' . $title . '

'; } function make_footer () { echo ' '; } function get_var ( $var_name ) { if ( isset($_GET[$var_name]) ) { return str_replace("\'", "'", $_GET[$var_name]); } elseif ( isset($_POST[$var_name]) ) { return str_replace("\'", "'", $_POST[$var_name]); } return null; } // // Unset everything // foreach ( $_REQUEST as $var ) { unset($$var); } foreach ( array( '_POST' => 'HTTP_POST_VARS', '_GET' => 'HTTP_GET_VARS', '_COOKIE' => 'HTTP_COOKIE_VARS', '_SERVER' => 'HTTP_SERVER_VARS', '_ENV' => 'HTTP_ENV_VARS', '_FILES' => 'HTTP_POST_FILES') as $array => $other ) { if ( !isset($$array) ) { $$array = $$other; } unset($$other); } // Get what step we're up to $step = get_var('step'); if ( !$step || $step == 1 ) { $errors = 0; make_header('Step 1'); echo "Welcome to the GeSHi CSS generator.
Searching for GeSHi...          ";

    // Find GeSHi
    $geshi_path = get_var('geshi-path');
    $geshi_lang_path = get_var('geshi-lang-path');

    if(strstr($geshi_path, '..')) {
    if(strstr($geshi_lang_path, '..')) {

    if ( !$geshi_path )
        $geshi_path = '../geshi.php';
    if ( !$geshi_lang_path )
        $geshi_lang_path = '../geshi/';

    if ( is_file($geshi_path) && is_readable($geshi_path) )
        // Get file contents and see if GeSHi is in here
        $file = @file($geshi_path);
        $contents = '';
        foreach ( $file as $line )
            $contents .= $line;
        if ( strpos($contents, 'Found at ' . realpath($geshi_path) . '';
            $no_geshi_dot_php_error = true;
            echo 'Not found';
        $no_geshi_dot_php_error = true;
        echo 'Not found';

    // Find language files
    echo "\nSearching for language files... ";
    if ( is_readable($geshi_lang_path . 'css-gen.cfg') )

        echo 'Found at ' . realpath($geshi_lang_path) . '';
        $no_lang_dir_error = true;
        echo 'Not found';
    echo "
\n"; if ( $errors > 0 ) { // We're gonna have to ask for the paths... echo 'Unfortunately CSSGen could not detect the following paths. Please input them and press "submit" to try again.'; echo "
"; if ( $no_geshi_dot_php_error ) { echo "
geshi.php: "; } else { echo ''; } if ( $no_lang_dir_error ) { echo "
language files directory: (should have a trailing slash)"; } else { echo ''; } echo "
"; } else { // no errors - echo continue form echo 'Everything seems to be detected successfully. Use the button to continue.

'; } make_footer(); } // Step 2 elseif ( $step == 2 ) { make_header('Step 2'); $geshi_path = get_var('geshi-path'); $geshi_lang_path = get_var('geshi-lang-path'); $dh = opendir($geshi_lang_path); $lang_files = array(); $file = readdir($dh); while ( $file !== false ) { if ( $file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == 'CVS' || $file == 'css-gen.cfg' ) { $file = readdir($dh); continue; } if(!strstr(file_get_contents($dh . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file), '$language_data')) { $file = readdir($dh); continue; } $lang_files[] = $file; $file = readdir($dh); } closedir($dh); sort($lang_files); // Now installed languages are in $lang_files echo ' What languages are you wanting to make this stylesheet for?

Detected languages:
'; foreach ( $lang_files as $lang ) { $lang = substr($lang, 0, strpos($lang, '.')); if ($lang) { echo " $lang
\n"; } } echo "Select: All, None, Invert
\n"; echo 'If you\'d like any other languages not detected here to be supported, please enter them here, one per line:

'; echo '
Style for the overall code block:
Default Styles
Keywords I (if, do, while etc)
Keywords II (null, true, false etc)
Inbuilt Functions (echo, print etc)
Data Types (int, boolean etc)
Comments (//, etc)
Escaped Characters (\n, \t etc)
Brackets ( ([{}]) etc)
Strings ("foo" etc)
Numbers (1, -54, 2.5 etc)
Methods (Foo.bar() etc)
'; echo '
'; make_footer(); } // Step 3 elseif ( $step == 3 ) { make_header('Step 3'); echo '

Here is your completed stylesheet. Note that it may not be perfect - no regular expression styles are included for one thing, you\'ll have to add those yourself (php and xml are just two languages that use them), and line numbers are not included, however it includes most of the basic information.

