authenticate(); //Initialisation if (empty($type)) $type = array('A','M'); if (empty($cpDep)) $cpDep = 0; $tabRet = array(); debugLog('I',"Recherche de Mandataires '$nom' (Dep=$cpDep)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee(); $tabTmp = $iInsee->searchMandataires($nom, true, $type, $cpDep); foreach ($tabTmp as $i=>$mand) { $mandataire = new SearchMandataire(); $mandataire->id = 'm'.$i; $mandataire->mand = utf8_encode($mand); $tabRet[] = $mandataire; } $output = new SearchMandatairesReturn(); $output->result = $tabRet; return $output; } /** * Enregistrement des informations saisie manuellement * @param string $siret * @param int $idEntreprise * @param string $infos * @return SetInfosEntrepReturn */ public function setInfosEntrep( $siret, $idEntreprise, $infos ) { $this->authenticate(); //Initialisation $tabRet = array(); $iBodacc = new Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc(); $iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee(); $result = false; if (!$this->checkEdition()) { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Code Client Incorrect'; } else { $siren = substr($siret,0,9); $nic = substr($siret,9,5); $iDb = new WDB(); $tabInfos = json_decode($infos, true); $tabIdentite = $tabInfos['identite']; $tabJugement = $tabInfos['jugement']; $tabActio = $tabInfos['actionnaire']; $tabParti = $tabInfos['participation']; $tabScores = $tabInfos['score']; //Valider le code Isin if (strlen(trim($tabIdentite['isin']))) { $iBourse = new Metier_Partenaires_MBourse(); if (!$iBourse->isIsin($tabIdentite['isin'])) { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Code Isin incorrect.'; $output = new SetInfosEntrepReturn(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $result; return $output; } } // Mise à jour de l'identité if (trim(strtolower($tabIdentite['web']))=='http://'){ $web = ''; } else { $web = trim($tabIdentite['web']); } $tabUpdate = array( 'isin' => trim($tabIdentite['isin']), 'tel' => trim($tabIdentite['tel']), 'fax' => trim($tabIdentite['fax']), 'web' => $web, 'mail' => trim($tabIdentite['mail']), 'activite' => stripslashes(trim($tabIdentite['activite'])), 'sirenDoublon' => substr(str_replace(' ','',strtr($tabIdentite['sirenDoublon'], '"\'./- ,\*#()',' ')),0,9), 'waldec' => trim(str_replace(' ','',strtr($tabIdentite['waldec'], '"\'./- ,\*#()',' '))), ); $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter(); $sql = $db->select()->from('infos_entrep', array('siren'), 'jo')->where('siren=?',$siren); $result = $db->fetchAll($sql); if (count($result) == 0 ) { try { $isInserted = $db->insert('jo.infos_entrep', array_merge(array('siren'=>$siren), $tabUpdate)); } catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) { file_put_contents('insert.log', "INSERT = ".$e->getMessage()); } } else { try { $isUpdated = $db->update('jo.infos_entrep', $tabUpdate, "siren=$siren"); } catch(Zend_Db_Exception $e) { file_put_contents('update.log', "INSERT = ".$e->getMessage()); } } // Fin mise à jour identité // Opposition INSEE if ( $tabIdentite['moisOppositionInsee']>0 && $tabIdentite['moisOppositionInsee']<=(date('Ym')*1) ){ $iDb2 = new WDB(); if ( !$iDb2->insert('insee.insee_nondiff', array('siren'=>$siren, 'insEVE'=>795, 'mois'=>$tabIdentite['moisOppositionInsee'])) ){ if ( $iDb2->getLastErrorNum()<>1062 ) {} } } // Fin opposition INSEE // Refus d'inscription au RCS if (isset($tabIdentite['moisRefusRCS']) && $tabIdentite['moisRefusRCS']>0 && $tabIdentite['moisRefusRCS']<=(date('Ym')*1)) { $iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee(); $entrep = $iInsee->getIdentiteLight($siren); if ($nic<10) $nic=$entrep['Nic']; $cj1=substr($entrep['FJ'],0,1); $iDb2 = new WDB(); /** Insertion dans la tables des exclusions **/ $tabInsert = array( 'siren' => $siren, 'nic' => $nic, 'idSaisie' => $this->User->id, 'cj1' => $cj1, 'insEVE' => 'RCS', 'mois' => $tabIdentite['moisRefusRCS'], ); if (!$iDb2->insert('insee.insee_nondiff', $tabInsert)) if ($iDb2->getLastErrorNum()<>1062) {} /** Insertion dans la tables des évènements **/ $tabInsert = array( 'insSIREN' => $siren, 'siretValide' => $iInsee->valideSiren($siren,$nic), 'insNIC' => $nic, 'insEVE' => 'RCS', 'insDATEVE' => $tabIdentite['moisRefusRCS'].'28', 'insDATEMAJ' => date('YmdHis'), 'idFlux' => date('Ymd')); if (!$iDb2->insert('insee.insee_even', $tabInsert)) {} } // Fin refus d'inscription au RCS // Domiciliataire if (!empty($tabIdentite['domiciliataire']) && $siren>1000) { if ($tabIdentite['domiciliataire']=='oui' || $tabIdentite['domiciliataire']=='non') { // L'entreprise et ces établissements seront mis à jour automatiquement ce soir $iDb->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO jo.tabAdrDom (siren,nic,siege, etActif, nom, sigle, enseigne, adrNum, adrBtq, adrTypVoie, adrLibVoie, ville, cp, depComEt, adrComp, cj, apen,apet, dateInsert) SELECT siren, nic, siege, actif AS etActif, raisonSociale AS nom, sigle, enseigne, adr_num as adrNum, adr_btq AS adrBtq, adr_typeVoie AS adrTypVoie, adr_libVoie AS adrLibVoie, adr_ville AS ville, adr_cp AS cp, CONCAT(adr_dep,adr_com) AS depComEt, adr_comp AS adrComp, cj, ape_entrep AS apen, ape_etab AS apet, DATE(NOW()) as dateInsert FROM jo.etablissements WHERE siren=$siren;", false); } // Si demande de suppression, on force l'indicateur "" if ($tabIdentite['domiciliataire']=='non') { $tabUpdate=array('pasEntrepDom'=>1); $iDb->update('jo.tabAdrDom', $tabUpdate, "siren=$siren"); } } // Fin domiciliataire // Insertion des scores $tabUpdate = array(); $setScore = false; if ( $tabScores['encours']!='' || $tabScores['encours']!=null ){ $tabUpdate['encours'] = $tabScores['encours']; $setScore = true; } if ( $tabScores['scoreSolv']!='' ){ $tabUpdate['scoreSolv'] = $tabScores['scoreSolv']; $setScore = true; } if ( $tabScores['scoreDir']!='' ){ $tabUpdate['scoreDir'] = $tabScores['scoreDir']; $setScore = true; } if ( $tabScores['scoreConf']!='' ){ $tabUpdate['scoreConf'] = $tabScores['scoreConf']; $setScore = true; } if ( $setScore ){ // Mise à jour des Cute Offs if ( !$iDb->update('jo.scores_cutoff', $tabUpdate, "siren=$siren") ){ if ( !$iDb->insert('jo.scores_cutoff', array_merge(array( 'siren' => $siren, 'dateInsert' => date('Ymd') ), $tabUpdate)) ){ // } } } // Fin insertion des scores // Insertion du jugement $tabEven = $tabJugement['even']; $nic = $tabJugement['nic']*1; $entrep = $iInsee->getIdentiteLight($siren, $nic); if ( $nic>0 && $tabEven[0]==6700 && $entrep['Siege']==0 ){ // Radiation d'un établissement $tabEven[0] = 6600; } if ( count($tabEven)>0 ){ $idAdmin = str_replace('m','',trim($tabJugement['admin'])); $idMand = str_replace('m','',trim($tabJugement['mand'])); $idOppo = str_replace('m','',trim($tabJugement['oppo'])); $tabSource=explode('_',$tabJugement['source']); $source=@$tabSource[0]; $numJal=@$tabSource[1]; $dateSource=WDate::dateT('d/m/Y', 'Ymd', trim($tabJugement['dateParution']))*1; if ($dateSource<20000101) $dateSource=date('YmdHis'); $montant=trim(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $tabJugement['montant']))*1; $actionsMt=trim(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $tabJugement['actionsMt']))*1; $actionsNb=trim(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $tabJugement['actionsNb']))*1; if ($montant>0 && ($actionsNb>0 || $actionsMt>0)) { if ($actionsNb>0) $actionsMt=$montant/$actionsNb; elseif ($actionsMt>0) $actionsNb=$montant/$actionsMt; } //@todo : ça ne va pas marcher ici $strDir=''; if (count($tabJugement['nouvDir'])>0) { foreach( $tabJugement['nouvDir'] as $dir ){ if ( intval($dir['Fonc'])>0 ){ $strDir.= $iBodacc->getFctDir($dir['Fonc']).' : '.$dir['Genre'].' '. ucwords(strtolower($dir['Pre'])).' '.strtoupper($dir['Nom']); if (!empty($dir['Dom'])) { $strDir.= ', domicilié à '.$dir['Dom'].'