2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
< ?
if ( ! function_exists ( 'htmlspecialchars_decode' ) )
function htmlspecialchars_decode ( $text )
return strtr ( $text , array_flip ( get_html_translation_table ( HTML_SPECIALCHARS )));
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
require_once 'framework/common/curl.php' ;
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
function supprDecimales ( $dec ) {
if ( $dec > 0 )
return floor ( $dec );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
return ceil ( $dec );
function dec2dms ( $dec ) {
$d = supprDecimales ( $dec );
$m = supprDecimales (( $dec - $d ) * 60 );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
$s = abs ( round (((( $dec - $d ) * 60 ) - $m ) * 60 ));
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$m = abs ( $m );
return $d . '°' . $m . " ' " . $s . '"' ;
function ALG0001 ( $phi , $e ) {
$temp = ( 1 - ( $e * sin ( $phi ) ) ) / ( 1 + ( $e * sin ( $phi ) ) );
$L = log ( tan ( ( pi () / 4 ) + ( $phi / 2 ) ) * pow ( $temp , ( $e / 2 ) ));
return $L ;
function ALG0002 ( $L , $e , $epsilon ) {
$phi [ 0 ] = 2 * atan ( exp ( $L )) - ( pi () / 2 );
$i = 0 ;
$i ++ ;
$temp = ( 1 + ( $e * sin ( $phi [ $i - 1 ] ) ) ) / ( 1 - ( $e * sin ( $phi [ $i - 1 ] ) ) );
$phi [ $i ] = 2 * atan ( pow ( $temp , ( $e / 2 )) * exp ( $L ) ) - pi () / 2 ;
while ( abs ( $phi [ $i ] - $phi [ $i - 1 ]) >= $epsilon );
return $phi [ $i ];
function ALG0004 ( $X , $Y , $n , $c , $Xs , $Ys , $lambdac , $e , $epsilon ) {
$R = sqrt ( pow (( $X - $Xs ), 2 ) + pow (( $Y - $Ys ), 2 ) );
$gamma = atan (( $X - $Xs ) / ( $Ys - $Y ));
$lambda = $lambdac + ( $gamma / $n );
$L = ( - 1 / $n ) * log ( abs ( $R / $c ));
$phi = ALG0002 ( $L , $e , $epsilon );
$coords [ 'lambda' ] = $lambda ;
$coords [ 'phi' ] = $phi ;
return $coords ;
function ALG0009 ( $lambda , $phi , $he , $a , $e ) {
$N = ALG0021 ( $phi , $a , $e );
$X = ( $N + $he ) * cos ( $phi ) * cos ( $lambda );
$Y = ( $N + $he ) * cos ( $phi ) * sin ( $lambda );
$Z = ( $N * ( 1 - $e * $e ) + $he ) * sin ( $phi );
$coords [ 'X' ] = $X ;
$coords [ 'Y' ] = $Y ;
$coords [ 'Z' ] = $Z ;
return $coords ;
function ALG0012 ( $X , $Y , $Z , $a , $e , $epsilon ) {
$lambda = atan ( $Y / $X );
$P = sqrt ( $X * $X + $Y * $Y );
$phi [ 0 ] = atan ( $Z / ( $P * ( 1 - ( ( $a * $e * $e ) / sqrt ( $X * $X + $Y * $Y + $Z * $Z ) ) ) ) );
$i = 0 ;
$i ++ ;
$temp = pow (( 1 - ( $a * $e * $e * cos ( $phi [ $i - 1 ] ) / ( $P * sqrt ( 1 - $e * $e * sin ( $phi [ $i - 1 ]) * sin ( $phi [ $i - 1 ]))))), - 1 );
$phi [ $i ] = atan ( $temp * $Z / $P );
while ( abs ( $phi [ $i ] - $phi [ $i - 1 ]) >= $epsilon );
$phix = $phi [ $i ];
$he = ( $P / cos ( $phix )) - ( $a / sqrt ( 1 - $e * $e * sin ( $phix ) * sin ( $phix )));
$coords [ 'lambda' ] = $lambda ;
$coords [ 'phi' ] = $phix ;
$coords [ 'he' ] = $he ;
return $coords ;
function ALG0013 ( $Tx , $Ty , $Tz , $D , $Rx , $Ry , $Rz , $U ) {
$V [ 'X' ] = $Tx + $U [ 'X' ] * ( 1 + $D ) + $U [ 'Z' ] * $Ry - $U [ 'Y' ] * $Rz ;
$V [ 'Y' ] = $Ty + $U [ 'Y' ] * ( 1 + $D ) + $U [ 'X' ] * $Rz - $U [ 'Z' ] * $Rx ;
$V [ 'Z' ] = $Tz + $U [ 'Z' ] * ( 1 + $D ) + $U [ 'Y' ] * $Rx - $U [ 'X' ] * $Ry ;
return $V ;
function ALG0019 ( $lambda0 , $phi0 , $k0 , $X0 , $Y0 , $a , $e ) {
$lambdac = $lambda0 ;
$n = sin ( $phi0 );
$C = $k0 * ALG0021 ( $phi0 , $a , $e ) * tan ( pi () / 2 - $phi0 ) * exp ( $n * ALG0001 ( $phi0 , $e ) );
$Xs = $X0 ;
$Ys = $Y0 + $k0 * ALG0021 ( $phi0 , $a , $e ) * tan ( pi () / 2 - $phi0 ) ;
$tab [ 'e' ] = $e ;
$tab [ 'n' ] = $n ;
$tab [ 'C' ] = $C ;
$tab [ 'lambdac' ] = $lambdac ;
$tab [ 'Xs' ] = $Xs ;
$tab [ 'Ys' ] = $Ys ;
return $tab ;
function ALG0021 ( $phi , $a , $e ) {
$N = $a / sqrt ( 1 - $e * $e * sin ( $phi ) * sin ( $phi ) );
return $N ;
function ALG0054 ( $lambda0 , $phi0 , $X0 , $Y0 , $phi1 , $phi2 , $a , $e ) {
$lambdac = $lambda0 ;
$n = ( ( log ( ( ALG0021 ( $phi2 , $a , $e ) * cos ( $phi2 )) / ( ALG0021 ( $phi1 , $a , $e ) * cos ( $phi1 )) )) / ( ALG0001 ( $phi1 , $e ) - ALG0001 ( $phi2 , $e ) ));
$C = (( ALG0021 ( $phi1 , $a , $e ) * cos ( $phi1 )) / $n ) * exp ( $n * ALG0001 ( $phi1 , $e ));
if ( $phi0 == ( pi () / 2 ))
$Xs = $X0 ;
$Ys = $Y0 ;
echo ( 'coucou' );
$Xs = $X0 ;
$Ys = $Y0 + $C * exp ( - 1 * $n * ALG0001 ( $phi0 , $e ));
$tab [ 'e' ] = $e ;
