MAmabis : doctrine
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,23 +5,24 @@ ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 30);
class Metier_Partenaires_MAmabis
protected $client;
protected $iDb;
public function __construct($db = null)
* PDO Connection with Doctrine
* @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection
protected $conn;
public function __construct()
if ($db === null) {
$this->iDb = new Metier_Util_Db();
} else {
$this->iDb = $db;
$this->conn = Zend_Registry::get('doctrine');
$this->client = new SoapClient(null, array(
'location' => '',
'uri' => '',
'location' => '',
'uri' => '',
'connection_timeout' => 2,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'trace' => 1,
'style' => SOAP_RPC,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'trace' => 1,
'style' => SOAP_RPC,
'use' => SOAP_ENCODED,
@ -51,14 +52,16 @@ class Metier_Partenaires_MAmabis
$ville = addslashes($ville);
$majForcee = false;
$ret = $this->iDb->select(
'jo.zonage', 'zus, zru, zfu, cucs, rnvpStatut, rnvpCorr, rnvpTrt, adr3, adr4, adr5, adr6, adr7, numVoieA, indRepA,
typeVoieAlong, typeVoieAcourt, corpVoie, motDir, motDirD, libVoieSec, adr4n32, adr4n38, clePostaleVoie,
secteur, cleRoutage, cpx, cleAd, codPaysIso2, codPaysIso3, libPays, codeInsee',
"address='$adresse' AND adr_cp='$cp' AND adr_ville='$ville'", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$sql = "SELECT zus, zru, zfu, cucs, rnvpStatut, rnvpCorr, rnvpTrt, adr3, adr4, adr5, adr6,
adr7, numVoieA, indRepA, typeVoieAlong, typeVoieAcourt, corpVoie, motDir, motDirD,
libVoieSec, adr4n32, adr4n38, clePostaleVoie, secteur, cleRoutage, cpx, cleAd,
codPaysIso2, codPaysIso3, libPays, codeInsee
FROM jo.zonage WHERE address='$adresse' AND adr_cp='$cp' AND adr_ville='$ville'";
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
if (count($ret) > 0) {
$zones = $ret[0];
if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
$zones = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($zones['rnvpStatut'] === null && $rnvp) {
$majForcee = true;
@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ class Metier_Partenaires_MAmabis
if (count($ret) == 0 || $majForcee) {
if ($stmt->rowCount() == 0 || $majForcee) {
try {
// Le RNVP ne fonctionne pas sans la Raison Sociale qui est la 1ère ligne d'adresse
if (trim($raisonSociale) == '') {
@ -169,88 +172,99 @@ class Metier_Partenaires_MAmabis
if (strtoupper(@trim($tabZones['ADR7']))=='FRANCE') {
$tabTmp=explode('|', $tabZones['VOIEA']);
$tabTmp = explode('|', $tabZones['VOIEA']);
$typeVoieAcourt = @trim($tabTmp[1]);
$tabInsert = array(
'address' => $adresse,
'adr_cp' => $cp,
'adr_ville' => $ville,
'zus' => @$tabRep['NZUS'],
'zru' => @$tabRep['NZRU'],
'zfu' => @$tabRep['NZFU'],
'cucs' => @$tabRep['NCUCS'],
'adrNum' => $adrNum,
'adrIndRep' => $adrIndRep,
'adrTypeVoie' => $adrTypeVoie,
'adrLibVoie' => $adrLibVoie,
'rivoli' => $codeRivoli,
// Ajouté le 16/12/2013
'rnvpStatut' => substr($tabZones['STATUTC'], 0, 2),
'rnvpCorr' => substr($tabZones['STATUTC'], 2, 1),
'rnvpTrt' => trim(substr($tabZones['STATUTC'], 3, 2)),
'adr3' => @trim($tabZones['ADR3']),
'adr4' => @trim($tabZones['ADR4']),
'adr5' => @trim($tabZones['ADR5']),