'; // Make the stylesheet $part_selector_1 = ''; $part_selector_2 = ''; $part_selector_3 = ''; $langs = get_var('langs'); $extra_langs = trim(get_var('extra-langs')); if ( $extra_langs != '' ) { $l = explode("\r\n", $extra_langs); foreach ( $l as $lng ) { $langs[$lng] = true; } } foreach ( $langs as $lang => $dummy ) { $part_selector_1 .= ".$lang {PART}, "; $part_selector_2 .= ".$lang {PART1}, .$lang {PART2}, "; $part_selector_3 .= ".$lang {PART1}, .$lang {PART2}, .$lang {PART3}, "; } $part_selector_1 = substr($part_selector_1, 0, -2); $part_selector_2 = substr($part_selector_2, 0, -2); $part_selector_3 = substr($part_selector_3, 0, -2); $default_styles = get_var('default-styles'); $ol_selector = str_replace('{PART}', 'ol', $part_selector_1); $overall_styles = get_var('overall'); $overall_selector = str_replace('{PART}', '', $part_selector_1); $stylesheet = "/* GeSHi (c) Nigel McNie 2004 (http://qbnz.com/highlighter) */"; if ( $overall != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$overall_selector {{$overall_styles}}"; } if ( $default_styles != '' ) { $default_selector = str_replace(array('{PART1}', '{PART2}'), array('.de1', '.de2'), $part_selector_2); $stylesheet .= "\n$default_selector {{$default_styles}}"; } // Do keywords $keywords_1 = get_var('keywords-1'); $keyword_selector_1 = str_replace('{PART}', '.kw1', $part_selector_1); if ( $keywords_1 != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$keyword_selector_1 {{$keywords_1}}"; } $keywords_2 = get_var('keywords-2'); $keyword_selector_2 = str_replace('{PART}', '.kw2', $part_selector_1); if ( $keywords_2 != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$keyword_selector_2 {{$keywords_2}}"; } $keywords_3 = get_var('keywords-3'); $keyword_selector_3 = str_replace('{PART}', '.kw3', $part_selector_1); if ( $keywords_3 != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$keyword_selector_3 {{$keywords_3}}"; } $keywords_4 = get_var('keywords-4'); $keyword_selector_4 = str_replace('{PART}', '.kw4', $part_selector_1); if ( $keywords_4 != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$keyword_selector_4 {{$keywords_4}}"; } // Do other lexics $comments = get_var('comments'); $comment_selector = str_replace(array('{PART1}', '{PART2}', '{PART3}'), array('.co1', '.co2', '.coMULTI'), $part_selector_3); if ( $comments != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$comment_selector {{$comments}}"; } $esc = get_var('escaped-chars'); $esc_selector = str_replace('{PART}', '.es0', $part_selector_1); if ( $esc != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$esc_selector {{$esc}}"; } $brackets = get_var('brackets'); $brk_selector = str_replace('{PART}', '.br0', $part_selector_1); if ( $brackets != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$brk_selector {{$brackets}}"; } $strings = get_var('strings'); $string_selector = str_replace('{PART}', '.st0', $part_selector_1); if ( $strings != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$string_selector {{$strings}}"; } $numbers = get_var('numbers'); $num_selector = str_replace('{PART}', '.nu0', $part_selector_1); if ( $numbers != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$num_selector {{$numbers}}"; } $methods = get_var('methods'); $method_selector = str_replace('{PART}', '.me0', $part_selector_1); if ( $methods != '' ) { $stylesheet .= "\n$method_selector {{$methods}}"; } echo "
"; make_footer(); } ?>