2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
< ?
global $tabOrt2Sd ;
$tabOrt2Sd = array ( '_130000001' => 'SIREN' ,
'_103000040' => 'CONSOLIDE' ,
'_103000033' => 'DATE_CLOTURE' ,
'_103000023' => 'DUREE_MOIS' ,
'_103000202' => 'MONNAIE_ORI' ,
'_103000205' => 'MONNAIE_ORI_UNITE' ,
'_103000211' => 'MONNAIE' ,
'_103000214' => 'MONNAIE_LIV_UNITE' ,
'_103000029' => 'AVIS_CAC' ,
'_130000009' => 'CODE_NAF' ,
'_103101001' => 'AA' ,
'_103101002' => 'AB' ,
'_103101003' => 'AC' ,
'_103101004' => 'AC1' ,
'_103101005' => 'AD' ,
'_103101006' => 'AE' ,
'_103101007' => 'AE1' ,
'_103101008' => 'AF' ,
'_103101009' => 'AG' ,
'_103101010' => 'AG1' ,
'_103101011' => 'AH' ,
'_103101012' => 'AI' ,
'_103101013' => 'AI1' ,
'_103101014' => 'AJ' ,
'_103101015' => 'AK' ,
'_103101016' => 'AK1' ,
'_103101017' => 'AL' ,
'_103101018' => 'AM' ,
'_103101019' => 'AM1' ,
'_103101020' => 'AN' ,
'_103101021' => 'AO' ,
'_103101022' => 'AO1' ,
'_103101023' => 'AP' ,
'_103101024' => 'AQ' ,
'_103101025' => 'AQ1' ,
'_103101026' => 'AR' ,
'_103101027' => 'AS' ,
'_103101028' => 'AS1' ,
'_103101029' => 'AT' ,
'_103101030' => 'AU' ,
'_103101031' => 'AU1' ,
'_103101032' => 'AV' ,
'_103101033' => 'AW' ,
'_103101034' => 'AW1' ,
'_103101035' => 'AX' ,
'_103101036' => 'AY' ,
'_103101037' => 'AY1' ,
'_103101038' => 'CS' ,
'_103101039' => 'CT' ,
'_103101040' => 'CT1' ,
'_103101041' => 'CU' ,
'_103101042' => 'CV' ,
'_103101043' => 'CV1' ,
'_103101044' => 'BB' ,
'_103101045' => 'BC' ,
'_103101046' => 'BC1' ,
'_103101047' => 'BD' ,
'_103101048' => 'BE' ,
'_103101049' => 'BE1' ,
'_103101050' => 'BF' ,
'_103101051' => 'BG' ,
'_103101052' => 'BG1' ,
'_103101053' => 'BH' ,
'_103101054' => 'BI' ,
'_103101055' => 'BI1' ,
'_103101056' => 'BJ' ,
'_103101057' => 'BK' ,
'_103101058' => 'BK1' ,
'_103101059' => 'BL' ,
'_103101060' => 'BM' ,
'_103101061' => 'BM1' ,
'_103101062' => 'BN' ,
'_103101063' => 'BO' ,
'_103101064' => 'BO1' ,
'_103101065' => 'BP' ,
'_103101066' => 'BQ' ,
'_103101067' => 'BQ1' ,
'_103101068' => 'BR' ,
'_103101069' => 'BS' ,
'_103101070' => 'BS1' ,
'_103101071' => 'BT' ,
'_103101072' => 'BU' ,
'_103101073' => 'BU1' ,
'_103101074' => 'BV' ,
'_103101075' => 'BW' ,
'_103101076' => 'BW1' ,
'_103101077' => 'BX' ,
'_103101078' => 'BY' ,
'_103101079' => 'BY1' ,
'_103101080' => 'BZ' ,
'_103101081' => 'CA' ,
'_103101082' => 'CA1' ,
'_103101083' => 'CB' ,
'_103101084' => 'CC' ,
'_103101085' => 'CC1' ,
'_103101086' => 'CD' ,
'_103101087' => 'CE' ,
'_103101088' => 'CE1' ,
'_103101089' => 'CF' ,
'_103101090' => 'CG' ,
'_103101091' => 'CG1' ,
'_103101092' => 'CH' ,
'_103101093' => 'CI' ,
'_103101094' => 'CI1' ,
'_103101095' => 'CJ' ,
'_103101096' => 'CK' ,
'_103101097' => 'CK1' ,
'_103101098' => 'CL' ,
'_103101099' => 'CM' ,
'_103101100' => 'CN' ,
'_103101101' => 'CO' ,
'_103101102' => '1A' ,
'_103101103' => '1A1' ,
'_103101104' => 'CP' ,
'_103101105' => 'CR' ,
'_103102001' => 'DA' ,
'_103102002' => 'DB' ,
'_103102003' => 'EK' ,
'_103102004' => 'DC' ,
'_103102005' => 'DD' ,
'_103102006' => 'DE' ,
'_103102007' => 'DF' ,
'_103102008' => 'DG' ,
'_103102009' => 'DH' ,
'_103102010' => 'DI' ,
'_103102011' => 'DJ' ,
'_103102012' => 'DK' ,
'_103102013' => 'DL' ,
'_103102014' => 'DM' ,
'_103102015' => 'DN' ,
'_103102016' => 'DO' ,
'_103102017' => 'DP' ,
'_103102018' => 'DQ' ,
'_103102019' => 'DR' ,
'_103102020' => 'DS' ,
'_103102021' => 'DT' ,
'_103102022' => 'DU' ,
'_103102023' => 'DV' ,
'_103102024' => 'DW' ,
'_103102025' => 'DX' ,
'_103102026' => 'DY' ,
'_103102027' => 'DZ' ,
'_103102028' => 'EA' ,
'_103102029' => 'EB' ,
'_103102030' => 'EC' ,
'_103102031' => 'ED' ,
'_103102032' => 'EE' ,
'_103102033' => 'EF' ,
'_103102034' => 'EG' ,
'_103102035' => 'EH' ,
'_103102036' => 'EI' ,
'_103103001' => 'FA' ,
'_103103002' => 'FB' ,
'_103103003' => 'FC' ,
'_103103004' => 'FD' ,
'_103103005' => 'FE' ,
'_103103006' => 'FF' ,
'_103103007' => 'FG' ,
'_103103008' => 'FH' ,
'_103103009' => 'FI' ,
'_103103010' => 'FJ' ,
'_103103011' => 'FK' ,
'_103103012' => 'FL' ,
'_103103013' => 'FM' ,
'_103103014' => 'FN' ,
'_103103015' => 'FO' ,
'_103103016' => 'FP' ,
'_103103017' => 'FQ' ,
'_103103018' => 'FR' ,
'_103103019' => 'FS' ,
'_103103020' => 'FT' ,
'_103103021' => 'FU' ,
'_103103022' => 'FV' ,
'_103103023' => 'FW' ,
