Get change following merge in trunk
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
// Generated by ZF's ./bin/classmap_generator.php
return array(
'Bootstrap' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Bootstrap.php',
'DemoController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/DemoController.php',
'DocumentationController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/DocumentationController.php',
'ErrorController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/ErrorController.php',
'ExportController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/ExportController.php',
'FichierController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/FichierController.php',
'ImportController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/ImportController.php',
'IndexController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/IndexController.php',
'JsonrpcController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/JsonrpcController.php',
'RefController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/RefController.php',
'ServiceController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/ServiceController.php',
'UserController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/UserController.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocComplement' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/helpers/DocComplement.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocDescription' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/helpers/DocDescription.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocExemple' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/helpers/DocExemple.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocMethod' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/helpers/DocMethod.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocParameter' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/helpers/DocParameter.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocReturn' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/helpers/DocReturn.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_ProfileLink' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/helpers/ProfileLink.php',
'Bootstrap' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Bootstrap.php',
'DemoController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/DemoController.php',
'DocumentationController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/DocumentationController.php',
'ErrorController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/ErrorController.php',
'ExportController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/ExportController.php',
'FichierController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/FichierController.php',
'ImportController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/ImportController.php',
'IndexController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/IndexController.php',
'JsonrpcController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/JsonrpcController.php',
'RefController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/RefController.php',
'ServiceController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/ServiceController.php',
'UserController' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//controllers/UserController.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocComplement' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//views/helpers/DocComplement.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocDescription' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//views/helpers/DocDescription.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocExemple' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//views/helpers/DocExemple.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocMethod' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//views/helpers/DocMethod.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocParameter' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//views/helpers/DocParameter.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_DocReturn' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//views/helpers/DocReturn.php',
'Zend_View_Helper_ProfileLink' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//views/helpers/ProfileLink.php',
@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$request = $this->getRequest();
//Get the service name, make sure the string is in lower case
// --- Get the service name, make sure the string is in lower case
$serviceName = strtolower($request->getParam('service', 'Entreprise'));
//ClassName and Directory with first letter capitalized
// --- ClassName and Directory with first letter capitalized
$serviceClassName = ucfirst($serviceName);
//Customize service for customers
// --- Customize service for customers
if ( 'clients' == $serviceName )
$client = strtolower($request->getParam('client', ''));
$clientClassName = ucfirst($client);
//Get list of customers
// --- Get list of customers
$clients = array();
$listeClients = include APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/WsScore/Clients/ClientsConfig.php';
foreach ( $listeClients as $section => $params )
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//Service versions
// --- Service versions
$services = include APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/WsScore/ServicesConfig.php';
$configServiceVersions = $services[$serviceName]['versions'];
// Check versions
// --- Check versions
foreach( $configServiceVersions as $section => $params )
$serviceVersions[$section] = $params;
@ -61,25 +61,25 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$version = $request->getParam('version', 'v'.$defautVersion);
$version = substr($version, 1);
// Version inexistante
// --- Version inexistante
if ( !array_key_exists($version, $serviceVersions) )
echo "Version inexistante.";
// Version désactivé
// --- Version désactivé
if ( !$serviceVersions[$version]['actif'] )
echo "Version désactivée.";
// Charger les classes et les types pour le service suivant la version
// --- Charger les classes et les types pour le service suivant la version
if ('clients' == $serviceName)
$pathServiceClassIni = 'WsScore/Clients/'.$clientClassName.'/v'.$version.'/Config.php';
$pathServiceClassPhp = 'WsScore/Clients/'.$clientClassName.'/v'.$version.'/Entreprise.php';
//Gestion du mode de génération du wsdl
// --- Gestion du mode de génération du wsdl
if ( APPLICATION_ENV == 'development'
|| array_key_exists('mode', $serviceVersions[$version])
&& $serviceVersions[$version]['mode']=='auto') {
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
} else {
$pathServiceUrl = 'clients/'.$client.'/v'.$version.'?wsdl';
//On redéfini le nom du service
// --- On redéfini le nom du service
$serviceClassName = 'Entreprise';
$fichierWsdl = $clientClassName.'-'.$serviceClassName.'-'.$version.'.wsdl';
@ -107,18 +107,18 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//Get map of WSDL type to PHP Classes
// --- Get map of WSDL type to PHP Classes
$classmap = include $pathServiceClassIni;
//Inclusion des classes de données
// --- Inclusion des classes de données
require_once $pathServiceClassPhp;
//Get hostname - add compatibility with Reverse Proxy
// --- Get hostname - add compatibility with Reverse Proxy
$hostName = $this->getRequest()->getHttpHost();
$fichierWsdl = $hostName . '-' . $fichierWsdl;
$wsdlPath = APPLICATION_PATH.'/../data/wsdl';
// Fourniture du wsdl
// --- Fourniture du wsdl
if ( isset($_GET['wsdl']) && file_exists($wsdlPath . '/' . $fichierWsdl) )
if (!headers_sent()) {
@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
|| isset($_GET['wsdl-generate'])
|| isset($_GET['wsdl-auto']) )
// Définition du webservice
// --- Définition du webservice
$wsdl = new Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover();
$wsdl->setOperationBodyStyle( array('use' => 'literal') );
$wsdl->setBindingStyle( array('style' => 'document') );
// Enregistrement du WSDL dans un fichier
// --- Enregistrement du WSDL dans un fichier
if ( isset($_GET['wsdl-generate']) ) {
if (file_exists($wsdlPath . '/' . $fichierWsdl)) {
unlink($wsdlPath . '/' . $fichierWsdl);
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$wsdl->dump($wsdlPath . '/' . $fichierWsdl);
echo "Le fichier $fichierWsdl a été généré";
//Génération/Fourniture du wsdl
// --- Génération/Fourniture du wsdl
} elseif (isset($_GET['wsdl']) && !file_exists($wsdlPath . '/' . $fichierWsdl)) {
$wsdl->dump($wsdlPath . '/' . $fichierWsdl);
if (!headers_sent()) {
@ -154,23 +154,22 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
echo file_get_contents($wsdlPath . '/' . $fichierWsdl);
// Envoi sur la sortie standard le wsdl sans enregistrement dans un fichier
// --- Envoi sur la sortie standard le wsdl sans enregistrement dans un fichier
} elseif ( isset($_GET['wsdl-auto']) ){
// Fourniture du service
// --- Fourniture du service
// Traitement
// --- Traitement
if (in_array(APPLICATION_ENV, array('production', 'staging')) && file_exists($wsdlPath . '/' . $fichierWsdl)) {
$server = new Zend_Soap_Server($wsdlPath . '/' . $fichierWsdl);
} else {
$server = new Zend_Soap_Server('http://'.$hostName.'/'.$pathServiceUrl);
//Sonde paramètres server
// --- Sonde paramètres server
$debug = false;
$debugUser = '';
if ($debug && $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] == $debugUser)
@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
//Options et traitement de la requete
// --- Options et traitement de la requete
@ -189,8 +188,8 @@ class ServiceController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$server->setObject(new $serviceClassName());
//Pour débuggage ultime
// --- Pour débuggage ultime
$debug = false;
$debugUser = '';
if ($debug && $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] == $debugUser)
@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ class Application_Controller_Plugin_Auth extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
$action = $request->getActionName();
$checkAuth = true;
//Pas d'authentification sur la demande d'authentification
// --- Pas d'authentification sur la demande d'authentification
if ( $controller == 'user' && $action == 'login' ) {
$checkAuth = false;
// Pas d'authentification sur ces services
// --- Pas d'authentification sur ces services
if ( in_array($controller, array('service', 'import'))
|| ( $controller == 'fichier' && $action == 'logs' )
|| ( $controller == 'fichier' && $action == 'kbis' )
@ -44,12 +44,14 @@ class Application_Controller_Plugin_Auth extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
//On vérifie le tout lors d'une connexion par url
// --- On vérifie le tout lors d'une connexion par url
if ( !empty($login) && !empty($pass) ) {
$authAdapter = new Scores_Auth_Adapter_Db($login, $pass, $checkWs);
$result = $auth->authenticate($authAdapter);
if (!$result->isValid()) {
$layout = Zend_Layout::getMVCInstance();
if ( !$layout->isEnabled() ){
echo "Identification incorrect ou périmé.";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class Application_Model_InseeIdentite extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'identite';
protected $_schema = 'insee';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class Application_Model_JoEtablissements extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'etablissements';
protected $_schema = 'jo';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class Application_Model_JoZonageXY extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'zonageXY';
protected $_schema = 'jo';
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
class Application_Model_Sdv1BilanCommandeEnter extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'bilan_commande_enter';
protected $_schema = 'sdv1';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class Application_Model_Sdv1OrderAssoStatut extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'order_asso_statut';
protected $_schema = 'sdv1';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class Application_Model_Sdv1OrderBilanInput extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'order_bilan_input';
protected $_schema = 'sdv1';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class Application_Model_Sdv1OrderPrivileges extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'order_privileges';
protected $_schema = 'sdv1';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class Application_Model_VillesRnvpSources extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'rnvpSources';
protected $_schema = 'villes';
@ -1,68 +1,75 @@
// Generated by ZF's ./bin/classmap_generator.php
return array(
'Application_Controller_Plugin_Auth' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Controller/Plugin/Auth.php',
'Application_Controller_Plugin_Menu' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Controller/Plugin/Menu.php',
'Application_Controller_Plugin_Services' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Controller/Plugin/Services.php',
'Application_Form_Login' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Form/Login.php',
'Application_Model_AssoActes' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/AssoActes.php',
'Application_Model_BopiMarques' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/BopiMarques.php',
'Application_Model_Commandes' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Commandes.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesActe' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/CommandesActe.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesAsso' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/CommandesAsso.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesBilan' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/CommandesBilan.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesEven' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/CommandesEven.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesKbis' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/CommandesKbis.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesPieces' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/CommandesPieces.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesStatut' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/CommandesStatut.php',
'Application_Model_ExtractionCommandes' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/ExtractionCommandes.php',
'Application_Model_FedasoBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/FedasoBilans.php',
'Application_Model_HistoriquesBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/HistoriquesBilans.php',
'Application_Model_InseeDepartements' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/InseeDepartements.php',
'Application_Model_InseeTabVilles' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/InseeTabVilles.php',
'Application_Model_JoAssoBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoAssoBilans.php',
'Application_Model_JoAssoSubventions' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoAssoSubventions.php',
'Application_Model_JoBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoBilans.php',
'Application_Model_JoBilansUser' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoBilansUser.php',
'Application_Model_JoBoampLots' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoBoampLots.php',
'Application_Model_JoBodaccDetail' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoBodaccDetail.php',
'Application_Model_JoBodaccFonctions' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoBodaccFonctions.php',
'Application_Model_JoGreffesActes' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoGreffesActes.php',
'Application_Model_JoGreffesBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoGreffesBilans.php',
'Application_Model_JoLiens' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoLiens.php',
'Application_Model_JoLiensDoc' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoLiensDoc.php',
'Application_Model_JoLiensRef' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoLiensRef.php',
'Application_Model_JoRncsDirigeants' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoRncsDirigeants.php',
'Application_Model_JoRncsEtab' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoRncsEtab.php',
'Application_Model_JoScoresCutoff' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoScoresCutoff.php',
'Application_Model_JoScoresCutoffMvt' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoScoresCutoffMvt.php',
'Application_Model_JoScoresSurveillance' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoScoresSurveillance.php',
'Application_Model_JoSurveillancesSite' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoSurveillancesSite.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabDevises' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoTabDevises.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabEvenements' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoTabEvenements.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabFJur' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoTabFJur.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabMandataires' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoTabMandataires.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabNaf5' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoTabNaf5.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabPays' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoTabPays.php',
'Application_Model_JoTelephonie' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/JoTelephonie.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1BilanCommandeEnter' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1BilanCommandeEnter.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1BourseIsin' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1BourseIsin.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1Clients' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1Clients.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsServices' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1ClientsServices.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsServicesDroits' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1ClientsServicesDroits.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsServicesIP' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1ClientsServicesIP.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsServicesTrigger' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1ClientsServicesTrigger.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsTarifs' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1ClientsTarifs.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1DirigeantsOp' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1DirigeantsOp.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesAc' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1GreffeCommandesAc.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesBi' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1GreffeCommandesBi.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesKb' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1GreffeCommandesKb.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1Logs' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1Logs.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1Prestations' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1Prestations.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1TabIdLocal' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1TabIdLocal.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1Utilisateurs' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1Utilisateurs.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1UtilisateursAuthLog' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1UtilisateursAuthLog.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1UtilisateursBrowserLog' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1UtilisateursBrowserLog.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1UtilisateursEmails' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1UtilisateursEmails.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1UtilisateursService' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Model/Sdv1UtilisateursService.php',
'Application_Controller_Plugin_Auth' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Controller/Plugin/Auth.php',
'Application_Controller_Plugin_Menu' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Controller/Plugin/Menu.php',
'Application_Controller_Plugin_Services' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Controller/Plugin/Services.php',
'Application_Form_Login' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Form/Login.php',
'Application_Model_AssoActes' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/AssoActes.php',
'Application_Model_BopiMarques' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/BopiMarques.php',
'Application_Model_Commandes' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Commandes.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesActe' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/CommandesActe.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesAsso' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/CommandesAsso.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesBilan' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/CommandesBilan.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesEven' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/CommandesEven.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesKbis' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/CommandesKbis.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesPieces' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/CommandesPieces.php',
'Application_Model_CommandesStatut' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/CommandesStatut.php',
'Application_Model_ExtractionCommandes' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/ExtractionCommandes.php',
'Application_Model_FedasoBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/FedasoBilans.php',
'Application_Model_HistoriquesBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/HistoriquesBilans.php',
'Application_Model_InseeDepartements' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/InseeDepartements.php',
'Application_Model_InseeIdentite' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/InseeIdentite.php',
'Application_Model_InseeTabVilles' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/InseeTabVilles.php',
'Application_Model_JoAssoBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoAssoBilans.php',
'Application_Model_JoAssoSubventions' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoAssoSubventions.php',
'Application_Model_JoBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoBilans.php',
'Application_Model_JoBilansUser' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoBilansUser.php',
'Application_Model_JoBoampLots' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoBoampLots.php',
'Application_Model_JoBodaccDetail' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoBodaccDetail.php',
'Application_Model_JoBodaccFonctions' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoBodaccFonctions.php',
'Application_Model_JoEtablissements' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoEtablissements.php',
'Application_Model_JoGreffesActes' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoGreffesActes.php',
'Application_Model_JoGreffesBilans' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoGreffesBilans.php',
'Application_Model_JoLiens' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoLiens.php',
'Application_Model_JoLiensDoc' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoLiensDoc.php',
'Application_Model_JoLiensRef' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoLiensRef.php',
'Application_Model_JoRncsDirigeants' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoRncsDirigeants.php',
'Application_Model_JoRncsEtab' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoRncsEtab.php',
'Application_Model_JoScoresCutoff' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoScoresCutoff.php',
'Application_Model_JoScoresCutoffMvt' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoScoresCutoffMvt.php',
'Application_Model_JoScoresSurveillance' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoScoresSurveillance.php',
'Application_Model_JoSurveillancesListes' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoSurveillancesListes.php',
'Application_Model_JoSurveillancesSite' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoSurveillancesSite.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabDevises' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoTabDevises.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabEvenements' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoTabEvenements.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabFJur' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoTabFJur.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabMandataires' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoTabMandataires.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabNaf5' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoTabNaf5.php',
'Application_Model_JoTabPays' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoTabPays.php',
'Application_Model_JoTelephonie' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoTelephonie.php',
'Application_Model_JoZonageXY' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/JoZonageXY.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1BourseIsin' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1BourseIsin.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1Clients' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1Clients.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsServices' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1ClientsServices.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsServicesDroits' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1ClientsServicesDroits.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsServicesIP' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1ClientsServicesIP.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsServicesTrigger' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1ClientsServicesTrigger.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1ClientsTarifs' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1ClientsTarifs.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1DirigeantsOp' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1DirigeantsOp.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesAc' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1GreffeCommandesAc.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesBi' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1GreffeCommandesBi.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesKb' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1GreffeCommandesKb.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1Logs' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1Logs.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1OrderAssoStatut' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1OrderAssoStatut.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1OrderBilanInput' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1OrderBilanInput.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1OrderPrivileges' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1OrderPrivileges.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1Prestations' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1Prestations.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1TabIdLocal' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1TabIdLocal.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1Utilisateurs' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1Utilisateurs.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1UtilisateursAuthLog' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1UtilisateursAuthLog.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1UtilisateursBrowserLog' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1UtilisateursBrowserLog.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1UtilisateursEmails' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1UtilisateursEmails.php',
'Application_Model_Sdv1UtilisateursService' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/Sdv1UtilisateursService.php',
'Application_Model_VillesRnvpSources' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Model/VillesRnvpSources.php',
@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@ class MInsee
$limit="LIMIT $deb, $nbRep";
$sqlInfo=", e.source, e.source_id, e.triCode, e.autre_id, LPAD(e.siren, 9, 0) as siren, LPAD(e.nic, 5, 0) as nic, e.siege, ".
$sqlInfo=", e.source, e.source_id, e.triCode, e.autre_id, LPAD(e.siren, 9, 0) AS siren, LPAD(e.nic, 5, 0) AS nic, e.siege, ".
"e.raisonSociale, e.enseigne, e.sigle, LPAD(e.adr_num,4,0) AS adr_num, e.adr_btq, e.adr_typeVoie, e.adr_libVoie, ".
"e.adr_comp, LPAD(e.adr_cp,5,0) AS adr_cp, e.adr_ville, e.adr_dep, LPAD(e.adr_com,3,0) AS adr_com, LPAD(,10,0) AS tel, LPAD(e.fax,10,0) AS fax, e.cj, e.ape_etab, e.ape_entrep, e.teff_etab, ".
"CONCAT(siren, nic) as siret, e.actif, e.identite_pre, IF(e.siege=2,0.5,e.siege) AS triSiege";
@ -1836,7 +1836,7 @@ class MInsee
$tabTmp=$this->iDb->select('etablissements', 'count(*)', "TEL=$id OR FAX=$id $filtreActif");
$listeEtab=$this->iDb->select('etablissements e',
"'Etab' as Loc,, e.source, e.source_id, e.triCode, e.autre_id, LPAD(e.siren, 9, 0) as siren, LPAD(e.nic, 5, 0), e.siege, ".
"'Etab' as Loc,, e.source, e.source_id, e.triCode, e.autre_id, LPAD(e.siren, 9, 0) AS siren, LPAD(e.nic, 5, 0) AS nic, e.siege, ".
"e.raisonSociale, e.enseigne, e.sigle, LPAD(e.adr_num,4,0) AS adr_num, e.adr_btq, e.adr_typeVoie, e.adr_libVoie, ".
"e.adr_comp, LPAD(e.adr_cp,5,0) AS adr_cp, e.adr_ville, e.adr_dep, LPAD(e.adr_com,3,0) AS adr_com, LPAD(,10,0) AS tel, LPAD(e.fax,10,0) AS fax, e.cj, e.ape_etab, e.ape_entrep,".
"CONCAT(e.siren, e.nic) as siret, e.actif",
@ -1870,7 +1870,7 @@ class MInsee
$tabTmp=$this->iDb->select('etablissements', 'count(*)', "autre_id IN ('$strId') $filtreActif $strDep");
$listeEtab=$this->iDb->select('etablissements e',
"'Etab' as Loc,, e.source, e.source_id, e.triCode, e.autre_id, e.siren, e.nic, e.siege, ".
"'Etab' as Loc,, e.source, e.source_id, e.triCode, e.autre_id, LPAD(e.siren, 9, 0) AS siren, LPAD(e.nic, 5, 0) AS nic, e.siege, ".
"e.raisonSociale, e.enseigne, e.sigle, LPAD(e.adr_num,4,0) AS adr_num, e.adr_btq, e.adr_typeVoie, e.adr_libVoie, ".
"e.adr_comp, LPAD(e.adr_cp,5,0) AS adr_cp, e.adr_ville, e.adr_dep, LPAD(e.adr_com,3,0) AS adr_com, LPAD(,10,0) AS tel, LPAD(e.fax,10,0) AS fax, e.cj, e.ape_etab, e.ape_entrep, e.teff_etab, ".
