_active) { $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $reqParams = $front->getRequest()->getParams(); if (!array_key_exists('module', $reqParams)) { $reqParams['module'] = $front->getDefaultModule(); } $myParams = $this->_params; if ($this->_route) { $route = $front->getRouter()->getRoute($this->_route); if(method_exists($route, 'getDefaults')) { $myParams = array_merge($route->getDefaults(), $myParams); } } if (null !== $this->_module) { $myParams['module'] = $this->_module; } elseif(!array_key_exists('module', $myParams)) { $myParams['module'] = $front->getDefaultModule(); } if (null !== $this->_controller) { $myParams['controller'] = $this->_controller; } elseif(!array_key_exists('controller', $myParams)) { $myParams['controller'] = $front->getDefaultControllerName(); } if (null !== $this->_action) { $myParams['action'] = $this->_action; } elseif(!array_key_exists('action', $myParams)) { $myParams['action'] = $front->getDefaultAction(); } if (count(array_intersect_assoc($reqParams, $myParams)) == count($myParams)) { $this->_active = true; return true; } } return parent::isActive($recursive); } /** * Returns href for this page * * This method uses {@link Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url} to assemble * the href based on the page's properties. * * @return string page href */ public function getHref() { if ($this->_hrefCache) { return $this->_hrefCache; } if (null === self::$_urlHelper) { self::$_urlHelper = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('Url'); } $params = $this->getParams(); if ($param = $this->getModule()) { $params['module'] = $param; } if ($param = $this->getController()) { $params['controller'] = $param; } if ($param = $this->getAction()) { $params['action'] = $param; } $url = self::$_urlHelper->url($params, $this->getRoute(), $this->getResetParams()); return $this->_hrefCache = $url; } /** * Sets action name to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @param string $action action name * @return Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc fluent interface, returns self * @throws Zend_Navigation_Exception if invalid $action is given */ public function setAction($action) { if (null !== $action && !is_string($action)) { require_once 'Zend/Navigation/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Navigation_Exception( 'Invalid argument: $action must be a string or null'); } $this->_action = $action; $this->_hrefCache = null; return $this; } /** * Returns action name to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @return string|null action name */ public function getAction() { return $this->_action; } /** * Sets controller name to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @param string|null $controller controller name * @return Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc fluent interface, returns self * @throws Zend_Navigation_Exception if invalid controller name is given */ public function setController($controller) { if (null !== $controller && !is_string($controller)) { require_once 'Zend/Navigation/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Navigation_Exception( 'Invalid argument: $controller must be a string or null'); } $this->_controller = $controller; $this->_hrefCache = null; return $this; } /** * Returns controller name to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @return string|null controller name or null */ public function getController() { return $this->_controller; } /** * Sets module name to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @param string|null $module module name * @return Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc fluent interface, returns self * @throws Zend_Navigation_Exception if invalid module name is given */ public function setModule($module) { if (null !== $module && !is_string($module)) { require_once 'Zend/Navigation/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Navigation_Exception( 'Invalid argument: $module must be a string or null'); } $this->_module = $module; $this->_hrefCache = null; return $this; } /** * Returns module name to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @return string|null module name or null */ public function getModule() { return $this->_module; } /** * Sets params to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @param array|null $params [optional] page params. Default is null * which sets no params. * @return Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc fluent interface, returns self */ public function setParams(array $params = null) { if (null === $params) { $this->_params = array(); } else { // TODO: do this more intelligently? $this->_params = $params; } $this->_hrefCache = null; return $this; } /** * Returns params to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @return array page params */ public function getParams() { return $this->_params; } /** * Sets route name to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @param string $route route name to use when assembling URL * @return Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc fluent interface, returns self * @throws Zend_Navigation_Exception if invalid $route is given */ public function setRoute($route) { if (null !== $route && (!is_string($route) || strlen($route) < 1)) { require_once 'Zend/Navigation/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Navigation_Exception( 'Invalid argument: $route must be a non-empty string or null'); } $this->_route = $route; $this->_hrefCache = null; return $this; } /** * Returns route name to use when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @return string route name */ public function getRoute() { return $this->_route; } /** * Sets whether params should be reset when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @param bool $resetParams whether params should be reset when * assembling URL * @return Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc fluent interface, returns self */ public function setResetParams($resetParams) { $this->_resetParams = (bool) $resetParams; $this->_hrefCache = null; return $this; } /** * Returns whether params should be reset when assembling URL * * @see getHref() * * @return bool whether params should be reset when assembling URL */ public function getResetParams() { return $this->_resetParams; } /** * Sets action helper for assembling URLs * * @see getHref() * * @param Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url $uh URL helper * @return void */ public static function setUrlHelper(Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url $uh) { self::$_urlHelper = $uh; } // Public methods: /** * Returns an array representation of the page * * @return array associative array containing all page properties */ public function toArray() { return array_merge( parent::toArray(), array( 'action' => $this->getAction(), 'controller' => $this->getController(), 'module' => $this->getModule(), 'params' => $this->getParams(), 'route' => $this->getRoute(), 'reset_params' => $this->getResetParams() )); } }