'_103103024' => 'FX' ,
'_103103025' => 'FY' ,
'_103103026' => 'FZ' ,
'_103103027' => 'GA' ,
'_103103028' => 'GB' ,
'_103103029' => 'GC' ,
'_103103030' => 'GD' ,
'_103103031' => 'GE' ,
'_103103032' => 'GF' ,
'_103103033' => 'GG' ,
'_103103034' => 'GH' ,
'_103103035' => 'GI' ,
'_103103036' => 'GJ' ,
'_103103037' => 'GK' ,
'_103103038' => 'GL' ,
'_103103039' => 'GM' ,
'_103103040' => 'GN' ,
'_103103041' => 'GO' ,
'_103103042' => 'GP' ,
'_103103043' => 'GQ' ,
'_103103044' => 'GR' ,
'_103103045' => 'GS' ,
'_103103046' => 'GT' ,
'_103103047' => 'GU' ,
'_103103048' => 'GV' ,
'_103103049' => 'GW' ,
'_103103050' => 'HA' ,
'_103103051' => 'HB' ,
'_103103052' => 'HC' ,
'_103103053' => 'HD' ,
'_103103054' => 'HE' ,
'_103103055' => 'HF' ,
'_103103056' => 'HG' ,
'_103103057' => 'HH' ,
'_103103058' => 'HI' ,
'_103103059' => 'HJ' ,
'_103103060' => 'HK' ,
'_103103061' => 'HL' ,
'_103103062' => 'HM' ,
'_103103063' => 'HN' ,
'_103103064' => 'HP' ,
'_103103065' => 'HQ' ,
'_103104077' => 'A1' ,
'_103104078' => 'A2' ,
'_103104079' => 'A3' ,
'_103104080' => 'A4' ,
'_103104001' => 'KF' ,
'_103104002' => 'LP' ,
'_103104003' => '0J' ,
'_103104004' => 'MY' ,
'_103104005' => 'NC' ,
'_103104006' => '2E' ,
'_103104007' => '0K' ,
'_103104008' => 'PD' ,
'_103104009' => 'PH' ,
'_103104010' => 'QX' ,
'_103104011' => 'ON' ,
'_103104012' => 'OP' ,
'_103104013' => 'OQ' ,
'_103104014' => 'OR' ,
'_103104015' => 'SM' ,
'_103104016' => 'SP' ,
'_103104017' => '5R' ,
'_103104018' => '5S' ,
'_103104019' => '5T' ,
'_103104020' => '5U' ,
'_103104021' => '7B' ,
'_103104022' => 'TY' ,
'_103104023' => 'TZ' ,
'_103104024' => 'UA' ,
'_103104025' => 'UF' ,
'_103104026' => 'UH' ,
'_103104027' => 'UK' ,
'_103104028' => 'UM' ,
'_103104029' => 'UR' ,
'_103104030' => 'UV' ,
'_103104031' => 'VA' ,
'_103104032' => 'UY' ,
'_103104033' => 'UZ' ,
'_103104034' => 'VB' ,
'_103104035' => 'VN' ,
'_103104036' => 'VT' ,
'_103104037' => 'VU' ,
'_103104038' => 'VV' ,
'_103104039' => '7Y1' ,
'_103104040' => '7Z1' ,
'_103104041' => 'VG' ,
'_103104042' => 'VG1' ,
'_103104043' => 'VH' ,
'_103104044' => 'VH1' ,
'_103104045' => '8A1' ,
'_103104046' => '8B1' ,
'_103104047' => '8C' ,
'_103104048' => '8C1' ,
'_103104049' => '8D' ,
'_103104050' => '8D1' ,
'_103104051' => '8E1' ,
'_103104052' => 'VW' ,
'_103104053' => 'VW1' ,
'_103104054' => 'VX' ,
'_103104055' => 'VX1' ,
'_103104056' => 'VQ' ,
'_103104057' => 'VQ1' ,
'_103104058' => '8J1' ,
'_103104059' => 'VI' ,
'_103104060' => 'VI1' ,
'_103104061' => '8K1' ,
'_103104062' => 'SZ1' ,
'_103104063' => '8L1' ,
'_103104064' => 'VY' ,
'_103104065' => 'VZ' ,
'_103104066' => 'VZ1' ,
'_103104067' => 'VZ2' ,
'_103104068' => 'YQ' ,
'_103104069' => 'YR' ,
'_103104070' => 'YS' ,
'_103104071' => 'YT' ,
'_103104072' => 'YU' ,
'_103104073' => 'YV' ,
'_103104074' => 'YY' ,
'_103104075' => 'YZ' ,
'_103104076' => 'YP' ,
'_103104081' => 'CZ' ,
'_103104082' => 'KB' ,
'_103104083' => 'KC' ,
'_103104084' => 'KD' ,
'_103104085' => 'KE' ,
'_103104086' => 'LN' ,
'_103104087' => 'LO' ,
'_103104088' => 'LQ' ,
'_103104089' => 'LR' ,
'_103104090' => 'LS' ,
'_103104091' => '0G' ,
'_103104092' => '0H' ,
'_103104093' => 'NL' ,
'_103104094' => 'LT' ,
'_103104095' => 'LU' ,
'_103104096' => 'NO' ,
'_103104097' => 'LV' ,
'_103104098' => 'LW' ,
'_103104099' => 'NN' ,
'_103104100' => 'NG' ,
'_103104101' => 'NH' ,
'_103104102' => 'NM' ,
'_103104103' => 'NJ' ,
'_103104104' => 'NK' ,
'_103104105' => 'NP' ,
'_103104106' => '0L' ,
'_103104107' => 'PA' ,
'_103104108' => 'PB' ,
'_103104109' => 'PC' ,
'_103104110' => 'PE' ,
'_103104111' => 'PF' ,
'_103104112' => 'PG' ,
'_103104113' => 'QU' ,
'_103104114' => 'QV' ,
'_103104115' => 'QW' ,
'_103104116' => 'Z91' ,
'_103104117' => 'Z92' ,
'_103104118' => 'SN' ,
'_103104119' => 'SP_1' ,
'_103104120' => 'SP_2' ,
'_103104121' => 'SR' ,
'_103104122' => 'TO' ,
'_103104123' => '3Z' ,
'_103104124' => 'TS' ,
'_103104125' => 'TT' ,
'_103104126' => 'TU' ,
'_103104127' => '4D' ,
'_103104128' => '4H' ,
'_103104129' => '4M' ,
'_103104130' => '4S' ,
'_103104131' => '4W' ,
'_103104132' => '5A' ,
'_103104133' => '5E' ,
'_103104134' => '5K' ,
'_103104135' => '5P' ,
'_103104136' => '5Y' ,
'_103104137' => '5Z' ,
'_103104138' => 'TV' ,
'_103104139' => 'TW' ,
'_103104140' => 'TX' ,
'_103104141' => '6A' ,