. '; } } } } if ( trim($tabJugement['nouvAdrCp'])<>'' ){ $strAdr = stripslashes(trim($tabJugement['nouvAdr']).', '. trim($tabJugement['nouvAdrCp']).' '. trim($tabJugement['nouvAdrVille'])); } else { $strAdr=''; } if (count($tabEven)>1){ $strEven = implode(';',array_slice($tabEven, 1)); } else { $strEven = ''; } $tabUpdate = array( 'strEven' => $strEven, 'sirenValide' => $iInsee->valideSiren($siren), 'dateCessationPaiement' => empty($tabJugement['datePaie']) ? '' : WDate::dateT('d/m/Y', 'Y-m-d', trim($tabJugement['datePaie'])), 'dateEffetFinP' => empty($tabJugement['dateFinPeriode']) ? '' : WDate::dateT('d/m/Y', 'Y-m-d', trim($tabJugement['dateFinPeriode'])), 'tribunal' => trim($tabJugement['tribunal']), 'montant' => $montant, 'actionsNb' => $actionsNb, 'inter1type' => 'A', 'inter1id' => $idAdmin, 'inter1nom' => $iInsee->getMandatairesParId($idAdmin), 'inter2type' => 'M', 'inter2id' => $idMand, 'inter2nom' => $iInsee->getMandatairesParId($idMand), 'inter3type' => 'O', 'inter3id' => $idOppo, 'inter3nom' => $iInsee->getMandatairesParId($idOppo), 'complement' => stripslashes(trim($tabJugement['comp'])), 'nouvActivite' => stripslashes(trim($tabJugement['nouvActivite'])), 'nouvDir' => stripslashes(trim($strDir)), 'nouvAdr' => $strAdr, 'nouvFJ' => trim($tabJugement['nouvFJ']), 'raisonSociale' => $entrep['Nom'], 'adresse' => $entrep['Adresse'], 'codePostal' => $entrep['CP'], 'ville' => $entrep['Ville'], 'source' => $source, 'idSaisie' => $this->User->id, 'parutionIdJal' => $numJal, 'parutionNum' => $tabJugement['numParution'], ); $dateJuge = WDate::dateT('d/m/Y','Y-m-d',trim($tabJugement['dateJuge'])); $tabInsert = array_merge( $tabUpdate, array( 'siren' => $siren, 'dateJugement' => $dateJuge, 'typeEven' => $tabEven[0], 'dateSource' => $dateSource, )); if ( !$iDb->insert('jo.annonces', array_merge($tabInsert,array('dateInsert'=>date('YmdHis'))), true) ){ if ( !$iDb->update('jo.annonces', $tabUpdate, "siren=$siren AND dateJugement='$dateJuge' AND typeEven=".$tabEven[0], true)){ $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Mise a jour impossible'; $output = new SetInfosEntrepReturn(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $result; return $output; } } } // Insertion actionnaire if ( trim($tabActio['siren'])!='' ) { $nom = $pays = $dateMAJ = ''; $ppPm = 'P'; $pct = trim(str_replace(',','.',$tabActio['pct']))*1; $siren2 = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','', $tabActio['siren']); $entrep2 = $iInsee->getIdentiteEntreprise($siren); $nom2 = $entrep2['Nom']; $pays2 = $entrep2['Pays']; if ($pays2=='') $pays2='FRA'; if (substr($entrep2['FJ'],0,1)*1<>1) $ppPm='M'; $entrep = $iInsee->getIdentiteEntreprise($siren2); $nom = $entrep['Nom']; $pays = trim($entrep['Pays']); if ($pays=='') $pays='FRA'; if (trim($tabActio['nom'])!='') $nom = $tabActio['nom']; if ($tabActio['pays']!='XXX') $pays = $tabActio['pays']; if (trim($tabActio['dateMAJ'])!='JJ/MM/AAAA' && trim($tabActio['dateMAJ'])!=''){ $dateMAJ = WDate::dateT('d/m/Y', 'Y-m-d', trim($tabActio['dateMAJ'])); } if ($tabActio['majMin']=='maj') $majMin='+'; elseif ($tabActio['majMin']=='min') $majMin='-'; else $majMin=''; $tabUpdate = array( //'Siren1'=> $siren, 'Pmin'=> $pct, 'Pmax'=> $pct, 'MajMin'=> $majMin, 'PpPm'=> $ppPm, //'Siren2'=> $siren2, //'RaisonSociale'=> $nom, //'Pays'=> $pays, 'dateLien'=> $dateMAJ, ); $tabInsert1 = array_merge($tabUpdate, array('ActionPart' => 1), array( 'Siren1'=> $siren, 'Siren2'=> $siren2, 'RaisonSociale'=> $nom, 'Pays'=> $pays, 'actif'=> 1, 'source'=> 1900, 'dateInsert'=> date('YmdHis')) ); $res = $iDb->select('jo.liens', 'count(*)', "Siren1=$siren AND (Siren2=$siren2 OR (RaisonSociale='$nom' AND Pays='$pays'))"); if ($res[0][0]>0) { if (!$iDb->update('jo.liens', array_merge($tabUpdate,array('ActionPart'=>1)), "siren=$siren AND (Siren2=$siren2 OR (RaisonSociale='$nom' AND Pays='$pays'))", true)) $errMaj=1016166; } else { if (!$iDb->insert('jo.liens', $tabInsert1, true)) $errMaj=1016167; } $tabInsert2 = array_merge($tabUpdate, array('ActionPart' => 2), array( 'Siren1' => $siren2, 'Siren2'=> $siren, 'RaisonSociale'=> $nom2, 'Pays'=> $pays2, 'actif'=> 1, 'source'=> 1900, 'dateInsert'=> date('YmdHis')) ); $res=$iDb->select('jo.liens', 'count(*)', "Siren1=$siren2 AND (Siren2=$siren OR (RaisonSociale='$nom2' AND Pays='$pays2'))"); if ($res[0][0]>0) { if (!$iDb->update('jo.liens', array_merge($tabUpdate,array('ActionPart'=>2)), "siren=$siren2 AND (Siren2=$siren OR (RaisonSociale='$nom2' AND Pays='$pays2'))", true)) $errMaj=1016168; } else { if (!$iDb->insert('jo.liens', $tabInsert2, true)) $errMaj=1016169; } } // Fin insertion actionnaire //Insertion participation if ( trim($tabParti['siren'])<>'' ) { $nom = $pays = $dateMAJ = ''; $ppPm = 'P'; $pct = trim(str_replace(',','.',$tabParti['pct']))*1; $siren2 = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/','', $tabParti['siren']); $entrep2 = $iInsee->getIdentiteEntreprise($siren); $nom2 = $entrep2['Nom']; $pays2 = $entrep2['Pays']; if ($pays2=='') $pays2='FRA'; if (substr($entrep2['FJ'],0,1)*1<>1) $ppPm='M'; $entrep = $iInsee->getIdentiteEntreprise($siren2); $nom = $entrep['Nom']; $pays = trim($entrep['Pays']); if ( $pays=='' ) $pays='FRA'; if ( trim($tabParti['nom'])<>'' ) $nom=$tabParti['nom']; if ( $tabParti['pays']<>'XXX' ) $pays=$tabParti['pays']; if (trim($tabParti['dateMAJ'])<>'JJ/MM/AAAA' && trim($tabParti['dateMAJ'])<>'') $dateMAJ=WDate::dateT('d/m/Y', 'Y-m-d', trim($tabParti['dateMAJ'])); if ($tabParti['majMin']=='maj') $majMin='+'; elseif ($tabParti['majMin']=='min') $majMin='-'; else $majMin=''; $tabUpdate = array( 'Pmin'=> $pct, 'Pmax'=> $pct, 'MajMin'=> $majMin, 'PpPm'=> $ppPm, 'dateLien'=> $dateMAJ, ); $tabInsert1 = array_merge($tabUpdate, array( 'ActionPart' => 2 ), array( 'Siren1'=> $siren, 'Siren2'=> $siren2, 'RaisonSociale'=> $nom, 'Pays'=> $pays, 'actif'=> 1, 'source'=> 1900, 'dateInsert'=> date('YmdHis')) ); $res=$iDb->select('jo.liens', 'count(*)', "Siren1=$siren AND (Siren2=$siren2 OR (RaisonSociale='$nom' AND Pays='$pays'))"); if ($res[0][0]>0) { if (!$iDb->update('jo.liens', array_merge($tabUpdate,array('ActionPart'=>2)), "siren=$siren AND (Siren2=$siren2 OR (RaisonSociale='$nom' AND Pays='$pays'))", true)) $errMaj=10168; } else { if (!$iDb->insert('jo.liens', $tabInsert1, true)) $errMaj=10169; } $tabInsert2 = array_merge($tabUpdate, array( 'ActionPart' => 1 ), array( 'Siren1'=> $siren2, 'Siren2'=> $siren, 'RaisonSociale'=> $nom2, 'Pays'=> $pays2, 'actif'=> 1, 'source'=> 1900, 'dateInsert'=> date('YmdHis')) ); $res=$iDb->select('jo.liens', 'count(*)', "Siren1=$siren2 AND (Siren2=$siren OR (RaisonSociale='$nom2' AND Pays='$pays2'))"); if ($res[0][0]>0) { if (!$iDb->update('jo.liens', array_merge($tabUpdate,array('ActionPart'=>1)), "siren=$siren2 AND (Siren2=$siren OR (RaisonSociale='$nom2' AND Pays='$pays2'))", true)) $errMaj=10170; } else { if (!$iDb->insert('jo.liens', $tabInsert2, true)) $errMaj=10171; } } // Fin insertion participation if ($errMaj>0){ $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Mise a jour impossible'; } else { $result = true; } } $output = new SetInfosEntrepReturn(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $result; return $output; } /** * Informations Mandataires * @param SetInfosMandataire $infos Informations sur le mandataire à créer ou à ajouter (ajout si id absent) * @return boolean */ public function setMandataire($infos) { $this->authenticate(); //Initialisation $result = false; $type = substr(strtoupper($infos->type),0,1); $stag = substr(strtoupper($infos->type),1,1); if ( $stag=='S' ) { $stag = 1; } else { $stag = 0; } if ( in_array($type, array('A', 'H', 'M', 'V', 'N', 'T')) ) { $tabUpdate = array( 'sirenGrp' => substr($infos->sirenGrp,0,9)*1, 'nicGrp' => substr($infos->sirenGrp,9,5)*1, 'sirenMand' => substr($infos->sirenMand,0,9)*1, 'nicMand' => substr($infos->sirenMand,9,5)*1, 'Nom' => ucwords(strtolower($infos->Nom)), 'Prenom' => ucwords(strtolower($infos->Prenom)), 'type' => $type, 'stagiaire' => $stag, 'coursAppel' => intval($infos->coursAppel), 'coursAppel2' => intval($infos->coursAppel2), 'tribunal' => $infos->tribunal, 'Statut' => strtoupper($infos->Statut), 'adresse' => ucwords($infos->adresse), 'adresseComp' => strtoupper($infos->adresseComp), 'cp' => intval($infos->cp), 'ville' => strtoupper($infos->ville), 'tel' => $infos->tel, 'fax' => $infos->fax, 'email' => $infos->email, 'web' => $infos->web, 'contact' => $infos->contact, 'idUser' => $this->User->id, ); $model = new Application_Model_JoTabMandataires(); $id = intval(str_replace('m','', ''.$infos->id)); if ( intval($id)!=0 ) { try { $model->update($tabUpdate, 'id='.$id); return true; } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e){ throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } else { try { $tabUpdate['dateInsert'] = date('YmdHis'); $model->insert($tabUpdate); return true; } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e){ throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } return false; } /** * Supprime une annonce issue de la collecte * @param string $idAnn * @param string $siret * @return SupprAnnonceCollecteReturn */ public function supprAnnonceCollecte($idAnn, $siret=null) { $this->authenticate(); //Initialisation if (empty($siret)) $siret = 0; $error = new ErrorType(); $result = false; if (!