2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
< ? php
* SDmotor
* Cette classe gere tous les cas possibles de recherche avec le moteur sphinx .
* Tous les types de recherches entreprise .
* Par : Damien Lasserre , Le 13 / 11 / 2011 a 12 h12 .
* CC : dlasserre @ scores - decisions . com
* CR : CopyRight Scores et Decisions .
Class SDmotor
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
protected $sphinx ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
protected $formR ;
protected $index ;
protected $debug = true ;
/** Critères pour sphinx **/
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
protected $criteresLetters ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
protected $Crtiteres = array ( 'raisonSociale' => '' ,
'Voie' => '@addresse' ,
'cpVille' => '@ville' ,
'telFax' => '@(tel, fax)' ,
'naf' => '@ape_etab'
/** Séquance d'échappement. **/
protected $form2crit = array ( 'siren' => 'I' ,
'raisonSociale' => 'S' ,
'departement' => 'D' ,
'localite' => 'L' ,
'cpVille' => 'D' ,
'numeroVoie' => 'N' ,
'Voie' => 'R' ,
'Ville' => 'V' ,
protected $mode ; // Le MatchingMode de sphinx
protected $deb ; // La Page de début.
protected $nbRep ; // Le Nombre de reponse par page
protected $max ; // Le Nombre maximum de résultats.
protected $total_time ; // Le temps d'éxecution de la recherche.
/** Parametres de la partie debug (Interface de test)**/
protected $quorum ;
protected $sequances ;
protected $proximites ;
protected $poids ;
protected $actif ;
/** **/
protected $maxSizeWord ; // Taille Minimum des mots pour la raisonSociale
protected $Quorumsize ; // Inutilisé pour le moment.
protected $ProximiteSize ; // Taille de la proximite.
protected $page ; // La page courante.
public $html ; // HTML propre au debug (interface de test)
protected $pertinance ; // La pertinence dans la recherche. (sirenage)
protected $acronyme ;
* @ param < type > $deb Page courante .
* @ param < type > $nbRep Nombre de reponse / pages
* @ param < type > $max Nombre Maximum de reponses .
* Fonction de recherche entreprise , ici nous allons crée tous les cas de recherche possible
* De la recherche par exact match ou Phonetique en passant par le gestionnaire de condition de Sphinx
* A savoir nous retirerons des critéres celon les resultats de sphinx .
public function __construct ()
$this -> total_time = 0 ;
2011-11-17 09:46:27 +00:00
$this -> quorum = false ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
$this -> sequances = false ;
2011-11-17 09:46:27 +00:00
$this -> proximites = false ;
$this -> poids = false ;
$this -> actif = false ;
$this -> nbRep = 10 ;
$this -> max = 1000 ;
$this -> debug = true ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
public function _initForm ( $formR )
$formulaire = array ();
$ok = false ;
foreach ( $formR as $name => $form ) {
if ( $name != 'controller' and $name != 'action' and $name != 'module' and $name != 'Envoyer' ) {
if ( $this -> index == 'dir' and ( $name == 'nom' or $name == 'prenom' and ! $ok )) {
$formulaire [ 'raisonSociale' ] = $formR [ 'nom' ] . ' ' . $formR [ 'prenom' ];
$ok = true ;
$formulaire [ $name ] = ( empty ( $form )) ? '' : $form ;
$this -> formR = $formulaire ;
public function databaseJO ()
2011-11-17 09:46:27 +00:00
$db = new mysqli ( MYSQL_HOST , MYSQL_USER , MYSQL_PASS , 'jo' );
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
if ( mysqli_connect_error ()) {
$this -> println ( 'Erreur : Ne peut pas se connecter a la base.' );
return ;
$db -> query ( " SET NAMES 'utf8'; " );
return $db ;
* Fonction d ' entrée dans la classe
* Elle s 'occupe de setter les parametres de sphinx et d' éxecuter le bon type de recherche .
* @ todo voir pour la verification du mode de sortie de sphinx .
* Prévoir un input de selection avec les différents modes de sortie .