'_103104142' => '6B' ,
'_103104143' => '6C' ,
'_103104144' => '6D' ,
'_103104145' => '6E' ,
'_103104146' => '6F' ,
'_103104147' => '6G' ,
'_103104148' => '6H' ,
'_103104149' => '02' ,
'_103104150' => '03' ,
'_103104151' => '04' ,
'_103104152' => '05' ,
'_103104153' => '06' ,
'_103104154' => '07' ,
'_103104155' => '08' ,
'_103104156' => '09' ,
'_103104157' => '6N' ,
'_103104158' => '6P' ,
'_103104159' => '6R' ,
'_103104160' => '6S' ,
'_103104161' => '6T' ,
'_103104162' => '6U' ,
'_103104163' => '6V' ,
'_103104164' => '6W' ,
'_103104165' => '6X' ,
'_103104166' => '6Y' ,
'_103104167' => '6Z' ,
'_103104168' => '7A' ,
'_103104169' => '7C' ,
'_103104170' => 'UB' ,
'_103104171' => 'UC' ,
'_103104172' => 'UD' ,
'_103104173' => 'UE' ,
'_103104174' => 'UG' ,
'_103104175' => 'UJ' ,
'_103104176' => 'UL' ,
'_103104177' => 'UP' ,
'_103104178' => 'UT' ,
'_103104179' => 'UX' ,
'_103104180' => 'UQ' ,
'_103104181' => 'UU' ,
'_103104182' => 'VM' ,
'_103104183' => 'VP' ,
'_103104184' => 'VC' ,
'_103104185' => 'VR' ,
'_103104186' => 'VS' ,
'_103104187' => '7Y' ,
'_103104188' => '7Y2' ,
'_103104189' => '7Z' ,
'_103104190' => '7Z2' ,
'_103104191' => 'VG2' ,
'_103104192' => 'VH2' ,
'_103104193' => '8A' ,
'_103104194' => '8A2' ,
'_103104195' => '8B' ,
'_103104196' => '8B2' ,
'_103104197' => '8C2' ,
'_103104198' => '8D2' ,
'_103104199' => '8E' ,
'_103104200' => '8E2' ,
'_103104201' => 'VW2' ,
'_103104202' => 'VX2' ,
'_103104203' => 'VQ2' ,
'_103104204' => '8J' ,
'_103104205' => '8J2' ,
'_103104206' => '8J3' ,
'_103104207' => 'VI2' ,
'_103104208' => 'VI3' ,
'_103104209' => '8K' ,
'_103104210' => '8K2' ,
'_103104211' => 'SZ' ,
'_103104212' => 'SZ2' ,
'_103104213' => '8L' ,
'_103104214' => '8L2' ,
'_103104215' => 'VJ' ,
'_103104216' => 'VK' ,
'_103104217' => 'ZE' ,
'_103104218' => 'XQ' ,
'_103104219' => 'SS' ,
'_103104220' => 'ST' ,
'_103104221' => 'ZJ' ,
'_103104222' => 'YW' ,
'_103104223' => '9Z' ,
'_103104224' => 'YX' ,
'_103104225' => '9X' ,
'_103102037' => 'B1' ,
'_103102038' => 'EJ' ,
include_once ( 'framework/common/curl.php' );
define ( 'RNCS_WS_URL' , 'http://www.services.ort.fr/ProtocoleRNCS/access' );
define ( 'RNCS_WS_USER' , '167260' );
define ( 'RNCS_WS_PASS' , '100356' );
class MRncsFlux {
public $body = '' ;
public $header = '' ;
public $codeRetour = 0 ;
public $errMsgInpi = '' ;
public $errNumInpi = '' ;
public $cookie = '' ;
public $iDb ;
public $tabVitrine = array ();
public $tabFctDir = array ( 100 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1300' , 'lib' => 'Président' ),
110 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1306' , 'lib' => 'Président du conseil d\'administration' ),
120 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1301' , 'lib' => 'Président directeur Général' ),
140 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1650' , 'lib' => 'Gouverneur' ),
150 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1651' , 'lib' => 'Sous-gouverneur' ),
200 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0900' , 'lib' => 'Gérant' ),
210 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0912' , 'lib' => 'Gérant non associé' ),
300 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0400' , 'lib' => 'Co-gérant' ),
400 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0709' , 'lib' => 'Directeur général' ),
410 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0713' , 'lib' => 'Directeur général non administrateur' ),
420 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0708' , 'lib' => 'Directeur général unique' ),
430 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0704' , 'lib' => 'Directeur général délégué' ),
500 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1800' , 'lib' => 'Vice-président' ),
600 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0100' , 'lib' => 'Administrateur' ),
610 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0101' , 'lib' => 'Administrateur délégué' ),
700 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1308' , 'lib' => 'Président du directoire' ),
900 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1307' , 'lib' => 'Président du conseil de surveillance' ),
1200 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0209' , 'lib' => 'Associé-gérant' ),