"CONCAT(e.siren, e.nic) as siret, e.actif",
@ -3082,7 +3082,7 @@ class MInsee
if ($tabRet['CapitalDev']<>'' && $tabRet['CapitalDev']<>'EUR') {
$devise=$this->iDb->select('sdv1.devise_liste l, devise_cours c', 'c.devise, c.valeur,, l.devNom, l.devNomPays, l.devPaysIso', "c.devise='$dev' and l.devIso='$dev' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,1", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$devise=$this->iDb->select('sdv1.devise_liste l, sdv1.devise_cours c', 'c.devise, c.valeur,, l.devNom, l.devNomPays, l.devPaysIso', "c.devise='$dev' and l.devIso='$dev' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,1", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
@ -6341,7 +6341,7 @@ class MInsee
'insSIREN, insNIC, insDATEVE, insEVE, insAPET700, insSIEGE, insLIBCOM, insL1_NOMEN, insL2_COMP, insL4_VOIE, insL3_CADR, insL5_DISP, insL6_POST, insCODPOS, insL7_ETRG, insDEPCOM, insCODEVOIE, insNICTRAN, insSIRETPS, insDATEMAJ, idFlux, insSIRETASS, insDESTINAT, insTYPETAB, insORIGINE, insTRAN, insNOMEN, insENSEIGNE, insNUMVOIE, insINDREP, insTYPVOIE, insLIBVOIE, sirVersion',
'LPAD(insSIREN,9,0) AS insSIREN, LPAD(insNIC,5,0) AS insNIC, insDATEVE, insEVE, insAPET700, insSIEGE, insLIBCOM, insL1_NOMEN, insL2_COMP, insL4_VOIE, insL3_CADR, insL5_DISP, insL6_POST, insCODPOS, insL7_ETRG, insDEPCOM, insCODEVOIE, insNICTRAN, insSIRETPS, insDATEMAJ, idFlux, insSIRETASS, insDESTINAT, insTYPETAB, insORIGINE, insTRAN, insNOMEN, insENSEIGNE, insNUMVOIE, insINDREP, insTYPVOIE, insLIBVOIE, sirVersion',
"insSIREN=$siren AND insNIC<>$nic AND (insEVE IN ('510','520','530','540', 'CTS','CTE','STS','STE','MTDS','MTDE','MTAS','MTAE') OR insEVE LIKE 'T%') AND insDATEMAJ IN (
SELECT insDATEMAJ FROM insee.insee_even WHERE insSIREN=$siren AND insNIC=$nic AND (insEVE IN ('510','520','530','540', 'CTS','CTE','STS','STE','MTDS','MTDE','MTAS','MTAE') OR insEVE LIKE 'T%')
)", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
@ -6601,48 +6601,50 @@ class MInsee
* Code Voie Rivoli
* @param unknown $codeCommune
* @param unknown $adrTypVoie
* @param unknown $adrLibVoie
* @return string|Ambigous <string, unknown>
* @param string $codeCommune
* @param string $adrTypVoie
* @param string $adrLibVoie
* @return string
public function getCodeVoieRivoli($codeCommune, $adrTypVoie, $adrLibVoie)
'LD'=> '',
'R'=> 'RUE',
'FG'=> 'FBG',
'PL'=> 'PCE',
'QU'=> 'QUAI',
'QUA'=> 'QRT',
'SQ'=> 'SQR',
$codeVoie = '';
$adrTypVoie = strtoupper($adrTypVoie);
$adrLibVoie = strtoupper($adrLibVoie);
$adrLibVoie2 = addslashes($adrLibVoie);
$tabVoiesNoff = array(
'LD' => '',
'R' => 'RUE',
'CITE' => 'CTE',
'FG' => 'FBG',
'PL' => 'PCE',
'QU' => 'QUAI',
'QUA' => 'QRT',
'SQ' => 'SQR',
'VLGE' => 'VGE',
'VOI' => 'VOIE'
if (array_key_exists($adrTypVoie, $tabVoiesNoff) || in_array($adrTypVoie, $tabVoiesNoff)) {
if ($typeVoieOff=='QUA')
$strTypesVoies=" AND voieNature IN('QUA','QRT','QUR') ";
$strTypesVoies=" AND voieNature IN('$typeVoieNoff','$typeVoieOff') ";
$typeVoieNoff = $adrTypVoie;
$typeVoieOff = $tabVoiesNoff[$adrTypVoie];
if ($typeVoieOff == 'QUA') {
$strTypesVoies = " AND voieNature IN('QUA','QRT','QUR') ";
} else {
$strTypesVoies = " AND voieNature IN('$typeVoieNoff','$typeVoieOff') ";
} else {
$strTypesVoies=" AND voieNature='$typeVoieOff' ";
$typeVoieOff = $typeVoieNoff = $adrTypVoie;
$strTypesVoies =" AND voieNature='$typeVoieOff' ";
'insee.fantoirVoi', "codComInsee, idVoieCom, cleRivoli, voieNature, voieLib, 1 AS score",
"codComInsee='$codeCommune' $strTypesVoies AND voieLib='$adrLibVoie2'",false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if ($nbRet==0) return '';//'Aucune correspondance Rivoli'.EOL;
else {
$ret = $this->iDb->select('insee.fantoirVoi', "codComInsee, idVoieCom, cleRivoli, voieNature, voieLib, 1 AS score",
"codComInsee='$codeCommune' $strTypesVoies AND voieLib='$adrLibVoie2'", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$nbRet = count($ret);
if ($nbRet==0) {
return '';//'Aucune correspondance Rivoli'.EOL;
} else {
foreach($ret as $i=>$iRet) {
if (($iRet['voieNature']==$typeVoieOff || $iRet['voieNature']==$typeVoieNoff) && $iRet['voieLib']==$adrLibVoie) {
@ -1780,12 +1780,10 @@ class MGreffes
"VILLE DE" => "7210",
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$search = strtoupper(cleanutf8($txt));
require_once 'Scores/Locale/String.php';
$search = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanutf8($txt));
foreach ( $list as $item => $code ) {
if ( $search == strtoupper(cleanutf8($item)) ) {
if ( $search == strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanutf8($item)) ) {
return $code;
@ -2170,15 +2168,12 @@ class MGreffes
$label = $xpath->query("span[@class='label']", $n);
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
switch ( strtoupper(cleanutf8( trim($label) )) ) {
require_once 'Scores/Locale/String.php';
switch ( strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanutf8( trim($label) )) ) {
//Catégorie juridique
//<p> <span class="label">Catégorie juridique :</span> <span class="data">Artisan</span> </p>
$data = $xpath->query("span[@class='data']", $n);
case 'ADRESSE :':
@ -950,13 +950,13 @@ class MMap {
public function geoCodeAdresse($adrNum, $adrIndRep, $adrTypeVoieCourt, $adrTypeVoieLong, $adrLibVoie, $cp, $ville='', $pays='France', $codeRivoli='')
$adresse=addslashes(trim(preg_replace('/ +/',' ', "$adrNum $adrIndRep $adrTypeVoieLong $adrLibVoie")));
$ret = $this->iDb->select('zonageXY',
'lat, lon, l93_x, l93_y, alt, precis, adresseValidee, dateInsert',
$tabRep = array();
$adrNum = str_pad($adrNum, 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
$adresse = addslashes(trim(preg_replace('/ +/',' ', "$adrNum $adrIndRep $adrTypeVoieLong $adrLibVoie")));
$ville = addslashes($ville);
$ret = $this->iDb->select('zonageXY', 'lat, lon, l93_x, l93_y, alt, precis, adresseValidee, dateInsert',
"address='$adresse' AND adr_cp='$cp' AND adr_ville='$ville'", false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
//Existe dans la base
if (count($ret)>0) {
@ -926,6 +926,7 @@ function calculIndiScore($siren, $nic=0, $accesDist=false, $cycleClient=2, $mail
if (strtoupper(substr($tabIdentite['AutreId'],0,1))=='W') $WALDEC=$tabIdentite['AutreId'];
else $WALDEC='';
// AGE en mois
if ($tabIdentite['DateCreaEt']>0 && $tabIdentite['DateCreaEt']<$tabIdentite['DateCreaEn'])
@ -935,7 +936,6 @@ function calculIndiScore($siren, $nic=0, $accesDist=false, $cycleClient=2, $mail
else {
//@sendMail('', '', "Indiscore sur $siren : Attention 'dateCrea'",'Corriger les tests de la valeur !');
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ function calculIndiScore($siren, $nic=0, $accesDist=false, $cycleClient=2, $mail
// Annonces BODACC Poursuite de l'activité malgré la perte de plus de plus de la moitié du capital social
// Annonces BODACC Poursuite de l'activité malgré la perte de plus de la moitié du capital social
$tabDepotCpt=$iInsee->getAnnoncesLegales($siren, 0, array(2314,2319), false);
if (is_array($tabDepotCpt) && count($tabDepotCpt)>0){
foreach ($tabDepotCpt as $iDep=>$depot) {
@ -2292,9 +2292,10 @@ function calculIndiScore($siren, $nic=0, $accesDist=false, $cycleClient=2, $mail
//$tabCommentaires['gen'][]=prepareString("Cette affaire personnelle à demandée son retrait du champs de diffusion commercial de la base SIRENE.");
} else
} else {
/** Entreprise en Zone Prioritaire ? **/
@ -2711,10 +2712,7 @@ function calculIndiScore($siren, $nic=0, $accesDist=false, $cycleClient=2, $mail
} elseif ($tabIdentite['SituationJuridique']=='D'){
$analyseConf='L\'entreprise est dissoute';
} /*elseif ($tabIdentite['SituationJuridique']=='R'){
$analyseConf='L\'entreprise est radiée';
} */elseif ($tabIdentite['Actif']==0){
} elseif ($tabIdentite['Actif']==0){
$analyseConf='L\'entreprise n\'est pas en activité';
} elseif ($SCORECONF>=70)
@ -968,11 +968,11 @@ function rechercheDir(&$formR, $deb, $nbRep, $max)
l.libelle AS fonction_lib,
||||, CONCAT(e.siren,e.nic) AS siret,
||||, CONCAT(LPAD(e.siren,9,0),LPAD(e.nic,5,0)) AS siret,
LPAD(e.siren,9,0) AS siren,
LPAD(e.nic,5,0) AS nic,
@ -1159,9 +1159,9 @@ function rechercheAct($formR, $deb, $nbRep, $max)
IF(l.dateUpdate>l.dateInsert,l.dateUpdate,l.dateInsert) AS date,
CONCAT(LPAD(e.siren,9,'000000000'), LPAD(e.nic,5,'00000')) AS siret,
LPAD(par.siren,9,'000000000') AS siren,
LPAD(e.nic,5,'00000') AS nic,
CONCAT(LPAD(e.siren,9,0), LPAD(e.nic,5,0)) AS siret,
LPAD(par.siren,9,0) AS siren,
LPAD(e.nic,5,0) AS nic,
par.RS AS raisonSociale,
@ -1210,9 +1210,9 @@ function rechercheAct($formR, $deb, $nbRep, $max)
IF(l.dateUpdate>l.dateInsert,l.dateUpdate,l.dateInsert) AS date,
CONCAT(LPAD(e.siren,9,'000000000'), LPAD(e.nic,5,'00000')) AS siret,
LPAD(par.siren,9,'000000000') AS siren,
LPAD(e.nic,5,'00000') AS nic,
CONCAT(LPAD(e.siren,9,0), LPAD(e.nic,5,0)) AS siret,
LPAD(par.siren,9,0) AS siren,
LPAD(e.nic,5,0) AS nic,
par.RS AS raisonSociale,
@ -1634,9 +1634,9 @@ function rechercheEnt(&$formR, $deb, $nbRep, $max, $sirenValide = false)
CONCAT(siren,nic) AS siret,
CONCAT(LPAD(siren,9,0),LPAD(nic,5,0)) AS siret,
LPAD(siren,9,0) AS siren,
LPAD(nic,5,0) AS nic,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* Miscellaneous functions to clean string.
class Scores_Locale_String
* Clean up a string value.
* Resulting string contains only alphanumerics and separators.
* @param $string
* A string to clean.
* @param $clean_slash
* Whether to clean slashes from the given string.
* @return
* The cleaned string.
public static function cleanstring($string)
$transliterate = TRUE;
$reduce_ascii = FALSE;
$output = $string;
// Remove accents and transliterate
if ($transliterate) {
static $i18n_loaded = false;
static $translations = array();
if (!$i18n_loaded) {
$path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
if (is_file($path .'/i18n-ascii.txt')) {
$translations = parse_ini_file($path .'/String/i18n-ascii.txt');
$i18n_loaded = true;
$output = strtr($output, $translations);
// Reduce to the subset of ASCII96 letters and numbers
if ($reduce_ascii) {
$pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/]+/ ';
$output = preg_replace($pattern, $separator, $output);
return $output;
public static function cleanutf8($string)
$transliterate = TRUE;
$output = $string;
// Remove accents and transliterate
if ($transliterate) {
static $i18n_loaded = false;
static $translations = array();
if (!$i18n_loaded) {
$path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
if (is_file($path .'/i18n-ascii.txt')) {
$translations = parse_ini_file($path .'/String/i18n-ascii.txt');
$i18n_loaded = true;
$output = strtr($output, $translations);
return $output;
// Fixes the encoding to uf8
public static function fixEncoding($in_str)
$cur_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($in_str) ;
if($cur_encoding == "UTF-8" && mb_check_encoding($in_str,"UTF-8"))
return $in_str;
return utf8_encode($in_str);
} // fixEncoding
public static function cleanstring_deep($value)
$value = is_array($value) ?
array_map('self::cleanstring_deep', $value) :
return $value;
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
// Generated by ZF's ./bin/classmap_generator.php
return array(
'Scores_Auth_Adapter_Db' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Auth/Adapter/Db.php',
'Scores_Auth_Adapter_Ws' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Auth/Adapter/Ws.php',
'Scores_Validate_IpInNetwork' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Validate/IpInNetwork.php',
'Scores_Wkhtml_Pdf' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Wkhtml/Pdf.php',
'Scores_Ws_Doc' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Ws/Doc.php',
'Scores_Ws_Exception' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Ws/Exception.php',
'Scores_Ws_Form_GetIdentite' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Ws/Form/GetIdentite.php',
'Scores_Ws_Server' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Ws/Server.php',
'Scores_Ws_Trigger' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Ws/Trigger.php',
'Scores_Auth_Adapter_Db' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Auth/Adapter/Db.php',
'Scores_Auth_Adapter_Ws' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Auth/Adapter/Ws.php',
'Scores_Locale_String' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Locale/String.php',
'Scores_Validate_IpInNetwork' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Validate/IpInNetwork.php',
'Scores_Wkhtml_Pdf' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Wkhtml/Pdf.php',
'Scores_Ws_Doc' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Ws/Doc.php',
'Scores_Ws_Exception' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Ws/Exception.php',
'Scores_Ws_Form_GetIdentite' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Ws/Form/GetIdentite.php',
'Scores_Ws_Server' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Ws/Server.php',
'Scores_Ws_Trigger' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Ws/Trigger.php',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Service.php';
* Infogreffe : Document Acte
class SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocAC extends SdMetier_Infogreffe_Service
const INT = 1000;
* Db Adapter
* @var Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
public $db;
* @param string $siren
public function __construct($siren, $db = null)
//Set type
$this->type_document = 'AC';
//Set Siren
$this->siren = $siren;
//Get defaut database adapter
if ($db === null) {
$this->db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
} else {
$this->db = $db;
* @param $onlyDb
* @return array
public function getList($onlyDb = false)
$this->mode_diffusion = 'XL';
$this->reference_client = 'list-' . $this->siren;
$actesM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesActes($this->db);
//Requete WebService
$actesXML = null;
if ( $onlyDb === false ) {
//Infogreffe webservice
try {
$xml = $this->callRequest();
$requestOk = true;
} catch( Exception $e ) {
$requestOk = false;
//file_put_contents('debug.log', $e->getMessage());
//@todo : get error message
//echo $e->getMessage();
if ( $requestOk === true ) {
try {
$actesM->update(array('actif' => 0), 'siren='.$this->siren);
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$actesXML = $this->formatList($xml);
//Lecture de la base de données
$sql = $actesM->select()
->from($actesM, array(
'LPAD(numGreffe,4,0) AS numGreffe',
'LPAD(num_acte,2,0) AS num_acte',
->where('siren=?', $this->siren)
->order('date_depot DESC')
->order('num_depot DESC')
->order('num_acte ASC')
->order('date_acte DESC');
$rows = $actesM->fetchAll($sql);
$actes = array();
if ( count($rows)>0 ) {
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$item = new stdClass();
$item->File = $row->pdfLink;
$item->FileSize = $row->pdfSize;
$item->FileNumberOfPages = $row->pdfPage;
$item->DepotNum = $row->num_depot;
$item->DepotDate = $row->date_depot;
$item->ActeNum = $row->num_acte;
$item->ActeDate = $row->date_acte;
$item->ActeNumberOfPages = $row->nbpages_acte;
$item->ActeType = $row->type_acte;
$item->ActeTypeLabel = $row->type_acte_libelle;
$item->ActeDecisionNature = $row->decision_nature;
$item->ActeDecisionLabel = $row->decision_libelle;
$decisions = $row->decision_nature;
if (!empty($row->decision_nature) && !empty($row->decision_libelle)) {
$decisions.= ' : ';
$decisions.= $row->decision_libelle;
$item->infos[] = $decisions;
$mode_diffusion = explode(',', $row->mode_diffusion);
if (in_array('T',$mode_diffusion) || !empty($item->File)) {
$item->ModeDiffusion = 'T';
} elseif (in_array('C',$mode_diffusion)) {
$item->ModeDiffusion = 'C';
} else {
$item->ModeDiffusion = '';
$actes[] = $item;
return $actes;
* @todo : En cours
* @param string $depotDate
* @param int $depotNum
* @param string $acteType
* @param string $acteDate
* @param int $acteNum
* @param int $orderId
* @throws Exception
* @return string
* Return the full path of the file
public function getCommandeT($depotDate, $depotNum, $acteType, $acteDate, $acteNum, $orderId = null)
//Lire dans la base de données
$actesM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesActes($this->db);
$sql = $actesM->select()
->from($actesM, array(
'LPAD(numGreffe,4,0) AS numGreffe',
'LPAD(num_acte,2,0) AS num_acte',
->where('siren=?', $this->siren)
->where('num_depot=?', $depotNum)
->where('date_depot=?', $depotDate)
->where('num_acte=?', $acteNum)
->where('date_acte=?', $acteDate)
->where('type_acte=?', $acteType);
$row = $actesM->fetchRow($sql);
if ( null === $row ) {
throw new Exception('Not exist');
$this->mode_diffusion = 'T';
$this->reference_client = 'T'.date('YmdHis');
$this->greffe = $row->numGreffe;
$this->dossier_millesime = substr($row->numRC,0,2);
$this->dossier_statut = substr($row->numRC,2,1);
$this->dossier_chrono = substr($row->numRC,3);
$this->date_depot = $row->date_depot;
$this->num_depot = $row->num_depot;
$this->date_acte = $row->date_acte;
$this->num = $row->num_acte;
//Needed element for filename
$date = $row->date_acte;
if ( $date == '0000-00-00' ) {
$date = $row->date_depot;
$type = $row->type_acte;
$num = $row->num_acte;
$options = $row->numGreffe . '-' . substr($row->numRC,0,2) . '-' . substr($row->numRC,2,1) . '-' . substr($row->numRC,3) . '-' . $row->num_depot;
//Set filename
$filename = $this->getFilePath($date) . '/' . $this->getFileName($date, $num, $type, $options);
if ( $row->pdfLink != '' ) {
//Set the filename
$filename = $this->getFilePath($date) . '/' . $row->pdfLink;
//Check if filename exist
if ( !file_exists($this->config->storage->path . '/' . $filename) ) {
throw new Exception('File not found', self::INT);
} elseif ( file_exists($this->config->storage->path . '/' . $filename) ) {
//Analyser le fichier - Nombre de page et taille
$infos = $this->pdfInfos($this->config->storage->path . '/' . $filename);
//Enregistrer les infos du fichier dans la base de données
if (false !== $infos) {
$this->dbSetFile(basename($filename), $infos['size'], $infos['pages'], $infos['version']);
} else {
} else {
try {
$xml = $this->callRequest();
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
$acte = $this->formatItem($xml);
$url = $acte['actes'][0]['url_acces'];
if (empty($url)) {
throw new Exception('File url not given');
if ( $orderId !== null ) {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesAc();
'cmdUrl'=> $url,
'dateCommande' => date('YmdHis'),
), 'id='.$orderId);
//Récupérer le fichier
$getfile = $this->download($url, $filename);
//Analyser le fichier - Nombre de page et taille
$infos = $this->pdfInfos($getfile);
//Enregistrer les infos du fichier dans la base de données
if (false !== $infos) {
$this->dbSetFile(basename($filename), $infos['size'], $infos['pages'], $infos['version']);
} else {
return $filename;
* @param unknown $depotDate
* @param unknown $depotNum
* @param unknown $acteType
* @param unknown $acteDate
* @param unknown $acteNum
* @param string $reference
* @throws Exception
* @return boolean
public function getCommandeC($depotDate, $depotNum, $acteType, $acteDate, $acteNum, $reference = '')
//Lire dans la base de données
$actesM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesActes();
$sql = $actesM->select()
->from($actesM, array(
'LPAD(numGreffe,4,0) AS numGreffe',
'LPAD(num_acte,2,0) AS num_acte',
->where('siren=?', $this->siren)
->where('num_depot=?', $depotNum)
->where('date_depot=?', $depotDate)
->where('num_acte=?', $acteNum)
->where('date_acte=?', $acteDate)
->where('type_acte=?', $acteType);
$row = $actesM->fetchRow($sql);
if ( null === $row ) {
throw new Exception('Not exist');
$this->mode_diffusion = 'C';
$this->reference_client = $reference;
//Générer les paramètres de commande depuis la base de données
$this->greffe = $row->numGreffe;
$this->dossier_millesime = substr($row->numRC,0,2);
$this->dossier_statut = substr($row->numRC,2,1);
$this->dossier_chrono = substr($row->numRC,3);
$this->num_depot = $row->num_depot;
$this->type_acte = $row->type_acte;
$this->date_acte = $row->date_acte;
$this->num = $row->num_acte;
//Faire la requete
try {
$xml = $this->callRequest();
} catch(Exception $e) {
//La prise en charge du courrier est effective
if ( $e->getCode() != 17 ) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
return true;
* @param string $date
* Date de l'acte au format AAAA-MM-JJ
* @param string $num
* Numéro de l'acte
* @param string $type
* Type de l'acte
* @param string $options
* (Numéro du Greffe)-(dossier_millesime)-(dossier_statut)-(dossier_chrono)-(num_depot)
* @return string
public function getFileName($date, $num, $type, $options)
$date = substr($date,0,4) . substr($date,5,2) . substr($date,8,2);
return 'acte-' . $this->siren . '-' . $type . '-' . $date . '-' . $options . '-' . $num . '.pdf';
* @param string $date
* Date de l'acte au format AAAA-MM-JJ
* @return string
public function getFilePath($date)
$dir = 'actes/' . substr($date,0,4) . '/' . substr($date,5,2);
if ( !file_exists( $this->config->storage->path . '/' . $dir ) ) {
mkdir($this->config->storage->path . '/' . $dir, 0777, true);
return $dir;
* Format XML to Array for a list of items
* @param string $xml
* @return array
protected function formatList($xml)
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$liste_depot_acte = $doc->getElementsByTagName('liste_depot_acte')->item(0);
$depot_actes = $liste_depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('depot_acte');
$actes = array();
foreach($depot_actes as $depot_acte)
$acte = array();
$acte['num_gest'] = array();
$num_gest = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('num_gest')->item(0);
$acte['num_gest']['greffe'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('greffe')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$acte['num_gest']['dossier_millesime'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_millesime')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$acte['num_gest']['dossier_statut'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_statut')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$acte['num_gest']['dossier_chrono'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_chrono')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$acte['num_siren'] = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('num_siren')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$acte['num_depot'] = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('num_depot')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$acte['date_depot'] = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('date_depot')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$infoActes = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('acte');
$acte['depot'] = array();
foreach($infoActes as $infoActe)
$actenum = array();
$actenum['date_acte'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('date_acte')->item(0)->nodeValue;
if ($infoActe->getElementsByTagName('date_acte')->item(0)->nodeValue == '') {
$actenum['date_acte'] = '0000-00-00';
$actenum['num_acte'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('num_acte')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['type_acte'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('type_acte')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['type_acte_libelle'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('type_acte_libelle')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['nbpages_acte'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('nbpages_acte')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$decision = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('decision')->item(0);
$actenum['decision'] = array();
$actenum['decision']['nature'] = $decision->getElementsByTagName('nature')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['decision']['libelle'] = $decision->getElementsByTagName('libelle')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['mode_diffusion'] = array();
$mode_diffusion = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('mode_diffusion')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('mode');
foreach($mode_diffusion as $mode)
$actenum['mode_diffusion'][] = $mode->getAttribute('type');
$acte['depot'][] = $actenum;
//Fin listes des infos acte
//Enregistrer dans la bdd
//Génération de l'index pour le tri
if(!empty($acte['date_depot'])){ $date = $acte['date_depot']; }
else { $date = ''; }
$datef = substr($date,0,4).substr($date,5,2).substr($date,8,2);
$key = $datef.'-'.$acte['num_depot'];
//Affectation liste générale avec un index permettant le tri
$actes[$key] = $acte;
//Prise en compte de l'acte -1
$actes[0] = $acte;
//Tri suivant la date d'acte ou de depot
return $actes;
* Format XML to Array for one item
* @param string $xml
* @return array
protected function formatItem($xml)
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$depot_acte = $doc->getElementsByTagName('depot_acte')->item(0);
$info = array();
$info['num_gest'] = array();
$num_gest = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('num_gest')->item(0);
$info['num_gest']['greffe'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('greffe')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$info['num_gest']['dossier_millesime'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_millesime')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$info['num_gest']['dossier_statut'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_statut')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$info['num_gest']['dossier_chrono'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_chrono')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$info['num_siren'] = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('num_siren')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$info['num_depot'] = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('num_depot')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$info['date_depot'] = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('date_depot')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$infoActes = $depot_acte->getElementsByTagName('acte');
$info['actes'] = array();
foreach($infoActes as $infoActe)
$actenum = array();
$actenum['date_acte'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('date_acte')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['num_acte'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('num_acte')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['type_acte'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('type_acte')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['type_acte_libelle'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('type_acte_libelle')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['nbpages_acte'] = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('nbpages_acte')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$decision = $infoActe->getElementsByTagName('decision')->item(0);
$actenum['decision'] = array();
$actenum['decision']['nature'] = $decision->getElementsByTagName('nature')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['decision']['libelle'] = $decision->getElementsByTagName('libelle')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$actenum['url_acces'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($infoActe->getElementsByTagName('url_acces')->item(0)->nodeValue);
$info['actes'][] = $actenum;
return $info;
* Update informations about an item in database
* @param array $list
protected function dbUpdateItem($list)
foreach ($list['depot'] as $depot) {
$data = array(
'siren' => $list['num_siren'],
'numRC' => $list['num_gest']['dossier_millesime'].