* $this -> sphinx -> SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXTENDED , " @adr_num desc " );
public function search ()
$pass = 0 ;
$quorumActif = false ;
$quorum = array ();
$array = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ]))
$this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ] = $this -> formatRaisonSociale ( $this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ]);
foreach ( $this -> formR as $name => $form ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( $name , $this -> form2crit ) and ! empty ( $this -> formR [ $name ]))
$array [ $name ] = $form ;
$this -> formR = $array ;
if ( ! $this -> sphinx and $this -> debug )
return ( array ( 'Nombre de Réponses :' => 0 ,
'Nombre de Réponses Totales :' => 0 ,
'Durée exécution :' => $total_time ,
'Erreure :' => 'Le formulaire est Vide !' )
2011-11-22 13:49:49 +00:00
if ( $this -> index == 'ent' )
$this -> sphinx -> SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXTENDED , 'sirenValide DESC, rang DESC, actif DESC, siege DESC' );
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
$this -> sphinx -> SetLimits ( intval ( $this -> deb ), intval ( $this -> nbRep ), intval ( $this -> max ));
$this -> maxSizeWord = 0 ;
switch ( $this -> formR [ 'SPH_MATCH' ]) {
case 'SPH_MATCH_ALL' :
$this -> sphinx -> SetMatchMode ( SPH_MATCH_ALL );
$resSphinx = $this -> SPH_MATCH_ ( 'SPH_MATCH_ALL' );
$this -> printStatus ( $resSphinx );
break ;
case 'SPH_MATCH_ANY' :
$this -> sphinx -> SetMatchMode ( SPH_MATCH_ANY );
$resSphinx = $this -> SPH_MATCH_ ( 'SPH_MATCH_ANY' );
$this -> printStatus ( $resSphinx );
break ;
$this -> sphinx -> SetMatchMode ( SPH_MATCH_PHRASE );
$resSphinx = $this -> SPH_MATCH_ ( 'SPH_MATCH_PHRASE' );
$this -> printStatus ( $resSphinx );
break ;
$this -> sphinx -> SetMatchMode ( SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN );
$resSphinx = $this -> SPH_MATCH_ ( 'SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN' );
$this -> printStatus ( $resSphinx );
break ;
$this -> sphinx -> SetMatchMode ( SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED );
$resSphinx = $this -> SPH_MATCH_ ( 'SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED' );
$this -> printStatus ( $resSphinx );
break ;
default :
$this -> sphinx -> SetMatchMode ( SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ]) and $this -> index == 'ent' )
$this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ] = $this -> removeSmallWord ( $this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $this -> formR [ 'Voie' ]))
$this -> formR [ 'Voie' ] = $this -> formatAdress ( $this -> formR [ 'Voie' ]);
$resSphinx = $this -> SPH_MATCH_ ( 'SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2' );
$this -> printStatus ( $resSphinx );
break ;
return ;
if ( $resSphinx [ 'matches' ] > 0 ) {
$this -> setTime ( $resSphinx [ 'time' ]);
return ( $this -> getResponse ( $resSphinx ));
/** Partie Requette **/
* Grosse fonction de traitement des sequences ainsi que les différent sequencing de sphinx
* Comme la gestion du quorum d 'écrémenté sur la raisonSociale et l' Adresse
* + La gestion des doublons et des espaces .
* @ param $type vaut le type de recherche SPH_MATCH_ ?
* @ return les résultats dans le cas ou il y a des résultats .
public function SPH_MATCH_ ( $type )
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
include 'sequence.php' ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
if ( $this -> debug ) $html = '' ;
$ref = array ( 'acrony' , 'normal' , 'points' , 'split' , 'space' , 'double' , 'quorum' );
$i = 0 ;
if ( $this -> detectedSequance () == 'S.S' )
$valeur = 'S' ;
else {
$valeur = explode ( ':' , $this -> detectedSequance ());
$valeur = trim ( $valeur [ 0 ]);
print_r ( $this -> formR );
foreach ( $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ] as $seqId ) {
if ( $this -> debug ) $html .= '<br /><b>Séquence :</b> ' . $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]] . '<br />' ;
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
$this -> criteresLetters = $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]];
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
$tab = explode ( '.' , $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]]);
if ( in_array ( 'S' , $tab )) {
$nb = 1 ;
if ( $this -> debug ) $html .= '<table>' ;
for ( $quorum = $this -> countQorum (); $quorum > 0 ; $quorum -- ) {
foreach ( $ref as $seq ) {
if ( $this -> index != 'ent' and ( $seq == 'acrony' or $seq == 'split' ))
continue ;
if ( $link [ $valeur ][ $seq ]) {
if ( isset ( $passe ) and $passe == $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]])
$seq = 'quorum' ;
if ( in_array ( 'R' , explode ( '.' , $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]])))
for ( $quorumR = $this -> countQorumR (); $quorumR > 0 ; $quorumR -- ) {
$request = $this -> constructQuerySequance ( $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]], $type , array ( $quorum , $quorumR ), $seq );
$result = $this -> sphinx -> Query ( $request , $this -> index );
if ( $this -> debug ) {