1300 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0603' , 'lib' => 'Contrôleur de gestion' ),
4100 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1900' , 'lib' => 'Liquidateur' ),
4300 => array ( 'codeSd' => '0108' , 'lib' => 'Administrateur provisoire' ),
4400 => array ( 'codeSd' => '1401' , 'lib' => 'Représentant en France d\'une société étrangère' ),
public $tabErreurInpi = array ( 0 => " Aucune erreur " ,
10 => " Erreur de protocole avec système distant " ,
11 => " Système distant inaccessible " ,
101 => " Type de requête invalide " ,
102 => " Code d'erreur appelant invalide " ,
103 => " Identification non reconnue " ,
107 => " Date invalide " ,
108 => " Heure invalide " ,
110 => " Code produit inconnu " ,
115 => " Numéro de champ invalide " ,
116 => " Longueur de champ invalide " ,
121 => " Code de protocole invalide " ,
122 => " Code base de données invalide " ,
900 => " Erreur applicative " ,
990100 => " + de 50 entreprises trouvées " ,
990101 => " Recherche complexe " ,
990102 => " Critères saisis insuffisants " ,
990103 => " Requête trop imprécise " ,
990104 => " Dénomination non significative " ,
990105 => " Critère commune non générall " ,
990106 => " Critère voie trop général " ,
990107 => " Commune obligatoire avec rue " ,
990108 => " Commune non identifiée " ,
990109 => " Entreprise non identifiée " ,
990110 => " Erreur système " ,
990111 => " Devise incorrecte " ,
990112 => " Autre erreur " ,
990113 => " Donnée incorrecte " ,
990114 => " Valeur incohérente " ,
990115 => " Surveillance impossible " ,
990116 => " Entreprise non surveillée " ,
990117 => " Entreprise déjà surveillée " ,
990118 => " Produit indisponible " ,
990119 => " Erreur base de données " ,
990120 => " Erreur facturation " ,
function __construct () {
$this -> iDb = new WDB ();
function getVitrine ( $siren ) {
$this -> tabVitrine = $this -> query ( $siren , array ( 'Type' => 'QVIT' ));
return $this -> tabVitrine ;
$cmdPages = $cmdNom = '' ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'pages' ])) $cmdPages = $_REQUEST [ 'pages' ];
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'nom' ])) $cmdNom = $_REQUEST [ 'nom' ];
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'vue' ])) $vue = $_REQUEST [ 'vue' ];
if ( $vue == 'bilans' ) $presta = '12004' ;
else $presta = '12003' ;
if ( $cmdNom && $cmdPages ) $type = 'QDOC' ;
else $type = 'QVIT' ;
$prod = array ( 'Type' => $type ,
'Presta' => $presta ,
'Num' => '2' , //2,
'Ver' => '2' , //2,
'Siren' => $siren ,
'CmdNom' => $cmdNom ,
'CmdPages' => $cmdPages ,
'CmdBilan' => '' ,
$ref = '' ;
public function query ( $siren , $prod = array ()) {
/* $prod = array ( 'Type' => $type ,
'Presta' => $presta ,
'Siren' => $siren ,
'CmdNom' => $cmdNom ,
'CmdPages' => $cmdPages ,
'CmdBilan' => '' ,
'Ref' => '' ,
$option = '' ;
if ( ( $prod [ 'Type' ] == 'QDOC' || $prod [ 'Presta' ] == 12004 || $prod [ 'Presta' ] == 12003 ) && ! isset ( $prod [ 'Num' ])) {
$prod [ 'Num' ] = 2 ;
$prod [ 'Ver' ] = 2 ;
} elseif ( ! isset ( $prod [ 'Num' ])) {
$prod [ 'Num' ] = 1 ;
$prod [ 'Ver' ] = 3 ;
$req = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' . " \n " .
'<ort:message xmlns:ort="http://www.ort.fr/NEWPORT/V2">' . " \n " .
' <ort:_1 type="110">' . " \n " .
' <ort:_7 type="010">NPORT</ort:_7>' . " \n " .
' <ort:_8 type="010">2</ort:_8>' . " \n " . // Version du protocole
' <ort:_9 type="010">1</ort:_9>' . " \n " . // Version du dictionnaire
' <ort:_10 type="010">1</ort:_10>' . " \n " . // Code protocole/version application
' <ort:_11 type="010">PROTORNCS</ort:_11>' . " \n " .
' <ort:_12 type="010">' . $prod [ 'Type' ] . '</ort:_12>' . " \n " . // Prestation souhaitée QVIT / QDOC
' <ort:_13 type="010">0</ort:_13>' . " \n " . // Code retour/erreur
' <ort:_14 type="010">' . RNCS_WS_USER . RNCS_WS_PASS . '</ort:_14>' . " \n " . // User Password concaténés
' <ort:_15 type="010">' . $prod [ 'Ref' ] . '</ort:_15>' . " \n " . // Réf.
' <ort:_16 type="010">' . date ( 'Ymd' ) . '</ort:_16>' . " \n " . // Date SSAAMMJJ
' <ort:_17 type="010">' . date ( 'His' ) . '</ort:_17>' . " \n " . // Heure HHMMSS
' <ort:_19 type="010">ORT</ort:_19>' . " \n " .
' </ort:_1>' . " \n " .
' <ort:_2 type="110">' . " \n " .
' <ort:_1 type="110">' . " \n " .