'numGreffe' => $list['num_gest']['greffe'],
'num_depot' => $list['num_depot'],
'date_depot' => $list['date_depot'],
'date_acte' => $depot['date_acte'],
'num_acte' => $depot['num_acte'],
'type_acte' => $depot['type_acte'],
'type_acte_libelle' => $depot['type_acte_libelle'],
'nbpages_acte' => $depot['nbpages_acte'],
'decision_nature' => empty($depot['decision']['nature']) ? '' : $depot['decision']['nature'] ,
'decision_libelle' => empty($depot['decision']['libelle']) ? '' : $depot['decision']['libelle'] ,
'mode_diffusion' => join(',',$depot['mode_diffusion']),
'actif' => 1,
//Only new element are inserted
try {
$acteM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesActes($this->db);
$sql = $acteM->select()
->where('siren=?', $list['num_siren'])
->where('num_depot=?', intval($list['num_depot']))
->where('date_depot=?', $list['date_depot'])
//->where('date_acte=?', $depot['date_acte'])
->where('num_acte=?', intval($depot['num_acte']))
->order('dateInsert DESC');
$rows = $acteM->fetchAll($sql);
} catch(Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
//Insert new element
if ( count($rows)==0 ) {
try {
//Add dateInsert
$data['dateInsert'] = date('YmdHis');
$result = $acteM->insert($data);
} catch(Zend_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
//Update information
else {
//Correct multiple item
$item = $rows[0];
if ( count($rows) > 1 ) {
try {
$result = $acteM->delete(array(
} catch(Zend_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
try {
$result = $acteM->update($data, 'id='.$item->id);
} catch(Zend_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
return true;
* Set file informations in database
* @param string $filename
* @param int $size
* @param int $numberOfPage
* @param string $version
* @return boolean
protected function dbSetFile($filename, $size = 0, $numberOfPage = '', $version = '')
$data = array(
'pdfLink' => $filename,
'pdfSize' => $size,
'pdfPage' => $numberOfPage,
'pdfVer' => $version,
'pdfDate' => date('Ymd'),
$where = array(
try {
$acteM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesActes();
$result = $acteM->update($data, $where);
} catch(Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
if ($result) {
return true;
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Service.php';
* Infogreffe : Document Bilan
class SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI extends SdMetier_Infogreffe_Service
const INT = 1000;
* Db Adapter
* @var Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
public $db;
* consolides|sociaux
* @var string
public $type_comptes;
* @param string $siren
public function __construct($siren, $db = null)
//Set type
$this->type_document = 'BI';
//Set Siren
$this->siren = $siren;
//Get defaut database adapter
if ($db === null) {
$this->db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
} else {
$this->db = $db;
* @param $onlyDb
* @return array
public function getList($onlyDb = false)
$this->mode_diffusion = 'XL';
$this->reference_client = 'list-' . $this->siren;
$bilansM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesBilans();
//Requete WebService
$bilansXML = null;
if ( $onlyDb === false ) {
//Infogreffe webservice
try {
$xml = $this->callRequest();
$requestOk = true;
} catch( Exception $e ) {
$requestOk = false;
//@todo : get error message
if ( $requestOk === true ) {
//Set All line state to 0
try {
$bilansM->update(array('actif' => 0), 'siren='.$this->siren);
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$bilansXML = $this->formatList($xml);
//Lecture de la base de données
$sql = $bilansM->select()
->from($bilansM, array(
'LPAD(numGreffe,4,0) AS numGreffe',
->where('siren=?', $this->siren)
->order('date_cloture DESC')
->order('num_depot DESC')
->order('dateInsert DESC');
//GROUP BY type_comptes, date_cloture AND ORDER BY num_depot DESC
$rows = $bilansM->fetchAll($sql);
$bilans = array();
if ( count($rows)>0 ) {
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$item = new stdClass();
$item->File = $row->pdfLink;
$item->FileSize = $row->pdfSize;
$item->NumberOfPages = $row->pdfPage;
$item->Millesime = $row->millesime;
$item->NumDepot = $row->num_depot;
$item->DateCloture = $row->date_cloture;
if ( empty($row->type_comptes) ) {
$item->Type = 'sociaux';
} else {
$item->Type = $row->type_comptes;
$mode_diffusion = explode(',', $row->mode_diffusion);
if (in_array('T', $mode_diffusion) || !empty($item->File)) {
$item->ModeDiffusion = 'T';
} elseif (in_array('C',$mode_diffusion)) {
$item->ModeDiffusion = 'C';
} else {
$item->ModeDiffusion = '';
$item->DureeExercice = $row->duree_exercice;
* Following data are not as expected as the type and other data could change
* Only num depot don't change.
$item->SaisieDate = $row->saisie_date;
$item->SaisieCode = $row->saisie_code;
switch ( $row->saisie_code ) {
case '00': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan saisi sans anomalie"; break;
case '01': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan saisi avec des incohérences comptables à la source du document (issues du remettant)"; break;
case '02': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan avec Actif, Passif ou Compte de Résultat nul"; break;
case '03': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan incomplet (des pages manquent)"; break;
case '04': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan complet non détaillé (seuls les totaux et sous totaux sont renseignés)"; break;
case '05': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan reçu en double exemplaire"; break;
case '06': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan intermédiaire - Situation provisoire"; break;
case '07': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan illisible"; break;
case 'A7': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan illisible, présentant un cadre gris très foncés (dans lesquels sont inscrits en général les totaux)"; break;
case 'B7': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan manuscrits"; break;
case 'C7': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan illisible, présentant des caractères trop gras"; break;
case 'D7': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan scanné en biais ou qui présentent des pages rognées"; break;
case 'E7': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan numérisés trop clairement (comme une imprimante dont la cartouche est presque vide)"; break;
case 'F7': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan illisible"; break;
case '08': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan consolidé"; break;
case '09': $item->SaisieLabel = "Déclaration d'impôts"; break;
case '10': $item->SaisieLabel = "Document autre que bilan"; break;
case '11': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan de clôture de liquidation"; break;
case '12': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan de Société financière"; break;
case '13': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan de Société d'assurance"; break;
case '14': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan de Société immobilière"; break;
case '15': $item->SaisieLabel = "Bilan de Société étrangère"; break;
default: $item->SaisieLabel = ""; break;
$bilans[] = $item;
return $bilans;
* Download file
* @param string $dateCloture
* Format AAAA-MM-DD
* @param string $type
* sociaux ou consolides
* @params int $orderId
* Id de commande pour l'enregistrement dans la table de gestion
* @throws Exception
* @return string
* Return path (not complete) and filename
public function getCommandeT($dateCloture = null, $type = 'sociaux', $orderId = null)
//Lire dans la base de données
$bilansM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesBilans();
$sql = $bilansM->select()
->from($bilansM, array(
'LPAD(numGreffe,4,0) AS numGreffe',
->where('siren=?', $this->siren)
->where('date_cloture=?', $dateCloture);
if ( $type == 'sociaux' || $type == '' ) {
$sql->where("(type_comptes='sociaux' OR type_comptes='')");
} else {
$sql->order('dateInsert DESC')->order('num_depot DESC')->limit(1);
$row = $bilansM->fetchRow($sql);
if ( null === $row ) {
throw new Exception("Element doesn't exist");
$this->mode_diffusion = 'T';
$this->reference_client = 'T'.date('YmdHis');
$this->greffe = $row->numGreffe;
$this->dossier_millesime = substr($row->numRC,0,2);
$this->dossier_statut = substr($row->numRC,2,1);
$this->dossier_chrono = substr($row->numRC,3);
$this->num_depot = $row->num_depot;
$this->date_cloture = $row->date_cloture;
$this->type_comptes = $row->type_comptes;
//Set the filename
$filename = $this->getFilePath($type, $dateCloture) . '/' . $this->getFileName($type, $dateCloture);
if ($row->pdfLink != '') {
//Check if filename exist
if ( !file_exists($this->config->storage->path . '/' . $filename) ) {
throw new Exception('File not found', self::INT);
} elseif ( file_exists($this->config->storage->path . '/' . $filename) ) {
//Analyser le fichier - Nombre de page et taille
$infos = $this->pdfInfos($this->config->storage->path . '/' . $filename);
//Enregistrer les infos du fichier dans la base de données
if (false !== $infos) {
$this->dbSetFile(basename($filename), $infos['size'], $infos['pages'], $infos['version']);
} else {
} else {
try {
$xml = $this->callRequest();
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
$bilan = $this->formatItem($xml);
$url = $bilan['url_acces'];
if ( empty($url) ) {
throw new Exception('File url not given');
if ( $orderId !== null ) {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesBi();
'cmdUrl'=> $url,
'dateCommande' => date('YmdHis'),
), 'id='.$orderId);
//Récupérer le fichier
$getfile = $this->download($url, $filename);
//Analyser le fichier - Nombre de page et taille
$infos = $this->pdfInfos($getfile);
//Enregistrer les infos du fichier dans la base de données
if (false !== $infos) {
$this->dbSetFile(basename($filename), $infos['size'], $infos['pages'], $infos['version']);
} else {
return $filename;
* @todo : Vérifier fonctionnement
* @param string $dateCloture
* @param string $type
* @param string $reference
* @throws Exception
* @return boolean
public function getCommandeC($dateCloture = null, $type = 'sociaux', $reference = '')
$this->mode_diffusion = 'C';
//Lire dans la base de données
$bilansM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesBilans();
$sql = $bilansM->select()
->from($bilansM, array(
'LPAD(numGreffe,4,0) AS numGreffe',
->where('siren=?', $this->siren)
->where('date_cloture=?', $dateCloture);
if ($type=='sociaux') {
$sql->where("(type_comptes='sociaux' OR type_comptes='')");
} else {
$row = $bilansM->fetchRow($sql);
if ( null === $row ) {
throw new Exception('Not exist');
$this->reference_client = $reference;
//Générer les paramètres de commande depuis la base de données
$this->greffe = $row->numGreffe;
$this->dossier_millesime = substr($row->numRC,0,2);
$this->dossier_statut = substr($row->numRC,2,1);
$this->dossier_chrono = substr($row->numRC,3);
$this->num_depot = $row->num_depot;
$this->date_cloture = $row->date_cloture;
//Faire la requete
try {
$xml = $this->callRequest();
} catch(Exception $e) {
//La prise en charge du courrier est effective
if ( $e->getCode() != 17 ) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
return true;
* Name of file
* @param string $type
* @param string $dateCloture
* Format : AAAA-MM-JJ
* @return string
public function getFileName($type, $dateCloture)
if ($type=='') {
$type = 'sociaux';
$date = substr($dateCloture,0,4).substr($dateCloture,5,2).substr($dateCloture,8,2);
return 'bilan-' . $this->siren . '-' . $type . '-' . $date . '.pdf';
* Path of file
* @param string $type
* @param string $dateCloture
* Format : AAAA-MM-JJ
* @return string
public function getFilePath($type, $dateCloture)
if ($type=='') {
$type = 'sociaux';
$dir = 'bilans' . '/' . $type . '/' . substr($dateCloture,0,4);
if ( !file_exists( $this->config->storage->path . '/' . $dir ) ) {
mkdir($this->config->storage->path . '/' . $dir, 0777, true);
return $dir;
* Format XML to Array for a list of items
* @param string $xml
* @return array
protected function formatList($xml)
//Parse XML to make an array
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$liste_bilan_complet = $doc->getElementsByTagName('liste_bilan_complet')->item(0);
$bilan_complet = $liste_bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('bilan_complet');
$bilans = array();
if ( count($bilan_complet)>0 )
foreach( $bilan_complet as $element )
$bilan = array();
$num_gest = $element->getElementsByTagName('num_gest')->item(0);
$bilan['num_gest']['greffe'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('greffe')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_gest']['dossier_millesime'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_millesime')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_gest']['dossier_statut'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_statut')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_gest']['dossier_chrono'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_chrono')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['dossier_millesime'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_millesime')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['dossier_statut'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_statut')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['dossier_chrono'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_chrono')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_siren'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('num_siren')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['date_cloture'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('date_cloture')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['date_cloture_iso'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('date_cloture_iso')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['millesime'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('millesime')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_depot'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('num_depot')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['type_comptes'] = $element->getElementsByTagName('type_comptes')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$mode_diffusion = $element->getElementsByTagName('mode_diffusion')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('mode');
foreach($mode_diffusion as $mode)
$bilan['mode_diffusion'][] = $mode->getAttribute('type');
//Enregistrer dans la bdd
//Génération de l'index pour le tri
$date = $bilan['date_cloture_iso'];
if( !empty($date) )
$key = substr($date,0,4).substr($date,5,2).substr($date,8,2).'-'.$bilan['num_depot'];
//Affectation liste générale avec un index permettant le tri
$bilans[$key] = $bilan;
return $bilans;
* Format XML to Array for one item
* @param string $xml
* @return array
protected function formatItem($xml)
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$bilan_complet = $doc->getElementsByTagName('bilan_complet')->item(0);
$bilan = array();
$bilan['num_gest'] = array();
$num_gest = $bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('num_gest')->item(0);
$bilan['num_gest']['greffe'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('greffe')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_gest']['dossier_millesime'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_millesime')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_gest']['dossier_statut'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_statut')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_gest']['dossier_chrono'] = $num_gest->getElementsByTagName('dossier_chrono')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_siren'] = $bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('num_siren')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['date_cloture'] = $bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('date_cloture')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['date_cloture_iso'] = $bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('date_cloture_iso')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['millesime'] = $bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('millesime')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['num_depot'] = $bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('num_depot')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['type_comptes'] = $bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('type_comptes')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$bilan['url_acces'] = $bilan_complet->getElementsByTagName('url_acces')->item(0)->nodeValue;
return $bilan;
* Update informations about an item in database
* @param array $list
* @return boolean
protected function dbUpdateItem($list)
//Insert or Update
$data = array(
'siren' => $list['num_siren'],
'numRC' => $list['num_gest']['dossier_millesime'].