$html .= '<tr style="background-color:' . (( $result [ 'total' ] == 0 ) ? '#FFE8E8' : '#E8FFE8' ) . '">' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;font-size:11px;">' . $nb ++. '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;font-size:11px;width:400px;">' . $request . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;color:' . (( $result [ 'total' ] == 0 ) ? 'red' : 'green' ) . '">' . $result [ 'total' ] . '/' . $result [ 'total_found' ] . '</td>' ;
if ( $seq != 'quorum' )
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;"><i>' . $seq . '</i></td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;"><i style="font-size:10px;"> quorum R:' . $quorum . '</i></td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
if ( $result [ 'total' ] > 0 )
break ;
if ( $result [ 'total' ] > 0 or $passe == $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]])
break ;
} else {
$request = $this -> constructQuerySequance ( $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]], $type , array ( $quorum , false ), $seq );
$result = $this -> sphinx -> Query ( $request , $this -> index );
if ( $this -> debug ) {
$html .= '<tr style="background-color:' . (( $result [ 'total' ] == 0 ) ? '#FFE8E8' : '#E8FFE8' ) . '">' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;font-size:11px;">' . $nb ++. '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;font-size:11px;width:400px;">' . $request . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;color:' . (( $result [ 'total' ] == 0 ) ? 'red' : 'green' ) . '">' . $result [ 'total' ] . '/' . $result [ 'total_found' ] . '</td>' ;
if ( $seq != 'quorum' )
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;"><i>' . $seq . '</i></td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;"><i style="font-size:10px;"> quorum:' . $quorum . '</i></td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
if ( $result [ 'total' ] > 0 or $passe == $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]])
break ;
if ( $result [ 'total' ] > 0 )
break ;
if ( $result [ 'total' ] > 0 )
break ;
$passe = $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]];
if ( $this -> debug ) $html .= '</table>' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( 'R' , $tab )) {
if ( $this -> debug ) $html .= '<table>' ;
$nb = 1 ;
for ( $qv = count ( explode ( ' ' , trim ( $this -> formR [ 'Voie' ]))); $qv > 0 ; $qv -- ) {
$request = $this -> constructQuerySequance ( $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]], $type , array ( false , $qv ), $seq );
$result = $this -> sphinx -> Query ( $request , $this -> index );
if ( $this -> debug ) {
$html .= '<tr style="background-color:' . (( $result [ 'total' ] == 0 ) ? '#FFE8E8' : '#E8FFE8' ) . '">' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;font-size:11px;">' . $nb ++. '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;font-size:11px;width:400px;">' . $request . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;color:' . (( $result [ 'total' ] == 0 ) ? 'red' : 'green' ) . '">' . $result [ 'total' ] . '/' . $result [ 'total_found' ] . '</td>' ;
if ( $seq != 'quorum' )
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;"><i>' . $seq . '</i></td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;"><i style="font-size:10px;"> quorum:' . $quorum . '</i></td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
if ( $result [ 'total' ] > 0 ) {
break ;
if ( $this -> debug ) $html .= '</table>' ;
} else {
if ( $this -> debug ) $html .= '<table>' ;
$request = $this -> constructQuerySequance ( $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]], $type , array ( false , false ), $seq );
$result = $this -> sphinx -> Query (( $request != " " ) ? $request : '' , $this -> index );
if ( $this -> debug ) {
$html .= '<tr style="background-color:' . (( $result [ 'total' ] == 0 ) ? '#FFE8E8' : '#E8FFE8' ) . '">' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;font-size:11px;">' . $nb ++. '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;font-size:11px;width:400px;">' . $request . '</td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;color:' . (( $result [ 'total' ] == 0 ) ? 'red' : 'green' ) . '">' . $result [ 'total' ] . '/' . $result [ 'total_found' ] . '</td>' ;
if ( $seq != 'quorum' )
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;"><i>' . $seq . '</i></td>' ;
$html .= '<td style="border:1px solid silver;padding:3px;"><i style="font-size:10px;"> quorum:' . $quorum . '</i></td>' ;
$html .= '</tr>' ;
$html .= '</table>' ;
if ( $result [ 'total' ] > 0 ) {
break ;
$i ++ ;
$this -> pertinance = $this -> levenshteinCrit ( $sequence [ $link [ $valeur ][ 'id' ][ $i ]]);
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> printInformations ( $html );
return ( $result );
* Cette fonction permet une recherche simple avec les annonce juste un filtre + un champs de recherche
* J ' ai preferer ne pas la mettre dans le moteur car trop leger pour suporter les requette du moteur se serai une surcharge pour rien ...
* getResponse implemente la requete SQL , pour respecter la hierarchie de code !
* @ return type
public function HistoSearch ()
if ( ! empty ( $this -> formR [ 'annee1' ]))
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'annee1' , array ( $this -> formR [ 'annee1' ]));
$resSphinx = $this -> sphinx -> Query ( $this -> formR [ 'recherche' ], $this -> index );
return ( $this -> getResponse ( $resSphinx ));
* Gestion de la raison sociale Formatage
* avec des preg_replace etc ...