$tab [ 'n' ] = $n ;
$tab [ 'C' ] = $C ;
$tab [ 'lambdac' ] = $lambdac ;
$tab [ 'Xs' ] = $Xs ;
$tab [ 'Ys' ] = $Ys ;
return $tab ;
function Lambert2WGS84 ( $X , $Y , $orig = 'LIIe' ) {
$epsilon = 0.00000000001 ;
switch ( $orig )
case 'LII' :
$n = 0.7289686274 ;
$c = 11745793.39 ;
$Xs = 600000 ;
$Ys = 6199695.768 ;
$lambdac = 0.04079234433 ; // pour greenwich
$e = 0.08248325676 ; //(première excentricité de l ellipsoïde Clarke 1880 français)
$he = 100 ;
$a = 6378249.2 ;
$Tx = - 168 ;
$Ty = - 60 ;
$Tz = + 320 ;
$D = 0 ;
$Rx = $Ry = $Rz = 0 ;
break ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
case 'L93' :
$n = 0.7256077650 ;
$c = 11745255.426 ;
$Xs = 700000 ;
$Ys = 12655612.050 ;
$lambdac = 0.04079234433 ; // pour greenwich
$e = 0.08248325676 ; //(première excentricité de l ellipsoïde Clarke 1880 français)
$he = 100 ;
$a = 6378249.2 ;
$Tx = - 168 ;
$Ty = - 60 ;
$Tz = + 320 ;
$D = 0 ;
$Rx = $Ry = $Rz = 0 ;
break ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
case 'LIIe' :
default :
$n = 0.7289686274 ;
$c = 11745793.39 ;
$Xs = 600000 ;
$Ys = 8199695.768 ;
$lambdac = 0.04079234433 ; // pour greenwich
$e = 0.08248325676 ; //(première excentricité de l ellipsoïde Clarke 1880 français)
$he = 100 ;
$a = 6378249.2 ;
$Tx = - 168 ;
$Ty = - 60 ;
$Tz = + 320 ;
$D = 0 ;
$Rx = $Ry = $Rz = 0 ;
break ;
$coords = ALG0004 ( $X , $Y , $n , $c , $Xs , $Ys , $lambdac , $e , $epsilon );
$coords = ALG0009 ( $coords [ 'lambda' ], $coords [ 'phi' ], $he , $a , $e );
$coords = ALG0013 ( $Tx , $Ty , $Tz , $D , $Rx , $Ry , $Rz , $coords );
$a = 6378137.0 ; // ellipsoïdes WGS84
$f = 1 / 298.257223563 ;
$b = $a * ( 1 - $f );
$e = sqrt (( $a * $a - $b * $b ) / ( $a * $a ));
$X = $coords [ 'X' ];
$Y = $coords [ 'Y' ];
$Z = $coords [ 'Z' ];
$coords = ALG0012 ( $X , $Y , $Z , $a , $e , $epsilon );
$xy [ 'long' ] = rad2deg ( $coords [ 'lambda' ]);
$xy [ 'lat' ] = rad2deg ( $coords [ 'phi' ]);
return $xy ;
* Function to convert geographic coordinates to " lambert 2 etendue " coordinates
* from : http :// www . forumsig . org / showthread . php ? p = 64050 #post64050
function geos2lambert ( $latitude , $longitude ) {
//0)degres-minutes-secondes + orientation (d,m,s,o) en radian
$lambda_w = $longitude * pi () / 180 ;
$phi_w = $latitude * pi () / 180 ;
//1) coordonnées géographiques WGS84 (phi_w,lambda_w) en coordonnées cartésiennes WGS84 (X_w,Y_w,Z_w)
$a_w = 6378137.0 ;
$b_w = 6356752.314 ;
$e2_w = ( $a_w * $a_w - $b_w * $b_w ) / ( $a_w * $a_w );
//et on a la grande normale de l'ellipsoide WGS84
$N = $a_w / sqrt ( 1 - $e2_w * pow ( sin ( $phi_w ), 2 ));
//ainsi on obtient
$X_w = $N * cos ( $phi_w ) * cos ( $lambda_w );
$Y_w = $N * cos ( $phi_w ) * sin ( $lambda_w );
$Z_w = $N * ( 1 - $e2_w ) * sin ( $phi_w );
//Ref.: http://www.ign.fr/telechargement/MPr...RCE/NTG_80.pdf and http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS84
//2) coordonnées cartésiennes WGS84 (X_w,Y_w,Z_w) en coordonnées cartésiennes NTF (X_n,Y_n,Z_n)
$dX = 168.0 ;
$dY = 60.0 ;
$dZ = - 320.0 ;
$X_n = $X_w + $dX ;
$Y_n = $Y_w + $dY ;
$Z_n = $Z_w + $dZ ;
//ref.: http://support.esrifrance.fr/Documents/Generalites/Projections/Generalites/Generalites.htm#2
//3) coordonnées cartésiennes NTF (X_n,Y_n,Z_n) en coordonnées géographiques NTF (phi_n,lambda_n)
$a_n = 6378249.2 ;
$b_n = 6356515.0 ;
$e2_n = ( $a_n * $a_n - $b_n * $b_n ) / ( $a_n * $a_n );
//on définit une tolérance de convergence
$epsilon = pow ( 10 , - 10 );
//puis on amorce une boucle de calcul
$p0 = atan ( $Z_n / sqrt ( $X_n * $X_n + $Y_n * $Y_n ) * ( 1 - ( $a_n * $e2_n ) / ( sqrt ( $X_n * $X_n + $Y_n * $Y_n + $Z_n * $Z_n ))));
$p1 = atan (( $Z_n / sqrt ( $X_n * $X_n + $Y_n * $Y_n )) / ( 1 - ( $a_n * $e2_n * cos ( $p0 )) / ( sqrt (( $X_n * $X_n + $Y_n * $Y_n ) * ( 1 - $e2_n * pow ( sin ( $p0 ), 2 ))))));
while ( ! ( abs ( $p1 - $p0 ) < $epsilon )){
$p0 = $p1 ;
$p1 = atan (( $Z_n / sqrt ( $X_n * $X_n + $Y_n * $Y_n )) / ( 1 - ( $a_n * $e2_n * cos ( $p0 )) / ( sqrt (( $X_n * $X_n + $Y_n * $Y_n ) * ( 1 - $e2_n * pow ( sin ( $p0 ), 2 ))))));
$phi_n = $p1 ;
$lambda_n = atan ( $Y_n / $X_n );
//4) coordonnées géographiques NTF (phi_n,lambda_n) en coordonnées projetées en Lambert II étendu (X_l2e, Y_l2e)
$n = 0.7289686274 ;
$c = 11745793.39 ;
$Xs = 600000.0 ;
$Ys = 8199695.768 ;
$e_n = sqrt ( $e2_n );