//'numRC2' => '',
'numGreffe' => intval($list['num_gest']['greffe']),
'millesime' => $list['millesime'],
'num_depot' => $list['num_depot'],
'date_cloture' => $list['date_cloture_iso'],
'type_comptes' => $list['type_comptes'],
'mode_diffusion' => join(',',$list['mode_diffusion']),
'actif' => 1,
try {
$bilanM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesBilans();
$sql = $bilanM->select()
->where('siren=?', $this->siren)
->where('num_depot=?', $list['num_depot'])
->where('date_cloture=?', $list['date_cloture_iso'])
//->where('type_comptes=?', $list['type_comptes'])
->order('dateInsert ASC');
$rows = $bilanM->fetchAll($sql);
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
/*echo $query = $this->db->getProfiler()->getLastQueryProfile()->getQuery();
echo "\n";
$queryParams = $this->db->getProfiler()->getLastQueryProfile()->getQueryParams();
echo "\n";*/
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
if ( count($rows) == 0 ) {
//Add dateInsert
$data['dateInsert'] = date('YmdHis');
try {
$result = $bilanM->insert($data);
} catch(Zend_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
} else {
//Correct multiple item
$item = $rows[0];
if ( count($rows) > 1 ) {
try {
$result = $bilanM->delete(array(
$bilanM->getAdapter()->quoteInto('siren=?', $this->siren),
$bilanM->getAdapter()->quoteInto('num_depot=?', $list['num_depot']),
$bilanM->getAdapter()->quoteInto('date_cloture=?', $list['date_cloture_iso']),
$bilanM->getAdapter()->quoteInto('type_comptes=?', $list['type_comptes']),
} catch(Zend_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
try {
$result = $bilanM->update($data, 'id='.$item->id);
} catch(Zend_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
if ($result) {
return true;
return false;
* Set file informations in database
* @param string $filename
* @param int $size
* @param int $numberOfPage
* @param string $version
* @return boolean
public function dbSetFile($filename, $size = 0, $numberOfPage = '', $version = '')
$data = array(
'pdfLink' => $filename,
'pdfSize' => $size,
'pdfPage' => $numberOfPage,
'pdfVer' => $version,
'pdfDate' => date('Ymd'),
$where = array(
try {
$bilanM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesBilans();
$result = $bilanM->update($data, $where);
} catch(Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
if ($result) {
return true;
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Service.php';
* Infogreffe : Document Statut
class SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocST extends SdMetier_Infogreffe_Service
* Db Adapter
* @var Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
public $db;
* @param string $siren
public function __construct($siren, $db = null)
//Set type
$this->type_document = 'ST';
//Set Siren
$this->siren = $siren;
//Get defaut database adapter
if ($db === null) {
$this->db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
} else {
$this->db = $db;
public function getList()
public function getCommandeT()
$this->mode_diffusion = 'T';
$this->reference_client = 'T'.date('YmdHis');
//Set the filename
$filename = $this->getFilePath($type, $dateCloture) . '/' . $this->getFileName($type, $dateCloture);
try {
$xml = $this->callRequest();
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
$item = $this->formatItem($xml);
$url = $item['url_acces'];
if ( empty($url) ) {
throw new Exception('File url not given');
if ( $orderId !== null ) {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesBi();
'cmdUrl'=> $url,
'dateCommande' => date('YmdHis'),
), 'id='.$orderId);
//Récupérer le fichier
$getfile = $this->download($url, $filename);
//Analyser le fichier - Nombre de page et taille
$infos = $this->pdfInfos($getfile);
//Enregistrer les infos du fichier dans la base de données
if (false !== $infos) {
$this->dbSetFile(basename($filename), $infos['size'], $infos['pages'], $infos['version']);
} else {
return $filename;
* Name of file
* @param string $type
* @param string $dateCloture
* Format : AAAA-MM-JJ
* @return string
public function getFileName($type, $dateCloture)
if ($type=='') {
$type = 'sociaux';
$date = substr($dateCloture,0,4).substr($dateCloture,5,2).substr($dateCloture,8,2);
return 'ST-' . $this->siren . '-' . $type . '-' . $date . '.pdf';
* Path of file
* @param string $type
* @param string $dateCloture
* Format : AAAA-MM-JJ
* @return string
public function getFilePath($type, $dateCloture)
if ($type=='') {
$type = 'sociaux';
$dir = 'bilans' . '/' . $type . '/' . substr($dateCloture,0,4);
if ( !file_exists( $this->config->storage->path . '/' . $dir ) ) {
mkdir($this->config->storage->path . '/' . $dir, 0777, true);
return $dir;
* Format XML to Array for a list of items
* @param string $xml
* @return array
protected function formatList($xml)
* Format XML to Array for one item
* @param string $xml
* @return array
protected function formatItem($xml)
* Update informations about an item in database
* @param array $list
* @return boolean
protected function dbUpdateItem($list)
* Set file informations in database
* @param string $filename
* @param int $size
* @param int $numberOfPage
* @param string $version
* @return boolean
public function dbSetFile($filename, $size = 0, $numberOfPage = '', $version = '')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
AC =>
BI =>
ST =>
File name pattern
AC => acte-[siren]-[type]-[YYYYMMdd]-[num].pdf
siren = [0-9]{9}
type =
num = [0-9]{2}
Files are store in actes/YYYY/MM/filename.pdf
BI => bilan-[siren]-[type]-[YYYYMMdd].pdf
siren = [0-9]{9}
type = [consolide|sociaux]
Files are store in bilans/[type]/[YYYY];
ST => statut-
Files are store in status/
Add to the main configuration (application.ini), these keys :
- infogreffe.cache.path => path for storing cache file
- infogreffe.cache.time => define end of life for the cache in hours
- =>
- infogreffe.wsdl = infogreffe.wsdl
- infogreffe.url =
- infogreffe.uri =
- infogreffe.user = 85000109
- infogreffe.password = 166
- Rattraper l'historique des documents et les liés à jo.greffes_bilans et jo.greffes_actes
Attention : Type de document 1 et 2
Vérifier que nous possèdons le maximum d'infos sur l'association type 1 et 2
Sinon passer une moulinette, pour chaque siren, récupérer la liste et analyse avec la table actes_files
jo.greffes_actes : Ajout d'une colonne type_acte2
Il est possible sans le type de trouver le fichier
SELECT siren, count(siren) as nb FROM `actes_files` WHERE `type_libelle` = '' GROUP BY siren ORDER BY nb DESC
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
* Infogreffe provider
class SdMetier_Infogreffe_Service
* Activate debug mode
* @var boolean
public $debug = false;
* Config definition
* @var Zend_Config
public $config;
* Reference client - customer reference
* G[Number]
* @var string
public $reference_client;
* Type de document
* @var string
public $type_document;
* Mode de diffusion
* XL : XML
* M : Mail
* C : Courrier
* T : Téléchargement
* @var string
public $mode_diffusion;
* @var string
public $greffe;
* @var string
public $dossier_millesime;
* @var string
public $dossier_statut;
* @var string
public $dossier_chrono;
* @var unknown
public $date_depot;
* @var string
public $num_depot;
* BI : Date de cloture
* @var string
public $date_cloture;
* @var unknown
public $date_acte;
* @var unknown
public $type_acte;
* AC : Numéro de l'acte
* @var string
public $num;
* @var string
public $siren;
* Request XML
* @var string
protected $xml = '';
* Cache delay
* @var unknown
protected $cacheFiletime;
* Initialize configuration
public function __construct()
//Load configuration
if ( Zend_Registry::isRegistered('config') ){
$c = Zend_Registry::get('config');
} else {
$c = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini', 'production');
$this->config = $c->profil->infogreffe;
if ( null === $this->config ) {
throw new Exception('Unable to load configuration file.');
$this->cacheFiletime = $c->profil->infogreffe->cache->time;
public function callRequest()
$fromCache = false;
if ( $this->mode_diffusion == 'XL' && $this->fileIsCache() ){
$fromCache = true;
if ($fromCache) {
$xml = $this->fileFromCache();
} else {
$xml = $this->getProduitsXML();
if ( $this->mode_diffusion == 'XL' ){
return $xml;
* Save data in cache
* @param string $xml
protected function fileTocache($xml)
$filename = $this->type_document . '-' . $this->siren . '.xml';
$file = $this->config->cache->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
file_put_contents($file, $xml);
* @param string $xml
* @return string
protected function fileFromCache()
$filename = $this->type_document . '-' . $this->siren . '.xml';
$file = $file = $this->config->cache->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
return file_get_contents($file);
* @return boolean
protected function fileIsCache()
$filename = $this->type_document . '-' . $this->siren . '.xml';
$file = $file = $this->config->cache->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
if ( !file_exists($file) ) {
return false;
$dateFile = filemtime($file);
$now = mktime(date('G'), date('i'), date('s'), date('m') , date('d'), date('Y'));
$maxTime = mktime(
if ( $now>$maxTime ) {
return true;
return false;
* Detect error
* @param string $xml
* @throws Exception
protected function error($xml)
if ( !empty($xml) ) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$load = $doc->loadXML($xml, LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_NOWARNING);
if ( !$load ) {
$tmp = explode('-', $xml);
$errNum = intval($tmp[0]);
$errMsg = $tmp[1];
throw new Exception($errMsg, $errNum);
else {
throw new Exception('XML content is empty.');
* Download file from URL
* @param string $url
* @param string $filename
* @throws Exception
* @return string
protected function download($url, $filename)
$file = $this->config->storage->path . '/' . $filename;
try {
$client = new Zend_Http_Client($url);
$response = $client->request('GET');
if ( $response->isSuccessful() && substr($response->getBody(),0,4)=='%PDF' ) {
if ( copy($response->getStreamName(), $file) ) {
return $file;
} else {
throw new Exception( "Erreur lors de l'ecriture du fichier" );
} else {
throw new Exception( "Fichier non PDF" );
} catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
throw new Exception( $e->getMessage() );
* Pdf information
* @param string $pdf
* @return array
* pages => number of pages
* version => pdf version
* size => pdf filesize
public function pdfInfos($pdf)
if ( false !== ( $file = file_get_contents( $pdf ) ) ) {
//Number of page
$pages = preg_match_all( "/\/Page\W/", $file, $matches );
//Pdf Version
preg_match("/^\%PDF\-(.*)\s/U", $file, $matches);
$version = $matches[1];
//Pdf size
$size = filesize($pdf);
return array(
'pages' => $pages,
'version' => $version,
'size' => $size,
return false;
* Define XML for the request
protected function setXML()
//Construct the request
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<demande></demande>');
$emetteur = $xml->addChild('emetteur');
$emetteur->addChild('code_abonne', $this->config->user);
$emetteur->addChild('mot_passe', $this->config->password);
$code_requete = $emetteur->addChild('code_requete');
$code_requete->addChild('type_profil', 'A');
$code_requete->addChild('origine_emetteur', 'IC');
// C = Commande de documents
$code_requete->addChild('nature_requete', 'C');
$code_requete->addChild('type_document', $this->type_document);
$code_requete->addChild('type_requete', 'S'); // S = Simple
// Mode de diffusion : C = Courrier, T = Téléchargement, M = Mail, XL = XML
$mode_diffusion = $code_requete->addChild('mode_diffusion');
if ( $this->mode_diffusion=='XL' )
//On ajoute tout les types de diffusions pour XL
$mode_diffusion->addChild('mode')->addAttribute('type', 'C');
$mode_diffusion->addChild('mode')->addAttribute('type', 'T');
$mode_diffusion->addChild('mode')->addAttribute('type', $this->mode_diffusion);
$code_requete->addChild('media', 'WS');
$commande = $xml->addChild('commande');
$commande->addChild('num_siren', $this->siren);
if ( $this->mode_diffusion!='XL' )
// Commande de documents : bilan saisie ou bilan complet
if ( ($this->type_document=='BS' || $this->type_document=='BI') )
$num_gest = $commande->addChild('num_gest');
//Date de cloture au format dd/MM/yyyy
$commande->addChild('date_cloture', $this->date_cloture);
// Commande de documents : actes
elseif ( $this->type_document=='AC' )
$num_gest = $commande->addChild('num_gest');
$liste_actes = $commande->addChild('liste_actes');
$liste_actes->addChild('acte')->addAttribute('num', $this->num);
//Set Command ID
$commande->addChild('reference_client', $this->reference_client);
$xml = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0"?>', '', $xml->asXML());
$this->xml = $xml;
* Send XML Request
* We have some problem to use SOAP so we use CURL
* @throws Exception
* @return string XML Response
protected function getProduitsXML()
$req = $this->xml;
if ($this->debug) {
file_put_contents($this->type_document.'-'.$this->siren.'-'.$this->mode_diffusion.'.query', $this->xml);
//Create XML request
$post = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'.
'<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" '.
'xmlns:ns1="" '.
'xmlns:xsd="" '.
'xmlns:xsi="" '.
'xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" '.
'<param0 xsi:type="xsd:string">'.$req.'</param0>'.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->config->url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,TRUE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if ( curl_errno($ch) ) {
throw new Exception( curl_error($ch) );
//Remove SOAP part of XML
$response = str_replace("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:SOAP-ENC='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd=''><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns0:getProduitsWebServicesXMLResponse xmlns:ns0='urn:local' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=''><return xsi:type='xsd:string'>", '', $response);
$response = str_replace('</return></ns0:getProduitsWebServicesXMLResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>','', $response);
if ($this->debug) {
file_put_contents($this->type_document.'-'.$this->siren.'-'.$this->mode_diffusion.'.response', $response);
return $response;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
<schema targetNamespace='java:com.experian.webserv.infogreffe'
<message name="getProduitsWebServicesXMLRequest">
<part name="arg0" type="xsd:string" />
<message name="getProduitsWebServicesXMLResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
<message name="getProduitsWebServicesRequest">
<part name="arg0" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg1" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg2" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg3" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg4" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg5" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg6" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg7" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg8" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg9" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg10" type="xsd:string" />
<message name="getProduitsWebServicesResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
<message name="getVersionRequest">
<message name="getVersionResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
<portType name="WebServicesProduitsPortType">
<operation name="getProduitsWebServicesXML">
<input message="tns:getProduitsWebServicesXMLRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getProduitsWebServicesXMLResponse"/>
<operation name="getProduitsWebServices">
<input message="tns:getProduitsWebServicesRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getProduitsWebServicesResponse"/>
<operation name="getVersion">
<input message="tns:getVersionRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getVersionResponse"/>
<binding name="WebServicesProduitsBinding" type="tns:WebServicesProduitsPortType">
<soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
<operation name="getProduitsWebServicesXML">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:getProduitsWebServicesXML"/>
<input><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:WebServicesProduits' encodingStyle=""/></input>
<output><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:WebServicesProduits' encodingStyle=""/></output>
<operation name="getProduitsWebServices">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:getProduitsWebServices"/>
<input><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:WebServicesProduits' encodingStyle=""/></input>
<output><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:WebServicesProduits' encodingStyle=""/></output>
<operation name="getVersion">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:getVersion"/>
<input><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:Version' encodingStyle=""/></input>
<output><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:Version' encodingStyle=""/></output>
<service name="WebServicesProduits">
<documentation>Service Soap Experian, Service Produit</documentation>
<port name="WebServicesProduitsPort" binding="tns:WebServicesProduitsBinding">
<soap:address location=""/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
<schema targetNamespace='java:com.experian.webserv.infogreffe'
<message name="getProduitsWebServicesXMLRequest">
<part name="arg0" type="xsd:string" />
<message name="getProduitsWebServicesXMLResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
<message name="getProduitsWebServicesRequest">
<part name="arg0" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg1" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg2" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg3" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg4" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg5" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg6" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg7" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg8" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg9" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="arg10" type="xsd:string" />
<message name="getProduitsWebServicesResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
<message name="getVersionRequest">
<message name="getVersionResponse">
<part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
<portType name="WebServicesProduitsPortType">
<operation name="getProduitsWebServicesXML">
<input message="tns:getProduitsWebServicesXMLRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getProduitsWebServicesXMLResponse"/>
<operation name="getProduitsWebServices">
<input message="tns:getProduitsWebServicesRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getProduitsWebServicesResponse"/>
<operation name="getVersion">
<input message="tns:getVersionRequest"/>
<output message="tns:getVersionResponse"/>
<binding name="WebServicesProduitsBinding" type="tns:WebServicesProduitsPortType">
<soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
<operation name="getProduitsWebServicesXML">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:getProduitsWebServicesXML"/>
<input><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:WebServicesProduits' encodingStyle=""/></input>
<output><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:WebServicesProduits' encodingStyle=""/></output>
<operation name="getProduitsWebServices">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:getProduitsWebServices"/>
<input><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:WebServicesProduits' encodingStyle=""/></input>
<output><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:WebServicesProduits' encodingStyle=""/></output>
<operation name="getVersion">
<soap:operation soapAction="urn:getVersion"/>
<input><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:Version' encodingStyle=""/></input>
<output><soap:body use="encoded" namespace='urn:Version' encodingStyle=""/></output>
<service name="WebServicesProduits">
<documentation>Service Soap Experian, Service Produit</documentation>
<port name="WebServicesProduitsPort" binding="tns:WebServicesProduitsBinding">
<soap:address location=""/>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Objectif :
- Réaliser plusieurs recherches et renvoyer le meilleur résultat
- Algorithme pour déterminer le meilleur résultat
Utiliser les différents mode de recherche en supprimant des critères
Utiliser les critères en mode texte ou en tant que filtre
Utilisation de SphinxQL
Syntaxe d'un select
select_expr [, select_expr ...]
FROM index [, index2 ...]
[WHERE where_condition]
[GROUP [N] BY {col_name | expr_alias} [, {col_name | expr_alias}]]
[WITHIN GROUP ORDER BY {col_name | expr_alias} {ASC | DESC}]
[HAVING having_condition]
[ORDER BY {col_name | expr_alias} {ASC | DESC} [, ...]]
[LIMIT [offset,] row_count]
[OPTION opt_name = opt_value [, ...]]
[FACET facet_options[ FACET facet_options][ ...]]
SELECT * FROM test WHERE MATCH('@title hello @body world')
OPTION ranker=bm25, max_matches=3000,
field_weights=(title=10, body=3), agent_query_timeout=10000
WHERE clause. This clause will map both to fulltext query and filters.
Comparison operators (=, !=, <, >, <=, >=), IN, AND, NOT, and BETWEEN are all supported
and map directly to filters. OR is not supported yet but will be in the future.
MATCH('query') is supported and maps to fulltext query. Query will be interpreted
according to full-text query language rules. There must be at most one MATCH() in the clause.
Liste des opérateurs possible dans "select_expr"
Retour du select
Liste des éléments indexés hors fulltext
mysql -h0 -P9306
SELECT *, WEIGHT() weight FROM ent, ent_phx WHERE MATCH('peugeot') ORDER BY rang DESC;
mysql> SHOW META;
| Variable_name | Value |
| total | 1000 |
| total_found | 2451 |
| time | 0.022 |
| keyword[0] | peugeot |
| docs[0] | 2451 |
| hits[0] | 3907 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Multi-statement queries
SELECT * FROM myindex
WHERE MATCH('@(title,content) find me fast');
@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
// Generated by ZF's ./bin/classmap_generator.php
return array(
'SdMetier_Graydon_Service' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Graydon/Service.php',
'SdMetier_Scoring_Vars' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Scoring/Vars.php',
'SdMetier_Search_Engine' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Search/Engine.php',
'SdMetier_Sfr_Compile' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Sfr/Compile.php',
'SdMetier_Sfr_Scoring' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Sfr/Scoring.php',
'SdMetier_Graydon_Service' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Graydon/Service.php',
'SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocAC' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Infogreffe/DocAC.php',
'SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Infogreffe/DocBI.php',
'SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocST' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Infogreffe/DocST.php',
'SdMetier_Infogreffe_Service' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Infogreffe/Service.php',
'SdMetier_Scoring_Vars' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Scoring/Vars.php',
'SdMetier_Search_Engine' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Search/Engine.php',
'SdMetier_Sfr_Compile' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Sfr/Compile.php',
'SdMetier_Sfr_Scoring' => dirname(__FILE__) . '//Sfr/Scoring.php',
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -213,8 +213,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
if (empty($nbRep)) { $nbRep = 20; }
if (empty($maxRep)) { $maxRep = 200; }
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -312,10 +310,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($entCriteres->actif) ? false : $entCriteres->actif,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -213,8 +213,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
if (empty($nbRep)) { $nbRep = 20; }
if (empty($maxRep)) { $maxRep = 200; }
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -312,10 +310,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($entCriteres->actif) ? false : $entCriteres->actif,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -126,8 +126,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
if (empty($nbRep)) { $nbRep = 20; }
if (empty($maxRep)) { $maxRep = 200; }
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -225,10 +223,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($entCriteres->actif) ? false : $entCriteres->actif,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$iDb = new WDB('sdv1');
$sql = "SELECT count(*) AS nbPriv FROM ge_cs2 WHERE cs = 'P' AND dateFin >= NOW() AND dateSuppr=0 AND siren=$siren;";
$ret = $iDb->query($sql);
if ($ret['nbPriv']>0) {
if ($ret[0]['nbPriv']>0) {
$identite->Privileges = true;
@ -207,8 +207,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
if (empty($nbRep)) { $nbRep = 20; }
if (empty($maxRep)) { $maxRep = 200; }
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -310,10 +308,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
($entCriteres->actif==false) ? 2 : 1,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -1356,7 +1356,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
Zend_Registry::get('WsLogger')->info("rechercheEntreprise - ip : ".
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
switch ($type)
case 'ent':
@ -1426,10 +1425,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
try {
$O = $client->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($entCriteres->actif) ? false : $entCriteres->actif,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -1453,10 +1452,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$client = new SoapClient($this->wsdl, $this->wsdlOptions);
try {
$O = $client->searchDir(
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
empty($nbRep) ? 20 : $nbRep,
empty($maxRep) ? 200 : $maxRep,
@ -2568,8 +2567,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
elseif ($cp>=98000) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
elseif ($cp>=97100 && $cp<97700) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
if ($type=='pre'){
$iDb = new WDB('jo');
@ -2676,9 +2673,9 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$competence->IdSup = $tribunal['triIdSup'];
$competence->Code = $tribunal['triCode'];
$competence->Type = $tribunal['triType'];
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Siret = $tribunal['triSiret'];
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$tribunal['triAdrNum'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrIndRep'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrTypeVoie'].' '.
@ -1292,8 +1292,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tab = array();
foreach($value as $comment) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$tab[] = fixEncoding($comment);
$tab[] = Scores_Locale_String::fixEncoding($comment);
$output->tabCommentaires = $tab;
@ -1419,8 +1418,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
Zend_Registry::get('WsLogger')->info(__FUNCTION__."- ip : ".
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -1516,10 +1513,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($entCriteres->actif) ? false : $entCriteres->actif,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -2958,8 +2955,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
elseif ($cp>=98000) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
elseif ($cp>=97100 && $cp<97700) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
if ($type=='pre'){
$iDb = new WDB('jo');
@ -3066,9 +3061,9 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$competence->IdSup = $tribunal['triIdSup'];
$competence->Code = $tribunal['triCode'];
$competence->Type = $tribunal['triType'];
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Siret = $tribunal['triSiret'];
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$tribunal['triAdrNum'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrIndRep'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrTypeVoie'].' '.
@ -1294,8 +1294,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tab = array();
foreach($value as $comment) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$tab[] = fixEncoding($comment);
$tab[] = Scores_Locale_String::fixEncoding($comment);
$output->tabCommentaires = $tab;
@ -1431,8 +1430,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
if (empty($nbRep)) { $nbRep = 20; }
if (empty($maxRep)) { $maxRep = 200; }
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -1530,10 +1527,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($entCriteres->actif) ? false : $entCriteres->actif,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -2996,8 +2993,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
elseif ($cp>=98000) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
elseif ($cp>=97100 && $cp<97700) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
if ($type=='pre'){
$iDb = new WDB('jo');
@ -3104,9 +3099,9 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$competence->IdSup = $tribunal['triIdSup'];
$competence->Code = $tribunal['triCode'];
$competence->Type = $tribunal['triType'];
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Siret = $tribunal['triSiret'];
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$tribunal['triAdrNum'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrIndRep'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrTypeVoie'].' '.
@ -1299,8 +1299,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tab = array();
foreach($value as $comment) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$tab[] = fixEncoding($comment);
$tab[] = Scores_Locale_String::fixEncoding($comment);
$output->tabCommentaires = $tab;
@ -1436,8 +1435,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
if (empty($nbRep)) { $nbRep = 20; }
if (empty($maxRep)) { $maxRep = 200; }
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -1535,10 +1532,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($entCriteres->actif) ? false : $entCriteres->actif,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -3112,8 +3109,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
elseif ($cp>=98000) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
elseif ($cp>=97100 && $cp<97700) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
if ($type=='pre'){
$iDb = new WDB('jo');
@ -3220,9 +3215,9 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$competence->IdSup = $tribunal['triIdSup'];
$competence->Code = $tribunal['triCode'];
$competence->Type = $tribunal['triType'];
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Siret = $tribunal['triSiret'];
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$tribunal['triAdrNum'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrIndRep'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrTypeVoie'].' '.
@ -1288,8 +1288,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tab = array();
foreach($value as $comment) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$tab[] = fixEncoding($comment);
$tab[] = Scores_Locale_String::fixEncoding($comment);
$output->tabCommentaires = $tab;
@ -1427,8 +1426,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
if (empty($nbRep)) { $nbRep = 20; }
if (empty($maxRep)) { $maxRep = 200; }
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -1526,10 +1523,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($entCriteres->actif) ? false : $entCriteres->actif,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -3192,8 +3189,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
elseif ($cp>=98000) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
elseif ($cp>=97100 && $cp<97700) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
if ($type=='pre'){
$iDb = new WDB('jo');
@ -3300,9 +3295,9 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$competence->IdSup = $tribunal['triIdSup'];
$competence->Code = $tribunal['triCode'];
$competence->Type = $tribunal['triType'];
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Siret = $tribunal['triSiret'];
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$tribunal['triAdrNum'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrIndRep'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrTypeVoie'].' '.
@ -1744,8 +1744,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tab = array();
foreach($value as $comment) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$tab[] = fixEncoding($comment);
$tab[] = Scores_Locale_String::fixEncoding($comment);
$output->tabCommentaires = $tab;
@ -2003,8 +2002,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tab = array();
foreach($value as $comment) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$tab[] = fixEncoding($comment);
$tab[] = Scores_Locale_String::fixEncoding($comment);
$output->tabCommentaires = $tab;
@ -2136,8 +2134,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
if (empty($nbRep)) { $nbRep = 20; }
if (empty($maxRep)) { $maxRep = 200; }
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -2238,10 +2234,10 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -3914,8 +3910,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
elseif ($cp>=98000) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
elseif ($cp>=97100 && $cp<97700) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
if ($type=='pre'){
$iDb = new WDB('jo');
@ -4022,9 +4016,9 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$competence->IdSup = $tribunal['triIdSup'];
$competence->Code = $tribunal['triCode'];
$competence->Type = $tribunal['triType'];
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Siret = $tribunal['triSiret'];
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$tribunal['triAdrNum'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrIndRep'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrTypeVoie'].' '.