public function formatRaisonSociale ( $rs , $double = false )
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
include 'sequence.php' ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ])) {
$request = '' ;
$array = explode ( ' ' , $rs );
foreach ( $array as $item ) {
$item = str_replace ( '\'' , ' ' , $item );
if (( strlen ( $item ) > $this -> maxSizeWord and ! in_array ( strtoupper ( $item ), $wordformRS ) and $this -> index == 'ent' ) or strlen ( $item ) > $this -> maxSizeWord and count ( $array ) == 1 ) {
if ( $double )
$request .= preg_replace ( '/(?:([^*])\1)\1*/' , '$1' , $item ) . ' ' ;
$request .= $item . ' ' ;
} else {
$request .= $item . ' ' ;
return ( $request );
* Fonction qui permet de gerer les CP et le Ville
* @ param type $cp
* @ return type
public function formatCP ( $cp )
$matches = '' ;
$arrayChamp = explode ( ' ' , trim ( $cp ));
$str = false ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $arrayChamp ); $i ++ )
if ( preg_match ( '/^[0-9]{1,}$/' , $cp , $matches ))
if ( strlen ( $matches [ 0 ]) == 1 and $matches [ 0 ] < 10 ) {
$matches [ 0 ] = '0' . $matches [ 0 ];
$size = strlen ( $matches [ 0 ]);
if ( $size >= 2 and $this -> index == 'ent' or $this -> index == 'dir' ) {
if ( substr ( $matches [ 0 ], 0 , 2 ) > 95 ) {
// DOM-TOM outre mers
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'adr_dep' , array (( int ) substr ( $matches [ 0 ], 0 , 3 )));
} else if ( substr ( $matches [ 0 ], 0 , 2 ) == 20 ) {
// Teritoire de la corse 2A et 2B @todo Attention a la compilation transformer 2A et 2B en 200
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'adr_dep' , array ( 200 ));
} else {
// Classique Metropole
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'adr_dep' , array (( int )( substr ( $cp , 0 , 2 ))));
if ( $size == 5 ) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'adr_cp' , array ( intval ( $matches [ 0 ])));
$str .= $arrayChamp [ $i ];
return ( $str );
public function FiltreDateDeNaissance ()
if ( ! empty ( $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissMM' ])) {
if ( $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissMM' ] > 0 and $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissMM' ] < 12 ) {
if (( $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissMM' ] % 2 ) != 0 )
if ( $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissJJ' ] > 0 and $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissJJ' ] < 31 ) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'naiss_jour' , array ( $this -> formR [ dirDateNaissJJ ]));
} else {
if ( $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissJJ' ] > 0 and $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissJJ' ] < 29 ) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'naiss_jour' , array ( $this -> formR [ dirDateNaissJJ ]));
} else {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissJJ' ])) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'naiss_jour' , array ( $this -> formR [ dirDateNaissJJ ]));
if ( $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissAAAA' ] > 0 and $this -> formR [ 'dirDateNaissAAAA' ] < date ( 'Y' )) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'naiss_annee' , array ( $this -> formR [ dirDateNaissAAAA ]));
* Retire les petits mots de la raisonSociale .
* @ param $rs => raisonSociale
* @ return raisonSociale modifié .
public function removeSmallWord ( $rs )
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
include 'sequence.php' ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
$array = explode ( ' ' , $rs );
if ( count ( $array ) > 2 ) {
foreach ( $array as $item ) {
if ( strlen ( $item ) > 1 and ! in_array ( strtoupper ( $item ), $wordformRS )) {
$request .= $item . ' ' ;
} else if ( strlen ( $item ) == 1 ) {
$this -> acronyme .= $item ;
return (( empty ( $request )) ? $rs : $request );
* Elle format l ' adresse .
* @ param $adress
* @ return adresse modifié .
public function formatAdress ( $adress )
require_once 'sequence.php' ;
$adr = explode ( ' ' , $adress );
foreach ( $adr as $item ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $item , $adrRef )) {
$request .= $item . ' ' ;
return ( $request );
/** Partie Sequance **/
* Calcule le quorum selon le nombre de mots présents dans la RS .
* @ return Nombre .
public function countQorum ()
$i = 0 ;
$val = explode ( ' ' , $this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ]);
foreach ( $val as $item ) {
if ( empty ( $item ))
unset ( $val [ $i ]);
$i ++ ;
return ( count ( $val ));
public function countQorumR ()
$i = 0 ;
$val = explode ( ' ' , $this -> formR [ 'Voie' ]);
foreach ( $val as $item ) {
if ( empty ( $item ))
unset ( $val [ $i ]);
$i ++ ;
return ( count ( $val ));
/** Partie Sequance **/
* Permet de determiner la sequence celon les parametres entré dans les formulaire .
* @ return sequence formater sous ce type " S.D.R : RaisonSociale Departement Voie "
public function detectedSequance ()
$sequance = " " ;
foreach ( $this -> formR as $name => $form ) {
if ( $name != 'SPH_MATCH' and ! empty ( $this -> formR [ $name ])) {
$sequance .= '.' . $this -> form2crit [ $name ];
$values .= $name . ', ' ;
return ( substr ( $sequance , 1 ) . ' : ' . $values );
* Elle construit la requette pour sphinx celon certain parametre et un certain formatage .