'adr6' => @trim($tabZones['ADR6']),
'adr7' => trim($tabZones['ADR7']),
'numVoieA' => @trim($tabZones['NUM1']),
'indRepA' => @trim($tabZones['BTQC1']),
'typeVoieAlong' => @trim($tabZones['TYPVOIEL']),
'rnvpCorr' => substr($tabZones['STATUTC'], 2, 1),
'rnvpTrt' => trim(substr($tabZones['STATUTC'], 3, 2)),
'adr3' => @trim($tabZones['ADR3']),
'adr4' => @trim($tabZones['ADR4']),
'adr5' => @trim($tabZones['ADR5']),
'adr6' => @trim($tabZones['ADR6']),
'adr7' => trim($tabZones['ADR7']),
'numVoieA' => @trim($tabZones['NUM1']),
'indRepA' => @trim($tabZones['BTQC1']),
'typeVoieAlong' => @trim($tabZones['TYPVOIEL']),
'typeVoieAcourt' => $typeVoieAcourt,
'corpVoie' => @trim($tabZones['CORPSVOIE']),
'corpVoie' => @trim($tabZones['CORPSVOIE']),
'motDir' => @trim($tabZones['MOTDIR']),
'motDirD' => @trim($tabZones['MOTDIRD']),
'motDirD' => @trim($tabZones['MOTDIRD']),
'libVoieSec' => @trim($tabZones['VOIREFLIBS']),
'adr4n32' => @trim($tabZones['VOIREFLIBPOS']),
'adr4n38' => @trim($tabZones['VOIREFLIBPOS2']),
'adr4n32' => @trim($tabZones['VOIREFLIBPOS']),
'adr4n38' => @trim($tabZones['VOIREFLIBPOS2']),
'clePostaleVoie' => @trim($tabZones['VOIREFCLEPOST']),
'secteur' => @trim($tabZones['SECTEUR']),
'secteur' => @trim($tabZones['SECTEUR']),
'cleRoutage' => @trim($tabZones['CLER']),
'cpx' => @trim($tabZones['CPX']),
'cleAd' => @trim($tabZones['CLEAD']),
'codPaysIso2' => @trim($tabZones['NATREFISO2']),
'codPaysIso3' => @trim($tabZones['NATREFISO3']),
'libPays' => @trim($tabZones['NATREFLIB']),
'codeInsee' => @trim($tabZones['LOCREFCLEO']),
'cpx' => @trim($tabZones['CPX']),
'cleAd' => @trim($tabZones['CLEAD']),
'codPaysIso2' => @trim($tabZones['NATREFISO2']),
'codPaysIso3' => @trim($tabZones['NATREFISO3']),
'libPays' => @trim($tabZones['NATREFLIB']),
'codeInsee' => @trim($tabZones['LOCREFCLEO']),
'source' => 'Amabis',
$dateInsert = 0;
if ($majForcee) {
$ret = $this->iDb->select('jo.zonage', 'dateInsert*1 as dateInsert', "address='$adresseL' AND adr_cp='$cp' AND adr_ville='$villeL'", false);
$this->iDb->update('jo.zonage', array_merge($tabUpdate, array('dateInsert'=>$dateInsert)), "address='$adresseL' AND adr_cp='$cp' AND adr_ville='$villeL'", false);
//echo "Mise à jour de l'adresse du $dateInsert pour address='$adresseL' AND adr_cp='$cp' AND adr_ville='$villeL'".PHP_EOL;
$adresseL = addslashes($adresse);
$villeL = addslashes($ville);
$sql = "SELECT dateInsert*1 as dateInsert FROM jo.zonage
WHERE address='$adresseL' AND adr_cp='$cp' AND adr_ville='$villeL'";
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
$result = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$dateInsert = $result->dateInsert;
if ($dateInsert != 0) {
$this->conn->update('jo.zonage', array_merge($tabUpdate,
array('dateInsert' => $dateInsert)),
'address' => $adresseL,
'adr_cp' => $cp,
'adr_ville' => $villeL,
if ($dateInsert==0) {
$this->iDb->insert('jo.zonage', array_merge($tabInsert, $tabUpdate), false);
//echo "Insertion de l'adresse (".$zones['rnvpStatut'].")!".PHP_EOL;
if ($dateInsert == 0) {
$this->conn->insert('jo.zonage', array_merge($tabInsert, $tabUpdate));
$tabTmp[0]=explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFCLEP']);