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$output->CapitalType = $infosEtab['capitalType'];
$output->SiegeAdresseNum = $infosEtab['adrNumVoie'];
$output->SiegeAdresseNum = intval($infosEtab['adrNumVoie']);
$output->SiegeAdresseBtq = $infosEtab['adrIndRep'];
$output->SiegeAdresseVoieType = $infosEtab['adrTypeVoie'] ;
$output->SiegeAdresseVoieLabel = $infosEtab['adrVoie'];
@ -400,6 +400,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$output->BodaccActivite = $insee['Activite'];
//Date de création à l'insee - getIdentiteEntreprise - insee
//@todo : Aller cherche dans les annonces bodacc création + acquisition
$output->ActiviteDate = substr($insee['DateCreaEn'],0,4).'-'.substr($insee['DateCreaEn'],4,2).'-'.substr($insee['DateCreaEn'],6,2);
//Type d'exploitation - getIdentiteEntreprise - insee
@ -416,9 +417,8 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
//Liste des dépots
$output->Depots = array();
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeAc.php';
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Ac($siren);
$depots = $infogreffe->getList(true);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocAC($siren);
$depots = $infogreffe->getList();
if ( count($depots)>0 ) {
$i = 0;
$listNumDepot = array();
@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
//Acte constitutif - Statut
$date = substr($depot->ActeDate,0,4);
if ( in_array($depot->ActeType, array('04')) && intval($date)>1995 ) {
$output->ConstitutionActeDate = $depot->ActeDate;
@ -1539,15 +1540,15 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$annsM=$iInsee->getAnnoncesBoamp($siren, $idAnn);
} elseif ($filtre==1)
$anns=$iInsee->getAnnoncesLegales($siren, $idAnn);
elseif ($filtre==2)
$annsB=$iInsee->getAnnoncesBalo($siren, $idAnn);
elseif ($filtre==3)
$annsA=$iInsee->getAnnoncesAsso($siren, $idAnn);
elseif ($filtre==4)
$annsM=$iInsee->getAnnoncesBoamp($siren, $idAnn);
} elseif ($filtre==1) {
$anns=$iInsee->getAnnoncesLegales($siren, $idAnn);
} elseif ($filtre==2) {
$annsB=$iInsee->getAnnoncesBalo($siren, $idAnn);
} elseif ($filtre==3) {
$annsA=$iInsee->getAnnoncesAsso($siren, $idAnn);
} elseif ($filtre==4) {
$annsM=$iInsee->getAnnoncesBoamp($siren, $idAnn);
//debugLog('W', print_r($entrep, true), __LINE__, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__);
if (empty($anns) && empty($annsB) && empty($annsA) && empty($annsM))
@ -1887,7 +1888,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$annonce->TribunalSiret = $ann['TribunalSiret'];
$annonce->Rubrique = $ann['Rubrique'];
$annonce->typeAnnonce = $ann['typeAnnonce'];
$annonce->texteAnnonce = prepareString($ann['texteAnnonce']);
$annonce->texteAnnonce = $ann['texteAnnonce'];
$annonce->dateEffet = $ann['dateEffet']; //@todo : date
$annonce->dateJugement = $ann['dateJugement']; //@todo : date
$annonce->dateInsertionSD = $ann['dateInsertionSD']; //@todo : date
@ -2418,8 +2419,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tab = array();
if (count($value)>0) {
foreach($value as $comment) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$tab[] = fixEncoding($comment);
$tab[] = Scores_Locale_String::fixEncoding($comment);
$output->tabCommentaires = $tab;
@ -2660,8 +2660,7 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tab = array();
foreach($value as $comment) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$tab[] = fixEncoding($comment);
$tab[] = Scores_Locale_String::fixEncoding($comment);
$Indiscore->tabCommentaires = $tab;
@ -2976,8 +2975,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
if (empty($nbRep)) { $nbRep = 20; }
if (empty($maxRep)) { $maxRep = 200; }
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
$entCriteres = new EntrepriseCriteres();
$entCriteres = $criteres;
$identifiant = $entCriteres->identifiant;
@ -3076,12 +3073,12 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
return $output;
} else {
$O = $this->searchNomAdr(
empty($entCriteres->siege) ? false : $entCriteres->siege,
empty($position) ? 0 : $position,
@ -4943,8 +4940,6 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
elseif ($cp>=99000) $dep=substr($cp,0,2);
elseif ($cp>=98000) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
elseif ($cp>=97100 && $cp<97700) $dep=substr($cp,0,3);
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
if ($type=='pre') {
@ -5052,9 +5047,9 @@ class Entreprise extends Scores_Ws_Server
$competence->IdSup = $tribunal['triIdSup'];
$competence->Code = $tribunal['triCode'];
$competence->Type = $tribunal['triType'];
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Nom = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring($tribunal['triNom']));
$competence->Siret = $tribunal['triSiret'];
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$competence->Adr = strtoupper(Scores_Locale_String::cleanstring(preg_replace('/ +/',' ',
$tribunal['triAdrNum'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrIndRep'].' '.
$tribunal['triAdrTypeVoie'].' '.
@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ class Gestion extends Scores_Ws_Server
case 'filtres_ip':
$tabInfos['filtres_ip'] = $value;
$tabInfos['filtres_ip'] = trim($value, ';');
case 'typeContrat':
if (in_array($value, array('Contrat','Marché'))){
@ -2060,12 +2060,12 @@ class Gestion extends Scores_Ws_Server
$strLogin = '';
//Modification sur les droits des services
if ( count(toDelete)>0 ) {
/*if ( count(toDelete)>0 ) {
foreach ($toDelete as $droit) {
$query = "UPDATE clients_services SET droits=TRIM(REPLACE(droits, ' $droit ', ' ')) WHERE idClient='$idClient'";
if (null !== $service) {
//Récupération des logins utilisateurs du service
@ -2437,9 +2437,8 @@ class Interne extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tabRet = array();
if(count($liste)>0) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
foreach ($liste as $n=>$etab) {
$texte = cleanutf8($etab['Texte']);
$texte = Scores_Locale_String::cleanutf8($etab['Texte']);
$pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/]+/ ';
$texte = preg_replace($pattern, ' ', $texte);
@ -2395,9 +2395,8 @@ class Interne extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tabRet = array();
if(count($liste)>0) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
foreach ($liste as $n=>$etab) {
$texte = cleanutf8($etab['Texte']);
$texte = Scores_Locale_String::cleanutf8($etab['Texte']);
$pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/]+/ ';
$texte = preg_replace($pattern, ' ', $texte);
@ -1319,9 +1319,8 @@ class Interne extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tabRet = array();
if(count($liste)>0) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
foreach ($liste as $n=>$etab) {
$texte = cleanutf8($etab['Texte']);
$texte = Scores_Locale_String::cleanutf8($etab['Texte']);
$pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/]+/ ';
$texte = preg_replace($pattern, ' ', $texte);
@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ class Interne extends Scores_Ws_Server
$iDb = new WDB();
$login = $this->User->login;
$strSelect = ', s.siren, s.nic, s.ref, s.dateAjout,, s.cp, s.ville, s.dateDerEnvoi, s.encoursClient, c.actif, c.procol, c.indiScore, c.indiScore20, c.encours, c.indiScoreDate, c.dateBilan, c.indiScorePre, c.indiScore20Pre, c.encoursPre, c.indiScoreDatePre, c.sourceModif, c.scoreSolv, c.scoreSolvPre, c.scoreDir, c.scoreDirPre, c.scoreConf, c.scoreConfPre, c.scoreZ, c.scoreZPre, c.scoreCH, c.scoreCHPre, c.scoreAfdcc2, c.scoreAfdcc2Pre, c.situFi, c.situFiPre, c.infoNote, c.infoNotePre, c.noteStruct, c.noteStructPre, c.noteFin, c.noteFinPre, c.tendance, c.tendancePre, c.dateUpdate';
$strSelect = ', LPAD(s.siren,9,0) AS siren, LPAD(s.nic,5,0) AS nic, s.ref, s.dateAjout,, s.cp, s.ville, s.dateDerEnvoi, s.encoursClient, c.actif, c.procol, c.indiScore, c.indiScore20, c.encours, c.indiScoreDate, c.dateBilan, c.indiScorePre, c.indiScore20Pre, c.encoursPre, c.indiScoreDatePre, c.sourceModif, c.scoreSolv, c.scoreSolvPre, c.scoreDir, c.scoreDirPre, c.scoreConf, c.scoreConfPre, c.scoreZ, c.scoreZPre, c.scoreCH, c.scoreCHPre, c.scoreAfdcc2, c.scoreAfdcc2Pre, c.situFi, c.situFiPre, c.infoNote, c.infoNotePre, c.noteStruct, c.noteStructPre, c.noteFin, c.noteFinPre, c.tendance, c.tendancePre, c.dateUpdate';
$strFiltre = '';
if (intval($siren)>0) $strFiltre.= " AND s.siren=$siren ";
@ -1257,9 +1257,8 @@ class Interne extends Scores_Ws_Server
$tabRet = array();
if(count($liste)>0) {
require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
foreach ($liste as $n=>$etab) {
$texte = cleanutf8($etab['Texte']);
$texte = Scores_Locale_String::cleanutf8($etab['Texte']);
$pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/]+/ ';
$texte = preg_replace($pattern, ' ', $texte);
@ -2865,7 +2864,7 @@ class Interne extends Scores_Ws_Server
$adresse = $iInsee->getIdentiteLight($siren, $etab['Nic']);
require_once 'Metier/partenaires/classMMap.php';
$mMap = new MMap(false, $iDb);
$mMap->geoCodeAdresse($adresse['AdresseNum'], '', $adresse['AdresseVoie'],
$iInsee->getCodeVoie($adresse['AdresseVoie']), $adresse['AdresseRue'],
$etab['CP'], $adresse['Ville'], 'France');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
return array(
'BilanInput' => 'BilanInput',
'PieceKbis' => 'PieceKbis',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/Types.php';
class Order extends Scores_Ws_Server
* Financial account : Place an order to have number enter in database
* @param string $siren
* @param string $date
* @param string $type N:Normal, S:Simplifié, C:Consolidé
* @param string $source
* @param integer $private
* @throws SoapFault
* @return string
public function setBilanInput($siren, $date, $type, $source, $private = 0)
//Check siren
$refCommande = uniqid();
$data = array(
'refCommande' => $refCommande,
'siren' => $siren,
'userId' => $this->User->id,
'bilanConfidentiel' => $private,
'bilanSource' => $source,
'bilanCloture' => $date,
'bilanType' => $type,
'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis'),
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1OrderBilanInput();
return $refCommande;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
* Financial account : Tag file is sent
* @param string $ref
* @param string $filename
* @throws SoapFault
* @return boolean
public function setBilanInputFile($ref, $filename)
$data = array(
'bilanFileSent' => date('YmdHis'),
'bilanFile' => $filename,
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1OrderBilanInput();
$commandeM->update($data, 'refCommande="'.$ref.'"');
return true;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return false;
* Liste des commandes de saisie de bilan
* @param string $month
* @throws SoapFault
* @return BilanInput[]
public function getBilanInputList($month = null)
if ($month === null) {
$month = date('Y-m');
$dateStart = $month.'-01 00:00:00';
$dateEnd = $month.'-31 23:59:59';
$list = array();
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1OrderBilanInput();
$sql = $commandeM->select()->where('userId=?', $this->User->id);
$result = $commandeM->fetchAll($sql);
if (count($result) > 0) {
foreach($result as $item) {
$cmd = new BilanInput();
$cmd->Reference = $item->refCommande;
$cmd->Siren = $item->siren;
$cmd->BilanFileRecv = $item->bilanFileRecv;
$cmd->BilanCloture = $item->bilanCloture;
$cmd->BilanType = $item->bilanType;
$cmd->ErreurDate = $item->erreurDate;
$cmd->ErreurLabel = $item->erreurTxt;
$cmd->DateInsert = $item->dateInsert;
$cmd->DateSaisie = $item->dateSaisie;
$list[] = $cmd;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return $list;
* Détail d'un bilan en commande saisie
* @param string $ref
* @throws SoapFault
* @return BilanInput|NULL
protected function getBilanInputDetail($ref)
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1OrderBilanInput();
$sql = $commandeM->select()->where('userId=?', $this->User->id)->where('refCommande=?', $ref);
$item = $commandeM->fetchRow($sql);
if ($item !== null) {
$cmd = new BilanInput();
$cmd->Reference = $item->refCommande;
$cmd->Siren = $item->siren;
$cmd->BilanFileRecv = $item->bilanFileRecv;
$cmd->BilanCloture = $item->bilanCloture;
$cmd->BilanType = $item->bilanType;
$cmd->ErreurDate = $item->erreurDate;
$cmd->ErreurLabel = $item->erreurTxt;
$cmd->DateInsert = $item->dateInsert;
$cmd->DateSaisie = $item->dateSaisie;
return $cmd;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return null;
* Liste des commandes KBIS
* @param string $month
* @throws SoapFault
* @return PieceKbis[]
public function getKbisList($month = null)
if ($month === null) {
$month = date('Y-m');
$dateStart = $month.'-01 00:00:00';
$dateEnd = $month.'-31 23:59:59';
$list = array();
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesKb();
$sql = $commandeM->select()->where('login=?', $this->User->login);
$result = $commandeM->fetchAll($sql);
if (count($result) > 0) {
foreach($result as $item) {
$cmd = new PieceKbis();
$cmd->Reference = $item->refCommande;
$cmd->Mode = $item->mode;
$cmd->Error = $item->cmdError;
$cmd->CompanyName = $item->raisonSociale;
$cmd->CompanySiren = $item->siren;
$cmd->DateInsert = $item->dateInsert;
$cmd->DateEnvoi = $item->dateEnvoi;
$list[] = $cmd;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return $list;
* Detail de la commande d'un KBIS
* @param unknown $ref
* @throws SoapFault
* @return BilanInput|NULL
protected function getKbisDetail($ref)
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesKb();
$sql = $commandeM->select()->where('login=?', $this->User->login)->where('refCommande=?', $ref);
$item = $commandeM->fetchRow($sql);
if ($item !== null) {
$cmd = new BilanInput();
$cmd->Reference = $item->refCommande;
$cmd->Mode = $item->mode;
$cmd->Error = $item->cmdError;
$cmd->CompanyName = $item->raisonSociale;
$cmd->CompanySiren = $item->siren;
$cmd->DateInsert = $item->dateInsert;
$cmd->DateEnvoi = $item->dateEnvoi;
return $cmd;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return null;
protected function getKbisFile($ref)
// --- Paramètres
$hostname = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']!='80'){
$hostname.= ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
$c = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$path = realpath($c->profil->path->secure).'/kbis';
$file = null;
// --- Lecture des informations de la commande
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesKb();
$sql = $commandeM->select()->where('login=?', $this->User->login)->where('refCommande=?', $ref);
$item = $commandeM->fetchRow($sql);
if ($item !== null) {
$cmd = new BilanInput();
$cmd->Reference = $item->refCommande;
$cmd->Mode = $item->mode;
$cmd->Error = $item->cmdError;
$cmd->CompanyName = $item->raisonSociale;
$cmd->CompanySiren = $item->siren;
$cmd->DateInsert = $item->dateInsert;
$cmd->DateEnvoi = $item->dateEnvoi;
return $cmd;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
protected function getActeList($month = null)
if ($month === null) {
$month = date('Y-m');
$dateStart = $month.'-01 00:00:00';
$dateEnd = $month.'-31 23:59:59';
$list = array();
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesAc();
$sql = $commandeM->select()->where('login=?', $this->User->login);
$result = $commandeM->fetchAll($sql);
if (count($result) > 0) {
foreach($result as $item) {
$cmd = new BilanInput();
$cmd->Reference = $item->refCommande;
$cmd->Mode = $item->mode;
$cmd->Error = $item->cmdError;
//@todo : Génére le libellé du document
$cmd->CompanyName = $item->raisonSociale;
$cmd->CompanySiren = $item->siren;
$cmd->DateInsert = $item->dateInsert;
$cmd->DateEnvoi = $item->dateEnvoi;
$list[] = $cmd;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return $list;
protected function getActeDetail($ref){}
protected function getActeFile($ref){}
* Liste des commandes de bilan infogreffe
* @param string $month
* @throws SoapFault
* @return multitype:BilanInput
protected function getBilanList($month = null)
if ($month === null) {
$month = date('Y-m');
$dateStart = $month.'-01 00:00:00';
$dateEnd = $month.'-31 23:59:59';
$list = array();
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesBi();
$sql = $commandeM->select()->where('login=?', $this->User->login);
$result = $commandeM->fetchAll($sql);
if (count($result) > 0) {
foreach($result as $item) {
$cmd = new BilanInput();
$cmd->Reference = $item->refCommande;
$cmd->Mode = $item->mode;
$cmd->Error = $item->cmdError;
$cmd->DocBilanCloture = $item->bilanCloture;
$cmd->DocBilanType = $item->bilanType;
$cmd->CompanyName = $item->raisonSociale;
$cmd->CompanySiren = $item->siren;
$cmd->DateInsert = $item->dateInsert;
$cmd->DateEnvoi = $item->dateEnvoi;
$list[] = $cmd;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return $list;
* Détail de la commande de bilan Infogreffe
* @param unknown $ref
* @throws SoapFault
* @return BilanInput|NULL
protected function getBilanDetail($ref)
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1GreffeCommandesKb();
$sql = $commandeM->select()->where('login=?', $this->User->login)->where('refCommande=?', $ref);
$item = $commandeM->fetchRow($sql);
if ($item !== null) {
$cmd = new BilanInput();
$cmd->Reference = $item->refCommande;
$cmd->Mode = $item->mode;
$cmd->Error = $item->cmdError;
$cmd->DocBilanCloture = $item->bilanCloture;
$cmd->DocBilanType = $item->bilanType;
$cmd->CompanyName = $item->raisonSociale;
$cmd->CompanySiren = $item->siren;
$cmd->DateInsert = $item->dateInsert;
$cmd->DateEnvoi = $item->dateEnvoi;
return $cmd;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return null;
protected function getBilanFile($ref){}
protected function setInvestigation()
//Table pour le stockage des demandes d'investigation
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
class BilanInput
* @var string
public $Reference;
* @var string
public $Siren;
* @var string
public $BilanFileRecv;
* @var string
public $BilanCloture;
* @var string
public $BilanType;
* @var string
public $ErreurDate;
* @var string
public $ErreurLabel;
* @var string
public $DateInsert;
* @var string
public $DateSaisie;
class PieceKbis
* @var string
public $Reference;
* @var string
public $Mode;
* @var string
public $Error;
* @var string
public $CompanyName;
* @var string
public $CompanySiren;
* @var string
public $DateInsert;
* @var string
public $DateEnvoi;
class PieceBilan
* @var string
public $Reference;
* @var string
public $Mode;
* @var string
public $Error;
* @var string
public $DocBilanCloture;
* @var string
public $DocBilanType;
* @var string
public $CompanyName;
* @var string
public $CompanySiren;
* @var string
public $DateInsert;
* @var string
public $DateEnvoi;
class PieceActe
* @var string
public $Reference;
* @var string
public $Mode;
* @var string
public $Error;
* @var string
public $DocDepotNum;
* @var string
public $DocDepotDate;
* @var string
public $DocActeNum;
* @var string
public $DocActeType;
* @var string
public $DocActeDate;
* @var string
public $CompanyName;
* @var string
public $CompanySiren;
* @var string
public $DateInsert;
* @var string
public $DateEnvoi;
@ -261,8 +261,7 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
//Liste des bilans Infogreffe
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeBi.php';
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Bi($identifiant);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($identifiant);
try {
$list = $infogreffe->getList();
} catch (Exception $e) {
@ -449,8 +448,7 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
case 'T':
//Passer la commande chez infogreffe
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeBi.php';
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Bi($identifiant);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($identifiant);
//$infogreffe->debug = true;
try {
$pdf = $infogreffe->getCommandeT($dateCloture, $type, $id);
@ -488,8 +486,7 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
//Commande chez Infogreffe
if ( $diffusion == 'C' ) {
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeBi.php';
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Bi($identifiant);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($identifiant);
try {
$infogreffe->getCommandeC($dateCloture, $type, 'G-BI-'.$id);
$commandeM->update(array('dateCommande'=> date('YmdHis')), 'id='.$id);
@ -539,8 +536,7 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeAc.php';
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Ac($identifiant);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocAC($identifiant);