' <ort:_26 type="010">' . $prod [ 'Prod' ] . '</ort:_26>' . " \n " . // Type de produit (vide pour QVIT)
' <ort:_27 type="010">' . $prod [ 'Num' ] . '</ort:_27>' . " \n " . // Numéro de produit souhaité 1 2
' <ort:_28 type="010">' . $prod [ 'Ver' ] . '</ort:_28>' . " \n " . // Version du produit 3 2
' <ort:_31 type="010">' . $prod [ 'Presta' ] . '</ort:_31>' . " \n " . // Code prestation (vide pour QVIT)
2015-04-27 14:25:04 +00:00
' </ort:_1>' . " \n " ;
2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
if ( $prod [ 'Presta' ] == 12004 || $prod [ 'Presta' ] == 12003 ) {
$req .= '
< ort : _2 type = " 110 " >
< ort : _100 type = " 111 " >
< ort : _101 type = " 110 " >
2015-04-27 14:25:04 +00:00
< ort : _120000031 type = " 010 " > '.$prod[' Presta '].' </ ort : _120000031 >
< ort : _100700010 type = " 010 " > FTP </ ort : _100700010 >
2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
< ort : _100701000 type = " 010 " > NTIF </ ort : _100701000 >
2015-04-27 14:25:04 +00:00
< ort : _120000015 type = " 010 " />
2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
</ ort : _101 >
</ ort : _100 >
< ort : _200 type = " 111 " >
< ort : _210 type = " 110 " >
2015-04-27 14:25:04 +00:00
< ort : _130000001 type = " 010 " > '.$siren.' </ ort : _130000001 >
< ort : _103000402 type = " 010 " > '.$prod[' CmdNom '].' </ ort : _103000402 >
< ort : _103000403 type = " 010 " > '.$prod[' CmdPages '].' </ ort : _103000403 >
< ort : _190000025 type = " 010 " > '.$prod[' CmdBilan '].' </ ort : _190000025 >
2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
</ ort : _210 >
</ ort : _200 >
</ ort : _2 > ' ; //
$option = $prod [ 'CmdNom' ] . '-' . $prod [ 'CmdPages' ] . '-' . $prod [ 'CmdBilan' ];
} elseif ( $prod [ 'Type' ] == 'QINF' ) {
$req .= ' <ort:_2 type="110">' . " \n " . '<ort:_130000001 type="010">' . $siren . '</ort:_130000001>' ;
if ( $prod [ 'Presta' ] == '2000' || $prod [ 'Presta' ] == '2001' || $prod [ 'Presta' ] == '2002' || $prod [ 'Presta' ] == '2003' ) {
// Liste années bilans
$req .= '<ort:_190000025 type="010">' . $prod [ 'Millesime' ] . '</ort:_190000025>' . " \n " ;
$option = $prod [ 'Millesime' ];
elseif ( $prod [ 'Presta' ] == '12001' )
// Flag limitation du nombre d établissement
$req .= '<ort:_109105002 type="010">N</ort:_109105002>' . " \n " ;
$req .= '</ort:_2>' ;
} else {
$req .= ' < ort : _2 type = " 110 " >
< ort : _130000001 type = " 010 " > '.$siren.' </ ort : _130000001 >
< ort : _120000031 type = " 010 " > '.$prod[' Presta '].' </ ort : _120000031 >
</ ort : _2 > ' ; // 12003 Actes et statuts 12004 Bilans
$req .= ' </ ort : _2 >
</ ort : message > ' ;
//echo $req.'<hr/>'; // Commenté récemment / Mettre en débug ???
$postData = array ( '' => $req );
$cookie = $referer = '' ;
$enCache = false ;
$params = md5 ( serialize ( $prod ));
/* if ( $prod [ 'CmdNom' ] <> '' || $prod [ 'CmdPages' ] <> '' || $prod [ 'CmdBilan' ] <> '' || $prod [ 'Millesime' ] <> '' )
$strOption =*/
//AND params='$params'
2015-04-27 15:05:08 +00:00
$res = $this -> iDb -> select ( 'jo.rncs_requetes' , 'dateRequete, strXml, codeErreur, libErreur' , " siren= $siren AND params=' $params ' AND (type<>'QVIT' OR (type='QVIT' AND DATEDIFF(NOW(),dateRequete)<=1)) ORDER BY dateRequete DESC " );
2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
//type='".$prod['Type']."' AND presta ='".$prod['Presta']."' $strOption ORDER BY dateRequete DESC");
if ( count ( $res ) > 0 ) {
$tabRes = $res [ 0 ];
$dateReq = $tabRes [ 'dateRequete' ];
$this -> body = $tabRes [ 'strXml' ];
$this -> errNumInpi = $tabRes [ 'codeErreur' ];
$this -> errMsgInpi = $tabRes [ 'libErreur' ];
$enCache = true ;
//echo 'Une requête dans le cache <br/>';
2015-04-27 14:25:04 +00:00
2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
} else {
//echo 'Pas de requête dans le cache <br/>';
$page = getUrl ( RNCS_WS_URL , $cookie , $postData , $referer , false , 'www.services.ort.fr' , '' , 7 );
$this -> body = $page [ 'body' ];
$this -> codeRetour = $page [ 'code' ];
preg_match ( '/<ort:_13 type="020">(.*)<\/ort:_13>/Uis' , $this -> body , $matches );
if ( $matches [ 1 ] * 1 <> 0 ) {
$this -> errNumInpi = $matches [ 1 ];
$this -> errMsgInpi = $tabErreurInpi [ $this -> errNumInpi ];
//echo "<!-- ERREUR INPI 13 n°$errNumInpi = $errMsgInpi !!! -->\n";
preg_match ( '/<ort:_96 type="020">(.*)<\/ort:_96>/Uis' , $this -> body , $matches );
if ( $matches [ 1 ] * 1 <> 0 ) {
$this -> errNumInpi = $matches [ 1 ];
$this -> errMsgInpi = $tabErreurInpi [ $this -> errNumInpi ];
//echo "<!-- ERREUR INPI 96 n°$errNumInpi = $errMsgInpi !!! -->\n";
preg_match ( '/<ort:_97 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_97>/Uis' , $this -> body , $matches );
if ( $matches [ 1 ] * 1 <> 0 ) {
$this -> errMsgInpi = $matches [ 1 ];
//echo "<!-- ERREUR INPI 97 : $errMsgInpi !!! -->\n";
if ( $this -> codeRetour == 400 || $this -> codeRetour == 408 ){
$this -> errNumInpi = 'c' . $this -> codeRetour ;
$this -> errMsgInpi = $this -> body ;
//echo "<!-- ERREUR INPI 96 n°$errNumInpi = $errMsgInpi !!! -->\n";
} else {
$params = md5 ( serialize ( $prod ));
$tabInsert = array ( 'siren' => $siren ,
'dateRequete' => date ( 'YmdHis' ),
'strXml' => $this -> body ,
'params' => $params ,
'type' => $prod [ 'Type' ],
'presta' => $prod [ 'Presta' ],
'option' => $option ,
'codeErreur' => $this -> errNumInpi ,