$this->checkEdition()) { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Code Client Incorrect'; } else { $siren = substr($siret,0,9)*1; $iDb = new WDB(); $idAnn = preg_replace('/^0\./','', ''.$idAnn)*1; if ($idAnn>0) { if ($iDb->update('jo.annonces',array( 'dateSuppr'=>date('YmdHis'), 'idSuppr'=>$this->User->id), "id=$idAnn", false)) { debugLog('I',"Suppression de l'annonce collectée n°$idAnn ($siret)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $result = true; } else { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Suppression de l\'annonce impossible'; debugLog('I',"Suppression impossible de l'annonce collectée n°$idAnn ($siret)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); } } else { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'idAnn incorrect'; } } $output = new SupprAnnonceCollecteReturn(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $result; return $output; } /** * Récupère le mandataire par son id * @param int $id Identifiant du mandataire * @return string */ public function getMandataire($id) { $this->authenticate(); $iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee(); $tabRet = $iInsee->getMandataire($id); return json_encode($tabRet); } /** * Liste les mandataires compétentes pour une cours d'appel donnée * @param mixed $codeTribunal Identifiants BODACC du tribunal ou tableau d'Identifiants numériques des cours d'appel * @param array $type Type de mandataire (A)dministrateur, (M)andataire, (O)ppositions, (N)otaires, a(V)ocat * @return MandatairesReturn */ public function getMandataires($codeTribunal=0, $type=array('A','M')) { $this->authenticate(); //Initialisation $iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee(); $error = new ErrorType(); $trib = serialize($codeTribunal); debugLog('I',"Liste des Mandaitaires ou Administrateur du Tribunal/Cours d'Appel $trib demandé",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); if (!is_array($codeTribunal) && strlen($codeTribunal)>3 && $codeTribunal*1==0) { // $codeTribunal est un identifiant de tribunal $iBodacc = new Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc(); $tabTmp = $iInsee->getMandataires(array($iBodacc->getTribunalIdCA($codeTribunal)), true, $type); } elseif ($codeTribunal*1==0) { // On veut tous les mandataires $tabTmp = $iInsee->getMandataires(array(), true, $type); } elseif (is_array($codeTribunal)) { // On veut les mandataires d'une CA $tabTmp = $iInsee->getMandataires($codeTribunal, true, $type); } $tabRet = array(); foreach ($tabTmp as $i=>$mand){ $mandataire = new Mandataire(); $mandataire->id = 'm'.$i; $mandataire->mand = $mand; $tabRet[]= $mandataire; } $output = new MandatairesReturn(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $tabRet; return $output; } /** * Donne la cours d'appel d'un tribunal par son code * @param string $codeTribunal Code BODACC sur 6 caractères du tribunal * @return int */ public function getIdCoursAppel($codeTribunal) { $this->authenticate(); $iBodacc = new Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc(); return $iBodacc->getTribunalIdCA($codeTribunal); } /** * Duplique une annonce issue de la collecte * @param string $idAnn * @param string $siret * @return DupliqueAnnonceReturn */ public function dupliqueAnnonceCollecte($idAnn, $siret = null) { $this->authenticate(); //Initialisation if (empty($siret)) $siret = ''; $error = new ErrorType(); $result = 0; if (!$this->checkEdition()) { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Code Client Incorrect'; } else { $siren = intval(substr($siret,0,9)); $nic = intval(substr($siret,9,5)); $iDb = new WDB(); $idAnn = intval(preg_replace('/^0\./','', ''.$idAnn)); if ($idAnn>0 && $siren>1000){ $res = $iDb->select('jo.annonces', '*', "id=$idAnn", false, MYSQL_ASSOC); if (count($res)==0) { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Annonce inexistante'; } else { $annonce = $res[0]; // Suppression des zones inexistantes dans la table ou devant être vides unset($annonce['id']); unset($annonce['nic']);//=$nic; $annonce['siren'] = $siren; $annonce['nic'] = $nic; if ($iDb->insert('jo.annonces', $annonce, false)) { debugLog('I',"Duplication de l'annonce collectée n°$idAnn sur $siret",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $result = 1; } else { debugLog('I',"Suppression impossible de l'annonce collectée n°$idAnn ($siret)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Suppression de l\'annonce impossible'; } } } } $output = new DupliqueAnnonceCollecte(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $result; return $output; } /** * Récupère le contenu d'une annonce issue de la collecte * @param string $idAnn * @param string $siret * @return AnnonceCollecteReturn */ public function getAnnonceCollecte($idAnn, $siret) { $this->authenticate(); //Initialisation $error = new ErrorType(); $annonceCollecte = new AnnonceCollecte(); $siren = substr($siret,0,9)*1; if (!$this->checkEdition()) { $error->errnum = 0; $error->errmsg = 'Code Client Incorrect'; } else { $iDb = new WDB(); debugLog('I',"Lecture de l'annonce collectée n°$idAnn ($siret)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $idAnn = preg_replace('/^0\./','', ''.$idAnn) * 1; if ($idAnn>0) { $res = $iDb->select('jo.annonces', 'id, LPAD(siren,9,0) AS siren, sirenValide, typeEven, strEven, raisonSociale, adresse, codePostal, ville, dateJugement, dateCessationPaiement, dateEffetFinP, numero, inter1type, inter1id, inter1nom, inter2type, inter2id, inter2nom, inter3type, inter3id, inter3nom, inter4type, inter4id, inter4nom, tribunal, montant, actionsNb, complement, infosBrutes, nouvActivite, nouvDir, nouvAdr, nouvFJ, annonce, source, parutionIdJal, parutionNum, dateSource, idSaisie, idAnnonce, dateInsert', "id=$idAnn", false, MYSQL_ASSOC ); if (count($res)>0) { $ann = $res[0]; $annonceCollecte->id = $ann['id']; $annonceCollecte->siren = $ann['siren']; $annonceCollecte->raisonSociale = $ann['raisonSociale']; $annonceCollecte->adresse = $ann['adresse']; $annonceCollecte->codePostal = $ann['codePostal']; $annonceCollecte->ville = $ann['ville']; $annonceCollecte->dateJugement = $ann['dateJugement']; //@todo : Les libellées ne sont pas présent LibEven $tabEven = array(); $annonceEvenement = new AnnonceEvenement(); $annonceEvenement->CodeEven = $ann['typeEven']; $annonceEvenement->LibEven = ''; $tabEven[] = $annonceEvenement; if (!empty($ann['strEven'])){ foreach ( explode(';',$ann['strEven']) as $code ) { $annonceEvenement = new AnnonceEvenement(); $annonceEvenement->CodeEven = $code; $annonceEvenement->LibEven = ''; $tabEven[] = $annonceEvenement; } } $annonceCollecte->even = $tabEven; $annonceCollecte->dateSource = $ann['dateSource']; $annonceCollecte->dateCessationPaiement = $ann['dateCessationPaiement']; $annonceCollecte->dateEffetFinP = $ann['dateEffetFinP']; $annonceCollecte->tribunal = $ann['tribunal']; $annonceCollecte->numero = $ann['numero']; $annonceCollecte->montant = $ann['montant']; $annonceCollecte->actionsNb = $ann['actionsNb']; $annonceCollecte->inter1type = $ann['inter1type']; $annonceCollecte->inter1id = $ann['inter1id']; $annonceCollecte->inter1nom = $ann['inter1nom']; $annonceCollecte->inter2type = $ann['inter2type']; $annonceCollecte->inter2id = $ann['inter2id']; $annonceCollecte->inter2nom = $ann['inter2nom']; $annonceCollecte->inter3type = $ann['inter3type']; $annonceCollecte->inter3id = $ann['inter3id']; $annonceCollecte->inter3nom = $ann['inter3nom']; $annonceCollecte->complement = $ann['complement']; $annonceCollecte->nouvActivite = $ann['nouvActivite']; $annonceCollecte->nouvDir = $ann['nouvDir']; $annonceCollecte->nouvAdr = $ann['nouvAdr']; $annonceCollecte->nouvFJ = $ann['nouvFJ']; $annonceCollecte->source = $ann['source']; debugLog('I',"Lecture de l'annonce collectée n°$idAnn ($siret) : ".