$lambda0 = 0.04079234433198 ; //correspond à la longitude en radian de Paris (2°20'14.025" E) par rapport à Greenwich
//puis on calcule la latitude isométrique
$L = log ( tan ( pi () / 4 + $phi_n / 2 ) * pow ((( 1 - $e_n * sin ( $phi_n )) / ( 1 + $e_n * sin ( $phi_n ))),( $e_n / 2 )));
//enfin on projette
$X_l2e = $Xs + $c * exp (( - $n * $L )) * sin ( $n * ( $lambda_n - $lambda0 ));
$Y_l2e = $Ys - $c * exp (( - $n * $L )) * cos ( $n * ( $lambda_n - $lambda0 ));
return array ( " x_l2e " => $X_l2e , " y_l2e " => $Y_l2e );
/** Conversion WGS84 en Lambert93
** NTG_71 . pdf
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
** http :// www . ign . fr / affiche_rubrique . asp ? rbr_id = 1700 & lng_id = FR
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
function geos2lambert93 ( $latitude , $longitude ) {
// Système WGS84
$a = 6378137 ; // demi grand axe de l'ellipsoide (m)
$e = 0.08181919106 ; // première excentricitè de l'ellipsoide
// Paramètres de projections
$l0 = $lc = deg2rad ( 3 ); // longitude de référence
$phi0 = deg2rad ( 46.5 ); // latitude d'origine en radian
$phi1 = deg2rad ( 44 ); // 1er parallele automécoïque
$phi2 = deg2rad ( 49 ); // 2eme parallele automécoïque
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$x0 = 700000 ; //coordonnées à l'origine
$y0 = 6600000 ; //coordonnées à l'origine
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
// coordonnées du point à traduire
$phi = deg2rad ( $latitude );
$l = deg2rad ( $longitude );
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2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
// calcul des grandes normales
$gN1 = $a / sqrt ( 1 - $e * $e * sin ( $phi1 ) * sin ( $phi1 ));
$gN2 = $a / sqrt ( 1 - $e * $e * sin ( $phi2 ) * sin ( $phi2 ));
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
//calculs de slatitudes isométriques
$gl1 = log ( tan ( pi () / 4 + $phi1 / 2 ) * pow (( 1 - $e * sin ( $phi1 )) / ( 1 + $e * sin ( $phi1 )), $e / 2 ));
$gl2 = log ( tan ( pi () / 4 + $phi2 / 2 ) * pow (( 1 - $e * sin ( $phi2 )) / ( 1 + $e * sin ( $phi2 )), $e / 2 ));
$gl0 = log ( tan ( pi () / 4 + $phi0 / 2 ) * pow (( 1 - $e * sin ( $phi0 )) / ( 1 + $e * sin ( $phi0 )), $e / 2 ));
$gl = log ( tan ( pi () / 4 + $phi / 2 ) * pow (( 1 - $e * sin ( $phi )) / ( 1 + $e * sin ( $phi )), $e / 2 ));
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
//calcul de l'exposant de la projection
$n = ( log (( $gN2 * cos ( $phi2 )) / ( $gN1 * cos ( $phi1 )))) / ( $gl1 - $gl2 ); //ok
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
//calcul de la constante de projection
$c = (( $gN1 * cos ( $phi1 )) / $n ) * exp ( $n * $gl1 ); //ok
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
//calcul des coordonnées
$ys = $y0 + $c * exp ( - 1 * $n * $gl0 );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
//calcul des coordonnées lambert
$x93 = $x0 + $c * exp ( - 1 * $n * $gl ) * sin ( $n * ( $l - $lc ));
$y93 = $ys - $c * exp ( - 1 * $n * $gl ) * cos ( $n * ( $l - $lc ));
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
return array ( " x_93 " => $x93 , " y_93 " => $y93 );
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
print_r ( Lambert2WGS84 ( 591647.56 , 2426659.65 ));
print_r ( geos2lambert ( 48.838245134184 , 2.2227849815878 ));
class MMap {
private $accesDist = true ;
private $referer = '' ;
private $body = '' ;
private $header = '' ;
private $cookie = '' ;
private $codeRetour = 0 ;
private $codeRetourG = 0 ; // Code retour de l'api Google
private $codeRetourY = 0 ; // Code retour de l'api Yahoo
private $codeRetourM = 0 ; // Code retour de l'api Mappy
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
public $geocodeur = '' ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
public $latitudeDec = 0 ; // Latitude en Décimal
public $latitudeDeg = 0 ; // Latitude en Dégrés
public $longitudeDec = 0 ; // Longitude en Décimal
public $longitudeDeg = 0 ; // Longitude en Dégrés
public $precision = 0 ;
public $adresseValidee = '' ;
public $enCache = false ;
private $apiKeyG = 'ABQIAAAAuKBtUyFonYJBl1fqfc78tRQvADPcxwXf3Q2QIE-M32vuSkrxiBRLUHDB_YSLeTscTDeWRKM_wILaaw' ;
// private $apiKey='ABQIAAAAuKBtUyFonYJBl1fqfc78tRT4Qe_2x2fax4Crd4sBzQI-tDkl3BRm2l2feTV5Lnx0Ah-aTIlwHtglpA';
private $apiKeyY = 'klII0gzV34Ho2TCsN3XiXeh4No033AifxMeDXfFXj8TDCXO3WAtOLj9c74VsV45HcII-' ;