'libErreur' => $this -> errMsgInpi ,
2015-04-27 14:25:04 +00:00
if ( ! $this -> iDb -> insert ( 'jo.rncs_requetes' , $tabInsert , true ))
2015-04-27 14:26:46 +00:00
$this -> iDb -> update ( 'jo.rncs_requetes' , $tabInsert , " siren= $siren AND params=' $params ' " );
2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
if ( $prod [ 'Presta' ] == 12004 )
// bilans image
$pregmatch = preg_match_all ( '/<ort\:_201 type="110">(?:.*)<ort\:_103000040 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000040>(?:.*)<ort\:_103000452 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000452>(?:.*)<ort\:_103000402 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000402>(?:.*)<ort\:_103000403 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000403>(?:.*)<ort\:_103000404 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000404>(?:.*)<\/ort:_201>/Uis' , $this -> body , $matches );
elseif ( $prod [ 'Presta' ] == 12003 )
// actes image
$pregmatch = preg_match_all ( '/<ort\:_201 type="110">(?:.*)<ort\:_103000452 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000452>(?:.*)<ort\:_103000402 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000402>(?:.*)<ort\:_103000403 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000403>(?:.*)<ort\:_103000404 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000404>(?:.*)<\/ort:_201>/Uis' , $this -> body , $matches );
elseif ( $prod [ 'Presta' ] == 2000 )
// bilan simplifiés ou normaux saisi
$pregmatch = preg_match ( '/<ort\:_2 type="110">(?:.*)<ort\:_2 type="110">(.*)<\/ort\:_2>(?:.*)<\/ort\:_2>/Uis' , $this -> body , $matches );
elseif ( $prod [ 'Presta' ] == 12001 )
// Fiche Identite
$pregmatch = preg_match ( '/<ort\:_2 type="110">(?:.*)<ort\:_2 type="110">(.*)<\/ort\:_2>(?:.*)<\/ort\:_2>/Uis' , $this -> body , $matches );
else {
// Prestation Vitrine
$tabVitrine = array ();
// Bilans dispos
$tabBilans = array ();
// Type de Bilans saisis disponible
for ( $typeBilan = 2000 ; $typeBilan < 2004 ; $typeBilan ++ ) {
$pregmatch = preg_match ( '/<ort:_' . $typeBilan . ' type="110">(?:.*)<ort\:_120000026 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_120000026>(?:.*)<ort\:_120000027 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_120000027>(?:.*)<ort\:_120000028 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_120000028>(?:.*)<ort\:_120000029 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_120000029>(?:.*)<ort\:_120000031 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_120000031>(?:.*)<ort\:_109104002 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_109104002>(?:.*)<ort\:_109104003 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_109104003>(.*)<\/ort:_' . $typeBilan . '>/Uis' , $this -> body , $matches );
$numProduit = $matches [ 1 ]; // 52
$numProduit = $matches [ 2 ]; // 52
$verProduit = $matches [ 3 ]; // 1
$libProduit = $matches [ 4 ]; // Comptes sociaux
2015-04-27 14:25:04 +00:00
$typProduit = $matches [ 5 ]; // 2000 : Bilans sociaux
2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
// 2001 : Bilans consolidés (70)
// 2002 : Bilans de banques (71)
// 2003 : Bilans d'assurances (72)
$synProduit = $matches [ 6 ]; // 109104002 : Disponibilité synchrone
$asyProduit = $matches [ 7 ]; // 109104003 : Disponibilité asynchrone
$pregmatch = preg_match_all ( '/<ort\:_103000038 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_103000038>/Uis' , $matches [ 8 ], $matches );
if ( $typeBilan == 2000 ) $tabBilans [ 'N' ] = $matches [ 1 ]; // Réel normal SC
elseif ( $typeBilan == 2001 ) $tabBilans [ 'C' ] = $matches [ 1 ]; // Consolidé CC
elseif ( $typeBilan == 2002 ) $tabBilans [ 'B' ] = $matches [ 1 ]; // Banque SB
elseif ( $typeBilan == 2003 ) $tabBilans [ 'A' ] = $matches [ 1 ]; // Assurance SA
else $tabBilans [ 'S' ] = $matches [ 1 ]; // Réel Simplifié SS
$tabVitrine [ 'bilans' ] = $tabBilans ;
// Fiche d'identité
$pregmatch = preg_match ( '/<ort:_12001 type="110">(?:.*)<ort\:_120000027 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_120000027>(?:.*)<ort\:_120000028 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_120000028>(?:.*)<ort\:_120000029 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_120000029>(?:.*)<ort\:_120000031 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_120000031>(?:.*)<ort\:_109104002 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_109104002>(?:.*)<ort\:_109104003 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_109104003>(?:.*)<ort\:_130000401 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130000401>(?:.*)<\/ort:_12001>/Uis' , $this -> body , $matches );
$numProduit = $matches [ 1 ]; // 52
$verProduit = $matches [ 2 ]; // 1
$libProduit = $matches [ 3 ]; // Comptes sociaux
2015-04-27 14:25:04 +00:00
$typProduit = $matches [ 4 ]; // 2000 : Bilans sociaux
2013-11-05 11:18:30 +00:00
$synProduit = $matches [ 5 ]; // 109104002 : Disponibilité synchrone
$asyProduit = $matches [ 6 ]; // 109104003 : Disponibilité asynchrone
$nbEtab = $matches [ 7 ]; // Nombre d'établissements recensés
$tabVitrine [ 'identite' ] = array ( 'numProduit' => $numProduit ,
'verProduit' => $verProduit ,
'libProduit' => $libProduit ,
'typProduit' => $typProduit ,
'synProduit' => $synProduit ,
'asyProduit' => $asyProduit ,
'nbEtab' => $nbEtab );
return $tabVitrine ;
//echo $this->body; // Commenté récemment // Mettre en debug ???