$list = $infogreffe->getList();
$nbActes = count($list);
@ -631,8 +627,7 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
case 'T':
//Passer la commande chez Infogreffe
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeAc.php';
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Ac($identifiant);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocAC($identifiant);
try {
$pdf = $infogreffe->getCommandeT($depotDate, $depotNum, $acteType, $acteDate, $acteNum, $id);
$commandeM->update(array('dateEnvoi'=> date('YmdHis')), 'id='.$id);
@ -675,8 +670,7 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
if ( $diffusion == 'C' ) {
//Commande chez Infogreffe
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeAc.php';
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Ac($identifiant);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocAC($identifiant);
try {
$infogreffe->getCommandeC($depotDate, $depotNum, $acteType, $acteDate, $acteNum, 'G-AC-'.$id);
$commandeM->update(array('dateCommande'=> date('YmdHis')), 'id='.$id);
@ -779,7 +773,7 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
if ( is_int($email) ) {
//Id of secondary email
} else {
$dateUpdate = array('email' => $email);
$dataUpdate = array('email' => $email);
try {
$commandeM->update($dataUpdate, "refCommande='".$id."'");
return true;
@ -829,7 +823,7 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
if ( is_int($email) ) {
//Id of secondary email
} else {
$dateUpdate = array('email' => $email);
$dataUpdate = array('email' => $email);
try {
$commandeM->update($dataUpdate, "refCommande='".$id."'");
return true;
@ -873,7 +867,120 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
if ( $result !== null ) {
$dateUpdate = array('infos' => $infos);
$dataUpdate = array('infos' => $infos);
try {
$commandeM->update($dataUpdate, "refCommande='".$id."'");
return true;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return false;
* Commande de statut association
* @param string $companyId
* @param string $type (siren|waldec)
* @throws SoapFault
* @return mixed
public function setAssoStatut($companyId, $type = null)
$inseeM = new MInsee();
if ($type == 'siren') {
$result = $inseeM->getIdentiteLight($companyId);
$companyName = $result['Nom'];
} elseif ($type == 'waldec') {
$result = $inseeM->getEtablissementsParId('AUTRE', $companyId);
$companyName = $result['Nom'];
$refCommande = uniqid();
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1OrderAssoStatut();
'refCommande' => $refCommande,
'companyId' => $companyId,
'typeId' => $type,
'companyName' => $companyName,
'userId' => $this->User->id,
'userLogin' => $this->User->login,
'userEmail' => $this->USer->email,
'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis'),
return $refCommande;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return false;
* Modifier une commande de statut association
* @param string $id
* Référence de commande
* @param string $data
* Objet json (email, reference)
* @throws SoapFault
* @return boolean
public function setAssoStatutDetail($id, $data)
// --- Vérification que la commande existe
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1OrderAssoStatut();
$sql = $commandeM->select()
->where('userLogin=?', $this->User->login)
->where('refCommande=?', $id);
$result = $commandeM->fetchRow($sql);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
// --- Paramètres envoyés
$params = json_decode($data, true);
$dataUpdate = array();
if (count($params) > 0) {
foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
switch ($k) {
case 'email':
// --- Vérification email
$validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
if ( !$validator->isValid($v) ){
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Adresse email invalide.");
$dataUpdate['email'] = $v;
case 'reference':
$dataUpdate['reference'] = $v;
// --- Mise à jour de la commande
if (count($dataUpdate) > 0) {
try {
$commandeM->update($dataUpdate, "refCommande='".$id."'");
return true;
@ -884,43 +991,77 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return false;
* Financial account : Place an order to have number enter in database
* @param string $siren
* @param string $date
* @param string $type N:Normal, S:Simplifié, C:Consolidé
* @param string $source
* @param integer $private
* @throws SoapFault
* @return string
public function setBilanEnterCmd($siren, $date, $type, $source, $private = 0)
* Commande de privileges
* @param string $companyId
* Siren
* @param string $doc
* Type de privilege (privsecu, privtres, nantfond, declcrea)
* @throws SoapFault
* @return mixed
public function setPrivileges($companyId, $doc = null)
//Check siren
$inseeM = new MInsee();
$result = $inseeM->getIdentiteLight($companyId);
$companyName = $result['Nom'];
$refCommande = uniqid();
$data = array(
'refCommande' => $refCommande,
'siren' => $siren,
'userId' => $this->User->id,
'bilanConfidentiel' => $private,
'bilanSource' => $source,
'bilanCloture' => $date,
'bilanType' => $type,
'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis'),
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1BilanCommandeEnter();
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1OrderPrivileges();
'refCommande' => $refCommande,
'docType' => $doc,
'companyId' => $companyId,
'companyName' => $companyName,
'userId' => $this->User->id,
'userLogin' => $this->User->login,
'userEmail' => $this->User->email,
'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis'),
return $refCommande;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return false;
* Défini un email pour la commande de privilege
* @param string $id
* @param string $email
* @throws SoapFault
* @return boolean
public function setPrivilegesEmail($id, $email)
$validator = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
if ( !$validator->isValid($email) ){
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Adresse email invalide.");
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1OrderPrivileges();
$sql = $commandeM->select()
->where('login=?', $this->User->login)
->where('refCommande=?', $id);
try {
$result = $commandeM->fetchRow($sql);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
@ -928,35 +1069,24 @@ class Pieces extends Scores_Ws_Server
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
if ( $result !== null ) {
if ( is_int($email) ) {
//Id of secondary email
} else {
$dataUpdate = array('email' => $email);
try {
$commandeM->update($dataUpdate, "refCommande='".$id."'");
return true;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient == 1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return false;
* Financial account : Tag file is sent
* @param string $ref
* @throws SoapFault
* @return boolean
public function setBilanEnterFile($ref)
$data = array(
'bilanFileSent' => date('YmdHis'),
try {
$commandeM = new Application_Model_Sdv1BilanCommandeEnter();
$commandeM->update($data, "refCommande=$ref");
return true;
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return false;
@ -1408,8 +1408,6 @@ class Saisie extends Scores_Ws_Server
$intervalCalc = 10;
$tabPostes = array();
// --- Control des valeurs
@ -2620,106 +2618,196 @@ class Saisie extends Scores_Ws_Server
return false;
* Saisie des coordonnées GPS
* @param string $siret
* @param string $latitude
* @param string $longitude
* @param string $altitude
* @param string $precis
* @param string $returnadresse
* @return boolean
* Set geocode from web application
* @param string $companyId
* @param string $type
* @param string $data
* JSON string containing formatted data
* source, lat, lng, alt, address, precis
* @param string $override
* @throws SoapFault
* @return int
public function setEtablissementGeoCode($siret, $latitude, $longitude, $altitude, $precis, $returnadresse)
public function setGeoCode($companyId, $type = null, $data, $override = false)
$siren = null;
// --- Identifiant SD : source + id
if ($type === null) {
"results" : [
"geometry" : {
"location" : {
"lat" : 37.42291810,
"lng" : -122.08542120
"location_type" : "ROOFTOP",
"status" : "OK"
$iDb = new WDB();
$iInsee = new MInsee($iDb);
$result = $iInsee->getEtablissements($siren, $nic);
$etab = $result['reponses'];
if (count($etab)>0) {
//Mise à jour des coordonnées GPS
if ( !empty($longitude) && !empty($latitude) ) {
$adresse = addslashes(trim(preg_replace('/ +/',' ', $etab['adr_num'] . '' . $iInsee->getCodeVoie($etab['adr_typeVoie']) . $etab['adr_libVoie'])));
$ville = addslashes($ville);
$cp = $etab['adr_cp'];
$ret = $iDb->select('zonageXY',
'lat, lon, l93_x, l93_y, alt, precis, adresseValidee, dateInsert',
"address='$adresse' AND adr_cp='$cp' AND adr_ville='$ville'",false, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if ( count($ret) == 0 ) {
require_once 'Metier/partenaires/classMMap.php';
$tmp = geos2lambert93($latitude, $longitude);
$l93x = $tmp['x_93'];
$l93y = $tmp['y_93'];
switch($precis) {
case 'ROOFTOP': $precision=8; break;
case 'RANGE_INTERPOLATED': $precision=7; break;
case 'GEOMETRIC_CENTER': $precision=6; break;
case 'APPROXIMATE': $precision=4; break;
default: $precision=0; break;
'address' => $adresse,
'adr_cp' => $cp,
'adr_ville' => $ville,
'adrNum' => $etab['adr_num'],
'adrIndRep' => $etab['adrIndRep'],
'adrTypeVoie' => $etab['adr_typeVoie'],
'adrLibVoie' => $etab['adr_libVoie'],
'rivoli' => '',
'adresseValidee' => strtoupper(str_replace(''', "'", htmlspecialchars_decode($returnadresse))),
'lat' => $latitude,
'lon' => $longitude,
'l93_x' => $l93x,
'l93_y' => $l93y,
"results" : [
"elevation" : 1608.637939453125,
"location" : {
"lat" : 39.73915360,
"lng" : -104.98470340
"resolution" : 4.771975994110107
"status" : "OK"
'alt' => $altitude,
'precis' => $precision,
'source' => 'Google',
'dateInsert'=> date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$output = $iDb->insert('zonageXY', $tabInsert);
return $output;
// --- Siren
elseif (strtolower($type) == 'siren') {
if (strlen($companyId) != 14) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'SIRET invalide.');
// Erreur
else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Type identifiant inconnu.');
// --- Lecture de l'adresse
try {
$etablissementM = new Application_Model_JoEtablissements();
$sql = $etablissementM->select(true)->columns(array(
'LPAD(adr_num,4,0) AS adr_num',
'LPAD(adr_cp,5,0) AS adr_cp',
))->where('siren=?', substr($companyId, 0, 9))->where('nic=?', substr($companyId, 9, 5));
$result = $etablissementM->fetchRow($sql);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
if ($result === null) {
return 0;
// --- Result from database
$AdresseNum = $result->adr_num;
$AdresseTypeVoie = $result->adr_typeVoie;
$AdresseLibVoie = $result->adr_libVoie;
$AdresseCP = $result->adr_cp;
$AdresseVille = $result->adr_ville;
$insee = new MInsee();
$AdresseTypeVoieLong = $insee->getCodeVoie($AdresseTypeVoie);
// --- Format adress
$adressPrimary = trim(preg_replace('/ +/',' ', "$AdresseNum $AdresseTypeVoieLong $AdresseLibVoie"));
// --- Code Rivoli
$codeRivoli = '';
try {
$inseeidentiteM = new Application_Model_InseeIdentite();
$sql = $inseeidentiteM->select(true)
->where('SIREN=?', substr($companyId, 0, 9))
->where('NIC=?', substr($companyId, 9, 5));
$result = $inseeidentiteM->fetchRow($sql);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
if ($result !== null) {
if (empty($result->CODEVOIE)) {
$codeRivoli = $insee->getCodeVoieRivoli(
empty($result->ADR_TYPEVOIE) ? '' : $result->ADR_TYPEVOIE,
empty($result->ADR_LIBVOIE) ? '' : $result->ADR_LIBVOIE
} else {
$codeRivoli = $result->ADR_DEP.$result->ADR_COM.$result->CODEVOIE;
// --- Prepare geocoding
try {
$zonageM = new Application_Model_JoZonageXY();
$sql = $zonageM->select()
->where('address=?', $adressPrimary)
->where('adr_cp=?', $AdresseCP)
->where('adr_ville=?', $AdresseVille);
$result = $zonageM->fetchRow($sql);
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
if ($result === null) {
$tableModif = 'insert';
} else {
$tableModif = 'update';
$output = 0;
$data = json_decode($data);
if (!empty($data->lat) && !empty($data->lng)) {
if ( strtolower($data->source) == 'google' ) {
$precision = 0;
switch($data->precis) {
* Precise geocode for which we have location information accurate down to street address precision.
case 'ROOFTOP':
$precision = 8;
* Approximation (usually on a road) interpolated between two precise points (such as intersections).
* Interpolated results are generally returned when rooftop geocodes are unavailable for a street address.
$precision = 7;
* Geometric center of a result such as a polyline (for example, a street) or polygon (region).
$precision = 6;
* indicates that the returned result is approximate.
$precision = 4;
require_once 'Metier/partenaires/classMMap.php';
$lambert = geos2lambert93($data->lat, $data->lng);
$dataGeocode = array(
'address' => $adressPrimary,
'adr_cp' => $AdresseCP,
'adr_ville' => $AdresseVille,
'adrNum' => $AdresseNum,
'adrIndRep' => '',
'adrTypeVoie' => $AdresseTypeVoie,
'adrLibVoie' => $AdresseLibVoie,
'rivoli' => $codeRivoli,
'adresseValidee' => $data->address,
'lat' => $data->lat,
'lon' => $data->lng,
'l93_x' => $lambert['x_93'],
'l93_y' => $lambert['y_93'],
'alt' => intval($data->alt),
'precis' => $precision,
'source' => 'Google',
return false;
try {
if ($tableModif == 'insert') {
$dataGeocode['dateInsert'] = date('YmdHis');
$output = $zonageM->insert($dataGeocode);
} else {
$output = $zonageM->update($dataGeocode, array('address=?'=>$adressPrimary));
} catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
if ($this->User->idClient==1) {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage());
} else {
throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error");
return $output;
@ -33,6 +33,13 @@ return array(
'idClient' => array(1),
'order' => array(
'actif' => true,
'versions' => array(
'0.1' => array( 'actif' => true, 'defaut' => true ),
'idClient' => array(1),
'catalog' => array(
'actif' => true,
'versions' => array(
@ -1,763 +1,48 @@
class WChiffes
private static $tabChiffresEnLEttres = array(
17=>'dix sept',
18=>'dix huit',
19=>'dix neuf',
21=>'vingt et un',
22=>'vingt deux',
23=>'vingt trois',
24=>'vingt quatre',
25=>'vingt cinq',
26=>'vingt six',
27=>'vingt sept',
28=>'vingt huit',
29=>'vingt neuf',
70=>'soixante dix',
80=>'quatre vingt',
90=>'quatre vingt dix'
class WChiffes {
private static $tabChiffresEnLEttres = array( 0=>'zéro',
17=>'dix sept',
18=>'dix huit',
19=>'dix neuf',
21=>'vingt et un',
22=>'vingt deux',
23=>'vingt trois',
24=>'vingt quatre',
25=>'vingt cinq',
26=>'vingt six',
27=>'vingt sept',
28=>'vingt huit',
29=>'vingt neuf',
70=>'soixante dix',
80=>'quatre vingt',
90=>'quatre vingt dix');
public function ChiffresEnLettres($chiffre) {
public function ChiffresEnLettres($chiffre)
return array_search($chiffre, self::$tabChiffresEnLEttres);
define('NEL_SEPTANTE', 0x0001);
define('NEL_HUITANTE', 0x0002);
define('NEL_OCTANTE', 0x0004);
define('NEL_NONANTE', 0x0008);
define('NEL_SANS_MILLIARD', 0x0010);
define('NEL_AVEC_ZILLIARD', 0x0020);
define('NEL_TOUS_ZILLIONS', 0x0040);
define('NEL_RECTIF_1990', 0x0100);
define('NEL_ORDINAL', 0x0200);
define('NEL_NIEME', 0x0400);
# Le tableau associatif $NEL contient toutes les variables utilisées
# de façon globale dans ce module. ATTENTION : ce nom est assez court,
# et cela pourrait poser des problèmes de collision avec une autre
# variable si plusieurs modules sont inclus dans le même programme.
$NEL = array(
'1-99' => array(
# 0-19
'', 'un', 'deux', 'trois', 'quatre', 'cinq', 'six', 'sept',
'huit', 'neuf', 'dix', 'onze', 'douze', 'treize', 'quatorze',
'quinze', 'seize', 'dix-sept', 'dix-huit', 'dix-neuf',
# 20-29
'vingt', 'vingt et un', 'vingt-deux', 'vingt-trois',
'vingt-quatre', 'vingt-cinq', 'vingt-six',
'vingt-sept', 'vingt-huit', 'vingt-neuf',
# 30-39
'trente', 'trente et un', 'trente-deux', 'trente-trois',
'trente-quatre', 'trente-cinq', 'trente-six',
'trente-sept', 'trente-huit', 'trente-neuf',
# 40-49
'quarante', 'quarante et un', 'quarante-deux', 'quarante-trois',
'quarante-quatre', 'quarante-cinq', 'quarante-six',
'quarante-sept', 'quarante-huit', 'quarante-neuf',
# 50-59
'cinquante', 'cinquante et un', 'cinquante-deux', 'cinquante-trois',
'cinquante-quatre', 'cinquante-cinq', 'cinquante-six',
'cinquante-sept', 'cinquante-huit', 'cinquante-neuf',
# 60-69
'soixante', 'soixante et un', 'soixante-deux', 'soixante-trois',
'soixante-quatre', 'soixante-cinq', 'soixante-six',
'soixante-sept', 'soixante-huit', 'soixante-neuf',
# 70-79
'septante', 'septante et un', 'septante-deux', 'septante-trois',
'septante-quatre', 'septante-cinq', 'septante-six',
'septante-sept', 'septante-huit', 'septante-neuf',
# 80-89
'huitante', 'huitante et un', 'huitante-deux', 'huitante-trois',
'huitante-quatre', 'huitante-cinq', 'huitante-six',
'huitante-sept', 'huitante-huit', 'huitante-neuf',
# 90-99
'nonante', 'nonante et un', 'nonante-deux', 'nonante-trois',
'nonante-quatre', 'nonante-cinq', 'nonante-six',
'nonante-sept', 'nonante-huit', 'nonante-neuf'
'illi' => array('', 'm', 'b', 'tr', 'quatr', 'quint', 'sext'),
'maxilli' => 0, # voir plus loin
'de_maxillions' => '', # voir plus loin
'septante' => false, # valeurs possibles : (false|true)
'huitante' => false, # valeurs possibles : (false|true|'octante')
'nonante' => false, # valeurs possibles : (false|true)
'zillions' => false, # valeurs possibles : (false|true)
'zilliard' => 1, # valeurs possibles : (0|1|2)
'rectif' => false, # valeurs possibles : (false|true)
'ordinal' => false, # valeurs possibles : (false|true|'nieme')
'separateur' => ' '
# Si le tableau $NEL['illi'] s'arrête à 'sext', alors les deux valeurs
# suivantes sont respectivement '6' et ' de sextillions'.
$NEL['maxilli'] = count($NEL['illi']) - 1;
$NEL['de_maxillions'] = " de {$NEL['illi'][$NEL['maxilli']]}illions";
function enlettres_options($options, $separateur=NULL)
global $NEL;
if ($options !== NULL) {
$NEL['septante'] = ($options & NEL_SEPTANTE) ? true : false;
$NEL['huitante'] =
($options & NEL_OCTANTE) ? 'octante' :
(($options & NEL_HUITANTE) ? true : false);
$NEL['nonante'] = ($options & NEL_NONANTE) ? true : false;
$NEL['zillions'] = ($options & NEL_TOUS_ZILLIONS) ? true : false;
$NEL['zilliard'] =
($options & NEL_AVEC_ZILLIARD) ? 2 :
(($options & NEL_SANS_MILLIARD) ? 0 : 1);
$NEL['rectif'] = ($options & NEL_RECTIF_1990) ? true : false;
$NEL['ordinal'] =
($options & NEL_NIEME) ? 'nieme' :
(($options & NEL_ORDINAL) ? true : false);
if ($separateur !== NULL) {
$NEL['separateur'] = $separateur;
function enlettres_par3($par3)
global $NEL;
if ($par3 == 0) return '';
$centaine = floor($par3 / 100);
$par2 = $par3 % 100;
$dizaine = floor($par2 / 10);
# On traite à part les particularités du français de référence
# 'soixante-dix', 'quatre-vingts' et 'quatre-vingt-dix'.
$nom_par2 = NULL;
switch ($dizaine) {
case 7:
if ($NEL['septante'] === false) {
if ($par2 == 71) $nom_par2 = 'soixante et onze';
else $nom_par2 = 'soixante-' . $NEL['1-99'][$par2 - 60];
case 8:
if ($NEL['huitante'] === false) {
if ($par2 == 80) $nom_par2 = 'quatre-vingts';
else $nom_par2 = 'quatre-vingt-' . $NEL['1-99'][$par2 - 80];
case 9:
if ($NEL['nonante'] === false) {
$nom_par2 = 'quatre-vingt-' . $NEL['1-99'][$par2 - 80];
if ($nom_par2 === NULL) {
$nom_par2 = $NEL['1-99'][$par2];
if (($dizaine == 8) and ($NEL['huitante'] === 'octante')) {
$nom_par2 = str_replace('huitante', 'octante', $nom_par2);
# Après les dizaines et les unités, il reste à voir les centaines
switch ($centaine) {
case 0: return $nom_par2;
case 1: return rtrim("cent {$nom_par2}");
# Assertion : $centaine = 2 .. 9
$nom_centaine = $NEL['1-99'][$centaine];
if ($par2 == 0) return "{$nom_centaine} cents";
return "{$nom_centaine} cent {$nom_par2}";
function enlettres_zilli($idx)
# Noms des 0ème à 9ème zillions
static $petit = array(
'n', 'm', 'b', 'tr', 'quatr', 'quint', 'sext', 'sept', 'oct', 'non'
# Composantes des 10ème à 999ème zillions
static $unite = array(
'<', 'un<', 'duo<', 'tre<sé',
'quattuor<', 'quin<', 'se<xsé',
'septe<mné', 'octo<', 'nove<mné'
static $dizaine = array(
'', 'né>déci<', 'ms>viginti<', 'ns>triginta<',
'ns>quadraginta<', 'ns>quinquaginta<', 'né>sexaginta<',
'né>septuaginta<', 'mxs>octoginta<', 'é>nonaginta<'
static $centaine = array(
'>', 'nxs>cent', 'né>ducent', 'ns>trécent',
'ns>quadringent', 'ns>quingent', 'né>sescent',
'né>septingent', 'mxs>octingent', 'é>nongent'