function __construct ( $accesDist = true ) { // $adresse, $cp, $ville, $pays='France') {
$this -> accesDist = $accesDist ;
http :// platform . beta . mapquest . com / geocoding / v1 / address ? key = YOUR_KEY_HERE & location = Lancaster , PA & callback = renderGeocode
http :// platform . beta . mapquest . com / geocoding / v1 / address ? key = YOUR_KEY_HERE & callback = renderOptions & inFormat = kvp & outFormat = json & location = 77 rue lost al lann , 29000 quimper , france
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
Client ID : 83955
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
Email Address : buzuk77 @ aim . com
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
Registry Password : tU2cA4qV
Forums User Name :
JS / AS3 Key : Fmjtd % 7 Clu61nuuzlu % 2 Cr0 % 3 Do5 - 5 a1sd
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
GeoCodingHandler . ashx ? addr =
< wsdl : import namespace = " http://dev.virtualearth.net/webservices/v1/imagery/contracts " location = " http://dev.virtualearth.net/webservices/v1/metadata/imageryservice/imageryservice1.wsdl " />
API keybing = 56 D6CBA671C986D3EA11B1B48F97507BE9B46999
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
public function geoCodeAdrCpVilleM ( $adresse , $cp , $ville , $pays = '' ) {
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
if ( $pays == '' ) $pays = 'France' ;
if ( preg_match ( '/^([0-9]{1,4} )(.*)$/' , $adresse , $matches )) {
$adresseVoie = trim ( $matches [ 2 ]);
$adresseNum = trim ( $matches [ 1 ]);
} else {
$adresseVoie = trim ( $adresse );
$adresseNum = '' ;
$url = 'http://axe.mappy.com/services/loc/get.aspx?countryName=' . urlencode ( $pays ) . '&townName=' . urlencode ( $ville ) . '&wayName=' . urlencode ( $adresseVoie ) . '&number=' . urlencode ( $adresseNum ) . '&namedPlaceSearch=0&interactive=1&auth=maiaTest&format=json' ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$page = getUrl ( $url , '' , '' , '' , false , '' , '' , 3 );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$res = json_decode ( $page [ 'body' ]);
$result = $res -> geocode -> answer ;
switch ( $result -> geocode_level -> code ) {
case 0 : $this -> precision = 0 ; break ; // No geocoding
case 1 : $this -> precision = 1 ; break ; // Country level geocoding
case 2 : $this -> precision = 4 ; break ; // Town level geocoding
case 3 : $this -> precision = 6 ; break ; // Way level geocoding
case 4 : $this -> precision = 8 ; break ; // Road element level geocoding
default : die ( 'Precisions Inconnue : "' . $result -> geocode_level -> code . '"=' . $result -> geocode_level -> label . EOL . $page [ 'body' ]); break ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$this -> adresseValidee =@ preg_replace ( '/ +/' , ' ' , strtoupper ( str_replace ( ''' , " ' " , trim ( htmlspecialchars_decode ( $result -> road_element -> number . ' ' . $result -> way -> name , ENT_QUOTES )))));
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$this -> codeRetourM =@ $result -> global_score ;
$result -> postal_code -> postal_code
$result -> subcountry -> iso_code // 11
$result -> subcountry -> language
$result -> subcountry -> Ile - de - France
$result -> town -> language ] => FRE
$result -> town -> name ] => Nanterre
$result -> town -> official_code ] => 92050
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
$result -> town -> postal_codes -> postal_code ] => 92000
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
0 Unknown location . ( Since 2.59 )
1 Country level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
2 Region ( state , province , prefecture , etc . ) level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
3 Sub - region ( county , municipality , etc . ) level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
4 Town ( city , village ) level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
5 Post code ( zip code ) level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
6 Street level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
7 Intersection level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
8 Address level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
$this -> latitudeDec =@ $result -> location -> coordinates -> y ;