$ann['raisonSociale'],__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); } else { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Edition impossible'; } } else { $error->errnum = 745741; $error->errmsg = 'Selection impossible'; } } $output = new AnnonceCollecteReturn(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $annonceCollecte; return $output; } /** * Enregistrement de document actes ou status d'association * @param string $siren Numéro Siren * @param string $waldec Numéro waldec * @param string $type Type d'acte (ST) * @param string $libelle Libellé de l'acte * @param string $date Date de l'acte au format AAAAMMDD * return boolean */ public function setActeAsso( $siren, $waldec, $type, $libelle, $date ) { $this->authenticate(); if (!$this->checkEdition()) { $this->sendError('0902'); } ($type == 'ST') ? $type_acte = 'ST' : $type_acte = 'ST'; $data = array( 'siren' => $siren, 'waldec' => $waldec, 'pdfLink' => '', 'pdfSize' => '', 'pdfVer' => '', 'pdfPage' => '', 'date_acte' => WDate::dateT('Ymd', 'Y-m-d', $date), 'type_acte' => $type_acte, 'type_acte_libelle' => $libelle, ); //Save try { $doc = new Application_Model_AssoActes(); $id = $doc->insert($data); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } return $id; } /** * getListeJalCollecte * @return ListeJalCollecteReturn */ public function getListeJalCollecte() { $this->authenticate(); //Initialisation $error = new ErrorType(); $iBodacc = new Metier_Bodacc_MBodacc(); $tabJal = $iBodacc->getListeJalCollecte(); foreach ($tabJal as $i=>$jal) { $jalCollecte = new JalCollecte(); $jalCollecte->id = $i; $jalCollecte->nom = $jal; $tabRet[] = $jalCollecte; } $output = new ListeJalCollecteReturn(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $tabRet; return $output; } /** * Suppression logique d'une annonce relative à une entité * @param integer $source 0=Collecte, 1=BODACC, 2=B.A.L.O, 3=JO Association, 4=Boamp * @param string $idAnn Identifiant de l'annonce * @param string $siret Siren de l'entreprise ou Siret de l'établissement * @return SupprAnnonceReturn */ public function supprAnnonce($source=0, $idAnn, $siret=0) { $this->authenticate(); //Initialisation if (empty($siret)) $siret = 0; if (empty($source)) $source = 0; $error = new ErrorType(); $result = false; if (!$this->checkEdition()) { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Code Client Incorrect'; } else { $siren = substr($siret,0,9); $iDb = new WDB(); switch ($source) { case 0: $idAnn = preg_replace('/^0\./','', ''.$idAnn)*1; $table = 'jo.annonces'; break; case 1: if (intval($idAnn)<0){ $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Code annonce Incorrect'; } else { $strSql = "AND siren=$siren"; $table = 'jo.bodacc_detail'; } break; case 3: $table = 'asso'; break; case 2: case 4: default: $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Cas non géré'; break; } if (intval($idAnn)>0 && $iDb->update($table, array( 'dateSuppr' => date('YmdHis'), 'idSuppr' => $this->User->id), "id=$idAnn $strSql", false)) { debugLog('I',"Suppression de l'annonce en source $source n°$idAnn ($siret)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $error->errnum = 0; $error->errmsg = ''; $result = true; } else { debugLog('I',"Suppression impossible de l'annonce en source $source n°$idAnn ($siret)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Suppression de l\'annonce impossible'; } } $output = new SupprAnnonceReturn(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $result; return $output; } /** * Duplication d'une annonce relative à une entité * * @param integer $source 0=Collecte, 1=BODACC, 2=B.A.L.O, 3=JO Association, 4=Boamp * @param string $idAnn Identifiant de l'annonce * @param string $siretIn Siren de l'entreprise ou Siret de l'établissement de l'annonce à duppliquer * @param string $siretOut Siren/Siret de l'entreprise ou étab sur lequel il faut dupliquer l'annonce * @return DupliqueAnnonceReturn */ public function dupliqueAnnonce($source=0, $idAnn, $siretIn=0, $siretOut=0) { debugLog('I',"Demande de duplication d'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $this->authenticate(); //Initialisation if (empty($siret)) $siret = 0; if (empty($source)) $source = 0; $error = new ErrorType(); $result = false; if (!$this->checkEdition()) { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Code Client Incorrect'; } else { $sirenIn = substr($siretIn,0,9)*1; $nicIn = substr($siretIn,9,5)*1; $sirenOut = substr($siretOut,0,9)*1; $nicOut = substr($siretOut,9,5)*1; $iDb = new WDB(); $strSql=''; switch ($source) { // case 0: $idAnn = preg_replace('/^0\./','', ''.$idAnn)*1; $table = 'jo.annonces'; break; //Bodacc case 1: if (intval($idAnn)<0) { //@todo : Must be possible $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Code annonce Incorrect'; } else { if (intval($sirenIn)>0) $strSql.="AND siren=$sirenIn"; $table = 'jo.bodacc_detail'; } break; //Association case 3: $table = 'jo.asso'; break; // case 2: // case 4: // default: $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Cas non géré'; break; } if (intval($idAnn)>0) { //@todo : define fields LPAD(siren,9,0) as siren $res = $iDb->select($table, '*', "id=$idAnn $strSql", false, MYSQL_ASSOC); if (count($res)==0) { $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = 'Annonce inexistante'; } else { /* Si table = asso => UPDATE de la ligne */ if ($table == 'jo.asso'){ //$annonce = $res[0]; $annonce['siren'] = $sirenOut; $annonce['sirenValide'] = 2; $annonce['dateUpdate'] = date('YmdHis'); $annonce['idSirenage'] = $this->User->id; $annonce['nic'] = $nicOut; if ($nicOut>0) $annonce['nicValide'] = 2; if ($iDb->update($table, $annonce, "id=".$idAnn, true, true)) { debugLog('I',"Duplication de l'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); //Si WALDEC présent dans l'annonce alors on rapproche tout if ($res['Waldec']!='') { $iDb->update($table, $annonce, "Waldec=".$res['Waldec'], false); } $result = true; } else { debugLog('I',"Duplication impossible de l'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut) : ".mysql_error(),__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = "Duplication de l'annonce impossible"; } } /* Si sirenIn = 0 et table = bodacc_detail => INSERT + UPDATE */ elseif (intval($sirenIn) == 0 && $table == 'jo.bodacc_detail' ) { $annonce = $res[0]; $annonce['siren'] = $sirenOut; $annonce['sirenValide'] = 2; $annonce['dateInsert'] = date('YmdHis'); $annonce['idSirenage'] = $this->User->id; $annonce['nic'] = $nicOut; if ($nicOut>0) $annonce['nicValide'] = 2; if ($iDb->insert($table, $annonce, true, true)) { debugLog('I',"Duplication de l'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $result = true; $data = array( 'idSuppr' => $this->User->id, 'dateSuppr' => date('YmdHis'), ); $iDb->update($table, $data, "id=$idAnn $strSql", true, true); } else { debugLog('I',"Duplication impossible de l'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut) : ".mysql_error(),__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = "Duplication de l'annonce impossible"; } } /* si sirenIn != 0 et table = bodacc_detail => insert */ elseif (intval($sirenIn) != 0 && $table == 'jo.bodacc_detail') { $annonce = $res[0]; $annonce['siren'] = $sirenOut; $annonce['sirenValide'] = 2; $annonce['dateInsert'] = date('YmdHis'); $annonce['idSirenage'] = $this->User->id; $annonce['nic'] = $nicOut; if ($nicOut>0) $annonce['nicValide'] = 2; if ($iDb->insert($table, $annonce, true, true)) { debugLog('I',"Duplication de l'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $result = true; } else { debugLog('I',"Duplication impossible de l'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut) : ".mysql_error(),__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = "Duplication de l'annonce impossible"; } } /* Si table = annonces => INSERT */ elseif ($table == 'jo.annonces'){ $annonce = $res[0]; // Suppression des zones inexistantes dans la table ou devant être vides unset($annonce['id']); unset($annonce['nic']); $annonce['idSaisie'] = $this->User->id; if ($iDb->insert($table, $annonce, true, true)) { debugLog('I',"Duplication de l'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $result = true; } else { debugLog('I',"Duplication impossible de l'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut) : ".mysql_error(),__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = "Duplication de l'annonce impossible"; } } } } else { debugLog('I',"Duplication impossible de l'annonce en source $source sur n°$idAnn (siretIn=$siretIn, siretOut=$siretOut)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $error->errnum = 1; $error->errmsg = "Duplication de l'annonce impossible"; } } $output = new DupliqueAnnonceReturn(); $output->error = $error; $output->result = $result; return $output; } /** * Modification du code evenement d'une annonce * @param string $siren * @param string $id * @param string[] $codeEven * @return boolean */ public function setAnnonceEven($siren, $id, $codeEven) { $this->authenticate(); $iDb = new WDB(); $list = array(); if (is_object($codeEven)){ $list = $codeEven->item; } else { $list = $codeEven; } //Get Rubrique of event $eventM = new Application_Model_JoTabEvenements(); $sql = $eventM->select()->where('codEven=?', $list[0]); $row = $eventM->fetchRow($sql); if (count($list)>0){ $tabUpdate = array( 'typeEven' => implode(';',$list), 'Rubrique' => $row->Rubrique, 'idSirenage' => $this->User->id, ); if ($iDb->update('jo.bodacc_detail', $tabUpdate, "siren='$siren' AND id='$id'")){ debugLog('I',"setAnnonceEven (siren=$siren, list=$list)",__LINE__,__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); return true; } } return false; } /** * Enregistre une information de contact * @param string $siret * SIRET ou SIREN * @param string $type * Type de l'information (tel|fax|mail|mob|web) * @param string $value * Valeur * @param string $info * Information complémentaire (use for type "tel" as description) * @param int id * Id (only for editing) * @param boolean $delete * Marqueur de suppression * @return int * Retourne l'identifiant de l'élément ou le nombre de ligne lors d'un update */ public function setContactEt($siret, $type, $value, $info, $id=null, $delete=false) { $this->authenticate(); $idUtilisateur = $this->User->id; //Delete if ($delete === true) { try { $telephonieM = new Application_Model_JoTelephonie(); $data = array( 'dateSuppr'=> date('YmdHis'), 'idSuppr' => $idUtilisateur, ); $id = $telephonieM->update($data, 'id='.$id); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } return $id; } //Control input value if ( strlen($siret)!=9 && strlen($siret)!=14 ) { $this->sendError('1010'); } $siren = substr($siret,0,9); if (intval($siren)==0 ) { $this->sendError('1010'); } $nic = substr($siret,10,5); if (intval($nic)==0) { $nic = '00000'; } if ( !in_array($type, array('an8','domaines','fax','logo','mail','mob','tel','web') ) ) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "unknow value for type"); } switch($type) { case 'mail': case 'web': case 'domaines': $info = $value; $value = 0; break; case 'tel' : $value = intval(strtr($value, array(' ' => '', '.' => '', '-' => ''))); break; } $iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee(); $entrep = $iInsee->getIdentiteLight($siren, $nic); if ( empty($entrep['id']) || intval($entrep['id'])==0 ) { $this->sendError('1020'); } $data = array( 'siren' => $siren, 'nic' => $nic, 'dateProvPartenaire'=> date('Y').date('m').date('d'), 'typeTel' => $type, 'infoTel' => $info, 'telephone' => $value, 'actif' => 1, 'partenaire' => 175, ); if ( $id === null ) { try { $data['idUtilisateur'] = $idUtilisateur; $data['dateInsert'] = date('YmdHis'); $telephonieM = new Application_Model_JoTelephonie(); $id = $telephonieM->insert($data); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } } else { $data['idUpdate'] = $idUtilisateur; $data['dateUpdate'] = date('YmdHis'); try { $telephonieM = new Application_Model_JoTelephonie(); $id = $telephonieM->update($data, 'id='.$id); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } } return $id; } /** * Get a contact * @param int $id * @throws SoapFault * @return string */ public function getContactEt($id) { $this->authenticate(); $contactM = new Application_Model_JoTelephonie(); try { $sql = $contactM->select(true)->columns(array( 'id', 'LPAD(siren,9,0) AS siren', 'LPAD(nic,5,0) AS nic', 'dateProvPartenaire', 'typeTel', 'infoTel', 'telephone', 'actif', 'partenaire', 'idUtilisateur', 'DATE_FORMAT(dateInsert, "%Y-%m-%d") AS dateInsert', 'idUpdate', 'DATE_FORMAT(dateUpdate, "%Y-%m-%d") AS dateUpdate', 'idSuppr', 'DATE_FORMAT(dateSuppr, "%Y-%m-%d") AS dateSuppr', ))->where('id=?',$id); $row = $contactM->fetchRow($sql); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } $result = $row->toArray(); $userM = new Application_Model_Sdv1Utilisateurs(); if ( $result['idUtilisateur']!=0 ) { $sql = $userM->select(true)->columns(array('login', 'nom', 'prenom'))->where('id=?', $result['idUtilisateur']); $row = $userM->fetchRow($sql); $result['idUtilisateurName'] = $row->nom . ' ' . $row->prenom; } if ( $result['idUpdate']!=0 ) { $sql = $userM->select(true)->columns(array('login', 'nom', 'prenom'))->where('id=?', $result['idUpdate']); $row = $userM->fetchRow($sql); $result['idUpdateName'] = $row->nom . ' ' . $row->prenom; } if ( $result['idSuppr']!=0 ) { $sql = $userM->select(true)->columns(array('login', 'nom', 'prenom'))->where('id=?', $result['idSuppr']); $row = $userM->fetchRow($sql); $result['idSupprName'] = $row->nom . ' ' . $row->prenom; } return json_encode($result); } /** * Saisie d'un bilan * @param string $siren * SIREN de l'entité * @param string $cloture * Date de cloture original * @param string $type * Type original du bilan * @param BilanInfos $data * Postes et Information du bilan * @param string $step (normal|nocheck|onlycheck) * Etape * @return int * @throws SoapFault */ public function setBilan($siren, $cloture, $type, $data, $step = null) { $this->authenticate(); // --- Control input value if ( strlen($siren)!=9 ) { $this->sendError('1010'); } $tabPostes = array(); // --- Control des valeurs if ( !in_array($data->unite, array('', 'U', 'K', 'M')) ) { throw new SoapFault('MSG', "Erreur Unite"); } if (!preg_match('/[0-9]{8}/', $data->dateCloture)) { throw new SoapFault('MSG', "Erreur Date de cloture"); } if ($data->dateCloturePre != 'AAAAMMJJ' && !preg_match('/[0-9]{8}/', $data->dateCloturePre)) { throw new SoapFault('MSG', "Erreur Date de cloture précédente"); } if ($data->dateCloturePre == 'AAAAMMJJ') { $data->dateCloturePre = 0; } if (intval($data->dureeMois) < 1) { throw new SoapFault('MSG', "Erreur Durée"); } if ($data->dureeMoisPre != 0 && intval($data->dureeMoisPre)<1) { throw new SoapFault('MSG', "Erreur Durée précédente"); } if (!empty($data->postes)) { $listPostes = explode(';', $data->postes); foreach($listPostes as $strPoste) { $itemPoste = explode('=', $strPoste); if ( !is_numeric($itemPoste[1]) ) { throw new SoapFault('MSG', "Erreur poste ".$itemPoste[0]); break; } $tabPostes[$itemPoste[0]] = intval($itemPoste[1]); } } else { throw new SoapFault('MSG', "Aucun poste saisi"); } // --- Mathematic control if ($step != 'nocheck' && count($tabPostes) > 0) { $control = new Metier_Partenaires_MBilansInput(); try { $control->control($data->typeBilan, $tabPostes); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } // --- End of Mathematic control if ( $step == 'onlycheck' ) { return 1; } // --- Insertion dans la bdd else { try { $bilansM = new Application_Model_JoBilans(); $sql = $bilansM->select() ->where('siren=?', $siren) ->where('dateExercice=?', $cloture) ->where('typeBilan=?', $type); $row = $bilansM->fetchRow($sql); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } $postesDiff = array(); // Nouveau bilan if ($row === null) { // --- Define data $dataToInsert = array( 'siren' => $siren, 'dateProvPartenaire' => date('Ymd'), 'dateExercice' => $data->dateCloture, 'dateExercicePre' => $data->dateCloturePre, 'dureeExercice' => $data->dureeMois, 'dureeExercicePre' => $data->dureeMoisPre, 'monnaie' => 'EUR', 'typeBilan' => $data->typeBilan, 'monnaieOrigine' => 'EUR', 'unite' => $data->unite, 'postes' => $data->postes, 'partenaire' => 1, 'confidentiel' => 0, 'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis'), ); // --- Insert try { $id = $bilansM->insert($dataToInsert); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } // Mise à jour else { // --- Make the diff $postesDiff = array_diff(explode(';', $data->postes), explode(';',$row->postes)); // --- Backup in historiques $historiquesM = new Application_Model_HistoriquesBilans(); $backupData = $row->toArray(); unset($backupData['id']); try { $historiquesM->insert($backupData); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } // --- Define data $dataToUpdate = array( 'dateProvPartenaire' => date('Ymd'), 'dateExercice' => $data->dateCloture, 'dateExercicePre' => $data->dateCloturePre, 'dureeExercice' => $data->dureeMois, 'dureeExercicePre' => $data->dureeMoisPre, 'monnaie' => 'EUR', 'typeBilan' => $data->typeBilan, 'monnaieOrigine' => 'EUR', 'unite' => $data->unite, 'postes' => $data->postes, 'partenaire' => 1, 'confidentiel' => 0, 'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis'), ); // --- Update try { $id = $bilansM->update($dataToUpdate, 'id = '.