$tabTmp[1]=explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFCP']);
$tabTmp[2]=explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFTYPP']);
$tabTmp[3]=explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFLIBD']);
$tabTmp[4]=explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFLIBD2']);
$tabTmp[0] = explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFCLEP']);
$tabTmp[1] = explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFCP']);
$tabTmp[2] = explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFTYPP']);
$tabTmp[3] = explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFLIBD']);
$tabTmp[4] = explode(',', $tabZones['LOCREFLIBD2']);
foreach ($tabTmp[0] as $iCleP=>$cleP) {
$tabInsert = array(
'codeInsee' => @trim($tabZones['LOCREFCLEO']),
'villeLib' => @trim($tabZones['LOCREFLIBP']),
'villePopu' => @trim($tabZones['LOCREFPOP']),
'cleAchPost'=> $cleP,
'codePostal'=> $tabTmp[1][$iCleP],
'typePostal'=> $tabTmp[2][$iCleP],
'libAchP32' => @preg_replace('/^\//', '', $tabTmp[3][$iCleP]),
'libAchP38' => @preg_replace('/^\//', '', $tabTmp[4][$iCleP]),
'source' => 'Amabis',
'dateInsert'=> date('YmdHis'),
'codeInsee' => @trim($tabZones['LOCREFCLEO']),
'villeLib' => @trim($tabZones['LOCREFLIBP']),
'villePopu' => @trim($tabZones['LOCREFPOP']),
'cleAchPost' => $cleP,
'codePostal' => $tabTmp[1][$iCleP],
'typePostal' => $tabTmp[2][$iCleP],
'libAchP32' => @preg_replace('/^\//', '', $tabTmp[3][$iCleP]),
'libAchP38' => @preg_replace('/^\//', '', $tabTmp[4][$iCleP]),
'source' => 'Amabis',
'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis'),
$this->iDb->insert('jo.villesCP', $tabInsert, false);
$this->conn->insert('jo.villesCP', $tabInsert);
/** Autres Informations de la RNVP **/
@ -266,19 +280,30 @@ class Metier_Partenaires_MAmabis
fwrite($fp, date('d-m-Y H:i:s').' - ERREUR SOAP : Requete = '.$this->client->__getLastRequest()."\n Reponse = ".$this->client->__getLastResponse()."\n============================================================================\n");
//return $tabRep;
/** Zonages AFR et ZRR
$codeInsee=substr($codeRivoli, 0, 5);
$ret = $this->iDb->select('jo.zonageInsee', 'typeZone, arreteDate, decretDate, decretNum, decretModifieDate, decretModifieNum, dateDebut, dateFin', "codeInsee='$codeInsee'", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
foreach ($ret as $zones) {
switch ($zones['typeZone']) {
case 'ZRR': $tabRep['ZRR']='OUI'; $tabRep['NZRR']=$codeInsee; break;
case 'ZAFR': $tabRep['AFR']='OUI'; $tabRep['NAFR']=$codeInsee; break;
default: break;
/** Zonages AFR et ZRR **/
$codeInsee = substr($codeRivoli, 0, 5);
$sql = "SELECT typeZone, arreteDate, decretDate, decretNum, decretModifieDate, decretModifieNum, dateDebut, dateFin
FROM jo.zonageInsee WHERE codeInsee=:code";
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue('code', $codeInsee);
$tabRep['ZRR'] = $tabRep['AFR'] = 'NON';
if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($zones = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
switch ($zones['typeZone']) {
case 'ZRR':
$tabRep['ZRR'] = 'OUI';
$tabRep['NZRR'] = $codeInsee;
case 'ZAFR':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user