$this -> longitudeDec =@ $result -> location -> coordinates -> x ;
$this -> latitudeDeg = dec2dms ( $this -> latitudeDec );
$this -> longitudeDeg = dec2dms ( $this -> longitudeDec );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$this -> geocodeur = 'Mappy' ;
//if ($this->codeRetourM>0)
return true ;
return false ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
private function geoCodeAdrCpVilleY ( $address ) {
$_url = 'http://api.local.yahoo.com/MapsService/V1/geocode' ;
$_url .= sprintf ( '?appid=%s&location=%s' , $this -> apiKeyY , rawurlencode ( $address ));
$_result = false ;
$page = getUrl ( $_url , '' , '' , '' , false , '' , '' , 3 );
$_result = $page [ 'body' ];
// die("URL='$_url'".EOL.print_r($page));
$try = 1 ;
while ( $page [ 'code' ] != 200 && $page [ 'code' ] != 403 ) {
$page = getUrl ( $_url , '' , '' , '' , false , '' , '' , 3 );
$_result = $page [ 'body' ];
echo 'Yahoo ' . $page [ 'code' ] . " : $address ... Attente... " . EOL ;
$try ++ ;
if ( $try >= 4 ) break ;
sleep ( 1 );
if ( $page [ 'code' ] == 400 && preg_match ( '/<Message>unable to parse location<\/Message>/' , $_result )) {
$this -> latitudeDec = $this -> longitudeDec = 0 ;
$this -> latitudeDeg = $this -> longitudeDeg = 0 ;
$this -> geocodeur = 'Yahoo' ;
$this -> precision = 0 ;
return false ;
} elseif ( $page [ 'code' ] == 403 && preg_match ( '/<Message>limit exceeded<\/Message>/' , $_result )) {
$this -> latitudeDec = $this -> longitudeDec = 0 ;
$this -> latitudeDeg = $this -> longitudeDeg = 0 ;
$this -> geocodeur = 'Yahoo' ;
$this -> precision = 0 ;
$this -> codeRetourY = 620 ; // On adopte les codes Google
} elseif ( $page [ 'code' ] == 408 ) { // Connexion impossible au site du partenaire
$this -> latitudeDec = $this -> longitudeDec = 0 ;
$this -> latitudeDeg = $this -> longitudeDeg = 0 ;
$this -> geocodeur = 'Yahoo' ;
$this -> precision = 0 ;
$this -> codeRetourY = 500 ; // On adopte les codes Google
} elseif ( $page [ 'code' ] == 200 ) {
preg_match ( '!<Latitude>(.*)</Latitude><Longitude>(.*)</Longitude>!U' , $_result , $_match );
$lng = $_match [ 2 ];
$lat = $_match [ 1 ];
preg_match ( '/warning="(.*)"/Ui' , $_result , $_match );
1 Country level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
2 Region ( state , province , prefecture , etc . ) level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
7 Intersection level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
$this -> precision = 0 ; // Unknown location
switch ( @ $_match [ 1 ]) {
case " The exact location could not be found. Here is a nearby county. " : $this -> precision = 3 ; break ; // Sub-region
case " The city could not be found. Here is the state/province. " : $this -> precision = 3 ; break ; // Sub-region
case " The exact location could not be found. Here is a nearby neighorhood. " : $this -> precision = 4 ; break ; // Town level
case " The exact location could not be found. Here is the center of the ZIP code. " :
case " The street could not be found. Here is the center of the city. " : $this -> precision = 5 ; break ; // Post code (zip code)
case " The street number could not be found. Here is a nearby location. " :
case " The Street name might have been changed " : $this -> precision = 6 ; break ; // Street level accuracy
case '' : $this -> precision = 8 ; break ; // Address level
default :
if ( preg_match ( '/The exact location could not be found, here is the closest match/' , @ $_match [ 1 ]))
$this -> precision = 6 ;
die ( 'Precisions Inconnue : "' . $_match [ 1 ] . '"' . EOL . $_result );
break ;
preg_match ( '!<Address>(.*)</Address>(?:|.*)<City>(.*)</City>(?:|.*)<State>(.*)</State>!Ui' , $_result , $_match );
$adrValide = utf8_decode ( $_match [ 1 ] . ', ' . $_match [ 2 ] . ', ' . $_match [ 3 ]);
$this -> adresseValidee = strtoupper ( str_replace ( ''' , " ' " , htmlspecialchars_decode ( $adrValide , ENT_QUOTES )));
$this -> latitudeDec = $lat ;
$this -> longitudeDec = $lng ;
$this -> latitudeDeg = dec2dms ( $this -> latitudeDec );
$this -> longitudeDeg = dec2dms ( $this -> longitudeDec );
$this -> geocodeur = 'Yahoo' ;
if ( $lat == 0 && $lng == 0 || $this -> precision == 0 ) die ( 'Réponse Yahoo = ' . $_result . EOL );
return true ; //array("lat"=>$lat,"lng"=>$lng,"address"=>$address);
else { die ( " URL=' $_url ' " . EOL . print_r ( $page ));