* @ param $sequances de format " S.D.V "
* @ param $type type de recherche sphinx SPH_MATCH_ ?
* @ param $qorum pour la raisons sociale
* @ param $seq type de sequence " espace, normal, double "
* @ return $request bien formater pour sphinx .
protected function constructQuerySequance ( $sequances , $type , $quorum , $seq )
$this -> sphinx -> ResetFilters ();
$adresse = '@adresse "' ;
$ville = '@ville "' ;
$request = '' ;
foreach ( $this -> form2crit as $name => $crit ) {
$diff = explode ( '.' , $sequances );
if ( in_array ( $crit , $diff )) {
if ( $name == 'raisonSociale' ) {
$request = $request .= (( $type == 'SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED' or $type == 'SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2' ) ? '@nom ' : '' ) . '' ;
switch ( $seq ) {
case 'radica' :
//$request = substr(trim($this->formR['raisonSociale']), 0, 3);
2011-11-22 13:49:49 +00:00
continue ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
break ;
case 'quorum' :
$request .= ' "' . $this -> formR [ $name ] . '"' . (( $quorum [ 0 ] >= 1 ) ? '/' . $quorum [ 0 ] : '' );
break ;
case 'space' :
$request .= '"' . str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $this -> formatRaisonSociale ( $this -> formR [ $name ])) . '" | ' ;
$request .= '"' . str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $this -> formatRaisonSociale ( $this -> formR [ $name ], true )) . '"' ;
break ;
case 'double' :
2011-11-17 09:46:27 +00:00
if ( strlen ( $this -> formR [ $name ]) > 5 ) {
$request .= '"' . $this -> formatRaisonSociale ( $this -> formR [ $name ], true ) . '" | ' ;
$request .= '"' . $this -> formatRaisonSociale ( $this -> formR [ $name ], true ) . '" ' . (( $quorum [ 0 ] >= 1 ) ? '/' . $quorum [ 0 ] : '' ) . ' ' ;
2011-11-22 13:49:49 +00:00
} else
continue ;
2011-11-17 09:46:27 +00:00
break ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
case 'points' :
$request .= '"' . str_replace ( '.' , '' , $this -> formR [ $name ]) . '"' ;
break ;
case 'acrony' :
if ( ! empty ( $this -> acronyme ) and strlen ( $this -> acronyme ) > 2 ) {
$request .= '"' . $this -> acronyme . ' ' . $this -> formatRaisonSociale ( $this -> formR [ $name ]) . '"/' . $quorum [ 0 ];
2011-11-22 13:49:49 +00:00
} else
continue ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
break ;
case 'split' :
for ( $count = 0 ; $count < 2 ; $count ++ ) {
$rs = (( $i == 0 ) ? trim ( $this -> formR [ $name ]) : str_replace ( '.' , '' , trim ( $this -> formR [ $name ])));
$precedent = '' ;
$request .= '(' ;
if ( count ( explode ( ' ' , $rs )) == 1 )
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $rs ); $i ++ ) {
$precedent .= $rs [ $i ];
$request .= ' "' . $precedent . ' ' . substr ( $rs , $i + 1 ) . '"' . (( $i + 1 != strlen ( $rs )) ? ' ' : '' );
if ( $i + 1 < strlen ( $rs ))
$request .= ' | ' ;
$request .= ( $count == 0 ) ? ') |' : ')' ;
break ;
default :
if ( $this -> index == 'act' )
$request .= '"' . $this -> formR [ $name ] . '" /' . ( count ( explode ( ' ' , $this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ])) - 1 ) . ' | ' ;
2011-11-17 09:46:27 +00:00
$request .= '"' . $this -> formR [ $name ] . '"' ;
if ( strlen ( $this -> formR [ $name ]) > 5 )
$request .= ' | @nom "' . $this -> formatRaisonSociale ( $this -> formR [ $name ], true ) . '"' ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
else if ( $name == 'cpVille' ) {
$str = $this -> formatCP ( $this -> formR [ $name ]);
if ( $str != false ) {
$adresse .= $str ;
else if ( $name == 'Ville' ) {
$ville .= $this -> formR [ $name ] . ' ' ;
else if ( $name == 'naf' ) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'naf' , array ( $this -> formR [ $name ]));
else if ( $name == 'Voie' ) {
$adresse .= $this -> formR [ $name ] . ' ' ;
else if ( $name == 'siret' ) {
if ( strlen ( $this -> formR [ $name ]) == 14 ) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'siren' , array ( substr ( $this -> formR [ $name ], 0 , 9 )));
$this -> sphinx -> setfilter ( 'nic' , array ( substr ( $this -> formR [ $name ], 9 )));
} else if ( strlen ( $this -> fomrR [ $name ]) == 9 ) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'siren' , array ( $this -> formR [ $name ]));
else if ( $name == 'numeroVoie' ) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'adr_num' , array ( $this -> formR [ $name ]));
else if ( $name == 'actMin' or $name == 'actMax' ) {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> formR [ 'actMin' ]) and ! empty ( $this -> formR [ 'actMax' ]))
$this -> sphinx -> SetFilterRange ( 'PminNum' , $this -> formR [ 'actMin' ], $this -> formR [ 'actMax' ]);
else if ( $name == 'dirDateNaissJJ' or $name == 'dirDateNaissMM' or $name = 'dirDateNaissAAAA' ) {
$this -> FiltreDateDeNaissance ();
else if ( $this -> actif ) {
$this -> sphinx -> setFilter ( 'actif' , array ( 1 ));
} else {
$request .= $this -> formR [ $name ] . ' ' ;
if ( $adresse != '@adresse "' ) {
$request = $request . ' ' . $adresse . '"' . (( $quorum [ 1 ] != false ) ? '/' . $quorum [ 1 ] : '' );
if ( $ville != '@ville "' )
$request = $request . ' ' . $ville . '"' ;
echo $request . '<br />' ;
return ( $request );
/** Partie Pertinence **/
/* La pertinence doit être calculé a partir des critères recherche ( la séquence utilisé ) moins la séquence avec la quelle
* ont a trouvé les résultat ainsi que la distance des mots de la RS ou des l ' adresse .
