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
SELECT count(*) AS etab from etablissements;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
SELECT count(*) AS etab_tmp from etablissements_tmp;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jo.dirigeants_old;
RENAME TABLE jo.dirigeants TO jo.dirigeants_old;
RENAME TABLE jo.dirigeants_tmp TO jo.dirigeants;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jo.etablissements_old;
RENAME TABLE jo.etablissements TO jo.etablissements_old;
RENAME TABLE jo.etablissements_tmp TO jo.etablissements;
ALTER TABLE jo.etablissements_old ADD INDEX(source, siege, actif, adr_dep, capital, cj, ape_entrep, ape_etab, age_entrep, teff_entrep, teff_etab, tca);

initscript/sphinxsearch Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
#! /bin/sh
# Written by Miquel van Smoorenburg <>.
# Modified for Debian
# by Ian Murdock <>.
# Further changes by Javier Fernandez-Sanguino <>
# Modified for sphinx by Radu Spineanu <>
# Provides: sphinxsearch
# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $network $time
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $network
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Fast standalone full-text SQL search engine
test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
DODTIME=1 # Time to wait for the server to die, in seconds
# If this value is set too low you might not
# let some servers to die gracefully and
# 'restart' will not work
# Include sphinx defaults if available
if [ -f /etc/default/sphinx ] ; then
. /etc/default/sphinx
set -e
# Check if a given process pid's cmdline matches a given name
[ -z "$pid" ] && return 1
[ ! -d /proc/$pid ] && return 1
cmd=`cat /proc/$pid/cmdline | tr "\000" "\n"|head -n 1 |cut -d : -f 1`
# Is this the expected child?
[ "$cmd" != "$name" ] && return 1
return 0
# Check if the process is running looking at /proc
# (works for all users)
# No pidfile, probably no daemon present
[ ! -f "$PIDFILE" ] && return 1
# Obtain the pid and check it against the binary name
pid=`cat $PIDFILE`
running_pid $pid $DAEMON || return 1
return 0
force_stop() {
# Forcefully kill the process
[ ! -f "$PIDFILE" ] && return
if running ; then
kill -15 $pid
# Is it really dead?
[ -n "$DODTIME" ] && sleep "$DODTIME"s
if running ; then
kill -9 $pid
[ -n "$DODTIME" ] && sleep "$DODTIME"s
if running ; then
echo "Cannot kill $LABEL (pid=$pid)!"
exit 1
rm -f $PIDFILE
return 0
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
# Check if we have the configuration file
if [ ! -f /usr/local/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf ]; then
echo "Please create an /usr/local/sphinx/sphinx.conf configuration file."
echo "Templates are in the directory."
exit 0
start-stop-daemon --start --exec ${DAEMON}
if running ; then
echo "$NAME."
echo " ERROR."
echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $PIDFILE \
--exec $DAEMON
echo "$NAME."
echo -n "Forcefully stopping $DESC: "
if ! running ; then
echo "$NAME."
echo " ERROR."
echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $PIDFILE \
--exec $DAEMON
[ -n "$DODTIME" ] && sleep $DODTIME
start-stop-daemon --start --exec ${DAEMON}
echo "$NAME."
echo -n "$LABEL is "
if running ; then
echo "running"
echo " not running."
exit 1
# echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status|force-stop}" >&2
exit 1
exit 0

logrotate/searchd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/dbs/sphinxlog/query.log /dbs/sphinxlog/searchd.log {
rotate 5
create 640 root root
killall -SIGUSR1 searchd