return false ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
private function geoCodeAdrCpVilleG ( $adresse , $cp , $ville , $pays , $proxy = '' ) {
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$url = 'http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=' . urlencode ( $adresse . ', ' . $cp . ' ' . $ville . ', ' . $pays ) . '&output=xml&key=' . $this -> apiKeyG ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$page = getUrl ( $url , '' , '' , $this -> referer , false , 'maps.google.com' , $proxy , 3 );
//getUrl($url, $strCookies='', $postData='', $referer='', $debug=false, $host='', $proxy='', $timeout=0) {
$this -> body = $page [ 'body' ];
$this -> codeRetour = $page [ 'code' ];
$this -> header = $page [ 'header' ];
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
// http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?oe=utf-8&ll=48.808955,2.34227&output=xml&key=ABQIAAAAuKBtUyFonYJBl1fqfc78tRQvADPcxwXf3Q2QIE-M32vuSkrxiBRLUHDB_YSLeTscTDeWRKM_wILaaw
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
//{"name":"3 rue viète, 75017 paris, france","Status":{"code":200,"request":"geocode"},"Placemark":[{"id":"p1","address":"3, Rue Viète, 75017 17ème Arrondissement, Paris, France","AddressDetails":{"Country":{"CountryNameCode":"FR","AdministrativeArea":{"AdministrativeAreaName":"Ile-de-France","SubAdministrativeArea":{"SubAdministrativeAreaName":"Paris","Locality":{"LocalityName":"Paris","DependentLocality":{"DependentLocalityName":"17ème Arrondissement","Thoroughfare":{"ThoroughfareName":"3, Rue Viète"},"PostalCode":{"PostalCodeNumber":"75017"}}}}}},"Accuracy": 8},"Point":{"coordinates":[2.306174,48.883705,0]}}]}
/*<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0"><Response><name>3 rue viète, 75017 paris, france</name><Status><code>200</code><request>geocode</request></Status><Placemark id="p1"><address>3, Rue Viète, 75017 17ème Arrondissement, Paris, France</address><AddressDetails Accuracy="8" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0"><Country><CountryNameCode>FR</CountryNameCode><AdministrativeArea><AdministrativeAreaName>Ile-de-France</AdministrativeAreaName><SubAdministrativeArea><SubAdministrativeAreaName>Paris</SubAdministrativeAreaName><Locality><LocalityName>Paris</LocalityName><DependentLocality><DependentLocalityName>17ème Arrondissement</DependentLocalityName><Thoroughfare><ThoroughfareName>3, Rue Viète</ThoroughfareName></Thoroughfare><PostalCode><PostalCodeNumber>75017</PostalCodeNumber></PostalCode></DependentLocality></Locality></SubAdministrativeArea></AdministrativeArea></Country></AddressDetails><Point><coordinates>2.306174,48.883705,0</coordinates></Point></Placemark></Response></kml>*/
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
0 Unknown location . ( Since 2.59 )
1 Country level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
2 Region ( state , province , prefecture , etc . ) level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
3 Sub - region ( county , municipality , etc . ) level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
4 Town ( city , village ) level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
5 Post code ( zip code ) level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
6 Street level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
7 Intersection level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
8 Address level accuracy . ( Since 2.59 )
$this -> codeRetourG =@ getTextInHtml ( $this -> body , '<Status>' , '<code>' , '/code>' );
$this -> precision =@ getTextInHtml ( $this -> body , '<AddressDetails Accuracy' , '="' , '" ' );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$this -> adresseValidee = strtoupper ( str_replace ( ''' , " ' " , htmlspecialchars_decode ( @ getTextInHtml ( $this -> body , '<Placemark' , '<address>' , '</address>' ), ENT_QUOTES )));
$strTmp =@ getTextInHtml ( $this -> body , '<Point><coordinates>' , '<coordinates>' , '</coordinates>' );
$tabTmp = explode ( ',' , $strTmp );
$this -> latitudeDec =@ $tabTmp [ 1 ];
$this -> longitudeDec = $tabTmp [ 0 ];
$this -> latitudeDeg = dec2dms ( $this -> latitudeDec );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
$this -> longitudeDeg = dec2dms ( $this -> longitudeDec );