return $matches ;
function getListeBilans ( $siren , $type = '*' ) {
$tabVitrine = $this -> getVitrine ( $siren );
foreach ( $tabVitrine [ 'bilans' ] as $type => $tabMillesime ) {
foreach ( $tabMillesime as $num => $millesime ) {
$delta1 = round (( Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'Y' , $millesime ) - Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'Y' , $tabMillesime [ $num + 1 ])) * 12 )
+ round ( Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'm' , $millesime ) - Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'm' , $tabMillesime [ $num + 1 ]));
if ( $delta1 > 23 ) $delta1 = 0 ;
$delta2 = round (( Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'Y' , $tabMillesime [ $num + 1 ]) - Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'Y' , $tabMillesime [ $num + 2 ])) * 12 )
+ round ( Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'm' , $tabMillesime [ $num + 1 ]) - Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'm' , $tabMillesime [ $num + 2 ]));
if ( $delta2 > 23 ) $delta2 = 0 ;
$tabRet [ $type . $millesime ] = array ( 'dateProvPartenaire' => date ( 'Ymd' ),
'dureeExercice' => $delta1 ,
'dateExercicePre' => Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'Ymd' , $tabMillesime [ $num + 1 ]),
'dureeExercicePre' => $delta2 ,
'monnaie' => 'EUR' ,
'source' => 100 ,
'ref' => '' ,
return $tabRet ;
/** Récupère un bilan INPI
** @ param integer $siren Siren de l ' entreprise
** @ param date $millesime Date de cloture de l ' exercice au format JJ / MM / AAAA
** @ param string $type Type de Bilan 'N' Réel Normal , 'C' Consolidé , 'A' Assurance , 'B' Banque
** @ return array
function getBilan ( $siren , $millesime , $type = 'N' ) {
global $tabOrt2Sd ;
$tabRet = $tabPostes = array ();
if ( $type == 'N' ) $presta = 2000 ;
elseif ( $type == 'C' ) $presta = 2001 ;
elseif ( $type == 'B' ) $presta = 2002 ;
elseif ( $type == 'A' ) $presta = 2003 ;
$prod = array ( 'Prod' => 'RNCS' ,
'Num' => '52' ,
'Ver' => '1' ,
'Presta' => $presta ,
'Millesime' => Wdate :: dateT ( 'd/m/Y' , 'mY' , $millesime ),
'Type' => 'QINF' );
$ret = $this -> query ( $siren , $prod );
/* $fp = fopen ( LOG_PATH . '/debugBilansRncs.log' , 'a' );
fwrite ( $fp , print_r ( $ret , true ));
fclose ( $fp ); */
$pregmatch = preg_match_all ( '/<ort\:_(.*) type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_(.*)>/Uis' , $ret [ 1 ], $matches );
foreach ( $matches [ 1 ] as $i => $poste ) {
//echo "$i : $poste<br/>";
if ( '_' . $poste == '_103000040' ) { // CONSOLIDE
switch ( $matches [ 2 ][ $i ]) {
case 'SC' : $tabRet [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = 'N' ; break ;
case 'CC' : $tabRet [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = 'C' ; break ;
case 'SB' : $tabRet [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = 'B' ; break ;
case 'SA' : $tabRet [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = 'A' ; break ;
case 'SS' : $tabRet [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = 'S' ; break ;
default : break ;
} elseif ( '_' . $poste == '_103000214' ) { // MONNAIE_LIV_UNITE
switch ( $matches [ 2 ][ $i ] * 1 ) {
case 0 : $tabRet [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = '' ; break ;
case 3 : $tabRet [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = 'k' ; break ;
case 6 : $tabRet [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = 'm' ; break ;
default : break ;
} elseif ( '_' . $poste == '_130000001' || // SIREN
'_' . $poste == '_103000033' || // DATE_CLOTURE
'_' . $poste == '_103000023' || // DUREE_MOIS
'_' . $poste == '_103000202' || // MONNAIE_ORI
'_' . $poste == '_103000205' || // MONNAIE_ORI_UNITE
'_' . $poste == '_103000211' || // MONNAIE
'_' . $poste == '_103000029' || // AVIS_CAC
'_' . $poste == '_130000009' ) { // CODE_NAF
$tabRet [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = $matches [ 2 ][ $i ];
} else
$tabPostes [ $tabOrt2Sd [ '_' . $poste ]] = $matches [ 2 ][ $i ];
$tabRet [ 'POSTES' ] = $tabPostes ;
$tabRet [ 'DATE_FRAICHE_BILAN' ] = date ( 'Ymd' );
$tabRet [ 'TYPE_BILAN' ] = $tabRet [ 'CONSOLIDE' ];
$fp = fopen ( LOG_PATH . '/debugBilansRncs.log' , 'a' );
fwrite ( $fp , print_r ( $tabRet , true ));
fclose ( $fp );
return $tabRet ;
/* function getIdentite ( $siren ) {
$tabVitrine = $this -> getVitrine ( $siren );
$fp = fopen ( LOG_PATH . '/debugVitrineRncs.log' , 'a' );
fwrite ( $fp , print_r ( $tabVitrine , true ));
fclose ( $fp );
$prod = array ( 'Prod' => 'RNCS' ,
'Num' => $tabVitrine [ 'identite' ][ 'numProduit' ],
'Ver' => $tabVitrine [ 'identite' ][ 'verProduit' ],
'Presta' => 12001 ,
'Type' => 'QINF' );
$ret = $this -> query ( $siren , $prod );
if ( $this -> errNumInpi > 0 && $this -> errMsgInpi <> '' ) {
return false ;
} else {
$pregmatch = preg_match_all ( '/<ort\:_((?:1300|13011|13016|130100403).*) type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_((?:1300|13011|13016|130100403).*)>/Uis' , $ret [ 1 ], $matchesIden );
foreach ( $matchesIden [ 1 ] as $i => $rubrique ) {
if ( $rubrique == 130000300 ) $tabIdentite [ 'Nom' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000008 ) $tabIdentite [ 'FJ' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000303 ) $tabIdentite [ 'Sigle' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130100015 ) $tabIdentite [ 'Enseigne' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000500 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalMont' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000501 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalType' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000508 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalDev' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000509 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalUnite' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000513 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalMontCts' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000102 ) $tabIdentite [ 'DateCrea' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130001002 ) $tabIdentite [ 'DateImma' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000013 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CodeGreffe' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000014 ) $tabIdentite [ 'NumRC' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130001102 ) $tabIdentite [ 'DateRad' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000025 ) $tabIdentite [ 'Provisoire' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000401 ) $tabIdentite [ 'NbEtab' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
$pregmatch = preg_match_all ( '/<ort\:_((?:13010|13015).*) type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_((?:13010|13015).*)>/Uis' , $ret [ 1 ], $matchesEtab );
$pregmatch = preg_match_all ( '/<ort\:_(13003.*) type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_(13003.*).*)>/Uis' , $ret [ 1 ], $matchesDirs );