$row->id); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } if (empty($id)) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } // --- Save user $userM = new Application_Model_JoBilansUser(); try { $userM->insert(array( 'idUtilisateur' => $this->User->id, 'login' => $this->User->login, 'siren' => $siren, 'dateExercice' => $data->dateCloture, 'typeBilan' => $data->typeBilan, 'dateAction' => date('YmdHis'), 'postesDiff' => implode(';', $postesDiff), )); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } return $id; } } /** * Créer un identifiant local pour un pays * @param string $infos * @param string $id * @throws SoapFault * @return int */ public function setCountryId($infos, $id = null) { $this->authenticate(); $data = json_decode($infos, true); if ($id!==null) { //Update try { $countryIdM = new Application_Model_JoTabIdLocal(); $id = $countryIdM->update($data, 'id = '.$id); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } else { //Insert try { $countryIdM = new Application_Model_JoTabIdLocal(); $id = $countryIdM->insert($data); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } return $id; } /** * Get lien informations * @param int $id * @throws SoapFault * @return string */ public function getLien($id) { $this->authenticate(); $lienM = new Application_Model_JoLiens(); try { $row = $lienM->find($id); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } $result = $row->current()->toArray(); return json_encode($result); } /** * Définition d'un lien * @param string $infos * @param int $id * @throws SoapFault * @return int */ public function setLien($infos, $id=null) { $this->authenticate(); $dataLien = json_decode($infos, true); $dataLien['source'] = 1900; $lienM = new Application_Model_JoLiens(); //Test si PDetention >= 100 if ($dataLien['actif']!=0) { $sql = $lienM->select()->from($lienM, array( 'idPar', new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM( PDetention ) AS sumDet') )) ->where('idPar=?',$dataLien['idPar']); if (null !== $id) { $sql->where('id!=?', $id); } $sql->where('actif=?',1)->where('dateSuppr=?','0000-00-00 00:00:00'); $result = $lienM->fetchRow($sql); if ( null !== $result ) { if ( (float) ($result->sumDet + $dataLien['PDetention']) > 100.1 ) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Erreur Detention sup 100%"); } } } //Enregistrer les infos if (empty($id)) { $dataLien = array_merge($dataLien, array( 'idInsert' => $this->User->id, 'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis'), )); try { $id = $lienM->insert($dataLien); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } //Mise à jour des infos else { if ($dataLien['motifUpdate']=="Erreur d'affiliation") { $dataLien = array_merge($dataLien, array( 'idSuppr' => $this->User->id, 'dateSuppr' => date('YmdHis'), )); } else { $dataLien = array_merge($dataLien, array( 'idUpdate' => $this->User->id, 'dateUpdate' => date('YmdHis'), )); } try { $id = $lienM->update($dataLien, 'id = '.$id); } catch (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $e) { if ( $e->getCode() == 1062 ) { $id = $lienM->delete('id = '.$id); } } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } return $id; } /** * Définition d'une fiche lien * @param string $infos * @param int $id * @throws SoapFault * @return int */ public function setLienRef($infos, $id=null) { $this->authenticate(); $dataRef = json_decode($infos, true); $dataRef['source'] = 1900; if (strlen(trim($dataRef['isin']))) { $iBourse = new Metier_Partenaires_MBourse(); if (!$iBourse->isIsin($dataRef['isin'])) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Code Isin incorrect.'); } } $refM = new Application_Model_JoLiensRef(); //Insert if ($id===null) { //Check if exist if (intval($dataRef['siren'])!=0) { $sql = $refM->select()->from($refM, array('id'))->where('siren=?', $dataRef['siren']); $rowset = $refM->fetchRow($sql); if ( $rowset!==null ) { return $rowset->id; } } $dataRef = array_merge($dataRef, array( 'actif' => 1, 'idInsert' => $this->User->id, 'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis')) ); try { $id = $refM->insert($dataRef); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } //Update else { if (array_key_exists('delete', $dataRef) && $dataRef['delete']==1) { $dataRef = array( 'idSuppr' => $this->User->id, 'dateSuppr' => date('YmdHis'), ); try { $id = $refM->update($dataRef, 'id = '.$id); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } else { $dataRef = array_merge($dataRef, array( 'idUpdate' => $this->User->id, 'dateUpdate' => date('YmdHis'), )); try { $id = $refM->update($dataRef, 'id = '.$id); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } } return $id; } /** * Retourne les informations de référence * @param int $id * @throws SoapFault * @return string */ public function getLienRef($id) { $this->authenticate(); $refM = new Application_Model_JoLiensRef(); $row = $refM->fetchRow('id='.$id); $ouput = ''; if ($row === null) { $output = json_encode(array('Aucun résultat')); } else { $output = json_encode($row->toArray()); } return $output; } /** * Liste des documents pour un lien * @param int $id * @param string $type null|Lien|Entreprise|Siren * @throws SoapFault * @return LienDoc[] */ public function getLienDoc($id, $type = null) { $this->authenticate(); //Type = Entreprise => Search id by Siren if ($type == 'Siren') { $lienrefM = new Application_Model_JoLiensRef(); $sql = $lienrefM->select()->where('siren=?',$id); $row = $lienrefM->fetchRow($sql); if (null !== $row) { $idNum = $row->id; } $type = 'Entreprise'; } //Type = Lien elseif ($type == 'Lien' || $type == 'Entreprise') { $idNum = $id; } $output = array(); if ($type !== null && $idNum === null) { return $output; } //Get the result $liendocM = new Application_Model_JoLiensDoc(); try { if ($idNum === null) { $sql = $liendocM->select() ->where('id=?', $id) ->where('dateSuppr=?', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); } else { $sql = $liendocM->select() ->where('idNum=?', $idNum) ->where('idType=?', $type) ->where('dateSuppr=?', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); } $sql->order('dateDocRef DESC'); $rowset = $liendocM->fetchAll($sql); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } if ( $rowset->count()>0 ) { foreach ( $rowset as $item ) { $struct = new LienDoc(); $struct->id = $item->id; $struct->perimetre = $item->periDoc; $params = explode('-', $item->docRef); switch($params[0]) { case 'INTERNE' : $tabLabel = array( 'CA'=>"Comptes Annuels", 'CC'=>"Comptes Consolidés", 'DR'=>"Document de référence", 'RA'=>"Rapport Annuel ou d'Activité", 'RS'=>"Rapport Semestriel", 'RG'=>"Rapport de gestion", 'RF'=>"Rapport financier", 'OR'=>"Organigramme", 'AP'=>"Article de presse", 'AC'=>"Acte", 'ST'=>"Statuts", 'DW'=>"Document Web/Internet", ); $dateFormat = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', $params[3]); if ($dateFormat === false) { $struct->label = $tabLabel[$params[2]].' ( - )'; } else { $struct->label = $tabLabel[$params[2]].' ('.$dateFormat->format('d/m/Y').')'; } $struct->url = $item->docRef.'.pdf'; break; case 'GREFFE' : $struct->label = $item->docRef; $struct->url = $item->docRef; //@todo break; } $struct->date = $item->dateDocRef; $output[] = $struct; } } return $output; } /** * Définition d'un document attaché à un lien * @param string $infos * @param int $id * @throws SoapFault * @return int */ public function setLienDoc($infos, $id=null) { $this->authenticate(); $dataDoc = json_decode($infos, true); $docM = new Application_Model_JoLiensDoc(); //Insert if ($id===null) { $dataDoc = array_merge($dataDoc, array( 'idInsert' => $this->User->id, 'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis')) ); try { $id = $docM->insert($dataDoc); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } //Update else { $dataDoc = array_merge($dataDoc, array( 'idSuppr' => $this->User->id, 'dateSuppr' => date('YmdHis'), )); try { $id = $docM->update($dataDoc, 'id = '.