# Règles d'assimilation aux préfixes latins, modifiées pour accentuer
# un éventuel 'é' de fin de préfixe.
# (1) Si on trouve une lettre deux fois entre < > on la garde.
# S'il y a plusieurs lettres dans ce cas, on garde la première.
# (2) Sinon on efface tout ce qui est entre < >.
# (3) On remplace "treé" par "tré", "seé" par "sé", "septeé" par "septé"
# et "noveé" par "nové".
# (4) En cas de dizaine sans centaine, on supprime la voyelle en trop.
# Par exemple "déciilli" devient "décilli" et "trigintailli" devient
# "trigintilli".
# Il est à noter que ces règles PERL (en particulier la première qui
# est la plus complexe) sont *très* fortement inspirées du programme
# de Nicolas Graner. On pourrait même parler de plagiat s'il n'avait
# pas été au courant que je reprenais son code.
# Voir <>
# et <>
static $recherche = array(
'/<[a-zé]*?([a-zé])[a-zé]*\1[a-zé]*>/', # (1)
'/<[a-zé]*>/', # (2)
'/eé/', # (3)
'/[ai]illi/' # (4)
static $remplace = array(
'\\1', # (1)
'', # (2)
'é', # (3)
'illi' # (4)
$nom = '';
while ($idx > 0) {
$p = $idx % 1000;
$idx = floor($idx/1000);
if ($p < 10) {
$nom = $petit[$p] . 'illi' . $nom;
} else {
$nom = $unite[$p % 10] . $dizaine[floor($p/10) % 10]
. $centaine[floor($p/100)] . 'illi' . $nom;
return preg_replace($recherche, $remplace, $nom);
function enlettres_illions($idx)
global $NEL;
if ($idx == 0) {
return '';
if ($NEL['zillions']) {
return enlettres_zilli($idx) . 'ons';
$suffixe = '';
while ($idx > $NEL['maxilli']) {
$idx -= $NEL['maxilli'];
$suffixe .= $NEL['de_maxillions'];
return "{$NEL['illi'][$idx]}illions{$suffixe}";
function enlettres_avec_illiards($idx)
global $NEL;
if ($idx == 0) return false;
switch ($NEL['zilliard']) {
case 0: return false;
case 2: return true;
return ($idx == 1);
function enlettres($nombre, $options=NULL, $separateur=NULL)
global $NEL;
if ($options !== NULL or $separateur !== NULL) {
$NELsave = $NEL;
enlettres_options($options, $separateur);
$nom = enlettres($nombre);
$NEL = $NELsave;
return $nom;
# On ne garde que les chiffres, puis on supprime les 0 du début
$nombre = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $nombre);
$nombre = ltrim($nombre, '0');
if ($nombre == '') {
if ($NEL['ordinal'] === 'nieme') return 'zéroïème';
else return 'zéro';
$table_noms = array();
for ($idx = 0; $nombre != ''; $idx++) {
$par6 = (int)((strlen($nombre) < 6) ? $nombre : substr($nombre, -6));
$nombre = substr($nombre, 0, -6);
if ($par6 == 0) continue;
$nom_par3_sup = enlettres_par3(floor($par6 / 1000));
$nom_par3_inf = enlettres_par3($par6 % 1000);
$illions = enlettres_illions($idx);
if (enlettres_avec_illiards($idx)) {
if ($nom_par3_inf != '') {
$table_noms[$illions] = $nom_par3_inf;
if ($nom_par3_sup != '') {
$illiards = preg_replace('/illion/', 'illiard', $illions, 1);
$table_noms[$illiards] = $nom_par3_sup;
} else {
switch($nom_par3_sup) {
case '':
$nom_par6 = $nom_par3_inf;
case 'un':
$nom_par6 = rtrim("mille {$nom_par3_inf}");
$nom_par3_sup = preg_replace('/(vingt|cent)s/', '\\1', $nom_par3_sup);
$nom_par6 = rtrim("{$nom_par3_sup} mille {$nom_par3_inf}");
$table_noms[$illions] = $nom_par6;
$nom_enlettres = '';
foreach ($table_noms as $nom => $nombre) {
# $nombre est compris entre 'un' et
# 'neuf cent nonante-neuf mille neuf cent nonante-neuf'
# (ou variante avec 'quatre-vingt-dix-neuf')
# $nom peut valoir '', 'millions', 'milliards', 'billions', ...
# 'sextillions', 'sextilliards', 'millions de sextillions',
# 'millions de sextilliards', etc.
# Rectifications orthographiques de 1990
if ($NEL['rectif']) {
$nombre = str_replace(' ', '-', $nombre);
# Nom (éventuel) et accord (éventuel) des substantifs
$nom = rtrim("{$nombre} {$nom}");
if ($nombre == 'un') {
# Un seul million, milliard, etc., donc au singulier
# noter la limite de 1 remplacement, pour ne supprimer que le premier 's'
# dans 'billions de sextillions de sextillions'
$nom = preg_replace('/(illion|illiard)s/', '\\1', $nom, 1);
# Ajout d'un séparateur entre chaque partie
if ($nom_enlettres == '') {
$nom_enlettres = $nom;
} else {
$nom_enlettres = $nom . $NEL['separateur'] . $nom_enlettres;
if ($NEL['ordinal'] === false) {
# Nombre cardinal : le traitement est fini
return $nom_enlettres;
# Aucun pluriel dans les ordinaux
$nom_enlettres =
preg_replace('/(cent|vingt|illion|illiard)s/', '\\1', $nom_enlettres);
if ($NEL['ordinal'] !== 'nieme') {
# Nombre ordinal simple (sans '-ième')
return $nom_enlettres;
if ($nom_enlettres === 'un') {
# Le féminin n'est pas traité ici. On fait la supposition
# qu'il est plus facile de traiter ce cas à part plutôt
# que de rajouter une option rien que pour ça.
return 'premier';
switch (substr($nom_enlettres, -1)) {
case 'e':
# quatre, onze à seize, trente à nonante, mille
# exemple : quatre -> quatrième
return substr($nom_enlettres, 0, -1) . 'ième';
case 'f':
# neuf -> neuvième
return substr($nom_enlettres, 0, -1) . 'vième';
case 'q':
# cinq -> cinquième
return $nom_enlettres . 'uième';
# Tous les autres cas.
# Exemples: deuxième, troisième, vingtième, trente et unième,
# neuf centième, un millionième, quatre-vingt milliardième.
return $nom_enlettres . 'ième';
function enchiffres_petit($mot)
static $petit = array(
# 1-16
'un' => 1,
'deux' => 2,
'trois' => 3,
'quatre' => 4,
'cinq' => 5,
'six' => 6,
'sept' => 7,
'huit' => 8,
'neuf' => 9,
'dix' => 10,
'onze' => 11,
'douze' => 12,
'treize' => 13,
'quatorze' => 14,
'quinze' => 15,
'seize' => 16,
# 20-90
'vingt' => 20,
'vingts' => 20,
'trente' => 30,
'quarante' => 40,
'cinquante' => 50,
'soixante' => 60,
'septante' => 70,
'huitante' => 80,
'octante' => 80,
'nonante' => 90,
# 100, 1000
'cent' => 100,
'cents' => 100,
'mil' => 1000,
'mille' => 1000
if (! isset($petit[$mot]))
return false;
return $petit[$mot];
function enchiffres_zilli($mot)
# Noms des 0ème à 9ème zillions
static $petits = array(
'n', 'm', 'b', 'tr', 'quadr', 'quint', 'sext', 'sept', 'oct', 'non'
# Composantes des 10ème à 999ème zillions
static $unites = array(
'', 'un', 'duo', 'tre', 'quattuor', 'quin', 'se', 'septe', 'octo', 'nove'
static $dizaines = array(
'', 'dec', 'vigint', 'trigint', 'quadragint',
'quinquagint', 'sexagint', 'septuagint', 'octogint', 'nonagint'
static $centaines = array(
'', 'cent', 'ducent', 'trecent', 'quadringent',
'quingent', 'sescent', 'septingent', 'octingent', 'nongent'
# Expressions rationnelles pour extraire les composantes
static $um =
static $dm =
static $cm =
$u = array_search($mot, $petits);
if ($u !== false) {
return '00' . $u;
if (preg_match('/^'.$um.$dm.$cm.'$/', $mot, $resultat) < 1) {
return false;
$u = array_search($resultat[1], $unites);
$d = array_search($resultat[2], $dizaines);
$c = array_search($resultat[3], $centaines);
if ($u === false or $d === false or $c === false) {
return false;
return $c.$d.$u;
function enchiffres_grand($mot)
# Quelques remplacements initiaux pour simplifier (les 'é' ont déjà
# été tous transformés en 'e').
# (1) Je supprime le 's' final de '-illions' ou '-illiards' pour ne
# tester que '-illion' ou '-illiard'.
# (2) Les deux orthographes étant possibles pour quadrillion ou
# quatrillion, je teste les deux. Noter que j'aurais pu changer
# 'quadr' en 'quatr' au lieu de l'inverse, mais alors cela aurait
# aussi changé 'quadragintillion' en 'quatragintillion', ce qui
# n'est pas franchement le but recherché.
# (3) En latin, on trouve parfois 'quatuor' au lieu de 'quattuor'. De même,
# avec google on trouve quelques 'quatuordecillions' au milieu des
# 'quattuordecillions' (environ 1 sur 10).
# (4) La règle de John Conway et Allan Wechsler préconisait le préfixe
# 'quinqua' au lieu de 'quin' que j'ai choisi. Pour accepter les deux,
# je remplace 'quinqua' par 'quin', sauf dans 'quinquaginta' (50)
# et dans 'quinquadraginta' (45).
static $recherche = array(
'/s$/', # (1)
'/quatr/', # (2)
'/quatuor/', # (3)
'/quinqua(?!(dra)?gint)/' # (4)
static $remplace = array(
'', # (1)
'quadr', # (2)
'quattuor', # (3)
'quin' # (4)
$mot = preg_replace($recherche, $remplace, $mot);
if ($mot == 'millier') return 1;
if ($mot == 'millinillion') return 2000;
$prefixes = explode('illi', $mot);
if (count($prefixes) < 2) {
# Il faut au moins un 'illi' dans le nom
return false;
switch (array_pop($prefixes)) {
case 'on':
# zillion : nombre pair de milliers
$ard = 0;
case 'ard':
# zilliard : nombre impair de milliers
$ard = 1;
# Ce n'est ni un zillion, ni un zilliard
return false;
$nombre = '';
foreach ($prefixes as $prefixe) {
$par3 = enchiffres_zilli($prefixe);
if ($par3 === false) return false;
$nombre .= $par3;
if (strlen($nombre) > 3) {
# On n'accepte que les nombres inférieurs au millinillion
# pour limiter le temps de calcul
return 0;
return 2*$nombre + $ard;
class enchiffres_struct
var $valeur;
var $discr;
function enchiffres_struct($mul, $val)
$this->valeur = $this->discr = $val;
if ($mul != 0) {
$this->valeur *= $mul;
function enchiffres_ajouter_petit(&$table_petits, $petit)
$somme = 0;
while (($elem = array_pop($table_petits)) !== NULL) {
if ($elem->discr > $petit) {
array_push($table_petits, $elem);
$somme += $elem->valeur;
$elem = new enchiffres_struct($somme, $petit);
array_push($table_petits, $elem);
function enchiffres_somme_petits($table_petits)
$somme = 0;
foreach ($table_petits as $elem) {
$somme += $elem->valeur;
return $somme;
function enchiffres_ajouter_grand(&$table_grands, $mantisse, $exposant)
while ($mantisse > 0) {
if (isset($table_grands[$exposant])) {
$mantisse += $table_grands[$exposant];
$table_grands[$exposant] = $mantisse % 1000;
$mantisse = floor($mantisse / 1000);
function enchiffres($nom)
$nom = preg_replace('/[éèÉÈ]/', 'e', $nom);
$nom = strtolower($nom);
$table_mots = preg_split('/[^a-z]+/', $nom);
$table_petits = array();
$mantisse = $exposant = 0;
$table_grands = array();
foreach ($table_mots as $mot) {
$petit = enchiffres_petit($mot);
if ($petit !== false) {
if ($mantisse != 0) {
enchiffres_ajouter_grand($table_grands, $mantisse, $exposant);
$mantisse = $exposant = 0;
enchiffres_ajouter_petit($table_petits, $petit);
$grand = enchiffres_grand($mot);
if ($grand === false) {
# Ce n'est pas un nombre
if ($grand == 0) {
# Ce nombre était trop grand (millinillion et plus) : on annule le
# tout pour limiter le temps de calcul.
$mantisse = 0;
$exposant = 0;
$table_petits = array();
} else {
if (count($table_petits) > 0) {
$mantisse = enchiffres_somme_petits($table_petits);
$exposant = 0;
$table_petits = array();
if ($mantisse != 0) {
$exposant += $grand;
if (count($table_petits) > 0) {
$mantisse = enchiffres_somme_petits($table_petits);
$exposant = 0;
if ($mantisse != 0) {
enchiffres_ajouter_grand($table_grands, $mantisse, $exposant);
$nombre = "";
for ($exposant = 0; count($table_grands) > 0; $exposant++) {
if (isset($table_grands[$exposant])) {
$par3 = $table_grands[$exposant];
} else {
$par3 = 0;
$nombre = sprintf("%03d", $par3) . $nombre;
$nombre = ltrim($nombre, '0');
if ($nombre === '') $nombre = '0';
return $nombre;
function enchiffres_aerer($nombre, $blanc=' ', $virgule=',', $tranche=3)
# Si c'est un nombre à virgule, on traite séparément les deux parties
if ($virgule !== NULL) {
$ent_dec = preg_split("/$virgule/", $nombre);
if (count($ent_dec) >= 2) {
$ent = enchiffres_aerer($ent_dec[0], $blanc, NULL, $tranche);
$dec = enchiffres_aerer($ent_dec[1], $blanc, NULL, -$tranche);
return $ent . $virgule . $dec;
# On ne garde que les chiffres
$nombre = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $nombre);
# Il est plus logique d'avoir un nombre positif pour les entiers,
# donc négatif pour la partie décimale, mais plus pratique de
# faire le contraire pour les substr().
$tranche = - (int)$tranche;
if ($tranche == 0) {
# on voulait juste supprimer les caractères en trop, pas en rajouter
return $nombre;
$nombre_aere = '';
if ($tranche < 0) {
# entier, ou partie entière d'un nombre décimal
while ($nombre != '') {
$par3 = substr($nombre, $tranche);
$nombre = substr($nombre, 0, $tranche);
if ($nombre_aere == '') {
$nombre_aere = $par3;
} else {
$nombre_aere = $par3 . $blanc . $nombre_aere;
} else {
# partie décimale
while ($nombre != '') {
$par3 = substr($nombre, 0, $tranche);
$nombre = substr($nombre, $tranche);
if ($nombre_aere == '') {
$nombre_aere = $par3;
} else {
$nombre_aere .= $blanc . $par3;
return $nombre_aere;
@ -5,29 +5,29 @@ define ('TODAY', date('Ymd'));
* Classe de gestion des méthodes relatives à la date et à l'heure
class WDate
class WDate
private static $tabMoisEnLettres = array(
1 => 'Janvier',
2 => 'Février',
3 => 'Mars',
4 => 'Avril',
5 => 'Mai',
6 => 'Juin',
7 => 'Juillet',
8 => 'Août',
9 => 'Septembre',
10 => 'Octobre',
11 => 'Novembre',
12 => 'Décembre'
/** Retourne le numéro du mois donné au format texte (janvier, mars, etc...)
* @param string Mois en toute lettres (janvier, mars, etc...)
* @return string Mois en Chiffe (1, 3, 12) / false en cas d'erreur
public function getNumMois($moisEnLettres) {
public function getNumMois($moisEnLettres)
foreach (self::$tabMoisEnLettres as $num=>$mois)
$tabMoisSansAccents[$num]=strtr($mois, 'ééûÉÉÛ','eeueeu');
return array_search(ucfirst(strtolower(strtr($moisEnLettres, 'ééûÉÉÛ','eeuEEU'))), $tabMoisSansAccents);
@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ define ('TODAY', date('Ymd'));
* @param int $moisEnChiffre
* @return string Libellé du mois / false si le mois passé en paramètre est invalide
public function getLibelleMois($moisEnChiffre) {
public function getLibelleMois($moisEnChiffre)
if ($moisEnChiffre>0 && $moisEnChiffre<13)
return self::$tabMoisEnLettres[$moisEnChiffre];
@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ define ('TODAY', date('Ymd'));
** @param int $dateFin Date de fin (ultérieur à la date de début) au format Ymd
** @return int Nombre de mois
function nbMoisEntre($dateDeb, $dateFin=TODAY) {
function nbMoisEntre($dateDeb, $dateFin=TODAY)
$dDeb=explode('-', Wdate::dateT('Ymd','Y-m-d', $dateDeb));
$dFin=explode('-', Wdate::dateT('Ymd','Y-m-d', $dateFin));
return ($dFin[0]*12+$dFin[1])-($dDeb[0]*12+$dDeb[1]);
@ -63,7 +65,8 @@ define ('TODAY', date('Ymd'));
* @param string Date d'entrée
* @return string Date formatée
public function dateT($formatIN, $formatOUT, $date) {
public function dateT($formatIN, $formatOUT, $date)
switch ($formatIN) {
case 'd M Y': $tmp=explode(' ', $date); $d=str_replace('1er', '1', $tmp[0]); $m=self::getNumMois($tmp[1]); $Y=$tmp[2]; break;
@ -116,7 +119,8 @@ define ('TODAY', date('Ymd'));
* @param string $period (ex : cinq mois, six ans, un jour, 3 mois)
* @return date
function period2Days($dateIN, $period, $inThePast=false) {
function period2Days($dateIN, $period, $inThePast=false)
$dateV=self::dateT('Ymd', 'Ymd', $dateIN);
if ($dateV<>$dateIN) return NULL;
@ -145,7 +149,8 @@ define ('TODAY', date('Ymd'));
* @param bool $weekend Considérer les WeekEnd comme feriés ? 1=Oui
* @return bool
function jourFerie($date, $weekend=false) {
function jourFerie($date, $weekend=false)
$date =str_replace('-','',strtr($date, '/.:','---'));
$jour =self::dateT('Ymd', 'd', $date);
$mois =self::dateT('Ymd', 'm', $date);
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ class WDB
if ( $database === null ) {
$database = 'jo';
if ( $host === null ) {
$c = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$c = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$config = new Zend_Config(array(
'adapter' => $c->profil->db->metier->adapter,
'params' => array(
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ class WDB
try {
$this->db = Zend_Db::factory($config);
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
file_put_contents('debug.log', $e->getMessage()."\n", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents(LOG_PATH . '/mysql.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' - Erreur : ' . $e->getMessage()."\n", FILE_APPEND);
@ -69,7 +69,10 @@ class WDB
public function insert($table, $toAdd, $debug=false, $low_priority=false)
$fields = implode(array_keys($toAdd), '`,`');
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
$fields = implode(array_keys($toAdd), ',');
foreach (array_values($toAdd) as $key=>$array_values)
@ -77,32 +80,32 @@ class WDB
$values = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $values);
if ($low_priority)
$query = 'INSERT DELAYED INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
$query = 'INSERT DELAYED INTO '.$table.' ('.$fields.') VALUES ('.$values.');';
$query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
$query = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('.$fields.') VALUES ('.$values.');';
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
try {
$stmt = $this->db->query($query, $debug);
$stmt = $this->db->query($query);
$res = $this->db->lastInsertId();
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
if ( $res == 0 ) {
$res = true;
return true;
return $res;
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
$res = false;
$this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return false;
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return $res;
return false;
* Database Update
* @param unknown $table
* @param unknown $update
* @param unknown $where
@ -113,16 +116,19 @@ class WDB
public function update($table, $update, $where, $debug=false, $limit=0, $low_priority=false)
$fields = array_keys($update);
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
$fields = array_keys($update);
$values = array_values($update);
if ($low_priority)
$query='UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY `'.$table.'` SET ';
$query='UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY '.$table.' SET ';
$query='UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET ';
$query='UPDATE '.$table.' SET ';
if($i>0) { $query.=', '; }
$query.=' `'.$fields[$i]."`='".checkaddslashes($values[$i])."'";
$query.=' '.$fields[$i]."=".$this->db->quote($values[$i]);
$query = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $query);
@ -132,25 +138,25 @@ class WDB
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
try {
$stmt = $this->db->query($query, $debug);
$stmt = $this->db->query($query);
$res = $this->db->lastInsertId();
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
if ( $res == 0 ) {
$res = true;
return true;
return $res;
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
$res = false;
$this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return false;
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return $res;
return false;
* Database delete
* @param unknown $table
* @param unknown $where
* @param string $debug
@ -159,6 +165,9 @@ class WDB
public function delete($table, $where, $debug=false, $low_priority=false)
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
if ($low_priority)
$query='DELETE LOW_PRIORITY QUICK FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
@ -167,25 +176,25 @@ class WDB
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
try {
$stmt = $this->db->query($query, $debug);
$stmt = $this->db->query($query);
$res = $this->db->lastInsertId();
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
if ( $res == 0 ) {
$res = true;
return $res;
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
$res = false;
$this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return false;
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return $res;
return false;
* Database select
* @param string $table
* @param string $fields
* @param string $where
@ -196,6 +205,9 @@ class WDB
public function select($table, $fields, $where, $debug=false, $assoc=MYSQL_BOTH, $huge=false)
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
$query="SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $where;";
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
@ -205,11 +217,7 @@ class WDB
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
$fpErr = fopen(LOG_PATH.'/sqlerror.log','a');
fwrite($fpErr, date('YmdHis'). ' - '.$query .EOL);
fwrite($fpErr, date('YmdHis'). ' - '.$e->getCode().' - '. $e->getMessage().PHP_EOL);
return false;
@ -264,13 +272,12 @@ class WDB
public function trace($query, $res='', $tdeb = null)
if ( $tdeb === null) {
$duree = substr(''.microtime_float()-$tdeb, 0, 5);
} else {
$duree = 'N/D';
file_put_contents(LOG_PATH . '/mysql_debug.log', date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - ".$this->errorCode.":".$this->errorMsg." - $duree - $query\n", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents(LOG_PATH . '/mysql.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ." - ".$query." - ".$this->errorCode.":".$this->errorMsg." - ".$duree."\n", FILE_APPEND);
@ -278,17 +285,20 @@ class WDB
public function query($query, $debug=false)
try {
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
try {
$stmt = $this->db->query($query);
$this->result = $stmt;
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
return false;
return $this->result;
return $this->result->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC);
/** Retourne le libellé de la dernière erreur **/
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
class WDB {
class WDB
private $host;
private $database;
private $user;
@ -9,8 +8,8 @@ class WDB {
private $con_id; // Connection ID with MySQL
private $result;
public function __construct($database='', $host='', $user='', $password='') {
public function __construct($database='', $host='', $user='', $password='')
if ($host=='') $this->host=MYSQL_HOST;
else $this->host=$host;
if ($user=='') $this->user=MYSQL_USER;
@ -45,20 +44,19 @@ class WDB {
** @param array Valeurs insérer
** @return int Dernière valeur de l'auto-incrément, 1 si pas d'auto-incrément et 0 si erreur
public function insert($table, $toAdd, $debug=false, $low_priority=false){
public function insert($table, $toAdd, $debug=false, $low_priority=false)
$fields = implode(array_keys($toAdd), '`,`');
foreach (array_values($toAdd) as $key=>$array_values)
$values = "'".implode(array_values($tmp), "','")."'"; # better
$values = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $values);
if ($low_priority)
$query = 'INSERT DELAYED INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
$query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
if ($low_priority)
$query = 'INSERT DELAYED INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
$query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$res = mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
@ -73,15 +71,15 @@ public function insert($table, $toAdd, $debug=false, $low_priority=false){
return $res;
public function update($table, $update, $where, $debug=false, $limit=0, $low_priority=false){
public function update($table, $update, $where, $debug=false, $limit=0, $low_priority=false)
$fields = array_keys($update);
$values = array_values($update);
if ($low_priority)
$query='UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY `'.$table.'` SET ';
$query='UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET ';
if ($low_priority)
$query='UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY `'.$table.'` SET ';
$query='UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET ';
if($i>0) { $query.=', '; }
$query.=' `'.$fields[$i]."`='".checkaddslashes($values[$i])."'";
@ -96,12 +94,12 @@ public function update($table, $update, $where, $debug=false, $limit=0, $low_pri
return $res;
public function delete($table, $where, $debug=false, $low_priority=false) {
if ($low_priority)
$query='DELETE LOW_PRIORITY QUICK FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
$query='DELETE FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
public function delete($table, $where, $debug=false, $low_priority=false)
if ($low_priority)
$query='DELETE LOW_PRIORITY QUICK FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
$query='DELETE FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$res=mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
@ -109,7 +107,6 @@ public function delete($table, $where, $debug=false, $low_priority=false) {
public function select($table, $fields, $where, $debug=false, $assoc=MYSQL_BOTH, $huge=false) {
if (mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->con_id) === false) {
echo date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - ERREUR ".mysql_errno()." : Connection à la base de données impossible !".EOL;
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s'). mysql_error();
@ -140,25 +137,25 @@ public function delete($table, $where, $debug=false, $low_priority=false) {
public function fetch($assoc=MYSQL_BOTH) {
return mysql_fetch_array($this->result, $assoc);
return mysql_fetch_array($this->result, $assoc);
public function trace($query, $res='', $tdeb=-1) {
if (!$fp=fopen(LOG_PATH.'/mysql_insert.log', 'a'))
return false;
if ($tdeb>-1) $duree=substr(''.microtime_float()-$tdeb, 0, 5);
else $duree='N/D';
if (!fwrite($fp, date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - $errnum - $res - $duree - $query\n"))
return false;
if (!fclose($fp))
return false;
return true;
if (!$fp=fopen(LOG_PATH.'/mysql_insert.log', 'a'))
return false;
if ($tdeb>-1) $duree=substr(''.microtime_float()-$tdeb, 0, 5);
else $duree='N/D';
if (!fwrite($fp, date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - $errnum - $res - $duree - $query\n"))
return false;
if (!fclose($fp))
return false;
return true;
/** Exécute la requête passé en paramètre **/
public function query($query, $debug=false){
public function query($query, $debug=false)
$this->result=mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
return $this->result;
@ -173,17 +170,20 @@ public function delete($table, $where, $debug=false, $low_priority=false) {
return mysql_error($this->con_id);
/** Retourne le numéro de la dernière erreur **/
public function getLastErrorNum() {
public function getLastErrorNum()
return mysql_errno($this->con_id);
/** Retourne le libellé et le numéro de la dernière erreur **/
public function getLastError() {
public function getLastError()
return mysql_error($this->con_id).' ('.mysql_errno($this->con_id).')';
/** Retourne le nombre de lignes modifiées par la dernière requête **/
public function getAffectedRows() {
public function getAffectedRows()
return mysql_affected_rows($this->con_id);
@ -1,52 +1,78 @@
class WDB
private $host;
private $database;
private $user;
private $password;
private $con_id; // Connection ID with MySQL
private $result;
* @var Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
protected $db = null;
public function __construct($database='', $host='', $user='', $password='')
* @var unknown
protected $result = null;
protected $errorCode = 0;
protected $errorMsg = '';
public function __construct( $database = null, $host = null, $user = null, $password = null )
if ($host=='') $this->host=MYSQL_HOST;
else $this->host=$host;
if ($user=='') $this->user=MYSQL_USER;
else $this->user=$user;
if ($password=='') $this->password=MYSQL_PASS;
else $this->password=$password;
if ($database=='') $this->database=MYSQL_DEFAULT_DB;
else $this->database=$database;
if ( $database === null ) {
$database = 'jo';
if ( $host === null ) {
$c = Zend_Registry::get('config');
$config = new Zend_Config(array(
'adapter' => $c->profil->db->metier->adapter,
'params' => array(
'host' => $c->profil->db->metier->params->host,
'username'=> $c->profil->db->metier->params->username,
'password'=> $c->profil->db->metier->params->password,
'dbname'=> $database,
'driver_options' => array(
} else {
$config = new Zend_Config(array(
'adapter' => 'mysqli',
'params' => array(
'host' => $host,
'username'=> $user,
'password'=> $password,
'dbname'=> $database,
'driver_options' => array(
try {
$this->db = Zend_Db::factory($config);
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
file_put_contents(LOG_PATH . '/mysql.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' - Erreur : ' . $e->getMessage()."\n", FILE_APPEND);
$this->con_id = mysql_pconnect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password);
if (!($this->con_id === false)) {
if (mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->con_id) === false) {
echo date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - ERREUR ".mysql_errno()." : Connection à la base de données impossible !".EOL;
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s'). mysql_error();
return mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8';", $this->con_id);
public function setCharSet($charSet) {
return (mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET $charSet;", $this->con_id));
private function setDB() {
return (mysql_query("USE $this->database;", $this->con_id));
/** INSERTION d'un tableau dans une table.