foreach ( $matchesDirs [ 1 ] as $i => $rubrique ) {
if ( $rubrique == 130300005 ) $tabDir [ 'Fonc' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130301003 ) $tabDir [ 'Sexe' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130300016 ) $tabDir [ 'Nom' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130301006 ) $tabDir [ 'Prenom' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130301007 ) $tabDir [ 'Prenom2' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130301009 ) $tabDir [ 'NomJF' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130301004 ) $tabDir [ 'NaissDept' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130301008 ) $tabDir [ 'NaissLieu' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130301012 ) $tabDir [ 'NaissNati' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130301102 ) $tabDir [ 'NaissDate' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130302002 ) $tabDir [ 'ReprNom' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130302003 ) $tabDir [ 'ReprPrenom' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130302004 ) $tabDir [ 'ReprPrenom2' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
$fp = fopen ( LOG_PATH . '/debugIdentiteRncs.log' , 'a' );
fwrite ( $fp , print_r ( $matchesIden , true ) . EOL . print_r ( $matchesEtab , true ) . EOL . print_r ( $matchesDirs , true ));
fclose ( $fp );
return $tabIdentite ;
} */
function getIdentite ( $siren ) {
$tabVitrine = $this -> getVitrine ( $siren );
$fp = fopen ( LOG_PATH . '/debugVitrineRncs.log' , 'a' );
fwrite ( $fp , print_r ( $tabVitrine , true ));
fclose ( $fp );
$prod = array ( 'Prod' => 'RNCS' ,
'Num' => $tabVitrine [ 'identite' ][ 'numProduit' ],
'Ver' => $tabVitrine [ 'identite' ][ 'verProduit' ],
'Presta' => 12001 ,
'Type' => 'QINF' );
$ret = $this -> query ( $siren , $prod );
if ( $this -> errNumInpi > 0 && $this -> errMsgInpi <> '' ) {
return false ;
} else {
$pregmatch = preg_match_all ( '/<ort\:_((?:1300|13011|13016|130100403).*) type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_((?:1300|13011|13016|130100403).*)>/Uis' , $ret [ 1 ], $matchesIden );
foreach ( $matchesIden [ 1 ] as $i => $rubrique ) {
if ( $rubrique == 130000300 ) $tabIdentite [ 'Nom' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000008 ) $tabIdentite [ 'FJ' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000303 ) $tabIdentite [ 'Sigle' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130100015 ) $tabIdentite [ 'Enseigne' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000500 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalMont' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000501 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalType' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000508 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalDev' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000509 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalUnite' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000513 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CapitalMontCts' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000102 ) $tabIdentite [ 'DateCrea' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130001002 ) $tabIdentite [ 'DateImma' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000013 ) $tabIdentite [ 'CodeGreffe' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000014 ) $tabIdentite [ 'NumRC' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130001102 ) $tabIdentite [ 'DateRad' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000025 ) $tabIdentite [ 'Provisoire' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
elseif ( $rubrique == 130000401 ) $tabIdentite [ 'NbEtab' ] = $matchesIden [ 2 ][ $i ];
$tabDir = array ();
if ( preg_match ( '/<ort\:_130300015 type="010">(.*)<\/ort:_130300015>(?:.*)<ort:_200 type="111">(.*)<\/ort\:_200>/Uis' , $ret [ 1 ], $matchesDirs )) {
$nbDirs = $matchesDirs [ 1 ];
$tabIdentite [ 'NbDirigeants' ] = $nbDirs ;
$strDir = $matchesDirs [ 2 ];
$strMatches = '<ort\:_210 type="110">(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130300005 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130300005>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130301003 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130301003>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130300016 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130300016>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130301006 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130301006>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130301007 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130301007>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130301009 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130301009>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130301004 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130301004>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130301008 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130301008>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130301012 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130301012>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130301100 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130301100>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130301102 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130301102>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130302002 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130302002>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130302003 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130302003>(?:.*)' .
'<ort\:_130302004 type="010">(.*)<\/ort\:_130302004>(?:.*)<\/ort\:_210>' ;
$pregmatch = preg_match_all ( " / $strMatches /Uis " , $strDir , $dir );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $nbDirs ; $i ++ ) {
$tabDir [ $i ] = array ( 'Fonc' => $dir [ 1 ][ $i ],
'FoncSD' => $this -> tabFctDir [ $dir [ 1 ][ $i ]][ 'codeSd' ],
'FoncLib' => $this -> tabFctDir [ $dir [ 1 ][ $i ]][ 'lib' ],
'Sexe' => $dir [ 2 ][ $i ],
'Nom' => $dir [ 3 ][ $i ],
'Prenom' => $dir [ 4 ][ $i ],
'Prenom2' => $dir [ 5 ][ $i ],
'NomJF' => $dir [ 6 ][ $i ],
'NaissDept' => $dir [ 7 ][ $i ],
'NaissLieu' => $dir [ 8 ][ $i ],
'NaissNati' => $dir [ 9 ][ $i ],
'NaissDate' => $dir [ 11 ][ $i ],
'ReprNom' => $dir [ 12 ][ $i ],
'ReprPrenom' => $dir [ 13 ][ $i ],
'ReprPrenom2' => $dir [ 14 ][ $i ],
$tabIdentite [ 'Dirigeants' ] = $tabDir ;
$fp = fopen ( LOG_PATH . '/debugIdentiteRncs.log' , 'a' );
fwrite ( $fp , print_r ( $matchesIden , true ) . EOL . print_r ( $matchesEtab , true ) . EOL . print_r ( $matchesDirs , true ) . EOL . print_r ( $tabIdentite , true ));
fclose ( $fp );
return $tabIdentite ;