* exemple :
* S = scores et decisions
* D = 78
* V = Rambouillet ( s )
* SDV = 20 ; resultat de base
* -> 0 resultats
* SD = 15 ;
* -> 1 resultat
* V = levenshtein : ~ 1 alors 5 - 1 ( étant le poid de V ) = 4 donc 15 + 4 = 19 pourquoi - 1 , La proximité est proche plus le nombre est grand plus l 'éloignement l' est .
* total pertinence = 19
* @ param < type > $formR
* @ param < type > $mySql
protected function levenshteinCrit ( $crit )
$pertinance = 0 ;
$weight = array ( 'I' => 10 , 'S' => 9 , 'D' => 6 , 'L' => 4 , 'V' => 5 , 'N' => 2 , 'R' => 3 );
$crit = explode ( '.' , $crit );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $crit ); $i ++ ) {
$pertinance += $weight [ $crit [ $i ]];
return ( $pertinance );
protected function checkParamsRS ( $rs )
if ( strlen ( $rs ) > 3 )
return ( false );
return ( true );
protected function getPertinence ( $formR , $mySql )
$formR = strtoupper ( $formR );
$mySql = strtoupper ( $mySql );
$array = explode ( ' ' , $mySql );
$array2 = explode ( ' ' , $formR );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $array2 ); $i ++ ) {
if ( in_array ( $array2 [ $i ], $array )) {
$size += levenshtein ( $formR , $mySql );
return (( $size ) ? $size : 100 );
/** Partie Reponse **/
public function getResponse ( $resSphinx )
$i = 0 ;
$response = array ();
switch ( $this -> index ) {
case 'ent' :
2011-11-17 09:46:27 +00:00
$sql = ' SELECT rang , raisonSociale , CONCAT ( siren , nic ) AS siret , rang , siren , nic , siege , raisonSociale ,
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
sigle , enseigne , ( siren > 200 ) AS sirenValide , adr_num , adr_typeVoie , adr_libVoie , adr_comp , adr_cp ,
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
adr_ville , tel , fax , cj , actif , ape_etab , ape_entrep FROM etablissements WHERE id IN ( ' ;
foreach ( $resSphinx [ 'matches' ] as $elements ) {
/*$sql .= 'id='.$elements['id'];*/
$sql .= $elements [ 'id' ];
if ( $i + 1 < count ( $resSphinx [ 'matches' ]))
$sql .= ', ' ;
$i ++ ;
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
$sql .= " ) ORDER BY sirenValide DESC, rang DESC, actif DESC, siege DESC " ;
//echo $sql;exit;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
break ;
case 'dir' :
$sql = ' SELECT e . id , e . raisonSociale , CONCAT ( e . siren , e . nic ) AS siret , e . siren , e . nic , e . siege , e . raisonSociale ,
e . sigle , e . enseigne , e . adr_num , e . adr_typeVoie , e . adr_libVoie , e . adr_comp , e . adr_cp , e . adr_ville , e . tel ,
e . fax , e . cj , e . actif , e . ape_etab , ape_entrep , d . nom , d . prenom , l . libelle AS fonction_lib from rncs_dirigeants = d , etablissements e , bodacc_fonctions l WHERE d . id IN ( ' ;
foreach ( $resSphinx [ 'matches' ] as $elements ) {
$sql .= $elements [ 'id' ];
if ( $i + 1 < count ( $resSphinx [ 'matches' ]))
$sql .= ', ' ;
$i ++ ;
$sql .= ' ) AND d.siren=e.siren and d.fonction_code=l.codeFct AND e.siege=1 GROUP BY d.siren, d.id ORDER BY e.rang DESC, e.actif DESC, e.siege DESC, e.id ASC' ;
break ;
case 'act' :
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT e.siren, l.id AS lienId, l.actif AS lienActif, l.source, l.Pmin, l.PpPm, l.id2, ' .