** Les index doivent avoir les mêmes noms que les champs.
** @param string Table
** @param array Valeurs insérer
** @return int Dernière valeur de l'auto-incrément, 1 si pas d'auto-incrément et 0 si erreur
* INSERTION d'un tableau dans une table.
* Les index doivent avoir les mêmes noms que les champs.
* @param string Table
* @param array Valeurs insérer
* @return int Dernière valeur de l'auto-incrément, 1 si pas d'auto-incrément et 0 si erreur
public function insert($table, $toAdd, $debug=false, $low_priority=false)
$fields = implode(array_keys($toAdd), '`,`');
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
$fields = implode(array_keys($toAdd), ',');
foreach (array_values($toAdd) as $key=>$array_values)
@ -54,175 +80,292 @@ class WDB
$values = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $values);
if ($low_priority)
$query = 'INSERT DELAYED INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
$query = 'INSERT DELAYED INTO '.$table.' ('.$fields.') VALUES ('.$values.');';
$query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` (`'.$fields.'`) VALUES ('.$values.');';
$query = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('.$fields.') VALUES ('.$values.');';
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$res = mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
if ($res!==false)
if (mysql_insert_id()>0)
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return $res;
try {
$stmt = $this->db->query($query);
$res = $this->db->lastInsertId();
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
if ( $res == 0 ) {
return true;
return $res;
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
$this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return false;
return false;
* Database Update
* @param unknown $table
* @param unknown $update
* @param unknown $where
* @param string $debug
* @param number $limit
* @param string $low_priority
* @return resource
public function update($table, $update, $where, $debug=false, $limit=0, $low_priority=false)
$fields = array_keys($update);
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
$fields = array_keys($update);
$values = array_values($update);
if ($low_priority)
$query='UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY `'.$table.'` SET ';
$query='UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY '.$table.' SET ';
$query='UPDATE `'.$table.'` SET ';
$query='UPDATE '.$table.' SET ';
if($i>0) { $query.=', '; }
$query.=' `'.$fields[$i]."`='".checkaddslashes($values[$i])."'";
$query.=' '.$fields[$i]."=".$this->db->quote($values[$i]);
$query = str_replace("'NULL'", 'NULL', $query);
$query.=' WHERE '.$where;
if ($limit>0) $query.=" LIMIT $limit";
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$res=mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return $res;
try {
$stmt = $this->db->query($query);
$res = $this->db->lastInsertId();
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
if ( $res == 0 ) {
return true;
return $res;
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
$this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return false;
return false;
* Database delete
* @param unknown $table
* @param unknown $where
* @param string $debug
* @param string $low_priority
* @return resource
public function delete($table, $where, $debug=false, $low_priority=false)
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
if ($low_priority)
$query='DELETE LOW_PRIORITY QUICK FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
$query='DELETE FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE '.$where.' LIMIT 1;';
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$res=mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return $res;
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
try {
$stmt = $this->db->query($query);
$res = $this->db->lastInsertId();
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
if ( $res == 0 ) {
$res = true;
return $res;
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
$this->trace($query, $res, $tdeb);
return false;
return false;
public function select($table, $fields, $where, $debug=false, $assoc=MYSQL_BOTH, $huge=false) {
if (mysql_select_db($this->database, $this->con_id) === false) {
echo date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - ERREUR ".mysql_errno()." : Connection à la base de données impossible !".EOL;
echo date ('Y/m/d - H:i:s'). mysql_error();
* Database select
* @param string $table
* @param string $fields
* @param string $where
* @param string $debug
* @param string $assoc
* @param string $huge
* @return boolean|multitype:multitype: |number
public function select($table, $fields, $where, $debug=false, $assoc=MYSQL_BOTH, $huge=false)
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
$query="SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $where;";
if ($debug) $tdeb=microtime_float();
$this->result=mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);// or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_errno()) {
fwrite($fpErr, date('YmdHis'). ' - '.$query .EOL);
fwrite($fpErr, date('YmdHis'). ' - '.mysql_errno() .' - '. mysql_error().EOL);
return false;
// echo ;
if (!$huge) {
while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($this->result, $assoc))
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, sizeof($tab), $tdeb);
return $tab;
try {
$stmt = $this->db->query($query);
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
return false;
if ( !$huge ) {
switch($assoc) {
$mode = Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM;
$mode = Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC;
$mode = Zend_Db::FETCH_BOTH;
$tab = $stmt->fetchAll($mode);
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, sizeof($tab), $tdeb);
return $tab;
} else {
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $nbRows, $tdeb);
return $nbRows;
$nbRows = $stmt->rowCount();
if ($debug) $this->trace($query, $nbRows, $tdeb);
return $nbRows;
public function fetch($assoc=MYSQL_BOTH) {
return mysql_fetch_array($this->result, $assoc);
* @param string $assoc
* @return multitype:
public function fetch($assoc=MYSQL_BOTH)
switch($assoc) {
$mode = Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM;
$mode = Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC;
$mode = Zend_Db::FETCH_BOTH;
return $this->result->fetch($mode);
public function trace($query, $res='', $tdeb=-1) {
if (!$fp=fopen(LOG_PATH.'/mysql_insert.log', 'a'))
return false;
if ($tdeb>-1) $duree=substr(''.microtime_float()-$tdeb, 0, 5);
else $duree='N/D';
if (!fwrite($fp, date('Y/m/d - H:i:s') ." - $errnum - $res - $duree - $query\n"))
return false;
if (!fclose($fp))
return false;
return true;
* Trace
* @param string $query
* @param string $error
* @param int $tdeb
public function trace($query, $res='', $tdeb = null)
if ( $tdeb === null) {
$duree = substr(''.microtime_float()-$tdeb, 0, 5);
} else {
$duree = 'N/D';
file_put_contents(LOG_PATH . '/mysql.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ." - ".$query." - ".$this->errorCode.":".$this->errorMsg." - ".$duree."\n", FILE_APPEND);
/** Exécute la requête passé en paramètre **/
* Exécute la requête passé en paramètre
public function query($query, $debug=false)
$this->result=mysql_query($query, $this->con_id);
return $this->result;
$this->errorCode = 0;
$this->errorMsg = '';
try {
$stmt = $this->db->query($query);
$this->result = $stmt;
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->errorCode = $e->getCode();
$this->errorMsg = $e->getMessage();
return false;
return $this->result->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC);
/** Retourne le nombre de records de la dernière requête de sélection **
public function getNumRows() {
return mysql_num_rows($this->con_id);
/** Retourne le libellé de la dernière erreur **/
public function getLastErrorMsg() {
return mysql_error($this->con_id);
public function getLastErrorMsg()
return $this->errorMsg;
/** Retourne le numéro de la dernière erreur **/
* Retourne le numéro de la dernière erreur
public function getLastErrorNum()
return mysql_errno($this->con_id);
return $this->errorCode;
/** Retourne le libellé et le numéro de la dernière erreur **/
public function getLastError()
return mysql_error($this->con_id).' ('.mysql_errno($this->con_id).')';
return $this->errorMsg.' ('.$this->errorCode.')';
/** Retourne le nombre de lignes modifiées par la dernière requête **/
public function getAffectedRows()
return mysql_affected_rows($this->con_id);
return $this->result->rowCount();
/** Génère le fichier CSV pour la requete SQL
** @param string $query
** @param string $fileCsv
** @return bool
* Génère le fichier CSV pour la requete SQL
* @param string $query
* @param string $fileCsv
* @return bool
public function exportCSV($query, $fileCsv, $sep=',', $eol=EOL) {
public function exportCSV($query, $fileCsv, $sep=',', $eol=EOL)
$i = 0;
$fp = fopen($fileCsv, 'w');
if (!$fp) return false;
$res = $this->query($query);
$nbLignes = mysql_num_rows($res);
while ($ligne=$this->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
if ($i==0) {
if ($i==0) {
$nbCols = count($ligne);
$fields = array();
$header = array();
foreach ($ligne as $libCol=>$col) {
if ($c<$nbCols) fwrite($fp, str_replace($sep,' ', $libCol).$sep);
else fwrite($fp, str_replace($sep,' ', $libCol));
$header[] = $libCol;
$fields[] = $col;
fwrite($fp, $eol);
fputcsv($fp, $header, $sep, '"');
fputcsv($fp, $fields, $sep, '"');
foreach ($ligne as $libCol=>$col) {
if ($c<$nbCols) fwrite($fp, str_replace($sep,' ', $col).$sep);
else fwrite($fp, str_replace($sep,' ', $col));
else {
$fields = array();
foreach ($ligne as $libCol=>$col) {
$fields[] = $col;
fputcsv($fp, $fields, $sep, '"');
fwrite($fp, $eol);
return $nbLignes;//$this->getAffectedRows();
return $nbLignes;
@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ class csoundex2 {
'KN' => 'NN',
'PF' => 'FF',
'PH' => 'FF',
'SCH' => 'SSS'
'SCH' => 'SSS'
* endings replacement array
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class csoundex2 {
* public function build
@ -135,8 +135,6 @@
$str = utf8_decode($str);
$str = strtr($str,$tabReplace);
return utf8_encode($str);
//require_once 'i18n/cleanchar.php';
//return fixEncoding($str);
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
* @file
* Miscellaneous functions to clean string.
* Clean up a string value.
* Resulting string contains only alphanumerics and separators.
* @param $string
* A string to clean.
* @param $clean_slash
* Whether to clean slashes from the given string.
* @return
* The cleaned string.
function cleanstring($string) {
$transliterate = TRUE;
$reduce_ascii = FALSE;
$output = $string;
// Remove accents and transliterate
if ($transliterate) {
static $i18n_loaded = false;
static $translations = array();
if (!$i18n_loaded) {
$path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
if (is_file($path .'/i18n-ascii.txt')) {
$translations = parse_ini_file($path .'/i18n-ascii.txt');
$i18n_loaded = true;
$output = strtr($output, $translations);
// Reduce to the subset of ASCII96 letters and numbers
if ($reduce_ascii) {
$pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/]+/ ';
$output = preg_replace($pattern, $separator, $output);
return $output;
function cleanutf8($string) {
$transliterate = TRUE;
$output = $string;
// Remove accents and transliterate
if ($transliterate) {
static $i18n_loaded = false;
static $translations = array();
if (!$i18n_loaded) {
$path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
if (is_file($path .'/i18n-ascii.txt')) {
$translations = parse_ini_file($path .'/i18n-ascii.txt');
$i18n_loaded = true;
$output = strtr($output, $translations);
return $output;
// Fixes the encoding to uf8
function fixEncoding($in_str)
$cur_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($in_str) ;
if($cur_encoding == "UTF-8" && mb_check_encoding($in_str,"UTF-8"))
return $in_str;
return utf8_encode($in_str);
} // fixEncoding
function cleanstring_deep($value)
$value = is_array($value) ?
array_map('cleanstring_deep', $value) :
return $value;
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@ if ($opts->bilan) {
if ($opts->files) {
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeBi.php';
$nbBilans = 0;
//Type de bilan
@ -149,7 +147,7 @@ if ($opts->bilan) {
if ($item === null) {
//If not find write the database
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Bi($siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($siren);
//And get again the item in database
$item = $bilanM->fetchRow($sql);
@ -160,7 +158,7 @@ if ($opts->bilan) {
} else {
if ($item->pdfDate == '0000-00-00') {
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Bi($siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($siren);
$infos = $infogreffe->pdfInfos($pathFile. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
if (false !== $infos) {
@ -203,8 +201,6 @@ if ($opts->bilan) {
elseif ($opts->numdepot) {
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeBi.php';
echo $opts->numdepot."\n";
if( !is_dir($opts->numdepot) ) {
@ -232,7 +228,7 @@ if ($opts->bilan) {
if ($item === null) {
//If not find write the database
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Bi($siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($siren);
//And get again the item in database
$item = $bilanM->fetchRow($sql);
@ -243,7 +239,7 @@ if ($opts->bilan) {
} else {
if ($item->pdfDate == '0000-00-00') {
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Bi($siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($siren);
$type = "sociaux";
if ( !empty($item->type_comptes) ) {
@ -333,7 +329,6 @@ if ($opts->bilan) {
echo "Nb Lignes à traiter : ".$NbLignes.PHP_EOL;
if ( $NbLignes > 0 ) {
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeBi.php';
$cpt = 1;
foreach ( $result as $item ) {
$siren = str_pad($item->siren, 9, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
@ -341,7 +336,7 @@ if ($opts->bilan) {
echo "Ligne ".$cpt."/".$NbLignes." - siren = ".$siren." , millesime = ".$item->millesime;
//Lire les informations du fichier
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Bi($siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($siren);
$type = 'sociaux';
if ( !empty($item->type_comptes) ) {
$type = $item->type_comptes;
@ -386,8 +381,6 @@ if ($opts->acte) {
if ($opts->files) {
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeAc.php';
$path = $c->profil->infogreffe->storage->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'actes';
$months = array('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12');
@ -470,7 +463,7 @@ if ($opts->acte) {
if (count($items)==0) {
//If not find write the database
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Ac($siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($siren);
//And get again the item in database
$items = $acteM->fetchAll($sql);
@ -482,7 +475,7 @@ if ($opts->acte) {
foreach($items as $item) {
if ($item->pdfDate == '0000-00-00') {
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Ac($siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($siren);
$infos = $infogreffe->pdfInfos($pathFile. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
if (false !== $infos) {
@ -562,7 +555,7 @@ if ($opts->acte) {
$num = $item->num_acte;
$type = $item->type_acte;
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Ac($siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocAC($siren);
$options = $item->numGreffe . '-' . substr($item->numRC,0,2) . '-' . substr($item->numRC,2,1) . '-' . substr($item->numRC,3) . '-' . $item->num_depot;
$file = $infogreffe->getFileName($date, $num, $type, $options);
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ function sendMail($commande, $type){
$message.= "\n";
$message.= "1, rue de Clairefontaine - 78120 RAMBOUILLET";
$message.= "\n";
$message.= "tél : 33 (0)1 75 43 80 10";
$message.= "tél : 0 811 261 216";
$message.= "\n";
$message.= "fax : 33 (0)1 75 43 85 74";
$message.= "\n";
@ -391,10 +391,11 @@ foreach ( $tabCommandes as $ref => $commande ) {
case 'BI':
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeBi.php';
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Bi($commande->siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocBI($commande->siren);
//Format date cloture
$dateCloture = substr($commande->bilanCloture,0,4) . substr($commande->bilanCloture,5,2) . substr($commande->bilanCloture,8,2);
$dateCloture = substr($commande->bilanCloture,0,4) . '-' .
substr($commande->bilanCloture,5,2) . '-' .
$path = $infogreffe->getFilePath($commande->bilanType, $dateCloture);
$nomCible = $infogreffe->getFileName($commande->bilanType, $dateCloture);
@ -414,34 +415,35 @@ foreach ( $tabCommandes as $ref => $commande ) {
// --- Lecture présence référence bilan
$bilanM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesBilans();
$sql = $bilanM->select()
->where('date_cloture=?', $dateCloture);
if ($commande->bilanType=='sociaux') {
$sql->where('type_comptes="" OR type_comptes="sociaux"');
} else {
$item = $bilanM->fetchRow($sql);
// --- Enregistrement
if ( $isFileOnStorage && $item->pdfDate == '0000-00-00' ) {
$bilanM = new Application_Model_JoGreffesBilans();
$sql = $bilanM->select()
->where('date_cloture=?', $dateCloture);
if ($commande->bilanType=='sociaux') {
$sql->where('type_comptes="" OR type_comptes="sociaux"');
} else {
$item = $bilanM->fetchRow($sql);
if ($item->pdfDate == '0000-00-00') {
$infos = $infogreffe->pdfInfos($fileOut);
if (false !== $infos) {
$data = array(
'pdfLink' => $nomCible,
'pdfSize' => $infos['size'],
$infos = $infogreffe->pdfInfos($fileOut);
if (false !== $infos) {
$data = array(
'pdfLink' => $nomCible,
'pdfSize' => $infos['size'],
'pdfPage' => $infos['pages'],
'pdfVer' => $infos['version'],
'pdfDate' => date('Ymd'),
try {
$result = $bilanM->update($data, 'id='.$item->id);
} catch(Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
try {
$result = $bilanM->update($data, 'id='.$item->id);
} catch(Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
@ -477,8 +479,7 @@ foreach ( $tabCommandes as $ref => $commande ) {
$item = $acteM->fetchRow($sql);
require_once 'Metier/Infogreffe/InfogreffeAc.php';
$infogreffe = new Metier_Infogreffe_Ac($commande->siren);
$infogreffe = new SdMetier_Infogreffe_DocAC($commande->siren);
$date = $commande->acteDate;
if ( $date == '0000-00-00' ) {
$date = $commande->depotDate;
Reference in New Issue
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