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$this -> geocodeur = 'Google' ;
200 G_GEO_SUCCESS No errors occurred ; the address was successfully parsed and its geocode has been returneds -> geocodeur = 'Google' ;
400 G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST A directions request could not be successfully parsed .
500 G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR A geocoding or directions request could not be successfully processed , yet the exact reason for the failure is not known .
601 G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY The HTTP q parameter was either missing or had no value . For geocoding requests , this means that an empty address was
specified as input . For directions requests , this means that no query was specified in the input .
602 G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS No corresponding geographic location could be found for the specified address . This may be due to the fact that the address
is relatively new , or it may be incorrect .
603 G_GEO_UNAVAILABLE_ADDRESS The geocode for the given address or the route for the given directions query cannot be returned due to legal or contractual
reasons .
604 G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS The GDirections object could not compute directions between the points mentioned in the query . This is usually because
there is no route available between the two points , or because we do not have data for routing in that region .
610 G_GEO_BAD_KEY The given key is either invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given .
620 G_GEO_TOO_MANY_QUERIES The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24 hour period .
if ( $this -> codeRetourG == 200 )
return true ;
return false ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
function geoCodeAdresse ( $adrNum , $adrIndRep , $adrTypeVoieCourt , $adrTypeVoieLong , $adrLibVoie , $cp , $ville = '' , $pays = 'France' , $codeRivoli = '' ) {
$iDb = new WDB ();
$tabRep = array ();
$adresse = addslashes ( trim ( preg_replace ( '/ +/' , ' ' , " $adrNum $adrIndRep $adrTypeVoieLong $adrLibVoie " )));
$ville = addslashes ( $ville );
$ret = $iDb -> select ( 'zonageXY' , 'lat, lon, precis, adresseValidee, dateInsert' , " address=' $adresse ' AND adr_cp=' $cp ' AND adr_ville=' $ville ' " , false , MYSQL_ASSOC );
if ( count ( $ret ) > 0 ) {
$zonage = $ret [ 0 ];
$this -> precision = $zonage [ 'precis' ] * 1 ;
$this -> adresseValidee = strtoupper ( $zonage [ 'adresseValidee' ]);
$this -> latitudeDec = $zonage [ 'lat' ] * 1 ;
$this -> longitudeDec = $zonage [ 'lon' ] * 1 ;
$this -> latitudeDeg = dec2dms ( $this -> latitudeDec );
$this -> longitudeDeg = dec2dms ( $this -> longitudeDec );
$this -> enCache = true ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
$ligne = 'En base : ' . print_r ( $zonage , true );
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
} else {
$this -> enCache = false ;
$retM = $retY = false ;
if ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 971 ) $pays = 'Guadeloupe' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 972 ) $pays = 'Martinique' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 973 ) $pays = 'Guyane' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 974 ) $pays = 'La Réunion' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 975 ) $pays = 'Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 976 ) $pays = 'Mayotte' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 977 ) $pays = 'Saint-Martin' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 978 ) $pays = 'Saint-Barthélémy' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 986 ) $pays = 'Wallis-et-Futuna' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 987 ) $pays = 'Polynésie française' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 3 ) * 1 == 988 ) $pays = 'Nouvelle Calédonie' ;
elseif ( substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 2 ) * 1 > 96 && substr ( $codeRivoli , 0 , 2 ) * 1 < 99 )
die ( " Code Rivoli non géré : ' $codeRivoli ' " . EOL );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$retG = $this -> geoCodeAdrCpVilleG ( $adresse , $cp , $ville , $pays );
if ( $this -> codeRetourG == 620 || $this -> precision == 0 )
if ( $this -> codeRetourG == 620 )