'l.Siren2, l.RaisonSociale, l.Pays, ' .
'IF(l.dateUpdate>IF(l.dateInsert>l.dateLien,l.dateInsert,l.dateLien),l.dateUpdate,IF(l.dateInsert>l.dateLien,l.dateInsert,l.dateLien)) AS dateLien, ' .
'e.id, CONCAT(siren,nic) AS siret, siren, nic, siege, e.raisonSociale, sigle, ' .
'enseigne, adr_num, adr_typeVoie, adr_libVoie, adr_comp, adr_cp, adr_ville, ' .
'tel, fax, cj, e.actif, ape_etab, ape_entrep, e.rang ' .
'FROM liens l, etablissements e ' .
'WHERE l.id IN (' ;
foreach ( $resSphinx [ 'matches' ] as $elements ) {
$sql .= $elements [ 'id' ];
if ( $i + 1 < count ( $resSphinx [ 'matches' ]))
$sql .= ', ' ;
$i ++ ;
$sql .= " ) AND l.Siren1=e.siren AND siege=1 AND e.actif=1 ORDER BY e.rang DESC " ;
break ;
case 'Histo' :
$sql = 'SELECT Histo as Loc, id, nomFichier, annee1, bod, texte FROM bodacc_cor WHERE id IN ( ' ;
foreach ( $resSphinx [ 'matches' ] as $elements ) {
$sql .= $elements [ 'id' ];
if ( $i + 1 < count ( $resSphinx [ 'matches' ]))
$sql .= ', ' ;
$i ++ ;
$sql .= ')' ;
break ;
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
$i = 0 ;
$response [ 'criteres' ] = $this -> criteresLetters ;
$response [ 'nbReponses' ] = $resSphinx [ 'total' ];
$response [ 'nbReponsesTotal' ] = $resSphinx [ 'total_found' ];
$response [ 'duree' ] = $this -> total_time ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
$db = $this -> databaseJO ();
$result = $db -> query ( $sql );
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {
if ( $this -> index != 'Histo' ) {
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Siret' ] = $row [ 'siret' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Siren' ] = $row [ 'siren' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Nic' ] = $row [ 'nic' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Siege' ] = $row [ 'siege' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Nom' ] = $row [ 'raisonSociale' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Nom2' ] = '' ;
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Sigle' ] = $row [ 'sigle' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Enseigne' ] = $row [ 'enseigne' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Adresse' ] = $row [ 'adr_num' ] . ' ' . $row [ 'adr_typeVoie' ] . ' ' . $row [ 'adr_libVoie' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Adresse2' ] = $row [ 'adr_comp' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'CP' ] = $row [ 'adr_cp' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Ville' ] = $row [ 'adr_ville' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Tel' ] = $row [ 'tel' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Fax' ] = $row [ 'fax' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'FJ' ] = $row [ 'cj' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Actif' ] = $row [ 'actif' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'NafEtab' ] = $row [ 'ape_etab' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'NafEnt' ] = $row [ 'ape_entrep' ];
switch ( $this -> index ) {
case 'ent' :
$pertinence = $this -> getPertinence ( $this -> formR [ 'raisonSociale' ], $row [ 'raisonSociale' ]);
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Pertinence' ] = $pertinence ;
2011-11-17 09:46:27 +00:00
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'rang' ] = $row [ 'rang' ];
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
break ;
case 'act' :
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'ActNomRs' ] = $row [ 'raisonSociale' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'ActPays' ] = $row [ 'Pays' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'ActDateLien' ] = $row [ 'dateLien' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'ActActif' ] = $row [ 'actif' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'ActPmin' ] = $row [ 'Pmin' ];
break ;
case 'dir' :
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'DirRs' ] = '' ;
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'DirNom' ] = $row [ 'nom' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'DirPrenom' ] = $row [ 'prenom' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'DirNomUsage' ] = '' ;
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'DirDateEffet' ] = '' ;
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'DirFonction' ] = $row [ 'fonction_lib' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'DirDepart' ] = '' ;
break ;
case 'Histo' :
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Localisation' ] = $row [ 'Loc' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Fichier' ] = $row [ 'nomFichier' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Annee' ] = $row [ 'annee' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Code' ] = $row [ 'bod' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Texte' ] = $row [ 'texte' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'id' ] = $row [ 'id' ];
$response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Pertinence' ] = $resSphinx [ $row [ 'id' ]][ 'weight' ];
break ;
$i ++ ;
return ( $response );