$id); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } return $id; } /** * Recherche de fiche lien dans le référentiel * @param string $query * @param string $type null|siren|identifiant|id|special * @throws SoapFault * @return SearchLienRef[] */ public function searchLienRef($query, $type = null) { $this->authenticate(); $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter(); $sql = $db->select()->from( array('l' => 'jo.liensRef'), array( 'id', 'siren', 'actif', 'RS', 'nom', 'prenom', 'nom_usage', 'naissance_date', 'nat', 'adresse_cp', 'adresse_ville' ) ); if ( $type == 'siren' ) { $queries = explode(' ', $query); $sql->joinLeft(array('p' => 'jo.tabPays'), 'p.codPays3 = l.adresse_pays', array('codPays3','libPays')); $sql->where("l.siren=?", $queries[0]); } elseif ( $type == 'isin' ) { $queries = explode(' ', $query); $sql->joinLeft(array('p' => 'jo.tabPays'), 'p.codPays3 = l.adresse_pays', array('codPays3','libPays')); $sql->where("l.isin=?", $queries[0]); } // Identifiant Nationnaux elseif ( $type == 'identifiant' ) { $queries = explode(' ', $query); $sql->joinLeft(array('p' => 'jo.tabPays'), 'p.codPays3 = l.adresse_pays', array('codPays3','libPays')); $sql->where("l.idLoc1Num=?", $queries[0]); } // Identifiant interne elseif ( $type == 'id' ) { $sql->joinLeft(array('p' => 'jo.tabPays'), 'p.codPays3 = l.adresse_pays', array('codPays3','libPays')); $sql->where("", $query); } // Structure spécial elseif ( $type == 'special' ) { $queries = explode(' ', $query); if (count($queries)>0) { $where = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($queries as $item) { if (strlen($item)>2) { $where.= 'LIKE "%'.strtolower($item).'%"'; } $i++; if (count($queries) > $i){ $where.= ' OR '; } } $sql->where("(l.RS ".$where.") OR (l.nom ".$where.")"); $sql->where('<1000'); } } // Recherche par nom else { $pos = strrpos($query, ','); if ($pos !== false) { $country = trim(substr($query, $pos+1)); $query = trim(substr($query, 0, $pos)); } $sql->joinLeft(array('p' => 'jo.tabPays'), 'p.codPays3 = l.adresse_pays', array('codPays3','libPays')); $sql->where('MATCH (l.RS, l.nom, l.prenom) AGAINST ("'.strtolower($query).'" IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE)'); $sql->where('>=1000'); if ( !empty($country) ) { $sql->where('l.adresse_pays=?', $country); } } $sql->where("l.dateSuppr='0000-00-00 00:00:00'"); $sql->limit(20); try { $result = $db->fetchAll($sql, null, Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } $output = array(); if (count($result>0)) { foreach($result as $item) { $tmp = new SearchLienRef(); $tmp->id = $item->id; //Personne Morale if ($item->siren!='') { $lib = $item->RS.', '.str_pad($item->siren, 9, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } else { $lib = $item->RS.', '.$item->adresse_cp.' '.$item->adresse_ville.', '.$item->libPays; } //Personne Physique if ( $item->nom != '' ) { $lib = ' '.$item->nom.' '.$item->prenom.', '; if ( $item->nom_usage != '' ) { $lib.= $item->nom_usage.', '; } $lib.= $item->naissance_date.', '.$item->nat; if ( intval($item->siren) ) { $lib.= ' ('.$item->siren.')'; } } if ($item->actif!=1) { $lib.= ' (inactif)'; } $tmp->lib = $lib; $output[] = $tmp; } } return $output; } /** * Change siren for a registered mark * @param int $id * Registered mark ID * @param string $siren * Siren to affect * @throws SoapFault * @return int */ public function dupliqueMarque($id, $siren) { $this->authenticate(); $idUser = $this->User->id; $data = array( 'sirenDeposant' => $siren, 'sirenValide' => 2, 'idSirenage' => $idUser, 'dateUpdate' => date('YmdHis') ); try { $marqueM = new Application_Model_BopiMarques(); $result = $marqueM->update($data, 'id='.$id); } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } return $result; } /** * Bourse * @param string $isin * @param string $infos * @throws SoapFault * @return int */ public function setBourse($isin, $infos) { $this->authenticate(); if (strlen($isin)>12) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Code Isin incorrect.'); } $data = json_decode($infos, true); if (strlen(trim($isin))) { $iBourse = new Metier_Partenaires_MBourse(); if (!$iBourse->isIsin($isin)) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Code Isin incorrect.'); } } $bourseM = new Application_Model_Sdv1BourseIsin(); //Check if exist $sql = $bourseM->select()->where('code_isin=?',$isin); $result = $bourseM->fetchAll($sql); //Insert if ($result->count()==0) { $data = array_merge($data, array( 'dateInsert' => date('YmdHis'), )); try { $id = $bourseM->insert($data); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } //Update else { try { $id = $bourseM->update($data, array('code_isin = ? ' => $isin)); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient!=1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } } } return $id; } /** * Informations boursières pour la saisie * @param string $isin * @throws SoapFault * @return string */ public function getBourse($isin) { $this->authenticate(); if (strlen($isin)>12) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Code Isin incorrect.'); } $bourseM = new Application_Model_Sdv1BourseIsin(); $sql = $bourseM->select()->where('code_isin=?', $isin); $result = $bourseM->fetchRow($sql); if ( $result===null ) { throw new SoapFault('MSG', 'Aucun résultat'); } return json_encode($result->toArray()); } /** * LienRef Fusion or Move LienRef * @param string $action fusion|moveact|movepar * @param int $idLien * Identifiant du lien entre idPar et idAct * @param int $id * Identifiant à affecter (idPar ou idAct) * @throws SoapFault * @return boolean */ public function setLienChange($action, $idLien, $id) { $this->authenticate(); if (empty($action)) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "action"); } $lienM = new Application_Model_JoLiens(); //Fusion : if ($action=='fusion') { //Ecraser les actionnaires avec l'ancien id $lienM->update( array('idAct'=>$idLien, 'idUpdate'=>$this->User->id), 'idAct='.$id); //Ecraser les participations avec l'ancien id $lienM->update( array('idPar'=>$idLien, 'idUpdate'=>$this->User->id), 'idPar='.$id); //Supprimer la fiche $lienrefM = new Application_Model_JoLiensRef(); $lienM->update( array('dateSuppr'=>date('Ymd'), 'idSuppr'=>$this->User->id), 'id='.$id); return true; } //Move actionnaire to a new parent elseif ($action=='moveact') { try { $result = $lienM->update(array('idPar'=>$id, 'idUpdate'=>$this->User->id), 'id='.$idLien); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } if ($result) return true; } //Move participation to a new parent elseif ($action=='movepar') { try { $result = $lienM->update(array('idAct'=>$id, 'idUpdate'=>$this->User->id), 'id='.$idLien); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } if ($result) return true; } //Move active participations if TUP and Fusion selected elseif ($action=='tupfusion') { try { $result = $lienM->update(array('idAct'=>$id, 'idUpdate'=>$this->User->id), "idAct=$idLien AND actif=1 AND dateSuppr='0000-00-00 00:00:00'"); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } if ($result) return true; } return false; } /** * Position cut-off pour le calcul des scores * @param string $infos * json_encode array with this values * siren * encours * scoreSolv * scoreDir * scoreConf * remarque * paiement * @param boolean $delete * @throws SoapFault * @return int */ public function setScoreCutoff($infos, $delete = false) { $this->authenticate(); if (null === $delete) { $delete = false; } $data = json_decode($infos, true); //if profil = score (20), use this table to convert if ( $this->User->typeScore == 20 ) { $convert20to100 = array( 0 => 0, 1 => 19, 2 => 29, 3 => 34, 4 => 35, 5 => 38, 6 => 40, 7 => 44, 8 => 45, 9 => 49, 10 => 50, 11 => 54, 12 => 56, 13 => 59, 14 => 61, 15 => 64, 16 => 68, 17 => 72, 18 => 79, 19 => 80, 20 => 90, ); $data['scoreSolv'] = $convert20to100[$data['scoreSolv']]; $data['scoreDir'] = $convert20to100[$data['scoreDir']]; $data['scoreConf'] = $convert20to100[$data['scoreConf']]; } $cutoffM = new Application_Model_JoScoresCutoff(); $sql = $cutoffM->select()->where('siren=?', $data['siren']); $row = $cutoffM->fetchRow($sql); //Historisation if ( null !== $row ) { $mvtM = new Application_Model_JoScoresCutoffMvt(); $backupData = $row->toArray(); unset($backupData['dateUpdate']); $backupData = array_merge($backupData, array( 'idMvt' => $this->User->id, 'dateMvt'=>date('YmdHis') )); try { $mvtM->insert($backupData); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } $result = $cutoffM->delete('siren='.$data['siren']); } if ( !