'000110100', '1' => '100100001', '2' => '001100001', '3' => '101100000', '4' => '000110001', '5' => '100110000', '6' => '001110000', '7' => '000100101', '8' => '100100100', '9' => '001100100', 'A' => '100001001', 'B' => '001001001', 'C' => '101001000', 'D' => '000011001', 'E' => '100011000', 'F' => '001011000', 'G' => '000001101', 'H' => '100001100', 'I' => '001001100', 'J' => '000011100', 'K' => '100000011', 'L' => '001000011', 'M' => '101000010', 'N' => '000010011', 'O' => '100010010', 'P' => '001010010', 'Q' => '000000111', 'R' => '100000110', 'S' => '001000110', 'T' => '000010110', 'U' => '110000001', 'V' => '011000001', 'W' => '111000000', 'X' => '010010001', 'Y' => '110010000', 'Z' => '011010000', '-' => '010000101', '.' => '110000100', ' ' => '011000100', '$' => '010101000', '/' => '010100010', '+' => '010001010', '%' => '000101010', '*' => '010010100', ); /** * Partial check of Code39 barcode * @return void */ protected function _checkParams() { $this->_checkRatio(); } /** * Width of the barcode (in pixels) * @return int */ protected function _calculateBarcodeWidth() { $quietZone = $this->getQuietZone(); $characterLength = (6 * $this->_barThinWidth + 3 * $this->_barThickWidth + 1) * $this->_factor; $encodedData = strlen($this->getText()) * $characterLength - $this->_factor; return $quietZone + $encodedData + $quietZone; } /** * Retrieve text to display * @return string */ public function getText() { return '*' . parent::getText() . '*'; } /** * Retrieve text to display * @return string */ public function getTextToDisplay() { $text = parent::getTextToDisplay(); if (substr($text, 0, 1) != '*' && substr($text, -1) != '*') { return '*' . $text . '*'; } else { return $text; } } /** * Prepare array to draw barcode * @return array */ protected function _prepareBarcode() { $text = str_split($this->getText()); $barcodeTable = array(); foreach ($text as $char) { $barcodeChar = str_split($this->_codingMap[$char]); $visible = true; foreach ($barcodeChar as $c) { /* visible, width, top, length */ $width = $c ? $this->_barThickWidth : $this->_barThinWidth; $barcodeTable[] = array((int) $visible, $width, 0, 1); $visible = ! $visible; } $barcodeTable[] = array(0 , 1); } return $barcodeTable; } /** * Get barcode checksum * * @param string $text * @return int */ public function getChecksum($text) { $this->_checkText($text); $text = str_split($text); $charset = array_flip(array_keys($this->_codingMap)); $checksum = 0; foreach ($text as $character) { $checksum += $charset[$character]; } return array_search(($checksum % 43), $charset); } }