/** Partie debug **/
protected function cmp ( $a , $b )
return (( $a < $b ) ? - 1 : 1 );
public function getResultSphinx ( $resSphinx )
$response = $this -> getResponse ( $resSphinx );
/** Sortir les resultats par pertinence **/
//usort($response, array($this, 'cmp'));
$html .= '<ol>' ;
if ( $this -> index == 'ent' ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $response [ 'reponses' ]); $i ++ ) {
$html .= '<li>[' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Pertinence' ] . '] [ ' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Siren' ] . ' ] <b>' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Nom' ] . '</b> ' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'CP' ] . ' ' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Adresse' ] . ' ' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Ville' ] . '</li>' ;
} else if ( $this -> index == 'act' ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $response [ 'reponses' ]); $i ++ ) {
$html .= '<li><b>' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'ActNomRs' ] . '</b> ' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'ActPays' ] . ' ' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'ActDateLien' ] . ' ' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'ActPmin' ] . '</li>' ;
} else if ( $this -> index == 'dir' ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $response [ 'reponses' ]); $i ++ ) {
$html .= '<li><b>' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'DirNom' ] . '</b> ' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'DirPrenom' ] . ' ' . $response [ 'reponses' ][ $i ][ 'Nom' ] . '</li>' ;
$html .= '</ol>' ;
$this -> printInformations ( $html );
$critere = explode ( ':' , $this -> detectedSequance ());
$html = '<b>Critères detectés : </b>' . $critere [ 0 ] . '<br />' ;
$this -> printInformations ( $html );
protected function printStatus ( $response )
if ( ! $response ) {
return ( $this -> printError ( 'Erreur : ' . $this -> sphinx -> GetLastError ()));
if ( $this -> sphinx -> GetLastWarning ()) {
return ( $this -> printError ( 'Erreur : ' . $this -> sphinx -> GetLastWarning ()));
$html = '<b>Résultats trouvés : <span style="color:' . (( $response [ 'total' ] > 0 ) ? 'green' : 'red' ) . '">' . $response [ 'total' ] . '</span> sur <span style="color:' . (( $response [ 'total_found' ] > 0 ) ? 'green' : 'red' ) . '">' . $response [ 'total_found' ] . '</span> trouvé en ' . $response [ 'time' ] . ' secondes !<br /></b>' ;
$html .= '<br>Statistiques de recherches :<br />' ;
$html .= '<ol>' ;
if ( isset ( $response [ 'words' ])) {
foreach ( $response [ 'words' ] as $words => $info ) {
$html .= '<li><b>' . $words . '</b> a été trouvé <span style="color:' . (( $info [ 'hits' ] > 0 ) ? 'green' : 'red' ) . '">' . $info [ 'hits' ] . '</span> fois</li>' ;
$html .= '</ol>' ;
$this -> printInformations ( $html );
protected function printError ( $error )
$this -> html .= '<div style="color:black;background-color:#FFBFBF;border:1px dashed white;">' ;
$this -> html .= $error ;
$this -> html .= '</div>' ;
protected function printInformations ( $informations )
if ( $this -> debug ) {
$this -> html .= '<div style="text-align:left;margin:5px;background-image: url(/themes/default/images/information.png);font-size:13px;font-family:Verdana;margin-top:10px;padding:5px;color:black;background-color:black;border:1px dashed white;">' ;
$this -> html .= $informations ;
$this -> html .= '</div>' ;
/** Partie Setters **/
public function setSortMode ( $mode ) {
switch ( $mode ) {
return ( SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC );
return ( SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC );
case 'SPH_SORT_EXPR' :
return ( SPH_SORT_EXPR );
default :
public function setForm ( $form ) {
$this -> formR = $form ;
public function setSphinx ( $sphinx ) {
$this -> sphinx = $sphinx ;
2011-11-16 14:57:23 +00:00
public function execute ( $sphinx ) {
$this -> sphinx = $sphinx ;
2011-11-08 15:29:30 +00:00
return $this -> search ();
public function setTime ( $time ) {
$this -> total_time += $time ;
public function setMaxSizeWord ( $size ) {
$this -> maxSizeWord = $size ;
public function setSequance ( $bool = true ) {
$this -> sequances = $bool ;
public function setQuorums ( $bool = true ) {
$this -> quorum = $bool ;
public function setProximotes ( $bool = true ) {
$this -> proximites = $bool ;
public function setPoids ( $bool = true ) {
$this -> poids = $bool ;
public function setActif ( $bool = true ) {
$this -> actif = $bool ;
public function setQuorumsize ( $size ) {
$this -> Quorumsize = $size ;
public function setProximiteSize ( $size ) {
$this -> ProximiteSize = $size ;
public function setNbRep ( $max ) {
$this -> nbRep = $max ;
public function setDebug ( $bool = true ) {
$this -> debug = $bool ;
public function setPage ( $page ) {
$this -> page = $page ;
public function setDeb ( $deb ) {
$this -> deb = $deb ;
public function setMax ( $max ) {
$this -> max = $max ;
public function setIndex ( $index ) {
$this -> index = $index ;