$retY = $this -> geoCodeAdrCpVilleY ( " $adresse , $cp $ville " );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
if ( $this -> codeRetourY == 620 || $this -> precision == 0 )
$retM = $this -> geoCodeAdrCpVilleM ( $adresse , $cp , $ville , $pays );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
if ( $retG || $retY || $retM ) {
$adresse = stripslashes ( strtoupper ( trim ( preg_replace ( '/ +/' , ' ' , " $adrNum $adrIndRep $adrTypeVoieLong $adrLibVoie " ))));
$ville = stripslashes ( $ville );
$tabInsert = array ( 'address' => $adresse ,
'adr_cp' => $cp ,
'adr_ville' => $ville ,
'adrNum' => $adrNum ,
'adrIndRep' => $adrIndRep ,
'adrTypeVoie' => $adrTypeVoieCourt ,
'adrLibVoie' => $adrLibVoie ,
'rivoli' => $codeRivoli ,
'adresseValidee' => $this -> adresseValidee ,
'lat' => $this -> latitudeDec ,
'lon' => $this -> longitudeDec ,
'precis' => $this -> precision ,
'source' => $this -> geocodeur ,
'dateInsert' => DATETIME ,
/** Insertion de l ' adresse que si elle est possible
if ( $this -> latitudeDec <> 0 && $this -> longitudeDec <> 0 )
$iDb -> insert ( 'zonageXY' , $tabInsert );
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
$ligne = 'Accès Google : ' . print_r ( $tabInsert , true );
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
else {
$this -> precision = $this -> latitudeDec = $this -> longitudeDec = 0 ;
$this -> adresseValidee = '' ;
$this -> latitudeDeg = $this -> longitudeDeg = '' ;
$ligne = " Erreur : $adrNum , $adrIndRep , $adrTypeVoieCourt , $adrTypeVoieLong , $adrLibVoie , $cp , $ville , $pays , $codeRivoli , " . $this -> body ;
/* $fp = fopen ( '/var/www/log/accesGMap.log' , 'a' );
fwrite ( $fp , $ligne . EOL );
fclose ( $fp ); */
/* if ( latnorth == 'S' ) latdir = '-'
if ( lonwest == 'W' ) longdir = '-'
latdec = Math . round ( lat1 ) + lat2 / 60
londec = Math . round ( long1 ) + long2 / 60
gmdatalat = latdir + latdec . toFixed ( 6 )
gmdatalon = longdir + londec . toFixed ( 6 )
//GM_log( 'Latdec:'+gmdatalat+' LongDec:'+gmdatalon)
gmx = gmdatalat * Math . pow ( 10 , 6 )
gmy = gmdatalon * Math . pow ( 10 , 6 )
if ( gmx < 0 ) gmx = gmx + Math . pow ( 2 , 32 ) */
/** Retourne la distance en kilomètres entre 2 points à la surface de la terre
** Calcul effectué avec la sphère « GRS80 » de rayon R = 6378 , 187 km
** Autre sphère possible : « Picard » de rayon R = 6371 , 598 km
** @ param double $latA Latitude du point A en décimal
** @ param double $lonA Longitude du point A en décimal
** @ param double $latB Latitude du point B en décimal
** @ param double $lonB Longitude du point B en décimal
** @ return unknown
function distance ( $latA = 0 , $lonA = 0 , $latB = 0 , $lonB = 0 ) {
//s(AB) = arc cos (sinjA sinjB + cos jA cosjB cosdl)
// avec dl = lB - lA
$a = pi () / 180 ;
$e = $latA * $a ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
$f = $lonA * $a ;
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
$g = $latB * $a ;
$h = $lonB * $a ;
$j = acos ( cos ( $e ) * cos ( $g ) * cos ( $f ) * cos ( $h ) + cos ( $e ) * sin ( $f ) * cos ( $g ) * sin ( $h ) + sin ( $e ) * sin ( $g ));
return round ( 6378.187 * $j , 3 ); // div par 1.852 ==> résultat en miles nautiques
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
/* function distance ( lat_a , lon_a , lat_b , lon_b )
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
a = Math . PI / 180 ;
lat1 = lat_a * a ;
lat2 = lat_b * a ;
lon1 = lon_a * a ;
lon2 = lon_b * a ;
t1 = Math . sin ( lat1 ) * Math . sin ( lat2 );
t2 = Math . cos ( lat1 ) * Math . cos ( lat2 );
t3 = Math . cos ( lon1 - lon2 );
t4 = t2 * t3 ;
t5 = t1 + t4 ;
rad_dist = Math . atan ( - t5 / Math . sqrt ( - t5 * t5 + 1 )) + 2 * Math . atan ( 1 );
return ( rad_dist * 3437.74677 * 1.1508 ) * 1.6093470878864446 ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'json_decode' ) ){
function json_decode ( $content , $assoc = false ){
require_once 'Services/JSON.php' ;
if ( $assoc ){
$json = new Services_JSON ( SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE );
} else {
$json = new Services_JSON ;
return $json -> decode ( $content );
if ( ! function_exists ( 'json_encode' ) ){
function json_encode ( $content ){
require_once 'Services/JSON.php' ;
$json = new Services_JSON ;
2010-11-04 15:17:32 +00:00
2010-11-04 11:21:31 +00:00
return $json -> encode ( $content );