$delete ) { //Insertion $data = array_merge($data, array( 'idInsert' => $this->User->id, 'dateInsert'=>date('YmdHis') )); try { $result = $cutoffM->insert($data); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } //Mise en surveillance if ($result>0 && !empty($this->User->email)) { $iInsee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee(); $tabIdentite = $iInsee->getIdentiteLight($data['siren']); $data = array( 'source' => 'score', 'login' => $this->User->login, 'email' => $this->User->email, 'siren' => $data['siren'], 'nic' => 0, 'ref' => 'CUTOFF', 'encoursClient' => 0, 'rs' => $tabIdentite['Nom'], 'cp' => $tabIdentite['CP'], 'ville' => $tabIdentite['Ville'], 'dateAjout'=>date('Y-m-d'), 'dateSuppr'=>0, ); $iDb = new WDB(); $iDb->insert('surveillances_site', $data); } } return $result; } /** * Get cutoff on a SIREN * @param string $siren * @return mixed */ public function getScoreCutoff($siren) { $this->authenticate(); $cutoffM = new Application_Model_JoScoresCutoff(); $sql = $cutoffM->select()->where('siren=?', $siren); $row = $cutoffM->fetchRow($sql); $result = false; if ( null !== $row ) { $scoreSolv = intval($row->scoreSolv); $scoreDir = intval($row->scoreDir); $scoreConf = intval($row->scoreConf); if ( $this->User->typeScore==20 ) { $convert100to20 = array( 0 => 0, 19 => 1, 29 => 2, 34 => 3, 35 => 4, 38 => 5, 40 => 6, 44 => 7, 45 => 8, 49 => 9, 50 => 10, 54 => 11, 56 => 12, 59 => 13, 61 => 14, 64 => 15, 68 => 16, 72 => 17, 79 => 18, 80 => 19, 90 => 20, ); $scoreSolv = $convert100to20[$scoreSolv]; $scoreDir = $convert100to20[$scoreDir]; $scoreConf = $convert100to20[$scoreConf]; } $result = json_encode(array( 'siren' => $row->siren, 'encours' => $row->encours, 'scoreSolv' => $scoreSolv, 'scoreDir' => $scoreDir, 'scoreConf' => $scoreConf, 'remarque' => $row->remarque, 'paiement' => $row->paiement, 'dateInsert' => $row->dateInsert, 'dateUpdate' => $row->dateUpdate, )); } return $result; } /** * Ajouter, modifier, supprimer le dirigeant opérationnel * @param string $infos * @param string $mode * @param int $id * @return mixed */ public function setDirigeantsOp($infos, $mode, $id) { $this->authenticate(); $dirOp = new Application_Model_Sdv1DirigeantsOp(); $checkDel = ' AND dateSuppr="0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000"'; $where = "id=$id".$checkDel; $userId = $this->User->id; $dataRef = json_decode($infos, true); $tabRet=array( 'siren' => $dataRef['siren'], 'nic' => $dataRef['nic'], 'civ' => $dataRef['civilite'], 'nom' => strtoupper($dataRef['nom']), 'prenom' => ucfirst(strtolower($dataRef['prenom'])), 'nom_usage' => $dataRef['nom_usage'], 'dateNais' => $dataRef['dateNais'], 'lieuNais' => $dataRef['lieuNais'], 'codFct' => $dataRef['codFct'], 'tel' => $dataRef['tel'], 'fax' => $dataRef['fax'], 'email' => $dataRef['email'], ); switch($mode) { case 'add': $tabRet['dateInsert'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $tabRet['idInsert'] = $userId; try { $result = $dirOp->insert($tabRet); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } return $result; case 'edit': $tabRet['idUpdate'] = $userId; try { $result = $dirOp->update($tabRet, $where); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } return $result; case 'del': $tabRet = array( 'dateSuppr' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'idSuppr' => $userId ); try { $result = $dirOp->update($tabRet, $where); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } return $result; } return false; } /** * Set geocode from web application * @param string $companyId * @param string $type * @param string $data * JSON string containing formatted data * source, lat, lng, alt, address, precis * @param string $override * @throws SoapFault * @return int */ public function setGeoCode($companyId, $type = null, $data, $override = false) { $this->authenticate(); $siren = null; // --- Identifiant SD : source + id if ($type === null) { } // --- Siren elseif (strtolower($type) == 'siren') { if (strlen($companyId) != 14) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'SIRET invalide.'); } } // Erreur else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', 'Type identifiant inconnu.'); } // --- Lecture de l'adresse try { $etablissementM = new Application_Model_JoEtablissements(); $sql = $etablissementM->select(true)->columns(array( 'LPAD(adr_num,4,0) AS adr_num', 'adr_btq', 'adr_typeVoie', 'adr_libVoie', 'adr_comp', 'LPAD(adr_cp,5,0) AS adr_cp', 'adr_ville' ))->where('siren=?', substr($companyId, 0, 9))->where('nic=?', substr($companyId, 9, 5)); $result = $etablissementM->fetchRow($sql); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } if ($result === null) { return 0; } // --- Result from database $AdresseNum = $result->adr_num; $AdresseTypeVoie = $result->adr_typeVoie; $AdresseLibVoie = $result->adr_libVoie; $AdresseCP = $result->adr_cp; $AdresseVille = $result->adr_ville; $insee = new Metier_Insee_MInsee(); $AdresseTypeVoieLong = strtoupper($insee->getCodeVoie($AdresseTypeVoie)); // --- Format adress $adressPrimary = trim(preg_replace('/ +/',' ', "$AdresseNum $AdresseTypeVoieLong $AdresseLibVoie")); // --- Code Rivoli $codeRivoli = ''; try { $inseeidentiteM = new Application_Model_InseeIdentite(); $sql = $inseeidentiteM->select(true) ->columns(array('ADR_DEP', 'LPAD(ADR_COM,3,0) AS ADR_COM', 'CODEVOIE', 'ADR_TYPVOIE', 'ADR_LIBVOIE')) ->where('SIREN=?', substr($companyId, 0, 9)) ->where('NIC=?', substr($companyId, 9, 5)); $result = $inseeidentiteM->fetchRow($sql); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } if ($result !== null) { if (empty($result->CODEVOIE)) { $codeRivoli = $insee->getCodeVoieRivoli( $result->ADR_DEP.$result->ADR_COM, empty($result->ADR_TYPEVOIE) ? '' : $result->ADR_TYPEVOIE, empty($result->ADR_LIBVOIE) ? '' : $result->ADR_LIBVOIE ); } else { $codeRivoli = $result->ADR_DEP.$result->ADR_COM.$result->CODEVOIE; } } // --- Prepare geocoding try { $zonageM = new Application_Model_JoZonageXY(); $sql = $zonageM->select() ->where('address=?', $adressPrimary) ->where('adr_cp=?', $AdresseCP) ->where('adr_ville=?', $AdresseVille); $result = $zonageM->fetchRow($sql); } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } if ($result === null) { $tableModif = 'insert'; } else { $tableModif = 'update'; } $output = 0; $data = json_decode($data); if (!empty($data->lat) && !empty($data->lng)) { $precision = 0; $dataGeocode = array(); // --- Source Google if ( strtolower($data->source) == 'google' ) { switch($data->precis) { /** * Precise geocode for which we have location information accurate down to street address precision. */ case 'ROOFTOP': $precision = 8; break; /** * Approximation (usually on a road) interpolated between two precise points (such as intersections). * Interpolated results are generally returned when rooftop geocodes are unavailable for a street address. */ case 'RANGE_INTERPOLATED': $precision = 7; break; /** * Geometric center of a result such as a polyline (for example, a street) or polygon (region). */ case 'GEOMETRIC_CENTER': $precision = 6; break; /** * indicates that the returned result is approximate. */ case 'APPROXIMATE': $precision = 4; break; } $lambert = geos2lambert93($data->lat, $data->lng); $dataGeocode = array( 'address' => $adressPrimary, 'adr_cp' => $AdresseCP, 'adr_ville' => $AdresseVille, 'adrNum' => $AdresseNum, 'adrIndRep' => '', 'adrTypeVoie' => $AdresseTypeVoie, 'adrLibVoie' => $AdresseLibVoie, 'rivoli' => $codeRivoli, 'adresseValidee' => urldecode($data->address), 'lat' => $data->lat, 'lon' => $data->lng, 'l93_x' => $lambert['x_93'], 'l93_y' => $lambert['y_93'], 'alt' => intval($data->alt), 'precis' => $precision, 'source' => 'Google', ); } if (count($dataGeocode) > 0) { try { if ($tableModif == 'insert') { $dataGeocode['dateInsert'] = date('YmdHis'); $output = $zonageM->insert($dataGeocode); } else { $output = $zonageM->update($dataGeocode, array( 'address=?' => $adressPrimary, 'adr_cp=?' => $AdresseCP, 'adr_ville=?' => $AdresseVille, )); } } catch (Zend_Db_Exception $e) { if ($this->User->idClient==1) { throw new SoapFault('ERR', $e->getMessage()); } else { throw new SoapFault('ERR', "Application error"); } } } } return $output; } protected function getLienUser($id, $type = null) { $this->authenticate(); //InsertId //InsertUser //InsertDate //UpdateId //UpdateUser //UpdateDate } protected function getLienRefUser($id, $type = null) { $this->authenticate(); //InsertId //InsertUser //InsertDate //UpdateId //UpdateUser //UpdateDate } }